Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Danny Shelton (Host), Shelley Quinn (Host), Dale Mole, Henry Stubbs, Jim Rennie, Luis Amador, Thomas & Beate Kussel
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015091A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend 00:14 My life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:10 My name is C.A. Murray 01:11 and the privilege and pleasure are mine to thank you 01:14 for sharing just a little of your day with us, 01:17 to thank you for all you-- 01:19 all that you do to help us do what we are called to do 01:22 and that's to lift up 01:24 the mighty and matchless name of Jesus 01:26 and to take the good news of the gospel far and wide 01:29 to every man, woman, boy 01:31 and girl on this old planet of ours. 01:34 Got a good show for you today 01:35 because we like to do these roles 01:38 when we get a chance to go to these large meetings 01:41 ASI, GC every five years. 01:43 ASI annually, GYC. 01:47 We get a chance to see the great ministry work 01:50 that is being done for the kingdom of God. 01:52 We get a chance to see men and women, 01:54 sometimes boys and girls who are doing great things 01:57 who are letting the Lord use them to do great things 01:59 for His kingdom and for His cause. 02:01 Now this year 215th ASI was-- 02:05 attendance was down just a little bit. 02:07 I think that was occasioned by the fact 02:08 that it was just month after General Conference 02:11 there were so many, 02:12 oh, better part of thousand ministries with booths 02:16 there at General Conference in San Antonio. 02:18 So in Spokane, Washington came just month later for the ASI. 02:23 There are some ministries that could not make it 02:25 and chose not to add that as their expense. 02:28 Having said that, 02:29 there were still many, many ministries there 02:32 and we got a chance to meet some great people 02:34 doing some great things for the Lord. 02:37 First up, Shelley Quinn had a chance to talk 02:39 with Henry Stubbs and Luis Amador. 02:43 Now, Henry and Luis 02:45 were with the World Youth Group in Cuba, 02:47 that's the place I've always wanted to go. 02:50 My copy says that Henry and his wife were 02:52 Sabbath school leaders in their local church 02:54 but they were praying for something else to do 02:57 and the Lord impressed them to get involved 02:58 in foreign work. 03:00 And so a lady came to their church 03:02 talking about Cuba 03:03 asked Henry if he would want to come to Cuba. 03:05 He hooked up with Luis 03:07 and they made a decision to go to Cuba 03:09 and do a great work for the Lord 03:11 and Shelley Quinn had a chance to talk with them both. 03:18 Here in the booth we have two special guests 03:20 joining us in a fascinating story of the ministry 03:24 that they are doing in Cuba 03:25 and just let me get straight to it 03:27 because I don't want to waste any time. 03:30 Thank you, Henry Stubbs. 03:31 You're president of World Youth Organization 03:34 and we thank you-- 03:36 the World Youth Group I miss spelt. 03:37 That's it. World Youth Group. 03:39 Thank you for being here 03:40 and then we also have Luis Amador. 03:43 And, Luis, is the-- you are with the seminary. 03:48 Vice president. 03:49 You're vice president of the seminary, 03:51 Seventh-day Adventist seminary in Cuba. 03:55 First, tell me what is the name of the seminary? 03:59 What is the name of the seminary? 04:01 Adventist Theological Seminary of Cuba. 04:04 Wonderful. We train the pastors. 04:06 Praise the Lord. 04:08 You know, I just want to confess to my own ignorance 04:10 because I did not realize we had a seminary there. 04:14 But I'm kind of getting ahead of myself. 04:16 Let's back up. 04:18 Henry, you-- this ministry began, 04:22 it was birthed by prayer 04:23 but tell us how World Youth Group 04:27 actually began and reached into Cuba. 04:31 It's quite a story, Shelley. 04:33 I will just say that it was truly 04:35 as you've mentioned an answer to prayer. 04:38 It was a miracle. 04:40 My wife and I were Sabbath school leaders of youth 04:43 in a rural church plant in South Carolina. 04:48 And we were praying, "Lord, how do we impact these youths? 04:51 How do we make a difference?" 04:52 We had a small group 04:54 but they were mostly from non-Adventist backgrounds 04:57 from the local high schools. 04:59 They were just, they heard about our group 05:00 and they were interested. 05:01 We had been to Chile a couple times 05:04 but the Lord impressed us to get involved in foreign work 05:08 and led us to a quote later in the book "Gospel Workers" 05:12 that if you do get involved in foreign work, 05:16 the work at home will abound. 05:18 Praise the Lord. And it was precious quote. 05:20 Amen. 05:21 And so the Lord opened up the door in Chile 05:23 and the youth were giving their testimony of that project 05:29 in the little local church in South Carolina 05:31 and there was a visitor in the audience that day. 05:34 And she came up with tears afterwards and said, 05:36 "Would you bring these same youth to my country? 05:39 My parents built a church before the revolution 05:41 and the roof is being held up by a rope to a mango tree. 05:46 Would your youth come down and do evangelism 05:49 and rebuild that church?" 05:51 We said, "What's your country?" And she said, "Cuba." 05:54 How do you go to Cuba? 05:56 Which was a communist, is a communist country. 05:58 Yeah. Especially in the 1990s. Yes. 06:01 And she said, 06:02 "I'll get you there if you'll come." 06:04 And we prayed about it 06:05 and we said, "Yes, Lord, we will go." 06:07 And that's how it began. 06:09 So when you first went to Cuba, did you receive any resistance? 06:15 We did. 06:16 We went down at first alone 06:20 with this Cuban-American 06:24 and we went to the town, we saw the church. 