3ABN Today

Maasai Development Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jan Latsha & Terri Yoshida


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016022A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome again to 3ABN Today.
01:10 We're so glad that you are taking this time
01:13 to share with us.
01:14 And we want to thank you so much
01:16 for your continued prayer,
01:19 your continued love and support of this ministry.
01:22 You know, without you there would be no 3ABN.
01:25 And I know that the Lord raised this ministry up
01:28 as a great evangelistic tool in his hands
01:33 to reach the world,
01:34 with the truth of the Three Angels' messages,
01:37 present truth for Today.
01:40 I'm glad you're joining us today,
01:41 we have some special guests.
01:43 And I want to go ahead and introduce them right away
01:46 before I read this scripture
01:48 because I've got a special friend here,
01:51 Jan Latsha.
01:53 Jan, you have been to 3ABN numerous times,
01:58 since the first of 2000, say.
02:01 Yeah.
02:02 And your project is called or your ministry
02:05 is the Maasai Development Project.
02:08 When did you begin that ministry?
02:11 It began in, actually in the early '90s.
02:16 Just developing friendships with Maasai
02:18 when we were living--
02:20 my family was living in Nairobi.
02:22 And I was lucky enough not to be on a,
02:29 pay scale or sorry.
02:31 So I could kind of do what I wanted,
02:33 and the Lord just led me into doing, working,
02:38 and I had a desire in my heart
02:39 that I don't know where it came from
02:41 other than the Lord put it there,
02:42 but when I found out we were moving to Kenya,
02:45 I had a desire to know about the Maasai and--
02:48 but I never told anybody that, you know, the Bible says
02:51 that the Lord knows the desires of our hearts.
02:54 And over the next few years,
02:55 He developed this whole ministry working
02:58 with Maasai.
03:00 Oh, that is so exciting and I can't wait for you
03:02 to share your story with our audience
03:06 because it's an incredible ministry.
03:08 We just love when you come back to give us updates.
03:11 But this time you have brought with you someone
03:13 that I've yet to meet.
03:15 I've met several people in your ministry
03:16 but this is Terri Yoshida.
03:19 Terri, you are a registered nurse
03:21 and you are the executive secretary
03:24 for the Maasai Development.
03:25 Is that correct? Hm-mm, that's correct.
03:27 And how long have you been...?
03:28 You don't have to tell us your whole story yet,
03:30 but how long have you been
03:31 with Maasai Development Project?
03:34 Probably just a little over a year.
03:36 Okay. Well, we're gonna come back in just a moment.
03:39 We're going to find out the stories behind this
03:42 but first before we even go to a song,
03:45 I wanted to share a scripture with you.
03:47 Usually I come out
03:48 and I kind of have in my mind a scripture
03:51 that we'd like to share with you.
03:54 This time I asked Jan,
03:55 "Is there anything particular on your heart?"
03:58 And what she gave me was Isaiah 11
04:02 and let me read verse 6.
04:03 Verse 6 through 9 of Isaiah
04:05 is telling about the Messiah's return
04:08 and that when he returns
04:10 He's going to usher in universal peace,
04:13 there's going to be just, it's going to be
04:17 like the Garden of Eden was meant to be.
04:20 It's going to be perfect.
04:22 And so here's what Isaiah 11:6 says,
04:27 it says, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
04:31 the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
04:36 the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
04:40 and a little child shall lead them."
04:43 Can you imagine when we look at
04:45 what's going on in our world today
04:47 with all the terrorists attacks, with the wars,
04:51 with the murders, things that are, you know
04:55 just seems that men's consciences have waxed cold.
05:02 But when Jesus returns this is what He promises.
05:05 And it's going to be so exciting.
05:08 Well, right now we are going to listen to a song
05:12 from our own Pastor C.A. Murray,
05:14 who is the general manager also for our Proclaim Network.
05:19 And C.A. is going to sing for us "Jesus Lifts Me".
05:39 He lifts my burdens
05:44 Whenever I'm down
05:49 He gives me joy
05:53 When I'm wearing a frown
05:58 He is my hope
06:01 In the midst of despair
06:06 And He, He is my comfort
06:11 For He's always there
06:22 So I sing
06:25 Not because I feel like singing
06:31 And I praise Him
06:34 Though the end I may not see
06:41 For whenever
06:43 I lift the name of Jesus
06:48 Jesus reaches down
06:53 And He lifts me
07:05 He gives the music
07:09 That makes my heart glad
07:14 He whispers peace
07:19 Whenever I am sad
07:23 He is the sunshine
07:28 That brightens my day
07:32 And He is the lighthouse
07:37 To show me the way
07:42 So I sing
07:46 Not because I feel like singing
07:52 And I praise Him
07:55 Though the end I may not see
08:01 For whenever
08:03 I lift the name of Jesus
08:09 Jesus reaches down
08:14 And He lifts me
08:19 So I sing
08:23 Not because I feel like singing
08:29 And I praise Him
08:32 Though the end I may not see
08:38 For whenever
08:40 I lift the name of Jesus
08:46 Jesus reaches down
08:50 Turns me around
08:53 And He plants my feet on a higher ground
09:00 He reaches down
09:04 And He lifts me.
09:30 And we thank C.A. for that beautiful song.
09:33 If you are joining us just a little late,
09:35 let me once again introduce our special guest.
09:37 Today we are interviewing the ladies
09:40 of 'The Maasai Development Project'
09:43 which is an incredible project.
09:45 I'm sure you've heard of the Maasai, it usually--
09:49 what this conjures up.
09:50 If you saw Out of Africa or any of these movies,
09:53 you think of these warriors who are running along with,
09:57 you know, for great distances with their shields spears.
10:01 And sometimes I remember
10:03 when I talk to people about you,
10:05 they'll cry, "She is so brave!"
