3ABN Today

From Amish to Adventist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brian Hamilton (Host), C. A. Murray (Host), Katie Helmuth, Pr. Ken Helmuth


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015067A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:10 My name is C.A. Murray and allow me
01:12 once again to thank you for sharing
01:14 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:17 To again thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:19 your support of this ministry.
01:22 We've got an exciting show.
01:23 I'm in the company of CFO Brian Hamilton.
01:26 Brian, good to have you here.
01:27 Good to be here again.
01:29 CFO, money guy,
01:31 financial director, all of the above.
01:34 Always good to have you and you can come out
01:36 away from the filthy lucre.
01:38 Yeah, take my green hat and shade off
01:41 and I actually be here with the rest of you.
01:44 Yeah. I enjoyed too.
01:45 It's a nice change. Good to have you here.
01:48 Got a very interesting show for you today
01:50 and in fact Brian perhaps knows a little bit more
01:53 about this than even I
01:54 but the title what we are giving the show
01:57 our title would be Amish to Adventism
02:00 or Amish to Adventist
02:01 and we are gonna meet two people
02:03 that we only know to show rather but I only know to show
02:05 but sometimes you meet people
02:07 and you kind of like them right off,
02:09 something about them just kind of appeals to you.
02:11 So we want to introduce you
02:13 to Pastor Kenneth and wife Katie Helmut.
02:18 Helmuth, did I get that right? Yeah.
02:19 Helmuth. The "th" sound in English.
02:20 All right, we all know "th" in English
02:23 in German it will be Helmuth.
02:24 Yeah. Okay, very good.
02:26 Amish Adventist that's what we are talking about
02:30 and they have got a great testimony.
02:33 This is an interesting saga
02:35 that you want to sort of give ear to, Brian,
02:37 because it's a great journey and a great story.
02:39 Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
02:42 We were at ASI here not too long ago
02:46 and I was at the booth and this couple came by
02:52 and they looked should I say a bit Amish.
02:57 Is that right? Yeah.
02:59 Okay, and that's-- not usually the setting
03:03 that you see Amish people and, you know, at ASI.
03:08 Now I will add, I personally and I think society
03:13 in general have great respect
03:17 for our Amish brothers and sisters.
03:19 Their work ethic, their spirituality,
03:25 their family values, society looks very positively,
03:31 now whether they want that lifestyle for themselves
03:34 or not maybe totally different.
03:36 Yeah. Yeah.
03:37 And so when I saw you folk coming up to the booth,
03:41 you know, and I go, oh, this is interesting.
03:44 I like to get to know this couple,
03:46 see what their story is, you know.
03:48 And so that's kind of how we got acquainted
03:51 and that was the background to it.
03:52 And we founded to be a very interesting story,
03:55 very, very, very, fantastic story
03:58 and you will come to know them and come to love them.
04:01 God has brought them through many experiences,
04:04 really quite a long way
04:06 and it has been a wonderful journey
04:08 and they are here today.
04:09 And the punch line is that that he is pastoring now
04:13 in the Adventist church
04:14 and we are certainly thankful for that.
04:15 Before we unpack the story
04:17 I think we'll go right to our music
04:18 then come back and spend some time
04:21 with Kenneth and Katie.
04:23 Our music today comes to us from Jamie Jorge,
04:26 great friend of this ministry,
04:27 long time friend of this ministry
04:29 and a great person, great violinist.
04:31 He is gonna be playing "It Is No Secret."
08:45 And we are back. Well, done, Jamie Jorge.
08:48 It is no secret what God can do.
08:51 Brian Hamilton, C.A. Murray here and Katie
08:53 and Pastor Kenneth Helmuth are with us.
08:59 We need to get right into interesting story
09:02 and we got to ask you, give me some sense on flavor
09:06 of what it was like growing up in your home as a young,
09:10 Amish young man.
09:11 And where are you from originally?
09:13 Okay, I was born in the state of Illinois
09:16 a kind of south central,
09:18 south of Champaign Urbana about 35 miles
09:20 there is a fairly large Amish community there
09:23 and I was born in '64,
09:25 so 51 years ago into Amish family.
09:28 I had six brothers and six sisters
09:31 and I guess I don't want to--
09:35 I want to make this clear at the beginning,
09:36 I don't want to shed a bad light on anyone
09:39 just for the purpose of bad nausing anyone.
09:43 There is a lot of good in my background
09:45 as far as the Amish culture, the Amish lifestyle
09:48 that there are certain things that are not so good
09:51 and our home is fairly troubled home in growing up,
09:55 dysfunctional home in that there was a lot of verbal
10:00 and some physical abuse
10:02 but overall we still had a lot of happy times,
10:06 a lot of good memories.
10:07 And, you know, growing up
10:10 without electricity, without phones
10:12 using horse and buggy all that was just,
10:14 you know, you are born into this, you grow up
10:16 and you don't expect anything else.
10:18 In fact we considered our Amish lifestyle,
10:22 the Amish church to sort of be God's elite,
10:25 God's special people and the other people out there
10:29 the regular people they were--
10:31 some of them where Christians, some of them are okay
10:33 but they are worldly Christians
10:36 because of the modernism that they have.
10:39 And so it was, it was a challenging lifestyle
10:42 as far as to make ends meet you have to work very hard
10:46 with not having all the conveniences.
10:49 So I believe some of the work ethic
10:51 maybe from our German roots and some of it is necessity.
10:55 Great. Yeah.
10:57 If you don't have all the conveniences
10:58 you have to work harder
11:00 and that also helps maintain the community orientation
11:04 in the Amish culture.
11:06 You have a lot more of the community mindset
11:09 than you will find in mainstream America
11:11 which I believe if you go back far enough in America
11:14 you will find that there too.
11:15 You know, people getting together to help with,
11:17 you know, raising a barn,
11:18 you know, bringing into crops things like that.
11:20 So in the Amish culture
11:23 there is a lot of that by necessity
11:25 and some of that is being lost to some degree
11:27 just because in the Amish world there is a lot of advances,
11:31 you know, modernism progressive,
11:34 you know, things coming into help make it easier
11:36 to make a living the times that we are living.
11:38 So, you know, as far as growing up Amish church
11:43 again there is probably quite different
11:45 than what most people experience.
11:47 In the Amish church experience you have church service--
11:51 this is pretty universal.
11:52 Church services every two weeks instead of every Sunday.