06:26 We made a decision to tear it down 06:29 and to rebuild. 06:32 It takes years to get a permit to rebuild 06:35 an existing church in Cuba 06:37 and she had been working on that process. 06:40 But we met the chief communist party officer in the town. 06:44 We told him, I'm director of nursing as well 06:47 in a hospital in South Carolina. 06:50 And we told him that we would like to be some blessing 06:55 to the town. 06:56 We were coming down with some young people 06:58 what could we do? 06:59 He toured us in the hospital. 07:01 They didn't have that time sheets on the beds 07:04 and they didn't have EKG machines 07:06 and even blood sugar machines. 07:08 And this is in the '90s. 07:09 And we brought all of those things down. 07:12 The women in our church made sheets for the beds 07:14 and we delivered all those things. 07:17 Our first day there we came owith 28 youth 07:21 and the next day-- 07:23 Were you able to bring medical equipment as well or? 07:26 We did. It was a miracle. 07:30 I don't have time to tell you the story, Shelley, 07:33 but in a nutshell 07:35 the second day we were in that town, 07:36 we were stopped 07:38 and we were asked to-- we were stopped very strongly. 07:42 We were asked to go to the regional head quarters. 07:47 You say stopped, this is by government officials? 07:50 Yes, by officials. Okay. 07:51 And we went to the regional head quarters 07:53 and ultimately realize 07:56 that we were in violation of Cuban law on two accounts. 08:00 And it was a challenging experience. 08:02 I'm sure that would. 08:04 We had no idea but we were in a town 08:06 that foreigners were not allowed 08:09 and we were staying in the home of Seventh-day Adventist 08:13 in this little town. 08:15 And that is not allowed for a foreigner 08:18 to stay in a home. 08:20 And so it was quite an experience. 08:23 Again, I won't share the whole story 08:26 and nevertheless praise the Lord. 08:31 They gave us an option to go ahead and leave 08:34 the island 08:35 and or go to a tourist hotel and stay in a tourist place. 08:38 And we chose to leave. 08:41 And then we are gonna come back, 08:42 we will leave you right there for just a second 08:45 so we can get Luis involved. 08:48 But, Luis, tell us a little of your background. 08:52 Did you grow up 08:53 in a Seventh-day Adventist home? 08:56 No, I didn't. 08:57 I was raised in a communist home. 09:01 My father is been a communist till today. 09:06 My mother she was kind of in the past 09:09 but I was part of that same idea, 09:16 you know, philosophical idea. 09:19 The matter of the fact, I was a communist as well 09:22 in the past till my-- 09:24 I was like 18-years-old 09:26 by the time I received as a gift my first Bible. 09:30 And I started to read the Bible alone 09:33 and then the Lord touched my heart. 09:36 That's amazing. 09:38 So you went from being reared in a communist home 09:43 with that philosophy, those ideals 09:46 and through reading your Bible 09:48 and did you have someone who also mentored you 09:51 or helped you study? 09:52 Yes. 09:54 I was studying pharmacy at the university in my city, 09:58 Santa Clara city in Cuba. 10:00 And I had a classmate 10:02 who was an advent, who is an Adventist. 10:04 As a matter of fact, he is head elder 10:07 of one of the churches in Cuba today. 10:09 And he was witnessing me and he also took me 10:13 to a house of Pastor Zaldivar, Virgilio Zaldivar. 10:18 In the past 10:19 he was the president of the seminary in Cuba. 10:22 And then I went to visit him 10:24 and I told him that I wanted to study the Bible. 10:27 I wanted to understand what the Bible means. 10:31 He gave me a set of the Boys of Hope 10:35 and he told me something I will never forget. 10:38 Read it by yourself, 10:41 have your own conclusions and make a decision. 10:44 Amen. Amen. Glory to God. 10:47 So obviously the Lord had His hand over this 10:52 because you are now with the seminary as vice president 10:55 and you are working with World Youth Group. 10:58 Tell us what the World Youth group 11:00 is doing in Cuba. 11:03 There's really four things that we do, Shelley, 11:06 in Cuba at this time. 11:09 Again, there's been a tremendous growth. 11:11 For 12 years we just took our Sabbath school class 11:16 of youth down and did one new church plant 11:20 in an un-entered area and un-reached area. 11:22 What I mean by that 11:24 is no Seventh-day Adventist presence, 11:27 often very little Christianity at all 11:31 particularly, Protestant Christianity. 11:34 And so we would go to a mountain town, village, 11:38 a city somewhere and start a new work. 11:42 After 12 years we-- 11:43 Wait. Wait. You can't leave me hanging. 11:44 All right. 11:46 How do you start a new work in a communist country 11:49 where there is-- 11:51 if there is any religion, it's generally not Protestant. 11:55 How do you introduce, 11:56 how do you plant a church in that environment? 11:59 Even the conference and the union 12:03 and the officials of Seventh-day Adventist Church 12:06 in Cuba struggles with that question. 12:09 That's a very important question. 12:11 How do you do it? 12:12 Many methods have been tried 12:15 but what we learned through trial and error 12:21 and we made a lot of mistakes. 12:23 But what we learned is you must go out 12:27 and have somebody that's willing to move to that town. 12:32 And so we would talk to the churches around 12:35 and find a young person, a young couple, 12:38 two or three people and send them to this town 12:41 and find a place for them to live for or a stay 12:44 for a few months. 12:46 And then we would bring our youth group down, 12:47 our Sabbath school class and do evangelism there. 