3ABN Today

Lifestreams Media

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Chris Lang


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015052A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:04 Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello and welcome to "3ABN Today."
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray and allow me once again
01:11 to thank you for sharing just a little of your day with us,
01:15 to thank you for your prayers, your support of this ministry,
01:17 and for all that you do to help us
01:19 do what we are called to do.
01:21 And that's to lift up the mighty
01:22 and matchless name of Jesus.
01:24 I'm excited today for number of reasons.
01:26 One, I like and I used the term,
01:30 alternative ministries or out of the box ministries
01:34 or non-traditional ministries.
01:37 I like the idea that God is calling in these last days,
01:41 men and women of considerable talent to use those talents
01:44 for the lifting up of the kingdom of God.
01:47 All other ministries not being done in the pulpit,
01:50 in fact, I dare more ministry is done
01:52 outside of the pulpit than in the pulpit.
01:54 And God is using particular niche ministries.
01:58 He's calling people to do what they can do to take Christ
02:01 to areas that He may not normally be found.
02:05 And what one of those persons is Chris Lang.
02:08 Chris, Good to have you here.
02:09 Yeah, it's pleasure to be here, sir.
02:10 Good looking guy and he is, he is a film maker.
02:15 And I like the idea, I'm very impressed
02:17 that God is using film along with other kinds of ministries
02:22 to tell people about Jesus Christ.
02:23 We are a visual, video population now.
02:28 We are in that age when people want to see it even more than
02:30 they want to read it or want to hear it.
02:33 And so God is calling people out of the world
02:35 and into His kingdom, to lift up Jesus
02:37 and to take Jesus back to that same world
02:40 and put it before the eyes, the ears, the hearts,
02:43 the minds of people who need to hear about Jesus.
02:45 And Chris is one of those guys doing precisely that.
02:47 Good to have you here, man.
02:49 Thank you, C.A.
02:50 Before we go to our music,
02:51 I want to get a little background on you.
02:53 Where are you from?
02:54 I'm originally from Homeland de California.
02:56 Aha, Adventist ghetto there, I say.
02:57 Yes, sir. That's right.
02:59 Did you grow in the church, Adventist family?
03:00 Yes, yes, I grew up
03:01 in an Adventist Christian family.
03:03 I've got three siblings. I grew up in a musical family.
03:06 My mother was a music teacher, a choir director.
03:09 And I had a sensitivity for the word of God
03:12 at a very young age.
03:13 Aha, praise the Lord.
03:14 Now out of the three, where are you in that group?
03:16 I'm the baby.
03:17 Aha, the baby.
03:19 If you read some of the things on kids,
03:24 particularly the baby, tends to be
03:26 the one that can go off in any direction, you know.
03:29 You may have the first two sort of following
03:32 and the third one can do anything.
03:35 That's the one that kind of surprises.
03:36 Sometimes, great thing's good, sometimes great thing's bad.
03:40 But you never tell how that last one is going to go.
03:44 When did it occur to you that you needed
03:47 or you had a personal Savior?
03:48 At what point did you saw the lock down on Jesus?
03:51 You know, C.A., My journey started very young.
03:56 And I think the sensitivity about a Savior
03:59 who died for me and who came to create a future,
04:04 a future hope for my life and a purpose
04:08 for my personal life really happened in this context
04:10 when my parents told me my birth story.
04:13 And we have a short little clip that actually helps illustrate
04:19 the way that God reached down
04:21 into the darkness to save my life.
04:22 Praise the Lord. Let's take a look.
04:35 My mother had a miscarriage.
04:38 What she did know was that she had twins.
04:43 I was that other twin, still inside her womb.
04:47 Now there was no ultrasound in those days
04:49 and she continued to have bleeding and discomfort.
04:53 So her doctor used ringed forceps
04:55 to remove her ineffective IUD.
04:59 Then he used the forceps to reach in, grasp,
05:02 and remove any loose material he could from her womb.
05:06 Last, he gave her five days of the drug Methergine.
05:11 Methergine causes the uterus
05:13 to expel remaining birth tissues,
05:15 to minimize bleeding and risk of infection.
05:19 But her stomach kept growing.
05:21 And several doctors didn't believe
05:23 it was a normal pregnancy.
05:25 So mom wanted whatever it was, surgically removed.
05:29 Fortunately for me, her OB doctor urged her to wait.
05:34 I guess you could say, I survived a miscarriage
05:38 and an abortion.
05:54 Well, impressive, man. Yeah, well done.
05:57 This was uh, this was sort of the foundation
06:01 of the way the Lord showed me
06:03 that I know you by name.
06:04 Yes.
06:06 And Psalm 139 says that "He planned every day
06:08 in your life before there's one of them."
06:09 Yes, yes.
06:11 And of course, the famous verse,
06:12 that "You covered me in my mother's womb."
06:13 In my mother's womb, yeah.
06:15 It's an amazing reflection that I want to live
06:19 every moment to thank the Lord for the chance to live.
06:22 I should have had missing limbs, arms legs, fingers
06:25 and toes with those forceps coming in and when that doctor
06:29 was pulling out all that birth material,
06:30 there's no way that the doctors
06:32 could have known she was still pregnant
06:33 because there was no ultrasound in those days.
06:36 Sure.
06:37 And the doctor actually emailed me a couple of years ago.
06:40 His name is Dr. Richard Paul. He's retired now.
06:43 And he remembers my case.
06:45 He was responsible for over 300, 000
06:48 baby deliveries in his career
06:50 as the chief of OB at LA County Hospital.
06:53 He says, your case remains unique.
06:55 And he remembers collapsing in the exam chair
06:58 next to the exam table when he heard
06:59 my heart beat for the first time.
07:01 Powerful, powerful.
07:02 But praise God for life.
07:04 How old were you when you were given the understanding
07:05 of your circumstances of your birth?
07:08 I was probably, I didn't understand it at the time,
07:11 seven, eight years old.
07:12 Yeah, you can't process all that in, right, yeah.
07:14 But in my early adulthood after college,
07:16 when I started on the journey of looking, praying,
07:20 "God, what do you want me to do?"
07:22 Got into the business world
07:24 and it was in the large corporate setting,
07:26 small business settings,
07:27 running my own business for a period of time.
07:29 And in this wilderness of life and going through
07:34 some disappointment, finding out that God even,
07:37 you know, He's more concerned,
07:39 just as concerned with your broken heart,
07:42 your disappointment as He is with life and matters.
