3ABN Today

Undeniable - Surviving the Loss of Children

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Bryan Gallant


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015071A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:08 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN today.
01:11 We are having a wonderful day here at 3ABN
01:13 and our hope is that yours is even better.
01:17 And just want to thank you so much for your prayers
01:20 and your financial support of this ministry.
01:23 If you know anyone who has suffered
01:26 the loss of a loved one
01:28 especially the loss of a child you may want to have them
01:32 tune into this program immediately.
01:34 Give them a call
01:36 because we have a very special guest with us today
01:39 who has been through an undeniable trauma
01:44 but yet God has brought in his wife into a good place
01:50 and a place of restoration if you will.
01:54 And he is going to be sharing with you today
01:56 and I think it's going to be an incredible testimony
02:00 that you won't want to miss but you certainly don't want
02:03 anyone else to miss this who could benefit.
02:07 Let me read a scripture
02:08 that is just so appropriate for today.
02:11 It's 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4 and Paul writes,
02:16 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
02:19 the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
02:23 who comforts us in all our tribulation,
02:26 that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble,
02:32 with the comfort with which we ourselves
02:36 are comforted by God."
02:38 In other words when we go through tragedy,
02:40 when we go through pain God is there for us
02:44 but then He uses us as a vessel, as a channel
02:49 that we can point other people
02:51 to the same loving God and Savior
02:54 that they might receive their comfort.
02:56 Well, without further I do
02:58 let me introduce our special guest Bryan Gallant.
03:02 Bryan, thank you so much for being here today.
03:05 Thank you, Shelley, I'm glad to be here.
03:07 Yes, now you are a missionary basically
03:11 and you just-- you moved backed to United States
03:14 you are living in Missouri.
03:15 Now what you are gonna be doing in Missouri?
03:17 My work will be inviting Christians
03:19 to love and serve refugees and immigrants
03:22 all around well, over America.
03:24 Many people come in from around the world with needs.
03:27 All right, I'm very familiar with work in California
03:31 and say on the west coast
03:33 and the east coast the immigrant work
03:35 but I really wasn't that aware
03:37 that we have a large immigrant population.
03:40 But what is the population in this Middle West?
03:44 Oh, depend which site you go to
03:46 but at least 400, 000 in Iowa and Missouri alone
03:49 and you know, it was 400,000 in Colorado,
03:53 in the mid America section nearly two million.
03:56 Well, unbelievable and what a very ministry.
04:00 We are going to come back and let you walk us through
04:04 little of your life history and the story that's--
04:10 the event that changed your life I will say.
04:13 But before we do we always love music
04:16 and we like to start our programs off with music
04:20 and today we have our very own E.T. Everett.
04:23 She is the director I guess
04:25 she would say of our 3ABN sound center
04:27 and a wonderful Christian woman
04:30 and an incredible pianist
04:32 and she is going to play "Because He Lives."
08:44 Oh, and we thank E.T. Everett.
08:46 She is such a--
08:47 has such a heart for worship with the Lord but how true
08:50 because He lives we can face tomorrow.
08:53 And I'm sure that our special guest today
08:56 Bryan Gallant can testify to that because it was God
09:00 who kept him going through a most difficult time.
09:04 Bryan, tell us before we get into your story
09:08 tell us a little of your experience growing up.
09:11 Did you grow up in an Adventist family?
09:13 When did you actually develop
09:16 a personal relationship with the Lord?
09:19 Well, I grew up knowing about Adventist
09:22 and being culturally Adventist we would say.
09:25 I was in a military brat family.
09:29 So mostly brat but when I--
09:33 as a young teenager I had an interest,
09:36 I've always had an interest in spiritual things
09:38 and I like to read biographies of people like Martin Luther
09:41 and Foxe's Book of Martyrs and things like that.
09:44 So I've always had a heart for wanting to know
09:49 but truly get to know Him personally
09:52 it was probably when I was 19 and a particular girlfriend
09:56 decided to destroy my heart and in that process--
09:59 All the worries of the teenage love.
10:01 Yes.
10:02 In that process I remember specifically saying
10:05 I don't want to have my life depended upon any other person
10:10 again with the highs and the lows
10:12 and the good days and the bad days.
10:14 I want to know, I want to build my life on something
10:17 or someone that doesn't change.
10:18 Amen.
10:20 And so that's when I began personally to say
10:21 okay, God, please show Yourself to me.
10:24 I began to read the Book of Psalms
10:26 and experience the emotions, the highs, the lows, the pain
10:32 and how God can reach you in all those things
10:35 even at my very limited experience and then
10:37 I also began to read the book Desire of Ages
10:40 which is an absolutely fantastic book
10:42 about the life of Jesus Christ.
10:43 Absolutely.
10:45 So as you then and, you know, something that's wonderful
10:48 about studying the Psalms is and the only way
10:50 I know how to express is this that David had
10:53 what we would almost say
10:54 is like romantic love for the Lord.
10:58 It was a passion that he had for God.
