3ABN Today

Book: The Least of the Least, From Crime to Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Wyatt Allen & Jenni Allen & Purity Allen


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016008A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:08 And we welcome you to 3ABN Today.
01:11 We want to thank you so much for joining us,
01:13 sharing this time with us.
01:15 And we want to thank you for your love,
01:17 and your prayers, and your financial support.
01:20 3ABN is reaching all of the world
01:22 because of you.
01:23 And we thank you for that.
01:25 You know, I want to encourage you today
01:28 to call your friends, your neighbors,
01:31 and have them tune into the show.
01:33 We are going to hear the most amazing conversion story,
01:37 a story that will bring hope and encouragement
01:41 to all who are watching on television,
01:43 or listening on the radio.
01:45 And the scripture that this story reminds me off
01:48 is 2 Corinthians 5:17.
01:52 And there--
01:53 Here's what Paul wrote to the Corinthians.
01:55 He says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
02:00 he is a new creation, old things have passed away,
02:05 behold, all things have become new."
02:08 And certainly that could be said,
02:11 for our special guest today whose name is Wyatt Allen,
02:15 and he is an associate speaker,
02:18 an evangelist for Amazing Facts.
02:21 So, Wyatt, we are so excited that you are here today,
02:25 that God has taken whole of your life.
02:28 And that you have such an exacting testimony to share.
02:31 Praise God.
02:33 And we are going to have a special treat
02:34 toward the end of the program.
02:36 We're going to be introducing
02:38 your beautiful wife and daughter.
02:40 Yes.
02:41 And before we get into this incredible story
02:46 of what God has done.
02:48 What we like to do is start with some music.
02:51 You like music? Absolutely.
02:53 Well, we certainly do here.
02:55 And the person who is gonna be singing
02:57 is a personal friend of ours here at 3ABN.
02:59 We love him dearly. His name is Darrell Marshall.
03:02 And Darrell's got one of those voices,
03:05 that is just as smooth as butter.
03:07 And Darrell is gonna be singing "Because of Who You Are."
03:19 You spoke the words
03:22 And all the worlds came in to order
03:26 You waved your hand
03:28 And planets filled the empty sky
03:33 You placed the woman and the man
03:37 Inside the garden
03:40 And though they fell they found compassion
03:44 In your eyes
03:47 Oh Lord I stand amazed
03:51 At the wonder of it all
03:54 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
04:00 Lord I praise You
04:04 Because of who You are
04:07 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
04:14 Lord I worship You
04:17 Because of who You are
04:21 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
04:27 Because of who You are
04:34 One holy night You sent your promise
04:38 From a virgin
04:41 Your promise grew
04:43 As You revealed to us Your heart
04:48 Enduring love displayed throughout Your crucifixion
04:55 And with Your death
04:56 You tore the darken grave apart
05:02 Oh Lord I stand amazed
05:06 At the wonder of it all
05:09 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
05:15 Lord I praise You
05:19 Because of who You are
05:22 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
05:29 Lord I worship You
05:32 Because of who You are
05:35 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
05:42 Lord I praise You
05:46 Because of who You are
05:49 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
05:56 Lord I worship You
05:59 Because of who You are
06:03 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
06:09 Because of who You are
06:15 Because of who You are
06:22 Because of who You are.
06:41 You know, Darrell,
06:43 if he were singing in the secular world,
06:45 he'll be making huge money.
06:47 But we're so glad,
06:48 that he has a heart for the Lord.
06:50 And that he has dedicated his gift, his talent
06:53 back to God.
06:54 So we're always blessed when we hear him sing.
06:57 Well, if you just tuned in a moment or two late,
06:59 let me once again introduce our special guest.
07:02 His name is Wyatt Allen.
07:04 And if you look at him,
07:06 you would think with his cherub face of his
07:09 that he had never had a problem in his life.
07:12 But, Wyatt, you are a, an associate speaker
07:16 and evangelist for Amazing Facts.
07:19 But you also have your own ministry
07:21 and that's End-Time Hope Ministries.
07:23 That's right.
07:25 So, I look at you especially in the family setting
07:28 having met your wife and your daughter.
07:30 And you think, this young man has served the Lord
07:33 all his life and never had a problem.
07:34 Wish that was the case.
07:35 Yeah, kind of take us back
07:38 to how you got off on the wrong foot in life?
07:42 Oh, well.
07:43 I mean there is, you know, it goes way back to
07:45 when I was even just a little bitty kid.
07:47 My parents split when I was three years old
07:50 and from there it's just a whole mess in family.
07:51 So they divorced? Okay. They divorced.
07:53 And my mom is actually being attacked by my dad frequently,
07:56 and so she had to get find a way
07:58 into a woman's shelter and we eventually moved away.
08:01 My dad got locked up for some time.
08:03 And when he got out, he tried to do better with his life
08:05 and get a victory over his alcoholism
08:09 and various things and he did pretty good,
08:11 because he wanted to get custody back of us kids
08:13 and so we--
08:15 He tried hard and he eventually won the custody back,
08:18 partial custody, so we're back and forth
08:19 between my mom and my dad quite a bit.
08:21 But the violence didn't end
08:23 and my dad continued to use drugs
08:25 and it was still a mess.
08:27 So how did that affect you as a young child growing up?
08:31 I know, you said, that there was an event
08:33 when you were six years old that made the newspapers.
08:37 Yes, it was definitely a time
08:39 when I was living with my mother
08:41 in Jefferson City, Missouri.
08:42 And we would just run the streets,
08:44 my mom worked three jobs to just--
08:46 even when we were living in the projects over there
08:48 and--
08:50 And how many children?
08:51 There is three of us, so there's my older brother,
08:52 two years older,
08:54 and my younger sister three years younger,
08:55 and the three of us, we just--
08:57 My sisters stayed with a babysitter,
08:58 my brother and I, we took off and would run the streets.
09:01 And even at six years old, we would go into stores
09:04 and steal things and because we were little kids,
09:07 we can hide them and get out easy, it wasn't a big deal.
09:09 You were a little hoodlums, weren't you?
09:11 That's a good word for it.
09:13 But we started setting little fires here and there.
09:17 And just playing with fires, kids,
09:20 and one fire got out of control
09:22 and burning down a whole house and--
09:25 So some firefighters were hurt in that accident.