10:07 At this hour, special guest, we have Jan Latsha,
10:10 who is the founder and director
10:12 for The Maasai Development Project
10:14 and then we have Terri Yoshida, who is the executive secretary.
10:20 And you girls are both from Washington?
10:22 I am. You are from Washington, Terri?
10:24 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Okay.
10:27 Tell me, before we actually get off
10:30 into what the ministry is all about,
10:32 Jan, just give us a nutshell.
10:35 Did you grow up in a Christian environment,
10:38 how did the Lord get your attention
10:40 to have this personal relationship?
10:43 I grew up in an Adventist home.
10:45 My father was a teacher in our academies.
10:47 And, then I left the church for a while.
10:51 And when I began to come back, I decided,
10:55 by the time I was gonna have children,
10:56 I was married and having children,
10:58 I decided it was time.
10:59 And I started studying, but I was getting nothing.
11:03 And so one day I just told the Lord,
11:05 "If You want me to stay
11:08 and if You want a relationship with me,
11:11 You're gonna have to show me something today
11:12 or it's over with, I give it up."
11:15 And that day I opened up the Book Desire of Ages.
11:19 And I began to read and for three hours
11:22 I could not lay the book down
11:23 because alls I could see was Jesus.
11:26 And I just--
11:28 The tears were just rolling down my face
11:30 as I read and saw Jesus for the first time.
11:32 So though I grew up knowing Him
11:35 and I always had a bent for that,
11:37 but it wasn't until then that I knew
11:40 that I wanted to commit my life to Him.
11:42 Praise God.
11:44 So you knew about Him growing up
11:46 but you actually met Him due to this experience.
11:49 Praise God. I met Him, yes.
11:50 And, Terri, how about you?
11:52 Did you grow up in an Adventist Christian home?
11:54 I did, I did.
11:56 I grew up hearing about the missionaries
11:58 and from the time I was six years old,
12:01 I wanted to be a missionary nurse.
12:03 Really.
12:04 Yeah, so...
12:05 So, now, when did it become personal for you with Christ?
12:11 At a very young age,
12:13 I've always had a close love of God, of Jesus.
12:17 Wonderful.
12:19 And didn't have an opportunity till later
12:23 to be able to actually go on a mission trip.
12:26 And so, actually going with Jan
12:31 on the Maasai Development Project a few years ago,
12:34 just fell in love.
12:36 Praise God.
12:37 And we're gonna get to hear little more
12:39 about that story in just a moment.
12:41 Tell us a little, Jan, about the Maasai.
12:45 Are they as fierce
12:47 as they have been reported to be?
12:53 I would say, knowing what I--
12:56 I don't view them as fierce but I know other people do,
13:01 still in Kenya and they can be.
13:05 I've seen them to be wild.
13:06 I've, you know,
13:08 and I would not want to be on the other end of the spear.
13:12 You can count on me, I'll tell you that.
13:14 But, very loving--
13:19 Accepting.
13:20 Accepting, yeah, group of people that I just,
13:24 I have just loved as family.
13:27 So how did a blonde,
13:29 blue-eyed woman end up in a ministry in Africa,
13:33 for the Maasai?
13:34 It's a God thing.
13:36 And it all started out with friendships with women,
13:38 a woman to woman.
13:40 Like I said, I always had this desire
13:43 and because I was not on a budget,
13:44 like I said earlier,
13:46 I kind of was able to develop my own interest in Kenya
13:50 while we were living there.
13:52 And my other friend, Gwen Edwards,
13:56 was living there as well
13:57 and she had started a branch Sabbath school
14:02 with the children in a village
14:04 close to the academy, where they lived
14:07 and where her husband was working at the time.
14:09 And, so they actually were afraid of us.
14:14 The Maasai's.
14:16 They would, yes, they would tell their children
14:17 don't walk too close to those white people
14:19 because they could take you away and they could,
14:22 you know, and you don't know
14:24 what they might do to you, so stay away.
14:25 So they were, they were afraid of us
14:28 but over several years of just going up
14:31 and visiting the ladies, you know, using hand signals
14:35 and talking and playing with the children
14:38 and taking our own children to play with them, they, they--
14:43 We gained their confidence
14:45 so we developed a friendship and a bond.
14:48 And one day one of the ladies came to Gwen and said,
14:52 "We noticed that you go to church on Saturday.
14:55 We notice that you--
14:57 Why don't you do that for us."
14:59 And so Gwen went to the principal.
15:00 Now let me just hit the pause there
15:02 'cause you just mentioned
15:04 that you had to use hand signals.
15:05 Do they have their own language?
15:07 Did Gwen speak their language or when this woman came to her,
15:10 did they also speak English?
15:12 They brought a translator with them.
15:13 Okay. Yeah.
15:15 So if there's not a translator,
15:17 we use a few words here or there of Swahili,
15:19 of Kimaasai and of a few English words
15:23 and a lot of hand signals and we would talk.
15:26 But we usually, we had a translator with us.
15:29 Okay. Yeah.
15:30 So anyway, we talked to the principal
15:33 and they opened up, let us have the classroom,
15:36 one of the classrooms for church
15:38 and we started church service for the women there.
15:41 And--
15:42 What is their typical, traditional spiritual beliefs?
15:51 I don't want to say devil worship
15:53 because it's not really devil worship,
15:55 but it's spiritual worship.
15:57 It's Spiritism. Which is a spirit world.
16:00 Yeah, yeah.
16:03 Although, you know, I've had--
16:05 we've had some experiences with some of our lay-pastors.
16:07 We have one that right now
16:09 a lay-pastor that, we had to let go
16:11 because he basically sold his soul to the devil.
16:15 Wow. Yeah.
16:16 And so and he became possessed and we had to let him go
16:20 and he is, yeah, making decision.
16:23 So there is that real, spirit.
