3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Tim Parton


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016031A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:09 Thank you for joining us as always.
01:11 Thank you, Dr. Yvonne Lewis, for co-hosting today.
01:14 Thank you for having me.
01:16 And I always love having you here as a co-host.
01:18 But, today is a program I am sure,
01:20 even if I didn't asked, you would want to be on.
01:22 I would.
01:24 And can you tell our viewers why?
01:26 Because I love Tim Parton. Okay.
01:29 So our gust today, Brother Tim Parton.
01:31 So sweet. It's a privilege to be here.
01:34 And Pastor John Lomacang, of course.
01:35 Yes.
01:36 And so it's going to be a great program.
01:38 And our viewers that watch 3ABN,
01:41 I am sure they're going to have some idea
01:43 of what we're going to be talking about today, right?
01:45 When you have Tim,
01:46 we're going to be talking about music.
01:48 And, Tim, it is a privilege to have you here today.
01:52 And the good news, we're going to tell the folks
01:54 that Tim is now full time with 3ABN.
01:58 And you're not just in any capacity,
02:02 we put you in a capacity that is called,
02:06 we have a new network.
02:07 And what's the name of it?
02:08 Praise Him. Praise Him, right?
02:10 Like praise Jesus. Yes.
02:12 Praise Him radio or television, music channel,
02:17 and it's literally, of course we'll get to show it on,
02:20 you know, play it on radio, but it's going to be music.
02:22 We have 3ABN Radio,
02:24 but a music channel that's 24/7 music.
02:27 Right.
02:28 Now that's going to be a big job,
02:30 getting enough music to go 24/7.
02:33 But, hey, we thought that, when everybody told us
02:36 that when we started television too,
02:38 they said, "How you gonna do?"
02:39 We started with only a couple of hours, Yvonne.
02:41 We only had a couple of hours back in 1986,
02:44 we showed it a few hours, I think on Thursday evening.
02:47 Then we got a few more hours.
02:49 We finally went up like 12 hours a day.
02:52 And then before too long, 24 hours a day.
02:54 And of course, no channel shows
02:56 all new programming 24 hours,
02:59 you do blocks of maybe eight hours,
03:01 eight and eight and to do all of that.
03:03 But we have a lot of music already taped over the years.
03:07 But we're going to be doing a lot of new music.
03:09 Right.
03:10 And a lot of new programs
03:11 which we're going to talk to you today,
03:13 and Tim has a lot of dreams and ambitions.
03:16 And I believe they're going to come to fruition.
03:19 And that's why we have asked him
03:21 to be a part of this.
03:22 And music is something that's a universal language.
03:25 Yvonne, you would know that
03:27 probably as good as anybody sitting here,
03:29 because of your background in music.
03:31 And you have reached millions of people with your music.
03:35 Well, praise the Lord.
03:36 Music can reach where the spoken word can't.
03:40 It can get into the subconscious,
03:42 it can shape values.
03:44 I mean, that's why,
03:45 that's why the music that's out there,
03:47 some of it is so questionable.
03:51 And then we have spiritual music
03:53 which can lead us to Jesus, and that's what this is about.
03:57 Pastor John, you preach and sing.
04:00 Oh, yeah.
04:01 But you see result in souls for the kingdom by both way.
04:05 You know, as Yvonne said,
04:07 music doesn't ask for permission to come in.
04:10 You know, it's a like a lock, it's like a key to every lock.
04:13 You could be walking through the mall,
04:15 sitting in a restaurant, driving your car
04:17 and music is just conditioning you
04:19 to think a certain way or feel a certain way,
04:21 or respond a certain way without your permission.
04:23 And so, with that said,
04:27 Christian music could impress you
04:28 in so many ways about the Lord,
04:30 decisions you have to make,
04:32 choices you have to make during the day.
04:33 A single song could say
04:35 just a closer walk with the Him today,
04:36 so you know what, I need to get closer to Christ.
04:38 And sometimes you can hear a song played
04:40 as Tim so wonderfully does on the piano,
04:42 about the cross and you say,
04:44 boy, I think it's time for me to come back to the Lord.
04:46 And that is something that often said about music
04:49 last thing I listen to before I leave the house
04:52 tends to stay with me most of the day.
04:55 And so if you have music just sitting on the background
04:56 whether you're watching it
04:58 or listening to it on 3ABN radio or television,
05:01 it has a lasting impression,
05:03 it softens the soil, as we've seen
05:04 when I was in Heritage and seen with 3ABN.
05:07 It softens the soil
05:08 and the word comes in and closes the deal.
05:11 So praise the Lord for this.
