3ABN Today

Training Medical Missionaries for India

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang (Host), Pr. John Sundaraj, Pooranam Stephen, Pr. Wilbur Atwood


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015050A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:08 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 My name is John Lomacang
01:13 and if you are returning, you know that,
01:14 but if this is your first time tuning in,
01:16 welcome to this network
01:18 where we believe that Jesus is using this ministry
01:21 to carry the gospel around the world 24 hours a day,
01:25 seven days a week, not only through television
01:27 but through radio and the internet.
01:30 And today, I'd like to encourage you
01:31 to remember this network
01:32 because we have a wonderful program for you today.
01:35 You know, the gospel is not just a preaching gospel
01:38 and a teaching gospel and a music ministry,
01:41 but Jesus did more healing than He did preaching.
01:44 And today, our guests have come from India
01:47 as well as from America to share with you
01:49 how the Lord is transforming lives and getting people
01:52 from every nation ready for the coming of our Lord.
01:56 So do stay tuned, I know you are gonna be inspired.
01:59 Also I'd like to thank you for your prayers
02:01 and your financial support of this network
02:03 that keeps us going and growing.
02:05 We believe that it is important to continue going
02:08 until Jesus returns to take us home,
02:11 but also, we have some music.
02:12 One of our good friends, Rosemary Malkiewycz,
02:15 who is a part of 3ABN Australia
02:18 is going to sing a song entitled,
02:20 "Do They See Jesus in Me?"
02:41 Is the face that I see in the mirror
02:47 The one I want others to see
02:54 Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
03:02 The love that you've given to me
03:09 My heart desires to be like you
03:15 In all that I do all I am
03:23 Do they see Jesus in me
03:31 Do they recognize your face
03:36 Do I communicate your love
03:42 And your grace
03:48 Do I reflect who you are
03:55 In the way I choose to be
04:02 Do they see Jesus in me
04:19 Well, it's amazing that you'd ever use me
04:26 But use me the way you will
04:31 Help me to hold out a heart of compassion and grace
04:38 A heart that your spirit fills
04:44 May I show forgiveness and mercy
04:50 The same way you've shown it to me
04:58 Do they see Jesus in me
05:05 Do they recognize your face
05:10 Do I communicate your love
05:17 And your grace
05:22 Do I reflect who you are
05:29 In the way I choose to be
05:36 Do they see
05:40 Jesus in me
05:47 Well, I want to show all the world
05:51 That you are the reason I live and breathe
05:59 So you'll be the one they see
06:05 When they see me
06:10 Do they see Jesus in me
06:17 Do they recognize your face
06:22 Do I communicate your love
06:28 And your grace
06:34 Do I reflect who you are
06:40 In the way I choose to be
06:47 Do they see
06:54 Jesus in me
07:07 Jesus in me
07:20 Thank you, Rosemary. What a wonderful song.
07:22 Wasn't that a wonderful song?
07:23 Oh, yes.
07:24 I tell you, "Do They See Jesus in Me?"
07:27 And our guests today are here to let you know
07:31 that Jesus can be seen in many ways,
07:34 not just the singing of the word
07:36 and the preaching of the word
07:37 but also the ministry to the hurting
07:39 and to those who need healing.
07:41 And particularly, the ministry today is focusing on India,
07:45 quite a country and quite a challenge.
07:48 So let's welcome our guests Pastor John Stephen Sundaraj,
07:52 good to have you here today.
07:54 Since you are within my arm reach,
07:55 I have to shake your hand. Welcome back.
07:57 Thank you.
07:58 We had a wonderful visit
07:59 the last time you were here at 3ABN
08:01 and also your wife Pooranam Stephen.
08:03 Good to have you here today.
08:04 I will shake your hand little later.
08:05 You are kind of a long way away.
08:07 My arms are longs but that's kind of a stretch.
08:09 No pun intended, and Pastor Wilbur Atwood.
08:14 Good to have you here today. Good to be here.
08:16 And I'm excited about this program
08:17 because I had been to India before
08:20 and matter of fact the fun part about being in India is,
08:24 some of the people in India said I could pass for Indian.
08:27 And I have fun with the accent too, but I won't do that today
08:30 because I want to respect your culture
08:31 as it surely does deserve.
08:34 But Pastor John Sundaraj, tell us who you are,
08:39 and I just told the people that,
08:40 but where are you from, which is obviously India,
08:43 but what do you do right now?
08:45 Kind of summarize that for us.
08:46 Well, I come from the southern part of India...
08:50 Yes.
08:51 Place called Hosur, it's in Tamil Nadu.
08:55 We have a medical missionary training.
08:57 Okay.
08:59 That we've been involved in the last 17 years.
09:02 Wonderful. Yeah.
09:03 The Lord has put a desire in my heart to start
09:08 a medical missionary training to reach the people,
09:11 the unreached people in India...
09:13 Wow.
09:14 And that's what I have been doing
09:16 and I had the privilege to come to Wildwood,
09:19 take a short training, the six months training,
09:22 and that really inspired me to do something similar
09:26 so that I can reach many people with the health message.
09:30 That's right. Yeah.
09:32 That's what we are really involved in.
09:33 Wow. Well, thank you for being here.
09:35 I appreciate it so much.
09:36 And to your right, your wife Pooranam Stephen.
09:38 I tried to get the accent correct.