11:56 And some Amish communities will have
11:59 what we call the in between Sunday
12:00 we'll have a Sunday school
12:03 but many Amish communities don't allow that.
12:05 They believe it's to over read,
12:07 too much studies of Bible can be harmful
12:09 because it has been proven--
12:11 I'm speaking from an Amish perspective
12:13 it's been proven that a lot of people
12:16 when they really study the Bible
12:18 and studied intensely will end up leaving their mission.
12:22 And so the equation in the Amish mindset
12:25 becomes anything that takes away
12:28 from being Amish is dangerous even if it's the Bible.
12:30 Even it is too much Bible.
12:31 Yeah. Wow.
12:33 So in our communities that we grew up in was,
12:35 there was a perception sometimes voice,
12:39 sometimes just its there that too much prayer,
12:43 too much Bible study can be harmful.
12:45 So study the Bible but carefully
12:47 so you don't get deviated.
12:49 So that's an interesting wrinkle
12:50 that I had not heard before.
12:52 So the goal is not necessarily to develop
12:54 a working relation with Christ, it's to stay Amish.
12:58 That is the primary goal. Yeah.
12:59 I would have to say, yes, good question.
13:01 It would be the primary goal
13:04 because they would also say it's important
13:07 to have a relationship with the Lord
13:09 and there is a, there is a reluctance
13:13 or hesitation to be too verbal or too personal
13:16 about your relationship, that's your private thing.
13:19 You know, you go to church and externally
13:21 you are a good church member.
13:23 You, you know, pay your dews
13:25 and you live your life according to the Amish standard
13:28 but it is very much about preserving the Amish heritage
13:32 that is, that is true.
13:33 And there are many Amish who do know the Lord
13:36 and have a saving knowledge of Jesus.
13:38 A personal relationship that sadly for most
13:43 it is a Jesus plus Amish gospel
13:46 and we now believe it is Jesus only.
13:49 Yeah. Okay.
13:50 So, you know, in growing up
13:53 even though we went to church every two weeks
13:56 and we had in our home,
13:58 we had a lot of good books and I love to read.
14:02 In fact, as a young boy I often received a spankings
14:08 for not getting my chores done on time
14:10 because I'm off somewhere reading a book,
14:12 even sometimes hiding behind the furniture up and the barn,
14:16 you know, somewhere with a book and I'm reading.
14:19 And so I love to read and I bless God for that
14:22 because I believe the whole era of reading books
14:28 and just dividing everything get hold of it.
14:29 It can't be bad but in our home we had a lot of good books
14:31 including the Arthur Maxwell Bible story books.
14:35 I read those through a number of times.
14:38 If I could interject you-- Sure.
14:39 Katie, let's ask the same question of you,
14:43 as a girl growing up, what was it like as little girl
14:46 growing up in Amish home?
14:48 What was your family like?
14:50 Tell us a little bit of dynamics of your home.
14:54 I was born in Indiana in a family of 14.
15:02 Oh, 14, okay.
15:04 Yeah, 10 brothers and 3 sisters.
15:07 Okay.
15:08 And-- yeah, we moved to Missouri then
15:12 when I was five then to I went when I was 12.
15:18 You know, through that time I didn't really think a lot,
15:21 you know, about noticed we were being raised
15:26 that was just the way it is.
15:28 Yeah. So normal life to you.
15:30 Yeah. Okay.
15:32 But, you know, once you get up there
15:33 a little bit older and you wonder,
15:36 you know, what is this all about
15:39 and then you come to the realization,
15:43 you know, that you want to be right with the Lord
15:48 and, you know, what is right
15:50 or how do you know what is right.
15:54 Yeah. Yeah.
15:55 But was your family a happy family,
15:57 hardworking, just that?
15:58 Yeah, yeah, we had, we had, I mean, we had childs too
16:04 but, you know, I mean, we were happy family so then.
16:08 Yeah. Yeah.
16:09 The idea that there could be dysfunction in such a type,
16:13 you know, that people look on from the outside
16:16 it's kind of, it's kind of shocking.
16:19 And I'm getting a picture because those of us
16:22 who are not Amish always of the mindset,
16:26 you know, they are just, they are doing this Amish thing
16:31 but they really want to be like us
16:33 and you are saying for the true believer
16:35 that's not true at all.
16:37 They want to be what they are and they are not looking at us
16:39 with any kind of jaundice look like,
16:41 I want to be like them.
16:42 They want to be what they are and do what they are doing.
16:43 Right, I would say that is very true
16:46 for the vast majority.
16:47 There may be in their-- there are some individuals
16:50 who may be looking over fence as it were
16:52 but for the most part and for myself I had no desire.
16:55 I had not the slightest inkling of a desire until I was 37
17:00 to ever leave the Amish.
17:01 I just over secured there, I was safe having gone through
17:04 a little bit of trouble childhood,
17:07 you know, entered to trade a rebellion
17:09 and gotten into drugs and alcohol as an Amish youth
17:13 and then the Lord delivering me from that
17:15 giving me a clear salvation experience
17:17 I was very satisfied there.
17:19 And, you know, I believed that since the Lord met me there
17:23 and delivered me there that I could not imagine
17:26 or fathom that there is another step
17:28 in the process of light
17:30 that He would take me to apart from Amish.
17:33 Just a real quick short story to emphasis this point
17:37 how for most Amish these salvation
17:41 it begins with Jesus and it is Jesus
17:43 but if you are born Amish
17:45 you must remain Amish or you will lose that.
17:49 The mindset is that if you are not born Amish,
17:52 for example either one of you having not been born
17:56 into an Amish culture or family
17:58 if you are a Christian you will be fully accepted.
18:00 It's not that the Amish believe
18:02 that they are the only Christians
18:04 or that you have to be Amish to make it to heaven.
18:07 It's just that if you are born there
18:08 you must stay there
18:10 and they primarily would use Colossians 2,
18:13 "As you have received the Lord Jesus,
18:16 so walk in Him rooted and grounded
18:17 and build up in the faith."
18:19 And in the German it sounds slightly different
18:21 it's the same thought but it sounds slightly different.
18:23 Almost sounds like, wherever you are
18:25 when you accept Jesus stay there.
18:27 Stay there. Yeah.
18:28 So that's a little bit of a misinterpretation there.
18:32 So and when you are baptized into the Amish church
18:35 you are usually baptized on your knees
18:38 in the church building which is the homes,
18:40 they have church services in their homes.
