3ABN Today

The Trinity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Shelley Quinn & Kenny Shelton


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016023A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:08 My name is CA Murray, and allow me once again
01:10 to thank you, for sharing just a little
01:12 of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:15 To thank you for your love, your prayers, your support
01:17 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:19 And a thank you for joining us for what is another
01:22 3ABN Today/Present truth /Bible study program,
01:27 because we want to delve into the things of God.
01:29 And on these very special programs,
01:31 we're looking at what we call "Present truth."
01:34 Truth for this age, truth for this time,
01:37 truth for our church, truth for the world.
01:40 Truth for those who are looking
01:41 to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
01:43 And so, welcome once again to,
01:46 what we think is gonna be just for us
01:47 who study the word of God, and who know the word of God,
01:50 a fun program.
01:51 We've already determined, this gonna be a fun program.
01:53 Amen. And indeed it will be.
01:54 I have two eminently qualified persons
01:57 to discuss this with me today.
01:59 And I say that not because they carry so many degrees
02:03 and that's not what's important is that
02:05 they spent their lives studying the word of God.
02:07 And degrees are unnecessary, unimportant, and unimpressive
02:11 when you're studying the word of God
02:12 because the Bible is as simple or as complex
02:15 as you wish it to be.
02:16 It is as simple as the most unlearn person
02:19 who can just barely read and write
02:20 can find gold there.
02:22 And the double PhD or the Double Doctorate
02:24 can find gold there because it grows with you.
02:27 And if your heart is right, and if your mind is right,
02:30 and if your soul is right,
02:31 when you open the word of God,
02:32 God has guaranteed
02:34 that you will find truth for this present time.
02:36 So I say that to introduce the lady, Shelley Quinn.
02:39 Lovely to be here as always.
02:41 And, Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:43 Thank you, good to be here.
02:44 And two good students of the word,
02:46 and two people that I personally like
02:47 very, very much,
02:49 who are fun people, fun to be with,
02:51 love God, love the word of God
02:53 and are students of the word of God.
02:55 So grab your Bible now
02:56 because today our subject is going to be
02:58 what the theologians call Christology,
03:01 the word about Christ, the doctrine of Christ.
03:04 What is Christ all about?
03:06 And as we move into this,
03:07 I know just last night I just put pen down.
03:10 Obviously, we will not be able to exhaust this subject,
03:13 we will admit that from the very beginning,
03:16 we won't even come close--
03:18 And so I wrote down a couple of ways
03:20 that we could attack this thing.
03:21 And maybe we could do a bit of them all.
03:23 We could talk about what Isaiah had to say.
03:25 Just, just the prophecies concerning Christ,
03:27 the kind of servant Christ would be.
03:29 Life of Christ, from Luke 2:52 on here,
03:32 "He grew in wisdom, strength and in favor with God and man."
03:35 We talk ministry of Christ,
03:37 just a three and half years of the ministry of Christ.
03:40 We could talk about the time before miracles of Christ,
03:44 parables of Christ, the sacrifice of Christ,
03:45 the atonement of Christ.
03:47 Christ on a cross, Christ after cross.
03:48 Pre 1844, post 1844, relationship to the father,
03:53 then the thing that has really stumped
03:55 and that theologians have wrestled with
03:57 for the past 2000 years, the nature of Christ.
03:59 Yes.
04:00 We could talk about that from now on,
04:02 because they've been dealing with that for 2000 years,
04:04 then the personality of Christ.
04:06 Then the relationship between God the Father,
04:08 God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
04:10 So, there are so many ways,
04:11 so many things that you could talk about.
04:14 We could take a good dozen or so programs
04:16 and still not exhaust that doctrine of Christ.
04:19 But we want to sort of tackle that today
04:20 because that is something
04:22 that is close to our hearts and close to us all.
04:25 And so though we prayed before our program,
04:28 I think I will pray now,
04:29 as we sort of enter into our subject
04:31 because of the weightiness of the subject.
04:34 And the importance of the subject.
04:36 And I'm gonna ask Shelley Quinn,
04:37 if you would now pray for us, Shelly,
04:39 please at this point.
04:40 Sure. I'd like to.
04:41 Our loving heavenly Father,
04:43 we come once again in the name of Jesus.
04:44 And father, our prayer is that now as we look
04:48 at Jesus Christ, your only begotten son,
04:52 that you would Lord guide
04:55 by the power of your Holy Spirit, guide our minds.
04:59 We pray that you will, Lord, just touch every ear
05:03 that is listening to this program.
05:06 And we pray in the name of Jesus, Father
05:08 that you will give usurious to hear
05:10 what the Holy Spirit would have to say.
05:13 Lord may every word that we say lift Christ high
05:18 that He may draw all men into himself.
05:21 Thank you, Father for this opportunity,
05:23 thank You, Lord for all who have joined us.
05:26 We pray a special blessing on their lives today,
05:29 and we ask these things thanking You for the answer
05:32 to the prayer of faith, in Jesus name.
05:35 Amen. Amen.
05:36 Amen.
05:37 You know, Pastor Kenny and Shelley,
05:39 when the Adventist Church was in its infancy,
05:43 some of the church fathers rejected the idea of Trinity.
05:48 They didn't understand it.
05:49 They thought it was something
05:50 that was a carryover from Catholicism
05:52 and was rejected.
05:53 They knew who God the Father was.
05:56 They knew who God the Son was.
05:57 They knew the Holy Spirit.
05:58 But linking them together as Trinity,
06:02 they thought it was something that shouldn't be.
06:04 And of course, we grew
06:05 and we came into an understanding of three
06:07 co-equal personalities, persons.
06:12 Though the Bible doesn't say,
06:13 Trinity per se, that's what it is.
06:15 De facto
06:17 and the biggest question that has wrestled
06:20 or that Christians have wrestled
06:22 with down through the ages is...
06:24 Was Christ God?
06:26 Is Christ God?
06:27 Is He a little lesser than God?
06:29 Is there a time when He was not?
06:31 Is He coexistent?
06:32 Is He coeternal?
06:33 And that is one aspect and then of course,
06:38 there is the aspect of what He did for us.
06:39 There is so much to talk about.
06:41 Oh, wow.
06:42 So, Shelley I think I'll just let you sort of way in
06:45 and will comment on what you have,
06:48 I want to dug up some of my old school papers,
06:50 and some stuff that I've written
06:51 over the years and my old Bible studies.
