3ABN Today

Blessing is on the Go!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), C.A. Murray (Host), Shelley Quinn, John Lomacang, Brian Hamilton


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015068A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to a very special 3ABN today.
01:12 This is an extremely special program,
01:14 so you want to draw close even now.
01:17 If, on the-- shot,
01:18 you saw a rather impressive stack of papers sitting here,
01:22 we're going to tell you what that's all about
01:24 because that is a, that is a testament
01:27 to the Goodness of God and the blessings.
01:29 There it is.
01:31 That's impressive brother, Shelton.
01:32 It's blessings on the go.
01:34 Indeed. Amen.
01:35 Let's introduce our guest here,
01:37 though not really a guest, but family.
01:38 Will do so.
01:39 Then we're going to come right back
01:41 and talk about this and let everybody jump in.
01:42 Yeah. All right.
01:44 We have to give Shelley Quinn another label, I think.
01:47 Yeah.
01:48 She is program development manager,
01:50 but since she has sort of dived, dived, dove, dive...
01:54 Took over.
01:55 Dived in with both feet on this.
01:59 We've got to give her... Maybe we should give you pom-poms
02:01 and a cheerleader outfit because she is really...
02:03 manager.
02:05 Yeah. blessings.
02:06 Yeah, we're going to have to add another title
02:07 to your already lengthy list of things that you do,
02:10 but Shelley Quinn is here.
02:12 Our pastor, John Lomacang who also has got a new title.
02:15 Absolutely. World Evangelist.
02:17 World Evangelism title.
02:18 And Brian who just has CEO, CFO.
02:22 He's just the money guy.
02:24 Now, he's got a new title. He's got a new title.
02:25 He's also 3ABN prison ministries director.
02:28 That is true. That is true.
02:30 Everybody's switching hats.
02:32 We're getting new hats. We're not letting any hats go.
02:35 We're just adding new hats here,
02:37 but this is going to be a great program.
02:38 CA was talking about this stack.
02:41 We talked to you last week or so.
02:43 It's been a week or two now about the blessing
02:46 on the Go Evangelistic Team member,
02:48 and we've asked you to be a part of that
02:51 for anybody who gives a monthly gift
02:53 to 3ABN of any size,
02:55 we want to send you a tool, that's an Evangelism tool.
02:58 So it's different and the idea is for years,
03:01 and I, from the very beginning Brian,
03:03 I said, "We'll never have begathons.
03:05 We'll never have, they call them praisathons,
03:08 but begathons.
03:09 I'm not going to do that."
03:12 Uh, we don't need to be beggars for the gospel, right?
03:15 We need to just give the truth
03:16 and the Lord will impress the people to give.
03:19 So we've never had...
03:21 No one's ever turned on the set off.
03:22 If you don't give the money, we're turning the lights,
03:24 we're going home, we're doing all these things.
03:26 I always says, "Well,
03:27 that's the Lord's responsibility,
03:29 if we do our part."
03:30 But how do we get people involved
03:33 where it's not just saying,
03:34 "Well, we want you to give a monthly gift."
03:37 It's, this is a team.
03:38 Without you, there's no 3ABN.
03:41 Without this end, you couldn't watch 3ABN without you giving,
03:45 we couldn't be here to present the message to the world.
03:48 So it's a team.
03:50 People of like beliefs, Christians, number one.
03:53 Many of your are Seventh Adventist Christians',
03:55 we thank you for that.
03:56 Many of you are Christians from numerous denominations
03:59 who have just said, Shelley, "Hey, we love the music.
04:02 We love preaching."
04:04 And one guy told me.
04:05 He was one of "the most powerful people,
04:07 " if I can use that term, in America and you met him.
04:11 You guys met him.
04:12 He said to me, "I'm not an Adventist.
04:15 I really support you guys,
04:17 and I have to tell you the truth.
04:19 You guys are telling the truth
04:21 more than anybody that I've seen."
04:22 I would never get into...
04:24 He said, "I would never get into a biblical discussion
04:27 with a Seventh Day Adventist,"
04:29 and I have told people at my church,
04:30 "Don't do it, you'll lose."
04:33 You'll lose when it comes to doctrines and bible truth.
04:37 And so, but, so we have people
04:39 who believe in support in this ministry,
04:43 but how do we get people and enlighten them.
04:44 We're going to talk about that.
04:46 Shelley and John is really going to hit on this,
04:48 but we're...
04:49 This is not business as usual.
04:51 We're in the closing moments of earth's history,
04:53 and if you're not aware of
04:54 and you haven't seen the programs,
04:56 you will be I believe with time this program is over.
04:58 And so how do we get involved as a unit, as one,
05:03 with one voice going out.
05:05 We are all of us to be involved in the work of God.
05:09 By us sending you,
05:10 you send your donations to 3ABN.
05:12 We send you this, a plaque.
05:14 We actually have one here.
05:16 I think they have it on the screen.
05:17 It's a certificate.
05:19 It's, actually, we don't send the plaque.
05:21 You can...
05:22 You can frame it.
05:23 We don't send you the frame, you can get your own frame,
05:25 but we'll send you the blessing on the go.
05:29 This is an actual one here.
05:30 Here, this is Louella, won't give her last name.
05:33 She can, if she wants to, but it's Louella.
05:35 The blessing is on the go evangelistic team member,
05:38 and it says, "Because of your commitment to the Lord's work
05:41 and your monthly supportive of 3 Angels Broadcasting Network,
05:44 we recognize you as The Blessing Is on
05:48 the Go Evangelistic Team Member,
05:50 and so what this does,
05:51 we will send you an evangelistic tool
05:54 that is, whether it's sermons, whether it's music,
05:57 it's something that will help you.
05:59 You can not only take it yourself,
06:01 but we're hoping you'll share it
06:03 with your neighbors, church members,
06:05 and get people involved.
06:07 And you had a quote
06:10 that you said you woke up to this morning.
06:12 Oh. Tell us a little about that.
06:13 While you do, this stack is legitimate stack.
06:17 This in about the first week
06:19 this is how many of you responded,
06:21 that said, "I want to be a blessing
06:23 on the go evangelistic team member."
06:26 3ABN has a foundation,
06:28 and it's amazing how few donors
06:31 that we have on a monthly donation, Brian,
06:35 for a ministry this big.
06:36 So our foundation is built like this,
06:39 but our responsibilities to what we're doing is like this.
06:46 We're trying with your help and with God's blessings
06:49 to make that foundation
06:51 so that it holds as we continue to grow
06:54 until we believe the Second Coming of Christ
06:57 and you all are respondent.
06:58 Thank you so much for joining with us.
07:01 Now, I'm going to quit talking,
07:03 turn, have you give the quote and then we're going to...
07:05 I've got some excited folks here today.
07:06 You do.
07:08 And we want you call your friends, your enemies,
07:10 everybody, tell them to tune in to 3ABN
07:12 because we are talking about end time events,
07:16 things that are happening right now,
07:17 to let us know without a doubt Jesus is coming very soon.
07:22 Woke up this morning, and the Lord brought to my mind
07:24 something that I read almost 40 years ago
07:27 when I bought this book.
07:28 Ellen White is talking about just going to church
07:31 and doing more in these last days.