18:42 And it's a set of vows and commitments
18:45 and within those vows that you make
18:48 you commit to maintaining the standard of this church,
18:51 this being God's true church on threat of death or life
18:56 whatever it may cost you
18:57 will remain faithful to this church.
18:59 So to them it becomes a matter of breaking vows.
19:02 And the short story I wanted to share
19:03 is as a young Amish man after I had been married
19:07 and some of us men would gather on a Friday evening
19:10 and sing, practice singing the hymns
19:12 that the Amish sing in church because there are German hymn,
19:15 there are German hymns and they are put
19:17 to very slow sort of a chant tune it.
19:20 It takes 22 minutes to sing the main song that is sung
19:24 in every Amish church.
19:26 Service takes 22 minutes
19:28 and it's four stanzas seven lines each.
19:31 It takes 22 minutes approximately.
19:33 Some communities are little more
19:34 some little less but that's--
19:35 it's a very slow singsong chant.
19:38 And a lot of these songs are like that
19:40 and so since there is no written music
19:43 it's all by memory.
19:44 And so we would gather and just practice these
19:46 so that the Sunday service we can sing these songs.
19:50 Our bishop one Sunday at service
19:53 said he knows we are doing this
19:54 and many people are just-- he said it's fine
19:56 but he said make sure
19:57 that you keep this practice singing
20:00 we called it as a practice singing.
20:02 He said, don't start doing prayer and Bible study.
20:06 And of course I'm a young man and I respect--
20:09 there is a lot of teaching on respect and obedience
20:11 and submission in the Amish church.
20:14 Now the Amish lifestyle, for authority,
20:16 for sonority and so I value their opinions.
20:19 He is preaching he says, there was a group of young men
20:23 who gathered together to practice the church hymns
20:26 and someone made the suggestion why don't we pray first
20:28 and so they prayed
20:30 and next thing they are all praying
20:32 before they sing and then someone suggest
20:34 why don't we also read a chapter from the Bible.
20:37 And then they do that
20:39 they start discussing the chapter
20:40 and he said it turns into a Bible study.
20:43 And in his closing warning he makes a statement,
20:46 he says, today not one of those brothers
20:51 are in the Amish church, they have all left.
20:54 You know, and the equation in the Amish mind
20:56 for the most part is that
20:58 that there was something wrong with that.
21:01 Because we are secure in the Amish setting
21:03 why would we want to leave anything
21:05 that takes us away to a loss condition
21:08 would have to bad.
21:09 So let's not do a prayer meeting, Bible study.
21:11 In fact, in most churches you would excommunicated
21:14 or at least disappoint
21:16 if you start something like that.
21:17 Wow.
21:19 So this gives a whole new understanding
21:22 on how the Amish view themselves and the wider world.
21:25 They are quite content being Amish.
21:28 How then because it seems like the leap from being Amish
21:33 to Adventism is such a great leap
21:35 but you had and I use to term brushes with Adventism
21:38 and Adventist doctrine all along.
21:40 Walk us through that experience.
21:42 Okay, yeah, and it's about a 25 year encounter
21:47 if you will or series of encounters
21:48 and it overlapped some of the other details
21:51 I might be sharing but I will try to go through that
21:54 and then if we need to come back
21:55 and pick up some of the things.
21:57 So as a young boy
21:58 reading through the Bible study books
22:00 I noticed the Sabbath in there and that was my first
22:02 if you will encounter or brush with Adventism
22:05 and again didn't know these books
22:07 were written by Adventist.
22:08 So I ask my mother one day and said,
22:10 why do we go to church on Sunday?
22:12 Yeah, let me stop into, I kind of ask you.
22:14 How do those books get in your home?
22:16 A lot of Amish shelf there I'm not sure at that age.
22:19 I know when I got married we decided to get these books
22:23 including the Bible Story or the Bed Time story books
22:26 and my Jesus friends books because we had a young family
22:29 and I appreciated these books.
22:32 Most Amish expect
22:33 everything in these books the Sabbath
22:36 and the issue of Jacob
22:37 and how that all went with the cheating
22:39 the birthright thing, calling him a cheater
22:42 the Amish reject that as a whole
22:43 that he was not a cheater that was God's will.
22:47 But most of the Amish love those books.
22:49 It brings the Bible into a story form
22:50 that young children who grasp which-- yeah.
22:53 So then she gave me, my mother gave me the usual answer
22:57 Jesus rose on the first day of the week
22:59 and also the other accompanies God has often expressed
23:03 it doesn't really matter which day
23:04 as long as to worship God one day
23:06 and Sunday is the day that is designated.
23:08 The Sabbath is the Old Testament,
23:09 Sunday is the New Testament, the Lord's day.
23:12 And since the Sabbath or Sunday is called the Lord's day
23:16 by most Protestants denominations people assume
23:19 that the Lord's day in Revelation
23:21 when John was in the spirit on the Lord's day is Sunday.
23:24 So then that was my first brush if you will was Adventism,
23:28 not really Adventism may be just the Sabbath
23:30 and then I also noticed in the Bible story books
23:32 that Satan and the wicked are devoured and burned up
23:35 and I knew from the Bible even as a preteen
23:38 that it does speak of that being devoured, destroyed,
23:42 you know, like chaff on threshing floor
23:43 and yet I looked at the verses forever and ever
23:46 and the Amish teaching is very clear,
23:48 it's an eternal tournament.
23:49 You know, lot of hell fire
23:51 and brimstone messages as a young boy.
23:52 In fact, as I entered my rebellious teen years
23:55 where I experimented with drugs and alcohol,
23:59 I sort of reacting to some of the troubles at home
24:03 I all the way through those years
24:05 I kept this thing at the back of mind,
24:06 I want to get right before it's too late
24:09 because I don't want to spend eternity
24:11 in a burning home.
24:12 And I viewed my father in heaven
24:15 through the lens of an Amish young boy
24:17 that had a very strict father and I saw him as a God
24:20 with a big whip and he will give me
24:21 great blessings if I obey but great punishment if I don't
24:25 and I just assured its fair, its equal.
24:26 If you are gonna live eternally
24:28 then you should be tormented eternally if, you know,
24:30 right or wrong.
24:31 And that's the general Amish mindset.
24:32 So the second, second most profound example
24:36 of coming up to this Sabbath truth
24:39 was after I was married and I don't know
24:42 if I'm assuming you are familiar with the book
24:45 "National Sunday Law" by Jan Marcussen
24:47 I was probably 22 or 23 living in the state of Illinois
24:51 again my father moved out from Iowa.