06:53 There is so much and I see you got,
06:54 you're armed also.
06:55 There is so much on this subject
06:57 but, Shelley, you begin if you will.
06:59 I think that...
07:01 The first thing that we have to recognize
07:03 is that many major religions recognize Christ as a prophet.
07:09 Whereas they do not say,
07:11 the Jews, the Muslims do not recognize Him
07:14 as the Son of God.
07:15 And for me the starting point,
07:18 if we're going to be talking about
07:19 the only begotten Son of God is Deuteronomy 6:4.
07:23 So let me just, just let me read that.
07:25 Shema.
07:26 In Deuteronomy 6:4,
07:29 this is what the scripture says,
07:31 "Hear, O Israel:
07:32 The Lord our God, the Lord is one."
07:37 Now, in the Hebrew, the translation of this is
07:41 Yahweh our Elohim, Yahweh is echad.
07:47 Now that means Jehovah, our self existent
07:50 all powerful God, creator is plural but one.
07:55 So let's just look at this,
07:57 Yahweh in and that of course is the tetragrammaton,
08:01 that the-- Isn't that a large word?
08:04 To me, it just means a four letter word.
08:05 Four letter word.
08:06 Tetragrammaton.
08:08 That's a huge word.
08:09 But of course, the Jews use without the vowels,
08:14 they do have Y.H.W.H.
08:16 which is Jehovah in English.
08:18 And this is the name that God announced
08:23 to Moses at the burning bush.
08:26 "I'm Yahweh."
08:28 It is also the name that is used in Genesis 1.
08:33 The 1:1 when Jesus, when God said,
08:38 "I am, " or it was Elohim, excuse me
08:41 I'm, "I'm ahead of myself."
08:43 So Yahweh means I am.
08:45 It's the one who is the self existent one.
08:48 Now, Elohim means
08:51 the all-powerful creator and sustainer,
08:54 Elohim is a plural masculine noun.
08:59 Very true.
09:00 So in the very first scripture of the Bible,
09:06 the inspired word Genesis 1:1.
09:08 When it says, "In the beginning,
09:11 it was in the beginning Elohim created,"
09:15 this plural masculine noun.
09:18 So, these words show us
09:20 that there is the presence of only one God.
09:24 But that our all-powerful creator
09:26 is composed of more than one unit.
09:29 Because it goes on to say
09:31 that Yahweh, our Elohim is echad,
09:35 and echad is the definition of a union of several components
09:40 into a single component.
09:43 So, from the very beginning of the Bible,
09:46 and here when it is saying "The Lord is one,"
09:49 what the Bible is telling us
09:52 is that God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit
09:58 are one in purpose, thought and action.
10:01 Yes.
10:02 That they are united to the point
10:07 that there is absolutely no room for a separate plan.
10:11 Yeah.
10:12 And that's, that's, that's and that's countenance
10:14 in the word echad, this idea of,
10:17 of a several being brought together into a one.
10:20 Yes.
10:21 And our minds are so much in the same place,
10:23 "Bereshit Elohim bara,"
10:25 the very first was it "Bereshit bara Elohim."
10:27 I always get those two mixed.
10:28 I think it's "Bereshit Elohim bara,"
10:30 in the beginning God.
10:32 And of course, that Elohim is a plural term
10:34 that "IM" is the "S" is the plural term.
10:36 So, we're thinking the same and it's, you know,
10:38 we're going into a place where after a while,
10:41 you will scratch your head and say,
10:43 "Lord, I give up and just accept it."
10:44 Because there's only so much a human mind can understand
10:47 how you get three out of one, one in three.
10:49 How do you get these three
10:50 co-exist and co-equal personalities?
10:54 There's only, and I think
10:55 that would be one of the things,
10:57 dear Shelley, that we will be studying
10:58 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
10:59 Amen. How does that work?
11:01 Because there's only,
11:02 they say we use what eight to ten percent
11:04 sort of a whole lot of brain that just not being used,
11:06 that will help us to understand this,
11:07 this marvelous Trinity,
11:09 Trinitarian idea
11:12 of three co-existent, co-equal personalities that are God.
11:16 And of course, God or Elohim is,
11:19 is not a personal name, it's a title,
11:21 it's more of an office like, "Pastor,
11:23 " because you've got God the Father,
11:25 God-- they're all God.
11:27 So, God is not a personal name,
11:28 it's a title, an office that all three of them hold
11:32 which makes them co-equal and co-eternal.
11:34 You know, there's one thing
11:35 I want to say about that though.
11:36 Even though they are co-equal,
11:38 they're of one essence and they are perfectly united.
11:44 Still the Bible shows us a chain of command.
11:47 It does. It truly does.
11:48 Because everything that the Holy Spirit does
11:51 is to bring glory to Jesus Christ.
11:53 Yeah.
11:54 Everything that Christ does is to bring
11:56 glory to the Father.
11:57 Yes.
11:58 And then the Father turns around
12:00 and gives them-
12:01 And gives it back, yeah.
12:02 All authority.
12:04 I mean it's just, you know, the humility of God.
12:07 Yes.
12:08 And when I say of God, we speak,
12:10 we use the word trinity.
12:11 The humility of the trinity is outstanding.
12:15 But I think that's because
12:17 it's that essence of divine love.
12:18 Yes. Yes.
12:20 And the idea of one in purpose.
12:21 So, if we are truly one, I have no problem...
12:25 And, you know,
12:26 we are limited to the English language,
12:27 which is so poor when you're talking
12:29 but I will allow you to shine
12:31 because and you send it right back to me,
12:34 and I give it right back to you
12:35 and that's, that's how we work
12:37 because we are one in everything.
12:38 There's no jealousy, there's no envy.
12:41 There is volitional subordination
12:44 when it is necessary.
12:45 Or when Christ says,
12:46 "I give all glory to His Father."
12:48 Ellen White says,
12:50 "Plainly Jehovah, is the name given to Jesus.
12:53 But He chooses now to defer in certain things."
12:56 And Holy Spirit says,
12:58 "I don't come to speak of myself.
13:00 As you all said, I come to give glory to God."
13:02 Amen. A glory to Jesus.
13:03 So, it's, first of all, it's a good pattern for us,
13:07 who serve the Lord, and follow the Lord...
13:08 Yes.
13:09 That there is this, this subordination
13:12 because of love
13:14 and because of working in the same thing.
13:17 It seems like at least, or mostly in Adventism,
13:20 we have a difficult time saying Trinity.
