3ABN Today

Family Outreach and Evangelism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Jaime Espinal


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015064A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:09 and we welcome you again to 3ABN today.
01:12 You know, it is-- just exciting things
01:14 happening here at 3ABN
01:16 and we've been having such a wonderful day,
01:18 I hope that you are having an even better one.
01:20 And we want to thank you for your prayers
01:23 and your concern about this ministry
01:26 and your financial support.
01:27 Thank you so much
01:29 because without you this ministry would not exist.
01:32 I want to share a scripture with you
01:34 before I introduce our special guest today
01:37 and this scripture defines him completely.
01:41 The scripture is Psalms 66:16 and here's what David wrote.
01:47 "Come and hear, all you who fear God,
01:51 " who respect God, who hold Him in all"
01:54 and I will declare what He has done for my soul."
01:58 And our special guest today is Jaime Espinal.
02:03 And Jaime is the center director
02:06 for the Centro Misionero de Salud.
02:09 Did I-- how did I do?
02:11 Yes, you did very good. I did, go praise the Lord.
02:13 Translate that for us.
02:14 Health missionary center.
02:16 Health missionary center.
02:18 And this is in Galeana?
02:21 Galeana. Galeana, Mexico.
02:23 Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
02:24 Wonderful.
02:26 Jaime, we are so glad you are here
02:28 because this is your second or third time to 3ABN?
02:32 Yeah, about the third or fourth time.
02:33 Oh, third or fourth time.
02:35 Well, I do know that you've got an exciting testimony
02:39 of what God has done in your life
02:42 and he is going to be sharing more than a testimony though.
02:45 He is going to tell you
02:46 how God brought him out of prison
02:51 into an incredible ministry, 20 years worth of ministry,
02:55 a family ministry
02:56 something that you want to stay tuned
02:58 if you know anybody that's thinking about
03:00 going into a family ministry.
03:02 Because we are not only gonna hear about his ministry
03:05 but about a book that he has written
03:07 and this book is called Family Outreach and Evangelism
03:12 and my good friend
03:14 Frank Fournier and Steven Grabiner
03:16 have both endorsed this book
03:18 and this is a book that's not just about
03:22 getting it all together in your family
03:24 but it is a real how to book.
03:26 How to know if you are ready to go into ministry,
03:30 how to recognize God's calling on your life,
03:33 how to pick or choose a location,
03:37 how to organize, how to get educated,
03:40 how to have income generation
03:43 and it's just an incredibly helpful book
03:47 that many people want to read.
03:49 But I think the most important section is the last
03:52 and that's on the spirituality.
03:54 How to stay surrendered to God.
03:56 How to really be disciple yourself
03:59 so that you can turn around
04:00 and be balanced in your life and blessing to others.
04:05 But before we begin, we are going to have a song,
04:09 well, everybody loves music
04:11 and this is by our own pastor C.A. Murray.
04:14 And many of you know C.A.
04:15 he is the director of our proclaim channel
04:18 and he is going to sing "As Water to the Thirsty."
04:33 As water to the thirsty
04:37 As beauty to the eyes
04:42 As strength that follows weakness
04:46 As truth instead of lies
04:51 As songtime and springtime
04:56 And summertime to be
05:01 So is my Lord My living Lord
05:05 So is my Lord to me
05:14 Like calm in place of clamor
05:18 Like peace that follows pain
05:23 Like meeting after parting
05:28 Like sunshine after rain
05:33 Like moonlight and starlight
05:37 And sunshine on the sea
05:42 So is my Lord My living Lord
05:46 So is my Lord to me
05:55 As sleep that follows fever
05:59 As gold instead of grey
06:05 As freedom after bondage
06:09 As sunshine to the day
06:14 As home to the traveler
06:18 And all He longs to see
06:24 So is my Lord My living Lord
06:27 So is my Lord to me
06:33 Well, that's my Lord My living Lord
06:37 So is my Lord to me
07:02 And we thank you so much, C.A., for that beautiful song.
07:04 Well, if you are joining us just a moment late
07:07 our special guest today is Jaime Espinal.
07:11 And, Jaime, tell us the name in English of your,
07:15 of your ministry.
07:17 Health Missionary Center.
07:19 Health Missionary Center in Galeana, Mexico.
07:22 And in Spanish it is?
07:24 Centro Misionero de Salud.
07:26 Misionero, see I left off the "O"
07:27 while ago, I knew I did.
07:29 So what we want to do even though you've been here
07:32 several times before
07:34 let's go back because this Psalms 66:16
07:38 really is kind of a life verse for you that, you know,
07:41 you want to tell the world, declare to the world
07:44 what the Lord has done for your soul.
07:46 Tell us about your days-- it's hard for me
07:49 to even look at you and say these words
07:51 but your days as a drug dealer.
07:53 Yes, well, God is so merciful and I just want to say that
07:58 because His goodness and He goes to where we are.
08:02 Yes.
08:03 And I got into the drug business in Texas
08:10 actually many years ago and by God's--
08:16 God allowed me to be caught
08:19 so I changed the route that I was heading to.
08:23 And when you say He allowed you to be caught
08:25 you actually went to prison.
