3ABN Today

ASI Rolls 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), John Lomacang (Host), Shelley Quinn (Host), Dr. John Torquato, Ester Lopez, Gary Ross, Karen Phillips, Scott Learned


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016001A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:05 Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend
00:14 My life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray.
01:11 And allow me please, just once again,
01:12 to thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:14 your support of this ministry.
01:15 Thank you for helping us
01:16 do what God has called this ministry to do,
01:19 that's to lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus
01:21 and take that name just as far
01:24 and as fast as God will enable us to do.
01:27 So thank you for your partnership
01:29 and for letting us know how we can be a blessing to you
01:33 because you certainly are a blessing to us.
01:35 Got a very special program today,
01:37 I love it when we have a chance to look at some roles
01:40 and to bring to you
01:42 the news of the doings of the Lord around the world,
01:46 so many different ministries,
01:48 so many hearts being touched, so many lives being changed.
01:52 And this is one of the fun programs that we do
01:54 because we get to meet really
01:56 neat people doing great things for the Lord.
01:58 Up front and first,
02:00 Shelley Quinn had a chance to talk with Karen Phillips.
02:04 Now this is a great story.
02:06 This is marriage, divorce, reconsecration, remarriage,
02:13 disappointment, trial, triumph, sadness, exaltation,
02:18 all rolled into one.
02:20 Shelley Quinn, Karen Phillips, you'll love this one.
02:23 It'll be a blessing to you.
02:28 We're here in beautiful Spokane, Washington.
02:30 We're on the exhibition floor
02:31 at the Convention Center at ASI.
02:34 And one thing I love about meting the people
02:37 is that we hear so frequently
02:40 how 3ABN programming has touched someone's life.
02:44 And today, we have someone who has...
02:46 God has given her an incredible testimony.
02:50 Let me introduce you to our special guest
02:51 Karen Phillips. Hello.
02:53 Karen, thank you so much for being here.
02:55 You're welcome.
02:57 Now you and your husband
02:58 are very actively involved in a ministry called
03:00 He Returns.
03:02 Just give me a little synopsis of what that ministry is about.
03:06 Well, He Returns was created to be able to do something
03:10 that was impossible for man to do.
03:12 And we wanted to be able to spread the Gospel message
03:15 through multimedia.
03:18 So what He Returns does is we lease sub-channels
03:22 from television stations.
03:24 Our first was in Kansas City, and now this week,
03:28 we're actually going up in Denver.
03:30 And what we do is we downlink 3ABN
03:33 to those people in those cities
03:35 so that they can have the message of 3ABN.
03:38 Praise the Lord. Yes.
03:40 But we're here today, not so much you work...
03:43 Your husband and few other men at his church
03:46 began He Return's. Yes.
03:48 And you work as a volunteer for He Returns.
03:51 Yes.
03:52 But we want to talk today with you
03:54 about what God has done in your life
03:56 through the power of his words.
03:58 Tell us a little bit about
04:00 your Treasure Seekers Bible Study group
04:03 and how you became involved
04:07 in exercising the power of God's word.
04:10 Well, I've had a Bible Study group
04:12 called Treasure Seekers at our church in Omaha.
04:15 And we are always looking for wonderful material to study.
04:19 I saw one of your programs on 3ABN
04:22 and saw your book, Exalting His Word.
04:25 So we studied that book chapter by chapter.
04:28 And the great part about your book, Shelley,
04:31 was the pages of scripture in the back of it
04:34 that you call Life Affirmation Scriptures.
04:37 So that's what I really used in my life
04:40 to make a difference.
04:41 All right, now how did that make a difference?
04:44 Tell us your story. Okay.
04:46 My story is my husband and I were married for 20 years,
04:50 we have four children.
04:52 Because of a lot of circumstances,
04:54 we ended up being divorced
04:56 and our divorce lasted for ten years.
05:00 Now during this time, you and your husband
05:03 were still going to the same church?
05:04 We went to the same church.
05:06 He was involved in our children's lives,
05:08 lived about a mile away from our home.
05:11 But there were so many things that paralyzed us.
05:14 We could not come back together again.
05:17 All right, so when you learned...
05:20 And then it just thrills me,
05:22 it's so humbling to know that God can work...
05:26 Use you as a tool in his hand to introduce teaching,
05:30 His teaching to someone to know the power of the word.
05:33 When you learned to return God's word to him,
05:36 knowing it wasn't going to return void,
05:39 how did that impact your marital situation?
05:46 Well, my son came in, in April, 2013,
05:49 and he wanted me to pray that he and his...
05:53 His dad and I would get back together again.
05:56 And it really made me angry,
05:58 but God started laying it on my heart
06:00 that that's what `I needed to pray for.
06:02 And during that time, there was,
06:05 you know, a relationship that he was involved in that
06:08 broke my heart, it realized to me that I...
06:11 He started dating someone else?
06:12 I could lose, I could lose my family forever.
06:16 Even though we were in this paralyzed state,
06:18 we were still functioning somewhat,
06:20 but it wasn't the way God wanted it.
06:22 So my message to the women out there today
06:25 is that God can work powerfully to restore relationships.
06:29 But the way He does that is through His word.
06:32 So He would wake me up in the middle of the night,
06:34 has He ever done that to you? Oh, yes.
06:37 I couldn't go back to sleep, couldn't go back to sleep.
06:39 So I would get my Bible out and I took your book, Shelley.
06:43 And I started writing those
06:45 Life Affirmation Scriptures out in my journal
06:48 and then I would repeat them back to God
06:51 and I would claim those promises.
06:53 And one of the promises He gave me was Isaiah 43:18,19.
06:59 "Forget about the past, look to the future.
07:01 I have something new for you,
07:02 can't you see it, can't you perceive it?"
07:04 Amen.
07:05 So I forgot about the past and I started claiming to God
07:10 that it was righteous and if He's a righteous God
07:14 and in His perfect world,
07:15 He would want my husband and I back together again.
07:18 And that's what Ellen White, says that,
07:21 when she writes about Nehemiah,
07:23 that it's a holy argument, it's holy purpose
07:26 and God will honor those prayers.
07:29 And another big part of it was confessing
07:32 what I had done wrong.
07:34 I had always prayed for John my husband,
07:37 always asked God to change him,
07:40 but God laid on my heart
07:41 that I had to confess everything
07:44 that I could think of, that He laid on my mind,
07:47 confess it, and give it to Him and ask for forgiveness.
07:50 And that's when God can do
07:52 amazing healing and amazing restoration,
07:55 that's the key to restoration.
07:57 Oh, absolutely.
07:58 So you are praying God's word back to Him.
08:01 Yes.
08:02 Knowing it doesn't return void,
08:04 but He watches over His word to perform it.