09:28 Well, we wouldn't call it accident that child crime,
09:32 so they arrested us kids,
09:34 and even took custody from my mom.
09:36 And so that she's actually still heard about that recently
09:39 when she tried to adopt.
09:41 And so, they remembered back to the time
09:44 that we got in trouble.
09:46 So then they did?
09:48 Did they permanently remove custody from your mother?
09:51 No, it wasn't permanent,
09:52 but it definitely caused some friction there growing up.
09:56 And, of course,
09:57 my dad has always wanted custody of his kids back.
10:00 And both my parents remarried
10:01 and so I inherited some step-siblings,
10:03 and a half sister later and we--
10:07 It was, it was very interesting
10:09 because my dad continued in his violence.
10:11 I would still see him beat up my step mom quite often
10:14 and he would even--
10:16 At one time he broke the headlights.
10:17 She threatened to leave.
10:19 Well, he went outside and broke the headlights of her car.
10:21 So she couldn't go anywhere. This is at night.
10:23 So what you're saying,
10:24 you're painting a picture of something
10:26 and many of you watching
10:28 actually have probably experienced something like this
10:32 in your life or aware of something that goes on
10:34 because, any time that there's this sickness of alcoholism
10:38 or drug addiction.
10:39 There's just a complete chaos around it,
10:42 that there is dysfunction.
10:44 And it happens, it crosses every--
10:48 There's no borders,
10:49 it crosses every social economic range if you will.
10:55 It must have been so confusing for you as a child.
10:58 Now, take us forward to your pre-teen years,
11:01 when you started or just as you're becoming a teenager.
11:05 You actually went a step further
11:07 than just pranks and petty crime.
11:11 You became involved with a very questionable group,
11:16 tell us about that?
11:18 Well, there was--
11:20 And by the way, Shelley, there is definitely,
11:22 when I share my story with people,
11:24 I do find that there's a lot of people
11:26 that has experienced some more things
11:27 and I think that's why my story resonates
11:29 is because it does, it strikes the chord.
11:32 People have been through these experiences and--
11:36 You know, the good news is that there is hope,
11:38 there is redemption in all that.
11:40 And that's the story I'm really wanting to tell
11:42 but it did, it did get pretty worse.
11:45 I was diagnosed as having ADHD.
11:48 And so, I was put on medications
11:50 and, and I, even though I try to do okay in school,
11:53 I never really succeeded too well.
11:55 I wasn't very popular kid and pretty much a loner.
11:58 And I remember back was '98 was it or '99 Eric Harris,
12:03 and Dylan Klebold does that,
12:05 shut up the school there at Columbine.
12:08 And that pretty much was the scene
12:11 that I was in during the same time.
12:13 And I was, I got involved in--
12:17 I was listening to heavy metal music.
12:18 I was getting involved into the occult.
12:20 I was reading books on witchcraft, playing,
12:22 role playing games like dungeons and dragons
12:24 and Magic: The Gathering
12:26 and reading these fantasy books.
12:27 And so, I was really entering
12:29 into this whole isolated spiritualistic type mentality.
12:35 Kingdom of darkness.
12:37 It was definitely the kingdom of darkness.
12:38 Well, as I dabbled in it more and more
12:41 and I was introduced into meeting people
12:43 that were into the same thing.
12:44 One man, he performed a spell on me, a Satanist.
12:47 And he really encouraged me to go out and find,
12:51 but his spell worked, it was, it was magical.
12:53 It really was satanic magic I see now,
12:55 but it was power to me back then.
12:59 Anyway he encouraged me to go out
13:00 and get a Satanic Bible.
13:01 And so I went out and got a Satanic Bible,
13:03 begin to read it.
13:04 And just I loved it. It told me I was a God.
13:07 Just which is the lie of Satan,
13:08 you've always heard from the Garden of Eden.
13:11 And, and so I--
13:14 You know, I believed it and I really wanted power.
13:16 I wanted acceptance and belonging
13:20 and, and that's where I found it in that.
13:23 But, you know, this is not the only thing going on
13:25 in my life.
13:26 It's just at the same time getting involved in drugs
13:30 and alcohol, and for myself
13:33 just finding myself at every party I could.
13:36 So you're seeing.
13:37 You know, you see a pattern developing here.
13:40 First of all, you were at a tender young age
13:43 things were so confusing.
13:44 You felt powerless over your circumstances.
13:47 So this is why kids do get involved with witchcraft.
13:51 They do get involved with the powers of darkness,
13:55 as they're just, they don't even know
13:57 that God's got a power available too.
13:59 You know, I always felt judged by Christians,
14:01 so I never liked Christians. Okay.
14:03 And even though my mom would send me to church
14:05 every once in a while as a kid.
14:06 I never felt of belonging there.
14:08 But among the Satanists
14:10 and when I was involved in Wicca
14:12 and witchcraft and the gothic group.
14:14 I felt welcomed, I felt accepted.
14:17 And they didn't judge me for my curly hair,
14:19 or my weirdness that I had or my music I listen to.
14:23 And because of that, you know, I liked it and...
14:28 Explain to us what Gothic is? Gothic.
14:31 Well, that was, that was a short time,
14:33 when we, when we went to our parties
14:35 and raves or whatever we would dress up.
14:39 There's a movie called, The Crow, and there we just,
14:41 we put a face paint on and black eye shadow,
14:45 lipstick, fingernail polish.
14:47 These are the guys too.
14:48 And their face would be pasty and various things like that
14:51 and so, it was just,
14:53 it was a whole subculture of gloomy darkness.
14:57 But now, people who dress like that
15:00 aren't necessarily Satanists.
15:02 The Gothics are not necessarily Satanists,
15:04 but there's a lot of Satanists who are Gothic, isn't it?
15:07 Right, they're not mutually exclusive, they are--
15:09 Let me say this right.
15:10 They're mutually--
15:12 I'm not sure exactly what I'm saying.
15:13 They're two separate groups but there's crossovers.
15:15 You got it. Okay.
15:17 So you have the gothic on one side of that.
15:19 Many of them are involved in witchcraft,
15:21 in the occult or even into Satanism.
15:23 But not all Satanists dress like that.
15:25 Some Satanists would walk around,
15:26 you wouldn't even know it.