09:40 Did I do pretty good? Oh, yes. Yeah.
09:42 So good to have you here today.
09:44 Tell our audience those who are watching
09:46 and listening to the program, what you do
09:48 and how you are connected to the ministry.
09:50 Well, I'm the wife of pastor
09:53 and I work in the training center as a teacher.
09:57 Okay.
09:58 And all through my wife, I always wanted to be
10:02 a teacher to training people and so all these years,
10:07 I'm with him teaching the young people.
10:10 Wow, it's not good that man should be alone
10:13 and in more ways than one and also ministry,
10:15 thank you and welcome to have you here.
10:18 And also to my far right, Pastor Wilbur Atwood.
10:22 Good to have you here today.
10:23 Pastor and also former president
10:26 of Wildwood, am I correct?
10:27 Correct.
10:29 And give us a little bit more about your background
10:30 and what you do right now.
10:32 Well, basically, as a young man,
10:35 I was interested in becoming a pastor
10:39 but just at the moment
10:41 when I could have gone into being a pastor,
10:44 God called me to go to Wildwood.
10:46 Okay.
10:47 And so I started out as a student
10:50 and eventually became the president
10:53 and it was during that time that I met Dr. Sundaraj
10:58 and had the privilege of being
11:01 a little bit of a part of his training.
11:04 And now you are--
11:06 Now, I want to just put this in the proper context.
11:08 Pastors really don't retire, they just re-tire
11:12 and keep on driving, keep on moving.
11:14 They get new tires and keep going.
11:16 And so you are still connected
11:17 to the Ministry of Wildwood, correct?
11:18 Yes.
11:20 At the current moment,
11:21 I'm serving as the pastor of the local church there
11:24 and so I'm still someone involved
11:26 in the Ministry of Wildwood.
11:27 Wow, well, thank you for being here today
11:28 because there is obviously a connection between
11:31 what you do and what the Lord is now doing in your life,
11:34 planting seeds in His heart.
11:36 Now, you and your wife
11:37 are planting seeds in the hearts
11:38 and lives of the people of your own culture in India.
11:42 Give us a brief history of your ministry.
11:45 Now, I want you to mention
11:47 that name is Jeeva Jyothi Ministry.
11:50 Now I have become aware that in India
11:53 everything has a meaning behind it.
11:55 Tell our audience what does Jeeva Jyothi mean?
11:58 Well, Jeeva Jyothi means living light.
12:03 Okay.
12:04 You know we want to spread the light of Jesus
12:08 into the people who are in darkness.
12:10 Yeah.
12:11 So give us a brief history like a little bit of your background
12:14 because I know that, when we are growing up
12:16 we don't necessarily say, "One day, I'm going to be
12:18 involved in a ministry to my own people in India."
12:21 Give us some of the background so we can see
12:22 how God led you to where you are today.
12:24 Well, from my childhood, I always wanted to do
12:29 God's work and I want to preach the gospel.
12:32 And so I had the privilege
12:34 to go to Spicer Memorial College,
12:35 took my bachelor training and then my masters
12:39 and God also opened a way for me to go to Philippians
12:42 and do my doctoral studies
12:44 and I was called back to India to teach.
12:47 I was teaching at Spicer for a few years
12:51 then the Lord put a burden in my heart,
12:54 you know, rather than just being a teacher
12:58 if I would train more young people
13:01 so that they can go out and prepare people
13:04 for the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
13:07 You know, one of the Bible passages
13:12 that really impressed my heart
13:14 and the reason for starting this ministry
13:17 is found in Matthew 9:36-37.
13:24 And I would just take a moment to read this.
13:27 "But when he saw the multitude,"
13:30 that is Jesus "he was moved with compassion on them,
13:34 because they fainted, and were scattered abroad,
13:38 as sheep having no shepherd.
13:42 Then saith he unto his disciples,
13:44 the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
13:51 Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest,
13:53 that he would send forth laborers into His harvest."
13:56 So you know this is the,
13:58 the passage that really motivated me.
14:00 See, there are millions,
14:02 it's more than 1.2 million people in India
14:05 and we are just only 3.0--
14:07 Are you sure, you mean 1.2 billion?
14:09 I'm sorry...
14:10 Very sorry. It's 1.2 billion people.
14:12 Right.
14:13 That's right. Sorry for that.
14:15 Yeah, it's 1.2 billion people in India
14:17 and out of which it's only 3.0.
14:20 You know it's a little more than three percent.
14:22 Who are Christians. Wow.
14:24 And so I can understand the vast majority of people
14:31 who are still in darkness, who need to know Jesus.
14:33 That's right.
14:34 So if I as a pastor taking care of a church
14:37 would not be sufficient.
14:38 So I felt impressed to train
14:41 hundreds and thousands of young people.
14:44 In fact, my vision, you know,
14:45 the burden that God has put in my heart to train
14:48 thousand missionaries to go out and share the gospel.
14:52 So the Lord helped us to come to Wildwood,
14:55 get a training, and went back
14:57 and started this medical missionary training.
15:00 Now before we go into the specifics
15:01 of the training and then bring your wife onboard
15:03 in the interview Pastor Atwood,
15:05 I want you to share because you met
15:08 Pastor Sundaraj a number of years ago
15:12 when you were involved in his training.
15:14 Talk about that and give a highlight to Wildwood
15:17 and what they are continuing to do.
