3ABN Today

Beautiful World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton & Yvonne Lewis (Host), Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015093A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:09 We have a wonderful program for you today, I'm so excited.
01:13 I've got Shelley Quinn sitting here with me.
01:16 Yes, it's good to be here. Yeah.
01:17 And we have a special guest.
01:19 Our guest is none other than Danny Shelton,
01:22 our founder and president.
01:24 And I get to interview you today.
01:26 I know, I've felt a little--
01:27 It's a little different feeling, Shelley.
01:29 And Yvonne sitting in this chair, you know.
01:32 We're gonna put you on the hot seat.
01:33 I know.
01:34 I think we can ask him anything we want.
01:36 I'm lot more comfortable doing the interviews
01:38 and I'm being interviewed, you know.
01:40 For sure.
01:41 But God has given you so many gifts, Dan,
01:44 and when we, you know, we're really blessed
01:47 that God has given you the vision to have 3ABN
01:52 and also to write wonderful songs.
01:55 Amen.
01:56 We have great, great songs that you've written
01:58 and today we're gonna be talking about a special project
02:02 that you've done,
02:03 "It's a Beautiful World" tell us about it.
02:06 Okay, as a lot of folk know about--
02:08 I think it's been three years
02:10 or so may be more ago I wrote "Love Rules!"
02:13 a CD and DVD for children.
02:16 And in that is of course talking about the love of God,
02:21 keeping God's commandments.
02:23 And so what I'm trying to do the world has so many things
02:27 to distract kids and adults from keeping our eyes
02:32 focused on Jesus in the cross of Calvary.
02:35 Because you see children three and four years old
02:38 running to have little phones and they can on the computers,
02:41 they're doing all these things.
02:43 So how is it can we, you know, Satan has all these things
02:46 not that all these things are bad.
02:47 I'm glad for all the media and social media
02:49 because we can use them as Christians.
02:52 But for our young people to keep their eyes on the Lord,
02:56 how can we do that?
02:58 Music seems to be a universal language.
03:00 You take a young child that's six months old,
03:03 eight months old, they don't know
03:04 what's politically correct or not politically correct
03:06 but you give them a little upbeat music
03:08 and you'll see them bouncing.
03:10 Rhythm is something that God has given us,
03:13 timing and rhythm
03:15 and an appreciation for the art of music.
03:18 And so one of the things that I've found is timeless
03:22 ever since we were all, we're close to the same age,
03:25 young children till now is music,
03:28 no matter how old or how young and no matter how much
03:31 the world has changed people still love music.
03:34 It's just defined by different genres.
03:36 Right. Right.
03:37 And so what is it that we have and how we can we use every--
03:41 To our advantage to get the gospel to the world?
03:44 What's the thing that kids are listening to?
03:46 Music.
03:47 Lot of them listening to the rap music,
03:49 lot of them listening to rock music,
03:51 lot of them listening to do classic music,
03:53 whatever kinds of music but we need to be in there.
03:56 As Christians, Seventh-day Adventist Christians
03:58 we should have something to offer our young people.
04:01 Well, after the "Love Rules!"
04:03 CD and DVD project
04:05 we really got tremendous responses
04:07 from people, from parents.
04:09 I was most impressed that to time I think the--
04:14 My youngest granddaughter baby Faith,
04:16 I think she was five
04:17 and Jonah was maybe six and one of the--
04:20 It's called songs was Love God and keep His Commandments.
04:24 I literally put the long version of every commandment.
04:27 And after I gave them one of the CDs,
04:29 I give them to kids and say, "How do you like these songs?"
04:32 If I hear them humming them back
04:34 or singing them I say, okay, that's a good sign.
04:36 And baby Faith and Jonah,
04:38 they knew all of the Ten Commandments.
04:40 So I'd go to churches and I'd say,
04:42 now if I ask you today this isn't any church
04:44 I'd be to stand up
04:46 and recite the Ten Commandments long version
04:48 how many would do it.
04:49 And nobody was jumping up to, people be looking around like--
04:52 Oh, wow. It's sad, really.
04:53 You know, in a Seventh-day Adventist we preach that
04:55 but this is a way that instills in those young folk
04:59 that as they get older, as they get older
05:02 and they're being distracted by the world,
05:04 they never really forget, it comes back.
05:07 Whatever we put in there, stays there--
05:10 That's right. For good or bad.
05:12 It's indelibly imprinted upon your mind when the--
05:14 With the music is what puts it in their mind
05:17 to where they understand it.
05:19 When you have music and you have rhyme,
05:21 one of the things that is so powerful about rap music
05:26 is that it uses rhythm and rhyme
05:29 to actually shape the values of the listeners.
05:33 So why shouldn't we be shaping the values of our children
05:37 through rhythm and rhyme and music.
05:41 I mean, you're just reclaiming the music form for Christ
05:47 and that's what we have to do.
05:48 And we have to implant in our children to give them
05:51 what they need in order to, to deal with life.
05:55 We're told that 90 percent
05:56 of a child's character development
05:59 is really done by the age of six.
06:02 I mean, that's amazing. That's amazing.
06:04 You think about that, that whatever we put in that
06:07 child up to six years old,
06:08 that's 90 percent of his development
06:11 as to which way he or she may tend to go in life
06:14 not that the Lord can't come in and change all of that.
06:17 But so that's why it's so important
06:19 for parents and grandparents
06:21 to be giving these children something--
06:22 What I know a lot of parents
06:24 do they put their young children to bed at night
06:26 and they'll put these CDs on,
06:28 so that the kids go to sleep hearing songs about
06:32 in this case Love God and keep His Commandments.
