3ABN Today

The Storm is Coming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), C.A. Murray, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016018B

00:01 We have really enjoyed this program.
00:02 And what we want to do is we want to wrap it up here
00:04 and we're gonna get our guest as it were to wrap up some,
00:08 give us some good thoughts here.
00:10 Well, the good thought is that
00:11 you mentioned that people are saying,
00:13 "It's a doom and gloom messages."
00:14 It's not at all because I want to leave you
00:16 with this promise, one of my favorites.
00:17 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
00:21 It says, "Now may the God of peace,
00:24 Jehovah-shalom,
00:25 may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely..."
00:29 That means, He is the one that's gonna
00:31 separate you from sin
00:33 and sanctify, make Holy,
00:35 that just means to be separated from the sin.
00:38 "And may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved
00:42 blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:46 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it."
00:51 Amen.
00:52 Great promises in the Bible for justification by faith,
00:55 righteousness by faith
00:57 and a lot of warnings as well
01:00 that we Christians are to have consistent living.
01:04 Life that is consistent with His commandments.
01:07 So those warnings are no more joke to God
01:11 than the death of Christ--
01:13 Yeah, mercy. Amen.
01:15 Well said. Well said. Yes.
01:16 I'm in Ephesians 5:1, "Therefore be imitators of God,
01:20 my dear children, as dear children
01:22 and walk in love,
01:24 as Christ also loved us and given Himself for us."
01:28 Walk in love-- a storm is coming,
01:30 put your umbrella, your raincoat dare I say,
01:34 or shelter is in the love of Jesus.
01:36 Amen. Very well said. Thank you.
01:38 And if you like to know more about this subject,
01:40 we encourage you to call in and ask about the book
01:43 'The Great Controversy' and how you may get that book.
01:46 Yes, it's a wonderful book and we've realized
01:49 where we are at in earth's history.
01:50 We need to be ready.
01:51 We're going to be praying for you,
01:53 pray for us as we continue on press the battle to the gate.
01:55 We love you. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2016-04-14