05:12 Huge place and I'm excited about it and with a person,
05:15 I mean, Tim.
05:16 I mean, we'll find out, learn more about him.
05:18 But those who don't know him, just don't change the channel.
05:21 A lot of our viewers, I'm sure you know Tim Parton,
05:23 you've seen him.
05:25 Tim, you've played with numbers of groups
05:26 over the last several years.
05:28 You do a lot with the Gaithers
05:29 and now as I've seen you on the Homecomings.
05:31 Who are some of the groups you played piano for?
05:34 Well, right out of high school,
05:35 I started with the Lesters out of St. Louis.
05:36 Okay.
05:38 And they were wonderful family
05:40 for me to move from Kansas City,
05:42 I had lived a kind of a sheltered life.
05:43 Okay.
05:45 And so, but I moved to St. Louis
05:47 and played for the Lesters, then I moved to Nashville,
05:49 played for the Spear Family.
05:50 Oh, yeah.
05:52 Quite a name in southern gospel music.
05:54 And then I played for Jenna Pascal, Mike Speck.
05:58 He's a great choir leader, choir music person.
06:02 And then I was with Gold City, Legacy Five, Vestal Goodman.
06:09 Johnny Cash. No, not Johnny Cash.
06:13 And then I was with Jim Brady Trio.
06:15 Yeah. And did I mention Legacy Five?
06:18 Yeah, yeah.
06:19 I don't even remember who I was.
06:21 Basically, I can't keep a job, that's what I said.
06:25 Speaking of legacy, that's quite a legacy.
06:27 That's quite a legacy. It really is.
06:28 And Legacy Five or Legacy Period.
06:31 It's quite a legacy.
06:32 And God has blessed Tim to be able to play and sing.
06:37 I mean, he's just so multitalented
06:40 which is not to gash you up,
06:42 because it's a blessing from God.
06:44 But one of the things I love about Tim
06:46 is like when we go into the studio,
06:49 Tim, you can say, "Tim, I heard this song that,
06:53 it's just beautiful."
06:56 And you can comment to him or you can,
06:58 I've heard it and you play a little bit of.
07:00 No, I don't play.
07:01 I am done with playing on the record
07:03 or something on that CD.
07:05 And he hears it
07:06 and he can immediately just start playing it,
07:09 and he'll just write down the chords and the progressions
07:12 and it's just, it's such a gift.
07:14 You are just so gifted.
07:16 I'm very, very blessed.
07:18 I...it's, I don't even...
07:22 It's a natural gift.
07:23 Yeah, it's something that just, I didn't ask for it,
07:26 my mother prayed actually.
07:28 My mom prayed.
07:29 You started taking piano lessons
07:30 when you were two?
07:32 I took lessons when I was six and seven
07:33 and couldn't teach the teacher a thing.
07:36 So I said, enough of this.
07:39 Truly, truly, I'd would have
07:42 my teacher play the song back for me
07:44 and I would memorize the song then
07:48 and he caught me whenever I came back to lessons
07:51 and played in the wrong key.
07:52 So that's how...
07:54 So he told my parents, there was no real need for me
07:57 to take lessons anymore.
07:59 No reason, you know, it was just a waste of his time
08:01 and waste of my time, waste of their money.
08:03 So you stopped at seven? Yeah.
08:05 And then my parents, we had a family group
08:08 back in Kansas City, the Parton family.
08:10 And we started,
08:11 they let me start at eight playing for the family
08:15 and I would just chord along at the beginning
08:18 and then eventually I took over.
08:23 So on the chords, did you just hear chords?
08:26 How did you know to put chords together?
08:30 That's a great question. I don't know.
08:33 It's, honestly, people ask me how I do things.
08:36 And I know there are talent people there,
08:38 people who are talented in any area.
08:42 You know, if you can do a, if you can make a pie
08:44 without following a recipe,
08:46 I say, you know, that's your gift
08:48 because that's kind of the way I look at the way I do music.
08:51 I don't know how I do it.
08:53 I'm not amazed at myself, I'm amazed at God
08:57 that He would use me but, but, yeah.
08:59 I'm not, I was talking to my son
09:01 just this morning about being talented and he was,
09:05 he's going to audition for a choir at school.
09:08 Okay.
09:10 And I asked him what he was doing to prepare for that
09:13 because as you are...
09:15 If anybody is naturally talented,
09:17 it's easy just to step up
09:19 and say, well, I'm just going to do this
09:21 and not really prepare for anything.
09:23 And it's, I think it's really important that we,
09:26 no matter how good we are at something,
09:29 there are little nuances that we need to really perfect.
09:34 And to perfect our craft is an important thing,
09:37 and it's honoring God when we care enough
09:40 to give our very best.
