3ABN Today

Eden Valley Lifestyle Center

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), Travis Laws, R.N., Kieth Schleifer, M.D., David Hohlfeld, Gary Ross


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016027A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray,
01:11 and allow me once again to thank you for sharing
01:13 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:16 So thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:17 your support of this ministry.
01:19 And to thank you for helping us do
01:21 what we are called to do and that's to lift up
01:23 the mighty and magnificent name of Jesus,
01:25 and take the gospel of a soon coming Savior
01:28 to the whole world.
01:29 Today's program is one that I'm very, very excited about,
01:32 because of the subject matter, and the four cool guys
01:36 that I got sitting here with me.
01:39 And the place that we're gonna be talking about,
01:41 first of all we're talking about health ministry.
01:43 We're also talking about Eden Valley,
01:45 which is a place that is dear to my heart,
01:48 and to those of us here at 3ABN,
01:50 since so many of us have passed through its hallow doors
01:54 in years past.
01:55 And the staff has changed a little bit since I was there.
01:59 And so, we get to meet some new friends,
02:01 some really neat guys.
02:02 So we're gonna talk about Eden Valley
02:03 and the work that it does.
02:05 And you want to maybe grab a pen, pencil
02:07 a little bit later on the program.
02:09 We're going to give you some contact information
02:11 because Eden Valley is a place,
02:12 that number you should never have too far away,
02:16 because if you don't need it now,
02:18 you may need it one day, or you may know someone
02:20 who can take advantage
02:21 of its many and varied services.
02:23 We're going to talk about that today,
02:25 and my guest include,
02:26 and I'll start with the one closest to me.
02:28 We've got so many guys,
02:30 we have to bring one over here, and put them by my side.
02:32 This is Dr. Keith. Let's see.
02:34 Schleifer? Did I get it right?
02:36 Schleifer. Yes, yes.
02:37 Dr. Keith Schleifer, is the medical director.
02:39 That's right.
02:40 Okay, we're gonna find out what that entails.
02:42 When I was there Dr. Cherny was the medical director.
02:45 Right.
02:46 And really neat guy who we loved a lot.
02:48 Yes.
02:49 I'm told he's still, still around
02:51 though not practicing.
02:52 Correct, he's still right on campus...
02:53 Praise the Lord.
02:55 His wife and, and they are doing well.
02:58 Excellent, excellent.
02:59 I'm gonna go to the far end and work my way back.
03:02 Travis Laws are in is the lifestyle director.
03:06 Travis, good to have you here.
03:07 Thank you. It's good to be here.
03:09 Yeah.
03:10 You may hear a little Texas drawl from Travis,
03:14 I was teasing it's not a pure Texas drawl,
03:16 because he's been all over California, Idaho,
03:18 so that, that pure Texas has gotten adulterated
03:22 just a little bit in his travel.
03:23 It is watered down a little bit.
03:25 Just a little bit.
03:27 Next to him Gary Ross.
03:28 Gary, good to have you here. Thank you.
03:30 Now you were a patient at one time.
03:31 I was.
03:33 And we're gonna talk about
03:34 what shape you were in when you got there,
03:36 and what shape you're in now,
03:37 because you're looking pretty good.
03:39 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
03:41 And David Hohlfeld.
03:45 Praise the Lord.
03:46 Another patient with a testimony.
03:48 So we've got two practitioners and two personal testimonies
03:51 of the kinds of things that Eden Valley has done.
03:54 And if you've been watching this program
03:55 for any length of time,
03:56 you know that Eden Valley does a very, very fine work.
03:59 Before we go to music and going,
04:00 I want to just talk a little bit
04:02 to the good doctor and Travis.
04:05 And I start with you Dr. Keith.
04:07 Where you from?
04:09 I was born in Southern Colorado.
04:11 But I've lived in Tennessee, North Carolina
04:13 for you know, couple of decades or more.
04:16 So you're really not back that far away
04:19 from your roots as it were.
04:20 I was really happy to come back home to Colorado.
04:24 Adventist family growing up?
04:26 Yes.
04:28 Always wanted to do medicine
04:29 or is it something the Lord just led you into
04:31 or something that always intrigued you.
04:32 I always had a leaning toward medicine.
04:36 I wanted to be...
04:41 In academy, I had so...
04:44 In academy and college I had, I wanted to be a humble doctor
04:49 in the '70s and '80s.
04:52 There was sometimes kind of a God.
04:54 You heard about doctors having a God complex.
04:58 And I did not want to be that type of person.
05:01 So for a couple of years, I was hesitant but anyway,
05:05 God led me on to go to Loma Linda
05:08 and have my training there.
05:10 Loma Linda guy. Yes.
05:11 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
05:13 Where did you set up practice originally?
05:16 I took family practice as my residency board certified
05:20 in Hinsdale Hospital in Hinsdale near Chicago.
05:23 And then I did my first four years
05:26 in Jellico, Tennessee at our hospital there.
05:30 Yeah.
05:31 And doing family practice, delivering babies
05:34 and taking care of heart attacks,
05:36 and strokes, and trauma.
05:38 As a family doctor there,
05:42 each family doctor had to take their turn
05:44 in the emergency room.
05:45 And so I got emergency room experience there then as well.
05:50 And then a doctor from Loma Linda,
05:54 who started an ER group invited me to go to a hospital
05:59 in Fletcher in North Carolina.
06:00 Fletcher, yes.
06:02 And there I've been a ER doctor for...
06:03 I was there about 14 years
06:06 with a good friend Dr. Dwayne Butcher,
06:09 and then he got me into mission work,
06:12 Dr. Butcher helped Mark Finley a lot in his Eastern Europe
06:18 and Soviet and Russian, later Russian work.
06:23 And so I likewise got into doing evangelism,
06:27 doing the medical part of evangelism.
06:29 How long at Eden Valley?
06:30 One and a half years.
06:32 Uh-huh kind of a newbie.
06:33 Yeah, yeah.
06:36 Do you like this aspect of medical work?
06:38 I love it. Yes. Yeah.
06:42 Ever since I've been lecturing about health
06:45 with evangelistic series in the '90s.
