3ABN Today

Keys to Optimal Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Yvonne Lewis (Host), Magna Parks-Porterfield, Ron Porterfield


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016029A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 This is so weird because I'm sitting in this seat
01:13 and Danny is sitting in that seat,
01:15 my co-host, Danny Shelton,
01:17 the president and founder of 3ABN.
01:19 Hey, Dan!
01:21 It's good to be here and thank you for hosting.
01:22 What this really means is
01:24 it makes an easy day for me, right?
01:26 Because I just kind of sat and I'm here to support
01:28 and to help, but I'm telling you,
01:30 you've got some great guest today.
01:32 I know.
01:33 And in fact, we're gonna find out Magna is in,
01:35 not new to 3ABN, she's been here numerous times,
01:39 but let's introduce our guest.
01:41 We have Dr. Magna Parks-Porterfield with us,
01:45 and her husband, Ron Porterfield.
01:47 And they are just, they have an amazing testimony.
01:51 So I can't wait for our viewers to hear
01:53 and see what you guys are bringing.
01:55 And they're gonna bring us an update
01:57 about personal things in their lives, too, right?
01:59 Yes.
02:01 'Cause our viewers, they like to and I know,
02:02 there is couple of things they like,
02:04 one is they really like music.
02:05 So we haven't forgotten that,
02:06 we're gonna do music in just a moment.
02:08 But they love to know the background of people
02:11 who were here and rightfully so, right?
02:13 And so we love hearing, where have you,
02:16 what has happened since you were here last 3ABN,
02:19 and all that type of information.
02:21 Ron's probably here first time on 3ABN, right?
02:24 Second time. Second time.
02:26 So people get to know you a little better.
02:28 Yes.
02:29 And so we're gonna find out I think some good stuff.
02:31 You're gonna be happy when this program is over.
02:33 I believe you're gonna be drawn closer to Jesus.
02:36 Amen.
02:37 And speaking of getting to closer to Jesus,
02:39 music brings me to the photo.
02:41 I love good music. Yes.
02:43 So do as our viewers, I know you all do, too.
02:46 We have Scott Michael Bennett today,
02:48 and he is singing a song, song entitled "Come."
03:12 Come
03:14 When your heart is heavy laden
03:18 And you're feeling like the joy is fading,
03:24 Just come
03:29 Come, believing everything I've told you
03:35 'Cause here are arms that long to hold you
03:41 Just come
03:46 Come, and leave behind the mask you're hiding
03:53 Here is someone to confide in
03:57 I know what you've done
04:03 Come, and tell me everything you're hoping
04:10 The Father loves a heart that's open
04:15 Just come
04:20 I didn't die so you could try to save yourself
04:28 I know who you are, don't try to be somebody else
04:39 Come, believing everything I've told you
04:45 'Cause here are arms that long to hold you,
04:50 Lord, you come
04:55 Come, and come into the joy of living
05:02 Knowing that your sin's forgiven
05:07 Just come
05:13 I didn't die so you could try to save yourself
05:20 I know who you are
05:23 Don't try to be somebody else
05:32 Come, believing everything I've told you
05:39 Here are arms that long to hold you
05:43 Lord, you come
05:48 Come, and come into the joy of living
05:55 Knowing that your sin's forgiven
06:00 Just come.
06:19 Just come.
06:31 How beautiful, just come. Amen.
06:34 Just come. Amen.
06:35 Whatever you're dealing with, just come to the Lord,
06:38 He's got the solution for you,
06:40 and what an appropriate song, Danny,
06:42 for today's program on mental health.
06:44 Absolutely.
06:46 You know, it's really, what a blessing this is.
06:48 So Magna, Dr. Magna.
06:50 May I call you Magna? Oh, you may.
06:52 I should 'cause you're my friend
06:55 and it's just a full disclosure.
06:57 Amen.
06:58 Dr. Magna Parks, it's been such a blessing to me
07:01 and you have had quite a journey.
07:05 Your life has been full of ups and downs.
07:09 You know a lot of times, people look at
07:12 professional doctors
07:14 and all, they think, "Oh, they have it easy,
07:18 there's no problems here, there are no challenges."
07:22 But you've had some amazing challenges.
07:24 Yeah.
07:25 Let's hear a bit of your journey.
07:26 Tell us, where did you grow up?
07:28 I grew up in New York.
07:30 Oh, yeah, that's right, yeah, New York.
07:33 I remember your dad coming to our church and singing.
07:35 Oh, wow! Yes, yes.
07:37 See, I didn't know that, awesome.
07:38 So I grew up in New York, then, went off to Oakwood for college
07:42 and then, went to Ohio State to get my PhD
07:45 and toyed at Oakwood, private practice
07:47 and ended up leaving practice
07:50 'cause I wanted to do something different.
07:52 My first husband and I, and Danny,
07:54 you may remember my first husband now.
07:55 Absolutely.
07:57 We came here and did a program.
07:58 You played basketball. Yes, we did.
08:00 Yeah, we did.
08:01 And I lost him almost six years ago.
08:05 He was only 49 years old, sudden death
08:08 and the Lord allowed that to happen and it was a journey.
08:13 I also lost my brother a little after that
08:15 and then, my mother and two years ago, my father.
08:18 So had a lot of losses in my life.
08:22 The Lord has been faithful.
08:23 But then, I have some gains, too.
08:25 Yes.
08:26 Alright, let's find out about the gains.
08:28 Let's meet that gain here.
08:29 My husband, Ron.
08:31 Yes.
08:32 And, brother, Ron's been on "Dare to Dream" as well
08:34 'cause I interviewed,
08:36 I have actually interviewed both of you.
08:37 Yes. On "Dare to Dream."
08:38 But your testimony, brother, Ron,
08:41 has been phenomenal as well.
08:44 Give us little bit about you, about your background.
08:47 Well, it's been a quite a wonderful blessing
08:50 that the Lord has let me out of a life in Hollywood, acting,
08:56 being very involved in the new age for many years,
09:00 and out of Eastern mistresses or men.
09:02 Basically, I suppose
09:04 what the Bible would call "witchcraft."
09:06 So I was in that for many, many years,
09:09 and, you know, there are a lot of it,
09:12 I was so wrapped up in it.
09:15 Sun worship, moon worship, lots of things like that,
09:18 you know, it really had me gripped for a while.
09:21 Now you look like and sound like an intelligent person.
09:25 So how does intelligent people
09:27 get caught up in something like that?
09:29 When you talk about all this different types of worship,
09:32 did you have no kind of upbringing in Christianity
09:35 as a young person?
09:37 Did you have that? Did you leave it?
09:39 Did something--
09:40 Were you looking for something, searching for something?
