3ABN Today

Jesus for Asia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John & Angie Lomacang (Host), Jon & Natalie & James & Mary Ann Wood


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016015A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 My name is John Lomacang and I have my partner
01:13 my wife of x amount of years sitting next to me,
01:16 so I don't date this program.
01:18 Honey, good to have you here.
01:19 Glad to be here. So glad...
01:21 It's gonna be an exciting program today.
01:23 Yes it is, and just in case
01:25 you don't know what her name is?
01:26 It's Angela.
01:27 You could break that down to Angel A
01:29 if you want to separate the last letter.
01:31 But I know that for fact
01:32 but we have a wonderful exciting program today,
01:35 it's about missions.
01:37 Oh yeah, and I love missions.
01:39 'cause we've traveled all over the world
01:41 and mission is,
01:43 actually it's been part of our life, hasn't it?
01:45 That's right, and particularly this country
01:47 we are gonna talk about today Asia.
01:50 Not only, well, we'll leave the details
01:53 for later on in the program.
01:54 But you don't want to turn the channel
01:56 because this is not just about missions in Asia.
01:58 This is about how to activate in your family,
02:02 in your children the heart of mission.
02:04 You know, sometimes people are being raised,
02:08 children are being raised
02:09 and statistically a lot of children
02:11 unless they connect to a purpose in life,
02:15 they find that as they get older,
02:17 religion loses its grip on them.
02:19 But people that are involved in the mission
02:22 tend to have a deeper roots and to have more significant
02:26 place in the work of the Lord.
02:27 So we're gonna talk about that today too.
02:29 And want to thank you for your prayers
02:32 and your financial support of this network
02:34 as we are continuing to go and grow,
02:36 as we prepare for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
02:39 Now before we meet our guests,
02:41 honey, we have some music today.
02:43 Yeah. Well, let's have good music.
02:44 Yeah, we sure do.
02:45 We have Jennifer LaMountain, which is wonderful singer.
02:48 Oh, yes.
02:50 Singing a song 'Make Me More Like You'.
03:18 Teach, me, Father
03:23 What to say
03:28 Teach me, Father
03:34 How to pray
03:38 Teach me
03:41 All along the way
03:48 How to be
03:52 Like Jesus
04:00 Teach me how
04:05 We may be one
04:10 Like the Father
04:15 And the Son
04:19 And when all
04:24 Is overcome
04:30 I will be
04:34 Like Jesus
04:42 Lord make me like You
04:47 Please make me like You
04:52 You are a servant
04:57 Make me one too
05:04 Oh, Lord I am willing
05:09 To what You must do
05:14 To make me like You Lord
05:20 Make me
05:22 Like You
05:28 I would be
05:33 Like Jesus
05:38 I would be
05:41 Like Jesus
05:47 Help me Lord
05:51 To daily grow
05:57 More and more
06:02 Like Jesus
06:28 Thank you so much Jennifer
06:30 for that song 'Make Me More Like You'.
06:32 And you'll discover that's what this program is about today.
06:36 Not to just be made like Jesus in character
06:38 but also to be made like Jesus in mission.
06:41 You know, Luke 19:10, "The Son of Man
06:44 has come to seek and to save that which was lost."
06:47 Where did we get that from?
06:49 It was the memory text we taught your niece.
06:53 I tried many years ago.
06:54 Many years ago,
06:55 and she still remembers it to this day.
06:57 She is not in the faith
06:58 but she does remember that text to this day.
07:01 Any time we call, we say what is Luke 19:10?
07:04 She always repeats it. Yeah.
07:06 Well, let's meet our guest right now
07:07 Jon Woods and Natalie Woods.
07:09 Since you are close, Jon, I'll extend you a hand.
07:11 John to Jon. Good to meet you. Good name John.
07:13 And, Natalie, good to have you here also.
07:15 Thank you.
07:16 I know our...For those who are listening
07:18 to the program by radio,
07:19 they have on this beautiful outfits from Asia.
07:22 And for those who are watching,
07:24 they can tell that, wow this and wow,
07:26 these people must be in the mission field somewhere.
07:29 Good to have you here today.
07:30 Thank you. Thank you. It's a pleasure.
07:32 Now, let's begin the beginning,
07:33 and my wife jump in anytime you want,
07:34 Honey, we are from Brooklyn, so we kind of talk together.
07:37 But before we go to your story,
07:40 walk us little bit through your conversion
07:43 and then your connection with 3ABN,
07:46 because you were working here on a capacity
07:48 before you went out into the mission field.
07:50 Well, John, I was born and raised
07:52 a Seventh-day Adventist.
07:54 From parents, actually all four of my grandparents
07:56 were Seventh-day Adventists from four generations.
07:58 Wow. And so, I had my...
08:01 Parents were missionaries in New Guinea in the '60's
08:04 till I was five years old.
08:05 We came home,
08:06 went through Adventist schools all the way through college.
08:09 But I never understood what faith was,
08:12 I never experienced forgiveness of sins.
08:14 And one time and I always thought
08:16 that every one out there was having fun
08:19 and every one here, I was miserable and bored.
08:23 And so, when we finally got married
08:25 and we moved up to Oregon,
08:27 I started this search of being, just doing my own thing.
08:30 Just doing what I wanted to do.
08:32 And I was amazed that how bored I got,
08:34 I was miserable and bored.
08:35 Wow.
08:37 And then I had a chance to go
08:38 on a mission trip to Cambodia and Thailand.
08:39 And this was back in '96
08:41 during the time of Pope Paul was still alive.
08:43 You know, he was the author of 'The Killing Fields'.
08:45 And he was still doing his instructions and stuff
08:49 and we were traveling from one town to another,
08:53 it was only 60 kilometers but it took us six hours.
08:57 Wow.
08:58 And there was a lot of road blocks
08:59 and checks and armed guards.
09:01 You had to pay them in order for them to make it pass
09:04 and so it's very dangerous and on the way back
09:06 it was getting towards the evening
09:08 and we weren't supposed to travel at night.
09:10 Everybody was saying how dangerous it was
09:11 and we were standing in the back of a pickup
09:13 and I heard of AK47 go off behind me.
09:16 Oh, no.
09:17 And there were just some soldiers,
09:19 it was after a hot day, it was evening cool,
09:21 they were just letting off steam.
09:23 But I thought what if those bullets hit me
09:26 in the back of the head right now?