15:27 Now, if you've heard of the stories
15:29 of like Roger Morneau.
15:30 And he was deep into Satanism, I was more on the dabbler side.
15:35 But you are looking for power on one side,
15:38 and that's why you're studying the occult
15:40 and feeling acceptance.
15:42 But at the other time, if you're doing these drugs.
15:45 What kind of drugs were you doing?
15:46 Well, mostly marijuana,
15:48 but we did everything we can get our, our hands on.
15:49 So this was kind of, you were trying to escape,
15:51 it's a means of escape.
15:54 So you see the conflict in this message here.
15:57 You were doing drugs as an escape
15:59 and yet you're seeking this power.
16:01 So what happened to you
16:04 as you were just dabbling in this,
16:07 something very serious happened?
16:09 Well, you can't dabble in darkness too long
16:11 before you get out so far,
16:12 you don't know where you're at.
16:13 And my life was just spiraling out of control
16:15 and because of the drug use I was doing.
16:19 We were committing all kinds of crimes from vandalism
16:21 to burglaries to assaults.
16:23 You know, we were getting arrested
16:25 for possession many times,
16:26 because I was a juvenile, you know,
16:28 this whole occult Satanism thing happened
16:30 when I was about 14 years old.
16:32 And at 15, I mean my life was just uncontrollable.
16:35 I mean, I slept through school
16:37 because I partied all night long,
16:39 and so I had straight F's in school.
16:41 And this was ninth grade and so I just had no desire
16:46 to succeed in life.
16:47 I just wanted to party, have fun and do my drugs.
16:50 How was your mom during all of this?
16:52 What was her feeling? She was heartbroken.
16:54 And this is the tragic thing about it.
16:56 A selfish life isn't just about self,
16:59 it breaks other hearts.
17:00 Yes, it does. I need to give example.
17:02 I would run away from home,
17:03 basically I would be out partying, come home.
17:05 My lights are on, I was busted.
17:06 Well, forget about going home, I just went back to the party
17:09 and stayed out for several days to a couple weeks.
17:11 You know, you can imagine what that's going to do
17:13 to a mom's heart, now sure I was 15.
17:15 But I was still my mommy's baby, right.
17:16 Right.
17:18 She actually had to post a want,
17:19 I mean, not a wanted poster but--
17:21 A missing poster.
17:22 A missing poster for you
17:24 when you were just 15 years old.
17:25 She did it, and, you know,
17:27 and I had my friends all saying,
17:28 "Your mom is looking for you,
17:29 the police are looking for you."
17:31 And I was, I was eventually caught several times
17:33 after doing this and arrested.
17:35 And it was actually after the final
17:38 or I think it was three or maybe even four times
17:40 I got arrested.
17:41 But every time I was arrested,
17:42 I was positive for drugs or I had drugs on me.
17:45 And so they finally said, you know what?
17:46 We're tired of this.
17:48 Because they kept slapping me on the wrist and let me go.
17:50 But they finally said, "We're sending you to drug rehab.
17:52 We're going to do something about this."
17:55 And so how effective was drug rehab for you?
17:58 Well, I hated it.
17:59 I didn't want to go, I wanted my drugs.
18:00 I didn't want to, you know, stop using them.
18:03 My parties was all I live for, my music, my friends and--
18:07 So it was actually, it was during the time in drug rehab
18:11 that they sent me to into a prison
18:12 to try to scare me straight.
18:14 Of course, that just hardened me more
18:16 because as I've learned now, fear is not a good motivator.
18:20 It may work sometime.
18:23 But it's not going to keep you on the right path
18:25 and so anyway.
18:29 I definitely planned on using drugs
18:31 after getting out of rehab.
18:32 But I was gonna play their game while I was there.
18:34 Okay, so you were pretty savvy as a kid.
18:37 Now, you had a run in with one of the counselors?
18:42 That's the tragic part of the story.
18:45 A story that I wish, I could tell without adding this part
18:48 but it is, this is vital.
18:50 My--
18:52 I was, I was sneaking cigarettes.
18:53 I thought I was playing the game
18:54 but I wasn't very good at it.
18:56 So I was smoking cigarettes and I eventually got caught.
18:59 And the counselor who caught me had to report me
19:02 and I begged him not to and he just,
19:05 he had to do his job and he made me do a report.
19:08 And I knew, I was going to get kicked out of the program.
19:10 In fact, kicked out the program,
19:11 there is, all these consequences waiting for me.
19:14 And I just didn't want that,
19:15 and so I had the most imaginable anger
19:18 and just hatred, that you can imagine a person ever
19:21 having a murder in my heart.
19:27 I prayed to Satan. I asked him for power.
19:31 And then and there,
19:33 I cast a spell of destruction on this guy.
19:35 And as I went to attack him with a knife,
19:40 he got hurt really bad.
19:42 And he went to the hospital and I ended up
19:45 of course getting locked up
19:46 in the juvenile detention center for that.
19:48 I was 15 years old.
19:50 Fifteen years old,
19:52 and what was the outcome of that?
19:54 Well, I was--
19:57 Were you taken to trial? Were you sentenced?
20:00 Well, that's a long story.
20:02 I was actually--
20:03 I sat at the juvenile detention center for a year
20:06 waiting to be certified as an adult
20:07 because at 15 year old,
20:09 they don't typically send to prison.
20:10 But what they say, when the crime is severe enough
20:12 they might, so I had to, I had to wait for a year
20:15 to find out whether or not I was competent
20:17 to stand trial as an adult.
20:18 And after a year they said, "I finally was."
20:20 I was 16 then.
20:21 And that's when they send me to county jail.
20:24 But that's not before something incredible happened.
20:26 Okay. And that's--
20:28 So I mean, I love it when you kind of hit it with it,
20:31 hit us with it, then you drop back
20:33 because even as lost as you were,
20:36 you have written.
20:37 He has written an incredible book.
20:39 And it's called, "The Least of the Least:
20:43 From Crime to Christ."
20:45 This book is something that will bring
20:48 hope and encouragement to anybody,
20:50 that you're never too far gone.
20:52 So here why you are, you have really messed man up.
20:59 You've been, you committed a violent crime
21:02 by the power of Satan,
21:04 praying specifically to Satan for this destruction.