07:32 She says, "The convocations of the church
07:34 as in camp meetings, the assemblies
07:36 or the home church are all occasions
07:39 where there's personal labor for souls.
07:41 They are God's appointed opportunities
07:43 for giving the early and latter rain,
07:45 but let none think
07:47 that in attending these gatherings,
07:49 their duty is done.
07:50 A mere attendance upon all the meetings
07:53 that are held in the church is not in itself
07:56 and will not bring the blessing to the soul."
07:59 She says, "It's not an immutable law
08:00 that when you go to church, to these gatherings,
08:02 you will get the Holy Spirit, you'll get the latter rain."
08:05 God supplies this from heaven.
08:07 The circumstances may seem to be favorable
08:09 for a rich outpouring of the showers of grace,
08:12 but God himself must commend the showers of grace,
08:16 and he must commend the rain to fall.
08:18 Therefore, we should not be remiss in supplication.
08:22 Basically, what Ellen White is saying here
08:24 is that if all you do is, go to church,
08:27 sing, preach and pray, you're not doing enough.
08:31 Amen.
08:32 Not to receive the latter rain.
08:34 She says, "One of the prerequisites
08:35 for receiving the latter rain
08:37 is working for the salvation of the souls of men and women
08:40 for whom Christ has died."
08:42 That's right. So you cannot go.
08:43 Which means you've got to go. Got to go.
08:44 You've got to go, not just to church,
08:46 you've got to go to your neighbors,
08:47 you've got to go to your family,
08:49 and if you can't go, you've got to enable others
08:51 who can go to go.
08:52 Absolutely.
08:54 So you've got to go, you've got to do
08:55 just going to church, sitting and singing,
08:57 "Oh, I love Jesus" and going home is not enough.
09:00 That must be done, but if that's all you're doing
09:02 and some skip Sabbath School, some only come for the sermon,
09:05 some don't even come for that.
09:06 Watch out.
09:07 So if that's all you're doing,
09:09 you're not doing enough plus you're not preparing...
09:10 preaching went to Medland.
09:13 That's what somebody is saying.
09:14 You're not preparing yourself
09:16 to receive the latter rain experience.
09:18 This kind of thing is what's going to prepare you
09:21 for the latter rain experience.
09:22 Working for the souls of men and women
09:24 for whom Christ died.
09:26 That puts you in position
09:27 that's God's appointed agency to save your soul,
09:31 while you're trying to save someone else's.
09:33 Amen.
09:34 And you know something, this is
09:35 why I'm so excited about this program.
09:37 As soon as you announced it,
09:39 they didn't have to ask me to take over this
09:42 "Go Evangelistic Team."
09:44 I just started doing.
09:45 I've been operating like a, a, hummingbird on steroids,
09:49 but as soon as you announced it,
09:52 when I was praying, here is what I saw.
09:54 Is that... I'm going to tell a story
09:56 what happened when we were at the farm.
09:58 It was a severe draught.
10:00 There was cracks in the earth, and I...
10:03 We just moved to the farm and this was in Central Texas.
10:06 I'm praying to the Lord for rain.
10:09 Praying and praying for rain
10:11 and one night a gully washer came along.
10:13 You know, what a gully washer is.
10:14 When it just comes down, and we had a tin roof on the farm.
10:17 So it was...
10:19 You could just hear it and I couldn't wait
10:21 the next day to go out
10:22 and see what had happened.
10:24 And you know what, the ground was just as dry.
10:27 It was barely wet on top.
10:29 It was just as dry. Okay.
10:30 With just as many cracks.
10:32 And I'm thinking, "What happened in the..."
10:34 The still small voice of the Lord said,
10:37 "Just as you have seen in the physical realm,
10:39 when the earth is hardened,
10:41 the rain just rolls right off of it.
10:45 It was just off."
10:46 He said that, "If our hearts become hardened to his work,
10:52 then when the latter rain comes,
10:54 we're not going to be able to soak it up."
10:56 And what...
10:57 When you announced this, I was thinking that, in 1984,
11:01 when God launched 3ABN in 1984,
11:04 he could see the end from the beginning,
11:06 and I believe everything that we've done up to this point
11:09 has just been to get the infrastructure in place
11:12 because what I believe is that God.
11:15 This is no doubt a God redeemed program.
11:19 And I believe with all of my heart
11:22 that this is like relaunching the ministry
11:25 because God wants you involved.
11:27 He wants every one of us involved.
11:29 Right.
11:30 And what Ellen White said is so true that if--
11:34 what the Lord was showing me
11:36 is that when we're filled with the Holy Spirit,
11:39 the way you know if you're filled with the Holy Spirit
11:41 is if you're a person who is loving.
11:43 If you can love God
11:45 with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength,
11:47 that's only by the power of the holys pirit.
11:49 Then you walk in obedience.
11:50 And then, if you are filled with the love of God.
11:54 Romans 5:5 said,
11:56 "He pours out his love into our hearts
11:58 so that we can not only love him
12:00 but that we can love others as our self."
12:02 If we're developing the character of Christ,
12:05 we will be going out
12:07 and we will be sharing the good news.
12:09 That's all evangelism is.
12:11 It's sharing the good news
12:13 to let someone know about salvation in Jesus Christ.
12:16 That's right.
12:18 And if we don't have a burden for other people,
12:21 we better check our pulse...
12:22 And see if we do have the spirit
12:25 because otherwise we don't.
12:27 And what I want to emphasize right now
12:29 is that somebody called and asked me
12:32 about the new program that we're doing.
12:34 This is not a program. This is not a campaign.
12:37 This is a revitalized emphasis on present truth evangelism.
12:42 Okay.
12:44 Which is what 3ABN's mission is all about.
12:47 And all we're doing now by the direction of God
12:51 is to weave you more into the fabric.
12:55 It's just like we're weaving golden threads
12:57 into the fabric of 3ABN
12:59 so that you become involved on a personal level.
13:03 And as you said, so that God did this,
13:06 I mean he could have saved the world
13:08 and salvation belongs to him,
13:09 but he could have done all of this without us.
13:12 But he gave us this opportunity
13:14 so that we could develop the character of Christ.
13:17 And this is a permanent part.
13:20 Like I said, it's like relaunching 3ABN.
13:23 This is our mission.
13:25 Our mission is not just to give the present truth
13:29 and the everlasting gospel,
13:31 the three angels messages of revelation 14,
13:34 our mission is to get you involved in doing this.
13:36 Amen. That's right.
13:38 Because that's how we're going to usher
13:39 in the latter rain.
13:41 And one more thought real quick.
13:42 Okay. Sure.
13:43 Because I'm so excited, you can't tell, can you?
13:46 Do you remember when we were in Israel
13:50 and you go and you see the Sea of Galilee
13:54 that is fed by the Jordan River
13:57 and life is teaming around the Sea of Galilee.
14:01 There's all kinds of industry,
14:02 there's all kinds of vegetation and farming,
14:04 and they use it to irrigate.
14:06 Life is teaming.
14:08 It's receiving this living water
14:10 that's coming from the Jordan into the Sea of Galilee,
14:14 but now the Sea of Galilee begins to empty out
14:17 and as it goes down through the Jordan River,
14:19 it goes into the Dead Sea.
14:21 Why is that living water...
14:24 Why does it become dead when it reaches the Dead Sea?