15:19 Well, we have students that come
15:22 from all over the world,
15:24 and John Sundaraj came and when he first came
15:31 he just kind of dropped in on us
15:33 but I was able to talk to him for a little while
15:37 and I was very impressed that he was a man
15:41 that God could really use.
15:43 And so I had to kind of struggle
15:44 with committee a little bit to let him stay
15:48 but they let him stay
15:50 and so he was able to go through the training
15:52 and I haven't been disappointed.
15:55 You know, many times students will come to Wildwood
15:59 and then they like it in America
16:02 and they want to stay in America
16:04 but it's always thrilling to me to see someone that will come,
16:09 receive the training and go back to their country
16:12 and raise up another memorial for God.
16:15 Amen.
16:16 You know it's very rare
16:18 that we see the fruits of our labor
16:19 and I know that Pastor Atwood's
16:21 heart is filled with joy today to see the fruits of his labor
16:24 planting the seed the Lord did in your life raising you
16:27 with the ministry of Wildwood,
16:29 that's located in Wildwood, Georgia.
16:31 I had a chance to go down there.
16:33 I really enjoyed being there, I did a week of prayer there
16:35 and what an amazing experience.
16:38 It was good food, really gets you to think about your health.
16:42 A lot of people don't think about
16:43 the health aspect of the gospel,
16:45 but it wouldn't make sense to be a sick Christian
16:47 and God came with--
16:49 "We want to have life and have it more abundantly."
16:50 And I just want to-- Sure.
16:52 I would just say being at Wildwood
16:55 was the best of my life.
16:56 Those six months that I stayed,
16:59 I have received blessings physically,
17:01 mentally and spiritually and I would never forget
17:04 the training at Wildwood, and I'm thankful to them.
17:07 Now, I want to bring your wife onboard
17:09 because your wife is a teacher
17:11 and there is medical missionary training involved.
17:16 Pooranam, I want to say that
17:18 and tell us what that means because that's a wonderful--
17:20 when I discovered all these meanings,
17:21 I was very excited about
17:23 how God flavors the names of those in India.
17:26 You mean my name?
17:27 Yes, Pooranam, what does that mean?
17:29 Oh, Pooranam means "whole." In Tamil, we say "perfect."
17:34 Okay.
17:35 So my parents named me Pooranam
17:37 and I want to be whole in the ministry.
17:41 Amen.
17:42 Do something for Jesus,
17:44 to make people know God and change their lives.
17:49 And that's exactly what you are involved in now?
17:50 Yes.
17:51 Tell us about your role
17:53 in the Jeeva Jyothi Ministries there in India.
17:55 Okay. I teach the trainees.
17:58 Last year, we had the 25th class of students,
18:05 and we trained 15 of them, 10 of them graduated.
18:12 Amen.
18:13 During the training, our students have classes
18:17 in the morning and work in the afternoon.
18:22 Okay, during the classes
18:23 they learn 28 fundamental doctrines
18:28 of Seventh-day Adventist, Daniel and Revelation
18:31 and other Christian living classes
18:34 and other Bible classes and health classes.
18:40 We teach them massage,
18:42 hydrotherapy and healthcare and prevention.
18:47 So students have classes in the morning
18:51 and work in the afternoon.
18:54 During the weekends, they go out to the community,
18:59 visiting the sick people, giving them simple treatments
19:04 and they gather little children
19:07 to teach them about Jesus,
19:13 tell them Bible stories, sing songs to them,
19:17 and throughout their training, they have different activities
19:23 like they go out to the public schools.
19:26 We take them to public schools to share health talk
19:30 to the students over there and they have...
19:34 They have to conduct crusades they have to select a pastor
19:39 and our trainees will go around visiting homes,
19:43 inviting people to come to the crusade.
19:46 They participate in that.
19:48 And they also have to take colporteur training
19:54 before they graduate.
19:56 That's very rounded.
19:58 I mean I'm going through the preaching,
19:59 the teaching Daniel, Revelation,
20:01 the 28 fundamentals, colporteuring,
20:03 reaching out to the community,
20:05 going to the schools to do health talks.
20:07 I mean that's really
20:08 and much of that training you are involved in.
20:10 Yes.
20:11 What about the spiritual side,
20:13 the teaching of the fundamentals.
20:14 You also do that? Yes.
20:15 Yes, we do teach the fundamental doctrines
20:18 in the training time
20:20 and they are very much convinced.
20:22 After they come to the training,
20:25 they are living closer to Jesus,
20:28 their lives are touched, their lives are changed
20:32 before they get out of the training center.
20:35 Now I want to say this correctly
20:36 because as Pastor Atwood talked about you,
20:38 he said Doctor John Stephen
20:40 and I've discovered you are a doctor.
20:42 Doctor, Stephen, I just want to include that,
20:45 all right, recognizing God's accomplishments
20:47 in your life, how do you select people
20:50 to be a part of the Jeeva Jyothi Ministries?
20:53 Well, we inform the local conferences...
20:58 Okay.
20:59 And also the churches
21:01 and we tell them our requirements,
21:05 those of them who are baptized Adventist,
21:08 who have a burden for God's work
21:10 and if they show interest they let us know
21:16 and it's a motivation that we give it to the pastors
21:22 and also to the church leaders
21:24 and they in turn pass that information
21:27 to their local church members
21:29 and that's the way we've been getting students.
