3ABN Today

The Spirit of Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), John Lomacang, Kenny Shelton


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016011A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to a very special 3ABN Today.
01:11 My name is CA Murray
01:12 and thank you once again for sharing just
01:14 a little of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:17 We thank you again for your love, your prayers,
01:18 and your support
01:20 of Three Angels Broadcasting network.
01:21 This is a bit of a different kind of a program,
01:23 because this is a de facto Bible study.
01:28 We're gonna talk about the things of God
01:30 and I have two eminently qualified individuals
01:33 to help me discuss the things of God.
01:35 We're gonna talk about the spirit of prophecy today,
01:37 what that is, what it's all about, where it came from,
01:39 how it affects the church today.
01:41 A number of things about the spirit of prophecy
01:43 and to help me mind that very deep
01:45 and one of our subject, our two pastors from the area,
01:49 the pastor of the Thompsonville Seven-day Adventist church
01:52 Pastor John Lomacang,
01:53 who I have known, yeah, these 40 years,
01:56 we were children together.
01:59 All right.
02:00 Good to see you Pastor, and friend.
02:03 I would say old friend but we're too old for that,
02:05 we'll say long time friend.
02:07 Exactly, exactly.
02:08 And the pastor of Behold the Lamb,
02:10 the ministry and the church Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:13 Pastor, good to have you here.
02:14 Oh, it's good to be here, thank you.
02:16 Good looking man, well dressed, well favored of the Lord
02:18 and as we said, we're gonna be talking about
02:20 the spirit of prophecy in all seriousness.
02:22 And during these kinds of shows for the next little bit,
02:26 we're gonna be talking about
02:27 some of the doctrines of the church,
02:29 some of the present truth of the church,
02:30 some of the things that affect the church.
02:32 And sort of re-visit, or and re-establish,
02:34 and reacquaint ourselves
02:36 with the doctrines of the church
02:39 that come from the word of God,
02:40 that are established by the word,
02:42 that are found in the word of God.
02:43 So this may be the kind of program
02:44 you may want to take out pen, or pencil, fire up your iPad,
02:47 your iPhone whatever you have to take notes on,
02:51 your computer, your laptop, you're desktop;
02:52 however you want to do that, or just get the CD, DVD.
02:56 You know, and go over these because when we will have done,
02:59 we're hoping to thoroughly look at
03:01 as much as we can in one hour's time.
03:03 These great doctrines of the church, that affect us,
03:06 that are present truth,
03:07 that we need to reexamine many times.
03:09 And that we, we need to reacquaint ourselves with
03:12 as was mentioned.
03:13 On today's program we're going to be talking about
03:15 the spirit of prophecy.
03:17 Now we didn't get in a room and compare the notes.
03:20 We didn't do that.
03:21 What we did was, we each took the subject,
03:23 we went to our homes, we prayed, we studied
03:26 and we opened up the word of God.
03:28 So we'll probably hit this doctrine
03:30 for many, many different aspects and angles.
03:33 I suspect all of us or one of us sooner or later,
03:36 will hit Revelation 19:10.
03:37 That's right. You can't really get around it.
03:40 But if we do it once or twice, that's okay because,
03:42 redundancy, repetition deepens the impression.
03:44 And it is an important topic,
03:46 as we talk about the spirit of prophecy,
03:48 I'm glad to have these two articulate
03:50 and learned gentlemen with me.
03:52 And I'm very, very excited about this program
03:54 about the thoughts that we will convey to you
03:56 this day.
03:57 We've prayed, we've asked for God's open blessing upon us
04:00 as we open up His word.
04:01 And we've also ask for God's blessings upon you
04:04 as you sit and hear what we have to say.
04:07 And what the Spirit will be saying to your ears,
04:09 and to your heart.
04:11 Before we get into our subjects,
04:12 I'm going to call upon Tammy Chance.
04:15 Tammy Shelton Chance, dare I say,
04:18 and she's singing Pastor John, one of the old songs
04:21 from the early Adventist church Millerite Movement
04:25 that's part of our hymns project
04:27 that we worked on some years ago.
04:28 But I love this song.
04:30 It's a beautiful song
04:31 and just she just does a fine job on it.
04:34 What Heavenly Music.
04:56 What heavenly music
05:01 Steals over the sea
05:06 Entrancing the senses
05:11 Like sweet melody
05:16 Tis the voice of the angels
05:21 Borne soft on the air
05:28 For me they are singing
05:33 Their welcome I hear
05:48 On the banks of old Jordan
05:53 Here gazing I stand
06:00 And earnestly longing
06:05 I stretch forth my hand
06:12 Send a convoy of angels
06:17 Dear Jesus, I pray
06:25 Let me join that sweet music
06:30 Come, take me away
06:57 Though dark are the waters
07:02 And rough is the wave
07:07 If Jesus permit
07:12 The wild surges I'll brave
07:17 For that heavenly music
07:22 Hath ravished me so
07:29 I must join in that chorus!
07:34 I will go!
07:38 Let me
07:44 Go.
08:06 Well done, and beautifully sung.
08:09 We when we are choosing songs for--from Pillars Hymns,
08:12 I was just saying to Pastor Lomacang
08:13 the song that he was chosen to sing fits well,
08:15 Yvonne song fits well and Tammy chance
08:17 just fits with that song so very, very well.
08:20 What Heavenly Music, beautifully sung.
08:22 All right, today we're talking about the spirit of prophecy
08:25 and what that means.
08:26 And I want to just debunk a couple things
08:27 I know the brethren, we've now I must say this,
08:29 we've given each other permission
08:31 if, if we say something,
08:32 and somebody likes what's being said,
08:34 you have permission to cut that person off.
08:36 And just go ahead and jump in
08:37 and let the Lord lead, you know.
08:38 So we're not being rude, unkind, uncool, uncouth,
08:41 unrest, unwanted, unbelievable, unacceptable,
08:43 we're just we were allowing ourselves
08:45 the ability to just jump in, and weigh in,
08:48 because that's how it is when you're studying
08:49 the Word of God.
08:50 Something, something you got to get out right there,
08:52 you know, when the Lord touches our heart.
08:54 The text that I want to start off with is,
08:56 is Amos 3:7 and I know, you both know it.
08:59 "Surely the Lord will do nothing,
09:01 except He reveal it to His servants, the prophets."
09:03 Now and I want you to just
09:05 before you go into what you have, weigh in on that
09:07 because, here's what that says to me, gentlemen.
09:09 That God is so anxious to get us say,
09:12 that first of all,
09:13 He's not gonna pull any tricks or surprises on you.
09:15 Right.
09:16 You know, He's not gonna do anything,
09:18 He's not gonna sneak in on you, He's not gonna do
09:20 some kind of sleight of hand something.
09:22 He has established in His church,
09:24 men and women whom He has given messages to guide the church
09:28 so that they will know precisely what is coming.
09:30 Amen.
09:32 They will know precisely how to be
09:33 prepared for that coming, and those eventualities,
09:36 God gives us warning and preparation for that,
09:39 of course, we can see that in the Bible that anytime
09:41 something big was going to happen,
09:42 God let us know, you know.