16:28 There is a spirit worship, there is out there but it--
16:31 I wouldn't say--
16:33 Well, that is, it's devil worship.
16:34 It is, it's demonic. It is. It's demonic.
16:36 You know, I just have to say this for our audience
16:38 because sometimes growing up in United States,
16:44 you know, some people don't even know
16:45 if Satan is for real, but I guarantee you,
16:48 if you go to--
16:49 When I was doing a camp meeting,
16:52 at the Sedaven camp meeting,
16:54 we were talking with the conference people there
16:56 and we asked them,
16:57 "How seriously do you take
17:01 the idea of exorcism of casting out demons?"
17:05 And they said, "Very seriously."
17:08 They said when they get a call to do that,
17:09 they will fast for three days,
17:12 fast and pray for three days solid.
17:15 Before they go, they have to be totally prepared.
17:18 The spirit realm--
17:20 I think one thing that makes it easier for some of the people,
17:23 once they hear the truth about Christ
17:25 and the Holy Spirit in that area
17:28 is that they're used to working in the spirit realm.
17:33 But there are demonic forces.
17:35 You talk--
17:37 If you want to ever talk to anybody
17:38 in any religion, that is,
17:41 when they are worshipping animals or spirits,
17:43 you will find that there are definitely demonic forces
17:46 and it's very real, so.
17:49 We actually went out to a village
17:50 where we noticed that friends that we had made
17:54 were all wearing white bands painted around their eyes
17:58 and so and they would turn their backs on us
18:01 when we would come up.
18:02 And so we asked them what, what is this?
18:05 You know, what's going on here?
18:06 And they said, "Well, the witch doctor has said that,
18:12 that they have to do this in protest of Christianity.
18:16 Wow.
18:17 But within a few days it was gone,
18:19 you know, it came off.
18:21 Love has a way. It does. Yeah.
18:23 It conquers all things. Yeah.
18:24 So you began this church service,
18:28 initially, was it just the women coming,
18:31 children, women?
18:32 Women and children with a few men.
18:34 They had some guards that were Maasai
18:36 and they would come as well.
18:39 I started teaching literacy classes
18:42 in during the week
18:43 and then doing the church service
18:44 and then the ladies said,
18:46 "We would like to go out to our home village now."
18:49 And so we went out there
18:52 and we did a three-day seminar and meetings.
18:54 And this is in a Maasai village?
18:55 In a Maasai village.
18:57 We went out for three days and then after that--
19:01 How did the tribal leaders accept this?
19:03 Were they open to this at first?
19:04 You know, yeah they were fine and we were mainly at a--
19:08 one family's boma in which there wasn't a problem,
19:11 they welcomed us to stay in.
19:12 But later, about nine months later
19:16 we did another ten-day where we just went
19:18 and camped for ten days
19:19 and I took some youth from Nairobi out with me.
19:22 And we were having meetings and we had the chief
19:27 and some of the elders from the area come and demand
19:30 that we stop our meetings and have a meeting with them.
19:33 And, yeah, I didn't know what to expect but I--
19:37 it was really interesting because they stood up
19:40 and they said, "What do you want here?
19:41 We don't want Christianity here.
19:42 We don't want Christians here. So what do you want?
19:44 Are you trying to change us? What is that you want?"
19:47 And I remember one of the Maasai ladies
19:51 kind of patted me on the shoulder and said--
19:52 and motioned for me "Don't worry."
19:54 And, like, we were gonna be praying.
19:57 And, you know, it was a God thing.
19:59 I don't know what I said to them but--
20:02 I don't remember,
20:03 but when I was finished, they said--
20:07 and I told them,
20:08 I said, "We are not here to change you
20:10 because your culture is precious.
20:12 We don't want to take your culture,
20:13 well, you have so many good things about it,
20:15 but we just want to share with you about God."
20:20 And, in light of what he has, hope he has.
20:24 And so...
20:26 and then I--
20:27 What else I said, I don't have a clue.
20:29 But when I was finished,
20:30 the chief came up to me and said,
20:32 "Whatever you want, you can have."
20:34 Pray, that is something.
20:36 Whatever you want, and that was a God thing.
20:38 So I know that whatever words came out of my mouth,
20:40 it was not me.
20:41 Now the culture is precious to them
20:44 but they do have some strange practices.
20:47 Let's talk about the youth
20:50 and how early they get involved in pre-arranged marriages
20:57 and about the circumcision practices.
21:02 The Maasai women,
21:04 they don't have a lot of value except for the girls,
21:08 for the fathers, so they can sell them
21:10 as wives for dowry.
21:13 And the cows are much more important than the women
21:15 or the children.
21:17 If a child is sick or if a cow is sick,
21:18 they are going to treat the cow instead of the child
21:21 because it's worth money.
21:23 The child is not unless it's a boy child.
21:26 But the girls, they are sold at a very--
21:30 As soon as they reach puberty,
21:31 they go through female genital mutilation.
21:36 I've seen it done as young as seven years old.
21:40 But normally it would be around 11, 12 years old.
21:44 And they go through a thirty-day cleansing
21:47 and then after they've been healed,
21:49 then they are married.
21:52 And most times it's pre-arranged
21:56 and it could be somebody--
21:58 Maybe this 12-year-old girl
21:59 is going to marry a 70-year-old man
22:02 as may be a sixth wife or a seventh wife.
22:06 And so, basically she's been sold into,
22:10 I would say slavery, is how I would put it.
22:13 But these girls, if they survive the mutilation
22:18 and the cutting, then they are given away then,
22:22 and they become wives and bearing children
22:26 at a very young age and...
22:28 Now, when you said, "If they survive."
22:30 Do some of them actually die during this?
22:31 Many.
22:33 I did a program one time, talking to a group of Maasai
22:37 that had become Christians and talking about circumcision,
22:41 and I asked them,
22:43 "How many of you know of somebody
22:44 who has died because of this?"