08:07 Here you and your husband had been divorced
08:09 for ten years. Ten years.
08:10 Still attending the same church.
08:12 Before we go to the transition, how God worked this out,
08:16 let me ask you question.
08:17 For those ten years, you weren't dating,
08:19 you were focused on rearing your children.
08:20 That's right.
08:22 And your husband wasn't really involved in anyone else's
08:26 until you started praying for restoration, suddenly,
08:29 he started dating a woman that he brought to church.
08:31 Yes.
08:33 Well, how did that affect you when he showed up?
08:35 Here you've just begun to pray for restoration
08:38 and now suddenly,
08:40 there's someone in your husband's life
08:42 that it could mean
08:45 that all your prayers might not be answered.
08:48 How did that affect you? It was devastating.
08:50 And I call this my four months of Gethsemane.
08:54 Because I really didn't know...
08:55 I knew God wanted the best for me.
08:58 And I knew He heard my prayers,
09:00 I just didn't know what He was going to do.
09:02 I didn't know if this marriage would be restored,
09:06 but that's what I claimed.
09:07 I claimed that and it was devastating,
09:09 I couldn't go to church, at that church.
09:12 I went to another city to go to church,
09:15 but I had a dear friend that was praying along with me
09:18 and she said, "Karen, that woman does not belong
09:20 next to your husband, you do."
09:22 Praise God.
09:24 And so just like Nehemiah,
09:25 I really didn't share this with a lot of people.
09:28 It was between me and God
09:30 and it was a few select friends that I knew would pray--
09:34 Amen. And they prayed.
09:36 They did, they prayed.
09:38 So, how did God restore your relationship?
09:41 Well, this relationship didn't last.
09:44 You're talking about the dating?
09:46 Yes.
09:48 Your husband was dating someone and that didn't last?
09:49 And so I approached him and I asked him
09:50 if he wanted to get together and talk.
09:53 I had approached him before that time,
09:56 but he has said, "No."
09:57 This time he said, "Yes." And we started talking.
10:01 And it was like God had wiped everything away.
10:04 It was like a clean slate, a brand new relationship.
10:09 In fact, the Lord actually gave him,
10:11 the verse of Isaiah 43:18 where God says,
10:15 "Do not dwell on the past."
10:18 he says, "I am doing a new thing in you,
10:21 cannot perceive it?"
10:23 So he had given him the very same verse,
10:27 you come together and you start talking.
10:30 And the past actually,
10:31 it was like God dissolves the past.
10:34 Yes, it was refreshing, it was unbelievable.
10:38 We decided we wanted...
10:39 This was a first part of October.
10:41 We decided we wanted to get married December first.
10:45 Wow.
10:46 And we're both looking at each other going.
10:48 "Wow, this is so soon."
10:50 But John's apartment lease was up.
10:52 He would have had to lease it for another year
10:55 or we would have to get married
10:56 and he could come and we could live together.
10:59 So we prayed about it
11:02 'cause we thought people would think we were crazy.
11:04 We prayed about it, I got up the next morning
11:07 and God clearly told me to count the number of days
11:11 since we first started talking to
11:13 when we wanted to get married.
11:15 And you know, Shelly, it was 52 days.
11:18 The same number of days
11:19 it took them to rebuild the walls
11:21 of Jerusalem with Nehemiah.
11:23 And I had been studying Nehemiah too,
11:25 so that was my answer.
11:27 And we got married and it's just been amazing.
11:31 We look at each other and we cannot believe
11:33 that we're together and that God has given us new life.
11:37 But we believe it's because the time is short
11:40 before He's going to return.
11:42 God wants these relationships repaired.
11:46 And He wants to be able to use us in a powerful way
11:49 to bring that end time message to thousands of people.
11:54 Now you recently had the opportunity
11:56 to give your first sermon.
11:58 Yes.
12:00 And it was on the restoration. Yes.
12:02 You told a fascinating story.
12:04 You want to share the story about the cannibals?
12:07 Yes, it's a movie actually called, "End of the Spear",
12:10 that you can watch,
12:12 but it's about five missionaries
12:13 that went to Quito, Ecuador in 1950s,
12:18 with their families and their young children.
12:20 And they... It was laid on their heart.
12:23 Nate Saint was studying the book of Nehemiah.
12:26 And the Lord led him down there with four other missionaries
12:30 and they would...
12:31 They wanted to take the Gospel message
12:33 to the cannibals,
12:35 they were called Waodani or the Auca Indians.
12:38 And they were trying to make contact,
12:40 take their airplane and they'd circle around
12:43 and drop a rope down with a bucket,
12:45 and they'd have prizes, you know, presents in their,
12:49 trying to say, "We're friends,
12:50 we want to be peaceful with you.
12:52 We want to give you hope."
12:55 And unfortunately,
12:56 one of their attempts to make contact,
12:58 they landed the plane on the river bank
13:00 and they were all speared to death.
13:03 Nate Saint had a son named Steve and he grew up.
13:08 His aunt Rachel stayed down there to help minister
13:12 and bring the Gospel to these people.
13:14 And he returned after his aunt Rachel passed away
13:18 to continue her ministry.
13:19 And he met the man
13:21 that actually speared his father to death.
13:24 Who had now been converted?
13:26 He was a Christian now.
13:28 And Steve Saint, through God's power,
13:31 was able to forgive him.
13:32 He brought him back to the United States
13:35 and he claimed him as the grandfather
13:37 to his very own children. Wow.
13:40 His father was dead.
13:42 This was the man who had killed him.
13:45 But now he put him in his place
13:47 and he told this man Mincayani,
13:49 he told him, "You did not take my father's life.
13:54 My father gave his life to you."
13:56 Oh, how precious.
13:58 So another example of restoration of relationships,
14:01 God is powerful he can do it for anyone.
14:05 Karen, we know, there is power in the word of God.
14:11 It is alive and active, it is a powerful thing.
14:15 There are times,
14:16 and we don't want to leave the wrong impression here,
14:19 do you believe that if women pray as you pray
14:22 that all marriages are going to be restored?
14:25 You know, God knows everyone's hearts
14:27 and He knows every place that a person is at.
14:30 And I just believe
14:32 that if you truly give yourself over to the Lord,
14:34 That He will guide and lead your life.
14:37 When I was praying,
14:38 I had no idea what God was going to do.
14:41 But my part was to pray and to be faithful
14:44 and to give my life to the Lord
14:46 and to let Him lead according to His will.
14:49 Amen.
14:50 To be submissive, we're praying boldly,
14:55 but humbly before the throne of grace.
14:58 And the point being that God knows what's best
15:02 and He knew for you and your husband
15:04 that He intended for you,
15:06 it was His perfect will for you to return.
15:08 And there are times and circumstances
15:10 that not all marriages would be...