13:26 No matter where I go all the years,
13:28 there are those who will come up,
13:29 and they will say,
13:30 "Well, I'll wait a minute here."
13:32 Because maybe they have,
13:33 they've defined Trinitarian or Trinity
13:35 a little differently.
13:37 We look at it today,
13:38 and what I have to say simplify,
13:40 I say "The Godhead."
13:41 So less confusion for a lot of people
13:43 because they look at the word
13:45 and their thinking is different than really what it is.
13:48 Agreed, agreed.
13:49 So we say, "Okay, with Godhead,"
13:51 okay, that's the issue,
13:52 that's something goes on and on.
13:54 But as we look at it today, you mentioned the offices
13:57 all in one altogether.
13:59 No one were doing a thing any different
14:01 than the other one would do.
14:02 But like you say,
14:03 "God's law for instance, God's law was broken."
14:07 Jesus in his office came down here,
14:10 lived the perfect life, lived the law of God,
14:13 made sacrifice.
14:15 And then the Holy Spirit was sent.
14:18 Holy Spirit brings conviction.
14:20 Each one separate office be at one and the same.
14:24 So, I look at John 5:39,
14:27 you know, search the scriptures.
14:29 Because what we're doing today 'cause we want to find
14:32 our people today looking, need to find Jesus.
14:35 "Search the scriptures,
14:36 for in them ye think ye have eternal life:
14:39 and they are they which, what, testify of me."
14:41 So scripture testifies of Jesus, and you say,
14:44 "Yeah, but Jesus, what did He come for?"
14:46 John 5 it says, "He came to do the will of His father.
14:50 He came to finish the work."
14:52 So that helped me I'm saying,
14:54 "Praise God, when we study about Jesus,
14:56 that He came, He lived, He died,
14:58 He set the example, prep, you know,
15:00 made the doors open to heaven for us."
15:01 But He came to do the will of His Father,
15:04 He came to show us
15:05 who the Father really is rather than--
15:08 Don't we think today that people have
15:10 a mis-concept of God and His character?
15:12 Oh, absolutely.
15:14 I think, I think that.
15:15 I will say this that
15:16 at the risk of being misunderstood.
15:18 I don't believe that the relationship in heaven
15:20 is Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
15:22 I think, I think we are, we are limited in our ability
15:27 to track that, to explain that.
15:29 So the best we can do in English,
15:31 or in, in human speech is Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
15:34 The relation is much more intimate than that.
15:37 But we have no language to, to describe that.
15:41 So the best we can do is Father, Son,
15:43 you know, you can't get any better than that on earth.
15:46 But it's closer than that, it's tighter than that.
15:49 It's more intimate than that. It's more intricate than that.
15:52 But for now, we've got to deal with Father, Son
15:54 'cause that's all we've got.
15:55 Isn't that what it means in scripture
15:57 when it says that the only begotten Son.
16:00 The word begotten really is means, "Intimate relationship."
16:04 And I thought about from the bosom,
16:06 I've heard they say it all time.
16:08 We used to run around in school and do different things,
16:11 and sometimes you had little buddy.
16:12 And every time you've seen one, you've seen the other,
16:14 what they say, "Booze and buddies,"
16:16 that's humanly speaking.
16:18 Yeah.
16:19 But with relationship, it is an intimate,
16:22 it's one on one as it were, they're just so tied together,
16:26 they're inseparable.
16:27 Absolutely.
16:28 And that to me that's the begotten part of it.
16:30 Can we, can we hit that for just a minute?
16:32 Because this is where many people, even Christians,
16:38 it's not just necessarily Muslims or Jews.
16:41 But some Christians will say, "Well, he was begotten."
16:44 You were correct, that begotten is very intimate.
16:50 But I'd like to just hit a few scriptures on that.
16:53 And let's look at that.
16:55 In John 1:14, I'm going to read
16:58 from the American Standard Version,
17:01 John 1:14 because that's closest to the original Greek.
17:05 And what it says in John 1:14,
17:08 it says this, "And the word became flesh."
17:11 And it's of course, in the beginning was the word,
17:13 the word was with God, the word was God.
17:17 And so John 1:14 says, "The word became flesh
17:20 and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory,
17:25 glory as of the only begotten from the Father."
17:32 Not of the father, but from the father.
17:35 "Full of grace and truth. Christ was sent."
17:39 He is the sole representative of God on earth,
17:44 before the spirit came.
17:46 And He came to present the character of God.
17:51 That's what I like about Hebrews 1:3
17:54 is it says that-- let me just read that to you
17:57 because that is such an amazing scripture.
18:01 Hebrews 1:3...
18:05 I'll start with verse 1,
18:07 "God who at various times and in various ways
18:10 spoke in the time passed to the Fathers by the prophets.
18:14 Has, in these last days, spoken to us by His Son
18:18 whom He has appointed heir of all things
18:20 through whom also He made the world."
18:23 So there's a lot of scripture in the New Testament
18:25 to show us that Christ was creator.
18:28 "Who is speaking of Christ," in verse 3.
18:30 "Being the brightness of his Glory,
18:34 and the express image of his person,
18:39 he was the affluence of God...
18:44 is upholding all things by the word of his power."
18:48 So, Christ is the only one who possesses every--
18:53 A, He possessed every attribute of God,
18:55 He was fully God.
18:57 Now, Colossians 2:9 says that
19:01 "In him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
19:08 Christ completely, I mean, these are, if you could clone,
19:13 if you want to use that word, everything that Jesus
19:19 was and is, is what the Father was is.
19:22 The exact nature of God.
19:26 The exact nature, exact everything.
19:27 Not just the outward as it were appearances what we think.
19:29 You noticed how you struggled for language.
19:31 Absolutely.
19:34 Because, because human language is so,
19:36 is so limited to describe a divine concept.
19:39 So, we do the best we can with what we have.
19:42 But God took on human flesh
19:45 and we beheld Him as Jesus Christ.
19:47 And that's about the best you can do
19:50 with something that, that we will spend eternity
19:52 trying to study.
19:54 And of course, we have spent the last 2000 plus years
19:56 dealing with it, the nature of Christ.
19:59 You know, we could go to Acts NIV
20:01 and all that kind of stuff which would
20:02 make it much too complex.
20:04 But the best we can do was that God, God chose
20:08 to take on human flesh, fully God, fully man
20:12 and coming to dwell with us.
