3ABN Today

GC Rolls 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Shelly Quinn (Host), Chongho Yang, Conrad Vine, Edward St. Fleur, Marc Coleman, Myun Ju Lee


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015087A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today,
01:08 My name is C.A. Murray
01:10 and thank you for joining us once again
01:12 for a very special 3ABN Today broadcast.
01:16 One of the things that we often say
01:17 that we really like about going to large gatherings
01:20 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
01:22 like a General Conference or an ASI or a GYC,
01:25 meetings of that nature.
01:28 You run into and you meet a large number of people
01:31 who are doing so many different kinds of ministries
01:34 for the cause of Christ.
01:35 Some are supported directly by the church
01:37 through different organizations.
01:39 Others are independent ministries
01:41 that are supporting ministries
01:43 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
01:45 like Three Angels' Broadcasting Network,
01:46 but there are hundreds of ministries,
01:49 and some are very specific niche ministries
01:53 that if these ministers were not operating,
01:55 I doubt the gospel will be getting to that population
01:58 in just that particular way,
02:00 so we're gonna meet some of those today.
02:02 We get to meet some people
02:03 who are doing some great things for the Lord.
02:05 And first up, we want to go and...
02:08 To the country of Bangladesh as it were,
02:11 as Shelley Quinn had a chance to meet
02:13 with Dr. M. Ju Lee
02:17 and Dr. Chongho Yang.
02:21 Dr. Lee is President of the Adventist Union Mission,
02:24 and Dr. Chongho Yang is the college president there
02:28 and the seminary president there
02:30 and they've a very, very exciting story for us just now.
02:35 Again, here we are on the floor at the exhibit hall
02:38 and with us in the booth now is...
02:41 We have to gentlemen actually, we have Chung Ho Young,
02:44 Dr. Chung ho young
02:46 who is the President of the Bangladesh
02:50 Adventist Seminary and College.
02:52 And then we also have M.J. Lee,
02:56 who is the President of the Bangladesh Union Mission
03:00 of Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:02 Gentlemen, thank you so much for being here today.
03:05 Thank you. Thank you so much.
03:06 And Dr. Lee, I would like to start with you.
03:12 Please, for our viewers, would you...
03:14 some people are not that familiar with Bangladesh
03:18 and with the area,
03:20 tell us a little of the socio-economic part?
03:25 Okay.
03:26 Bangladesh is located at 10/40 window,
03:31 exactly in the center of the land
03:34 having 160 million people.
03:39 A hundred and sixty million? Wow.
03:41 Yeah, very big population, 90 percent is Muslim,
03:47 9 percent is Hinduism,
03:50 only one percent is other religion,
03:53 but Christianity is only 0.3, very small group.
03:58 Also, economic situation, as we know,
04:01 Bangladesh is one of the very poorest countries,
04:05 there are many, many challenges.
04:08 Yeah. Yes.
04:09 And how long have you been in Bangladesh?
04:12 Oh, yeah.
04:14 By the grace of God,
04:15 now I have been serving our church about 10 years.
04:20 All right.
04:22 And you actually began with Dr...
04:26 You had Dr. Yang's position at first,
04:28 you were the president
04:29 for the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College
04:33 and then you became the Union President, right?
04:35 Yeah.
04:36 So you knew...
04:38 You mentioned to me that one of the goals
04:41 of the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College,
04:45 has been for a long time,
04:46 you knew you needed a nursing school.
04:49 Why did you feel, you needed a nursing school?
04:51 Actually, as we know,
04:53 Bangladesh is very poor country,
04:56 there are many people who are sick because of,
04:59 you know, hygienic problem, but many poor people,
05:03 they are not able to go to the hospital.
05:07 So when we establish a nursing school,
05:11 we can support many things to the poor people, usually.
05:15 Also, in Bangladesh, education is very important,
05:20 so when we produce many nursing students,
05:24 it can be also one of the center
05:27 of influences in our school.
05:29 Also, in Bangladesh one nurse,
05:34 there are three medical doctors.
05:37 It means, there are many medical doctors,
05:41 but we are lacking many nurses,
05:44 that's why from the beginning our church members,
05:48 they have been praying
05:49 to establish nursing school in our college,
05:53 but at the beginning, by the grace of God,
05:56 now we are building academic building
06:00 from General Conference,
06:01 Thirteen Sabbaths School Project,
06:05 some fund is coming,
06:06 we will establish academic building at first,
06:09 but in future, so soon we hope to establish nursing school.
06:15 Dr. Yang, this is a very exciting project.
06:19 How long have you been at the Bangladesh Seminary?
06:22 It is almost two years
06:24 since I have served as college president
06:27 for Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College.
06:31 As Dr. Lee, our Bangladesh Union President mentioned,
06:36 there are three reasons
06:39 why we really need to establish nursing college at campus
06:44 of Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College.
06:48 Number one,
06:50 there is a desperate need for nurses in Bangladesh.
06:55 As Dr. Lee mentioned,
06:58 three medical doctors have only one nurse in Bangladesh,
07:02 that's why...
07:04 That's amazing to...
07:06 to try to comprehend because it's quite...
07:09 it's just about the reverse ratio in United States,
07:11 one doctor will have three nurses,
07:14 but here, three doctors share one nurse.
07:16 You are right. That's amazing.
07:17 That's why Prime Minister Hasina
07:21 of Bangladesh,
07:23 some weeks ago pronounced
07:25 that our country needs
07:28 10,000 nurses every year.
07:32 So when we establish nursing college
07:35 at the campus of Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College,
07:39 which is called BASC in short terminology,
07:44 then we can provide
07:46 many Adventist nurses to our country
07:52 which has 160 million people
07:56 and it will surely enhance the national health
08:03 and welfare of the country.
08:07 And... Go ahead.