08:27 How many years?
08:28 Well, I was off for 39 years
08:32 but miraculously it was--
08:37 they dropped the case.
08:39 You know, it was no any charge or anything whatsoever
08:43 after seven months being in there
08:46 was dismissed the case.
08:49 Glory to God.
08:50 God really did miracle.
08:53 That's what all I can say. That is a miracle, 39 years.
08:55 Seven month versus 39 years it's just seven months
08:59 it's just the number of perfection
09:01 and you met the Lord in jail, did you.
09:05 And that's the best thing that ever happened in my life,
09:08 the time I spend there because I saw miracles, I saw angels,
09:12 I saw-- you know, every time I was going to sleep
09:17 I as for the boys are speaking all night long.
09:21 Sometimes I saw a finger
09:23 pointing in some places of the Bible.
09:25 You see, I was just--
09:29 I didn't believe of somebody telling me
09:31 what was the truth before and so I therefore
09:34 I was very skeptical on hearing somebody.
09:38 So here I was by myself reading the Bible
09:42 and a lot of doubts comes in
09:44 but God clear every doubt that I have
09:48 through His word.
09:49 So it was amazing, you know, to see how God did
09:53 so many things in order to and get me out of doubts
09:57 and to keep continue guiding me as I was learning from Him.
10:02 Amen. How old were you then?
10:04 I was 24-years-old. Twenty four-years-old.
10:09 Now you got out of prison and you went to live in Florida
10:15 and you made a phone call
10:17 that actually ended up changing your life,
10:19 tell us about that.
10:20 Yes, I was trying to get some literature in the Spanish
10:26 and then I just happened to met somebody and they,
10:29 all the opposite side of the country, you know,
10:34 I was in Florida
10:35 and this was in Washington Estate
10:38 where I got to know somebody who was taking the order
10:43 to get me this literature.
10:44 It just happened to live in that very same place
10:47 I was calling from in Florida.
10:49 So you call to a ministry
10:52 to get the literature in Spanish,
10:54 you give him the address
10:55 and the guy on the other end of the phone says,
10:57 what, I used to live in that house.
10:59 That's right, he said I live in that very same house.
11:03 I say, cannot be and he said well,
11:05 is there Mrs. such and such?
11:08 I say, yes, that's my landlord.
11:10 So well, I used to live there with her.
11:12 So here he is in Washington and the reason I said
11:15 that this phone call changed his life,
11:18 the two of you became close friends.
11:20 You established a bond, a relationship.
11:23 Yes, and then later on I got to know his sister.
11:29 Very well, as a matter of fact.
11:31 Yes and it was a wonderful blessing
11:33 because that became my wife.
11:35 Yes, amen.
11:37 So you married his sister and a strong Christian.
11:41 And how did you know that God was calling you into ministry?
11:47 Well, you know, after the day that I got out of prison
11:52 I say God, I don't want to be chased by the devil.
11:56 I want to follow You all the way.
11:58 And all what I wanted to do the rest of my life
12:01 is to serve You, to work for souls.
12:04 And so on but before I got out I told God,
12:08 God, all I want to do is work for souls
12:11 and there are souls in prison, out of prison
12:13 I don't care if You get me still here
12:16 or get me out all what I want to do is to work for You.
12:19 How precious.
12:21 And so I know when I got out
12:23 that I was just on the mindset to follow God,
12:28 to follow His leading.
12:30 So I know He had a purpose for my life
12:33 by getting me out of the drug dealing business
12:37 and now, you know--
12:39 Getting the charges dropped.
12:41 Right. All that.
12:42 It's amazing. It's amazing.
12:44 One day I was going to hold a Bible study in one place
12:50 and it was just the very same place
12:53 where I used to be doing all kind of--
12:56 Drug deals.
12:58 Drug deals and all that
12:59 so it's amazing how God transforms somebody.
13:02 Amen. I just praise God for that.
13:04 So you married and did your wife know
13:07 when she married you
13:08 that she was going to end up in fulltime ministry?
13:11 Yes. She did.
13:12 Yes, God was getting her ready to, you know,
13:15 and it was wonderful to know how He did that because,
13:19 you know, when I met her-- before I met her, you know,
13:23 I thought that I was gonna be like Paul,
13:25 you know, just single.
13:28 Doing it alone.
13:30 Doing it alone but then when I met her
13:33 I was still was thinking like that
13:34 but when I hear her praying then I say,
13:38 boy, that I might change that.
13:42 You know, there is my something got,
13:44 might have something for me in so I will not be alone.
13:49 God was whispering in your ear
13:50 that it is not good for man to be alone
13:52 I've got a helpmate already prepared for you.
13:56 But it's amazing because her prayer
13:57 was what got me to think about the possibility
14:01 of how to open myself to God's plans.
14:05 Wonderful. Wonderful.
14:07 So you married, you have four children.
14:09 What three girls and a boy, is that right?
14:11 Now how did you end up in Galeana?
14:15 Well, you see this side there after we got married
14:19 to go into to do missionary work.
14:23 So we start for a couple of years
14:26 we were on the road,
14:28 we were in many countries, Central America,
14:31 I went to Cuba in Central America
14:33 all the away from Texas,
14:36 Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize,
14:40 Costa Rica, Panama.