06:35 On the new one, it's called, "It's A Beautiful World."
06:38 And so I got to thinking about it,
06:39 you know, creation today when we were growing up
06:43 almost everybody believed in creation,
06:45 now they don't believe in God.
06:46 And if there's no God then there's no creation.
06:49 Or even people who believe in God
06:50 don't believe in a literal six-day creation.
06:53 No, absolutely and there is actually--
06:55 I hate to say there's people that in different denominations
07:00 of religions whether it's Baptists,
07:02 Methodists, Adventists whatever who just what you said,
07:05 they don't really believe in a six-day creation week.
07:07 They don't take the Bible for what it says.
07:10 And so I wrote the "Love Rules!" CD and DVD
07:14 but, Yvonne, I didn't plan on writing anymore.
07:17 And because once I would get one,
07:20 then I would just, I mean, I could be doing anything
07:23 and all of a sudden song would come into my mind,
07:26 just as, so I would run to the computer,
07:28 if I'm traveling and take an iPad
07:30 I'd be on airplane, I'd start typing out something.
07:33 Once in a while I'd just be get up early in the morning
07:36 and pray and always what I do is open the Bible
07:39 and I start reading and certain things will hit me.
07:42 Lord, give me a topic for today.
07:44 And something jumps out like that
07:46 so I sit down and I start--
07:48 but almost every time the words and the music come together.
07:52 And I'm not sure how that happens
07:55 and I play little guitar, so I hear a chords
07:58 and so I'm thinking C, F, G as I'm bring in the melody out
08:04 and I can tell instantly if it's gonna work or not.
08:07 But most of these songs I really didn't have to work.
08:10 So I said, they must be of the Lord
08:11 because I check them by the truth is this truth?
08:16 Is it consistent with the Bible message
08:18 that God is love?
08:20 And so when I do that I say, okay, that one says Lord.
08:23 Well, I did this one project went over well,
08:26 lots of folks of thousands of people bought those
08:29 and the kids listening to them and I go to church
08:31 and as people say, oh, I love the Love Rules!
08:34 But I didn't intend to do another one
08:36 and I got to thinking about creation one day,
08:38 you know, that's amazing adults and in churches and seminaries.
08:43 You can go to certain seminaries
08:44 and people don't believe in the six-day creation week.
08:46 You don't--
08:48 And so many people around us in the world
08:49 they don't believe in God.
08:51 And it's like, wow, we need to--
08:53 Let me do something.
08:54 So I got thinking about "It's a Beautiful World."
08:56 And is said, as Christians we ought to understand
08:59 what a beautiful this is but it's beautiful
09:01 because God created it.
09:03 While there is ugliness of sin, death, disease, and sickness
09:06 that's not forever that's for a short time.
09:09 So hit the right timing when God was ready
09:13 and we believe that's very soon.
09:14 Jesus is ready, He is coming back
09:16 to redeem His children.
09:17 But I've got to thinking about it
09:19 what happened on each day of creation.
09:21 Now I'm not going to ask you all that
09:23 but I want to ask you at home as I can't see your hands,
09:26 how many of you if I ask you right now,
09:28 I don't care how old you are if you're 80 years old.
09:30 If is say, tell me what happened
09:32 on day one of creation?
09:33 Tell me what happened on day two.
09:35 Day three, day four, day five, day six, day seven,
09:39 most of us would have to stop
09:42 and think I'm not exactly what--
09:44 Say the firmament. What is the firmament?
09:46 And what is the firmament.
09:47 Yeah, what is the firmament,
09:49 I know there's somewhat you could--
09:50 I couldn't do it. Yeah, what I'm saying.
09:52 So that's why we're gonna do this
09:53 first song this the moment.
09:54 But it's called, "It's A Beautiful World"
09:56 and the Lord gave it to me like that.
09:58 And so I hope you enjoy it.
10:00 We name the CD, we got a bunch of children here
10:02 that's working with us from younger ages.
10:05 My youngest grandchildren baby Faith and Jonah,
10:09 they want to be on at least the couple of songs.
10:11 So they had learned these songs inside
10:13 and out before we actually did the DVD.
10:16 So I said, absolutely you guys,
10:18 come on and join so that they help us
10:20 on a couple of the songs.
10:21 And, you know, the beauty of what you just said
10:23 is that the way you weave scripture
10:27 into this music and as you said,
10:30 it's the rhythm in the rhyme that children--
10:33 This just makes it easy
10:35 for children to learn biblical truths.
10:38 And it's something that I know that
10:40 I've got these for my nieces and niece and nephews.
10:45 But this is something that children can learn
10:49 and recite back and it's fun to do this,
10:52 it's actually fun for the whole family.
10:55 But the problem with some of these--
10:56 I'm gonna say, you got one problem
10:57 with some of these songs.
10:59 The tunes are so catchy that once you play them
11:02 then it's in your mind the rest of the day.
11:04 Good. That's right.
11:05 It's exactly what we want.
11:07 Now Shelley has been here about 12 years or so,
11:09 she has never-- Anything I've ever asked her to do,
11:11 she always says yes.
11:13 I said, "Do you want to be on the program
11:15 with Yvonne and me and "It's A Beautiful Word."
11:17 And she said yes.
11:19 But will you give me one of those DVDs
11:20 that the new "It's A Beautiful Word."
11:22 So I had to bargain with her. Give me the DVDs, yes.
11:23 I had to bargain with her to be on the program,
11:25 you know, today.
11:27 Isn't that awesome.
11:28 Well, let's take a listen to "It's A Beautiful World."
