3ABN Today

Unity in the Body of Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Kenny Shelton, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016017A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray
01:10 and thank you once again for sharing
01:12 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:15 And thank you for partnering with us
01:17 in taking the gospel of Jesus Christ.
01:19 And the good news of our soon coming Lord to the whole world.
01:22 We're calling these programs one of the better title
01:25 3ABN Today Present Truth.
01:27 Because we're gonna be discussing
01:29 in these particular kinds of programs
01:31 and not only doctrinal matters,
01:34 not only the 28 fundamentals of the church.
01:37 But also those things that affect the body of Christ.
01:40 They are problems that we have here
01:41 that we face they're problems that you face
01:43 as children of God trying to serve the Lord
01:45 in the world that does not always
01:47 follow the things of Christ.
01:49 Trying to make your way,
01:50 how do you get along with your neighbor,
01:52 how do you deal with your job on Monday morning,
01:55 along with the 28 fundamentals
01:56 with the state of the dead in the sanctuary.
01:58 They are all kinds of things that we need
02:00 as a body of Christ such as it does.
02:02 And to bring the antiseptic light of the gospel too
02:07 and that's why we're gonna be doing during these programs.
02:09 I'm joined by two people who are eminently qualified
02:12 to discuss the things of the Lord,
02:14 people who I love personally and respect highly.
02:17 I always called the lady, Shelley Quinn.
02:19 Shelley, good to have you here.
02:20 It's very nice to be here, sir.
02:23 Sir Murray.
02:25 Student of the word, preacher, teacher
02:29 and a really efficient worker for Christ
02:31 and someone that we love daily here at 3ABN.
02:33 Thank you.
02:34 And pastor Kenny Shelton,
02:37 he of Behold the Lamb Ministries.
02:38 Pastor, good to have you here.
02:40 Oh, it's good to be here.
02:41 Always love to study the word of God.
02:42 Amen.
02:44 Again, grace to another word, good preacher,
02:47 good man of our-- good friend, good person.
02:49 I sort of hangout with, fun guy.
02:52 We had some good times together.
02:54 But today our work is very serious.
02:56 Because we're gonna be talking about addressing and redressing
03:00 unity in the body of Christ.
03:02 In these last days,
03:05 one of the things that we feel the church
03:07 needs to do is come together and press together.
03:10 And of course, that was a call of Christ,
03:12 it was a call of their early church.
03:13 Fathers, it was a call of their early church,
03:16 reformers in the Adventist Movement.
03:20 This idea that we need to come together for efficiency,
03:22 for service to do the work of God
03:24 and to put the correct face of Christ
03:27 on the church of Christ so that people will know
03:29 that we're Christians by our love.
03:32 So we're gonna be talking about that today
03:34 and some of the challenges that are,
03:36 trying to work against unity?
03:38 And some of the things that we can do as children of God
03:41 to promote unity and then talk about what happens
03:44 when the church does come together
03:46 and becomes that mighty tool in the hand God
03:48 for the salvation of the souls of men and women.
03:50 So that is our task this very day.
03:52 And as I said, I've got two people
03:54 that I love and respect
03:55 who will join me as we wade into that, that heady topic.
03:59 We're gonna go to some music,
04:01 we're gonna do that sort of dispense of that
04:03 and then we can get right into the word of God.
04:05 Our music is coming from our own pastor,
04:07 Pastor John Lomacang.
04:09 And he's gonna be singing "Do You See My Jesus Coming."
04:31 Don't you see my Jesus coming
04:37 Don't you see Him any in yonder clouds?
04:44 With ten thousand angels round Him
04:50 See how they my Jesus crowd!
04:57 I am bound for the kingdom
05:03 Will you go to glory with me?
05:09 Hallelujah!
05:11 O praise ye the Lord!
05:19 Don't you see the saints ascending
05:24 Hear them shouting thro' the air
05:30 Jesus smiling, trumpets sounding
05:35 Now His glory they shall share
05:41 I am bound for the kingdom
05:46 Will you go to glory with me?
05:52 Hallelujah!
05:55 O praise ye the Lord!
05:58 Hallelujah, hallelujah!
06:03 Hallelujah, hallelujah
06:06 Hallelujah!
06:12 Don't you see the heavens opened?
06:18 And the saints saying glory then
06:25 Shouts of triumph bursting round them
06:30 Glory, glory
06:33 Everywhere
06:40 I am bound for the kingdom
06:45 Will you go to glory with me?
06:51 Hallelujah!
06:53 O praise ye the Lord!
06:57 Hallelujah!
07:00 O praise ye the Lord!
07:19 Amen, Pastor Lomacang. Don't you see my Jesus coming?
07:23 Well done from our Pillars Project
07:26 and just very, very well done.
07:28 Again, we're talking about
07:29 I'm gonna be addressing and redressing
07:31 the unity in the body of Christ I'm with Shelley Quinn
07:34 and Pastor Kenney Shelton.
07:37 Just to get some little, a little context
07:40 in something that occurred to me.
07:42 When I was doing some studying
07:45 on the interplay between Christ and the woman at the well,
07:50 and looking at that particular event,
07:55 how Christ would go around convention
07:58 and 700 years of hostility and ill-will
08:02 to try to bring someone back into, into the full?
08:06 Jews as we all know,
08:08 had nothing to do with Samaritans.
08:09 And it was not just the dislike,
08:11 it was a distrust and antagonism,
08:14 a hatred, a series of evil acts
08:18 perpetrated one against the other.
08:19 I mean, Jews went north and burned down
08:21 the Samaritan temple on Mount Garisan.
08:23 And several hundred years later,
08:24 I think still hadn't rebuild
08:26 so it's a constant reminder of their hatred.
08:27 So the idea is that Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans.
08:32 But Christ in His love for all people
08:35 wanted to heal that
08:37 because he wanted, he wanted unity.
08:39 And of course, he is the leader of a group of men
08:43 who are xenophobic,
08:47 who are racist, who are elitist,
08:53 who didn't like women, didn't like poor people,
08:55 who didn't like Samaritans, didn't like non-Jews.
08:56 You know, the stuff that he had to wrestle with
09:00 to try to bring unity among that group
09:02 was, was immeasurable.
