3ABN Today

Year End Giving

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), Brian Hamilton, Mollie Steenson, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015092A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to a very special 3ABN Today program.
01:11 Well, this is a two hour program.
01:12 We would call it "Behind The Scenes."
01:14 Well, since it is not, we can not.
01:16 So we don't quite know what to call it,
01:17 but we call it something as the program short of ending.
01:19 We'll call it Year End, right. Okay, Year End.
01:21 It's a Year End State of the Union may be, I don't know.
01:23 Indeed. State of the Ministry.
01:24 I am in the presence of the articulate and effervescent,
01:27 Shelley Quinn.
01:28 Oh. Thank you.
01:29 The attractive and efficient Mollie Steenson.
01:31 The erudite and understated Brian Hamilton...
01:33 All right. I love it.
01:35 The efficacious and outstanding Danny Shelton and me.
01:38 I've no idea what he said. I hope...
01:39 I don't know whether to be happy or upset at him, do you?
01:42 He knows words.
01:44 He even knows how to use them in sentences
01:46 and how to spell them,
01:47 that you have never even heard of.
01:49 Oh, no, I've never even heard of those,
01:50 but they sounded okay.
01:51 Well, praise the Lord. So I think we're all happy.
01:53 Yeah, we're happy. We're all happy about it.
01:54 We're happy.
01:55 We're coming down to the end of the year.
01:57 We're in the last month of the year
01:59 and it has been an exciting year, Brother Shelton.
02:00 Absolutely.
02:02 And just recently Dr. C.A. Murray
02:04 had a birthday here.
02:05 We probably should sing happy birthday to you.
02:07 We already did, but for the folks at home,
02:10 they can sing happy birthday to you.
02:12 So we just want to tell you, we love you, we appreciate you,
02:15 and I look at you as my older brother now,
02:17 since we just switched...
02:18 We were the same age most of the year,
02:20 but he's ahead of me right now.
02:22 So, I've always looked up to you.
02:26 And Mollie's got one coming up in a next a little bit too.
02:28 She is a December person. I certainly have.
02:29 Okay.
02:31 Yeah, there are a lot of December people here at 3ABN.
02:33 Yeah. All right. And...
02:35 Well, you know, you don't feel any older...
02:38 Not today. The Lord...
02:39 Not today, no.
02:41 And the Lord keeps you young.
02:42 And as Shelley was just saying, I don't want to be old
02:44 and fabby was that Mollie?
02:46 Oh, it was me. I don't mind getting old.
02:48 I just don't get old and bitter.
02:50 Oh, there you go. Absolutely.
02:52 And when Jesus in your heart that should stop that,
02:54 that's the only...
02:56 That's the only way to do that, right.
02:58 And the Lord gives us such good news, Danny, that, it...
03:00 Even if you entertain the thought of being bitter,
03:03 you come to work here, you see a Shelley Quinn,
03:04 you see a Mollie Steenson, you see a Brian Hamilton,
03:07 you see a Danny Shelton
03:08 and it kind of makes your day go pretty easy.
03:09 That is true.
03:11 You know I had a lot of people talk to us
03:13 and we got lots of calls on the Thanksgiving program.
03:17 And there was about 18 of us there
03:18 and Shelley you and J.D. were in Israel.
03:20 Sorry that you missed it. We were too.
03:22 But we had a wonderful time together and people keep saying
03:25 as you said that they have said to you.
03:27 You people really look like you like each other.
03:30 I mean, you really are very friendly, you're very open.
03:33 I had someone called me from way on the east coast
03:37 and they have been here a couple of times to visit,
03:39 but they said, we are so amazed
03:41 that we can tell when people
03:43 really enjoy each others presence.
03:44 We can tell when you are happy,
03:46 but they say when we're at 3ABN,
03:47 we get treated so well by everybody,
03:50 no matter who it is and what position they have.
03:53 And I said really that's the way it should be.
03:54 But you know, we don't take that for granted.
03:57 I don't in the position I am.
03:58 I'm thankful that God has brought us literally
04:01 all of us a team and you at home,
04:04 those of our team members who pray for us,
04:06 those who have joined the Blessing on the Go,
04:08 those who just been giving for years with no credit.
04:11 And, and praying for years with no credit back to you.
04:15 Thank you for what you do,
04:16 but we have a wonderful team here
04:19 and I praise God that the atmosphere is good
04:22 and we're happy.
04:24 People come in and you hear a lot of laughter in the halls
04:26 and people say, how can you be so serious,
04:29 things must be going well, financially you must be...
04:32 Brian, you must be rolling in the money,
04:33 but we know that's not true.
04:35 And it's always a struggle.
04:36 It's especially been a struggle the last couple of years,
04:39 financially, to really, to stay
04:41 and try to keep the head above the water.
04:43 And sometimes we've been spending more money
04:45 than we take in.
04:46 So we're being honest with you about that.
04:48 But you know what?
04:49 "God supplies all of our needs
04:51 according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus."
04:54 And He's been doing it through you.
04:55 Brian will tell us a little bit later on,
04:57 but the last few months,
04:58 we've seen our donations coming back up
05:01 and we're cutting expenses because we're determined
05:04 that this is God's ministry and I said in the beginning
05:07 that I don't want to beg and don't want to borrow
05:10 and so we want to go to that and say, you know, what,
05:12 we want to totally have no debt, we want to-- Brian,
05:16 and when we go forward we're not going to beg for money,
05:18 but we make our needs known from time to time.
05:20 So this is year end.
05:21 And so appreciate you right now thinking about what the Lord
05:25 would have you to do.
05:26 Some of you can give, yeah, this year.
05:28 You are saying, Lord, what should I do with my resources?
05:32 Well, please pray and ask about donating here at 3ABN.
05:36 Some of you're saying, we've just given this year,
05:39 but in January, so ask the Lord
05:41 what He would have you to do something special for 3ABN.
05:45 All of this is not for us.
05:47 We're not getting raises from it.
05:49 All we're doing is trying to get this gospel of the kingdom
05:52 into all the world.
05:53 And there are so many
05:54 communication highways opening up,
05:56 that is just mind-boggling to some of us,
05:59 that the doors that God has opened.
06:01 Thirty years ago, Brian, I would have dreamed
06:03 I can pick my phone right now, an iPhone that I haven't have,
06:06 some might have Androids and watch 3ABN
06:08 anywhere in the world.
06:09 I mean, that's Dick Tracy stuff, right?
06:11 When your kids, some of you old enough know,
06:13 remember Dick Tracy when we're kids and had to watch.
06:16 And I haven't have one of those watches now,
06:18 but I still have my $27 Timex because I figuring out
06:21 how to use that smart watch that you can talk
06:24 and make phone calls too.
06:25 It's a great watch.
06:26 It's just a little smart for me right now.
06:28 So, but what I'm saying is, here it is, the end of year,
06:32 after 31 years we're still going, Brian.
06:34 Mollie, we're still...
06:36 We haven't had to go off the air.
06:38 We're still growing.
06:39 We've gone, equipment the last several years.
06:42 Gone from technology, that's hi-def equipment.
06:45 I mean, studios, every thing that we've needed,
06:48 God has supplied the needs He's done that through you.
06:51 So this is a time for us to say a big thank you.