11:40 It's a beautiful world that God made
11:45 Just for you and for me
11:49 He created all in six days
11:54 I have faith to believe
11:58 The Bible tells the story
12:02 Of God's great power and glory
12:07 He made the light, the earth, and sea
12:12 He made the flowers and the buzzing bumble bee
12:18 It's a beautiful world that God made
12:23 Just for you and for me
12:27 God created everything in just six days.
12:30 On the first day, God created light.
12:33 And on the second day, He made the heavenly skies.
12:36 On the third day, He created the grass,
12:38 the trees and the plants.
12:40 On the fourth day, He created the sun
12:43 the moon, and the stars
12:45 And on the fifth day God created the fish
12:47 and all the wonderful sea creatures in the water.
12:50 And He created all the birds in the air.
12:55 It's a beautiful world that God made
13:01 Just for you and for me
13:04 He created all in six days
13:09 I have faith to believe
13:13 The Bible tells the story
13:18 Of God's great power and glory
13:22 He made the light, the earth, and sea
13:27 He made the flowers and the buzzing bumble bee
13:33 It's a beautiful world that God made
13:38 Just for you and for me
13:42 And on the sixth day, He created
13:43 all the beautiful animal life on the earth.
13:46 But He also created something very special that sixth day.
13:51 Yes, special and dear to the heart of God.
13:54 You guessed it, He created you and me.
14:00 The Bible tells the story
14:04 Of God's great power and glory
14:09 He made the light, the earth, and sea
14:14 He made the flowers and the buzzing bumble bee
14:19 It's a beautiful world that God made
14:25 Just for you and for me
14:29 After creating everything in just six days,
14:32 the Bible says that God rested.
14:34 Let's read about it in Genesis 2:1-3,
14:38 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,
14:40 and all the host of them.
14:42 And on the seventh day God ended His work
14:44 which He had made
14:46 and He rested on the seventh day
14:48 from all His work which He had made.
14:50 And God blessed the seventh day,
14:52 and sanctified it, because that in it
14:55 He had rested from all His work
14:57 which God created and made."
15:01 It's a beautiful world that God made
15:07 Just for you and for me
15:10 He created all in six days
15:16 I have faith to believe
15:19 It's a beautiful world
15:21 Such a beautiful world
15:24 It's a beautiful world It's a beautiful world
15:28 It's a beautiful world
15:30 Such a beautiful world
15:33 It's a beautiful world It's a beautiful world
15:37 It's a beautiful world
15:39 Such a beautiful world
15:42 I'm about moving around here.
15:43 I know, just love it though.
15:45 I mean-- And it's so beautiful to watch.
15:47 It is and it's happy, it's upbeat.
15:50 It gives the creation so that the children can remember
15:54 what was done on each day, it's wonderful.
15:57 We thank you.
15:58 Well, we're happy to do it and little bit we'll talk
16:00 more about the young people involved
16:02 they're helping us and also our crew,
16:04 our production crew
16:06 and the work that the graphics and we don't leave anybody out.
16:09 But this is a big project
16:10 when you take a bunch of young people like this
16:13 and you learn all of these songs,
16:15 then you put graphics and video shots
16:17 to match all of this is huge.
16:19 Brenda Walsh was a great support
16:21 in all of this of course and many others.
16:23 And we'll talk about that in a little bit more but--
16:25 Yeah, this is why I was twisting your arm,
16:27 really I've already got the CDs
16:29 but I just knew I've had little nieces
16:32 and nephews that are from four to eight,
16:34 nine years old and I knew this would be
16:36 something that one I will sit-down and watch
16:38 because the graphics are so beautiful.
16:40 Yeah. Yeah.
16:41 Well, you have another song here
16:43 "I Love You, Lord" tell us a little bit about it.
16:45 Well, this song actually was one of my--
16:47 I actually wrote several years ago,
16:49 I was in Nashville on the way home we done a recording.
16:52 And I got to thinking go through the whole story,
16:55 we got to thinking about the goodness of God.
16:57 And all I could say is, I love you, Lord.
17:00 And I thought, you know, God inhabits praise of this people.
17:03 "I Love You, Lord," so this little song came to me
17:06 and we'll show it right now.
17:23 I love you I love you, Lord
17:29 I love you, Lord I really do
17:35 I love you
17:38 I love you, Lord
17:41 I love you, Lord I really do
17:47 My Savior, Creator, Redeemer and hymn
17:53 You are the reason I see
17:58 I love you
18:01 I love you, Lord
18:04 I love you, Lord I really do
18:10 I love you
18:13 I love you, Lord
18:17 I love you, Lord I really do
18:22 The Bible says in 1 John 4:8 "That God is love."
18:27 And Romans 5:8 says,
18:29 "That God showed His love to us,
18:31 in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."
18:36 Do you love Jesus?
18:37 Jesus loves us and wants us to show Him
18:40 that we love Him too.
18:42 In John 14:15 He says, "If you love Me,
18:46 keep My commandments."
18:47 When we keep God's commandments,
18:49 we are showing Him that we love Him too.
18:52 So let's obey God and keep His commandments.
18:56 Then we all can sing.
18:58 I love you
19:01 I love you, Lord
19:04 I love you, Lord I really do
19:10 I love you
19:13 I love you, Lord
19:16 I love you, Lord I really do
19:22 The joy that You bring to my heart everyday
19:29 Gives me a reason to say
19:35 I love you
19:40 I love you, Lord
19:43 I love you, Lord I really do
19:49 I love you
19:52 I love you, Lord
19:55 I love you, Lord I really do
20:17 Amen. Amen.
