3ABN Today

Testimony and India Orphanage

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Roger Stone


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015049A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome again to 3ABN today.
01:10 We are so thankful that you join us each and every day
01:14 and it's just a pleasure to have this opportunity
01:17 to introduce you to some of God's special people.
01:20 We are all special in the eyes of the Lord
01:22 but we have so many wonderful testimonies
01:24 and today is going to be a good one.
01:29 We just want to thank you for your prayers
01:31 and your financial support of 3ABN
01:33 because we couldn't be doing what we are doing without you.
01:37 I want to introduce you
01:39 to our very special guest today.
01:41 We have two gentlemen here
01:42 that I had the privilege of meeting
01:45 when I was speaking at the Eden Valley Annual Council
01:49 and it was a story-- the testimony was so wonderful
01:55 that we just knew we had to get them here
01:57 so that you could hear their story.
01:59 And first of all we have Pastor Elisha Rao Ganta.
02:04 And pastor, it's so wonderful to have you here.
02:08 I'm also very happy to be here.
02:10 Yes.
02:12 And you little bit--
02:13 and this is your first time to be at 3ABN?
02:15 This is first time for me to be.
02:16 Yes.
02:18 Well, don't be nervous, you have a television ministry
02:20 so I know you are not nervous on television
02:22 but sometimes its intimidating when you don't know
02:24 what somebody is gonna ask you.
02:26 Yes.
02:27 Well, we are thrilled to have you here.
02:29 And we also have Roger Stone
02:32 and Roger is with the Stones Valley Foundation.
02:35 And Roger, you have an amazing ministry.
02:40 I think you started something like 81 churches
02:42 and you have 41 pastors on your payroll for your ministry.
02:48 And we will hear little from Roger as well
02:51 because God has been using him in a major way
02:54 to bless the Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:58 and the Indian people.
03:00 Well, first we have a treat for you.
03:02 We know how much you like music
03:04 and today's singer is no stranger
03:08 to any of you if you watch 3ABN.
03:11 This is a man who has sung for presidents.
03:15 He has quite the reputation out there
03:19 but he sings for the glory of the Lord and he is--
03:23 I'm pleased to introduce Wintley Phipps
03:26 who is going to be singing "The Lord in Zion Reigneth."
03:54 The Lord in Zion reigneth
03:58 Let all the world rejoice
04:03 And come before His throne of grace
04:07 With tuneful heart and voice
04:11 The Lord in Zion reigneth
04:15 And there His praise shall ring
04:19 To Him shall princes bend the knee
04:23 And kings their glory bring
04:34 The Lord in Zion reigneth
04:38 And who so great as He?
04:42 The depths of earth are in His hands
04:47 He rules the mighty sea
04:51 O crown His Name with honor
04:55 And let His standard wave
04:59 Till distant isles beyond the deep
05:03 Shall own His power to save
05:14 The Lord in Zion reigneth
05:18 These hours to Him belong
05:22 O enter now His temple gates
05:27 And fill His courts with song
05:31 Beneath His royal banner
05:35 Let every creature fall
05:39 Exalt the King of heaven and earth
05:44 And crown Him Lord of all
05:50 Exalt the King of heaven and earth
05:54 And crown Him Lord of all
06:21 Mercy.
06:22 What a blessing it is to listen to Wintley sing.
06:25 We thank you, Wintley Phipps.
06:27 Well if you are joining us just a few minutes late
06:29 our special guest today are Pastor Elisha Rao Ganta
06:32 from India and Roger Stone
06:35 who is with the Stone's Valley Foundation in Colorado.
06:40 And we just want to jump right into this.
06:43 Elisha, when you told me your story
06:48 it was something that glorified God in a way that I--
06:54 its rare to hear how fascinating
06:58 it is when God intervenes in someone's life
07:02 and turns it totally around.
07:04 I shouldn't say its rare but your's is a rare story.
07:07 So let's just get started.
07:09 You grew up in what part of India?
07:13 This is south central state of India
07:16 that called Andhra Pradesh.
07:17 Okay.
07:19 So...
07:20 And you grew up in a very poor and deprived environment.
07:24 Yes.
07:25 I lost my father when I was very, very young,
07:29 maybe between six and nine-years-old.
