3ABN Today

The Storm is Coming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), C.A. Murray, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016018A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 What a blessing that you have chosen
01:11 to spend this hour of study with us.
01:14 And today, Pastor Kenny,
01:15 we are gonna have an exciting topic.
01:17 Oh, absolutely.
01:18 The topic is entitled "The Storm is Coming."
01:21 Yes. "The Storm is Coming."
01:23 And we have some wonderful guests with us today.
01:25 Oh, praise the Lord.
01:27 Of course, my name is Chris Shelton
01:28 and I've got my husband Pastor Kenny.
01:29 I'm out here. And then Pastor CA Murray.
01:32 Yes. Thank you.
01:33 And Sister Shelley Quinn.
01:35 I know it seems little backwards
01:37 for them to be over there and us over here, doesn't it?
01:39 We're in this thing together.
01:41 And, you know, really developing
01:44 and you mentioned several times,
01:45 you know, a wonderful relationship,
01:47 you know, not only as individually and privately
01:49 but, you know, spiritually
01:50 to be together in the same boat
01:52 fighting against the enemy getting this message out.
01:56 It's quite a treat. Amen.
01:58 And so we appreciate you folks and love you.
02:00 And we're just glad you're here to help us in the study today.
02:04 We're glad you're here as well. That's right.
02:05 We couldn't ask for a better backup team.
02:07 Thank you, Honey. Yeah.
02:09 I think I will do, set the stage and let them go.
02:11 Absolutely.
02:12 I think we just said the very same thing
02:14 is that we're just gonna let you set the stage
02:15 and take off with it.
02:17 Praise the Lord. Amen. We shall see.
02:18 It's a real subject.
02:20 It's something we really need to look at closely.
02:23 I think life and death issue. Yes.
02:25 Lot of times, you know,
02:27 we see things happening in the world,
02:29 this is no time for God's people to be silent.
02:31 That's right. Amen.
02:32 We must lift our voice.
02:34 I do believe that we will be accountable
02:36 if we do not lift our voice to show Bible prophecy
02:39 that God has given to this last day church
02:41 is just amazing.
02:43 So clear, so wonderful
02:45 and yet we are challenged to get it out there.
02:47 That's right.
02:48 And we are told be careful, don't hurt anyone's feelings.
02:51 This is not even the issue as far as I'm concerned
02:54 is doing what God had said to do,
02:56 what He has written in His word.
02:57 And so, we want to bring that home
02:59 to those of you who are viewing today.
03:01 So I'm looking forward to this discussion and thoughts
03:04 that the Holy Spirit is going to give each and everyone.
03:07 Well, "The Storm is Coming"
03:08 but first we're gonna be blessed with a song
03:10 and I believe Sandra Entermann is going to sing this song
03:13 and she is going to be backed up on the piano
03:15 by Sanja Kitevski I believe.
03:19 Kitevski. Very good.
03:20 Thank you. "You Gave Me Love."
03:22 Amen.
03:37 You gave me time
03:39 When no one gave me time of day
03:48 You looked deep inside
03:51 While the rest of the world looked away
04:01 You smiled at me
04:04 When there were just frowns everywhere
04:13 You gave me love
04:16 When nobody gave me a prayer
04:25 And that's why I call You Savior
04:31 That's why I call You Friend
04:37 You touched my heart
04:40 You touched my soul
04:43 And helped me start all over again
04:49 And that's why I love You, Jesus
04:56 That's why I'll always care
05:02 You gave me love
05:05 When nobody gave me a prayer
05:14 You gave me laughter
05:18 After I cried all my tears
05:26 You heard my dreams
05:29 While the rest of the world closed its ears
05:38 I looked in Your eyes,
05:41 And I found such tenderness there
05:50 You gave me love
05:53 When nobody gave me a prayer
06:02 And that's why I call You Savior
06:08 That's why I call You Friend
06:14 'Cause You touched my heart
06:17 You touched my soul
06:19 And helped me start all over again
06:25 And that's why I love You, Jesus
06:32 That's why I'll always care
06:38 You gave me love
06:40 When nobody gave me
06:44 A prayer
06:49 And that's why I call You Savior
06:56 That's why I call You Friend
07:01 You touched my heart
07:04 You touched my soul
07:07 And helped me start all over again
07:13 That's why I love You, Jesus
07:19 That's why I'll always care
07:26 You gave me love
07:29 When nobody gave me a prayer.
07:47 Hello, and welcome back.
07:48 What a beautiful song, "You Gave Me Love."
07:51 Thank you, Sandra. Amen.
07:53 Now back to our study today which is "The Storm is Coming."
07:57 Yes.
07:58 You know, folks, all of us here we live in Southern Illinois
08:01 and I can guarantee you storms are not what they used to be.
08:04 Right.
08:06 When a storm is coming, we used to not worry about it
08:08 but now you've got all these damaging winds,
08:11 straight-line winds.
08:12 I used to be so thankful as a child,
08:14 we did not live in Tornado Alley
08:16 and I truly believe that
08:18 Southern Illinois has become Tornado Alley.
08:21 Yeah, the alley has shifted.
08:22 You never know and think about all of the storm shelters
08:25 that they are, you know,
08:27 installing in different homes now.
08:29 We never heard of a storm shelter
08:30 when we were growing up, we never needed one.
08:33 You know, the cities and the towns
08:34 what are they doing?
08:36 They are always looking for ways to improve
08:38 their warning system and why is that?
08:41 Yeah. It's for the saving of souls.
08:43 You know, you talked about a storm shelter interesting
08:46 and several years ago built a home,
08:49 we call it spec home and we put in
08:52 and we found out that storm shelter
08:54 and thought, you know, storm shelter would be nice
08:56 if it were square,
08:57 you could open or close a door inside your house,
09:00 raise up a door and go in it which was about a six person
09:05 at least six you get in there.
09:06 So we put on in there and so and so forth
09:08 and then the straight-line storm came.
09:10 It was an Inland Hurricane.
09:12 The Inland Hurricane that came several years ago
09:14 and this thing, she runs,
09:15 we happen to be there finishing up the house.
09:17 She runs down in there and closes the door
09:19 and I won't get in it.
09:20 He wouldn't get in it.
09:22 The shelter was there, there was trees.
09:24 Seriously this bigger around. All around.
09:26 Around us that snapped came
09:28 and just the leaves hit the house.