09:43 How did you get caught up for someone like me
09:46 and probably some of us?
09:47 That just sounds so like, "What did he just say?"
09:50 You know, how do you get caught up
09:52 in that kind of a journey?
09:55 Well, I would say, it could be easy
09:57 when you don't have a really good grasp of truth
10:00 because a enemy knows how to mix truth and error.
10:03 And we have to be aware that he's been studying humanity
10:06 for over 6,000 years.
10:08 So why I might be somewhat intelligent,
10:11 I'm no matter for the enemy without Christ.
10:14 I grew up going to, my family and I,
10:17 St. Mary's Catholic Church, and that's what I was used to,
10:20 and then as I went out to Hollywood,
10:22 I didn't have any particular affiliation for a while.
10:26 And as I was out there for few weeks,
10:28 I realized that well, you know, something is missing.
10:30 I thought, "Well, you know,
10:31 I need to go to start going to church again."
10:33 And I found church and I went to church and that one time,
10:36 it was something familiar and it felt good
10:38 and thought, "Yes, this is it," it felt good.
10:41 But then, I went back a second time
10:43 and I had this feeling of you know, something is missing.
10:47 So I didn't go to that church anymore.
10:50 A friend of mine started introducing me to this magazine
10:55 dealing with New Age faith.
10:58 So I started reading that, studying that,
11:01 having prayers or mediations, those types of things at home.
11:05 Eventually, that led to going to a church.
11:07 So I started going to this church,
11:09 hit the gong there, and incense,
11:12 and a lot of those types of things.
11:16 So I was very involved in that martial arts, all that.
11:20 And then one day, the main speaker was not there
11:23 because he was a world traveler,
11:25 but the speaker that they had up for that Sunday,
11:28 he sounded like a carbon copy of the main speaker,
11:32 that main Reverend that was always there.
11:35 And I hate the sound, "New Age,"'
11:36 but for that moment I, sort of, I was lifted up beyond myself,
11:40 out of myself that sounds very mysticism,
11:44 and it seemed so for the very first time,
11:47 I was able to look at everything very objectively.
11:50 And I started thinking, "What am I doing here?"
11:53 And so anyway, I stopped going to that church,
11:55 but I kept reading the readings for a while longer.
11:58 But it would take some pain in my life, too.
12:04 So it began to ask me, well, what is life all about?
12:08 I could see that, that was not truth,
12:11 and I began to question, what was life all about?
12:15 I had a friend who is an actor and he introduced me this
12:20 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
12:21 and gotten up, led step by step.
12:24 So you were looking for truth? I was.
12:26 You just had no idea what it was
12:28 so whatever somebody introduced to you,
12:30 you said I'll try it, you go to it.
12:33 But it's very encouraging because what you telling us is
12:36 since God created us, we each and every one of us
12:40 have a humming device and it says, we are strangers,
12:43 just so our journeys here
12:45 and we really never satisfied till we meet Jesus,
12:48 and eventually, our home with him forever.
12:51 So anyone who is looking for truth,
12:53 no matter where you are today, if you're looking for truth,
12:57 you're searching for truth.
12:58 Bible says, "If you search from me with all your heart,
13:00 basically, Jesus is always there,"
13:02 but we will find him.
13:04 So you're encouraging us today and our viewers,
13:06 no matter where they are in the walk,
13:08 maybe they are dissatisfied with this in life,
13:11 or whatever they are doing,
13:12 they have all these things I say, "I'm just confused,
13:15 I don't know why I'm here."
13:17 There is purpose for everyone's life,
13:18 but if you purpose in your heart,
13:20 I want to find truth,
13:21 then God will lead you into all truth.
13:24 Amen.
13:25 So you had a person who introduced you
13:27 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:29 When you went for the first time, did you think,
13:31 "Here I am again at something different,"
13:34 or did you catch on to that quickly and say, "You know,
13:37 I think this is where the Lord wants me."
13:39 Well, I went for a short while,
13:41 but I was still reading some of those same old books.
13:44 And I read one book
13:46 that I don't even want to mention the title of that book
13:48 and that turned me away.
13:49 So I didn't believe in--
13:51 I was at a point that I wasn't sure
13:53 that I believed in God anymore.
13:55 At the very least I know
13:56 I didn't believe in the God of Israel.
13:58 And so that went on for few years,
14:01 and then it came to that point, that very painful situation
14:04 that I started asking, "What is life all about?"
14:07 And I started going through and reading those books again,
14:09 and trying to find an answer,
14:11 and till it came to one Friday evening,
14:13 I called my friend who had introduced me years ago,
14:17 and I asked him so many questions,
14:18 I can't even remember them all.
14:21 And I went to bed that night
14:22 feeling somewhat sense of relief.
14:26 I woke up that Saturday morning which we would call Sabbath
14:29 and I called him and I said,
14:33 "I think I want to be baptized."
14:35 Wow.
14:36 "And I want to go to church." Okay.
14:37 And he said, "Hurry, get dressed,
14:39 I'm coming to pick you up."
14:40 And here we are.
14:43 And look at God, and look at His patience,
14:46 and look at His persistence, you know,
14:49 even when we turn away from him,
14:52 He's still works on just moving us,
14:54 just bringing us back to him.
14:56 Amen.
14:57 And He gave you that peace the night before
14:59 when you feel as though,
15:01 I guess you had found something now
15:03 that you could really settle into
15:05 and boom, you wanted to get baptized.
15:07 Yes. How long has that been?
15:10 It's been about 15 years now.
15:14 Wow. Wonderful. Amen.
15:16 Now you're happy you made that decision?
15:18 Yes. All right.
15:20 Best decision I've ever made.
15:21 Okay.
15:22 God is good. Amen. Amen.
15:25 Did you find that there was an overlap between the mysticism
15:31 and the martial arts and the music,
15:35 and the Hollywood stuff, all the media things, you know,
15:38 it's as though Satan just piles layer upon layer.
15:42 And do you feel that there was an overlap there for you?
15:46 I do.
15:47 I think there was a lot of focus on self.
15:49 Yes.
15:51 This is about me.
15:53 Yeah, I'm the product whether it was my time in Hollywood,
15:56 I'm the product.
15:57 The mysticism, it's so much about me, me, me.
16:02 I'm so thankful to be in, to find God's truth
16:05 because I can look back now
16:07 and to see getting the understanding of prophecy.
16:10 And I think wait a minute, there was never any of this
16:14 that I could look at, they are particularly teaching
16:16 and look at a history book,
16:18 put them side by side
16:20 and you could see without a doubt, this is truth.
16:26 Truth will withstand scrutiny.
16:29 Yes. Right?
16:31 Truth will withstand scrutiny. Absolutely.
