3ABN Today

South Bahamas Conference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Yvonne Lewis (Host), Paul Scavella


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015079A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:09 Thank you for joining us as you do each and everyday
01:12 and as always I always like to thank our folks
01:15 for their love and their prayers
01:16 and financial support of 3ABN
01:19 as we continue to take this gospel into all the world.
01:22 My co-host today is Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
01:25 Yeah. And may we call you Yvonne?
01:27 Absolutely. Or Sister Lewis.
01:29 Sister Lewis, no. Yvonne.
01:31 All right, we'll call her Yvonne.
01:34 Manager of Dare to Dream and we're so thankful
01:36 for what you're doing
01:37 and what God has called you to do.
01:39 Coming from the world and singing Jingles
01:41 and singing all that you've done
01:43 in the music world to coming here
01:45 and taking over the reins of Dare to Dream,
01:48 which is reaching the inner cities in America
01:50 and around the world.
01:52 It's a calling and you accepted that calling.
01:55 Thank you so much.
01:56 Well, I praise the Lord for it. It's a privilege.
01:58 It's truly a privilege. So thank you.
02:00 All right. We have a special guest today.
02:01 Have you met this gentleman?
02:03 I have.
02:04 Pastor Paul.
02:06 Pastor Paul Scavella. Scavella.
02:07 And president of the Bahamas Conference, right?
02:10 South Bahamas. South Bahamas.
02:12 Yes. In Nassau.
02:14 In Nassau, yes. What a beautiful place.
02:17 Well, I think so. Yeah.
02:19 Is that fair for people to be able to live
02:21 some where like that on this earth all the time?
02:22 I know.
02:23 Well, you know, God has a wonderful sense of humor.
02:30 And in His creative mind he thought it best
02:34 to put the best place on earth in the Bahamas.
02:42 But now you have to admit,
02:43 I drove you around out in country area here in new--
02:48 You know what he said? What he said?
02:49 He got down, said it's so... Peaceful.
02:51 Peaceful. Yes.
02:53 He liked to. Yeah.
02:54 We went acres and acres and several miles
02:56 and showed him different 3ABN facilities,
03:00 our different buildings.
03:01 It certainly is a very nice place to be
03:05 and the quietness, you know,
03:08 where one of my favorite writers,
03:10 Ellen White talks about makes it more distinct,
03:14 the voice of God.
03:15 And certainly it's somewhere where one can focus
03:21 away from the meandering activities
03:24 of the busy city life
03:26 and really get in tune with our Maker.
03:30 So it's a joy to be here with you.
03:32 And thank you for having me.
03:34 And it's a privilege to have you
03:36 and humans, it's good that we can adapt so much,
03:38 you know, because like me, I travel around the world
03:42 but there is, not to one that coined this,
03:45 some of you have heard this term.
03:46 "There's no place like home." That's right.
03:48 I think that is Wizard of Oz or something.
03:50 Judy Garland, "No place like home."
03:52 It's first time I've heard of it anyway.
03:54 But there's always no place,
03:56 Bahamas for me a great place to visit
03:58 but, you know, this is home.
04:00 But for you, this is a nice place to visit.
04:02 But the Bahamas is home, you know.
04:04 And the weather is beautiful today.
04:05 Well, it is. It is right time now.
04:07 She was from New York but there's no place like home.
04:12 But now you've learned to get used--
04:14 You're kind of gotten out of that
04:15 city mindset, haven't you?
04:17 I have, you know.
04:18 The last time I was in New York which--
04:19 I love my New Yorkers and everything.
04:22 But there's a unique energy in New York
04:27 and the last time I was there, it was cold
04:31 and it was kind of frenetic and everybody is rushing out.
04:34 And I thought, Well, this is the first time
04:37 that I've gone to New York
04:39 and wanted to get back to Southern Illinois.
04:42 Just peace here and the tranquility
04:46 and just, it's just different.
04:48 It's really different here.
04:50 Yeah, it's all in what you get used to.
04:52 I still love you though, New York.
04:53 And I go to New York and I'm happy to be there
04:57 over Sabbath but like people said,
04:59 you want to stay a couple of days
05:01 and shopping--
05:02 No I need to get back.
05:03 I want to get back to the country, you know.
05:05 It's just kind of the way we are
05:07 but beautiful part of the world.
05:08 We've been there. Thank you for having us.
05:10 Yes.
05:11 We did some programs there, last-- live actually.
05:13 Yes. And which church was that?
05:14 Where were we?
05:16 We were at the HillView Church
05:19 where we did the Wednesday night service through Thursday
05:23 and then we were at the national gymnasium
05:27 on the weekend for camp meeting.
05:29 That was great. Yes.
05:30 Wonderful there. It was.
05:31 Some great music and their great preaching
05:35 and so what time of year is that?
05:36 Any certain time of the year, is this spring?
05:38 It's usually the end of June
05:41 and the first weekend in July right after our academy closes.
05:46 We go into week of our camp meetings
05:49 and so every year it's a time of refreshing,
05:52 it's a time of focus of training
05:55 and helping prepare the membership
05:57 for more work in the field, and harvesting those persons,
06:03 who are ready to accept God's Three Angels' messages.
06:07 Amen.
06:08 If he wanted some really huge crowds,
06:11 he would have that camp meeting in January
06:13 and about half of America would show up.
06:15 That's right.
06:17 Well, that's something you need to think about it.
06:20 I'd be one to show up for sure.
06:22 Get out of this, the cold up here.
06:24 In that time of year. Yeah.