20:14 And that, and the incarnation
20:16 is another hour of worth of, you know, of subject
20:19 that we could, that we could wrestle with.
20:21 But the one thing that I want to point out is
20:23 "begotten," many people think
20:24 "begotten" means, "To be born of,"
20:27 because the word begotten was used as an only,
20:30 you know, an only child.
20:32 But in this sense, it's suggesting as you said,
20:35 a very intimate relationship.
20:37 Yes.
20:38 But it does not imply the big, necessarily,
20:40 the beginning of his Sonship I mean, it does not imply.
20:44 He was not created, He was not generated.
20:47 He-- It's not an event along a timeline.
20:51 Thank you.
20:52 He was always, always
20:54 that He did not come after the Father.
20:56 He was always there.
20:57 So, here's the scripture I want to give you
20:59 for that was John 1:18 says,
21:02 "No one has seen God at any time.
21:05 But the only begotten Son
21:07 who is in the bosom of the Father,
21:10 He has declared Him. " Now, like you said.
21:13 This suggests the deepest intimacy, the deepest love.
21:16 Wow.
21:17 But it's also, there was an eternal union
21:21 between the Father.
21:24 There was continual fellowship between the Father and Christ.
21:27 So you said in eternal union.
21:30 So there never was a time when that union did not exist.
21:32 Exactly.
21:33 And that's what happens when you get
21:35 a little too hung up on this Father, Son thing.
21:37 You know, if you take that
21:38 literally to its ends agree well.
21:40 You got a Father.
21:41 Then you had to get a Son after.
21:42 So Father, Son is the best we can do
21:44 but it does not fully explain this divine relationship
21:48 which has always existed.
21:50 And He did not become the Son when he was given,
21:53 when He was born in Bethlehem.
21:55 Let me read one more scripture out,
21:57 because this is a point that I really want to make.
22:00 John 3:16, we can all quote that,
22:02 "For God so loved the world
22:03 that He gave his only begotten Son,
22:06 that whosoever should believe in him would not perish,
22:11 but have everlasting life."
22:12 Amen.
22:13 The great value of the gift of God
22:16 is recognized because Christ was His Son,
22:21 because Christ was God.
22:24 So the great gift
22:27 of the value of the gift God is that
22:32 God Himself came to die for us.
22:36 And, you know, I believe that they were so closely knit,
22:41 so closely intricately united
22:45 that when Christ was on the cross,
22:47 you know, sometimes people will say,
22:49 "Oh! Well, the Father turned his face."
22:51 I think when Christ was on the cross,
22:54 God suffered just as much as His son suffered.
22:56 Oh! Yes. Absolutely.
22:57 Absolutely. Very much so. Very much.
22:59 In our humanness, we think when your children are sick,
23:02 when something happens, you suffer along with them.
23:05 They may be having a fever
23:06 and you just feel so bad for them.
23:08 Again, our human, yes, right,
23:10 it's our humanness that God is speaking to us
23:12 so that we can understand the situation.
23:14 And I think it's very imperative that
23:16 we understand about that CA mentioned the nature.
23:20 You know, Christ was fully human, fully divine.
23:25 Think about that fully. That doesn't mean halfway.
23:28 That doesn't mean part.
23:30 You know just part, it simply means
23:32 He was fully human and fully divine.
23:34 And we can maybe illustrate it.
23:36 Other words both God and we talked God and man.
23:39 And if we deny the divinity, if we deny the humanity,
23:45 we're also going to find our self out of salvation.
23:50 Think about it.
23:51 Salvation is depending upon fully divine, fully human.
23:57 You see, because it takes maybe illustrated
24:00 such as wasn't it Jacob that saw
24:03 had that dream about the ladder?
24:05 You remember the ladder? And it reached where?
24:07 Heaven. Heaven and earth.
24:09 Earth humanity. Right? Divinity is heaven.
24:14 Now which one can we take away or substitute or tone down?
24:19 Divinity of Christ or humanity? We need them both.
24:21 You can't.
24:23 Okay, if it's a humanity, so I take that ladder
24:26 and I cut off the bottom part of it.
24:29 I've lost salvation. Yes.
24:31 If I say, "Okay, "I'm gonna say,
24:33 "He's fully human" but if I cut off the top of that ladder,
24:38 it doesn't reach to heaven.
24:40 So therefore salvation is in trouble again.
24:42 So it takes fully human, fully divine
24:46 in order for us to be what He would have us to be.
24:49 And that's, I mean, I'm thankful he says "in us,"
24:51 he wants us, right?
24:53 Be partakers of that, what?
24:55 Divine nature. Think about that.
24:58 In fact, it had to be or He could not be tempted.
25:02 Is that Hebrews 4?
25:04 "In all things like we without sin,"
25:07 and I had to pray for patience
25:10 because I have people sometime that will say,
25:13 "Well, I know Jesus here, and He lived the perfect life
25:16 and so and so but He had an edge."
25:19 What does that mean? What does that say?
25:21 He had an edge?
25:23 Other words, did He have something
25:25 or exercise something that you and I cannot have?
25:27 If He did, He is not my, He's not my substitute.
25:30 Let me add the scripture there that will prove
25:34 that He didn't have an edge.
25:35 And that's Hebrews 2:14.
25:37 Well, we're all--
25:39 Is that you are as well? Hebrews 2:14.
25:41 "In as much as the children have partaken
25:44 of flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared
25:47 in the same that through death, He might destroy Him
25:51 who had the power of death.
25:52 That is the devil.
25:54 And release those who through the fear of death
25:56 for all their lives."
25:58 It goes on here, where is the part that says.
26:01 2: 17 Hebrews. It's 2: 17.
26:04 So He-- The likeness.
26:06 Yeah. Oh, there we are. I'm just.
26:07 This is a different Bible. I'll tell you and it's small.
26:10 "Therefore, in all things" I was right there.
26:11 Come on now.
26:13 "In all the things, he had to be made like his brethren
26:18 that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest
26:21 in things pertaining to God,
26:23 to make propitiation for the sins of the people."
26:26 Isn't that beautiful?
26:27 So he became like us in all things.
26:32 And in the Bible says that He was tempted.
26:35 Where is that? Hebrews 4:17 is that?
26:38 That he was--
26:40 isn't it amazing when you've got a different Bible,
26:41 how you can't find anything.
26:43 Probably, right. Yeah, yeah.
26:45 I think it's around 14.
26:48 Anyway, he says in Hebrews 4, I know here it is.