06:54 I'm sure some of the rest of you all
06:57 will want to say the same thing.
06:58 And thank the folks, for what you're doing.
07:00 But, from me thank you so much
07:02 for what you're doing for the cause of God.
07:03 So we got a good program.
07:05 It's just not a planned one as usual.
07:07 But back to the point again, we do love each other
07:10 because there's a great amount of respect for the folk
07:13 that we work with here.
07:14 Not just the ones you see on camera,
07:16 but those that's behind the scenes working.
07:19 We've done numerous new Christmas programs.
07:21 We've got people, they are putting hundred of hours
07:24 and a lot of folk working overtime.
07:26 Some of these are salary people.
07:28 They don't get the extra pay but they say, you know what,
07:30 if works got to be done we're doing it.
07:32 So they are people that you will never meet on this earth,
07:35 right here at 3ABN, and maybe behind the cameras,
07:37 in the production rooms, could be out just,
07:40 just to serving in other areas, in the call center,
07:43 the sound center, but we're all on the same team.
07:46 Thank you for joining with us
07:48 as we take the undiluted Three Angels' Messages.
07:51 One would counteract the counterfeit into all the world.
07:54 You know, Danny, when our viewing analyst and audience
07:58 becomes part of the go team or sends a donation in,
08:01 they really are entering into a family.
08:04 And we function as a family.
08:08 Someone asked me, just last week in Buffalo,
08:09 talking about you.
08:11 They said, "Do you like that guy?"
08:12 I said, yeah, I do. I really...
08:14 Why are people always asking that, Brian?
08:16 Everywhere they go, they are always asking that.
08:18 I said, he's a genuine deal.
08:20 And you look at the-- our "guests" here.
08:24 We get along well. There's no fighting.
08:26 You know people fighting to get on air.
08:28 In fact, we fight to get out of this chair,
08:30 because it is chair, we're just like, "You want the chair?"
08:32 "No, I don't want." "You want it?"
08:33 That kind of thing.
08:34 So when you become part of the 3ABN team,
08:37 you really join a family unit of people
08:39 who genuinely like each other
08:41 and who generally love the Lord.
08:43 And television is a stressful thing.
08:44 There's no way to get around it.
08:46 And yet, it is made so much better
08:47 because you're dealing with people
08:49 who love Christ and who...
08:51 If they occasionally make a mistake
08:53 and sort of run out of their lane,
08:54 they are quick to say I'm sorry and we press on.
08:56 That's how Christians work together.
08:58 So this is a family unit.
09:00 It is a family and it's a great place to come to work
09:02 and to come to praise the Lord.
09:04 You know something that I thought we might need to
09:06 kind of express to our viewers is,
09:09 we don't have any on-air personalities here at 3ABN.
09:13 We have employees that go on the air
09:17 and present programs and so forth.
09:19 What everyone of us did before we came out here,
09:23 was we got up from our desk where we had been working,
09:26 been in meetings, this things run all morning long,
09:29 taking care of business.
09:30 Brain is taking care of the finances.
09:32 Shelley is working with other people
09:35 that want to do new programs.
09:37 C.A. is the general manager
09:41 of our Proclaim Network and he's a producer.
09:45 Danny is busy all the time.
09:47 So what we do is that hopefully
09:50 give us at least a days warning,
09:52 so we can fix our hair, you know,
09:54 or put on--you know.
09:55 Oh, no. Except for C.A.
09:57 And so that we'll know oh,
10:00 we're gonna be doing a program tomorrow.
10:02 So we get prepared,
10:04 but we come into work at 7.30 in the morning
10:06 and we work till it's time to get up from our desk,
10:09 come out here and, and talk to you because we love you
10:13 and we want to be a part of your lives.
10:15 But we are workers here at 3ABN.
10:17 I think, I said this sometime ago.
10:19 We don't have any queen bees at 3ABN.
10:22 We have nothing but worker bees.
10:24 And so that's what we are. That's true. That's true.
10:28 You know, I love the fact that you said that,
10:30 you made the deal with the Lord
10:32 that you didn't ever want to have to beg for money.
10:34 And I am so excited and you guys know
10:38 that how my enthusiasm has been bubbling over.
10:42 I'm so excited that the Lord gave you the vision of a way
10:46 to increase the financial base for 3ABN.
10:50 But it's not begging for money, it's actually we are...
10:53 God, when He gave you this vision,
10:55 He also gave it where it would benefit our viewers
11:00 and that is the Go Evangelistic Team.
11:03 The Blessing is on the Go Evangelistic team.
11:06 And I'm so excited to say that right now
11:08 we have nearly 2,000 people.
11:11 And just these short months,
11:13 it would just barely gaining traction.
11:16 And it is so exciting to see how...
11:20 Well, your God is honoring your deal.
11:22 I never want to have to beg for money.
11:24 So what does He do?
11:25 He gives you a vision, a plan, a movement
11:28 to get His people off their pews,
11:32 out of the pews
11:33 and really doing something that's so simple,
11:36 to just share with friends or neighbors
11:38 and to support evangelism around the world.
11:40 And there are somebody isn't familiar,
11:42 they are just tuning in.
11:44 Quickly how does it work? Oh, okay, yeah.
11:46 Well, I just assumed that everybody, our living breed,
11:49 the Go Evangelistic Team.
11:50 So what this vision is, is that, when you...
11:57 You joined with us to become a Go Evangelistic Team member.
12:02 Danny has been saying for years.
12:04 "The Blessing is on the Go."
12:06 And God gave him this idea that what you do is register.
12:10 You can go to our 3ABN.TV, our website and click on the banner
12:16 and you can register to become an Evangelistic Team member.
12:21 And if you are part of the Go Evangelistic team,
12:24 you're making a recurring monthly donation to 3ABN
12:29 and you're supporting evangelism around the world.
12:33 And we're gonna be having some huge public evangelism,
12:36 in addition to our television and radio.
12:38 But then also we send you every month an evangelistic tool.
12:43 It could be a Bible study, it could be a music CD or DVD,
12:47 a sermon on DVD, or book.
12:50 And it's something you can share with your friends
12:54 or your family and your neighbors.
12:55 Something so simple.
12:57 Anyone from 9 to 90 can do this
12:59 because not everybody can get up
13:01 and stand in front of a group and speak
13:03 or maybe you're not comfortable leading a Bible study.
13:06 But you can share a tool, it's just a friendship evangelism.
13:11 And you know, evangelism is not an event, it's a way of life.
13:15 And so this is what we're doing.
13:18 And then as you are...
13:20 When you do register, you get a certificate,
13:22 a beautiful certificate to say
13:23 that you are part of 3ABN's Go Evangelistic team.
13:28 And you get Danny Shelton's book,
13:31 the "Blessing Is on the Go" which, Danny,
13:33 so many people are saying, are inspiring them.
13:36 You know, even... Oh, praise the Lord.
13:38 I mean, I'm getting so many reports of people
13:40 who are saying,
13:41 this has inspired me to recognize.
13:43 Time is short, we've got to do something.
13:46 But, we're just so excited for those of you
13:49 who have joined us
13:50 and we pray for our
13:52 Go Evangelistic Team members everyday.
13:54 But, I'm praying that God...