06:25 With-- we're gonna talk a little bit about
06:27 you and your background.
06:29 We are here today. We're gonna talk about--
06:31 There was a hurricane recently.
06:32 Yes. That's why you are here.
06:33 What is the name of the hurricane?
06:35 Hurricane Joaquin passed through the Bahamas
06:39 and sat over the South Eastern Islands in the Bahamas
06:43 for about almost two days.
06:46 And quite a bit of devastation took place,
06:49 destruction of homes.
06:51 Thank God, no loss of life.
06:54 Amazing.
06:55 No loss of life. No loss of life.
06:58 Human life, that is.
07:00 There were some animals that lost their lives
07:02 but God, and it's a miracle really,
07:05 because when you surveyed the areas
07:09 where the hurricane was and see what happened
07:14 and the amount of destruction, both by water and wind
07:19 and in other areas, it's almost,
07:24 not almost, a miracle that nobody really lost their lives.
07:29 So we just give God thanks in all things
07:33 because "all things together," when you add it all up
07:36 "work for the good of those who love the Lord,
07:38 those who are called according to His purpose."
07:41 Amen. Yes.
07:43 So we delighted to be able to be here
07:46 and to be able to testify the goodness of God
07:50 through this circumstance.
07:53 Amen.
07:54 What a miracle and we're gonna be talking about
07:56 what we can do to help.
07:58 We have brothers and sisters
07:59 whose homes have been devastated,
08:01 I mean, they have their lives
08:03 but that's some of them that's all they have left.
08:05 Everything is washed away and destroyed.
08:09 We want to talk about churches and all that.
08:10 But I want to get a little bit about your background.
08:13 Tell us where you were born and raised.
08:15 Well, I was born in Nassau at the hospital there,
08:19 the hospital which is called the Princess Margaret Hospital.
08:23 And of course, you know, the Bahamas
08:25 has a British background
08:27 and so everything in the early days
08:29 had some connection to someone or some activity in Britain
08:35 and so the hospital is called Princess Margaret Hospital.
08:38 And that's the main government hospital in the country
08:42 and I was born in an Adventist home.
08:46 Okay.
08:48 My father and mother are Adventist missionaries.
08:52 My father is a pastor.
08:54 Pastor Neville Emmanuel Scavella.
08:58 I think it's Emmanuel Neville Scavella.
09:00 And my mother Olivine Scavella.
09:02 So I grew up in a pastor's home
09:03 and their parents were also Adventists.
09:07 So I'm the third generation Adventist
09:12 and had the privilege of going to Adventist school,
09:16 both in the Bahamas and then at one point
09:19 my father and mother went to La Sierra, California,
09:24 Loma Linda to do their extended education.
09:28 So I spent two years in California as a teenager.
09:31 So you were a PK.
09:34 Yes.
09:37 Still am.
09:39 My father and mother, both alive.
09:42 Oh, praise the Lord.
09:44 My father is retired, my mother is retired.
09:46 She has served in the church for most of her life,
09:52 working at the office.
09:54 And of course, that in itself gave many challenges
10:01 because people -- expectation of you
10:05 is so high, almost as if you are not human.
10:09 Yes. And--
10:11 But the one thing that I often say to people
10:16 in regards to that is that here,
10:18 you know, sometimes PKs get a bad rap.
10:23 They are not in the church or they whatever.
10:27 I stand here as a testimony of growing up in a home
10:31 where I have parents who were Christians
10:35 and who did everything they could within their power
10:39 to give me an opportunity to also accept,
10:42 to accept Jesus as my personal savior.
10:45 And I had the joy of having wonderful Christian parents.
10:52 More than just pastor and pastor's wife,
10:56 they were Christians and so I resisted
11:03 being put in a category as a pastor's kid.
11:06 I was a kid and my parents protected us
11:11 from that as well,
11:12 giving us the opportunity to be ourselves.
11:15 And so it came to a point
11:18 when I had to make a decision for Christ for myself.
11:21 I was coming to that. Yeah.
11:23 Well, because as a-- as a PK,
11:27 you often have to go along with your parents agenda.
11:32 So at what point did you realize for you
11:35 that Jesus Christ was your savior?
11:38 Yeah, well, I got baptized and accepted Christ
11:42 as my personal savior when I was ten years of age.
11:45 But that became a process of about five to six years
11:50 because I still had my struggles
11:52 and peer pressure and all the rest of it.
11:54 And one Sabbath, my father was preaching in church
12:00 and I was sitting in the back of the church.
12:04 The central church at home where I grew up
12:08 and I was talking
12:11 and not paying attention to his sermon.
12:14 And it was as if a voice said to me,
12:18 "Why are you here distracting
12:20 other young people from hearing the gospel
12:23 that your daddy is up there?
12:25 So engaged him.
12:29 Take the same effort and energy that you are using
12:33 to lead these young people who are astray
12:36 and use it for me," To lead them to Christ.
12:40 Wow, and how old were you at that point?
12:42 I was about 15, going on 16. Wow.
12:45 Getting ready to finish high school.
12:48 And so right on the middle of the sermon, this voice,
12:52 just as clear as I'm talking to you said that to me.
12:56 And it was at that point that I realized
12:58 that God was calling me to ministry,
13:02 something which I really didn't want to be involved in.
13:06 But if I could use my efforts to distract people from Christ,
13:11 then I could use it to attract them to Christ.
13:14 All right, love it. That's good.
13:16 So you all went back, you finished,
13:18 the folks finished there in California,
13:20 you went back to the Bahamas.