20:19 You know, it's great you have some really talented
20:22 young people on this project.
20:23 Absolutely. Absolutely.
20:24 All volunteers actually.
20:26 It's tremendous, tremendous.
20:27 Let's just kind of acknowledge them
20:29 because we need to say who they are.
20:31 The names are little,
20:32 I couldn't read those without glasses.
20:33 Can you read it?
20:35 I never have my glasses on so
20:36 hopefully I won't batch the names up.
20:38 But Daniel Babb, Farah Berry, Samerah Bordon,
20:42 Caleb Dinzey, Jonah Firestone, Faith Firestone, your babies,
20:47 Ashley Gonzalez, Corbana Hodges, Honoria Hodges,
20:51 Justin Mandol, Noah Mandol,
20:53 Trinity Murray, Stephanie Ramone,
20:57 Duchais Rover, Cameron C.J. Sanders.
21:00 And Stephanie was the one who just did the solos.
21:02 Yeah, beautiful voice. Lovely.
21:05 Jonae Sanders, Jonaesia Sanders,
21:07 and Sam Santiago.
21:10 These are-- I mean, they are so talented.
21:12 And some of these like, Samerah that you'll be hearing
21:14 quite a bit she is really a good singer.
21:17 She was on the last Love Rules too, we kind of featured her.
21:20 She just had such a gift for sing.
21:22 You like her singing too. I really do.
21:23 And her talking is just, I mean, just beautiful
21:27 and she just does it in such a so heartfelt,
21:30 you know, that she just so good at it.
21:31 So we ask her when do you come back
21:33 and help us with that again.
21:35 Yeah. And she did, you know.
21:36 Now the next one on the list, is something that--
21:41 It's a song that is actually teaching adults
21:45 because I know what Lanny Wolfe had to say after,
21:48 he heard seven is the perfect number.
21:52 Do you want to share that story now or after?
21:56 Well, I'll just say about how we've wrote it
21:58 because in the Bible when you look at it,
22:01 God has the thing, I don't know why maybe we'll find
22:04 when we get to heaven but as we say,
22:06 He has a thing for numbers in seven is His perfect number.
22:10 There is seven, seven, seven all through the Bible.
22:13 The fourth commandment is actually remember
22:15 the Seventh-day to keep it holy.
22:18 And when I share with people they say,
22:20 well, it doesn't make any difference
22:21 just long as you keep one day in seven.
22:23 I say, well, if you've married and there was a six,
22:26 you know, six women up there, seven women to choose from.
22:29 Could you just go home with anyone of them
22:31 or does it make a difference which one you,
22:33 you know, which one you choose if you're a man for instance.
22:36 So, of course seven God designated
22:39 that for a reason otherwise He would have said
22:41 just keep from one day, right, and seven.
22:44 But He didn't.
22:45 He said, remember that remember the very first word
22:48 He said of the fourth commandment.
22:49 Why would He say, if somebody if, Yvonne, you said to him,
22:52 "Hey, when you go to town, would you remember
22:55 to bring me back of subway sandwich in Chile.
22:58 You said it because you say, why did you--
23:01 Because you know that probably last time
23:03 you guys asked me to it, I forgot.
23:05 So you're saying, remember, so don't forget it.
23:08 Isn't it interesting the only commandment
23:10 that most of the Christian world forgets
23:13 is the one it says remember is the fourth commandment,
23:15 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
23:17 Six day thou shall labor, but the seventh day
23:20 is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
23:22 So, I wanted to show it's not just happen stance
23:26 but there are numerous things
23:27 as you go through the Bible on seven.
23:30 So, we decided even in the music that we sing,
23:33 you know, in the days of the week,
23:35 seven, keeps coming up.
23:37 So, if it's important to God, it should be important to us.
23:40 Right.
23:42 So, we wrote "Seven's The Perfect Number."
23:44 This is one of my favorites by the way.
23:45 Good.
23:51 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
23:57 He sanctified and blessed it
24:00 Come on, let's take a look
24:02 He created the heavens and the earth
24:05 And He rested from all His work
24:09 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
24:15 Genesis 2:1-3, "Thus the heavens
24:18 and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
24:22 And on the seventh day
24:23 God ended His work which He had made,
24:26 and rested on the seventh day
24:28 from all His work which He had made.
24:30 And God blessed the seventh day,
24:32 and sanctified it,
24:34 because that in it He had rested from all His work
24:37 which God created and made."
24:59 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book.
25:05 Hey, boys and girls.
25:06 Did you know that seven is the perfect number
25:08 even in the music that God gave us?
25:11 There are seven notes in the major musical scale.
25:14 All other notes are just the variations
25:16 of the seven major notes.
25:18 Let's count them.
25:20 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti.
25:24 Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti.
25:27 Or we can start with C.
25:29 C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
25:32 C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
25:35 And it still comes out to the number seven.
25:39 Man named the notes
25:40 but God created the seven major sounds of music.
25:46 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
25:51 He sanctified and blessed it
25:54 Come on, let's take a look
25:56 He created the heavens and the earth
26:00 And he rested from all his work
26:03 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
26:09 The number Seven is the most important number in the Bible.
26:13 There are seven days in the week
26:15 and did you know there are seven colors in the rainbow?
26:19 Joshua marks around here at the seven times
26:22 for the walls of tumbling down.
26:24 Captain Naaman dipped into the water
26:26 seven times to be healed.
26:28 No one said seven of the clean animals into the heart
26:31 and we could go on and on,
26:33 but the truth is...