14:28 Because there's no outlet,
14:30 and it's the same thing for you and me.
14:32 Amen.
14:33 If we sit in church as Ellen White has said,
14:35 if we sit in church,
14:37 if we pray and we read our Bible
14:40 but you don't have an outlet to share the good news.
14:43 If you're not becoming a part of that team
14:48 that goes out to share the good news,
14:51 you're going to be stagnant.
14:52 So we want you to become a part,
14:55 we're calling it the "Go Evangelistic Team."
14:57 Yes, absolutely. That's right.
14:59 And I'll show real quick, a flier.
15:01 Sure.
15:02 Then I'll let somebody else talk.
15:03 Let me show you our flier
15:05 because this is something that the Lord impressed upon me
15:08 is that it is the Go Evangelistic Team,
15:11 which is the G-E-T.
15:13 That's... See... Can you read at the top,
15:15 it says, "Get Going into all the World.
15:18 That's the Go Evangelistic Team."
15:20 Going into all the world and we've got to get ready,
15:23 get set, and go.
15:24 And it's so simple to get ready,
15:27 all you have to do is call or go on online
15:30 and you can register at 3ABN.tv.
15:34 Just go on there, you'll see a button that...
15:36 It's kind of like on a go certificate right now.
15:38 You can press that button, go on,
15:40 and you can become a monthly donor
15:43 on credit card or a debit card or PayPal
15:46 and then just be sure you mark the recurring monthly box
15:52 so that it's a monthly donation.
15:54 Then you get the certificate
15:57 and you start getting not only the tools each month,
16:00 but we're working on evangelism tips
16:03 that will go out with a letter each month,
16:05 the best way to evangelize,
16:07 we've got all kinds of works... plans in the work,
16:10 and it is so exciting
16:12 but this is something that's so simple
16:14 that it doesn't matter you're 9 or you're 90
16:17 that you can share this tool
16:20 and prayerfully J.D. and I are prayerfully seeking the Lord
16:26 with whom we should share.
16:27 We've already got five people on our list...
16:29 So I'm going to have to buy some volume stuff
16:31 that we'lltalk about later.
16:33 Sure. All right.
16:34 I'll take a deep breath and let somebody else go.
16:37 Brian is stomping.
16:38 I want to say this one quick thing Brian.
16:40 I can see we're going to be.
16:42 We're going to be fighting for airtime here.
16:43 All right.
16:44 Quickly, and I said this to him last week.
16:46 Ellen White says, "If the lord calls you to go
16:48 and you don't go, heaven sees that as treason."
16:50 Yes. Wow.
16:51 Yes, that's true. That's the term she uses.
16:53 That's deep.
16:54 The term "treason," that if God calls you to go
16:56 and you don't go, heaven says you're treasonous
16:58 and treason of course is trying to pull down the government
17:01 that you sworn allegiance to.
17:03 You cannot do that.
17:04 The other thing is, remember when we were kids
17:05 and I will be done real quick,
17:07 when you took magnifying glass
17:08 and you shined the light of the sun on a piece of paper.
17:12 Yes. Yes, absolutely.
17:13 When you said that, that's what I was thinking about.
17:15 You're taking the rays of the sun
17:16 and you're focusing them on a point.
17:18 Yes.
17:19 So this is not a new program,
17:20 it's just focusing the rays of the sun
17:22 and at the point of focus, what happens right there.
17:24 It ignites. It ignites.
17:25 It ignites.
17:27 Precisely that's what we're trying to do,
17:28 start the fire.
17:29 That's true, I love it.
17:31 That pile says the fire is burning.
17:32 The ignition. Yeah-yeah.
17:34 And this is the first week or so.
17:35 Yeah.
17:36 I mean already and we know it takes a few days
17:38 to get through the system,
17:39 but you know I just praise the Lord for this
17:41 because the beauty of it is again,
17:43 the difference and you sending a monthly donation
17:46 and us sending you an ink pen, it's a world of difference
17:49 because what we're doing now,
17:50 we're sending you Pastor Lomacang's sermons,
17:53 brother CA's Shelley's,
17:55 all of these, we're sending you some music
17:57 you can share with your neighbors, every month,
17:59 and some of the things
18:01 that you know, the 3ABNs put a lot of time and money
18:05 and effort of putting these together,
18:06 but we're going to share these with you
18:08 so now you become an evangelist.
18:11 Yeah. Well, Brian.
18:12 I wish our viewers could come to 3ABN
18:16 and get the sense of what it's like here.
18:18 Yeah.
18:20 The way I would describe it is, at home, a Friday night
18:23 we'd have fruit salad and pop corn.
18:25 You ever take the lid off the popcorn popper
18:27 when it's popping?
18:29 Oh, I mean, it's just shooting everywhere, you know.
18:31 Well, that's the way ideas are shooting around here
18:34 and we can hardly collect the popcorn
18:37 and get it back in the bucket, you know.
18:39 So that's what it's like here right now at 3ABN.
18:42 It's fun. That is true.
18:43 Brian, also tell him how
18:45 because Shelley talked about donations.
18:46 I thought that would be a great transition
18:48 because there are people that are not in America,
18:50 but around the world and I think you...
18:51 Okay.
18:52 tell them how to get connected.
18:54 Okay, well Shelley talked about a little box there
18:57 that looks like one of our certificates
18:59 and there's a big bold word and it says, "Donate."
19:03 All you have to do is hit the button.
19:05 It's that simple.
19:07 Hit the button that says, "Donate,
19:08 " and then the page shows up
19:10 where you can put your credit card information,
19:12 the dollar amount that you want to donate,
19:14 and then one little button that you checkmark
19:18 and that little button says, "reoccurring."
19:20 "Recurring." This is that simple.
19:22 Now, we live in the world of windows.
19:25 In windows, you can get to the same place
19:27 from two or three different directions.
19:29 You know that.
19:30 It's sometimes that's flustrating to people,
19:32 frustrating, some kind of word like that anyway.
19:35 Yeah.
19:36 In other times, people like, say,
19:38 "I don't want to go your way.
19:39 I want to go a different way."
19:41 Up at the top of the 3ABN main home page
19:44 is a blue button with white letters
19:46 that says, "Donate."
19:47 If you hit that button,
19:49 it's going to let you to the same spot.
19:51 Now, if, if you're in another country
19:54 and you want to donate,
19:55 we have buttons for other currencies.
19:59 For instance, we have the British Pound,
20:03 we have one for Euros, one for Australian Dollars,
20:06 one for New Zealand Dollars,
20:08 another one is a button for Canadian Dollars.
20:12 We love Canadian Dollars.
20:15 Brazil, if you're in Brazil, guess what, you can do it.
20:18 Mexico, and we can add
20:20 as many buttons as there are currencies in the world
20:24 and if your button isn't on there,
20:27 then write 3ABN, email them, call us
20:31 and say, "Hey, I'm in and you tell us where
20:34 and I want to give, "
20:36 and we'll get your button on there.
20:37 Absolutely. Do we have a Euro button on it?
20:39 Yes, there's a Euro button. Okay.
20:41 So PayPal. I found an interesting thing.
20:44 We were at the general conference section,
20:46 you know 65,000 people a day
20:48 for over a period of nearly two weeks,
20:51 18 million plus Adventists in the world,
20:54 almost 17 million live outside North America.