26:52 Yeah, 14 and 15. Verse 15, I think 15.
26:56 14 and 15.
26:58 Okay.
27:00 Yes, verse 15, Hebrews 4:15 says,
27:02 "For we do not have a high priest
27:04 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses.
27:07 But was in all points, all points tempted
27:12 as we are yet without sin."
27:14 He had no identity.
27:15 It says a number of things that particular text one
27:19 that the possibility of failure did exist.
27:21 Totally.
27:23 Because, because if there's no, if there's no temptation,
27:26 then there's no, you know, if there's, if--
27:29 Another words if someone put something for you
27:31 that doesn't tempt you,
27:32 then there is no possibility or it doesn't do anything for you.
27:34 That's right.
27:35 But he took, he took the risk and sort of fleshing out
27:39 what you said kind of think it's so beautiful the fact that
27:41 one, man could not atone for his own sins.
27:45 That's right.
27:47 So Christ as man was not sufficient.
27:49 It took God to die for us.
27:51 So, but it also took man to live out that life.
27:56 So, you've got the two ends of that continuum.
27:59 God Man, Man God, Son of God, Son of Man.
28:03 He had to be God enough to save me from my sins.
28:06 He had to be man enough to be my example.
28:09 And of course, the Book of Hebrews
28:11 is written in short to say,
28:14 "Hey, don't go back to your old ways.
28:16 Jesus is the real deal."
28:18 Yes. He is the real deal.
28:19 There's no one else to look for.
28:21 No one else is coming. This is it.
28:23 And this is sufficient. And this is enough.
28:26 And that's why we see this over and over again.
28:28 It plays itself out again so many times
28:30 in the Book of Hebrews.
28:32 Look at Hebrews 13:5 and 6.
28:33 Things like that I can boldly say,
28:34 "God is my helper."
28:36 Oh, why because Christ sacrifice is sufficient.
28:38 It was sufficient for us, and the part of that sacrifice
28:41 lives itself out in us each and every day.
28:43 See, Christ had to meet sin at the very entrance of sin.
28:49 There's people today, who, who try to say again
28:52 that He, Jesus had an edge.
28:54 But remember it talk about in Galatians 4:4.
28:57 It talks about that
28:59 He was born of a what? Of a woman.
29:01 Woman. Okay.
29:03 So, you mention pastor
29:04 that he is subject to the risk and the liabilities
29:08 that he may never make it back to heaven.
29:11 And then what do we have? We have a substitute for that.
29:14 You think about it.
29:15 If we remove the real humanity as it were, you know,
29:20 try to disable that He had an edge on it.
29:23 Think of the teaching just going on today.
29:25 People say that Jesus naturally was born of whom?
29:30 Of Mary.
29:32 But Mary was not ordinary.
29:35 So therefore, it made her child not ordinary.
29:40 See that's a counterfeit there to say.
29:42 Well, she was not ordinary, so He was not ordinary,
29:45 so therefore He has an edge.
29:48 We know that's not what scriptures teach at all.
29:50 And the truth is just the opposite.
29:51 Mary was very ordinary.
29:52 Yes. Exactly.
29:54 The fact that Christ chose an ordinary person,
29:55 the fact that divinity could
29:57 come through the line of an ordinary person.
29:59 Amen.
30:01 Really gives the glory back to Jesus.
30:03 Not to Mary, who deserves no glory.
30:05 That's right. She was the tool.
30:07 She was the--
30:09 I was gonna use a word but that won't be understood.
30:11 But she was the vessel... Yeah.
30:13 Through which, through which Christ came but,
30:15 but that gives her no "props'' in heaven.
30:18 No. She didn't get a leg-up.
30:20 She's got to come by the cross like every other person.
30:21 Scripture says "He was born, He was born of a woman."
30:25 Right then and right there at that point, at that time,
30:27 nothing special.
30:29 I have a dear friend she's probably watching right now.
30:31 Bless your heart.
30:32 And she grew up Catholic
30:35 and she has not yet joined the Adventist Church.
30:38 But she, what happened was a few years ago,
30:40 she really began studying her Bible
30:43 and began questioning.
30:45 She said, "Why do we make..." she asks her friends,
30:48 "Why do we make so much of Mary
30:49 when Mary's barely even mentioned in the Bible?"
30:53 And she's really become a student of the word.
30:56 But here's, here's the point that we have to
30:59 when we're talking about "Did Jesus have an edge?"
31:01 The only edge that Jesus may have had
31:05 is He understood the love of the Father.
31:07 That's the only edge because what He did when He humbled
31:11 himself to take on the flesh of mankind to become a man.
31:16 And, you know, what Kenneth Cox says,
31:18 that's like "If you think of there's humans, animals,
31:24 "Then he says, "Rodents or something and then insects."
31:27 He said, "It was like Christ."
31:29 You know, there is, there was God, there were angels,
31:32 and there was man and he said
31:33 it's just like him becoming an insect for us.
31:38 But the point is Christ fully while He was on earth,
31:44 He did not call on His divine powers.
31:47 No, no.
31:48 He fully relied on the Holy Spirit.
31:51 It was, He was guided by God.
31:53 And even though He, when you say
31:55 He didn't rely on His divine powers,
31:57 He did miracles.
31:58 But it was only as God directed because He said,
32:01 "What I see the Father do, this is what I do."
32:04 So it was only as God directed Him.
32:06 Precisely.
32:08 So but He still, He still had no edge other than what?
32:10 He went to scripture like we are told to do.
32:13 And He learned the will of His Father.
32:14 Amen.
32:16 Like we're supposed to do, He is my substitute,
32:18 full, entirety.
32:21 And so, I'm thankful the Bible is so clear on the issue,
32:23 we need not mistake about the cohesive nature of Christ.
32:27 And this, we're talking about this teaching about Mary.
32:29 I'm gonna read one passage
32:31 and I am sure you have other things.
32:32 Sure.
32:33 I've never heard people maybe use this one here,
32:36 but I want us to think about it if we will.
32:38 Because people who say, he had a different, you know,
32:42 nature than we have, notice what the Bible says
32:45 I got in 1 John 4:2 and 3 and so on.
32:48 It says, "Here by know ye that the spirit of God."
32:51 Talking about spirit of God.
32:52 "Every spirit that confesses,
32:53 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh..."
32:56 Yes. Yes.
32:57 "Is of God," but we have the teaching.