21:08 But something happens to you
21:10 while you're being detained this 15 year old kid.
21:13 What happens?
21:15 Well, I definitely wasn't going.
21:16 First of all, I became suicidal.
21:18 I didn't want to live.
21:20 I mean, I knew that my life was over.
21:22 The guy, I didn't know, if he lived or died
21:24 from this crime.
21:25 I found out a couple weeks later,
21:26 he did live but he had incredible injuries.
21:30 It was terrible, he was in the hospital
21:31 for a few days--
21:32 Did you feel remorse?
21:34 No, I felt angry that I got caught.
21:36 You know, that I had to go through all this.
21:39 And I didn't feel remorse.
21:41 I hated life, I hated my family,
21:44 I hated everybody.
21:46 You hated yourself, didn't you?
21:47 Well, I must have,
21:48 I didn't think of it like that because, I meant.
21:50 Again even the Satanic Bible when I read it,
21:52 it talked about, you know,
21:53 loving yourself is one of the ultimate things.
21:56 In fact, the Satanic Bible, for those that are listening.
21:59 It's absolutely the opposite of the Christian Bible.
22:03 And so, it takes like the...
22:05 Where Jesus says, "Turn the other cheek."
22:07 The Satanic Bible says to do just the opposite
22:10 and to smite him back on his cheek.
22:12 It says, you know,
22:13 "It's foolishness to love your enemies."
22:15 What it is worldly speaking,
22:17 foolishness to love your enemies,
22:18 it takes a miracle--
22:19 Yes. To do that.
22:21 And I just couldn't comprehend that obviously
22:22 because I wasn't converted.
22:23 Yeah.
22:25 So as I'm sitting there
22:26 in this juvenile detention center,
22:28 I mean, I wanted my life to end.
22:30 But I wasn't going to surrender my Satanism.
22:32 And so, I was kind of known early on
22:34 in the juvenile detention centers as a Satanist,
22:37 and I was scratching Satanic symbols,
22:39 you know, in my bunk bed and everything.
22:41 And I was under like 24 hour surveillance.
22:43 But I eventually began, I was good enough
22:46 to start earning some privileges.
22:47 And they let me have some books
22:50 in the juvenile detention center,
22:51 and that's really where my life began to change.
22:54 Because it was your own mother, who was a believer
22:58 but maybe a nominal Christian we could say in her life,
23:01 just from all the circumstances she was facing.
23:04 But it was your mother who encouraged you
23:06 to read the Bible, right?
23:08 You know, we get like
23:09 a ten minute phone call once a week.
23:10 And so, my mom, she asked me, she said,
23:12 "Son, do they have any Bibles in there?"
23:15 And I could look across the room
23:17 and I can see on the bookshelf in the day room
23:19 of this juvenile center that there was some Bibles
23:21 and I had no intention on picking one up.
23:24 But she wanted me to read one and I just, I brushed it off.
23:28 But, you know, the incredible thing, Shelley.
23:31 Day after day as I would walk past that bookshelf
23:33 coming back from my shower, I would--
23:36 There was something that was just piercing me
23:38 about that book, about the Bible.
23:40 And I finally got in my head, I had a solution.
23:43 I was going to take a Bible.
23:44 I would take it back to my cell,
23:46 and I would prove it wrong.
23:47 You see, the Satanic Bible says, that,
23:50 that the Christian Bible is riddled full
23:51 of contradictions and errors.
23:53 And so that was a simple, simple task.
23:57 Find the contradictions, find the errors,
23:58 and put the Christians in their place.
24:00 And so I snuck the Bible, sorry, I snatch on the self
24:03 before anybody can see me.
24:05 I have to say something. I had a reputation.
24:06 I have to say something.
24:08 Here you are a straight F student.
24:10 But you were really a smart kid and you are--
24:13 I mean obviously, you're an intelligent person.
24:14 Well, I read a lot. Okay.
24:16 I read a lot, and even when I was a kid,
24:18 even though I wasn't getting any good grades.
24:20 I learned to read when I was young.
24:22 And--
24:24 you learn to read
24:25 and you can do anything with your life.
24:26 Okay, all right.
24:28 So you take this Bible back, you were gonna prove it wrong.
24:30 Yes.
24:31 And I opened it up, of course, you begin a Bible
24:33 or a book in the beginning
24:34 so that's all I knew the Bible was.
24:36 I began to read.
24:38 And I started there in Genesis Chapter 1
24:40 and I read and I read and I read.
24:42 And of course when you're locked in your cell
24:43 about 23 hours a day,
24:45 you can do a lot of reading.
24:47 And so, I was, I mean, I was encountering stories,
24:50 I had never heard of before, I mean fantastic stories.
24:54 I mean of a global flood, and of a sun standing still.
24:57 I mean can you imagine reading these things
24:58 for the very first time in your life,
25:00 giants in the land.
25:02 And I always thought, you know, David and Goliath was a myth.
25:05 I didn't know it was from the Bible.
25:07 And, but here it is right in front of me
25:10 all these incredible things happening,
25:12 and even though, I was hardened against this.
25:15 And by the way, not finding the contradictions and errors.
25:17 But even as hard as I was, the power of the word
25:21 just has a way to pierce the heart.
25:22 Yes. Yes.
25:24 And I was being softened the whole way through.
25:28 And I began to sympathize with God.
25:31 Because these people that God was always chasing
25:34 were some stubborn people.
25:36 And I'm like, you know, get rid of them already.
25:38 I really sympathize with Moses you know.
25:41 Like when God says, "I'm just going to destroy,
25:43 I'm going to start over with Moses with Moses."
25:45 I'm like, "Yes, to hell with Moses,
25:47 they don't have anything common."
25:48 And, but Moses, you know, answered that call
25:52 to stand up and say, "Please, God save your people."
25:54 If you want to--
25:56 He didn't understand that.
25:57 If you want to blow, I mean, to think of that love
25:59 for Moses to be able to stand up and say,
26:01 Lord, blot my name out of your book of life
26:04 and save your people."
26:06 I mean he was a pre-figuring Jesus Christ.
26:10 I mean that love was in his heart.
26:11 He was ready to give up
26:12 his eternal life to save the people.
26:14 And that's a love I have never seen.
26:16 I'm not sure I ever met a Christian in my life.