09:44 Amen.
09:45 And of course, He's coming again to save this world.
09:47 So do you think He's gonna to let us know?
09:48 Of course, He is. Absolutely.
09:50 Yeah, there's always been
09:51 a prophetic voice in the church.
09:53 And I mean, going back.
09:55 Not just the Adventist church, but in the work of God.
09:58 Sometimes we, we say, Ellen White
10:00 is the spirit of prophecy, she is not.
10:02 She is just a latter day manifestation of a gift
10:05 that has always been there.
10:06 And any time God is gonna do something,
10:09 He calls prophetic men or women to give voice to that event
10:12 so that we know, and of course, Christ is coming again.
10:14 Would not God give voice to that event
10:16 so that we know precisely what's happening.
10:18 You agree, disagree?
10:20 I agree.
10:21 The Lord made it clear there is nothing
10:23 that's going to take place, and I repeat the text again.
10:26 You know, "Surely,"... "Surely," yes.
10:28 Definitely "the Lord God will do nothing
10:30 except He reveal His secrets
10:32 onto his servants the prophets."
10:34 And so, when you put servants, prophets,
10:37 secrets the Lord has things that everyone doesn't know.
10:40 And everyone is not going to know, except He reveals it.
10:43 Yes, yes.
10:45 And one, one I'd like to add to that, Isaiah 46:9, 10.
10:48 Because the word prophet or prophecy
10:52 simply means of forecast or looking forward.
10:56 One of the statements Jesus made
10:58 to His disciples in John 14 is,
11:00 "I've told you these things beforehand."
11:03 Yes. "So when they come to pass.
11:05 You will believe."
11:07 And so when the Word of God is revealed,
11:11 it's revealed not only for the present moment,
11:14 but prophecy is a forecast of the future
11:17 and the Lord, John, I mean, Isaiah 46:9, 10.
11:22 "Remember the former things of old,
11:25 for I am God, and there is no other,
11:27 I am God, and there is none like Me,
11:31 Declaring the end from the beginning,
11:34 And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
11:38 Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure."
11:42 So He'd chosen every age, mouth pieces.
11:46 Yes. Through which to speak.
11:48 And I'm glad you began the program
11:49 by saying, Ellen White is not the spirit of prophecy.
11:52 But she has the gift. Yes.
11:54 And oftentimes Pastor Kenny is
11:57 whenever we refer to as a spirit of prophecy,
12:00 we kind of narrowed down to, so since she's dead,
12:02 so also is the spirit of prophecy.
12:04 But the spirit of, the Holy Spirit,
12:07 has through every age John 16:13 is another one.
12:11 Maybe since, I brought it up
12:14 let me go and read it John 16:13
12:16 showing clearly how the Lord, made it clear
12:20 that the spirit was the one involved.
12:22 While you're turning John, it's the abiding gift.
12:25 God has always had spokesman.
12:27 Throughout the history of His dealings with mankind,
12:29 He's had people selected by God and just before we said,
12:32 this is the difference between the prophetic gift
12:34 and the pastoral gift.
12:36 Right.
12:37 The prophetic gift is bestowed directly
12:39 to the individual by God.
12:40 Now that the prophetic gift is, is also a gift given by God,
12:44 but is recognized by men and co-signed by men.
12:47 The prophetic gift is not.
12:49 It's bestowed directly by God.
12:51 And sometimes men didn't even accept it.
12:53 But that it had nothing of the gift,
12:54 because the gift was given, it was by God.
12:57 I want to give Pastor Kenny a chance to register
12:58 on what I just said.
13:00 Yeah. All we just pointed out on.
13:01 Yeah, you know, I like what's being said already
13:04 because it says, a good ground or foundation
13:07 for what we need to discuss,
13:08 and the first thing came in my mind was,
13:10 I Corinthians 12:1 what it talks about here,
13:12 we need to be studying things because we're talking,
13:15 in my opinions, spiritual gifts.
13:17 Spiritual gifts. Yes. Yes.
13:19 And Paul makes it clear he said,
13:20 "Now concerning spiritual gifts,
13:22 brethren, I would not have you ignorant."
13:25 So here we're trying today
13:27 to understand the spiritual gifts
13:30 and the blessings that God has left everyone
13:33 who's willing to accept it.
13:34 Now we might say, "There will be some."
13:37 As soon as you say, "Spiritual gifts,"
13:39 there goes the wall.
13:41 And there, their eyes are closed,
13:42 there's ears are shut.
13:43 I'm just really going to beg and plead
13:45 and encourage the folk today,
13:47 is to please keep your mind open.
13:49 Listen to the Word of God, listen to the Spirit,
13:52 erase all these things, because if it is,
13:55 if it is, a gift that Jesus gave to His church,
14:00 then we need to listen to it.
14:02 And we need not be ignorant, the Bible says.
14:05 Amen.
14:06 So maybe, that's why we've come and sat down
14:08 by the unction of the Holy Spirit,
14:09 is because we want to offer something to many
14:13 who have no understanding of this subject.
14:16 Because they've been turned off by it,
14:18 and we don't want to turn anyone off.
14:19 We want to turn him on to this, because what a blessing quickly
14:23 was we live in an hour, earth's history
14:26 where the church needs help like no other time.
14:29 Very true. And I'm, what you started out.
14:32 I don't believe that God's going to leave us helpless,
14:34 hanging out there in the mess the world that we live in
14:37 without some extra help that we desperately need
14:40 and guidance of individually and the church
14:43 so I'm thankful for the subject
14:45 and I'm excited about that gift.
14:47 The more I read out that the more excited I get.
14:49 Excellent, excellent Pastor. John.
14:51 And you'll discover also, the one of the reasons
14:52 why this gift is active.
14:54 We have to first look at the context
14:56 in which the church has always existed;
14:58 there's always been a false prophets.
15:00 Yes. Yes.
15:02 And so if you have coming out of the banking industry,
15:05 as I worked for many banks in New York, Wall Street area.
15:07 We would study the true money so carefully
15:11 that when we saw a counterfeit,
15:13 we could identify it immediately.
15:15 And I think that one of the things that the Lord said,
15:17 not think but He said, in Matthew Chapter 24,
15:20 "Beware of false prophets."
15:22 So there could not be a false prophet
15:25 expect there is a true prophet.
15:27 And so you discover in scripture
15:30 that when the Lord warned people
15:32 about the presence of a false prophet,
15:34 He was actually confirming and affirming
15:37 the presence of a true prophet.
15:38 Of the true prophet. Yes.
15:40 Look out for counterfeit five dollar bills,
15:41 well, there couldn't be any unless
15:43 there's a true five dollar bill.
15:45 Well said.
15:46 And so John 16 is what I referred to a moment ago.
15:49 "However," John 16:13, "However, when He,
15:53 the Spirit of truth has come,
15:55 He will guide you into all truth,
15:57 for He will not speak on His own authority.
16:01 but whatever he hears He will speak."
16:03 And here's the prophetic part.
16:05 "And He will tell you things to come."
16:07 Amen.
16:09 So that gift is there,
16:10 but here's the thing I want to emphasize also,
16:11 and you made a point I want to build on.
