3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015056A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:13 We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing
01:20 He chastens and hastens His will to make known
01:28 The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing
01:35 Sing praises to His Name,
01:38 He forgets not His own
01:43 We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant
01:50 And pray that Thou still our Defender will be
01:58 Let Thy congregation escape tribulation
02:05 Thy Name be ever praised!
02:09 O Lord, make us free!
02:16 Hello and welcome to 3ABN family worship.
02:20 If you're watching on a Friday evening
02:23 then you are just preparing to go into the Sabbath.
02:26 And depending on where you are in the world
02:27 you maybe into the Sabbath hours
02:29 or on the eve of the Sabbath hours
02:31 or in expectance see of the Sabbath hours
02:35 and we welcome.
02:36 If you are watching on Saturday evening
02:38 then you are expecting a brand new week
02:40 and you have just concluded
02:42 or are concluding with us the sacred Sabbath hours.
02:45 So we welcome you to our family worship.
02:47 Now family as a word means a lot of things.
02:50 There is the blood family
02:52 and we have blood family members here.
02:54 My wife is here, Jorge Jaque and his wife
02:56 and mother-in-law and daughter are here.
02:58 So that's family.
02:59 But family can also mean groups of people
03:02 who are gathered together by specific common bonds.
03:05 By bonds of faith, by bonds of love,
03:08 by bonds of friendship, by bonds of working together.
03:12 So the word family has many, many meanings
03:16 and your family maybe those
03:18 who are part of your immediate family,
03:20 your siblings, your parents, your children,
03:22 your cousins, your aunts,
03:23 but there may be people who believe as you do,
03:26 who pray as you do, who preach as you do,
03:28 who go to the same church they are also your family.
03:31 Your neighbor friends maybe part of your family.
03:34 So whatever definition of family you have today,
03:37 we welcome you to this family,
03:39 this there I say rainbow family of different hues
03:44 and different--
03:46 we come different places
03:47 but we are heading to the same place
03:49 and that's to the kingdom of God.
03:50 We are heading towards heaven.
03:52 And so we want you to join us this day
03:54 as we worship God in spirit in truth
03:57 as we celebrate the Sabbath day
03:59 which is either just coming in for you
04:01 or which has just left regardless of how
04:04 you find yourself at this point and time.
04:06 Would you now celebrate with us as we pray together,
04:09 sing together, worship together on this family worship?
04:13 We want to go to a very popular song
04:16 in the Seventh-day Adventist church
04:18 and really around the world
04:19 and that's "Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!"
04:22 If you have the hymnal
04:23 it is 338, how it shall be.
04:29 So let's go to 338 and sing all three stanzas of "Redeemed,
04:34 How I Love to Proclaim It!"
04:41 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
04:45 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
04:49 Redeemed thro' His infinite mercy
04:53 His child, and forever, I am
04:58 Redeemed, redeemed
05:02 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:06 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
05:10 His child and forever I am
05:15 I think of my blessed Redeemer
05:19 I think of Him all the day long
05:24 I sing, for I cannot be silent
05:28 His love is the theme of my song
05:32 Redeemed, redeemed
05:36 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
05:41 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
05:45 His child and forever I am
05:50 I know I shall see in His beauty
05:54 The King in whose law I delight
05:59 Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps
06:03 And giveth me songs in the night
06:07 Redeemed, redeemed
06:12 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
06:16 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
06:21 His child and forever I am
06:27 Amen.
06:28 Let me introduce to you
06:30 the members of this particular family
06:32 for tonight's worship.
06:33 We have Jorge Jaque, and Lynette and Betty and Irma
06:36 and Noelia and I'm C.A.,
06:38 and welcome you to our worship experience.
06:41 In the ancient Greek, just going back over
06:45 some of the things that we started in school
06:47 on Friday the day was called Paraskevi,
06:53 which means the day just before
06:55 or in preparation of or the day
06:57 that stands along side the Sabbath day.
07:00 The Hebrew word was Yom Shishi
07:03 which had the same meaning,
07:04 the day that stands beside the Sabbath day.
07:07 And what is interesting about the ancient Hebrew
07:10 and the ancient Greek,
07:12 you are confused about the days of week
07:14 because they were all just opposed to the Sabbath.
07:20 You had Kyriake or Sunday.
07:23 The original term was prote which was first day
07:26 and then the Greeks marked off the days,
07:28 first day, second day, third day,
07:30 fourth day, fifth day, sixth day
07:31 or eve of the Sabbath and then Sabbath.
07:34 So there was no confusion about the days.
07:36 This Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
07:38 stuff came in a lot later.
07:39 But you are ancient Greek you would say
07:41 I will see you on the third day.
07:43 So there's no doubt about the day that's gonna see you
07:45 because three days of now we are gonna be together
07:47 or I would see you on the eve of the Sabbath
07:50 and the Hebrew's were much more
07:53 dependent upon the Sabbath for their numbering.
07:55 Their days were one, heading to the Sabbath,
07:59 two, heading to the Sabbath, three, heading to the Sabbath,
08:02 four, heading to the Sabbath, five, heading to the Sabbath,
08:06 eve of the Sabbath and Sabbath.
08:08 So you couldn't get confused.
08:10 Yeah, it's interesting that Portuguese right now
08:12 has a modern language.
08:14 Has the same-- I mean, name for the days.
08:19 Monday is the second, Tuesday is the third
08:22 and so on, so on until Friday which is the sixth,
08:25 sixth day of the week.
08:26 They call it second, third, fourth and till the sixth.
08:32 And the Sabbath is Sabbath.
08:33 I did not know that, that's makes
08:35 so much more much easier
08:38 certainly to figure out your days
08:40 because everything is based on the central day of the week
08:43 which they say as Sabbath.
08:44 So you had, one, two, three,
08:46 four, five, preparation, Sabbath.
08:48 That's nice and neat.
08:49 That alone affirms the seventh day.
08:52 If anybody ask a question of calendars be changed
08:56 or been tried to be changed you cannot go wrong with them.