24:53 In fact, that's where my wife, my wife now
24:55 and I had first-- the families met each other.
24:58 I didn't marry her back then but she is my wife now
25:02 after my first wife passed away.
25:04 So anyway in Iowa I met my wife from Illinois
25:08 my first wife we married lived there
25:10 a few years move back to Illinois
25:12 and this mailing was done
25:14 I'm assuming by the local Adventist church.
25:17 This book comes to my house the National Sunday Law
25:20 and by this time some of my Amish cousins
25:24 and myself are very interested in Bible prophecy
25:27 and we conclude that the beast in Revelation 13
25:30 and Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic Church.
25:33 But and we had this feeling that
25:34 America somehow plays a major role
25:36 but we didn't know how to put the fuses together.
25:38 And we kept looking at the seven day week prophecy
25:39 and completely missed the 2,300 day prophecy.
25:43 And in all of this
25:45 I'm concluding the Catholic Church
25:47 is the beast power and then I read this book
25:50 and it's like all the pieces start coming together
25:52 about the mark of the beast and these things
25:54 and so I approached someone I don't remember who right now
25:58 but and I was again like just the hush down like
26:02 this is okay, this is their teaching,
26:04 this is not where we are at
26:05 and the teaching even though I was a rebel as a young person
26:09 and I marvel now that I didn't resist this
26:11 but the teaching was so strong that you respect authority
26:15 and sonority that I just accepted.
26:17 Okay, this book if profound truth
26:19 but it's not for me, it's not for us
26:21 somehow and I wrestled with that.
26:23 I was troubled by this is the truth.
26:25 I set the book aside and just
26:28 and very interesting experience time is getting away from here.
26:33 A neighbour came across said,
26:34 did you get that book National Sunday Law?
26:37 I said, yeah, and I was about to say
26:38 I was so blessed it's tremendous
26:40 and then she said I did too.
26:41 She said I was so troubled by it
26:43 and she said I heard voices and presence
26:45 and I threw it away and everything cleared up.
26:47 And I thought wow, is there something wrong with me?
26:49 That I think it's a truth and I'm blessed
26:51 and then she is, almost like cursed.
26:54 I was the second one, this third time
26:56 after I left the Amish
26:58 and was pastoring a Sunday church
27:00 a number of magazines started arriving at our home.
27:03 People were subscribed to a magazine for us
27:05 like the Spotlight, you know, Jehovah's Witnesses,
27:08 The Watchtower, Signs of the Times,
27:11 Marvin Moore many magazines
27:14 and in that we got more books again.
27:16 And I had the Desire of Ages,
27:18 Steps to Christ various materials
27:19 from the Spirit of Prophecy in my home,
27:21 I love these books.
27:22 So here comes this book again
27:25 National Sunday Law after 20 years
27:26 it comes again to my home.
27:28 And so I discussed this again with some brothers
27:31 and this question just kept coming up in my mind
27:34 and probably the most profound one then was,
27:39 I received the book Ten Commandments Twice Removed
27:41 by Danny Shelton and Shelley Quinn
27:43 and this is just shortly before we moved to New Zealand in 2009
27:49 and I read this book and I just struggled.
27:51 I was pastoring this church, I had several businesses,
27:54 it was not an Amish church
27:56 but this time we left the Amish.
27:58 I just struggled with this book because there is so much truth
28:00 I could not contradict and I did find one little thing
28:05 that I hung my hat on as it were.
28:08 I thought they didn't quote the entire verse.
28:10 In Isaiah 66, where the prophet writes that,
28:13 as I live, saith the Lord God, you know,
28:14 and every New Moon and every Sabbath
28:16 or every Sabbath and every New Moon
28:17 that all flesh will come.
28:19 They left out the part about every New Moon,
28:20 they just had the little dot's.
28:22 You know, there is more to the verse
28:23 but they didn't put it on, I said, they know
28:24 that there is no sun
28:26 and no moon in the New Jerusalem
28:27 and so this confounds the argument
28:29 it's not sound.
28:30 I was grasping like a drowning man.
28:32 Yeah.
28:33 But the interesting thing
28:35 I'll try to go through this real quickly.
28:37 I had several businesses, we had rental properties,
28:40 foster children,
28:41 I was counseling youth in Detroit.
28:43 We are doing a lot of things
28:44 but again I'm now a self supporting pastor
28:47 so I have a lot of people working for me.
28:49 We are in Detroit building
28:50 a huge storage building for the Detroit News.
28:53 And so we are staying in a motel
28:54 because it's four hours from home.
28:56 So one of my sons or one of the employees
28:57 there he is flipping through TV channels
28:59 at the motel like just want to watch something
29:02 for an hour or two before we go to bed.
29:04 And I say, hey, go back to the other channel
29:06 there is a guy preaching there.
29:07 I didn't know who it was and I had watched him
29:10 he swaggered in number of TV evangelism.
29:12 I wasn't too impressed
29:13 but I'm a pastor so I'm interested
29:14 in what is this guy have to say.
29:16 You know, TV evangelist
29:17 they got to be secondary, you know.
29:19 So we flip back and we want-- Secondary.
29:25 And I didn't know who he was, he is Doug Batchelor
29:27 I'm like wow, this man has really got the truth.
29:30 He is on target on everything
29:33 and the reason this is significant,
29:35 I see God establishing a platform of credibility
29:39 for the Adventist understanding of the Bible in my life
29:42 because I pondered this, boy, that was good.
29:44 Now you didn't know Doug was an Seventh-day Adventist?
29:47 No, because I said, I said, wonder
29:48 if what church he goes to.
29:49 And also I want to question, you get all these brushes,
29:52 you got Desire of Ages, you got the Maxwell books,
29:53 you got-- did you had not connected
29:55 that Doug these are all Adventism.
29:57 No I didn't know who EG White was.
29:59 I was a type of person I would pick up a book
30:01 and I would look at the title I would read it
30:03 and I decided if it's good.
30:04 I didn't look at the author, the forward, the introduction.
30:06 I just read the book.
30:07 So anyhow the interesting thing is we watch Doug
30:10 I'm so impressed like, wow, this man is good.
30:12 He is like-- I could listen to this, man,
30:15 and I'm a pastor too.