09:31 God was protecting the house. Yes.
09:33 I'm standing where I'm not supposed to
09:35 in front of the big picture window
09:37 looking out and she is saying "Get in the shelter.
09:38 Get in the shelter."
09:40 I don't want to get in that little old thing.
09:41 I don't want to get in that little old thing.
09:43 I can't see out, I didn't want to get in.
09:44 But only by the grace of God we could still hear
09:47 but sometime we, the storm are coming we know it.
09:50 There is a shelter we know it
09:53 and then we will not participate
09:55 or get in or take, you know, I could have gotten in there
09:58 and maybe felt protected.
10:00 Sure, I was doing a lot of praying.
10:01 We prayed on our knee, "Oh, God, help us."
10:03 But He might have said, "Get into the shelter, Kenny."
10:05 Isn't it interesting how many life stories
10:07 you can take just from that
10:09 as you are talking things are popping in my brain.
10:10 Come on.
10:11 I'm praying, I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing
10:13 but I'm praying.
10:14 You know, it's like "Lord, I'm not gonna follow this.
10:17 Lord, I'm gonna pray.
10:19 I'm gonna pray but I'm not,
10:21 if I see something that I don't like,
10:23 I don't really intend to do this but I'm praying.
10:27 You know, I'm praying
10:28 but I'm not gonna do what I'm supposed to do.
10:30 So there are so many lessons in life.
10:32 So when you talk about a storm is coming,
10:35 there is a clear and present danger we can see it.
10:37 We can see it in the spiritual world,
10:39 the physical world, the political world.
10:42 In all of these worlds we can see
10:44 that something is happening.
10:45 It's like the Bible says "The earth is groaning
10:47 and moaning because things are happening."
10:49 We can see that something big ought to happen
10:53 and we just got to be prepared for it.
10:54 Amen.
10:56 Hopefully in just a bit we will talk a little bit more
10:57 about what the Bible says will happen.
10:59 And when you hear the phrase 9/11
11:02 what comes to your thoughts, 9/11?
11:05 Of course, you think about the attack
11:07 on the World Trade Center.
11:09 And you think about
11:11 how the world has changed since.
11:13 How many freedoms we were willing to give up
11:18 when we felt threatened
11:21 and we know this is going to happen again
11:23 at the end of time where we are giving up,
11:26 we will be giving up more of our freedoms,
11:28 more of our religious freedoms when we feel like
11:32 we are gonna have security through government.
11:35 And I think that's part of prophecy as well.
11:36 It is indeed.
11:38 And hopefully we will touch on that a little bit too.
11:41 But just think, had there been a warning system,
11:45 had they been warned all the thousands of people
11:48 working in and around those buildings
11:50 just how different the loss of life would have been
11:54 if they had been warned.
11:55 But we still have to listen, you know,
11:59 and with kind of echoed a little bit and--
12:01 And get into the storm shelter.
12:03 Thank you, Honey. Yes.
12:04 That's right.
12:06 There may have been a little bit of a warning
12:09 but wasn't substantiated enough that caused people to
12:12 maybe want to miss work for that time
12:13 that was kind of rumored
12:15 that something could happen, might happen
12:17 but they didn't respond and look what happened.
12:20 But they didn't want to believe.
12:21 They didn't want to believe it. Right.
12:22 And today we are going through with own Bible prophecy
12:25 what's fulfill for our very eyes right now.
12:27 And when you say 9/11
12:29 that's what you do when you have an emergency.
12:31 You know, you pick up the phone, what do you dial?
12:33 911 because you need help, things are out of control
12:37 and I believe this world is out of control.
12:39 And isn't it interesting we talk about the parallels.
12:42 There were those who heard that the chatter,
12:45 they call it Shelley, you know, who knew
12:48 but who obviously didn't give the warning.
12:50 They didn't communicate with other agencies
12:52 and that's why a program like this exist
12:55 because if you know, you got to tell.
12:58 That's good. Amen.
12:59 You got to warn. You got to lift up your voice.
13:01 The Bible says if he goes down in sin
13:04 and you don't tell him his blood
13:06 I will require at your hand.
13:08 Praise God.
13:09 So what we are doing is
13:10 there is a bit of a selfishness to this.
13:12 What we are doing is freeing ourselves from perdition.
13:14 You know, you got to tell
13:15 as it's bad enough dealing with my own sins,
13:17 I don't want to be responsible for yours.
13:18 That's right.
13:20 If I tell you Christ is coming and you need to get right
13:22 I've done my job.
13:23 Now, it's on you to get right.
13:25 But I've got to tell, I've got to lift up my voice
13:27 like a trumpet and give the trumpet full sound.
13:29 And the Bible talks about we don't want to be careful
13:32 with this one.
13:33 We don't want to be like a dumb dog not barking.
13:35 That's right.
13:37 You think about, you got a watchdog
13:38 and that watchdog will not bark,
13:40 he is not much of a watchdog.
13:41 Eating your food.
13:43 Almost as useless, I had to be careful with that.
13:44 But if that's what he is supposed to be.
13:47 If he came to me, he was trained to be a watchdog
13:50 and let you know of the danger
13:52 and he is not doing his job,
13:54 it's not any good to me.
13:55 Amen. Correct.
13:56 So we live in that time
13:58 when lot of things are happening in the world.
13:59 That's right. And the love of souls.
14:01 Oh, mercy.
14:02 The love of soul, you mention being selfish
14:03 but I think about those
14:05 who are outside of that arch of safety
14:08 and who, say you were saved in the city
14:11 and you are looking out,
14:13 who would you want to see out there?
14:15 No one.
14:16 Absolutely no one.
14:18 We are told in Spirit of Prophecy
14:20 that there will come a time that many of us may think,
14:23 you know, "I wish I had not said what I said."
14:26 Yes.
14:27 But right now the Holy Spirit compels us
14:30 as we study Revelation
14:32 and look at how many churches put the book aside.
14:35 They don't want to address it.
14:37 Whether they don't understand
14:38 or they just don't want to bring about
14:42 the thoughts that a storm is coming,
14:45 that there is a beast power
14:46 that the world is wondering after.
14:48 And as you begin to read through Revelation 13
14:51 and on through 18
14:52 there are so many identifying marks
14:54 that we see actually taking place
14:57 in our world today.