09:01 Sunday eventually became Kyriakos or Lord' day
09:05 or Kyriake, Lord's day but originally it was prote,
09:08 proti which is simply first day.
09:10 So your numbers weren't right up towards Sabbath
09:12 and particularly the ancient Hebrews they--
09:15 everything was based on the Sabbath.
09:18 On the Sabbath you had a extra loaf of bread to eat.
09:22 You had a nice Sabbath meal.
09:24 They tried to make the Sabbath a very special day,
09:26 a very exciting day, a very happy day for the family
09:30 and for the young people.
09:32 It wasn't a dry, formal day but it was a day of gladness,
09:35 a day of celebration, a day of joy,
09:38 a day that was looked forward to
09:40 and a day that was much anticipated
09:42 by the ancient Hebrews.
09:44 And I think that's how we should celebrate
09:45 the Sabbath day, shouldn't we?
09:46 It ought to be a day of celebration,
09:48 a day of joy yeah,
09:49 for those of us who preach and teach
09:51 it is not necessarily a rest day
09:54 although it is a change of Labor Day.
09:57 You are not working for yourself,
09:59 you are working for the Lord, right?
10:00 Yeah, there are some--
10:02 we have had this conversation not too long ago with the kids.
10:06 Sometimes like for instance,
10:08 somebody needs to help another person
10:10 like a doctor or nurse,
10:12 somebody got hurt on the Sabbath day,
10:14 Sabbath day say they service.
10:16 So a doctor would serve
10:18 somebody helping them to feel better
10:20 and same thing with our firefighter for instance.
10:24 If a house is burning down we have to, we need help
10:30 and Sabbath is a day of service.
10:32 Yes, Christ had his lawful to do good on a Sabbath.
10:34 I'll tell you a quick story.
10:36 Years ago one of my elders
10:38 of my church in Freeport, Long Island,
10:39 his burnt on Friday night and it burnt into the morning.
10:43 So we are all in church in our suits and ties
10:45 and I got word just before the sermon
10:48 that his house was still on fire.
10:52 And so I stood up for the sermon,
10:54 I said the sermon for today is go home, change your clothes
10:59 and we are going to help our elder.
11:01 And someone said, is that the sermon?
11:02 I said that's it.
11:04 Stand for the benediction. God bless you.
11:05 I will see you in Brooklyn
11:07 and we spent the Sabbath afternoon helping him--
11:10 you know there was water everywhere
11:12 and some of the ladies cooked food
11:14 and we spent the Sabbath day helping our brother
11:16 who needed our help.
11:17 And I think that's also a good way
11:19 leading to observe the Sabbath,
11:22 yeah, helping those who are in need.
11:25 Yeah. So we have done that.
11:26 And on Friday evenings or in the night Sid,
11:29 and she plays the piano little bit.
11:31 She doesn't like to let that get out
11:33 but she plays, she plugs
11:35 and she has been playing for many years.
11:36 She plugs and we sing and we praise the Lord.
11:40 But it's good to separate yourself from the week,
11:43 from the work a day week, from the rushing
11:46 and the hustle and the bustle
11:47 and kind of slowdown a little bit
11:49 and serve, and serve the Lord.
11:51 You know, my sister has a situation
11:55 since last this last year.
11:58 She is having two grandchildren with her to go to school
12:02 and so they basically living with them.
12:06 When she went for to put in, in their hearts
12:13 and their minds about the Sabbath
12:15 is that Friday night-- the every Friday night
12:18 they have the same exact meal.
12:21 And the little one's like pizzas
12:23 so every Friday night they have pizza.
12:26 So now when the children, when Thursday is coming
12:30 they are all very excited for Friday
12:33 that Sabbath is coming
12:35 so we are having pizza on Friday night
12:38 and I think that's such a wonderful thing
12:40 because they are coming into the Sabbath,
12:44 very happy and looking forward to
12:46 not just the pizza but reminds them of Jesus.
12:50 Definitely, they love the routine of Sabbath,
12:54 it's really important
12:55 and that's something that my husband
12:57 and I have been trying to maintain
12:59 and enhance and allow to evolve if you will
13:03 as the children grow,
13:06 the same thing you did when they were two or three
13:08 isn't gonna ramp them up and get them excited.
13:10 So you find new materials, new things.
13:13 Sometimes it gets pretty silly
13:15 when you are getting ready to walk on the Sabbath
13:17 and why shouldn't it be a little bit
13:19 so because that joyfulness needs to come through,
13:22 especially with the kids.
13:24 You just want to make it such a part of your family
13:27 that they will carry with them into adult hood
13:29 and on to their families.
13:30 Yeah. Yeah.
13:32 The ancient Hebrews really fought
13:33 against making the Sabbath a dry formal day.
13:37 Now by the time of Christ the Pharisees
13:39 and the Sadducees in particular
13:41 had put so much legislation on the Sabbath
13:45 in trying not to offend the Sabbath
13:48 they over legislated the Sabbath.
13:49 You going what 3,000 steps,
13:51 you gonna do this, you can't do that,
13:52 you can do this, you can't do that.
13:54 They actually took the joy out of the Sabbath
13:56 but the original intent
13:58 was for the Sabbath to be a happy day.
14:00 We used to sing in school in Sabbath school,
14:03 "Sabbath is a happy day, happy day, happy day."
14:06 You know, and to have the young people
14:09 and stand it is a happy day.
14:10 It is a day for joy. It is a day for excitement.
14:12 And maybe just a little silliness in the Lord
14:15 so that they anticipate the coming of the Sabbath
14:18 and not dread the coming of the Sabbath, yeah,
14:21 and we praise the Lord for that.
14:23 Got a little reading
14:24 from our morning watch that I found
14:26 those very, very interesting
14:28 and we want to just take a look at this just now
14:32 and then maybe I will have you, you guys listen
14:38 and then sort of respond to this reading.
14:43 It's entitled Kind and Courteous words
14:46 and it comes from Isaiah 50:4.
14:49 "The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned,
14:53 that I should know how to speak a word in season
14:56 to him that is weary, he wakeneth morning by morning,
15:01 and wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned."