11:00 And so it brings it out of this dry experience
11:03 of just facts and figures
11:05 but you really get the passion for God.
11:08 And as you were studying these things
11:10 obviously the Lord got your attention
11:12 because He then led you into the missionary work.
11:16 Right.
11:17 We-- I know is wanted to serve God with my life
11:20 and so when I came of that age and the opportunity
11:23 I was going to school at Walla Walla
11:25 for just a couple of quarters there
11:27 and I was part of prayer groups
11:29 and ministries and things
11:30 and so I signed up to go be a student missionary
11:32 on the Island of Chuuk or Truk back them Truk, Micronesia.
11:36 Okay, and there you met a young lady named Penny.
11:40 Tell us about Penny.
11:42 Yes, so we met literally on the Island of Hawaii
11:46 for the orientation time
11:48 and we kind of scanned the group
11:50 going to our island and we mutually chose each other
11:52 and within a few weeks we were dating and breaking the rules
11:56 and...
11:57 so they have to forgive us
11:59 but we actually got engaged on Guam over Christmas break
12:04 and by June first back in the United States
12:07 we got married.
12:08 Definitely not the way should we doing that
12:10 but that's what we did.
12:11 That's what you did.
12:12 So you were about 21 and she was 20.
12:14 That's right. So you are quite young.
12:16 Did you go through any premarital counseling,
12:19 did you do anything like that
12:21 or did you just say, this is it, she is the one.
12:24 Well, I won't mention the dear brother
12:26 who gave us the marital counseling but we--
12:30 he did want us to take some time to do that
12:32 and so we watched Johnny Lingo and the Seven Cow Wife,
12:35 that was our marriage counseling.
12:36 Oh, no.
12:38 So the just of the story is, if you treat them well
12:42 they blossom and grow.
12:43 If you treat them like they are worthless
12:44 then that's what you get.
12:46 Oh, no.
12:47 So that was extent to our counseling.
12:49 So we were too young, very dysfunctional broken people
12:53 from our different stories and we started.
12:56 All right, so we have two young dysfunctional parents
13:00 who are people who become parents.
13:04 Verily quickly tell us about Caleb and Abigail.
13:07 Yeah, I was being a literature evangelist.
13:11 We were going door to door
13:12 meeting all kinds of people and dogs
13:15 and having many amazing experiences and miracles
13:18 and God blessed us with two beautiful children.
13:21 So Caleb was three and half years old,
13:24 very mild, gentle, beautiful boy
13:29 and Abigail, ten and half months,
13:31 came out later.
13:32 She was more roly poly and loved to eat
13:36 and very, very happy baby
13:38 and we were doing our best as dysfunctional parents
13:41 but we both had come from--
13:42 we both were carrying our own baggage,
13:44 our own issues and that was showing up in our marriage
13:49 but we were doing our best, young.
13:52 I would preach about two times a month
13:55 all over the state of Colorado at that point and traveling.
13:59 And so we like to go as a family and do that
14:01 and we get in our cars and go to different places.
14:04 All right, so you are-- this two dysfunctional people
14:09 so I'm assuming it's a dysfunctional marriage
14:12 but you had two beautiful, two beautiful children
14:16 and on December the third when Caleb was three and half
14:21 and Abigail was ten and half months
14:25 you had preached somewhere
14:26 and tell us what happened afterwards.
14:30 Yeah, after the fellowship meal
14:33 we loaded our children into the vehicle
14:35 and prayed and began to drive towards home
14:40 and somewhere between Almond, Wisconsin
14:43 and our home in Fall River our car lost control
14:48 and rolled down in an embankment
14:49 three to four times at 55 miles an hour.
14:54 My wife was driving and I had fallen asleep.
14:59 My seat was slightly reclined and as the car began to roll
15:05 I heard her scream, I pick my head up
15:07 and I saw that we are going over and then
15:09 it just began to roll over and over again
15:13 and my head basically pivoted between the front
15:18 and my ankle in the front, my head on the post
15:20 between your front and back doors
15:23 pivoted with an each roll
15:24 but the first most traumatic roll of the car
15:29 was on my wife's side
15:32 and eventually it stopped and I was not unconscious.
15:39 I was fully conscious
15:40 and able to see what was going on.
15:42 I looked to my left and I saw my wife
15:44 she was completely slumped over.
15:46 There was blood, there was glass and dirt.
15:50 The windows were blown out.
15:54 I thought she was dead.
15:56 The engine was running so I turned that off immediately
16:01 and then I looked to see where my kids were.
16:07 When I turned to the back
16:09 to where Abigail had been strapped.
16:11 To my horror she was actually hanging out the back window
16:14 by the child restraint strap that had failed
16:18 and all of a sudden as a father...
16:24 an indiscernible emotion of, I must go to save my daughter
16:29 that's what daddy's are supposed to do.
16:30 We have to protect our children to be there
16:34 and I tried the door the door was jammed.
16:38 I don't know what I did,
16:39 those 15 seconds are lost from my memory.