16:14 We don't decide what gift we get.
16:17 Amen.
16:18 So there are those individuals today,
16:20 when you look at 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.
16:22 And I want to walk through there briefly.
16:24 "There are those that say, I want the gift of tongues."
16:28 Or I want the gift of interpretation.
16:31 You don't, you don't, this is not Christmas.
16:36 We're not going to a store buying the gifts we like.
16:38 Yeah.
16:40 The gifts are appointed by the Holy Spirit.
16:42 Amen. Amen. Who decides who gets what?
16:45 You see and that's a great point, John
16:46 because we don't use the Holy Spirit.
16:48 No.
16:49 Holy Spirit uses us you know, so the Holy Spirit determines
16:51 what gets you get, your job is to improve those gifts
16:54 and make the best use of your gift,
16:56 giving proof of your ministry.
16:58 So God gives a gift, you use that gift to the glory of God.
17:02 And we'll talk about some of the gifts in particular,
17:04 as we talked about the gift of prophecy
17:05 and we use the word or the name Ellen White.
17:07 We're gonna to talk about her in a moment.
17:09 But one of the points I want to make very carefully,
17:11 which we need to build on is this gift was given
17:14 that the church will come behind in no gift.
17:16 Precisely.
17:17 The Lord didn't want his church to fall behind anything,
17:20 so He said, "You'll not only have."
17:21 So look at 1 Corinthians Chapter 12:7.
17:24 He says, "But the manifestation of the Spirit
17:26 is given to each one for the profit of all."
17:30 And so it begins to break down the gifts.
17:32 Verse 8, "The word of wisdom through the Spirit,
17:35 to another the word of knowledge
17:37 through the same Spirit."
17:38 Verse 9, "To another faith by the same Spirit,
17:41 to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,
17:44 to another the working of miracles,
17:47 to another prophecy,
17:49 to another discerning of spirits,
17:52 to another different kinds of tongues,
17:54 to another interpretation of tongues."
17:57 So the Spirit decides who needs what at what particular point
18:00 and the reason why it was so significant for the Corinthians
18:03 is because they lived in a multicultural city.
18:05 Precisely.
18:06 They lived where people had different languages.
18:08 And he said, as his 1 Corinthians 12:12
18:11 lays the foundation for 13 and then for 14
18:13 because 14, particularly talks about
18:15 the gift of tongues,
18:17 12 talks about, the greatest of all the gifts
18:19 which is you know, "love, faith,
18:21 hope and love these all abide
18:23 but the greatest of these is love."
18:24 And Chapter 12 talks about
18:25 what the Spirit of God is going to do.
18:27 So He appoints the gifts and then He asked the question.
18:30 "Do all prophesy?"
18:31 Well. No.
18:33 It's rhetorical. Right, so it is rhetorical.
18:35 The answer is, no, no, no, no. Right.
18:37 So I can't say, here's the one of the dangers
18:39 with the Christian Church today.
18:41 One of the dangers, I look at the camera to say this,
18:43 one of the dangers in Christianity today is,
18:46 people say, and people have been taught
18:48 that the evidence of the presence of the Spirit is,
18:51 I could speak in tongues. Yes.
18:53 So they say that's the evidence and they go to,
18:56 Acts Chapter 2 thinking that confirms
18:59 that when the Spirit was poured out.
19:02 they spoke with other tongues.
19:04 That's the key they spoke with other tongues,
19:06 which means they already spoke in tongues.
19:07 In tongues, correct.
19:08 But they were able to communicate
19:10 in different languages and different people groups.
19:11 And its interesting John, they took Chapter 13,
19:14 right there between 12 and 14.
19:17 Because many people today
19:19 try to measure the Spirit by the gifts.
19:22 And you can't, you measure this prayer by the fruit.
19:24 There you go, man.
19:25 But not the gifts, because the gifts are varied.
19:27 So right in middle you got that love chapter
19:28 because, love is a commonality.
19:31 It is the fruit that anytime the Spirit is there,
19:33 there will be love.
19:34 So you can measure by love.
19:35 Is a person kinder? Is he forgiving?
19:37 Is his countenance kinder? Are his words softer?
19:39 That's the measure of the presence of Spirit,
19:41 not their gifts because everybody gets different gifts,
19:44 and are called to use those gifts that they get.
19:46 Amen. So well said, Pastor Kenny.
19:47 You know, that, yeah, how important this subject is.
19:50 Isn't it?
19:51 This is one of the last things that Jesus did
19:54 while He was ascending into heaven.
19:57 In 1 Corinthians 12:8, it says, that He gave men gifts.
20:02 Yes, yes.
20:04 So it had to be, it has to be so important for us today,
20:07 for all of God's children.
20:09 Because that's what He said, last thing He did.
20:11 I'm gonna leave some gifts.
20:13 Yes, yes. To the church.
20:14 We could take an hour just on gifts as you can see.
20:17 And what were those gifts for?
20:19 Those are for the building of the by the Christ,
20:20 not so you could say, hey, well, I got a gift.
20:22 You know, I got it now.
20:24 No, it's so you can put that gift to work,
20:26 to lift up the name of Jesus.
20:28 When you say, when you're talking about prophecy,
20:31 we're talking about gift of prophecy, and so on so forth,
20:33 isn't there like, two classes you can look at,
20:36 because in prophecy you have one prophet
20:39 who is predicting events that, you know, going to happen.
20:43 And of course, they have to happen.
20:44 Then on the other side you have someone
20:46 who is a mouthpiece for God.
20:48 Yes.
20:49 Who is a spokesperson that edifies,
20:51 that builds up the church.
20:53 Yeah.
20:54 That gives the church some help.
20:56 Yeah, pastor, that's a very good distinction,
20:57 we talk about foretelling, and forth telling.
21:00 And really, if you look at the particularly,
21:02 the Major Prophets, much more their ministry was designed
21:05 and in forth telling than in foretelling.
21:09 Much of their ministry was day to day, correcting errors.
21:12 Telling kings you need to cut that stuff out,
21:14 I mean that's why you talk about the lack of job security,
21:16 and in short, you know, in and out kind of fast,
21:19 it's dangerous living to tell a monarch,
21:23 who has absolute power "Listen, God told me to tell you,
21:25 you're not doing right.
21:27 Or you get yourself, house in order,
21:28 because you're going to die."
21:29 You know that kind of thing.
21:31 So they spent a lot of time correcting error
21:33 and preaching the truth
21:34 and straightening out day to day things
21:36 in addition to speaking
21:39 what we would call purely prophetic words.
21:42 And so when you think about this gift
21:45 I want to refer to another one here.
21:47 In Ephesians Chapter 4, let's look at that again.
21:52 Or let's look at that, we did look at it earlier.
21:54 But Ephesians Chapter 4, the impartation.
22:00 I like that, for telling and forth telling.
22:02 Thank you.
22:03 A mouthpiece, as well as a prophet
22:06 speaking of things to be come
22:08 and speaking in the present moment
22:09 because by the way, the as you know,
22:11 in the Greek the word prophet or when you have prophecy,
22:17 it doesn't just mean a person giving prophecies
22:19 but it also means preaching, prophesy.