14:59 But when you read the word like in Daniel 12:1, you know,
15:04 at time of trouble that which is not known,
15:07 you've never been on that.
15:08 It seem like we have read it for years
15:10 but it's just not soaking in.
15:12 I wanted to soak in.
15:14 I wanted to be real
15:15 and when people sometime they will say,
15:17 "Well, you seem to be in a little too much urgency
15:19 and little too bit excited.
15:21 You need to calm down."
15:23 And I said, "You know, souls are at stake here
15:25 and it's part of my make up.
15:28 It may not be someone else's to reclaim it,
15:32 to sound the warning.
15:33 As you talk about so the blood is not on our hand.
15:36 I want to read this paragraph here and get your comments on
15:39 what we are headed for here
15:40 in this Review and Herald article
15:42 January 1st, 1889.
15:45 It says "Let not the commandment-keeping
15:47 people of God be silent at this time..."
15:49 Notice, "As though we gracefully
15:52 accepted the situation.
15:54 There is a prospect before us, of waging a continuous war,
15:59 at the risk of imprisonment, of losing property
16:03 and even life itself, to defend the law of God,
16:07 which is being made void by the laws of men."
16:10 Isn't this where we are at?
16:12 What do you think when you, a continuous war.
16:15 What is it talking about?
16:17 It's talking about continuous war.
16:18 What kind of a war?
16:19 Oh, I think it's lovers of self.
16:21 Yeah. Okay.
16:22 I think that's part of, you know,
16:24 the great controversy can only exist
16:28 because people have not given their hearts fully to Christ.
16:33 Yes.
16:35 If we had, if everyone on planet earth
16:37 fully gave their heart to the Lord
16:39 and were not lovers of themselves
16:42 then there would be no,
16:44 there would be no room for the great controversy.
16:46 I mean, Satan would already be if he were ostracized
16:50 from our midst.
16:52 But this war,
16:54 this great controversy that keeps going on,
16:57 it has to do with people, it's Proverbs to 2 Timothy
17:02 that people will be boasters
17:05 and deceitful and lovers of self,
17:08 lovers of money, lovers of material things
17:11 and until we overcome that,
17:14 and there is only one way to overcome it.
17:16 Mercy.
17:18 And we are living in a time, Sister Shelley.
17:19 I know you've heard the phrase have your cake and eat it too.
17:22 People feel that they can do all of these things,
17:25 being lovers of themselves, living whatever lifestyle
17:29 they choose to live
17:30 and yet be in a saving relationship with Jesus.
17:33 Yes. Yes.
17:34 You see this great controversy is over the fact
17:38 that we have broken God's law and He is calling us back,
17:42 His law is His character.
17:44 He is calling us back to reflect that character
17:47 and we cannot, we cannot be so complacent,
17:51 so asleep as the Bible says we are.
17:54 We have to wake up and realize who and what God is
17:58 and how important His law is.
18:01 I was just talking to a dear friend of mine
18:03 yesterday and she was sharing, bless her heart,
18:06 without saying anything who she is.
18:08 Her husband left her
18:09 because he chose another lifestyle.
18:12 And now that he is in another lifestyle,
18:14 in different type of relationship,
18:16 He and His friend are praying and saying,
18:21 "We're gonna pray for you and speaking all these things."
18:24 And that's why people
18:26 because they don't want to line up
18:27 with the Word of God now.
18:29 We see and you and I've talked about this before,
18:31 Sister Shelley.
18:33 They are changing God's word or they're throwing it out.
18:36 That we are picking and choosing
18:38 and yet what is the express way
18:40 that God speaks to us, His children.
18:44 It is through the word.
18:46 And I have a lot of electronic word here
18:49 that you've got your Bibles with you.
18:50 It's through the word that God speaks to us
18:53 so who are we to pick and choose.
18:57 Who are we to say that these things are not gonna happen?
19:00 God says they are gonna happen, they are happening,
19:03 people are wandering after beast.
19:05 We do see a time. We see the earth is upset.
19:09 You know, it says, if our bows are just,
19:11 they're breaking loose, you got tsunamis happening.
19:13 You know, I grew up I never even heard the word tsunami.
19:17 Think about it. Yeah.
19:18 I'm not that young any more.
19:20 Quite a few years.
19:21 Yeah, be careful now.
19:23 But you've got all these terrible disasters
19:25 that are taking place.
19:26 Earthquakes and we are told
19:29 it's going to get worse and worse.
19:31 The good thing, the good thing with this
19:33 and you can comment on this is God is still in control.
19:37 You know, we are facing the election,
19:39 all the stuff is going on and people worry about
19:41 who is gonna be, but God is still in control.
19:43 He's prophesied what will take place, He spoke prophecy.
19:47 He will make sure it's fulfilled exactly
19:50 to what He said.
19:51 I believe that God right now is moving.
19:54 He is in situations where good men, men and women,
19:59 people in high positions are having an opportunity
20:02 to know what truth is.
20:04 So through all the things that's going on, land, sea, air
20:07 all the commotion, everything is happening,
20:09 God's true people will surface.
20:13 They are gonna surface
20:14 and what a time to surface right now.
20:16 Do you see that, Pastor CA? Absolutely I do.
20:18 And you picked
20:19 a very weighty section of the Bible to deal with.
20:22 You start at Revelation 13, 14, 15 to 18
20:25 that's heavy duty stuff.
20:26 So we got to assume a lot of things
20:27 and we pick up and now to say some prophecy,
20:29 the Bible says,
20:31 it looks like a lamb, it speaks like a dragon.
20:33 Yes.
20:34 In 1962 we took, that's over 50 years ago,
20:38 we took prayer out of public schools.
20:40 In 2010, '11,'12 and '13,
20:43 we wrenched the commandments out of public buildings.
20:46 So we've said to God, You are on the back shelf.
20:49 You are not, you are not officially
20:51 as far as we are concerned,
20:53 You take a backseat, we can handle this,
20:55 and we see now we can't handle it.
20:58 You're never gonna be able to handle it.
21:00 And we push God
21:02 and what we brought in His place?
21:04 Guns, violence, drugs, mass shootings, mass murders,
21:08 kids walking in with assault rifles
21:11 and just mowing down thousands, you know,
21:13 if you added the aggregate of people.
21:16 So we said God, "We don't need You, we got this.
21:19 Well, we don't have this."