22:45 And every single person raised their hand.
22:48 We have a young girl at our rescue center right now,
22:51 whose 12-year-old sister was to be married.
22:54 And the father had already collected
22:56 some of the dowry and--
22:58 But they had to get her circumcised first
23:01 and go through the cleansing.
23:02 So they cut, they cut her and she bled to death.
23:07 The younger sister saw this.
23:09 The father was arrested
23:10 and sent to jail as well as the lady
23:14 who had done the cutting,
23:15 because it's actually against the law now,
23:17 used to not be, but it is now.
23:19 And he called the wife in and said,
23:23 "Okay you--
23:24 this is what I want you to do.
23:25 I want you to secretly take the younger sister,
23:29 I want you to take Napuk and I want you to go
23:31 and I want you to circumcise her secretly.
23:34 Give her to the man
23:35 because I'm not giving back the dowry.
23:37 Unbelievable.
23:39 So fortunately we were able to get, we found out about it.
23:43 You intervened. Yeah.
23:45 And she was rescued and brought to our rescue center.
23:48 So let's talk a little bit about the ministry.
23:52 You started in this very humble way.
23:56 I think you came back to the States then, didn't you?
23:58 Before you went back and you went over--
24:01 was it Gwen that went with you, who went with you--
24:03 Celeste. It was Celeste.
24:04 Right and Celeste really saw the need for an organized,
24:09 I mean, you just started the work
24:11 but now she's seeing the need for an organized ministry.
24:13 Exactly.
24:15 So tell us, what the Maasai Development Project
24:17 is all about?
24:19 You know when we started out it was mainly--
24:22 we wanted to share Jesus.
24:25 And so we started with lay pastors
24:29 and we sent Maasai out to win the Maasai
24:35 because it doesn't work so well when you send other people.
24:39 So Maasai to meet the Maasai.
24:42 And it started out
24:45 with just a two lay-pastors and--
24:47 So you meet them, train them, I mean, they--
24:50 you know that they've been converted
24:52 so that you send them out.
24:54 And I might add that at this point
24:56 we have 26 workers right now, 26 lay pastors.
24:59 Wow.
25:00 And about nine or ten of them
25:03 were brought in to the Adventism,
25:07 from one of our lay pastors years ago.
25:09 Praise the Lord. Praise God.
25:11 And so, yeah so, we're seeing a second group coming in that--
25:17 and some of them were just young children
25:19 actually when we first started going out and meeting them.
25:24 That's got to be so rewarding.
25:25 So we see them--
25:27 Yeah, it is, it is really rewarding.
25:28 So we started out with that but then in the early 2000s
25:32 it came to our attention,
25:33 really about the need for the girl child
25:36 and a rescue center.
25:38 So we were actually supporting a rescue center
25:41 that was already established out in Kajiado.
25:44 And as they grew, we started expanding.
25:48 Maasai Development started expanding elsewhere.
25:50 We were out by the Maasai Mara Game Reserve
25:53 and there is a school there and they asked us
25:56 if we would be willing to come up there
25:58 and have a rescue center.
25:59 And I asked them
26:01 if we had a rescue center built tomorrow or today,
26:04 how many at-risk girls will there be tomorrow?
26:07 And they said 1,500.
26:09 Now if you were to see this, but you should wonder
26:10 where in the world could they be.
26:12 But they are just, they're there in the bush.
26:17 And our youngest--
26:18 Fifteen hundred, now that shocked me.
26:20 Shocked me.
26:21 And so we immediately started praying about it
26:24 and raising funds and in 2000 and 2010 November,
26:30 we opened up our rescue center.
26:32 We have 58 children
26:36 and some of the children that we've had
26:37 since they were little
26:39 are now in University and in college
26:42 and so we educate them all the way
26:44 from whenever they come, up through college.
26:48 How do the men of the tribe, especially the fathers,
26:52 if these little girls are like chattel to them,
26:55 something that they can sell, how do they accept it
26:58 when they know you rescued their daughter?
27:01 Yeah, we have to walk very carefully.
27:03 And our manager has had--
27:07 has been threatened in the past by young Moran
27:10 that had come and said, "We are going to kill you,
27:13 because you are taking away our girls."
27:16 And also fathers have--
27:19 one father knew that we were going
27:21 to start sponsoring his daughter and taking her in.
27:24 So he arranged to have one of his friends rape
27:28 his daughter hoping to get her pregnant so that,
27:33 then we would say no.
27:36 Fortunately, we were--
27:37 she did not get pregnant
27:39 and we were able to get her away
27:40 and she has been with us.
27:42 She is now in form three or a junior in high school,
27:46 doing very well.
27:48 So is it usually the mothers
27:49 that bring these little girls to you or?
27:52 Mothers have, and I've seen mother--
27:54 we had one mother who brought her daughter.
27:57 She went back home and then her husband kicked her out.
28:01 So she no longer had a home anywhere.
28:03 She had no place to go.
28:04 She had to just go from place to place
28:06 begging for food and things
28:07 because she had been disowned because she had--
28:12 she was brave enough to rescue her daughter.
28:14 And we've had many women come and say,
28:18 "Please, I don't want my daughter to go
28:20 what I've gone through."
28:22 Praise the Lord for the ministry.
28:24 So we are gonna come back
28:25 'cause we want to hear the story of Josephine.
28:27 Yes.
28:28 But do you also have--
28:30 is there a church building there?
28:33 Yes.
28:36 I'm excited to say that finally it's been several years now
28:40 that we've had the one-day churches from ASI.
28:42 Yeah, but they are now out in Maasai land.
28:45 And last October, I went to visit
28:48 one of our lay pastor's churches.
28:51 And here was the framework from the one-day church.