20:57 17 million, nearly, live outside North America.
21:02 Thousands of you came up and said,
21:04 "When you saw us at our booths or walking around,
21:07 we love 3ABN, you know, we watch it
21:11 and we know people
21:12 who's given their lives to the Lord,
21:13 some of you have said that, but some of you have said,
21:16 "We would love to give,
21:18 but we don't know how to do it."
21:20 And that's why everything has changed.
21:22 So right now we're telling you all you have to do,
21:24 it's called PayPal.
21:26 You go to PayPal,
21:27 and you can send donations
21:29 from wherever you are in the world
21:31 right here to 3ABN,
21:32 so we would like to get you involved
21:35 those that are outside North America.
21:37 Now, we're still... This is so new,
21:39 we're trying to be the best stewards of money,
21:42 but okay, how do we get you the evangelistic tools.
21:47 John, we may have to do it through MP3 files
21:49 or through links that we can send to you on the internet,
21:54 you can download certain links of sermons, evangelistic tools.
21:58 You can either...
22:00 If its sermons or books, you can print them out
22:02 or just give those links
22:03 to your friends and your neighbors,
22:05 they can look at it.
22:06 But we want you to be part of the evangelistic team.
22:09 Go.
22:11 Not just in your giving,
22:12 but the part that you'll be blessed
22:14 is going yourself.
22:15 Doing something and that's why Shelley you're saying
22:18 this makes so much sense and I believe it too.
22:21 The latter rain has to start.
22:23 We've seen things happen.
22:24 John will talk about in a minute.
22:26 We never thought we'd see in our lifetime Brian.
22:28 I have for sure. That's happening.
22:30 Well, how about the second coming.
22:32 About before the second coming, the latter rain.
22:35 It's got to start somewhere, why not here.
22:37 Why not now. Why not with you.
22:39 Amen. Why not with us.
22:41 And this is it.
22:42 This is, I believe, bringing us together,
22:45 joining hands together, helping each other
22:48 to take the gospel to the world.
22:49 John...
22:51 Before John goes, I want to make one comment
22:52 because we talked about
22:54 how you can go online to do this,
22:56 but we also want you to know there's...
22:58 We're receiving some from a lot of people
23:02 my age and older, I'll put it that way,
23:05 some people who don't like to use the internet.
23:07 You can also call 3ABN and we can set you up on this
23:12 or you can mail us your intension.
23:15 You can do what's called snail mail the check,
23:18 so many of us have done all of our lives
23:20 or you can do the credit cards over the phone,
23:23 however you want to do it.
23:25 But the most important thing is just to get out and get moving.
23:28 Do say hummingbird.
23:29 All right, hummingbird, I'll hum.
23:31 But I'm... I'm glad that you're excited Shelley
23:34 because when you're excited, people get behind.
23:38 No one wants to follow a lethargic leader
23:41 and there's anything but lethargy as Brian said,
23:43 this is a popcorn, call it popcorn,
23:46 call it hummingbirds on steroids,
23:48 whatever you want to call it, we are not standing still.
23:51 Amen. The Lord said, "Go forward."
23:53 We're going forward, and God will part the Jordan,
23:55 but you know what came to my mind, Danny,
23:57 an illustrious guest is...
23:59 There's a systemic issue
24:01 that's happening in the world right now
24:02 and particularly in America.
24:03 Yesterday, I did a program entitled.
24:06 It's on "A Sharper Focus," and if you want to see that,
24:09 you could go to "A Sharper Focus, asf.3abn.org,
24:13 " I plugged for the program on Wednesday nights.
24:16 There's an issue happening in America
24:17 that just took place, the redefinition of marriage,
24:20 and I said to the Christians that are watching television.
24:22 I said.
24:24 "There are many Christians
24:25 that are really irate about what just happened."
24:27 They are incensed about what the Supreme Court just did
24:30 because they know that it has no biblical foundation
24:34 whatsoever.
24:35 They are incensed and many people that are saying,
24:38 "How could they redefine something
24:40 that only God can define."
24:42 God created marriage, God defined it man and woman.
24:46 Now, that's why the Christians are upset today.
24:49 They want to do something about it
24:50 but there is another issue
24:52 because many people might think,
24:53 "Well, this is the beginning of the attack
24:55 on what God established.
24:56 Our creation, but I have news for you."
24:58 This is the capstone of the attack Danny,
25:01 because there was another attack
25:02 about 2000 years ago on the Sabbath
25:06 and many Christians today are honoring a day
25:08 that's nothing more than the tradition.
25:10 That's the reason why I say
25:12 we don't believe in traditional marriage.
25:14 I never support traditional marriage,
25:15 I support scriptural marriage. All right.
25:17 If it's on the bible, it's not going to change.
25:19 Now, let's just put this together in a context.
25:21 Let's say if the world lasts 300 more years.
25:24 In 300 years, Brian, if God allows to go that far,
25:28 which I don't think He will,
25:29 same sex marriage is going to be a tradition.
25:32 And that generation is going to say,
25:33 "We support traditional marriage."
25:35 That's the reason it's got to be scriptural.
25:38 So now, here's the point I make.
25:40 As we go through the study on the first day,
25:42 if you don't find any support in the Bible
25:45 for the observants of the first day,
25:48 you should be just as incensed as you are
25:51 about same sex marriage
25:52 because both hinder on the same thing,
25:54 what God established from the very beginning
25:56 and in the Garden of Eden, marriage and the Sabbath
25:59 were the only two institutions God blessed before sin,
26:02 so sin is responsible for the change.
26:04 And here's my point.
26:05 Christians should never support anything that man changes
26:09 from God's original design.
26:11 So if you're incensed about same sex marriage,
26:13 you should be just as incensed
26:15 about the change made from the Sabbath
26:17 to the first day of the week,
26:19 almost 2000 years ago, but what's the problem.
26:21 I'm working on a sermon called, "Termites,"
26:23 and the reason is they're called Termites Shelley
26:25 because they are never just one.
26:28 It's not called termite, but termites.
26:30 Yeah. And the issue is systemic.
26:33 Four reasons.
26:34 They work in secret, you never know they're working.
26:38 Okay.
26:39 They work to weaken the foundation,
26:41 these are the issues happening.
26:42 They target areas that are vulnerable
26:45 and they are too tiny not to take seriously.
26:49 That's good.
26:50 Right now, the church is dealing with issues
26:52 that we say are tiny issues.
26:53 I'm not going to go through them now
26:54 because that'll be a whole another program,
26:57 but whatever issue weakens the foundation,
27:00 whatever groups are working in secret,
27:02 and whatever areas are becoming
27:04 more and more vulnerable to the Christian church
27:06 and the evangelist church at large
27:08 is an indication that there's an systemic issue.
27:10 Now, 3ABN, what are we doing to counteract that?
27:13 We are refusing to be politically correct.
27:16 Okay.
27:17 We are refusing to be biblically incorrect.
27:19 Amen. All right.
27:21 Our focus is to be biblically correct.
27:23 Amen.
27:24 As was told to that young prodigy of Paul.
27:27 He said, Paul said, "Preach the word."
27:28 Yes sir.
27:30 Be instant in season, out of season.
