Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), E.T. Everett, John Lomacang, Lanny Wolfe, Lisa Yeager, Melody Firestone, Tammy Chance
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015061A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:05 Thank you for joining us today. 01:07 We are gonna have a lot of fun. 01:09 I'm gonna introduce some of the folks that I got here. 01:11 Some you may know, some you may not 01:14 but today we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord. 01:17 And I can't wait to introduce our special guest 01:21 Mr. Lanny Wolfe. Thank you. 01:22 And Lanny, I'm sure this folk have a chance here. 01:25 Lanny is my all time favorite songwriter. 01:28 I don't say that with any apologies. 01:31 He has been for many, many years. 01:33 I paid him to say that. 01:34 Yes. 01:35 Yeah, and we will talk about-- 01:37 the prices are going up all the time, 01:38 the longer we do that but now ever since 70s 01:42 when I first heard some of the songs 01:44 and deserving in lot of those 01:46 and surly the presence of the Lord is in his place. 01:48 It's impacted my life, my family's life. 01:51 And so we are glad that you are here 01:52 but we want to introduce 01:54 the rest of the folk to you today. 01:55 We have Sister Yvonne Lewis, back here Brother C.A., 01:59 Pastor C.A. Murray, Lisa Yeager, E.T. Everett, 02:02 I don't know if we can see you way back there 02:04 and Tammy Chance and John Lomacang, 02:07 Pastor Lomacang, Melody Dan Firestone Shelton, all right. 02:11 No, Shelton Firestone. Oh, yeah. 02:13 Well, she is my daughter, why did they get to give 02:15 somebody else get her name in there. 02:17 So I changed it. 02:19 All right, her last name is Firestone. 02:20 But Reggie and Ladye Love Smith. 02:22 You all glad to see Reggie and Ladye Love too. 02:25 All right, I know our folks are at home 02:28 because this Lanny, 02:29 these, this couple is a favorite from viewers 02:32 literally around the world. 02:33 Right, probably so. 02:35 And incredible people. 02:36 So we are glad that 02:37 you all are here joining us today 02:39 and so it's gonna impromptu do. 02:42 I'm sure you will know a lot of these songs. 02:44 All we are gonna do today is sing songs 02:46 that Lanny Wolfe wrote. 02:48 And one reason for him being here 02:49 we are actually doing a brand new project, 02:52 all songs are gonna be on the sanctuary. 02:55 And you know, we recently did one on the second coming 02:58 but this one is all gonna be on the sanctuary 03:01 and you already have several beautiful songs. 03:03 He's gonna probably need to write 03:05 a few more beautiful songs but all of this to me 03:08 is the times in which we are living 03:10 and we need to know there is Jesus' sanctuary, right. 03:13 And so He-- without Jesus there is no hope, 03:17 there is nothing, no future. 03:19 It wouldn't really Him be a past without Jesus 03:22 but thank God for giving His Son 03:25 on the cross of Calvary that each and every one of us, 03:28 each and every one of you can have eternal life. 03:31 It's all the choice whom I gonna serve today? 03:34 Well, sinners saved by grace. 03:36 And when I get around and certain among God's people 03:39 and sometimes it can be in church, 03:41 may just be riding in a car or van or even on airplane 03:45 sometimes I just feel like 03:47 surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. 03:50 One of the first songs 03:51 that I ever heard written by Lanny Wolfe, 03:53 we are gonna try to do it today 03:55 and you have to tell us the stories now 03:57 behind each of these songs. 03:58 I will. 04:01 Surely the presence of the Lord 04:06 Is in this place 04:09 I can feel God's mighty power 04:13 And His grace 04:18 I can hear 04:20 The brush of angel's wings 04:23 I see glory on each face 04:29 Surely the presence of the Lord 04:35 Is in this place 04:39 The place was Columbia, Mississippi, 04:41 the event was a new church dedication. 04:44 New paint small, the mayor was there, 04:46 all the important people were there 04:48 and the Lanny Wolfe Trio was special guest. 04:51 And so while I'm waiting for themto call and to sing 04:55 the Lord dropped this into my mind 04:57 and I scratched it on a piece of paper 05:00 and it was really strange 05:02 because there was a progression 05:03 I was hearing that I was not used to play. 05:06 And so I didn't have a chance to run 05:09 to some other room to work it out. 05:11 So when then called on the Trio 05:13 I got up and taught it to the Trio 05:16 and to the congregation 05:19 and actually found the right progression 05:23 which was a miracle. 