16:33 So you went from there into getting involved in
16:38 after you became an Adventist, the physical aspects of health
16:41 which will tie into you to Magna.
16:44 What did you do with the physical aspects of health?
16:47 I've always been involved in health
16:48 but being involved in it from the Adventist church,
16:52 at the same point I became involved in health ministry
16:55 at my church there in California, Los Angeles.
16:58 And then, a friend asked me, "Have you ever thought about
17:01 medical missionary work?"
17:03 I told, "Not really."
17:04 So I went off to some place here in Seale, Alabama,
17:07 and been studying and working there for over 10 years and--
17:12 Oh, wow.
17:13 And so had a lot of experience,
17:16 a lot of wonderful opportunities
17:18 to work with so many people who have been sick
17:21 and who are sick
17:23 and it's amazing to see God's healing methods.
17:26 And it's really true that He uses the foolish things
17:30 to confound the wise.
17:32 And I've seen that time and time again, simple things.
17:35 Simple remedies, right.
17:37 So you got very involved
17:39 in the physical aspects of health
17:41 while your wife here has been involved
17:45 in the mental aspects of health.
17:48 Let's hear about how you two met.
17:51 So let's go to Dr. Magna here, and how did you meet?
17:55 Because it seems like such a great complimentary
17:57 type of relationship.
17:59 How did you meet?
18:00 My first husband and I used to visit
18:02 where he was at Uchee Pines.
18:03 We'd visit there and then, my parents moved down
18:06 close to there, my mother was sickly,
18:08 they're both deceased now but and we would visit
18:11 and guess who we would often have lunch with
18:13 at the cafeteria.
18:15 Ron Porterfield. Yeah.
18:17 And we would talk and we would laugh,
18:19 we'd go walking and I actually tried to matchmake him.
18:22 When I first met him,
18:23 we've invited him over up to Atlanta for weekend
18:27 'cause there was a woman I wanted to matchmake him with
18:29 and the Lord had better plan, so that didn't work out.
18:32 And so we continued our friendship
18:34 and then, after my husband passed,
18:36 he was very helpful with my father
18:37 who was on sickly.
18:39 And as a result of that,
18:41 you know, my eyes started to open,
18:42 I said hm-mm.
18:44 You know, like very sweet and we got to know each other
18:48 and the rest is history, here we are.
18:50 And how long have you been married?
18:52 Oh, a little over a year and a half.
18:54 Yes. Oh, they're kind of newlywed.
18:55 Yes, newlywed.
18:57 Almost? Almost a year and a half.
18:58 Yes. That's great.
18:59 So how has the Lord impressed you
19:01 to put your ministries together,
19:04 the mental health and the physical health?
19:06 Well, I think the mind and body is closely related,
19:10 I mean, we hear that there's a quote that says,
19:12 "The mind and body are closely related.
19:14 One is affected, the other sympathizes."
19:16 And so I see that as he has been trained
19:19 with the natural remedies
19:21 and understanding a little bit about disease.
19:23 And I've been trained in the, with working with the mind,
19:26 I see how the Lord's just bringing that together
19:28 into one big whole because we are whole people, right?
19:32 We can't separate the mind and body, the world does that,
19:35 but in reality,
19:36 we're all one person that has these different parts.
19:39 And so I see the Lord bringing in His knowledge and skill
19:43 with my knowledge and skill
19:44 to be able to address the whole person.
19:45 Oh, nice.
19:47 And so we're excited, we're just starting out,
19:48 but I see the Lord doing some good things
19:50 as time comes by His grace and power and I'm excited.
19:53 That's great.
19:55 So how are you structuring, like,
19:56 how are you gonna be lecturing,
19:59 what are you planning to do with it?
20:01 Yes, so when I was lecturing, training,
20:04 also and the Lord is putting this in our mind
20:07 that perhaps a health retreat
20:08 somewhere along the, down the line.
20:12 Hopefully, not too far down the line,
20:13 but this is something that is of a great need.
20:17 We've actually been able to do some programs together,
20:19 and the Lord has blessed where he'll go
20:21 and do divine worship
20:22 and then we'll do programs in the afternoon.
20:25 The Lord has also, I do a lot of phone counseling,
20:27 and the Lord has also allowed us
20:29 to do some things together
20:30 as I call him, "The life coach,"
20:32 especially, when I've been working with men,
20:34 sometimes, it's nice to have a man talk to a man
20:36 and the Lord has really blessed with that as well.
20:39 In fact that's the bulk of work I've been doing lately
20:41 is a lot of counseling by phone,
20:43 even overseas, and so, that's been a blessing,
20:47 I've enjoyed that.
20:48 For our viewers that maybe don't know, you are so well
20:50 and tell us a little bit,
20:52 you said you were born and raised in New York area?
20:54 Yes, yes.
20:55 And tell us a little bit about your background.
20:57 Were you raised in a Christian home?
20:59 And take us on a quick journey,
21:02 there's been a while, and where you are now.
21:05 Yes, I was born in a home
21:06 where my father was Non-Adventist
21:07 and my mother was Adventist, but it was a Christian home.
21:10 We went to Christian school.
21:12 Wonderful, loving home,
21:14 had two brothers and my sister was older,
21:16 she left the house earlier.
21:18 So then went to school, had fun,
21:20 went to Oakwood, had fun, came back to teach at Oakwood,
21:23 and did some private practice and have been able to travel.
21:28 I've even come to here, at 3ABN and done some program,
21:30 that's been a blessing.
21:31 So that's quick in a nutshell.
21:33 So did you know from early age where you wanted to,
21:36 what direction in life you wanted to go,
21:38 I mean, what got you into--
21:40 I did, actually. Mental health.
21:41 Was that at college,
21:42 once you were in college, you decided?
21:44 Yes, before everyone was thinking she should be a doctor
21:46 'cause I did pretty well in school
21:47 and my dad wanted me to be a doctor,
21:50 that didn't work out and I found myself
21:52 listening to people a lot.
21:53 And I'd be at airports observing people
21:56 and then, I heard I could get paid for doing this.
21:59 I said, "Let me do a psychology,"
22:00 I can be a psychologist,
22:01 and I could paid for doing that.
22:03 And so I didn't decide that, Danny,
22:05 until my third year of college,
22:06 I tried nursing, I tried physical therapy.
22:09 None of those fit and then,
22:10 psychology was like a glove which just fit.
22:13 And that's how I ended up doing that.
22:15 That's awesome.
22:17 What have you found
22:18 has been the primary difference
22:21 between a Christian psychological perspective
22:26 and the world's psychological perspective?
22:28 The primary difference
22:29 is that the Christian recognizes that
22:31 their source of healing is God.