28:56 And so of course after church they as usual they will say,
29:00 what--
29:01 you know, can you help us
29:03 with this or with this or this is what we're doing.
29:05 And they were telling me that for two years
29:08 they've been praying for a church.
29:11 And coming together
29:12 'cause they've for three years they were just under a tree.
29:16 And so, they have been praying
29:19 and what they didn't know
29:22 was that the previous lay pastor
29:24 had written a letter to his sponsor and said,
29:27 "My goal is to have a church".
29:29 That sponsor contacted me
29:30 previous before me going over and seeing
29:32 that the one-day church had come up there.
29:35 And said, "I want to help this dream come true."
29:38 So as I am sitting there listening to them
29:40 say we want this church, you know,
29:41 can we get help to finish the church.
29:43 I'm just trying to--
29:46 I am just holding myself to my chair going,
29:48 "Oh, please hurry him,
29:49 finish talking so I can tell you
29:51 there is a church coming."
29:52 And so when they were done and I got up and I said,
29:54 "Yeah, " I said, "I'm so excited to tell you
29:58 we already have a sponsor.
29:59 They are going to help you finish this church."
30:01 And right now, Shelley,
30:02 it is being built as we speak right now
30:04 It's in the--
30:05 it's being finished,
30:06 that one-day church.
30:08 And our lay pastors,
30:09 if there isn't an opportunity for one-day church,
30:12 they mobilize the community.
30:14 And they will put up a tin structure,
30:16 they'll put up a wooden structure.
30:20 And it's very primitive,
30:22 but as long as they have a building to come to,
30:24 the people come.
30:25 We don't. We don't.
30:27 We so take for granted how blessed we are here
30:30 in the States or any of the developed countries,
30:34 where we've got beautiful churches.
30:36 And in some places like in Europe beautiful churches
30:39 that are not even a fourth of the way filled,
30:42 which is a shame.
30:43 But these people are very passionate about God
30:48 and they're very passionate about having a home
30:51 that makes them really feel, a church makes them feel
30:55 that they really belong, don't they?
30:56 Right, exactly.
30:58 So tell us the story of Josephine?
31:02 In 2011, I was at the centre, spending a few months there.
31:06 And the school master
31:09 from next door came over and said,
31:11 "I have a girl here, she's a runaway,
31:14 she's married and she's runaway
31:17 and would you take her?"
31:18 So we called her over to talk to her.
31:20 And she was 12 years old at the time.
31:23 She's married and she was 12 years old?
31:26 Yes, and she'd been married for two years.
31:27 Oh, bless her.
31:29 And looking for an opportunity to escape.
31:31 And she knew if she could get to the school
31:33 that once she got inside the gates
31:35 that she could be protected.
31:37 And they wouldn't force her to go back.
31:39 But the school master said, "Well, you know,
31:41 we'll have to talk to the chief,
31:42 because you are already married.
31:44 We'll have to talk."
31:46 She goes, "Nope, I won't talk to him."
31:47 He said, "Why?"
31:48 She goes, "Because he can be bought off."
31:50 And if you take me there, he will send me back.
31:53 He said, "Okay, we will call the counselor."
31:55 "Oh no, that counselor can be bought off."
31:58 So they brought her to right next door,
32:01 to our, to our compound
32:03 and we were able to get the Government involved then.
32:07 We could call the Child services
32:09 and we got custody of her.
32:11 And so she came to our centre
32:15 and she said, "I want to go school."
32:18 Of course, she was 12 years old
32:19 and she had to start--
32:21 she went back to third grade and started.
32:23 And so these little kids now are making fun of her
32:25 and she's like, "You can laugh all you want,
32:27 but I am getting educated."
32:29 And she's now in class seven, finish--
32:32 and will start class eight
32:34 and two years to go.
32:36 This is Josephine on the screen?
32:37 This is Josephine on the screen.
32:38 Now, Josephine is a special girl.
32:43 In that, last October,
32:46 I was in Kenya, went out to visit.
32:48 And she was...
32:52 I went to church and I noticed first of all,
32:55 because we use a room
32:56 from the school next door to us,
32:58 so when I went, I thought,
33:00 "Oh, we've moved to a larger room."
33:03 And there was a lot more people.
33:04 Then I also noticed that there was a school teacher
33:06 that was coming.
33:07 And, and it was just packed with kids.
33:10 Now on Sundays, the children have--
33:13 Because the school is not an Adventist school,
33:15 they can either
33:17 go to a Bible study at our center
33:19 or they can go to church service
33:21 there on Sunday.
33:22 So many other children were coming over to us
33:26 for our Bible studies on Sundays at our centre.
33:30 So I had the Bible study the next day.
33:32 And when I walked in,
33:34 I noticed that it was full and of many boys.
33:37 And I'm going,
33:39 "What are all these boys doing in our dormitory?"
33:41 And I think we have a picture.
33:42 We'll show you. And yeah here is our dormitory.
33:45 Now it doesn't look really full there.
33:47 But there's over 60 children there.
33:49 And 30 of our children
33:51 or twenty-some of our children are in secondary school,
33:54 so only 30 of those children out of that 60
33:58 are actually our children from our center.
34:00 The rest are children from the school next door.
34:03 So how did they get there?
34:05 They came because of Josephine.
34:07 When I was through with the study,
34:09 I went and sat down beside Josephine.
34:11 And I said, "Josephine?"
34:13 She said, "How are you doing?"
34:15 She goes, "You see all these kids?"
34:16 I go, "Yeah."
34:18 She goes, "They are my friends.
34:20 I invited them to come and they come,
34:23 and they're coming to Bible study."
34:25 The school teacher,
34:26 from the day before there was a church
34:28 and is now requesting Bible studies,
34:31 is her teacher
34:33 who she'd been talking to and saying,
34:34 "He needed to come to church."
34:35 So what you're saying is she's a bold witness for the Lord.