08:08 And reason number two,
08:10 BASC has three departments
08:13 such as theology department for future pastors
08:17 and education department for future teachers
08:21 and business administration for future treasurers
08:25 and business managers and top managements,
08:30 but we don't have any science department.
08:34 So if we establish nursing college
08:38 at the campus of BASC,
08:41 it will surely enhance solid Adventist education
08:45 in 10/40 Window territory.
08:48 And number three, which is very important,
08:52 even though the former
08:55 two reasons are important as well,
09:00 this nursing college will enhance
09:03 the mission of the church in Bangladesh and beyond.
09:08 In Islam dominant country such as Bangladesh,
09:12 as Dr. Lee mentioned,
09:15 we cannot preach in the streets.
09:19 We cannot hand out tracks
09:24 and hand out Three Angels' Messages
09:27 in everywhere, no.
09:29 But in the campus
09:34 we can teach the scripture and Jesus Christ.
09:40 So when we establish nursing college,
09:44 we can train our young people
09:47 with the scriptures and Jesus Christ
09:50 and we can train them
09:51 as faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ
09:54 to our Bangladesh and beyond.
09:57 And the interesting thing is this,
10:00 the 60 percent of the total income
10:04 of the country Bangladesh is the money sent from overseas.
10:10 Sixty percent?
10:11 Sixty percent, because Bangladesh
10:13 has no little natural resources,
10:17 no traveling resources, Bangladesh has no resources,
10:23 but human resources in a small land.
10:28 So many young people go out overseas and work there
10:34 and they send the money to Bangladesh,
10:36 to their families and their loved ones.
10:41 So if we establish our nursing college,
10:45 then many nurses may work in Bangladesh,
10:50 but some nurses may go out and work,
10:55 sharing the Three Angels' Messages
10:58 in Middle East and other areas.
11:02 Remember that the total Muslims are
11:06 1.7 billion in the world.
11:11 So this has a tremendous, significant impact.
11:17 You know, we've said it several times
11:19 on these very interviews that God...
11:23 Jesus isn't going to return till we reach
11:26 every nation, tongue, and tribe,
11:29 and that includes 1.7 billion Muslims.
11:33 So you have you begun...
11:35 It's wonderful to know
11:37 where our 13th quarter offering is going
11:40 and it has gone to develop...
11:43 start the building for the nursing school
11:46 at the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College.
11:51 Has the actual construction begun?
11:54 Yes. Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College
11:57 fund raised $150,000
12:02 and our Southern Asia Pacific division heard about this
12:07 and SSD made an action
12:14 to support this project from a 13th Sabbath offering
12:21 with $100,000 already
12:27 and then the total budget is $525,000,
12:33 and we are waiting for another $150,000
12:39 from SSD and GYC,
12:41 but we still need three hundred something thousand US dollars
12:46 and we firmly believe that God will provide.
12:50 Amen. Amen.
12:51 If somebody wanted to donate toward this,
12:55 what would be the website that they would go to?
12:57 Yeah.
12:59 Our well wishers around the world
13:02 can communicate with me as email address
13:06 yangchongho@gmail.com.
13:16 Or drpeteryang3004@gmail.com.
13:23 That's okay, go ahead.
13:24 drpeteryang3004@gmail.com.
13:34 Then I can give the information about the donation.
13:39 We really need our world churches' prayer
13:43 and support including financial support.
13:46 Amen.
13:47 What is your student population right now
13:50 at the Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College?
13:53 BASC has 800 students.
13:56 That's amazing.
13:58 Yes.
13:59 We have 250 college students,
14:03 340 high school students,
14:07 and about 200 elementary school students.
14:11 Now, they obviously know
14:13 that you're a Christian organization in the area,
14:16 you're not hiding the church or the name of the church,
14:18 you're the Bangladesh Adventist Theology.
14:24 How do people in the local area receive you?
14:28 Because we provide
14:31 free medical service and dental service
14:36 from many parts of the world as volunteers,
14:41 just some dentists, and doctors, and nurses,
14:45 and the volunteers come to Bangladesh and serve,
14:49 so our local people are very much fond of BASC,
14:55 they love BASC so much
14:58 and the atmosphere is so sweet and friendly.
15:01 Oh, that's wonderful.
15:04 Well, trust me that you will have our prayers
15:08 and it's a very worthy cause.
15:10 So you've got about 300,000 more that needs to come in.
15:14 You've started the building, this construction has begun
15:17 and do you have a specific deadline
15:21 that you're looking to try to complete this
15:23 or just as the Lord provides?
15:25 Yes, that's a good question.
15:28 We are planning to finish constructing
15:31 our academic building,
15:33 which will be used for nursing college building
15:35 in the near future by the end of this year,
15:39 but at least by the end of April 2016...
15:46 Can I intervene?
15:47 Surely.
15:48 Next year, except this building
15:51 we're going to finish three multi...
15:54 auditorium, 2,000 people can be accommodated
15:58 and another is in our nursing school dormitory
16:02 and also academic building.
16:04 In the future, it'll be nursing school building.
16:09 Next year, Bangladesh will be 110 years
16:15 of Three Angels' Message in our celebration year.
16:18 Already, orally I invited G.C. President Elder Ted Wilson
16:24 to come and to inaugurate.
16:26 At that time, I think it'll be very glorious time
16:30 if we inaugurate all the things, three things.
16:34 Amen.
16:35 Well, gentlemen... Go ahead.
16:37 If Pastor Ted Wilson comes to Bangladesh
16:40 and bless our people
16:43 and give encouragement to our Bangladesh people
16:49 it will be a great spiritual heritage
16:51 to our young people
16:53 and we'll be very much encouraged.
16:56 Amen.
16:57 Well, I just want to thank you, Dr. Yang and Dr. Lee
17:00 for the work that you're doing there.