22:22 And they prophesied the Bible says,
22:24 they spoke the word of God with boldness.
22:27 But Ephesians Chapter 4,
22:30 what's the purpose of these gifts?
22:32 And it says, verse 12 Ephesians Chapter 4.
22:36 And it leads itself out of verse 11,
22:39 "And He, Himself gave some to be apostles,
22:42 some prophets, some evangelists,
22:45 some pastors, and teachers,
22:47 for the equipping of the saints,
22:49 for the work of ministry
22:50 for the edifying of the body of Christ
22:53 till we all come to the unity of the faith
22:56 and the knowledge of the Son of God,
22:58 to a perfect man."
22:59 That's mature in our Christianity.
23:01 "To the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ."
23:04 But then it goes on to tell you
23:05 what other benefit this gift has.
23:08 "Till that we should no longer be children."
23:11 That means still stuck in our immature Christianity.
23:15 "Tossed to and fro."
23:16 It means any time something new comes along we follow it.
23:19 "Carried about with every wind up doctrine
23:21 by the trickery of men
23:22 and the cunning craftiness by which
23:25 they lie and wait to deceive."
23:27 So now let's begin to plunge into the topic
23:28 about the spirit of prophecy.
23:30 So you see clearly Pastor Kenny,
23:32 and you could register on this too.
23:34 Before I go on is the Lord gave this gift
23:37 so that it could mature the church.
23:39 So that it could unify the church.
23:41 So that it could prevent the church from being deceived.
23:44 Yes.
23:45 Let me tell you why that's so important,
23:47 because there are people nowadays,
23:48 I remember giving my first Revelation seminar
23:51 back in 89, 88, 89,
23:54 and I advertised "Prophecy Seminar coming up."
23:58 Not applying myself to the prophet but the forth,
24:02 not the forth teller about the foreteller.
24:04 Yeah. Okay.
24:05 Proclaiming what I know was already in God's word.
24:07 But never forgot that and many, many people
24:10 came out to the meeting.
24:12 It was in a small town up in the Northern California
24:14 mountains of Weaverville.
24:15 And was it was only 2,500 people
24:17 in that immediate town
24:18 adding the mountains maybe, 5000
24:20 but most of them were hidden.
24:22 Anyway almost all the clergy in town
24:24 came out to that meeting in about a week later,
24:26 many of the churches began their own meetings
24:28 talking about prophecy.
24:31 And I've begun to visit
24:32 some of these meetings on my off night.
24:35 Which was Monday and Thursday and came to discover,
24:38 there were people coming in town
24:39 that were not forth telling
24:41 but they were fib telling.
24:47 It was the prophecies.
24:49 "God told me to tell you that in about two weeks,
24:52 He's going to lose your tongue
24:53 for the proclamation of the gospel.
24:55 God told me, that He's going to touch your ear,
24:57 and he'll hear Pastor Kenny."
24:59 "Because you don't have any difficulty."
25:01 I'm thinking, okay I understand,
25:04 I understand the place in healing.
25:06 That's the gift of healing. Amen.
25:08 But not saying these men wore a facade or not,
25:12 but I had a difficult time
25:13 tying anything they said to the Wordof God.
25:16 So one of the first,
25:17 one of the first functions of a prophet is
25:19 they cannot stray away from the revealed Word of God.
25:22 Yes. Amen. That's right.
25:24 Any time they stray away from the revealed Word of God,
25:26 they cannot be a prophet.
25:28 Watch to test Isaiah 8:20.
25:30 You know, right? The law.
25:31 Say it, say it.
25:33 "The law and to the testimony,
25:34 they speak another according to this,
25:35 it is because there is no light in them."
25:37 That's a bottom line.
25:38 It had no light that's what it means.
25:40 It doesn't 90 percent, 95, 99, no light.
25:44 That's where we have to come from.
25:45 I like that pastor you're right, right, right.
25:47 But we've got to come to that point.
25:48 It's all or nothing. That's all or nothing.
25:50 Rather say, well I hear some truth?
25:51 Or you're going to hear a lot of, a lot of air.
25:53 I want to ears to tingle with, with the truth.
25:56 So, so a prophet or even pastor has to agree
26:00 with all of the word.
26:01 All of the revealed word of God.
26:03 Not just the Old Testament, not just the New Testament.
26:05 All of the revealed word of God.
26:06 That's right, that's right.
26:07 Yeah, and if they don't there's no light in them.
26:09 That's not, not a little light, not black light.
26:11 No light.
26:12 Matter of fact, let me ask you a question.
26:13 How many degrees off course you want your pilot to fly?
26:18 I receive that. Yeah.
26:22 How many degrees off the runway do you want him to land?
26:25 If you will, if you start one degree
26:27 by the time you get to your destination.
26:29 You're in a different city. You're in a different country.
26:30 Yes.
26:32 It doesn't take much.
26:34 I only way on buy one degree.
26:36 I mean, understanding aviations,
26:37 those degrees are serious.
26:39 They're very serious, yeah.
26:40 Approach and then you have all these planes coming in,
26:42 if everybody decide that those degrees insignificant,
26:45 there's gonna be some catastrophe in that airport,
26:47 and so there are so many prophets today.
26:49 We have prophets many, and Lords many,
26:51 and preaches many.
26:52 And so many today,
26:54 are claiming to be prophets and prophetesses,
26:55 and coming off the cuff of prophets
26:57 that prophecies that have nothing to do with scripture.
27:00 Another proof text is 1 John Chapter 2:3, 4
27:05 "Now, by this" verse 3,
27:07 "Now by this we know that we know Him,
27:09 if we keep His commandments.
27:11 He who says, 'I know Him,'
27:12 and does not keep His commandments,
27:14 is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
27:16 So if you have a person that said,
27:17 he or she is a prophet and they don't uphold
27:19 the commandments of God
27:21 is because there's how much light Pastor Kenny?
27:23 No light. No light, no light.
27:24 To the law and to the testimony.
27:26 Yes. Yeah.
27:27 And, we've touched down, the proof text,
27:29 or the proofing of a prophet 1 John 4:2,
27:32 They've got to confess Jesus Christ
27:33 is come in a flesh you know that.
27:35 You can't be a prophet of God,
27:38 and not confess Christ is come in a flesh.
27:39 So if you preach any other gospel
27:41 or confessing anybody else, then you're not,
27:43 you are counterfeit, you're counterfeit.
27:44 Yes.
27:46 Yeah and excuse me.
27:49 Matthew Chapter 7:20
27:51 Okay, there it is.
27:52 Yeah, yeah and I know, you both know.
27:54 "By their fruit." "By their fruits."
27:56 You got to look at the life you know,
27:57 you can't and that's what sad, so sad,
28:00 that to profess one thing and live another.
28:03 Or live one thing and profess another.
28:04 Like you know, as we're talking
28:08 we're now in a election campaign season.
28:11 Yes.
28:12 And one of the things they're talking about
28:14 so many of these politicians who profess to be Christians
28:16 use such cheap and foul language.
28:19 You know, how can you be a child of God
28:23 and take the name of Jesus on your lips,
28:25 and then out of the same mouth you know,
28:27 James's has blessings and curses
28:29 out of the same mouth.