09:04 But, but yet his goal was that they maybe one
09:08 like I and my father are one.
09:10 And I believe, Shelley and Pastor Kenny,
09:13 that's what Christ wants for the church today.
09:15 Amen. Amen.
09:16 That we cannot be as efficient, as we could be or should be
09:21 if we're not working together.
09:22 We're got to all be pulling in the same directions,
09:25 which is one of the things, I also plug that.
09:26 I like about working here at 3ABN.
09:29 When you, when you are on the rope,
09:31 you notice everybody is pulling in the same direction,
09:34 which is a blessing.
09:36 That's right. Absolutely.
09:37 You know, but-- and that's what I think Christ wants,
09:40 has always wanted for his church.
09:42 He wants unity and with that platform blessed launch,
09:45 Shelley, I'll go to you first and hear what you have to say.
09:47 Well, the thought that came to my mind
09:50 as you were sharing the woman at the well story
09:54 and the problems of Christ disciples was this,
09:58 that they had the root
10:03 of original sin which was what?
10:05 Pride.
10:06 You know, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28,
10:09 when the Lucifer this covering cherub
10:14 when he stood up and he became prideful.
10:17 And he wanted the worship with God,
10:19 he wanted to be like God.
10:22 And he had Yiddish, you know, I will be like the most high.
10:27 But the thought that came to me is,
10:29 and I've got to say this carefully
10:31 because sometimes people get upset with me
10:33 when I, I will slip and say,
10:35 "Well, the Lord said such and such to me."
10:37 And people will just... I get the letters and you know,
10:40 who do you think you are, prophet?
10:42 And if you, I've just have to say this,
10:47 how many of you know that you know
10:50 that the Holy Spirit has impressed
10:53 a thought of the Lord on your mind?
10:56 Now people will say, yes to that.
10:59 They know that God has impressed
11:01 the thought on their mind
11:03 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
11:04 Well, if I slip and say, "God told me something."
11:08 Then what I'm simply saying is that the still small boys
11:12 that spoken of in 1 Kings 19:12
11:15 is God impressing his thoughts
11:18 upon your mind by the Holy Spirit
11:19 and He did so with me one day.
11:22 I was offended by something that someone did
11:27 when I was in fulltime ministry before coming to 3ABN.
11:31 There was a man who was following me
11:33 around five different cities.
11:35 He claimed to be a prophet.
11:36 He kept trying to takeover the meetings
11:39 that I had going in these five different cities.
11:42 And there was, you know, I became offended
11:45 by something he did, he was really out there.
11:48 And so I am praying one morning and I'm just like, Lord,
11:51 straitening him out you know, blah, blah, blah.
11:54 Suddenly you know what the Lord said to me?
11:57 A still small voice that Lord impressed upon my mind.
12:01 The spirit of offense is this spirit of pride,
12:05 which is the spirit of antichrist.
12:08 Sometime later He said to me again
12:11 the impression came to my mind...
12:13 Okay.
12:15 ...that prejudice is the spirit of pride.
12:20 Now which is the spirit of antichrist.
12:24 So you think about this the problem we have
12:27 why we are not more unified,
12:30 the problem Christ had with His disciples
12:33 is they were cutting off some of the fruit of the sin
12:37 but they hadn't got to the root of the sin
12:39 which was the spirit of the pride.
12:40 Agreed, yes.
12:42 And so you can't be offended unless your pride pops up.
12:46 What causes more people
12:48 to lead the church than anything?
12:50 They have become offended by something,
12:52 someone has said or done.
12:53 Or, for example, if we don't agree.
12:58 We recently had some disagreement
13:01 in our denomination
13:04 on the issue of women's ordination.
13:07 Well, people become polarized.
13:10 You're either for or you're against it.
13:11 But rather than studying in this spirit of love,
13:16 some people become offended
13:19 that someone else has taken this position.
13:21 And therefore their pride rises up.
13:25 Now their antagonistic toward one another or prejudice.
13:30 If we think that we... there are certain people
13:33 we don't want to have communion and fellowship with,
13:38 that's all a pride issue.
13:41 And I think God wants us to deal with that.
13:43 You know, Hebrews 12:14, Paul said,
13:47 assuming he is the author of Hebrews,
13:52 that we are to pursue peace, to pursue...
13:59 And then he adds and holiness.
14:01 Pursue peace and holiness
14:03 without which no one will see the Lord.
14:05 So the burden is on us...
14:08 Yes.
14:09 ...to pursue peace
14:10 and if we will get our pride out of the way
14:12 and let God work in us
14:15 then, I think that's how we would begin
14:19 to really become more unified.
14:21 I like the idea, the notion
14:25 that if we strip ourselves of pride
14:27 because it's you know, it's,
14:29 "Okay, we'll they did it to me."
14:32 You know, that kind of thing.
14:34 And we'll so persecuted the prophets
14:37 which were before you.
14:39 What is happening to you is not going be brand new,
14:41 someone else got it and got over it
14:44 and we have to, we have to also.
14:46 And pride does separate us because it's ascendancy of self
14:50 and that has to be...
14:53 And you got, you got to be choose to be offended.
14:56 You know, one day I say,
14:57 "Hey, Shelley, how are you doing?"
14:58 The other day I walked by, you don't speak.
15:00 What is the matter with him?
15:02 You know, so all of the sudden, a little something rises up.
15:04 "Okay, next I'm not going to speak to him."
15:06 So then our thing develops, you know, kind of thing.
15:08 And it's pride.
15:10 And so we are separated and maybe I didn't see that
15:13 they're someone was on my mind,
15:15 so we can develop something and our mind and heart
15:17 that is not even real it's an illusion.
15:19 Yes.
15:20 "Well, Shelley didn't speak to me today.
15:21 What's wrong with her?
15:23 Okay, I'm not going to speak to her."
15:24 So I got this whole thing bubbling.
15:25 Shelley is living her life, going out about her business
15:27 and I've developed just whole thing which is the consequence
15:28 of my pride and my egotism
15:31 and we've-- and I've created a division
15:34 and she may not even know.
15:36 You know, she is living her life.
15:39 So I think the point is very well taken,
15:41 the Bible says,
15:43 "How beautiful to dwell together in unity."