16:42 All I can imagine is
16:43 the incredible trauma of the event.
16:45 I don't know if I went out the window that was gone
16:49 or if I literally overpowered the door which they say
16:54 stuff happens like that with parents in adrenaline.
16:56 I don't know, I can't remember.
16:59 All I know is...
17:01 this incredible feeling of impotence and ineffectiveness
17:08 and will I be there in time to save her.
17:13 When I got to her side I pulled her out of the strap
17:20 and I was not in time.
17:24 So you knew that she was dead then?
17:26 She was fully limp.
17:30 And I looked to the other side toward my son should have been
17:35 and he was not there...
17:38 he had been ejected.
17:42 And so I began to then search for Caleb.
17:45 I'm walking around with my daughter... in my hand.
17:48 She had taken some of her first steps that very day
17:51 at the fellowship meal and my world is collapsed
17:55 and I'm searching for my son.
17:56 I finally find him about 100 feet away
17:59 lying on the grass not moving.
18:05 I remember putting...
18:08 Abigail next to him...
18:12 trying to touch him and give him a kiss
18:15 but he didn't move either.
18:18 And there they were,
18:20 I turned back towards where the car was
18:24 and all I see is this crumpled metal mess,
18:29 the roof had been collapsed in and I think my wife is dead,
18:34 here is my children and I just preached,
18:37 I've been doing all the right things
18:38 which we were doing our best.
18:41 We prayed, we done all the stuff
18:43 you are supposed to do
18:44 and now my children, my family is destroyed
18:48 and I remember just walking...
18:51 in shock obviously in a days, in a circle
18:54 and just yelling out God, where are You.
18:58 What's happened?
19:01 And...
19:03 eventually a police officer came
19:07 and he began to ask me a bunch of questions.
19:11 He wanted me to stop walking around in a circle
19:13 and frantically going from my children to the car
19:15 and I realize now looking back that he needed to make sure
19:20 that I was okay but I remember yelling at him saying,
19:25 I don't care about me you take care of my kids
19:27 even though I seemed but know that they were,
19:30 they were dead...
19:32 but you still hope, of course.
19:34 Sure.
19:35 And he sat me down and he kept asking me all these questions,
19:39 you know, where do you live, what do you do
19:41 and at one point my sarcasm or whatever I remember
19:46 specifically I remember saying to him,
19:48 oh, but you are glad I'm conscious
19:50 you can get all the answers to your stupid questions.
19:52 But just in my frustration, you know, why are you asking me
19:55 this kind of bio-data information, do something
20:00 but he was trying to keep me from going fully into shock
20:04 until the paramedics came.
20:07 When they finally arrived...
20:10 something that hurt me very deeply is...
20:13 they came to me first...
20:17 and they began to lay me on to the backboard
20:21 and to strap my head in
20:23 and I just started yelling at them.
20:24 You know, leave me alone, take care of my children,
20:27 take care of my wife, I'm okay because I wasn't,
20:31 wasn't hurting that I knew of...
20:34 and they strapped me in, immobilized me...
20:39 and as they are lifting me up to carry me to the ambulance
20:43 they happened to tilt on a hill or something just enough
20:46 and I happen to see...
20:49 my children with a suit coat over one of their heads
20:53 and a sweater over the other.
20:57 And they took me away...
21:00 as a completely useless father.
21:06 I can't imagine.
21:12 And that was the day when everything changed for us.
21:18 By the grace of God...
21:20 though I went of-- necessarily known
21:22 that was the word to use then.
21:24 My wife did not die,
21:29 she was had to be extracted from the vehicle,
21:33 had to cut the roof off and she was medflighted to...
21:38 hospital in Madison, Wisconsin more than a hour away
21:43 and...
21:46 I got to the little hospital and sure enough
21:49 they checked me out and x-rayed me
21:51 and the doctor came and said...
21:55 you are not hurt.
21:57 And then he had to be the one
21:59 to tell me that my children had died.
22:02 I guess the other professionals and the volunteers
22:06 that's not their job
22:09 or the responsibility to do that.
22:10 They needed to keep me with something to focus on.
22:12 They kept saying...
22:14 everyone is helping, they are working on things,
22:17 you know, they needed me to stay.
22:18 All they want to make sure you were okay
22:20 before they talk with you.
22:21 Right.
22:23 And they didn't know to their credit,
22:24 no one knew I could have a hairline fracture in my neck
22:27 or so they did what they need to do
22:30 but the doctor had the responsibility
22:31 of giving me the horrible news.
22:35 And then I made some phone calls to some friends
22:38 and destroyed their afternoon as well.
22:41 You know, as you said...
22:44 this was an event...
22:47 and you feel like you are doing everything right
22:48 even though you do have a dysfunctional marriage
22:52 and you know you got some marital problems.
22:55 But you've got these two beautiful children,
22:57 you are preaching, and you are praying
23:00 before you got in your car you prayed.