12:51 But we noticed, 12:53 a couple years later or three years later, 12:55 even though there was a precious result 12:57 and baptisms and the Lord blessed 12:59 and there were decisions for Jesus. 13:02 But we would notice that it-- it would not remain strong 13:06 and that was a big challenge. 13:09 So the Lord led us to the next step 13:11 and that was the right arm of the gospel. 13:14 Practical, the practical gospel. 13:17 The way to go into a town and make a real difference 13:23 in the fabric of that community by ministering the people, 13:28 finding a need and meeting, whatever that is. 13:31 So the Lord blessed us in that and we began a school in Cuba. 13:37 We use the light click curriculum 13:39 from another ASI ministry, Our light 13:43 and it is about 50 percent 13:46 the curriculum and practical ways 13:49 to help people including particularly, health 13:52 and the eight laws 13:53 and encouraging people to become stronger, 13:56 helping them with diseases, relieving suffering. 14:00 And then about 50 percent in the gospel, 14:02 do you really know the salvation, 14:05 have you experienced salvation, 14:07 can you share it, can you lead someone to Jesus. 14:10 So we started a school in Cuba for Cuban young people 14:15 and realize that we need to have them permanently 14:19 in these new areas 14:20 and then come down with North American youth 14:23 and do evangelism. 14:25 So four things you ask what we do, 14:26 what does World Youth Group do? Four things now. 14:29 It has changed tremendously from one church plant a year 14:33 to two, to three, last year four new ones. 14:37 This year seven by God's grace. 14:40 We've already done three 14:41 and we got four more coming in October. 14:44 So it's really exploded 14:46 and just because of this practical gospel 14:49 making a difference much like 14:51 Pathways to Health did in Spokane here. 14:53 Yes. Yes. 14:55 The four things are number one is training. 14:59 We train young people in Cuba to be medical missionaries. 15:03 Number two is to send. 15:06 We interview the graduates and hire those that are willing 15:11 and seem committed to go out and live in a new area, 15:14 new city where there is not a presence. 15:17 And then we go through the challenge 15:19 of finding a place for them to live. 15:21 That's very challenging in Cuba. 15:23 There is not much rental property. 15:24 It's much easier to actually purchase property in Cuba 15:28 than to rent. 15:30 Then number three 15:32 is what we started in the beginning 15:34 and that's harvesting. 15:35 Brining North American youth down 15:37 to combine with the Cuban youth 15:39 and have a harvest evangelistic campaign. 15:43 And then number four and it's so important 15:46 is to establish. 15:48 We build a church in that town 15:50 and since the government does not allow new churches, 15:55 we build a house and that house becomes the church 16:00 or we buy one in that town. 16:03 And lately we've been buying more than building. 16:06 We began initially building and God has blessed. 16:11 Even with seven new ones this year. 16:14 Praise the Lord, seven new house churches. 16:17 It is amazing especially when you think about 16:19 how you started with just 16:21 a very small Sabbath school group 16:24 and this is how the Lord is leading. 16:26 Luis, how did you 16:27 become involved with World Youth Group? 16:30 Interesting question. 16:31 I had recently graduate from the seminary in 2006 16:36 and by the end of that year the president of my conference 16:41 central conference approached me and he told me, 16:45 Luis, we know that you kind of speak some English 16:49 and there is a team coming from America. 16:53 They are going to preach and we need a translator. 16:56 Would you help us? 16:59 And I was so scared. In fact, very scared. 17:02 But my wife she was still studying at the seminary 17:08 and I told him "Well, what if you make some arrangements 17:13 so she can go out of the seminary early 17:17 and she come to us late because she's an English teacher 17:20 and she is a professional in that area 17:23 then you will have a perfect translator." 17:26 2006 December, 2006 it was out first contact 17:32 with World Youth Group. 17:34 Since then it's been a blessing for us. 17:36 So do you-- 17:38 what is your purpose with World Youth Group? 17:40 Well, you just kind of the link 17:42 between World Youth Group and the seminary students 17:46 or what do you do with World Youth Group? 17:48 Okay. 17:49 World Youth Group is for us, 17:55 it has turned into a lifestyle. 17:58 Good. Wonderful answer. 18:00 More than coworkers, my wife and I 18:04 we feel like Henry's and Arlene's, 18:07 his wife children, you know. 18:09 We are kind of a family 18:12 and we have been 18:14 in incredible, incredible places together 18:16 preaching and sharing Christ with people. 18:20 And I feel part of these ministries 18:23 but at the same time 18:25 the Lord led me in His ways, you know. 18:29 Now I'm working as a Spirit of Prophecy coordinator 18:32 for the Cuban Union 18:34 and this ministry has been working 18:37 in a very close relationship with the union officers 18:41 and also 18:42 with each and every one of the conferences' leaders 18:45 in the whole island. 18:47 We design a five year plan 18:50 so we could train all the Bible workers 18:53 and medical missionaries on the whole island 18:56 and we are planning to train in their future 18:58 the medical professionals 19:00 and also pastors in this powerful tool. 19:04 But at the same time, as I work in the seminary, 19:08 I was a senior pastor and now I'm a fulltime teacher 19:12 and the vice president of the seminary. 