09:41 So you didn't really learn chord,
09:43 say by watching your mother or somebody showing you,
09:47 you know, you got your majors, and your minor,
09:49 and augmenteds and diminishes, and nine thirteen.
09:53 I mean, how did you learn those if you didn't,
09:56 you didn't learn it and you're obviously at six and seven.
09:59 Did you hear them?
10:00 Did you play them first and then finally find out
10:03 what they were or did you say, I'm going to learn how to play,
10:06 that's a major at seven.
10:07 I'm gonna learn how to play.
10:09 Do you remember how that?
10:10 I remembered that, my dad is a guitar player
10:13 and so we listened to music all the time.
10:16 And we listen to Chet Atkins.
10:18 That's basically, that's all we listened to really.
10:20 So I thought that that's all there was.
10:22 And I didn't even know that songs had words
10:24 until later in life.
10:26 No, of course, for your viewers
10:28 Chet Atkins is a great guitar player.
10:30 Absolutely.
10:31 But I think that I just, I listen to songs
10:34 and I knew that songs were made up of those different chords.
10:37 And so because, and I always tell people,
10:41 if you want your child to get, to be a better piano player.
10:45 They're always wondering, how that works,
10:48 you know, how do I get my kid involved and interested in
10:51 to get better?
10:52 Give them a reason to play.
10:54 For me, it was the fact that my family sang,
10:58 and we sang three or four times a week.
11:00 So if I didn't want to get up in front of people
11:04 and embarrass myself, I needed to, you know,
11:06 know what I was doing.
11:07 So, you know, all that, we would pick songs
11:10 that we had heard on the radio,
11:11 southern gospel music was our style.
11:13 So we wrote out the song.
11:17 I don't even know if we wrote out the chords,
11:19 I don't remember, that's been so long ago.
11:21 But we would the songs consisted
11:24 of all these minor chords, and major chords,
11:27 and augmented chords,
11:28 and I guess I just sounded them out,
11:31 you know, like learning a new word,
11:32 you just sound it out.
11:34 Isn't that amazing? Oh.
11:35 It's such a gift.
11:36 And yet, you do it when it comes to sing...
11:39 Right.
11:41 Because you don't really think about that harmony.
11:44 You're not saying, okay, let's see,
11:46 I need to hit this third or I need to hit this.
11:48 You just all of a sudden, if Tim singing a melody,
11:52 you're just doing this harmony but you, at least,
11:55 I mean, I do and I don't know
11:57 where that comes from or how I know
12:00 what harmony note, how to follow it.
12:02 But it seems like it's a lot more people
12:05 are able to do that singing
12:07 than they are playing like what you do.
12:11 I mean, he's got eight fingers
12:13 and two thumbs going at all times.
12:14 I know, and his foot.
12:17 You ever see his foot at the piano?
12:18 Yeah, foot. Exactly.
12:20 Yeah, both on the whole, the whole body.
12:22 Tim, your entire body is involved in the song.
12:24 It is. Why not?
12:26 And speaking of that, what I also appreciate,
12:29 you alluded to it slightly.
12:31 You actually said it, he's got a wonderful singing voice.
12:33 Yes.
12:35 You know, there's a song that you wrote,
12:38 I'm blessed beyond measure.
12:40 You know, that song I remember,
12:42 when he played it at camp meeting once, I think,
12:44 he debuted at a camp meeting.
12:45 And people said, well, he's a great pianist,
12:49 he plays very well.
12:50 And then when he hit that, they said, why,
12:53 how many vocal albums does he have?
12:57 And it's not something you thought about
12:58 because you're playing for everybody else to sing.
13:00 But the gift is really, you know,
13:02 when you think about how God works,
13:03 every good and every perfect gift
13:05 comes from the Father in which there's no variation,
13:07 no shadow of turning.
13:08 So each of us in one respect or the other,
13:12 I like what you said,
13:13 the gift is given but you have to,
13:16 if you want to glorify God, you work on that
13:18 because you are representing the--
13:19 You're not representing the hip-hop industry,
13:21 you're not representing the rock industry,
13:23 you're represent the King of the universe.
13:25 Why not be the best you can be.
13:26 That's right.
13:27 And what's nice about that is that Lord
13:29 didn't just give it to you but He anointed
13:30 and He's responsible for his betterment.
13:34 But you take your craft seriously
13:37 and that's what I really like about it.
13:39 When we worked on our album together,
13:41 you know, the hymns one,
13:43 I'd say, Tim, I want the beginning to sound
13:46 like a Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
13:48 with a little bit of Christopher Cross mixed.
13:51 Unbelievable. Unbelievable.