15:14 It may not work,
15:16 both the hearts have to be surrendered to the Lord.
15:18 He may not restore the marriage,
15:19 but He will restore you. Amen.
15:21 That's precious. Yes.
15:22 Now, since you've remarried, it's been a couple of years
15:25 and that's when your husband and few other men at his church
15:29 had begun the ministry of He returns,
15:31 and if you keep watching on three 3ABN,
15:33 you'll see Danny's,
15:35 is going to be introducing or interviewing
15:37 John your husband. Yes.
15:39 And, but that ministry had been kind of simmering,
15:43 they had a 501(c)(3) and for several years,
15:46 had been kind of limping along, we'll say,
15:48 but since God restored your relationship,
15:51 now that ministry has exploded.
15:53 He's opening the doors to downlink 3ABN,
15:57 to Kansas City and now Denver, and we're hoping,
16:00 just whole lot of more cities as time goes on quickly.
16:06 Well, we just want to thank you so much for sharing your story.
16:09 It's, you know, there's a certain vulnerability
16:12 in just being honest about your life circumstances,
16:16 but at the same time, it brings glory to God
16:19 and we see how God's changed you
16:21 through the power of His word. Amen, amen.
16:23 And giving you the desire of your heart
16:26 and now using you in ministry.
16:28 And just, we're so thankful,
16:30 what a blessing that you responded to God.
16:34 And I'm excited that you, like me, have found the power--
16:38 Amen. Of praying God's word.
16:39 Amen.
16:41 Okay, thank you so much.
16:42 And we're so glad that you're watching at home.
16:44 Stay tuned for more.
16:49 What a heartwarming story.
16:51 I happen to know of other individuals
16:52 who have been divorced and remarried
16:54 and God has brought them back together
16:56 and made their relationship so much stronger
16:58 than they originally were, just a blessing.
17:01 And we thank the Lord
17:03 that out of this reunion can come ministry
17:06 and glory can be gotten to the cause of Christ.
17:09 Well, now John Lomacang had a chance
17:11 to interview Dr. John Torquato and Esther Lopez.
17:16 This is a health ministry story,
17:18 sorry, a free clinic, health coaches.
17:21 It talks about the capacity
17:23 that each of us have for kindness.
17:26 John Torquato, Esther Lopez
17:29 interviewed by Pastor John Lomacang.
17:35 Hello, friends, and my name is John Lomacang.
17:37 And I'm here with 3ABN in Spokane, Washington
17:40 at the 2015, ASI convention
17:43 and I have a wonderful interview for you,
17:45 Dr. John Torquato and Esther Lopez
17:49 both involved in total health program
17:52 here in Spokane, Washington.
17:54 And by the way, so good to have you here today.
17:56 Thank you, John.
17:57 And Esther, I'll reach over there later on,
17:59 don't want to come in front of the cameras.
18:00 But because we don't have a ton of time,
18:02 Doctor, tell us, who you are?
18:04 Where you're from?
18:06 And what you do right now?
18:07 I'm a board certified family practice physician.
18:09 I practice in Hayden, Idaho and Spokane Valley, Washington.
18:14 Okay.
18:15 And I work closely with our local pastor
18:17 and a free clinic also in our church in Hyden.
18:20 Okay, and Esther,
18:21 good to have you here, by the way.
18:22 Thank you.
18:24 Give us an overview of who you are,
18:25 what you do right now.
18:27 Okay, so I'm a health coach here in this program
18:28 for this last eight weeks.
18:30 But I'm from Southern California
18:32 and I was doing Bible work previous to this.
18:34 And how did both of you meet?
18:36 Just, kind of, maybe lead into that.
18:38 How did you meet?
18:39 And we'll talk about the program in just a movement.
18:41 Okay, so, it was in GYC this year,
18:45 I had not go plan to go.
18:46 God providentially provided everything for me to be there.
18:50 And I ran into
18:52 one of Dr. John's colleagues Eric Kelly
18:55 and without really realizing it,
18:59 I had been praying for an opportunity
19:00 where I could combine my health and bible trainings.
19:03 Yes.
19:05 And, all of a sudden that week,
19:06 I was really impressed to contact Eric.
19:09 I really don't even know Eric,
19:11 but I was very impressed to do that.
19:13 So I found him on Facebook, I contacted him
19:16 and asked him if he had done anything
19:18 with the ideas of ministry that he had before.
19:21 Five years ago is when I met him.
19:23 And it just so happens
19:24 that he emailed me back that same night.
19:27 He said that they had just been praying very earnestly
19:31 that God would send team members
19:33 for this summer's project.
19:35 Okay.
19:36 And that I had been the first one
19:38 and that it was, kind of, unusual at how quickly,
19:41 it had only been like two hours since they had prayed.
19:43 And so from there we kept on communicating and I thought,
19:47 yeah, I'll do this later on.
19:49 But it turned out that God really wanted me
19:52 to come this summer.
19:53 God had other plans. Yes, He did.
19:55 Now we're going to talk about
19:56 comprehensive medical evangelism.
19:59 Now I've heard of comprehensive insurance,
20:02 but, Dr. Torquato, tell us about
20:04 comprehensive medical evangelism
20:06 as it is lived out
20:09 through the Total Health Program
20:10 here in Spokane, Washington.
20:11 The way we see comprehensive medical evangelism
20:15 is in the fullness of whole person care.
20:18 We have a physical, a mental, emotional,
20:21 a spiritual, and a social component
20:23 that we try to address with every patient that we see.
20:26 And we find that when we put them all together,
20:28 it really is more effective
20:31 than I could have been in an office setting
20:35 as a physician or our pastor could have been
20:38 in a community setting as a pastor,
20:39 you put those together, pastor and physician together,
20:43 and becomes comprehensive,
20:45 so the patients, the people are blessed,
20:48 they're healed and yet they learn about Jesus.
20:52 And, when you think about it Jesus was involved
20:55 in comprehensive medical evangelism.
20:57 Yes.
20:58 Because he did more healing
21:00 than he did preaching and teaching.
21:01 That's right.
21:02 And so when you think about the entire person.
21:04 But I'm interested, where did the idea come from?
21:05 Where did the sparks get going?
21:07 Because we know that everything that we do
21:09 has a beginning.
21:10 How did God plant that vision in your heart
21:12 to be involved in this?
21:14 Well, you know, everything has a continuum,
21:17 so we started very slowly in Hayden, Idaho,
21:21 we ended up with a small church based medical clinic
21:25 that involved people that were coming in
21:28 from the community that had medical disease,
21:30 the pastor and myself combined.
21:32 And then we would incorporate church members as coaches
21:37 that would go through our program
21:39 with the patients over a period of months.
21:41 That was over a period of years that occurred.
21:43 But three years ago, we began to study a model
21:46 called the "Ten Dell method", of evangelism.