21:32 Now, these students obviously not only
21:34 from the local church but obviously
21:36 from the converts in India.
21:38 Yes. Oh, yes.
21:39 Tell us about some of the evangelistic series
21:41 because you mentioned the evangelism
21:42 is being done too and they have to give evangelistic series.
21:45 Asking the question, is it just men giving the series
21:48 or young ladies or women also?
21:51 How do they reach out in your culture?
21:53 Just to understand how that works.
21:54 Well, preaching by women is not that common in India.
22:00 I didn't think so. Yes.
22:02 When it comes to public preaching, it's always men.
22:04 Okay.
22:06 But in terms of, you know,
22:07 health messages and giving Bible studies
22:10 the women do play a very important role.
22:13 But all students during the training they go out
22:17 and we take them for about 10 to--
22:19 10 days to two weeks
22:22 and we stay in a particular place
22:24 and it maybe a place where there is no Christians,
22:28 you know, and we go house to house.
22:31 Particularly, you know,
22:33 we follow the medical missionary method.
22:35 We give them simple home remedies with sick people
22:38 and tell them we are conducting a meeting
22:39 and that we invite.
22:41 You know, so that's what the students do
22:43 and then we select a preacher,
22:45 maybe one of the students would preach,
22:47 our pastor preaches and this is the way
22:49 we've been able to influence
22:51 many of the communities nearby
22:53 and in many places and by God's grace,
22:56 our missionaries were able to, you know,
22:58 start up a number of congregations.
23:00 Amen.
23:01 So it's the season not just being
23:03 strewn in different places but churches are springing up.
23:07 Amen. That's wonderful.
23:08 And you know, the challenge in India is,
23:11 when I-- when I was driving through--
23:13 I wasn't driving when I was in as a passenger
23:15 going through Bangalore and I saw
23:17 the thousands and thousands of motorbikes,
23:20 which is a common mode of transportation.
23:21 That's right.
23:23 I could not help but to think,
23:24 "How is the Lord going to reach all these people?"
23:27 I mean there is so much activity,
23:29 but it's good to know that your ministry,
23:32 Jeeva Jyothi Ministries
23:33 with also Outpost Centers International
23:35 and other ministries like Asian Aid,
23:37 all these various ministries,
23:38 the Lord is working in various capacities.
23:42 You brought some pictures with you today.
23:43 I want to kind a have you take us through those pictures
23:47 and familiarize our audience and be a little descriptive
23:50 for those who may be listening on radio.
23:52 We will bring those pictures up and you will explain
23:54 what each of them is that we're looking at.
23:56 Well, what you see there is our campus.
24:00 You know we are surrounded by mountains
24:02 and we've been praying earnestly for a place as,
24:07 you know, something in the nature
24:09 and God has provided it.
24:10 And that is what you see
24:12 and we have the church building, the boy's dormitory
24:15 and the teacher's house and the guest house
24:19 and that is what you see in the picture.
24:22 And--
24:23 This is the last graduation of our students.
24:28 25th graduation. Wow.
24:30 25, and they are kneeling down praying.
24:32 Yes. Kind of getting--
24:33 It's a dedicatory prayer.
24:35 See we always, you know, help these graduates
24:39 to commit their lives before they go out.
24:42 So it's a commitment and a dedicatory service.
24:45 And what you see here is the classroom.
24:49 We have a simple classroom facility
24:51 and we have some retired teachers
24:54 who are doing voluntary service...
24:56 And they teach for our students
24:59 Bible classes and health classes,
25:02 and it's been a great blessing.
25:04 And also we teach our students computer studies
25:08 so they will have some practical knowledge
25:10 so that when they go out,
25:12 they can be a blessing to the community
25:15 and it will also help them.
25:18 Massage.
25:20 Yeah, we teach students massage in the class.
25:23 What you see here is--
25:25 they are practicing chair massage.
25:29 Okay.
25:31 I see that the guys are practicing on the guys.
25:33 Yes. Yes.
25:35 And as we have already mentioned,
25:37 the students also do work in the afternoon
25:43 and they help in the farm.
25:44 We grow rice, ragi and so many grains for our own use
25:50 and also lots of vegetables, so that--
25:51 Agriculture.
25:53 Agriculture work as Sister White
25:55 writes in the ABC of Education.
25:57 And they, you know, every one,
25:59 the staff members and the students involve
26:01 in the farming and agriculture work.
26:04 That has been a great blessing.
26:06 And God has blessed us with this work
26:09 so that we can have enough of food for our survival.
26:13 Wow, wonderful pictures of baptism taking place here.
26:15 This is Ajay.
26:18 He was in the last class, Hindu student.
26:24 We admitted him exception but he was very good
26:30 and he accepted Jesus at the end of the training
26:34 and now he is baptized.
26:36 Praise the Lord.
26:38 Would he stay on to get some further training?
26:41 No. He is now taken as--
26:45 As teacher in one of our schools.
26:47 Wow. So he is going to teach.
26:49 And he has proved himself to be very committed.
26:52 And what you see here is a small bakery
26:58 that we make peanut butter, whole-wheat bread,
27:02 and it's not only to support our ministry
27:04 but also we try to share this with the community
27:08 and particularly with the Adventist community,
27:10 we are very close to their division headquarter.
27:13 And so we share our health foods
27:15 and help people to have a better living through health,
27:21 you know, healthful food and diet.