13:53 And it is a hymn that's snug up on people,
13:55 they say, what is that?
13:58 And then I said, 'My Jesus...'
14:00 you know, you don't do that.
14:02 And I thought, wow, he actually concept to, you know,
14:06 I got the concept, threw at him and he took the ball
14:08 and hit a homerun and I thought, what a gift.
14:11 So I'm excited about
14:12 what we're going to talk about today.
14:13 Yeah. Thank you.
14:15 And that's interesting that you mentioned
14:16 about the hip-hop and the other.
14:17 Yeah.
14:19 Our focus is different, our audience is different.
14:22 But the fact that we live in a day
14:24 that with all of the voice and the,
14:27 what are some of the other...
14:29 American idol.
14:30 American idol, you know, those people
14:33 take their craft so serious.
14:35 Right. And it's so important.
14:37 You know, sometimes we think that as Christians we will,
14:42 this, we'll let our message be our strength.
14:47 But, and therefore the quality sometimes, in fact,
14:52 more often than not unfortunately suffers.
14:55 So I think it's important because Christ,
14:59 God deserves the very best
15:01 and because those other genres are going
15:04 so much for quality, it is vital for,
15:08 if we want people to pay attention to our message,
15:11 it's got to be in much prettier package, you know.
15:14 And it, you know, quality control is a touchy thing
15:18 because we don't want it all to be about make up,
15:22 and lights, and all the glamour that the world gives to it.
15:29 But it's got to be something that touches the ears
15:32 before it can get to the heart, I believe.
15:33 Absolutely.
15:35 That's why 3ABN and the music channel
15:38 Praise Him because we want something
15:40 that will reach people
15:42 who are used to listening to the voice
15:44 or listening to these other
15:46 that they all of a sudden turn to hear and say,
15:49 oh, boy, this isn't...
15:50 They're like, wow, you know.
15:51 And again, it's not giving the artists the credit,
15:54 we're giving God the credit.
15:56 And what you're saying is we need to work at it.
15:58 For sure. Absolutely.
16:00 How many times over, you know, 35 years ago,
16:02 back as far as 35 years ago we had a diesel greyhound bus,
16:06 my brother, my wife Kay, Melody's mother,
16:10 and we travel for three years and we, you know, weekends.
16:14 But we'd go places and we would,
16:16 we might be the what you call the guest singers.
16:20 But in between they had somebody that would say, hey,
16:23 will anybody want to just get up and sing a song?
16:25 And they would say, sister so and so.
16:27 "No, no, I'm not prepared."
16:29 "Well, why don't you come up?" "Well, okay."
16:31 And she reached into her purse and pull out all this music
16:34 and bring it to my brother, "Can you?"
16:36 "Well, I thought you weren't prepared," you know.
16:38 But then, when you hear it, you're like, now whoever,
16:41 you know, I understand, you know people say, well,
16:45 make a joyful noise into the Lord.
16:47 But everybody is not a preacher,
16:49 everybody is not a teacher, everybody is not a singer.
16:53 And so, sometimes it's best
16:54 that we stay in our certain fields.
16:57 I play guitar some but I know I'm not a really good guitar.
17:02 So you rarely see me.
17:03 And I don't play on any of our own,
17:06 the tracks that we do because that's something
17:10 that we have people who do that full time.
17:12 That's their job, they're great at what they're doing.
17:15 And so why do I need to get in and try to mess that up.
17:18 You're being honest with you.
17:19 And so, sometimes I'll do a guitar,
17:21 just a song here or so.
17:22 But really to understand our talents and our gifts,
17:26 we really need to.
17:27 John, he has a gift to sing and preach
17:29 but not a lot of preachers do.
17:31 But sometimes I hear those who preach, try to sing too,
17:35 and I am thinking, wonder why they don't leave
17:37 that to the singers and leave the preaching to the preachers.
17:39 Because you know...
17:41 That's, it's a very...
17:42 I mean, what we're talking about here is you,
17:44 you have to understand staying in tune with God is a lot,
17:47 it's so much a part of what we're talking about here today
17:50 because the world, when they do a song,
17:52 it's coated with production quality.
17:55 And they really, like you said,
17:57 they pull all the stops out, they wouldn't,
17:58 they wouldn't hesitate to bring in the best of the best,
18:00 of the best, the lights, the camera,
18:01 the action to the stage, the costumes, the lights,
18:04 everything is so choreographed.
18:05 So if you took, if you strip all that away,
18:09 you'd ask yourself, if you took away all the effects,
18:11 everything, if you strip all that away,
18:13 what would you hear?