05:25 The progression I had news, it was a major for. 05:28 And so no verses then but verses now. 05:32 In the midst of His children 05:35 The Lord said He would be 05:38 Doesn't take very many 05:41 It can be just two or three 05:45 And I feel that Same sweet spirit 05:50 That I felt often times before 05:54 Surely I can say 05:58 I've been with the Lord 06:03 For surely 06:06 The presence of the Lord 06:10 Is in this place 06:12 I can feel His mighty power 06:17 And His grace 06:23 I can hear The brush of angel's wings 06:27 I see glory on each face 06:32 Surely the presence of the Lord 06:39 Is in this place 06:44 There's a holy hush around us 06:49 As God's glory fills this place 06:54 I've touched the hem Of His garment 06:59 I can almost see His face 07:04 And my heart is over flowing 07:09 With the fullness of His joy 07:14 I know, without a doubt 07:19 That I've been with my Lord 07:25 Surely the presence of the Lord 07:31 Is in this place 07:34 I can feel His mighty power 07:39 And His grace 07:44 I can hear 07:46 The brush of angel's wings 07:49 I see glory on each face 07:54 Surely the presence of the Lord 08:01 Is in this place 08:06 We are sitting at the piano on a Sunday morning, 08:09 Jackson, Mississippi and before the service started 08:13 the Lord just dropped this phrase in my mind. 08:16 I knew it was God 08:18 because Lanny Wolfe doesn't think phraseology. 08:22 Jesus, be the Lord of all the kingdoms of my heart. 08:25 When we write a song certain percentage is God's, 08:29 certain percentage is Lanny Wolfe. 08:32 Some songs are 95 percent God, five percent Lanny Wolfe. 08:38 Some are 95 percent Lanny Wolfe and five percent God. 08:43 This was a 95 percent God's song. 08:46 And so its "Jesus Be The Lord Of All." 08:47 I like those better. 08:48 Yeah. 08:50 There is something somebody is dosen't like 08:51 and I blame it on God. 08:59 Jesus be the lord of all 09:05 Jesus be the lord of all 09:12 Jesus be the lord of all 09:19 The kingdoms of my heart 09:25 Melody. 09:27 I guess I only fooled myself 09:33 For I said I had yielded all 09:39 But in a secret corner Of my heart 09:44 Was a kingdom that did not fall 09:50 But I surrender now 09:53 Make my heart Your throne 09:57 Lord rule its kingdoms Great and small 10:04 For if You're not Lord 10:08 Of everything 10:11 Then You're not 10:14 Lord at all 10:20 Jesus I surrender all 10:26 Jesus I surrender all 10:32 Jesus I surrender all 10:40 The kingdoms of my heart 10:46 For if You're not Lord 10:50 Of everything 10:54 Then You're not 11:01 Lord At all 11:04 Amen. 11:07 Beautiful. Beautiful. 11:10 Well, to be an instrument of God. 11:13 How many songs have you written in your life? 11:17 Seven hundred songs 40 musicals. 11:19 Seven hundred songs 40 musicals, that's a lot. 11:22 Do you do anything else beside write songs? 11:25 I eat. 11:28 So do we. Now, now, he loves eating. 11:30 We went down to-- 11:31 I grew up in a church and I eat after service. 11:34 We went down to O'Charley's with him last night 11:37 and from the very first every time he took a bite 11:39 he would go, and he would say-- 11:43 They were so good. 11:46 Whether it was a salad, his grilled salmon 11:48 or whatever it was he had 11:50 it was-- that was so good. 11:52 It was so good. 11:53 Now the pie you took home, you didn't eat it yet? 11:55 Did you? I did. 11:58 It was-- 12:00 That was great pie Wednesday and so... 12:02 It was so good. It was so good. 12:06 But you were gonna wait. You were too full. 12:08 You said you are gonna wait. I waited a little while. 12:10 Oh, till you got home. 12:11 That was about 10-- 12:12 I went to O'Charley's before. 12:14 Yvonne, that was about, that was about 10, wasn't it? 12:16 He is reliving it now. Yeah. Yeah. 12:18 Yeah. That taste was so fabulous. 12:21 Now O'Charley's ought to pay for this too 12:23 because that's a-- he loved this down here. 12:26 I know, she eats there, she said its free pie, 12:29 free pie Wednesday and it was. 12:32 So Trinity and Deroy was there 12:34 and he said no just pie for the entrA(C)es 12:37 and he said no its pie for everybody. 12:39 So we came back and I was going by the sound center 12:44 and guess who was there, but our friends, your friends, 12:47 Jim and Melissa Brady and Tim Parton 12:50 and they were just-- 12:51 they had a long day in the studio. 12:53 They were just getting ready to, to leave. 12:55 They had to leave and I said, just a second, 12:57 I got something. 12:59 So I went to the trunk we put it in the back 13:01 and I came with sack and I said, some. 13:03 They, are you kidding? 13:04 O'Charley's pie well, we want this. 13:06 I said take this with you because we have some extra. 13:09 So they were eating pie 13:10 about this time it's about 11 at night. 13:12 So they are eating pie in the bus driving down the road. 13:17 Lanny, one of the greatest songs to me that, 13:19 that touches me is much as any song I've ever sang 13:23 and known in my life is "Whatever It Takes" 13:26 and I get all chocked up, 13:32 teary eyed about it. 13:33 Tell us about it. 13:35 This is one of the songs that was born out of pain. 13:39 It was a midweek chapel service at a Bible college 13:43 and I was preaching that night 13:46 and the chapel, it was a Catholic institution 13:51 that had been converted to our Bible College. 13:54 Below the chapel was the kitchen, a cafeteria. 13:59 So the routine was after Wednesday night service 14:02 you would go downstairs and eat hamburgers 14:06 and french-fries all that kind of thing. 14:08 All the good stuff. All the good stuff. 14:09 Not good for you but good stuff. 14:10 Absolutely. 