06:49 And before, my wife, my wife and I had started
06:54 becoming more healthy in our own cooking,
06:57 became vegan in the '90s,
07:00 and I love the preventive aspect of it, so.
07:04 Yeah. Yeah.
07:05 Sounds like a good fit for a place like Eden Valley.
07:07 Yeah. It really does.
07:09 I love being there.
07:10 Excellent, excellent.
07:12 Travis Laws RN.
07:14 Sir.
07:16 You are from where Travis?
07:17 I'm originally from Northern Idaho,
07:19 and I've been in Texas the last about 11 years,
07:24 before coming to Colorado.
07:26 Now how long at Eden Valley?
07:28 About nine months.
07:30 And that says it all. Everybody is all new here.
07:32 This is not the same group that was there
07:33 when I was there.
07:36 Adventist family growing up, Travis?
07:38 Kind of mixed.
07:40 And my parents were separated
07:41 and so my dad's side of the family
07:44 is the, the Adventist side,
07:45 and my mother's side of the family
07:47 are the non-Adventist sides.
07:49 I grew up with a mix
07:52 of two different worlds so to speak.
07:53 Yeah.
07:54 When did you make that decision for yourself
07:56 to follow the Lord and serve Him?
07:58 Well, I kind of, I grew up going to church.
08:01 Right after high school,
08:02 I went to Upper Columbia Academy
08:04 there, in Spangle, Washington.
08:05 And then shortly after graduating high school,
08:07 I kind of ventured away for several years so.
08:09 Little wilderness time.
08:11 Yeah, yeah, definitely sometime in the wilderness,
08:14 my life took me down some,
08:16 you know, through some poor choices
08:17 down some bad ways
08:19 and when I was about 24, 25 years old,
08:23 through much prayer,
08:24 you know, that's just another sign
08:26 of how prayer works you know.
08:28 I started feeling the Holy Spirit working,
08:30 you know, and needing to get away from, from some things
08:34 and it took me back to Texas,
08:38 and had an aunt and uncle down there
08:39 that are very dear to me and...
08:42 I was able to get a job and lead me back to school
08:46 and that's kind of what led me into nursing,
08:51 met my beautiful wife and...
08:53 So we stayed in Texas for quite a while
08:55 and, and you know the, my Christian experiences
09:00 has definitely been one of struggle
09:02 but it's an ongoing and God is very good.
09:05 Praise the Lord.
09:06 Now, an RN is a profession that is pretty portable.
09:09 You can take that almost anywhere in a country
09:11 and get a fairly decent paying job,
09:14 because that skill is needed.
09:17 What took you to Eden Valley?
09:20 Well, when I graduated from nursing school,
09:23 I took a job in the intensive care unit
09:26 in a 206 bed hospital in Denton, Texas.
09:29 I spent about six years in the ICU,
09:32 and then the last couple of years were
09:35 in the cardiac cath lab.
09:37 And when you're in traditional medicine
09:40 and Dr. Keith can probably attest to this too.
09:42 You spend a lot of time fixing symptoms
09:44 and you don't really get a chance to minister
09:47 to people's true healing.
09:50 You know, you give them medications,
09:52 you give them surgeries
09:54 and those things are good and they're fine.
09:56 But you know, we really wanted to,
10:01 to explore the options
10:03 of actually helping people get better.
10:06 And, you know, we saw a lot of the same people
10:09 coming in over and over and over again
10:10 with the same issues and so,
10:14 we had kind of got to know about lifestyle
10:16 work through some family and friends and...
10:20 We stumbled across Eden Valley
10:22 and our attention was drawn there
10:24 and there is a long story behind it.
10:27 But the Lord is good, and you know, all were,
10:30 so many doors had been shut.
10:31 You know, we had been looking for places for a while,
10:34 and every door for every place that we,
10:36 that we had tried to go to was, was shut
10:38 and with Eden Valley, it's like the floodgates just opened
10:41 everything that needed to happen happened,
10:45 you know, we had a child that was very sick.
10:47 We had the house that needed to sell.
10:49 There is so many things that needed to take place
10:51 for us to be able to go,
10:53 and it's like the Lord just lined everything up
10:55 and made it happen so.
10:57 So you found yourself, Travis, kind of moving away mentally
11:00 from traditional medicine
11:02 that wasn't to put corner phrase
11:04 is not doing it for you anymore.
11:06 Yeah, we just, you know, we wanted to find a way
11:08 to minister in the health.
11:12 I guess the health realm in a different way.
11:17 You know, a lot of people that I saw
11:21 are looking for the pill.
11:22 You know, they want the magic pill to get better,
11:24 if they don't want to really, they're not looking
11:27 to actually make the changes.
11:29 And I guess the difference with people
11:30 that come to places like Eden Valley
11:32 is these people are searching for a healthier life,
11:37 they're searching for a, you know, a cure.
11:40 Yeah.
11:41 And, you know, the natural means
11:44 that we use at Eden Valley.
11:47 You know, they work and we've seen.
11:51 I was blown away just in even in my first session there
11:54 how the results are.
11:56 It was, it was, I wasn't sure what to expect
11:59 I guess going into. Yeah. Yeah.
12:01 David and Gary, you actually do get to talk,
12:03 I'm coming to you.
12:05 We're not going to turn you into a wood armor,
12:07 I wanted to just go back, Dr. Keith, to you
12:09 something that Travis said,
12:11 this idea that in tradition medicine,
12:14 and we're not dogging tradition medicine,
12:16 just the fact that people tend to go to doctor,
12:18 okay, I got this, give me a pill and I can press on.
12:21 And not really have to make any kind of systemic changes
12:23 in my lifestyle.
12:25 Just give me this pill, and I can press on.
12:27 By the time people come to Eden Valley is the...
12:31 And I use the term is the sell hard
12:33 to get them to understand that popping a pill
12:36 is not what you need.
12:38 You need to rearrange your whole mindset
12:39 in what you're doing
12:40 or is it by the time they get there,
12:42 they're kind of already predisposed to think,
12:45 maybe I need to make some changes
12:46 because this pill thing is not going to fly.
12:49 By the time, they've made their decision
12:51 and flown across, flown or driven across the country
12:55 to come to us.
12:57 They're pretty much...
12:59 They've pretty much come to that decision
13:02 that they are going to have to make a change.