07:45 And so He met me there as well.
07:47 And I think it was in that context
07:49 of my early adulthood when the story of my birth
07:52 actually started to scream out loud.
07:54 You know, praise the Lord
07:56 with your life and give Him everything.
07:58 Praise God.
07:59 I'm gonna tell another story later about another promise
08:01 I made to God to save my life.
08:03 Excellent.
08:05 You touched on it and a sensitivity
08:07 to the Lord at an early age.
08:09 So for me the logical question is,
08:12 did you kind of play it straight all through
08:14 or did you kind of have wilderness years, you know,
08:16 did you and most people do, many people do,
08:20 did you follow that path or you kind of,
08:22 did you kind of stay straight the whole time?
08:24 You know, I tell people, I wouldn't say
08:27 that I have any kind of dramatic Prodigal Son story.
08:30 But at the same time, you know, the devil can seen
08:33 in the unseen realms of the fourdimension
08:36 and he knows the once who have a heart for God.
08:39 And so he's tried to destroy me throughout my life
08:43 and did ultimately go through a painful divorce at one point.
08:47 But God met me in that place and He took something
08:51 that was broken and He made something beautiful out of it.
08:54 And it was out of that wilderness experience
08:57 that God lead me into media production on full time basis.
09:02 It was a platform to help
09:03 to offer hope to hurting people.
09:05 And I'll share a few of those projects that we worked
09:09 on to help, offer hope to the people out there.
09:11 Now you are a West Coast guy, California guy,
09:14 60 miles or so, east of LA, was the media,
09:18 movie thing kind of always in your DNA
09:20 or was that something you developed later on life?
09:22 That's a good question, C.A.
09:24 I loved cameras from the time I was a kid.
09:27 And I loved the Bible even earlier than cameras.
09:32 And the stories of the Bible were very vivid to me.
09:36 So yeah, I loved cameras.
09:39 I loved playing with them every time.
09:41 And also the fascination with production
09:44 and how it all fit together.
09:45 Stories, I loved stories.
09:48 There was a, one of our films was showing on TV.
09:50 I got a call from my aunt recently and she said,
09:53 "Hey, I started laughing out loud when I saw your film."
09:57 I said, "Why is that, Aunt Maureen?
09:59 She said, "Well, because I remembered you
10:01 as a four year old.
10:02 You were the one that walked around with a hair brush
10:04 trying to interview everyone in the room."
10:07 You know, so God apparently wired into my DNA.
10:11 For those who are watching, who are wondering, you know,
10:14 what is your plan for me Lord, what do you want me to do.
10:18 Really thinking and praying over your childhood
10:20 and the things you dreamed about,
10:21 the things that you play, even games
10:23 that you play can be very helpful in sensing
10:27 what it is that Lord created you to do.
10:29 I, once said, look at the things
10:30 that come natural to you.
10:32 The things that you are gifted for,
10:33 the things that you began to do in your early years,
10:36 at the intersection of natural talents and gifts
10:38 and your love for Christ, that's where you ought to be.
10:42 That's where you are planted and that's where you grow.
10:45 Having said that,
10:49 was media, well, let me ask this question.
10:52 Was it always in your mind to produce films
10:56 or just television, because there was a time
11:00 when we as a church say, stay away from media.
11:04 Stay out of that arena 'cause God's not there.
11:07 Was there dissonance in your life
11:09 because you got this natural bent?
11:11 Or could you see or did the Lord give you
11:13 a vision that hey, I can use this stuff
11:16 for the up building of the kingdom?
11:17 Yeah.
11:18 I think I withheld
11:21 the out working of this opportunity
11:23 for a period of time until I could learn
11:27 some things in life, particularly,
11:29 growing understanding, a knowledge of His word
11:32 and a personal experience with my Creator
11:36 that would ground me to the point
11:38 that I would not be, when you serve the Lord,
11:42 sometimes you work on a shoestring budget
11:44 and you don't always have a lot of financial support
11:48 from the world to do what you are called to do.
11:50 And I think that endurance, you know,
11:52 like Moses endured as him who saw the invisible.
11:57 I needed to have the personal context,
11:58 I think before the Lord lead me into my ultimate desire.
12:02 Understood.
12:03 And to take the love of the Bible
12:05 and take the love of media and have this perfect storm
12:08 come together in a way that God, it would honor God
12:12 as opposed to film my own personal desires, you know.
12:15 Yeah, yeah.
12:16 Like the Psalms say, you know, make the Lord,
12:18 the desire of your heart.
12:20 He will give you every thing else.
12:21 Yeah, yeah.
12:22 I think that's crucial.
12:24 And I like what you said because without that grounding,
12:27 you are in an arena that can take you far afield.
12:30 You know, there's money to be made
12:32 doing what you do, away from God.
12:34 So one, you need the grounding to stay focused
12:38 on your mission and two, when offers come
12:44 and people see your work and they say,
12:45 "Well, hey, here some bucks do on this."
12:47 You can say, "No, I'm going over here
12:49 'cause this is where God is leading me."
12:50 Right.
12:52 So you need that first before you begin
12:53 to build your super structure, you need that foundation.
12:55 Obviously, you waited till you got that
12:57 before you ventured out.
12:58 Yeah. Yeah.
12:59 Yeah, and also the other thing I would tell people
13:02 from my own experiences.
13:03 It's been fascinating to see how everything
13:06 in my past business career, nothing's been wasted.
13:10 In God's economy nothing is wasted.
13:13 The business career, the accounting,
13:15 the finance background, the marketing skills,
13:18 all of those things, ministries are also businesses.
13:21 And so many ministries start
13:23 without having a structure in place.
13:25 Yes.
13:26 So I praise God that I had a business background
13:28 and when God lead me into ministry,
13:30 there was a certain structure that took place with prayer.
13:33 Yeah.
13:34 And that's been a huge blessing.
13:37 Praise the Lord.
13:38 So the actual soup to nuts
13:39 technical abilities of making films,
13:42 that's part of what God gave me the experience in doing.
13:48 You asked me how did I start, did I just dive right in
13:50 and do film or did it start with television
13:52 and the quick answer
13:54 is the first thing that I did was,
13:56 my local church invited me to help start a talk show.
13:59 Very cool.
14:00 For young adults.
14:02 And it was called
14:03 "Hope on Fire" several years ago.