15:05 Isaiah 50:4.
15:08 "What Christ was in His earth--
15:11 in His life on this earth that every Christian is to be.
15:16 He is our example,
15:17 not only in His spotless purity,
15:19 but in His patience, gentleness,
15:22 winsomeness of disposition.
15:26 He was firm as a rock
15:28 where truth and duty were concerned,
15:30 but He was invariably kind and courteous.
15:34 His life was a perfect illustration of true courtesy.
15:38 His presence brought
15:40 a purer atmosphere into the home,
15:42 and His life was as leaven
15:44 working amid the elements of society.
15:47 Harmless and undefiled,
15:49 He walked among the thoughtless,
15:51 the rude, the uncourteous amid the unjust publicans,
15:57 the unrighteous Samaritans, the heathen soldiers,
16:01 the rough peasants, and the mixed multitude.
16:05 He spoke a word of sympathy here
16:07 and a word there
16:08 as He saw men weary
16:10 and compelled to bear heavy burdens.
16:12 He shared their burdens and repeated to them
16:15 the lessons He had learned from nature,
16:18 of the love, the kindness, the goodness of God.
16:22 He sought to inspire with hope the most rough,
16:25 unpromising, setting before them
16:28 the assurance that they might become
16:31 blameless and harmless,
16:34 attaining such a character
16:35 as would make them manifest as children of God.
16:40 Jesus sat an honored guest at the table of the publicans,
16:45 by His sympathy and social kindliness
16:47 showing that He recognized the dignity of humanity
16:51 and men longed to become worthy of His confidence.
16:55 Upon their thirsty souls His words fell
16:59 with blessed, life-giving power.
17:02 New impulses were awakened,
17:05 and the possibility of a new life opened to" those
17:08 or rather "to these outcasts of society.
17:12 The religion of Jesus softens whatever is hard
17:17 and rough in the temper
17:19 and smooth's off whatever is rugged
17:22 and sharp in the manners.
17:26 It is this religion that makes the words gentle
17:30 and the demeanor winning.
17:32 Let us learn from Christ
17:33 how to combine a high sense of purity
17:37 and integrity with sunniness of disposition.
17:41 A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument
17:46 that can be produced in favor of the gospel."
17:50 I will read that last line again.
17:52 "A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument
17:58 that can be produced in favor of the gospel."
18:04 It's a powerful reading.
18:06 Anybody want to comment on that,
18:07 what does it say to you
18:09 this reading about being like Christ?
18:11 Always impacted the way that Jesus related to other people
18:17 and its repeated over and over in the gospel that
18:22 He wasn't surrounded necessarily by the nice people
18:27 or the politically correct people.
18:31 He was always surrounded with people
18:33 they were at the age of being either thieves
18:37 or not very good reputation
18:41 and with that it seems like
18:44 He was in a way involving Himself with a wrong crowd.
18:51 But what you've read the last part
18:53 that was so powerful because a kind spirit
18:58 this loving attitude that He had to everybody
19:02 it was transforming the hearts of those people.
19:05 So I always think
19:08 how important for us is not to discriminate against the--
19:14 what we see or recognize as something
19:17 that is outside of a person.
19:20 Well, I'm not gonna get involved
19:21 with this person or that person
19:23 because he is too rough or they seem not very kind.
19:28 By the contrary we need to reach out to them
19:31 and do what Jesus did.
19:35 Yeah, it really illustrates the potency
19:38 of a Christ like life of trying to live your life.
19:43 You may never say a word to them about the Bible
19:45 but if they see you behaving
19:48 in this wonderful kind loving manner,
19:52 it can turn aside all sorts of their evil
19:54 in their lives and in their hearts.
19:56 Well, said.
19:57 Anything that whatever there is a contrast
20:00 that are people that are going to observe
20:05 and its gonna be called the attention--
20:08 Even if you don't want them to be observing
20:10 you, you need to be--
20:11 Exactly. Living true to your faith.
20:13 And so the difference between Christ example
20:19 and the people surrounding Him was a big contrast.
20:24 And so it was something to look and its what the way
20:29 its supposed to be with us now a days.
20:32 A couple of things pop out at me in thinking about this.
20:37 I was saying someone--
20:38 something to someone the other day
20:39 to the effect that there is no really call--
20:44 real call of the Bible for people to be nice to us.
20:47 The Bible doesn't say people have to be nice to me.
20:50 The Bible says I have to be nice to them.
20:52 So its not okay, well,
20:54 you treat me nice, I will treat you nice.
20:55 You don't treat me nice and-- that's not,
20:58 Bible doesn't do that kind of tit for tat thing.
20:59 That's a very good.
21:01 Yeah, there is no, there is no,
21:02 there is no calling that Bible says
21:03 people have to treat me nice.
21:06 The call is for me
21:08 to let Christ love shine out of my life
21:10 regardless of how I'm treated
21:13 and not to wait to be treated nice
21:16 but to start by treating nice.
21:17 And usually nice begins nice.
21:21 You know if you start with nice, you send out nice,
21:25 nice comes back even if un-nice comes
21:28 you got to send out nice
21:30 because the call on you is to live like Christ
21:32 so that they can see Christ in you.
21:35 Is that not so, you agree?
21:36 Yeah, absolutely.
21:37 Absolutely. Absolutely.
21:39 Yeah, so its very important that we that--
21:41 and then too and I like this
21:44 we are told that wherever Christ is in a life
21:47 it tends to smooth off the rough edges, amen.
21:50 You know it does, it tends to smooth off the rough edges
21:53 and makes the Christian kinder and more inviting.
21:58 And here's a thing Imra, Betty, Lynette, Jorge, Noelia.
22:05 When I say to you Lynette, how are you doing today?
22:09 That's a courtesy
22:11 and that's something that Christians ought to do.
22:13 But it doesn't necessarily mean
22:15 that I'm ready to hear every ache, pain,
22:18 its glitch that you got.
22:19 You know what I'm saying?
22:21 If-- and I think we need to be honest
22:23 you are gonna having a good day,
22:24 I'm gonna having a good day.