13:05 Because, Travis talks and Travis spends a lot of time
13:08 on the phone, going over,
13:09 you know, what it's gonna be like
13:12 and change and...
13:13 Now some people, we had some, one family from Texas
13:19 just this last, just this month.
13:23 Two, one mother and her daughter
13:27 decided to come.
13:28 And mention that they were coming to Colorado.
13:31 And the neighbor said,
13:33 "Well, I want to go with you this way."
13:36 And so, she really didn't know where she was getting into,
13:40 but she came and she enjoyed it
13:42 and it was you know, it was fine.
13:46 It was new for him. Praise the Lord.
13:48 Now at this point, we usually go to music
13:50 but I think, I'm going to hold on the music
13:52 for just a moment
13:53 because I want to get into to two testimonies
13:56 and I don't, I don't want to run out of time.
13:59 Because we've talked about the kinds of things
14:01 that you do just a little bit.
14:02 And I need to mention,
14:04 Eden Valley seems to have a particular ability
14:08 to deal with cancer.
14:10 When I was there, that was,
14:12 I don't want to say your specialty
14:13 but certainly you got more cancer patients,
14:16 than I think any lifestyle center
14:18 that I was aware of.
14:19 Travis, is it still that way?
14:21 Yeah, we still, we still see predominately cancer.
14:25 We've got a very good aggressive cancer program.
14:29 Along with cancer though, we do treat other thing so,
14:32 we've gotten the reputation for cancer.
14:34 Yeah.
14:35 But it's important to let people know too
14:37 that there is more to it than just cancer.
14:39 We do treat the diabetes, the obesity, heart disease,
14:43 and many other, you know, depression and anxiety
14:45 and other, other health issues.
14:47 So you do it all. We do it all.
14:48 Yeah, but you've gotten reputation.
14:50 And well, deserved as a place that deals successfully dare
14:53 I say with cancer. God be praised.
14:56 And you can't run from that,
14:58 I mean you can't run from your record,
14:59 you've got to run on it so, does happen.
15:01 Praise God.
15:02 All right, I want to I want to leave you to professionals
15:04 for just a moment and talk with David and Gary.
15:09 Maybe I'll go with David first.
15:12 Give me, just a little background of
15:16 why you ended up at Eden Valley,
15:19 and what your lifestyle was like before.
15:22 And what medical condition kind of caused you to go there?
15:25 Okay, well, first of all,
15:29 I was diagnosed with abdominal mesothelioma cancer.
15:35 Can I just say this.
15:37 He's got a great voice, you ought to do announcing...
15:39 I'm telling, we all tell him radio voice.
15:41 He's got a radio voice.
15:43 You can tell ad salesman, that's a great voice.
15:45 I've been a ham radio operators license since 1952,
15:49 60 some years, so maybe that's where it comes from,
15:52 I don't know. Yeah.
15:53 But anyway, I was first diagnosed a year ago
15:56 last January.
15:57 And I know, I told my family doctor.
16:02 There is something inside of me that just shouldn't be there.
16:05 So, the next day he had me lined up with a CT CAT scan.
16:11 And that's when they noticed the tumors.
16:15 So biopsy confirmed that it was indeed
16:20 a rare mesothelioma cancer,
16:25 which there is only two to three hundred cases a year
16:28 in United States.
16:29 Isn't mesotheliom triggered by asbestos
16:32 or that they have any connection with asbestos.
16:35 Yeah, therefore,
16:36 for that reason I'll never be cured
16:37 because I've got asbestos in my body.
16:41 But I can be in remission.
16:44 And, you know,
16:46 and I'm functioning perfectly fine right now,
16:49 with tumors in my abdomen.
16:50 I have one on above my liver,
16:52 and I have a couple over on this side here...
16:54 Now, let me ask you this.
16:56 How was your general health prior to this,
16:58 where you eating, living pretty good
17:00 or how was your general health?
17:01 Well, I was a vegetarian
17:03 and tried every way possible to be a vegan.
17:07 But once in a while, some ice cream or some pizza
17:09 would slip in there, you know,
17:11 but...
17:13 I got to nip at and I was 60
17:15 some pounds heavier than I am now.
17:17 I wouldn't recommend the weight loss program,
17:20 but it was good that I lost the weight so.
17:23 But anyway...
17:24 You wouldn't recommend mesothelioma?
17:26 No, I wouldn't recommend that as a means of losing weight
17:29 by any means.
17:32 But I took great stalk in Philippians 4:13.
17:38 "I can do all things with Christ
17:40 who strengthened me."
17:42 So I went
17:43 with all of the traditional medical regimes,
17:47 all the things that you're supposed to do
17:51 when you have cancer,
17:52 you know, when I had these six rounds
17:54 of high potent chemotherapy combined
18:00 with two maintenance regimens after that.
18:04 How did your body respond to the chemo?
18:07 Not well at all. I wound up in the hospital.
18:09 They thought I was going to die.
18:11 I was in there
18:14 during most of the month of March year ago.
18:18 And my oncologist, I ask him, what's my...
18:22 How long I got do you think?
18:23 And he said, "Probably about 12 months."
18:26 He told me that in February.
18:28 So I have proved him wrong.
18:30 Amen. Praise the Lord.
18:31 But anyway the treatment,
18:38 actually, during while I was having the treatment,
18:41 the cancer actually metastasized
18:43 into my diaphragm.
18:46 Now, I had found, I did a lot of research.
18:49 I couldn't even spell mesothelioma,
18:51 when I started.
18:53 But I started, I hit the ground running,
18:55 and I started doing things that I thought I could do
18:58 even before I had an oncologist to try to possibly
19:04 help the the situation of getting rid of the cancer.
19:06 I went on oxygen every night.
19:08 For example, I bought an oxygen concentrator
19:11 and some things like that
19:12 and tried to limit sweets, sugars and so on.
19:16 But anyway, to make a long story short,
19:23 God was closing the doors on traditional treatment.
19:27 I had connected up with the surgeon in Omaha,
19:32 that does a life saving medical surgical procedure
19:38 in which they go in, and they remove
19:39 all of the cancer from your abdomen.