14:42 We were going back and forward for years.
14:44 We were--
14:45 Did you go to Colombia your home country or?
14:47 We never went there. No. You never went.
14:49 You know, we went until Panama.
14:50 Yeah, almost there but not quite there.
14:52 Okay.
14:54 And we were just helping people
14:56 teaching them how to live a healthy lifestyle.
15:00 We were preaching the word,
15:02 we were doing evangelism with literature.
15:07 You know, we were printing books,
15:10 we were distributing books,
15:13 we were doing a lot of things with the literature
15:15 as we were traveling,
15:17 that was the source of our income
15:19 as we were traveling.
15:21 And we did it for a couple of years without stopping.
15:24 We didn't have no,
15:25 any place behind where to go to.
15:27 We were just working for the Lord
15:30 until we were going by Montemorelos in Mexico
15:35 and as I was doing some deals
15:37 with the union officers from there
15:40 for some materials
15:42 they invite us to have some videos,
15:45 to record some videos on health.
15:48 So we had stayed there for about a week
15:50 and then during that week one of the union officers
15:54 that I know from before he said,
15:56 Jaime, why don't you start a training place
16:00 where older people can be trained
16:02 and to become missionaries as well.
16:04 And then we ask him but where.
16:07 Then he say well, we know a place in Galeana.
16:10 And where is Galeana?
16:12 And then they started explaining to me
16:14 and then later on--
16:16 Where is Galeana?
16:18 It is about two hours from Montemorelos.
16:20 Okay.
16:21 We are about two hours southeast from Montemorelos.
16:25 And so we start praying about it.
16:30 They took us over there to see the place.
16:32 We didn't like it at all.
16:35 It was the last place where we wanted to be
16:37 and we were just praying
16:39 and the more we were praying
16:41 the more convicted we were
16:43 that that's where God wants us to start a family ministry.
16:47 And, you know, after praying about a month in Montemorelos
16:52 we realized that God wants us there.
16:55 Now did you have any children yet?
16:56 Yeah.
16:58 You had, you already had children?
16:59 Yeah, we had.
17:01 You are on the road all this time
17:02 and dragging babies along with you, ah?
17:03 Yeah.
17:05 We had our family with us and, you know,
17:07 it was-- we stayed--
17:10 after we got married we stayed in Tennessee
17:12 for sometime too and so...
17:14 Okay. Okay.
17:15 So now you find yourself getting ready to start
17:18 a family outreach, a family evangelistic center
17:25 if you will, a center of influence.
17:28 Tell us-- I want to take a few minutes
17:30 and let's look at this incredible ministry
17:33 that God has given them there
17:35 actually for 20-- you been 20 years there now
17:38 and then you will be able to appreciate how Jaime,
17:43 God equipped Jaime to write this book
17:46 on Family Outreach and Evangelism.
17:49 So you start in a place that you are saying,
17:52 oh, Lord, this isn't where we want to be
17:54 but God showing you,
17:57 He changed your mind and now it has become
17:59 a place of great beauty to you, hasn't it.
18:02 Yeah.
18:04 And mainly because what God has done in people's life,
18:07 you know.
18:08 And we see young people being transformed by His power
18:12 and we see elder people doing--
18:14 knew their energies to serve the Lord.
18:16 When we see all
18:17 what God has done there in people's life
18:19 we are just thrilled, you know, we are amazed,
18:22 we are inspired every moment.
18:24 That's wonderful.
18:26 Okay, we have some pictures.
18:27 This is as I said, this is the 20th anniversary
18:31 for the Centro Misionero de Salud.
18:35 Yes. Yes.
18:37 I think your next picture is of your lovely wife.
18:40 What is her name? Marjorie.
18:42 Marjorie.
18:43 And, Marjorie, you all make a very lovely couple.
18:48 You look like almost brother and sister.
18:50 They say when you've been married to someone long enough
18:52 that you begin to look alike.
18:54 That's right. Oh, sure.
18:56 Now this beautiful land, this is it, ah?
18:59 Yes.
19:01 We are in the 49 acres
19:04 and we're on the top mountains of La Sierra Madre.
19:08 And it's just a lovely place, you know.
19:11 We have some orchid there,
19:14 we have a lot of food trees, pecan trees.
19:17 And evidently you've got corn here as well.
19:20 Well, and we grow a lot garlic and a lot of vegetables,
19:23 a lot of, you know, produce, you know, all year long.
19:28 Is this something that you actually teach people
19:30 how to do is how the farming techniques to get healthy food.
19:34 Okay, and here is your cooking class.
19:36 Everybody looks like they
19:38 got their little plastic bonnets on
19:40 and they are ready to get serious about healthy cooking.
19:43 Right.
19:44 We have students,
19:45 we have a medial missionary training program
19:47 that takes six months of the training
19:50 and while they are there then we teach them cooking.
19:53 You know, you have hands on training.
19:56 Yes.
19:57 So they really learn
19:58 how to do some things very quickly
20:00 and very nicely.
20:02 All right.
20:03 And then we got some, oh, boy, that looks so delicious.
20:05 What kind of bread, what do you call them?