22:26 But if every time I see Lynette and I say,
22:30 how you are doing and I get oh boy,
22:33 its-- I'm ready to jump off the cliff.
22:35 This is it, you know, after a while I'm gonna say,
22:39 hey God bless you.
22:41 You know, I'm not gonna ask.
22:43 So if God is in your life
22:46 you got something to praise that Lord for it.
22:49 And no life is all party.
22:51 No life is all sunshine.
22:53 I have a good Korean friend that says,
22:54 if a person who laughs all the time
22:56 has a mental problem.
22:58 It's a Koran proverb, you know.
23:00 He says if he is smiling lot of time
23:02 something is wrong out there.
23:03 But having said that
23:05 there ought to be enough in the Christian life
23:08 for us to say even in the bad times
23:11 God is good and its going to be all right.
23:13 Don't you think?
23:14 Yes. Yeah.
23:15 I think also that to me practice is very important.
23:20 You know, there are things that doesn't come out of us so easy,
23:24 especially when you are not having,
23:26 you are not having a good day or yes,
23:29 you see people that, you know,
23:31 don't necessarily are too happy with but,
23:35 you know, as you practice
23:37 and as you ask God to help you it comes natural
23:40 and it really feels nice when you are able,
23:43 even if they don't respond, you know,
23:46 it feels good and give you peace also.
23:51 And we have some good examples among our fellows here
23:55 especially at 3ABN we have Larry Mc Lucas.
23:58 No matter what's going on in his life,
24:00 how are you doing, Larry?
24:01 It's a wonderful day. Yeah.
24:03 And he has been my role model
24:05 because when people ask me how are you doing, Lynette?
24:08 That's like I'm practically perfect
24:10 in every way because it's true.
24:12 God is working on me. I'm getting there.
24:14 Amen. Amen. Amen.
24:16 Yeah, and I think if you can
24:18 almost talk that into existence,
24:20 if you talk that, if you talk faith,
24:22 you actually build faith.
24:24 If you talk hope, you build hope.
24:25 If you talk joy, you build joy.
24:27 To a contrary if you talk morose, you talk sadness,
24:30 if you talk evil that attends a draw that to you
24:35 and your life is made better by your speech
24:39 and you can talk joy, I think into your life.
24:41 Another important aspect is that it helps me
24:45 if I, if I'm positive and have a positive attitude
24:49 I keep telling these too my kids
24:52 for instance that we always
24:53 have to have a positive attitude.
24:55 So but if I preach this but I don't practice it,
25:00 it doesn't really give the effect
25:02 but if I really go giving positive reinforcement
25:08 to my wife for instance it helps me.
25:11 It will help her of course but it will help me too.
25:14 It will help me to say, Lynette or mom how--
25:18 are you having a good day?
25:20 And if I do it genuinely,
25:21 if I do it with really wishing them
25:25 that they are having a good day or if they are not,
25:28 if I'm really genuinely interested in them
25:32 that helps me.
25:34 Now you were saying like, you can say hi to somebody,
25:38 how are you doing?
25:39 Also there's different ways to do it.
25:43 You can say, how you are doing and go on
25:46 and just the next person and the next person.
25:48 Yes.
25:49 I think we also have to do it
25:53 with a intent of really making the other person feel better.
25:57 Yes. Yes. Yes.
25:58 And you just saying how you doing
26:00 and how are you doing.
26:01 When I came out of the hospital after my surgery
26:02 I had people coming to me and saying you know,
26:04 C.A., how are you doing?
26:07 You know, and they were projecting on me
26:12 you are doing bad
26:13 and I'm like hey, `I'm doing great.
26:16 I'm in pain and I've got a new heart
26:18 and I'm doing, I'm doing good.
26:21 So your expectation can come out in your way
26:23 and I really believe that love, begets love and joy begets joy.
26:29 And you can push out joy, joy is coming back to you.
26:32 And whatever you send out is gonna come back
26:34 and if you send out Jesus, Jesus is coming back,
26:37 you know, that's the way it is,
26:39 yeah, and I really, truly believe that.
26:42 So the reading here tells us that words of sympathy
26:49 and it isn't not to be a sermon
26:50 or a long drawn out kind of thing
26:52 but just words of sympathy.
26:54 I'm praying for you is gonna be better,
26:56 tomorrow is gonna be a brighter day,
26:58 does a lot to life a person's continence
27:00 and to help them along the way.
27:03 Yeah, amen.
27:04 Take a quick story and then I want to go to prayer.
27:06 The funeral I ever did was a lady
27:08 who tall, beautiful woman who was struck with cancer
27:14 and was sent to the hospital
27:17 and one of those hospitals that they have in New York City
27:20 where you just go basically to die.
27:22 They will send you there and they will kind of keep you
27:24 medicated and quiet and not so much pain
27:27 but she sang every day and she wasn't a great singer.
27:33 Betty, she is like you say you are.
27:35 You know, she says, she is not a great singer but she sang.
27:37 And when you sing with Jesus so you miss a note
27:40 who cares, you sing unto the Lord.
27:43 But she sang every day and she had cancer
27:45 and she was I guess about your height Lynette,
27:47 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 in that general
27:51 and when I met her she was already down to 89 pounds
27:55 but still singing for the Lord.
27:57 And just sharing joy in the ward.
28:02 And when she finally passed and we had the funeral
28:06 many of the doctors and nurses, the hospital attendance,
28:09 her oncologist they all came to the funeral.
28:12 And when I questioned them their statement to me was
28:15 we just wanted to see the kind of church
28:17 that produces a person like this.
28:19 It wasn't the church that produced her,
28:21 it was Christ that produced that life.
28:23 And her life for Christ stayed strong.
28:28 Her love for Christ rather stayed strong
28:30 till she closed her eyes in death.
28:32 And that's what Christ can do for you.
28:35 He can, He can keep you joyful
28:37 and when you ask her
28:39 there was a time at the end where she could not speak
28:42 but if you asked her she was she would say, I'm all right.