15:45 And that unity is gonna be attested
15:47 but pride is a response
15:49 that we can choose to have or not.
15:50 Amen. Pastor Kenney we got.
15:52 Well you know,
15:53 what are all is being said here is I go back to,
15:55 I think it's Philippians 21.
15:59 For me to live is Christ.
16:02 So therefore it boils down to
16:04 do we have Christ really in our hearts
16:06 and really in our lives?
16:08 If so, our attitudes will be a little bit different.
16:13 For me to live is Christ.
16:14 So we to live our live the way that Jesus lived his.
16:18 He needed, he said,
16:19 "I want the church to be unified."
16:21 Amen.
16:22 And unified now, again, when you say unity,
16:25 automatically you realize that there is some disunity.
16:28 You automatically know
16:30 the devil has a counterfeit for unity.
16:33 So he has a counterfeit.
16:35 So we have to be very careful about the counterfeit,
16:37 which is, let's just get together on
16:40 common ground, common thoughts.
16:42 And if we can't agree let's just let these things go.
16:46 Some of the doctored tape,
16:48 but we don't, we stand on principles of God's word.
16:51 He never asks us or requires us to let down
16:54 the principle of His word in order to have unity.
16:57 See pastor, you're touching on some thing
16:58 that had not, it hadn't reckoned into my thinking
17:01 but it's very, very true.
17:02 That if there is a false unity, Shelley.
17:04 Yes, that's true.
17:06 Yeah, if we'll say, okay,
17:07 I believe this but in order to get along with you,
17:09 I'm going to swallow that or put that in my back pocket.
17:12 That's kind of for unity, that's almost a politically
17:15 correct kind of unity.
17:17 That's not true unity in the body of Christ.
17:19 That's right.
17:20 Because if the Bible says something
17:22 and I've got sort of put that away
17:24 just to get along with you,
17:26 is that unity or is that coercion?
17:27 That's not unity, and that's not unity.
17:29 No, no, not at all.
17:30 And you talk about unity, I looked up the word I thought
17:34 how interesting because you can look at unite,
17:37 you can look at united, you can look at unison,
17:41 it's all of combining people, individuals together,
17:46 so that they become an acting as one,
17:49 as Christ, as God.
17:51 It's an arrangement.
17:52 You talk with people of things,
17:54 of parts that will come together
17:57 to make a harmonious home.
17:59 Yes.
18:00 So they're the gifts of the church, different gifts.
18:02 And sometime we have the difficulty.
18:04 I think I run across is I don't know anybody here
18:07 but God does give gifts to the church,
18:10 to the individuals.
18:11 And their son who has somewhat the same gift
18:14 but they utilized it differently.
18:16 Their little stronger willed and they,
18:18 and so when they are the other one looks at him and says,
18:20 "That's not the way that should be done."
18:21 So we start criticizing and condemning rather than to do
18:25 what God has impressed our minds and our hearts
18:28 to do the gift that He's given us.
18:31 That, what to change our character,
18:33 this is all about character development
18:34 as far as I'm concerned.
18:36 It has to do with denying of self,
18:38 following him.
18:39 So it has to do with getting ready for the coming of Jesus
18:42 and you much in the pride issue.
18:45 It's very... There can be no unity
18:47 when pride is in their life.
18:49 Because you said that has to be harmony.
18:52 Harmony requires peace
18:55 and when you are prideful person,
18:57 you're doing everything to stir the pot.
19:00 I mean, because it's self focus.
19:02 It is very true.
19:03 Go ahead.
19:05 I looked at that one... I've jotted down a quote.
19:06 I want you to just listen it's interesting
19:08 because this is what you're talking about
19:09 here it says here,
19:10 God is talking about God and man.
19:12 It says, "A man at peace with God
19:14 and His fellow man cannot be made miserable."
19:19 Somebody needs to hang on to that,
19:20 I may have to buckle down myself.
19:22 A man that peace with God
19:24 and His fellowman cannot be made miserable.
19:28 Envy will not be in his heart, that's impossible.
19:32 Evil surmising will find no room there.
19:37 Hatred cannot exist.
19:41 That just covers at all.
19:42 Define the term for me, "evil surmising."
19:44 Some may not know that term is.
19:45 What does that mean to you?
19:47 Well, I don't know.
19:48 I'd say in times past I probably been guilty of that.
19:51 I mean, I think we out to lay it out here and just say,
19:54 "The Lord gets a hold of us, we probably all been involved."
19:57 So we're not looking at here and trying to say,
19:58 "Oh, you did this."
20:00 But there is time that we look at situations
20:02 and maybe we're at a distance.
20:03 We really don't even know the person.
20:05 We begin to think and it looks like they might.
20:08 Yeah.
20:09 I think I saw them and then I tell you about it,
20:12 and you all of a sudden say,
20:13 "Hmm" I'm gonna go to someone else
20:15 and I'm gonna do a little you know,
20:18 I'm gonna, I'm going to embellish it just a little bit.
20:21 But before it's over, we are evil surmising.
20:23 And remember, even if it be a truth.
20:26 Yes.
20:27 If it hurts an individual character,
20:29 we are to never repeat it.
20:32 And you will say why.
20:34 Why? Because that person whom may be did something,
20:37 maybe it was open, maybe it was obvious,
20:39 they may have a change of heart.
20:42 They asked for forgiveness.
20:43 God clingers them from all and rise and sin,
20:45 they stand just before God.
20:47 But all those looking around say,
20:48 "Well, that can't possibly be because I knew them when."
20:51 Right, or to add another level to evil surmising,
20:56 Shelley Quinn goes out and she is feeding the poor.
20:58 Yes.
21:00 Which is a good act.
21:01 And I say, well, she is doing that
21:03 because she wants to be,
21:04 you know, she wants to be popular.
21:05 She wants people to-- you know that's,
21:07 you taken a good act and you judged it as evil.
21:10 You assigned an evil motive.
21:11 And you know, of course,
21:13 you don't know going us on a person's heart.
21:14 But you surmise.
21:16 "Well, she just want to be popular,
21:18 that's not genuine."
21:19 And we tend to want to do that.
21:22 Something you touched on moment ago,
21:24 I'm going back to 1 Corinthian 12.