18:14 And I remember once hearing an artist,
18:16 I won't mention the person's name,
18:18 sing at a memorial service for another famous musician
18:21 that had passed away.
18:22 And I thought, whoa, who is that?
18:26 And I heard them outside of all of that,
18:29 and I thought, man,
18:30 go back into whatever you were into
18:32 because that's horrible.
18:34 You know because that's why at 3ABN we often say,
18:36 when people send demos, we say,
18:37 don't send us the finished product,
18:40 give us a video or something you sing at church
18:42 or something that's just off the cuff because...
18:44 Sure.
18:45 So what we're talking here, what God has done through you
18:48 is that He has given you the gift
18:51 and you know
18:52 in your relationship with the Lord
18:54 where your strengths are.
18:55 And as Danny said, now Danny to me,
18:58 you are a dynamic guitarist.
19:00 Because you have to understand, you know,
19:02 I am saying this because I understand
19:03 where I am when it comes to guitar, you know.
19:05 So the comparisons are there, but we're not competing.
19:08 No.
19:10 That's the beauty of the whole thing,
19:11 the Christian world does not complete.
19:13 But we're all there for the glory of God.
19:15 So praise the Lord that the Lord did in your life.
19:18 Speaking of playing, why don't we have Tim,
19:20 you may be get up.
19:22 We'll have you do two, three songs.
19:24 Okay.
19:25 And then we'll come back and talk some more.
19:27 All right? Sounds good.
19:28 He's going to do, Yvonne, what's the name of this?
19:30 "In The Eye Of The Storm."
19:32 We'll have you do that first
19:33 and may be we'll go to A Quiet Place
19:35 and Everlasting God,
19:37 that sound all right?
19:38 Sounds fun. Okay.
19:39 So we want to let you know once again
19:41 while Tim's getting ready,
19:42 3ABN, we are putting together a new music channel
19:47 and it will be called Praise Him.
19:49 So our goal is to get this on cable stations,
19:52 to get it literally of course, it will be on.
19:54 You can get it on the internet.
19:56 But literally, to get it around the world because we believe
19:59 it's a great crossover for people
20:01 when they hear music,
20:03 then they hear the message.
20:04 They'll tune in to 3ABN.
20:06 I can't tell you, how many people over the years
20:09 that have told us,
20:10 "I only started watching 3ABN because of your music.
20:14 And I like the music.
20:16 Then later I've stayed long enough to hear a preacher.
20:20 Then I heard this sermon."
20:21 And it either drew them to the Lord
20:23 or maybe they were Christian already but said, wow,
20:26 some of the truths that I have learned from 3ABN,
20:31 now I want to join, become a part of your church.
20:34 And so music is a universal language.
20:37 And I'm glad that Tim Parton is on this team,
20:39 3ABN, going to be a manager
20:43 of our Praise Him music channel.
20:46 But right now, you sit back and be blessed
20:48 as Tim ministers to us.
21:06 When the solid ground is falling out
21:10 From underneath my feet
21:13 Between the black skies, and my red eyes
21:17 I can barely see
21:20 And when I realize I've been sold out
21:24 By my friends and my family
21:28 I can feel the rain reminding me
21:33 In the eye of the storm
21:36 You remain in control and in the middle of the war
21:43 You guard my soul You alone are the anchor
21:50 When my sails are torn Your love surrounds me
21:57 In the eye of the storm
22:04 When my hopes and dreams are far from me
22:08 And I'm running out of faith
22:11 I see the future that I picture just slowly fade away
22:18 And when the tears of pain and heartache
22:21 Are falling down my face
22:26 I can find my peace in Jesus' name
22:31 In the eye of the storm You remain in control
22:37 And in the middle of the war
22:41 You guard my soul You alone are the anchor
22:48 When my sails are torn Your love surrounds me
22:54 In the eye of the storm
23:25 When they let me go and I just don't know
23:29 How we're gonna make ends meet
23:32 I did my best now I'm scared to death
23:35 That we might lose everything
23:39 And when a sickness takes my child away
23:42 And there's nothing I can do
23:46 My only hope is to trust in You
23:55 In the eye of the storm You remain in control
24:02 And in the middle of the war
24:06 You guard my soul You alone are the anchor
24:12 When my sails are torn Your love surrounds me
24:19 In the eye of the storm
24:22 You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn
24:30 Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
24:57 Wow. Amen.
24:59 In The Eye Of The Storm.
25:00 You know, I think those words and that song
25:03 is just so impactful,
25:06 because somebody watching right now
25:09 is going through a storm and you needed to hear that.
25:12 So we thank Tim for that.
25:15 It was a beautiful song.
25:16 And he told us, he just heard it
25:17 I think day before yesterday.