13:58 This is not a program, it's a movement of God.
14:03 And I feel that everything that we've done for 31 years,
14:06 to get all of this place is just so that God can reach out,
14:11 tap you on the shoulder and say, get involved.
14:14 And I'm just so excited that it's really gets traction.
14:19 I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do with this.
14:22 We had a General Conference person here
14:24 just a couple of days ago, in your office
14:26 and you were sharing the nuts and bolts of this.
14:29 And he didn't have to sell it,
14:31 he just said this is what we're trying to do.
14:33 And this person is right up there in a General Conference
14:36 and said, that's a God thing, that's...
14:37 Absolutely.
14:39 Man, that's something off the court...
14:40 So much so he said, I'm gonna take this back.
14:42 I'm gonna take it and do it.
14:44 To this at the General Conference level for a project
14:47 that I have going and I said help yourself.
14:49 Yeah, he said I'm gonna borrow it, that borrow it,
14:51 I'm gonna tell him to steal it, I'm taking it.
14:52 Yeah, he said, I'm gonna take it.
14:54 But he told just like it's not stealing.
14:55 No, no, no, I've said, hey, you know,
14:57 there's enough pies in refrigerator,
14:59 we just got to open the door,
15:00 there's a lot more refrigerators.
15:01 So anything that we come up with that help somebody else
15:04 we're happy about it
15:05 because the Lord will impress people
15:07 where there supposed to give.
15:09 Some folk are supposed to give here
15:10 and some will give to what he's doing
15:11 and we praise the Lord for that
15:13 because people are giving, souls are being won.
15:15 And so, you know, that's just the way it is
15:17 and that's the way we have to understand.
15:19 We don't own anything.
15:20 Everything we have is, is the Lord's.
15:22 He allows us to be caretakers for a while.
15:25 But sometimes that can be
15:26 a very difficult responsibility.
15:30 Juggling, doing things to say, how am I gonna make this work.
15:33 And Brain knows that because I'm talking about you actually.
15:36 You're in a very difficult position
15:38 because you know what the needs are
15:40 and yet you sometimes see what's coming
15:42 and so you have to say, well, folks,
15:44 now this month I know you want to do this,
15:46 but can you slow down a little,
15:48 let me pay that, then we go on there.
15:50 But somehow it's been working and we've seen some great--
15:54 in the last few months, some results, aren't we?
15:56 Yes.
15:57 For some years a couple...Two or three years now
16:01 we've seen a slide in the number of donors giving
16:07 that it was concerning us.
16:08 Yes.
16:10 And, and that's where the Lord kind of impressed you
16:13 I believe that,
16:15 that the problem was really evangelism.
16:17 We weren't about being evangelistic.
16:20 We were about producing programs and good programs,
16:23 quality programs.
16:25 But we hadn't really...
16:26 We lost our emphasis on evangelism.
16:30 So as we've refocused on evangelism,
16:32 we've seen the number of donors increasing
16:35 and that's broadening our base.
16:37 That was one of the pieces of the puzzle
16:39 that we needed to change.
16:42 And the Lord is blessing on that.
16:43 So we've seen that graph now going up which is great to see.
16:49 C.A., you know, pastors have these stewardship sermons
16:53 every once in a while, right?
16:55 Once a year, at least you... At least once in a year.
16:57 The conference, you know, it says, hey,
16:58 you got to go have stewardship sermon
17:00 and in those sermons we talk about the treasure
17:02 that the Lord is giving us.
17:05 The Lord is giving us the treasure of time,
17:08 talent, and means.
17:10 And that's our treasure that He has given to us.
17:13 And just this week since I had to put this together
17:17 a few spots on stewardship and that type of thing,
17:20 I was assigned at.
17:24 It hit me, we're talking about time, talents, and means.
17:29 That's going and doing and giving.
17:34 That's right.
17:35 The blessing comes from the going and the doing
17:40 and the giving.
17:41 And we've seen our viewers come up to the plate on that.
17:45 And so we're blessed, but I believe our viewers
17:48 are going to be blessed even more.
17:49 Absolutely. Yeah.
17:50 You know, what? I've to say...
17:52 I agree with you there because when you think about this...
17:56 When God created us and when He created life,
17:59 He instilled in every living organism,
18:02 the capability of reproduction.
18:04 And the law of life demands reproduction.
18:08 If a species is not reproducing,
18:11 they are going to become extinct.
18:13 Well, that applies in the spiritual level,
18:15 as in spiritual level as well.
18:18 If we do not share our faith with somebody,
18:22 it's kind of like our faith just becomes dead faith,
18:25 we've got to share.
18:27 And if our churches are not growing,
18:29 if your church isn't growing, if it's just maintaining,
18:33 it's on the verge of becoming extinct, as people die off.
18:37 So when Jesus said to us in Matthew 28
18:41 that we are to go into all the world
18:43 and share this gospel with the, you know,
18:47 fulfill this great commission
18:48 by sharing the gospel with all these nations,
18:51 I believe that His underlying motivation
18:55 was because He knew, the reason God chooses us,
18:58 He could finish the work by Himself,
19:01 but the reason God chose us to be part of this work,
19:04 to go and to share, is because He knew,
19:06 that's what would keep us spiritually alive
19:09 and that's how our churches will grow.
19:11 Yeah. Here's what you tapped into.
19:14 There is an irrevocable law, it can not be changed,
19:17 it can not gain said, that when you step out an evangelism
19:21 and directly involve yourself in the work of the Lord,
19:24 two things happen, one, your finances stabilize,
19:27 any church, any person, once you begin doing that.
19:29 And two, your spirituality soars,
19:31 which is why Shelley has gotten so, so infective,
19:35 infected and is infecting all of us
19:37 because one, your money is gonna stabilize.
19:41 God's not gonna put you in a hole
19:43 and then your spirituality is gonna just zoom.
19:47 And, so I have to quote, what Shelley was saying,
19:50 if your church is lagging or flagging,
19:54 if your own spirituality is dipping or dying,
19:57 then buy into this, if I can use that terminology...
20:00 Yeah, sure.
20:01 You really want to get on board on this,
20:03 two things will happen.
20:04 And we're not preaching a prosperity kind of thing.
20:05 We are just saying this is a law
20:07 that God has put in place.
20:08 One, if you stand up for Him, He's gonna stand up for you.
20:11 So your finances are gonna stabilize
20:13 and your spirituality is gonna soar,
20:15 that's gonna happen.
20:17 And if you try God, He will prove Himself faithful,
20:20 that's sort of a whole Malachi 3 thing is about.
20:23 That if you give to Him, God will give to you,
20:25 press down and running over.
20:27 That's God's promise
20:28 and you will find that it's true to your word.
20:29 That's why we're so excited.
20:31 We're walking around grinning, you know,
20:32 because God is doing something marvelous here
20:35 and we are infected
20:37 and want to infect the whole world.
20:39 You know, you're speaking the biblical principle,
20:42 "You reap what you sow."
20:44 Now that's a biblical principle.
20:45 What happens when you go to put
20:47 a biblical principle into operation?
20:49 You get a biblical result. Precisely.
20:51 And if you put a negative principle
20:53 in operation,
20:55 you're gonna get a negative result.
20:56 And you reap what you sow.