09:28 And I realized I'd be okay,
09:30 because right now I knew I was in the Lord's will,
09:34 where as before I was outside of the Lord's will
09:36 and I was miserable.
09:37 And here I was in the Lord's will and happy.
09:40 And as, and at that point,
09:42 that was kind of like my conversion
09:43 that I knew that I would rather die in the Lord's will
09:47 than live outside the Lord's will.
09:49 Wow. Wow.
09:50 And then I came home and that's like
09:52 all the stops were out of sight,
09:54 I was going after God full time.
09:55 Before if somebody asked me to do a prayer for
09:58 during the church service,
09:59 it would take all week to get the courage just to pray.
10:02 And it will take me another week just to recover.
10:06 Whereas afterwards it's like, you know, I'm dead already.
10:09 It's like I wanted, I just like everything,
10:12 I was just full on for God and I was asking...
10:14 Asking our pastor, yeah.
10:15 Can I preach? Can I preach?
10:17 Wow.
10:18 Really? Yeah.
10:19 And it's like, I had always wanted
10:21 to have my own career, control of my career
10:24 and so, during the time we were in Oregon,
10:26 she was out of a job retraining and I was out of a job.
10:30 We were looking for jobs, we couldn't find a job.
10:33 And it's like, this is what I would never give that to God,
10:36 but when I came back after I had my conversion,
10:38 it's like, I had a taste of the Holy Sprit.
10:40 Yes.
10:41 And it's like, I want this. Amen.
10:43 And it's like, God is good.
10:45 And so I gave Him my career and within two weeks,
10:48 she had an awesome job, and I had an awesome job.
10:50 Wow.
10:52 And within six months, we bought a brand new house.
10:54 Wow.
10:55 And we were living there
10:56 and we were just using the house for God's glory
10:58 and having Bible studies and just really enjoying,
11:01 and then we got a call from 3ABN.
11:03 Hmm. Oh-oh.
11:06 Interrupting.
11:07 Now, how long were you married at that time?
11:10 We were married in '91. Okay.
11:12 So that was... yes.
11:13 Five years.
11:15 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
11:16 You got to tell briefly, Natalie,
11:17 about how you guys met.
11:19 You told us off camera, but I think people
11:21 appreciate that stories, kind of a cute story.
11:23 We met first when I was 16. Okay.
11:26 I was living in the dorm at PUC with my sister,
11:28 she was a PU assistant, but I was in high school
11:31 and he was a senior in college
11:34 and we met and he, he liked me.
11:39 She had no idea.
11:40 I didn't know.
11:42 She was very young. Yes.
11:44 College student at 16. He was young.
11:45 It's okay. It's okay.
11:47 But he was a nice guy, you know.
11:49 So, but anyway,
11:50 he took the pictures from my sister's wedding and so,
11:52 and then his younger sister was in high school with me
11:55 and we played it together in the band and everything.
11:57 So we kind of knew each other
11:59 a little bit as a distance, you know, acquaintances.
12:03 And then, his sister came with New England Youth Ensemble
12:08 to play and he had to pick her up and stuff and so
12:11 anyway we were together to one of a concerts
12:13 and it was the beginning of a closer friendship.
12:16 Yeah. Wow.
12:17 I've gone to Korea during this time.
12:18 So it was a couple of years in between
12:20 where I knew her, and then I saw her again,
12:23 and she was still pretty but not so young.
12:25 In college. Right.
12:26 I was in college, there he is more acceptable.
12:28 At PUC? Yes, at PUC.
12:31 You said okay, Lord, is that okay now?
12:34 Lord said, sure, go for it, Jon and now that's wonderful,
12:38 but now you get the call to 3ABN.
12:40 I got the call to 3ABN,
12:42 and here we had invested into this new house
12:45 and we knew that if we came out to 3ABN,
12:47 we would have to surrender our investment
12:50 because, you know, you got to pay the realtor fees
12:52 and that takes all of what we invested in the house.
12:55 So it would have been a huge sacrifice
12:57 and I-- and that was actually Doug or C.A
12:59 that was talking to me.
13:01 Yeah. Yes.
13:02 And he said, he that kind of gave up
13:03 when he found out we had a new house
13:05 and then it will be this huge sacrifice
13:07 and so I was talking to God about it
13:09 and I kind of let it go
13:10 and when my youth friends, young friends says, you know,
13:13 if the Holy Spirit is calling you,
13:14 you better listen to the Holy Spirit
13:17 and it's like, I'm like, okay, so I went back
13:19 and I started thinking, God gave me the house
13:22 and do I like the house, the gift more than the giver.
13:28 And it's like if I stick with the gift
13:32 then that's then I lose the giver in a large,
13:34 I lose that experience.
13:36 It's like what's more important to me.
13:37 Wow.
13:38 God can give me... Anything.
13:40 Yeah. He can give another house.
13:42 Yeah. That's true. That's true.
13:43 That's right. Yeah.
13:45 Gain the whole world. Yeah, exactly.
13:46 So and eternal life. Yeah.
13:48 So we gave up the house
13:50 and we lost our investment in it,
13:51 like we expected.
13:53 Moved out here and spent two years here,
13:55 it's best decision,
13:56 one of the best decisions we've ever made,
13:57 we loved it here.
13:59 Praise the Lord. Sacrifice.
14:00 Such a fantastic experience. That was well worth it.
14:01 Yes.
14:03 And in the process, you both grew
14:04 and started getting some experience
14:06 that would become a tremendous benefit
14:09 to the call that God was about to open up in your life
14:12 in ministry, am I correct?
14:13 Oh, absolutely, you know, I had never met anyone
14:16 that really believed what the Bible said,
14:19 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God
14:21 and He will provide for you."
14:22 Yes.
14:23 I'd never seen anybody actually believe that.
14:25 Wow.
14:26 I've heard, I've heard that, that's text on my life.
14:29 I've never seen anybody actually, you know,
14:31 plan that God would come through on that text.
14:34 And while we were here
14:35 our pay check was based on someone's faith.
14:38 Oh, I see.
14:40 He's still that way. Exactly.
14:42 Praise the Lord.
14:43 Thirty plus, wow. Thirty something years later.
14:46 Yeah. Yeah.
14:48 And so, you know, my monthly paycheck is like wow,
14:50 we can really trust God in this.
14:52 Yes.