21:20 So now we realize we need God,
21:22 but again we're in the living room
21:27 looking out the window,
21:28 we won't get in a shelter and we are praying.
21:30 Yes.
21:31 You know, you're praying
21:32 but "To him that turneth away
21:35 his ear from hearing the law..."
21:36 Proverbs 28:9 "Even his prayer is an abomination."
21:40 What are you praying for,
21:41 if you don't intend on doing what I'm telling you to do.
21:43 Good. That's right.
21:44 You're not opening the Bible.
21:46 What are you asking me to do for you
21:47 when you are not intending to do anything for me.
21:49 So it's not that God does not want to help
21:52 but you kind of tie His hands a little bit
21:53 when you don't want to listen to what He has to say.
21:55 You got a child, the child, you have two children.
21:59 One child obeys you, one child anything you say they do.
22:02 They want to be, they want love.
22:03 The other child have no time for you.
22:05 Now, it's not you don't love the other child
22:07 but you can't do as much for that disobedient child
22:10 as you can for that obedient child.
22:12 You just can't.
22:13 You want to do for both
22:14 but if they are not gonna listen,
22:16 it makes it kind of tough.
22:17 So God is pleading,
22:19 He is pulling these pandemics with Zika.
22:23 Never heard of Zika. Zika, what Zika?
22:26 A mosquito has been around forever, all of a sudden,
22:29 you know, Ebola and things are coming that
22:32 we've never seen them before, we never heard them before,
22:35 we don't know how to handle them
22:36 and they are just coming one upon.
22:38 It's God saying...
22:39 Wake up. Wake up.
22:40 Yes. Yes.
22:42 Wake up.
22:43 And listen, I'm sure I don't want to hurt you.
22:45 My thoughts towards you are for good, not for evil.
22:50 But if you're not listening, it's kind of tough
22:53 when you don't want to hear what I have to say.
22:55 Yeah.
22:56 And to speak, I think everybody said this
22:57 and I just want to add this comment.
22:59 You were talking about how people who are, you know,
23:04 had become, they are doing anything they want,
23:07 yet they feel like they are saved.
23:09 You mentioned that people are in position to learn the truth,
23:12 people with power.
23:13 And we've talked about, we've got to blow the trumpet
23:16 and give it a certain sound called warning.
23:19 Here's what's going on with the people
23:21 who feel that they are safe,
23:23 they have been deceived.
23:25 There's people who have taken the scripture
23:27 as Peter says that they have twisted the scripture
23:31 to their own destruction.
23:32 And so when people just simply pull out a verse here and there
23:38 and it isn't line upon line from Genesis to Revelation,
23:42 when they are deceived, they become really complacent.
23:47 You know, you can learn something
23:49 and feel like we know,
23:51 I mean, and I'm gonna say this as an absolute truth.
23:54 We absolutely, positively
23:55 nowhere saved by grace through faith,
23:58 but and we are not denying now.
24:01 What we are wanting to let people know is
24:04 here you was talking about the children of obedience
24:07 or the sons of disobedience.
24:08 Yes. Yes.
24:10 Only by grace can we even obey God's commandment.
24:13 Well said.
24:14 It says, He works in us to will and to do.
24:16 Yes.
24:17 But all of this comes into play with the last days
24:20 because this is, we're seeing the deterioration
24:24 as people have been deceived either through their churches,
24:29 through the government, through, you know,
24:32 we have these groups that are pushing their agenda
24:37 and these packs of things, they push their agenda.
24:41 And then for example if you want to say,
24:45 "How is that there is such a small portion of people
24:50 who are actually gay, lesbian or..."
24:57 Transgender. "Transgender, bisexual."
25:00 There is a small percentage of people,
25:04 yet they've had such a strong political committee.
25:11 Look what has changed in out to the point.
25:14 We were speaking before this program
25:17 to the point that their agenda has been
25:20 fast forwarded, they are on the forefront,
25:23 and now if you speak Bible truths,
25:26 you are considered speaking hate speech.
25:30 You know, if we say,
25:32 someone out here is gonna look at me and think
25:34 I'm gonna say it but God loves homosexuals.
25:39 Yes, He does. We love homosexuals.
25:42 God's word says, "He hates the behavior."
25:45 We are not saying that they are worse sinners than we are.
25:48 We are all sinners.
25:49 We all fall short of the grace of God,
25:51 and the glory of God.
25:53 But He gives us redemption.
25:55 So if our sin was, I mean, there's people in the church
26:00 who were actively sexual before marriage
26:04 that they may have been sex addicts,
26:06 there's people who have pornography.
26:08 God by His grace saves them from that sin.
26:12 He accepts them as they are and He brings them out.
26:15 Amen.
26:16 But nowadays to even say that
26:18 it's like you are a hate monger.
26:21 Yes. Yes.
26:22 Well, the society has given a human right language
26:27 rather than it being a sin that it's human rights.
26:32 You know, I remember at the opening
26:34 or the inception of the AIDS epidemic.
26:37 They were saying the same thing.
26:38 We're trying to give the AIDS virus human rights.
26:42 And so now we've allowed counter culture lifestyles
26:47 to be equal with human rights
26:52 and it throws it all out of balance.
26:56 You know, we've got this Revelation 13 and thank God
27:01 it's follow in Revelation 14,
27:03 so that the call now is fear God,
27:08 give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come.
27:14 Somebody has got to stand up and wave a red flag
27:18 and say, "Folk, something is going on in heaven.
27:21 Christ is about to come back.
27:23 It's time to stop this foolishness
27:25 and get right with God because judgment is coming.
27:28 It is here. Amen.
27:29 So fear God and give Him glory. Amen.
27:31 Put yourself out of the way.
27:33 I think that you touched on Paul's letter to Timothy,
27:36 2 Timothy 3, prayer less times.
27:38 We got craziness going on.
27:40 Lovers of their own selves proud, boasters, heady,
27:42 high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
27:45 No conscience. And no conscience.
27:46 No conscience. No conscience.
27:47 You know, you have reporter standing giving a live report
27:50 and someone comes up with a gun and shoots him on TV.
27:53 Precisely. You have all these racism.
27:55 Who would have thought we would be turning the tables
27:57 back to that. Amen.
28:00 A young man went into a church one day
28:02 and he is singing and he praying for an hour
28:06 for the people and then stands up and shoots.