07:33 I was-- my mother was left alone
07:36 with four children in a slum in a hut in extreme poverty.
07:43 So that hunger drove me to the streets
07:47 and I went around begging for food,
07:52 slept in railway stations and bus stands
07:58 and I ate everything that was found like,
08:05 leftover rotten fruits, leftover food thrown off,
08:09 food before homes, before hotels,
08:15 before any places.
08:20 So I was--
08:22 as I was going there I was going in rags,
08:29 torn clothes and looking for food.
08:33 Then you weren't living at home at all?
08:35 I mean, did your mother just allow you to be
08:38 on the streets or she had no choice?
08:40 She had no choice.
08:43 She couldn't afford to take care of all four.
08:47 So she could take it off any two
08:49 and the other two are left on the street.
08:52 We go and come but mostly we are on the street
08:57 exposed to abuse, exploitation,
09:03 very dangerous diseases and experiences.
09:07 How does a child at the age of seven-years-old
09:11 basically you were six to seven-years-old,
09:14 how does a child know how to survive on the streets?
09:22 Are there gangs, are there people,
09:23 do you gang up with other children?
09:25 How do you learn the rules of the streets even?
09:29 When we go there we go alone to spend a day or two
09:33 but once we go there we find lot of other children,
09:39 the same background and situation.
09:43 So we gang up, gang up together,
09:45 we team up together and then live on the street on our own.
09:50 Learn to live on our own.
09:51 Some boys they polish shoes, they some pickup rags
09:57 and old plastic bottles and it's very dangerous
10:03 for girls of the same age.
10:06 They live there and expose to lot of abuse.
10:13 Including sexual abuse.
10:15 Including sexual abuse.
10:17 I know many girls who they just sleep along with the others
10:24 and they are raped many times and they get pregnant
10:26 and leave the children there.
10:28 And they are with diseases like HIV
10:33 and other sexually transmitted diseases and all.
10:39 So very pathetic situation and this constant exploitation,
10:44 harassment from people on the street and police
10:49 and other people on the street.
10:52 But the conditions there are such
10:54 that there are a lot of children on the street.
10:56 Lot of children.
10:58 It's estimated about 400,000 to 800,000 children
11:04 in India on the streets.
11:07 That's so amazing.
11:09 Yeah, that number fluctuates because it's a floating thing.
11:12 They move from one place to other.
11:14 They are not confined to any place.
11:18 You were on the streets for about seven years?
11:22 About six, seven years.
11:23 Okay.
11:24 Tell us how you never--
11:28 you didn't know about Jesus Christ,
11:30 you didn't know anything about religion
11:33 and your family was Hindu?
11:35 Hindu.
11:36 My father was a Hindu, my mother was nobody.
11:39 She was just struggle for survival.
11:41 Okay.
11:43 She was after that.
11:44 Here you are on the streets and I guess within seven years
11:47 you are getting pretty street smart.
11:49 Yes.
11:50 Tell us how you happen to pass by our church
11:57 and the music attracted you.
11:58 Tell us what happened.
12:00 One day as I was walking along the street
12:03 not knowing where I was going in the morning
12:07 and as I was passing
12:10 through a building, church building.
12:12 I heard beautiful songs coming out of that.
12:15 And then I went there out of curiosity
12:17 what's going on there.
12:19 So I saw so many children and few adults sitting there
12:24 and singing songs.
12:26 I saw a woman telling them stories
12:29 with the help of pictures and all.
12:31 As I was peeping through the window that lady came
12:35 and said, asked me to come in but I was reluctant
12:39 because I was with torn clothes and dirty hair.
12:44 So she took me and wash me and gave me a lose shirt.
12:48 I went and sat inside there.
12:51 And within one or two weeks there are some teachers
12:55 who came from an Adventist school
12:57 and enrolled me under Christian Children Fund, CCF.
13:03 How did they find you again?
13:05 Where you-- had you been going
13:06 the whole two weeks there
13:07 or how did they find you to enroll you?
13:09 I was there first and then went back to the street
13:13 and the pastor came in search of me
13:17 and he found me sitting in a line begging for food.
13:21 So he handpicked me and then asked me,
13:25 brought me there and asked me
13:28 whether I wanted to go to school and get education.
13:33 I said, yes.