26:35 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
26:41 He sanctified and blessed it
26:44 Come on, let's take a look
26:46 He created the heavens and the earth
26:50 And he rested from all his work
26:53 Seven's the perfect number in God's holy book
26:59 Seven's the perfect number
27:02 in God's holy book
27:11 Seven is the perfect number.
27:13 Seven, you know, the sevenfold Holy Spirit,
27:16 seven is the number of perfection.
27:18 That's right. That's right.
27:19 But I just love what Lanny Wolfe had to say
27:23 because when he first started this song,
27:25 he said, "Oh, you've given me something to think about.
27:29 This is the son or this whole project actually,
27:33 even though it ministers to children
27:35 and its teaching children.
27:37 Adults seem to like this just as much and you learn like
27:40 many people probably didn't know
27:43 that they were seven major notes.
27:45 That all the music in the world has been written
27:48 around these seven major notes.
27:50 Amazing.
27:51 Yeah, it's incredible, to think about all the music
27:54 whether it's classical or down to, to rock music or whatever,
27:59 they're seven major, major notes on their, you know,
28:02 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, you know, it goes back again A, B,C, D
28:06 just keeps going, the piano up and down.
28:08 There's really seven,
28:09 when you hit the eighth note, it's an octa,
28:11 you know, so it's the same.
28:12 It's God's creative power is so infinite.
28:16 And the fact that, there are just seven notes...
28:19 That's right. Right.
28:20 He just keeps, because God has created the music.
28:23 Yeah. So, it's incredible.
28:25 That says mind boggling to me as I travel
28:27 I just got back from London.
28:29 Again, and I've traveled around the world,
28:31 and I'll be sitting at airports or in the airplanes.
28:34 And I think there's getting close
28:36 to seven billion people on planet Earth.
28:39 God takes about six inches and gives in that six inches,
28:43 every six inches has two eyes and nose and mouth, teeth,
28:47 hair, two ears and yeah, with just so little
28:51 of what's not that skin
28:53 almost everybody in the world looks different.
28:55 Yeah.
28:56 Now how can you do paint seven billion of,
28:59 be confine to that, and everybody be individual,
29:02 I mean, that's amazing, and they say,
29:04 the snow flake to that, I don't know, I don't.
29:05 Here is something that just amazed me,
29:07 Did you know that no two leaves are identical
29:11 just like snowflakes.
29:12 Think of the billions of leaves in the world
29:15 and no two are same.
29:16 I don't know, if I can deal with it right now really.
29:18 That's incredible.
29:20 When we actually contemplate the greatness of God,
29:24 and, and, and His creative power,
29:26 it actually and I think I've mentioned this before
29:28 it actually kind of re-wires our brains
29:31 when we start thinking about
29:33 how infinite an amazing God is, so...
29:35 God is just it's creation never stops.
29:39 He is the creator which is why the Sabbath,
29:43 it's so important because we honor Him as creator
29:46 on the Sabbath.
29:48 And do you ever tried to contemplate heaven?
29:51 Yes. I do.
29:53 But it does mind boggling to...
29:54 Yeah, that is mind boggling, but it's fun
29:57 and it's fun to teach children to contemplate.
29:58 I always think about one of my dad's favorite texts
30:01 as I have not seen nor they heard,
30:03 neither has it entered into the heart of man
30:05 the thing that God has prepared
30:06 'cause we think we've seen it all.
30:08 Yeah.
30:09 We go to some majestic place,
30:11 and so, hey, that was a good intro to the next song,
30:15 Shelley which is simply entitled "Heaven."
30:28 Heaven such a beautiful place
30:33 We'll see Jesus face to face
30:36 All sorrow and pain He will erase
30:41 heaven's such a beautiful place
30:45 Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like?
30:48 The Bible says in 1corinthians 2:9,
30:51 "But as it is written,
30:53 eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
30:56 neither have entered into the heart of man,
30:59 the things which God hath prepared
31:01 for them that love him."
31:04 Heaven such a beautiful place
31:08 We'll see Jesus face to face
31:12 All sorrow and pain He will erase
31:17 heaven such a beautiful place
31:20 We have so much beauty here on earth
31:23 that we can be hold.
31:24 All the beautiful lakes and streams and oceans
31:27 filled with all of the colorful and wondrous creatures
31:30 from the sea world to the highest snowcap mountains
31:34 pointing towards God's created heaven.
31:37 And yet it suddenly occurred to me
31:39 why heaven is so much more beautiful
31:41 than this old earth of ours.
31:43 It's not just about what heaven
31:45 had is that makes it so wonderful,
31:47 it's also about what heaven does not have.
31:50 Do you know what's missing in heaven?
31:52 It's in and why is there no sin in heaven
31:56 because Jesus is there.
31:58 Imagine a place where there is no sickness, no pain, or death.
32:02 I can't wait for heaven.
32:04 How about you?
32:07 Heaven such a beautiful place
32:11 We'll see Jesus face to face
32:15 All sorrow and pain He will erase
32:20 heaven such a beautiful place
32:24 Heaven such a beautiful place
32:28 We'll see Jesus face to face
32:32 All sorrow and pain He will erase
32:36 heaven such a beautiful place
32:41 Heaven such a beautiful place Heaven such a beautiful place
32:52 You know, Ellen White said that we should contemplate heaven
32:56 and how are they think about the life of Jesus,
32:59 think about heaven.
33:00 And how wonderful to teach our children of all ages
33:05 this truth is to get them to thinking about this,
33:09 I love it. I know.
33:10 And to remind us about the beauties of heaven
33:13 and what we can expect
33:14 and just to just start thinking about it.
33:17 It's tremendous, it's tremendous.