32:59 It wasn't the human flesh He had an edge because of Mary
33:03 but notice, "Every spirit that confesses not
33:05 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God."
33:10 That teaching is not of God. Amen.
33:11 And then this is that spirit notice of antichrist.
33:15 Yes.
33:17 "Where all of you have heard that it should come
33:18 and even now already is in the world."
33:20 So it kind of goes you're talking about
33:21 where this teaching came from, is a spirit of antichrist.
33:25 It's against Christ.
33:27 And so we need to be careful of that one
33:30 and never say He had an--- had an edge.
33:34 Not my Jesus, not my Lord, not my Savior.
33:36 And that's one of the testament prophet
33:38 or someone who comes representing God,
33:40 they've got to say "Christ has come with that."
33:41 Good.
33:43 You know, and Christ said this about ourselves,
33:44 we're looking in Luke 4:16 and Shelley you know,
33:45 you've got something coming up.
33:47 When Christ went into synagogue and He quoted from Isaiah.
33:50 And then He closed the book and said "Well this day...
33:54 that is fulfilled in your ears."
33:56 And around about verse 28, 29, they took him,
33:59 they want to throw Him off a cliff and kill Him.
34:01 Yes. You know.
34:02 Well, why did they want to kill Him?
34:03 Because they realized that Isaiah's prophetic words were
34:07 talking about God, and for Christ to say,
34:10 "This is fulfilled in your ears."
34:12 They knew He was saying in code, "I'm God.
34:16 Make it plain." Yes.
34:17 And they picked it up and of course,
34:18 they wanted to kill Him right then.
34:20 So He said it of himself, "I am God."
34:24 Yes, He did.
34:26 I mean, he says in John 8:58, He said to them,
34:31 "Before Abraham was I am."
34:34 Amen.
34:36 Or the "I am," this is Jehovah, I mean this is God
34:40 but He is saying, He is proclaiming
34:42 His eternal existence.
34:44 Then He says in John 10:30.
34:46 "I and my father are one,"
34:49 and then He avowed the authority
34:53 to forgive sins which was only--
34:55 That's a God thing. And that's a God thing only.
34:58 So that's Mark 2:10 and 11 where he says,
35:00 "But that you may know
35:01 that the Son of Man has power on earth
35:03 to forgive sins.'
35:04 He said to the paralytic.
35:06 I say to you arise, take up your bed,
35:09 and go to your house."
35:11 'Someone told me the other day Kenny, that's that, well,
35:14 Christ never came right out and admit it,
35:16 He was the Son of God.
35:18 Really.
35:19 And I said, turn to Luke 22:70 and 22:71.
35:23 Luke 22:70 and 71 says,
35:27 "Then they all said to him,
35:28 'Are you then the Son of God?'
35:31 So He said to them, 'You rightly say that I am.'
35:36 And they said 'What further testimony do we have need for
35:40 we have heard it ourselves from his own mouth.'
35:44 "They were ready to stone Him. Exactly.
35:47 They didn't get the opportunity to stone Him so eventually
35:51 they crucified Him.
35:53 Yeah.
35:54 But when you're thinking about, so He's fully God,
35:58 He claims He's fully God.
36:00 But when He came here, He relied on the Father's power,
36:04 He experienced all of the emotions that we experience
36:07 think of Him in the Garden of Gethsemane.
36:09 He was feeling depression, oppression.
36:13 I mean, He was so,
36:15 the weight of the sins of the world
36:17 was beginning to be set upon Him.
36:19 And He's sweating blood.
36:21 And He is at this point
36:23 with the loud vehement cries Hebrew says.
36:26 He's crying out to the Father and Lord,
36:30 "If it's possible, let this cup pass from Me."
36:33 He knew that He was about to be crucified.
36:36 He knew the pain, the humiliation.
36:39 He knew that He was going to be separated from His Father
36:42 because of sin. Oh, mercy, that was yes...
36:44 He felt the weight of the sins, and in his humanity.
36:49 Even though He knew this is the reason He came to earth,
36:52 this shows how human He was, it's like.
36:54 "Oh father if it's possible, let this pass."
36:57 And then Luke 22:42, He says,
37:00 "But not mine will yours be done."
37:04 He was always submissive to the Father.
37:06 You could not think of more clear effusion that defines
37:10 humanity than that particular.
37:11 You know we are if the Lord, I want this.
37:14 This is not... but not my will, thy will.
37:19 That and if we could all ascend to that.
37:23 Please, yes.
37:24 I don't want to do this, I don't want to go through this
37:26 but hey, I want to do your will,
37:28 I want to please you.
37:29 You know, we're talking about text that kind of affirm
37:32 John is it 49 were 49:10, 8, 9 were,
37:36 they just happen to show us the father and suffices us.
37:38 Yes
37:40 And, and in short is you're looking at it,
37:43 "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
37:44 How that must have, I want to say broke His heart,
37:47 His human nature.
37:50 If you were with somebody all the time
37:51 and you're doing and you know,
37:52 may they ask you a question "Are you a Christian?"
37:54 After you've been with him for a month
37:55 or two months or ten years you know, three years.
37:59 How that must broke the heart of Jesus.
38:01 "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
38:04 Yeah.
38:05 And even God Himself testified of the deity of Jesus.
38:10 He even did that in Matthew 3 at the baptism.
38:12 Yes.
38:14 This is my beloved Son what?
38:16 He said in whom I am well pleased on the mount of
38:20 transfiguration what did he say?
38:22 There's a voice out of the clouds.
38:24 "This is my beloved Son."
38:26 Hebrews 1:8.
38:28 "God calls His Son God." Yes.
38:32 "God calls His Son God"
38:35 I mean these are heavy duty things
38:37 that we just can't throw out and say it doesn't matter.
38:39 It does matter.
38:41 It helps us to understand His nature and understand the love
38:44 that He has for us, and what He's trying to show us.
38:46 But, you know, something we think about Him being tempted
38:48 in every way that we were tempted.
38:50 Oh, mercy. Think of this.
38:51 The human nature and like you're saying,
38:53 He was rejected by his family, I mean,
38:55 they thought He was crazy.
38:56 You know His brothers didn't accept Him.
38:58 And then even His mother was outside thinking
39:00 He's lost His mind come on out, you know.
39:04 He was rejected by the religious leaders.
39:07 He was rejected by His own
39:09 that He came to save in so many ways.
39:11 Then He's got this group as you said,
39:13 that's with him for this time.
39:14 And what do they do?