28:07 He's in service for a long period of time.
28:10 And then shoots everybody. And then just shoots everybody.
28:12 In a church. In a church.
28:14 No conscience. Yeah.
28:15 No conscience for life.
28:17 Apostasy is a sign of the last days
28:20 and all of this that we are talking about here is
28:21 because we've deviated from the Word of God.
28:24 Amen. Yeah.
28:25 We are no longer elevating that,
28:27 you're saying taking prayer out school,
28:28 you know, all of the stuff we're doing,
28:30 put him on a back burner.
28:31 This is why the world is in the shape that it's in.
28:32 You got to get back to the word.
28:34 Unless it does, it's gonna continue to go down too
28:36 And, you know, what is connected in dots.
28:38 These are not isolated instances
28:39 and I'm not a pro-gun guy, I'm not a anti-gun-guy
28:43 but a gun is a thing. Go on.
28:46 What's wrong is the hearts of men. Yes.
28:48 You know, I could run beat people to club,
28:50 you know, or a rock but it's what going on
28:54 in the heads and hearts of men and women,
28:55 that's the problem,
28:57 that's where the Holy Spirit does its work
28:59 and does what has to be changed the heart, the mind, the soul.
29:01 It's like the gun that's always here,
29:03 the gun, gun, gun, gun control
29:05 and so now the people are showing us
29:07 they are taking knife, knives and axe
29:11 that anything they can just to say
29:12 we can use any kind of weapon
29:14 we want to and not necessarily a gun.
29:16 Where is the mind of man?
29:17 Well, we are told that the Holy Spirit
29:19 will be repressed from this earth.
29:21 We are pushing the Holy Spirit away from us.
29:23 We are pushing Him out because we are choosing to feed
29:26 on other things besides God's word.
29:27 Amen. Amen.
29:29 Another thing that Sister Shelley mentioned was
29:30 that people are deceived.
29:32 Going back to the second angels' message,
29:34 it talks about Babylon has fallen.
29:36 They made the earth drunk with the wine or the wrath
29:39 of her fornication.
29:41 That wine, the false doctrines that are out there,
29:44 how can you...?
29:45 You at home, how can you tell what is a false doctrine?
29:48 Only by going back to God's word and worshipping Him
29:52 not only in spirit because a lot of people say,
29:54 "Well, we are joining together in spirit."
29:57 The Bible says in spirit and in truth.
30:01 They must be joined together. They must be joined together.
30:05 Since we've touched on the first
30:07 and the second angels'
30:08 let's we were in Revelation 14 and let's go ahead
30:13 and look at the third angel's message.
30:16 The third angel begins
30:18 with verse 9, Revelation 14:9.
30:23 It says, "And the third angel followed them,
30:26 saying with a loud voice,
30:28 If anyone worships the beast and his image,
30:31 and receives his mark on his forehead,
30:34 or in his hand,
30:36 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
30:39 which is poured out full strength
30:41 into the cup of his indignation,
30:43 he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
30:48 in the presence of the holy angels,
30:49 and in the presence of the Lamb."
30:50 Wow.
30:52 That speaks pretty clearly, doesn't it?
30:53 It does.
30:54 But here's something that's even more powerful.
30:56 Boy, I'm not gonna,
30:58 I can't think of this reference right now.
31:00 Ellen G. White said that people were writing her asking her
31:06 if the third angels' message that we just read
31:10 was the message of justification by faith.
31:14 And she writes back and says,
31:17 "I have told them
31:19 it is the third angel's message in verity."
31:25 So when you look at that and people saying
31:28 how can you get justification by faith out of this
31:33 where it's saying, don't accept the mark,
31:35 don't do this, don't do that?
31:37 Here's-- y'all jump in here but these are just my thoughts.
31:41 My thought is that any religion
31:46 that teaches
31:49 salvation by works is a false religion.
31:54 If it's justification by faith,
31:56 that totally does away with salvation by works.
32:00 People who are receiving the mark on their forehead
32:05 which is in their mind or on their hands,
32:07 their actions, their thoughts and their actions,
32:09 what are they trying to do?
32:11 They are trying to save them self,
32:14 they are joining a false religion.
32:16 A religion that is not obeying God's commandments.
32:22 A religion that is very much salvation by works.
32:26 So what she is saying here is that we've got to recognize
32:32 because the storm is coming,
32:34 our absolute total dependence upon God
32:38 for salvation and His empowerment
32:42 to be able to walk in His ways
32:45 because Revelation 12:17 says
32:48 that adheres the... Patience.
32:51 The patience of the saints those who keep God's command,
32:56 commandments so.
32:58 And as you go back through the all three angels' messages,
33:02 you know, judgment hour has come.
33:04 Judgment, what are we gonna be judge by?
33:07 You know, keeping God's law.
33:08 So all of that when you begin to study in detail,
33:11 you will see more and more how it relates
33:13 to righteousness by faith.
33:15 And the opposite of what you said is true.
33:17 If churches are preaching all you have to do is believe.
33:20 Well, you know what, the devil believes.
33:22 Yes. It trembles.
33:25 And he is not saved.
33:26 So we have to do more than just believe.
33:29 We have to be seekers of the gold
33:32 that is within these pages.
33:34 And life will not always continue as we know it.
33:37 Jumping down to verse 15, Revelation 14:15 it says,
33:42 "And another angel came out of the temple,
33:45 crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud,
33:48 Thrust in thy sickle, and reap,
33:51 for the time is come for thee to reap,
33:54 for the harvest of the earth is ripe."
33:57 Our lives will not continue to go day by day comfortably
34:03 as we think. It's going to change.
34:05 This earth will come to an end. Yeah.
34:08 I was trying to hold on to my thought
34:09 when you were quoting that text,
34:12 but it occurs to me every religion
34:14 falls into one or two categories.
34:16 It is either loyal or legal.
34:18 It is either fidelity wise with the Word of God
34:24 or it is a religion where you are trying to work your way in
34:27 by your own effort. Yes.
34:28 Loyal or legal. Yes.
34:30 So if you are loyal, then it is justification by faith.
34:34 But if I'm trying to please God,
34:36 if I'm trying to do things then it's legal.
34:38 The other side of that same coin
34:41 is what Sister Chris just mentioned.
34:43 This idea that I want to do anything.