13:21 We went back to the Bahamas and then I went off to school.
13:25 But I didn't enroll in theology, in ministry.
13:28 I enrolled in biology.
13:30 And did almost a whole year of biology training,
13:34 cutting up frogs in the lab and microbiology and chemistry
13:40 and all this type of stuff and--
13:42 It was just something inside of me just saying,
13:45 the same energy that you used to distract people from me,
13:49 I need you to use it to attract people to me.
13:51 Okay.
13:52 And so after a year I came home
13:55 and one summer in an in AY, I told the church that,
14:01 when I returned to school I was gonna be doing theology.
14:04 My parents, I hadn't even told
14:06 until later on that afternoon
14:08 and I returned to West Indies college
14:11 and changed my major from biology to theology.
14:17 And from then until now God has been using me to help
14:22 to direct people to Christ and not away from Christ.
14:28 Okay, good.
14:29 Tell us about your wife and family.
14:31 Well, God has blessed me with a wonderful, lovely wife.
14:36 Her name is Joan. She is--
14:40 We've been married now 25-- going on 25 years.
14:44 Praise the Lord.
14:45 And God has blessed us with three wonderful children.
14:49 The oldest Paul II, his--
14:53 it is the last year of medical school
14:56 at the university of the West Indies.
14:58 My daughter Paula-Jo is graduating this coming May
15:05 from Oakwood University with a nursing degree
15:08 and my last one Jo'Paul.
15:12 He is in Oakwood as well doing a degree in engineering.
15:19 And so God has blessed us with these three
15:23 and I thank God that all of them
15:25 have been serving the Lord
15:29 and they made us very proud and we have a little niece
15:34 that we have been helping from--
15:36 She was about, I guess three months or so.
15:39 Now she is nine called Destiny. All right.
15:42 And helping to guide her, her life as she grows.
15:45 That's great. That's wonderful.
15:47 So we're just thankful for wonderful family,
15:49 lovely wife, very supportive and in ministry,
15:53 you could ask for nothing better
15:56 than to have a supportive wife and children
15:57 who are also supportive and encourage you in the path
16:01 that God has called us to.
16:04 What steps did you take then from pastor to Bahamas,
16:08 South Bahamas president.
16:10 there, did you pastor number of different churches?
16:13 Yes.
16:15 My ministry began in 1979 as an intern,
16:20 of course, I pastored or serve as an intern
16:23 with several senior pastors in the Conference,
16:27 Pastor Roach, Pastor Hannah and Pastor Gordon,
16:33 I think, Roy Gordon and then we went on a track.
16:39 I spent 13 or 14 years in the Family islands,
16:43 where we call the Family Islands outside of the city.
16:47 Pastoring in Abaco, in Exuma,
16:52 pastoring in Grand Bahama and South Andros.
16:55 Now are these small churches, small congregations?
16:57 These are small congregations.
16:59 Most of them with a membership
17:01 of about 50 to a 100 persons
17:05 in these Family islands and so--
17:08 After that I ended up in Grand Bahama.
17:11 Now Grand Bahama has larger churches.
17:16 I pastored three churches there in Grand Bahama.
17:19 And then I was asked to be the field secretary,
17:24 my-- served as health ministries director
17:28 and then I served as path director.
17:31 Community services, kind of covered...
17:35 Yeah, whole gamut of things.
17:37 Whole gamut of things and so God prepared me.
17:39 I've been in 30 about 34 years of ministry now.
17:42 Wow.
17:44 And about four years ago, five years ago,
17:47 I was called to be the president
17:50 of the Conference.
17:51 And just finishing the first year
17:54 in the second term of presidency,
17:57 and we thank God for the privilege
18:01 and the opportunity to serve.
18:02 Amen.
18:03 Not everybody as we all know
18:05 that serves even in ministry or people of vision so much.
18:08 A lot of people would just take care of what we got.
18:11 But I've got emails from him and all sorts of times of night
18:15 and about visions and dreams
18:17 that he has for taking the gospel to the world
18:20 and his particular part of the country.
18:22 But you are doing also with your education,
18:25 you are doing continuing education.
18:27 Well, you know, the biggest room,
18:29 my grandfather used to say from--
18:31 I was a little boy in the world.
18:33 The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.
18:35 Oh, I like that. That's good.
18:38 And anytime we stop learning, then we stop growing.
18:40 That's right.
18:42 And so two years ago, one of my directors,
18:46 Pastor Kent Price said to me,
18:50 "Pastor, let's go and do our doctoral program."
18:54 And I said to him, "At this stage of my life?"
18:56 You know, and he just stuck on me.
19:01 It came right down to the week that we were supposed to go
19:03 and I said to him, "I don't think
19:06 I could make this," you know.
19:08 And he got the application, he processed everything.
19:12 He said, "Pastor, I've done everything for you,
19:14 all you need to do is come."
19:16 And he said that, "If you start with me,
19:19 we will finish together."
19:21 And so we've completed two years
19:23 now of our doctoral program in ministry.
19:26 How long is the program?
19:27 It's a four year, four summers program.
19:29 So we are 50 percent finished.
19:31 Okay.
19:32 And we are writing our dissertation as we along.
19:36 And so I'm happy that he decided
19:40 to coach me into doing this.
19:43 Okay.
19:44 And I believe that is for the better.
19:46 God has a bigger plan and I just want to be
19:51 a sharp as I possibly can to help
19:54 to finish this gospel so that Jesus can come.
19:57 Amen. That's awesome.
19:59 We want to talk about the hurricane
20:02 that was there recently.