17:02 And for those of you at home,
17:04 if you would be interested
17:05 in supporting this project further,
17:08 you can contact Dr. Yang at D-R for doctor,
17:14 D-R-Peter Yang, yang@...
17:19 Oh excuse me...
17:20 and drpeteryang3004@gmail.com,
17:28 and please be praying for this project
17:30 and for all that the church is doing
17:33 throughout the 10/40 Window.
17:35 Thank you.
17:38 Wow, what a powerful, powerful testimony.
17:42 Next up, Edward Saint Fleur
17:43 operates a radio station on the island of Haiti,
17:46 only running five hours a day
17:48 because of the intermittent power blackouts,
17:51 needs a solar panel
17:52 so that it can run 24 hours and preach the gospel.
17:54 Shelley had a chance to talk with him
17:56 about precisely that.
17:59 Hi, we're coming to you again
18:00 from the convention floor here at San Antonio
18:03 and joining us in our production booth today
18:06 is Pastor Edward Saint Fluer.
18:10 He is pastoring in the Bahamas, but his ministry is in Haiti
18:15 and you're going to enjoy this story.
18:18 Edward, we actually interviewed you five years ago
18:22 at the last GC conference
18:24 and you were doing something special there in Haiti
18:29 and now you've expanded that ministry,
18:32 but before we talk about
18:34 the voice of the Three Angels' radio station,
18:37 let's get to know you just a little bit.
18:40 Where were you born
18:41 and how did you become a pastor?
18:43 Thank you very much, Shelley, for the opportunity to share
18:48 and I praise the Lord for 3ABN
18:50 and what it is doing around the world.
18:53 I was born in L'Ile de la Tortue,
18:56 Tortuga island, Haiti.
18:58 It's located in the northwest part of the country.
19:02 I migrated to the Bahamas in 1981,
19:07 but all of my life I've been a Seventh-day Adventist.
19:10 My Great grandfather was the first Adventist
19:14 on that particular island.
19:16 Wonderful, wonderful.
19:18 So you've been pastoring now for how many years?
19:21 I've been pastoring for the past 16 years
19:24 with the South Bahamas Conference in Nassau, Bahamas.
19:28 And you have two churches?
19:29 That's correct,
19:30 that's the Francophone and New Englerston
19:35 Seventh-day Adventist church in Nassau.
19:37 And he also has three beautiful girls.
19:40 That is correct. And one wife.
19:42 And one lovely wife.
19:44 Okay, now you... with...
19:47 a pastor who has two churches surely has a plate full.
19:52 How did you end up going back to your home country in Haiti
19:58 to start a ministry?
19:59 Well, every year during my vacation time,
20:05 I go to Haiti with the hope of giving back to my roots,
20:12 basically to empower and encourage
20:14 and to spread the gospel in my homeland.
20:17 It's a pleasure.
20:19 What is the population of Haiti?
20:22 It's about 10 million people living in Haiti.
20:25 And there's, what, 400,000 Adventists, I believe.
20:28 That is correct, 400,000 Adventists.
20:32 But the primary belief system of the Haitians is what?
20:38 It's between Catholicism and Voodooism.
20:42 And Voodooism,
20:43 so there's a lot of witchcraft practiced in Haiti?
20:46 That is correct. All right.
20:48 How did God call you?
20:50 I know that you heard the call of the Lord
20:54 to do something special in Haiti, tell us about that?
20:57 It was back in 2006, someone came to me and said,
21:02 the Lord is asking me to do
21:05 a fast for the country of Haiti.
21:08 My wife and I, we conducted that fast, September 26, 2006.
21:13 Subsequent to that the Lord spoke to me,
21:17 he impressed me to purchase a property
21:20 to set up a radio station
21:22 so that light could get into the country
21:24 to dispel the darkness of witchcraft.
21:27 Amen. Amen. Yes.
21:29 Now you actually went to Haiti
21:32 and performed like a medical missionary training
21:36 before the earthquake, is that correct?
21:39 That is correct.
21:40 That was 2009,
21:43 approximately six months prior to the earthquake.
21:47 A team from Wildwood Lifestyle Center accompanied me,
21:51 we spent four weeks in the country.
21:54 We conducted training for some 75 young persons,
21:57 giving them basic lifestyle training
22:01 with the acronym NEWSTART, all right.
22:04 And we conducted two small evangelistic campaign
22:07 which yielded to 11 precious souls to the glory of God.
22:10 Wonderful.
22:12 You had already purchased the land at that point.
22:17 When... after the earthquake when did you actually...
22:20 It was after the earthquake
22:21 that you actually began broadcasting,
22:23 is that correct?
22:24 Exactly.
22:25 It was July 11, 2011,
22:28 which means this is the fourth year
22:32 since we've been broadcasting in Haiti.
22:35 We're actually broadcasting in someone's home.
22:39 Our building is still under construction.
22:41 Now you're on the isle of the turtle, La Tortue...
22:48 La Tortue, you're doing well.
22:50 Tell me what is this island like?
22:53 Your signal reaches...
22:55 it has a footprint of how many people?
22:58 Did you say 2 million that your signal can reach.
23:01 Yes, we're actually broadcasting
23:04 from the island reaching Cap-Haitien,
23:06 which is in the north.
23:07 Some section in central called Bas Laleau,
23:10 and north west Mole Saint-Nicholas,
23:14 which is the place that Columbus landed
23:16 December 5, 1492.
23:19 So our signal reaches that vast territory
23:22 covering over 2 million people.
23:24 Wonderful.
23:25 And what are the results
23:27 since you've started broadcasting?
23:28 You actually do Sabbath school lessons,
23:32 you're broadcasting how many hours a day?
23:35 Presently we operate 5 hours a day,
23:38 simply because of energy.
23:40 There is no electricity on the island,
23:43 so we're using a regular generator.