28:47 You know, I'm in pain and I'm dying
28:50 I know that but my soul is fine,
28:53 my heart is fine, I'm okay, I'm okay.
28:56 So you left the room feeling better
29:00 than you did then you did when you went in.
29:02 Because if you went in down she boosted you
29:06 because you may have-- okay,
29:07 today I got a hangnail,
29:10 you know, today I'm having a bad hair day.
29:12 This woman is down of cancer and praising God.
29:14 So your hair ain't so much, you know, it's not
29:16 because she's got something but she's also got Jesus.
29:24 So the love of Christ does soften you,
29:26 does change you,
29:27 does rearrange your thinking and how you approach life.
29:31 Amen. Yeah. Yeah.
29:32 It is the only thing actually
29:34 because when we cannot control our feelings
29:36 and our emotions the Lord can, yes.
29:43 We've got a couple of prayer requests
29:45 that have come in
29:46 and this prayer request comes from Daniel who is age 50
29:52 and is alone and is in severe need of a job.
29:58 He is a caretaker and says please pray.
30:03 Then we've got Nicole in Germany
30:06 who is in an abusive situation with her husband
30:09 now resides in the shelter with her two-year-old son.
30:12 She asked for prayer for her safety
30:15 that she can find work so she can provide for her.
30:18 You know, when you don't have a job
30:19 and you don't have a way to support yourself
30:21 you feel so alone and so down.
30:24 And so there are many who are asking for employment
30:27 so that they can take.
30:29 Bryan was involved in a serious car accident
30:32 and need to have several surgeries
30:34 in the coming months.
30:35 He is asking for prayer also.
30:37 Elva in Michigan is in need of prayer.
30:40 She is being attacked by a severe case of vertigo.
30:46 Dwight lives in London, England
30:49 and has been diagnosed with glaucoma
30:51 and will have to undergo surgery.
30:53 He doesn't know yet when or where this can be done
30:59 but he knows he is going to have
31:01 to have glaucoma surgery.
31:03 I've had that surgery
31:04 and I praising God that medicine has come a long way
31:08 so that that is not the trauma and drama that it once was.
31:12 But any time you kind of go under the knife
31:14 you want the blessing of God.
31:16 Shana in Texas going through chemo surgery,
31:21 chemotherapy rather and in need of prayer.
31:23 Robert needs strength from God.
31:25 He is facing spiritual warfare.
31:28 Delia, 15-year-old-- has a 15-year-old daughter
31:31 just released from drug rehab
31:34 has been drawn into prostitution.
31:37 She also has a 14-year-old son that is suffering with lupus.
31:41 Hardworking single mom trying to do best
31:43 she can for her family but needs strength,
31:45 perseverance and the encouragement
31:47 that comes from prayer.
31:50 Want to just tell you Delia,
31:52 I know many stories of people
31:54 who are caught in prostitution
31:56 who God has freed from prostitution.
31:58 Many of them I have baptized myself
32:00 into the Adventist church
32:01 and into the kingdom of God.
32:03 So these prayers are not in vain.
32:05 God is able I guarantee you.
32:06 It has happened many, many, many times.
32:10 Michael in Illinois is in need of a heart transplant.
32:15 He is combating any number of heart issues
32:20 and we are praying for Mike.
32:24 Pray that God protects and gifts favor
32:27 to my elderly mother
32:29 who will be traveling throughout this month
32:31 and this is from-- we serve God a lot to pray.
32:35 And I'm gonna ask my wife to pray.
32:41 And Jorge, would you pray in Spanish also if you will?
32:46 And let's remember all of these prayers
32:49 they are any number
32:50 and we will ask God to just bless these prayers.
32:54 Irma, if you pray and anybody else
32:56 who wants to pray you can begin--
32:58 and then Lynette, Betty, if you wish to
33:00 and then Jorge, if you would close.
33:02 All ready, shall we pray?
33:04 Our heavenly Father,
33:06 we thank in Lord for being so kind
33:09 and so merciful towards us.
33:13 We gather here Lord,
33:14 to praise Your name
33:16 and also to bring to do this petitions
33:18 from our audience into us are blessing
33:23 and to provide for all their needs.
33:26 There be physical and spiritually--
33:29 spiritual or emotional.
33:32 We come today because You have asked us
33:35 to come into bring our petitions
33:36 to You in our praises.
33:38 So Father, we with the faith that we have
33:42 and knowing that You can give us
33:44 even a bigger faith in what You are doing
33:47 and what You can do.
33:50 We just put these petitions before the throne of grace
33:54 and ask that You attend to them as You have promised
33:59 think it for Your promise to answer our prayers
34:03 and give us a heart to
34:06 and the willingness to accept Your will
34:10 whatever it is knowing that You have the best interest
34:13 for each one of us including all of these persons
34:17 who have asked for healing or helping
34:23 whatever needs they have.
34:26 And we thank You Lord, and we put them in Your hands
34:29 in the name of Jesus, amen.
34:32 Amen.
35:47 Amen. Amen.
35:48 Amen. Amen.
35:50 And we thank you for those prayers,
35:53 they give us such strength.
35:55 I want to play a little game.
35:58 I'm going to start a question and a statement
36:03 and then I want each of you finish it.
36:06 Okay?
36:09 Okay, here's the statement
36:10 and then you each have to put an ending on this.
36:14 Life is not perfect sometimes it is rough
36:20 but I'm happy for--
36:23 and finish that statement, okay.
36:26 Who is first?
36:28 Life is not perfect sometimes it is rough
36:32 but I'm happy for--
36:37 I'm happy for the fact that God gonna answer my prayers
36:41 and kind of give me peace and comfort.
36:44 Amen. Amen.
36:48 I'm thankful for my family
36:50 and the fact that God doesn't give me more than I can handle.
36:53 Amen.
36:56 Or get to close sometimes.
36:59 He doesn't promise that
37:01 he wouldn't take it to the edge.
37:02 He does that you probably that you all go over
37:04 and we praise the Lord for that.
37:07 Lynette?
37:08 God just know that He will give me more than I can handle.
37:10 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, all right.