27:23 So that has been a great blessing.
27:25 And here is an interesting experience
27:27 that I want to share.
27:29 You know, our students go out to the public
27:32 and they give simple home remedies.
27:36 This is an interesting story
27:37 that I want to share to the audience.
27:41 You know this particular person actually is a Hindu priest.
27:46 Getting foot therapy? Yes. Yes.
27:48 You know one day he sent a word to us
27:50 because he some how came to know
27:53 that our students are doing simple treatments
27:56 to people who are sick.
27:58 And his one leg was amputated before
28:02 because he was a diabetic.
28:04 And so he was very much concerned
28:08 that when he got wound in the next leg,
28:11 he was very much afraid
28:12 that he is going to lose the next leg.
28:15 So he sent a word and we went there.
28:18 We started treating those wounds
28:20 with simple charcoal remedies.
28:22 Within two weeks, by the grace of God,
28:25 he was completely healed and he was amazed because,
28:29 you know, that's the same way he lost the previous leg.
28:32 And had he known, he could have saved the leg?
28:34 Yes.
28:35 You know, and in fact we told him,
28:37 if you would have let us know earlier
28:38 we could have even saved that.
28:40 So we really praise God that God is using
28:42 this simple home remedies to save lives
28:46 and we also given him natural remedies
28:48 even to get rid of his diabetes
28:51 which he did and he is now out of medication,
28:54 you know, for his diabetes.
28:55 So we really praise God for this simple home remedies.
28:58 And that way we are able to pray with him every time.
29:02 So he always say, "Please, pray for us," you know.
29:05 He is a Hindu priest, so that gives
29:08 a great opportunity to share about Jesus.
29:10 You know, and I know that in India,
29:11 Hinduism is huge.
29:13 We went to some of the--
29:14 we saw some of the Hindu temples there
29:16 and so to be able to reach out
29:17 and influence someone for a positive way,
29:20 in a positive way toward the truth of God's word
29:23 by health remedies because normally
29:26 if you look at the situation, he wouldn't say to you,
29:28 "Come and teach me the 28 fundamentals."
29:29 No. No.
29:30 Because he's committed to a different philosophy.
29:32 That's right. That's right.
29:33 But this has opened the door
29:35 because he sees that and in worshipping
29:37 the various gods that Hindus do,
29:40 in respect, now he sees the power of the home remedies
29:44 through the God that you serve
29:46 and through the God that you serve.
29:47 It's amazing as I look at this because you know, we saw the--
29:51 One thing I want to just emphasize
29:52 for those who didn't see the pictures,
29:54 in one of the classrooms I saw the ladies
29:55 with all their beautifully colored outfits.
29:58 One thing that India is known for is beautiful,
30:01 colorful clothing.
30:03 And tell us a little bit about some of the specific ministries
30:07 for the ladies that are there.
30:10 I know that we saw the men practicing massage
30:14 on the men, the ladies practice massage on the ladies.
30:17 Do you also do things like teaching them
30:19 sewing and things like that?
30:21 Oh, yeah. Yes.
30:22 We teach the girls as well as the boys.
30:25 Okay.
30:27 Mostly girls.
30:28 Okay. We teach them tailoring.
30:30 Okay.
30:32 They come--
30:33 At least three months, we teach them tailoring.
30:37 They learn how to stitch petticoats and blouses,
30:45 things like that.
30:46 And the girls are very happy and they go back,
30:50 they teach their church members of these trades.
30:54 When we were in India, we saw a gentlemen,
30:56 so many of the hand-- they don't have
30:58 a lot of electricity in all over the place--
31:00 some of the hand peddling sewing machines
31:03 and I was impressed what they could do with that.
31:06 But I want to also add another component
31:08 because what you learned at Wildwood
31:10 which is in Wildwood, Georgia, is what,
31:12 where the flame began in your life
31:14 and I want to give Pastor Atwood a chance
31:16 to inform some of our audience, our listeners,
31:19 and our viewers that Wildwood is still there
31:22 and share some of the things
31:23 that Wildwood still has to offer.
31:26 Well, Wildwood is still very much involved
31:31 in training students.
31:32 We get probably 20 to 30 students every six months
31:38 and out of that, there are still individuals.
31:41 This very week, I took a family
31:46 who are going to start another project in Brazil
31:50 and so they've landed there yesterday
31:54 and God provided a whole institution for them,
31:58 need some repair.
32:00 Also Wildwood is involved in working to help
32:06 those that are suffering from various diseases.
32:10 This is one of the ways
32:12 that we can meet all kinds of people.
32:15 I remember one man, he was a very wealthy man
32:20 and he was sick so he had to come
32:23 and as the result of the care that he received there,
32:28 he ended up giving $100,000 to the work there at Wildwood.
32:32 Wow.
32:34 We've had a number of wealthy people
32:36 who were so impressed and they even--
32:40 this one man, he was so impressed
32:43 with the book Great Controversy
32:46 and with the spiritual atmosphere at Wildwood,
32:50 he actually wanted me to anoint him.
32:53 Now I don't usually anoint non-Adventist,
32:56 but in his case, it seemed appropriate to do
33:01 and it was the most wonderful experience
33:04 I've ever had because God just really helped him
33:08 to see that God was there through the health ministry.
33:12 That's amazing.
33:13 And so many Christians today, and I want to put...