13:35 So he enrolled my name under Christian Children Fund
13:38 and then sent me to Narsapur Seventh-day Adventist School
13:44 and that was like heaven for me having good food
13:49 and place to sleep and school to go and then attend classes.
13:56 So here you are about 14 years old at the time
13:59 and had you had any education whatsoever?
14:03 I had some informal education
14:06 like I know some alphabets in my own language
14:11 but I didn't know anything about English.
14:13 Okay.
14:14 So I went there and learned from the beginning, from zero.
14:19 So I started with A-B-C-D there at the age of 14.
14:23 At 14 and here you are now in-- I mean,
14:27 God has literally plucked you up off the streets
14:30 because there were very few positions available.
14:32 Certainly.
14:34 And because you had been attracted
14:36 to a church by beautiful music
14:39 God opened the door for you to get this education.
14:43 Now tell us about those years of education.
14:46 You were evidently a pretty bright student
14:48 because you went on to college.
14:50 Yeah, I worked very hard.
14:52 I realized that there was no shortcut
14:54 for success except hard work.
14:56 And worked day and night and learned English
14:59 and other subjects and went through high school
15:03 and from there I was sent to Spicer College
15:07 and did my education.
15:09 There also the Lord's hand was behind.
15:12 Many times I was trying to go away from there
15:16 because I couldn't pay fees and all
15:18 but the Lord somehow kept me there
15:23 and I finished college education
15:26 and came to the field and joined as a teacher
15:29 in one of the Seventh-day Adventist schools
15:32 in a town called Vijayawada.
15:34 How long did you teach then?
15:36 I taught there for five, six years.
15:41 And then something absolutely amazing happened
15:44 that was a turning point in his life that took you
15:48 from being a teaching and opening the door,
15:51 God plucked you up once again to have you follow
15:56 the path of becoming a pastor.
15:57 Tell us about the train?
16:01 Yes, as I was traveling one day in a train
16:06 from one place to a big city that was Mary festival day,
16:11 that was a pilgrimage day, the trains are all very full.
16:17 So I got in there because I had to go to school.
16:20 As I was there inside the school
16:23 some people had a fight and they--
16:25 Inside the train?
16:26 Yeah, inside the train.
16:28 I was standing at the door along with other people.
16:30 So they pushed us out of the running train
16:33 so we fell from a running train and a couple of women
16:40 and three, four people were dead on the stop
16:45 and then I was struggling for life.
16:48 I was not able to breathe properly.
16:49 So then it's true that we understand.
16:50 So the train is running, its going and it was just
16:53 so crowded that they pushed a number of you out the door
16:58 just for room and several people were killed?
17:01 Killed.
17:02 And then there you lay--
17:04 Lay there unconscious.
17:08 By the time I regained conscience
17:10 I thought that I remembered
17:13 that I got on to train and then fell
17:16 and I was not able to breathe properly.
17:19 So I very fervently prayed to the Lord.
17:22 Lord, if I'm dying forgive my sins
17:25 and take me to heaven otherwise if I live,
17:29 I live to proclaim your gospel in India and do Your work,
17:36 gospel ministry, work as a pastor
17:39 and then evangelize India, parts in India.
17:43 Praise the Lord.
17:44 So that's how the Lord led.
17:46 I convinced that it was Lord's hand behind His plan
17:50 that led me through and then saved me
17:53 from that terrible accident.
17:55 So God saved you miraculously when everyone else,
17:58 you were the only one who survived at those?
18:01 I was the only one.
18:02 That those that were pushed off.
18:03 Now God opened the door for you
18:06 to be able to go again to college?
18:09 You went to Spicer?
18:10 Yes, I went to school and resigned my job
18:15 and planned to go to Spicer and then I was sent to Spicer
18:19 and studied M.A. theology from Andrews Extension
18:24 at Spicer Memorial College.
18:26 Having completed that I came back to field
18:31 and joined as a pastor and started working
18:36 moving from one place to the other.
18:38 So at last I came to a place called
18:42 a coastal town called Chirala.
18:45 So there I found-- again the Lord intervening
18:51 and doing His purpose in my life.
18:55 So now that you've become a pastor
19:00 and because you promised the Lord you would evangelize.
19:05 You still had a soft spot
19:08 in your heart though for the orphans.
19:10 By all means.
19:12 And so tell us how you
19:14 actually became involved with Stone's Valley.