20:58 So as you sow--
20:59 and I just want to tell you 3ABN is good ground.
21:03 This is good ground.
21:04 This is good soil. Well said, Mollie. Yes.
21:06 And as you sow into 3ABN, you're gonna reap what you sow.
21:10 You know, I was thinking earlier,
21:13 of the letters, of the emails, of the phone calls,
21:17 that we receive in this ministry,
21:19 every single day of people
21:22 that make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
21:24 Come out of darkness and come into light,
21:27 that here the end-time truths that God has entrusted
21:31 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:33 God has entrusted this church with inside end time truths
21:38 and it's our responsibility to share them.
21:40 And as we share, people hear them
21:42 and they are coming into greater knowledge
21:44 of homes that have been healed,
21:46 of people that have been delivered,
21:48 of children who have comeback to the Lord.
21:51 This is the fruit of the ministry of 3ABN.
21:55 This is what you're sowing into
21:57 and, C.A., I don't think that we've told you this.
22:00 But just this week, I believe it was yesterday,
22:03 the lady from our call center, her name is Marilyn Durante,
22:07 she's the assistant manager at the call center.
22:09 She came over and said, Mollie, we got a phone call,
22:14 last Thursday night during the live
22:17 and this gentleman called and he said,
22:19 I want to thank 3ABN.
22:21 I had the gun in my hand. Oh.
22:24 I had the gun in my hand and,
22:27 and I started listening to the program
22:30 and C.A., you were hosting it.
22:32 And I just want you to know that I've put the gun down.
22:37 You all saved my life today. He didn't give us his name.
22:41 We don't have any information on,
22:43 but that, that is the soil that you are sowing into
22:48 when you sow into 3ABN,
22:50 that's where you're gonna reap what you sow.
22:52 And you know, when we were in Israel,
22:54 there were several people on the tour there
22:56 who grew up Adventist, left the church,
22:59 but because of 3ABN they came back into the church.
23:04 And we see that on almost a daily basis.
23:08 Our pastoral is getting calls
23:10 of people who grew up in the church,
23:12 left the church,
23:14 but have comeback into the church
23:15 from watching us, so.
23:16 You know, we look at Galatians 6:7
23:18 which is a text that you're alluded to, Mollie,
23:20 about sowing and reaping in a negative context.
23:22 If you live a bad life you're gonna have bad result.
23:24 But, the biblical principle is either way.
23:27 You know, because of the way
23:28 that if you put out positive things
23:30 and live a positive life
23:31 and surrender yourself to Christ
23:33 then good things are gonna happen.
23:35 You know, Christ things are gonna happen.
23:36 And that's what we've been,
23:38 you know, I had a teacher who said,
23:39 you know you got to be stupid enough
23:41 to serve the Lord.
23:43 You know, that scripture has may be been abused at times.
23:48 You know my frame of reference and I've seen it abused,
23:51 but it still a biblical principle.
23:53 If you-- and it's the natural principle.
23:55 If you sow corn, what you're gonna get?
23:57 Yeah, a corn.
23:58 Sow tomato seeds, what you're gonna get?
24:01 If you sow finances, it is a biblical principle.
24:06 And you don't give to get
24:08 because once that's your motive,
24:09 you've just negated the biblical principle.
24:13 But there is biblical principle involved.
24:15 And if you line yourself up with God's word
24:18 then the windows of heaven are opened up to you
24:20 and blessings are poured out
24:22 that you won't be able to receive.
24:23 That's biblical principle.
24:25 You know I forgot my Bible, it's in the car actually.
24:28 But, I wrote down two scriptures
24:30 before I came down here
24:32 and I just would like to do those really quickly.
24:33 Luke 6:38, you've already briefly mentioned this.
24:37 But, it's a law of reciprocity
24:39 where God says, give-- Jesus says
24:41 "Give, and it will be given to you good measure,
24:44 pressed down, shaken together and running over,
24:46 will be poured into your bosom.
24:47 For with the same measure you use,
24:50 it will be measured back to you."
24:51 So there is that law of reciprocity,
24:54 but I love how Paul says and this kind of ties into
24:58 what you were saying in 2 Corinthians 9.
25:01 He says, "He who sows sparingly also reap sparingly.
25:05 He who sows bountifully reaps bountifully."
25:08 And we are good soil.
25:10 There is a bounty of our harvest
25:12 when you sow into it.
25:14 But here's what he says.
25:16 "Let each one as he purposes in his heart,
25:19 give not grudgingly or of necessity;
25:21 for God loves a cheerful giver.
25:24 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you,
25:27 that you, always having all sufficiency in all things,
25:33 may have an abundance for every good work."
25:35 So there is this spiritual principle
25:38 that God sees and I forget, maybe you recall,
25:42 but there is a man that was here on 3ABN.
25:45 And he said, he started giving 90 percent of his income,
25:50 his business became very successful.
25:52 He was giving 90 percent of his income
25:54 to the Lord's work.
25:56 And he said, it was like I was putting in and out
25:59 a shuffle full at a time
26:01 and God was coming in like with the bulldozer,
26:04 dumping the blessings in on me.
26:06 So there is that blessing, that is a biblical principle.
26:09 You remember Charlie Clark?
26:12 Well, he did with--
26:13 Tell the people
26:14 what Charlie Clark did with his popcorn patch.
26:16 Yeah, that was years ago.
26:18 Charlie had some property. He was still in Nebraska.
26:20 They have been here for a number of years,
26:22 moved here with their family.
26:23 But Charlie is a farmer and have,
26:25 I think 3,000 acres something like that.
26:27 But somewhere on his property,
26:28 I think it's fairly close to his house, Brian.
26:31 He had some property there
26:32 that just wouldn't seem to grow anything.
26:33 And he tried to grow things that just wouldn't happen.
26:36 So finally he said, you know, what, I've tried popcorn,
26:39 I've tried this, I've tried that,
26:40 I'm gonna put out popcorn this year
26:42 and Lord this is yours,
26:44 whatever comes out of this I'll give it to you.
26:46 He had the best crop that he didn't ever have.
26:48 According to Charlie, this thing grow
26:50 and literally I think proprietor
26:51 or somebody was buying it and it just amazed him,
26:55 the same, you know, Nebraska is sandy soil up there,
26:58 but some of his better than others.
26:59 And he said, this soil just wouldn't grow anything.
27:03 When I gave it to the Lord,
27:05 it just multiplied, multiplied and was just a great crop.
27:08 I mean, how often do we hear that?
27:11 And I know on television and so many,
27:13 you hear these televangelists
27:14 and it's the healthy, wealthy and wise give it to me.
27:17 I've heard preachers say, I don't need the money.
27:19 I've got one guy said, I got to gold piano.
27:21 I got all of these things, but you need to give it.
27:24 So give it, you know,
27:25 but the healthy, wealthy and wise,
27:27 you know, we preached that to an extent
27:29 totally different though.
27:30 We say, if you live right, you don't smoke or drink
27:32 and you exercise and drink a plenty of water,
27:35 you're gonna live healthier than you would if you didn't.
27:38 But that's an action where we're doing something.
27:40 You can't give dollars to say, I'm gonna live healthy now.
27:43 I'm gonna eat. My mom used to say, I'm gonna eat anything.