14:53 And so, Danny's faith
14:55 and the faith of this ministry and everything,
14:56 it's just so inspiring to me.
14:58 Now, talk about launching out on faith.
15:01 You've mentioned the faith walk just a moment ago about
15:05 deciding to give up your home together.
15:08 Natalie, what was it like, kind of let the young lady,
15:14 I'm saying that I'm more messing with you.
15:17 Let your wife register here or kind of share with us,
15:20 what was it like, when did you guys know
15:22 that was a call to get out
15:24 into cast the net and broaden that in missions
15:27 or in whatever God had in store for you.
15:30 Well, after we... While we're...
15:33 I don't even know where to start
15:35 but for me giving up the house to follow God,
15:39 was like a logical progression in the relationship
15:43 He had been growing us in.
15:45 And then, when we were here at 3ABN
15:47 and he got call to teach at PUC,
15:50 I was kind of like wow,
15:51 we just got here almost, you know,
15:53 we had only been here for just barely two years,
15:56 our son was almost six months old
15:58 when we got that call
15:59 and it was just like really now, you know it just.
16:02 But it was another step,
16:04 it seem like in what God was asking
16:06 because he has talents in media and graphics
16:10 and these kinds of things that nobody has.
16:15 I mean there is, there is very few people
16:16 as you well know being in media ministry
16:18 in the church that have the media skills
16:22 and the understanding of ministry use.
16:24 That's true.
16:25 Because, so many times
16:27 there're people with these kinds of skills
16:28 want to go out and get the big jobs
16:29 and get the big paycheck
16:31 and get the notoriety or, you know,
16:33 whatever it is that they are looking for.
16:35 And so, to go to PUC to teach other young people,
16:40 it just, you know, it seems like to multiply the talents
16:43 would make the Lord, you know,
16:46 it make sense in the Lord's eyes I should say,
16:48 so, it just seem like the next step
16:51 that the Lord wanted us to do.
16:53 So, I'm very blessed to have a wife
16:55 that, that is so mission minded and loves the Lord
16:58 and is willing to sacrifice, you know,
17:00 some of the things,
17:01 the comforts of this world for His glory.
17:04 Now, we can't ignore your outfits.
17:06 We really can't. It's absolutely beautiful.
17:09 Where did you get the outfits from?
17:11 Where have you been? What should I say?
17:13 These are actually Indian clothing.
17:15 Yeah.
17:16 This is the sari which most of the married woman
17:17 in India wear most of the time,
17:19 they do their laundry, dressed in similar dress and, you know,
17:23 they go to church dressed in similar.
17:25 I mean they have the fancy ones and they have it everyday ones
17:27 but it's the same kind of outfit
17:31 and then his is the men's suit
17:33 like a wedding suit type of thing.
17:35 Wow.
17:36 So very fancy.
17:38 So you're sending out a marriage statement here.
17:42 It's beautiful.
17:43 That's a very nice one though too because I mean,
17:45 in India it's anything, India is very colorful.
17:49 Yes.
17:51 You know, one thing that they don't know lack on
17:52 with a country that has so many needs.
17:55 It's amazing where they get all this beautiful material.
17:57 Yes. It's gorgeous.
17:59 Now let's talk about missions.
18:02 How did... Go ahead sweetheart.
18:04 Go ahead, you are saying it.
18:05 I like the way you sound better.
18:07 I'm just...
18:08 I was gonna ask the same thing how did you get into missions?
18:10 Well, when we are leaving 3ABN,
18:14 one of the last things that happen was that,
18:16 it was Danny and Bob Paulson
18:21 and Garwin McNeilus to India.
18:24 Oh. When they did the big...
18:25 "To the On Go series."
18:26 In 2001, January 2001 and I saw there 40,000 people
18:31 sitting on the ground listening to an evangelistic series.
18:33 Wow.
18:35 It dawned on me that
18:37 there is so many opportunities out there.
18:38 People would accept Jesus
18:40 if someone would just tell them.
18:41 Yes.
18:42 And the statistic at that time
18:44 was 30 to 40 percent of all Indians
18:45 would accept Jesus
18:46 if someone was there to tell them.
18:48 That's 300 to 400 million people.
18:50 Wow. That's huge.
18:52 Yeah, and that blew me away.
18:54 And I started thinking about Lord,
18:56 what if it was up to me you know, what...
18:58 How could I, how would I reach that many people
19:02 and a twofold vision started to be born
19:05 and one is to reach the un-reached.
19:07 The other one was to reengage North America with missions
19:10 because my parents were missionaries,
19:11 but over the course of my life
19:14 it seems as though we have fallen away from missions.
19:17 That's right.
19:18 From doing missions, no,
19:20 I don't know very many missionaries,
19:22 not a lot of called to be missionaries
19:24 come from the pulpit.
19:25 Not a lot of giving, all that kind of stuff for missions.
19:28 So that twofold vision
19:30 and that kind of percolated for several years
19:32 but in 2005, the Lord did an amazing miracle
19:37 and kind of put it on our hearts
19:39 and after about six months of intense prayer,
19:41 Lord I want to work for you. I want to work for you.
19:43 What do you want me to do?
19:45 He just gave us this calm peace
19:49 that we should go into missions full time and launch out.
19:52 We felt His calling.
19:54 So we didn't have any money.
19:55 We didn't have any equity,
19:57 but we felt that He was calling us
19:58 to start this thing called 'Jesus for Asia'.
20:01 Actually God started it. Yeah.
20:03 And there is a little...
20:05 She was asking for story, so here is a little story,
20:08 we've all heard about the tsunami that happened.
20:10 Yes.
20:11 In December 2004.
20:13 Well, Jon was in Thailand with some student
20:15 and one of the things he did while he was at PUC
20:18 was he would take his students
20:20 and they would tape missions programs
20:22 and they call them video student missionaries
20:25 'cause they would go and show what's going on out there,
20:27 you know, in these projects and they were on a project up
20:30 in Northern Thailand and then the next day he went,
20:35 actually the earthquake happened
20:36 while they were in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
20:38 We were gonna go down to Phuket,
20:39 we were thinking about it.
20:41 But we went up to Chiang Mai instead
20:43 and Phuket was hit very hard.
20:45 Very hard.
20:46 Did you feel the earthquake? Yes.
20:48 We were up in third floor of our hotel room
20:50 and I... It's like hey, who is shaking the bed.
20:53 Oh my.