21:49 And we got some good information
21:52 from our good friend Eric Kelly
21:54 who helped us to get some direction
21:57 on how to be comprehensive in nature
22:00 so that it was an evangelistic, it was physical,
22:02 and spiritual and emotional, social altogether.
22:06 Last summer, we had six young people
22:09 who came to our town and spent seven weeks with us.
22:15 Each of those assigned four patients from my office,
22:18 had a very effective time,
22:20 probably the most effective ministry time
22:23 that I've seen personally.
22:24 And this year, a slight morphing of that program
22:29 was that our patients came
22:30 from a community base this time.
22:32 And from church members, relationships
22:35 and from our church.
22:37 Okay, so the people that became a part of the program
22:39 eventually were not just people
22:41 that you were taking care of in your family practice,
22:45 but ultimately, people that the church members
22:47 got in contact with through their...
22:48 Through the work they did.
22:50 Give us an equation, because we talked about doctors,
22:53 what kind of equation?
22:55 can pastors be involved?
22:56 How do you put together a team for this Total Health Program?
22:59 The team has to have three major elements.
23:02 The first one is the pastor. Okay.
23:04 The pastor is the head of the, of the work that is done
23:08 in comprehensive medical evangelism.
23:10 But he can't work as affectively
23:13 without his health related co-worker.
23:16 Okay.
23:17 And that could be a physician and could be a dentist,
23:20 it could be a physical therapist or a nurse.
23:23 So a pastor, a health worker,
23:25 and then the church has to come alongside.
23:27 Without those three connections,
23:29 it doesn't work the way we have looked at it,
23:32 doesn't work as nicely.
23:33 Okay, now notice Esther's a young lady.
23:36 Tell me about the young people component
23:38 now that you've been involved in that,
23:41 what would you say to young people
23:42 that are saying well,
23:43 "My church really hasn't given me anything to do?
23:46 Talk about that for a movement.
23:48 Okay, well, our team is made up of different,
23:52 varied backgrounds, not everybody came
23:54 with health training.
23:55 We have a graphics designer, that's not health or medical.
23:59 We have a young man
24:01 whom just had an interest in health,
24:02 He did a health science degree, but he is not a doctor.
24:05 Right.
24:06 We have, we had a few nurses as well.
24:08 But what I see is practical that any young person can do
24:13 is that what we learn to do
24:16 is not just to come to someone and say,
24:18 "Hey, do you want Bible studies?"
24:19 Right.
24:21 But, to come and give them an approach of,
24:22 "Hey, we can help you."
24:24 And having the doctor or having a medical
24:27 and a pastor be involved was key
24:31 because they, kind of, prep them for us to arrive.
24:34 But even if you don't have that setup,
24:36 you can go to anybody and say,
24:38 "You know, we are the longest living people, right?"
24:41 That's true.
24:42 "And we have materials, we have information,
24:44 would you like to learn how to improve your life?"
24:48 And for us, it was simple things
24:50 like helping someone for their laundry.
24:53 Okay.
24:54 Which you don't need medical training.
24:56 You don't need any medical training for that.
24:57 Okay.
24:58 But the interesting thing is that
25:00 when you help someone declutter their home,
25:02 it's also decluttering their mind.
25:03 Wow.
25:05 It's affecting the way they feel about themselves.
25:09 We did exercise with individuals who wanted to...
25:12 They seriously needed to exercise for various reasons
25:15 and they just didn't have that motivation.
25:17 I had one and lady that I worked with
25:19 who hated exercising, absolutely hated it, she said,
25:24 "But I just don't know how to do it right."
25:26 and I told her, "Well, how much are you exercising?"
25:28 And she's like, "To the point that I feel like
25:30 I'm going to drop."
25:31 So you have to do that.
25:33 Just exercise a little and then grow until...
25:36 You can stop when you feel good,
25:38 and to this day she says she hears, my head
25:40 in the back of her...
25:41 she hears my voice in the back of her head
25:44 telling her to keep exercising.
25:46 You know, so it was very practical
25:49 just visiting people, just caring for them,
25:51 sometimes even just listening to them.
25:53 And the theme behind the Total Health evangelism
25:57 or comprehensive medical evangelism is the question,
26:00 how can we impact our community?
26:03 Talk about that, because a lot of times,
26:05 we come to communities
26:06 and sometimes in spiritual evangelism,
26:09 which this is definitely spiritual
26:11 in the comprehensive sense,
26:12 whereas sometimes seeking to take a person
26:15 from totally spiritually ignorant
26:17 to baptism in about five or six weeks.
26:19 Yes.
26:21 How does this help build the bridge
26:23 and make more lasting connections?
26:25 We're trying to find people that have needs,
26:29 felt needs, real needs,
26:31 and were trying to meet those needs
26:33 in any way we are able to.
26:34 Okay.
26:35 Often times, because of our background,
26:37 we have capacity in medical terms,
26:38 but sometimes, we have a capacity in just kindness.
26:41 Okay.
26:43 So we will go into their homes,
26:44 we don't ask them to come to us, we go to them.
26:47 And we'll go wherever they...
26:48 Wherever we need to, we'll meet them at the park,
26:50 we'll meet them at the store, we'll meet--
26:52 The mall.
26:53 We'll be in the mall, we'll go into their homes,
26:54 we'll spend time with their family,
26:56 the children become accustomed to us.
26:59 And as we do, we become friends.
27:01 And as we become friends, we learn to care about people,
27:04 truly care about them.
27:06 And what you do for people
27:07 that you care about is not difficult.
27:10 That's true, that's true. It's not a sacrifice.
27:12 It's not a job, it's a relationship.
27:14 It is a relationship. Yes.
27:16 And that's the glory of this
27:17 is that we become friends with people
27:19 that we really care about and they know it.
27:22 And when they know it, they're drawn to the Gospel
27:25 that we have in our lives.
27:27 And then there's also an assessment part of it
27:28 because when you make connections
27:30 and find out what the needs are that people have,
27:33 talk about that assessment part of your program,
27:36 that daily assessment, how are we doing?
27:38 Tell me what does that entail?
27:40 Initially, as the patients are brought in,
27:42 we have an assessment
27:44 that kind of reviews their case.
27:46 Between the two physicians that were present.
27:49 And oftentimes, we would have consults with our pastor
27:51 if they were spiritual issues.
27:52 But in the medical terms,
27:54 the two physicians would review the case
27:56 and then we would have daily staffing
27:58 that we would cover with every single of the volunteers
28:01 each of their patients.
28:03 And we did that for the entire seven weeks essentially.
28:06 And it was time that we would be able to help
28:09 to direct and refocus and keep safe as necessary,
28:13 and help to make even better the services
28:17 that were being given.