28:30 It can't, it can't be.
28:32 So Matthew 7:20 tells me, look at their life,
28:36 look at the fruit, if they're if they're.
28:38 We used to sing a song, when I was a local,
28:40 "One night of praying and six nights of fun,
28:42 odds of going heaven six to one."
28:45 So if you serve the Lord one day and party in six,
28:48 there's something wrong with that, that's inconsistent.
28:50 And you know, the Bible says, "If a man cannot,
28:52 "If he says, he's religious and cannot bridle his tongue."
28:56 Thank you. "His religion is in vain."
28:57 Precisely, precisely.
28:59 What you were saying a while ago,
29:01 really such a good point you bringing out too
29:04 is 'cause people ask this, they say, "Yeah,
29:06 you folks talk about spirit of prophecy;
29:07 you talk about prophecy in the church.
29:09 But you know, we realize there are New Testament gifts
29:11 but you know, Christ came so there you know,
29:13 its not usable now, we don't have that."
29:15 But if you read Ephesians 4 that you did,
29:17 I think about verse 8, you were talking about
29:18 until we come to the unity, till perfection of the saint.
29:21 In other words, it's good, this gift is given by Jesus
29:24 when His last effort we talked about it to men.
29:27 And they would be in operation, until He comes again.
29:30 Yes, yes.
29:32 That's a good part, and you brought up.
29:33 Was good you talk about, remind me of Deuteronomy 13,
29:37 and just let me share because it is so gels with
29:39 what you were talking about obedience.
29:41 Because there are those who do prophesy,
29:44 there are those who say, "This is going to happen"
29:46 and it does but they're still a false prophet.
29:48 What're we gonna do? Yes, yes.
29:49 Bible tells us.
29:51 Read that, read that's a very important point.
29:52 Deuteronomy 13 starting with the about verse one,
29:55 we'll read several verses.
29:56 Notice "If there arise among you a prophet."
29:59 Yes, Sir.
30:00 Or a dreamer of dreams,
30:01 and giveth thee a sign and a wonder,
30:04 and the sign or the wonder comes to pass."
30:06 Over here we have somebody, come and said, I'm a prophet,
30:08 and I don't know about you,
30:10 but I've had quite a few different people
30:11 come up and say, "I'm a prophet in the church."
30:13 Oh, yes.
30:14 And I keep looking at them.
30:16 I just keep looking at them.
30:17 And they say on, you know why?
30:19 You know why?
30:20 Because you can tell,
30:22 in a matter of just a few moments
30:23 when they open their mouth, whether they are God
30:25 or whether they are not.
30:26 They're not trying to be judgmental by that
30:27 for you'll know because it's not harmonized.
30:29 Know what Scripture says here.
30:30 So in other words they said, this and this,
30:32 and such is going to happen.
30:33 They're going to show a sign.
30:35 They're going to show wonder, we can't even explain it.
30:36 But notice how the Bible says, let's be careful about that.
30:39 Yes.
30:40 "The sign or the wonder come to pass,
30:41 whereof he spake unto thee saying,
30:43 "Let us go after other gods."
30:45 Here we go he exposing himself the more he talks.
30:48 "Which thou has not known, let us serve them."
30:51 Verse 3.
30:52 "Thou shall not hearken to the words of that prophet
30:55 that dreamer of dreams,
30:56 for the Lord your God proveth you,
30:58 to know whether you love the Lord your God
31:00 with all your heart, with all your soul."
31:02 Last verse 4 says this,
31:04 "You shall walk after the Lord your God",
31:07 here it goes, "And fear Him,
31:09 and keep His commandments and obey His," you talking,
31:13 "His voice; and ye shall serve Him and cleave unto Him."
31:17 So this is a sure sign.
31:20 I'm a prophet they say, this is going to happen,
31:22 this is going to happen, signs and it comes to pass,
31:25 yet they are not keeping all of God's commandments.
31:28 It's not the voice of God.
31:30 That tells right, then and there,
31:31 if they're advocating,
31:32 you don't have to keep the commandment,
31:34 you don't have to be obedient.
31:35 You're a false prophet and I don't mind to say so.
31:37 Yeah. You know why?
31:39 Because the Word of God just said it.
31:40 Yeah. In a lot of places.
31:41 Yeah, yeah. Does that make sense?
31:43 Well said, and one thing you've done
31:46 is harmonize the Old and New Testament.
31:47 So adding a text if, if they don't believe
31:51 that the Old Testament is still in force
31:54 because what you just said, backs up
31:56 what we pulled from 1 John, just little bit ago.
31:58 That you've got to believe
32:00 Jesus Christ has come in a flesh.
32:01 You've got to believe, in commandment keeping
32:04 and that was established in the Old Testament.
32:05 Re-affirmed in the New Testament,
32:07 so if a person comes and says, "I'm a prophet.
32:09 Don't worry about the Old Testament,
32:11 that's all done away with," false prophet.
32:13 Yes.
32:14 You know, there's got to be Old and New Testament
32:16 because one is built, is built on the other well said, pastor.
32:18 And the reason why that's important,
32:20 so glad that you brought that up,
32:21 because there are people nowadays
32:23 we have to keep in mind also one of the reasons
32:24 why the Lord said, "False prophecies is because
32:27 they will show signs and wonders
32:31 that will be marvelous that you cannot believe your eyes,
32:35 but you have to believe the Word of God.
32:37 We know, we have magicians and we have what's the--
32:40 illusionist that could do things before you.
32:44 Now let's take that to the next level.
32:46 What if?
32:47 What if a person who is trying to get you away
32:49 from the Commandments of God,
32:50 caims to have healed someone that Satan bound
32:55 and then remove that, just to make his prophet look like
32:58 he just performed a miracle, the Bible uses that
33:01 Janis and Jambres did the same thing
33:03 and resented Moses in Egypt.
33:05 You know, when Moses threw down his rod and became a serpent
33:07 they threw their's down too.
33:09 Fortunately Moses' serpent up their's.
33:11 Yes.
33:12 But, see, so the Lord showed the upper hand in that sense,
33:15 but here's the other key.
33:18 When the servant of the Lord, God sent out a prophet
33:21 the Bible doesn't even identifies his name
33:22 but the Lord said his prophet you go,
33:25 you proclaim the message when you come back,
33:26 don't stop at anybody's house and don't talk to anybody.
33:30 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
33:31 Don't eat with them, but he meets some along,
33:33 someone along the way.
33:34 And this is where brethren, we have to be very careful
33:36 about rubbing shoulders with clergy
33:38 that don't support what we teach.
33:40 I'm gonna see that again.
33:41 Yeah, very careful to be rubbing shoulders
33:43 often with clergy that don't teach what you teach.
33:48 And their relationship tends to erode your beliefs.
33:51 'Cause pastor I'm glad you chose it,
33:53 because when I was pasturing and I always joined
33:56 the ministerial associations.
33:57 And I felt, Ellen White's call to draw close to clergy
34:02 but not to hide who you are,
34:03 not to downplay what you believe.