30:16 So a couple of weeks later coming home from work
30:18 there is a DVD on my desk
30:20 and I say, where does this come from?
30:22 I picked up like,
30:23 there is no tag no sticker on it
30:25 and it said the Final Events by Doug Batchelor.
30:28 I said, I watched this guy on TV a few weeks ago.
30:30 I said, he is pretty good, I'm gonna watch this DVD.
30:33 I didn't know, he was Seventh-day Adventist.
30:35 I had since now watched the Final Events again
30:39 and then amazed that there is all this teaching
30:42 about the Sabbath on there I never noticed that.
30:45 And again I think I wasn't rating
30:46 God just kind of did this for me
30:49 and but I watched the DVD
30:51 and because I'm interested in Final Events
30:53 and I have concluded the Catholic Church
30:55 is the beast power various things
30:57 and I troubled about the Sabbath
30:59 I'm really opened to these kind of things
31:01 probably more than in my Amish and now non-Amish.
31:04 It was a small group of churches,
31:05 65 churches, 15,000 people
31:07 very strong mission outreach, very conservative
31:10 but they are not Amish.
31:11 People think they are Amish or Mennonite they are not,
31:12 they are from mainstream America.
31:14 There are some Amish there but they are very conservative
31:16 they would not approve of,
31:19 they don't approve where we are at now but--
31:20 so that's my setting, that's my background now.
31:23 But so I'm open to this and so I watched this DVD
31:27 and I'm thinking, wow.
31:28 He also says the devil will be burned up.
31:30 It says, he is mistaken there
31:31 but so I shared it with my church
31:33 and said let's as a church Sunday afternoon
31:34 we are gonna watch the DVD it's very good.
31:36 It's about end times events
31:37 and I believe it's the truth except
31:39 I want to give you a few, you know, qualifiers here,
31:41 don't follow this and this because he is off there.
31:44 We watched it or to fast forward a year later
31:48 we are in the process of moving to New Zealand
31:50 selling our business, our rental properties,
31:52 closing the church down because most of the church
31:54 is gonna follow us to New Zealand.
31:55 We are gonna establish a church,
31:57 reach out as a Polynesian natives there as Maori
32:00 on the south island outside of Christ church
32:03 and we opened business there
32:05 and just continue our church experience
32:07 but as a witness to the Maori
32:09 and there is many details, miracles, crashing my plane
32:12 and other things there that happened that
32:14 instrumental and bringing to this place.
32:15 I crashed a small plane
32:17 and, yeah, I can't go into those details
32:19 but what happened is we get to New Zealand
32:20 we still haven't connected
32:22 that Doug Batchelor is an Adventist
32:23 and we watched the DVD probably a dozen times
32:25 then we noticed the Sabbath.
32:27 So my friend from New Zealand is helping us coordinate
32:31 for my married son needing a rental property
32:34 twice the rental arrangement falls through.
32:36 So the third time he says I've got something.
32:38 He said there is a neighbor
32:39 that's got a small shipping container
32:40 he said they are Seventh-day Adventist
32:42 but they are nice people.
32:43 The but in there is, it was little humorous.
32:46 So I thought okay.
32:49 So we get there in New Zealand
32:51 and interesting now a couple months
32:53 after there my son and his wife have to move
32:55 and their second landlord is Seventh-day Adventist.
32:58 So God keeps like--
33:00 and so we walk into this shipping container
33:04 and I noticed the TV up on the wall
33:06 with little table there
33:07 and there is a stack of VHS tapes and things there.
33:10 So, you know, I'm the father and I'm--
33:11 You know my son is 22 he is married
33:13 he has a wife and a baby.
33:15 And they are living in a shipping container?
33:17 Yeah, it's very nice.
33:18 It's fixed for living quarters like a temporary,
33:20 you know, transitional thing.
33:22 So I decided I got to see what's here
33:24 because probably he is gonna watch these
33:26 just out of curiosity.
33:27 I want to make sure it's some that won't take him,
33:28 you know, off somewhere.
33:30 So I walk over there and I life the first VHS tapes
33:32 is like Doug Batchelor.
33:34 The next one Doug Batchelor.
33:35 Every single one is Doug Batchelor
33:37 and I just kind of like,
33:38 he must be a Seventh-day Adventist.
33:40 I was so disappointed.
33:41 How can a man who can preach like that
33:43 be a Seventh-day Adventist?
33:46 I accused them, I thought they are cult,
33:48 they are legalistic, they are Old Testament
33:50 because never had a dialogue
33:51 until with the Seventh-day Adventist
33:53 until a few weeks before we move
33:54 to New Zealand in 2009 and that Seventh-day Adventist
34:00 who is not as nervous by blood as he probably should have been
34:03 and I kind of backed him to a corner on number of things
34:05 and felt very triumphant that see
34:07 these guys don't know their Bible
34:09 and they are legalist living in the Old Testament,
34:12 Jesus is my Sabbath et cetera.
34:14 Now I have a problem.
34:15 A man I highly respect and loveless
34:17 until he is Seventh-day Adventist.
34:19 And so I decided to tell my son don't watch these.
34:23 I thought, you know, if I tell him that
34:24 he is gonna watch them for sheer curiosity.
34:27 So I thought, I just leave I will just pray.
34:28 So I go to, where we are staying out,
34:30 I'm unpacking my boxes about a week later,
34:32 we took 17 banana boxes of books
34:34 and some personal items otherwise we sold everything.
34:37 We start in New Zealand my phone rings.
34:39 He is my son, he said, hey, dad,
34:41 I have been watching these tapes and I'm like--
34:44 I just kind of interrupt him like,
34:46 yeah, they are legalist, they don't understand
34:48 the Bible and grace and he interrupts me again.
34:50 He says, dad, he said, don't judge them
34:53 until you listen to him which was sound advice.
34:56 He said, could we bring them over.
34:57 I thought well, yeah, it will be safer to watch them
34:59 in our living room then by himself.
35:01 Yeah.
35:02 I'm the veteran, I'm the pastor,
35:03 I'm, you know, stable.
35:05 And so they bring them over
35:06 and I thought I'm gonna ready to do battle.
35:08 I have my Bible on my knee, we will stop this thing
35:10 if I need to contradict something
35:12 but I was, I kind of had a bad feeling like
35:14 this is Doug Batchelor.
35:17 And I thought, you know, well, watch it.
35:21 Oh, and before this happening,
35:22 I'm sorry, before this happening
35:23 before the phone call
35:25 just that day I was unpacking stuff.