34:38 She's a bold witness. Praise God.
34:40 Now, now this is the special part,
34:44 is that Josephine--
34:46 these young boys that you saw in that picture,
34:49 they came to our lay pastor there.
34:51 And they said, "Pastor, we're going home for holiday,
34:54 but we don't have a church at our village."
34:57 And they sent me a message,
34:59 "Can we get a lay pastor for this village?"
35:02 And first of all I'm going, "Okay, where is this village?
35:04 We don't have the funding for another lay pastor.
35:07 We just don't have it right now.
35:09 Because we don't even have enough sponsors
35:10 for what we have.
35:12 And then I said,
35:14 "First of all, tell me where this is?"
35:15 And goes, "Jan, this is Josephine's parent's village.
35:19 This is Josephine's home village
35:21 where these boys are from."
35:22 And we said, "Get a lay pastor there.
35:25 We're gonna step out in faith."
35:27 We still don't have a sponsor for him yet
35:29 but we now have one.
35:31 And those boys, they came and they said,
35:33 "We can no longer go to church on Sunday
35:36 because now we know the truth,
35:38 and now we know the Bible,
35:41 and we are finding the truth from the Bible.
35:44 Praise the Lord. And they said, "Please."
35:45 So now, because of Josephine,
35:49 not only is there now
35:51 a church starting in her home village.
35:53 And she is praying that her parents will be reached
35:56 and that they will come to know Jesus as well.
35:59 Now in the mean time,
36:00 what I was to start to tell you is, two years ago,
36:02 she was looking really sad, and I said, "What's wrong?"
36:05 And she said that her little sister
36:08 who was turning 10 years old,
36:10 was just getting ready to be circumcised
36:11 and sold as a wife.
36:13 We were able to go out and get her.
36:16 To circumvent the circumcision, right?
36:18 There you go.
36:20 Let me ask you this, I mean, if I'm wondering this,
36:23 I know that you're probably wondering this at home as well.
36:27 What is the purpose of the circumcision
36:29 before they're married?
36:31 If you go--
36:32 if you ask anybody, oops,
36:34 they won't--
36:36 they won't really know.
36:37 It's just been tradition.
36:39 It's going from a child into womanhood.
36:43 But if you go back into the history of it,
36:46 it was actually given as a gift to the gods.
36:49 So this mutilation, oh my goodness.
36:51 Okay, that's enough.
36:53 I-- yeah, we've got far enough on that one.
36:55 So what does it cost
36:59 to sponsor a Bible worker there?
37:03 A Bible worker is $150 a month.
37:06 $150 a month. Yeah.
37:08 And we have some churches that, you know,
37:11 as a church they will sponsor a pastor or something.
37:14 So then it's not such a burden on one person.
37:16 And we have other people say,
37:17 "I'd like to sponsor a pastor
37:19 but I can only give this much a month."
37:20 So then we put them together.
37:22 Put them together. Yeah, yeah.
37:23 That's wonderful, that's wonderful.
37:26 Now let's--
37:28 you've been sitting over there being so quiet, Terri.
37:32 And I just got to share with our guest if I may.
37:35 Those who were watching and listening by radio,
37:38 Terri said, "Don't make me talk when I get there."
37:42 So talking is not your thing in front of a camera
37:45 but we're gonna talk.
37:49 Tell us about when you went over on the mission trip
37:53 and how the Lord impacted you through that trip.
37:59 Oh, well, where to begin.
38:04 We started out actually staying in tents.
38:08 And I don't even know the name of the little area we were at,
38:12 but we stayed in tents and we had a small--
38:14 Did you go over to provide nursing services?
38:16 Nursing services, in a little medical clinic,
38:19 we had a doctor and couple of nurses with us.
38:25 We saw over a course of three days
38:28 over 2,000 people.
38:29 Oh my!
38:31 And they just--
38:33 they just get there,
38:34 they walk miles to get to see someone
38:39 for some help medically.
38:42 And I was just humbled by the fact
38:47 that they would show up to see us to,
38:50 to get a little bit of care.
38:52 To drive, to walk that far
38:54 and make such an effort to get there.
38:56 And to wait all day, some of them just to be seen.
38:59 Terri had an experience with a young girl
39:02 that is amazing.
39:04 Oh, yeah this was--
39:08 well a little girl,
39:09 I don't know may be 11-12 years old.
39:14 I had an interpreter that was sitting right with me
39:17 to interpret and kind of go over the medical needs
39:21 of each person,
39:23 usually it was a family that would come.
39:25 And this little girl was by herself
39:27 and she was trying to almost slide,
39:32 you know just to be hidden, she was hiding her face.
39:35 We had to get very close to her to even hear
39:37 what she was trying to ask.
39:38 And it turned out that,
39:43 her story was that she had been put out of her home at night.
39:48 And there were some farm workers from another area
39:52 that three or four of them that had raped her and she was,
39:56 you know, she had an infection and she was miserable
40:00 and so we treated her.
40:01 And then we got James, who's at the girl's center,
40:05 he followed up with her mom
40:08 and tried to make sure that she was safe.
40:11 Yes.
40:13 We didn't know if we needed to rescue her
40:14 and bring her to the center or, but--
40:19 Bless her little heart. Yeah.
40:21 You know, you just can't even imagine what...
40:23 She was.
40:25 How the cult--
40:26 you know, the difference in culture,
40:28 how parents would even put their child out at night
40:30 where they would be exposed to this kind of risk.
40:33 We've had mothers that have sent
40:35 their daughters out to the young men
40:37 because the young men will taunt the mothers
40:41 and make them, make their life really hard,
40:44 if they don't send their daughters out.
40:47 Oh, that's unbelievable.
40:49 But now, you had a driver
40:53 when you were on this missionary trip.