20:07 It is a whole wheat bread rolls, they are rolls.
20:11 And raisins?
20:12 Yes, you have raisins and coconuts
20:14 and a lot of healthy good stuff.
20:17 Okay, and on top of the six months training course
20:21 you actually have this health food store.
20:24 Yes.
20:25 This is the health zone and which consist of
20:28 four different services under one roof.
20:30 It's a restaurant, it's a health food store,
20:33 and it has a library and also like fitness place
20:39 where we do some treatments, massage and hydrotherapy
20:42 and we, you know,
20:44 advice people how to get a lifestyle.
20:46 Okay, is this is Galeana?
20:48 Yeah, this is in town.
20:49 This is about seven miles away from the camp where we live.
20:52 Where you live. Yes.
20:54 That's an-- boy, I've never heard of all four
20:56 being under one roof but that makes perfect sense.
20:59 Yes, and we make it a very sustainable
21:02 because sometimes, you know,
21:03 vegetarian restaurant and struggles sometimes.
21:06 They go out of business but when you have
21:10 different attractions to people they come for one thing
21:13 or for the other.
21:15 They-- and so you will have people,
21:16 you know, coming in,
21:18 flowing in and they be blessed by this services
21:21 that you provide them
21:22 and so we call them health zone.
21:26 We have a radio program--
21:28 for 18 years we've been having
21:29 a radio program in the community
21:31 and we educate them through the radio
21:34 and encourage them to visit the health zone.
21:38 That is really fascinating model, really is.
21:42 Now you also hold health expos, is that correct?
21:45 Yes, and as the part of training for our students
21:49 we train them how to do and organize a health expo.
21:52 Besides we go and work with the different conference
21:55 and unions in Mexico.
21:57 They invite us quite often to hold a health expo
22:00 and to join with their evangelistic efforts.
22:03 Oh, that's wonderful.
22:04 In different places in Mexico
22:05 and especially in the large cities.
22:07 Okay.
22:08 And then you also train them in massage
22:10 and various things as far as--
22:12 What all do you teach for them?
22:14 Hydrotherapy and we teach them
22:16 principles on anatomy, physiology
22:18 and how to do some natural remedies
22:21 and how to cook healthy and how to do bread,
22:26 how to, you know, bake.
22:27 And we teach them also how to preach the gospel,
22:31 how to speak in public, how to give Bible studies,
22:34 how to do evangelist campaigns,
22:36 how to organize them.
22:37 And the students before they leave,
22:39 before they graduate they have to have experience
22:42 on evangelistic campaigns where usually every year
22:47 they see people and they get baptized
22:50 as result of their first from-- when they first got there.
22:54 Oh, wonderful.
22:55 So they can see the process when you sow the seed
22:58 and cultivate it and then the harvest.
23:01 In six months they are able to see all the process
23:04 and when they live they live so encouraged
23:07 because they see people
23:08 that gave their lives to the Lord
23:10 and they were able to see people
23:12 going to the baptisms waters, you know.
23:14 Amen.
23:15 And also before they graduate
23:16 they need to do one week health school in the community
23:20 where they teach the community
23:22 how to cook healthy, how to do massage,
23:26 how to give a health lecture and also a Bible,
23:32 you know, teaching.
23:33 Bible study, wonderful.
23:35 How does the community receive you?
23:37 You've been there 20 years so...
23:39 Let me tell you what God has done because,
23:41 you know, we give all the credit to God.
23:44 There is so much respect for what we do in town.
23:49 Even we work very closely with the hospital,
23:51 the government hospital, they invite us
23:54 to give lectures to their employees
23:56 and also they invite us to give to the patients
24:00 while they are waiting.
24:02 We teach them a healthy lifestyle
24:05 and they invite us to do that.
24:07 We have a very good relationship
24:09 with the director of the hospital,
24:11 with the nutritionist from the hospital
24:13 and with the, you know,
24:16 we used to have a elementary school in--
24:19 I mean, in our place and a lot of people from town
24:21 got to know what we were doing,
24:23 what we were all about it through the elementary school.
24:28 Yes, that's amazing.
24:30 Now you have I think have about just a couple of pictures
24:32 we want to show before we move forward from that
24:35 and this baptism, is this a student
24:37 or is it someone from town?
24:39 No, this was a student.
24:42 He got baptized, you know,
24:43 in the last generation of students this year
24:47 and they were able to get 19 people baptized.
24:50 From the students?
24:51 Not from the--
24:53 Oh, from the town. And few from the students.
24:55 Okay. Few from the students.
24:56 So that man got baptized there.
25:00 It was amazing because, you know,
25:01 I met him and I was doing evangelistic campaign myself
25:05 in the south of Mexico and then I saw him there,
25:08 he was kind of very discouraged
25:09 because he was born with only one eye.
25:12 And then his self-esteem was very, very low.
25:18 And I encouraged him to come along with me
25:20 and he came back with me.
25:21 We flew him, he make arrangements,
25:24 he arrived-- I got back home with him
25:27 and encouraged him to take the training program
25:30 and then he start taking the training program
25:33 and he start learning how to speak in public
25:36 and he start learning how to do some trade
25:38 like laying tile on the floor and doing some, you know,
25:43 agriculture work and different skills there
25:45 and he learned all that, he love it.