34:05 And if you're doctrinal package causes a degree of separation,
34:09 you cannot surrender that, that doctrinal package
34:12 just to be buddy, buddy with clergies of other faith.
34:15 I'm Seventh-day Adventists,
34:16 I don't need to apologize for that.
34:18 That's what I' am and I found that,
34:20 that either you respect that or you don't.
34:22 And most of the guys, respect the fact
34:24 that you're a student of the word.
34:26 You know, they want you to be a student of word.
34:28 And many times, they'll say, you know,
34:29 "I've never saw it that way.
34:30 And I was thought that,
34:32 because we just never studied it that way."
34:33 So if you hold up Jesus, Jesus will hold up you.
34:35 Let me give an example, of just what you were talking about.
34:39 Because I think it's important that we stay in touch
34:41 to certain extent.
34:42 You're giving, when you do watch,
34:44 I was invited years ago, when 3ABN was first starting.
34:48 I was invited to the all the pastors
34:51 all the local call the church is Southern Illinois.
34:54 And so I was invited there and they wanted me
34:57 to tell a little bit about
34:58 Three Angels broadcasting message
35:01 you would be giving
35:03 and how would we be giving this message.
35:05 What, we're gonna be involving everybody,
35:07 and it is really interesting, because they say,
35:10 "We want you to come, the invitation is given
35:12 all the pastors there."
35:13 They must be in 30 or 40,
35:14 the other denomination all sitting around.
35:16 And I got to sit next to the, West Frank the local Priest.
35:20 So I sat next to him, he was just right close by
35:24 and one of the pastors asked, and said you know,
35:27 "but you've flocks talk a lot about
35:29 Sabbath and Sundays, don't you?
35:31 I said, "we sure do."
35:32 "Is that something that you're going to do on the air?"
35:36 I said, "absolutely."
35:37 "And he said, what where you get that?
35:38 Some people have told me about
35:40 there's Three Angels are given three messages,
35:43 could you just quickly give us a little synopsis of
35:46 first, second, third Angels message?"
35:48 Oh, man. And so, I'm looking over...
35:50 A little synopsis, yeah.
35:53 I looked over to my buddy next to him, a priest.
35:55 His eyes...
35:57 And then let it go.
35:59 He got me, he looked at me and he went, like this.
36:01 And I said, you know what? I'll just have to tell it all.
36:03 And so I just had to stay, you know,
36:04 just as quickly as we could to get down,
36:06 of warning about the Mark of the beast
36:08 and so on and so forth.
36:09 But the interesting point not all that transpired
36:11 and took place but you see
36:13 some of begin to shake a little in the boots.
36:15 And they didn't want me back ever again.
36:18 And I was never invited back to be a part of it.
36:20 I know that.
36:21 So I mean, you understand the feeling.
36:22 You took your opportunity, you were asked
36:24 and you gave the truth.
36:25 I think God gave that opportunity,
36:27 and then even to the point, of quickly,
36:29 what you could be doing at that station.
36:31 Excellent
36:32 And then, after that don't need that anymore
36:35 that's just not gonna work.
36:37 All right, Pastor John, I did cut you off,
36:38 I hope that you were saying something.
36:40 The text was in 1 King 13:18 where the man of God,
36:47 became deterred by yielding to somebody claming to have
36:51 that the same gift.
36:52 He says in verse 18, of 1 King Chapter 13,
36:56 "He said unto him" this is the deceiver now.
36:59 He said, to the man of God.
37:01 "I am a prophet also as thou art."
37:03 Well.
37:04 "And an angel spoke unto me by the word of the Lord,
37:07 saying, Bring him back with thee into thine house,
37:10 that he may eat bread and drink water.
37:12 But he lied unto him."
37:13 The Bible say, he lied it
37:15 so when people claim nowadays to be a prophet,
37:17 you got to test it.
37:19 Thank you.
37:20 You got to test it by the word of God.
37:21 What I like it about the ministry of Ellen White is,
37:24 she tested everything, everything she said
37:27 can be tested by the word of God.
37:28 Amen.
37:30 And she didn't write another Bible like Joseph Smith,
37:32 I want to be very candid.
37:34 Go on.
37:35 Like Joseph Smith or the Jehovah's Witnesses
37:37 who have modified the Bible to make Jesus a lesser God.
37:40 I don't have time to meander and amaze mediocrity,
37:42 is that tall right?
37:44 That's all right. That's quite all right.
37:45 You got to be very careful about what you believe,
37:47 when you minimize Jesus, you also,
37:49 you neutralize your salvation.
37:51 If he's not the Saviour,
37:54 if he is a lesser man then His Father,
37:56 then you don't have anybody to stand,
37:58 If can't do anything for you
38:00 I can't do anything for you, because I'm not strong enough.
38:01 But so...
38:03 If you step him down, he can do anything for you.
38:05 Right. He's got to be God.
38:07 Amen.
38:08 Good, it's good to see someone that know.
38:10 No, I like the way it hitting there is no use,
38:12 really we live in such a time in earth's history
38:16 is many times, maybe all of us have a different time
38:19 we minced words.
38:21 That's not trying to hurt anybody.
38:22 It's you have this in your gut, you have this in your heart,
38:26 you think about it.
38:27 You pray about it, you dream about it,
38:31 of saving souls for Jesus working for him.
38:34 And so if something that burns inside,
38:36 that has to come out,
38:37 and so lot of times we minced, we danced around the bar,
38:40 and we've welshed with everyone.
38:42 I think this is the time; it needs to be said
38:44 the way that Bible has said it.
38:47 Not try to put anything to it, not make it more difficult,
38:49 just what God has said, that's what he's looking for.
38:53 Man and women, boys and girls today, that will say,
38:55 "Just like he said it in the word."
38:58 This is the key to the blessings
39:00 that God is going to give his church,
39:02 the blessings God's gonna give 3ABN
39:04 the blessings God's gonna give each one in their own ministry
39:07 and work for Him around the world,
39:09 but you can't mince it.
39:10 You've got to say it the way it says, and you say it
39:13 because, when I was there at that meeting,
39:15 I just say, I said what I did, because I loved the brother.
39:19 That's right.
39:20 I wanted 'cause I may not have opportunity to hear
39:22 and I was asked.
39:23 It's not to try to hurt,
39:25 to try to down play or hurt some.
39:26 It wasn't that.
39:27 An opportunity to speak a word in due season.
39:30 And when you do, you know
39:32 that their blood won't be on your hands,
39:34 you've done what God has asked you to do.
39:36 And I'll tell you He'll bless your socks off.
39:37 Yes, He will. Yes, He will.
39:39 Appreciate that, Pastor John you menctioned about
39:41 Joseph Smith you know,
39:43 when Adventist church began
39:45 and was really its spiritual doctrinal feet under itself,
39:50 in the middle of 1800s
39:51 you had a number of churches that begin
39:53 all with a "prophetic" figure.
39:55 Right.
39:57 You know, although there were many churches
39:58 and we could down a list with all the churches
39:59 with this prophetic figure.
40:02 The last text, that we haven't talked about
40:05 really is Jeremiah 28:9, which says,
40:07 basically that when the things
40:08 comes to pass and you should know.