19:42 Then they close you up with a couple of tubes
19:44 coming out of the incision and they pump
19:47 a 109 degree Fahrenheit saline solution of water
19:51 with the chemo throughout your abdominal cavity
19:54 for 60 to 90 minutes.
19:56 And the purpose of this
19:58 is to kill off residual cancer cells
20:01 that might be floating around,
20:03 they may be hadn't attached to the blood source yet
20:06 or any peripheral cells that might have been missed
20:09 in the surgical procedure.
20:12 So I know, Dr. Logis' nurse in Omaha, they said,
20:15 "We can in a perfect world we can virtually guarantee you
20:18 five to seven years longevity with this procedure."
20:21 She said, "We got patients that have been alive 19 years
20:25 since the procedure."
20:27 So that sounded pretty good.
20:28 I want back to Omaha, they did another CT scan and they said,
20:32 "We're sorry to inform you but you were no longer
20:34 a candidate for surgery."
20:37 Because it did metastasized into my diaphragm.
20:41 The doctor said,
20:42 "We have to rebuild so much of your diaphragm
20:45 using muscle from your leg, muscle from so on."
20:48 And he says, "There is a chance we could get into that nerve,
20:51 and if we did, you would be on a respiratory
20:54 the rest of your life."
20:55 And he says, "Neither one of us want that."
20:57 So that was no longer an option.
21:01 It turned out that clinical studies
21:05 for one reason or another.
21:06 The door was closed on those.
21:08 We had Eden Valley in mind.
21:10 We fully intended to go to Eden Valley
21:12 after my surgery to recuperate there
21:15 and to just take what Eden Valley had to offer
21:19 which was plenty.
21:21 But they say, as it was,
21:23 we went to Eden Valley a little sooner than we thought
21:25 'cause all of the other doors and I...
21:27 In the process I just said, you know Lord,
21:33 I put too much emphasis on the strength that I have,
21:36 which has not worked.
21:38 So I am giving my life totally to you.
21:42 If you want to take me, I am 81 years old.
21:44 If you want to take me, that's okay.
21:47 But if you want me to stay around
21:49 and become the testimony for this test
21:51 that I've been through,
21:52 I will sing your praises till the end of the world.
21:54 Amen.
21:56 Now, let me hold you just for a second.
21:57 Dr. Keith, what kind of shape was he in when he came?
22:00 Well, he didn't has a good a color on his face
22:03 and he wouldn't...
22:05 he just weren't quite as vigorous.
22:09 He can barely walk from the car to the front door.
22:11 Yeah, I was very, very weak. Very weak.
22:15 Where you up to 60 pounds
22:16 or had you begun to come back down?
22:18 I had begun to lose most of it.
22:19 Yeah, I have lost. Yeah, the hard way.
22:21 Yeah, the hard way, yeah.
22:24 Travis, what did you see?
22:26 You know, you are the lifestyle guy
22:27 when you got a specimen coming in
22:30 not in such great shape?
22:32 Yeah, it's actually Dave's, Dave's,
22:35 I got a special place in my heart.
22:37 His first session with us was my first session
22:40 at Eden Valley.
22:41 And when he got there, he, like I said,
22:44 he was weak and he struggled.
22:49 He used the cane to get around, and he struggled
22:51 to walk from...
22:53 Going up the stairs.
22:54 Yeah, had a hard time going up the stairs,
22:56 struggled to get from the car of the front door.
22:57 And, well, I think
23:01 it was the second week of the session.
23:04 He was there for 18 days,
23:05 and the second week of the program.
23:07 We look out the window and he is walking,
23:09 walking down to breakfast,
23:10 and he's got his cane in his hand
23:12 but instead of hobbling on, he is twirling it around.
23:16 Praise God.
23:17 It was remarkable the difference that we saw
23:20 just within a couple of weeks,
23:21 and David has been through five sessions now, David?
23:26 Five sessions. Yes. Five sessions.
23:28 So, David, you...
23:30 the medical profession had pretty much
23:31 washed their hands of you
23:33 as far as just kind of, there's not much we can do.
23:34 Yes.
23:35 I will say that the chemo did do some good
23:37 because my CA 125,
23:39 which is a cancer activity marker
23:41 for the type of cancer that I have
23:43 was 519 before I took,
23:46 before I started the regimen of chemotherapy.
23:50 After I completed that in sometime
23:53 in July of last year,
23:56 they did another CA 125, and it was 120.
24:01 So it had come down significantly.
24:03 A normal person without cancer has a CA 125 marker
24:07 of 35 or less.
24:09 I see. I see.
24:10 So anyway, I want to Eden Valley.
24:12 I liked what I saw.
24:14 The people were so helpful, so knowledgeable.
24:18 You could just tell that God was there.
24:20 Praise the Lord.
24:21 And so I decide to stay on.
24:25 I went to the second session.
24:27 And I kept getting little better all the time
24:29 where I felt that I was getting better
24:31 and I was.
24:32 It is consecutively, you just lengthen the time.
24:33 Yes. Yes.
24:35 I went through three sessions up through the end of November.
24:41 At that time, I think my CA 125 was down to 101.
24:48 So I went home through the month of December.
24:51 And because of the holidays and so on,
24:54 and kept on with all of the,
24:56 doing everything that I was instructed to do
24:59 as best as I could.
25:01 And anyway, I had a chance to take a blood test there
25:06 in Wichita a very expensive blood test,
25:09 because we belong to a group
25:10 that is associated with the hospital there.
25:14 And for a few dollars more, I could get a PSA test.
25:18 So I went ahead and did that too.
25:20 And I thought it was very interesting
25:21 because my PSA for the last several years,
25:25 it's always run anywhere from 2.4 to 4.0,
25:29 which is you know suggestive that there might be a problem.
25:33 But my family doctor said, "Well,
25:35 you know, at your age 80, you know, 79, 80, 81."
25:39 He says, "Something is probably...
25:41 something else is probably gonna get you
25:42 before prostate will."
25:44 So I said, "Okay."
25:45 You know...
25:47 I took the test.
25:48 And I was astonished
25:49 because the PSA came back to 0.6.
25:53 Wow, that's a kind of numbers after you had prostate surgery,
25:56 you get those kind of numbers.
25:58 Yeah.
25:59 And the only thing I can figure
26:00 is that the fever treatments did it.