19:14 I've been working as a link 19:16 between World Youth Group and the seminary as well 19:18 because our campus 19:20 has been the headquarters for the training program. 19:23 Wonderful. Wonderful. 19:25 How has the most recent developments 19:28 in between Cuba and US relations, 19:31 how is that affecting your ministry? 19:34 Is that you believe 19:35 that's going to really open the doors wider? 19:37 Shelley, I think it is. 19:39 I think it's gonna be much easier to travel. 19:42 It's been very challenging for us in the past. 19:45 It's been very challenging for the first dozen years 19:50 we were many times brought for lengthy questioning 19:56 to the officials. 20:00 That has slowly changed. Good. 20:02 But I think with the lessening of the relation 20:05 or the improving of the relationships 20:07 and the lessening of the austerity 20:09 between the two countries, 20:11 it's gonna be a big impact for Cuba. 20:13 I will say and Luis can jump in. 20:17 I would say that there is a spirit of hope in Cuba 20:22 that things are changing. 20:24 Amen. Good. 20:25 There is hope that maybe we can have more tourism. 20:31 Maybe we can have more opportunities. 20:34 Maybe there will be even some entrepreneurialism 20:36 in our communist system. 20:39 So there is some hope but right now, 20:42 even though to us as Americans, 20:44 it looks like it's already open. 20:48 In Cuba, nothing yet has changed too much 20:52 except talking. 20:53 They don't have much of the infrastructure 20:55 to support it either, do they? 20:57 We only have a couple of minutes. 20:59 But I want to ask this 21:01 and I think it is good right now. 21:03 You are looking for volunteers, what are you looking for? 21:07 How can the 3ABN audience help World Youth Group? 21:13 Shelley, thank you for asking. 21:17 I'll say this with all my heart, 21:20 my wife and I's heart is ended up in Cuba. 21:24 And my son here has been my mentor 21:32 but God has shown us that with one month training 21:38 it's incredible the souls, 21:41 I would love to tell you 21:42 a personal story of a changed life. 21:44 Over one hundred baptisms. 21:45 You can tell it in about, 21:47 we got about a minute and half left. 21:49 But instead of telling you that 21:52 I want to further answer your question 21:55 and with only one month training 21:59 we have people all over the island now, 22:01 in new areas planting churches, helping people 22:05 and we are doing evangelism in those places 22:08 and winning souls and buying houses. 22:11 So we need houses, 22:13 we need young people to go with us to Cuba 22:17 to have evangelistic campaigns much like ShareHim, 22:20 going down the area and doing an evangelistic campaign. 22:23 But we are building a school now in Cuba. 22:26 For a six month training program. 22:28 Instead of one month, we need six months. 22:30 It's a higher amount of training. 22:34 This is so exciting. 22:35 I want to be sure, 22:37 you know, we're gonna have to have you all come to 3ABN 22:40 and give a more lengthy interview 22:44 because this is such an incredible work. 22:47 The glory to God. 22:48 I want to be certain that those of you at home, 22:50 if you want to contribute financially, 22:53 if the Holy Spirit is impressing you 22:55 to support this ministry 22:57 or if perhaps you are part of a youth group 23:00 you would like to go to Cuba, 23:02 go through the training program, 23:05 become involved in evangelism in Cuba. 23:08 God is opening doors 23:09 and we don't know how long they will be open 23:11 but how you can reach them is to go to 23:14 23:19 and God will bless you. 23:20 Thank you so much for joining us. 23:22 Thank you so much, Shelley. We really appreciate it. 23:23 Thank you. Our pleasure. 23:26 Oh, what a wonderful story 23:28 and what a great story of brining redemption 23:31 full circle. 23:32 Up next, 23:34 Danny Shelton had a chance to talk with Jim Rennie 23:36 and Dale Mole and this is really kind of 23:39 a thank you sort of an interview. 23:41 You recall that in 2015 23:43 or early on there was a really terrific earthquake 23:45 in the country of Nepal. 23:46 City of Katmandu was hit very, very hard 23:49 and the one Adventist hospital, 23:51 the one institution being supported 23:54 by Asian Aid was destroyed 23:56 to the point that they were actually doing surgeries 23:58 in the courtyard, in the garden, parking lot 24:02 of that particular hospital. 24:03 Well, Asian Aid came, Jim Rennie came 24:06 and we put the burden before you. 24:09 They needed some $200,000 24:11 to get that hospital back up and running. 24:13 And the reason it was so important is 24:14 because there really is no other Adventist institution 24:17 in the country 24:19 that's doing the kind of work that that hospital is doing. 24:21 And you responded 24:23 and you responded in a great and marvelous way. 24:25 Over and above the $200,000, $320,000 came in total came in. 24:30 The hospital is back up and running now 24:32 and that center of influence, that little light there 24:35 in the country side near Katmandu 24:38 is still burning brightly for the cause of Christ. 24:41 Men and women are coming, they are being treated 24:44 but they are also being introduced 24:46 to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 24:47 And so Jim Rennie, Dale Mole 24:49 had a chance to talk with Danny Shelton. 24:55 I'm sitting here with Jim Rennie, 24:57 long time friend and coworkers in evangelism, 25:02 CEO of Asian Aid. 25:04 And, Jim, it's good to have you here today. 25:06 Thanks, Danny. 25:07 And we've been working together, 25:09 your organization and ours for a long time, 25:11 haven't we? Yes. 25:12 Then I would be blessed to see 25:13 lot of projects around the world 25:16 but we are gonna talk about special project today 25:19 because I have here Dr. Dale Mole 25:21 and CEO of Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital. 25:26 Is that right? Yes, correct. 