14:12 So I had finished preaching and I had given my guts. 14:15 Any preacher understands what you feel 14:18 when you want them to get what you are trying to say. 14:22 And so I preached and I gave my guts 14:25 and they came to the altar 14:27 and did-- and now lay me down to sleep token prayer 14:31 and I knew it. 14:33 And so they did their token prayer 14:36 and dashed out of the chapel down to the cafeteria 14:40 to where the hamburgers we were waiting. 14:43 And I was crushed 14:44 because they didn't get what I wanted them to get 14:48 from a spiritual plane. 14:51 And so I remember so vividly we had a nine foot grand piano 14:56 and I went over and under the grand piano 15:00 I was just so crushed 15:03 because they just didn't get what I wanted them to get 15:07 from the sermon. 15:08 So the Lord gave me this chorus under the grand piano. 15:15 And the story we learned is, 15:20 if they had gotten 15:22 what I thought I wanted them to get 15:25 the song would never had been born. 15:27 Oh, wow. I'm glad they didn't get it. 15:29 I'm glad they didn't get it. 15:31 I'm glad it went over their head. 15:34 And I learned a very important principle 15:36 and that is you can't always blame 15:39 something that we want to call negative in our life. 15:43 You can't always blame it on God 15:44 and neither can you blame it on the devil. 15:47 Because God maybe at work. 15:49 So God was at work, He said I want this song born 15:53 because I know hundreds and thousands of people 15:57 that are going to need this song 15:59 as they walk through valleys and-- 16:00 And maybe some of them actually got it and you did-- 16:03 the Lord just didn't let you see it. 16:04 Exactly right. 16:06 You know, His word does not return void. 16:08 So maybe that's it. Exactly right. 16:09 Whatever we are glad, give us a little bit of it. 16:12 There's a voice calling me 16:15 From an old rugged tree 16:19 And He whispers 16:21 Draw closer to me 16:26 Leave this world far behind 16:31 There are new heights to climb 16:34 And a new place in 16:38 Me you will find 16:42 Let's sing it with him. 16:45 And whatever it takes 16:49 To draw closer to You Lord 16:55 That's what I'd be wiling to do 17:03 And whatever it takes 17:08 To be more like you 17:13 That's what I'd be willing to do 17:21 I'll trade sunshine for rain 17:26 Comfort for pain 17:30 That's what I'll be willing to do 17:37 For whatever it takes 17:42 For my will to break 17:48 That's what I'll be 17:51 Willing to do 17:56 You may remember the three eight-year-old boys 17:59 from West Memphis, Arkansas 18:01 that had been murdered by 18:03 supposedly, allegedly some teenagers 18:06 and they made a documentary about that entire scenario. 18:13 In the documentary 18:14 the father of one of the eight-year-old boys 18:17 is singing, take the dearest things to me. 18:21 Ladye Love. 18:23 Can I say something about that? Sure. Sure. 18:25 I just-- I grew up singing this song too 18:27 and I had a-- we have a little trio 18:29 of three girls in our church 18:31 and we would sing this song. 18:32 And now Danny and Melody and Reggie I sing this 18:36 and every time we get to take the dearest things 18:38 I say Danny, you have to sing that verse 18:41 because that verse is hard, 18:42 take the dearest things to me 18:44 that's how it must be. 18:45 And in that time-- go ahead. 18:48 Shall I say the writer today pointed to you on this one. 18:52 It's your time today to sing, take the dearest things. 18:57 Take the dearest things to me 19:02 If that's how it must be 19:07 To draw me 19:10 Closer to Thee 19:17 Let the disappointments come 19:22 Lonely days without the sun 19:26 If in sorrow more like You 19:32 I'll become 19:35 Amen. 19:36 That's good singing. 19:37 I was at Brooklyn Tabernacle visiting my friends Jim Cymbala 19:42 and there was a 68-year-odl black lady 19:46 singing, take my houses and lands. 19:50 And she relate the story that when she was 51 19:54 God called her up and said sell your toys and go to Haiti 19:59 and start on orphanage. 20:01 She said, God, you got the wrong color 20:04 and you got the wrong phone number. 20:07 And God just right away say, excuse Me, I know your number 20:11 and I've got the right number and I've got the right color. 20:14 Sell your toys and go to Haiti and start an orphanage. 20:18 And so she did. 20:21 She sold her toys 20:22 and got on a plane that went to Haiti. 20:24 She got there. 20:25 She went to a hospital 20:27 and she went to the administrator 20:29 and said, I need babies. 20:31 God sent me here to start an orphanage, 20:33 I need babies from your hospital. 20:35 The administrator said, ma'am, I'm sorry. 20:39 All we have are children who are going to be dying. 20:42 They will be dying, 20:44 they will be dead before 4 o'clock 20:46 then the windowsill. 20:48 Puss in their eyes, these are the rejects. 20:52 She said, I need the babies. 20:54 They said, you can't have them. 20:55 They said, come back Monday. 20:57 She went on the streets and gathered people 20:59 to get cribs and clothing together. 21:02 She came back Monday, she said, I'm back. 21:05 And they pointed her 21:07 to windowsills with little children 21:08 who are going to be thrown away. 21:11 Puss in their eyes, she gathered up the children 21:14 and she started an orphanage 21:17 and today when I heard her when she was 68 years 21:20 she had 250 children in her orphanage 21:24 and over 100 ministers in that country 21:27 looking up to her for leadership. 