27:46 She said, some people eat anything
27:47 that don't ate them first.
27:48 You know, so you can't eat anything that don't--
27:51 First except to be healthy because you give money.
27:53 You can't buy your way into good health.
27:55 You can't buy your way into heaven.
27:57 You can't buy your way into success.
28:00 But when you give to the Lord out of the heart,
28:03 and for the right motives because first of all,
28:07 everything that we have is not ours, it's God's.
28:09 So He allows us to be stewards.
28:11 So when we give to Him, we give to God,
28:15 He accepts that, that offering now is to Him.
28:18 God honors that because He said,
28:20 go ye into all the world.
28:21 So if we're giving--
28:22 One preacher said, you sow your old Cadillac
28:26 and God will give you new one, you know.
28:28 It wasn't on 3ABN and I'm happy to say that,
28:31 that's not true at all.
28:32 But here's what I've found out.
28:34 If I want to give something to get a new car,
28:37 that's not gonna work.
28:38 But if I say, you know, what, I'm gonna sow this seed
28:40 or I'm gonna plant this $1,000 into whatever ministry this is,
28:45 God always brings that back.
28:47 When 3ABN, over the years--
28:49 Mollie, you know certain people,
28:51 the Lord's impressed a certain areas to help
28:53 or to sow into ministries and God always comes.
28:56 I don't want to call it a rear door,
28:58 but comes somewhere, we don't even know.
29:00 I remember one time and we've may told it before.
29:02 Someone was on the dead end.
29:04 You know, had a program on 3ABN, very good people,
29:08 person, good ministry, but didn't have the money
29:11 and was gotten really behind on the bill,
29:15 the airtime because we have to pay that ourselves.
29:18 So these people pay us, the folks sits on.
29:20 But this particular ministry just didn't have the money.
29:24 We asked him about it, they said we don't have it.
29:26 So Mollie brings me a bill and it was $35,000.
29:30 And she said,
29:31 Danny, what do you want to do with this?
29:33 They just don't have the money
29:35 and we've asked them two or three times.
29:37 What should we do?
29:39 And I said, well, and before I did, she said,
29:41 I know what you're gonna say.
29:43 You want to just forgive, so she wrote forgiven on it.
29:45 Mollie, really gave.
29:46 I didn't give it because she just--
29:48 She said it like this, Brian, I know what you want to do.
29:51 So we'll just, you know, just helping me.
29:53 So I looked at her and I said, you know, what,
29:55 that's right, that's the right thing to do.
29:57 So I didn't really give it, Mollie gave it,
29:59 but it was $35,000.
30:01 So she literally just wrote on it, forgiven,
30:03 and mailed it to him.
30:05 She said, here's what we're doing,
30:06 instead of the bill, it's forgiven.
30:07 But wouldn't you rather have it forgiven
30:09 than have them owing it.
30:11 You see, now they don't owe it to us.
30:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a bad feeling.
30:14 Well, here's the thing.
30:15 So, so about two weeks later,
30:17 I get a call from the lady in Kentucky and she says,
30:21 I want to ask you about someone that's one the air.
30:23 And I said, we get that quite a bit.
30:25 Okay.
30:26 Is it true that they owed you $35,000 and they couldn't pay?
30:30 And I said, well, I don't really want to discuss that.
30:33 I'm not gonna discuss who owes and who doesn't.
30:36 And I said, who told you that? She said, well, he did.
30:39 The person, the head of the ministry did.
30:41 And I said, oh, he told you.
30:42 She said, yeah he told me that how wonderful that was,
30:45 that you actually forgave it.
30:47 Was that true? And so I told the story.
30:49 I said, well, actually Mollie did.
30:51 I supported her, but when she, she told me,
30:53 she knew what I do and wrote forgiven.
30:55 She said that is so nice.
30:57 I just want to hear it from you.
30:58 I put you a check in the mail today
31:00 for $50,000 to cover.
31:01 Glory to God.
31:03 Now, see, you didn't know that, Mollie, when you said,
31:05 you know, you're gonna do this.
31:07 Mollie didn't say.
31:08 Let's see, I think God will give me 50,000.
31:10 Her heart said, the ministry is good,
31:12 it's a good ministry
31:14 and it needs to stay on the air,
31:15 let's just forgive it and God will honor.
31:17 But who knew that this lady would call
31:20 and send $50,000 to cover.
31:22 We've seen it over and over and over again.
31:24 God will do that in your life too,
31:26 but giving for the right reasons
31:27 for the right purposes.
31:29 So when you give, when you give for the gospel,
31:33 when you give for something
31:34 that's gonna take the gospel to the world,
31:36 that's where Jesus says, "All power is given me,
31:39 all authority on heaven and earth.
31:41 Go ye therefore."
31:42 So there's no break right there
31:43 and that's what I like about it.
31:45 "All power is given me, go ye therefore.
31:47 So what he just said is, all power is given me.
31:50 There is no excuse on earth for you to say,
31:52 you can't do it.
31:54 I just said, all power is given me
31:55 and I'm telling you, go ye therefore.
31:58 Dr. Walter always said,
31:59 the Lord counted His resources in advance,
32:02 right, before He told us to go do something
32:04 and found he wasn't wanting.
32:06 So now we can say, you know, what,
32:08 Jesus said take this gospel into all the world.
32:10 So we can do it. You can be a 33 year old carpenter.
32:13 You can be a 25 year old, whatever and say,
32:16 when you're impressed to build our station
32:17 to reach the world,
32:19 I didn't have to think about it, Brian.
32:20 I didn't even go to counselors, maybe I should have.
32:22 I didn't go to the General Conference
32:24 and say, I wonder if I should do this
32:26 because in my mind--
32:28 They would have discouraged you.
32:29 I don't know.
32:31 All I know this is in my mind, I tried to--
32:33 Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and the testimony.
32:35 If it's not according to this word,
32:37 there's no light in them."
32:38 So all I said was,
32:39 what if there were a television station
32:41 giving the Three Angeles' Message
32:43 or what we believe it Bible Message,
32:44 we call it Seventh-day Adventist,
32:46 but a Bible message to a lost and dying world.
32:48 Will that be the Lord or the devil?
32:50 Lord. Thank the Lord.
32:51 Okay. That's all I need to know.
32:53 Let's go forward.
32:54 The very next day I went to see Hal and Mollie
32:56 and that's when I talked to Brother Hal
32:58 and you all have-- were charismatic pastors.
33:00 It's the time they had a large church,
33:02 growing church, at television--
33:03 She still a bit charismatic. Yeah, she is.
33:05 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord for that too.
33:08 Praise the Lord for that.
33:09 She's a two hander praiser,
33:11 but she does a great, so is Shelley.
33:12 Yeah.
33:13 But from there it went on and on and on till today,
33:16 31 years later
33:17 and we're still praising the Lord for what He has done.
33:20 But you know what? We couldn't do it without you.
33:22 So that's why today,
33:24 this is kind of an end of the year,
33:25 we've been having all kinds of programs on,
33:27 but we want to say most of all thank you for what you do.
33:30 For those of you it's in valley of decision.
33:32 We want you to pray
33:34 and we're gonna pray here in a little bit
33:35 and have you pray with us and say,
33:37 Lord, what would You have me to do,
33:38 something special for the end of the year,
33:40 this year for 3ABN,
33:42 so we can continue to take the gospel into all the world.