33:16 Pull this together in what's happening in India
33:17 and what's happening here in America.
33:19 So many Christians are not taking,
33:22 connecting themselves
33:23 to the health aspects of the Bible.
33:26 And I want to also go to the next level
33:28 that the health aspects of the Bible
33:30 is not just something we decided to include,
33:33 but it's very much a part of the gospel.
33:34 That's right.
33:36 You know, God-- Jesus came,
33:37 that we may have life and have it more abundantly,
33:38 John 10:10.
33:40 Now in the culture that you are in,
33:42 you know, there is Hinduism, there is Buddhism,
33:45 there is Islam, so many different cultures.
33:48 Do you ever have any challenges there
33:50 when it comes to reaching out
33:52 and how do you deal with them, if you do have any?
33:54 Well, you know, it's-- whenever you talk to a Hindu
33:58 about Christ and sometimes you will hear answer like
34:04 "Well, I'm not interested," you know,
34:06 "That's your religion," you know.
34:07 So Bible and Christianity, to many Hindus
34:13 and Buddhists and Muslims, it's a foreign religion.
34:17 But when you talk about health,
34:20 you know, they are very much interested.
34:23 Because whenever they are sick, they have health problems
34:27 and you tell them "Okay,
34:29 this is what you can do to improve your health,"
34:32 then immediately his attention is turned.
34:35 And then you minister to their need
34:38 and slowly his interest is developed.
34:41 They get to know what we do and where we are from,
34:44 and we tell them what we are doing.
34:46 And slowly as we finish the treatment,
34:48 you know, we share about the health messages
34:51 and then we say, "Well, we can surely
34:53 pray for you and God is going to help you."
34:55 You know, that way his interest is now induced
35:00 and he is willing to listen to the gospel.
35:02 So, you know, as Sister White writes, Christ method alone
35:07 will give true success in reaching people.
35:10 You know, so in ministering to the needs
35:12 particularly their physical needs,
35:14 you know, you have a great opportunity
35:17 to touch their hearts and that way
35:21 the door is open to share the gospel.
35:23 Now what about ministries to family?
35:25 Sometimes, you talked about the facility you have,
35:28 the rooms that people stay.
35:30 About how many can you accommodate
35:32 on your campus right now?
35:35 Well, you know, all these years we have been
35:38 involved in training the young people for medical missionary.
35:42 You know this is evangelistic work.
35:45 But now we are also so much impressed
35:48 to start a lifestyle center.
35:50 Okay.
35:52 Because this will give opportunity
35:55 for the higher class people,
35:57 the educated, to come into our facilities
36:00 to stay there for a week or two,
36:03 and learn about healthful living
36:06 and also how to prevent lots of sicknesses
36:11 and this will give them an opportunity
36:14 not only to learn health but, you know,
36:17 they will slowly learn the love of Christ
36:21 through the way we minister to them.
36:23 You know so that's what we are really praying
36:26 and we are working and there is a construction
36:28 of a lifestyle center
36:29 that is right now it's happening now.
36:30 Matter of fact, you have a picture to show us
36:32 that construction that's taking place on the lifestyle center.
36:34 That's right. That's it.
36:36 Explain what we are seeing here.
36:38 How many rooms are you planning
36:40 for this facility to have?
36:42 Well, we have six guest rooms. Okay.
36:46 We are hoping to accommodate about 10 guests at each time
36:51 and you have treatment rooms for men and women
36:56 and the lecture hall and the dining hall.
36:59 You know, this is of course a very simple facility
37:01 but we are trying to attract more educated people
37:07 so that they will get to know Jesus.
37:10 You know, that's our focus.
37:12 How to reach this people
37:13 with the gospel is through health.
37:16 You know, that's one of the reasons
37:17 that we are focusing on this lifestyle center
37:21 and this will also give us an opportunity
37:24 to get little income to support our ministry
37:26 so that we can be more self supporting, you know.
37:30 You know one of the things you see
37:31 and I'm sure this is probably part of the focus is,
37:35 and let me use this in the proper context here,
37:38 use this in the context of America.
37:40 You know, in America, we have American,
37:42 the Native American often called Indian.
37:45 Well, there is a saying years ago
37:47 that if you could get the Indian chief,
37:50 you will get the Indians.
37:51 That's right. Okay.
37:53 And I see in your culture that principle is similar.
37:55 If you get those who are wealthy
37:57 and heavily influential in the communities,
38:00 chances are there are lot of people that they influence
38:03 that whose hearts can be moved to be open to the things
38:06 that Jeeva Jyothi Ministries are able to offer.
38:11 Let's talk about some of the future goals you have.
38:13 Now this facility, we are gonna talk about
38:15 the needs that you have here.
38:17 In some of the earlier pictures, I saw computers.
38:20 Yeah.
38:21 Are those provided by donations or how does,
38:25 how does that become a part of ministry?
38:26 Well, you know, in fact, everything that you see
38:30 in our ministry is basically a donation
38:32 Okay.
38:34 And I want to really thank all the donors
38:37 who have been praying and supporting
38:39 this ministry all these years.
38:42 I'm so grateful to God for impressing
38:44 the hearts of these donors.
38:46 The computers and all the buildings
38:51 that we have in the campus
38:52 and everything that we see is basically donation.
38:56 Okay.
38:57 And so in this new facility what are some of the equipment
39:01 that you are going to need in there
39:02 because you talked about
39:03 therapy rooms and various kinds of rooms.