25:19 I know, I know.
25:21 And learned it that quickly.
25:22 But he's done it because it ministered to him.
25:24 Yes.
25:25 So we know that it's been ministering here,
25:27 is ministering to a lot of people today.
25:29 Amen.
25:30 And we're going to have him do another song
25:32 while he's at the piano, "A Quiet Place."
25:34 And I think a lot of folk will know this.
25:35 I love this song. Oh, me too.
27:06 There is a quiet place
27:13 Far from the rapid pace
27:19 Where God can soothe
27:25 My troubled mind
27:33 Sheltered by tree and flower
27:39 There in my quiet hour
27:44 With Him my cares
27:49 Are left behind
27:56 Whether a garden small
28:03 Or on a mountain tall
28:08 New strength and courage
28:14 There I find
28:21 Then from this quiet place
28:28 I go prepared to face
28:34 A new day with love for all mankind
28:52 And He walks with me
28:58 And he talks with me
29:03 And He tells me
29:06 I am His own
29:12 And the joy we share
29:17 As we tarry there
29:27 None other
29:31 Has ever
29:35 Known
29:59 Oh, that's a two hander right there, it's beautiful.
30:02 Beautiful.
30:03 To bring in the garden so there's a quiet place.
30:05 So intimate.
30:07 Right? So intimate.
30:09 Absolutely, felt anointing of the Holy Spirit on that.
30:12 You are listening and watching Brother Tim Parton,
30:14 if you're just tuning in.
30:17 Don't worry there's going to be some more songs.
30:19 We're going to try to get him to do
30:20 at least two or three more.
30:22 And we're going to come back and talk a little bit more
30:24 about 3ABN's new channel entitled Praise Him
30:28 that's going to be there.
30:30 Exciting.
30:31 Brother Tim Parton, General Manager
30:33 of the Praise Him network.
30:35 And what better name could you have than Praise Him,
30:38 with a capital H, right?
30:39 Christ Jesus.
30:40 That's right 'cause it's about Jesus.
30:42 Absolutely.
30:43 It's not going to be about
30:45 the artists and programs per se,
30:46 it's about Jesus, lifting Him up.
30:48 Absolutely.
30:49 Now while he's up there we're going to ask him
30:51 to do "Everlasting God."
30:56 Isaiah 40:28-31 says,
30:59 "Do you not know? Have you not heard?
31:03 Yahweh is the everlasting God, the creator of the whole earth.
31:07 He never grows faints or weary.
31:10 There is no limit to His understanding.
31:13 He gives strength to the weary,
31:15 and He strengthens the powerless.
31:17 Youths may faint and grow weary,
31:19 and young men, they may stumble and fall.
31:23 But those who trust,
31:24 who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.
31:28 They will soar on wings like eagles,
31:31 they will run and not grow weary,
31:33 they will walk and they will not faint."
31:43 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
31:48 We will wait upon the Lord
31:51 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
31:55 We will wait upon the Lord
31:57 Our God, You reign forever
32:03 Our hope, our Strong Deliverer
32:10 You are the everlasting God
32:14 The everlasting God
32:18 You do not faint You won't grow weary
32:24 You're the defender of the weak
32:28 You comfort those in need
32:32 You lift us up on wings like eagles
33:20 You are the everlasting God
33:25 The everlasting God
33:28 You do not faint You won't grow weary
33:34 You're the defender of the weak
33:38 You comfort those in need
33:42 You lift us up on the wings like eagles
34:07 Amen.
34:08 How do you like that? I love that.
34:10 It kind of get you in the praise and worship.
34:12 It does. Yeah.
34:14 Put you in that praise and worship zone, you know,
34:17 where you just want to lift up the name of Jesus.
34:18 Absolutely.
34:20 I had said right before the song,
34:21 we'll have him come back.
34:23 But I think while he is there,
34:24 we have should him do another one.
34:25 Let's get another one.
34:27 What do you think about that?
34:28 This one I really like, its call 'Center of My Joy'.
34:44 Jesus You're the center of my joy
34:53 All that's good and perfect comes from You
35:02 You're the source of my contentment
35:07 You're the hope for all I do
35:12 Jesus You're the center of my joy
35:20 Jesus You're the center of my joy
38:55 Amen. How beautiful.
38:57 Wasn't that beautiful? Absolutely.
38:58 It's so masterful, the way he join Jesu...
39:03 Center of My Joy and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.
39:06 Yeah, absolutely. That's just beautiful.
39:08 Tim is just a blessing.
39:11 Well, we're getting to hear him sing
39:13 more than we normally do.
39:14 Yeah.