25:27 Okay. And where is that? 25:29 That's in Nepal. In Nepal. 25:31 Something happened sometime ago in Nepal 25:33 that got your attention, 25:35 got you involved and you got 3ABN involved. 25:38 Tell us a little bit what happened in Nepal. 25:41 Well, on the 25th of May 25:45 we had a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. 25:49 The epicenter was about 60 kilometers 25:52 away from Katmandu 25:55 and it caused a massive destruction 25:58 and loss of life. 26:00 And then three weeks later, on the 12th of May 26:03 we had another major earthquake. 26:05 This one was a little closer to Mount Everest 26:08 and again, caused the lot of destruction. 26:11 All right. Were you there at the time? 26:13 I was there for the second earthquake. 26:15 Wow. 26:16 What was that like just... 26:18 Well, it-- you know, I lived in Southern California 26:22 so, yeah, I was kind of used to earthquakes. 26:26 I mean, the Nepalese were fairly terrified. 26:29 And would run out of buildings 26:32 and that-- with the first earthquake, 26:35 we had nine people who were dead on arrival. 26:39 But unfortunately, 26:42 and most of these were from head trauma. 26:44 Things had fallen on their head. 26:46 But of the patients who arrived alive, 26:50 thanks to the effort of the staff 26:53 at Scheer Adventist Hospital. 26:56 They all stayed alive. 26:58 Wonderful. 27:00 Tell me a little bit about the folk in the area, 27:04 do you have any idea 27:05 how many people that you treated? 27:07 You said, all of them came-- Right. 27:10 We actually-- Stayed alive. 27:11 We actually treated over a thousand patients 27:16 who were direct earthquake victims. 27:19 How big staff do you have? Two hundred and twenty. 27:22 Two hundred and twenty. 27:23 And yeah, it stressed the staff significantly. 27:25 It's an overload. Right. 27:26 At the time of the earthquake 27:28 they were getting ready to do a cesarean section 27:31 on a mother 27:32 and so they actually brought her outside in our courtyard 27:37 and did the C section under open sky 27:40 and I'm happy to report that both mother and baby did fine. 27:43 Oh, wonderful. All right. Yeah. 27:45 Praise the Lord. And Asian Aid got involved. 27:49 Now how did you get involved with the Doctor here? 27:53 Well, Danny, Asian Aid has had a relationship 27:56 with Scheer Adventist Hospital for a long time. 28:00 Primarily we have done a lot of women's help operations 28:05 and as soon as the earthquake occurred, 28:08 I compacted Dale and said, "What can we do to help?" 28:11 Because we are not really in the emergency business 28:14 but because we had the relationship, 28:16 because we are able to give the funds to them, 28:20 we decided to launch an appeal. 28:23 We called 3ABN 28:25 and 3ABN made some special appeals 28:30 and promotional spots and so that's why we did it. 28:34 And we weren't sure what we could raise so-- 28:38 What did you want to raise? $200,000. 28:41 And what did you do with that $200,000, doctor? 28:44 Well, $200,000, I mean, you would be amazed 28:49 how far that amount of money goes in Nepal. 28:52 Our average out patient visit is only 40 cents. 28:57 I'm sorry, I misunderstood. 28:59 That was 40 cents. Forty cents. 29:01 Yes, for less than the cost-- And the out patient visit. 29:04 For less than the cost 29:05 of a first class US postage stamp we can provide-- 29:08 Can you get that in West Frankfort, Danny? 29:11 West Frankfort, 29:12 not even in West Frankfort, Illinois can we do 40 cents, 29:15 that's amazing. 29:16 So you were projecting hoping to raise $200,000. 29:20 Was there quite a bit of damage to the hospital itself? 29:23 There was some damage. 29:25 Fortunately, we were able to operate at full capability 29:29 but the hospital has been damaged and we-- 29:35 you know, it's very likely that 29:38 we will have another earthquake. 29:40 The geologist are telling us 29:42 that despite these two major earthquakes, 29:44 there is enough energy stored in the rocks 29:47 that we could have another 29:49 have a 9.0 magnitude earthquake at any time. 29:52 So the thing that we need to do is prepare. 29:56 So they wanted 29:59 so you got together with 3ABN, 30:02 talk to our viewers and folks who are watching here today 30:06 and how successful was that, Jim? 30:09 Well, Danny, the Lord really blessed 30:11 the donors of the Asian Aid and 3ABN responded 30:15 and today we are very excited to handover a check 30:20 for $320,000 to Scheer Memorial Hospital. 30:24 Praise the Lord. Amazing. 30:26 And it's an amazing response. 30:27 Absolutely. Dream so. 30:30 And it was a clear example of a strong partnership 30:35 in achieving this 30:36 and Asian Aid is very grateful 30:40 to the donors and supporters who gave these funds. 30:44 And in fact, since we printed this another $17,000 is coming. 30:50 So we are very excited that we can help which is the only-- 30:54 Scheer Memorial is the only Adventist institution in Nepal. 30:58 Yeah. 31:00 Isn't amazing how brothers and sisters 31:03 that who maybe never go to Nepal here on earth, 31:09 we may never see the people in Nepal till eternity 31:14 but are willing to send money 31:17 to make commitments to sacrifice? 31:19 But brothers and sisters, 31:21 they don't even know around the world. 31:22 I mean, my hats off to you. 31:24 Thank you so much for what you do, incredible. 31:27 Doctor, $320,000 plus another17 you are saying 31:31 somewhere like $337,000. 31:35 How will you use that money? 31:36 Well, we will continue to provide 31:39 free medical care for those needy patients, 31:42 those who really can't afford to pay. 31:44 Even at our very reasonable rates. 