20:03 And then after that a little bit,
20:05 we would like to talk to you about
20:06 your goals and dreams and working with church members
20:10 from around the world and what do you see
20:13 and envision and these closing moments
20:15 of world's history for South Bahamas Conference.
20:17 Certainly.
20:19 But I want to talk about-- tell us a little bit again,
20:22 this hurricane and the name of it is...
20:24 Joaquin. Joaquin.
20:25 And Joaquin just set over the Bahamas
20:29 for like 48 hours.
20:31 Yeah.
20:32 And while it was setting there,
20:34 it was doing destruction, wasn't it?
20:35 It did quite a bit of damage.
20:37 I mean, you could watch it on the news.
20:40 I was actually scheduled to go there
20:41 to Long Island on the Monday
20:43 right after there about Thursday or Friday
20:45 so I called the fellow I was going with,
20:49 a pastor and said, you know, I'm looking at this weather,
20:52 I don't think we want to go there
20:54 and it looks like maybe out of there
20:57 but it still shows thunderstorms
20:58 and really bad weather.
21:00 So Long Islands is not a place
21:01 that we want to be not able to get back and forth
21:05 because of flight and not more heavy for sure.
21:08 But it was actually headed there.
21:09 So when we saw this, then we saw the devastation
21:12 and that's why we wanted to talk to you
21:14 and say can you tell us what's happening down there.
21:17 We made friends there, we have brothers and sisters
21:19 and church members and we have churches there.
21:22 So we wanted you to give us an update on the Bahamas,
21:26 on the hurricane and the damage that was done
21:29 and I know you got some pictures,
21:31 you got some video rolls.
21:33 So we're just kind of, kind of turn this over to you
21:35 to walk us through this whole terrible ordeal actually.
21:41 Well, you know, Danny, the hurricane was unusual,
21:47 first of all from the aspect that it just like popped up.
21:52 Usually, you know, you could track these things,
21:54 when you see it's coming and it's coming
21:56 but it just kind of like some thing
21:58 just sent a puff of breeze underneath something.
22:02 And so everybody was sort of taken off guard.
22:06 And then, as it started to create its wind force,
22:14 it grew from tropical depression storm
22:19 within a matter of hours.
22:21 And so people weren't really prepared.
22:26 And it started just below the South, Southern Bahamas,
22:30 down in some islands that we call Mariguana, Inagua
22:36 and then it moved right up the chain
22:38 of the Southern Islands.
22:41 And not only did it move but it moved slowly.
22:47 If I can recall, it was traveling
22:49 at about five miles an hours which is slow for hurricane.
22:53 And usually when hurricanes
22:56 come our way, you know, they will come
22:58 and just pass through very quickly.
23:02 But what created the tremendous damage
23:05 as a result of this hurricane,
23:07 hurricane Joaquin was that it just kind of hovered over
23:11 and so the category for a storm over Islands like Acklins
23:19 and Crooked Island and you know, look it up,
23:23 Google that in and you see these islands,
23:26 they are not very small islands
23:30 but the population on the islands are small.
23:33 Acklins has about 1200 maybe so people,
23:37 12 to 1400 people, Crooked Island
23:41 which is an island that my parents,
23:44 my father is from, has about 300 people or there about.
23:49 All right.
23:50 And then after Crooked Island, you have Long Island.
23:54 Yes.
23:55 And it's called Long Island because it's a long island.
23:58 But the hurricane just sat like right there,
24:01 between those three or four islands
24:02 and then out to the west of that,
24:04 I think is or to the East
24:06 of is an island called San Salvador.
24:09 It's the island that they say
24:11 Columbus discovered the new world.
24:14 And of course, in the Bahamas big
24:16 between San Salvador and Kent island.
24:19 But it just kind of hover there.
24:21 There's a pressure coming from the United States,
24:24 they just pushed it and kept it and be
24:27 and it just stayed there for almost a day and a half,
24:29 two days just churning, churning, churning.
24:31 I mean, an utter destruction.
24:35 So while it was hovering there,
24:37 was it building or was it just kind of staying
24:41 the same but just moving slowly?
24:43 It was kind of staying the same but just moving slowly.
24:46 But it didn't decrease in its energy.
24:48 That same force just kept and so we lost
24:54 all communications with these islands,
24:57 the cell towers were damaged and destroyed
25:01 and then flooding because of all the rain.
25:06 The pictures that you will see will show
25:11 the flood waters not at its maximum
25:17 and you see some of the footage there, on the TV.
25:19 The winds and of course, being there for so long,
25:24 you know, roofs started to fly off
25:27 and cars were in direction that--
25:30 there were people who, their homes have been destroyed
25:33 and they went to seek refuge in their cars
25:35 and then the cars were destroyed, all right.
25:38 The wind was that strong that it could move a car.
25:41 Yeah, you're talking about a 140, 150 mile hour winds.
25:45 All right.
25:47 And then on top of that now, the water starts to rise.
25:51 Oh, boy.
25:52 There's a photo...
25:54 Many, many places to go and...
25:55 Some of the flooding and of course,
25:57 this is when the waters already gone down.
25:58 If you see, some of those houses,
26:00 the water is up to the roof in those houses.
26:03 So much so that people were going into their ceilings
26:09 to try and find refuge, you know.
26:12 One of our pastors, Pastor Barr, Howard Barr,
26:16 who pastors in the Crooked Island district.
26:18 He and a few other people including a lady
26:22 who had an amputation because of diabetes,
26:26 they had to take her into the ceiling of the roof.
26:28 Up in the attic.