39:15 While we love his singing,
39:17 I'd like to hear him play a song or two.
39:19 But sometimes he gets so moving around so much,
39:22 I think we're going to ask him,
39:24 Tim, if you want to take your coat off,
39:25 go ahead, right?
39:27 Just relax.
39:28 Okay.
39:29 Now, the next song says
39:31 'Moonlight Sonata and Lord's Prayer.'
39:33 So let's see how this goes.
39:35 Then I can't wait to hear the last song.
39:36 Oh, great.
39:37 We'll talk about it in a minute.
39:39 Awesome.
43:24 Amen.
43:25 No, he didn't.
43:27 That's all I have to say.
43:28 No, he didn't.
43:29 There is just,
43:31 the way he blended those songs together.
43:33 Absolutely beautiful. Just so masterful.
43:35 It took me nearly an hour to teach him that.
43:37 Right. Just kidding.
43:39 I am just kidding of course.
43:42 Now we had him take his shirt off for a reason.
43:45 He could have played that, I mean,
43:46 his coat off for a reason.
43:48 He could have played that with his coat on.
43:50 But I understand, this next song,
43:52 he may need some movement around here.
43:55 So our viewers will probably know it,
43:56 'Give me...'
43:58 Do you know this song?
43:59 Oh, 'Give Me That Old Time Religion.'
44:01 So let's listen to this one.
46:06 I am in shock still, what just has happened.
46:11 That is what you call an anointed gift.
46:14 Tim is not just a musician but he's an anointed musician.
46:19 And whenever I hear him play I said,
46:21 if I only took piano lessons 40 years ago,
46:24 I'd probably be able to play one of his songs.
46:27 Because this is more than just being able to read music,
46:29 this is about the flowing of the anointing.
46:32 And that really reminds me of old time religion.
46:35 What do you think, Danny?
46:36 Yeah, absolutely.
46:38 Now, Tim, we got your sitting back here.
46:39 You have to tell us.
46:41 Do you, for instance on a song like that,
46:44 like you took us places we didn't know
46:46 where you are going.
46:47 Now do you write that all out,
46:48 you memorize it or I have a feed on that
46:51 may have been just like off the cuff?
46:52 That was off the cuff.
46:54 Really? That truly was off the cuff.
46:56 There are a couple portions in there
46:57 that I had been working on
46:59 but when you asked me to come in here
47:01 and do some things, I said, let's just go for it.
47:05 You know, no better place to practice
47:08 than around the world, you know, right here on TV.
47:12 It's okay to be a professional in practice.
47:14 You know why I say that?
47:15 Because you talk to any doctor and he'll say,
47:18 "Oh, I've been practicing medicine for 40 years."
47:21 I'm like, "Well, I want a guy that's not practicing anymore."
47:24 You know I like the guy that's doing what they tell.
47:26 So it's okay that you're practicing the piano.
47:29 Thanks for your publicity.
47:31 After all of these years. And what an incredible gift.
47:33 Oh, for sure, for sure.
47:35 It's just, it just transports you,
47:37 you know, when you listen to Tim,
47:39 it just transports you to other heavenly places.
47:42 You know, this what we also mean about the craft
47:44 because lot of times you look at things
47:46 that happen in the world and they pull out their best.
47:49 But they don't have anything on God's anointed musicians
47:54 and people that minister.
47:56 And we are involved in an eternal industry
47:58 where we will get our reward.
48:01 We will get our golden crown
48:03 which will really be for the glory of God.
48:05 Isn't that amazing, that God gives you the gift
48:08 that really gives Him the glory.
48:10 And it's not about competition.
48:11 He gives you the gift that gives Him the glory.
48:14 And thank you, I mean, thank you, Tim.
48:16 Now I am really happy you're on my CD.
48:19 I might sell some more. Now, I am just kidding.
48:23 Speaking of that, we would like to ask you,
48:25 you know, publicly, we want to see you do a new CD
48:29 here at 3ABN studio, singing and playing,
48:32 whatever you want to do.
48:33 And then turn it into a DVD also.
48:36 But I want you to take,
48:37 we have just a few minutes left.
48:38 Tell us a little bit about 3ABN music channel Praise Him.
48:43 What are some of the dreams and visions
48:46 you see coming along here?
48:47 Sure.
48:49 Well, I think that when you talked to me,
48:51 we were traveling down the road in London
48:53 and you approached me about doing this.
48:56 And it totally caught me off guard, I was traveling,
49:00 I was already, I was working
49:01 with the Jim Brady Trio at the time.
49:04 And I, first of all,
49:08 I feel totally unqualified to do
49:13 what I'm being asked to do because number one,
49:15 I hardly can generally manage my own life
49:19 because I'm just a piano player I see.