21:30 And that was a 68-year-old black woman 21:34 who had corn in the crib 21:36 because she said, okay, 21:38 you said take my houses and lands 21:41 I did. 21:43 Take my houses and land 21:48 Change my dreams And my plans 21:54 For I'm placing My whole life in Your hands 22:03 And if You call me today 22:07 To a land far away 22:12 Lord, I will go 22:15 And Your will obey 22:20 They had a letter from a lady in Illinois. 22:23 She said my husband works to electric company. 22:26 She said he was on a telephone pole 22:28 and got electrocuted. 22:30 The doctor said, if he lives 22:32 he will be nothing but a vegetable. 22:35 That's how in the letter she says, 22:39 he is going to church this Sunday 22:41 and he is going to sing, 22:44 whatever it takes To draw closer 22:50 To you, Lord 22:52 Let's sing it. 22:54 That's what I'll be willing to do 23:03 And whatever it takes 23:08 To be more like You 23:13 That's what I'll be willing to do 23:22 I'll trade sunshine for rain 23:27 Comfort for pain 23:31 That's what I'll be willing to do 23:38 For whatever it takes 23:43 For my will to break 23:49 That's what I'll be willing to do 24:00 That's what I'll be 24:04 Willing to do 24:11 Lanny. 24:13 That's what 24:15 I'll be willing to do 24:21 Ladye Love. 24:24 That's what I'll be willing to do 24:34 That's what I'll be willing to do 24:41 Reggie. 24:42 Oh, Lord, that's What 24:46 I'll be willing 24:49 To do 24:58 Everybody. 25:01 That's what I'll be willing to do 25:10 That's what I'll be 25:14 willing to do 25:32 Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. 25:34 Lanny Wolfe, thank you so much 25:37 for allowing God to use you to write incredible songs 25:42 that have changed all our lives. 25:45 I started out in architecture engineering. 25:48 I got a scholarship twice in the university 25:50 and switched after the first semester 25:54 because I thought I can do this. 25:56 I stayed up till 3 o'clock in the morning 25:58 doing little models. 25:59 I can do this 26:01 but do I want to give my life for that? 26:03 For me personally I thought like 26:05 God had something different. 26:07 I went on I got a masters degree 26:08 in business administration, 26:10 a major in personal manager, minor in finance 26:12 which I absolutely hated. 26:15 Hated so much, 26:16 I had a class in stocks and bonds. 26:18 Some of you don't get this. 26:20 I had a class in stocks and bonds 26:22 that I took five weeks and hated so much. 26:25 I dropped it knowing, I have to pick it up again, 26:28 that's so much I hated. 26:31 And so after my first masters in business administration 26:35 God called me up and said, excuse Me, I have something 26:38 I really would like for you to do. 26:40 And so He said, I want you to write music 26:43 and I want you to teach music. 26:44 I went back to school first degree in music, 26:48 Southern Illinois University. 26:50 All right, Southern Illinois there you go. 26:52 And I'm started, 26:53 my first degree was San Jose State University. 26:55 That's right. We like the second one better. 26:57 The second one-- 26:59 the masters from Southern Illinois University. 27:01 Then a honorary doctor from California. 27:03 So five degrees, 14 years of college 27:07 and 700 songs and 40 musicals later 27:11 I can say that I've never worked a day in my life 27:14 because if you are doing 27:16 what God has given you passion for then it's with joy. 27:18 Yes. 27:19 Okay. 27:21 You never look at a clock, it's with joy. 27:22 And so every new song that God has ever given me 27:26 I have been so thrilled to thank that God 27:28 would have allow me to build songs 27:30 and not buildings. 27:31 Absolutely. The God be the glory. 27:33 All right, thank you so much. 27:34 That's a different song, different songwriter. 27:36 I didn't write it 27:39 and we are not singing it, aren't we? 27:43 Not today. Not today. 27:44 Not today. Not today. 27:47 Okay, but we are gonna do a song that you wrote. 27:50 In fact, this song has literally been sang 27:53 around the world maybe by more people than 27:56 will ever imagine until we get to heaven 27:59 and then we will know 28:00 what an impact this song has had on so many people 28:04 more than wonderful. 28:05 It has to have a story. 28:07 It does. 28:08 Well, let's hear a little bit about it 28:09 and then we got Reggie and Ladye Love Smith 28:12 whose gonna sing it. 28:14 And who doesn't love Reggie and Ladye singing 28:17 more than wonderful? 28:18 Absolutely. 28:19 I work to the publishing company 28:21 with enough songs for two Second Coming Musicals. 28:24 They quickly decided that churches weren't ready 28:27 to do Second Coming Musicals 28:29 but they were ready to do Christmas Musical. 28:32 So one of the CEO's have signed me, Isaiah 9:6. 28:37 Lanny, why don't you write a song about Isaiah 9:6? 28:40 Went home, wrote it, our Trio start singing, 28:44 we liked what we felt by people who respond to we sang it. 28:48 Came back, I played it for the CEO 28:52 and said, no, no Lanny, 28:55 you can really write a better song than that 28:57 and no we shouldn't put in the Christmas Musical. 