39:06 Tell us about some of the needs
39:07 that, that new facility is going to have.
39:08 Okay, well, right now this lifestyle center
39:12 that you saw in the picture is under construction
39:16 and it's, for short of funds, it's kind of stopped
39:21 and we are praying that the Lord will provide
39:23 the needed funds to complete.
39:26 And we still have to do lots of things
39:31 towards the completion of the constructions
39:33 and then equipments, you know, like all the hydro treatments
39:39 and the massage treatments
39:41 and also we are looking at some lab equipments
39:46 to test the blood as the guests come in
39:50 and all the furnitures,
39:52 and those are some of the needs that we have for the building.
39:56 Right, because you can't just put that up
39:58 and I want to just go back and emphasize something
39:59 that you said pretty quickly,
40:01 the building primarily has stopped right now,
40:04 because you are waiting for the funding
40:06 to come in and continue.
40:07 That's right, yeah.
40:08 And as you are a part
40:10 of the ministry of your husband,
40:12 Pooranam, I like saying the name,
40:13 it has such a role to it.
40:15 Tell us some of the needs that you see
40:18 that are part of this future developing facility?
40:23 You mean for the lifestyle center?
40:25 For the lifestyle center, yes.
40:28 As he has mentioned about the furniture
40:33 and the equipments in the lab
40:38 or massage room or in the hydrotherapy room,
40:43 all these involve money
40:46 and since we are going to start
40:50 this lifestyle center or the training,
40:56 we need all this to be done before we start.
41:00 Okay, and one other thing
41:01 that we are also interested in serving the community.
41:05 So we would like to start a community clinic.
41:09 Okay.
41:10 You know, there are so many poor villages,
41:12 you know, they have to travel
41:14 quite a distance to go to the hospital.
41:16 So we like to start a community clinic
41:19 so that they can come in and get the free treatment
41:23 with simple medications and that is something
41:27 that we are also praying
41:28 in addition to our lifestyle center
41:30 that will minister to the, you know,
41:32 the higher class of society
41:34 and the poor ones with this clinic.
41:36 Okay. Yeah.
41:37 So that's not a part
41:38 of the picture that you just showed?
41:40 No, no.
41:41 That's a clinic that, you know,
41:43 that's part of our goal for the future.
41:44 Wonderful. And that's what we are praying.
41:45 And you know, it's not an impossibility
41:47 because the Lord as Danny Shelton often says,
41:49 "There is no lack in God's finances.
41:53 That's right.
41:55 It's just in our pockets."
41:57 We talk about facility and needs and the equipments
41:59 as you said for the lab work and for the things
42:02 that you teach, hydrotherapy, the different facility needs,
42:06 but also there is needs for volunteers
42:08 and teachers, talk about that.
42:09 That's right, you know, all these 17 years,
42:13 God has provided some committed volunteers
42:17 and there were number of missionaries
42:20 from US and Netherland who had come to our place.
42:23 Australia also.
42:25 Yeah, from Australia, that's right.
42:26 They had come there, stayed for few months
42:28 like three months, six months,
42:31 and we are in need of some teachers
42:34 who can come and teach Bible classes,
42:37 health classes, and some of these natural remedies,
42:42 and we also need some--
42:44 Skilled person.
42:45 Yeah, skilled person like
42:47 they can teach auto mechanic and--
42:50 Motorcycle repair.
42:52 Motorcycle, that's right.
42:53 Carpentry. That's right.
42:54 And some of those, you know, these--
42:56 because that's also our goal
42:58 to make our missionaries self-supporting...
43:00 Self-supporting.
43:02 You know so that they don't need to be
43:03 depending on somebody else.
43:05 They will learn the skills and do their--
43:08 Do these skills for their living
43:10 and then share the gospel.
43:12 You know, so this is what we are really working it out.
43:14 And also skilled labors,
43:16 you're talking about builders because as I looked at the--
43:17 Yeah, that's right.
43:19 Yeah, we need definitely builders,
43:20 you know, like this completion of the lifestyle center
43:22 if there is somebody who can come and help us out
43:24 in completing the construction that would be a great help.
43:27 Painters, finishing carpenters, people that can run electric.
43:31 That's right.
43:32 And also let's talk about some of the future needs.
43:34 I saw some of the computers you had
43:36 and they had big monitors.
43:39 Well, in America, Pastor Atwood knows this
43:42 we are down to flat screens and LCD monitors,
43:45 there is also a need to upgrade
43:48 some of the stuff you have.
43:49 Well, these are the computers that we got in--
43:52 you know, used ones.
43:53 These are all used ones. Right.
43:55 We got it really cheap and of course,
43:57 some of them, we are not able to use now.
43:59 And so we are praying that God will provided
44:01 some more equipment
44:02 so that we can teach our students
44:05 the update information.
44:07 And let me also ask another thing.
44:09 What about access to internet?
44:11 Do you have that coming to your facility
44:13 or is that something that's a dream?
44:14 Well--
44:15 I see your wife smiling.
44:17 We have access, but it's-- the speed is very slow.
44:20 I mean you have to wait for hours
44:22 sometime to download something.
44:24 Wow.
44:25 I mean you have to pay a lot of money
44:26 to get speed internet
44:28 which we are not able to do all this while.