23:03 I know that Penny, your wife in your book
23:08 Penny ended up with a loss of use of her left hand
23:16 and I want to come back to what her first words were
23:19 but what's in my mind right now and I know that you at home
23:22 are watching is that did you get angry at God.
23:26 Where you, where you like Lord,
23:29 you know, what more could I've done,
23:31 what has happened here?
23:33 Yes, I shared the story a number of times
23:38 in speaking events and...
23:42 the reality is...
23:44 I had made a very serious mistake in my life
23:48 and it's one that I image many people make
23:51 though we might not be able to clearly
23:53 describe it as I'm about to.
23:56 But for some reason I don't think
23:57 its something that necessarily taught
23:59 or forced on people but I had caught it
24:02 and the mistake was I had thought
24:04 that my relationship with God
24:05 was built upon what I did for Him.
24:07 There you go.
24:09 You know, I would have worshipped,
24:10 I would have devotions, I would witness,
24:12 I would preach, I would teach,
24:13 I, I, I, there's a bit of a problem there
24:17 but that's what I thought it was
24:19 and so as a married couple
24:22 we had made choices to not do certain things
24:25 and to guide our lives in various ways and do our best
24:28 and based on this foundational lie
24:32 everything that we thought we are supposed to be doing
24:34 and then our kids die...
24:36 on a day that I'm preaching.
24:40 Yeah, many times I'm hardly angry at God.
24:44 And I think that's the not but even though,
24:45 you know, once you come to your sins
24:47 as you know God didn't cause it
24:49 but I still talk with so many Christians who say,
24:51 yeah, but He allowed it.
24:53 Why did He allow it?
24:55 And it's something that
24:56 that's a natural part of the grieving process
24:59 and God's big enough to handle it.
25:00 If you ever feel like you are upset with God,
25:04 He already knows it you may as well talk about it,
25:07 talk to Him about it.
25:08 I know that I've been there in my lifetime
25:11 and it was a life changing experience.
25:14 I think sometimes you got to get--
25:17 I should say that some people
25:19 have to get really--
25:21 if you built up wall around your emotions
25:25 I think God has to let you
25:26 sometimes allow you get really angry
25:29 before you can allow Him to love you.
25:31 I don't know how to say that. That's right.
25:34 Okay, so you are going through some natural reaction
25:39 and I imagine almost vividly.
25:41 Let's kind of back track, I didn't mean to fast forward
25:44 over Penny's reaction.
25:46 When she woke in the hospital, when she came to consciousness
25:51 did she remember this event?
25:56 When she finally arrived to that hospital
26:00 they didn't know what would happen.
26:03 The head trauma that she experienced with the roll over
26:06 and so forth it was glass everywhere
26:08 and within one day her head had swollen
26:11 to such an extent that when her mother
26:13 came a day later she can't even recognize her.
26:17 They didn't even know she would survive.
26:21 And so they had actually I believe put it in,
26:24 put her into some what of a medically induced coma
26:27 for a little bit of time
26:28 just to see what was going to happen.
26:30 But the second day my brother was there
26:33 and my parents had finally arrived from Alaska.
26:36 My family was around me.
26:37 Previously to that our church family had been
26:39 just amazing to our lives
26:43 but the nurse came to me and said, okay,
26:44 we are taking her out of that induced state
26:48 you should be there
26:49 and so I remember going in with my brother
26:53 watching my wife wondering
26:56 if she hadn't come out and she finally did.
27:03 And the first thing out of her mouth
27:07 as an amazing broken dysfunctional mother
27:11 would do she said, where are my babies?
27:18 And that donned to me that no one had told her.
27:23 Of course, no one could have
27:25 and there immediately my legs went limp,
27:29 my brother's arm stiffened to hold me up
27:33 and I had to tell her that they are gone,
27:38 they are dead
27:42 and she couldn't really move or express anything.
27:44 She could barely talk,
27:45 even there are tubes every where.
27:47 Both of her lungs had collapsed and she just kind of
27:52 shut her eyes again and went back to sleep
27:57 and I wondered if she would choose to keep fighting.
28:01 Yes.
28:04 But she did.
28:06 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
28:09 So she really has no memory.
28:13 I mean, its like the time of the accident
28:16 you don't really know what happened with the car,
28:19 she has no memory and maybe that was God's way of
28:23 kind of putting a blanket over this situation
28:25 so that she didn't have to relive that.
28:27 Did she, did Penny go through the, it's my fault,
28:32 the feelings of guilt that she got through that stage at all
28:37 since she was the driver?
28:40 In our marriage it wasn't something that we usually
28:43 talked much about and she didn't feel
28:45 it was her fault
28:47 because she probably couldn't remember.
28:49 I think that is a mercy actually.
28:51 Yes.
28:52 I know compared to my having to see everything
28:56 certainly was a mercy.
28:58 So I'm grateful that she didn't have that
29:00 and I never felt that it was her fault either.
29:05 So that blame was not an issue though,
29:08 though I did share later as I was reflecting
29:12 and trying to write our story out
29:14 and many people told us to write in
29:15 so its finally happened now.