40:10 That's one of the text. That's right.
40:11 Not 90% of the predictions, not 97.9% all of them.
40:15 Because, if it's a prediction from the Lord,
40:17 then it's gonna happen.
40:19 There's no percentage rate on that, it's all the time,
40:22 all truth all the time.
40:23 And of course, in the Adventist church
40:25 we had the prophetic voice,
40:28 all though she never chose to use that title for herself,
40:30 of Ellen White, she was a guiding figure
40:33 we had, our first theologian was of course Joseph Bates.
40:35 The architect of the structure was James White.
40:38 But the spiritual leadership passed through Ellen White,
40:42 and she didn't give us our doctrines.
40:45 What happened was we went to the word
40:47 and got our doctrine
40:48 and they were confirmed by the prophetic voice.
40:50 But we didn't get our doctrinal package from Ellen White.
40:53 She was just a guiding voice.
40:55 And one of the things you said, Pastor John and Pastor Kenny,
40:57 was important, the prophetic gift exists
41:00 to keep us on track and working together, doesn't it?
41:03 Keep us pulling in the same way,
41:05 but sometime you got to get off,
41:06 you go in a closet and you studied something
41:07 you come up preaching it, it may or may not be right.
41:10 So one of the things the prophetic voice does is
41:13 say, well, you know John,
41:14 maybe you need to go back in a closet
41:16 and take a look at that again and see what so.
41:17 It's one of the things that keeps us pulling
41:19 in the same direction.
41:20 It's our-- It is our architectural drawing
41:24 so we know were this is all headed.
41:27 One of the things, I'm glad you brought that out that
41:29 Ellen White believe that the Bible was the standard
41:31 of all of her doctrines.
41:33 And many times in her writing, she brought that point out.
41:35 One of those is in the book she wrote called,
41:37 "Darkness before Dawn."
41:39 Under the subtitle the Standard of Doctrine
41:41 she says and I'm quoting,
41:43 "God will have a people upon the earth
41:46 to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only,
41:50 as the standard of all doctrines
41:53 and the basis of all reforms."
41:55 Love it.
41:57 "The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science,
42:01 the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils,
42:04 as numerous and discordant as are the churches
42:09 which they represent, the voice of the majority--
42:13 not one nor all of these should be regarded
42:17 as evidence for or against any point of religious faith."
42:22 And here's how she ends it.
42:23 "Before accepting any doctrine or precept,
42:27 we should demand a plain
42:29 "Thus saith the Lord" in its support of it."
42:31 Amen. Amen.
42:33 How could you read that quote and say,
42:34 she developed doctrines outside of the Bible.
42:36 Right, right.
42:37 And this is were the several, several references
42:40 at least 20 different places she says the Bible
42:43 and the Bible only is the, and she says,
42:46 "Our creed" in other places,
42:48 "Our creed is the Bible and the Bible only."
42:51 And here's the another one she says,
42:52 "The Bible and the Bible only has a rule of faith in duty.
42:55 Satan is still working, through every means
42:57 which he can't control to destroy religious liberty."
43:00 She established her liberty of religion on the Bible only.
43:04 God gave us that.
43:05 He gave it to Adam and Eve in the garden.
43:07 So we see today, whenever we believe in the Sabbath.
43:10 Ellen White didn't give us a Sabbath, that's in the Bible.
43:12 That's right. Very true.
43:15 Genesis 2:1-3,
43:17 when Lord blessed at the end of creation week.
43:19 Ellen White did not give us the belief of what happens
43:21 when you die.
43:23 That's in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6
43:25 to begin with and so many others.
43:26 "The living know they will die,
43:28 but the dead don't know anything."
43:30 She didn't give us health reform,
43:32 that's in Genesis.
43:33 "The Lord gave Adam and Eve the perfect diet."
43:36 And so for optimum heath today, we see you can't take a cow
43:40 that's inflamed in passion and scared to death,
43:43 driving on a highway at 75 miles an hour
43:46 being carried to a slaughterhouse
43:47 who's gonna be dissected
43:49 and cut into millions of pieces,
43:51 I'm over exaggerating in many pieces,
43:54 then stuck in a machine pressed out,
43:56 draining the blood out if they can.
43:58 Stick them in a little hot dog
44:00 and stamp on it USD acceptable to eat.
44:02 Mercy.
44:03 You can't put that stuff in your body all the time,
44:05 and say that, even though it's a clean meat,
44:07 you could be healthier than the person
44:09 that eats the optimum diet.
44:11 And so one of the reasons why National Geographic's
44:13 and government has done a study over and over
44:16 on groups that have the longest life
44:19 over and over Pastor C.A.
44:20 Every ten years they conclude, the Seventh-day Adventists
44:23 live longer than any other religious group
44:25 on the planet, why?
44:27 Because of their way of life and their diet.
44:29 And so, Ellen White simply said it
44:31 what's God's word already revealed.
44:33 Let me give you a chance to chime in.
44:34 Oh, I was just thinking, you know,
44:36 he was just talking about while ago about even with the,
44:39 to the degree, some people say to me,
44:40 they'll say, well, there's a degree of prophecy.
44:44 In other words, if we talk about one is prophesying
44:46 and the other is for edification of the church,
44:49 it's a lesser degree than a prophet
44:51 is prophesying the events that will take place.
44:54 The Bible nowhere teaches at lesser degrees
44:58 for the prophetic gift.
44:59 That's right.
45:01 So, we have to look at the Bible once again
45:02 and go back, it sets up the standard what we know
45:04 and what we understand and what we pass on.
45:07 Yeah, yeah.
45:08 We need not add or subtract anything from it.
45:09 Very true, very true.
45:11 And one person can exercise both gift.
45:14 Isaiah both gifts, Jeremiah both gifts, Ezekiel both gifts.
45:17 You know, you had many men
45:18 who talked to the people around them
45:21 but also in that context prophesied
45:23 about things that were going to come.
45:24 So the prophetic gift encompasses both of them,
45:27 and of course Ellen White did both of those things.
45:30 She spoke and she herself said, "If we were reading or studying
45:34 the Bible like we should.
45:36 There you go.
45:37 My gift will be rendered unnecessarily."
45:39 But we're not, so God and it shows how desperate
45:43 I used that term God is to save his church that,
45:46 He's given you His word.
45:48 You're neglecting the word, so I'm gonna send you now
45:50 a prophet to help you to get back to that word.
45:52 And that was her job and she saw that as her job.
45:54 And some of the things that she's written in,
45:56 I wish we had little more time on this because
45:58 there is a little book that called,
45:59 "Sciences versus the Spirit of Prophecy."
46:02 That's the title of the book, a pamphlet
46:03 and in it they compared her findings in heath
46:07 with the findings that were then available in her day.
46:11 For example: When people didn't have a chance,
46:13 when they had difficultly breathing,
46:14 in her day medicine was being prescribed,
46:18 tobacco was being prescribed to help a person breathe.
46:20 Yes, yes, yes.
46:22 And they went arsenic and mercury was being injected
46:24 into the human body to help them with ailments.
46:26 She made a statement long before
46:28 the sergeant general determined
46:31 that cigarette smoking is dangerous.