28:19 Now there's not only the medical assessment,
28:20 but talk about the spiritual assessments,
28:22 because you're not just helping people
28:23 with an exercise program or decluttering their homes,
28:26 but there's a spiritual side to that
28:27 which includes Bible Study.
28:29 Talk about that fulfillment.
28:31 Okay, so interestingly enough,
28:34 the people who we got to study the most with
28:36 were already Adventist.
28:37 Okay.
28:39 But we did have
28:40 a non-Adventists family as well,
28:42 who we studied with.
28:43 Just because what got us to Bible studies
28:46 was relationship issues, marriage problems,
28:50 Hey, would you like a Bible study
28:51 to help your marriage?
28:53 Totally.
28:54 One man said that...
28:56 He actually gave us permission to share this.
28:58 He's Mormon, he said,
28:59 "My bishop will not come and help us with our marriage.
29:03 So if your pastor can come and help us,
29:06 I will pay them to come."
29:07 Wow.
29:08 You know, so now he's directly connected
29:10 with the pastor and his wife, he's received a Bible study,
29:13 the couple has received a Bible study on marriage.
29:16 But others, other Bible studies were not as formal,
29:19 they were just while we're in a conversation,
29:22 like for example, one lady was talking about the sunshine.
29:24 Okay.
29:25 And, there was a quote about
29:27 how you should always seek for the sunshine.
29:30 And I was trying to instill in her positivity.
29:33 And I said, "Yes, you should spend time in the sun,
29:35 but you should also stay positive every day.
29:37 Right.
29:38 And then I shared with her, like,
29:40 a scripture from the Bible or something like that.
29:41 And it wasn't it, wasn't hard for her
29:43 she wasn't taken aback.
29:45 She was just like, "Yeah."
29:46 You know, very easy to share, very non-confrontational.
29:51 And so those are the kinds of ways
29:54 that we ended up sharing the Bible with them.
29:56 Just recently, I'm done now here and one of the ladies,
30:00 I was on the phone with her, she was like,
30:01 "I miss you, like I just wanted to say hi."
30:03 And she said, "I still want someone to come visit me."
30:06 I said, "Yeah, there's someone in the church who will come."
30:09 And, she said, "But you guys can't do anything on Saturday,
30:11 'cause you guys, you know,
30:13 Saturday is your day, you know."
30:14 And I said, "No, no, we do good on the Sabbath
30:17 'cause that's what Jesus did."
30:18 And she said,
30:20 "Really, you do something on the Sabbath?
30:21 I though you guys, kind of, just sat around."
30:22 I said, "No, no, no,
30:24 it's the day where we impact the world
30:25 in a positive way."
30:27 Right.
30:28 And, she was surprised
30:29 'cause, she had a misconception
30:31 of what Adventists do on the Sabbath.
30:32 So that even helped in the spiritual sense
30:34 to broaden her ideologies.
30:36 Yes. What are these people do?
30:37 We just to sit around, we don't breathe very heavily.
30:39 Yes.
30:41 You know, we just, we keep the Sabbath,
30:42 but we keep away from people.
30:44 But she discovered that no,
30:45 this is the time to reach out to people.
30:47 To make a difference in their lives.
30:49 As you know, in the Bible,
30:50 when I can get away from the fact I'm a pastor,
30:52 Jesus healed many people on the Sabbath,
30:54 set them free on the Sabbath.
30:55 Yeah. Brought them liberty.
30:57 But now, Doctor,
30:58 in the assessments that you make,
31:00 I will point to you...
31:01 Well, in the assessments do you ever see
31:03 that there are cases that are medically critical
31:06 as compared to cases
31:08 that need very little to no attention.
31:10 Certainly in those critical cases,
31:12 we would do house calls on ourselves.
31:14 Okay. We would go with the volunteer.
31:17 They would drive us from home to home.
31:18 And we would you home visits in the home.
31:20 We would keep records.
31:22 We would put those records in a typical planned way,
31:25 in a electronic format.
31:27 Right. And we would maintain those.
31:29 And then sometimes, we would direct them,
31:30 there'd be something that's critical enough,
31:32 I need to talk with their physician,
31:33 I'd say, "You know, we need to refer you back your doctor,
31:35 you need to talk to them today.
31:37 Let's make a phone call."
31:38 And then the volunteer would get on the phone
31:40 with the physician and say,
31:41 "Hey, this is the problem, talk to the patient."
31:43 So we put them back into the system
31:44 that they currently exist with.
31:46 Sometimes, we'd have to send them directly
31:48 to the urgent care.
31:49 And that was the nice thing, somebody would call me up
31:51 and they'd say, "Hey, you know, we've got this circumstance,
31:53 so they need to see the urgent care now."
31:55 And off they would go.
31:57 Have you had instances where people,
31:59 after they make that connection,
32:02 they say, "Well, how can I find out
32:05 more about your church?"
32:07 Have you had some of those experiences?
32:08 Yes. Yes, we have.
32:10 On the medical front, tell me how that happened,
32:12 because seeing you as a physician, as a doctor
32:15 and you're not really asking them
32:17 about medical thing...
32:19 I mean spiritual things, have you had those questions,
32:21 "Well, Doctor, well, tell me about your background,
32:23 are you Christian?"
32:24 I ask all my patients about spiritual things all the time.
32:27 Praise the Lord. And so this is no different.
32:30 And they recognize that we are who we are.
32:34 We bless them out of love because we are Christians.
32:37 Okay.
32:38 And they want to know about that.
32:39 In fact, there are people that would like to be here today,
32:42 you know, because they recognized.
32:44 They're not Adventist, but they like to be with us.
32:47 They like to experience what we're doing.
32:49 And it's all because of that relationship of love
32:51 that develops.
32:53 And so going back to the idea, I want to make sure
32:56 that those who are watching the program
32:57 have the information they need
32:58 to go ahead get in touch with you.
33:00 I mentioned this, but also again,
33:02 if you want to find out more about the ministry
33:04 called, Total Health Spokane, it fact is, TotalHealthSpokane,
33:09 that's T-O-T-A-L-H-E-A-L-T-H- S-P-O-K-A-N-E.com,
33:15 where Dr. John Torquato,
33:18 I thought that was a Korean name.
33:20 But it's not, he's very much American,
33:22 and Esther Lopez involved.
33:24 Go back to the original question I asked
33:27 because some people may say, "Well, how hard is this?"
33:30 Esther, tell us about that.
33:32 Oh, it's really easy.
33:34 It's really just building a relationship,
33:36 it could be your neighbor,
33:37 it could even just be someone in church,
33:39 'cause, we were helping people who were in the church.
33:42 Brand new Adventist or church members
33:44 that have been there for a long time
33:45 that are having serious health means.
33:47 But we're not coming in
33:49 and trying to revolutionize their life,
33:50 we're just trying to help in any little way we can.