22:33 Secular psychologist God is like a crutch,
22:36 you know, it's something that people do as pie in the sky.
22:41 And I was exposed to that type of response
22:44 as a Christian getting my doctorate
22:45 when I would bring up God, my professor would look at me
22:48 and say, "You poor girl, you'll understand when you get out,"
22:50 you know and we don't really need God,
22:52 but you know now the literature is just,
22:54 the research is just teeming
22:56 and they can't run from it anymore.
22:57 But that's the main difference in response to your question
23:00 you've on they, we recognized there's a power
23:02 outside of our help,
23:03 ourselves that can help us with our mental health.
23:06 Yes, yes.
23:08 There's a book, I'm trying to remember the name
23:11 I think it's "How God changes the brain,"
23:13 or something like that, and then,
23:14 actually, you'll love this.
23:16 I've heard of that.
23:17 It's an amazing book
23:19 and it alludes to the fact that the brain actually lights up
23:24 and get involved in prayer, and they can measure it.
23:28 They can measure it scientifically.
23:30 So it's like God and the more you pray
23:35 and the more you focus on God,
23:37 then, there are actual physiological changes
23:40 in the brain.
23:42 So it to me, I mean-- That's amazing.
23:44 That's what you think
23:45 that science is now replete with research.
23:48 That is corroborating the whole idea of praise
23:51 and worship and all of that.
23:52 So, I mean, I just think that's incredible.
23:54 And it's exciting.
23:55 Every time I read or study
23:57 that goes along with what the Bible says,
23:58 I just say, "The rocks are crying out," you know.
24:01 God knows how to reach people,
24:03 I might not be able to reach someone by opening the Bible,
24:05 but when I can say to them, "You know, science shows this."
24:08 I've seen situations where I've said,
24:10 "Science shows this."
24:12 And as you start to say, "Science shows this,"
24:14 they, kind of, open themselves up
24:15 when you finally can say, you know.
24:17 And the Bible has been saying this thousands of years before
24:20 and you see people saying, "Really?"
24:23 Whereas before, I had just gone to them with the Bible,
24:25 the block would have come up.
24:27 So God is just using this I think
24:29 to spread His principles and His truth.
24:31 Yes. Yes.
24:32 And speaking of principles, you have written this book,
24:36 "Keys to Optimal Mental Health."
24:38 Yes.
24:39 And this, I've read it, and it is so good.
24:43 It is so, this book, it's a thin book,
24:47 and so, it's not like a long, long read,
24:50 it doesn't take forever to read it.
24:52 But it has some amazing principles in this book.
24:56 And one of the things I love about it
24:57 is it has, at the end of each chapter,
25:00 you can apply the information to your life.
25:04 So it's not just a general,
25:06 "Okay, this is what you do and that's it."
25:08 No, this is what you do.
25:10 Now let me walk you through how to make this apply to you.
25:14 Praise the Lord.
25:15 And so this is-- what inspired you to write this?
25:17 I'm gonna tell you.
25:18 I came, my husband, my dear husband,
25:21 he'd been hearing me talk about these different topics
25:23 and he says "Maggie, you need to put this in a book."
25:25 I've written two other books, I don't like writing books.
25:28 And he kept saying, "You need to write this,"
25:29 and I'm like, "Ron, I don't want to write another book,
25:31 book writing is hard for me."
25:33 And then, I come up to 3ABN
25:36 and I do some issues and answers with Shelley Quinn
25:38 and guess what, she's like after the three programs,
25:41 "Magna, you better write a book over this,
25:43 you need to put this in a book."
25:45 And I said, "Lord, okay, I get it,"
25:46 you know, but because of her encouraging me,
25:50 and my husband encouraging me, that's what led to that.
25:53 The other thing too is I like to interface science,
25:57 scripture, and inspired writings.
26:01 And so when I see science
26:03 that I've read in a book by a person who's inspired
26:07 or I've read in the Bible,
26:09 I'm like, "Oh, I love putting this together."
26:11 So when I talk I do that
26:13 and I said, "Why not do it in a little book, too?"
26:15 So that's what kind of led to that.
26:16 That's great because what this does is again it reinforces
26:21 if you're not a believer,
26:23 it shows that the Bible is still relevant.
26:26 That what's in there is applicable today.
26:30 And if you are a believer,
26:32 it just reinforces your faith on Bible.
26:34 And this is really, really excellent.
26:36 So I'd like to, kind of,
26:38 go over some of the principles in the book
26:41 and just, I think we should look at it.
26:43 So the first thing
26:45 that you talk about is changing your lifestyle.
26:48 Why is that important?
26:49 I look at that, you know, every house has a foundation.
26:53 And without a foundation, you can have beautiful walls,
26:55 beautiful roof, but it will fall.
26:57 And so for me, when I look at mental health,
26:59 and I understand our own health message
27:02 that says that, "When we take care of our bodies
27:05 it will have an impact on our mind."
27:07 Prior to me doing this, Danny and Yvonne,
27:11 when I was in practice,
27:12 I would spend a lot of time talking about,
27:14 "Well, how did your mother treat you
27:16 and what kind of relationship
27:17 did your mother and father have?"
27:19 And all of that has an impact.
27:20 But I was spending months,
27:21 years talking to people about this.
27:24 As I started to implement this,
27:26 people started to change much more quickly
27:29 those who were willing.
27:30 God gave you a quick case, a testimony,
27:33 a woman who was a nurse came in,
27:35 she was molested before
27:37 and then, she had been to several counselors
27:38 talking about this.
27:40 Because she had been to several counselors,
27:41 I've felt it not necessary to go over it with her again
27:44 and I started to tell her how the body affects the mind.
27:47 And maybe she should look at how she can change her diet,
27:49 she changed her diet.
27:51 In a few months, she came and she sat in front of me,
27:53 at that time, I was Dr. Parks, she says, "Dr. Parks,
27:54 I feel better changing my diet
27:57 than before when I was dealing with depression.
27:59 I feel better than when I was not depressed."
28:03 Just by changing her diet.
28:05 And I have stories
28:06 that I could tell about just people changing their diet
28:08 and how it affects the brain, so I thought I needed to say,
28:11 "This is the foundation for optimal mental health,
28:13 you need to eat, have a better diet,
28:15 you need to exercise,
28:17 you need to try to get proper rest,
28:18 you need to drink water."
28:20 All of these things has an impact on the brain
28:22 and all the rest of the principles
28:24 that I'm gonna share afterward,
28:26 you can better implement them if you take care of your body.
28:29 So that's how that came about.
28:31 And so good.
28:32 One of the things that people often don't connect,
28:36 while connecting the dots is that we're chemical being,
28:40 so the chemicals that we put into our bodies
28:44 affect how we respond whether we have depression,
28:48 anxiety, all of these things.