33:19 Our next song is "The Lord Still Leads"
33:21 set it up for us a little bit.
33:23 This was one I actually wrote for the Love Rules project.
33:27 I didn't ended up not using it.
33:30 Then I kind of went back and re-looked at it and said,
33:32 you know, I think it's a really good
33:35 because we need to know
33:36 that God is always in control of our life.
33:39 We never have to worry about, you know,
33:42 we-- Ellen White makes a statement
33:44 if we don't have to worry about the past or the future
33:47 'cause all we have to do is look the past
33:48 how God has let us.
33:50 That's right.
33:51 And so, I went back over some Bible characters
33:53 like whether it'd be Jonah or whether it's be Daniel
33:55 some of these others.
33:57 And said, "let's see how the Lord show young people."
34:00 You can be confident no matter what situ--
34:03 you can be in the belly of the whale or or big fish.
34:06 You can be in a lion's den but you don't have to worry
34:10 if God, if you were a God wants you to be
34:12 and He leads He'll get you out of it.
34:14 Let's take a look.
34:19 Revelation tells the story of three angels in the sky,
34:22 they shout and sing and the message they bring
34:25 as a message from God on high.
34:28 Well, the devil is loose And he's running about
34:32 Trying to tempt all men
34:36 The end is near but we need not fear
34:39 Like candle in the lion's den
34:42 Oh, the Lord still leads and he still guides
34:46 He'll shut the lion's mouth
34:49 If we tempt from sin and followed him
34:53 He'll see save us there is no doubt
34:59 Don't know was in the belly of the fish
35:02 For we on things at nice
35:06 The devil try to take his life God saved him from his light
35:12 Oh, the Lord still leads and He still guides,
35:17 He'll shut the lions mouth
35:20 If we tempt from sin and followed him
35:24 He'll save us there is no doubt
35:33 The Lord will save us when we call upon his holy name
35:40 Oh, sinner wants you come on him
35:43 On Christ you can depend
35:46 Oh, the Lord still leads and He still guides
35:52 He'll shut the lions mouth
35:55 If we tempt from sin and followed him
36:01 He will save us there is no doubt
36:05 He will save us there is no doubt
36:16 Now that was a lot of food, isn't it?
36:18 I know, I know.
36:19 It's so happy and upbeat
36:21 and you just want to kind of hum along with it.
36:22 Yeah.
36:24 Which most of the songs are if understood the slower songs
36:27 but they're upbeat, they're happy,
36:30 you just want to sing with them.
36:31 I didn't intend as I mentioned earlier
36:33 to do other whole project
36:34 but one day it just one of these songs came to me,
36:37 so I just kind of put it aside
36:38 and month or so or weeks later whatever
36:41 another song came to me.
36:43 And it's a song writer some of you've written songs
36:46 you might understand what I am about to say,
36:48 there was no fighting going on.
36:49 Sometimes you work with the song, you work with it,
36:52 you write it out, and you write it yourself.
36:54 Oh, man, I'm just gonna have to put that on the shelf
36:56 I'll come back later.
36:57 These songs literally some of these came into airport
37:00 I was walking down the terminals.
37:01 And the airport one of them came to me
37:03 'cause something happened
37:05 the Lord still leads and He still guides
37:06 He'll shut the lions mouth.
37:08 So I said, I've got to get it sit down somewhere
37:10 and start writing this but the melody's came too.
37:12 Like I don't write the words, I didn't write the music
37:15 and then try to get words to match it,
37:17 I didn't try to do it vice versa.
37:19 I just simply, Oh, the Lord still leads
37:22 and He still guides.
37:24 I said, that works.
37:25 He will shut the lions mouth.
37:27 So I give God to credit for him
37:28 I'm not a prolific song writer.
37:30 I don't spent time and never studied how to write songs,
37:33 never spent a lot of time doing it.
37:35 Written some songs over the years,
37:37 but I knew God wanted these songs out apparently
37:40 because He gave him to me
37:42 and each one's different the melodies are different,
37:45 chords that I might not usually use
37:47 certain progressions in other songs came to me and this.
37:53 Something that kids catch onto and young kids,
37:57 you know, catch onto it
37:58 but yet then it was important that we do scriptures
38:01 and so almost every song we put scriptures up
38:04 for these the young people to learn themselves.
38:06 I gave God the credit because I realized,
38:08 I didn't really sit down to do this,
38:11 these happened and then one just came after another.
38:13 And I kind of had to shut it off at the end of this.
38:16 So, I 've been too busy after this
38:18 when we did hallelujah you were home at last
38:20 and then wrote several songs
38:22 and some with you and Larry Golson,
38:24 others have totally different style.
38:26 Yeah.
38:27 But who knows I don't know for third group
38:29 that'll ever come but if they started to come in,
38:31 I guess we'll set down and do another one.
38:32 But I want to say, I can't say enough
38:34 for the young people there,
38:36 ages from, you know as young as 7 to
38:39 I think 18 is the oldest in the group there,
38:42 but these young people all of that DVD,
38:44 we did in one day...
38:45 That's amazed.
38:46 Isn't that amazing? Yeah, did it.
38:48 Of course, we had the sound track, you know,
38:49 the music ready and all that,
38:50 but we did that all in, in one day.
38:52 That's thanks to Brenda Walsh, I mean,
38:53 that woman, she knows how to put together a project,
38:57 organize and get it together.