14:04 Well, that show ended up becoming, started on radio
14:08 and then became a TV talk show for a period of years
14:11 and out of that Lifestreams Media was born.
14:15 And the documentary production,
14:17 the film production was sort of what God put on my heart.
14:20 And I'll share about "Single Creek,"
14:21 our first film when, I don't know
14:24 if we're gonna go to a break but that's okay.
14:25 Yeah, we're gonna go to a song.
14:27 But before we do that I want to ask you to define for me
14:29 what a short film is.
14:32 'Cause it doesn't necessarily have to do
14:34 with the length of the film.
14:35 But define what a short is.
14:36 'Cause that's your bell... that's what you do.
14:39 You do short films.
14:40 What is that?
14:42 Well, short films technically are anything shorter than
14:45 45 minutes in a film festival circuit.
14:49 The truth is our documentary films are made for television,
14:53 53 minutes to 59 minute run time.
14:56 Some, that's sort of in the no man's land,
14:58 the grey zone of short versus feature film.
15:02 Technically a feature film is 90 minutes plus.
15:05 But for documentary format, anything longer than
15:09 45 minutes sometimes is considered a "feature."
15:12 A feature, yeah, I know
15:14 there are some not hard and fast rules
15:17 but there are some general expectations
15:19 when you talk about a short film.
15:22 Define for our audience what a documentary is.
15:26 You know, these are generally interviews
15:28 that are intended to do a journalistic nature where,
15:34 almost everybody start with an idea
15:36 and they want develop to go an idea, find people
15:39 that are knowledgeable in a field
15:41 or maybe somebody has a personal story
15:43 that happened to them and a documentary
15:46 and a producer wants to go and interview them
15:48 and create a story or film around their story.
15:51 I would say that we've, our three films
15:54 that we've done so far, kind of touch on both.
15:57 Some are issue driven where you go
15:58 and interview people that are experts in a field
16:01 and then you develop the whole film around an issue.
16:05 Yeah.
16:06 To try to drive social consciousness,
16:08 you try to impact your culture based on the calling
16:12 and not everybody has a lily white sense
16:16 of agenda, right, C.A.
16:17 Right, right, yeah.
16:19 I mean Hollywood has an agenda.
16:21 We, as Christians have a calling.
16:23 We have a mission and so yes, we have agenda.
16:25 Yes.
16:26 And so therefore I'm unapologetic
16:28 that the documentaries that we produce are intended
16:31 to create a context through story telling,
16:36 whether it's an issue-driven
16:38 or whether it's personal testimony
16:39 or somebody is sharing their journey.
16:42 And I'll break that down around issues versus personal story.
16:46 But like "Single Creek," it's issue-driven.
16:49 It's a very awkward sort of topic in the church
16:53 that's marriage and family-centric.
16:54 And if you are 40 plus and you've never been married,
16:58 something must be wrong with you, C.A.
17:00 We got to fix you, right.
17:01 So that sort of an issue-driven example.
17:04 What we're going out there to produce.
17:07 Well said, well said.
17:08 I want to get into because we're gonna talk about
17:10 your contact with the late Roger Morneau's foundation
17:13 and some stuff that has come out of that.
17:14 That is very exciting.
17:16 And some other stuff that you're doing
17:17 that led up to that.
17:19 I think we'll go to our music now
17:20 which comes to us from Valerie Shelton Walker
17:22 and she's gonna be singing, "My Tribute."
17:34 How can I say thanks
17:40 For the things
17:43 That You have done for me?
17:47 Things so undeserved
17:53 Yet you gave
17:56 To prove your love for me
18:00 The voices of a million angels
18:05 Could not express my gratitude
18:12 All that I am, and ever hope to be
18:20 I owe it all to thee
18:26 To God be the glory
18:33 To God be the glory
18:40 To God be the glory
18:46 For the things he has done
18:52 With His blood He has saved me
18:59 With His power He has raised me
19:06 To God be the glory
19:12 For the things he has done
19:18 Just let me live my life
19:25 Let it be pleasing Lord to thee
19:31 And should I gain any praise,
19:37 let it go to Calvary
19:44 Calvary
19:48 With His blood He has saved me
19:55 With His power He has raised me
20:03 To God be the glory
20:08 For the things
20:13 For the things
20:20 For the things
20:24 That He has done He has done
20:31 He has done
20:42 Amen, and thank you, Valerie Shelton Walker.
20:45 Well done. My guest is Chris Lang.
20:48 He of Lifestream Media, a film maker,
20:50 a documentary film maker.
20:52 We touched on Chris a little bit about
20:55 "Single Creek and "When Morning Breaks us,"
20:57 sort of came out of a pretty dark time in your life.
21:00 But God used those for good to be the,
21:03 the sort of muse for these two particular films.
21:07 Give me just a quick run down
21:08 on those particular works if you would.
21:10 Absolutely, C.A.
21:13 "Single Creek actually was our first film.
21:16 And in many respects, it's gonna always be
21:19 special to me because it really created
21:21 a platform to offer hope
21:23 to single adults that are out there.
21:24 You know, US census status tells
21:27 that a 100 million single adults
21:29 now represent half of all US households.
21:33 And that's the, never married, the divorced, the widow,
21:37 the single parent, the person struggling
21:41 with same sex attraction
21:42 who's living a life of celibacy, you know.
21:44 There's a voice out there through this film for those
21:47 single adults challenging church to see singles
21:51 differently and to challenge singles to live a life
21:54 full of faith through the talents for Christ.
21:57 Praise God.
21:58 So it also surprises married people by the way.
22:01 'Cause it reminds all of us
22:02 that our completion in our lives comes
22:05 from one source and it's not our spouse.
22:06 Amen, amen.
22:08 Colossians 2: 10 says that, "You are complete in Him."
22:10 Praise God. Well said.
22:12 So that's "Single Creek."
22:13 "When Morning Breaks," many people feel like
22:15 it's an extension or follow up film to "Single Creek"
22:20 because Christian church is not only marriage-centric
22:23 but also family-centric.
22:26 And for those couples that are out there watching
22:28 who haven't been able to have children,
22:29 they might feel marginalized sometimes.
22:32 Those who had miscarriages, they might feel like
22:34 God can't trust them to be parents.
22:36 And of course, the abortion issue.
22:39 For women who had a, post abortive women feel
22:43 like they didn't have any choice.