33:45 That's why, Brian, a while ago, we're hitting on evangelism
33:49 and that's why we're going to London.
33:50 We'll talk about that more later.
33:52 But, Mollie, you got something else, give it to us.
33:54 Well, I was just thinking,
33:55 you were talking about $35,000 that ramped into $50,000.
34:00 That's big figures.
34:02 But I want to share the story that Mrs. Haney shared
34:05 in Sabbath school this past Sabbath.
34:08 Mrs. Haney is the principle of our Christian school.
34:12 And when she was very young, she told at the time,
34:15 when her parents gave her, her money
34:17 to do her Christmas shopping
34:19 when they were on Christmas shopping,
34:20 you know how much she got?
34:22 A nickel.
34:23 She had maybe four bro-- three brothers, sisters, whatever.
34:27 It was penny a piece, that was her money
34:29 that she was gonna get to spend for her family.
34:32 And so they were going shopping and they went by--
34:35 I believe it was the salvation, one of the army, those--
34:38 the bucket wringers and she's told her daddy,
34:40 oh, dad, I want to put something in there.
34:42 I want to put my nickel in there.
34:43 And her father said, you know, put your money in there,
34:46 you're giving to the Lord, the Lord will supply for you.
34:50 So she dropped her nickel into the bucket
34:53 and then she walked into the store
34:55 and there laying on the ground was a quarter.
34:58 And her father said the Lord provided you.
35:01 She picks up the quarter, her nickel,
35:03 because she was obedient.
35:06 And she was a little gal.
35:08 So when a nickel,
35:10 it has ramps into a quarter when you're 5 years old,
35:14 Danny, that's as huge as $35, 000
35:17 ramping into 50,000.
35:19 It doesn't matter how much money it is,
35:21 God is your source and He sure supply
35:23 and He is the one that activates the miracles.
35:26 Absolutely.
35:27 And it's not always, you know, a tit for a tat.
35:30 If you give, that you give that--
35:31 You know, when we're talking about a 100 fold return,
35:35 sometimes it's not always monitory,
35:37 but it maybe that your shoes are not wearing out,
35:39 just like they did you know--
35:42 And Moses, and the children of Israel
35:43 or it maybe a blessing of health,
35:45 it maybe so many other things.
35:47 But I've never, you know, people will say,
35:50 you can't out give God and I say, who's trying.
35:54 I mean. But and it's so true.
35:57 You can't out give God and He does take care of us.
36:00 And as you said Brian, I'm sorry.
36:02 Just quickly, when you give to this ministry,
36:04 thanks to, to see that God planted in your heart,
36:07 you're giving to so many other ministries.
36:09 Every ministry that's on air is being supported
36:11 and you have graciously allowed other ministries
36:13 to come and raise money.
36:15 I just did a rap for an ASI that rolled this week.
36:19 That earthquake went through Katmandu, Nepal.
36:22 They needed $200,000. They came to 3ABN.
36:25 They got $380,000. Praise the Lord.
36:27 And they got it in less than 20 days time.
36:29 So the one light house in the country of Nepal,
36:33 that hospital, that Adventist hospital,
36:35 Scheer Memorial, is up there running
36:37 because of the money that was raised here on 3ABN.
36:40 And that's why I think God tends to bless this ministry
36:43 because this ministry exists for among other things
36:45 to bless other ministries.
36:47 Amen.
36:48 And honestly the airtime that people pay to be on
36:50 is not near what they would pay anywhere else
36:53 and it's more to cost basis because--
36:57 And so when we're doing that it helps all the ministries
36:59 because if we charge people what,
37:02 it really should cost them, they couldn't afford to be on.
37:05 And so that's something that we've said, okay,
37:08 we need the programming, we're gonna do this more
37:10 to cause rather than try to make money off of it,
37:13 like any other stations as they were running time
37:16 all around the country, around the world.
37:18 It's gonna be a whole lot of more costly
37:19 for the amount of audience that we have.
37:21 But it's just something we've said,
37:22 you know, what, God will honor this
37:24 and He has through you.
37:26 You know, people have asked me before.
37:28 You mean you charge other Adventist ministries
37:30 to be on 3ABN and I tell them,
37:32 no, we ask them to help us with the finances
37:36 because we have to pay the satellite bills
37:40 every single month and Brian they are huge, huge amount.
37:44 And so it's not that we're trying to--
37:47 we're just asking them to help us with the satellite,
37:51 the cost of the satellite.
37:52 We're not charging them
37:54 to give the message of the gospel to the world.
37:55 We are just appreciate the fact that they will help us,
37:58 then pay those satellite fees.
38:02 The term you used planting in the soil.
38:06 Every minute of every day, somebody's life
38:11 is being touched for eternity through 3ABN.
38:14 Amen.
38:16 You just think about, every minute of every day.
38:18 Just to give you an example. Last week I got a phone call.
38:21 Just came out of the blue and the person on the phone
38:24 identified himself as an employee
38:28 of one of the prisons in one of--
38:31 It was in New Mexico, State of New Mexico.
38:34 And the purpose of the phone call
38:35 was to introduce me to a prisoner.
38:39 So he wanted to let me know that the prisoner
38:41 who wanted to talk to me about a certain subject
38:44 and would I take the phone call and he told me who he was,
38:47 so I would legitimize the phone call.
38:49 So I get this phone call.
38:50 Not very often that you get a phone call
38:51 from somebody working at a state prison, okay.
38:56 And so then the inmate got on the phone.
38:58 That inmate was assigned to ask us to submit a proposal
39:06 to get 3ABN into their prison.
39:09 That was his assignment, okay. Wow. Okay.
39:12 He worked in the education wing
39:13 and they would like 3ABN as one of their,
39:16 one of the lineup in the program.
39:18 So he told me a little bit about himself.
39:20 He says, "I was in another prison,"
39:22 the one he's in currently, doesn't have 3ABN.
39:24 "But I was in another one that did."
39:27 And he said, "There was only two programs
39:29 we could get when everybody went digital
39:31 and they were analog.
39:33 And she says we get the home shopping network
39:36 and we could get 3ABN."
39:38 Praise God. Okay. All right.
39:39 He says, 3ABN was on solid in my cell
39:43 all that period of time.
39:44 But he says, I was so blessed
39:46 and I got to know each one of you folk
39:48 because of that experience, you know.
39:51 And so that's just a little seed
39:54 that's being planted and you don't know
39:56 where it's gonna go and what it's gonna do,
39:59 but it's blessed the man in prison.
40:02 And now he's in a position where he's advocating for us
40:06 to put 3ABN into another whole prison.
40:09 Wow. Praise to God.
40:10 One other things it's important and for anyone in ministry
40:13 and I put this on the Blessings on the Go,
40:15 is that the mission
40:17 that you have to stick with your mission.
40:19 When the Lord impressed us
40:21 to build a television station to reach the world
40:23 with an undiluted Three Angeles' Messages,
40:25 one would counteract the counterfeit,
40:28 praise God that we have stuck with that.
40:30 It's not just me, I'm talking about our board members.