29:00 I beg, borrowed, pleaded everything please, 29:04 so I talked him into it and then I said, 29:07 why don't we have Sandi Patty, Larnelle Harris do it. 29:11 And so we did. 29:12 They were not even in the studio 29:13 at the same time. 29:15 They put a dummy soprano vocal that didn't sound right but-- 29:19 We understand. 29:20 We understand. You know, what I mean. 29:22 Yeah, we understand. Start with soprano. 29:23 Yeah, like a stunt. 29:25 Stunt there you go, stunt boys. 29:26 Yes, and so Larnelle came in and worked around that 29:30 then Sandy came in and worked around Larnelle's 29:33 and when they went to mix it down 29:35 somebody just figured out it, what's happening here. 29:39 Well, I know what is word is called, its called anointing. 29:41 All right. 29:43 So they put it in 45, sent out to radio stations, 29:46 Sandy and Larnelle went to Gaither function thanks giving, 29:51 got a standing ovation. 29:53 Praise God. Praise God. 29:54 And so it was December of that year 29:58 and it wasn't even in sheet music 30:01 it was only in the Christmas musical 30:03 the usher called his name Jesus. 30:05 So I called and I said 30:06 we really needed in sheet music. 30:08 And they said, well, it's been a hard year, you know. 30:11 They ended up taking money out of office supplies 30:15 to put more of them in wonderful in sheet music 30:16 in December of 83. 30:19 I got a call when we were doing choir rehearsal 30:22 in February. 30:24 Somebody said, did you know that Sandi and Larnelle 30:26 just got a Grammy for their performance of 30:28 "More Than Wonderful." 30:29 I didn't even know they were up for it. 30:31 So that was February in April it got song of the year. 30:36 I got songwriter of the year. 30:38 I believe Sandi got female vocalist, 30:40 Larnelle male vocalist. 30:41 Just and-- so I went back to the CEO after that, 30:47 you know, when Sandi and Larnrelle 30:49 were singing it at a church in 30:51 I believe Fort Worth, Texas, they brought us up on the stage 30:54 and saw him standing beside the CEO 30:56 and he leans over to me 30:58 and he says, who said it couldn't fly? 31:02 Yeah, who said it couldn't fly. 31:03 Yeah, I'll tell you who said it couldn't fly, God. 31:07 That's more than wonderful. 31:08 Yeah. That's the song. 31:09 CEO thought it couldn't fly 31:11 but then he blamed it on you later or somebody right, 31:13 who said it couldn't fly but it did. 31:14 It did fly. 31:16 And it's still flying and its about two now 31:17 Reggie and Ladye Love, 31:19 we are looking forward to you singing more than wonderful. 31:38 He promised us 31:41 That He would be a counselor 31:46 A Mighty God 31:48 And the Prince of Peace 31:53 He promised us That He would be a Father 32:00 And that He would love us 32:03 With a love That would not cease 32:07 Well, I tried Him 32:11 And I found His promises are true 32:15 He's everything He said 32:19 That He would be 32:22 The finest words I know 32:26 Could not begin to tell 32:29 Just what Jesus really 32:32 Means to me 32:37 For He's more wonderful 32:44 Than my mind can conceive 32:48 He's more wonderful 32:51 Than my heart can believe 32:54 He goes beyond My highest hopes 33:00 And fondest dreams 33:07 He's everything 33:11 That my soul ever longed for 33:15 Everything He's promised 33:17 And so much more 33:20 He is more about amazing 33:24 More than marvelous 33:27 More than miraculous 33:30 Could ever be 33:33 He's more than wonderful 33:37 That's what Jesus is to me 33:57 I stand amazed when I think 34:00 That the King of glory 34:03 Should come to live 34:06 Within the heart of man 34:10 Oh, I marvel just to know 34:14 He really loves me 34:18 When I think of who He is 34:21 And who I am 34:25 For He's more wonderful 34:33 Than my mind can conceive 34:36 He's more wonderful 34:39 Than my heart can believe 34:43 He goes beyond my highest hopes 34:48 And fondest dreams 34:55 He's everything 34:59 That my soul ever longed for 35:03 Everything He's promised And so much more 35:09 He is more than amazing More than marvelous 35:16 More than miraculous Could ever be 35:22 He's more than wonderful 35:25 That's what Jesus is to me 35:32 He is to me 35:38 He is everything that my soul 35:44 Everything He promised And so much more 35:50 More than amazing More than amazing 35:53 More than marvelous More than marvelous 35:56 More than miraculous 36:00 Could ever be 36:02 He's more than wonderful 36:06 More than wonderful 36:09 That's what Jesus 36:14 That's what Jesus is 36:17 To me 36:23 He is wonderful that's what 36:27 That's what Jesus is 36:31 To me 36:35 He is to me 36:46 Glory. 36:47 Hallelujah. That's so wonderful. 36:48 Isn't that amazing? 36:50 Absolutely. 36:52 Holy Spirit's is all over here folks, 36:53 I don't know about at home. 36:55 Absolutely incredible. 36:58 Lanny playing and you guys singing 37:01 and all of us back here praising the Lord. 37:03 This little taste to heaven I want to tell you what, 37:06 more than wonderful. 37:07 At this, you guys incredible. 37:10 These folks are incredible. 37:12 I mean, they are-- I don't really, I look around 37:14 anywhere I don't see anybody in secular music anywhere 37:17 more gifted than the folks that you see here 37:20 and absolutely songwriters Reggie and Ladye Love, 37:23 I mean incredible talents 37:25 but they love Jesus and using their talents. 