26:29 And when they were in one section of the roof,
26:34 the water started coming in to move to another section,
26:37 and then another section and it got to the point
26:39 where they really felt, you know, what,
26:42 we don't know if we're gonna make it out of here.
26:45 You know, this could be the last.
26:47 Absolutely.
26:48 Where you gonna go, I mean,
26:49 it's gonna carry into the ocean.
26:51 That's the house right there
26:52 that they were in the ceiling that you are looking out now.
26:54 That's absolutely, to me that's amazing
26:58 that people weren't killed.
27:01 Yes.
27:02 I mean, in South Carolina we had flooding recently,
27:05 I think 17, 18 people died there.
27:08 Yes, it's amazing that...
27:09 This was, I mean, this was like a sunami
27:11 that can wash you right out in the ocean,
27:13 I mean, there's no place to go.
27:15 And when you look at it, we went to visit
27:19 several of the islands already.
27:22 Listening to the people, they explained
27:25 how there was a lull and I guess they figured that,
27:30 the eye of the storm that had come over the island,
27:33 so they tried to re-position themselves.
27:37 And then they said, all of a sudden
27:38 they heard a wind coming from the back of the island,
27:42 and this is Crooked Island at the time and rocks.
27:46 If you see the rocks that came out of the sea,
27:49 that are in the rows, there was some rows
27:51 that were completely demolished.
27:54 They disappeared, you know.
27:57 And when I went to visit I had to walk two and a half,
28:02 almost three miles
28:03 to get to one of the nearest settlements,
28:06 trying to deliver goods.
28:09 The roads, they just couldn't-- you know impossible.
28:12 And so in Long Island, in San Salvador,
28:15 in Acklins and Crooked Island,
28:18 these Islands were all devastated.
28:22 And now, the people are beginning
28:23 to emerge from the rubble as it were of destruction.
28:30 And we just thank God again
28:32 that they might have lost their homes
28:35 and their clothes and whatever else.
28:38 But they have not lost their lives.
28:40 What about any of the churches, did we lose any churches?
28:43 Yes.
28:44 On four of the islands, we have four or five churches.
28:49 In one of the islands,
28:50 the church roof went completely.
28:52 I think we have a photo of that one
28:55 and then in the other three islands,
28:56 there was damage to the roofs of the churches.
29:01 And so and one of them
29:03 we're going to probably have to re-build it
29:05 from the ground up because I was there
29:08 and the walls, even kind of shaking as a result of it.
29:12 So it'd be not wise to put a roof back on that.
29:17 And we have a large percentage
29:18 on these islands that are Adventists, right?
29:21 Well, and some of them in Crooked Island,
29:25 there's a whole settlement with Adventists.
29:27 In Acklins, we have church there, in Long Island,
29:32 Danny knows very well.
29:34 We have two churches on Long Island.
29:38 From all reports we understand that the church in the North,
29:41 the hurricane kind of stopped in the middle of the island.
29:44 It was not badly damaged.
29:46 The one in the South has some damage to it
29:49 and then in San Salvador,
29:51 the reports are that the church is pretty good.
29:54 The doors and some of the windows
29:56 and the piece of the roof was damaged
29:59 in some of those churches.
30:00 We see some of the homes of some of the members,
30:04 the roofs, the windows are blown out.
30:07 This is some of the inside destruction.
30:10 So people left the islands and they came to Nassau.
30:15 I see some of the homes on the beach.
30:17 I mean, getting to Nassau, that's not an easy job.
30:20 Some in that type and you said there wasn't
30:22 any communications for a while so you know, you don't know
30:26 how to make arrangements to go back and forth.
30:29 There's no place to go and it's like here.
30:31 You can't run down to the-- beyond Long Island.
30:33 You don't run down to lumber yard
30:34 and get all your equipment and rebuild your house.
30:37 I mean, every bit of that, that's brought from somewhere.
30:40 So this is, I mean, this is devastation
30:43 if you think about it.
30:44 Sometimes, we get a storm
30:45 and our power go out for few hours
30:47 and we are inconvenienced and like, oh, this is terrible.
30:49 Yeah.
30:51 I mean, these folks lost everything
30:52 in their homes and the churches.
30:54 So we want to help and I know our viewers
30:56 will want to help.
30:58 And with this also, and I'm thankful
30:59 for Brother Warren's watching.
31:01 You met Warren, didn't you?
31:02 Oh, yeah.
31:03 The police officer. The police officer, yes.
31:05 About six foot seven, six, six. Big guy.
31:08 They were thankful that you
31:09 and all of the other brothers and sisters
31:12 there on the island who made it.
31:13 But we are praying for you.
31:15 We want you all to know that.
31:16 And I went to the Blue Hole. Yes.
31:19 Now I want to ask you something.
31:21 Have you been to the Blue Hole?
31:23 I have not since the hurricane.
31:24 No, have you been before?
31:25 I've been there before, many times.
31:27 All right, did you jump off the top?
31:28 I have not gotten the direction from God.
31:34 Well, I probably should have waited on that.
31:37 I jumped off of that. That's a long ways down.
31:39 I got some video of it we might end up showing it.
31:42 It just takes like a split second.
31:45 That is a long ways up.
31:46 You were there, and Reg and Lady number of folks
31:50 and so it was kind of a challenges
31:52 one of those things.
31:53 And I don't know how high it is.
31:54 But when you are up above, looking down,
31:56 it's like five times as...
31:58 It's a long ways up. I know that.
32:00 So I'm with Brother Warren and he says, "Yeah, go ahead."