25:48 And then he was able to be on front of public
25:51 but not only that, we were able to talk with university,
25:55 Montemorelos University and they got him the eye
25:59 that he was missing a prosthetic.
26:02 Oh, prosthetic eye. Yes.
26:04 Praise God.
26:06 And it didn't cost us anything.
26:08 Oh, praise the Lord. Neither to him.
26:12 And then when he got that, I mean, his life just, I mean,
26:16 then he was preaching now and he got baptized
26:19 and he is working for the Lord.
26:21 You are gonna see a picture, I think is the next picture
26:25 with the two eyes.
26:26 Look at him. Yes.
26:28 And so now he is out holding evangelistic series of his own.
26:32 And that's what we are all about, Shelley,
26:34 you know, to see people's lives
26:37 be transformed by God's Holy Spirit.
26:39 And then so, now but let me your kind of--
26:44 your ministry is similar to that
26:46 of a Wildwood or Eden Valley,
26:50 some place like this Black Hills
26:52 but this is just a family run.
26:54 Yeah, it is in a smallest scale, you know,
26:57 just my wife and I and--
26:58 That's amazing. How many students?
27:00 It look like you hit quite a few students.
27:02 Yeah, we used to, we usually have 15, 20 students, you now
27:06 and we also have a lifestyle program
27:08 and we have a guest that can be in there
27:10 and we usually have,
27:12 you know, four, six guests that come in, you know,
27:15 to take our lifestyle program.
27:16 So it's just small, is what we can do as a family.
27:19 That's what we do. That's wonderful.
27:21 And we train the students how to open a restaurant.
27:26 We have few students
27:28 they have their own restaurant in Mexico.
27:30 Praise God.
27:31 Their own bakery, their own wholesome food business
27:35 and they're doing that
27:36 and they have their own business
27:38 and they are ministering for the Lord
27:40 and it is wonderful to see
27:41 how they are blessing them as a family.
27:44 Amen.
27:45 And then you are teaching, you are giving the health expos
27:48 and then in a village,
27:49 you are connecting with the village people
27:52 and I shouldn't say village but the town
27:54 and how-- boy, it was right on the tip of my tongue
27:57 but whatever that thought went that's--
28:00 I think that's what you call a brain freeze.
28:03 So you are member of ASI, you are member of OCI,
28:08 Outposts Centers International
28:11 and this is something-- let me, that's what it was.
28:16 Is this sustainability, have you been able?
28:20 You and your wife had been there 20 years
28:23 you would think as a family ministry.
28:25 Your children grew up doing this with you as well
28:28 and they are all
28:29 solidly connected to the Lord because of it
28:32 but has there ever been times where you thought financially
28:36 how am I going to do this?
28:38 Oh, sure.
28:39 You know, there have been many, many, many times
28:41 where we have seen-- you know,
28:43 God miraculously providing because, you know,
28:46 we work-- is a faith work.
28:49 You know, when we start the work
28:50 it was by faith that we start this work over there
28:53 and He has been like that every single day
28:56 and every single day is a miracle
28:58 because we see God providing
29:00 in so many different ways, you know.
29:03 There has been times where we are very, very tight
29:06 and then here we have a group
29:07 they want to come for our lifestyle program.
29:09 And we have group that come from the States
29:12 and as well from different places in Mexico.
29:14 And we also, we are exporting some of our fruits from Mexico
29:20 to the States.
29:21 Wonderful.
29:22 You know, and we get some literature from the States
29:25 and fruits to Mexico.
29:27 So we would like the business
29:30 as a part of the ministry to become--
29:32 But it is nonprofit ministry.
29:34 You've organized as a 501(c)(3) ministry.
29:37 Right. It's a nonprofit organization.
29:39 You know, and we are 501(c)(3), because, you know,
29:43 there are sometimes, you know, we receive donations
29:45 and it really is a blessing because God,
29:49 you know, make it all happen.
29:51 So has there ever been--
29:52 I know that you are registered in Hidalgo, Texas.
29:56 So when has there ever been a time when you think,
29:59 Lord, we don't know what our next step is
30:01 and you may be come back to Hidalgo
30:04 and find a little something in the mail.
30:07 Yes, many times, Shelley, many times.
30:10 I mean, we go over there and there is, you know,
30:13 we are just praying God what is next,
30:17 You have led us this far, what's next and well,
30:20 we go and we go to the mail
30:21 and here we see a little envelope
30:23 just with the funds that we are really--
30:26 The exact isn't it? Yes.
30:27 It's amazing how--
30:29 It's amazing and He does it over and over.
30:30 Yes, He does.
30:32 So it's amazing how God is blessing this type of work.
30:35 Well, it's amazing how He has led you
30:38 and you actually have just been,
30:41 had just come back from Europe,
30:42 you go around and your wife
30:44 go around giving lectures, don't you?
30:47 on how to do these things
30:49 and he was encouraged to write a book,
30:51 a how to book and we want him
30:53 talk about this book for just a moment.