46:33 She said, tobacco is a slow and insidious poison
46:37 of the most malignant kind today.
46:39 And in that book, what I liked about it is doctors
46:42 began to register their findings
46:44 in their medical journals
46:46 against what she said more than 100 years ago.
46:48 And they said, they concluded, Paul Harvey said
46:50 in a Time Magazine article lecture brought it with me.
46:53 He said, "This women was a 100 years ahead of her time."
46:57 A 100 years and if she was right on so many fronts,
47:01 and he says so many of the ones that he read.
47:04 What else could she be write about?
47:05 Let me read one quote from Dr. Florence statement,
47:08 a former professor of education at Colombia University.
47:11 He said, "The books" speaking about Ellen White,
47:15 "Her books contain advance education concepts,
47:18 and was more than 50 years ahead of its time."
47:21 Dr. Clive McCay, former professor of nutrition
47:23 at Cornell University said of her writings on health,
47:26 "In spite of the fact that the works of Mrs. White
47:29 were written long before the advent
47:30 of modern scientific nutrition,
47:32 no better over-all guide is available today.
47:36 A Newscaster Paul Harvey said, speaking of her,
47:39 "She wrote with such profound understanding
47:42 on the subjects of nutrition,
47:44 that all but two of the many principles
47:47 she espouses have been scientifically established."
47:50 In other words, only two of those
47:52 they have not found evidence for,
47:54 but it's been established in the practice and use.
47:57 So in other words, modern science
47:58 is yet to catch up with two of the things
48:00 she's already said.
48:02 But almost everything else she said has been authorized
48:05 in Desire of Ages by the Library of Congress
48:08 as well as by the English Master Piece Hall in London
48:12 has indicted that the Desire of Ages
48:14 was the best book ever written about the life of Christ.
48:17 That's in the United States and in London.
48:20 Written by a person with the third grade education.
48:22 Yeah, yeah.
48:23 And Pastor Kenny, we realize that
48:25 there were some manifestations in Ellen White's life
48:28 that let the church know that she was called of God,
48:31 first of all third grade education.
48:33 Try to go back to school, never could.
48:35 Just couldn't finish
48:37 but one of the most prolific writers
48:38 in the history of this country.
48:40 And on such a wide variety of topics,
48:43 and so thorough knowledge of her topics,
48:45 that knowledge had to come from some place else,
48:48 from someone else.
48:49 Absolutely, because again so far ahead of her day,
48:52 human being cannot do that.
48:54 But a person who is willing that's who God looks for.
48:57 Here today, He's looking for people
48:59 who are willing to hear His voice,
49:00 to listen, to respond.
49:02 And I mentioned a while ago, is to give the message
49:04 the way He gives it to us.
49:07 We have no right to water it down, change it around,
49:09 and come in from the different direction.
49:11 And so he's looking again for people
49:12 who is willing to give what He gives to them.
49:15 And I think, what we're seeing is
49:17 there are people who rising to the top.
49:19 That's going to be exercising the gifts that God gives them,
49:22 I'm thankful for all the gifts.
49:24 We need all the gifts.
49:25 Every one of the gifts will be in operation until Jesus comes.
49:28 That's right.
49:29 I've heard they say it, some people say, "Oh, well,
49:32 Ellen White, she never wrote in the Bible,
49:36 so she couldn't possibly be like
49:38 on the same plane or level with other Bible..."
49:41 What do we know about that?
49:42 There's many in scripture, including women,
49:46 who were prophet or prophetess that never wrote in the Bible,
49:50 in the book of the Bible at all.
49:51 They were still the mouthpiece of God,
49:54 they were still the prophet of God,
49:55 they still did what God asked them to do.
49:58 So, if someone's using that little excuse out there today,
50:00 well, she didn't write in...
50:02 We'll throw that one back out because the Bible will prove
50:06 that over and over if you want to study those things.
50:08 And you know, we don't have enough time,
50:10 but I want to make a recommendation
50:11 to those watching or listing to the program.
50:13 It's not possible, if you want to do something one day
50:15 to just go ahead and just examine for yourself,
50:17 maybe you've never read anything she's written.
50:19 Start with the books, "Steps to Christ",
50:20 and you'll discover this small 13 chapter book,
50:23 maybe about 80 pages or so,
50:25 you'll discover there is no more beautiful book
50:26 that you can ever read about our need of Christ,
50:29 His love for mankind, salvation,
50:31 repentance, forgiveness, confession
50:32 all those things that lead you straight to clear understanding
50:35 that there is no way.
50:37 I'll tell you one quick story.
50:38 A Catholic lady years ago who was married
50:40 to an Adventist, who had left the church.
50:41 One day a guy had job who was a Pentecostal,
50:44 gave her the book Steps to Christ.
50:47 And he said, she said, "Who wrote this book?"
50:51 He said, "A guy, by the name of EGY."
50:53 A guy, by the name of EGY.
50:56 So this evening I know the lady personally,
50:58 so this years ago she says, so she's in the bathroom
51:00 taking a bath and her husband said,
51:02 "What are you doing in there so long?"
51:03 She said, "I'm reading this book
51:05 by this guy name EGY,
51:07 it's just amazing, he had to be inspired."
51:10 And he said, "It was rebuked to him,
51:12 because he had left Adventist Church,
51:14 he loved the night life.
51:16 He didn't leave because of false doctrines,
51:18 he went out of the world to enjoy the night life.
51:20 He said, "His wife was the reason
51:21 he came back to the church."
51:23 She continued reading, the next book,
51:26 "Desire of Ages", then "Great Controversy"
51:28 and she was one that led him back to the Lord,
51:30 and years later they were strong
51:31 and winning souls to Christ.
51:33 And she began by a book, by a "man" name EGY,
51:37 when in fact, did not know was Ellen G. White.
51:40 So you got to read, don't listen to the naysayers,
51:43 don't listen to the negative
51:44 because it's always something negative.
51:46 I wish I had time to talk about some of the things they said
51:47 she said that she didn't say.
51:48 But if you start
51:50 with Steps to Christ and Desire of Ages,
51:51 you'll discover there's no way anybody could write like that,
51:54 with the third grade education and I'll be inspired by that.
51:57 What do you say, Pastor Kenny?
51:59 I'll say right now is the Spirit of Prophecy
52:01 was giving, we realized, it's coming
52:03 to the minds and hearts of the people.
52:05 We look at it, has to be and again,
52:06 you talk about 1260 years prophecy.
52:09 You know, you come in to end to times 1798,
52:11 so you can't go on the 1844
52:14 that gift was given for God's last day
52:16 New Testament Church in operation.
52:19 And so if you go through all the
52:21 42 months and 1260 year period, you get to,
52:23 we are in the end of time and the end of time
52:26 goes back to say,
52:27 the Spirit of Prophecy operating in the church.
52:28 That's right. Amen, amen.
52:30 Well, we've come down to just about another,
52:33 and we've got little bit more time,
52:34 we're gonna go to a news break and then we could come back
52:36 and pull a little bow on this and wrap this up.
52:38 We'll be back in just three minutes.


Revised 2019-08-01