28:50 If we eat certain things,
28:52 it triggers a chemical response in the body
28:55 that is going to just cause
28:58 or at least foster and sometimes,
29:02 just make it so much worse, exacerbate these symptoms.
29:06 So if you change the diet, it's, kind of, a basic thing.
29:10 You're changing the chemicals,
29:12 the chemistry of the body which then changes,
29:15 you know, your response.
29:17 It's, kind of,
29:18 and maybe, in a lot of ways now,
29:20 I'm not a doctor like either one of you
29:21 but sometimes we call,
29:23 I call it, "Getting out of a rut."
29:25 When you do something for so long in your life,
29:29 you make a change all of a sudden,
29:31 you say, "World, you didn't say before."
29:33 Yes.
29:34 But the change you're talking about is a great change
29:37 because it comes straight from the Bible,
29:39 because now we're gonna take in Biblical principles
29:42 of how, what we take into our bodies.
29:45 The old saying is to be that you know we'd say,
29:47 if people eat a lot of sugar,
29:49 don't say anything wrong with them,
29:50 we'd say, "Would you put sugar in your gas tank?"
29:53 "Oh, no, I wouldn't do that," "Why not?"
29:55 'Cause that will shut the engine down.
29:56 Yes. Right.
29:58 So, you know, I'm getting to very practical part,
30:00 but what you're doing is,
30:01 I think, the first part is getting people out of erupt
30:04 because it's hard to change what you've always done.
30:07 Yes. It is.
30:09 And you wrote a song about that for kids.
30:10 I did. "You are what you eat." Oh, wow.
30:14 And it's great, I mean, for--
30:16 to teach children how to eat properly,
30:19 the song "You are what you eat."
30:21 So on one of his projects.
30:24 If I can just say this too... Yes.
30:25 Like, I said that they are starting to catch up,
30:27 Dr. Roger Wall, he did a study,
30:28 he did a review of lot of studies,
30:30 and he found that if a person does these principles,
30:34 carries them out,
30:35 it can help just as much he says as counseling
30:39 and taking medication.
30:41 Now please, I'm not saying, "Get off of every medication."
30:42 Yeah, sure. I always like to add that.
30:45 Some people need it for a moment or however long,
30:47 but he's saying that
30:49 if you're consisting with these principles,
30:51 it can help you, as much as these two things.
30:53 That's tremendous. The rocks are crying out.
30:55 That's tremendous, when you think about it.
30:57 That's really tremendous to know that,
30:59 you can have a long term--
31:02 I think you don't want to just manage symptoms.
31:06 You want to get to the root cause,
31:08 so if you can use dietary measures
31:11 to change the body's chemistry, you can get to the root cause.
31:16 Well, one of the hardest things in life to change is your diet.
31:19 Yes, it is. It is.
31:20 It's your lifestyle. It is.
31:22 So if we can gain victory over that,
31:23 you can almost gain victory over anything--
31:25 Amen.
31:27 So it's great really,
31:28 because it takes a lot of sacrifice in the beginning
31:32 and before it's over, you're like,
31:33 "Wow, why I didn't do this before?"
31:35 Exactly. Yeah.
31:36 What about rest,
31:38 because, so often we can just burn ourselves out,
31:44 you know, push, push, push, push,
31:46 why is rest so important?
31:48 Well, rest is important
31:49 because every part of our body needs rest
31:53 in order to replenish,
31:54 and especially during the hours of sleep,
31:56 the brain does some replenishing,
31:58 it does some rejuvenation,
32:01 and if our difficulties with anxiety,
32:03 or depression, or mental health
32:05 is having to do a lot with the brain,
32:07 we need to give the brain rest.
32:08 And allow it to produce the chemicals
32:11 and to do what it needs to do
32:12 in order for us to function well.
32:13 And nowadays, people are so deprived of sleep.
32:17 I believe some depression is coming on
32:19 because are not getting enough rest.
32:22 That is so true.
32:23 You know, and it's the timing, too,
32:24 getting to bed before midnight is so important,
32:27 especially, if you're dealing with some of these issues
32:29 because some peak thing has happened.
32:31 Growth hormone, melatonin,
32:34 and so we need to be getting proper rest
32:35 in order to have good mental health,
32:37 it's, like, essential.
32:38 She started preaching now. And in Midland accent.
32:41 Midland, yeah, went to Midland instead of preaching.
32:45 For sure. But it's really true.
32:48 And you can get so caught up in whatever you're doing.
32:50 That you neglect the rest,
32:53 and that's when the body rejuvenates.
32:57 Like you said that's when the brain also
32:59 can get rejuvenated,
33:00 so I mean, it's just, rest is critical.
33:03 Yes, yes.
33:05 What about exercise?
33:06 A lot people-- I used to-- I exercise now regularly.
33:11 Praise the Lord. Amen.
33:12 But before I really wasn't, why is that so important?
33:16 And I know people say, "Oh, it's important to exercise,"
33:20 but why do you think it's important?
33:22 You ever heard the phrase,
33:23 "If you don't use it, you lose it,"
33:25 and that's with anything
33:26 in order to keep whatever going,
33:28 we need to exercise.
33:29 And then our bodies, if we don't use certain parts,
33:31 it will affect us, it releases certain hormones in the brain,
33:35 it just rejuvenates us.
33:37 All of these things are about rejuvenation and restoring,
33:39 the exercise, the drinking of the water.
33:41 I've dealt with the 16 year young girl,
33:43 16-year-old girl who was mildly depressed
33:45 just because she wasn't drinking enough water
33:47 Started to drinking water and those things just,
33:50 the depression just went away.
33:51 That's not the case with everybody, but in her case.
33:53 Right.
33:54 There's a Dr. Batmanghelidj, who wrote the book,
33:57 "Your Body's Many Cries For Water."
33:59 Yes.
34:00 And he mentions that, he treated over,
34:02 I think it's 2,000 or 3,000 cases of ulcers
34:06 in a prison camp.
34:08 He didn't have access to other drug and stuff,
34:11 with water,
34:13 because if you don't drink water,
34:15 the body gets dehydrated and all kinds of things happen,
34:19 all kinds of weird symptoms.
34:21 Can just occur as a result of dehydration.
34:24 So and I'm one that's not drinking the water,
34:27 so this is really good for me, too.
34:29 This is really good.
34:31 So we've got the foundation, now you also talk about,
34:36 "You are what you think."
34:38 Why are the thoughts so connected to how we feel?
34:44 It's amazing.
34:45 Feelings are kind of out there subjective,
34:48 not really, you know, they're unstable,
34:50 but a lot of times,
34:52 our feelings come from what we tell ourselves.