37:13 I'm glad for the fact that God is on the throne every day,
37:18 even when I can't feel that he possibly is
37:23 and that He will never leave me nor forsake me
37:26 no matter how wide my path may wander.
37:31 From time to time He always brings me back
37:33 and I have that just abiding joy
37:36 that He will not give up on me.
37:38 Amen. Amen.
37:43 Noelia?
37:45 I'm happy for my family.
37:47 It's just the most that I never expected to have
37:54 this a wonderful family that is among me.
37:57 I recently few weeks back I lost my father 95 years,
38:05 94 almost 95-years-old and he was a strong man,
38:12 minister of the gospel.
38:14 He was a pastor for--
38:16 He was a man of steel.
38:17 A man of steel like my wife says, very much so.
38:21 And family to me as it will always be an important,
38:26 very important now I have my family
38:29 and I praise the Lord
38:30 that's I want to complete the phrase with family.
38:33 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
38:35 Noelia, you want to jump in on this?
38:38 Thankful that God gives us another day of lives
38:41 that we can spend another day telling people
38:46 around the world about the gospel.
38:48 Amen. Amen.
38:49 Well done. Well done.
38:50 You know, we talk about family and this is family worship
38:53 and I have to agree with you, Jorge.
38:57 I think the older you get
39:00 the more precious family comes to you.
39:04 When I was in college my mother used to say,
39:06 you will never call, you will never call.
39:08 You know, you will never call. You know, you will never call.
39:10 We send money down,
39:12 we never get it, we never get a word,
39:14 we never call, you never call.
39:15 But as I got older and got into ministry
39:17 and started working
39:19 I found myself calling home two or three times a week.
39:21 You know, you just--
39:22 it becomes more precious to you.
39:24 When you are younger you are little more disposable
39:26 as far as relationships are concerned
39:27 but as you get older you found out that
39:29 family is bedrock however you define it.
39:32 And now I only have my sister left
39:36 but I've got a new family in Irma's family.
39:40 And her family and it maybe a Latino thing
39:43 that they are very close
39:45 and they work very, very close, you know.
39:47 And while we were young, while we were dating
39:51 we go places and everybody would okay,
39:54 well, whose got the hotel room?
39:55 Okay, we have the hotel room, okay,
39:57 we are coming to stay with you, you know.
40:01 And up until this last General Conference
40:03 a couple of weeks ago we had her brother and sister
40:07 who are very close to and we travel together
40:09 and I got to learn this whole Latino thing.
40:11 Why do you have two hotel rooms?
40:12 You got one hotel room with two beds.
40:15 One couple in one bed, one couple in the other bed,
40:18 what's the problem? You know, so I had to learn that.
40:22 And now look, I kind of Jorge,
40:25 we traveled all over Europe that way.
40:26 You know, that will just saves the money and just pile in.
40:29 So we are at General Conference whose got the hotel room?
40:34 Well, we do. Okay, we are staying with you.
40:36 Oh, by the way our nephew
40:39 he is coming in with his wife and two kids
40:41 and then the other nephew is coming
40:42 with his wife and two kids.
40:45 So what's the problem?
40:46 You got a bed that folds out to a couch,
40:51 we got an air mattress,
40:52 you know, there's two bathrooms,
40:55 what there is a problem?
40:56 You know, that's all you just, you just pile in
40:59 and you find out how important family is.
41:03 When I did the classic thing
41:05 I asked her dad for her hand in marriage
41:08 and he sat on the couch and cried and I was like okay,
41:11 what does it mean, you know? Is this tears of joy
41:15 or else he is regretting her fate?
41:20 I found out later they were tears of joy.
41:22 But family is so very, very important.
41:26 So I agree with you that as long as you got family
41:31 you've got, you've got and how you define it.
41:34 It could be your work family, you family here at 3ABN,
41:37 your work family, you media family,
41:39 your siblings, your parents, your children
41:41 but as a Christian you realize how important family is
41:45 and then once you get to know Christ
41:48 your next burden is to get your family to know Christ.
41:51 You know, because heaven is not gonna really be heaven
41:53 if you got so many your members
41:55 on the outside looking in.
41:56 So you develop this burden for your family
41:59 and it's very, very important.
42:01 It's interesting that in the Latino community
42:03 also friends sometimes had some--
42:08 some of them are closer than a family.
42:10 They become your auxiliary family.
42:12 Yeah.
42:13 If you don't have enough they fill in the gaps.
42:14 They fill in the gaps, yeah.
42:16 Yeah. Well said, yeah, yeah.
42:17 Auxiliary family I love that term.
42:19 Yeah, they come and they just stay
42:22 like they were their extension of their home,
42:25 own families if we had very many times
42:29 that would all of the sudden we will go with friends,
42:32 hey, can we spend the night tonight?
42:35 Oh, well, let's go and so and so.
42:38 I think we barely know that person
42:40 but it was, you know, its come.
42:45 But I think that's goes back to our roots.
42:50 We all are connected.
42:52 The other day I was watching this program on TV
42:56 there coming with this
43:00 ancestry type of program.
43:03 Yeah, ancestral memory.
43:05 Something like that so they will,
43:08 they can trace your ancestors back to hundreds
43:11 and hundreds and hundred and then they finally say well,
43:14 we are all some sort of cousins or related to each other.
43:19 So there was this person next to me say well,
43:23 let me look for your name.
43:25 So look at the name and say oh, yeah,
43:26 we are kind of related.
43:27 So in a way that's what happens.
43:30 We are all family. Yeah. Yeah. We really are.
43:34 And its-- it is fun and to find that
43:37 and maybe it's a Latino thing to
43:40 because we will have a dinner or something
43:43 with our daughter Becky and she will say well, okay,
43:48 two people are coming and I will prepare for that.
43:50 and then about five minutes more
43:52 I almost say, well, I invited so and so.
43:57 And I invited so and so.
43:58 You invited two, okay,
44:00 well, that's and they are brining so and so.
44:02 you know, and they are brining some.
44:04 So now two and six
44:06 and you just, you put another bean in a the pot
44:08 and you pray and praise the Lord
44:09 and some how the Lord blesses it
44:11 and that's all part of family, yeah, it's a great thing.