22:44 And so where are the safe places in churches for them
22:49 to talk about such things?
22:50 So "When Morning Breaks" is really a film about hope.
22:53 It's, you know, people say, well, it's got miscarriage
22:56 and abortion story shared in it.
22:58 But you know, C.A., one of the things
23:00 that I've learnt is that, the long term emotional impact
23:03 of either kind of pregnancy loss,
23:05 regardless of the cause can be long term
23:08 and it can often be very similar.
23:10 Sure.
23:11 But in the context for all of us,
23:13 we can see in a lens through stories
23:16 that we all need healing and we all need a Savior.
23:19 So these have been our first two documentaries,
23:22 really social issue-driven but also hoping create
23:26 conversation in the church.
23:27 Yeah, praise the Lord.
23:29 Now are these still available?
23:30 They are available on digital platforms
23:32 like Amazon prime and Google Play
23:35 and also on our ministry website as well.
23:37 Okay, so we can get the stuff.
23:39 And we'll put that information up later.
23:40 What I got to ask you now,
23:42 because you got to go hustle along.
23:43 Yeah.
23:44 Your road to film making was not a direct road.
23:47 You've done a lot of stuff
23:49 which actually kind of prepared you
23:51 for the ministry that you now carry on.
23:53 May God has taken you through some things.
23:55 Did you go to school for your film making?
23:57 Did you pick at that skill up along the way
23:59 with all of the other things you're doing.
24:01 'Cause your resume is pretty broad.
24:03 Yeah, that's right, C.A.
24:05 Actually it was in the field learning.
24:08 I didn't actually go to school for film production.
24:11 You know, when you love, when you sense a great story,
24:14 when you feel that, when you feel that conviction,
24:17 it's really learning those technical tools, you know,
24:20 the shooting, the editing, the color correction,
24:22 the audit, the music and making sure you understand
24:26 how it all fits together.
24:27 And we God's blessing,
24:29 these films are being shown worldwide.
24:31 Praise God.
24:32 And so thankful for the opportunity
24:35 to tell these stories.
24:36 But you know, I'm not just telling other people's stories
24:38 and that's the wonderful context when you remember
24:41 that God saved your life too,
24:44 to become this sort of out growth of story telling.
24:48 So all of this is filtered through that.
24:51 Our friend that says, you know,
24:52 "If you got the fastball,
24:54 we can teach you the other things."
24:55 you know, so you got to have the basic understanding
24:57 of what a story is and how to tell it.
24:59 The technical stuff, you can pick up
25:01 but if you got the fastball I can teach you to curve
25:03 in a slider 'cause you got have the fastball.
25:05 So obviously, you had the fastball.
25:07 And the other things you picked up along the way
25:09 and God prepared you and took all of that,
25:11 put it in a pot and out came ministry
25:14 which we praise the Lord for.
25:15 Talk about this last one,
25:16 the latest and greatest they would say.
25:18 Yeah, this project is called "About Miracles"
25:20 and it was such a joy to put together.
25:23 We have a short trailer that we want to show
25:27 to give a context for what this story present.
25:30 All right, let's watch it.
25:35 What if you were robbed at work and then shot in the head?
25:44 Or what if a blood vessel in your brain
25:46 was about to rupture and you didn't know it?
25:52 What if you had to earn thousands of dollars
25:54 in one week for a mission trip?
25:59 Or what if you were going blind
26:01 and prayed for healing that never came?
26:05 Sometimes you need a miracle
26:08 and sometimes the only logical explanation is God.
26:22 Love it. See I'm in line already.
26:26 I'm there to watch it.
26:27 Walk me through a little of what we're gonna see
26:29 when we buy that DVD.
26:31 Well, there are four stories,
26:32 as you saw really quickly in that trailer.
26:35 The first story is about a man who was working
26:37 in a convenient store and he was robbed and shot
26:39 in the head at point blank range and left for dead.
26:44 It was amazing, the little clip you saw there
26:46 in the trailer, God actually opened the door for us
26:49 to re-enact that scene in the very store
26:53 where he was attacked.
26:54 We also got security camera footage and interviewed
26:59 the surgeon that operated on him,
27:01 the very night he was shot.
27:03 Three feet from his head with a 45 caliber pistol
27:06 went through his ear and ducked down
27:08 and broke his mandible went spun through his neck
27:11 and you have jugular and carotid arteries.
27:14 You have oesophagus, you have your spinal column,
27:17 missed all of that.
27:18 And you saw the scar in the trailer.
27:19 It's just a scar.
27:21 It's a batch for this man, Brian.
27:23 He gets to tell his miracle story every where he goes.
27:26 Yeah. No neurologic deficit.
27:28 92% of people who are shot in the head will die.
27:31 Yeah. Wow.
27:33 So the second story that you saw in the trailer is a women
27:35 who had an a brain aneurysm and what's fascinating about
27:39 her story, C.A., is that God spoke to her
27:42 when she was on the phone one night
27:43 and told her to go to the emergency room
27:45 when she had no physical symptoms at all.
27:47 Wow.
27:48 She obeyed and because she obeyed her life was saved.
27:52 And that's amazing story.
27:54 The third story is a girl who want go got to China
27:57 on a mission trip and she didn't have the money.
27:59 So she was call porter and she had to sell
28:01 an exact number of books on four days time
28:04 to earn the thousands of dollars to go on that trip
28:07 and it was a really fun short story doing that film.
28:09 Yeah.
28:11 God cares more about all of these kinds
28:14 of temporal concerns and this really illustrates
28:17 how passionate and wonderful our Lord is to intercede
28:21 in even such a simple thing that's not life and death.
28:23 Yeah. Last story, Neville Peter.
28:26 Many of our viewers know who he is.
28:28 He's a songwriter. Been here many times.
28:29 Wonderful man of God.
28:31 Heard him talking one day,
28:33 I was looking for my fourth story
28:34 and I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me, talk to Neville.
28:39 He's a miracle too.
28:41 And it didn't dawn on me until after I interviewed him
28:44 what the Lord was trying to say
28:46 through a blind man's testimony.
28:48 And I understood that God wants the world
28:51 through this film to see that the greatest miracle of all
28:55 is the miracle of a transformed heart.
28:57 Praise God.
28:58 Neville, you see, Neville doesn't have some pulled up
29:02 by the bootstraps "positivity,"
29:05 get self-help book mentality.
29:08 He believes in His Creator that has a transformative
29:11 impact in his life and it really shows.