23:47 And gasoline could be expensive to run a radio station.
23:52 So we're basically operating 5 hours a day.
23:55 But the result has been fantastic.
23:58 And number of persons who left the church began to return.
24:02 So that is why we keep going almost every year,
24:05 going to conduct evangelistic outreach
24:08 and encourage the brethren.
24:10 And with regards to the Sabbath school lesson,
24:13 a number of persons cannot read
24:16 are not able to purchase the quarterlies
24:18 So what we do every morning is do the Sabbath school lesson
24:22 and they listen with their battery operated radio.
24:25 So by the time they go to Sabbath school,
24:29 the teacher asks,
24:30 how many followed their daily lesson plan
24:31 and they raise their hand.
24:33 The teacher is like, how?
24:34 They say, well, we listen to the radio station,
24:37 the voice of the three angels.
24:40 We listen, so we're able to study
24:44 and to follow the daily lesson plan.
24:47 The challenge is
24:49 to stay on the air for long period of time.
24:52 And there are countries where people have access
24:55 to the Sabbath school lesson, but some do not study.
24:58 Yes.
25:00 But yet these people, only through the radio station,
25:04 they are studying,
25:05 so we want to continue that
25:07 and to grow further to spread the gospel.
25:10 Pastor St. Fleur, it's not only people
25:13 who formerly were Adventists have left the church
25:16 and returning to the church,
25:18 but you're actually seeing a lot of conversions
25:21 because of the Voice of the Three Angels radio station.
25:26 The churches are growing, people are learning,
25:30 but let's talk about where you're at as a ministry.
25:33 It's been four years now,
25:35 you're broadcasting out of someone's home,
25:39 what is it that you want to do?
25:41 You've purchased this land,
25:43 Had you begun to build it yet?
25:45 Yes, as I mentioned
25:47 we've been broadcasting in someone's home now
25:50 for the past four years.
25:52 Our building is still under construction.
25:55 Our greatest need for the present
25:57 is to equip the station with energy,
26:01 alternative means of energy
26:03 instead of using the generator.
26:06 If we could acquire
26:09 either solar panel and windmill
26:12 so that we can power up the station.
26:15 We'll be staying on the air 24/7,
26:18 that is my goal, that is my dream.
26:19 So the first thing is to equip the station with a solar panel
26:24 and the second thing
26:25 is to be able to put the roof on the building
26:28 and the furnishing so that we can move the station
26:31 from the private residence to its own location.
26:35 So you already have the building sides...
26:38 That is correct.
26:40 You just need the roof and the alternative power.
26:45 That is correct.
26:46 And if there are volunteer persons
26:48 who are interested in supporting such project,
26:52 you know, they can reach and make contact with us
26:54 and we'll be able to guide them.
26:58 In fact, some years, I'm not able to go to Haiti,
27:02 I still organize mission trip
27:05 and have persons waiting to receive them
27:08 and they just go in the territory
27:09 and begin to do their work.
27:12 Amen. I wanted...
27:14 You shared something just before we came
27:16 to sit in these seats,
27:18 about your last evangelistic effort over there
27:21 because the broadcasting
27:24 which is getting the attention of the locals,
27:26 2 million people potential audience,
27:29 but he goes over for a reaping harvest
27:32 and you actually...
27:35 This is an area
27:36 where the satanic works are going on,
27:40 there's a lot of witchcraft going on.
27:43 You actually experienced a very severe satanic attack
27:47 during your last series, didn't you?
27:49 That's correct.
27:51 It was last year August, before I went, the vision
27:53 was for me to present the Ten Commandments.
27:57 And we started August 13th, it was a Wednesday night,
28:03 to August 23rd.
28:05 Every night based on the instructions
28:08 that I felt that I received from the Lord
28:10 was to preach only one commandment.
28:12 We began with commandment number one.
28:14 When I preach on commandment number two,
28:18 which deals with graven images.
28:21 As you know, Haiti has a lot of images
28:24 and different idolatry basically,
28:28 when I preach on that commandment,
28:30 the devil was upset.
28:32 At the end of the service,
28:33 when I went home to my mother's house,
28:35 I had to walk in the dark after the service.
28:38 The devil actually came and attacked the house
28:40 where I was staying
28:42 and number of roaches came over the building
28:45 and some came inside the building.
28:47 And I just got up and killed a few of them
28:50 and the others, they just disappeared.
28:53 Don't know how they got in, didn't know how they got out,
28:58 but the Lord gave us the victory.
29:01 I know God is with this ministry
29:03 based on the victories we have experienced so far.
29:06 Amen.
29:07 I think it's precious
29:09 that you're going back to the country...
29:11 I mean the Bahamas is a beautiful area,
29:13 you're going back to an area that is also lovely,
29:17 but making a slow recovery from the earthquake
29:22 in an area of such great need
29:24 and I think it's precious
29:25 that you're going back to give back to your country.
29:28 Now we're going to give you
29:32 an email address in just a moment,
29:33 but what are some of the other things
29:36 that you have in the future.
29:38 Right now the great need
29:40 is to find the alternative power,
29:41 get a roof over this
29:43 so that you can actually start broadcasting 24/7.
29:47 But what are some of the other visions
29:49 you have for the future.
29:51 In addition to the radio station,
29:53 there are four other projects in our minds.
29:56 One is school,
30:00 to be able to provide some basic discipline,
30:04 like nursing, education, and agriculture and fisheries
30:08 that are much...
30:11 Very much needed on the island.
30:13 The other thing is the business empowerment center.
30:16 There are thousands of young people
30:20 after high school have nothing to do.
30:22 We want to be able to train them and empower them
30:26 because they need the skill
30:27 so that they can work and to feed themselves
30:31 and to support their families.