21:25 You know, what Paul,
21:27 talks about the different parts of the body
21:28 that all work together.
21:29 Why should the hand be jealous of the foot?
21:32 You know, you got your gifts, I've got mine.
21:35 Why should I be jaundiced looking at
21:36 what God does for you to you with through you?
21:40 Use your own gifts, you know, for the glory of God.
21:42 Absolutely.
21:44 And then, see, when somebody does good...
21:46 And one thing I like about here,
21:48 when we, when we preach here, we're all support each other.
21:51 If Shelley preachers a good sermon,
21:52 man, I love that.
21:54 In fact, earlier this year you preach a sermon,
21:56 I came back, and I preach one of kind following up
21:58 because, it's like the Spirit of God draws you together.
22:02 It pulls together.
22:04 And so that someone says,
22:06 "Amen, she did a good job."
22:07 Why should that bother me?
22:08 Yeah.
22:10 Why should I think evil of that?
22:11 Well, that's, that's where you get
22:13 into once again, pride.
22:16 People who are prideful have a difficult time
22:18 when someone else, if someone else's
22:21 is complimenting or affirming them.
22:23 Yes.
22:25 People who are prideful it's kind of like,
22:26 "Well, I'm as good a preacher, I'm better preacher than she.
22:29 I'm this, I'm that."
22:31 Pride is what causes that.
22:33 And when you're talking about the peace,
22:35 let me share a couple of scriptures
22:36 and it looks like you got something
22:38 that you want to share as well.
22:39 But here is one of my favorite scriptures on peace.
22:44 It's Isaiah 48:18. This is God speaking.
22:47 And he says,
22:48 "Oh, that you had heeded My commandments!
22:52 Then your peace would have been like a river,
22:57 and your righteousness, your right being,
23:00 your right acting,
23:01 your right doing like the waves of the sea."
23:05 Now, in Matthew 22: 37 and through 40,
23:10 when Christ was asked,
23:13 "What's the most important commandment?"
23:16 He said, "Here it is.
23:17 Love the Lord your heart...
23:19 The Lord, your God with all of your heart, soul, mind
23:22 and I like Mark 12:30 adds in strength.
23:26 "But to love your neighbor as yourself."
23:28 And he says,
23:30 "On these hang all the law on the prophet."
23:35 All the commandments hang on these two.
23:36 Yes.
23:38 So, if God is saying to us and in Isaiah 48:18.
23:41 If he is saying,
23:43 "If you will heed my commandments,
23:45 your peace will be like a river."
23:48 The commandment He is asking us to heed,
23:51 first and foremost is to love Him.
23:55 And love our neighbors.
23:57 And it is only as we do that,
24:00 that Paul tells us Romans 14:9.
24:04 "Let us pursue the things which make for peace."
24:07 Make for peace, yes.
24:09 Okay, so that means, obeying God's commandments,
24:11 "Loving our neighbors, loving the other's
24:14 and the things by which one may edify another."
24:20 So to building up.
24:24 To edify means to build up like you're building a building.
24:27 Yes, amen.
24:28 So if we want unity in the Christ...
24:31 J.D. has a saying and I think he's so true.
24:35 He is very good at affirming others.
24:39 And he says, "Nobody gets enough out of boys.
24:42 That's on the shoulders."
24:44 That's his saying.
24:45 Have mercy now.
24:47 There is also another saying and I'm not sure
24:50 who said this but it's not mine.
24:52 But they said,
24:54 "Treat everyone as if their heart is breaking."
24:56 Because it probably is.
24:59 You may go to church, and as you said,
25:02 someone may not speak to you and they may be sitting
25:05 there trying to look composed but they're dying inside.
25:10 Something has happened.
25:11 Something's going on in their relationships.
25:15 We need to reach out and affirm others
25:19 not in a false complimentary way.
25:22 But in, you know,
25:23 we can find something good about anyone.
25:26 This helps unify the body of Christ.
25:28 Oh, I agree.
25:29 And we also have to be careful how we give...
25:36 Be careful never to give
25:37 the glory of God to another one.
25:39 And what I'm saying and please listen to what I'm saying.
25:43 If your pastor has preached a wonderful message,
25:46 what...be careful how you tell him how wonderful it is.
25:51 I always try to say to someone
25:53 if I'm going to compliment them on that.
25:55 Glory to God for the message He gave you.
25:58 Exactly.
25:59 Because it is so easy to feed the pride of another.
26:05 If you are giving them the wrong kind of compliments,
26:08 God the glory, but thank them
26:10 for being the servant who delivered it.
26:11 Praise the Lord, well said. Well said.
26:13 Amen. When you're in tune with the spirit,
26:16 automatically you know it's the Holy Spirit doing the work
26:20 through an instrument.
26:22 You see, I realize and I'm sure each one sitting here in those.
26:26 We have nothing within ourself from which to give.
26:29 That's the... those who are starting out
26:31 maybe in ministry need to get that settled quickly.
26:35 You really have nothing in which to give of your own.
26:39 You give yourself to Christ,
26:41 you let the Holy Spirit come in.
26:43 The Holy Spirit will take, I often say this,
26:45 I always pray every time before I speak.
26:47 And I say these words and people can.
26:49 They can laugh if they want to I say,
26:50 "Lord, take the mess that I'm getting ready to make.
26:54 I don't mean to.
26:55 But in my humanness, please take it.
26:57 I give it to You and You let the people hear
26:59 what they need here and not what's being said.
27:02 But what they need to hear."
27:03 Edification, the building up.
27:06 There's too much if you're not building up,
27:07 what are we doing?
27:09 Tearing down. Matthew 12:30.
27:10 If you're, if...Jesus said,
27:11 "He who is not with me is against me."
27:15 In the church, we need shoulder to shoulder.
27:18 We don't need to be clawing and digging.
27:20 One of the, the prime things, in my opinion,
27:23 that hurts the unity among the brother,
27:26 and this I think can be substantiated
27:28 from the word of God spirit of prophecy,
27:30 floating rumors that you mentioned a while ago.
27:32 That is the biggest enemy against unity in the church.
27:36 If we had would just stop,
27:38 realize where we're at in the stream of time,
27:40 realizing the judgment, probation is about to close,
27:43 Jesus is coming.