44:16 One of my nephew is an Adventist
44:18 and I said to him well, we may come to visit you
44:23 because we will be in the area.
44:26 He says, oh, at the end once you would close the doors
44:31 he says anything can become a bed.
44:33 So you just come.
44:37 I just wanted to share something
44:39 that maybe my wife or Betty can tell the same story
44:44 because it touched our hearts
44:46 and I know that they are gonna remember this.
44:49 We were in Pasco, Washington
44:52 and we were looking for a church,
44:55 a church family actually and something happened.
44:59 Can you tell us-- I know, you know,
45:01 what we are talking about.
45:03 Somebody made a big impression in our life.
45:05 Okay. Well, first things first.
45:08 Let's give credit, well, credit is to my husband
45:10 snapped his Achilles tendon
45:13 and he was going through physical therapy at the time
45:15 and the young man who was doing his PT
45:18 said, "hey, you are Adventist? Well, why don't you come up
45:21 into my church, I'm sure you would like it."
45:23 And we had been to a few churches
45:25 and you know, can leave you sort of wanting
45:28 when you walk in and everybody has got
45:31 their own little insulated world
45:32 in their own clicks.
45:34 Well, we went into this churches--
45:36 Riverview SDA Church in Pasco, Washington
45:41 and the first thing that happened is
45:44 this lady came up to us, this elegant lady.
45:46 She said hi, my name is January and you are mine
45:50 and she wrapped herself in a big hug.
45:54 I don't know how she managed to hug my entire family
45:55 all at once but she did and from that moment
45:59 that was our church home out in Washington state.
46:01 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
46:03 Rather though little kids would call me grandma.
46:06 It was Grandma Betty and they still when they--
46:08 they are all taller than her now
46:09 which is indeed hard to do at this point
46:12 but yeah, they all call her Grandma Betty
46:14 and we have quite a bit church family back there.
46:17 Yeah, see that's-- yeah, Betty.
46:19 I still have my membership there.
46:21 I know, I should change it but--
46:22 Yeah, yeah that--
46:26 Now you are here so you should come.
46:28 That's what the family does.
46:30 I will tell you a story we are in New York
46:32 preaching a couple of weeks ago,
46:34 actually a month its all though and a young man came up to me
46:37 and he was big and husky and much bigger than I.
46:41 And I looked at the face and I could tell
46:44 that there was some connection in some past.
46:47 Thirty five years ago he and his dad
46:51 had gotten into quite a fight
46:54 and his dad had thrown him out of the house
46:57 and he really was on the streets.
46:59 And for a weekend I took him to my apartment.
47:02 I had a studio apartment.
47:03 Now there are parts of world
47:05 you don't know what a studio apartment is.
47:06 Studio apartment is a apartment without a bedroom.
47:08 It is basically a large living room
47:10 with a foldout couch and a kitchen area.
47:13 So it's called a studio apartment.
47:15 Its very high class name
47:17 for basically an apartment with no bedroom.
47:21 So I had a studio apartment and so he--
47:26 we made put some blankets on the floor
47:27 and he stayed with me for the weekend.
47:29 Took him to church and then he went back home
47:33 and I had not seen him for 35 years
47:37 and he came, he is fairer, fatter, he is married,
47:41 he's got children and he said, "You don't know,
47:45 you have no idea what that weekend did for me.
47:50 It turned me around, it saved my life.
47:53 I was-- I needed to get thrown out of the apartment.
47:56 I was bad to my father.
47:58 I was an evil young man going on around world
48:01 but the fact that somebody took a chance."
48:03 and he remembered that I left my wallet out,
48:07 you know, he said, and I saw your wallet there.
48:11 I saw your wallet there on your dresser
48:13 because it is a studio apartment,
48:15 there is no place to hide anything.
48:16 He said, "you left your wallet there
48:18 and I didn't have any money"
48:21 but I said, "this guy is doing something good for me."
48:23 and now he has got a job, he has got a family,
48:26 he is a member of the church,
48:28 his children are baptized.
48:29 Do you remember he came up to me and hugged me?
48:31 He gave such he lift me off my feet.
48:33 He is such a big guy but he was a thin stripling of a young man
48:36 back in the early mind 70s
48:42 and he is doing wonderful now.
48:44 So the love of Christ can--
48:46 when shown can really change a life
48:49 it can really do so much for you.
48:51 And family the definition gets expanded.
48:54 So we are family.
48:55 He is a family member I haven't seen for 35 years
48:57 but he considers me part of a family
48:59 and he part of mine because
49:00 there's something we did one weekend 35 years go.
49:04 Yeah, so that's family,
49:05 yeah, and we praise the Lord for that.
49:06 Those actions become such cherished memories
49:10 for the person who is affected by them
49:12 and you remain in stases in their mind
49:15 and in their hearts and when they see you
49:17 there is no age,
49:18 there is no years of distance between you.
49:20 They just know that you were that person.
49:22 Yeah. Yeah. Well said, because it's kind of frozen in time
49:25 that moment in time.
49:27 Now having said that before our times gets away
49:28 you've all got some good letters,
49:30 some kind of positive letters and these are letters
49:32 that kind of-- the Bible says,
49:34 "A good report fattens the soul."
49:36 You know, you kind of put on spiritual weight.
49:39 So let's you take a chance and read just one
49:42 and then we will see how much time we have left
49:44 before our time gets away.
49:45 We kind of fatten up a little bit
49:47 on some good reports of the Lord.
49:49 I have one that is-- it comes from Eddie
49:53 from St. Louis, Missouri and he says
49:56 "Dear, 3ABN, God is good.
49:59 What marvelous things are being done since I started
50:03 wearing my 3ABN lapel pin, people stop me
50:08 and ask all kinds of questions.
50:11 Most of the tenants do not have access to 3ABN.
50:14 I explain to them that I have a converter box
50:19 and then some of them have already purchased
50:22 one while others are planning to do so.