27:32 What that means is when you're telling people
27:34 that agree with you, preach it.
27:36 When you're telling people that don't agree, preach it.
27:38 Why?
27:39 For the time will come. Can I rephrase that?
27:41 For the time has come. All right.
27:43 When men do not endorse sound doctrine,
27:46 but according to their own lust,
27:48 they look for teachers having itching ears
27:50 and they turn away from the truth
27:52 and they turn to fables, and then Shelley
27:54 the reason why we are on the board
27:55 for this Go Evangelism
27:57 is because Paul says, "Do the work of an evangelist.
28:00 Make fool proof of your ministry."
28:02 So we're not still any longer.
28:05 We're not looking to be praised, pat on the back.
28:07 We're not looking for plaudits.
28:09 We don't want to be first, last, best,
28:10 but we do want to be right.
28:12 We want to be in harmony with God's word
28:14 and the other thing that is happening in our world today
28:16 is the knowledge that God intended for us
28:18 church to receive is being withheld.
28:21 And what happens as a result,
28:22 my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
28:24 Amen.
28:25 Now, it's not that the knowledge is not there.
28:27 What knowledge is being withheld?
28:29 You know the more I travel Brian and CA and Danny
28:32 and Shelley, I don't want to exclude you,
28:33 the more we hear people saying,
28:35 "Whatever happened to sermons about the end time.
28:37 What about the second coming of Jesus.
28:39 What about the three angels messages.
28:40 What about the movements of Rome
28:42 and the coming in of the Sunday Law.
28:44 What about the truth about salvation,
28:46 'Not once saved, always saved.'
28:47 What about these things?"
28:49 And in this push for Go evangelism,
28:52 we're getting back to those messages
28:54 that the Lord said...
28:55 Amen.
28:57 "This gospel of the kingdom
28:58 shall be preached in the all the world
29:00 for a witness to all nations and then shall the end come."
29:03 So the monthly tools that Shelley and I
29:05 are going to be working on together
29:07 and all of our team
29:08 is to get people involved in being ambassadors.
29:11 Now, CA, I've got to go back to this
29:13 because Pastor CA,
29:14 you've got to work on the sermon,
29:16 you do the said worship.
29:17 He said, "Ambassador is not just a person that is sent,
29:20 but a person that supports the country
29:22 that it is sent by."
29:23 Okay.
29:25 You can go to an embassy
29:28 but you can't stay in there always.
29:30 If you don't buy into the program of that embassy,
29:32 if you're not a citizen of that kingdom
29:34 that that embassy represents,
29:35 sooner or later you're going to be put out.
29:37 Here's my point.
29:39 If you're in the church
29:40 and you're not involved in the work of the church,
29:41 you're not a part of the embassy,
29:43 you're an embesil.
29:44 Oh, whoo, whoo.
29:46 That's a strong word.
29:47 I never said that. They're strong words.
29:49 Now, let me tell you why I said that
29:51 because Jesus came during the wedding supper
29:54 and he saw a man in there, didn't He?
29:57 He did not have on the wedding garment.
29:58 Jesus didn't say, "You could stay."
30:00 He said, "Cast him into outer darkness.
30:02 Get him out of here."
30:03 Here's our point,
30:04 "It's not enough to be in the church."
30:06 You've got to be in the mission.
30:08 If you're not gathering with Jesus,
30:09 you're scattering abroad.
30:11 If you're not an ambassador, you're an embesil.
30:14 Preach it. Preach it. You've got to be involved.
30:16 You cannot be taking, taking,
30:17 taking Sabbath by Sabbath, week by week
30:20 but not get involved in gathering together
30:21 because Jesus says,
30:23 "If you're not gathering with me,
30:24 you're scattering abroad."
30:26 Finally, here are the two points of our mission.
30:30 Strategy, one, uplift Christ and everything.
30:32 Amen. We've got to do that.
30:34 Second, focus on preaching, not on popularity,
30:38 Thirdly, scriptively correct, not politically correct
30:42 and fourth equip all the partners
30:44 that join with us to be evangelists in the field,
30:48 every one can be an... Every one can do something
30:51 and finally what's our motive.
30:52 Our strategy is that those first four things.
30:54 What's our motive?
30:56 We want Jesus to come.
30:57 Is that a bad thing? No. No.
30:59 And He says, "This Gospel of the kingdom
31:00 shall be preached in all the world
31:03 for a witness sent to all nations,
31:04 and then shall the end come,"
31:06 A prophecy and a promise. And as Pastor CA, say it again.
31:08 It's a prophecy and a promise.
31:10 It's a prophecy and it's a promise.
31:12 So I believe
31:13 as Ellen White says in the Desire of Ages
31:15 that he did not say
31:17 all the world is going to be converted,
31:18 but he did say, this gospel has to go as a witness.
31:20 Yes.
31:21 And as we do that, we're getting people prepared
31:24 so that when Jesus comes, there will be no excuse
31:27 and what that says to be Danny is God has given us
31:31 the awesome humble responsibility
31:35 to get the world ready for a second coming.
31:37 So what do we have to do?
31:39 What's the greatest threat?
31:40 The greatest threat to the Christian
31:42 is to preach a message that he or she does not live.
31:46 We're not just going to preach this message.
31:47 We're calling ourselves to living for this message.
31:49 Amen. Amen.
31:50 We're not just telling you what to do or what to believe,
31:53 we're saying, this is what we have to believe.
31:54 The greatest threat to the Christian church
31:57 is not to preach the message that Jesus said is or dained
32:01 to prepare the world for a second coming.
32:03 It's no longer business as usual.
32:05 Getting back to the message, Praise the Lord for that.
32:07 The blessings on the go.
32:08 When you get involved with the Blessings on the Go,
32:11 you will be equipped unequivocally equipped.
32:14 Brazil, you're up.
32:16 Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, Africa,
32:20 the list goes on and on.
32:21 You will be equipped.
32:23 So join us if you do believe that Jesus is soon to come,
32:27 you will be incensed by the darkness.
32:29 You will be incensed, but you can't get upset
32:32 and not do something.
32:34 That's kind of being nonplus.
32:35 That zero plus zero equals zero.
32:37 You've got to be a one factor and the power of one,
32:40 if you want to know the power of one,
32:41 just look at the life of Jesus.
32:43 One man affected the entire world.
32:45 We want to be that power of one joining with Christ.
32:48 Join us in the Blessings on the go.
32:49 Amen.
32:51 Now, you didn't mention about the Evangelistic Series
32:54 that you're going to be doing.
32:55 Yes. It's important.
32:57 As a matter of fact, we're walking along
32:59 with Danny and all the pastors.
33:00 CA and Danny, we're going to get together
33:02 with whoever decides to jump onboard with us in Europe,
33:06 I don't want to preempt
33:07 anything that you might be planning.
33:08 So I'm going to be broad about that,
33:10 but the evangelistic series,
33:12 we are going to go back to preaching messages
33:15 that are direct, messages that are relevant today.
33:18 Right.
33:19 There are moments happening in our world.
33:21 Rome is about to come and speak to Congress in America.
33:25 If this program is timed, if he's already come.
33:27 If it's repeated, then he may have already come,
33:30 but the purpose about to come and speak to Congress,
33:32 speak to politically leaders.