40:33 No one has ever come on the board,
40:35 those who work with the church, for the church,
40:38 those who are laymen to come on,
40:39 we all in one accord, this is what so--
40:42 One other thing's I'm happy to say over 30 years,
40:45 we've seen a lot of changes in the world.
40:48 We've seen a lot of changes in a lot of churches,
40:51 but hopefully you have noticed
40:54 the message of 3ABN is still the same.
40:55 Amen.
40:57 Because it's an everlasting message,
40:59 but it's a message to give
41:00 to an end times message for an end times people.
41:03 So what we've done is we've concentrate,
41:06 we've centered in on the truth and say,
41:09 you know, what, even though the world is doing this
41:11 or even the churches, a lot of churches
41:14 are going this direction or that direction because--
41:17 we feel it always--
41:19 And I won't get down to the down home deal,
41:21 but it always bothers me that people do studies
41:24 and then on their studies they figure out
41:26 a better way to reach people than to tell them the truth.
41:29 Well, if we go around over here we'll get more people come in.
41:33 We get over here we'll do that.
41:35 And then eventually we hope they come around to get it.
41:38 When, since it's not ours and we don't--
41:41 And Jesus says, you know,
41:42 that we're just telling the truth.
41:44 "He's the way, the truth, and life."
41:45 So when we just give the straight message
41:48 then I feel like, if people are ready
41:51 they are not gonna miss it.
41:52 If they are not ready,
41:54 I don't care which directions you go to.
41:55 You can try all.
41:57 You can think you're the smartest person
41:58 in the world.
42:00 You can study all the, you know,
42:01 ways to philosophize this thing
42:04 and you can do all of this and you're not,
42:06 still not gonna reach them because they are not ready.
42:09 So we have found that when people want the truth,
42:12 miracles happen, literally they are dishes,
42:14 C.A. knows, that all of you know that,
42:15 dishes that were turned that never got 3ABN get up.
42:19 The guy in Jamaica, they hadn't watched us,
42:21 He's gonna kill himself, it was dark,
42:23 knocks the remote off and it turns on
42:26 and Mark Finely sitting here at 3BN with us saying,
42:29 a friend of you contemplating suicide, don't.
42:31 Those are miracles, folks. Those are absolute miracles.
42:34 We don't need to go study and somebody say,
42:36 well, I've done a study and we need to do this, no.
42:38 Just tell the truth
42:40 and let the truth land where it may,
42:42 on whom it may to accept it whenever they are ready for it.
42:46 And that's what I love about 3ABN.
42:47 Everyone of these folks, no one of these folks
42:50 or our board members have ever said,
42:51 you know, we really need to--
42:52 Everybody else is doing this, so why don't we try this?
42:56 Am I telling the truth?
42:58 Yes, you are. True, very much so.
42:59 Nobody here and none of our board members have ever said,
43:02 well, I think we should change the message up.
43:03 If we do a little softer here or we go here,
43:07 more people will accept.
43:08 No one has done it. We just preach it.
43:10 John Carter gets up, he preaches it.
43:12 You know, whether it's Doug Bachelor, he gets up.
43:14 Whether it's all these folks, just preaching.
43:16 C.A. Murray, Shelley, no matter who it is,
43:19 just preaching what we've been preaching for 30 years.
43:22 and that's what's doing it.
43:23 It's the Holy Spirit is blessing the message.
43:25 It's not the messenger that's important,
43:28 it's the message.
43:29 And we understand that.
43:31 So that's why there's no stars here at 3ABN.
43:34 We're family, just like you are family.
43:36 All we're trying to do is get the message
43:38 that God has given us as a church
43:41 to give this message to a lost anddying world.
43:43 And I'm amazed at how, when we simply tell the truth,
43:47 again miracle after miracle.
43:49 Radio stations, people call and say,
43:50 I'm getting your station.
43:51 There's not a radio station in 100 miles.
43:53 How can you be getting this?
43:55 It's happened over and over and over.
43:57 No, I see it on, you know, this is, I get this channel.
44:00 Well, how could you? There's nothing there.
44:02 But you know what?
44:03 God knows who's ready and who isn't.
44:05 So when people are ready for the truth,
44:07 then we don't want to be giving them something else.
44:10 That's gonna deter them. Amen.
44:11 We want them to turn on 3ABN and there it is.
44:14 And that I love it
44:16 and I'm so thankful that I work with people who say,
44:19 you know what, we want to give the truth,
44:21 we're not gonna compromise it,
44:22 we're not gonna color it to be popular
44:24 because now a days politics is even plays
44:27 a big part in too many churches.
44:30 So we want to do anything to do with politics,
44:32 we just wanted to do with truth
44:33 and do what God has called us to do.
44:35 And He's honored. God is honored.
44:37 All of you and all of you at home for supporting.
44:40 All of the folks that we have on the preaching,
44:42 the teaching, the ministries that is getting
44:45 the Three Angeles' Messages to the world.
44:46 Thank you so much.
44:49 You know, Danny, not everything we do is easy.
44:51 We had to do some cutting here recently.
44:54 Our, our income has been...
44:56 Since this is the State of the Union.
44:58 Yeah, that's all right.
44:59 Our income for the last 10 years
45:00 has been very solid, very consistent,
45:03 very straight, which we're blessed.
45:05 And we want to thank you for that.
45:07 That's a real blessing that you would
45:09 be so consistent, so faithful to us.
45:12 But at the same time as the income being steady,
45:15 we've seen our expenses going up.
45:18 You think a healthcare cost, just one item,
45:20 just, you know, like a 100,000 in a year
45:22 could go up, you know.
45:24 And so we've had to do some cutting.
45:26 And so one of the areas we cut this year
45:29 was to shut off one of those satellites.
45:32 And that was hard decision to make.
45:34 I mean, that wasn't easy.
45:35 And that's the one that goes to Europe.
45:38 But yet, then the Lord had some other way
45:40 for us to solve that issue
45:41 and that's with the new kind of box that Moses is...
45:45 Yeah.
45:46 The Roku boxes and my SDA TV, people can still get it.
45:50 And anybody that did get it, can if they do this so.
45:54 It really worked out and it's $34,000 a month.
45:57 And yet, we couldn't justify that
45:59 for the few people that was reaching it,
46:01 that had the dishes in those areas.
46:03 But now the churches...
46:05 The Hope Channel did the same thing.
46:06 They went off of that.
46:08 They are promoting Roku box and we've been doing it.
46:11 The Conference is over there.
46:13 So people are getting it
46:14 and now Moses got his new my SDA Box.
46:17 and so God honored that.
46:18 So people are still getting the message.
46:20 And they can still get it online.
46:23 You can still get it with your phones, your iPads,
46:25 there's so many way you can get 3ABN now.
46:28 And I think satellite is going out eventually,
46:31 I'd like to be off of all of them
46:33 because there are so many new ways
46:34 people can get us without having to do
46:37 all of those satellite bills.
46:40 Yeah, with us SDA Box, you know the hocus-pocus
46:43 that most of us always has cooking up.
46:46 But that thing has a potential reaching
46:48 you know far more people than the satellite.
46:50 Yeah, absolutely.
46:51 Because more people are in the internet, everyday.
46:54 And so that's...
46:55 I like to see how the Lord takes
46:57 one of those hard things we did and He did blessed it.