29:18 There is a chapter
29:19 we're specifically talking about forgiveness
29:21 and if we have time we can talk about that later
29:24 but it took many years for her it seems to actually fully
29:29 at a deep emotional level forgive herself
29:32 when she was able to forgive someone else.
29:34 Okay, and so that's typical I think.
29:37 You know, how did-- we want to come back to that forgiveness
29:41 but I want to make certain that we talk about how the Lord--
29:47 here you are already on a path of broken marriage almost,
29:51 use the words and you know, when you said that
29:54 it was more merciful than being able to see everything
29:57 but I believe you told me just little
29:59 before we came on the air
30:00 that you had built up these walls around your heart
30:05 trying to be the Superman not to--
30:08 not to have any highs and lows after your heart was broken
30:11 and you say something when you go out speaking,
30:16 when you talk about salvation.
30:18 What is it that you say? Yeah.
30:22 These last 20 years since the accident
30:26 God has taught us so many things
30:30 from that day of decimation
30:33 that He is literally transformed our lives.
30:37 And so often times when I'm speaking
30:38 to either group of Christians or even Muslims
30:42 and as a bridge person I speak to both groups
30:45 and I like to ask a question
30:47 which kind of causes trouble for many people.
30:50 I ask the question--
30:51 You like the stir the pot is what you are saying.
30:53 But one thing we have learned from the accident is
30:55 life is too short this side of the wing to be boring.
30:58 Okay, that's good.
31:00 So we enjoy life as a gift and it is a gift,
31:04 not to be taken for granted.
31:06 So I say to people when were you saved
31:09 and that causes quite a religious conundrum
31:12 for many people depending on their group.
31:14 You know, some groups know exactly when they are saved
31:16 and when and who and what time but others aren't sure
31:19 and others would even wonder why on earth
31:21 I said saved in the past tense.
31:23 And so, so you have all these different things
31:26 and I give them some time to work it through
31:28 and then finally I say
31:29 well, I was saved on the day that my children died
31:35 and you can just see a ripple go through the crowd like,
31:39 what are you talking about.
31:41 How can you say that saved you?
31:44 But what I mean is,
31:46 God saved me from a broken picture of who He is.
31:53 A broken marriage and what marriage could be.
31:57 He saved me from a warped view of the world and that my role
32:02 in that world, He saved me from this,
32:05 this baseline lie that says my relationship with Him is built
32:08 on what I do
32:11 and He has transformed our lives
32:13 because of the accident.
32:15 And by His grace and in His mercy
32:19 He has now given us back four children
32:21 in the time that lapsed in miraculous ways
32:26 so that all I can do is just lift my hands in praise
32:29 and say He saved me.
32:32 You know, I have to share something with you.
32:36 I was speaking in England, large group
32:42 and we came to Romans 8:28 which a lot of people
32:45 like to quote "That all things work together for good
32:48 to those who love the Lord,
32:50 and are called according to His purpose."
32:52 And I told people be careful when you use that
32:56 because and here's what I said, I said, if a mother has just
33:00 lost her husband and two children in an accident
33:04 you don't want to come up
33:05 and I'm actually heard people do this at a funeral
33:08 and say "All things work together for good
33:11 for those who love the Lord,
33:12 and are called according to His purpose."
33:14 You know, if someone did that to me
33:16 I think I would want to succumb.
33:19 But as I explained is that scripture cannot be--
33:23 Romans 8:28 cannot be separated
33:26 that "All things work together for good
33:29 for those who love the Lord,
33:30 and are called according to His purpose.
33:32 For those He foreknew,
33:37 He predestined to be conformed
33:39 to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ."
33:41 So the way in which God works
33:43 all things together for our good
33:46 is that through the experience He helps us to develop
33:52 more of the character of Christ.
33:54 How did God help you as a man, as a husband, Penny,
34:00 how did He-- I mean, here you got a noisy house,
34:04 two little children ten and half months old,
34:06 there and half months old.
34:08 You've got this house that's filled with life, laughter,
34:12 crying, caring on and then suddenly the next day
34:17 you've got a house of silence, you've got two grieving,
34:20 broken people-- I mean,
34:23 who are broken before the accident
34:24 but you are grieving and there is a silence.
34:28 How did God reach you?
34:29 How did He change you? Yes.
34:34 In our pain, in our brokenness, in the anger,
34:37 in the depression the thing that truly changed us was
34:43 because of my lie that I've already mentioned in the midst
34:47 of the anger I could not do all the things I used to do.
34:53 If I tried to have devotions the anger would absolutely
34:57 destroy whatever I was reading.
34:59 If I tried to close my eyes to pray
35:01 I would have a flashback
35:03 from the day of the accident because my mind had to work
35:06 through those things.
35:08 Those were horrendous so I start praying.
35:13 I couldn't do all those things.
35:14 I wasn't preaching, I wasn't teaching, I wasn't witnessing.