44:31 I see, well, Pooranam,
44:33 what are you going to say about that?
44:34 To me it's like a dream because anytime
44:39 we want to check our mail, it takes a long time.
44:44 We have to wait until it is connected too.
44:47 And sometimes I have to travel
44:49 to the next town to get internet.
44:52 So the question would be that I'm gonna pose is,
44:54 is it available where you are or is it not available?
44:57 Was it just the cost that's prohibiting?
44:59 Yeah, it's the cost. Yeah, basically it's the cost.
45:03 You know, and those who are watching the program
45:06 as you can see the Jeeva Jyothi Ministries,
45:11 give me the definition again, it's not little light.
45:12 It's Living Light.
45:14 The Living Light.
45:15 The Living Light is what the Lord
45:17 wants to continue to shine in not only in Southern India
45:21 but also in the different parts where the volunteers come from,
45:25 where the trainees come from.
45:26 They take it back to their families,
45:28 to their villages, to their place of work,
45:30 not just the poor class but also the affluent class.
45:33 That's right. That's right.
45:35 What about automobiles?
45:37 I know sometimes I talked about the motorbikes
45:40 but then how do you transport
45:43 and what kind of needs are there
45:45 if there are any in the area of transportation?
45:48 Well, the Lord has provided a small jeep
45:52 that we were able to buy through the donations
45:55 that we got and we certainly need a vehicle
46:00 so that we can transport our students
46:01 to villages so that they can minister.
46:03 You know, especially
46:05 when we have to take more students,
46:07 we have no transportation.
46:08 They have to go by bus.
46:09 You know the public bus. They go by bus.
46:11 So definitely yes, it is a need
46:14 that we can have to help
46:16 our students to visit the communities.
46:18 Like a nice bus that will carry them
46:19 and bring them back because I know
46:21 that transportation at best it's,
46:23 you know, I must say it is a joy to drive in India
46:26 because not only Pastor Atwood,
46:28 if you haven't been there yet, you need to go visit,
46:31 because while there are lanes
46:32 going in each direction in India,
46:34 everybody makes their own lanes.
46:36 That's right. It's a journey.
46:38 It's an experience that really you never forget soon.
46:41 Before I speak to the audience about financial needs
46:45 and how they could participate, tell us about your connection
46:48 with Outpost Centers International.
46:50 Well, we have become the member of OCI,
46:54 and OCI has accepted us as one of their members
46:58 and it helps us to, you know, have a network around the,
47:04 around the world and they have all our information
47:08 in their website and anyone who,
47:11 you know, who is looking for,
47:15 to donate and also for volunteers.
47:19 You know, we have all the information at OCI.
47:21 Yes.
47:22 And so as doctor said so wonderfully,
47:24 here's the information that you need to contact
47:26 not only his ministry
47:28 but to become an effective donor
47:30 to the cause that we just talked about.
47:35 If you would like to know more about this ministry
47:37 or how you can support it,
47:39 then you can write to Jeeva Jyothi Ministry,
47:42 Outpost Centers International,
47:44 5132 Layton Lane, Apison, Tennessee, 37302.
47:50 That's Jeeva Jyothi Ministry, Outpost Centers International,
47:54 5132 Layton Lane, Apison, Tennessee, 37302.
47:59 You can call 423-236-5600.
48:03 That's 423-236-5600.
48:07 You can visit them online at OutpostCenters.org
48:12 or email them
48:13 at jeevajyothiministry98 @gmail.com.
48:21 Well, friends, as you see
48:22 when Jesus had let your light so shine,
48:25 He really meant that in a spiritual
48:27 and in some ways a literal way
48:29 as the light is shining wonderfully in Southern India
48:33 through the ministry that God has called.
48:36 Pastor John Stephen Sundaraj.
48:38 Sundaraj, that's right.
48:40 And his wife Pooranam Stephen. Yes.
48:41 And Pastor Atwood who is continuing to shine
48:44 for the glory of God there in Wildwood, Georgia.
48:47 We want to encourage you.
48:48 We have a second song here that Rosemary Malkiewycz
48:51 is going to sing entitled "Jesus in Your Heart."
48:54 Ask the Lord how can this Christ
48:56 who wants to life in your heart make a difference
48:59 in the lives of those not only here
49:01 in America but also in India.
49:03 May you be blessed
49:04 by all that the Lord does in and through you.
49:22 If I could have one wish,
49:25 I know just what I'd like to find
49:31 If I could have one dream come true before my eyes
49:41 More than a pot of gold,
49:46 More than a pathway to the stars
49:51 More than anything I know,
49:56 I want Jesus in your heart
50:10 If I could paint a picture
50:14 In my mind of what I'd like to see
50:20 If I could take you once inside my deepest dreams
50:30 More than a treasure's glow,
50:35 More than a comet trav'ling far
50:40 More than anything I know,
50:45 I want Jesus in your heart
50:55 He's more than all the world can give
51:00 When He truly comes to live in your heart
51:10 Why do you try to search for more?
51:15 When He's what you're looking for in your heart?
51:25 So if I could have one wish,
51:28 I know just what I'd like to find
51:34 And if I could have one dream come true before my eyes
51:45 More than a pot of gold,
51:50 More than a pathway to the stars
51:55 More than anything I know, I want Jesus
52:04 I pray you'll find Jesus,
52:10 I want Jesus in your heart.


Revised 2015-09-10