46:59 you know, with something else, so.
47:02 And Roku has, has the name recognition now.
47:05 But when people begin to understand
47:06 Danny, Shelley, Mollie, Brian,
47:08 the intricacies of this,this, my SDA TV
47:11 and some of the things that it can do
47:13 and features that it can do that put it far in a way above.
47:17 What Roku can do. Yeah.
47:18 I think they will be very much impressed
47:20 to get this box because
47:22 it's a fabulous piece of technology.
47:25 And as I understand Moses is gonna have three level.
47:27 Something like that. Yeah, sure.
47:29 And you know, and Moses is a bright guy.
47:31 Yeah, he is. I'm telling you the truth.
47:32 He is one smart cookie.
47:34 And he's always thinking spiritual,
47:36 he's always thinking how I can do this efficiently.
47:39 And sometimes he comes with a pretty heavy price tag,
47:42 but on the backend of that price tag is ministry
47:45 and somebody's life is gonna be touched.
47:47 This year we had to do some changes
47:48 and we didn't make,
47:50 begin to move into Digital HD, we would be here now.
47:53 So we had to spend some money,
47:54 but it was all again for ministry.
47:56 Right. Yeah.
47:57 You know I just wanted to say one thing
47:58 because I know our time is nearly out.
48:00 And to you at home who are watching by television
48:04 or listening on the radio or maybe on internet,
48:06 I just want to tell you that we love you.
48:08 You know this is something that
48:11 we pray for all of our viewers and our listener's everyday.
48:15 And we pray for those who support this ministry.
48:18 We pray for all of our callers everyday.
48:21 And we feel privileged to be part of your team
48:25 because that's how we feel is that
48:27 you're helping to support this ministry.
48:29 So we're all team.
48:31 And brothers and sisters in the Lord
48:34 and we just want to say that we love you
48:36 and I just want to tell you,
48:38 we hope that you have the most blessed Christmas
48:41 and a Happy New Year.
48:43 Amen.
48:45 C.A., we got about, what four or five more minutes.
48:47 In a little bit I want to have a prayer with our viewers.
48:49 And I also just want to again thank you
48:52 for what you're doing, all those who have joined
48:54 the Blessing on the Go.
48:55 Now some of you may be like me.
48:56 I didn't realize that I went in
48:58 when the first night we started
49:00 I did what I thought was the right thing.
49:02 But I noticed, Brian, two or three months later,
49:05 I'm getting the evangelistic tool
49:07 but I haven't seen any money come out of my account.
49:10 So I went to Mollie or you and said,
49:13 I wonder if there's other people like this
49:14 and it turns out that maybe a couple of hundred
49:16 other people or something.
49:17 You may be one of those.
49:19 So you may want to go back,
49:20 if you're getting this evangelistic tool,
49:23 what we do is we've actually setting it up,
49:25 so when people aren't giving we can't continue,
49:27 of course, it's costly to do that.
49:29 So we want to make sure that if you're one of those
49:32 that accidentally aren't thought you're giving monthly
49:35 and you are not, than you go back
49:37 and look at it again say, say you know what,
49:39 I need to make this, make this up,
49:42 either it's to say I don't want to do it
49:44 or I do want to do it.
49:45 But I think there's a lot of folk just like me
49:47 so I was sitting there thinking,
49:50 oh, wait a minute I'm not, where is that.
49:51 I'm not even missing that money and then it's like,
49:53 no it's not being coming out of my account.
49:55 And I thought it was coming out of Paypal.
49:57 So I'm correcting that, just so you all know,
50:00 you can keep sending me the Blessing on the Go tools
50:03 because I'm correcting that.
50:05 But there's folks like that at home,
50:06 we look through Mollie.
50:07 You found quite a few.
50:09 So we're asking you if you're not sure
50:10 maybe go back and look.
50:12 Make sure you've pushed on the monthly button
50:14 so it automatically comes out,
50:15 that's the easiest way not to forget it.
50:17 Yeah, that very last step,
50:19 I think several people probably just didn't see the last step
50:23 which I believe it's their recurrent.
50:25 And so that you have to press on that
50:28 and then every month your donation will come out
50:30 and then everything will just be
50:33 work like clock work for you.
50:34 And I also wanted to say that we are now sending
50:37 with each event, Go Evangelistic Tool.
50:40 We are sending three 3ABN share cards
50:44 so this is just shows ways to watch 3ABN,
50:48 ways to get 3ABN.
50:49 So we want to encourage all of our
50:51 Go Evangelistic team members to share the share cards
50:55 so that people will know how they can get 3ABN.
50:57 Now let's remind them quickly
50:59 also that we are thinking about adding
51:00 a day tour camp meeting next year
51:02 just for Go Evangelism Team purpose.
51:04 Which I think is really exciting.
51:06 Yes, this is gonna be a team.
51:08 It's going to be evangelism training
51:11 and we're gonna be brining a number of people to,
51:14 to talk about various ways and avenues of evangelism.
51:17 And just for all the blessing on the go team members.
51:19 All just for go... To help us, all right.
51:22 Encourage us and to teach us how to go forward.
51:24 What we like to do, we'll go to newsbreak in a little break.
51:26 But we're gonna have a prayer.
51:28 And maybe
51:29 a, well, that the birthday boy is still recent enough.
51:32 Maybe we can have you say
51:33 a special prayer for our viewers,
51:35 then we also want to put up on the screen, our 3ABN addresses.
51:39 We go to newsbreak.
51:40 So if the Holy Spirit is impressing you to support
51:43 this ministry you may do so.
51:45 Would you lead us in the prayer, C.A.?
51:47 Well, take my hand, All right. Shelley.
51:50 Gracious Father, we join our hands together
51:53 even as the spirit has joined our hearts together.
51:56 We're united in a common cause
51:59 that is the cause of lifting up the mighty
52:02 and matchless name of Jesus.
52:03 Father, it is the greatest work ever entrusted to the frail
52:06 and feeble hands of men and women
52:08 and we realize that we could not do
52:10 what we're called to do without the help, the love,the support
52:14 of the thousands of people around the world
52:16 who bless us with their financial gifts
52:18 each and every week, each and every day
52:21 and each and every month.
52:22 Lord, we thank You for them. We praise You for them.
52:25 We ask, Lord, that You will continue to bless them
52:28 so that they can bless this ministry.
52:30 We ask that You would unite this team together
52:32 in a very special bond of love and labor
52:36 so that the word of Christ can go to the darkest
52:40 corners of this earth, letting men and women know that
52:43 soon and very soon Jesus is coming.
52:46 Bless us, Father.
52:48 Keep our hearts united even as our hands are united.
52:52 And for the millions around the world
52:53 who we symbolically hold their hands also, Father.
52:57 May we lift up each others hands
52:59 as we lift up the name of Jesus.
53:00 We thank You, Father, for this ministry
53:03 and for the call to leave no stone unturned
53:06 in the salvation of men and women.
53:08 We praise You, Lord, and we thank You
53:10 and we pledge now to serve you in the future
53:13 even as You have blessed us to serve You in the past.
53:15 We love You, Lord, we praise You
53:17 and we thank You in Jesus name, amen.
53:20 Amen. Amen. Amen.


Revised 2015-12-24