33:34 I understand that not too long ago,
33:35 he had meetings with many of the major mayors
33:37 in the United States.
33:39 Why is he doing that?
33:41 Because America is the last stronghold
33:44 for religious freedom
33:46 but you know if you're an American
33:48 that religious freedom is being eroded.
33:51 Example One, exhibit A, same sex marriage.
33:54 It's being eroded.
33:56 When the government starts penalizing its citizens
33:58 for standing for their scriptural beliefs,
34:01 America is not the place for God intended for it to be.
34:04 We're not standing,
34:06 we're not going against our government,
34:07 we're not anarchist, but when the decision comes.
34:09 You're going to get in trouble, John.
34:10 You're going to get in trouble now.
34:11 You know what, Danny.
34:13 You sure you don't want to be politically correct.
34:14 I'm not being politically correct.
34:15 I'm done with political correctness.
34:17 Lord called me to stand on the scriptures.
34:19 We're not speaking about anarchy.
34:21 We're not talking about overthrowing the government.
34:23 We're simply saying,
34:24 "Live what the Lord has called you to live for."
34:27 Jesus said, "In this world, you will have tribulation,
34:29 but be of good cheer.
34:31 I'll overcome the world."
34:32 So here's the point,
34:34 when it comes down to making the decision about men or God,
34:37 can we all say together we are on whose side?
34:39 God's side. Lord's side.
34:41 No question. God's side.
34:42 We're on the Lord's side.
34:43 3ABN is not just another ministry.
34:45 This is a God ordained light that needs to shine brighter
34:49 amid the growing darkness.
34:51 Promise Danny in Isaiah 60
34:53 is "Rise, shine for your light has come
34:57 and the glory of the Lord shall be risen upon you.
35:00 Darkness will cover the inhabitants
35:01 and gross darkness to people
35:03 but the glory of the Lord shall be risen upon you
35:06 and shall be seen upon you."
35:07 What's going to happen?
35:09 The gentiles will come
35:10 to the brightness of the rising.
35:11 So here's the point,
35:13 now if we refuse to light, if we refuse to allow
35:15 the glory of the god to be seen through us,
35:16 the gentiles cannot come out of darkness
35:18 and we believe that the majority of the people
35:20 that Jesus came to save are still in the world
35:23 so we're committed to getting into your neighborhood,
35:25 your community, your churches,
35:27 wherever you live, if you want to be involved,
35:29 we are the people that you need to partner with
35:31 because we are standing not with ourselves
35:34 but we're standing with Jesus.
35:36 So this evangelistic series is going to challenge you
35:40 not just to come and attend,
35:41 but we're going to send you from every evangelistic series
35:44 that we have, every series that we hold,
35:48 we're going to equip you to go forth now
35:50 and to duplicate and to triplicate
35:52 that very message in your community.
35:54 That's what we're doing.
35:55 That's the difference between this evangelism
35:57 and evangelism of the past.
35:59 Could I just add one thing? Sure.
36:02 I know that, to me, this is the most exciting time
36:05 since I've been here at 3ABN in 10 years.
36:08 I thought I was excited about the 10 commandments
36:10 we gained it
36:11 but to me just planning this and working on this,
36:17 God has revitalized my own spiritual energy.
36:21 Danny said it to me the other day.
36:22 He said, "Shelley's back."
36:24 And I didn't realize how I was beginning to kinda...
36:29 just droop a little bit, God, it's like he's put the wind
36:32 underneath my wings again.
36:34 You'll be revitalized by participating in this.
36:37 But I forgot to mention why we have the flier.
36:40 We've have so many of you saying,
36:42 you know, "What can you send us?
36:44 Can you send us a flier so that we can get others,"
36:47 because not only do you want to be involved and revitalized,
36:52 but get other people to join in this effort.
36:56 Get out there and get others
36:58 and your whole church will become revitalized.
37:01 This is what it's all about.
37:03 Now, I mentioned that...
37:08 we've already got-- Our list is growing.
37:10 I think we're going to be one of these people
37:13 and I think we've discussed this.
37:14 It's okay for me to announce I believe.
37:16 That if you want volume of material,
37:19 if we're sending out a certain sermon
37:21 and you want to get a 10 pack of that,
37:22 we're going to make
37:24 a special volume price available
37:28 to our Go Evangelistic Team members
37:32 so that you get the free one,
37:33 but if you want to get some more,
37:35 we're going to make that available to you--
37:36 We're serious enough about this.
37:38 We're even talking about Spring Camp Meeting Brian
37:41 that to took start a day early
37:44 evangelistic team members that you'll come,
37:47 we'll have seminars being taught.
37:49 The tools, you'll tell us what tools you've been using,
37:51 what tools you would like to have
37:53 so we can get together here at 3ABN
37:56 so we want you to be on that team member
37:59 and so when you come,
38:00 we're going to maybe start camp meetings at...
38:02 all right everybody a day earlier
38:05 and this will be especially for the Go Evangel--
38:08 We want you to meet all of us, us to be able to meet you,
38:11 to hear how the Lord is blessing
38:13 and your testimonies as well, we want to hear,
38:16 because when you go,
38:18 the blessing of God really is on the go,
38:21 and when you do, all of a sudden
38:23 when you see these blessings, you can't contain them.
38:25 When you can't contain them, guess what happens.
38:27 You begin to share and that's what gets people
38:30 because the world around us is dark.
38:33 There is no good news.
38:34 I mean two TV anchors just recently...
38:37 doing a live program,
38:38 and they're killed in front of live audience.
38:41 Some one else shot.
38:43 I mean nowhere in the world is safe today.
38:45 No.
38:46 No one has any answers-- That's right--
38:48 that can help today.
38:50 Except the only answer for this world's problems today
38:53 is the Lord Jesus Christ.
38:54 and to submit and commit our lives to Him,
38:57 but in order to go to heaven, we can't be a hermit.
38:59 One guy tell me, "I could just be a hermit and be a Christian.
39:02 I could just go out by myself."
39:04 I said, "That's not the Bible I'm reading."
39:07 This says, "Go E and to all the world."
39:09 So once we receive it, our greatest asset,
39:12 Ellen White, says, and I have to agree with it
39:15 is our own personal testimony of what God has done for us
39:18 and when you share that, people can't deny that.
39:21 They can't fight that. They can't rebuddle it.
39:24 How can just somebody rebuddle what's happened to you.
39:27 Right? That's Right.
39:28 They can try to deny it, but it doesn't change you.
39:30 It doesn't change where you're at.
39:32 But once you become evangelistic team member
39:36 and one of the things is, about this,
39:38 it may seem like it's very insignificant,
39:41 but to me, it says, "I'm a part of something."
39:43 Amen.
39:44 Sometimes when we're by ourselves, we forget...
39:48 about all the other people, who are on our team.
39:51 And I want to tell you something,
39:53 you may be at home and when you're alone
39:54 and you're thinking, "Man, I'm here by myself.
39:57 I'm not really a part of anything."
39:59 Well I'm glad for 3ABN, glad for whomever,
40:02 but I'm just not a part.
40:03 No, you're a part of this,
40:04 but I'm going to have to tell you something
40:06 that I'll confess to you.
40:08 There has been times that I almost felt
40:09 like, "We're alone,"
40:11 because where are the people.