27:45 Where are our loved ones?
27:46 Where are we in our relationship with Christ?
27:49 We would not have time to worry about
27:51 what Joe Blow's doing down there
27:53 talking about him and judging.
27:55 Can I add something to that? It's interesting to me.
27:58 I heard a story on the news last week
28:03 where they were saying something came out on Twitter
28:06 that Joel O'steen was supporting Donald Trump.
28:09 Well, now, first of all,
28:11 if you are a nonprofit organization
28:13 and you make any endorsement,
28:16 you can lose your 501(C)(3)
28:22 So, O'steen then had to print out and say,
28:25 "Hey. No, I've never said that.
28:28 I said he was a decent person", or however he said it.
28:32 But my point is this.
28:35 In today's world,
28:36 what you're talking about this backbiting,
28:40 this gossiping, you know, spreading false rumors.
28:44 In today's world, this article that I read
28:47 or saw on TV they said,
28:48 "It doesn't matter how much Joel O'steen denies it.
28:53 There are still people because it was on Twitter,
28:55 because it was on the Internet,
28:57 it is it gets a life of its own.
29:01 So it seems to me that when something...
29:03 somebody read something in print,
29:06 they assume it's true.
29:09 You know, even I had--
29:13 I was watching a movie once
29:14 that I was sharing with another person.
29:18 It was based on a true story and I said,
29:22 "Did you see that? It was so amazing."
29:25 It was a historical piece.
29:26 And I said, "That was so amazing."
29:28 They said, "That's so far off the truth."
29:31 I suppose it is based on a true story
29:33 and this person happens to be a screenwriter.
29:37 He said, "Based on a true story means
29:40 they could have five percent truth.
29:42 And the rest of it..."
29:43 So this is something that we have to be careful in today
29:48 and I know I've been guilty of it
29:49 just like that right there.
29:51 I've been guilty given myself is that
29:53 you see something on the Internet,
29:54 you read about something, and you think they,
29:56 oh, well, they wouldn't have printed
29:58 this if it wasn't true.
30:00 And then, we can begin spreading
30:02 false rumors ourselves.
30:04 Very true, very true.
30:05 We don't think people are so gullible,
30:08 pastor, sometime but I can remember back...
30:10 This might make sense, to some it may not.
30:12 But my, my grandpa, when TV,
30:16 the black and white in the westerns first came on,
30:19 you might have heard somebody missionaries
30:20 before was very interesting.
30:22 He was serious.
30:23 This is this is how we are, like you said,
30:24 "We see things in print, automatic all it must be."
30:28 One thing I know for sure is the word of God.
30:30 Rest I don't trust unless it lines up with Him,
30:33 I don't have time for it, to be honest.
30:35 But my grandpa, he found a game,
30:37 a little black and white TV set,
30:39 I don't know, in the 50's or whatever,
30:40 it's just coming on.
30:41 He looked at...He used to like to watch westerns.
30:45 Basically what he said, he watched it through,
30:47 he said down he looked at grandma and he said,
30:51 "I just can't probably...
30:52 half of what was on there is not true."
30:56 So, he was accepting the half of it
30:58 probably was the truth,
30:59 not realizing just because it's on TV.
31:02 Yeah.
31:03 So he accepted part two,
31:05 he said that half of that can't possibly be true.
31:07 Even when we watch the news nowadays,
31:09 we have to sort and proof.
31:10 You do have to question. You really do.
31:12 I mean, I'm in 2 Corinthians Chapter 13
31:15 picking up with verse 11,
31:17 "Finally brethren, farewell.
31:20 Become complete, mature grown whole.
31:23 Be of good comfort, be of one mind.
31:27 Live in peace and the God of love and peace
31:31 will be with you."
31:33 When, when he asks us to, to live in peace
31:37 and to be of one mind,
31:39 Shelley Quinn, Pastor Kenny Shelton,
31:41 do I got to think exactly like you?
31:44 Do we have to approach everything exactly the same?
31:46 Is there any room for two Christians
31:49 to have a different view?
31:51 I don't want to say disagree
31:52 but a different view of something?
31:53 Or does be of one mind mean
31:56 I've got to think exactly like you think,
31:57 act is act like you act, speak exactly like you speak.
32:00 Is that what Paul this is pushing towards you
32:02 in 1 Corinthians?
32:03 I don't think Paul is asking us to be cookie cutter Christians.
32:07 I think that, and this is something that...
32:11 I believe there's always going to be conflict in the church,
32:16 which isn't a bad thing.
32:18 We're unique individuals.
32:20 And as when we come together...
32:23 Again, I'll go back to something
32:25 that's still painful in our church
32:27 but because of the arguments that ensued,
32:31 but on women's ordination,
32:32 some people very earnest interpreters of the scriptures
32:39 came out against women's ordination,
32:41 other very earnest interpreters came out for.
32:46 Now, when you have people unique people
32:51 who come together, there will be conflict
32:53 because you won't always agree on something.
32:55 It is how you handle the conflict that is important.
33:00 And I have a scripture that I think goes
33:02 with that very well.
33:05 In Colossians 3, 12 through 17, Paul wrote to the Colossians.
33:10 He says, "Therefore, as the elect of God Holy and be loved.
33:13 Put on tender mercies."
33:15 Thank you. Well, said.
33:16 Be merciful.
33:18 He says, "Put on kindness
33:21 humility, meekness,
33:25 long suffering patience, bearing with one another
33:29 and forgiving one another."
33:31 Amen, amen.
33:32 "If anyone has a complaint against another,
33:37 even as Christ forgave you, you also must do.
33:43 But above all these things, put on love."
33:46 "Which is the bond of perfection.
33:49 And the peace of God will...
33:52 let the peace of God rule in your hearts
33:54 to which you were called in one body."
33:57 Love it, love it. And be thankful.
33:59 Love it, love it.
34:01 And yeah, and what it is saying Shelley Quinn,
34:03 is that the test of my religion really comes out
34:07 when there is conflict.
34:08 How many of us if we're in conflict
34:09 want to sing Kumbaya holding hands.
34:11 There's no problem with that,
34:13 that's not attached to your faith.
34:14 The thing is when we agree and when we both hold opinions,
34:18 that we believe our "Godly opinions".