34:45 I was talking with someone just yesterday
34:47 and there is a very popular speaker
34:49 that this person had not heard and he was in Texas
34:52 and he happened to hear him for the first time.
34:54 He is in his hotel room and he just put him on and he said,
34:57 "I'm waiting through two full sermons
35:00 to hear something from the word.
35:02 I head a pep talk, I heard entertainment
35:06 and he said something interesting.
35:07 On my radio in the car
35:10 when I went to find this particular speaker,
35:15 he wasn't bunched with the religious channels,
35:18 he was with the entertainment."
35:20 Well now. He is with the entertainment.
35:21 He said, "I listen to two full messages
35:23 and I heard a pretty good pep talk.
35:25 I heard a pretty good cheerleading session
35:29 but I didn't hear gospel.
35:31 I didn't hear gospel."
35:32 And that's what that same Revelation
35:35 third angel's message is trying to say.
35:38 Whether you're trying to work your way into your own efforts
35:40 or you are sitting back doing nothing and figure that
35:43 all I got to do is say, "I love you, Lord."
35:44 And that's it.
35:45 it's the same boat, you know, you are in a same lost ship.
35:49 So, this is justification by faith is that's the way,
35:54 Shelley, as you well know, that's it.
35:57 Forgive my aperture of English "There ain't no other way.
35:59 That's it." That's right.
36:00 Thank you. That's all right.
36:02 I love that English.
36:03 That's right. There's no other way.
36:04 That's right. Yeah.
36:06 I mean, when you read and you understand
36:07 when it says we are approaching a crisis of the ages,
36:11 a struggle, a moment of struggle.
36:15 We are talking about again Daniel 12:1
36:18 but notice it's not just a struggle we're talking about
36:21 for the wicked and the disobedience,
36:23 it's also for the righteous.
36:25 Absolutely. Yes.
36:26 Revelation 13 you read what 15 through 17.
36:28 Yes. Yes.
36:29 We are going to be tested.
36:31 It's this moment of struggle
36:32 for the wicked during this time.
36:34 The blessings of God, you know, not getting, not receiving
36:37 and the people of God are gonna be tested and proved
36:40 and I'll be careful with this,
36:41 but God is gonna perfect that remnant,
36:43 out of the remnant if He is-- He is gonna work.
36:45 He is going to bring it to pass.
36:46 He is going to have a people that will be perfected.
36:49 You know, because this is all about
36:50 what character development.
36:52 First angel message give glory.
36:54 I've heard people preach sermons, give glory to God
36:56 and then go on knowing about giving glory.
36:58 How can I really give glory to God?
37:00 Best way I can give glory to God
37:02 that you can give glory to God is led Him what?
37:04 Show His character.
37:06 Let His character live out in your life and my life.
37:08 I'm going to say what your wife just said,
37:10 come on, baby.
37:12 That's right, you go to right, you said the right thing.
37:14 That's the best way to give glory to God.
37:16 Amen. Live out Christ in your life.
37:19 Ephesians 2:8, no I want 2:10.
37:23 2:10 is "We're created for good works."
37:27 Yes. That's why we exist.
37:29 It follows the fact that that
37:31 we are saved by grace through faith
37:33 but we are created for good works.
37:34 That's what God put us here for,
37:35 to work the works of Him who created us.
37:37 Beautiful.
37:38 Going back to the deception again what are good works.
37:41 People think that they are doing good works
37:43 and yet they are saved,
37:44 but they are not living up to the light of the truth.
37:47 And so, you know, years ago I remember a sermon
37:50 that you gave, a good boy is not gonna make it to heaven."
37:53 Not all good boys or not all good old girls.
37:55 They do wonderful things.
37:57 They may spend more time in mission work than we do.
38:00 You see what I'm saying but that doesn't mean
38:02 that they are gonna make it to the kingdom.
38:04 Agreed.
38:05 It's when Jesus, when the people came to Jesus
38:07 and He says to them, you know,
38:10 you will say to Me, Lord, Lord-- Not everyone
38:13 who says to Me, Lord, Lord,
38:16 is going to make it to the kingdom of heaven.
38:18 And they are gonna be saying, but, Lord,
38:20 didn't we do this for You?
38:22 Didn't we do that for You?
38:23 Didn't we cast out demons?
38:25 And He says away from me you
38:30 who practice lawlessness.
38:33 So there are people and see this is something that I just,
38:37 I have one person that I hear from on a regular basis
38:41 who says, "Bless your heart.
38:43 You just, you know, you have such a sincere heart she says
38:47 and you do this and you do that and you are so sourly mistaken
38:52 about your theology because you're always, you know,
38:55 you talk about opinions."
38:57 Well, Hebrews 5:9 says that
39:00 Christ became the author of eternal salvation
39:03 to all those who obey Him.
39:04 We don't obey Him to be saved.
39:07 We obey Him because He puts His character in us.
39:11 Christ didn't obey to become the Son of God,
39:14 He obeyed because He was the Son of God.
39:17 We obey because we are the chosen.
39:20 It's all about love.
39:23 Without love it availeth nothing.
39:24 Absolutely. It's a tingling brass.
39:27 It's just a noise.
39:29 So we need the love of God.
39:31 I believe the love of God is the center of His commandment.
39:34 Oh, absolutely.
39:36 You know, we can't keep His commandments
39:37 unless we love Him.
39:39 And going there again going back
39:40 you're not gonna know who He is.
39:42 You are not gonna fall in love with Him
39:44 until you have communication with Him.
39:47 Till you're studying His word. Till you're sharing His word.
39:49 This crisis that you are talking about,
39:52 this crisis affects the church.
39:55 See this is what we need to be,
39:56 you know, our minds need to go back to say
39:59 but because we have not done our work in the time,
40:03 you see that we should have done it will have to do it
40:04 under forbidding circumstances,
40:07 when everything seems to be against us
40:09 because we have failed.
40:10 Inspiration says to do what we should do
40:12 while it's still day.
40:14 So we're gonna have, I'm thankful and I think I see this
40:17 and if I'm wrong you just forgive me.
40:20 This is what I sense that 3ABN is biding harder now,
40:25 moving forward now, pushing harder than ever before
40:29 because we realize this crisis is just before us
40:33 and the work is going to become more difficult
40:36 for those who are really giving the truth
40:39 because the truth, you know,
40:41 let me say my brother asking one time I say,
40:44 "You know, the truth is not popular."
