3ABN Today

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Yvonne Lewis (Host), Hal & Millie Steenson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015095B

00:01 Well, they say time flies when you are having fun.
00:02 I know, this was so good and I think, I think,
00:06 I think you heard something that you didn't know already.
00:08 Yeah, I did too.
00:09 But we found out two people who love the Lord--
00:11 Yeah.
00:12 As we have the same spiritual DNA
00:14 and we do with those of you at home too
00:15 who are watching 3ABN, supporting 3ABN.
00:18 Again thank you for your love
00:20 and your prayers and financial support.
00:22 And what we will find out and what you will find out,
00:24 sometimes people at home
00:25 and I meet people in churches and you have too.
00:28 They say, "Man, you don't know
00:29 what I'm up against, the devil has done this to me
00:31 and the devil's done that, and I'm this,"
00:33 but, you know, we all fight spiritual battles,
00:36 spiritual warfare.
00:37 I've been thankful that I have folks like you
00:39 and you and those around
00:40 and I hopefully I'm there for you--
00:42 Yeah. And you are around.
00:43 And you are there praying for us.
00:45 Thank you so much for those of you at home.
00:46 And remember we are praying for you also.
00:49 So it's been great having you all here.
00:50 Thank you. Thank you.
00:52 And we are gonna pray to God to
00:53 continue blessings upon your life.
00:55 And those of you at home, our time is all gone.
00:57 Until we see you next time may the Lord richly bless you
00:59 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2016-01-01