34:20 You know, God's on my side, we know He's on my side.
34:23 Now, we've got to we've got to let the love of God
34:27 help us wrestle with this
34:29 so that even after the conflict,
34:32 we're still friends, we're still Christians.
34:34 And during the conflict, Christ is glorified.
34:36 Yeah.
34:38 Yeah, you can't move away.
34:40 The, the starting of this movement after 1844,
34:45 you remember, they came together,
34:47 what did they do?
34:48 You had people of all different denominations, backgrounds.
34:51 They had thoughts about the second coming.
34:53 They had thoughts about pre-destination,
34:54 they had different thought.
34:56 But you know what? For the sake of unity,
34:58 they came together, sat down and studied,
35:00 and they had to let go some previously thought ideas
35:04 of what was truth.
35:05 Well said. Yes.
35:06 And so I'm just under this impression
35:08 and people disagree if they want.
35:10 Every truth in here can be substantiated by the word,
35:13 line upon line, precept upon precept.
35:14 I agree 100 percent.
35:16 And the God's last day church needs to come in unity.
35:19 Yes, yes, yes.
35:20 And when you can't unify,
35:21 to me it's not the best thing to leave it on the table
35:24 when everybody do what they want to do.
35:26 that you can do that, that's the choice,
35:28 but the bottom line, to maintain unity,
35:30 we need to come and really look at the word,
35:32 see what it says and then decide by the grace of God.
35:35 And sometimes I've to let some things go a little bit.
35:37 Not principle, never principle of God's word.
35:40 Go ahead, did you...
35:42 No, no, I mean, just to add something.
35:44 I got something that I want to add to that because I think--
35:47 I mean, I don't want to cut you out.
35:49 Are you done?
35:50 All right, right up. So-- so, okay, great.
35:51 What you're saying is so true is that the study of the word
35:55 is how we become unified.
35:56 Yes. Studying together.
35:58 But also how did the disciples who scattered
36:03 when Christ was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane,
36:06 who even some denied, Peter specifically denied,
36:11 Thomas doubted after the crucifixion,
36:14 how did these scattered disciples come together?
36:20 They went to the upper room, 'cause Christ said,
36:23 "Go wait until the... And so the...
36:25 but it was 10 days of united prayer
36:30 that brought them,
36:31 it's what the scripture says next that
36:33 when they were of one mind because one mind,
36:37 back to your question before,
36:39 to be of one mind is to be seeking God's will
36:43 and to be open to whatever God is telling.
36:45 Amen, amen.
36:46 So as we come together in united prayer,
36:48 seeking God as our ancestors did to say, "Okay Lord,
36:53 if we understand something incorrectly, show us."
36:57 They came-- they were of one mind
36:59 because what they were seeking was the mind of Christ.
37:02 Yeah, yeah.
37:04 And we find the mind of Christ in the word,
37:05 do we not?
37:06 But they also were seeking
37:10 the imbuement of powers,
37:13 the person, the allos Parakletos,
37:17 the other comforter,
37:18 another comforter, just like Christ.
37:21 They were looking for him and it is the Holy Spirit
37:25 that really unites us.
37:26 So there has to be a lot of changes that take place.
37:30 You know, the spirit living God knows
37:31 because Jesus prayed, in John 17,
37:34 we will know, that we may be one,
37:35 as Him and the Father are one.
37:37 I know that prayer is going to be answered.
37:39 I know that it is being answered.
37:41 And not just in this country but worldwide.
37:44 God's last eight people will come into unity.
37:48 That means that we're talking about principle and teachings
37:51 and doctrines of the word of God.
37:53 Paul was bringing it out in Ephesians chapter 4,
37:57 to have this unity.
37:59 He was talking about-- let me just read a verse here quickly
38:01 and then-- Ephesians chapter 4,
38:04 he said that-- starting with first verse,
38:05 it's very interesting.
38:07 He said, "I therefore the prisoner
38:08 of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of what?"
38:10 Your calling.
38:12 "Your calling, your vocation where when you are called."
38:14 Notice this, how do we do it?
38:16 We're called the gifts, he's calling all of us,
38:18 no one used to be jealous of one another.
38:19 That's not what he's calling us to be.
38:21 "With our loneliness and meekness," with what?
38:24 We were talking, Lord's suffering.
38:26 Now let's go back to loneliness and meekness as humility.
38:29 Precisely, it is.
38:30 And it says there, "Forbearing one another in love
38:34 and in endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit
38:38 in bond of peace."
38:40 The whole chapter 4, Ephesians chapter 4,
38:43 outlines how we may maintain, have and maintain the unity
38:48 which Christ prayed for if we were just...And of course,
38:51 you brought it in Acts chapter 2,
38:52 Acts chapter 4,
38:54 to maintain the unity, the real unity of heaven.
38:58 And that means giving up on myself
39:00 and relying totally upon God, the Holy spirit in my heart,
39:03 in my life to change my thinking.
39:06 Back to Shelley's point, there's no way that
39:09 the disciples could have moved forward
39:12 unless they were on the same theological place.
39:13 Exactly, exactly.
39:14 There's no way that group of men
39:16 with their prejudices and all of their problems
39:17 could have been the power
39:19 that were in the early centuries.
39:20 Vying for who's going to be the most important,
39:22 who's gonna sit at your right hand, you know.
39:24 Yeah, that kind of thing.
39:25 How in the world can we move further
39:27 than pulling really for themselves?
39:28 So Christ had to lock them in and questioned them,
39:30 to use the term that we use now a days,
39:32 in room for 10 days, you've got to get rid of that stuff,
39:34 man so that we can come together
39:36 and move the Church of God of Law.
39:37 Now here's another thing
39:39 that I saw from the writings of Ellen White.
39:41 Ellen White says this.
39:42 Just because everybody's in agreement
39:46 does not necessarily mean
39:47 that the spirit of God is working.
39:49 Someone said to me sometime ago,
39:51 you remember Jonestown?
39:53 Everybody drank the Kool-Aid.
39:54 You know, so just because there is no disagreement
39:59 and just because we're all kind of on the same page,
40:02 and we think we're all right,
40:03 it doesn't necessarily mean so that
40:05 when we are of different opinions,
40:07 the answer is Bible study.