26:02 Because I went back for two more sessions
26:04 in January and February and at the end of that
26:07 I had completed 71 fever treatments.
26:11 You told me that yesterday we were talking,
26:13 I have to bow to you
26:14 as the king of the fever treatments.
26:17 I've taken a few of those things.
26:19 And I...
26:20 They do good.
26:22 But it's like no one ever says, "Wow,
26:26 I really can't wait till my next chemotherapy."
26:28 You know, you don't do that.
26:30 And very few people say,
26:31 "Well, I can't wait till my next fever treatment."
26:35 But you know that it's doing good.
26:38 I think of all of the things that stand out in my mind
26:42 about Eden Valley is the fever treatments.
26:44 You one does not forget.
26:45 And for you to take 71?
26:48 I have completed 71, yeah.
26:50 He's done his PhD this last session.
26:52 Yeah, indeed.
26:53 That's why you are a graduate fever treatment guy.
26:55 I took, I may be 14 or so.
26:58 But I just...
26:59 God bless you.
27:01 I didn't see any self respect in term
27:02 that I could live in that after 71 fever treatments.
27:06 That is amazing.
27:08 Doctor, real quick, tell us what that is?
27:10 What that fever treatment does?
27:12 And what are you seeking to accomplish by that.
27:13 Okay, and then recall that David said
27:16 probably what the oncologists were doing,
27:18 or the special surgery.
27:19 They were gonna pump his abdomen,
27:21 do the surgery
27:23 and then pump his abdomen with the chemo,
27:26 heat it to 109 degrees,
27:28 so regular medicine recognizes that temperatures like that
27:35 do kill cancer cells.
27:39 We started usually getting a hydrotherapy tank,
27:45 with the water starting usually at 110 degrees Fahrenheit,
27:50 and we monitor you and put ice on your back
27:56 and as your temperature comes up,
27:58 we put ice and cool pads on your head.
28:01 So we keep the head cool.
28:03 But our goal is to bring the body temperature up
28:07 to 104 for 20 minutes.
28:10 That's our goal.
28:12 And to do that five days a week,
28:14 so the heat does make,
28:18 does kill cancer cells and makes them more fragile
28:22 and if they don't, you know,
28:25 if they don't die then, they're gonna die soon.
28:30 It makes them more fragile, susceptible to the good,
28:34 the immune system boosting, other things
28:36 that we are doing at Eden Valley.
28:38 Now you were, David, able to hang in there
28:41 to get up to the 104.
28:43 Yes.
28:44 I think the minimal time that I've ever spent above 104
28:47 was like 25 minutes may be
28:51 and the maximum was 48 minutes above104.
28:54 Yeah. Yeah.
28:55 I used to try myself that I could hang in there
28:58 and I did.
29:00 But when I was done, you know, you lay down on the table
29:02 and you are basically comatose for the next hour,
29:05 because it does pull out of you,
29:06 you go to sleep so deep and so fast.
29:09 But you actually feel pretty good,
29:11 you know, when you, when you after you've done that.
29:14 And you know, you're doing something good for your body.
29:16 David, I want to hold just a second, and go to Gary.
29:19 Gary, where are you from?
29:20 Colorado. A Colorado guy.
29:23 Adventist? Yes.
29:24 Growing up? Yes.
29:26 Okay, tell me about what brought you to Eden Valley
29:29 before and then we'll take a look at it
29:31 what's going on right now.
29:33 Well, in '06 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
29:37 And then went through the trauma of you know that,
29:41 when you think you are healthy person.
29:43 And so in '07 in just January of '07 I had surgery,
29:49 removed the prostate
29:51 and then became vegetarian
29:56 and also worked on vegan.
30:00 And then as progress time,
30:05 last year my PSA score went from 2 to 4
30:12 and my urologist recommended that I do radiation.
30:18 And I just didn't really want to do radiation
30:22 after studying about it and everything.
30:24 So I knew Lisa, and she recommended
30:27 that I come to Eden Valley, which was a great program.
30:34 So lifestyle wise you were pretty straight.
30:36 You are veganish vegetarian.
30:40 Right.
30:41 So that's not a factor.
30:45 You're asymptomatic,
30:46 just your numbers sort of alerted you.
30:50 Right.
30:52 Yes, and, and through the years they are from
30:55 when we became vegetarian in '07
31:00 you know, I wasn't as healthy as eating habits.
31:04 So Eden Valley really helped us to get back on track
31:07 with that, new things.
31:11 So it was really a great program
31:13 from the any standpoint.
31:14 So it was not a drastic change
31:17 as far as lifestyle is concerned for you,
31:19 just sort of an adjustment, more of a tweaking
31:21 than a radical kind of rearranging of your.
31:23 Right. Right.
31:26 And you stayed for...?
31:29 I was there for the 18 day program.
31:30 For the 18 day program.
31:31 So you did fever treatment also.
31:33 Yes I did.
31:36 I was not the king of the tank.
31:40 It is something. It is really something.
31:45 Travis, was David there when you, when you
31:49 Gary, there when you came?
31:51 Gary, yeah, he was there.
31:54 I had been there for a while now,
31:56 when Gary...
31:57 because you were there in January?
31:59 January.
32:00 Yeah, you came to the January program so.
32:03 You know, we had a delightful experience.
32:06 It's always interesting to see people
32:07 when they get in that hot water and how different people react.
32:11 You have people that are sometimes very stoic.
32:14 You have some people that kind of...
32:16 You have to really encourage
32:18 and Gary was one of the stoic people.
32:19 He sat in there,
32:21 but you could see this look of determination on his face.
32:24 And, yeah, we would be getting up there close to 104,
32:27 and, you know, that's when we get to that 104 mark.
32:31 We start that 20 minute time
32:32 that's when we start counting down.
32:34 Yeah.
32:35 Gary, how you doing? "Yep, hmm-mm."
32:38 You all right? "Hmm-mm."
32:41 I went out.
32:43 We have to move the clock off the wall
32:45 where he couldn't see it 'cause he would be, he'd be...
32:48 'Cause you start clock watching us.
32:49 Yeah. Yeah so.
32:55 He is a tough guy, and it's a testimony.
32:58 His result show it.