39:16 They scatter after He's arrested
39:19 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
39:21 Peter who has just said, you know,
39:24 'cause Jesus kept telling him, "I'm going to suffer,
39:28 the Messiah must suffer."
39:29 You know, this is, and they expected a militant Messiah,
39:32 not a suffering Messiah.
39:34 And so here Peter has said, if you know,
39:40 when he said that he would die, Christ that He would die
39:43 and raise again in three days,
39:44 he kept telling them over and over,
39:47 didn't register with and he's like God,
39:49 Lord forbid you know
39:51 that Jesus have to go through this.
39:53 And then Peter follows Him at the distance.
39:56 He shows up at the trial, warming himself by the fire.
40:00 He rejects him three times as Jesus said he will.
40:03 So He's going through all of this rejection.
40:06 Think how He would have been tempted.
40:09 If I was God,
40:11 would I ever been tempted to just stand up and say,
40:14 "You don't think I'm God.
40:16 Let me show you something.
40:18 Let me call fire down from heaven.
40:19 Let me do this, that or the other."
40:21 Yeah.
40:23 He was tempted in all ways, and the final thing
40:26 when He was on the cross, think about this.
40:28 Here He's parched, you know, Isaiah said that
40:31 "He was marred beyond any other man."
40:33 Oh, they couldn't recognize Him.
40:35 Mercy.
40:37 He has, His flesh had been torn out.
40:38 He was, He was from this flogging,
40:41 He was dehydrated, His loss of blood.
40:46 His tongue is cleaving to the cleft of his mouth.
40:49 Then they offer Him vinegar and gall,
40:51 a combination that had a little wine in it
40:54 that He was surely tempted to take that
40:58 because His mouth was so dry.
41:01 He was tempted to take it because it could have,
41:05 it could have numbed His pain--
41:06 Numbed the pain a little bit.
41:07 But He didn't.
41:09 But He didn't, why, because what He want?
41:10 He wanted a clear mind as part of the health message,
41:15 part is that would give to the world
41:17 is we need a clear mind.
41:18 And we take something in it to dull that
41:21 or that we can't make right choices and decisions.
41:23 See, He was tempted in every way
41:25 'cause there are people out there
41:27 who are tempted to overcome their pain
41:29 by some kind of something.
41:31 He was tempted in the same way
41:33 but He overcame that temptation.
41:36 He gives us the victory.
41:37 How much temptation would it be if you mention.
41:40 If you had the power like you mentioned
41:43 somebody causing you little grief over here.
41:44 You just put them aside real quick.
41:46 Yeah. Yeah.
41:47 He had that divinity, full divinity for he could have
41:49 called 10,000 angels, right?
41:52 He could have come down off it.
41:54 He could have done what He wanted to do.
41:56 Think about how that self control that He possessed
41:59 through the Holy Spirit, through the Father,
42:01 He had that because He could have done it,
42:03 but He didn't do it.
42:05 But He was relying on the Holy Spirit.
42:06 He was relying on the spirit of the living God.
42:08 And you have so few people in your ministry
42:10 understand and truly enter into what you're trying to do.
42:13 Even you know on a way to Emmaus after the cross,
42:17 because then we thought it was He was going to deliver.
42:20 You know, they just
42:21 and the disciples didn't get it.
42:23 You know, which is why of course,
42:24 they needed upper room experience
42:26 so they could kind of get in line
42:29 with what the Holy Spirit was trying to do.
42:31 But to have so few enter into an understanding,
42:35 even your buddies, your intimate group still don't
42:39 really have the understanding of what is going on, And so,
42:43 you know, I'm looking at this thing
42:45 and I'm in John 17 on the cross.
42:47 And Christ is saying, He's praying for Himself.
42:49 "And now, our father, glorify me together with yourself,
42:52 with the glory which I had with you before the world was."
42:56 So again, He's remembering a time when we were.
42:59 We were there, we were doing it and now here I am suffering so,
43:04 Lord, do this, help me be successful through all of this.
43:07 So through all of this, there is this dependent upon God,
43:10 the same dependence that not only we can have,
43:14 we must have if we were going to be successful
43:17 in this Christian life.
43:18 Let me throw this in because a lot of people don't know.
43:21 Lot of Christians don't realize that Christ is Creator.
43:26 You know, we just read in Hebrews 1:3
43:28 that it was through Christ
43:31 that God created the world through him.
43:35 John 1:1-3.
43:37 Well, I will just read verse 3 says, that,
43:40 "All things were made through him through Christ.
43:43 And without him nothing was made that was made."
43:47 Colossians 1:16 and 17 says.
43:50 "For by him all things were created,
43:52 that are in heaven and on earth,
43:55 visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions,
43:57 principalities or powers
43:59 all things were created through him and for him."
44:02 "And He is before all things and in him all things consist."
44:09 So here we've got-- Now, people will say, "Okay,
44:15 if He was creator why don't we see Him in the Old Testament?"
44:18 We do.
44:19 We do.
44:21 The angel of the Lord
44:23 in the Old Testament, Bible scholars,
44:26 almost all Bible scholars recognize the angel of the Lord
44:29 as the visible God of the Old Testament
44:32 in the person of Jesus Christ.
44:35 Appear to Moses at the burning bush.
44:37 He appeared to Hagar.
44:38 He appeared to Abraham, to Gideon and--
44:43 He was leading Israel.
44:44 Yeah. The whole time.
44:45 He was distinct from the Father.
44:48 Yes.
44:49 But, the other thing is that after the incarnation,
44:53 the angel of the Lord never appears again.
44:56 So, the Bible scholars conclude
45:00 that the angel of the Lord is Christ.
45:04 And angel just means... Messenger.
45:06 Messenger, so the angel of the Lord was
45:10 the Messiah messenger if you will.
45:13 And, you know, Jesus said that He was Lord that He called
45:16 Himself Lord Savior, Christ, Son of God, Son of Man.
45:20 Yes. So, and we've got to hit.
45:23 You probably got one more but just before were over,
45:26 we've got to hit Daniel 7:13 and 14.
45:29 Oh, mercy.
45:30 You got to. Yes.
45:31 May I? Go head. Sure.
45:33 Okay, I'm on a roll. Yes.
45:34 You are on a roll.
45:36 When he called himself the Son of Man,
45:39 He was the one who united humanity and divinity forever.
45:44 And get this in your mind because the first time
45:47 I realized this, I was just blown away.
