3ABN Today

Planned Giving & Trust Services

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mollie Steenson (Host), Earlenne Hunt (Host), Robert Manning, Pat Manning, Barry Benton


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015083B

00:01 Earlenne, time flies when you're having fun.
00:03 And we've been having a great time.
00:04 We've been having a great time.
00:06 I believe you've got some end of the year deadlines
00:08 and some package you want to make available.
00:10 Right, just give us a call.
00:12 Give us a call and say, I'd like to get that packet
00:15 that has all the information
00:16 about how I can start planning documents with 3ABN,
00:21 and how I can be a supporter for the rest of the time.
00:25 Deadlines for charitable gift annuities
00:27 for this year is December 24.
00:31 That gives us time enough
00:33 to get them through before the end of the year.
00:35 And we will be more than happy
00:37 to make sure your's is done in time.
00:39 So if you want to do one of those,
00:41 starts with $5,000 for single and $10,000 for joint.
00:46 So if you'd like to get a charitable gift annuity
00:48 in this year, give us a call right away
00:50 and we'll get the packet to you.
00:51 Now, Barry, if you have any closing thoughts
00:54 for our ladies, please look into the camera,
00:57 and just tell them what's on your heart.
01:00 Ladies, take charge of your lives.
01:02 Be sure that you have what you need,
01:05 and do not let someone distract you
01:08 from being sure that you have the plans
01:11 that will work for you, should bad things happen.
01:14 And be sure and lift weights everyday.
01:15 Okay.
01:17 So you are to lift weights everyday
01:19 and make sure that you have your life
01:22 in the hands of someone, and first and foremost,
01:26 we trust God, we trust Almighty God.
01:29 But God gave us intelligence and He expects us to use it.
01:33 And Bob and Pat, the Mannings, Mr. and Mrs. Manning,
01:37 it is such a joy to have, had you with us.
01:40 Thank you so much for coming all the way
01:42 from Maine to Southern Illinois,
01:45 to be a part of 3ABN.
01:47 And thank you also,
01:48 for your years of support of 3ABN.
01:51 You are a blessing and a joy to us.
01:53 And getting the link up there.
01:55 Yes, getting, getting 3ABN there.
01:58 It's just--
01:59 it's people like you
02:00 that make this ministry what it is today.
02:03 And Barry, for your years of service here at 3ABN,
02:06 we thank you and we appreciate you.
02:09 You're welcome. And we thank you.
02:11 And we appreciate each and everyone of you,
02:13 it's your love and your prayers,
02:15 and of course, your financial support,
02:17 that has enabled 3ABN all of these years
02:20 to take the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
02:23 to the whole world.
02:24 Thank you, our prayer for you
02:26 is that God will continue to richly bless you.


Revised 2015-12-10