20:54 So, we realize it was an earthquake
20:56 and I go running out but...
20:57 He was too late by then.
20:58 If it had been a real earthquake,
21:00 I would have been dead before I got out.
21:01 And then we started seeing the reports coming,
21:04 ten people dead, hundred people dead
21:06 and just kept on building.
21:08 Kept building.
21:09 And then six days from there I went to India,
21:12 ended up on the beach,
21:13 the pastor that I was with took me to the beach
21:15 and I've interviewed survivors of that tsunami that came up.
21:20 And lot of people on that beach lost their lives there
21:23 and I've interviewed the survivors of that.
21:25 It was very sobering.
21:28 And let praise the Lord, you were not at that beach.
21:31 Yeah. Yeah.
21:33 At the time that it had happened.
21:34 Where you there also? No.
21:35 I wasn't, I was home with the children.
21:38 Our young ones.
21:40 Speaking of children, how many do you have?
21:42 We have two, we have a boy whose age is 15,
21:45 and our daughter is 13.
21:46 All right.
21:47 James and Marian.
21:49 And they are very much involved in missions?
21:50 Yeah. Yes.
21:51 They are big part of this.
21:53 Now, 'Jesus for Asia'
21:55 what made you to choose that name?
21:57 Well we have, we started out 'Jesus for India'
22:00 because after I videotaped on the beach,
22:03 in fact that show was played many times here on 3ABN
22:06 called "India Face to Face"
22:07 very...you know, 15 minutes show.
22:10 We came home and people started donating
22:13 for that ministry for those beach people.
22:15 To put, to give them rice, to replace their boats,
22:18 to give them you know, the gospel.
22:20 And so, we sent some money there
22:21 but they didn't just give them rice,
22:23 they started a church.
22:25 They took Bible workers. Oh.
22:27 Through sponsoring Bible workers.
22:28 Just lay people to go and get give Bible studies
22:30 and people started the church.
22:32 And so, we were like, we could do this full time.
22:34 Wow.
22:36 'Cause there is a lot of people in India that love the Lord
22:38 and are willing to work full time for the gospel
22:40 if we just provide a small stipend for them.
22:42 Yes.
22:43 And so that was what began the 'Jesus for Asia'.
22:46 We were like, Lord, you want us to start this
22:48 and we had to subtle conviction that that's what we should do.
22:53 And you brought with you a video roll that will give us
22:55 an overview of some of the projects
22:58 and what's included in 'Jesus for Asia"
23:01 we'll look at that video roll right now.
24:14 That's an overview.
24:15 Yes. Yes, we have over 40 projects.
24:18 Over 40 projects, there was one...What was it?
24:21 This Jungle... Jungle...
24:23 Jungle schools...
24:24 Jungle schools. Widow school.
24:27 Talk about the widow school for a moment, I mean,
24:30 Jungle school, Widow school.
24:33 We've been to India,
24:35 most of the things are focused on children
24:38 but talk about Widow?
24:39 Okay. Well, man where do we start?
24:42 This brings me so much joy.
24:44 I love this but the truth is that in India,
24:46 if a man leaves his wife, the wife becomes like a beggar
24:51 and we have these evening schools,
24:52 you saw pictures of the kids eating.
24:54 For seven dollars a month,
24:56 you can sponsor kid to get two hours of education
24:58 and a free meal every evening
24:59 because the biggest challenge
25:01 these kids have is malnutrition.
25:03 They're fighting malnutrition. How much?
25:04 Seven dollars a month.
25:05 Quarter... That's quarter a day.
25:07 A child. And so we...
25:10 That includes a rent of the building,
25:12 and the cook, and the teachers, and all that,
25:14 so we've had these buildings
25:16 that we were renting all day,
25:18 all month for the evening schools
25:20 and we found out this one school, the first one,
25:23 a lot of the kids parents mom, you know, the dads are left
25:27 and so the moms were like putting themselves
25:30 in these really bad situations in order to earn money.
25:32 Begging and another... Right.
25:35 To get money and so we're like, what can we do for these women
25:37 and so we had one lady that was a widow
25:40 that she put her kids to school
25:42 and took care of herself by sewing.
25:45 She sews these little things, these blouses and stuff
25:48 and people would give her money for that.
25:49 And so she volunteered to be
25:52 what we're paying her a salary to teach other people.
25:54 We bought the sewing machines
25:56 and now these women are coming and learning
25:58 how to sew for themselves and giving them.
26:01 We've got a picture of that.
26:02 So they're dressed up and they say that,
26:05 that these women they have new hope,
26:07 new joy, new opportunities in life
26:09 so they can, they have their self-esteem back,
26:11 they have their self worth back
26:13 and they can take care of their kids
26:14 and stuff like that, it's really exciting.
26:17 That's good, because in some societies,
26:19 for example here in America, you know, there're so many
26:21 single women and single parenting,
26:24 the stigma of our society is not nearly
26:27 by any measure of the word like it is in India
26:30 and some of the countries
26:31 where it's male dominated society.
26:32 And these women, they don't have an education,
26:34 so they can't go, get a job.
26:35 They have no options.
26:36 Yeah. Wow.
26:38 Just completely dependent on the man
26:39 and when he leaves, they're like beggars.
26:42 Yeah.
26:43 Now how did that impact to you as a wife, I know,
26:45 because when you think about that?
26:46 Seeing them it just, it breaks my heart
26:48 thinking about how many there are
26:50 and we're only helping the few.
26:52 And there are so many other places
26:54 that need the same help and it just, yeah,
26:58 it's just thinking about them as our sisters, you know,
27:02 and thinking how I would feel in the same situation
27:04 and they don't know God as their father,
27:06 I know, God is my father and He will help me
27:09 but they don't know that.
27:10 Wow.
27:11 And it just, it just, it touches my hearth,
27:13 it breaks my heart.
27:14 How were you teaching them?
27:15 The woman, there is a woman there
27:17 that has done all this stuff and so she teaches them.
27:21 We have like six sewing machines
27:25 and six ladies per episode, per class
27:30 and she goes through and they do it hands on
27:32 and it's a treadle machine.
27:34 Oh, not to worry about, they get exercise.
27:36 Yeah. Yeah.
27:37 Exactly.
27:38 So we have a neat story that goes with that,
27:40 they're in that same village, there is a tailor
27:43 and he does all sorts of clothing,
27:44 he does women's clothing
27:46 and men's clothing and everything.