45:48 Wow!
45:50 What's the one thing that Jesus gave up forever?
45:54 He took, when He left earth,
45:56 He took this human flesh back with Him...
45:59 That's right.
46:00 To heaven, which means he gave up His omnipresence.
46:03 That's right.
46:04 Because He's now in a human body.
46:05 That's right. This is why He told in John 14.
46:09 This is why He told His followers
46:14 that it is better that I go away.
46:17 Because He couldn't be everywhere at all time.
46:20 And He says, "I will send Allos Parakletos,
46:22 another one who is just like me, exactly like me.
46:26 The Holy Spirit, because he'll be on you then.
46:29 But Christ limited Himself forever.
46:34 Yes, He did.
46:35 Because of us.
46:36 Yes. How amazing.
46:38 So here's the Son of Man and significantly, you know,
46:42 Christ is talking about how the Son of Man will return
46:46 on clouds with majestic glory, great power.
46:50 And God supplies the same emphasis on Christ's humanity
46:54 in Daniel 7:13 and 14.
46:57 And here's what it says.
46:58 "I was watching in the night visions and behold,
47:01 one like this Son of Man,
47:03 coming with the clouds of heaven,
47:04 He came..."
47:06 Okay, Son of Man Jesus.
47:08 "He came to the ancient of days..."
47:11 Referring to the father in this case.
47:13 "And they brought him near before him.
47:16 Then to him was given universal authorities essentially,
47:22 dominion and glory and a kingdom
47:23 that all peoples nations and languages should serve him.
47:27 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
47:30 which shall not pass away.
47:31 And his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed."
47:34 Hallelujah. Amen.
47:35 Beautiful. Amen.
47:37 Yeah, Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
47:38 Who is the Son of Man?
47:39 The Son of Man is one who came to seek and save that
47:42 which is lost.
47:43 So you got this tie.
47:44 There are so many Old Testament,
47:46 New Testament includes, Moses at the bush,
47:48 who should I tell send me?
47:49 "I' am."
47:51 In the New Testament, who is He?
47:52 So if you go from old to new, old to new, old to new,
47:57 you see what started in the old
48:00 is finished or the exclamation point is put there in the new.
48:03 So the line is fairly easy to follow,
48:06 that we are talking about Jesus in the Old Testament
48:10 as the Shekinah, as the one at the bush,
48:13 as the one who is spoken of there in Daniel
48:16 and He is revealed there in the New--
48:17 Wrestle with Jacob.
48:19 Precisely, wrestle with Jacob, yes,
48:21 and revealed in the New Testament
48:22 and He says it of Himself.
48:24 Yeah.
48:25 Was it not, was it not both as it were on the mount
48:27 as we really study and look at the original language.
48:30 And when the Ten Commandant law was giving,
48:33 not only was Jesus present, but God was present,
48:36 that would be some good study for somebody to get into.
48:39 Because I tell you, when they, when they land in on the top of
48:42 that mountain, it burned, I mean it was-- there was,
48:46 I mean it was purified before they came down and touched it.
48:50 I mean it was burnt,
48:51 and I think that's really good food for thought
48:54 because they were both together on it.
48:57 Because when we say God's law and what?
48:59 One would have to come, one would come and die,
49:02 because that law was broken.
49:04 Yeah.
49:05 You see and then you mentioned
49:06 the Holy Sprit would be sent you see.
49:09 I mean that's an awesome thought.
49:10 They are sewed together in everything.
49:12 Jesus has life, remember,
49:14 it is un-borrowed, isn't that right?
49:16 He said, quickly, He said-- our time is running out.
49:21 He said that, it was in John 5, it says, which was first,
49:27 was it here 26,
49:29 "For as the Father hath life in himself,
49:31 so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself."
49:36 And then in John 10:17, 18.
49:40 "Therefore doth my Father love me,
49:42 because I lay down my life,
49:44 that I might take it again.
49:46 No man taketh it from me, I lay it down myself.
49:52 I have power to lay it down,
49:54 and I have power to take it again."
49:57 I mean he is making it real clear right then,
49:59 there is no one can take it, I don't have to go to Calvary,
50:02 I don't have to die.
50:04 But because I love you so much, and I want you there with me,
50:07 and I want to share this with you, I'm willing.
50:09 So we use the terminology, "God sent His Son" but really,
50:14 the Son volunteered for the mission.
50:15 Absolutely.
50:16 You know, it wasn't, if he didn't go
50:18 kicking and screaming.
50:19 And one more quick point.
50:20 Pastor, I believe this, I believe
50:22 before Jesus came down.
50:24 He knew every aspect of His life here on earth,
50:29 every heartache, every disappointment,
50:31 what all He would have to go through, the suffering,
50:34 the pain, the sorrow, it's almost too much to talk about.
50:38 He knew that before He came, but what?
50:42 He was willing. His was willing.
50:43 He was still willing to come down for somebody like me,
50:47 that's amazing to me.
50:49 It is. Amazing.
50:50 So if you are wrapping this up, as I said, there are religions,
50:55 there are even Christians,
50:57 who don't accept perhaps Christ as the Son of God.
51:03 You know, they will say, "He was a good prophet.
51:05 Well, He fulfilled all the prophecies.
51:10 He fulfilled every prophecy,
51:13 and He claimed to be the Son of God,
51:15 He claimed to be God,
51:16 He claimed the prerogatives of God.
51:18 So you can't have it both ways, because if He is not God,
51:23 if He is not who he says He is, then He is a liar.
51:26 That's right.
51:27 And He could not be trusted.
51:28 So He can't be our savior, our salvation.
51:31 That's right.
51:33 And you can't believe that He is a prophet,
51:36 if He said these things and He is not.
51:39 So the point is you've got, you know,
51:41 and I know a lot of Muslims,
51:43 who are getting into the word of God studying
51:45 'cause very few of them actually studied the Quran,
51:47 now they are getting into the word of God,
51:49 and they are recognizing Christ as God.
51:51 Praise God. Amen.
51:53 Jesus said, "I' am the way, I' am the truth,
51:56 no man gets home without Me."
51:59 That's right. Got to come through Me.
52:01 And if that is not the truth,
52:03 then we are of all men most miserable and deceived.
52:07 I hear that.
52:08 We gonna go to our news break,
52:09 and couple of things we want to talk to you about,
52:11 then we'll come back,
52:12 put a little bow on this with some closing thoughts.


Revised 2016-04-21