38:59 I want to thank Yvonne Lewis for helping
39:01 with the backgrounds and arrangements
39:02 so when to do it,
39:04 sing in parts, she actually
39:05 we'd have somebody to sing to Melody,
39:07 and she would sing a part
39:09 and my daughter Melody would sing another part,
39:11 we'd send him to the kids ahead of time
39:13 and when we wanted alto we would say,
39:16 now you sing with Melody learn it that part,
39:19 then one with-- with Yvonne should sing
39:21 the ops that we wouldn't call. What would you call it?
39:23 Give me the melody.
39:24 The melody or whatever then, would say okay.
39:27 Now you sing we've learned this song with Yvonne,
39:30 so when they came together they sing it,
39:32 everybody knew their parts that way.
39:34 And so thank you and Melody both for doing all of that--
39:37 for helping and working with the arrangements.
39:39 Oh, it was a blessing really. Yeah.
39:40 I mean, just to be able to be used to do this was great.
39:44 But this whole project to me
39:48 the inspiration that God gave you
39:50 just knowing that you know--
39:51 you were can't do it, the Lord really..
39:54 God wanted project to happen--
39:55 He wanted this project out.
39:57 And you were can't do it so we praise the Lord for that.
40:00 And you-- I want to take back what I just said
40:02 when he'd said, he wanted out for children.
40:03 This-- I don't want it just limit this to,
40:06 this is as you said, they were kids from 6 to 18
40:09 and kids love this of all ages
40:12 that this is a great project for youth.
40:14 And I know, a lot of your grandma's and grandpa's
40:17 that are-- have been buying these CDs
40:20 and now the DVDs are available.
40:23 But It's A Beautiful World is something that--
40:26 it seems like people are ordering in two's
40:28 they get one for the grandchildren,
40:30 one for themselves.
40:32 It sounds which is great, which is great.
40:34 Tell us about "Ready Or Not."
40:36 Well, "Ready Or Not" is just--
40:38 when you look around this we turn on the news,
40:40 we see everything that's happening.
40:42 We can choose not to focus on the gospel.
40:44 We can choose to fo-- not focus on heaven.
40:48 And we think that we can just turn away
40:50 from it and do our own thing
40:51 and everything will be all right.
40:53 But Jesus is coming "Ready Or Not"
40:55 that's the point of this song,
40:57 we want young people to figure this out
40:59 and older people too.
41:00 Just because we're not going to church,
41:02 just because we say-- you know,
41:04 what I don't really want to live a Christian.
41:05 I'm gonna live the way I want to live.
41:07 That doesn't change things
41:09 Jesus is coming back ready or not.
41:11 So whether we live 10 years here or 80 years or 90 years
41:15 that's not what's most important--
41:17 what's most important is
41:18 what do we do during the time that we are here.
41:21 How do we recognize,
41:23 that this is the smallest part of eternity.
41:26 Is right here, is this serve because when Jesus comes
41:29 we talk about the end that's really the beginning
41:32 'cause it's the beginning of life everlasting.
41:34 So I want people to keep in mind,
41:36 we maybe out doing whatever we want to do in the world
41:39 but Jesus is coming ready or not.
41:42 And I'm praying that anymore-- you have to pray for me
41:44 that I'm ready I'm praying for you all
41:46 that you are ready when Jesus comes
41:48 we'll look up and say, Lord, this is our God
41:50 and we waited for it He has come to save us.
41:52 Amen.
41:54 Let's listen to Ready or not.
42:05 Jesus is coming
42:07 Ready or not
42:09 He's coming in clouds
42:11 The trumpets will sound
42:12 The devil rise will meet him in the sky
42:16 He's coming He's coming
42:18 Ready or not
42:20 He's coming He's coming
42:22 Ready or not.
42:24 1 Thessalonians 4:16 explains what happens
42:28 when Jesus returns to this earth.
42:30 "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
42:33 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
42:36 and with the trump of God,
42:38 and the dead in Christ shall rise first,
42:40 then we which are alive and remain
42:43 shall be caught up together with them in the cloud,
42:47 to meet the Lord in the air,
42:49 and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
42:53 Jesus is coming
42:54 Ready or not
42:56 He's coming in clouds
42:58 The trumpets will sound
43:00 The devil rise will meet him in the sky
43:03 He's coming He's coming
43:05 Ready or not
43:07 He's coming He's coming
43:09 Ready or not.
43:11 When Jesus came to earth the first time,
43:14 He came quietly as a baby born in Bethlehem.
43:17 This time He'll be coming as king of kings
43:20 and Lord and Lord's.
43:22 Mathew 24:30 says,
43:25 "And they shall see the Son of man
43:27 coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory."
43:31 And revelation 1:7 reads, "Behold,
43:35 He is coming with clouds, and every eye shall see Him."
43:40 Jesus is coming
43:42 Ready or not
43:43 He's coming in clouds
43:45 The trumpets will sound
43:47 The devil rise will meet him in the sky
43:50 He's coming He's coming
43:53 Ready or not
43:54 He's coming He's coming
43:56 Ready or not.
43:59 Yes, boys and girls. Jesus is coming Ready or not.
44:02 Jesus wants us to live our lives
44:04 so that we will be ready to meet him
44:06 whenever He comes back in the clouds of heaven.
44:09 Matthew 24:42, 44 says, "Watch therefore:
44:14 for ye know not the hour your Lord doth come.
44:18 Therefore be ye also ready:
44:20 for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
44:27 Jesus is coming
44:29 Ready or not
44:31 He's coming in clouds
44:32 The trumpets will sound
44:34 The devil rise will meet him in the sky
44:38 He's coming He's coming
44:40 Ready or not
44:41 He's coming He's coming
44:44 Ready or not
44:45 He's coming He's coming
44:48 Ready or not.