40:12 Where are the 18 million Seventh Adventist Christians
40:16 and only about 8,000 or 9,000 people up to this point
40:19 ever gave any size donation in a given month.
40:23 I mean that's not even fraction of a percentage, Brian.
40:26 You're the mathematician here,
40:28 and a lot of that is amazing to me, but now...
40:31 as far as the people overseas,
40:33 the 17 million there,
40:35 now they have a way to give.
40:37 And before, it was very hard
40:39 with currencies, you couldn't do it.
40:40 Now, you can go to PayPal
40:42 and send the money directly there,
40:44 but there's been times we felt alone
40:46 because we say, "What is wrong? We're giving the message
40:49 and yet people aren't catching the vision, other people are.
40:54 The folks outside that are not Adventist,
40:55 they're watching this and coming in,"
40:57 but they'll go to churches and people say,
41:00 I've actually had people say, "I've gone to the church
41:03 and nobody seems to be excited about the message."
41:06 What I see on 3ABN, when I get into the churches,
41:09 it's business as usual.
41:11 Well, business won't be as usual
41:13 because what we want you to do not only become an official...
41:17 blessing on the Go Evangelistic Team member with us
41:20 and that's by donation of any amount.
41:22 We're not telling you what you give.
41:24 You pray and ask God.
41:25 Some of you will give more than you thought you could.
41:28 Some may say, "I've got to give less."
41:31 It's between you and the Holy Spirit.
41:32 We're not telling you what to do,
41:34 but we're committed every time,
41:36 as Shelley says, "You can go on like me."
41:38 I don't like to have to think about it every month
41:40 so you can go and click that where it's just recurring.
41:45 Until you want to stop so every month
41:47 it'll just come out, whether it's your credit card
41:49 or whatever it is that you have.
41:51 So we want you
41:52 to be a part of something that we're a part of
41:55 and we actually now are working together.
41:57 You're taking this, you're sharing
42:00 what it's doing for you with others,
42:01 get your church members involved and say, "Listen,
42:05 we want you to get involved with 3ABN."
42:07 Maybe they are not watching 3ABN.
42:09 It is so simple to get 3ABN.
42:10 You can downlink it on your iPhone,
42:13 if you've got an android, any kind of smart phone,
42:16 some of you still has a little flip phone.
42:18 You can go to Wal-Mart. I'm not paid by Wal-Mart.
42:22 You can go to Wal-Mart and pay $49
42:24 for a little roku box.
42:26 If you've got internet in your house,
42:27 you can watch all the Adventist channels and a lot more.
42:30 We're coming out with a new one called my SDA TV.
42:33 There'll be all Adventist channels.
42:35 This is going to be like $35. No monthly fee, a one-time fee.
42:39 When we started this Brian, I couldn't believe
42:41 conservative Adventists, older folks,
42:44 who never had a television were paying $2000
42:47 for a 12 foot satellite dish out in their yard
42:50 because they were so excited about getting the message.
42:53 So now, God has made it,
42:55 the technology has changed so much.
42:56 It's so simple to get 3ABN. You can do it in numerous ways.
43:00 Of course, we're on hundreds of cable stations
43:04 and our own stations and radio stations,
43:06 but-- and all of these things,
43:08 you can get us through the internet,
43:10 but God has made a way to get this gospel into all the world,
43:13 but people are not going to be rejuvenated.
43:16 You're not going to be
43:17 until you say, "Lord, I want to be on the part of go."
43:21 And it's really this simple,
43:23 the devil says, "Stop," and the Lord says, "Go."
43:27 Think about it for just a second.
43:29 That's really what it's all about.
43:30 Whose side am I on? Am I on the side of stop?
43:33 Am I on the side of go?
43:34 The fact that you have bad health that help,
43:36 the fact that you live by yourself,
43:37 the fact that you might even be incarcerated
43:39 doesn't keep you from sharing the tools
43:42 that we send you with those around you.
43:44 You are an evangelist. Amen.
43:47 You even know there are many people,
43:48 they have monthly payments set up.
43:50 My wife and I,
43:51 we have our payments set up on a monthly basis.
43:53 There are some people that have their cable bills
43:55 on a monthly basis, and I can guarantee you
43:57 many are paying more for cable than they are donating to 3ABN.
44:00 Absolutely.
44:01 There are people that have their internet service,
44:03 but look at...look at... look at what's happening.
44:05 They're paying for things that are self focused.
44:08 We're saying for you to pay for something.
44:11 Let me rephrase that, to invest in something
44:14 that is Gospel focused.
44:17 You see, when the Lord comes,
44:19 if we have not invested our time and our talents,
44:23 where your treasure is,
44:24 that's where your heart is going to be.
44:26 So, when people invest, just imagine,
44:28 I looked at some of these cable packages.
44:30 I remember when we decided to get cable,
44:31 I mean, a satellite
44:33 because we live so far away from anything.
44:36 They give you these packages
44:37 and when you look at how much that they're asking
44:39 on a monthly basis for just to furnish stuff to self,
44:43 and then you think about...
44:45 how much we give towards the Gospel,
44:46 as I said, as a pastor, there are few people,
44:48 Brian knows this
44:49 and some of you that have involved
44:51 and Pastor CA knows this.
44:52 It is sad that in many churches,
44:54 and this is across the board,
44:57 the minority of the members
44:58 support the majority of the church.
45:01 Because so many people are self focused.
45:03 I can see why Ellen White says, "The greatest battle
45:04 that we have to fight is against self."
45:06 So if self is put to death, we could then be involved
45:09 in what we are told, to get involved with the gospel
45:12 and there was a message here
45:13 in Quotation and Testimonies, Volume 8.
45:15 She says, "The world is perishing
45:16 for want of the Gospel."
45:18 The Lord calls upon his servants
45:20 to carry His message to the people.
45:22 That's what we're doing Shelley.
45:23 We're saying to the people now,
45:24 "You are the servant the Lord has called."
45:26 He has called no one and Danny, I like this.
45:29 For years, Danny blessings on the go.
45:31 The Lord has two-- He has two statements.
45:36 Come and what else? Go.
45:38 If you've come, now it's time for you to go,
45:41 go into all the world
45:42 and that's what we're excited about.
45:43 Come to the foot of the cross and then you go and tell
45:46 what god has done for you, Brian.
45:49 For the folks at home, we were saying
45:50 3ABN has been growing for 31 years,
45:53 but it's like we had a foundation
45:55 and I'm talking about on monthly donations
45:57 that we can depend on...
45:59 and very few just a few thousand...
46:02 from literally around the world
46:04 so we only have this much we know coming,
46:07 but our ministries are going like this
46:10 and it literally can topple.
46:12 And so what we are doing is saying,
46:15 "Now, how can we do this?
46:16 We don't want to do begathons, we don't want to do praisathons
46:19 and then it occurred to us,
46:21 and it was a God idea, I'm sure.
46:23 Let's join together team members
46:26 who really watching this program says,
46:29 I want to be a part of something, not just giving,
46:32 but I want to be able to be equipped
46:34 so that I can be a better evangelist
46:36 and 3ABNs got 31 years of experience.
46:38 If you could tell us, Brian it cost us,
46:41 how much, a million--
46:42 About $1.2 million a month.