35:26 I turned to my wife and I said
35:28 I thought we had thrown away the National Sunday Law
35:30 and the Ten Commandments Twice Removed.
35:32 It caused so much turmoil there was a question
35:33 it wasn't settled but here I'm them in my books.
35:36 I said, you know, what I'm gonna do
35:38 we don't have any business here as far as it's not established,
35:41 yet the church is not established,
35:43 yet we are waiting on the visa because of my hand issues.
35:45 I have a missing finger, I had an accident.
35:47 The government lock things down
35:49 and I said, you know, what I'm gonna do,
35:51 I'm gonna take these two books and I'm gonna read them
35:53 paragraph by paragraph and every reference
35:55 to any Bible verse or truth I'm gonna research
35:57 everything pertained to that
35:58 and I'm gonna get to the bottom
36:00 of this question for once and for all.
36:01 That's a dangerous thing you are doing.
36:03 I'm on the bottom side of the earth
36:05 and it doesn't matter what anybody is saying
36:07 and we are here alone I mean, just a small group
36:10 and I knew that I could come out
36:11 on the right side of issue, I just needed some time.
36:13 Now I've got time.
36:14 I'm not running a business, I'm not fostering children,
36:16 I'm not pastoring to church per say
36:18 we are just getting established.
36:20 I'm gonna, you know, develop this conviction and settle it.
36:24 So when I said that is when this phone call came.
36:27 So here we are and I'm just like,
36:30 I'm on a losing side of a battle here.
36:33 We watched the DVDs or the VHS tapes
36:35 and I got privately satisfied that is the truth
36:39 and we just wept our way through the next,
36:41 the next weeks and even month.
36:43 I studied and then just laid aside all the tapes.
36:46 I said, I need to see this for myself
36:47 not just take his for it
36:49 and though he was quoting the Bible
36:50 and all these things and it took us a long time
36:53 to integrated into our life being willing for the--
36:57 Having left the Amish in 2001
37:01 there was an extreme amount of shunning
37:03 and I knew that leaving the--
37:05 We call them charity churches that setting.
37:07 There won't be the same level of shunning
37:09 but still a definite cutting off, still a barrier.
37:13 And it was a strange as from--
37:15 I've about 4000 living relatives
37:17 from grandparents downward from my first wife,
37:20 my second wife here and my own family.
37:22 There is about 4,000 people
37:24 just from my grandparents downward.
37:27 It's a huge family and I knew we kind of be
37:29 cut off friends but we made the decision
37:32 then to embrace these truths
37:34 and somehow ask God to help us work it out
37:36 to where we felt that we are gonna be all alone again
37:39 and of course there is
37:40 17 or 18 million Adventist brothers and sisters.
37:43 Were you aware of the size of the Adventist church
37:44 at that point of time?
37:46 So you were just kind of taking a leap out there.
37:48 Define shunning for us.
37:50 Okay, in the Amish culture
37:52 just real simply the shunning in excommunication is,
37:58 it can be for things that are clearly assumed
38:00 from the Bible like say, drunkenness or fornication
38:03 or, you know, those kind of things
38:05 but they will even use the shunning
38:07 even if it is just a departure from the lifestyle
38:10 which was our case.
38:11 And the effect of the shunning
38:13 is supposed to produce repentance and sorrow
38:15 and because you are cut off
38:17 and separated it will make you want to come back.
38:20 It's kind of like the thread of a whip will bring you back.
38:24 They would not eat together at the same table
38:27 and there is different levels of shunning
38:29 but usually you would not eat sitting at the same table,
38:31 sometimes not even out of the same dishes.
38:33 Like if you have a bowl of potatoes
38:35 you would have a second bowl for the shun members
38:37 and they sit at a separate table.
38:39 We had a sister involved
38:40 who wanted us to stay at her place,
38:41 she couldn't invite us but we kind of invited ourself,
38:43 we knew they wanted us there.
38:45 They put two tables set up two tables
38:47 they put them an inch and half apart
38:49 so they are not violating the shunning.
38:51 They are not-- we are not at the same table
38:52 we are sitting at this one table
38:54 they are sitting at the other
38:55 and it's an inch and half apart.
38:57 We also would never travel like in the same vehicle together.
39:00 We wouldn't do any business
39:02 like you couldn't sell me you horse,
39:03 I couldn't buy a piece of furniture,
39:05 you know, that kind of level of shunning.
39:07 Visiting usually is okay as long as it centers around
39:11 physical, materialistic things but not spiritual things,
39:14 you know, discussed.
39:15 So when you have family
39:18 gets together how does that work?
39:20 Very good question.
39:22 They are not allowed to invite us
39:23 to any gathering at all.
39:25 Now funerals we are allowed
39:26 to show up and be at a funeral
39:28 but they will set us apart in separate places
39:30 and feed us in different food area.
39:33 But and it's one of the things
39:35 that has been real hard for my mother,
39:37 my father and mother also left the Amish
39:38 and are also shunned.
39:40 They are not Adventist,
39:41 we are the only ones in our entire family
39:43 that's Adventist expect for my married son.
39:46 But my mother and father are 74 and 76,
39:49 they have 99 grandchildren, 100--
39:52 I'm sorry 60 some great grandchildren
39:54 and grandchildren are getting married
39:55 they are not allowed to come to the wedding.
39:57 So that's a very real heartbreak for them.
39:58 They aren't allowed.
39:59 In fact, my brother and sister who are twins
40:02 that the sister said to my brother as he left Amish
40:05 I don't want to ever see you again,
40:06 don't want to ever hear from you again.
40:07 She had tears running down her face.
40:09 She thought it was her duty to complete this,
40:11 you know, shunning excommunication.
40:14 However they've since been more open
40:16 to at least have us come visit to be there
40:18 but we can't interact on any kind of spiritual level.
40:21 Now we got to move along
40:23 because first of all it is a riveting story
40:24 and this could easily be two hour sort of saga.
40:29 You are in New Zealand,
40:32 the Lord is brining all this value.
40:34 Are you with your first wife?
40:36 No, my first wife had already passed.
40:38 Already passed and you already lost the son by that time.
40:40 Now walk us through that very quickly.
40:42 Okay. Yeah.
40:45 Very difficult to do
40:46 because it's of all the various details
40:49 there is so many details
40:50 I'll just have to make this really short.