27:47 And he had not wanted anything to do with our school
27:50 because he is a Hindu.
27:52 And he recently came to the director of that school,
27:57 the evening school and he told them,
27:59 you know, I can help teach those ladies some other things,
28:02 so they can sew other things.
28:03 And so his heart was softened by seeing these ladies
28:06 receiving the help that they needed.
28:08 And the teacher, the lady,
28:10 the teacher, she is staunch Hindu.
28:12 But she was willing to help for the sake of the ladies
28:14 and all these ladies were Hindu.
28:16 And we don't ask them to become Christian to help anybody.
28:18 Yes.
28:19 But she was seeing the prayers
28:21 that was going on in the Christians
28:22 and her daughter was married for two years
28:25 and was not getting pregnant.
28:27 And in that society that was, it means...
28:30 That's a bad thing. Yeah.
28:31 Basis for divorce.
28:32 Okay, so she really wanted to get pregnant
28:34 so she asked our Christians if they would pray
28:37 for her daughter and within two months she was pregnant.
28:40 Amen. Wow.
28:42 So the testimony of our Hindu teachers
28:44 that you Christians,
28:45 yeah, I like your religion, I like what you're doing,
28:47 keep doing it.
28:49 She's been blessed by working with Christians.
28:50 Yeah. That's amazing.
28:52 And I also notice that you have a national Bible workers
28:54 orphan, orphanages,
28:56 even the media center talk about that
28:59 for a brief moment because...
29:01 Well, we started out with the Bible workers
29:03 and this is an amazing...
29:05 They're local Bible workers, they're native,
29:08 they speak the language, they live there.
29:09 And for $60 a month, you can sponsor
29:11 a full-time Bible worker.
29:13 And they go door to door, knocking on doors,
29:15 would like prayers, anything wrong
29:17 and Jesus answers and miracles happen
29:20 and people's lives are changed.
29:21 It's just awesome.
29:23 We see an average of about one person convert to Jesus
29:28 per month, per Bible worker.
29:30 Wow. Praise the Lord. Wow.
29:32 It's amazing.
29:33 Now it's not just India,
29:35 you have gone to other countries
29:38 within that window.
29:39 Correct, we have Bible workers in Thailand
29:41 and lot of the mission schools and the jungle school you saw,
29:45 that's in Thailand.
29:46 And then also in the Philippines, Mindanao,
29:49 we have Bible workers and a missionary family,
29:52 center Philippines and then also in Mindoro,
29:55 going into tribes that are un-reached
29:57 that are so primitive
30:00 that they are afraid of breaking up the soil
30:03 so they hang their dead people in the trees.
30:06 What? Wow.
30:08 And they start to stink
30:09 and so they have to move to another village,
30:11 to another place so they're always nomadic,
30:13 they have no health understanding, no sanitation,
30:16 all this kind of stuff.
30:18 And so going into their...
30:20 We also have the media centers.
30:21 We have one in, in the Philippines HCBN
30:25 that was broadcasting all over the Philippines
30:28 but we ran out of fund.
30:29 HCBN? Yeah.
30:31 Okay.
30:32 It's running, they ran out of funds
30:34 so they're no longer on satellite
30:35 but we had up to 50, 40 or 50 cable channels
30:38 that were re-linking at making it local and stuff
30:41 and so we're praying that we can go back on satellite
30:43 and we start feeling
30:44 but they're getting it by internet
30:46 but it's not as clean.
30:47 We also have started out one of our camp meetings,
30:52 HCBN Indonesia.
30:54 Wow.
30:55 And this is broadcasting on air, over satellite,
30:58 all across Indonesia,
31:01 now 15,000 islands 24/7 in the Bahasa language.
31:03 In the Bahasa language.
31:05 And that's really exciting because it's led by a couple
31:08 that used to be a millionaires.
31:10 And they gave up their wealth to serve God
31:13 and they say, now, we're much happier
31:15 than we ever were when we had all this money.
31:17 Have you learned any of the languages?
31:19 We are working...
31:21 We struggle with that because we go,
31:23 we go to India and we start learning the language
31:25 and then we go to somewhere else in India
31:27 and there is a different language
31:29 and then we go to Thailand
31:30 and there is a different language,
31:32 and then we go to another area in Thailand
31:33 and there is a different language.
31:35 So we know few words of a bunch of different things.
31:37 Can you just... It's really sad.
31:38 Forget about it, let's talk English
31:40 and having a translator.
31:41 Now you brought some pictures with you.
31:43 I'd like you to walk us through some of those
31:45 and kind of explain what actually
31:48 in the different fields what actually is.
31:49 What are we seeing here? Wow.
31:51 When we...
31:53 When we were young, we're going overseas we said,
31:55 how can we get our kids involved with missions.
31:59 And what better way, there is two ways
32:00 to get your kids involve with missions.
32:02 Number one is to show an example.
32:03 Do it yourself, and number two is to involve them.
32:06 That's definitely not America.
32:07 No.
32:10 This was in India with our orphanage,
32:14 one of our student missionary that's over there right now
32:17 is loving these kids and just being changed.
32:20 He's there, they are for nine months.
32:21 And then here is our evening school.
32:24 That's the meal time at the evening school.
32:26 Wow, that looks familiar, doesn't it?
32:27 Yeah, sitting on the floor. Yeah.
32:29 We've got about six different evening schools with about 300.
32:34 We've figured that we fed over 200,000 meals
32:37 since the beginning of this program.
32:39 Wow.
32:40 And this is one of our Bible workers,
32:41 this is how simply the gospel goes forward,
32:44 sitting down and sharing the gospel with these people
32:47 and they listen, they close their eyes,
32:48 they ask for prayers, they love it,
32:50 they're hungry for some hope and something in their lives.
32:54 Yes. And so this is Bible workers...
32:56 Look at all the colors in that picture also.
32:59 Now Gayle Haberkam, our viewers may,
33:01 your viewers may recognize her.
33:03 She's been here on 3ABN before
33:05 but this is our 62 year old nurse
33:07 up in the highland jungles of Thailand, reaching out.
33:10 She goes from village to village,
33:12 lot of times by walking.
33:14 It's very dangerous, they got wild elephants
33:16 and snakes and spiders and stuff like that
33:19 and she goes out, she takes her gospel.
33:21 And the roads are horrific.
33:22 Wild elephants? Yes.