34:55 I can give an example, one time we were driving,
34:58 and my husband did something that, kind of, bothered me.
35:01 And I started to tell myself things
35:03 such as, "He doesn't care, he doesn't really love me,"
35:07 and I had to stop myself,
35:09 and said, "Magna, you teach this stuff."
35:10 You know it, I can easily stay here and talk about this,
35:13 but I have to work on applying it.
35:15 And it started to say, you know what...
35:18 Actually, we were going to a seminar to talk about that
35:20 and I said, "You know, I need to apply
35:21 what I'm teaching here."
35:23 I said, "I'm not going down that road."
35:25 And I just changed my whole thinking pattern,
35:26 and I said, "You know what, everybody makes mistakes,
35:30 he may not think I've done
35:31 what I thought he did for certain reason,"
35:33 and my whole mindset just changed.
35:35 And my whole demeanor just changed.
35:37 So our thoughts, what we tell ourselves,
35:39 it impacts how we act, it impacts how we feel,
35:42 God created us in that way.
35:44 And so even physiologists who are on to this 50 years ago
35:47 and now, when they are treating depression
35:48 or helping people, they start to say,
35:51 "Isolate and try to examine your thoughts
35:53 and see what you're telling yourself,"
35:54 like, "Nobody loves me,
35:56 I'm the worst person in the world,
35:58 I'll never accomplish mission life."
35:59 Start to analyze that and start to change that,
36:02 and you'll find that it will affect how you feel.
36:05 And when I work with people, I've tried to do that.
36:07 And when I'm working to myself, I try to do that
36:09 because feelings and thoughts are so closely related.
36:11 You know, we tried when we were kids in school,
36:14 my dad had told us and I'm sure, probably,
36:16 many of the older folks have tried it,
36:18 but we sat one day,
36:20 let's tell, there is a certain kid in class,
36:22 I'll go by and tell him, "You don't feel good,"
36:25 or "You don't look good."
36:26 And then, we would tell another pretty soon,
36:28 "You go by and tell him, "See, you don't look good,
36:30 are you sick today?"
36:32 And before noon, he was wanting to go home,
36:34 he was sick.
36:35 And here is the boy who'd come,
36:36 so my dad would tell me about this experience
36:38 and so I told, "Okay, let's go,
36:39 let's try that, let's just see."
36:41 So what everybody, all that.
36:43 I know that doesn't sound like me, right?
36:45 To be a button pusher like that.
36:48 Oh, my goodness. But it really did work.
36:49 If you go tell somebody in the morning,
36:51 "Well, you just don't look--
36:52 Are you okay, you don't feel good?"
36:54 Then five minutes later, another kid,
36:56 "Boy, you look, kind of peaked, you sure you're feeling okay?"
37:00 Well, then just a little bit,
37:01 this guy is sick, he's ready to go home.
37:04 So that mental part what you're saying is,
37:07 you know, be positive.
37:10 I think we need to talk about why you did that?
37:13 Why I did that? I was teasing you.
37:14 I want to say if it worked--
37:16 Want to see if it worked, but it does,
37:18 I mean, I've had people do me that way.
37:21 "Are you colored in?"
37:22 And all of a sudden you start thinking, "Am I okay?"
37:24 There you go, did you see what he said, you start thinking.
37:26 Yeah. Yeah, you do.
37:27 So it is important, but to stay positive,
37:30 and that's why it's such an advantage,
37:32 when you're Christian
37:33 and you've read the back of the book.
37:34 Amen.
37:36 The back of the book is not how long you live,
37:38 but what happens to us after we die.
37:41 Of course, we want to be healthy and happy.
37:43 Over work, stress, all that,
37:45 my throat right now, is no accident,
37:47 I've just, kind of, been going, running, running, running.
37:51 And so therefore, it affects what happens to me.
37:54 And so here mentally, we're talking about physically,
37:59 but mentally as well.
38:00 I've to be positive.
38:02 As a Christian, I know that I have hope.
38:05 And I know that I have life everlasting.
38:08 And so stay positive. Yes.
38:09 Don't let people get you down. Amen.
38:12 You know, just last night my husband had to do a pep talk
38:14 on me on something that happened,
38:16 some affairs, he had to say, start thinking,
38:19 all things work together for good.
38:21 And I started to repeat that, and some of anxiety went away.
38:25 So we as Christians, we have an advantage
38:27 'cause we have the principles in the Bible.
38:29 That can help us with our thoughts.
38:31 Absolutely. It's a blessing.
38:32 It is. It is.
38:35 There's a, Dr. Caroline Leaf,
38:38 who has done a lot of research with the brain.
38:40 I think I've heard you talk about her.
38:42 Yes, you probably have, 'cause I mentioned her in this book,
38:45 but she talks about forgiveness
38:49 and the power of forgiveness to--
38:52 When we don't forgive, they're actually cells,
38:56 neurons that shoot out toxins into the bloodstream.
39:00 But when we forgive, those little cells go away.
39:05 So it's, like, God's gives us these principles in the Word.
39:09 It's not just forgive just for forgiveness sake,
39:12 but it also impacts us physiologically
39:15 as well as spiritually.
39:17 So we can, you know, really look to the Word for that.
39:21 What about self-control, like, what is it...
39:27 The Bible says that one of the fruits of the spirit
39:30 is self-control.
39:31 How do you differentiate that self-control
39:34 from the self-control
39:35 that you are discussing here?
39:38 Actually, yes, it's, kind of, related.
39:40 Self-control is about being able to control what we say,
39:44 what we do, what we think,
39:46 and sometimes, people are suffering mentally
39:48 because they don't know how to place a guard around
39:51 what they say, or what they think,
39:53 or what they do.
39:54 Addictions, comes from a lack of self-control.
39:57 I may not start in that way, but it can develop.
40:00 Over eating, any-- a lot of the problems.
40:02 Self-control is the basis of so many problems
40:05 in the society, domestic violence, child abuse,
40:08 alcoholism, drug addiction, overeating,
40:11 all of this is a problem with self-control.
40:13 And so, if people can start to implement
40:15 principles to help them, and sometimes we need help.
40:18 In fact, in the book I've mentioned,
40:20 one of the steps is to find someone
40:21 who can, you can accountable to,
40:23 you have a particular problem, will you help me,
40:25 will you pray with me, will you hold me
40:27 accountable to have control in this area?
40:30 So I encourage people for good mental health,
40:32 try to see what areas you should
40:33 need to control yourself in,
40:34 and seek the help that you can to develop
40:37 that control of self, which is not easy.
40:41 But it's the best thing for the good mental health.
40:43 Yeah, because I can see how, if you are,
40:48 if your appetite's out of control,
40:49 that's a problem.