29:13 Yeah, it does.
29:14 It does, comes across in all that he does.
29:16 So that's a little snippet of...
29:18 Let me ask you this question.
29:20 How do you get your stories, that people bring you stuff,
29:22 do you go out looking for things,
29:23 do ideas brought to you, things pitched to you,
29:26 how do you get your material?
29:28 All of the above, brother.
29:31 Yeah, emails, phone calls
29:33 and sometimes like in this case,
29:35 as I say, the Lord is my witness,
29:37 I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, talk to Neville.
29:39 He's a miracle too.
29:41 So even the Lord has lead directly
29:43 to some of these stories.
29:45 Yeah. How very, very exciting.
29:49 The latest venture of yours, talk to us about
29:54 how you came into contact
29:55 with the Roger Morneau's estate.
29:57 I have happened to have read I think everything
29:59 that has been written about him and all of his works.
30:02 So when I heard that you were working with that,
30:04 it peaked my interest.
30:06 But walk us through that time
30:07 and what is coming out of that context.
30:08 Sure.
30:11 Recently I have read all of Roger's books
30:13 and I was impressed, C.A.
30:15 that I had never seen a dramatic presentation
30:18 of his conversion story, 1946.
30:21 I mean, anyone who's heard about Roger Morneau
30:24 would not disagree that it must be
30:25 one of the greatest conversion stories of the 20th century.
30:28 For those who haven't, give us some culture,
30:30 some background, some context for Roger.
30:32 As a young lad, Roger could not harmonize
30:35 the teachings of his church.
30:36 He grew up Catholic, with those of the viable.
30:38 He came to believe that God was a tyrant.
30:41 And he turned his back on God and religion completely.
30:44 Later he was invited into a secret society
30:47 that promised him wealth and power.
30:48 Yes.
30:50 But even though he was charmed by spirits and teachers,
30:52 he never felt peace or joy.
30:54 He found out first hand that demons are real.
30:58 Oh, yes.
30:59 And that their work is based on deception.
31:02 He's been pressured by the satanic priest
31:05 in that group to join to be initiated on Halloween 1946.
31:10 One night he's laying in bed.
31:11 By the way, his parents have warned him not to play
31:13 with evil and that someday you're gonna pay the price.
31:16 Yeah.
31:17 And he also knew that no one had ever gotten
31:19 out of that secret society alive.
31:22 So there he is at night. He can't sleep at 3 a.m.
31:24 He's staring up at the ceiling and he hates,
31:28 remember he hates God.
31:29 He's turned his back on God but he shouts up
31:31 to the ceiling, "If there is a God in heaven
31:33 that cares for me, help me."
31:38 Several days later, he met Cyril Grosse
31:40 at the embroidery factory where he worked.
31:43 And he soon learned during that day
31:44 that Cyril was a pretty religious man.
31:47 And he came to find out
31:48 that Cyril kept the Bible Sabbath.
31:50 And so that very night he asked if he could study
31:53 the Bible with Cyril and his wife Cynthia.
31:55 And within seven days they had covered 28 Bible studies.
31:58 Wow.
31:59 And he gave his heart to the Lord
32:01 instead of that very week selling his soul to the devil
32:04 which is what he was supposed to do.
32:05 Yeah, yeah.
32:07 Because Roger was not a toad in the water kind of Satan is.
32:09 He dove in, hook lines, ain't got whatever
32:12 better for you, you want to use.
32:13 He was deep into that was enough.
32:15 Exactly.
32:17 And you know, but knew his heart
32:19 and God knows that viewers that are out there,
32:21 people who have not grown up with the clear understanding
32:26 of the heart of God and truth of His word.
32:29 He knows the people that have been deceived.
32:31 And He knew that about Roger. Yes.
32:33 You see, I believe that this story
32:35 is so timely for today, C.A.
32:37 Because many of the people who are leaving Christianity
32:40 and going to the none of the above category.
32:43 They are not going to Buddhism and others.
32:44 They are going to the none of the above categories.
32:45 Correct. Yes.
32:47 Because religion has failed them.
32:48 Well, it failed Roger too.
32:50 And if people could hear and understand
32:53 how the Creator God reached down into the darkness
32:56 to save this man's life when he hated God.
32:59 But God understood that he was deceived.
33:02 And so that's what's so fascinating about this story.
33:04 The opportunity to now, we actually signed
33:08 a development agreement with Roger's estate.
33:10 Roger passed away in 1998.
33:12 Oh, yes.
33:13 And our original idea was to develop a feature film.
33:18 And as we were the unpublished manuscript of his first book,
33:21 A trip into the Supernatural, we found out that
33:25 there was so much more of his story
33:26 that had never been published.
33:27 Aha.
33:29 And so by God's grace we were convicted
33:31 that the world should see the whole story.
33:36 And so this book actually came out recently
33:41 that includes the full manuscript,
33:43 the full story of his conversion in 1946.
33:47 And not only his childhood
33:49 and his World War II experience,
33:50 but also some incredible ways that God taught him
33:54 to pray after he gave his heart to the Lord.
33:56 Mmm.
33:57 My question to you as a film maker,
34:00 you read this massive material on this very complex
34:03 and layered life.
34:05 How do you then digest that into something
34:09 that we can watch that tells the story, yet,
34:11 is not incredibly long, that holds our interest?
34:13 How do you begin to attack that to make it
34:16 something that we want to see.
34:17 Yeah.
34:19 There's a 1000 different ways
34:21 a story can be told, right, C.A.?
34:22 Uh, huh.
34:25 The feature film originally was designed to be focused
34:29 on primarily his childhood experiences,
34:32 the ways that he was informed in his Catholic upbringing
34:36 and then the way his twig was bent.
34:38 You see, his mother died when he was 12 years old.
34:40 Yes.
34:41 And that was the straw
34:43 that broke the camel's back for Roger.
34:45 So our focus was really going to be on the secret society
34:49 and on how he was delivered by the Lord.
34:52 See there was a confrontation
34:53 with the high ranking spirit one night.
34:56 On the week when he was studying the Bible,
34:58 a spirit confronted him in his bedroom one night.
35:01 And this is really the climax of the movie.
35:03 In my heart, I could, I sense that the Lord wanted to show
35:07 that doesn't, you know, Jesus said,
35:09 "On this rock I will build my church."
35:11 Matthew chapter 16.