30:55 This is a-- the book is titled Family Outreach and Evangelism,
31:01 managing family run ministries and centers of influence.
31:07 And it doesn't matter how large or small
31:10 you want your family run business--
31:12 ministry to be.
31:13 You are going to find some wonderful recommendations.
31:17 I just loved the intro here, if I can find it-- forget--
31:22 here it is.
31:24 Not the intro but the one where the forward
31:27 who is written by Armando Miranda,
31:29 who is the general vice president of the GC.
31:33 He said, "I had a wrong impression.
31:36 When I started reading the book,
31:37 family run ministries
31:38 that was written by my good friend
31:40 and brother in Christ Jaime Espinal,
31:42 director of CMS.
31:44 I thought it was one more book
31:45 about the family although that's important
31:47 there's already plenty of books
31:49 about that subject but I was wrong.
31:51 The manner and approach that Jaime gives in this book
31:54 is that of a family ministry.
31:58 The involvement of the family in God's service
32:02 and in His church
32:03 seeking to be the family God intended for us to be
32:08 and also serving the community in a special way as Christ did.
32:13 It is a call to the ministry that God wants
32:16 every church member to develop.
32:19 It is Christ's method in action."
32:22 So he goes on to say
32:23 how practical and inspirational
32:27 this information is.
32:29 And let's talk about there are families out there,
32:35 families who are thinking about going into ministry
32:38 as you and your beautiful wife did.
32:41 How does a family know
32:42 when they are ready to go into ministry?
32:45 Well, Shelley, that's a very good question
32:48 because as you stated, you know,
32:49 we found families all the Europe.
32:52 They want to get into fulltime ministry.
32:55 In fact, many of them they have dreams
32:59 and they were led to be missionaries,
33:01 fulltime missionaries.
33:02 But somehow that hasn't happen.
33:05 And so one of the advices we give to the families
33:11 is that when they are praying and of course, you know,
33:16 and even fasting trying to see what God has for them to do.
33:23 One good indicator that the--
33:25 So in other version recognize the calling that God has
33:27 on your life first.
33:28 Yes. Okay.
33:30 You know, but sometimes in the family
33:33 you might see one of the spouses
33:36 that is perhaps not quite ready.
33:41 Not as gung ho?
33:43 You know, not as really need to live things
33:46 and get into fulltime ministry
33:48 and it's very delicate this because,
33:52 you know, we advice that families go away,
33:57 I mean, when they are in agreements, you know--
34:01 So in other words what you are saying is
34:03 one spouse shouldn't insist on going into fulltime ministry
34:07 dragging the other spouse kicking and screaming
34:10 into whatever call.
34:12 I think that you be more-- that's a good indicator that--
34:15 They are not ready.
34:17 No ready yet that they might need to do a lot more praying
34:20 and waiting and God is doing the work
34:23 not only on the spouses
34:25 but also on the children.
34:26 And so I think-- but you see, the Holy Spirit usually,
34:31 you know, moves when there's a couple
34:33 and they want in the direction
34:37 He has a wonderful way of doing it
34:39 when they are in agreement, you know,
34:41 so that's a good indicator, you know.
34:43 And there is times that as you said
34:45 one spouse may be ready
34:47 and a little in advance of the other
34:50 but it's usually because the other there
34:52 is just that one more hurdle of giving up
34:54 little more of self, a little more of, you know,
34:57 being ready to-- I heard a wonderful story,
35:02 actually this was Lanny Wolfe who told the story of a woman
35:06 who was praying and God told her to sell her home
35:10 and all of her belongings, go to Haiti
35:11 and open up an orphanage
35:13 and she says, "You got the wrong woman."
35:16 But she ended up doing it
35:18 because when God lays that on your heart
35:22 He never forces you to do anything as He
35:25 but when He lay something on your heart it may not be,
35:28 this says with you.
35:30 It wasn't attractive to you at the very beginning
35:33 but because it's of God suddenly it becomes something
35:36 that has this compelling magnetism.
35:40 You want to do it and that's what amazing.
35:44 But let's say a family knows, okay,
35:46 God is calling me to open an orphanage
35:49 or to start a restaurant
35:52 or to start a center of influence,
35:55 how do they then-- how would you counsel someone
35:58 to choose a location?
36:00 Well, depending on their,
36:02 the ministry, what is their focus,
36:05 you know, what is their ambition,
36:07 what is their mission that they have
36:10 and there are some outposts places
36:13 they are very fit to be in the series
36:16 to where all the people is like a vegetarian restaurant
36:19 and so forth.
36:20 And but also there are that who will be more--
36:24 we have the cancelling.
36:25 There would be-- the idea is out of the series
36:28 where they have more nature environment
36:32 and they can be more easily following,
36:38 you know, God's leading
36:43 when they are in the good environment.
36:45 Right.
36:47 So, so it is good to be, you know,
36:49 there are families that they have live
36:51 all their life in the series
36:53 and so it is good for them to be have as a process,
36:57 you know, not to just jump into and then find out that they,
37:02 boy, they don't even know how to, you know.
37:04 How to build a, how to build a fire in the fireplace.
37:07 Yes.
37:08 I mean, to go slowly and it's a process
37:09 and also with the family.