40:09 When we are of the same opinion,
40:11 the answer is Bible study--
40:12 Bible study.
40:13 Amen, good.
40:15 Always seeking the will of God for what we want to do
40:19 and every step that we make, do you not agree?
40:21 So the last thing Jesus did, right?
40:24 In the Garden, he prayed for that unity, did he not?
40:28 We talked about that, he prayed for the unity
40:31 that would take place
40:32 and this is also... he knew this.
40:34 He knew that after his death,
40:37 disciples needed something to turn them around
40:39 because they just weren't right.
40:41 Yes.
40:42 Just like we look at ourselves when days that don't work out,
40:44 we're not right, the church is not right.
40:46 We need more of your spirit, we need more of your humility,
40:48 we need less pride,
40:50 we need to esteem others higher than ourselves.
40:52 And that's...in order to have this unity,
40:54 self has to be abased, it has to be put down.
40:56 Amen.
40:57 Christ knew right after his death, right?
41:00 After his death, disciples would be changed men.
41:03 It would change their lives forever.
41:05 And you know what?
41:06 It did.
41:08 That, I think that encouraged him,
41:09 motivated him,
41:10 not only threw everybody through the stream of time,
41:13 for it brought him joy,
41:14 thought of Calvary brought him joy.
41:16 Even though the humanity was shrinking, and crying,
41:18 "Oh, Lord..."
41:20 He counted it a privilege and a joy to Calvary
41:23 for you and for me.
41:25 'Cause he knows, you know what?
41:26 We look at Calvary, we behold,
41:28 we become changed into his image.
41:29 This is what it is all about, by beholding him,
41:31 I become changed into his image.
41:33 2 Corinthians read...
41:35 I want to continue with something
41:37 form the Ephesian's quote
41:38 because you touched down on it earlier
41:39 when you were talking about we all have different gifts,
41:43 we've all been given gifts and it doesn't matter,
41:46 you know, we even say here at 3ABN
41:49 that it doesn't matter if you are in housekeeping
41:53 or if you are Danny Shelton.
41:56 We're all part of this body,
41:57 we're all part of this ministry
41:59 and each one is equally important.
42:01 We don't treat people-- you know,
42:03 there's one thing I love about here
42:05 is that there are no prima donnas here,
42:07 you know.
42:08 Occasionally, occasionally we'll have someone
42:11 who might come through that,
42:13 we recognize a hint of that and we ministered to them
42:17 but you couldn't reside here as--
42:22 We all have to be humble to work.
42:24 Amen. That's all there is to it.
42:26 But what Paul went on to say in Ephesians is,
42:29 he said-- he was talking about the five fold ministry,
42:32 how he gave some to the Apostles,
42:34 the prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers
42:37 for the equipping of the saints, right?
42:41 For the work of ministry,
42:43 for the edifying of the body of Christ.
42:46 We are called to some kind of ministry.
42:49 It may be you have the gift of hospitality.
42:52 Whatever your gift is, you are supposed to use it.
42:55 But then he says here,
42:57 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry,
43:00 for the edifying of the body of Christ
43:02 till we all come to the unity of the faith
43:07 and of the knowledge of the son of God.
43:11 In John 17:3, Jesus said, this is eternal life
43:16 that you would know the Father and the one whom He has sinned.
43:21 That is to know in an experiential way.
43:26 It's like the same word that when it's talking about...
43:31 Abraham knew his wife or Adam knew his wife,
43:34 it's an intimate connection.
43:37 So the one thing that I have to say
43:41 when I became an Adventist,
43:43 there was one thing that surprised me.
43:46 And here's what surprised me.
43:49 Having come through the Church of Christ,
43:52 study my way out into a non-denominational arena,
43:56 then study my way in to these beliefs
44:00 before I even knew about Adventism.
44:05 In the non-denominational arena,
44:07 it is very popular, the teaching is,
44:12 in the belief system is that the pastor
44:15 is called not to do all the ministry
44:18 but he is called to equip the saints.
44:21 And the saints are called to go out and minister.
44:24 Coming in to the Adventist Church,
44:27 I saw some places
44:29 that I've been where people will say,
44:32 "Our pastor doesn't go do,
44:34 you know, he is not good at doing hospital visitations."
44:37 and I said, is that something
44:38 that the Lord has laid on your heart,
44:40 you need to go do hospital visitations.
44:44 You know, we cannot--
44:45 if this body is going to be unified,
44:49 everybody's got to get into action.
44:52 Yeah, Amen.
44:53 It's like you said earlier, we at 3ABN,
44:56 when you got hold of the rope,
44:57 you know, everybody's pulling it with you.
45:00 You can't pull that ship in and anchor
45:03 and tie it up by yourself.
45:05 Same in the body of Christ.
45:06 Unity means that if this--
45:11 and this is what happened I think,
45:15 in some part, the church started off as a movement.
45:19 Everybody was moving.
45:22 And then what happened is some became satisfied thinking
45:26 they've got all the truth and they quit moving
45:29 and some are trying to move.
45:30 So what's happening?
45:32 You're not in unity anymore.
45:34 So we've all got to get onboard and you know,
45:38 I talk about this all the time is,
45:42 to me the Go Evangelistic team for 3ABN,
45:47 the blessings on the Go Evangelistic team.
45:49 I see this as a way that God is trying to wake up his people
45:54 to get them involved and until we get people
45:58 who are more-- who come to be equipped to go to the ministry,
46:03 who come to that intimate
46:04 personal relationship with Christ,
46:07 knowing him, we're not going to have unity.
46:09 Very true.
46:10 And I think this idea that we leave ministry
46:12 to the paid professionals,
46:14 the Shelley Quinns, the Kenny Sheltons,
46:16 the whoever, is an aberration,
46:20 it is a block on what Christ wants to do
46:24 because every person has to be pulling on that rope.
46:26 And every person has to be pulling in the same direction.
46:29 It's very, very important that we all pull together.
46:32 Quickly in going back to John 17:11,
46:35 that we may be one as my Father and I were.
46:38 And looking at that word,
46:40 I can't remember the Greek word,
46:41 it's heis or hies or H-E-I-S, H-I-E-S,
46:44 just trying to think at the back of my mind,
46:46 but it has to do with the idea of many different parts
46:51 welded together like the point of a pencil kind of a thing.