50:26 There is a Mexican family here from-- who I met
50:31 through the lapel pin and there is a joy in their faces
50:37 when they see the programs.
50:38 They-- then the children love Kid's Time.
50:43 Thank you, may God continue to bless you.
50:45 Love in Christ, Eddie.
50:47 Amen. Amen. All right.
50:49 This is from Barbara from Pontiac, Illinois.
50:54 Dear 3ABN, your network is so inspiring
50:57 and such a blessing.
50:59 I have been watching since 2014.
51:03 I didn't even know about it and I came across it one day.
51:07 I feel like I know everyone of you.
51:10 3ABN has helped me so much
51:12 because my husband passed away in March.
51:15 Your prayers have helped me feel not so lonely.
51:18 May God continue to bless you sincerely, Barbara.
51:22 Amen. Thank you, Barbara.
51:26 This one is from our sister Kelly down in Tennessee.
51:29 She says, dear 3ABN, I do not have a home church
51:32 that I attend on a regular basis
51:34 however I do watch
51:36 many of the 3ABN series that you air.
51:38 I've come to the realization
51:40 that Saturday is the true Sabbath
51:42 and I have been doing my very best
51:44 to observe it.
51:45 I sincerely appreciate all that you are doing
51:47 for the kingdom of God
51:48 and spreading of the three angels' message.
51:50 Your television has definitely helped me
51:53 and opened my eyes to the truth.
51:55 Thank you for all you do to further the gospel.
51:58 Keep up the good work and God bless.
52:00 A friend and sister in Christ, Kelly.
52:02 Amen. Amen.
52:05 This one is from Marilyn in Tennessee.
52:09 Dear 3ABN, please tell Danny Shelton thank you
52:13 for his faithfulness and obedience to God.
52:16 Also a special thanks to the engineer
52:19 that came to Nashville, Tennessee to restore
52:21 a clear signal for us in late March.
52:24 I was really praising the Lord.
52:27 3ABN has become my favorite network.
52:30 I'm not Seventh-day Adventist but I am learning
52:33 so much and seeking the true and real relationship
52:37 with the Lord, Jesus Christ.
52:39 Please pray for me, blessing Marilyn.
52:42 Amen. Amen.
52:43 Noelia, do you have one? Yes.
52:49 This one is from James
52:53 and it is from Homer--
53:00 Louisiana. Louisiana.
53:03 Dear 3ABN, your book "Ten Commandments
53:06 Twice Removed" is excellent.
53:07 I will worship on the Sabbath from now on.
53:10 Love and blessing to you sincerely, James.
53:14 All right. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
53:17 Irma, back to you.
53:18 And I do have one more.
53:20 Sally, she doesn't give us her hometown but she says
53:24 also dear 3ABN, we live in South Africa and enjoy
53:30 watching 3ABN.
53:31 My husband who sleeps very badly watches it
53:36 through the whole night.
53:37 May God bless you in reaching the outside world
53:40 with the wonderful work that you are doing.
53:44 Love in Christ, Jesus our Lord, through the end, Sally.
53:48 Amen.
53:52 This one is from Calder, Idaho.
53:57 Dear 3ABN, my husband and I became Seventh-day Adventist
54:01 after we discovered 3ABN on our TV
54:04 and started watching every day.
54:07 We were both raised in a devout catholic family.
54:10 We have been married nearly 39 years,
54:14 we are now baptized and serve the Lord
54:16 in our small church in Middleton, Idaho.
54:19 Sincerely, Carlos and Francis.
54:22 Amen, for the wonderful praise report.
54:25 I've got an email here from our bother Buddy and he says
54:29 dear 3ABN, I thank God that I found your ministry.
54:32 You have been a really blessing to me and you have
54:35 managed to do what no other faith could ever do
54:38 and that is give me a complete understanding
54:41 of what God has planned for us.
54:43 You are the only ones who preach Revelation a subject
54:46 that most churches don't dare touch.
54:48 May God continue to bless your ministry
54:51 and what you are doing
54:52 to make a real difference daily.
54:53 Sincerely, Buddy.
54:56 Wonderful. Very nice.
54:58 All right, I've got one here,
55:01 we've got a couple of good ones.
55:03 The April issues of the 3ABN World Magazine
55:06 is outstanding.
55:07 I read it from cover to cover and then reread it again.
55:10 I'm not an Adventist but I worship
55:12 with your programs.
55:14 I especially like Kenneth Cox and the professor
55:18 who leads on Saturday mornings.
55:20 Thank you for the advice and fellowship
55:24 that we share in God's name.
55:27 And this is from Murray.
55:28 She says, she is not an Adventist but she worships
55:31 watching 3ABN and we praise the Lord for that.
55:33 I'm not sure what professor we've got Dwight Nelson,
55:37 on Saturday mornings, we got Doug Batchelor
55:38 on Saturday mornings.
55:40 We got lot of professors. Yes.
55:42 We have a lot in professors on Saturday mornings
55:44 but if you are being blessed we praise the Lord.
55:46 We praise the Lord for it.
55:49 These reports are so encouraging to us one,
55:53 that people are finding the Lord because I think
55:56 we all believe that Christ is coming soon and this world
55:58 has not longed to last.
56:00 And so as quickly as we can get to the word out
56:03 so that men and women can come to Jesus the better
56:07 we are for it.
56:08 And when we hear that the word is going out and people
56:11 are coming in it does make you feel so very, very good.
56:17 We are coming down to the end of our,
56:18 of our time together and as I said at the opening
56:21 maybe watching this on a Friday evening which means
56:24 that we are welcoming you to the Sabbath experience.
56:28 You maybe watching on a Saturday evening
56:30 which means that we are welcoming you
56:33 and asking God's blessing
56:34 upon you throughout the week that is coming
56:37 as we prepare for the next Sabbath.
56:39 So on behalf of Jorge and Lynette
56:42 and Betty and Irma and Noelia
56:46 and myself we wish for you every blessing.
56:49 Keep on praising God.
56:51 Worship Him morning and evening and God will be
56:53 with you always.
56:55 Bye-bye and God bless.


Revised 2015-08-13