26:18 What I mean by that is just somebody demonstrating
26:21 that Spirit of Christ like Moses did, like Paul did later.
26:26 Yes.
26:27 And I wonder if I would have met somebody
26:29 with that selfless love, what it would have done to me?
26:33 But I tell you something.
26:34 When I saw it and kept reading,
26:36 I mean even though I didn't understand it,
26:38 I knew it was something I wanted.
26:40 But it wasn't later on,
26:41 until I got to the story of David and Saul.
26:44 I think this is 1 Samuel Chapter 24.
26:47 We have Saul pursuing David.
26:49 You remember the story? Right.
26:50 And David flees into the cave
26:52 and Saul has to use the bathroom,
26:53 so he goes into the cave.
26:54 And while he's in there, David sneaks up behind him,
26:59 and cuts off right a little corner of that robe
27:02 and--
27:03 And you know, and this was the opportunity.
27:05 And I'm like rooting on with his generals like get him.
27:07 That was the time to get him.
27:09 You know, he's pursuing your life and I'll take his.
27:11 And but when he said, "I can't do this."
27:15 Can't touch the anointed of the God.
27:16 I can't touch the anointed of the Lord.
27:18 And when Saul goes out, David goes out behind him,
27:20 he holds up that little corner of that robe.
27:24 And I can just imagine that how low
27:26 Saul's jaw just dropped when he saw that.
27:29 You think that would have turned him around?
27:31 Well, it did for a moment.
27:32 You know, you know, what I'm saying,
27:34 it just it really touched his heart.
27:36 And he said, "You've been more righteous than I."
27:38 Yeah.
27:39 He said, "You have returned me good for evil,
27:41 I returned you evil for good.
27:42 " And so, when I saw that story--
27:46 Listen, this is the, this was the turning point
27:48 in my Christian experience.
27:50 Really?
27:51 The beginning of my Christian experience.
27:53 Really?
27:54 I saw that Saul deserved to die
27:57 and David had every right to take his life.
27:59 Yes.
28:01 But David chose to have mercy.
28:03 And so, for the first of my life,
28:04 I'm in Saul's shoes feeling the condemnation, the guilt,
28:08 the heaviness, the reality that I deserve to die
28:13 for what I have done, not just in the crime
28:15 where I assaulted this good man.
28:17 But for all the crimes I have done.
28:21 And yet, God still extends His arm of forgiveness,
28:24 His arm of mercy.
28:26 And says, look, and you're just like,
28:27 just like David held up that cloth.
28:29 So Jesus bleeds His blood for you and me.
28:31 And I tell you, just to taste that,
28:35 it brings me back to right now, just it's--
28:37 just remembering that the goodness
28:39 and the grace of God that can save somebody.
28:41 And that's where I began my Christian experience.
28:42 But, you know what?
28:44 I'm sitting here thinking is the power of the word.
28:45 A 15 year old child,
28:48 locked away in detention center.
28:51 No formal education at this point.
28:54 I mean you could read well.
28:55 But you're partying and just flunken out of school.
28:57 Oh, yeah.
28:59 And just you and God,
29:01 the Holy Spirit alone in this cell,
29:03 he's teaching you.
29:04 But now, God also send some people to you.
29:07 Tell us about the people who came to visit you?
29:09 Well, that comes later, listen there's miracles,
29:12 miracles start happening at this time.
29:15 I am, you know, now I'm reading the Bible
29:18 not to find the contradictions, not that they were there
29:20 but I couldn't find it anyway.
29:21 But now, I'm reading the scriptures
29:23 to see what's in it for me.
29:25 What kind of teachings are in here.
29:28 And I kept reading, and I have read about how David,
29:30 he had committed a sin with Bathsheba.
29:32 And later was rebuked by Nathan,
29:34 of course he murdered her husband, but you know,
29:36 now here is the same David who gave mercy
29:39 and now he is in the place of needing mercy.
29:42 Yes.
29:44 And when he received that mercy from God.
29:45 Now he still suffered
29:46 the consequences of that sin by the way.
29:48 Yes, he did. Yes, he did.
29:49 And at that moment I realized.
29:51 Even if I become a Christian,
29:53 it doesn't mean God's going to send a key
29:54 to unlock these doors.
29:56 Right.
29:57 I realize there are still consequences for my crimes.
29:59 But there could still be mercy, I could still be saved.
30:02 And so as I kept reading, I come into Psalm 51.
30:06 And, you know, I'm gonna share this with you.
30:07 I love Psalm 51, greatest, greatest psalm of repentances,
30:10 if you ever want to know how to repent,
30:13 just read Psalm 51.
30:15 And this psalm is directly connected with that story
30:18 of Bathsheba being in adultery as well as--
30:22 This is after Nathan had approached David,
30:24 and this is how David responds.
30:26 Listen to some of these words that David wrote.
30:29 He says, have, this is verse 1, "Have mercy upon me, O God,
30:32 According to Your loving kindness;
30:34 According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
30:37 Blot out my transgression.
30:39 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
30:41 And cleanse me from my sin."
30:42 And, I read all of this and I'm just floored
30:45 at the poetry of this, the beauty of it,
30:47 but also the heart cry, because it became my heart cry.
30:50 Amen.
30:51 And then I came to these words in verse 14.
30:53 "Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
30:57 The God of my salvation, And my tongue shall sing aloud
31:01 of Your righteousness."
31:02 I--
31:04 And if ever that has come true
31:06 those words God has fulfilled in your life.
31:08 I doubted for years.
31:12 I mean and it took me a long time
31:14 to really, really understand what it means
31:19 to be clean of the Lord.
31:20 I struggled with guilt for years
31:22 because of what I had done and forgiveness.
31:25 But I know 100 percent
31:28 that Jesus and the Father are true
31:30 and when they say they forgive you,
31:31 they do indeed.
31:33 And I believe that I've been cleansed
31:34 from this blood guiltiness just as David was.
31:36 Absolutely.
31:37 But it took a long time to realize that.
31:39 I struggled with that for years but I know.
31:40 And there's people out there
31:42 that's done worse things than I have.
31:43 But God can forgive them just the same.
31:45 So as you said though, there were still consequences.
31:48 I'm glad to hear you say you recognize they would be,
31:51 because it wasn't just jailhouse religion.