31:48 Much of the equipment at Scheer is very old 31:51 and needs to be replaced. 31:53 I did mention we had some damaged buildings. 31:56 So some retrofit of that will need to occur 32:00 and as I said we need to prepare 32:02 for the next emergency. 32:04 So the generosity of your viewers will allow us 32:09 to be able to provide better care for our patients 32:12 and actually Scheer Hospital 32:14 will be a much better institution 32:18 as a result of the generosity of your viewers. 32:20 And I just have to tell you it's really overwhelming 32:25 for the staff to, 32:27 at our hospital to have the support 32:30 that both Asian Aid 32:31 and Three Angels Broadcasting Network 32:34 have provided. 32:36 I mean, it's just-- 32:37 I just can't express the gratitude 32:41 that is in my heart right now. 32:43 It's really amazed me. 32:44 I'm amazed myself that project after project 32:47 that when our folk hear, 32:49 these are people who love Jesus, 32:51 they want to see Jesus return 32:53 and in order to see Jesus return, 32:56 we know that Jesus has told us in, 32:59 and I always say the Book of James 33:00 "To help those who can't help themselves. 33:02 Those who are less fortunate than ourselves." 33:04 But I happen to know many of our viewers 33:06 literally are sacrificing to help projects just like this 33:11 and so that's a real commitment to the Lord 33:14 and I thank you again. 33:15 I too thank you for what you do for the cause of God. 33:18 And you guys, and Jim, for Asian Aid 33:21 that I can tell people, I can say this with my hand up, 33:25 Asian Aid is an incredible ministry. 33:27 Thank you for your leadership there, 33:30 for what you are doing and to say, you know what, 33:32 I'll go outside the box we're not in emergency 33:35 usually that's not our thing. 33:36 But I see a need here so we are gonna go to-- 33:39 thank you for coming to 3ABN and giving us an opportunity 33:43 to join hands with you. 33:44 To see the-- 33:47 it has to have an impact on the people there in Nepal 33:50 when they-- An incredible impact. 33:52 Incredible. Yeah. 33:54 It has to just say, "Wow, this is amazing. 33:57 These folks would do this for us 33:59 and they don't even know us." 34:00 So this will result in souls for the kingdom of heaven. 34:06 Thank you so much. 34:07 God bless you and God bless you, guys. 34:09 Thank you, Danny. 34:14 Excellent interview and we thank you once again 34:17 for what you did to help raise the cause of Christ 34:20 there in Nepal. 34:23 Our last interview for this particular program, 34:26 Shelley Quinn had a chance to speak with Thomas 34:28 and Beate Kuesel, Land of Blessings. 34:32 We take you now to the continent of Africa 34:35 for a bit of a homecoming and you will understand 34:38 as you watch this interview. 34:42 Again, coming to you from the exhibit floor 34:45 here at the ASI 2015 Convention, 34:49 we have a precious couple with us in the booth 34:52 and they have an amazing story 34:54 as how they are now coming into missionary work 34:59 and it's kind of a full circle type story. 35:01 So let me introduce you to our special guest. 35:03 We have Thomas and Beate Kuesel. 35:07 And I said that right Kuesel? Yes, you did. 35:09 Wonderful. Good. Very good. 35:11 Now, Thomas, what I would like to do, 35:13 your ministry is Land of Blessing 35:16 which in Swahili is Dunia Ya Heri. 35:20 Right. Correct. Right? 35:21 Tell us of just a little of your background, 35:24 just a short synopsis of your background 35:27 growing up as a missionaries child 35:29 and what the Lord-- how the Lord from there? 35:32 All right. 35:33 First of all Dunia Ya Heri is a project 35:35 located in Africa in Tanzania. 35:37 Okay. 35:38 And my parents were missionaries 35:40 to Ethiopia and I grew up in Ethiopia as well as Kenya. 35:44 So this project is actually leading me back to my roots. 35:47 Wonderful. 35:49 And I have been working 35:52 in business for most of my life. 35:54 I had a business career for Procter & Gamble 35:56 up to the position of vice president 35:59 for marketing and sales. 36:01 But I gave that up ten years ago 36:03 and I was working for Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen 36:07 which is an Adventist senior college in Austria 36:11 as the finance and administration director. 36:15 But now the Lord has been calling us to new ventures. 36:19 And we have decided that we would leave 36:24 the safe and secure haven of Europe 36:27 and we would be going to Tanzania in the next month 36:31 to set up an orphanage there and possibly further projects 36:36 which I think we will mention at further on. 36:39 All right, wonderful. 36:40 Now, Beate, I know that you had a beautiful home 36:43 in Austria, felt very secure. 36:46 How did you feel when Thomas called you to say, 36:49 "I think this is where the Lord is leading us. 36:51 We need to sell our home 36:52 and move of all places to Tanzania." 36:57 You know, there is two hearts beating in you 37:01 and you think the plans were what Thomas have done 37:06 or the works so we have the safety place 37:08 so we are paid and we can live for free 37:12 and then the other thoughts 37:17 now we are living in the last day 37:20 and we can do something better. 37:23 So we can dedicate it, 37:24 our house and the money to the project 37:28 because we can take nothing with us even if we die 37:33 or whatever made happen. 37:36 So why not do this 37:39 and to take into a heaven soul. 37:44 Amen. 37:45 And I admire you so 37:46 because they have actually have sold their home, packed up 37:49 and they are putting proceeds 37:50 from the sale into this project. 37:53 Now, let's talk about 37:54 the Land Blessing project itself. 37:58 Why did you choose Tanzania? 