35:16 We were barely functioning.
35:18 And so I remember going to our grief counselor Frank
35:20 and share with him just matter effectively.
35:25 I don't think I'm a believer anymore.
35:27 And he said, why?
35:29 I said, because I can't do all the things I used to do.
35:33 And he said the words that have changed our lives.
35:36 He said, Bryan, its not what you do for God
35:40 that builds your relationship, it's what He does for you.
35:44 Amen.
35:45 Let Him love you.
35:48 Amen.
35:49 And so in our brokenness when we could do nothing
35:54 my wife and I began to just simply let God love us.
35:58 We began to learn about what His--
36:01 a more true picture of who He is.
36:03 You know, there's many different pictures of people
36:05 have of God.
36:06 You can have the divine wending machine
36:08 where you put in your prayers,
36:09 you pay your tithe, you do your different things,
36:10 you press your button and get your blessing.
36:13 But what happens if it doesn't work or you have the almost
36:16 the Santa Clause picture in the sky,
36:17 you better not-- you better not cry, is to making list,
36:19 you know, all these different things
36:22 but what when bad things happen what's the picture of God.
36:26 And I remember just being transformed and blessed by this
36:31 new to us I guess in the context of our pain,
36:36 Jeremiah 31:3 where God says,
36:38 "Behold, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
36:41 Therefore with loving-kindness I have drawn you."
36:44 So its not what we do, its not that I bring God
36:46 or that I witness for God, its not what I do
36:49 but He is only draws us.
36:50 Amen.
36:52 And so we allow, we-- as Frank said,
36:54 let Him love you and we did that.
36:58 And there were-- we began to learn
37:01 about his amazing deep abiding passionate love
37:04 when we could do nothing.
37:06 And he also used the church to love and bless us in ways
37:10 that I know its normal
37:13 but it made an incredible difference for our lives.
37:16 What do you mean in ways that we are not normal?
37:18 Unfortunately I travel around the world and I speak and share
37:21 about these things and other things as well and often times
37:24 people say well, the church is sometimes known for shooting
37:27 its wounded or not caring for people and yet in our own
37:33 experience they loved us in beautiful and tangible ways
37:37 and part of the reason is I share in the book
37:39 is to give examples to those simple ways
37:44 that church members and the body of Christ
37:47 can love people who are broken instead of saying Romans 8:28.
37:52 Right.
37:53 You know, there is times you almost want to hit someone
37:55 with things that we might say
37:56 and people say I don't know what to say.
37:58 So we've written those things and we shared our experience.
38:01 If you don't know what to say keep it to yourself.
38:02 That's better, yes.
38:04 I call it divine duct tape duty.
38:06 You know, give me a shoulder and hug and cry and,
38:08 and so we shared the ways that our churched loved us in very
38:12 tangible human ways but also then God was ministering to us
38:17 in a more personal and spiritual way.
38:21 And as that happened He began to teach us
38:27 that its not what we do,
38:29 it's what He does and it's what He has done in Christ
38:33 so that we are loved not because of performance
38:36 but we are loved because of who we are in Christ.
38:39 Absolutely and that is such for many of us
38:42 for many different denominations.
38:43 I didn't grew up an Adventist but that has-- is a little pit
38:48 I fall into every now and then and I did that after my sister
38:52 was died just little over a year ago.
38:56 My last blood relative and I got to that point
38:59 where I couldn't read, I couldn't-- you know,
39:01 I was having trouble praying and it was,
39:03 it was like what's wrong with me and I felt like I'm losing
39:06 my grip and the Lord just had to bring me around to let me
39:10 know that, you know, rest in Him.
39:13 It's not about performance and God understands.
39:17 Now you're a counselor, you are grief counselor.
39:21 Explain to you that going through such a traumatic event,
39:26 you had an 85 percent chance,
39:28 percentile of getting a divorce,
39:32 He told you some great advice.
39:34 Now I like you to explain when He said to you
39:38 if you are gonna make, if you gonna stay together
39:41 you got to work at a--
39:42 it's got to be an intentional effort to restore a marriage.
39:47 But God in this case more than restored a marriage
39:50 He recreated your marriage.
39:52 That's right. Talk about that.
39:54 As you have already mentioned it is a mind warping experience
39:59 to one day be a family of four and the next day be a decimated
40:04 couple of people look at each other
40:06 and don't even know each other at that point.
40:08 Your whole identity has been to be a parent at that point,
40:14 especially when the marriage wasn't so strong
40:16 and now that's gone.
40:18 And so we were told you had to start intentionally dating,
40:21 intentionally getting to know each other,
40:23 choosing to spend time together, asking questions,
40:29 writing things down just
40:32 and we began to-- we started over.
40:36 Relationship one on one. Exactly.
40:39 We started with learning what marriage is supposed to be
40:43 because neither us came hardwired with that with our
40:46 dysfunction and as you mentioned my walls being,
40:50 haven't been broken down even in our marriage and agreement
40:54 and commitment all those things to each other.