31:53 You weren't getting in there saying,
31:54 "Okay, Lord I'm gonna accept you
31:56 if you will set me free."
31:58 You knew, He was going to set you free
32:00 in a different way.
32:01 But you did actually, you were tried,
32:05 you were sentenced.
32:06 Yes.
32:08 Well, I was certified as an adult.
32:09 I was now 16 years old, so they sent me to County jail.
32:11 I was 17. I turned 17 in County jail.
32:14 When I was in County jail,
32:17 I met tons of other people that were.
32:19 I'm gonna talk about jailhouse religion, I mean literally,
32:22 they left their Bibles on the bunks when they left.
32:25 You know, how I know this?
32:26 Because they came right back.
32:28 And I saw them again and again.
32:29 But I was eventually went to court
32:30 because I was guilty.
32:32 I was no longer denying what I did.
32:33 I was guilty.
32:34 And so I asked the judge, I didn't go to trial.
32:36 I didn't, I just, I didn't even take a plea bargain.
32:38 I just said, just said, "Judge I did what I did."
32:42 You know, my attorney tried to get me off
32:44 because I was on,
32:45 you know, psychotropic medications
32:47 and I was, you know, always different issues in my past.
32:50 But I said, "Judge, I'm guilty, have mercy."
32:54 And after deliberating on the sentence he came back
32:57 and he said, "Taking everything in consideration.
33:00 He felt that I deserved 20 years in prison."
33:03 And so I sentenced to 20 years in prison.
33:05 And that's when they shackled me up
33:06 and sent me off.
33:08 This is in the prison in Missouri and, actually,
33:12 I was in four different prisons overtime there.
33:14 But, yeah, that, and that is where--
33:17 I mean just, and my life
33:18 is just a story of miracles Shelley.
33:20 And I know, you know, about miracles
33:22 but listen being a firsthand account
33:24 of all these miracles in my life.
33:25 God protected me for all those years,
33:29 I was incarcerated.
33:30 And when you think about a 16 year old child
33:34 going to prison, to the big house if you will.
33:36 I was 17 by the time I went to the prison,
33:38 16 in county jail, which in my opinion
33:40 County jail was worse than prison
33:42 but it was very rough in County.
33:44 But to think that you went off to the big house,
33:46 but you didn't go alone, God was with you.
33:49 Absolutely.
33:50 Jeremiah, 1:9, one of my favorite scriptures
33:52 I quoted that almost every day.
33:54 But now, and we want to kind of fast forward this
33:57 because I want to take the remaining time,
34:00 a good portion of time to talk about
34:02 what God has done in your life.
34:03 But let's do talk about several things.
34:05 God did send some one to you in prison,
34:08 who ended up baptizing you.
34:10 Tell us how you became, you were a Christian,
34:12 how did you become an Adventist Christian?
34:15 Well, I--
34:16 He actually did it all way back to juvenile detention
34:18 another miracle.
34:19 My mom sent me a strong concordance.
34:21 And so I began.
34:23 As I became a Christian now,
34:24 I wanted to understand the Bible.
34:25 And my mom won't even sure a book she was getting me,
34:27 she went to the bookstore and said,
34:28 "What should I send, my son is locked up."
34:30 And so, she sent me a new Bible
34:32 and a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
34:34 And with that I began studying the scriptures.
34:35 Now, it would take me a couple of years to be an Adventist.
34:38 But I began studying back then.
34:40 The second miracle was my dad getting me a walkman radio.
34:43 And I began to listen,
34:44 this is in Springfield, Missouri, where I was locked up
34:46 in the juvenile detention center.
34:47 So there's lots of Christian radio.
34:49 And I began to listen all these different preachers
34:52 and as I began to filter through all these things,
34:54 I realized that there are so many teachings
35:00 I want to know what the truth is.
35:01 So I began to write all these churches
35:03 and ask what do you believe, what do you believe?
35:05 And when they send me their beliefs,
35:06 I compared them to the scriptures.
35:08 And then one lady
35:10 gave me a book called The Great Controversy.
35:13 And so, I read through that book,
35:14 I breezed through that thing in just a couple of weeks
35:16 and I tell you, it was an incredible journey.
35:20 But I began to see in that book conforming
35:21 all the things I have seen in the Bible.
35:23 And just, all these things adding up
35:26 when I was sent to County jail, I receive some more books
35:30 that were saying the same things
35:33 and just providence let me write to this church
35:38 because I, So I decided in County jail,
35:40 this is the year 2000.
35:41 I decided to become an Adventist,
35:44 the Seventh-day Adventist.
35:45 Okay, so you were still in County,
35:47 so you were been baptized?
35:48 But I couldn't be baptized.
35:49 In the jail there was no place to get baptized.
35:51 Oh, okay.
35:52 And so, that's when I actually went.
35:54 Well, after I was sentenced to the 20 years,
35:57 I went to the prison.
35:59 I did everything I could.
36:00 So I begin to write all these churches
36:01 all across my area and nobody was responding.
36:05 But two eventually did.
36:07 One church responded and they actually started
36:09 a prison ministry in that prison.
36:11 And listen these, these brothers are incredible.
36:14 And the second one is Pastor Dan Kaffenberger
36:19 and this pastor, he actually was able
36:21 to come into the prison and baptize me.
36:24 There he is.
36:25 Yes, and these are dear sisters up on the screen.
36:28 These dear sisters came with him
36:30 and because I was,
36:32 I was pretty obedient so I got privileges.
36:34 They actually was able to bring food in
36:36 on a food visit.
36:38 And it was good vegetarian food,
36:39 it was quality stuff.
36:41 All right, so are they the ones I know that you tell me,
36:44 when we were talking in the green room
36:46 that you actually got to listen to 3ABN
36:49 or watch 3ABN on DVD when you were in prison.
36:52 That's cool.
36:53 I--
36:54 There is actually a brother named Robert.
36:56 Robert was a volunteer, he was an older gentleman.
36:58 He's passed away since, but he would come in faithfully
37:01 along with his other prison ministers
37:03 like my brother John and Doug.
37:06 But they would, he would come in,
37:07 and he wasn't a preacher.
37:09 But what he could do is bring DVDs
37:12 and so he would show Brother Kenneth Cox
37:14 every, every Sabbath he came in.