32:59 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
33:01 So you got the results that you were looking for?
33:05 Yes. Yes.
33:06 And continued healthy eating.
33:13 I think that's really been a key.
33:15 And a real thing that we encourage us
33:19 at Eden Valley.
33:21 I can't say enough about their health program
33:23 as far as the food, and the exercise,
33:26 and sunshine and all those things
33:29 that they do there.
33:30 Yes.
33:32 Travis, as lifestyle guy, give me some sense of
33:35 the kind of regime that you take your patients through.
33:39 And I guess it's tailored to what they present
33:40 with when they come.
33:42 Right.
33:43 So, you know, the program is all, it's individualized.
33:46 You know we have protocols that we have established.
33:49 But those protocols are adjusted
33:51 based on each individual.
33:52 So you know we have certain goals with cancer.
33:56 So obviously our treatment, our treatments with cancer
33:59 kind of centered around the fever baths.
34:04 And that's the most aggressive treatment
34:08 that we have for cancer.
34:09 That doesn't work for every body.
34:10 For example,
34:12 if you have diabetes along with cancer.
34:13 Some diabetics cannot get in that hot water,
34:15 because of the poor blood flow
34:20 to the extremities and the feet.
34:22 So we don't want to damage any thing.
34:24 We want to help.
34:25 So, you know, we have to kind of tailor things
34:30 to what each person can handle and what their needs are so.
34:36 You mentioned or touched on the hyperbaric chamber
34:38 When I was there, I took a couple of visits
34:41 but it was off site.
34:42 Do you have one on site?
34:43 I know you are working to get that.
34:45 Yeah, we have two
34:47 soft chamber hyperbarics on campus.
34:49 Oh, you do.
34:50 I should come back just for that.
34:53 We have to go into town to do that back then.
34:55 Yeah, you know, one thing that I appreciate it about,
34:59 about the program at Eden Valley,
35:02 we've got a great staff there.
35:04 Dr. Keith spends a lot of time researching, studying.
35:09 My wife and I do a lot of reading.
35:12 We have our herbalist Blauch. We call him the professor.
35:16 He's gonna hate me for saying that.
35:18 He's constantly, he's constantly
35:21 studying and researching so we.
35:23 You know, we want our program to grow.
35:25 You know, we don't want to be stuck in,
35:27 well, this is what we've always done
35:28 because new knowledge comes about.
35:31 We get new insights.
35:32 We learn new things in our program,
35:33 even in the last, you know, the time that I've been
35:35 our program has evolved and it's grown
35:38 and, you know that's, that's a great thing.
35:40 So one of the things that we've,
35:42 that we've put together is with these hyperbarics,
35:45 how can we utilize those to fit the needs of our guest.
35:49 How can we implement them to, to better the program and...
35:55 What we started doing along with,
35:57 with some new diet changes with our,
35:59 with our cancer guest is that they,
36:02 you know, they spend their time in the fever tank,
36:06 killing cancer and then we let them recover
36:08 in the hyperbaric for an hour.
36:10 Oh, nice. Yeah, I like that.
36:12 For those who may not know what a hyperbaric chamber does
36:15 and what it's for.
36:16 Walk us through that real quick?
36:17 So hyperbaric oxygen therapy it's...
36:20 It's basically being pressurized oxygen...
36:23 It was the treatment
36:24 that was centered around scuba diving.
36:26 So people that would go to depth in,
36:29 there are some issues you can get
36:31 from coming up too fast, or being down too low,
36:34 and that's called the bends.
36:36 And hyperbaric chambers came about
36:39 to basically put people in the same pressure
36:42 that they would be at depth when they're scuba diving.
36:44 And different chambers are rated differently,
36:47 but it's basically.
36:48 It's putting you at pressure,
36:51 so our chambers go to one atmospheric pressure,
36:55 which is not a lot,
36:58 some of the more like things
37:00 you would see at the larger hospital,
37:01 the solid chambers can go up to six to eight atmospheres...
37:05 But in a oxygen rich environment.
37:07 Yes, in an oxygen rich environment.
37:09 Our chambers are not 100 percent oxygen,
37:11 they are mixed air.
37:13 It's under pressure
37:14 and so what that does when people are in there.
37:16 It saturates the blood more thoroughly,
37:19 it increases the oxygen supply to the blood.
37:24 Obviously, the healthy tissues are given more oxygen
37:28 and the thing that we had to piece together was
37:32 how does that affect cancer?
37:35 And that's work, what we found with diet changes,
37:39 we've implemented some like I said,
37:41 some diet changes too to work with the oxygen,
37:45 you know, oxygen use by itself does very little.
37:50 But when you apply, what we call a ketogenic diet,
37:56 very low carbohydrates,
37:58 high healthy plant based proteins,
38:00 healthy fats, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, flaxseed,
38:05 chia seeds, things like that.
38:07 When you, when you combine that with oxygen,
38:10 it forces the cancer cells
38:14 to leave an environment that they like,
38:17 to an environment that they don't like.
38:19 And it doesn't make them happy.
38:23 And Dr. Keith, I'm sorry...
38:24 Travis, you're close on that, you agree with that.
38:27 Yes. We want to emphasize that.
38:30 It's been studied over the years,
38:31 and that we don't want any misconceptions.
38:34 Oxygen does not directly kill cancer cells.
38:39 It is true that cancer cells have learned to survive
38:43 in a low oxygen environment,
38:45 because they start growing without a blood supply.
38:48 So they and then later they send out signals to draw,
38:54 to draw new vessels to them and then that's part
38:58 of how vegetables, tomatoes and soybeans.
39:03 Many of these phytochemicals, plant chemicals
39:08 will inhibit the formation of a new artery
39:12 to the cancer cell,
39:13 so anyway cancer cells have learned to survive
39:17 on less oxygen.
39:19 But, oxygen...
39:21 but when they get oxygen, it's fine with them.
39:24 They're maybe even happier
39:26 so oxygen does not kill cancer cells,
39:30 but with the ketogenic diet.
39:34 And of course, if you Google ketogenic diet,
39:36 you're going to come up with the Atkins diet
39:39 and such like that,
39:40 which having meat, and meat fat,
39:43 which is inflammatory and inflammation
39:47 will feed and drive cancer.