40:56 And there was a miracle involved in his family
41:00 and I think that's what touched your heart
41:02 to get involved on a permanent basis.
41:05 Tell us about this driver and his son?
41:09 Well, I think Jan was there. I met the driver.
41:13 He was our driver when we were there
41:15 and got to know him a bit.
41:18 Very special, very special person
41:20 and he's been more and more involved,
41:22 I think with our--
41:23 with the Maasai Development Project now.
41:25 But I think it was last October
41:30 and I wasn't there on that trip.
41:32 But...
41:34 Yeah, I arrived from the airport.
41:35 And he was driving me home,
41:37 and he told me that they had a baby since--
41:40 you know, since I was there.
41:41 And that was a real surprise to me.
41:43 And a couple of days later,
41:44 my sister, who is also a nurse flew in and he said,
41:48 "We were supposed to go somewhere the next day."
41:50 And he called and he goes,
41:51 "I had to take my wife and my son, new born son."
41:54 He was, well three weeks old to the doctor,
41:57 well, come to find out the baby had meningitis.
42:00 Oh my! Three weeks old.
42:03 And if the wife hadn't gotten set,
42:05 probably the baby would have died
42:06 before they ever got him to the hospital.
42:08 By the time they got him there, he was so dehydrated.
42:12 Of course, he'd already stiffen back.
42:14 The front nerve was swollen on his head.
42:17 He was comatose.
42:20 So they took him to the government hospital.
42:22 And so we would go and start to pray for the--
42:26 we prayed over the baby.
42:27 And sent messages all over the world
42:30 on our Facebook page, Maasai development Facebook,
42:33 our personal ones.
42:34 We called our church family here in the States
42:37 and they got prayer warriors going
42:38 and we would just pray.
42:40 And Pastor Bernie Anderson was there visiting.
42:44 So we took him to go and pray over the baby.
42:47 Right now, I think there's a picture of him here
42:49 but--
42:51 this is him today.
42:52 Oh! Isn't he darling?
42:54 This is little baby Jackson
42:55 and absolutely no residual effects from it.
42:58 And he was--
43:00 went from about two pounds.
43:05 Three, two and a half, three pounds
43:07 he had lost so much weight.
43:08 And now he is a healthy little boy,
43:11 just smiling and happy.
43:13 And they gave all credit to God.
43:16 And the day before I left, last October
43:19 when I came back to the States, I stopped by their house
43:22 to visit the baby and take pictures.
43:24 And they were saying,
43:27 "Oh, we really need a bigger house."
43:30 They had a very humble, humble home.
43:32 And they asked me to pray for him,
43:37 pray for them and before I left.
43:39 And so I did and I asked, I said,
43:40 "Lord, would you please provide a two-bedroom home for this--
43:45 nice two bed room home for this family.
43:48 They're needing a bigger place."
43:49 And I forgot all about that prayer.
43:51 When I was there here, just two weeks ago,
43:53 I just got back.
43:56 And I went to visit them in their home.
43:58 In their two-bedroom home.
44:00 In their new two-bedroom, beautiful home.
44:02 And they said,
44:03 "Do you remember when you prayed?"
44:05 And I said,
44:06 "No, I really don't remember that I prayed."
44:07 They go, "Well, you did.
44:09 And we remember that and here we are in our home."
44:12 And I have to tell you this.
44:13 They have watched, they watch 3ABN.
44:17 Oh, glory to God.
44:18 Well if they're watching today,
44:20 I just want to send you kisses out to you.
44:23 Let me ask you,
44:27 and, Terri, I'm gonna come to you first.
44:29 Going--
44:31 I've always heard that mission trips really can--
44:36 As you said, it humbles you, it changes you.
44:37 It changes your perspective on life in many ways.
44:41 And is this what made you
44:43 decide to become involved, this executive secretary
44:47 for the Maasai Development Project?
44:50 Well, I didn't have any plans of that.
44:52 I've always wanted to do something.
44:55 And I've always just prayed to be able to do something.
44:59 So Jan called me and we talked about it
45:04 for a while and I just,
45:05 I prayed about it a while because I wanted to--
45:09 I'm a nurse, I'm not a secretary.
45:12 So it's a big step for me but--
45:15 It's a stretch. It is.
45:17 God stretches us. He does.
45:19 And He does, watch out what you pray for.
45:22 Yes.
45:25 So, I'm just--
45:26 Praise the Lord.
45:27 So, how has, either one of you can address,
45:32 it's for both,
45:34 how has being involved in this changed your Christian walk,
45:41 your relation,
45:42 your one-on-one time with the Lord?
45:45 Do you want to go first?
45:48 I think in doing this kind of work is,
45:52 like I said humbling and knowing
45:56 that I can't do anything that it has to all be God.
46:00 Amen.
46:01 John 15:5 and that daily prayer time,
46:08 that daily walk with God.
46:13 Praise God.
46:15 How about for you?
46:17 We're still going because of the grace of God,
46:20 because it's His ministry.
46:23 Shelley, every month is a miracle
46:25 for us at this point.
46:27 And there are times you know, I,
46:29 you know get all the expenses that I'll need to spend over,
46:32 sent for that month.
46:34 And I go through the list
46:37 and then I go through with the available funds
46:40 and I pray.
46:42 And maybe I'll be $6,000 short. So I pray again.
46:46 And I'll go through everything. Maybe I'll be $4,000.
46:51 And so I'll pray again and I'll go through.
46:53 Somehow every month, God provides it.
46:57 And I don't know where it comes from.
47:00 Only God knows.
47:01 And we would not be, if it wasn't for God
47:07 and if He was--
47:08 and when you have to depend on Him for everything.
47:13 Believe me, we understand that around here.
47:15 Yeah, you do.
47:17 'Cause it's a month-to-month thing.
47:18 We do understand.
47:20 And it's kind of exciting learning to walk by faith.