40:54 In-- I'm sorry 1986 when we first married
40:58 my first wife and I in March 14th 1986
41:01 within 11 months less than a year later
41:04 she developed this condition.
41:06 We didn't know what was going on.
41:07 She had this numbness, this tingling
41:08 on the right side of her face.
41:10 It spreads to her entire body but it was a gradual process.
41:12 It wasn't like a stroke
41:14 where you just instantly you are numb.
41:16 We spent three years and many, many dollars
41:20 trying to figure out what's going on.
41:21 They eventually had diagnoses from Mayo Clinic
41:24 it's multiple sclerosis and she was wheelchair bound
41:28 that was in the first six months
41:29 of this issue developing.
41:30 She was later through real meditation units
41:33 able to do some walking with the walker
41:35 just for little bit but then what's the word,
41:39 it was not really in remission but it had slow down some
41:42 but then it actually got worse again.
41:44 she was on a wheelchair the rest of her life
41:46 and due to complications because of the wheelchair use
41:49 the scoliosis from the leaning on the armrest her backbone
41:53 pneumonia set in at one point and she passed away from that.
41:58 There were so many details relating to her passing.
42:01 The last week of her life,
42:03 she was two and half weeks in the hospital,
42:04 she had lot of visions
42:06 and things that the Lord revealed to her.
42:09 At one point even telling me that she was shown
42:12 that there will be another death in the community
42:15 and she didn't say in our family
42:16 but so she said I see this young boy,
42:20 he is about five or six years old,
42:22 he looks like someone in my side of the family
42:25 but I can't see who it is, I can't tell who it is.
42:28 Our younger son was one year old
42:29 when she passed away, he was six when he was killed.
42:32 So it brings a lot larger glimpse of my son
42:35 at the time of his passing.
42:36 And so that when my son was killed
42:39 five years later at the age of six
42:42 we were comforted to realize that
42:43 God already knew that
42:46 and we know God knows every end from every beginning
42:48 but there was a fire accident where my son was killed
42:50 but in my wife's passing there was a number
42:53 very profound, very amazing things that happened,
42:56 she actually named Katie as the person
42:58 who will take her place
43:00 which I strongly resisted God did some miraculous things
43:03 to bring us together.
43:05 Even I believe an angel at our door.
43:08 You want me to tell the story, you have--
43:12 There are so many facets to this, it's a fabulous story.
43:15 We've got to get you into the Adventist church
43:17 and back to the United States so we got to make this round,
43:20 we got to make this great leap, man.
43:22 Okay, go for it.
43:25 Just so much here but you are in New Zealand,
43:31 the whole Adventist thing,
43:33 the Lord has been tracking you down
43:34 and He has pretty much got your attention
43:36 now He has caught you.
43:37 Get us back to the States and to what you are doing,
43:39 what you are doing now?
43:41 Yeah. Well.
43:43 Yeah. Well.
43:44 That's what we are saying. Yeah.
43:47 Well, after we embraced the truth
43:50 as the Adventist believer at one point I kept saying
43:52 that Adventist truths and I then I realize
43:54 this is not the Adventist truth it's the Bible truth
43:56 as the Adventist understand it.
43:57 Well, said.
43:59 We ponder, what are we gonna do,
44:01 here we have these people
44:03 because besides my son and his family
44:04 there was another family had already arrived
44:06 and there was more coming
44:09 and many of these are gonna work in our business
44:11 and just help us and again
44:12 we were like self supporting pastors.
44:14 So we talked to the others that were there
44:18 and we encourage them to watch these DVDs with us
44:20 and they agreed to.
44:22 The one family there,
44:23 the husband was basically persuaded,
44:26 he was wrestling, struggling.
44:28 One night he struggled and prayed
44:29 till three o'clock in the morning.
44:31 His wife in his own words finally convinced him
44:35 that he is being deceived, he needs to just get clear this
44:39 and get rid of this whole idea.
44:41 So what happed is we became estranged
44:43 from our church I guess
44:45 and so I realize that this is gonna work.
44:48 I could have-- we could have stayed
44:49 in New Zealand
44:50 and we had some friends there who were helping us.
44:52 I never went to an Adventist church in New Zealand.
44:55 The place where we at was quite remote in Canterbury District
44:57 and there were some Adventist in the area
44:59 but there was only few couples
45:01 and so we met for Bible studies and things.
45:02 We are very new, we were still resisting
45:05 the Spirit of Prophecy like a woman a prophet
45:07 and yet I saw the ratings.
45:09 We were resisting the health message,
45:11 no one is gonna take my meat,
45:12 Jesus ate fish that kind of thing.
45:17 So we realized that
45:21 something is got to change here
45:22 so we talked to our friends there.
45:24 We said, you know, I have a lot of family
45:26 and a lot of friends back in the States
45:29 and I would love to go
45:30 and in my think I'm thinking I'll just go and explain
45:33 or just study through this
45:34 and they will just see this like we did.
45:37 I should have know better because when we left the Amish
45:38 we too thought then that we would just explain
45:41 what salvation is really about.
45:42 It's not about being Amish
45:44 it's about having your name in Jesus' hands
45:45 not in the church register.
45:48 So they said, no, I said, we'll just go back.
45:52 You don't have to move your, you know, you're a leader here
45:54 you kind of coordinated this whole thing.
45:56 And so I said, no, I really have a burden to go back.
45:59 I feel like the Lord is telling us to go back
46:01 and I can't go into the details of the events
46:04 how God had the airlines on our tickets
46:07 that were six months old or five months at that point
46:11 old for a six month from coming in departure
46:14 as supposed to be a round trip
46:17 but you only use it one way if you are gonna stay there.
46:18 We were gonna stay there.
46:20 So you are supposed to call
46:21 to be more than 30 days, you know, back.
46:23 And then like, at first like we will give You a credit
46:25 and it was like we will give You a bigger credit.
46:27 Finally like and I kept praying like
46:28 Lord, if You want us to go back make a clear signal.
46:31 And all of a sudden she is like,
46:32 you know, we are gonna give you your whole family's tickets
46:34 the whole thing back it's like $15,000.
46:36 Wow. I said, wow.
46:37 So God brought us back.
46:39 We had so many experiences
46:41 I will really try to answer your question
46:43 this is so profound, I get so excited
46:45 about this part of my struggle.
46:46 We came back and the local newspaper editor,
46:50 religious editor of Ludington, Michigan,
46:52 it's a small town paper about 18,000 homes it goes to.