38:01 Well, first of all, the Africa in general 38:04 has a lot of problem with AIDS 38:08 and as far as the decision for Tanzania is concerned, 38:11 on one side we had to look at the political aspect, 38:14 economic aspect, of course, 38:16 it's important to live in a country 38:17 which is fairly safe within the third world. 38:21 On the other side, of course, 38:22 we looked also on the needs of that specific country 38:26 and Tanzania has in average 38:29 over 20 percent of the population 38:31 infected with AIDS. 38:33 So you have a lot of AIDS orphans. 38:36 These are little children that do not have parents 38:39 because they died of AIDS 38:41 and their relatives don't have sufficient funds 38:45 to take care of them. 38:46 And sometimes even the newly married persons, 38:51 if one of the parents died 38:53 do not want to take care of them 38:55 either because it's not their children. 38:56 So there's a lot of misery as far as that is concerned 38:58 amongst little children in Africa 39:01 and we thought to make a difference there 39:03 to help at least 60 children in the future. 39:07 That is so admirable. 39:09 And we have, I have heard you said earlier 39:11 that there was between 1.2 to 2 million 39:16 is the estimated number of children 39:19 who are on the streets, orphans who have no hope or no future. 39:24 Some of whom have been infected with the HIV virus themselves 39:28 others who are not. 39:29 But so how far have you gotten in this project now? 39:34 You are, you were close to retirement, 39:37 you resigned your position, sold your home. 39:40 Tell us about the progress of the project so far. 39:44 Let me tell you a little about the beginning of the project. 39:46 We have a very good friend of ours, this is a lady. 39:51 She lives in Munich in Germany 39:53 who has on the deathbed of her husband 39:55 promised him that was part of the heritage 39:58 she would actually finance an orphanage, 40:02 well, part of an orphanage. 40:04 And because both of them actually 40:06 lost in a tragic way, their son. 40:10 Okay. 40:11 Hence she called me about one and half years ago, 40:15 she said, "Thomas, I'm planning this project, 40:18 would you be willing to help me 40:20 because you have been living in Africa before?" 40:22 And my spontaneous response was "I'm sorry. 40:25 You know, Bogenhofen, my current work is too busy. 40:28 I have little time left in order to spend 40:31 for such important other projects. 40:34 But then sleeping over the issue for a few nights, 40:37 I changed my mind. 40:39 We both changed our mind. 40:40 The Holy Spirit wouldn't let you go. 40:42 You're right. 40:43 So we made our first inspection trip 40:46 in June of last year. 40:48 We inspected in four different locations in Tanzania 40:52 about 10 to 12 different plots 40:56 but we didn't take a final decision. 40:58 We went back in October last year 41:00 and for the plot that interested us the most, 41:03 we first were wanting to be sure 41:06 that there is enough water 41:07 because water is the issue in Africa 41:10 as far as buying land is concerned. 41:12 You can have the most beautiful piece of land 41:14 without water it's not worth anything. 41:16 So the previous owner actually allowed us 41:18 which is not very common to dig on his property for water. 41:25 We found a company which was in a week 41:28 was able to dig a 70 meter hole 41:31 and we found enough water 3,000 liters per hour 41:36 which will be sufficient for the whole project. 41:39 So did that-- by discovering the water, 41:42 did that up the price of the land or? 41:44 Unfortunately-- well, fortunately it didn't. 41:47 It did not. 41:48 The seller actually kept the same price 41:50 but there was the danger involved 41:51 that the seller would actually increase the price 41:53 finding the water. 41:55 A wonderful then that God has taken you 41:57 to a spot and it's about an hour 41:59 outside of what major city? 42:01 It's the major city of Tanzania. 42:04 It's not the capital is Dar es Salaam 42:06 with 4.4 million inhabitants. 42:08 All right. 42:09 The project itself is 50 kilometers, 42:12 about 35 miles outside of Dar es Salaam. 42:15 It takes about an hour to get there. 42:17 All right. 42:18 And so the Lord has provided that land you've already built 42:21 a guard house there which was your first priority. 42:24 Explain to our viewers 42:26 why a guard house was so important? 42:27 It's very interesting. Yes. Yes. 42:29 And Africa and people in Africa 42:32 like to cook with wood 42:34 and of course, people are very poor, 42:36 they go into the woods, they go into the wilderness, 42:39 they pick up which ever wood they can find. 42:41 They cut some trees 42:43 and of course, they don't limit 42:45 to cutting their own trees. 42:46 They also like to cut other people's trees 42:48 and since the property has a lot of nice big old trees, 42:51 mango trees, cashew nut trees, 42:54 we wanted to be sure 42:56 that nobody would actually come 42:58 and destroy the property so to say. 43:01 So we employed two Bible workers 43:04 with the help of the Adventist church there 43:07 and some friends 43:09 who are taking care of the property now. 43:11 We built a little house for them 43:13 of around 400 square feet, 40 square meters. 43:18 When one of the rooms, two rooms 43:21 and one of the gardens we live or is living 43:24 and we've decided for the time being 43:26 at least move into the other rooms. 43:27 Oh, that's gonna be a drastic change. 43:30 But now we have a picture 43:31 that you have brought with you of the land itself. 43:35 And this is a beautiful plot of land as you can see 43:38 but we also-- you have a diagram 43:41 that you showed me of your building project. 