30:32 And in addition to the school,
30:34 the business empowerment center,
30:37 a clinic or healthy lifestyle center,
30:40 we would like to establish on the island
30:43 for health care purposes.
30:45 And finally, a missionary home, so when you come to the island,
30:50 you'll have a place to go
30:52 with almost some of the similar amenities
30:55 that you are accustomed to
30:57 or anybody else who wishes to come to the island.
31:01 Well, praise God for calling you there and He...
31:05 You know, the people of Haiti are precious people,
31:10 but they've been living in darkness for a long time.
31:13 And 400,000 Adventists, that's a good start,
31:17 but there's 10 million people that need to hear this message.
31:20 So we just thank you so much for the work that you're doing.
31:24 And for those of you at home
31:25 let me give you an email address,
31:27 if you would like to contact Pastor Edward St. Fleur,
31:31 you can contact him to come down on a mission trip,
31:34 maybe you can come down and help,
31:37 you know, you've got a construction background
31:39 and you can come help put a roof on this building
31:43 for the radio station,
31:45 or perhaps you know
31:47 something about alternative energy,
31:48 about solar powers, the panels and windmills,
31:52 you can contact him at E-S for his name Edward St. Fleur,
31:58 E-S la Tortue, which means the turtle,
32:02 E-S, la,
32:03 L-A-T-O-R-T-U-E@gmail.com.
32:10 And if the Lord's impressing you to support this ministry,
32:14 it is a non-profit organization
32:16 and I know that God wants to reach
32:20 the many people there in Haiti.
32:22 Thank you so much, Brother, for being here today
32:25 and thank you for the work that you're doing.
32:27 Praise the Lord, thank you for having me.
32:29 Yes.
32:31 There are many people around the world
32:33 who only receive their gospel through the radio,
32:37 as far reaching as 3ABN is and we like to accept the fact
32:42 that God has called us to reach the world,
32:44 there are many that only get their gospel through radio
32:47 and through private or personal radio stations.
32:50 So people like Edward St. Fleur
32:54 are doing a great work for the Lord,
32:56 getting the gospel out,
32:57 many times using content from 3ABN to do that
33:00 and so we're so happy to partner with them.
33:02 Up next, Conrad Vine and Marc Coleman.
33:05 We talked about niche ministries,
33:07 little ministries that target particular groups of people,
33:10 this is one, Shelley Quinn had a chance
33:11 to talk with these two men
33:13 who represent Adventist Frontier Mission,
33:16 they're building showers for refugees in Iran,
33:21 these are female refugees
33:23 and this is a very specific ministry.
33:25 This is a very interesting story.
33:30 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, we're coming to you
33:33 from the hall of the convention center
33:35 here at the 2015 quinquennial GC conference.
33:40 And today we have with us Conrad Vine
33:43 who is President of Adventist Frontier Missions,
33:46 we also have Marc Coleman
33:47 who is the International Field Director
33:50 for Adventist Frontier Missions.
33:52 And before we tell you of the wonderful work AFM is doing,
33:55 I just wanted to let you get to know these gentlemen
33:59 on an individual basis.
34:00 Conrad, thank you so much for being with us here today.
34:04 Please, just share with our viewers
34:06 a little of your fascinating history.
34:08 Well, it's a pleasure to be talking with you
34:10 this morning, Shelley.
34:11 I was raised in England, which explains my accent.
34:16 My father was a pastor.
34:18 I come from a family of seven pastors
34:20 and my twin brother is a pastor as well.
34:23 And God led me to serve with A.D.R.A.
34:26 for ten years in Central Asia
34:28 in places such as Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan,
34:32 it brought me a wonderful wife out in the former Soviet Union,
34:35 she was raised a communist.
34:37 When communism collapsed,
34:39 she gave her life to Jesus Christ.
34:42 And just a few years ago, her family were also baptized
34:45 into the Adventist faith.
34:46 And over the last ten years,
34:48 I've been serving as an ordained pastor
34:50 in Britain and Northern Minnesota,
34:52 and now I served with Adventist Frontier Missions.
34:55 And how long have you been with AFM?
34:58 I've been serving since 2011, so four years now.
35:02 All right, and you are president.
35:03 Well, we're very glad to have you here.
35:05 Thank you.
35:06 And Marc Coleman, tell us a little of your background.
35:09 Sure, my name, as you said Marc Coleman.
35:12 I grew up in a small town in Ohio.
35:15 I always wanted to do mission work,
35:17 just had a burden to be overseas,
35:20 to travel and to share the gospel,
35:23 something that I always wanted to do.
35:26 I'm a pastor by profession.
35:28 I've pastored in Virginia and in Pennsylvania.
35:32 But while pastoring...
35:33 actually was a Bible worker before I was a pastor,
35:36 I had an opportunity to meet refugees
35:39 where I was working door to door
35:41 actually in the city of Seattle, Washington,
35:43 and while there I was impressed
35:46 that I needed to become involved
35:47 in a more tangible way in their lives
35:50 and through prayer
35:51 and just a series of providential events
35:53 ended up in the mission field with my newly wed wife
35:58 working in refugee camps in Southeast Asia
36:01 at the end of the Indo-China war.
36:03 And we came back from five years there
36:06 and pastored for several years in the States
36:08 and ended up going back to the mission field
36:10 for ten years in West Africa.
36:12 So serving in the mission fields,
36:16 sharing the gospel is something
36:17 that's in our blood.
36:18 We have two daughters who grew up in West Africa
36:21 and just a privilege
36:22 to serve and support missionaries around the world.
36:24 Now you got your Ph.D. in missiology from...
36:28 From the school in South Africa
36:30 while we were serving in the mission field.
36:31 Praise the Lord.
36:33 So shuttled back and forth between West Africa
36:34 where we were serving in Guinea to South Africa.