37:11 But sometimes the parents are to say okay, we are ready.
37:13 We are willing to but their children
37:18 they may be they are not ready for.
37:20 I mean, you need to work with them
37:21 so when they come
37:23 there will be an excitement for them
37:25 not something that is,
37:28 you know, like--
37:29 In family ministry that's very important
37:31 if you are so you got to think
37:33 consider your children's education.
37:35 Yes.
37:36 You got to consider your children's feelings
37:38 and how well you can minister to your children.
37:40 You surely cannot go and minister to anyone else
37:43 if you can't minister to your own family.
37:45 Yes, exactly.
37:46 And sometimes depending on the age of your children,
37:49 you know.
37:50 Of course, when they are small you have to work with them
37:53 according to their age but as they are growing
37:56 and then when you are dealing with teenager specially
37:59 and you really want to be very careful and very prayerful
38:03 as to how to approach them
38:04 so they-- so all this will be part of them
38:07 not that it will be just something from their parents
38:10 but from the family.
38:11 That they will be involved,
38:12 they will feel that this project
38:15 that involves them as well.
38:17 You know, even though these family ministries
38:21 are as you said a walk of faith
38:24 we still have to think about income generation.
38:27 Sure.
38:29 And you know God always have that, you know,
38:33 the family ministry is not something new.
38:36 We see Adam and Eve it was a family ministry.
38:39 Abraham was a family ministry.
38:41 Isaac was a family ministry.
38:43 Jacob was a family ministry and all these--
38:46 even Moses had a family ministry,
38:49 his wife, his brother, and his sister.
38:52 But when we see Abraham he has a lot of wealth
38:56 and so God wants us to prayerfully use the skills
39:02 that He has given us to explore
39:09 the income generator
39:11 that we might have with the skills
39:13 that God already gave in us.
39:15 You know, you remember when Moses have--
39:18 God called Moses
39:20 and he didn't want to and He said what is that
39:23 that you have in your hand?
39:25 He had a... Rod.
39:26 A rod.
39:28 You know, sometimes we have had a skills,
39:31 may be wife is an accountant, may be husband is plumber,
39:37 electrician, whatever, you know,
39:40 we need to take in consideration
39:41 what God has already given us.
39:45 Many family they think
39:46 that they have to throw everything
39:48 in order to serve God,
39:50 just to forget about everything.
39:52 And there might be some occasions
39:54 where that might be the case
39:56 when may be you are doing something that is not,
40:00 something that God's approves
40:02 or that God has something better,
40:04 you know, the chance.
40:05 But we have to be very careful because I have met people
40:09 that they say, "even my career everything we put it
40:13 like we are gonna do something there."
40:15 No, but God might have plans for that that He already
40:19 allowed you to have in your past.
40:22 So that's very important to keep in consideration
40:24 as you are looking for an income generator.
40:27 And then we also need to look what things they are in,
40:31 what things are available in there
40:34 after we see what we--
40:37 skills we already have they got might wanted to use,
40:40 also depend on their location and the area,
40:43 the needs that they are there.
40:45 I mean, it's amazing how the Holy Spirit
40:47 kind of give you wisdom
40:49 and determine as to what to do and how to do.
40:53 As long as you stay surrendered,
40:54 so talk to us for just a few minutes here about balance,
40:59 about your own-- keeping your own, you know,
41:02 sometimes we can get so busy doing the Lord's work
41:05 that we actually let the work
41:07 become more important than our relationship with the Lord
41:10 and then that's when things are upside down
41:12 and getting ready topple.
41:13 So how do you-- what are some of the just a couple of tips
41:18 of how to stay in balance when you are doing this?
41:21 Well, you know, it is just like in the family
41:25 we can be so busy that we don't take
41:27 good care of our children
41:28 and that happened to us in sometimes
41:31 and we realize hey,
41:33 we are-- this is not the lost,
41:34 if we are neglecting our priority with the children.
41:39 It's the same way when we are not harming
41:42 special relationship with God.
41:44 If we are not having a growing relationship with Him,
41:49 because if we are in the same relationship with 20 years,
41:54 if we have no one and 30, 40 years more
41:58 about wonderful God,
42:01 awesome God that we serve.
42:03 I mean, we have to be growing, learning more of Him
42:06 and growing in that relationship with Him
42:09 that will keep us alive and going.
42:12 And it's very important as a couple
42:15 to be brining these new growing aspects
42:20 of our relationships out flourished them--
42:24 you know, express them out and that will encourage one
42:27 to ensure us we are not in a monotonous lifestyle
42:33 but we are growing.
42:34 And so it's very important, you know.
42:36 If we are not growing that something is not right.
42:41 We have to be growing all the time, all the time.
42:44 And so--
42:46 So does do you and your wife help each other kind of stay
42:49 in check like, if you notice may be-- just say for example
42:54 if you noticed that she wasn't praying as much
42:57 or she wasn't reading or studying her word as much
43:00 or you see that she is kind of drifting,
43:02 do you kind of help pull her back
43:04 and vice versa to keep each other on track?
43:07 Yes.
43:08 So there is this sense of accountability?
43:10 Yes.
43:11 In fact, you know, sometime-- every night we pray together.