35:13 "And the gate of hell will not prevail against it."
35:16 Wow. Right.
35:18 So even if the devil himself comes to a new child of God
35:21 and tries to shout and that's what was happening
35:24 that night in Roger's bedroom.
35:27 And in the name of Jesus, Roger,
35:29 told that spirit to leave in the name of Jesus.
35:32 And that spirit left and slammed
35:34 the balcony door open so hard,
35:37 it just about put a hole in the plastered wall.
35:39 So when you asked me how do you tell the story
35:41 so that people would care.
35:43 Well, first, you have to tel the story that makes,
35:45 it can't just be an information dump.
35:47 People aren't gonna be interested
35:49 if you're information dumping and trying to "preach" at them.
35:51 Yeah.
35:52 You have to engage them at the point
35:54 where they're gonna care about this character, Roger Morneau.
35:57 So developing empathy as you go along in your story
36:01 in the script and then building up to a climax,
36:05 there's a certain structure
36:06 that typically a film should follow.
36:08 Yes.
36:09 In order to actually bring people on a journey.
36:13 People have to want to care about someone first.
36:15 And secondly, is, what is it that that person cares about?
36:18 It has to be universal concern.
36:20 Understood.
36:21 And so in the story you have to build
36:23 what is that universal thing that your character is seeking.
36:26 And throughout the story there has to be a thread.
36:28 Yeah.
36:30 So that's ultimately what we're working on.
36:32 We don't have the script finished yet.
36:34 And we, and that's part of what we are praying about.
36:37 So we have the book, the documentary interviews.
36:41 Well, actually it's a three-part project, C.A.
36:43 It's the book, it's a documentary
36:45 that features interviews with family, friends
36:47 and former members of the occult.
36:49 And there's featured film. Wow.
36:50 And so each of them are their own pieces.
36:53 And the script for the feature film
36:55 is what we're still praying about.
36:57 It's gonna be an expensive project.
36:59 But, you know, you said something.
37:01 The theatre today is the post-modern church.
37:05 People are increasingly going there to find their truth.
37:09 And this story, by God's grace, we want to present,
37:13 we want to help people to understand
37:14 why truth matters today.
37:16 And that the great controversy is real.
37:18 Yes, yes.
37:20 I'll give you an example.
37:21 There's a certain sound to this story, C.A.
37:23 I was in a big city and I was looking forward
37:27 to see if you could their trolley system
37:30 as a exterior shots for our film.
37:32 Sure.
37:33 So I met with the transit authority
37:35 and they brought me into their office.
37:36 I'm sitting there talking to these powerful people.
37:39 And I'm a nobody. I'm not from Hollywood.
37:42 But they're treating me, you know,
37:43 with respect and they said, "Listen, we do this a lot.
37:48 We rent our subways our buses,
37:50 our trolleys to Hollywood producers all the time.
37:53 But we don't always agree because sometimes
37:55 it could create a bad image for our city."
37:57 So she leans forward under chair and she asks me,
38:00 "What's your movie about?"
38:03 Now when you don't know somebody's real view, C.A.
38:05 Right.
38:07 You don't know if they're Christian,
38:08 a Muslim or agnostic.
38:09 Yeah, you don't want to lay it on too thick,
38:11 you don't want to, you know, pour honey on them but, yeah.
38:12 So it was a Nehemiah thing.
38:14 You know, I said, I prayed to the Lord and I said to her,
38:17 "It's a story about Roger Morneau,
38:19 former demon worshipper, who became a Christian author
38:22 and prayer warrior.
38:23 It happened in 1946 and that's the reason
38:26 why we want to lease your trolleys for exterior shots."
38:29 Because their trolleys actually were manufactured in 1947.
38:34 Wow.
38:36 And they are operational out on the street in that city.
38:37 Incredible. Good story.
38:38 Really amazing. Yeah.
38:40 So, I said to her, I said, "You know, this story is true."
38:43 And I said, I'm going to interview the very people
38:45 who study the Bible with him in 1946.
38:47 They are almost 90 years old."
38:49 And I said, "Those people were almost killed by spirits.
38:52 They were witnesses."
38:53 Yeah.
38:55 "There is a battle going
38:56 on over every personal life today."
38:58 See how I never forget how bigger her eyes were.
39:01 She was leaning forward under chair.
39:03 She grabbed her file of paper work
39:05 and she started going over.
39:06 She said, "That sounds fine to me."
39:08 And she started going through the pricing
39:10 and the contract and everything.
39:12 She gave me her card.
39:13 She says, "Call me, this sounds great.
39:16 We want to see the script when it's done."
39:18 You know, we planted, the Lord planted a seed there.
39:21 And I also ran into a president in that same city of a company
39:25 we work with.
39:27 They are not Seventh-Day Adventist Christians.
39:29 And he took me out to lunch.
39:31 He knows that I'm working
39:32 on this project about Roger Morneau.
39:34 And he knows that it's more about,
39:36 it's about more than just being delivered
39:38 from demon worship though.
39:40 It, Roger learned about the Sabbath,
39:41 he learned about the state of the dead,
39:43 and what's amazing
39:45 is that this Sunday Protestant and all of his staff,
39:49 they are praying for this project, C.A.
39:50 Praise God. Praise the Lord.
39:52 Praying for this project,
39:53 that the Lord will open the doors for us.
39:55 Let me ask you this question before our time is up
39:56 because Roger, in reading the material
40:00 dealt with some dark stuff.
40:02 How do you walk that line between telling the truth
40:07 about his life and not degenerating
40:09 into a sort of sci fiy kind of spooks kind thing.
40:12 Creepy Halloween.
40:14 Yeah, yeah, kind of Halloween
40:15 kind of caricature kind of a thing?
40:17 You know, that's been in a topic of a lot of prayer.
40:20 Yeah.
40:22 You know, the challenge
40:24 that we don't want to glorify the darkness.
40:26 Precisely.
40:27 We want to lift up Christ.
40:29 And for the sake of those people like Jesus,
40:33 when he went across the sea and He ran into those
40:35 demon possessed men in Genezareth, right.
40:39 He told that man, "Go tell your friends and family
40:41 what great thing the Lord has done for you."
40:42 Yes.
40:44 Now you see, that man had
40:45 never heard Jesus preach before.
40:46 He could only tell his conversion story.
40:48 Right.
40:49 And it's very graphic in the Bible.