36:37 Had the opportunity, kind of,
36:38 to wrestle through mission issues
36:40 while studying and actually serving in the field.
36:43 So it was really good experience.
36:44 Oh, wonderful.
36:45 We just wanted to get that little personal testimony to...
36:48 It helps us get a flavor of your ministry.
36:51 Now Adventist Frontier Missions
36:53 has an incredible refugee outreach,
36:56 please share what you're doing in Iran?
37:01 Well, thank you.
37:02 Last July, like you, I was watching the news
37:06 and the news of ISIS
37:07 conquering northern Syria and northern Iraq.
37:10 And there were pictures on our TV screens
37:12 of hundreds of thousands of Christians, Muslims,
37:16 in inner cities fleeing their homes.
37:18 And as I was watching the news, I just felt moved by God
37:21 that how can I stand by and do nothing
37:24 as God's children are suffering,
37:25 and those who bear the name of Christ
37:27 are losing everything for their faith.
37:29 So we prayed about it in AFM
37:31 and we spoke with the Middle-East Union
37:32 and with A.D.R.A.
37:34 and last August, I flew in with friends
37:36 to Erbil in northern Iraq, it's the capital of Kurdistan,
37:40 and we started meeting with refugees
37:43 and learning their needs.
37:45 We were only about 50 miles from the frontlines,
37:47 the situation was very tense.
37:50 We didn't know at nights
37:51 whether ISIS would drive down the roads
37:53 and knock at the hotel and kidnap us.
37:55 It's one of those trips where you...
37:58 I made sure my wife had a life insurance policy
38:00 before we left and I left two envelopes
38:02 for my children to be read when they were 18 years old,
38:06 if I were not to return from that trip.
38:08 But since then, by God's grace,
38:10 and with the support of many generous donors
38:12 including some of 3ABN's viewers,
38:15 we've been building shower,
38:17 and latrine blocks for women refugees
38:19 so that they can cater
38:21 for their personal hygiene needs
38:22 with privacy and in safety.
38:24 We build the blocks within the camps
38:27 so that the women do not have to leave the camps at nights
38:30 where they're in danger of being trafficked
38:33 or kidnapped or sold into sexual slavery.
38:36 And we've also been giving out many relief items
38:39 for the women and children.
38:40 And right now we have a missionary family
38:43 going through training and by God's grace
38:46 they will launch later this year
38:48 and they will be a long-term mission
38:49 presence in Kurdistan
38:51 and their job will be to work among the refugees
38:54 to share the good news of Jesus as the Prince of peace.
38:58 And what I've discovered out there is that
39:00 there are many people who...
39:01 Muslims who are hurting,
39:03 they're questioning their Muslim faith
39:05 and they're very open to Jesus as the Prince of peace.
39:08 And so beyond the relief work,
39:11 we're looking to have an ongoing missionary presence
39:14 to work with people to build trust,
39:16 to share the love of Jesus Christ
39:19 and to invite them to follow Jesus
39:21 as their Lord and Savior.
39:23 Conrad, in these camps,
39:25 now your camp is very close to Mosul.
39:28 I mean, it's...
39:30 Let's say the level of danger is exceedingly high there,
39:34 but in these camps,
39:36 what is the percentage of female versus male
39:40 and what is the percentage of Christians?
39:42 Those are very good questions.
39:43 As a general rule,
39:45 about 70 percent of the inhabitants of the camps
39:48 are women and children.
39:51 The men are either away fighting
39:53 or they were killed by ISIS.
39:55 And there are many, many women who have their household,
39:58 they have multiple children and no male relatives.
40:02 And within the camps, you have a basic split of,
40:05 some are mostly Sunni Muslim,
40:08 some camps are mostly Yazidis,
40:11 and some are Christians.
40:13 And maybe half of the refugees are Christians
40:16 and there were about 1.8 million refugees
40:19 came into Kurdistan last August,
40:21 and to put it into proportion,
40:24 there are 300 million people in the United States
40:26 and imagine if 350 million people
40:29 crossed from Mexico into United States
40:31 in a two week period, how would we house them?
40:33 How would we feed them?
40:35 How would we give them healthcare?
40:37 We met women who marched nine months pregnant
40:40 through the deserts,
40:42 they arrived in Erbil and on the streets gave birth,
40:46 but they held their babies with smiles, saying, we did it,
40:50 we survived, we made it through the crisis.
40:52 And so it's just a privilege to stand by families
40:55 who have lost everything for the name of Jesus Christ.
40:58 And to say that as a fellow Christian,
41:01 we're gonna stand by in your hour of need,
41:03 but we're also going to share
41:04 the good news of Jesus Christ with the Muslims
41:07 who are also in the camps as well.
41:09 And how receptive are they?
41:12 Actually, right now
41:14 the Spirit of God is being poured out
41:15 in a mighty way in the Muslim world.
41:18 And in Kurdistan in particular,
41:19 there are many Muslims who are open to the gospel
41:22 because they say that ISIS are salafists,
41:26 they're very strict form of Sunni Islam,
41:28 they're very conservative Muslims,
41:30 you might say.
41:32 And the people are saying,
41:33 well, if this is what strict Islam means
41:35 that you can go and behead people
41:37 and take their daughters into sexual slavery
41:40 and murder and rape at will,
41:42 then we want nothing to do with this.
41:44 And so right now while people are questioning
41:47 their Islamic heritage,
41:48 now is the time to have missionaries on the ground
41:50 sharing the good news of the soon returning Savior.
41:53 Now speaking of having missionaries on the ground,
41:56 Adventist Frontier Mission or AFM is also facilitating
42:03 what you might call a tentmaker ministry
42:05 as Paul the Apostle was a tentmaker
42:08 and out on the mission fields.
42:10 Tell us a little about your tentmaker mission.