46:45 Just to maintain-- Yeah, Just to maintain,
46:48 not grow or go anywhere, but just to maintain.
46:50 And where does that money come from?
46:52 I guess you're rich and you're the CFO, right.
46:54 Well, no.
46:56 I maybe the CFO but somewhere I was out to lunch
46:59 when the riches came by.
47:00 When the riches came by.
47:02 I do want to say something to our viewers.
47:05 I'm the treasurer.
47:06 I deal with the money every day.
47:08 I work with paying the bills, collecting and receiving,
47:11 and all that kind--
47:13 It's with money with me every day.
47:14 But I want you to notice, of the group here,
47:17 I have said the least about money. Okay.
47:20 I want you to catch that. You have.
47:21 I have said the least about money
47:23 because really my heart is in ministry.
47:26 Money is necessary, but 3ABN is about ministry.
47:30 That's right.
47:32 I'm just thinking of our downlinks.
47:34 We have downlinks across the country.
47:37 Any church, Adventist Church, where you have a downlink
47:41 and you haven't canvassed your town
47:43 telling them about the possibility
47:46 of the dew falling on them from 3ABN,
47:51 you've lost the greatest
47:53 evangelistic opportunity in a lifetime.
47:56 That's right. You know. Really.
47:57 And so maybe our tools that we can give you,
48:01 yes, there's a DVD to share with your friends
48:03 or neighbors or something,
48:04 but if you're in an area where the 3ABN can be seen,
48:08 you need to let your whole town or radio.
48:11 That's right. Whole town know. Very good, Brian.
48:14 That 3ABN is available in your community
48:17 and is alternative viewing that is family friendly,
48:21 that is morally on key, that is right,
48:25 that's good stuff, not bad stuff,
48:28 not evil stuff, you know.
48:30 And so I'm about evangelism
48:32 and this thing is about evangelism.
48:34 There's money involved,
48:36 but I'm not about the money on it.
48:37 I'm about what...getting the message.
48:41 Danny, you used the word just a minute ago,
48:43 as we were starting the program.
48:45 It's been a few minutes ago.
48:47 You said, "We're living at the end of earth's history."
48:50 That's right.
48:53 I'm a student of prophecy, I'm not a prophet,
48:55 but I'm a student of prophecy, and prophecy tells me
48:59 that there is a time of trouble coming
49:01 such as never was in all history of earth
49:06 and it's coming
49:07 and when you see a nation who's abandoned god.
49:11 In other words, they've just thrown out
49:13 one of God's ordained institutions out the window.
49:16 A few years ago, they threw out something called...
49:21 "Thou shall not kill, thou shall not murder."
49:25 Wow. Okay.
49:26 And we did seen on the news recently harvesting body parts.
49:31 Well. Harvesting.
49:33 I mean that's like growing soybeans or corn.
49:36 No, but they're talking about little innocent human beings
49:40 in harvesting, destroying human life for a body part.
49:46 And that's allowed by the laws of the land.
49:50 When a nation starts doing stuff like that,
49:53 judgment follows.
49:55 And that's what's coming,
49:57 that's what's coming upon the world.
49:58 Right, and we've got to work while we can.
50:00 Yeah, that's right. That's what I believe.
50:02 Brian, that's great stuff, thank you.
50:04 And I just want to take about 30 seconds to talk to you from.
50:06 I'll calm down, but if you don't understand
50:10 why we're so excited about getting involved in evangelism,
50:13 if you don't have a burden for other people's souls,
50:17 I just want to encourage you to pray
50:20 because what it means is
50:22 you're not walking in to surrender
50:25 to God and his love,
50:26 because when we're walking and surrendering,
50:28 God fills us with His Holy Spirit
50:30 and His love.
50:31 It is the character of Christ,
50:34 it's the character of the Holy Spirit
50:36 for us to want to reach out
50:37 and snatch others from the flames.
50:40 And this is where we're at today
50:42 so you know this is something that I didn't realize how--
50:47 Yes, I go out and preach and everything,
50:48 but on a day to day basis, I was ignoring some people
50:52 in my center of influence
50:55 and this has woken me up to say,
50:57 "Oh, Lord, God, I don't want to be responsible
51:00 for their blood on my hands,"
51:02 because I've got an opportunity to share the good news.
51:06 You know the hour is late. I'll say this quickly too.
51:10 A good friend of mine, the church I grew up in,
51:12 they abandoned that church, they moved away.
51:14 And so I called the pastor, I said,
51:15 "How come you moved away from my church?"
51:16 He said, "Well, he said, the only reason
51:18 this church is still standing
51:19 is because the termites are holding hands."
51:21 Ah.
51:24 And Pastor Lomacang said something
51:26 that touched that in my mind,
51:27 the only reason this country is still standing
51:30 is because the termites are holding hands.
51:32 But the termites are there,
51:33 the seeds of disillusion are there,
51:36 and what is driving us is the fact
51:37 that we got to work while it is yet day.
51:41 I mean the night is coming when no man can work,
51:43 so we've got to work now and you've got to work now
51:46 because the time has come in
51:47 when you're not going to be able to work.
51:48 So this is an avenue.
51:50 This is an God ordained avenue
51:52 to fight back against the darkness
51:54 and that's why we're so excited
51:55 because we see where the move of god
51:57 is taking place and you want to get onboard a ship
52:01 that is going into harbor,
52:02 that is going to sail all the way through.
52:03 This is it.
52:05 This is your opportunity to do something great for God,
52:07 not just something mediocre, something average,
52:10 do something mighty.
52:11 A mighty move of God, you want to be a part of that.
52:13 You know the preaching of the gospel
52:15 is the only guarantee against the erosion
52:17 and the termite destruction of the church.
52:20 The lord says, "The gates of hell shall not prevail."
52:23 If you get busy preaching the Gospel,
52:25 the gates of hell, the termites of hell
52:27 will not erode this gospel.
52:29 The foundation is Jesus Christ, Amen.
52:32 Termites cannot eat away the foundation of Jesus Christ.
52:35 31 years ago, I look at it as an early rain,
52:39 when we were impressed to build a television station
52:41 to reach the world
52:42 and people began to give and support
52:46 and now after 31 years I sense the latter rain.
52:50 Hallelujah. Praise the lord.
52:51 And on this ministry, not only with us individually,
52:54 but within you as you're responding in the way you are
52:57 literally by the thousands that this is for real.
53:01 Judgment is falling.
53:03 We've talked about it for years,
53:05 and judgment is falling
53:07 and now God's people are going to stand up.
53:09 It's our time to rise and shine, John,
53:11 which you just gave us.
53:12 Now the latter rain because people are supporting.
53:16 We're actually becoming team members
53:18 to go out and take this gospel to the world.
53:21 Danny, well said,
53:22 and if what Ellen White is sayinghere is true.
53:24 She says, what we're doing now is ordained by god,
53:28 is put together by god
53:29 for the outpouring of the latter rain.
53:31 We're doing what God has said you have to do
53:33 in order to get the latter rain,
53:35 so the latter rain is coming
53:36 and we're doing what God has asked us to do
53:38 in order for that to come.
53:39 We're going to go to our news break,
53:41 then we'll come back and put a little bow on this,
53:42 some closing thoughts.
53:44 God bless you and we willbe right back.


Revised 2015-09-10