33:53 So it's very easy to do, even just a phone call,
33:57 just building a friendship, having one friend,
33:59 one of the ladies I was with, just having one friend
34:01 has changed her life.
34:03 So then young people can get involved.
34:05 Yes.
34:06 They don't have to have medical background.
34:08 No. No. Or medical training.
34:09 What are some of the things that they can get involved in
34:10 almost immediately?
34:12 Immediately?
34:13 Yeah, like passing out tracks or--
34:14 Yeah, yeah, you can...
34:16 Honestly, it's really just building a friendship.
34:18 Can you say hello to someone?
34:21 Oh, I like that.
34:23 Can you notice if, you know, if they look needy,
34:27 maybe they need food?
34:28 You know, have you seen a mother
34:31 that has a lot of kids and a stressed out?
34:33 Wow.
34:34 She might need a babysitter, you know.
34:36 And, and those are the basic daily necessities
34:39 and challenges of life.
34:41 Lot of times people feel that,
34:42 "Well, I don't really have the training.
34:43 I'm not a pastor. I'm not an evangelist,
34:45 what can I do?
34:46 It's the simple method of simply reaching out to people,
34:49 building the bridge on the physical end.
34:51 On the medical and now some of the...
34:54 Some of the physician that are involved,
34:56 what kinds of physicians?
34:57 Well, right now my partner and I
34:59 are family practice physicians.
35:00 Okay.
35:02 But I have a very good friend who's an anesthesiologist,
35:05 who doesn't pain management,
35:06 but he is great at lifestyle medicine
35:09 and he does all kinds of
35:10 lifestyle medicine in his community,
35:12 a very effective.
35:13 And so and then the pastors, you know,
35:16 the pastors that work with us, they don't have to be even
35:21 medically oriented by their background.
35:23 But they work with us side by side.
35:25 So when we're working side by side,
35:27 the pastor will be kind of the receptionist,
35:29 if you will, in the church
35:30 as a patient would come into the church.
35:32 Yes.
35:33 And, often times, the pastor develops a relationship
35:36 before I can.
35:38 And the patient leaves with literature that...
35:40 I've had cases which change their lives medically.
35:43 Because what the pastor had the opportunity to provide.
35:46 And the circumstance is that
35:50 any physician can be participant.
35:51 And any nurse can be participant,
35:53 but any church member really can be participant.
35:56 We've experimented with this
35:57 for over seven years in the church
35:59 with small free clinics.
36:01 And we have church members
36:03 that have changed people's lives.
36:05 Because of their relationship with Jesus
36:07 that becomes side by side walking
36:09 with the person in the community.
36:11 So would say, this is the kind of program
36:12 that if people wanted to implement that in their--
36:15 Outside of Spokane,
36:16 maybe in Florida or New York or Illinois.
36:19 It's a program that they could duplicate
36:21 the format that you've together.
36:24 And improve it. And improve it.
36:26 And then give us the information
36:27 so we can do to.
36:28 Okay, so it's continually experimenting,
36:30 but in the process,
36:32 you're reaching out and making a difference
36:33 and touching people's lives.
36:35 Well, so good to have you today and Dr. Torquato.
36:38 John Torquato and Esther Lopez.
36:40 And friends, Total Health
36:42 is what the Lord has come to give each one of us.
36:45 "He has come", the Bible says, John 10:10,
36:47 "That we might have life and have it more abundantly."
36:50 Amen.
36:51 Thank you so much for sharing their program.
36:53 If you want to experience Total Health,
36:54 you can get in touch with Dr. John Torquato
36:56 at TotalHealthSpokane.com.
36:59 And I'm sure that Esther to will be glad to come along
37:02 and maybe bring other young people with her.
37:04 This is John Lomacang here
37:05 from ASI in Spokane, Washington.
37:08 God bless you until we see you again.
37:10 Keep trusting the Lord
37:12 for the plans He has for your life.
37:13 He does want you to be involved in some form of evangelism,
37:17 why not Comprehensive medical evangelism?
37:21 God bless you, until we see you again.
37:28 One of the things that we see
37:29 in these latter days, in the last few years
37:32 is the ascendancy of the health message.
37:35 How health is not being used
37:38 just as an adjunct to the Gospel,
37:40 but as the leading wedge of the Gospel.
37:43 Not just the right hand of the Gospel,
37:45 but sometimes the very nexus of the Gospel itself.
37:48 How health ministry is opening up doors
37:51 in many places
37:52 for the preaching of the name of Jesus Christ.
37:55 And so we're very, very excited to see
37:57 that health ministry is been given a new emphasis
38:00 in these last days.
38:02 And men and women are coming to the Lord
38:03 through health ministry
38:05 and through that arm of the message.
38:08 Danny Shelton interviews now Scott Learned and a Gary Ross,
38:14 they're of DayStar Academy in Utah.
38:17 Have you ever thought about
38:19 taking or bringing your horse to school with you?
38:21 Well, this is one of the academies
38:23 that not only promotes bringing your horse,
38:26 they actually encourage you to bring your horse.
38:29 They have students who bring
38:30 their horses to school with them.
38:32 This is DayStar Academy out there in Utah.
38:38 Not a lot of people around
38:39 and maybe that's why they can do this.
38:40 But really a great story, a great story of building,
38:43 of enlargement of the tent, as it were.
38:46 And Danny Shelton had a chance, as we said,
38:48 to visit with Scott Learned,
38:49 who is the president of DayStar Academy
38:52 there in Utah.
38:54 And then Gary Ross helps with a building program.
38:56 DayStar has undergone a lot of building
38:58 and God is doing a lot of things
38:59 to, with, for, and through, that very fine institution.
39:03 Here is their interview in just now.
39:08 I'm sitting here with Scott Learned,
39:11 President of DayStar Academy.
39:13 And, also Gary Ross, you're the construction,
39:16 what do you say, coordinator, Director, Foreman?
39:18 Yes.
39:20 Whatever titles? Whatever.
39:21 And tell us a little bit, Scott, about DayStar Academy,
39:25 where are you located
39:27 and tell us a little bit about it?
39:29 DayStar Academy is located in Utah
39:32 in the beautiful valley, Castle Valley,
39:34 we're just three miles from the Colorado River.
39:36 Okay.
39:37 And then the La Sal Mountains
39:39 are up on the other side of the valley,
39:40 there up over 12,000 feet,
39:42 and it's a beautiful remote valley.
39:45 Okay.
39:47 How long has DayStar Academy been in existing?
39:49 We started in 1970.
39:51 1970? Yes.
39:53 How did it start, somebody's dream?
39:54 Or did church decide to do it, how it start?
39:57 Well, the Nevada-Utah Conference
39:59 is sparsely populated with Adventist
40:02 and it has no boarding academy.
