3ABN Today

Bruce Fjarli / India Trip

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton & Bruce Fjarli (Host), Jacki Fjarli & Brenda Walsh & Debbie


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016010B

00:01 Well, they say time flies when you're having fun.
00:03 We've had some fun.
00:04 We've been having fun here today.
00:06 And of course, this program is not an in depth,
00:08 we're gonna do have some,
00:09 you said, about an hour program of you going to India.
00:13 I know, you've got a lot of footage
00:14 that hopefully we can use here and Maranatha can use,
00:17 and so that we can take this to the world
00:20 because there's a lot of folk
00:21 who either want to help or want to go.
00:23 Bruce, we have a minute or so left.
00:25 What would you say to encourage the folks at home?
00:27 I would encourage you to continue supporting 3ABN,
00:32 Maranatha, Asian Aid.
00:34 There are so many different ministries
00:36 that you can help and the money doesn't do you any good,
00:39 the bank doesn't do God any good
00:42 with money in the bank.
00:44 Please sacrificially give and consider coming,
00:48 helping us, be a volunteer, wherever it is in the world,
00:52 you can have a good time.
00:55 Things will be taken care of you,
00:57 we always pray.
00:58 The Lord, He handles everything that needs to be done
01:01 and thank you, Danny for helping us get on the air
01:05 and spread the good gospel about Jesus' coming.
01:07 Oh, what a privilege, it's working together.
01:10 Brenda, for what you're doing.
01:11 Jackie, for all the support and many trips you've made,
01:14 the lives that had been changed
01:16 because you are ministering, Debbie,
01:17 you also, thank you for what you do
01:19 for the cause of God and for our folks at home,
01:22 we just want to say once again, thank you for your love,
01:25 your prayers, financial support,
01:26 not only this ministry
01:28 but the ministries the Lord is laying on your heart.
01:30 We believe that Jesus is coming soon.
01:33 We'll be able to look up and say,
01:34 "Lo, this is our God whom we've waited for.
01:36 He's come to save us."
01:38 And it's our hope and prayer that each and everyone of us
01:40 will be in the kingdom, spend eternity together.
01:43 Amen. Our time is all gone for today.
01:45 Until we see you next time,
01:46 may the Lord richly bless you
01:47 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2016-03-17