37:27 Aren't you all glad they are on God side, right? 37:31 We got lot of folk back here 37:32 all these folks from singing and being gifted. 37:34 What a privilege it is for us to be here today with your 37:38 Brother Lanny and to come up here 37:40 and just sit down and let us do some of your songs 37:43 that minister to us personally. 37:46 What are we gonna do next? 37:48 The amazing thing about that song is 37:49 every time I hear its 37:51 as if I'm hearing it for the first time. 37:53 Okay. Amen. 37:54 It has that magic. Yeah. 37:56 You know, the magic that maybe 37:58 a child feels the first time he goes to Disney Land. 38:02 I would certainly say that. 38:04 I feel that just magic every time I hear. 38:07 I was-- We call that Holy Spirit-- 38:08 Yes. 38:10 But you call it magic if you want. 38:11 Yeah. 38:13 Thirty thousand miles over Cincinnati 38:15 and the Lord gave me this song. 38:17 Cherish that beautiful name 38:23 Cherish that wonderful name 38:29 Let's sing it. 38:30 Cherish that matchless name 38:38 That name is Jesus 38:45 Cherish that beautiful name 38:52 Cherish 38:55 That wonderful name 39:00 Cherish that matchless name 39:08 That name is Jesus 39:17 And I love the thrill That I feel 39:20 When I get together with 39:23 God's wonderful people 39:25 I love the thrill that I feel 39:27 When I get together with 39:30 God's wonderful people 39:32 What a sight just to see All the happy faces 39:37 Praising God in heavenly places 39:40 I love the thrill that I feel 39:42 When I get together with 39:44 God's wonderful people 39:50 Trio was out on the road, got on the bus to refuel 39:54 and we went to Stuckey's. 39:56 Remember Stuckey's? 39:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 39:58 So we would get gas and pecans at Stuckey's. 40:02 So went in and I saw these wooden plaques, remember those, 40:06 in the wireframe and this one caught my attention. 40:09 I looked at it. 40:10 Said, "funny how I keep falling 40:12 in love with you over and over again." 40:14 That's intriguing. 40:15 So I took the wood plaque out of the rack, 40:18 went up paid for the gas, the pecans 40:21 and a dollar for the wooden plaque 40:25 and went back out to the bus and wrote a song 40:27 and got my dollars worth back many, many times. 40:31 I keep falling in love with Him 40:34 Over and over and over and over again 40:39 I keep falling in love with Him 40:42 Over and over and over and over again 40:47 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by 40:51 Oh what a love between my Lord and I 40:55 Just keep falling in love with Him 40:57 Over and over and over 41:00 and over again 41:08 I loved you then 41:11 I love you now 41:14 But much we are now in name 41:19 For in the end between I found 41:24 You became my dearest friend 41:30 And with each day you bring my way 41:34 Joy I've had never known before 41:39 And only one way I would have to say 41:44 I lean upon you more and more 41:50 More than ever before, 41:56 Lord I love you 42:01 More than ever before, 42:07 Lord I need you 42:12 More than ever before, 42:17 I've got to tell you 42:22 I love you now 42:26 more than ever 42:30 before 42:35 I love Him too much 42:41 to fail Him now 42:46 Too much to break 42:51 my vow 42:54 For I promised the Lord 42:56 that I would make it somehow 43:01 And now I love Him 43:05 too much to fail 43:10 Would you try to sing it with me? 43:12 I love Him too much 43:17 to fail Him now 43:22 Too much to break 43:28 my vow 43:30 For I promised the Lord 43:34 that I would make it somehow 43:39 And now I love Him too much 43:45 to fail Him now 43:50 Because? 43:51 Greater is He that is in me 43:54 Greater is He that is in me 43:58 Greater is He that is in me 44:00 Then he that is in the world 44:04 Satan's like a roaring lion 44:08 Roaming to and fro 44:11 Seeking whom he may devour 44:14 The Bible tells me so 44:17 And many souls have been his prey 44:21 To fall in some week hour 44:24 But God has warmed us today 44:28 His overcoming power 44:31 Greater is He that is in me 44:34 Greater is He that is in me 44:37 Greater is He that is in me 44:40 Then he that is in the world 44:45 I feel good I feel good 44:49 Just to know I've been redeemed 44:51 Makes me feel good! 44:52 Hallelujah I feel good 44:56 I feel good 44:58 Just to know I've been redeemed 45:00 Makes me feel good! 45:03 I feel good I feel good 45:07 Just to know I've been redeemed 45:09 Makes me feel good! 45:11 Hallelujah 45:12 I feel good I feel good 45:16 Just to know I've been redeemed 45:18 Makes me feel good! 45:20 One more time. 45:21 I feel good I feel good 45:26 Just to know I've been redeemed 45:28 Makes me feel good! 45:30 I feel good I feel good 45:35 Just to know I've been redeemed 45:37 Makes me feel good! 45:40 Someday a company called the Benson Company 45:45 and asked for permission to use this song. 45:49 Thank God the Benson Company said 45:51 this is for a spiritual renal platform 45:55 and a spiritual awaking when God comes into your life 45:57 then you can say I feel good, 45:59 not just because you lost 50 pounds. 