40:05 And two doctors,
40:07 two medical doctors were looking around
40:09 for a suitable place
40:11 and they found these two farms in Castle Valley
40:14 right together for sale and they bought them.
40:17 And in 1970, they started the academy there.
40:20 All right, now there's going to be
40:22 folk watching this program from all around the world.
40:26 This is your one chance.
40:28 I know there's going to be students,
40:29 there's going to be parents and grandparents.
40:33 Why should their student,
40:35 those of the folks watching.
40:36 Go DayStar Academy?
40:39 We're really endeavoring to follow the counsel
40:42 that the Spirit of Prophecy has give us.
40:44 Okay.
40:45 About schools, education,
40:47 with the regular scholastic program
40:50 that most people are used to
40:52 and then the hands on practical program
40:56 that we do as well.
40:58 We integrate the two together
41:00 to make a rounded educational program
41:03 that will really benefit the student when they leave,
41:06 be great for the Lord's work, their own work.
41:11 Just a good rounded program like we're counseled to do it.
41:13 Now the rumor has it
41:15 that some of the students
41:17 can bring their own horses out there is that true?
41:20 Yes, if you have a horse, we have a place for it,
41:24 and they can bring their horse.
41:25 If they have a dirk bike,
41:27 that you see more of the boy's side,
41:29 they can bring a dirt bike and we've got,
41:31 you know, under the conditions,
41:32 we've got lots of places to ride.
41:34 I know, a 15-year old little girl that said,
41:37 "Papa, you mean,
41:38 you can bring your own horse to that academy?
41:41 Well, I'd like to find out about that."
41:43 I said, "Well, we'll have to look into that."
41:45 Yeah. Yeah.
41:46 Well, we have, I think, four students last year
41:48 who had their own horse.
41:49 All right. Yeah.
41:51 Gary, let's talk about
41:52 some building projects that's going on,
41:54 that's really one the main reasons
41:56 we wanted you guys here.
41:57 Something really revolutionary maybe for academies
42:01 and tell us a little bit
42:03 what's happening there on the construction site.
42:06 It was a fascinating beginning.
42:10 We met Scott one day at church in Moab
42:14 and talked a little bit and so a few,
42:17 maybe week or so later,
42:19 we brought some bees out to the DayStar,
42:22 because they have a farm,
42:24 we talked more about construction.
42:26 And it was a week or two later that Scott called me and said,
42:30 "Hey, we're going to get into a building program,
42:34 Garwin McNeilus is going to show up here.
42:37 Will you be interested in coming over?"
42:38 And I said, "Sure, we've been praying about it."
42:42 And so we made the trip over and met with Garwin.
42:47 He had a proposal
42:50 for a new One Day North American house, home.
42:55 So we spend, what, three days together
42:58 I think that the first time.
43:00 And yes, from that day forward
43:03 it is just been an incredible journey.
43:06 Okay, so tell me exactly
43:08 because a lot of our viewers may not be aware
43:11 when you say a One Day school.
43:14 What is that mean?
43:15 Well, it's a take off from his One Day School Church
43:18 that he's built overseas, I guess, thousands of them.
43:23 He's adopted it to a One Day Residence.
43:26 He has a plan for a 24x32 house,
43:33 a one bedroom facility,
43:35 that's going to be very inexpensive
43:37 and quick to build.
43:39 And so we're getting that, Don Kirkman, and us,
43:43 and Garwin, met this week
43:45 to finalize plans to submit for permits.
43:49 He also has a three bedroom
43:52 that we're going to get submit and try to get approved.
43:58 So these buildings are the ones,
44:00 a lot of the folk will know
44:02 that literally they had been shipped
44:03 all the way around the world,
44:04 they put them together in Dodge Center, Minnesota,
44:08 ship them by shipping containers to Africa,
44:11 could may be Cambodia, literally Haiti,
44:15 around the world and volunteers will come
44:18 and they literally put these churches up in one day.
44:21 They're steel structures,
44:22 because I've been some of these countries
44:24 and the termites literally eat these buildings up.
44:28 I was in Cambodia with Garwin several years ago
44:32 and I heard this noise
44:34 and you can literally hear it in church and I said,
44:38 "What is that noise?"
44:39 And they didn't have a PA system.
44:41 He said, "You know, what that is?
44:42 Come out here and I'll show you."
44:44 The termites were eating.
44:45 He said, "These churches last hardly no time.
44:48 So we need to come up with something."
44:50 He said, "I'll think about this and pray about it."
44:53 And the idea came,
44:54 so they build the steel structures,
44:56 have the roof, literally the trusses.
44:58 Everything's cut, the metal is bent,
45:01 shaped there in Dodge Center.
45:03 And literally, volunteers will show up
45:06 in many places around the world.
45:08 And folks can start in one day and by the evening,
45:11 sometimes they're having church.
45:13 And then the locals can finish the side walls
45:16 and if they want to do anything on the interior.
45:18 So basically, what you guys are doing
45:21 is you're taking that one day church structure,
45:25 the metal structure
45:26 and you'll be finishing it yourself is that right?
45:29 That's right.
45:31 It's just an incredible process
45:35 and construction innovation, this could be the start
45:41 of a great thing for North America.
45:43 And it's just been an incredible journey
45:46 with Garwin, I mean, the man is as you know, well know.
45:49 Yeah.
45:51 He's hard to keep up with. Well, I'll tell you what?
45:53 I call him General when we're traveling overseas
45:55 because he can General.
45:56 He sees all kinds of things happening, but, you know,
45:59 what a mind, what a unique mind that God has given him.
46:02 Incredible.
46:03 To really, to put these together
46:05 and then put not only the time and the effort and finances.
46:08 So but we've done it so much overseas,
46:11 but we're starting here in North America.
46:13 And I mean, saving tremendous amounts of money.
46:16 I used to be in construction and build houses.
46:19 And I've seen the difference of the one day,
46:22 one day churches, one day schools,
46:23 one day hospitals
46:25 and how much money that saves is incredible.
46:30 But now going into homes, having one day homes,
46:33 what about administration buildings,
46:35 have we got any plans for things like that?
46:38 Yes, there is, there is.
46:41 That's going on right now
46:43 with Scott and Garwin and Don Kirkman
46:48 and his crew people, they are designing
46:50 and looking at more administration buildings
46:53 and possibly a new campus for DayStar.
46:57 So we call it a new DayStar now.
46:59 I love it. Yeah.
47:01 So we've got several buildings,
47:04 an elementary school building going up,
47:05 and a boy's dorm, we're going to do this way,
47:08 and pretty much a new campus.
47:10 Yeah.
47:12 And people probably--
47:15 And maybe you don't have the figure,
47:17 but if we thought this out, how much,
47:19 this, money this would cost.