40:51 If your words are out of control,
40:53 that's a problem.
40:55 So it's like you have to develop that,
40:58 and the Bible says, we can bring every thought
41:00 into captivity to Jesus Christ.
41:03 So there is a way to do it, but it isn't easy.
41:06 No, it isn't, in fact, none of these principles
41:08 in here are easy, that's the thing
41:10 I want people to realize.
41:12 But nothing good comes easy.
41:15 And if you work at it, by God's--
41:17 and that's the thing about how to keep brining in God,
41:18 because we as Christian, when we believe
41:20 that we can get divine help to over come these things.
41:23 It's a wonderful thing. Yes.
41:25 That we don't have to just depend on ourselves for it.
41:28 Yes, yes.
41:29 That we have God, who will help us to do
41:32 what needs to be done,
41:33 because these are character issues too.
41:35 Yes, they are. And He is...
41:37 We can't change our spots, but you know,
41:40 can a leopard change its spot, so the Ethiopians can.
41:42 We can't change those things, but, what we can do,
41:46 is turn them over to God,
41:47 and ask him to help us to do that.
41:49 Everything we talked about so far goes back to self.
41:53 It's a great controversy between good and evil,
41:55 doing Christ and Satan.
41:57 Satan said, "I should be like the most high God."
42:00 You know, he was cast from heaven to this earth,
42:04 now he tries everybody to be just like him,
42:07 which is all about him.
42:08 He wants the honor and the praise,
42:10 so we as individuals, we either take on the character of Christ
42:14 or we take on the character of Satan.
42:16 There's really no end between. Amen.
42:18 We may wanna act like there is,
42:20 but there is really no end between.
42:22 Yeah, that is true.
42:23 And May Chung, used to tell me we have two natures.
42:25 We have a spiritual nature and beastly nature.
42:29 Whichever one we feed the most is the one that grows the most.
42:32 That's powerful.
42:34 Isn't that deep? Yes.
42:35 So in this case, everything here is self-control,
42:38 the only way I'm gonna overcome that is
42:41 keep my eyes and ears focused on the Word of God.
42:44 And study the character of Jesus.
42:47 And order for me to not think this world is built around.
42:51 My dad used to say, "Son, this whole world
42:53 didn't built around you, you're a little grain as sand,
42:56 right here, in this whole world,
42:57 do you think everything is gonna be,
42:59 you know, whatever you say or do,
43:01 you're just a little grain as sand.
43:03 You're only worth something because God created you,
43:05 He died for you, so you have plenty of value,
43:08 but don't think the whole world revolves around you."
43:11 So we really--
43:12 It gets to that point, everything you're saying here
43:14 is principles to help us to look not at ourselves,
43:20 but more, and that's why we need God,
43:23 and we need a Savior.
43:24 And to know that there is a creator God,
43:26 who can help us overcome these things in our life.
43:30 And that says the song said come,
43:32 we come to the foot of the cross.
43:33 Yes. Give it to Jesus.
43:35 Amen, amen. Makes the difference.
43:37 You have anything?
43:39 I'm not a host, but my husband's
43:41 been sitting here and I'm just wondering if we,
43:42 you have anything you want to add
43:44 in terms of this self-control or the anything?
43:46 Well, you are hitting here right on the head, whether--
43:49 this is so much of the very foundation,
43:50 and what's out there is--
43:52 without self-control, we can't really have a correct
43:57 relationship with God.
43:59 I mean we can do nothing, but there again,
44:03 the Lord has given us enough self-control
44:05 I believe to be able to surrender to Him,
44:09 if we are willing to be able to come
44:11 to the foot of the cross.
44:12 That much self-control.
44:14 And then, from there He can make us stronger,
44:17 so that we can grow in Christ.
44:19 So it's yielding the will to Christ, right?
44:24 Yes, just turning it over to Him,
44:27 and then letting Him shape it.
44:30 And He said, go,
44:31 'cause it's a daily process, right?
44:33 Yes. Yes.
44:34 Daily process, that if we want to,
44:37 and if you're working out in weights,
44:39 and you want to beef yourself up, get more muscles.
44:42 It didn't happen today, 'cause I said,
44:44 "I think I workout well, look I'm..."
44:46 it's a process that every day
44:49 and it depends how I go about it.
44:51 Then I can grow, but same way spiritually, too,
44:54 and you say even you're mentally.
44:55 It's a step, so we don't need to think.
44:57 Boy, everything isn't gonna happen today.
45:00 It takes time, it takes us time to get
45:02 and the mess we're in.
45:04 And it takes some take some time to get out of that mess
45:07 because we live in a sinful world.
45:09 Yes, yes. Yes.
45:11 I'm glad you said that to encourage the listeners
45:13 if you're listening to know that it's a process
45:15 and you may hear these principles
45:17 and think that you're gonna just get over it quickly
45:20 and implement it, but it's a process,
45:21 you start a little and then you go from there.
45:23 Yeah.
45:24 And what you said earlier, it really helps me.
45:27 You teach this and yet you still struggle with it.
45:30 So it's not a matter that none of this isn't true,
45:33 it's all true but you're just saying I'm still human
45:36 and I have to depend on them pointing to your book,
45:39 here's all the viewers can't see.
45:40 But I have to depend on the Word of God,
45:42 I have to depend on these principles
45:44 to keep myself in line,
45:45 in order for me to grow more like Christ.
45:49 You know, so it is something,
45:51 it's a process of day after day
45:54 one, there's old song says, "One day at a time,"
45:56 sweet Jesus, so one day at a time,
45:58 we draw closer to the Lord.
46:01 And we less of self and more of Christ.
46:04 Yes. Amen.
46:06 Paul realized that too, didn't he?
46:07 He is like, I counted up myself as one who has apprehended.
46:10 We could see himself in this process
46:12 growing day by day,
46:14 relying constantly on the strength of Christ.
46:16 Amen. Absolutely.
46:18 Now what about growing through adversity?
46:23 Because I think, you know,
46:24 adversity can either just bury you
46:30 or you can grow from it.
46:31 Yes. Let's talk about that a bit.
46:33 Yeah, you know, the Bible has a lot of text,
46:35 I used to try to understand about brethren
46:38 count and not joy when you fall,
46:40 I mean, count it not joy when you fall
46:42 into diverse temptations
46:43 and that the trying of your face
46:45 works in patience, I used to say,
46:47 "How could all of this happen?"
46:48 But it's a process of the Lord saying,
46:50 "I don't want these things to stunt you,
46:52 I want these things to help you to grow."
46:54 And so psychology finally caught on,
46:56 they talk about post-traumatic growth now
46:58 that people can grow and become better people
47:01 as a result of the trials
47:03 and difficulties that come in life.