46:54 You know, a lot of parts all coming together.
46:57 And that's what Christ wants,
46:58 he wants all the parts to come together
47:01 and pull in the same direction.
47:02 And therein is Christ glorified
47:04 when the world sees this church pulling together,
47:09 by this shall they know.
47:11 That's how they're gonna know what John says.
47:12 That's how they'll know, by the love for one another
47:15 even when... You know, one of the things
47:17 that I said the other day,
47:18 why people join the church today.
47:20 They don't know necessarily join the church
47:22 because it says, "I'm the remnant."
47:23 First of all, nobody knows that term means that,
47:25 advent speak.
47:26 Two, people only want to know, one, do you believe the Bible?
47:32 Do you practice what you preach?
47:34 And do you shoot a wounded?
47:35 You know, if I make a mistake
47:37 if I, if I show myself to be human,
47:39 are you going to help resurrect me
47:42 from my dead condition?
47:43 Or you just gonna put a bullet me and put me on my condition
47:45 out of my out of my, my misery?
47:48 So, if you live the Bible, teach the Bible,
47:52 and help people when they fall, I'll join your church.
47:55 And I'll stay.
47:57 But that's what unity does unity says,
47:59 "If, if I make a mistake, Shelley Quinn,
48:01 is not going to put me on a misery,
48:03 she is going to come and lift me up.
48:05 Shelley Quinn is going to come and pray for me.
48:06 That's why I want to stay.
48:08 Why would I want to stay?
48:10 Because I know that there are people there
48:11 who will love me even I'm undone condition.
48:14 And we can work together and be united
48:15 in serving the Lord.
48:17 You know, in 1 John 3:18, John said, "Little children,
48:20 let us not love in word only."
48:24 Yes. "But in truth, in action."
48:27 And we have to be to be unified, as you said,
48:32 we can't shoot a wounded.
48:33 We can't shoot those who, who hurt us.
48:36 What we have to be is forgiving.
48:39 If we are not humble and as you said, giving as Paul,
48:45 even said, you know,
48:46 preferring others above ourselves.
48:49 We've got to, to hold other people up edify them.
48:53 We've got to be forgiving
48:55 even if someone hasn't come and asked for forgiveness.
48:58 Because that's the Christ-like thing to do.
49:00 Amen.
49:02 And to be of one mind,
49:03 we have to be seeking God's will.
49:05 Yeah.
49:06 Walking in obedience, as he said,
49:08 to his commandments which are what?
49:11 Love him. Yes.
49:13 Love others. Well said.
49:14 Amen. John says, and John 13: 35.
49:18 "By this you will know that you are my disciples
49:20 if you have..." what?
49:22 Love. "Love one for another."
49:24 And Jesus said, that 1 verse 34.
49:26 He told the disciples interesting.
49:28 "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another."
49:33 Jesus was telling right there.
49:34 "You haven't loved one another. I've been here."
49:37 All love, his love, he showed love,
49:39 what love is all about.
49:40 And they had not espouse that in their in their life.
49:44 And he said, "So a new commandment
49:45 that I give you that you love one another
49:47 as I have loved you."
49:49 And I've often said I read one time where it said,
49:52 "Unless, unless I have the love
49:55 that Christ has for my fellowmen.
49:58 Heaven will never be my home."
50:00 I wept. Powerful.
50:01 Well, I wept 'cause I believe it,
50:03 the spirit of prophecy.
50:04 Unless I have that same love that Christ has for me,
50:08 for my fellowmen, heaven will never be my home.
50:11 Yeah.
50:12 And I immediately, the Lord forgave me
50:14 and help me to have that love.
50:16 Not that, we don't have to say,
50:17 "Well, I have no have hard feelings.
50:19 I'm not in a quarrel with somebody.
50:21 I'm not..."
50:22 The love the way Christ loved. Absolutely.
50:25 And then if we have that kind of love, remember,
50:27 before we go to try to correct somebody else,
50:29 we have to be willing to give our life for that person
50:33 before we first go try to correct them.
50:35 Are we willing to give our life for them?
50:37 Powerful. It is just heavy duty.
50:39 What you just said though is you said, "Lord, help me."
50:42 We cannot do that, Romans 5: 5 says,
50:44 "That he pours his love into our hearts
50:46 by the power of the Holy Spirit."
50:48 So we cannot love others
50:50 without the spirit of Christ in us.
50:53 But just very quickly I know our time is running out.
50:57 John in 1 John 2 verse 9, 10 he says,
51:01 "He who says he's in the light
51:02 and hates his brother is in darkness unto now.
51:06 He who loves his brother abides in the light.
51:08 And there is no cause for stumbling in him."
51:14 Just a couple of verses before he says,
51:17 "I'm not going to give you a new commandment."
51:18 And then right after he says, "I'm giving you a commandment."
51:20 It's like, what is Christ saying?
51:22 Well, he's saying it's not new,
51:24 it's new to you because you forgotten it.
51:26 It's like, it's like buying a used car.
51:29 It's new to me, it's not a new car, but it's new for me
51:32 because in ever had it before.
51:33 And that's what he says,
51:34 "I'm not giving you something brand new
51:36 but it's new to you because, you strayed from it.
51:38 So, now I'm bringing it back to you
51:39 so it is new to you and that you strayed from it."
51:41 And then he goes into the thing that Shelley just said
51:44 that you got it you love is the emblem
51:47 the ensign of all that we're trying this.
51:49 And then just real quickly I want to recap.
51:52 So to come into unity in the body,
51:55 we've got to do it through united prayer,
51:58 through the study of the word,
52:00 through the infilling of the Holy Spirit
52:01 so that we can love one another.
52:03 It's says...just quickly..."
52:04 Where oneness exist,
52:06 there is evidence that the image of God
52:08 is being restored."
52:10 Amen. "In man."
52:11 And that's the whole key. Powerful, powerful.
52:14 We're going to go to our news break.
52:15 We've got a couple things want to talk to you
52:17 about then we are going to come back
52:19 and sort of put a little bit bow on this and wrap it up.
52:21 We'll be back in just three minutes.


Revised 2016-04-14