43:13 You know, we pray together before we go to bed,
43:16 every night we have that as a custom.
43:17 It has been such a blessing, you know,
43:19 to pray together at night time.
43:22 And there are sometimes that things happens
43:24 and may be she gets something got her real busy
43:28 early in the morning
43:29 and she has to take care of some things
43:31 and then I can remind her, you know,
43:35 because you are ready to do your time with the Lord,
43:39 I can do this and this for you
43:41 so you can have the time for the Lord.
43:43 Oh, that's wonderful.
43:44 And so we need to keep that in our mind
43:47 and also praying for His children,
43:49 you know, all the time and listening to His children,
43:52 taking time, you know,
43:54 because we need to nurture that relationship,
43:57 we need to nurture our relationship with God
44:00 and with one and other
44:01 so we will be able to function because,
44:04 you know, we are in a world
44:06 that we've been attacked every single moment.
44:09 And you can't minister to others if you--
44:12 if your own-- from an empty, from an empty cup.
44:15 You got to go before the Lord get your cup filled everyday.
44:18 Right.
44:19 Well, you know, we want to do,
44:20 I know that there is some of you at home
44:22 and you actually have some of your lifestyle guest
44:24 are from United States, I think so.
44:26 They have to speak Spanish didn't they?
44:28 No. Not necessary.
44:29 They don't, okay.
44:31 What we want to do is put Jaime's information up.
44:35 There may be any number of reasons,
44:37 you may be interested in being a lifestyle guest,
44:40 you may be interested in becoming part of the program
44:43 and they don't have to speak Spanish
44:44 to be in your six month program.
44:47 You might be interested in having him come to speak
44:51 to a group at your church or to put on a seminar
44:56 or you might be interested in getting this book
44:58 Family Outreach and Evangelism
45:00 which you can get all of this information
45:03 here is Jaime's address roll
45:05 and his email address and website.
45:12 For more information about the missionary health center
45:14 you can write to, 116 East Coma Avenue #295,
45:19 Hidalgo, Texas 78557.
45:23 That's 116 East Coma Avenue #295,
45:27 Hidalgo, Texas 78557.
45:31 You can call 956-373-1830.
45:35 That's 956-373-1830 or go online at cmsmex.com,
45:42 that's cmsmex.com
45:45 or you can email him at Jaime@cmsmex.com
45:57 Well, you know, I just find it so exciting to see
46:00 how God can take a young man who has gone so far off track,
46:07 just lock him up for a while and then shine His light
46:11 into your-- into your darkness.
46:14 That's so amazing how God has taken you
46:17 from that world of drugs, even dealing drugs
46:20 and now he's got you serving Him,
46:23 teaching others how to serve Him.
46:25 Yes. And what a blessing.
46:27 And I didn't want to mention
46:29 this Family Outreach and Evangelism,
46:31 this book is also available at Amazon.com and how else.
46:39 And our website.
46:40 And on your website.
46:42 So you can do this at Amazon.com or on your website.
46:46 And, Jaime, what we are going to do right now is
46:49 we are gonna have a second song and then we are gonna come back
46:52 for a few closing comments.
46:55 But right now we have C.A. Murray with us
46:57 who is going to-- he is just like your
47:00 Psalms said, Psalms 66:16 says,
47:04 "I will declare what the Lord has done for my soul."
47:09 And C.A. Murray is gonna sing "I'll Tell the World."
47:28 I'll tell the world,
47:32 that I'm a Christian
47:35 I'm not ashamed,
47:39 His name to bear
47:42 I'll tell the world,
47:46 that I'm a Christian
47:49 I'll take Him with me anywhere
47:56 I'll tell the world,
48:00 how Jesus saved me
48:04 And how He gave me
48:07 a life brand new
48:12 And I know
48:14 that if you trust Him
48:18 That all He gave me,
48:22 He'll give to you
48:29 I'll tell the world,
48:32 that He's my Savior No other one,
48:39 could love me so My life,
48:45 my all is His forever
48:50 And where He leads me I will go
49:01 I'll tell the world,
49:05 Jesus is coming
49:08 And didn't make me near
49:12 or far far away
49:15 But we go to learn as if He is coming
49:23 Could be tomorrow or today
49:29 For when He comes,
49:33 and life is over
49:37 For those who love Him
49:40 there's more to be
49:45 Eyes have never seen the wonders
49:51 That He's preparing, for you and me
50:02 Oh, tell the world,
50:05 that you're a Christian
50:09 Don't be ashamed,
50:12 His name to who bear
50:16 Just tell the world,
50:20 that you're a Christian
50:23 And take Him with you anywhere
50:33 I'll tell the world,
50:38 how Jesus saved me
50:41 And how He gave me
50:45 a life brand new
50:50 And I know
50:52 that if you trust Him
50:55 That all He gave to me,
50:59 He'll give to you
51:07 I'll tell the world,
51:10 that I'm a Christian
51:13 And I'm not ashamed,
51:17 His name to bear
51:21 I'll tell the world,
51:24 that I'm a Christian
51:28 I'll take Him with me anywhere
51:35 I'll take Him with me anywhere


Revised 2015-10-22