40:55 I still hadn't opened my heart to my wife.
40:58 I was still planning to turn on my emotions off
41:00 and not let anyone else hurt me again
41:02 and yet God in His raw mercy made me
41:08 see things or allowed-- it's almost as how He handcrafted
41:14 or adjusted the accident to transform Penny in the way
41:17 that she needed to be touched and changed
41:19 and also in the ways that I needed by splitting me
41:23 wide open to a place
41:24 that I couldn't possibly ignore those emotions.
41:26 And He saved me for my life of no joy or sadness
41:32 because I believe in the years that have fallen
41:34 God has made us to be complete human beings
41:37 with the ability to feel joy and pain
41:40 and He wants to meet us in all of those
41:42 and that's what He's done.
41:44 And so in our marriage then we learned about boundaries
41:49 which is a very important thing for us.
41:51 One, we were really intrigued by the signs those
41:55 on a psychiatrist wall at one point, it says,
41:58 "today I will not should on myself."
42:02 And--
42:03 I would not should,
42:04 s - h - o - u - l - d on myself.
42:06 And what I'm speaking publicly
42:08 I should not escape that carefully.
42:09 Very carefully.
42:11 That the importance of that is do things intentionally.
42:16 Don't live your life as I should do this,
42:17 I should do that and you give, give,
42:19 give until you have nothing more to give
42:20 and then you break.
42:22 Something breaks,
42:23 whether its burnout or broken relationships.
42:24 And so we begin to realize whenever each,
42:27 either one of us would begin to say I should go here otherwise
42:30 you would say, are you should in on yourself?
42:33 You know, be careful, do you want to do that.
42:35 Yes.
42:36 So even when it came to worship and things.
42:39 We might wake up on the morning that we normally go to church
42:42 and we look each other and say, do you want to go?
42:49 And even though its an amazing loving church there that has
42:51 blessed us there are still where times
42:53 we didn't want to go
42:54 do the happy Sabbath, how are you face.
42:57 You know, though the plastic people experience
43:00 where everyone comes and says, how are you doing
43:01 but they really don't want to know.
43:03 And were we able to go and say, yeah,
43:06 everything is fine when it wasn't
43:08 and we would finally--
43:09 there would be times we would say no, we are not gonna go,
43:12 God can love us here.
43:13 And, you know, there are sometimes
43:15 my husband and I travel quite a bit,
43:16 we minister and we just keep
43:19 such an incredible hectic schedule.
43:22 There are times that we have chosen to just felt
43:27 led by the Lord to stay at home.
43:29 That happen not too many Sabbath ago
43:31 when it was the first Sabbath
43:33 we would have free in so long that I spend
43:36 eight hours in the Bible and just I had the most
43:39 glorious day with the Lord.
43:40 Now, I don't believe in forsaken the assembly
43:43 but there are times when God can minister to you.
43:46 He knows your names so there is nothing wrong with that.
43:50 Let me fast forward then we are gonna backtrack a little.
43:54 You have written about your experience,
43:57 about the healing experience.
43:59 Tell us the book is called "Undeniable,
44:03 an epic journey through pain by Bryan Gallant."
44:07 "Undeniable, An Epic Journey Through Pain" and this book
44:13 is available on Amazon.com and through your website
44:18 which is undeniablethebook.com.
44:21 Okay, tell us why you wrote this book
44:26 and how you've constructed this book?
44:30 I shared our story in the book because I believe we are living
44:33 in a time where many people are ignoring
44:38 running from medicating, avoiding their pain.
44:42 Yes.
44:43 And so because of that we are surrounded
44:45 by many broken wounded people
44:47 who have not actually gone through
44:50 the stages of grief, they've learned to function
44:52 that whatever love that is but they are not whole.
44:57 And so even by curiously our hope is
45:00 that as people read out story
45:01 and enter into the emotions and experience through our pain
45:05 that God can meet them in their pain.
45:08 And so I wrote it in a way that's is accessible to people
45:12 not only Christian, not only any denomination
45:16 or any particular denomination.
45:17 It's written so that a thinking atheist, a thinking Muslim,
45:21 Buddhist, Hindu or whatever a human,
45:25 a human whose experienced pain will be touched by the words
45:28 and invited to a place of healing where they can find
45:30 God's love ministering to them at their place.
45:33 And it is not that when you said that you
45:34 wrote it for anyone,
45:36 its not that you loved God out of this by any means
45:38 because God is central to this but it is just the manner
45:41 in which its kind of a--
45:45 there is not a denominational approach in this.
45:48 It's more open for all people.
45:50 I want to-- we are gonna be running
45:53 out of time here in just a moment
45:54 so what I would like to do is we have Bryan's address.
45:58 If you would like to invite him to come to your church to do
46:02 a grief seminar or to speak or if you want to get his book
46:07 through his website
46:09 here's how you may get in touch with Bryan.