46:55 We are good friends, we had to work
46:56 for him like three times, doing the rough,
46:58 doing the garage various things so we are friends besides,
47:01 you know, I know he is a religious editor,
47:03 he knows I was a pastor
47:05 and he knew we had gone to New Zealand.
47:06 He said, why did you go to New Zealand?
47:08 I said, I just want to put an ad
47:09 in the paper that we are back
47:10 and we are open for business again in six months
47:12 because we've been well known throughout the state
47:14 in many, many, many jobs, many careers working.
47:18 So he is like, oh, this sounds like a story.
47:20 I said, oh, I'm not looking for a story.
47:22 We had been in the paper like seven times,
47:23 when my wife died, when my son was killed,
47:25 when we started the church there,
47:26 we had baptisms, when I crashed my plane,
47:28 there is all these things that happened
47:30 we are front page news so.
47:32 Here he is want to put us in the paper again.
47:34 He says, yeah, I'm gonna come out listen to your story.
47:36 He did a full front page and another full page
47:39 at the back about Amish rebel leaves country,
47:43 comes back Seventh-day Adventist
47:45 and he quoted Doug Batchelor, he quoted the books like
47:48 Ten Commandments Twice Removed, he explained
47:52 a lot of the basic doctrines in the articles.
47:54 Talked about the VHS tapes we watched by Doug.
47:58 I started getting phone calls.
47:59 Okay, I saw your article in the paper,
48:01 can we have that set of DVDs that you are talking about.
48:03 Can we have that book,
48:05 where do I get the books you are refereeing to?
48:07 And handed out hundreds of DVDs and books and things.
48:10 And the other thing that happened there is,
48:12 you know, I'm a businessman at that time
48:14 I'm working construction and I go into a lumber yard,
48:18 I just want to pick up a few things
48:19 and I'm preaching through Revelation seminars,
48:21 a local Adventist pastor at that point
48:22 had me preach the Revelation seminar
48:25 and I just answered a simple question.
48:26 I started show about Daniel and Revelation
48:28 and within a couple minutes 11 people gathered
48:31 and for 30 minutes I just share about Revelation and Daniel.
48:34 And the same way at the bank, I'm making deposit
48:36 and teller ask if we were sick, I said, no,
48:38 but this time we are vegetarian.
48:39 We are vegan we don't get sick.
48:41 And just like, wow, so there is a whole line
48:43 of people all the tellers, two of the loan officers
48:45 God just ordained these things.
48:47 From there we ended up
48:49 going on mission trips to Mexico,
48:51 to India, Thailand, Cambodia working with in the evangelism
48:55 the director of Southeast Asia Missions,
48:57 Doug Venn is a personal friend of ours, very good friend.
48:59 Fourteen countries, a billion people
49:01 we have gone to various countries like that
49:03 building schools, churches, helping at schools,
49:06 doing preaching seminars,
49:07 we are in the Philippines just recently
49:09 for ten night seminar where dozen scores
49:13 of people converted to Christ and Adventism
49:15 were baptized into the church there and.
49:17 So I don't want to just go on
49:19 if you have another question but that's--
49:21 Yeah, just no, I'm fascinated
49:24 and we are both kind of lockdown here
49:26 because it such an exciting story.
49:28 And the punch line is that all of this has happened
49:31 within the last ten years or less.
49:33 Five, six, about five and half years.
49:34 About five and half years.
49:35 Yes, so God has moved you along extremely rapidly
49:38 and give you a wealth of experiences.
49:40 Meanwhile you picked up a new wife
49:42 in the bargain and you are pastoring now.
49:46 Yeah, talk to us just a little bit about
49:47 what you are doing, what's happening right now?
49:49 All right, we actually got connected
49:52 where is a church in Washington that had one,
49:55 there is out of 300,000 Amish people
49:57 we don't know of, we didn't know of anyone
50:00 who had formally been Amish and embraced Adventism
50:03 but through a friend in North Carolina
50:05 we found out about this former Amish couple in Washington
50:09 that helped start and organize a church
50:11 in Lone Lake, Washington
50:13 and so they put us in touch with them
50:16 and as far as we know our two families
50:18 and now a third family in Ohio, Andy Weaver
50:21 and his wife Naomi are the only three--
50:23 I'm sorry there's just been a fourth family
50:26 that has come out of the Amish and joined Adventism.
50:29 So we were baptized by immersion
50:31 even though after my initial Amish baptism
50:34 the sprinkle which I was a rebel at the time,
50:36 I was later immersed in Lake Michigan
50:39 as a very sincere born again believer
50:42 but it was a Sunday keeping church
50:44 and when I embraced Adventism
50:45 I said, you know, kind of like the disciples that
50:47 didn't even hear about the Holy Spirit.
50:48 I said, I was baptized in nine commandments
50:51 I didn't know there was a--
50:53 And so we were baptized by immersion
50:55 by the leaders of the church there
50:57 and since then I have been brought into an eldership
50:59 and just helping the pastor.
51:01 And so we've also been very involved in contributing
51:04 and distributing funds, literature
51:07 and doing the short term mission trips
51:09 under various umbrellas.
51:10 Jesus for Asia, Jon Wood an Adventist
51:13 from Tennessee has his ministry
51:15 where they did these trips overseas.
51:16 We help fund Bible workers, we go on these trips
51:19 help build school, churches, and preaching seminars.
51:21 God has given you a very, very unique ministry
51:24 and He has painted in very, very, broad brush
51:29 so it's branded so much that, you know--
51:32 and so should you like to make contact with Pastor Kenneth
51:35 and his wife Katie who didn't get a chance
51:37 to talk too much today but she actually does talk
51:40 and talks very well when she does so.
51:42 So if you want to make contact,
51:43 have them come to your church or to your group,
51:45 may be to a young people to talk
51:46 here's how you can do precisely that.
51:52 If you would like to contact Ken Helmuth
51:54 to learn more about his testimony
51:56 you can write to, Ken Helmuth, 4105,
51:59 East Springdale-Hunters Road, Springdale, Washington, 99173.
52:05 That's Ken Helmuth, 4105, East Springdale-Hunters Road,
52:10 Springdale, Washington, 99173.
52:13 You can call 509-262-8213,
52:18 that's 509-262-8213
52:22 or you can email him at kennethhelmuth@rocketmail.com
52:27 that's kennethhelmuth@rocketmail.com.


Revised 2015-10-22