32:03 And I said, "Man, that is a long ways down
32:05 and you're jumping into water, 600 feet deep.
32:09 And I didn't have any life jacket,
32:10 no spotters and people there.
32:12 But Reggi says, "We can do this."
32:14 So I'm like, "Oh, boy." so he took a long time.
32:17 But once he went I had to go. Yes.
32:19 And so I said, okay, we got to jump this.
32:21 But before we go Warren is like,
32:23 "Oh, yeah, you can go."
32:24 And I said, "Let me ask you a question,
32:26 Warren, do you jump off?"
32:27 He said, "No, black people don't do that.
32:29 We know better now.
32:31 We don't do stuff like that."
32:32 So I said, "Oh, no. What's this all about?"
32:35 But someone do, of course, and so I ended up jumping
32:37 and Lord bless we made it out alive.
32:40 So next time you are over there,
32:42 you have to remember that a guy older than you
32:44 has jumped off the Blue Hole.
32:45 But at least have life jackets.
32:47 That was easy part, jumping off
32:49 as trying to swim all the way back to the other shores
32:52 where about we are out and...
32:54 Yeah, that's... You didn't think about that.
32:56 I didn't think about that.
32:57 I thought that would be the easy part.
32:59 But that was a another ordeal.
33:01 So if you do it, go over there, get your life jacket.
33:03 But wonderful people in those islands.
33:05 And we made some friends, of course,
33:07 and you know, to think of this kind of devastation
33:11 and how we're gonna help those folks.
33:13 Absolutely. And so--
33:14 We at 3ABN, I know you have some audio,
33:16 you have a several-minute video
33:18 and when you're ready, I like for the folk
33:19 to watch that and then we...
33:22 Well, let me say that we, within the conference,
33:27 our members have already begun to rally to the support.
33:34 We already begun to share
33:38 in making available necessary items
33:43 and when you look at
33:45 some of the pleas of the people,
33:46 we have some footage of a lady from Long Island
33:51 who, you know, she just-- she's just devastated.
33:55 And she makes a impassioned plea to come and help.
34:00 I mean, this was like within the day after
34:03 or two day after the hitting of the hurricane.
34:06 And so there are needs
34:10 because these people have lost their major investments,
34:14 which are their homes, cars and so the church,
34:21 you know, there's a saying I think,
34:23 Theodore Roosevelt made a statement
34:26 that "People don't want to know how much you know
34:32 until they know how much you care."
34:35 You know, and so as a church our responsibility
34:39 is to get in there and to help them
34:41 and the good thing about the Adventist Church
34:44 is that we are worldwide organization.
34:47 And so not only are we able to help
34:49 from local funds and all the rest of it
34:52 but our world church is able to help.
34:55 And so we just appeal to the world to help us
35:00 at this time because today it's us
35:03 and tomorrow it's you and as we help each other,
35:07 we're able to continue to move on.
35:10 One of the-- Pastor Carl Johnson,
35:13 who is a pastor there in Long Island.
35:15 He was interviewed by the cable company
35:19 and he asked, you know, "What is the greatest need?"
35:24 And one of the things that he mentioned was that,
35:27 you know, people are so--
35:28 It's like they are waking up to this reality
35:32 that their minds can't even fathom it.
35:34 I don't have a house,
35:36 I don't have a roof over my head
35:39 because this just never happened.
35:41 And it makes you sensitive to this type of thing
35:46 and so families have had to re-locate
35:51 and to find family members in other islands.
35:55 And the question is when will we be
35:56 able to get back to our home.
36:00 And so we need building materials,
36:03 plywood and other things.
36:07 Counseling is something that has to be on going
36:10 with these people.
36:12 And so we just wanted as a church to be able to do
36:17 as much as we can.
36:18 And it's not just for, I mean,
36:22 it's all of the Bahamians in these islands,
36:25 and of course, there are visitors
36:26 who are there who lived there as well.
36:28 And when we do this,
36:32 then we are carrying out the mission
36:35 that Jesus has called us to.
36:36 Absolutely.
36:37 Addressing the needs of the people.
36:40 And then we can tell them about come follow us.
36:43 And that's what we want to be able to do.
36:44 Absolutely.
36:46 Why don't we go to the video that we have right now.
37:03 My dear brothers and sisters,
37:05 who just passed through a very devastating time
37:09 with hurricane Joaquin.
37:11 The true pictures and now you emerging
37:13 from Acklins and Crooked Island
37:15 in the far Southern islands of the Bahamas
37:18 and San Salvador to our East.
37:21 And the central part of Long Island.
37:25 Today, scores of our families are without homes,
37:30 without food, without clothing and without shelter.
37:34 Your generosity has proven
37:37 to make a difference thus far in their lives.
37:40 And I come to you again tonight,
37:43 asking for additional and continued offering
37:47 that will help to restore these,
37:50 our brothers and sisters within our churches
37:53 as well as it within the communities
37:55 to help them to get back on their feet.
37:59 As you see from these pictures and these videos
38:03 that would be seen this evening,
38:04 the devastation that has ripped the lives
38:07 of many of our Bahamians and citizens of our country,
38:11 as well as our guests or visitors
38:13 who live in these islands.
38:15 And so I appeal to every member to give
38:19 and to continue to give as we seek
38:21 to ease the burden
38:23 of those who have been affected by this devastating system
38:27 that passed through our country.
38:29 Listen to this plea.
38:31 We need cleaning products, a lot of bleach.
38:35 Everything, you think of a lot.