42:14 Well, we're following the steps of the Apostle Paul
42:17 who viewed his professional skills
42:19 as an asset to ministry.
42:22 James, John, Peter, and Andrew,
42:24 they left their role as fishermen
42:26 and they left their profession behind to be disciples,
42:29 but the Apostle Paul, the greatest Apostle of all,
42:32 he uses professional skills
42:34 as an asset in the mission field.
42:35 So we have a tentmaker ministry in AFM
42:38 and we're trying to invite young professionals
42:41 or experienced professional to go to our website,
42:46 it's gotential, like potential but with a G.
42:48 Gotential.org.
42:49 Gotential, so potential with a G.
42:52 Gotential.org.
42:53 And there they can find
42:54 the biblical basis for tent making.
42:57 There are many websites there
42:58 where you can find
42:59 professional employments in the mission field
43:02 and we're encouraging people
43:04 to find professional employment,
43:05 maybe in Saudi Arabia, or China,
43:07 or Morocco, or Egypt to use your professional skills
43:11 and find a private employer.
43:13 There are thousands of jobs
43:14 going for English speaking professionals
43:16 in the mission field.
43:18 And when you've launched to the mission field,
43:20 you go there, not so much to be a professional there,
43:24 but you are using your professional skills
43:26 to give you a visa
43:27 and then you can plant a church, a house church
43:29 in which ever country or city you happen to be living in.
43:32 And even today there are churches in the Middle East,
43:35 I won't mention by name,
43:37 but there are churches in the Middle East
43:38 that were established by physicians and nurses
43:41 and physical therapists, thriving house churches
43:44 that were established by tent makers.
43:46 And so our tentmaker ministry is designed
43:50 so that nobody is AFM's employee,
43:53 there's no financial relationship with AFM,
43:55 we have a coaching and a training relationship
43:58 to encourage people.
43:59 We say, this is how you find work,
44:01 this is a check list of what you need to do
44:03 before you go, in terms of having
44:04 a well and supporting church and prayer partners,
44:08 and when you get to the field,
44:09 we can coach you in how to plant a church,
44:12 how to gain decisions for Jesus Christ,
44:15 how to lead an inductive Bible study,
44:17 common questions and answers you may have with Muslims
44:19 or with Hindus or with Buddhists.
44:21 And so this is a new ministry we've begun
44:24 and we just like to encourage all of your viewers,
44:26 if they have professional skills
44:28 and maybe they sense they've accomplished
44:30 all they want to in their home country
44:33 and they've reached a plateau in their career,
44:35 well, they sense God calling them
44:36 to be a tentmaker like the Apostle Paul,
44:38 to check out our website, gotential.org
44:41 and pray about launching as a tentmaker
44:43 to the 10/40 Mission window
44:45 and just seeing what God can do through each one of us
44:49 with our professional skills, it's a thrilling opportunity.
44:51 And I believe that the Lord has given AFM this vision
44:55 but I know He's got His call on many people here
44:59 who are hearing this message.
45:01 So if the Spirit of the Lord
45:02 is stirring your heart right now,
45:04 I encourage you to pray
45:05 and then go to the website gotential,
45:08 G-O-T-E-N-T-I-A-L.org and check this out
45:14 because God is not going to...
45:17 Christ isn't going to return
45:18 until all the people of the world
45:20 have been reached.
45:21 And this 10/40 Window,
45:23 there's still a number of people
45:25 who are looking for
45:27 and Muslims are actually looking
45:28 for the return of Christ,
45:30 they just haven't recognized him yet
45:32 as the Son of God, as the Prince of peace.
45:35 So I encourage you to do that.
45:37 Thank you, Conrad, for sharing. Thank you.
45:39 Now, Marc, you as the Director
45:42 of the International Field Activities
45:44 for Adventist Frontier Mission,
45:46 kind of give us an overview of what AFM is doing
45:51 in addition to this refugee outreach
45:54 and the tentmaker ministry?
45:55 Well, we have missionaries around the world
45:59 and our goal is to...
46:02 Our goal is to put people in places
46:04 where the church is not developed.
46:06 So we are there to plant the church,
46:09 to spread the gospel where Jesus is not known
46:12 or where the church is very small or not developed.
46:17 So what we're often doing is we're actually,
46:19 our missionaries are not only sharing the gospel
46:22 but they're having to work
46:23 without an infrastructure, without a support.
46:26 In Africa, we're planting churches
46:29 in many Muslim areas,
46:30 In Southeast Asia and South Asia
46:32 we're spreading the Gospel there
46:35 and seeing the beginnings of God
46:38 doing a movement in places
46:39 where there have never been a Christians before.
46:42 In Europe as well we are...
46:45 It's hard to imagine that Europe is a big mission field,
46:48 but in Europe we are seeing people come to Christ
46:53 as a result of our missionaries' work.
46:54 So we work in many places around the world.
46:58 One thing that we're seeing and as we talk about the,
47:02 you know, as we approach the end of time
47:03 as we see the great controversy coming to an end,
47:06 our missionaries are often working
47:07 in very challenging circumstances,
47:11 they face a number of challenges
47:15 that threaten, we can say,
47:18 threaten their work or impede their work,
47:19 but if handled in faith and prayer,
47:24 we also see that those become powerful opportunities
47:27 to gain credibility
47:29 and to even win people to Christ.
47:30 Right, now tell me a little bit about the...
47:33 as far as your language abilities,
47:37 does someone need to be multilingual,
47:39 I know you are multilingual, speaking several languages
47:42 to become a missionary in these areas,
47:45 are you looking for people who are multilingual
47:47 or what are the requirements?
47:49 We're looking for people who are first willing.
47:51 Obviously being multilingual or bilingual helps,
47:55 but AFM does give training in how to learn a language,
47:58 but most of all we could depend on the Holy Spirit
48:01 to guide us and to help us to learn a language.