44:54 Amen. Yeah. Amen.
44:55 He's coming ready or not. We have to be ready.
44:59 We have to be ready. We do.
45:02 I love the next song that we're getting ready to do
45:05 because it's-- because it teaches our dietary
45:09 kind of health, health focus, yeah.
45:12 Yeah, health reform-- in a song tells about it.
45:15 Well, I haven't heard many songs
45:17 it really how do you deal with, with health reform,
45:19 you know, what the Bible says in the Old Testament,
45:22 the New Testament and how do you do it.
45:24 And so I just got to thinking about it
45:26 and I've always heard this saying,
45:28 my mother used to say it
45:30 and we've actually had physicians come here
45:31 and they say, hey, "You Are What You Eat."
45:33 So, I said, do you know what?
45:34 If that's true, you know, then I think we should look at it
45:38 and maybe try to write a song.
45:39 So I put it together and did a little study on it
45:41 went into Genesis and went into the New Testament,
45:44 Old Testament and we came up with the song,
45:47 "You Are What You Eat."
45:49 "You Are What You Eat," let's watch.
45:58 You are what you eat
46:00 I've been told
46:01 If this is true
46:03 I plan to grow
46:08 Let's think and look at what the Bible has to say
46:11 About the foods we eat each day
46:15 Genesis tells about fruits, nuts, and grains
46:18 Leviticus tells us what else remained
46:24 Let's read about it in Genesis 1:29,
46:27 "And God said, 'See,
46:28 I have given you every herb that yields seed
46:31 which is on the face of all the earth,
46:33 and every tree whose fruit yields seed,
46:36 to you it shall be for food.'"
46:38 The Book of Leviticus describes
46:39 the two categories of animal food,
46:42 clean and unclean.
46:43 God commands that His people only eat clean meat
46:46 as described in Leviticus the 11th Chapter.
46:50 No pig. No catfish.
46:51 No mice. No rabbit.
46:53 No shrimp. No squirrel.
46:55 No oysters. No dog or cat.
46:57 No snakes.
47:00 Let's take a look at what the Bible has to say
47:03 About God's plan for us each day
47:06 To be healthy and happy in every way
47:10 This is God's plan for us each day
47:16 Boys and girls we belong to Jesus
47:18 and because He loves us, He has given us great advise
47:22 on how to be healthy and happy.
47:24 Let's read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
47:27 "Or do you not know that your body is the temple
47:30 of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
47:32 whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
47:35 You were bought with a price,
47:37 therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit,
47:42 which are God's."
47:45 Now I know The truth's been told
47:48 And with God's help I plan to go
47:53 Aren't you glad that God has a plan for your life?
47:56 3 John 2 tells us what that plan is?
47:59 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
48:03 and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
48:07 Jeremiah confirms this plan in Chapter 29:11.
48:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
48:13 says the Lord,
48:15 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
48:17 to give you a future and a hope"
48:20 If you give your life to Jesus
48:23 and take care of your body by exercising and eating
48:26 the right kinds of food then you too can sing.
48:30 Now I know the truth's been told
48:33 And with God's help I plan to grow
48:40 And with God's help I plan to grow
48:43 I plan to grow
48:51 I can't believe we are running out of time.
48:54 I know. I know it.
48:55 We want to get to this next song.
48:57 It's-- "I Have A Song In My Heart," listen, watch.
49:12 I have a song in my heart
49:14 And praise on my lips I have peace I have joy
49:18 And love that won't quit 'Cause Jesus says my song here
49:23 Brings me happiness
49:28 I have a song in my heart
49:31 And I am blessed I am blessed
49:36 When Jesus is the center of our joy,
49:38 we will have a song in our heart and that song is Jesus.
49:42 Let's read about it in Exodus 15:2.
49:45 "The Lord is my strength and my song,
49:47 and He is become my salvation."
49:50 And Isaiah 12:2 says,
49:52 "Behold, God is my salvation,
49:54 I will trust and not be afraid,
49:56 for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song."
50:02 I have a song in my heart and praise on my lips
50:06 I have peace I have joy
50:08 And love that won't quit 'Cause Jesus says my song here
50:13 Brings me happiness
50:18 I have a song in my heart
50:21 And I am blessed I am blessed
50:26 When we love Jesus, the Bible promises us peace of mind.
50:30 And Psalm 1:19:165 it says,
50:33 "Great peace have they which love thy law
50:36 and nothing shall offend them."
50:38 And John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you,
50:42 my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth,
50:46 give I unto you.
50:47 Let not your heart be troubled,
50:49 neither let it be afraid."
50:52 I have a song in my heart and praise on my lips
50:57 I have peace I have joy and love that won't quit
51:00 'Cause Jesus says my song here
51:03 Brings me happiness
51:08 I have a song in my heart
51:11 And I am blessed I am blessed
51:17 Do you have happiness enjoy in your heart today.
51:20 The Bible says that when we give our hearts to Jesus,
51:23 He brings happiness enjoy into our lives.
51:26 Isaiah 55:12 says,
51:29 "For ye shall go out with joy,
51:31 and be led forth with peace,
51:33 the mountains and the hills shall break forth
51:35 before you into singing,
51:37 and all the trees of the filed shall clap their hands."
51:42 I have a song in my heart and praise on my lips
51:46 I have peace I have joy and love that won't quit
51:50 'Cause Jesus says my song here
51:53 Brings me happiness
51:58 I have a song in my heart
52:01 And I am blessed I am blessed
52:06 I have a song in my heart
52:09 And I am blessed I am blessed
52:13 I am so blessed


Revised 2016-01-01