33:24 Well, it's kind of frightens us,
33:25 all the elephants that surrounded us,
33:27 look at this one.
33:28 Yeah, this is one of our younger missionaries,
33:30 this is with the Sharon family.
33:31 Sharon family started out with...
33:33 They have four boys and two parents
33:35 and the oldest boy went with us on the mission trip
33:37 and he never came home.
33:38 Then talk to his two other brothers
33:40 in coming over and then his parents
33:42 and this is the youngest son.
33:44 The youngest son is starting his own school
33:46 in a very remote area with his own bare hands,
33:50 built the school and he's teaching these people.
33:53 He looked stuck. Yeah, he is tough.
33:55 No, he looked stuck.
33:56 He stuck too but that was temporary.
33:58 Wow. He just lifted the bike.
34:00 That's what the roads kind of look like.
34:02 Yeah. Yes.
34:03 In rainy season.
34:05 And this is one of our missionary couples,
34:07 they're actually working in Bangkok,
34:08 they have a burden for the city.
34:10 So they're there with their little son
34:12 and they're gonna be helping us, in the stroller.
34:16 You can't see anybody in that stroller behind.
34:17 They're gonna be opening a center of influence.
34:19 Because you know,
34:21 we often think of missionaries in the jungle,
34:23 but the majority of people in the world live in the city.
34:26 Wow, that's true, that's a very good point.
34:28 So they're starting missions in the city.
34:30 Now this map here shows us the circle.
34:33 Tell us why that circle is there?
34:36 Lot of people ask why just Asia, you know,
34:39 when you're gonna upgrade the rest of the world.
34:40 But lot of people don't know that Asia is more than
34:43 half the world's population in that circle.
34:47 More people live inside that circle
34:49 than outside that circle.
34:50 That's huge. Yeah.
34:51 I mean because Africa is not in that circle.
34:53 No.
34:54 Africa is only 15 percent of the world's population.
34:56 Wow.
34:57 Fifty seven percent of the world's population is an Asia.
35:00 So 57 percent
35:02 and yet the least amount of investment in missions
35:05 goes to Asia.
35:07 There are 25 times more missionaries
35:09 in South Americas than they are in Asia.
35:11 Wow.
35:13 And the majority of all,
35:14 there is about 1.1 million Adventists in Asia,
35:18 in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia division.
35:21 But 9,000 of them are in the Philippines.
35:25 So the rest of those you know, yeah.
35:29 That's a huge amount.
35:30 Right, right.
35:32 So when you talk about missions,
35:34 and do you wake up in the morning
35:35 and never get overwhelmed.
35:37 Oh yeah, I can pry.
35:39 Thinking about it is just, yeah,
35:41 and the other statistic that was on that map
35:43 that we didn't talk about was...
35:45 You can talk about that later. Okay, all right.
35:46 But yeah, I mean, thinking about
35:48 how many people are out there
35:49 and we've seen so many, I mean, we've driven down,
35:52 down the roads and there are so many people
35:55 and it's like Lord how...
35:56 It's like rice grains.
35:57 Do they know, do they know, do they know,
35:59 most of them you drive down and you have to say, no,
36:01 they don't know.
36:02 There is no way they know the name of Jesus.
36:04 Even in Thailand, the central valley,
36:05 you can drive for eight hours without coming in
36:07 with the 100 kilometers of an Adventist Church,
36:10 just nobody there.
36:11 What's the dominant religion there?
36:13 Here, Buddhism. Buddhism.
36:15 Animist, they're syncretic, so they syncretistic,
36:19 so they choose and pick and choose what
36:21 of which religion they like so, but it's mainly Buddhism.
36:25 Now back, before we came on the air,
36:29 you were sharing the story about a Bible worker
36:32 in the Philippines and he's on dangerous grounds.
36:36 Oh, yes.
36:37 He is actually one of our missionaries, Mike Curtis,
36:39 Mike and Michelle Curtis they work up in the mountains,
36:42 they're in Mindanao, where there is a lot of rebels.
36:44 Yeah.
36:45 And so, they work with the rebels.
36:47 Some of there are amazing converts,
36:51 most staunch converts, used to be,
36:55 shall we say hitman in the army
36:58 and so now they're in like witness relocation program
37:02 and stuff like that.
37:03 So...
37:04 But, yeah, they've been hijacked and held up
37:06 and his wallet stolen and stuff like that
37:08 and the Lord had protected them over
37:10 and over and over again.
37:11 But they're going in, only the thing that drives him
37:13 as they're going into mountainous areas
37:15 that have no gospel,
37:16 no one has ever reached up in there
37:18 and so they're having to start
37:20 from the very, very basics of script, you know,
37:21 what is the Bible, who is Jesus, stuff like that.
37:23 You know, now I understand more clearly
37:25 when I was in Mindanao,
37:27 I was singing with the Heritage singers
37:28 there at the college, Mountain View College
37:33 but there was a 2,000 people were there on the campus
37:36 at the time and many of them,
37:38 lot of them from the community too
37:39 and I wanted to go out and mingle among them
37:42 and the host says no, you cannot.
37:45 I said, but I just want to talk to some,
37:47 they said, no, you cannot, you'll disappear,
37:49 we won't know where to find you.
37:50 Wow.
37:52 They said, they said because they said,
37:53 not too many miles from here
37:54 the village is 90 percent Muslim
37:56 and I thought in the Philippines.
37:58 They said, yeah, there are more Muslims in the Philippines
38:01 then there are in the Middle East.
38:02 And I thought that's, that's not possible.
38:04 Oh, yes, it is.
38:05 But not just that,
38:07 you have the other religions out are there to
38:09 so, the diversity evident, talking about the rebels too,
38:12 that's another thing they say, you never know
38:14 who you're gonna be meeting,
38:16 you might think they're Christians
38:17 because this is an Adventist Campus,
38:19 but we don't who is here.
38:20 Right.
38:22 So but you face that
38:23 on a daily basis in the mission field.
38:25 In some of these areas, yeah.
38:26 In some of those areas.
38:27 Now projects in America, let's talk about that too
38:31 because not only are their projects in Asia
38:34 but there are projects in America.
38:35 Yeah.
38:37 Well, like she was gonna say the,
38:38 the statistics is that even though you know,
38:42 most of the world lives in Asia,
38:44 92 percent of all Christian giving...
38:47 Let's look at that graphic
38:48 because there's a graphic here, right?