39:49 So we have the vegan ketogenic diet.
39:53 And cancer cells thrive on glucose.
40:00 And glycogen stores things
40:02 that break down really on glucose.
40:05 Cancer cells almost primarily,
40:09 Travis put this in layman's terms,
40:11 and we'll use a little more in doctor terms,
40:14 but there's two different types of metabolism
40:17 of producing energy in the cell.
40:19 Glycolysis which is just simply use split glucose
40:24 and you make two units of ATP and,
40:28 and that's what cancer cells do primarily.
40:32 They don't...
40:36 They don't go on to use
40:37 the more efficient Krebs cycle that,
40:42 that the rest of our cells can do.
40:44 So anyway, if we can starve
40:46 the cancer cell of carbohydrates starch glucose
40:52 and provide mainly just fiber and some protein
40:56 and even a little coconut oil,
41:01 which is readily used as fuel by the body.
41:06 If you Google this, the ketogenic diet is boosted
41:11 somewhat by oxygen by hyperbaric therapy.
41:15 So, we're using the vegan ketogenic diet
41:20 or 100 percent plant based diet,
41:24 plus the hyperbaric chambers
41:26 and together they have an anti-cancer effect.
41:29 Praise the Lord.
41:30 And I need to say this, both you guys
41:32 David and Gary
41:34 weight wise, you look pretty good.
41:37 Like you are right about where you ought to be.
41:41 Travis, you're not starving them at least when I was there.
41:45 The only changes we stop eating
41:47 I think about 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon,
41:49 which you actually get used to the after a while,
41:51 and it's preferred but as far as quantity,
41:54 I don't recall starving myself by any stuff,
41:57 you eat like a horse.
41:59 But the weight comes off,
42:00 because of the kinds of things that you're eating.
42:03 And I was, I was incredibly impressed
42:06 with the quality of the food.
42:08 And the stuff tastes good.
42:10 So you don't feel like you're being deprived.
42:12 Did you guys feel it in anyway that you have been deprived?
42:14 The food was wonderful.
42:15 It was wonderful. Yeah, yeah.
42:17 Very, very beautifully presented to it.
42:20 Every, every meal, every plate was so artistically designed
42:24 that you just hate it almost to ruin it by taking some.
42:30 The presentation was beautiful and the quantity was quite...
42:33 Amen. Yeah. It was well done.
42:36 And you're eating two big healthy meals a day.
42:41 And, Travis, I guess for the most part,
42:43 most people can live on two, you know.
42:45 Right.
42:48 You know, it's the old saying,
42:50 "Eat breakfast like a king,
42:51 eat lunch like a king, eat dinner like a pauper."
42:54 You know, so at Eden Valley we serve nice big breakfast...
42:59 You do.
43:01 Lots of options.
43:02 We've got a nice selection at lunch time,
43:05 and then in the evening time
43:06 we serve a extremely healthy vegetable stock.
43:11 Broth from fresh that we make fresh everyday,
43:14 out of fresh vegetables,
43:16 many of which are grown in on our property.
43:18 Yeah. Yeah.
43:19 We have a large organic farm there,
43:21 so a lot of the produce in the growing season
43:22 comes directly from our fields to your plate.
43:26 That's great, that's great. Dr. Keith?
43:28 Yeah, I'd like to add,
43:30 we had just someone come from Alaska this month,
43:33 a dear lady, and after like, after a week she said,
43:39 "I have never been able to lose five pounds
43:42 and now seven pounds in one week, and felt so good."
43:48 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you eat.
43:50 You know, we've got some pictures.
43:51 Let's go to those and kind of run through and, gentlemen,
43:53 walk me through what we're looking at here.
43:55 This is...
43:57 This is just a picture,
43:58 this is actually looking across one of our,
44:00 one of our alfalfa fields.
44:02 We have organic alfalfa fields that we,
44:05 that we grow hay in.
44:06 So this is one of the pictures
44:08 looking at across one of the properties.
44:10 We have 550 acres there.
44:13 And this is looking back so
44:16 the nice thing about Eden Valley is it,
44:17 it is a valley.
44:19 We are surrounded by mountains.
44:20 In this view we're looking back to the east.
44:23 And you have the beautiful
44:25 flat top red cliffs on that side.
44:29 And then on the west, and that's another.
44:32 Another view from a similar some location,
44:34 look back towards the red cliffs are big pond.
44:39 It's beautiful country. It's rural and rustic.
44:42 It's very, very nice.
44:44 This is the top of the red cliffs,
44:46 and this is, there are some trails you got,
44:47 there you can see a couple people
44:49 that have hiked up there.
44:50 I'm not sure who it is in that picture.
44:53 My wife I think is the one that took this one.
44:56 There's trails that go up there,
44:57 so our guests have the opportunity
44:59 to hike up to some of these places,
45:01 and the views are just absolutely spectacular.
45:04 It's a nice walk, not too difficult.
45:06 It's good walk, good healthy walk, yeah.
45:08 Travis, your wife is on staff?
45:10 Well, she is on staff
45:12 and we've got two little girls at home,
45:13 so this is actually a picture of my oldest daughter Sophia
45:16 sitting by the pond there.
45:19 She is a physical therapist
45:21 so she will help out once a while doing consultations
45:24 and working with guests that need some extra help.
45:28 And other than that she, she works harder than anybody,
45:30 she's at home with those two girls.
45:32 Oh, yes.
45:33 One of the neat things about our campus is the location.
45:36 That's a picture of the red cliffs,
45:38 and then a large herd of elk.
45:40 In the fall,
45:42 we'll have as many as five to six hundred elk at a time
45:45 right there clustered together,
45:46 so lots of wildlife in the area
45:49 that they will be seen right there, so.
45:53 And that is?
45:55 This is a...
45:56 This is a picture again of some Canadian.
45:59 My dad would correct me,
46:00 they're not Canadian geese or Canada geese.
46:03 So I say, well, how do you know they're not Canadian?
46:07 Yeah, picture of our church.
46:09 Winter time, people are afraid of Colorado in the winter time
46:12 but there is snow.
46:14 But it is absolutely a beautiful place.
46:16 This is some other pictures of our campus from this past
46:19 winter and...
46:21 Very beautiful. This is...