38:37 People don't even have clothes,
38:38 they kind of went through the hurricane
38:39 which is -- closing it back.
38:41 They dig in spoons and whatever through the bush,
38:45 generators, opened current sound coming down
38:49 as far as--
38:50 The poles are gone.
38:52 We're gonna need some sort of assistance,
38:53 and that kind of way for a long time
38:55 battery operated things.
38:57 We're gonna need I guess kerosene lamps,
39:00 battery powered radios.
39:01 A lot of people right now are functioning
39:03 with next to nothing.
39:05 Any kind of medical supplies, medication would be fantastic.
39:08 The heart pills, the diabetes-
39:12 Right now, not just prayer, come here.
39:16 Don't just take photos of us, okay.
39:18 Where we are coming from right now,
39:20 we started out at day light,
39:22 okay to get from Scrub hill to get to Junky land
39:25 and we have boat, the only boat that survived
39:28 to get here to get the aid, to get it back up there.
39:31 It burst through the cement walls.
39:35 No one can tell you what that is until you see it.
39:37 It took-- the waves came,
39:39 it came through cement walls.
39:41 It carried everything.
39:42 And the people have very little left.
39:45 It is not funny.
39:46 survived somehow in terms of infrastructure
39:50 but nothing much out South.
39:52 When we come from here to go South,
39:54 you're gonna see devastation completely.
39:56 The roofs have gone, we need everything from rafters
39:59 to nails to all the man power you can think of.
40:02 Shovels, we need bleach by the cases.
40:05 If you could think of it, Long Island needs it.
40:08 It was Theodore Roosevelt who said,
40:10 "Nobody cares how much you know,
40:12 until they know how much you care."
40:16 Do you care?
40:17 Will you join hands with your administration
40:20 to continue to help to make a difference in Crooked Island,
40:25 in Acklins, in San Salvador, in Long Island
40:29 and other affected parts of our country
40:31 until everyone is brought back to the standard of living
40:36 that they were at before this hurricane passed?
40:40 May God bless you as you give generously
40:43 from the bottom of your hearts as we together hold hands,
40:49 we will emerge from this victoriously.
40:55 You know, I can't imagine losing everything.
40:58 We take so much for granted.
41:01 But losing everything, you--
41:04 it's just, it's hard to wrap your mind around that.
41:06 Yeah. It is devastation.
41:09 But you know, I'm so thankful
41:12 that as a church that we are taught
41:16 by Jesus to care for one another.
41:17 Yes.
41:18 You said a while ago, today it's you,
41:20 tomorrow it's us.
41:21 And we all really should think about that.
41:23 Nobody is exempt
41:25 and we all have run into problems
41:27 but sometimes devastation
41:29 comes in greater measures than others.
41:31 There's just something we could do to help.
41:33 I know that you're needing churches re-built,
41:36 people needing homes re-built,
41:38 there maybe volunteers who construction people
41:41 who want to work, they can contact you.
41:43 You'll put up an address a little bit, Brother Paul,
41:45 that want to come there, maybe some one day churches,
41:48 is there any need for one day churches down there...
41:52 Certainly, the Crooked Island church
41:55 is gonna be a long time before that gets back up
41:58 to where it needs to be and so whatever
42:03 we can get to help them getting back to worshipping
42:08 and being the salt of the earth in that part of the area.
42:13 Certainly, we are open to... Sure.
42:18 She has named all kinds of items that need to be--
42:21 They need but I think probably money, just finances,
42:24 we'll put your address up here in a few moments
42:26 so you can prepare for that.
42:28 And you contact them so they can get,
42:31 they know what they need rather than to me to--
42:33 well, I guess I send batteries,
42:34 if everybody send batteries, we can't have anything else.
42:37 So in some cases, I think it would be better
42:39 to send the finances
42:40 that we would spend on buying whatever
42:43 and that let you all decide to where it needs to go
42:46 and how it can be used
42:48 to build these churches up, for one thing.
42:51 And but I mean, it is an amazing
42:53 to not only lose your home, you lose your church,
42:56 basically lose everything and you are uprooted
42:58 from your place that you live in
43:00 and live in with somebody else in other island
43:02 until you can get back home.
43:04 Yes. And...
43:06 I think it's easy, you know, to--
43:08 For us here to kind of fall back into our routine,
43:12 we watch this, we see the devastation,
43:14 we're bothered by it and then we fall back into
43:17 instead of really accepting the call to help.
43:21 And so this is something
43:23 that we can't just put on the back burner, you know.
43:26 We have to do something. Okay.
43:28 Let me tell you a little story, a miracle story.
43:32 In one of the islands there was a--
43:35 At the end of the real intense wind,
43:39 there was no food.
43:41 And one young lady, she had
43:44 I think two pieces of a fish head
43:49 left in her freezer.
43:51 And she took it and of course,
43:54 this was in area where we had about
43:57 40 or 50 people needing something to eat.
44:01 And they were able to get a little fire going,
44:03 and cooked the fish heads
44:07 and it was like the Last Supper and started to share it
44:11 and when she went back to the pot there was more fish.
44:14 Oh, come on now.
44:15 Seem like I've heard that story before, right?
44:17 In the Bible, Jesus and the loaves and fishes.
44:20 And that happened about four of five times.
44:24 And the Lord multiplied the fish.
44:26 Amen.
44:28 He is still in the business of creating miracles, huh?
44:30 So in the midst of all of this,
44:32 you know, God was able to re-affirm
44:35 the fact that He is God.
44:36 Yes.
44:38 And "He is able to supply all of our needs
44:40 according to His wisdom and His glory."