47:20 I mean, you're looking at
47:21 hundreds of thousands of dollars
47:23 and what is this costing DayStar?
47:25 Do you have any idea?
47:27 Well, DayStar didn't have money to put into this to start with.
47:29 Oh, wait a minute.
47:31 How do you do a building project this big
47:33 and no money?
47:34 Well, lots of folks getting together and helping out.
47:38 Wow.
47:40 Garwin is helping to raise a bunch of money,
47:41 he's got friends who are helping out and others,
47:44 ASI is putting something to this.
47:47 So, it's really good. It's really good.
47:49 Isn't that amazing?
47:50 And, I mean in a time
47:52 when the world seems totally upside down,
47:54 that right can seem wrong and wrong can seem right,
47:57 Satan has thing so out of balance
48:00 and you almost just give up,
48:01 you almost give up on people, you watch the news,
48:04 whether it's in America, countries around the world
48:07 and it's like,
48:08 they just look like nothing makes sense.
48:10 Then all of a sudden,
48:11 something like this comes to your attention to say,
48:14 what, look, here are Christians working together
48:17 for a common goal to educate our young people,
48:20 give them a Christian education,
48:22 which course gives a great advantage
48:24 and your life, as you should the Lord tarry,
48:27 we don't know how many years that will be,
48:29 nut in preparation for souls for eternity.
48:32 And so here we get laymen, we get ASI,
48:35 we get church members, we get volunteers,
48:39 everybody working together--
48:40 Working together, that's the thing.
48:42 For the common good of these young people.
48:44 I mean, it's an incredible project.
48:47 And this, literally, can be a pattern
48:49 for schools and academies
48:52 literally all around North America.
48:53 And to me, it's really wonderful.
48:55 We do it so much around the world,
48:57 but there are a lot of needs right here.
48:59 And I have traveled to many countries around the world
49:01 and a lot of folks say, "Oh, America's just rich,
49:04 and you all got--"
49:05 But they haven't been to DayStar, right?
49:07 They haven't seen some of the academies
49:09 that we have and the needs that we have,
49:12 that our people have sacrificed,
49:14 North America, has given more to evangelism around the world
49:20 than any other division in the Adventist Church.
49:24 And to be able to put some of that right here
49:26 to help meet the needs,
49:27 meet the needs of our own young people here
49:30 as well as around the world.
49:32 Things aren't stopping,
49:33 buildings are still being built,
49:34 churches are being built.
49:36 But I think it's an incredible idea of Garwin,
49:39 when he talks about it, he gets excited.
49:41 He does.
49:42 And, and he's excited about it, and today he said,
49:45 "Come and look at this booth, let me show you these plans."
49:47 And, we both have a little construction background.
49:49 And I said, "You know what?
49:51 It's amazing what God can do through people
49:53 if we're willing to be used for God."
49:55 That's true.
49:57 Garwin can have the ideas, he can help raise the funds,
49:59 but he needs you all, people like you,
50:01 who's in the construction, people like you to say,
50:04 "You know what?
50:05 We're here, our school needs this help.
50:07 We'll do anything we can do to help out
50:10 to make this a win-win for the cause of God.
50:13 Christian education you can't beat it."
50:15 That's right.
50:17 We've done mission trips
50:18 at a lot of other places in the world.
50:20 Now we've got a mission trip at our own campus.
50:22 I love it. Yeah.
50:24 It is. It's incredible.
50:26 I mean his vision, he also has--
50:29 Out of this has come a grade school,
50:33 a design for a grade school.
50:35 And that same plan then can work for a church.
50:38 And so it's just--
50:40 I can't tell you who exciting it is,
50:42 and to work with Garwin.
50:43 I mean, I'll get emails from him
50:45 at the 3, 4 o'clock in the morning.
50:49 All right mind, mind just keeps going, doesn't it?
50:53 Yeah. And he's on top of it all.
50:55 Yeah, yeah. You know?
50:56 I know.
50:57 I've been with him, I've seen him work.
50:59 And so we're not uplifting Darwin,
51:01 but we're going to uplift the Jesus and in him.
51:02 That's right.
51:04 The burden that he has for souls
51:06 to the kingdom of God.
51:07 And he, continues to remind this us
51:08 that's what it's all about.
51:10 Yeah, yeah absolutely, wonderful.
51:11 It's great getting to know about DayStar Academy.
51:14 So one more time, tell us where you're located
51:17 and how is there a way
51:18 that we can get in touch with you.
51:19 Some people are watching saying,
51:21 "Man, I want to send my kids out to DayStar."
51:23 Do you have a website or something--
51:25 We do, simple website, DayStarAdventistAcademy.org.
51:30 DayStarAdventistAcademy.org. That's right.
51:34 That's all you got to go for that
51:36 if you're watching this.
51:38 And you don't have a pencil or paper, can't remember it,
51:41 you can always call us here at 3ABN,
51:43 we'll make sure that you get that website
51:45 and you can find out about DayStar Academy.
51:48 And I know that it's a school.
51:50 And that is preaching the principles of the Bible
51:54 and that, you know, a lot of it,
51:56 we have to be careful in all of our schools,
51:58 Christian schools, Adventist schools
52:00 that we don't go to the left or the right,
52:02 but we stick to the Word of God.
52:04 That's right.
52:05 And so I've been told before I interviewed you guys,
52:08 I did a little background check.
52:09 All right.
52:10 And they said, these, these guys
52:12 are doing what God has called them to do.
52:14 They're promoting Christian education,
52:16 Christian values
52:18 and not compromising with what the world has to say.
52:21 They're interested in seeing these young people
52:23 make heaven their home for eternity.
52:26 So thank you, Scott, and Gary, for what you're doing.
52:29 We'll continue to pray
52:31 and once all of these facilities are up now,
52:33 we want you to come back and do another interview.
52:36 And we want you to send us some pictures or videos
52:39 so we can watch the saying is the progress.
52:41 We would love too. That would be great.
52:43 All right, God bless. Thank you so much.
52:44 Thank you. Thank you.
52:49 When I was in school,
52:50 if you were a very good student in college,
52:52 they allowed you as a sophomore bring your car to school.
52:56 Never really thought about bringing a horse to school,
52:58 but I guess there are those who are horse people.
53:01 Me being a city guy who is not really a part of what we did.
53:05 But there are those who do that and who love it.
53:08 And we're so thankful for the work being done
53:10 at all of our Adventist academies,
53:12 Daystar in particular.
53:13 Well, now we're going to go to our newsbreak.
53:15 Much happening here at 3ABN,
53:17 we want you to be aware of it all
53:18 so that you can pray with and for us
53:21 as we do the work of the Lord.
53:22 We'll do the newsbreak,
53:24 then we'll come back and put a little bow on this
53:25 and say goodbye.


Revised 2016-02-11