38:50 Yes, yes.
38:51 You can see there is a box around North Americas.
38:54 Over 90 percent of all Christian giving
38:57 goes to the people living in that box.
38:59 Wow.
39:00 We've been told us it's high as 96 percent.
39:03 Yeah, that's in North America.
39:04 That's correct.
39:06 So the vast, vast majority of all giving goes to them,
39:10 supply the ministry to those who speak English.
39:15 And so to speak huge disparity.
39:17 Huge.
39:19 And so that's why we're wanting
39:20 to get more people involve with missions.
39:22 Not just because of the disparity
39:24 but also because of the joy that we've discovered
39:27 and those that have joined us have discovered in missions.
39:31 So God has given us this task
39:33 of taking the gospel to the world,
39:34 not because He hates us, but because He loves us.
39:38 Not because it's a odious job, difficult job
39:41 but because it's a joyful job.
39:43 It's our feast you know, it's a feast for our spirit.
39:47 When you share the gospel, that's what Jesus says,
39:49 you know, what He said, when He gave the gospel
39:51 to that lady at the well.
39:52 So I have food that you know not of this feeds my soul.
39:56 That's right. You know.
39:57 I know exactly when we were having lunch Sabbath,
40:00 we had some people at our home that were of a different faith
40:04 and the lady said you're not eating.
40:05 And I quoted that very same text
40:07 because she was asking,
40:08 they were asking Bible questions
40:10 and I just set my dinner aside,
40:12 I said, I have food that you know not of.
40:13 Exactly, that's right.
40:15 Whenever we got into the word of God,
40:16 but then there are some other things
40:18 that are added here.
40:19 But also we know that food is an entering wedge, you know.
40:24 Do you use that to reach people
40:27 how to eat, write and things like that?
40:30 Oh, yeah, the health message is huge.
40:31 Oh, yeah.
40:33 They don't understand the basics over there that,
40:35 that you should wash your hands,
40:37 that you shouldn't use your clothing
40:38 to wipe your child snotty nose or, you know,
40:42 they don't understand some of these things
40:43 that we take for granted.
40:45 And, yeah, we share with them
40:47 and they see that we care about their health
40:49 not just, you know, whether or not
40:51 they become Jesus' followers.
40:54 And especially in the cities, you know, the diet,
40:56 with the western diet coming in more affluence,
40:58 lot of diabetes and lot of health problems.
41:01 And so, health is a big deal in Bangkok.
41:05 And so, now our missionaries that are going there,
41:07 they're starting a health center.
41:09 Yeah, health center.
41:10 How many missionaries do you have out there?
41:12 We have, I think six families
41:15 in various parts of mostly in Thailand.
41:17 We have a young couple.
41:20 Well, he's American in Cambodia
41:23 and his wife is a local from she is Khmer girl.
41:26 Yeah.
41:28 So anyway, we've got
41:30 but they're marrying so they're expanding,
41:33 the families are getting bigger.
41:35 What do you call a Khmer girl?
41:36 They say Khmer.
41:38 Khmer, yeah, that's the Cambodian nationals,
41:40 that's their name is the Khmer.
41:41 Khmer.
41:43 You might have heard of the Khmer Rouge.
41:44 Yes, yes.
41:45 Khmer is the people group.
41:47 The language spoken in Cambodian is Khmer.
41:49 Okay.
41:50 Yeah.
41:52 That's a good connection Khmer Rouge, everybody.
41:54 I mean, if you've been around any length of time,
41:55 Khmer Rouge is just a very good example.
41:57 Mission TV, talk about Mission TV?
41:59 Well, again we've been enjoying mission.
42:03 We've got involved with missions
42:04 a couple of years into it, we've realized,
42:05 man, we're having so much fun.
42:07 So it's so great, we love this.
42:09 Why aren't more people aware of the joys in this
42:12 and so, you know, we've got to,
42:13 we've got to share this with more people.
42:15 So we started traveling around in the different churches
42:17 and sharing the joys we were having in missions
42:19 and the call of God to missions.
42:21 People are so afraid of getting involved with missions
42:23 but it's not, there is nothing to be afraid of.
42:25 The biggest fear is getting sucked into the comfort,
42:28 so that we lose place for God in our lives.
42:31 And so, we started sharing
42:33 and we're going to different churches,
42:35 we realized this is going too slow,
42:37 we need a channel.
42:38 And so, we started Mission TV.
42:41 And so, now, you can watch it on MissionTV.com
42:44 where it's 24/7 missions.
42:46 Wow.
42:47 Mission programs, any ministry that puts together,
42:49 mission shall we put it on there.
42:51 We do our own productions and different things like that.
42:54 And so, we see ourselves is missions advocates.
42:57 Which one is on Roku?
42:59 That one's on Roku.
43:01 Mission TV is on Roku.
43:02 Oh, Roku also.
43:04 Yes, it's on there.
43:05 And what about faith camp?
43:06 Faith camp, we started doing,
43:09 we realized that a lot of missionaries...
43:10 It was part of the same reason, you know,
43:12 realizing that in North America,
43:14 there is a disconnect that most of the church
43:16 in North America believes the work is almost done.
43:18 Yes.
43:19 We've heard sermons saying that 95 percent of the world
43:22 has the gospel already and it's like what, no,
43:26 if they can speak English,
43:28 if they can afford to buy a satellite dish,
43:30 if they can understand it once they get it,
43:32 then they have access to it.
43:34 But so many of these,
43:36 it's not available in their languages,
43:38 I mean, it's only available in English or, you know,
43:41 maybe Spanish, English but it's not available in Thai,
43:45 it's not in, there is not...
43:47 Kawa, Kachin, Karen, you know, Shan,
43:52 all these different languages.
43:53 Even Tamil, Telugu, you know, bunch of these other languages,
43:56 they're slowly starting to have programming
43:58 but the vast majority of the world,
44:00 it's not available to them
44:01 and least of all in some sort of
44:03 understandable format for them.
44:05 You know, there are so many things
44:07 we talk about the world view.
44:09 You know, they're just so vastly different from ours
44:11 that if they see something in our world view,
44:13 they still won't understand it even if they speak English.
44:16 Wow. So...
44:17 So that we and we saw that lot of missionaries
44:19 didn't have a chance to share
44:21 and so we wanted to put together on camp meeting.
44:24 Missions camp meeting.