19:17 I was there in Chirala and then that was a famous place
19:22 for robbers and criminals.
19:24 There are criminal villages all around
19:27 and I found many children as we went around,
19:32 I and my wife and my daughter as we went around the huts
19:35 and the slum areas we found children on the streets.
19:39 I remembered my childhood and my heart was drawn
19:45 towards them and I was touched terribly
19:48 by that situation and understood their situation
19:51 and then the Lord led me to do something about them.
19:56 So I-- we gathered
19:58 some children there, children whose father's died of AIDS
20:04 and accident or addiction or police encounter.
20:10 So they were left on the streets.
20:11 So we went and handpicked them, gathered them,
20:15 put them in school with faith, stepped out in faith
20:18 that the Lord would take care of them.
20:21 So the Lord led me
20:25 through a friend a colporteur friend
20:27 by name Mr. Judson Rao and introduced me to Mr. Roger.
20:32 Okay, so Roger Stone the Stone Valley Foundation.
20:37 Roger, when you first met Pastor Elisha
20:41 what did he say to you?
20:45 He just introduced himself
20:47 and it was a couple of weeks later
20:50 that he gave me a phone call and said sir,
20:56 I have about 35 children here that live on the street.
21:00 They only get something to eat every second or third day.
21:03 He said, do you have enough money
21:05 so we could give these children one meal a day?
21:09 And I was short on money then.
21:12 I said, well, this sounds like something
21:14 that God would want us to do.
21:16 You organize it and get it going.
21:19 So he called me back two days later and he says,
21:21 I've got everything organized but I don't have 35 children.
21:24 I have 50 children. He says, I can't get any less.
21:28 And I said, well, if God can give us the money
21:30 to feed 35 children
21:32 He can give us the money to feed 50 children.
21:34 Amen.
21:35 So that's how it started.
21:37 And then he called me one day a short time later and said,
21:41 you know, if you could pay for some uniforms
21:44 and school fees and books we could bring these children
21:48 all to the Adventist school
21:50 which was getting ready to close
21:52 because of lack of children,
21:55 lack of children paying school fees.
21:57 So I had to furnish school fees, plus uniforms,
22:02 books and the school is going real strong today
22:05 which we are very thankful for.
22:06 Praise God.
22:07 Now how did you start Stone's Valley Foundation?
22:09 Let's talk-- how did you get
22:11 interested in the work in India?
22:15 Well, originally in 1999 I went to India with Amazing Facts
22:20 and held a series of meetings South of Chennai
22:23 and started a little church
22:24 which is still going very strong.
22:26 They bought land a build a new church.
22:28 And it's a blessing when I go there.
22:31 Okay, probably with that series of evangelist meetings
22:34 I said Lord, please send me back to India
22:37 and let me do this again.
22:38 And I didn't hear a voice but I knew assuredly
22:41 as if I had heard a voice
22:43 that I was told you are coming back.
22:45 And took me few months to get back
22:47 and I took my wife back with me.
22:48 By now its was 2000 and I was asked to go up
22:53 to the state of Andhra Pradesh where 30 non-Adventist pastors
22:57 had asked Doug Batchelor to send a teacher.
23:00 And so I fulfilled that, filled that spot
23:04 and held classes for these 30 men.
23:07 They are all baptized as Adventists.
23:09 It took me two years to hold evangelistic meetings
23:12 in everybody's church
23:14 and turn the whole church into an Adventist church.
23:17 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
23:18 So Stone's Valley, you've got what now, 81 churches?
23:22 I've started 81 churches,
23:24 56 are in the close area where I live.
23:27 A lot of in a range of mountains
23:30 that are controlled by communist terrorists
23:33 and it used to be very, very dangerous
23:35 to go in there but I would pray about
23:37 when I felt impressed and then I would go
23:40 even though I had a hard time
23:42 sometimes getting a translator to go with me.
23:44 I had the full assurance God would protect me
23:46 and He did and now the communist
23:49 become our friends and kind of our protectors.
23:52 When we will come back we will get some more stories
23:54 that we would like you to share just a moment if we have time.
23:57 But Roger and his wife Barbara
23:59 are doing an amazing work in India
24:01 and it's just so exciting to see that no matter,
24:07 you know, in Psalms it talks about that
24:11 as we grow older that we can still be
24:14 a walking memorial to the grace of God
24:16 and that we can still be blooming
24:20 with fervent for the Lord and that's what you are doing.