48:03 So when I went as a missionary, I only spoke one language,
48:07 but God gives us the ability in the field to learn
48:10 and there may be different levels of proficiency
48:12 in learning a language,
48:13 but it is definitely something that can be learned.
48:16 And a lot of people have gifts that they don't know of.
48:19 So no, you don't have to be multilingual to be a missionary
48:22 and many people will become multilingual in their service.
48:25 Amen.
48:26 How many different churches are being planted?
48:29 Do you have a number?
48:31 We haven't kept numbers,
48:33 but I think 60-70 churches over the last several years
48:38 we've seen planted as a result of the work of AFM.
48:41 And again, I have to say that these are sometimes churches
48:44 that are working in a setting
48:47 where there is not a neighboring church
48:49 three hours away or five hours away.
48:51 These may be isolated churches.
48:53 So our missionaries often stay longer
48:55 then you'd normally expect
48:58 because they have to build up a support structure
49:00 so that the work doesn't die when they leave.
49:03 And then if I were say a... If I...
49:06 My husband and I were young and wanted to...
49:09 Felt the call of God
49:11 to do something more meaningful with our life,
49:13 if we were to come into this remote area,
49:17 does AFM help with Bible study materials?
49:20 What kind of support does AFM give the missionaries?
49:24 Very good question.
49:25 First, before missionaries leave,
49:28 they are trained and given skills
49:31 to live in an environment, to study the environment,
49:34 to study the language, to integrate with the people,
49:37 so they don't feel like total strangers when they go.
49:41 Then all during their service AFM has Field Directors
49:45 that visit them regularly, stay in contact with them
49:49 through electronic communication,
49:50 if such is available or other means of communication
49:53 and every one of their needs that we can humanly support,
49:57 we do our best to do to support.
49:59 So even though they may be in an area
50:01 where there's no church support,
50:02 they still have AFM's support.
50:04 They do. They do. Praise the Lord.
50:05 And I know, I just believe with my heart,
50:08 someone God is tugging at the heart strings
50:11 of many people to do this.
50:13 One question that I didn't ask you, Conrad,
50:16 that I do want to ask is in the refugee camps,
50:20 do you have an idea
50:22 of the populous of this refugee camp
50:24 that's just 50 miles out of Mosul?
50:27 Yes, well, the total refugee population
50:29 is almost 1.8 million in Kurdistan.
50:32 And some of the camps are run by the United Nations,
50:36 they have maybe 30 or 40,000 people in them,
50:40 but only a third of the refugees
50:41 are in formal refugee camps.
50:43 The rest of them are living
50:45 in unfinished construction sites,
50:47 waste and dumps. They're living in schools,
50:50 you go to churches
50:52 and you may have three families living
50:54 on every pew in the church.
50:56 And so the refugee camps vary in size
50:58 from 2 or 3 hundreds to 40 or 50 thousand,
51:01 the largest camps.
51:03 And some of the refugee camps
51:05 are very close to the frontlines.
51:07 And some of them are slightly further away.
51:10 But in Kurdistan,
51:12 no refugee is more than a couple of hours drive
51:14 from ISIS and to hear their stories of suffering,
51:20 to listen to an Iraqi women, a Christian lady
51:23 sharing her how on her way out of Mosul,
51:26 the ISIS fighters took her watch, her rings,
51:31 her belt, her shoes, anything of value,
51:33 and they would also take their young daughters.
51:36 And the mother knows
51:38 what those girls are going through now.
51:40 And to hear the ladies
51:42 just expressing their pain and anguish,
51:44 I understood for the first time
51:46 why in the book of Job it's said that
51:47 when Job's friends came to see him,
51:49 he saw the death and the suffering
51:51 and they were silent for seven days.
51:53 In the face of such evil, we can only be silent.
51:56 But Jesus also said in Beatitudes that,
51:59 after the final Beatitude he said,
52:00 "Blessed are you when men persecute you."
52:03 And the next teaching was,
52:04 "You shall be the light of the world."
52:06 So it's in the midst of evil
52:07 that God is causing and calling us
52:09 to Seventh-day Adventists
52:10 to stand up and say there is good,
52:12 there is a loving heavenly Father,
52:14 there is hope because
52:15 there is a soon returning Savior,
52:17 and that is why we serve in places such as Kurdistan.
52:19 Amen.
52:21 Well, this has been so exciting for me to learn about
52:24 the refugee outreach we have.
52:25 That's new for me.
52:27 And I believe so much, I want to thank you both,
52:31 Marc and Conrad, for being here today.
52:34 But I believe, just as the Lord is moving on my heart,
52:37 He is moving on your heart at home.
52:39 And if you feel that you would like to support AFM,
52:44 Adventist Frontier Mission,
52:45 you may go to AFMonline.org, is that correct?
52:51 There's no hyphen? No.
52:52 Just AFMonline.org
52:57 and you can support this refugee ministry
52:59 and you can support...
53:01 Maybe God's calling you to be like Paul and be a tentmaker,
53:04 take your profession and use that to get the visa
53:09 and start a church in one of these countries
53:12 in the 10/40 window,
53:13 or maybe you would like to be a missionary
53:16 as Marc was telling us.
53:17 I know that time is short.
53:19 I believe with all of my heart that God wants to reach
53:23 the Muslim people as well as there are so many
53:27 who have a sincere heart for God.
53:29 So God is looking for people who are willing to sacrifice,
53:34 maybe a little of their comfort,
53:36 step outside of the box,
53:38 be led by the Holy Spirit
53:40 and I just want to encourage you
53:42 to go to AFMonline.org.
53:46 Thank you so much for joining us,
53:49 and we'll have more
53:50 straight from San Antonio for you soon to see.
53:54 Thank you. God bless.
53:57 Thank you.


Revised 2016-01-21