44:25 And so, it's all about faith and missions
44:27 because I don't believe you can do missions
44:28 without faith.
44:30 No. No, no, no, not at all.
44:31 And so we have these camp meetings
44:33 and out of these camp meetings,
44:34 this last camp meeting we had this summer.
44:36 I think we've had like 21 of them now,
44:38 some here in America and many overseas in Asia.
44:41 Five out of the nine speakers got their start in faith camp.
44:45 Oh, wow.
44:46 So the first one was in 2007
44:48 and we always have one in the northwest
44:51 and trying one in the east and stuff like that so.
44:53 This last graphic that has some squiggly lines on it,
44:57 just get to that and explain that before we're done here.
44:59 This is really heart wrenching.
45:01 And this is one of the reason
45:02 God brought us into a difficult time
45:05 in our ministry with funding
45:07 and I started to realize the gospel.
45:10 This is a problem throughout our church
45:12 that we can ignore missions and still feel okay,
45:15 but if you notice that the top line,
45:17 the blue line, this is from 1933 on the left
45:19 all the way through 2005 on the right.
45:21 Okay.
45:23 Okay, this is the trend in giving in our church
45:25 to the North American division.
45:26 Okay.
45:28 The blue line on the top is tithes.
45:29 And this is adjusted for inflation and its per person.
45:32 Okay.
45:33 That's an average per person giving.
45:35 The yellow line on the bottom on the left
45:37 in the middle on the right is a local church budget,
45:39 giving the local church budget
45:41 follow the trend of in its giving.
45:42 Continuing to go up, right?
45:44 World missions.
45:46 It's the green line. It's the green line.
45:48 And as you can see, if somebody in, in 1933
45:51 if somebody gave $10 to Thai,
45:52 they'd given additional $6 to foreign mission
45:55 so the average, the average Adventist in 1933
45:58 was giving 6 percent of their income to foreign missions.
46:02 Wow.
46:04 Today they're giving 28 cents per $10 given in tithes.
46:08 So the average North American Adventist
46:10 gives $21 a year to foreign missions.
46:13 That's all. That's it.
46:15 Through the church. Through the church.
46:16 You know, that's less than an evening meal
46:18 for two people practically.
46:20 Less than a bag of dog food.
46:21 Oh, wow.
46:22 Less than you know two pizzas.
46:24 And then a lot of that money doesn't go to the un-reached,
46:27 it goes to established mission where there are, you know,
46:31 countries where there are already missions,
46:33 already Christianity in it.
46:35 And so, in general Christianity in all North America,
46:40 American spend more money on their Halloween costumes
46:43 for their pets than they do
46:44 to reach the un-reached people groups of the world.
46:46 What a shame. Wow.
46:48 That's a startling statistic.
46:50 That's an overall Christian statistic,
46:52 that's not just Adventist.
46:54 Yeah.
46:55 And that the sad reality of it is, as you said a moment ago,
46:58 Natalie, that this disparaging ideology
47:03 that the gospel is almost done.
47:05 And I never forgot that few years ago
47:08 when Dwight Nelson was preaching on 3ABN.
47:10 He says, his indignation arose of his,
47:13 he says how can we be so arrogant in America
47:15 saying please Lord Jesus, high up and He's come
47:18 and some people have never heard His name
47:20 around the world.
47:21 Yes. Yes.
47:22 And that just really sunk into my thought there
47:25 and I don't want the time to get away from you
47:27 but go ahead and share that with me.
47:28 Well, the church, our church,
47:31 our wonderful faith is in 925 languages around the world
47:34 and we praise God for that.
47:35 There is only 6000 to go.
47:37 Oh, only 6000 to go, 6000 languages.
47:41 Languages. Dialect.
47:42 Languages. It's lot of people.
47:44 Wow.
47:45 So, but think of it, John,
47:47 and if you get 10 percent
47:50 of our church members in North America.
47:52 Ten percent to go, that's a 110,000 people.
47:55 Wow. That's huge.
47:57 That's not that much.
47:58 All of the sudden 6000 languages isn't that undoable.
48:02 No, it isn't.
48:03 We could do it, if we had this raising up
48:05 revival for missions.
48:07 God would move and I believe
48:09 this work can be finished very soon.
48:11 then become a reality.
48:13 Absolutely.
48:15 I want to make sure and let our viewers and listeners know
48:17 how they can get in touch with both of you
48:18 because this is amazing information
48:20 and 'Jesus for Asia'
48:22 is available to come to your church or community,
48:24 your faith community wherever you like to invite them
48:26 to know more about this missionary ministry.
48:30 Here is the information that you need.
48:34 Billions of people in Asia
48:36 still have not heard the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.
48:39 If the Holy Spirit impresses you to help,
48:41 then you can write to Jesus for Asia,
48:44 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
48:49 That's Jesus for Asia, PO Box 1221, Collegedale,
48:55 Tennessee 37315.
48:57 You can call 423-413-7321.
49:01 That's 423-413-7321.
49:06 Or you can visit them online at Jesus4Asia.org.
49:10 That's Jesus4Asia.org.
49:14 Call or write to them today.
49:18 You know when you think about what we just heard,
49:20 6000 languages to go.
49:24 Missions is something that we surely
49:26 in North America need to really focus on getting back to,
49:30 I think I mentioned this years ago,
49:32 Andrews University is to be called
49:33 Emanuel Missionary College.
49:35 Now it's Southern University
49:36 with Southern Missionary College.
49:38 Well, it's like we deleted the word missions
49:40 and then we are hoping to get the mission of the gospel
49:43 done in time for the coming of Jesus.
49:45 Well, we are not done yet with the program
49:47 but what we've heard thus far, Honey,
49:49 what's the biggest need that the church has today.
49:51 Missions. Wow.
49:53 Mission.
49:54 And you don't have to be in the mission field,
49:57 you don't have to take an airplane ticket
49:58 and go over to the mission fields.
50:00 But there are ministries like 'Jesus for Asia'.
50:03 Jon and Natalie Wood.
50:05 We're gonna talk about
50:06 how to get you involved in giving.
50:09 We're gonna take a newsbreak briefly here
50:11 to give you some news that you need about 3ABN.
50:13 But on the other side of that newsbreak,
50:16 we have a surprise for you, don't go away.
50:18 Because you're gonna get a chance
50:19 to meet their children.
50:21 We'll be right back in just a moment.


Revised 2016-05-12