46:04 I love it. 46:05 Now, I don't know I might have missed something 46:07 but we talked about a few songs that we might do 46:09 and I don't know if any of those last-- 46:13 we are gonna do any of those 46:14 but you all seem to know. 46:15 I just snuck that in. 46:17 Yeah, its great 46:18 because I'm surprised how many of us 46:20 and I'm sure the folks at home said, I didn't know 46:23 Now I knew those words. 46:24 All of a sudden you made a tremendous impact 46:27 on the Christian world and the world in general 46:30 because I know there has to be tremendous 46:32 amount of people who never intended 46:34 to tune in to that radio station or that television station 46:38 and here is more than wonderful 46:41 to hear so many sure good friends. 46:44 The Lord is in this place, they didn't intend it, 46:48 came away knowing the Lord Jesus Christ 46:52 is Lord and Savior of life. 46:53 It's no doubt about it. 46:55 I want to go back right now 46:56 and just do that surely your chorus again. 46:58 Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. 47:00 Everybody just sing, those at home. 47:03 Surely the presence 47:08 of the Lord is in this place 47:14 I can feel His mighty power 47:18 and His grace 47:23 I can hear the brush of angel's wings 47:29 I see glory on each face 47:35 Surely the presence 47:39 of the Lord 47:42 is in this place 47:48 I'm happy in the Lord today. 47:49 How about you? 47:51 Yvonne, give us a little testimony. 47:53 You know, I didn't grow up-- 47:54 Stand up here. Come up here. 47:55 I didn't grow up with Lanny's songs 47:59 and as I listened to them 48:01 these songs are really transforming. 48:04 And I'm not just saying 48:05 that because you are sitting here 48:07 but they are truly beautiful. 48:08 And when we sing about 48:09 "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place" 48:12 we can feel His presence. 48:15 And so I too thank you for being obedient 48:18 and for being that can't do it 48:20 through which the Holy Spirit has blessed us 48:24 and has brought us closer to Jesus. 48:26 So thank you. Now, C.A. 48:28 The Bible says that holy men of God 48:30 wrote as I'm moved by the Holy Spirit 48:33 and I believe that holy men of God also wrote music, 48:37 has moved by the Holy Spirit 48:39 because as Yvonne said music is so John, transformational. 48:44 It can transport you from where you are right 48:47 through the very gates of heavens. 48:49 In fact, right through the very throne of God. 48:51 And I think God has pleased sometimes 48:53 to just touch a person for whatever reason 48:56 He says, I'm gonna give you this gift 48:58 and then when you return that gift to Me, 49:01 your talent becomes ministry 49:04 and your talent will save people, 49:06 will turn people to Me. 49:08 That's what we experienced today. 49:09 That's what we are experiencing now. 49:11 Hallelujah. Everett. 49:14 I'm-- I grew up playing Lanny songs 49:19 because everybody I had played for church 49:20 wanted to sing Lanny Wolfe song. 49:23 So I ask him how many books that he had published 49:26 and I had all three volumes which I lost in the house fire 49:29 when we had the house fire. 49:30 But I didn't always know the words 49:33 but I know the moves, I know the chords, 49:35 I know the originals that are only Lanny's. 49:38 And so they have touched me musically. 49:40 I thank you for using your gift for God, Lanny. 49:43 Amen. Lisa. 49:47 Well, someone on telling my age or all of our ages 49:49 I guess but Yvonne said do you know these songs 49:52 and I said the Shelton's have been singing 49:53 these songs for 40 years 49:56 it seems like 49:58 and they have been tremendous and as E.T. said, 50:01 everybody always wanted the new Lanny Wolfe song 50:04 what it was because we knew that it was gonna be great. 50:07 We knew that it was gonna touch people. 50:10 We knew that everyone was gonna get a blessing from the words. 50:13 So I appreciate so much 50:15 what Lanny has contributed to this music world. 50:20 Me too. 50:22 I learned to play by the, we called them records 50:25 I don't know, you know, 50:27 why but we put them on and learned to slow them down 50:31 and work out those pieces or sometimes 50:33 my younger sister would work them out 50:34 and I would look over kind of like 50:37 I'm doing now and learning a little move here and there. 50:39 But I praise God 50:41 for your talent and your ability 50:42 and thank Him for sending you where I could hear it 50:45 and where I could learn to be influence by it. 50:47 Takes us back to old academy days 50:49 and singing with a girls Trio 50:53 and we recorded your songs 50:55 and we learned to praise the Lord through them 50:57 because that's what that brings out of you 50:59 is praise and worship for the Lord. 51:01 Hallelujah. 51:03 John, you sing he's worth of the heritage singers. 51:07 You know, just meeting Lanny and hearing the songs today 51:12 I said to him as we sat at lunch I said, 51:13 I sing these in heritage years ago. 51:16 Starting from 84 and even part time up to 2009 51:20 but someone is praying for you that was the song Lanny, 51:23 that we always would do just before our last song. 51:26 And the group would sing 51:27 that I would step forward and do the altar call. 51:29 Never knew who wrote it. 51:30 And we would begin our concerts with it. 51:32 "I just keep for" and never knew who wrote it. 51:36 And the other songs and even some of the earlier 51:39 ones today as we were rehearsing 51:40 and some of the ones we did here. 51:42 I said to Lanny earlier, one I heard that song, 51:46 I saw the vinyl all over again. 