47:05 And they say that you can do that by developing resilience,
47:09 resilience, when you throw a ball,
47:10 it comes right back.
47:12 If you develop that resilience,
47:13 emotionally, mentally, socially, spiritually,
47:17 you can actually allow this bad experience to help you to grow.
47:20 I personally can attest to that,
47:22 I'm a different person
47:23 now as a result of all the people
47:24 I've lost in my life.
47:26 I don't walk on water, I still need help
47:28 but I'm a different person as a result of the difficulty.
47:30 Also talk about that.
47:31 I think I'm more empathic towards people,
47:34 I'm more compassionate, before I couldn't relate
47:36 to a person losing a spouse before.
47:39 I couldn't relate to sickness 'cause I was diagnosed with MS
47:41 and Lord has, you know, healed me of that,
47:43 at least I don't have the symptoms right now.
47:45 I couldn't relate to that but now when I see people
47:48 with disabling illnesses, I have more compassion,
47:51 I feel like I can relate to them better.
47:53 It's not just, "Oh, you poor thing",
47:55 you know, pity but I really feel like
47:56 I can step in their shoes.
47:58 So I do know that that has happened to me
48:00 as a result of the difficulties I've been through.
48:03 I think we can choose to either--
48:07 We can kind of choose our response...
48:09 Yes. To the adversity.
48:11 That's a very good point.
48:12 We don't have to be buried by it.
48:16 But it takes, I mean it's not easy
48:18 but I think we can, we can say,
48:20 this is either gonna help me to grow
48:23 or it's gonna overwhelm me.
48:25 Because sometimes you get hit by so many things at once
48:29 that, you know, you can either let it bury
48:33 or you can just keep on pressing.
48:35 Yeah. Right.
48:36 My consolation is to know, you know, it is true
48:39 the devil can rob us of our health,
48:41 he can rob us of finances, he can rob us of relationships,
48:44 but he can't rob us of our soul and where we spend eternity.
48:49 So great peace have they which love thy law
48:52 and nothing shall offend them,
48:54 simply that no matter what people say to you
48:56 can't get you down. I've learned a long time ago,
48:59 when you're on television as much as I've been,
49:01 people either love you or hate you.
49:03 And so, you know, and some people
49:06 want to put you up on a pedestal
49:07 which they shouldn't or they want to cast you down.
49:10 Right before I came on this program,
49:12 I read a letter marked to me personally.
49:14 Somebody said, "You're not a good person
49:16 and Lord show me out in dream and you're going to die."
49:19 And my answer would be to that
49:21 is well of course I'm gonna die,
49:23 should the Lord tarry.
49:24 But that's not the worst thing that can happen to somebody.
49:27 You haven't lost when you die, that's actually the beginning.
49:31 So I don't look at death,
49:33 I always think it's a waste of time,
49:35 I don't enjoy the thought of being dead
49:37 'cause you can't accomplish anything.
49:39 But, you know, in a simple term.
49:42 But people do that, they write,
49:44 there's today I probably had three letters,
49:46 people tell me what a horrible person I am.
49:48 Now these folks don't know me, they never met me
49:51 but they read what other people say.
49:53 And so they assume that they can do it
49:55 and I feel badly for them, because I think,
49:57 well, these people what a problem
50:00 that they're judging
50:01 and they're doing all these things.
50:03 Now I'm not saying that for any sympathy,
50:05 it's just something you grow up I've been 30 years in ministry.
50:08 So the same way, people will write
50:10 and tell you how wonderful you are.
50:12 That doesn't affect me.
50:14 I can't let any of it affect me.
50:16 The good or the bad, what I do appreciate
50:18 and someone wrote, read that right before it come out.
50:21 In the last two years, I've been watching 3ABN,
50:24 has changed my entire life.
50:25 Brought me closer to Jesus
50:27 and I want to thank Him for the ministry.
50:29 That I praise the Lord for.
50:31 But again, it's not about self.
50:33 And your book is really telling us
50:35 that, you know, we can't concentrate,
50:37 God has a plan for us.
50:39 And you're helping us to take advantage of principles
50:44 that God has laid out.
50:46 And yet someone could read this and not necessarily say,
50:49 "Oh, this is the Bible, I don't want to read the Bible."
50:52 But someone says, "Oh, well, keys to optimal mental health,
50:55 I'm gonna read that."
50:57 And what they will eventually find out
50:59 that you're giving them direction,
51:02 directly from the word of God.
51:03 Amen.
51:05 It's a great, it's a great book.
51:06 I'm glad you wrote it. Yeah. I am too.
51:08 I'm so glad you wrote this book.
51:10 Praise the Lord.
51:11 'Cause I think it can help so many people,
51:13 it's not, you know, it's a thin book,
51:16 so you don't have to be overwhelmed
51:17 when you look at it and go, oh, it's like 500 pages.
51:20 But it gets to the point
51:21 and it's got all of these principles
51:23 and it's got all these applications in it.
51:26 And I just think that's great.
51:27 Let's talk about the conscience.
51:29 Okay.
51:30 Developing a healthy conscience.
51:33 How do you differentiate between a healthy conscience
51:37 and being overwhelmed with guilt?
51:40 Being overwhelmed with guilt
51:41 is a sign of not having a healthy conscience.
51:44 And so people are suffering sometimes
51:46 because of unresolved guilt, they have guilt over things
51:49 they've done in the past.
51:50 And their conscience is just tricked and tender.
51:53 And so helping people to be able to develop
51:55 a healthy conscious so they can accurately choose
51:57 what's right and wrong is so important.
51:59 That's good. Absolutely.
52:01 What I'm overwhelmed with is I cannot, look at that clock...
52:04 I know. This time is almost gone.
52:06 A whole hour, I can't believe it.
52:08 This has been so good.
52:09 As they say, time flies when you're having fun.
52:12 But what we want to do there are those I know,
52:15 folk who want to contact you, they'll want to see
52:17 how to get this book, maybe other information
52:19 that you both have,
52:21 find out more about your ministry.
52:23 And so what we're gonna do, we're gonna put the address
52:25 up on the screen then we're gonna go to a news break
52:28 and we will be back for a closing thought.
52:32 Be In Good Health is a Christian organization
52:35 that provides education and resources for physical,
52:38 spiritual and mental health.
52:40 If you'd like to know more
52:41 or if you'd like to receive one of their books.
52:43 You can call 678-562-7512.
52:47 That's 678-562-7512.
52:51 You can visit them online at bingoodhealth.com.
52:55 That's bingoodhealth.com.
53:00 Or you can e-mail them at info@bingoodhealth.com.
53:05 That's info@bingoodhealth.com.


Revised 2016-05-09