46:23 This is our number one greenhouse.
46:26 This is taken this spring right at the...
46:29 They had planted stuff over winter and in early,
46:32 early spring, maybe late winter,
46:34 stuff started coming up,
46:35 so this is a greenhouse full of kale.
46:40 I think two or three, may be four different kales,
46:44 different lettuces, organic greens,
46:46 that we have been serving now
46:49 for a couple of months now in our kitchen.
46:52 This is some, some pictures of,
46:55 this is a typical breakfast layout at Eden Valley,
46:59 lots of variety fresh, fresh fruits.
47:03 There's gonna be some, some vegetables in there,
47:07 some cooked options, so lots of,
47:10 lots of variety to fit everybody's taste.
47:15 And Dr. Keith and Travis, both,
47:16 you lean them towards increasing the raw intake,
47:19 don't you as far as food is concerned?
47:21 Yes, for cancer we encourage about 80 percent raw
47:26 and 20 percent cooked.
47:28 There's Antonio which is actually Travis' mother-in-law.
47:32 She's on the left and Rebecca on the right there
47:36 with some of the organic lettuce there from our,
47:39 from our farm.
47:41 So, yeah, we have a big
47:42 80 percent of the table is basically a salad bar.
47:46 And then we have the cooked, some cooked food.
47:49 You know, some quinoa beans or you know, nice,
47:53 nice taste in food there.
47:56 And as David and Gary are nodding their head.
47:59 Yes, so, I love this beautiful spring picture of spring
48:04 on Eden Valley.
48:07 And I'll mention that we are just 22 miles from the,
48:11 Rocky Mountain National Park.
48:13 And of course, you can Google,
48:16 those are the pictures of Rocky Mountain National Parks
48:18 and we take everyone, we take,
48:23 we take everyone there one day
48:25 during their session to the park.
48:28 And let them experience a beautiful part of Colorado.
48:33 That's a lifestyle center there on the right, is it not?
48:35 Yeah, that's correct.
48:37 That's the main lifestyle center,
48:38 so there is some guest housing there, treatments and...
48:42 Yeah, that's kind of, well,
48:43 the central point of our program there.
48:46 Yeah.
48:47 Really, really, wonderful and it's a beautiful spot.
48:49 We went there.
48:51 My wife and I, Irma and I went there.
48:53 We landed on in January on Sunday with our jackets off.
48:59 It was January.
49:00 And it was, well, I don't know, sometimes,
49:02 but we had our coats over our shoulder.
49:05 By Tuesday, we were under may be four inches of snow.
49:10 And by Sabbath, we're back with our jackets off.
49:15 That's northern Colorado weather.
49:17 Yeah.
49:18 If you don't like the weather, just wait a couple of hours.
49:20 Yeah. And it will change drastically.
49:22 You know, from snow storm,
49:23 to almost mid-summer back to mid-winter.
49:27 David and Gary,
49:29 tell me what stands out in your mind
49:31 most in the little time we have, we have left.
49:33 But as you think back over your treatments,
49:35 and the treatments there and the people there.
49:37 What kind of...
49:38 If you were to say Eden Valley, finish this sentence,
49:41 what stands out in your mind the most?
49:46 Eden Valley...
49:47 I'm sorry.
49:49 Is a Christ centered healing process.
49:55 I can't praise God enough for the way He scored to my life.
50:01 Praise the Lord.
50:03 Yeah, God had given you a new lease.
50:05 Yes. Definitely. Yeah. Praise the Lord.
50:08 Amen.
50:10 Gary?
50:11 The staff.
50:13 Great, great staff.
50:16 And then you meet the people that are there
50:18 and just the whole thing with the people
50:21 that are there is very encouraging and uplifting.
50:25 And then I would say the food and was just very well.
50:31 Learning the new process that they've gone through with foods
50:36 for that specific, you know,
50:37 cancer or whatever it is diabetes etcetera.
50:40 You both said precisely what I wanted to say.
50:43 One, the staff and the people.
50:47 The staff has changed since the days I was there,
50:51 but the mindset has not changed.
50:55 And what you're trying to do certainly has not changed.
50:58 And the Christ centered approach has not changed,
51:01 that's carried on.
51:02 And the second thing that scares most people is the food.
51:07 You know, it's like, am I gonna be eating cardboard.
51:09 You know, or what am I going to be eating.
51:11 It's not just twigs and berries.
51:12 Not there.
51:15 Not at all.
51:16 You know, I got to bring out my Eden Valley rock.
51:18 This is something that Beverley Christian painted for me
51:20 when we were there.
51:22 And this is a have a little fella.
51:23 I don't know if I can get them to lock in on this.
51:27 And I guess, I would turn it that way.
51:29 That's Eden Valley
51:31 and the painting was done by Beverly
51:33 and we had this for and this is,
51:35 this is kind of a paper,
51:37 was not a paper weight, this is a doorstop.
51:38 This is a heavy piece of rock from the area
51:43 and we have it there,
51:44 but that's what Eden Valley looks like.
51:46 And up here on the top, you can walk up there,
51:49 it's very, very nice,
51:50 and the view down into the valley is really,
51:52 really incredible.
51:53 So it is a great place to be and...
51:57 We recommend it highly.
51:58 We're going to go now to our address roll.
52:02 Should you want to make contact with Eden Valley,
52:04 should you want to be part of this experience.
52:05 Should you want to support their work or find out about
52:08 the services that they may have for you.
52:10 Here's the information that you will need,
52:11 followed by our newsbreak.
52:13 Then we'll come back and put a little bow on this
52:14 before we say bye-bye.
52:17 The hustle and bustle of our daily lives
52:19 and bad habits can cause much stress upon our bodies.
52:23 Eden Valley is ready to help you improve your life.
52:26 If you'd like to contact them,
52:27 then write to Eden Valley Institute 9325,
52:31 World Mission Drive, Loveland, Colorado 80538.
52:35 That's Eden Valley Institute 9325,
52:38 World Mission Drive, Loveland, Colorado 80538.
52:43 You can call 970- 669-7730.
52:47 That's 970- 669-7730.
52:51 You can also visit their website at eden-valley.org.
52:55 That's eden-valley.org.


Revised 2016-05-23