44:43 And so in the midst of tragedy, there's triumph.
44:46 Absolutely.
44:48 You know, and they are many stories like that,
44:51 that God just came through
44:53 that people are just grateful and saw Him work.
44:56 We look forward to getting some of those testimonies
44:59 maybe later in giving them
45:00 because it is great to see God in the midst of everything.
45:03 What we'd like to do,
45:04 we're gonna put up an address in a moment
45:06 but we have Mark Trammell
45:08 that we're privilege to have Mark to sing
45:10 from time to time for us here at 3ABN.
45:13 He received in Southern Gospel music,
45:16 the awards they give,
45:18 he's a baritone singer of the year
45:21 and his group, now it's Mark Trammell Quartet.
45:24 It's always a privilege to have Mark.
45:26 We're gonna have him sing a song.
45:27 It's a medley.
45:29 Giving praise and honor to Jesus,
45:31 we call it Jesus Medley.
45:32 But right after that we're gonna put up the address.
45:35 So we want you to be thinking now
45:36 and be praying about what is it that the Lord
45:38 would have you to do
45:40 and then I know He will impress you
45:42 what can we do to help our brothers and sisters
45:45 who really through this devastation.
45:48 There's many things that he says,
45:50 everything from physical to spiritual
45:53 from counseling to the physical,
45:55 to the finances that maybe some of us here,
45:58 we can send it.
46:00 We'll find out ways to do to the Bahamas.
46:01 I'm sure Paypal and other ways too.
46:04 But right after this song, we want to put up that address.
46:06 We want you to pray.
46:08 Ask the Lord what He would have you to do
46:10 to support our brothers and sisters and the Bahamas.
46:14 Right now, please be blessed by Brother Mark Trammell.
46:29 Fairest Lord Jesus
46:35 Ruler of all nature
46:40 O Thou of God
46:44 And man the Son
46:50 Thee will I cherish
46:55 Thee will I honor
46:59 Thou, my soul's glory, joy and crown
47:16 How have my shameful failure and loss
47:24 Jesus I come Jesus I come
47:32 Into the glorious gain of Thy cross
47:40 Jesus I come to Thee
47:48 Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm
47:56 Out of life's storms and into Thy calm
48:05 Out of distress to jubilant psalm
48:13 Jesus, I come to Thee
48:26 He drew me closer to His side
48:35 I sought His will to know
48:43 And in that will I now abide
48:51 Wherever He leads I'll go
48:59 Wherever He leads I'll go
49:07 Wherever He leads I'll go
49:16 I'll follow my Christ
49:20 Who loves me so
49:24 Wherever He leads I'll go
49:33 I'll follow my Christ
49:38 Who loves me so
49:47 Wherever He leads
49:55 I'll go
50:18 If you would like to contact Paul Scavella,
50:20 write to the South Bahamas Conference
50:23 of Seventh-day Adventists.
50:24 Post office Box N-356,
50:27 Tonique Williams Darling Highway,
50:29 Nassau, Bahamas.
50:31 That's South Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
50:34 Post office Box N-356,
50:37 Tonique Williams Darling Highway,
50:39 Nassau, Bahamas.
50:41 You can call (242) 341-4021.
50:45 That's (242) 341-4021.
50:49 Or you can email him at president@sbcadventist.com
50:55 That's president@sbcadventist.com
51:04 Well, first of all big thank you to Mark Trammell.
51:07 That's beautiful. Wherever He leads me I will go.
51:09 And so really, that's what it's about today
51:12 and I feel blessed that you are here today
51:15 and you're giving us an opportunity
51:18 to help our brothers and sisters
51:20 who is less fortunate than we are right now.
51:22 As-- and again may come a point
51:25 that some of you or us
51:27 may need those brothers and sisters
51:29 and their back on their feet to support us
51:32 and I want to talk to you about the addresses there.
51:35 I think if you go to Paypal,
51:37 you can send money from anywhere in the world
51:40 that can get to your Conference
51:42 'cause that's what we've been doing
51:43 as people support us conversion money,
51:46 conversion overseas has always been a difficult thing
51:49 but now through going to computer
51:51 and look, going Paypal,
51:53 we are able to so people can support
51:55 your Conference anywhere
51:57 I think in the world through Paypal.
51:59 Yes, and once they make contact with us
52:03 we can give them that information
52:06 to help process, yes, any support.
52:09 We've got about a minute left before we go to our news break.
52:13 What would you want our viewers right now,
52:14 what would you like to say to them,
52:16 look in to that camera.
52:17 Well, we just believe that
52:20 it's a privilege to be a part of the family of God
52:23 and when one part of the family is hurting,
52:28 the entire family hurts.
52:30 And your efforts to support the islands
52:35 that have been affected in the South Bahamas Conference
52:38 is certainly something that you have the opportunity to do.
52:42 And it will help to advance God's kingdom
52:47 in this part of the world,
52:49 and to help to get people back on their feet
52:53 so that they can continue to serve
52:57 and to be a part of God's plan for their lives.
53:01 And so as God impresses you, please help us
53:07 there in the South Bahamas Conference
53:10 to help the peoples in these affected islands
53:13 to get back on their feet
53:16 so that they can continue their lives in service to God
53:20 and as the blessings come,
53:25 our praise will indeed be lifted.
53:29 And thank God for all that you have done
53:32 to help our people
53:34 in the South Bahamas Conference.
53:36 Absolutely.
53:37 Right now, we're gonna go to news break
53:39 and then come back with the closing thought.


Revised 2015-11-02