47:25 You know, you hear people say that all the time
47:28 but it's not to you in the middle of the ministry
47:31 with all these expenses and not knowing
47:34 where the money is coming from.
47:36 That's when you really understand walking by faith,
47:38 going forward by faith.
47:39 Just like you said, getting another Bible worker
47:43 that was a step of faith
47:44 'cause that's a $150 more a month
47:47 to add to your budget.
47:49 But it was something that I'm sure
47:52 God's gonna cover that step of faith
47:54 'cause He knew that village needed to hear.
47:57 So, what are the opportunities?
47:59 I want to put up your address roll.
48:01 They have one ready for you two,
48:02 so that people--
48:04 you at home or if you are listening in your car
48:06 or watching on TV,
48:07 that you will be able to get in touch with Jan,
48:11 you've got--
48:12 Do you do these medical mission,
48:16 Jans, periodically?
48:18 And so people can--
48:20 Yes, in fact we have a mission group going over
48:22 in May 24, this year.
48:25 We have another group that would go over in October.
48:27 So we do about two trips a year.
48:30 Usually June, July and then again in October.
48:33 This year we are taking a little earlier
48:35 so we can get better tickets
48:37 but, but yeah, we usually do about two a year.
48:39 All right.
48:41 And so people can become involved
48:43 in that sense.
48:45 They can become involved sponsoring either a student
48:49 at your school or Bible worker and, of course,
48:54 you can become involved by your prayers.
48:56 That's, I think if you talk to anybody
48:58 in the ministry the one thing they,
49:00 I don't want to use the word covet
49:02 'cause we're told not to covet but it's similar to that.
49:06 What we desire most is your prayer support
49:09 because we know that we have a mighty God
49:11 but at the same time,
49:13 you know, you've heard the story
49:15 where the pastor tells his congregation,
49:19 you know, this is what is gonna cost.
49:22 The good news is God has provided
49:25 for this ministry.
49:27 And then people are going like, yeah, and then he said,
49:30 "The bad news is the money is in your pocket."
49:32 So this is something that is important and we want.
49:36 If the Holy Spirit is inspiring you as you watch,
49:39 if your hearts been moved
49:40 in thinking about rescuing these young girls
49:44 from this horrible genital mutilation
49:47 and being married off at such a young age or,
49:50 and letting these people come to know the truth.
49:53 If you would like to become involved in any way
49:56 or donate to this ministry,
49:58 here is how you can get in touch
50:00 with the Maasai Development Project.
50:06 If you'd like to learn more about
50:07 the Maasai Development Project
50:09 or if you'd like to support this ministry,
50:11 you can write to, Maasai Development Project
50:14 PO Box 6816 Spokane, WA 99217
50:19 That's, Maasai Development Project
50:21 PO Box 6816 Spokane, WA 99217
50:26 You can call them at, (509) 443-5666.
50:31 That's, (509) 443-5666
50:35 You can also visit them online at 4mdp.org.
50:40 That's 4mdp.org.
50:48 If the Holy Spirit is impressing you,
50:50 I'm sure they would appreciate any support
50:52 that you can give them.
50:54 Jan, tell us what your future plans are
50:57 for the Maasai Development Project?
51:00 Well, we want to continue expanding our lay pastors.
51:04 I said earlier
51:05 that we had stepped out in faith and hired.
51:07 We just hired six more, besides that one.
51:09 And that was, that's all on faith.
51:12 And so, but we want to continue expanding
51:14 into un-entered areas of Maasai land.
51:18 With our centre, we just want to--
51:21 we want to continue growing that,
51:23 we want to expand it to have a place
51:27 where women and widows can come.
51:30 And they can learn cookery.
51:33 We're already teaching our children cook bakery.
51:35 We have a charcoal,
51:37 putting charcoal in the little oven
51:39 and they're learning how to bake and everything.
51:41 So--
51:42 This is sort of the skill for which they could end up
51:44 actually gaining gainful employment from.
51:47 That's right,
51:48 because where we are out in the Mara,
51:52 there's all these tent camps and the safari camps.
51:55 And so they can go and get jobs as a house cleaner
51:58 or they could go as a cook or a baker or whatever.
52:02 So, and then we want to give them other skills
52:06 and just for those who've never learnt to read,
52:08 we want to give them that opportunity
52:10 to learn to read,
52:11 so they can read the Bible for themselves.
52:13 So when these girls grow up,
52:15 after they've gone through your school,
52:17 you've seen generations now,
52:18 do they have a totally different life
52:20 because of the education,
52:22 because of what they have learnt?
52:25 Yes, they do.
52:28 Like I said, we're just now getting--
52:30 We have two girls that have just finished college.
52:33 And we have five going
52:35 and now next year will have seven going
52:37 and that are graduating from high school,
52:39 so this is a work, kind of panicking here,
52:41 I mean, this is the big growth for us
52:43 because our goal is to see them through
52:45 as far as they can go.
52:47 Because then they come back and help out their homes.
52:52 It makes a huge impact.
52:54 We have one young girl right now
52:56 and I'll just quickly tell you her mother was one
53:00 that was very supportive of us when we came.
53:02 We even gave her a job.
53:04 And the girl is now in form three in high school.
53:08 And we--
53:11 but her mom took her and told her
53:18 she wanted her to come away from MDP.
53:21 And she told her mom, she goes,
53:23 "Mom, someday I am going to become a great woman,
53:27 and a woman of promise."
53:28 Praise God.
53:30 And she said, "And where will you be?
53:31 Ooh, praise the Lord.
53:33 And so, have we made a difference?
53:35 Already. Amen.
53:37 Well, we're gonna have to take a quick break here
53:39 and go to a newsbreak,
53:40 but we're gonna come back for closing thought
53:42 with Jan and Terri in just a moment.


Revised 2016-04-21