40:47 And "Yeah, you know, yeah."
40:50 I said, "But what somebody, you know,
40:52 you really present the truth
40:53 you're gonna get lot of letters.
40:55 And those letters they may say,
40:57 well, we don't want to hear that on the air.
40:59 Said what you're gonna do then?"
41:00 I love his answer.
41:02 Said, "I don't care how many letters we get
41:04 my question is, is it truth?
41:06 Is it the truth?
41:08 Is it why we are here and what God has asked us to do?
41:11 It doesn't matter about the grumblers
41:12 and the people who don't agree.
41:14 What God has said why we are here,
41:16 let's do it now because if we don't,
41:19 it's going to be much worse.
41:20 Right now it's just a wonderful time
41:22 to be able to get the gospel out."
41:24 It is getting. Oh, yes.
41:25 Oh, mercy. Tighter.
41:27 The noose around the neck is getting tighter
41:30 as we see these things happening.
41:32 You mentioned our freedom has been taken away
41:34 because the more we see people acting out their rage
41:40 as it if the enemy is just encapsulated in so many people
41:45 they are acting out their rage and more and more
41:47 of our freedoms are gonna be taken away.
41:49 Yes. And we will give them up.
41:52 I mean, we know what's coming.
41:55 There is going to come a time when there is going to
41:57 and you know, right now they are horrible.
42:00 We are not even hearing about in Ethiopia
42:03 they are having, people are starving to death.
42:06 They have got such a horrible drought
42:08 that there is people who are walking for hundreds of miles
42:13 to try to find a morsel of food.
42:15 There is nothing to feed their cattle.
42:16 There is nothing to plant.
42:18 And, you know, we are so busy listening to--
42:23 I just, I'm not,
42:25 I just cannot hardly stomach the political campaigns
42:30 that are so negative and we heard
42:32 so much of this kind of thing
42:34 and we're hearing all of this craziness
42:36 that's coming up in our own country.
42:38 We are not paying attention to some of these plagues
42:41 that are already falling.
42:43 And when it touches us you will hit first.
42:48 Yes.
42:49 When it touches us, should the drought
42:51 as weather patterns are changing so rapidly.
42:54 If the drought hits us which we are seeing,
42:57 look how it's devastating the farm,
43:00 the agriculture business in California right now
43:03 and water is becoming of a premium.
43:06 Once it starts touching us
43:09 or our budget everything is becoming so expensive
43:13 that's one thing.
43:14 Wait till where there is no availability of food,
43:17 then you're going to see people who were ready to say,
43:21 when someone says it is,
43:24 it's because you are not keeping
43:27 Sunday as the day of worship.
43:30 You know, 'cause this is the Pope's big push right now
43:33 she said.
43:34 We have to, you know, his whole encyclical was all, I mean,
43:38 woven throughout his last encyclical
43:41 was all about Sunday keeping
43:44 and how this is what's wrong with the world.
43:47 Well, pretty soon this argument will be believed
43:50 and they passed this Sunday law and then those of us
43:53 who are keeping the commandments of God
43:55 will not be able to buy or sell.
43:56 That's right.
43:58 Now, what you said about the perfecting
44:01 that God is going to do JD's got something that,
44:04 you know, the Bible is clear,
44:05 it's God who does the perfection. Amen.
44:07 Philippians 1:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:14 whatever
44:11 in-- my mind went blank.
44:15 Roman, no, well, anyway my mind went blank.
44:18 Romans 12:1.
44:19 No, that's not it.
44:21 But anyway, the point is the Bible is clear
44:24 that God is the one that will do this perfecting work in us.
44:27 That's right.
44:29 We have to surrender, we can't do it.
44:30 We surrender control to Him, He does that.
44:32 But here's what JD says,
44:34 when people are talking about the perfection
44:36 toward the end of time.
44:38 Says, I guarantee, let's just take,
44:39 we are gonna take a little slice here, a little segment.
44:43 You know, Sister White said, "We're gonna have to do things
44:47 under adversity that we are not doing now."
44:49 If somebody hasn't been keeping the Sabbath,
44:52 let me ask you, if you've got 100 Adventists
44:54 and let's say 30 of them
44:58 not really been keeping the Sabbath.
45:00 You think when the Sunday law is passed
45:03 that they are suddenly gonna start keeping it
45:04 when they can't buy or sell
45:06 and it's getting more difficult?
45:07 No. No.
45:08 So let's say those 30 fall off, now you've only got 70 people.
45:12 Now all of these trials are coming your way.
45:15 God is leading you and directing you and I mean,
45:18 that's the only way we're gonna make it through the end times.
45:20 And so with each trials so let's say that,
45:23 okay, you say, I'm not gonna receive
45:27 the mark on my forehead or my hand.
45:29 I'm not gonna worship on Sunday.
45:30 Now your children are starving.
45:32 Oh, well, maybe, you know,
45:34 I haven't really developed that perfect faith in the Lord
45:37 and my kids are starving, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad,
45:40 maybe I can go to church on Sabbath and on Sunday.
45:43 Oh, I hear that now.
45:45 You see what I'm saying?
45:46 Try to justify your actions.
45:48 Out of that hundred people
45:49 JD said that "The perfection comes as God is leading us
45:54 through all of these trials."
45:56 He said, "I guarantee you the 144,000
45:59 that are at the end of time
46:02 that are following the Lamb anyway,
46:04 you better believe they are gonna be perfect
46:05 just because God puts it-- When we gone through the crucible,
46:10 He melts away all the draws."
46:13 That's right.
46:15 He said, there will be a perfected people.
46:17 Absolutely. And there will be, praise God.
46:20 But we have to be willing to allow Him to burn that.
46:22 My dad used to say, "If you don't let go away here,
46:26 it will be burned off." Mercy.
46:28 We need to let little cross go and we need to,
46:32 just submit it. Yes.
46:33 Our part is to submit and to ask God to come in
46:36 and to do the work. Amen.
46:38 But it all boils down, you know,
46:40 and you've mentioned that we are so separated
46:44 from these things till it hits home.
46:47 This storm that is coming, no one, no one
46:51 will be able to escape it
46:53 unless you are in and you're sheltered.
46:56 You've been called out by the blood of the Lamb,
46:59 Jesus is saying, "Come." Come to the storage.
47:02 Come, come out My people, come out.