24:27 All right, I just want to come back here
24:30 because we have in you Elisha a child who is--
24:38 whose mother is unable to care for her, for him,
24:42 she had to actually just leave you
24:44 and one of your siblings on the streets
24:47 because your father was dead and must have been,
24:49 you know, we think about this poor mothers
24:51 how difficult that must be for a mother.
24:54 Now on the streets for seven years just--
24:58 and you were kind
24:59 of what they call an untouchable, weren't you?
25:02 Yes.
25:03 You were someone that was looked down upon.
25:06 Yeah.
25:07 You were someone who had no motherly love or affection.
25:12 Yeah.
25:13 And then you hear the music, you go into a church
25:18 and this pastor comes and seeks you out to put you in school.
25:22 So you go from school to college to get a degree
25:25 an education and then earn.
25:28 After the train accident you go back for degree in theology.
25:32 What is God doing? Now, you started the orphanage.
25:36 I think you got what 90 now? About 90 kids in the orphanage.
25:40 Kids, yeah.
25:41 Yeah. What is He doing though?
25:44 How are you fulfilling your promise to the Lord
25:47 that if you lived after that train accident
25:50 that you were going to speak to all the world.
25:56 I'm very strongly convinced
25:58 that its not by accident or by chance
26:00 but its by God's plan and God's hand behind
26:04 that He led me through all these experiences
26:07 otherwise I would have died like a dog on the street.
26:11 It is Jesus Christ who pick me up
26:15 and then using me in all this.
26:17 So that conviction keep me going.
26:20 So the Holy Spirit moves, moved upon my heart very strongly
26:26 and reminded me about my covenant
26:29 and my promise with the Lord telling me
26:35 that heavenly Father is a father of Indian people
26:40 and the Lord died for them.
26:43 And 87 percent of Indians are Hindus.
26:47 Eighty seven percent?
26:49 Percent and 10 percent of Muslims.
26:51 And Sikhs and Buddhist are one percent
26:53 and all Christian put together are hardly two percent.
26:57 So a land filled with casteism and so many other barriers
27:04 and millions of Gods and Goddesses and idols
27:09 and ignorance, superstition I see darkness coverning
27:14 the whole continent and the Lord is giving me
27:19 the passion and commitment
27:21 to put out the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
27:25 to these people and the Lord is coming and time is short.
27:30 So I'm using every opportunity and praying very fervently
27:35 that God would open someway to put out
27:38 especially the end time message
27:40 the three angels message to India.
27:43 1.27 billion people
27:46 and the second most populous country in the world.
27:49 Yes. Now the Lord did open the door.
27:52 Did open.
27:53 Tell us about the charismatic televisions network.
28:01 I was praying about it without any penny in my hand
28:06 with sheer faith in the Lord
28:08 that He would intervene and then do this work.
28:12 I was solely depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
28:15 I was day and night I was whispering this desire
28:21 in His ears and the Lord unexpectedly open
28:27 a way through Elder Roger.
28:32 When I see him I don't know my father's love,
28:35 I don't have elder brother
28:37 and God gave that love of a father and a elder brother
28:40 through him and express my desire to him.
28:44 And he didn't accept it immediately.
28:47 And what was your desire specifically?
28:49 Specifically the time is short the Lord is coming
28:55 so we have to proclaim
28:59 the ever lasting gospel to India.
29:03 I told him that as I was reading the Bible
29:06 after having prayed that I came to Revelation 14:6
29:10 in which it says that,
29:12 there is angel flying in the midst of the sky.
29:16 And I told him that angel flying in the midst of the sky
29:20 should be satellite TV ministry.
29:25 So I told him that door to door ministry
29:28 and church planting and public ministry in India
29:34 won't yield much fruit
29:36 because Hindus they have their own barriers,
29:39 Muslims they have their own barriers around them.
29:42 They don't come to our meetings,
29:44 they don't come to our church, they don't read Bible.
29:48 And then they treat as outcaste.
29:51 So there is no way to reach them
29:54 with the everlasting gospel.
29:55 So when you say the Hindus treat Christians as outcaste?