37:16 We'd watch Brother Kenneth Cox on the screen.
37:18 But he would leave us with a DVD.
37:20 There was four hours of packed 3ABN material,
37:23 so he would just record at home on his DVR, 3ABN.
37:26 And then he would bring it in and he'd leave us the DVD.
37:29 So we could go to the chapel and just watch it there.
37:31 So I'd watch four hours 3ABN about every two weeks.
37:35 And that's, that's all I knew about 3ABN.
37:37 And I said this, since the day I said,
37:39 "We've got to get 3ABN into prisons.
37:42 We got to do it."
37:43 Well, we know that there's 3ABN,
37:45 God is opening so many doors for 3ABN in prisons
37:48 and we want to just say hello to all
37:51 of our brothers and sisters who are behind bars.
37:54 And we do have many brothers and sisters behind bars,
37:57 but glory to God.
37:59 But I think every prison in United States,
38:01 around the world even should have 3ABN.
38:03 And I don't know, if there's ways we can do that
38:06 but definitely has more support.
38:07 The Lord is really opening a lot of doors
38:09 and Brian Hamilton.
38:10 I'll have to introduce you afterwards.
38:13 He is the director of finance here,
38:15 but he is also our CFO.
38:17 He has, God has put it on his heart
38:21 to become very actively involved
38:23 in prison ministries,
38:24 so 3ABN has a prison ministry now.
38:26 And then we have two ladies upstairs
38:28 who answer all these prisoners
38:30 and send them Bibles and things.
38:32 It's a beautiful thing.
38:33 But now, we only have about ten minutes left,
38:35 so what I'd like to do is
38:38 you spent 14 of those 20 years in prison.
38:44 And God got you released six years early.
38:47 Tell me how he took you
38:50 from prison to being a Bible worker?
38:52 Well, who wants to hire somebody fresh out of prison?
38:57 So I was 29, getting out of prison,
39:00 I never had a driver's license, I never had a job,
39:02 I have no education.
39:04 What a culture shock.
39:05 Well, it wasn't so bad, I prepared myself
39:07 where I did all, I researched and studied
39:09 and did everything I could staying up-to-date
39:11 to be prepared as best I could.
39:13 But that didn't change the hearts
39:15 of those I was applying for job.
39:16 So 40 job applications,
39:17 nobody wanted to hire me, Shelley.
39:19 I mean who would. I have a violent crime history.
39:22 No work history,
39:24 no really education to speak of,
39:25 I got my GED while I was locked up,
39:27 and took some college classes.
39:28 But I--
39:30 just there was nothing attractive about me.
39:33 I learned computer science when I was locked up in prison.
39:36 Praise God for many opportunities I was given,
39:38 but I just, nobody want to hire me.
39:40 So without a job, I just went to the church and volunteered,
39:44 we went door to door knocking and giving,
39:46 doing surveys and trying to give Bible studies.
39:50 And eventually the same pastor, who I was going
39:51 with door to door said, "You know, what?
39:53 I've been talking with my church's,
39:54 we're really interested in a Bible worker.
39:56 Would you be willing?"
39:57 This is the first job offer I've had.
40:00 He said, we've got a place in the church basement,
40:01 it's not finished but we will work on it
40:03 and it's not we can't pay you much
40:05 but we'll give you something.
40:06 And I said, "Well, praise God, let's do it.
40:09 Be a Bible worker, so what's that all about.
40:12 So I had to learn what it meant to be a Bible worker.
40:14 But listen, I have seen so many souls come into church
40:17 through the work we did, going door to door.
40:22 and doing Bible studies in people's homes
40:24 It's been incredible. Amen.
40:26 Now you, obviously, we announced that you are the,
40:31 an associate speaker and evangelist
40:34 for Amazing Facts.
40:36 What I want to understand is your conversion--
40:41 Well, if we have a moment,
40:42 we'll go back to that a little bit more but.
40:45 When you came out, you're Bible worker.
40:46 Did you write this book before Amazing Facts
40:51 or after Amazing Facts?
40:52 I wrote a little pamphlet of just the conversion story
40:55 and the grace the God has given me in my life.
40:57 And I sent it to a friend.
40:59 He took the liberty of sending that
41:01 to Remnant Publications.
41:02 And it sat on a desk at Remnant Publications
41:05 for several years.
41:07 And after I was released, I get a phone call one day
41:11 and says, "Hey, we just we just read this thing
41:13 and there's a little big story behind this.
41:16 But we want to publish your book.
41:17 And you have to finish."
41:19 So I spent another year as a Bible worker at that time,
41:20 I spent another year writing the book
41:22 and the book actually came out the same time
41:25 that I went to AFCO and trained with Amazing Facts.
41:28 And, and so I was actually picked up at the same time
41:31 to do full time of public evangelism,
41:34 while I was out there.
41:36 So listen, the miracles don't stop
41:38 and the book is packed with them all the way through
41:41 and how God protect me, not one fight
41:43 during my entire time incarcerated.
41:45 That is amazing. God's promises are powerful.
41:49 But anyway, the God, even when I was a Bible worker
41:53 preaching evangelistic series during that time
41:55 gave me some experience.
41:57 And, and ever since we've been doing full time evangelism
42:00 all across this country around.
42:01 I've been in Thailand and in fact,
42:05 we, we just baptized a lot of people in Taiwan
42:07 this last December.
42:09 And we had in Nepal a year before that.
42:13 We did some work there and did prophecy seminars
42:16 in Thailand or Nepal.
42:17 So it's been an adventure where God has sent me
42:21 and we just keep working for Him wherever He sends us.
42:23 Okay.
42:24 So the book is called,
42:26 "The Least of the Least: From Crime to Christ."
42:31 And you can get this book at Remnant.
42:34 Yeah.
42:36 And that would be what remnantpublications.com
42:40 or is it also available on your website?
42:42 If you go to my website, endtimehope.org.
42:45 And End-Time Hope Ministries is our,
42:48 the name of our prophecy seminars,
42:49 the name of our ministry
42:51 where we also help send these books into prisons.
42:53 But if you go to End-Time Hope Ministries.
42:55 Excuse me, endtimehope.org,
42:58 you can find ways of also getting the book there.