47:06 And He is calling, He is calling, He is calling
47:08 and I pray that you hear His voice
47:11 and you want to study more.
47:13 You want to dig into these verses,
47:16 these chapters in Revelation
47:18 and I'm hoping at the end of this program,
47:19 we can help them to do even more with that.
47:21 I'll talk to you folks in just a moment at the newsbreak
47:24 and see if we can.
47:25 But, you know, when it says in Romans,
47:26 I mean, Revelation 13:8,
47:28 it says, "All the world" Wandered.
47:30 Pastor, "All the world wandered after the beast
47:33 and they are those whose names are not
47:36 written in the Lamb's book of life,
47:37 slain from the foundation of the world."
47:39 That would almost be discouraging
47:42 if we just read that and said, "All the world wandered"
47:45 and then as you turn to Revelation 14:12
47:48 here's the patience of the saints.
47:50 Here they are that keep the commandments of God
47:51 and have the testimony of Jesus.
47:53 So there is a group, there will be a group
47:56 that will rightly vindicate God's character.
47:59 After all it's Him that's been on trial.
48:01 His character and it just blows my mind
48:04 to think about He is letting humanity man
48:08 vindicate His character knowing us as well as He knows us
48:15 that He said, "If they will just rely upon Me,
48:16 if they will open their heart and their mind,
48:18 it no longer be their mind or no longer be their strength.
48:21 All this would be Jesus in us, the hope of glory.
48:25 And we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
48:27 and the word of the testimony.
48:28 You know, the only way to get a smooth even surface
48:32 is the sand.
48:33 You know--
48:35 Use abrasive, something abrasive.
48:36 Yeah, you got to use an abrasive.
48:37 You got to sand it but it also means that
48:39 there is gonna be cinders flying
48:41 and sawdust and you know
48:43 when you sand, it's lot of stuff going on in here
48:46 but the process is necessary.
48:48 You know, it's necessary
48:50 and there are some who will only get in through
48:54 some amount of pain and suffering.
48:55 The storms that we are going through now
48:59 are still mitigated with a mercy of God.
49:01 That's right. Hallelujah.
49:03 What we read is coming is unmitigated.
49:04 That's right. No mercy.
49:06 We have mercy.
49:07 So God is saying like a pastor told me once and I was,
49:10 he said, "God will let you break your ankle,
49:12 keep you from breaking your neck."
49:14 Yeah.
49:15 That's right. Yeah.
49:17 So right now these are little ankle breakers
49:19 but He is not going for the head.
49:21 You know the head is still okay.
49:22 But that final storm is just punishment
49:25 because you're not trying to save people then.
49:27 So right now the Lord is saying,
49:29 He is pinching you to get himself,
49:31 let me pay attention, you know now
49:35 because what's coming the worst is gonna be,
49:37 later it's going to be much worse.
49:39 Absolutely.
49:40 Absolutely. Yeah.
49:41 Because you think about when people
49:43 though are in a sleepy state.
49:44 Now we are in the hour of the judgment we know,
49:46 the Laodicea, they're sleepy there,
49:47 you know, the judgment.
49:49 But sometime when you're lukewarm
49:51 and you are half asleep,
49:53 I don't want somebody maybe bother me.
49:56 You know, when you're little bit,
49:58 you be little big grouchy and that's kind of a sign.
50:02 It makes it easy to say I don't want it.
50:04 Go away, leave me alone, come back another time.
50:06 But you know what, we are so near the end of time.
50:09 We need to press forward to the gate.
50:11 There is a storm, relentless in its fury.
50:16 It will not let up. We are all involved.
50:18 We are in the path.
50:19 And so, even though people don't want to hear it.
50:22 I heard somebody say, "Oh, well, Brother Kenny again.
50:24 He preaching doom and gloom."
50:27 You know, what doom and gloom,
50:28 that's people's excuse for not listening.
50:30 It's a warning message that Jesus is coming.
50:34 He is coming back after those
50:35 who will be like Him in character.
50:38 And so we need to submit fully to Him.
50:39 There is the crisis.
50:41 Yeah. Yeah.
50:42 Tell you a quick story. Yes.
50:44 As we speak my wife is home suffering from cold
50:46 coming back from a trip.
50:47 And when we were, the other day we got to get on a plane
50:51 and she was really sick.
50:52 And so I disturbed her, I said, baby you got to get up.
50:54 No, I don't want to get up.
50:56 Oh, you got to get ready, get on the plane.
50:58 No, I want to just stay here. No, we got to go home.
51:01 Can I just-- No, you can't sleep anymore.
51:03 You got to get up because it's time to go."
51:06 So after she said, you know, airport, changing planes,
51:10 you get cold she says
51:12 "This is the worse day of my life."
51:14 But then she said, "Well, I'm glad I'm home."
51:16 You know, so after that all that trauma and drama,
51:19 you got home, you know,
51:21 and that's what counts
51:22 that after all its trauma and drama.
51:24 The reason we talk and we preach
51:25 and we go over again and again
51:27 is because we're trying to get you home.
51:29 And when you get home and look back and say,
51:31 you know what, it's worth it all,
51:33 at least I'm home. It was worth it all.
51:35 We have to, you mention we love people.
51:38 You love and that's why it's not, we're right,
51:41 you're wrong, he is this, he is that.
51:42 What does God's word said?
51:43 We love and we want to warn them
51:45 so that they can be ready.
51:47 Amen. Amen.
51:48 You know, heaven might be a lonely place
51:50 if you're the only one there.
51:51 God wants us to take, you know, well, those with us
51:53 and so He is giving us that opportunity
51:54 and that privilege to do that. Amen.
51:56 And I hope that our people who are viewing
52:00 understands the necessity of the hour
52:02 that we live getting things right with God.
52:05 Living the life that be pleasing in His sight.
52:08 This is the hour,
52:09 this is the time decisions need to be made.
52:12 This is the time to lay everything on the altar
52:16 because the song we sing what?
52:18 "This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through."
52:22 And, you know, what dear,
52:24 there will be tests and trials to see
52:25 if this world is really our home or not.
52:27 Yeah, that's right. You know.
52:28 But, you know what, right now
52:30 we are gonna take a little short break
52:31 and we will be right back to wrap it up
52:33 and give a few last thoughts.
52:34 We will see you in just a moment.


Revised 2016-04-14