29:59 Yeah, because it was Christians who accepted the outcaste
30:03 that accepted the Christianity in India.
30:06 Okay. Okay.
30:07 So they--
30:09 it is offensive for them than we--
30:12 when the living preachers go and then teach them.
30:14 So you approached Roger about a television ministry
30:17 and after sometime you actually
30:19 began this television ministry.
30:20 Tell us about the owner of the network there.
30:24 It was Goodnews Channel.
30:27 It's called in Telugu Subhavaartha channel.
30:32 There used to me one medical network,
30:34 only one Christian network that was closed
30:38 for no reason but it started all of a sudden in 2007.
30:43 So we got this idea in 2009
30:47 and it actually materialized in 2010.
30:50 So we had able to get into this net--
30:55 channel that's covering 90 percent of Andhra
30:58 and Andhra Pradesh
31:00 that's a central state and much of India
31:05 and its satellite TV covering about 120 countries.
31:09 And in the beginning they had a very hard time.
31:11 They were actually on the street
31:15 but later on God intervened
31:16 and then carried on this satellite TV.
31:21 Virtually most of the homes who have the TV
31:25 they watch this TV in India, Christian TV,
31:29 only most popular Christian TV in India.
31:32 There are others now recently
31:35 they are open but they are not as--
31:37 Popular.
31:38 All right, so you are on the most popular network,
31:40 how did the other pastors because this is basically
31:46 Sunday keeping network if you will.
31:48 All the pastors, all the Protestants
31:51 that are Sunday keepers how did they accept you
31:56 when you came out with a voice
31:58 talking about the Sabbath the Seventh-day Adventist
32:01 and giving this in time Revelation.
32:03 Yeah, in the beginning it really offended them
32:07 about 10-15 of them they came and protested
32:12 and then complained to the channel director
32:16 that when Seventh-day Adventist
32:18 speak all these false teachings about the law of God
32:21 and Sabbath and anti-Christ and three angels message
32:26 and all so we will not accept that, we will drop out.
32:30 So the director--
32:31 So they are threatening the director
32:33 that they are gonna cancel their programming,
32:35 their paid programming
32:37 if he leaves you on the network?
32:39 Yes. All right.
32:41 So he called us and then told us about the problem
32:45 and then we told him that you gather us
32:50 and then we will give-- we will answer their questions
32:54 if they have any objection.
32:55 And then let us see if this is Bible based
32:59 and then let them accept if it is biblical.
33:02 So he called us and then we had Bible study,
33:04 very serious Bible study
33:06 on the law of God and the Sabbath.
33:08 At the end I was thrilled when the director came
33:12 and hugged and then said, Elisha, this is the truth,
33:16 we never knew this and you have courage to proclaim this.
33:19 So you go ahead.
33:21 Though these people dropout
33:22 I think you need to carry on this program
33:26 because we have about 150 pastors on TV
33:29 they just tell stories and then some topics
33:32 without head and tail and some faith healing and all
33:34 but you are giving solid message
33:36 and we feel that this is the message
33:39 that has to go to the people before Jesus coming.
33:42 I felt like it was the voice of God.
33:44 Oh, absolutely.
33:46 And that was another miracle to think
33:49 that someone who was of his background,
33:53 religious background just through a study
33:57 even though I'm sure it was an intense study
33:59 but that he could be convinced immediately of the truth
34:03 and actually have the boldness to say,
34:07 it has got to go forward.
34:09 This is a true message.
34:10 Even if the rest of these-- I mean,
34:12 he was putting his business in jeopardy actually
34:14 because the other people were threatening to quit.
34:18 Yeah, I told them and then demote
34:20 some of his misunderstandings.
34:23 I told him that how this church came up
34:27 in the reformation time and middle ages and all
34:32 and how God brought this church out of mini churches.
34:38 Now we have about 3,000 churches in India
34:42 and according to Christian encyclopedia
34:45 there are 9,000 churches in the world
34:47 and this is the only church that is completely Bible based
34:53 and God brought it out from Baptist church,
34:57 Methodist church, Congregational,
34:58 Presbyterian in 1800s
35:01 and then gave the end time final warning to this church.
35:08 Just like He gave it Noah and Elijah,
35:12 John the Baptist, Martin Luther, William Miller,
35:15 so He gave this church, so this church needs to be
35:21 His end time witness for Him
35:25 proclaiming the final warning message to India.