46:15 If you would like to contact Bryan Gallant or learn how you
46:18 can receive a copy of his book Undeniable you can do so
46:22 by calling 678-532-8787,
46:27 that's 678-532-8787
46:32 or go online at UndeniableTheBook.com
46:35 that's UndeniableTheBook.com.
46:46 You know, this is such an amazing story
46:48 and I have to say, Bryan, you are a delightful writer.
46:51 It's a beautifully written book.
46:53 But in this I think we need to mention how God restored
46:59 on December 3rd, three years after your children
47:04 were killed in the auto accident
47:07 let's talk about just a moment
47:08 how God restored and began to start a new family for you.
47:12 Yes.
47:14 When we, when we finished going back to school
47:17 and Penny recovered and began to learn
47:20 to live life without her left hand anymore
47:23 we went back overseas to Micronesia.
47:26 We basically said we are willing to serve again
47:28 and they had us to go there to the Island of Yap
47:32 to be a principle of a K-12 school system there.
47:35 And so we went as still two broken people but still wanting
47:38 to serve because God had begun to bless us.
47:41 While we are there and miraculous chain of events
47:45 God arranged for us to adopt an unborn child,
47:49 Yapese child where Penny was able to see him being born
47:54 on Thanksgiving day and we went
47:58 through all the adoptive paper work
48:00 and everything because its in the book there
48:02 but all the things for $30, international adoption
48:06 so little bit cheaper than usual by a couple of digits.
48:10 We were able to adopt him and his adopted paper work
48:13 was finished literally on December 3, 1997.
48:17 So that was the official date that he became your son.
48:20 That he was our child.
48:22 And that was three years to the date
48:23 that you had lost your two children.
48:25 But God has a sense of humor as well.
48:27 Okay.
48:28 December 2, my wife wasn't feeling well and she went into
48:32 the bathroom and came out with two lines on the dip stick.
48:35 Which means she was pregnant. She was pregnant.
48:38 So three years to the day holding Elijah in our hands
48:43 and Penny having another one in her womb
48:46 God was saying its okay to love again.
48:48 Amen. Amen.
48:50 And now you actually God has added to that number--
48:53 Yeah, they keep coming, yeah.
48:56 So we now have four, so we have Elijah and Hanna,
48:59 Noah and Hadasa.
49:00 How precious.
49:02 I just wanted to ask if you would touch on--
49:04 this book is divided into four primary areas.
49:11 First was the devastation in the darkness,
49:13 the Dawn and the Destiny.
49:15 But when you talk about the name of the book
49:18 again it's "Undeniable, An Epic Journey Through Pain"
49:22 and this is as we said at the beginning
49:26 as God comforted you you're now sharing
49:30 that comfort with others.
49:32 But if you would in the section on Dawn, talk about worship.
49:38 When God began to breakthrough into our lives
49:43 He helped us to see that its because of our pain,
49:45 its because of our brokenness
49:47 so we then see others differently
49:49 but more than that we see Him differently.
49:52 And I remember one time sitting there my wife and I,
49:54 this is a number of months probably almost two years after
49:57 the accident we are both reading in different chairs
50:00 having worship together and my wife picked her head up
50:08 and she kind of spoke towards me.
50:09 I knew she is gonna say,
50:11 I could see on her face something important.
50:12 She said, we really should pray for Susan Smith
50:17 and my first thought was, are you crazy.
50:19 Now Susan Smith people may forget but she was the woman
50:22 years ago who strapped her two children into the car,
50:26 pushed into a lake, watched it go underwater,
50:29 called the car and-- you know, so murdered her children.
50:32 And I'm thinking, you want to pray for Susan Smith?
50:35 What you want to pray about that she wroth somewhere or,
50:38 you know, that the most unspeakable stuff
50:39 could happen to her
50:41 and I'm just-- I'm just completely shocked by her
50:45 and my wife said this, we need to pray for her
50:48 because she must have really been hurting
50:52 to have ever imagined that was the best thing
50:54 she could do for her kids.
50:57 And it just blew my mind to realize that here is my wife
51:00 who has lost two children, who because of what God
51:03 is doing in her life actually has the heart of God
51:07 to see another mother who did this unspeakable thing
51:11 and yet she can see hope and love still.
51:16 And I just realize I was seeing
51:18 in many ways like a burning bush.
51:20 I was seeing the very character of God in my wife
51:25 who had lost babies
51:26 and yet was willing to pray for someone else
51:28 who is hurting to such an extent.
51:32 Our prayer in this book is that it want to invite people
51:35 to experience God's healing and empathy and to increase
51:40 their worship of who He is in the whole process
51:43 and how He has turned.
51:45 Well, I think you certainly paint beautiful
51:49 and true picture of the character of God
51:51 and this "Undeniable, An Epic Journey Through Pain"
51:56 is a book that can bring healing
51:59 and we just want to encourage you to get this book.
52:03 We are going to take a quick break.
52:05 We've got to go to a news break
52:07 but we are gonna come back with a final thought
52:09 so please stay tuned.


Revised 2015-10-05