40:51 He was cutting himself, he was chained,
40:53 he was breaking chains, he was so demon-possessed.
40:56 And so you know, the Bible tells us
40:59 in Ephesians chapter 5 that it's sad
41:03 that we should even have to speak of these things.
41:06 And then Paul says that,
41:07 "We are to expose the darkness."
41:10 And of course, "Putting on the whole armor of God"
41:12 in chapter 6.
41:14 But it is, it's a challenge to present the story
41:19 to validate that the darkness is real.
41:22 It's like if I were to give a slogan, I would say,
41:25 the darkness is real, and God is awesome.
41:28 That's essentially the slogan is because Jesus
41:30 is the lead character, the devil of course,
41:33 is part of the great controversy.
41:34 But he is defeated.
41:36 And so, you know, in order to be
41:38 truthful to Roger's story,
41:40 we have to validate that the darkness is real.
41:42 Yeah, that's the tension...
41:44 Now I'll tell you a quick story,
41:45 not to take away your time.
41:47 When I was writing my third book, there was a scene
41:51 of a young lady, she's an Adventist.
41:53 She is Christian.
41:54 She has a secret crack habit that she confided to me.
41:57 And we were writing the story.
41:59 Well, she says, "It's Friday night out,
42:02 I went to get crack and I told the guy
42:04 I got no money, so I have nothing to give you."
42:06 He says, "Yeah, you do."
42:07 And she said, "The way he looked at me,
42:08 I knew what he wanted."
42:10 So she said, "Ten minutes later,
42:11 I'm on the ground and my dress is up and a man is on me
42:15 and in me, in three hours, I'm going to be in church.
42:18 All of this drugs.
42:19 I didn't even know this guy's name."
42:21 So when I submitted the book,
42:22 they said, "You can't put that in there."
42:25 And we fought over that.
42:26 Because I said, in order to glory in her healing,
42:30 I got to share where she came from.
42:31 So if we sanitize that,
42:33 then we lose the legitimacy of her ascent.
42:36 Well said.
42:37 Yeah, you know, so we got to show that.
42:39 We don't want a glory in that,
42:40 we don't want to wallow in that.
42:42 But that's part of her life like her
42:44 now being in the church and being in clean
42:47 and being holy this part of her life.
42:48 So you can't, you got to have, you got have both.
42:50 So it occurred to me that that's one of the tight ropes
42:53 you got to walk.
42:54 We got to tell the truth about where this guy came from,
42:57 so that you can see that if someone else
42:59 is down there too, they also got the hope.
43:01 And as a film maker, you got to do that
43:03 in a short period of time.
43:05 But you got to make that point.
43:06 That's exactly right. Very well said, C.A.
43:09 You know, Roger's intercessory prayer ministry
43:14 is greatly remembered.
43:15 A lot of his books were about prayer.
43:17 Very much so.
43:18 But they were informed by his knowledge
43:21 of having been deep in the darkness.
43:23 Well said. Yes, yeah.
43:25 You see, that's the reason why God used him
43:27 in such a powerful way to illustrate
43:30 the power of intercessory prayer.
43:32 Because he understands the rules of engagement
43:35 between the darkness and the light.
43:37 And he articulated it in a way
43:39 that only the Holy Spirit could.
43:40 Amen.
43:41 So I agree with you.
43:43 I think this is uh, Mary Magdalene, you know,
43:46 healed from seven demons by Jesus himself.
43:48 Yeah.
43:49 What a dramatic depth that He pulled her from.
43:51 Precisely.
43:52 And how in the world would we have a context
43:54 that Jesus is relevant today unless we, as you said,
43:58 tell where someone really came from.
43:59 Yeah, yeah.
44:01 Do you write, as far as spirit writing,
44:02 do you write your own stuff or do you have group of people
44:05 write for you, write with you?
44:06 How do you do that?
44:07 With a documentary production,
44:09 the Lord and I do that during post-production.
44:11 Most documentaries don't have a script.
44:13 Yeah.
44:14 But in this new project we're talking about,
44:16 we're putting together a team.
44:18 There's a number of different script writers
44:20 that I'm talking to right now who are praying about
44:23 and talking and seeing who the Lord has in stored
44:26 to write the script for the screen play.
44:27 Praise the Lord. It must be so very exciting.
44:30 First of all, I like film.
44:32 I like movies and I like the documentary format.
44:36 So it must be exciting to bite down on something
44:38 that big and that has consequence
44:40 and that can change lives, yes, no.
44:42 Yeah. Yeah.
44:43 This is exciting.
44:45 I believe that we are in the final stages
44:46 of world's history, brother.
44:48 Well said.
44:49 And you know, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Wesley,
44:52 all these great reformers that they have broke free
44:57 of a lot of truth in their area
44:58 but they weren't able to show all truth.
45:02 The truth of the Sabbath and the state of the dead,
45:04 were things that they didn't understand back then.
45:07 So we have a final mission to finish the protestant
45:10 reformation because the protest is not over.
45:12 Amen.
45:13 You know, and Roger's story is so beautiful
45:16 and it's like the call to come out of Babylon.
45:19 Because, you know, C.A.,
45:20 the thread that runs through all world views
45:23 except for our precious view of Christians
45:25 in Seventh-Day Adventist or one of those sub cultures,
45:28 that understands the death is asleep.
45:31 It's the immortality of the soul, that this belief,
45:35 that you pass on in some form or another after you die.
45:39 Whether it's free masonry, witchcraft,
45:42 whether it's a most of Protestant Christianity,
45:45 Catholicism, Buddhism, it believes in Nirvana,
45:49 Hinduism, you know, even witches believe in Summer land
45:53 that you go somewhere like a purgatory.
45:55 You know, the devil is so good at sending out all these
45:58 distractions, thousands of packagings
46:01 but it all comes back to the tree.
46:03 It all comes back to the garden,
46:04 where the serpent says, you will not surely die.
46:06 Correct. Yeah.
46:08 So the lie is a lie even well today.
46:09 If God need the people who are gonna reflect
46:12 the face of Jesus and show the truth and love.
46:15 Well said, well said.
46:17 As you began to work now
46:21 on this life, now first let me ask.
46:22 This book is available. Yes.
46:24 Yeah, you can get this now.
46:25 That's right.
46:27 This is sort of the template for what you are trying
46:28 to do as far as his life...
46:30 The movie script we base on this book.