49:22 But anyway, and then from,
49:25 for the whole idea of something this huge
49:28 is just, it's amazing to me.
49:30 So my idea is to truly
49:33 what we've been talking about here,
49:35 do quality music that glorifies God.
49:38 I mean, His word says, Christ said, if I be lifted up,
49:40 I will draw all men unto me.
49:42 All right.
49:43 So that is what, that's what this has to be about.
49:46 And so I encourage all of the,
49:48 the listeners to be praying for me.
49:51 I need your prayer because that's,
49:54 I can't do it without Christ.
49:56 And I'm going to be asking
49:57 a lot of my artist friends, songwriters,
50:01 we're going to be doing a lot of themes on hymns,
50:04 going back and knowing the stories behind the hymns.
50:07 Tell us about that a second.
50:08 That's one of the newest programs you'll do.
50:10 Right.
50:11 Well, that's, it's just been a dream of mine.
50:13 I grew up singing the hymns and a lot of churches
50:16 have gotten away from the hymn.
50:18 They're doing a lot of the praise and worship
50:20 which I love.
50:21 I love all styles of music,
50:22 but the hymns have spoken to me.
50:24 And I'll find myself riding my bicycle.
50:27 I remember, one day I was in a what we call a funk.
50:31 I was just in a bad mood and I remember starting to sing
50:35 "I'm living on a mountain underneath the cloudless sky
50:39 I'm feasting at the fountain that never will run dry."
50:41 All right.
50:42 And there's an old hymn says,
50:44 ''I am dwelling in Beulah Land."
50:47 So I...
50:49 And I think the hymns are brilliant
50:52 or any song that can get in your heart and you can be,
50:55 you mention of that earlier, how songs can get in you
50:59 and just come up at a moment that you need them.
51:00 That's right.
51:02 So, but with the hymns, I want to pay tribute to the writers,
51:06 the stories behind those songs are so wonderful,
51:10 how God can...
51:11 Again use songs to, the writer can have a story...
51:16 So you might do a one program on Fanny Crosby...
51:19 Right. Exactly.
51:21 And her background and history and some of the songs
51:23 that she's written that we know,
51:24 maybe some that we didn't know.
51:25 Right.
51:27 And do a number of writers like that.
51:29 Exactly.
51:30 So we'll make a series of programs.
51:32 And which makes it all that much more interesting
51:35 then when you sing the actual song,
51:37 when you find out about the writer.
51:39 Right.
51:40 And there are a lot of a new song writers
51:42 that have written some wonderful songs.
51:44 You were talking about the song 'Center of My Joy',
51:46 Richard Smallwood.
51:48 He has written several songs and there are brilliant writers
51:51 today that are writing,
51:52 and they have wonderful stories.
51:54 And I want to bring them in.
51:55 So we'll be having a program with the songwriters and us.
51:59 Oftentimes, songwriters aren't great singers
52:02 but they'll have a songs,
52:04 they'll have a singer that they prefer that has maybe done,
52:06 made some of their songs popular.
52:08 So we'll have those songs, songwriters
52:10 and the singer come in.
52:12 So I've got some wonderful ideas.
52:15 But all of it is just going to glorify God
52:17 and we're going to make it the best quality.
52:20 And I'm thrilled, I just, I'm thrilled
52:22 and boggled at the same time.
52:24 We're going to be able to bring the piano out some time
52:27 and just get this group of us here
52:29 and sing some of these old hymns.
52:31 That will be the first.
52:32 Other songs and then the folks at home,
52:34 you will be welcome to sing with us.
52:36 Right.
52:37 Will it be called Hymns Inspirationals?
52:40 We'll call on you when we need you.
52:43 I like that. I like that. I like that.
52:44 No, seriously.
52:47 Some of the production team here
52:49 and I went to a convention recently
52:51 and we saw some of the great technology
52:54 that they have invented that is going to help us
52:57 do some things
52:58 where we would love to do new this social media.
53:02 And to be able to, for the audience to call in
53:07 and or to Twitter, Facebook
53:10 connect with us live to where we can take requests.
53:13 So we are thrilled about some of the opportunities.
53:16 We're going to use technology, we're going to...
53:17 we're going to...
53:18 we're going to do everything we can.
53:20 Absolutely wonderful.
53:21 Well, we'll keep you informed about it too
53:23 because as this comes along.
53:25 We don't know how soon it will be on the air
53:27 but you'll be the first to know when we get there.
53:29 What, right now we're going to have to take a short break,
53:32 go to a newsbreak.
53:33 We'll come back for a closing thought.


Revised 2016-05-12