51:47 I saw their album cover 51:50 and I saw you standing there in your white suit 51:52 with your red shirt back in the 70s-- 51:55 Let's sing a song about Jesus. 51:58 And I thought to myself, amazing. 52:01 But you know, I'm thinking Danny, 52:02 as I was listening to the testimonies 52:03 the power of one 52:05 and you thing of what difference 52:07 the world would have been if Lanny wasn't born. 52:11 How many songs would have been missing 52:13 from the lives of millions around this planet? 52:16 I sing the song More Than Wonderful" 52:18 back in my earlier days when my voice was much higher 52:21 and I'd think I never knew who this man was. 52:24 Back in 1983 when it just first came out 52:27 but I'm privileged to know 52:28 that the Lord has lined up his spiritual people today 52:33 to be able to look back to find courage to go forward. 52:36 And everything that God has done in your life 52:40 you have had the blessing to be able to plant 52:42 that in the lives of millions 52:44 and Lanny, you will never know 52:46 until you make it to the kingdom 52:48 how much these songs 52:49 have helped people through dark nights, 52:51 through difficult days. 52:53 And as you said that earlier 52:54 when you were speaking of "Whatever It Takes" 52:57 I remember singing that song and it was always that song 53:00 that brought tears to the eyes of the groups, 53:02 members when we were singing that "Whatever It Takes." 53:04 Praise the Lord 53:06 that God has made the difference in our lives. 53:07 It used to do with "Someone Is Praying? 53:09 "Someone Is Praying For You" 53:10 we always did that during the concert. 53:12 Did that fit you, John, right there? 53:13 Let's try it. Okay. 53:16 Someone is praying 53:21 for you 53:27 Someone is praying 53:31 for you 53:35 So when it seems you're all alone 53:40 And your heart would break in two 53:45 Remember someone is praying 53:51 for you 53:56 Someone is praying 54:01 for you 54:06 Someone is praying 54:11 for you 54:14 So when it seems you're all alone 54:20 And your heart would break in two 54:25 Remember someone is praying 54:31 for you 54:36 Someone is praying 54:40 for you 54:45 Someone is praying 54:49 for you 54:52 Missionary to Korea with some sick 54:55 she couldn't pray for herself. 54:58 Wish she came back to the States for furlough, 55:01 a lady in Michigan said, sister of so and so, 55:04 what were you doing on such and such a date? 55:07 And the missionary said that was the very day 55:10 that I was so sick that I couldn't pray for myself. 55:14 This sister in Michigan said, that was the very night 55:18 that God woke me up in the middle of the night 55:22 and said get out of bed 55:23 and pray for Sister Loretto Bernard. 55:27 God halfway around the world, that's God's network. 55:31 That's right. 55:32 It's bigger than AT&T and spreading all up. 55:35 And so when you are going through the hard time, 55:37 when you are going through a trial 55:39 and you think you are all alone, 55:40 you are not all alone. 55:41 That's right. 55:43 The God you serve knows 55:44 where you are and what's going on. 55:47 And when you feel like you maybe at your weakest 55:50 remember God who is the strongest 55:53 can put your name on somebody's heart 55:56 halfway around the world. 55:59 Remember someone is praying 56:04 for you 56:06 Right now. 56:09 Someone is praying 56:13 for you 56:17 So when it seems you're all alone 56:22 And your heart would break in two 56:27 Remember someone 56:30 is praying for you 56:35 We only have a few seconds left 56:37 and I'm sure some of you want to know how to contact 56:40 Lanny Wolfe for his music, CDs, 56:42 not only what he has done song books, 56:44 materials that have changed all of our lives. 56:47 If you want to do that you may do so at the following address. 56:53 If you would like to contact Lanny Wolfe 56:55 for more information on the products 56:56 he has available you can do so by writing to, 57:00 Paradigm Music Productions, Inc. 57:02 PO Box 1957, Sugar Land, 57:06 Texas, 77478-1957. 57:10 That's Paradigm Music Productions, Inc. 57:13 PO Box 1957, Sugar Land, 57:17 Texas, 77478-1957. 57:21 For bookings you can call 281-772-2762, 57:26 that's 281-772-2762. 57:31 You can visit them online at 57:35 or you can email them at 57:39 You can also find them on Facebook 57:42 at Paradigm Music Productions, Inc. 57:45 The Lanny Wolfe Trio. 57:51 Well, I hate to say it but our time 57:52 has just about all gone for today. 57:54 You all been blessed. Amen. 57:56 I've been blessed so much. 57:58 Lanny, well, thank you so much 58:00 for coming and sharing your talents and your music 58:01 that have literally blessed a nation. 58:04 For those of you at home, our time is all gone. 58:06 Until we see you next time, may the Lord richly bless you 58:09 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think. |
Revised 2015-09-10