43:44 And we would like to put that diagram up now 43:46 and show you and let you explain 43:49 what the project is going to entail. 43:53 First of all, you can see here a village type of setup 43:58 for the homes for the children 44:01 and there is different homes on the plot. 44:03 There is a nursery which is the first building 44:05 we will start to build. 44:07 Now this is at the bottom. At the bottom. 44:08 This is going to be the nursery. 44:10 And what age children will that house? 44:12 It will accommodate around 10 to 15 of zero to five 44:17 or one to five. 44:19 And then you have on the right side 44:21 the girls' dormitories 44:23 and the left side the boys' dormitories. 44:24 Of course, separated. 44:26 And then you have on the right side 44:28 the girls' dormitory for the girls 13 to 18, 44:32 the older girls 44:34 and another building for six to twelve years old. 44:36 Okay. 44:38 On the left side you have the same for the boys 44:41 and then you have two classrooms 44:43 for the primary school 44:45 and an auditorium as well as a kitchen with the cafeteria. 44:50 On the outside is the maintenance buildings. 44:54 Now is the auditorium serving as your chapel? 44:57 It's also serving for the chapel 44:58 and for the church, yes, 45:00 to have common worship there 45:01 in the mornings and the evenings, 45:03 to have Sabbath worship there 45:05 and so that will be also even for visitors 45:07 that come from the village 45:09 that would like to attend church service there. 45:11 So this will be an important building 45:13 to be putting up in the next few months as well. 45:16 Amen. 45:17 Well, okay, in the last few minutes that we have 45:19 I just wanted to talk to you about 45:22 the future of this as well. 45:24 You're planning to house 60 orphans 45:28 and I believe you've told me that the first-- 45:31 next two buildings are already funded or semi-funded 45:34 by which you are doing. 45:36 So what in the future, what are you planning on doing? 45:41 You had a idea for a sanitarium? 45:43 Yes, of course, we first ever want to see 45:46 that we accommodate as many children as possible. 45:49 We do need some-- 45:51 we do need additional support for that, 45:53 either be it with volunteers that have building 45:56 as some of plot, some of the buildings there 45:58 are with financial support. 45:59 Buildings are not too expensive. 46:01 We calculated around $50,000 to $60,000 per building. 46:05 So it's an over seeable amount. 46:09 But we also believe that it's important 46:11 that we help ourselves in the future. 46:13 In other words, we don't want to have an orphanage 46:16 where we have to depend on long term donations. 46:20 So our idea is to create a clinic, 46:24 a sanitarium on the other part of the property 46:29 which is a very beautiful setting. 46:30 Actually, it has a view over the ocean as well 46:34 where we invite persons to come for health programs. 46:38 Wonderful. 46:39 When you start programs coming from Europe, 46:42 maybe even from the States 46:44 or maybe the upper class of Tanzania itself 46:47 and with the income and profit of part of the, 46:51 of part of the sanitarium, 46:53 we would like to cross finance the orphanage. 46:55 That's wonderful. 46:57 So we are looking at a project now 46:59 that by April of 2016 they will be ready 47:04 to accept volunteers who might come over 47:07 to help with the construction. 47:09 And then, maybe by May, June of 2016 47:13 you will be looking for volunteers 47:15 who will be for social work, to help with the children, 47:19 maybe educational purposes. 47:21 And I just believe 47:22 when we think about these poor little children, 47:25 sometimes we think that "What can one project may-- 47:30 how can that make a difference 47:31 if you have two million orphan children?" 47:33 Well, it makes all the difference in the world 47:35 to those 60 who have the opportunity 47:38 to have a new life and have hope. 47:41 So if the Holy Spirit 47:42 is impressing upon you to support this project, 47:46 you can go to their website which is 47:49 Land-of-Blessing. 47:54 So 47:58 and you can find all of their pictures 48:01 and see what they are doing in the progress they are making 48:04 there on the website. 48:06 But you are also a member of OCI Outpost. 48:09 We are in the process, yes. 48:10 In the process of becoming a member of OCI out-- 48:14 Now I can't say that. 48:15 Outpost ministries. 48:17 Outpost-- OCI Outpost what is it? 48:23 I can't think of it. OCI Outpost. 48:24 OCI Outpost, well, anyway it is a 501(c)(3) organization. 48:31 Outpost Centers International. 48:32 Yeah, Outpost Centers, right, not ministries. 48:34 That's what you call a brain freeze 48:36 but you can go on their website there is a link there 48:39 and if would like to make a donation toward this project, 48:42 to help these children, then you can. 48:45 And I just have to say it is so encouraging 48:49 that God has given you the fearlessness 48:53 to step out and to do this 48:54 when you had a comfortable lifestyle. 48:57 But as you said, Beate, time is short, 48:59 the Lord is returning soon 49:01 and we all need to be doing what we can. 49:04 So thank you very much. 49:05 Prayerfully support this ministry 49:09 and all ministries like it 49:10 because it makes a huge difference 49:13 for the kingdom of God 49:15 when little children can come to know Him 49:17 and they have plans to use the children 49:20 for Bible workers, they had plans to do 49:23 health seminars when the sanitarium starts 49:26 and hopefully maybe even turn 49:28 the tide of HIV infection in that area. 49:31 So God bless you and thank you so much 49:34 for considering this. 49:35 Thank you so much. Thank you so much. |
Revised 2016-02-25