46:33 And so we definitely seeing this
46:37 as phase one of our three-part project.
46:38 Mmm. Yeah.
46:40 Yeah, praise God.
46:41 You are working with a permission,
46:43 the cooperation, the blessing of the Morneau estate.
46:46 Correct.
46:47 okay, so this is legitimate stuff.
46:49 Yeah, I actually had the privilege
46:50 to interview Roger's grandson recently.
46:52 And of course Cyril and Cynthia Grosse
46:54 who studied the Bible with Roger in 1946.
46:58 And so it's been a great privilege
47:00 to work with Roger's family.
47:03 And to me, so many incredible people
47:06 that knew Roger.
47:07 Yeah.
47:09 I actually interviewed a couple in Montreal Canada
47:11 who Roger prayed for
47:12 and she had this miraculous heart recovery
47:14 when she was actually dying in the hospital, critical care.
47:17 Yeah, yeah.
47:18 Now that was as you read his material,
47:19 that was a an outgrowth of his walk with God,
47:23 that that guy had believe to get a prayer through, man.
47:26 And get blessings on a back end.
47:28 He really and I think it's because he had come
47:31 from so far down, he knew who God was,
47:32 he knew where God was, he knew how to get to God
47:34 and there was a sincerity that marked his,
47:37 the latter part of his life that was unmistakable.
47:39 But, you know, he wanted so desperately, C.A.,
47:42 for the world for believers every where
47:45 to believe and grasp that,
47:48 you can have a prayer life like he had.
47:51 That Roger was no special guru
47:54 like they believe in India in Hinduism.
47:56 That Roger was simply trying to teach us and disciple us
47:59 and help us understand that
48:01 we can all have that passion at prayer life,
48:03 that intimacy with the Father
48:05 and that, his estate wants desperately
48:08 for people listening and watching this project
48:11 as it unfolds, to really grasp and believe for themselves.
48:14 Praise God. Praise God.
48:16 Obviously, Chris, you are very aware of the times
48:19 in which you live and that time is not far.
48:23 There's not a lot of time left.
48:24 There's much more in the rearview mirror
48:26 than there is in the windshield.
48:29 Time line, do you have a time
48:31 when you're trying to get this done in and out
48:33 or do you kind of just take it as it comes
48:34 because documentaries can be,
48:37 I mean, you got to do a lot of research,
48:38 there's a lot of time at the computer,
48:40 a lot of time looking up stuff, talking to people
48:42 and then you got to synthesize this stuff.
48:44 Do you have a kind of time line in your mind?
48:46 Thank you, yes.
48:48 The goal with God's help is to release the documentary
48:51 before the end of 2015.
48:55 Our goal is to come out with the feature film
48:59 by fall Halloween season, 2017.
49:04 It's, we're giving ourselves sometime
49:06 to raise the funds that we need.
49:08 It's gonna be a large mountain.
49:10 You know, when you do a feature film,
49:12 you have a small army that's required to...
49:14 Oh, yes, yeah.
49:15 And you have a lot of location,
49:16 a lot of expense versus the documentary format.
49:20 But we felt like the both programs are very important
49:25 in terms of underscoring the importance of the story
49:28 so, end of 2015 documentary and then late 2017
49:34 for the feature film, God willing.
49:36 Yeah.
49:37 Even sooner if possible.
49:38 But, you know, when you think about
49:40 a counter cultural story like this,
49:42 it happened during Halloween, 1946.
49:45 And all the films that get released that are spooky,
49:47 harp goblins, scary stuff,
49:50 horror films at Halloween season,
49:52 we want a film that's gonna be completely against the grain.
49:54 Praise God. Praise God.
49:56 Obviously, you have bitten down on this
49:58 because you're gonna do two projects.
50:00 One, a documentary, a feature film.
50:02 So you think this is an important story to tell.
50:05 Absolutely.
50:07 Yeah.
50:08 I really believe it's part of God's last day call
50:10 for people to come out of Babylon.
50:12 And the documentary itself
50:15 isn't intended to duplicate the feature film.
50:18 The feature film,
50:20 again, the feature film is not to be preachy,
50:22 it's not, it can't be a didactic.
50:24 We are not trying to do a Bible study
50:26 in the feature film.
50:27 Right, the Holy Spirit's blessing,
50:29 we want to make people curious to learn what Roger learned
50:32 in 1946 that saved his soul.
50:36 Yeah, and you actually,
50:38 we're heading down the same road
50:40 because I'm thinking your target audience
50:42 isn't a person who's sitting in church on Sabbath anyway.
50:44 Exactly.
50:45 That featured film is going to for an audience
50:47 that doesn't have that pre-disposition.
50:49 So it's got to tell a story without preaching the story,
50:54 yet, there's got to be some entertainment value
50:57 because want people to see it.
50:58 So you're weaving together a number of threads
51:01 to try to get something that is relevant
51:04 and yet that is marketable and that is sellable.
51:07 Right exactly. Yeah, yeah.
51:08 It's exactly right. Lot to say.
51:10 And also, you know,
51:11 we are living in a prove-it-to-me age.
51:12 Precisely, yeah.
51:14 And so that's why
51:15 the documentary is coming to serve,
51:17 underscore and validate the person that Roger was
51:19 and the danger of the occult, ultimately.
51:22 That when you dabble in it,
51:24 it's gonna take your life ultimately.
51:26 Excellent, yeah, well said.
51:29 Chris Lang is a representative of a number of young people.
51:33 I still call him young 'cause he's younger than me,
51:36 who are ceasing this medium that is so very, very popular.
51:40 I think video television,
51:42 one of the most powerful things
51:43 ever created in history of the world.
51:45 He's using this
51:47 for the uplifting of the gospel.
51:48 Should you want to make contact with Chris Lang,
51:51 Lifestreams media, support this very, very worth while
51:55 and worthy project with your prayers
51:58 and with your finances, here's the information
52:01 that you're gonna need.
52:04 To contact Chris Lang,
52:06 or for more information about his ministry,
52:08 you can write to Lifestreams Media,
52:10 Post Office Box 608513,
52:13 Orlando, Florida, 32860.
52:17 That's Lifestreams Media, Post Office Box 608513,
52:22 Orlando, Florida, 32860.
52:25 Or call (407)494-3288.
52:30 That's (407)494-3288.
52:34 Or you can go online at lifestreams.org.
52:37 That's lifestreams.org.


Revised 2015-10-05