43:00 And there's also e -book version as well.
43:02 Wonderful.
43:04 And tell us a little bit about your time at AFCO.
43:10 And how God, I mean,
43:11 there's a lot of people who go to AFCO,
43:13 I've taught out there myself.
43:15 And you see that there's a lot of people come through.
43:18 There's very few people that are selected
43:21 to be the speakers
43:25 and evangelists representative of AFCO.
43:29 So tell us a little bit how God arranged that?
43:33 Well, I'm not sure all the behind the scenes.
43:36 God, I think He's been working on this for a long time.
43:38 No doubt.
43:40 Even in meeting my wife,
43:41 and everything just worked out so perfectly.
43:44 But, you know, the fact that they don't choose
43:46 a lot of people to be evangelists
43:47 or full time Bible workers, it doesn't mean
43:49 that there's not quality there, because these students
43:51 that come through AFCO are the cream of the crop.
43:53 They're definitely solid
43:55 and but there's just only so many,
43:58 I guess positions available.
43:59 And so, how the Lord worked it out that it was me,
44:02 I mean when we went,
44:04 I thought I was getting some more training to go out
44:06 and be to continue doing the Bible work
44:08 somewhere else and.
44:10 But the Lord had other plans.
44:11 We weren't there long before the offer was given,
44:13 and so I spent most of my time at AFCO
44:15 knowing what our future was going to be
44:18 and so studying extra hard with that in mind.
44:22 And I can tell you, looking back
44:24 that this isn't been nothing but divine.
44:27 God has been in this from the beginning
44:29 and it's been more miracle stories.
44:32 Now, when you were there, you were already married,
44:34 is that correct?
44:35 We went there, in fact,
44:37 we'd already had a baby at that time.
44:38 All right.
44:40 So let's, let's back up just a little bit then.
44:41 You're out of prison, you're Bible worker.
44:44 How long were you out of prison
44:45 before you met your wife?
44:47 I'll tell you what.
44:48 My wife would be on a little bit, you ask her that question.
44:50 And she's--
44:52 But we, I wasn't out too long, because I wasn't--
44:55 I was, I had a two year plan.
44:56 Okay.
44:58 I wasn't going to get involved in relationship for two years.
45:00 I realized getting out of prison
45:01 was a lot of adjustment to take.
45:03 But I had a two year plan,
45:05 but the Lord had different plans.
45:06 And again, looking back I can see
45:08 that God had a rush order on this thing
45:13 to get us where we are at today
45:15 where we can do as much good as we can.
45:17 But God sent her in my life pretty early.
45:21 And we began to court and I met her,
45:24 this is actually a picture we took at a camp meeting.
45:26 This is the beautiful Jenni.
45:27 That's my wife Jenni.
45:29 She is--
45:31 You know, and from the beginning
45:33 we both knew even though it took us a long time
45:34 to admit to each other that we were meant--
45:37 When I first met her, I knew she was the one,
45:40 and she said the same about me.
45:42 And I tell you, we didn't tell each other this for long time.
45:45 But it was, it was definitely providence
45:48 that brought us together.
45:50 And so, we got married in June of 2013.
45:54 And about ten months later, we had our beautiful daughter
45:59 Purity, Purity Allen.
46:00 And she is a beauty. We're gonna meet her.
46:03 I feel like I keep teasing people,
46:05 we need to go ahead.
46:06 Actually, what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead,
46:09 and right now Wyatt is doing prophecy seminars.
46:15 You just did last or in 2015 I believe it was.
46:19 He did week prayer at Oklahoma Academy.
46:24 He's traveling, speaking and he and his wife and Purity
46:28 are pretty much on the road constantly, aren't you?
46:32 We have no place to lay our head.
46:34 Yeah, and which is, I ask if you all
46:37 were gonna have another child soon
46:39 and he said this is a little difficult time right now to
46:42 when you don't know where you gonna be
46:44 so, but, if you would be interested
46:47 in having Wyatt come and do a week of prayer,
46:51 or speak at your church
46:53 or perhaps you would like to book them
46:55 for a prophecy seminars.
46:58 We want to put up the address roll
47:01 so that you can know how to get in touch with Wyatt.
47:10 If you would like to know how you can get the book,
47:12 The Least of the Least: From Crime to Christ.
47:15 Then you can write to End-Time Hope Ministries,
47:18 PO Box 1681, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102.
47:24 That's End-Time Hope Ministries,
47:26 PO Box 1681, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102.
47:32 You can call 573-280-4827.
47:36 That's 573-280-4827
47:40 or you can visit them online at enditimehope.org.
47:45 That's enditimehope.org.
47:52 I know that Wyatt and Jenni would be happy
47:55 to come to your church and to bless you.
47:58 And I do want to encourage you,
48:00 I will be forth coming with you.
48:03 I have not had the opportunity to read this book yet.
48:05 I just got it in my hands today.
48:07 But I happen to have an autograph copy now.
48:09 I have however spoken with several people at 3ABN
48:13 who have read the book and said,
48:15 it was a compelling story, one they couldn't put down,
48:18 one that they found so much encouragement
48:21 and the title of Wyatt's book is, The Least of the Least--
48:26 By the way, that's based on Matthew 25.
48:29 Yes. Remember the story?
48:30 If you look at that list of leasts,
48:33 I mean the bottom of that list,
48:34 you know, I was hungry you fed me, I was thirsty.
48:36 At the bottom of that list he says, I was in prison
48:38 and you came to me, that in list of leasts,
48:41 The Least of the Least or those in prison.
48:44 And yet, he didn't leave them out.
48:45 That's incredible. It is incredible.
48:47 So The Least of the Least: From Crime to Christ.
48:51 And you can get this either at remnantpublications.com
48:56 or you can go to
48:57 endtimehope.com.
49:04 Okay, let me say that one more time,
49:05 endtimehope.org or amazon.com.
49:12 Is it in the ABCs yet? It's in a lot of ABCs.
49:14 Okay. And you can also check with the ABC stores.
49:17 And I'm really looking forward to reading this.
49:20 And what we're going to do now
49:22 is we're gonna go to a newsbreak.
49:23 And when we come back,
49:24 we're gonna introduce you to Jenni,
49:27 momma Jenni and precious baby Purity.


Revised 2016-05-12