35:28 So the good news is I'm just gonna cut to the chase here
35:32 is that the chairman of this
35:36 or president of this network is now,
35:39 he has become a Sabbath keeper.
35:41 Oh, secretly.
35:42 He said, you go ahead we will support.
35:44 You bring as many Seventh-day Adventist
35:46 as possible and then put out
35:48 this three angels message through our network.
35:51 Otherwise--
35:52 So what kind of programs do you put on?
35:55 I give Bible study on Revelation
35:59 and three angels message and all
36:02 and then through and our 27 or 28 Adventist doctrines
36:08 we make these programs with the help of pictures
36:13 and graphics so that even the most illiterate people
36:17 in the villages in India--
36:18 around 72 percent are illiterate in India
36:21 they can understand the end time message to the people.
36:24 So when we preach through Hindi,
36:27 Telugu and English in these,
36:30 in this channel we will have covered
36:33 this 1.27 billion people in India
36:38 with the everlasting gospel.
36:40 Yes.
36:41 But now this has had-- your teaching has got worsen
36:46 just trying to get you to teach to people in their homes,
36:51 He actually opened the door to attract the attention
36:55 of so many pastors now that are Sunday keeping pastors
37:01 who want to know the truth about Revelation.
37:04 Tell us what-- how God has opened the door
37:07 for you to train them?
37:08 Yeah, by God's grace our program
37:10 is one of the top five programs,
37:14 program that has most response and--
37:17 This is your TV program? Yeah.
37:18 Many pastors started enquiring
37:21 that we understand all the books of the Bible
37:24 but we had been praying that God would give us
37:27 some understanding on this last book,
37:32 Revelation, Book of Revelation.
37:33 So here is a pastor who teaches about Revelation.
37:38 So they invite us every month about hundreds of them,
37:43 at least 60 to 70 non-Adventist pastors every month,
37:48 a new group invite me to teach them about Revelation
37:53 and three angels message and all the end time message
37:57 in Revelation as a sort of three angels message seminar
38:01 or Revelation seminar.
38:03 And you do this on a monthly base?
38:05 Yeah, monthly base.
38:06 We have at least two groups every month of these pastors.
38:11 We stay there from morning nine to evening four-five
38:16 and then we study the Bible together
38:18 and then many are convinced about this.
38:21 If I preach I preach to only 200-300 people
38:24 but if I educate these pastors
38:26 with the end time message they will put it out
38:29 to millions of other people in India.
38:31 Glory to God.
38:32 So I see God's hand behind.
38:35 Oh, absolutely. Are you kidding?
38:37 I mean, it's like you are sending
38:39 all of these Sunday keeping pastors
38:43 are now coming and being trained and--
38:45 you know, if you understand Revelation,
38:47 I understand that Daniel
38:49 unlocks Revelation that's the key.
38:51 You can't help begin to understand
38:54 the permanency of the law of God.
38:57 You understand the sanctuary.
38:59 You just understand God's grace better and what an opportunity.
39:04 I mean, that's as exciting to me
39:07 as it is that you are on television,
39:09 is that you are teaching,
39:11 God's opened the doors to train all these pastors.
39:15 Yeah.
39:16 Though they get angry in the beginning
39:18 and get agitated when we touch
39:20 about the law of God and the Sabbath
39:22 but later on when they actually see in the Bible,
39:25 we see the Holy Spirit giving them
39:28 the conviction of the truth.
39:30 They accept and then we ask
39:32 the local Adventist conferences and union
39:36 to accommodate them to take care of our churches.
39:40 That is amazing.
39:42 I think this is-- you know,
39:45 could you ever have imagined, the stupid tried question,
39:51 there is no way where you could have imagined
39:53 as a seven-year-old child on street
39:56 that you are going to come to know the true God
39:59 who loved you, the true God
40:02 who would give you the fathering you never had,
40:05 the love you never had, who would lead you
40:09 and preserve your life from the many times
40:14 that you could have been killed
40:15 on the street or in this train accident,
40:18 take you to school not for one degree
40:21 but for two and then have you preaching
40:24 into hundreds of thousands of homes
40:28 and teaching non-Adventist pastors.
40:32 I mean, that's amazing to me.
40:36 That's giving me the highest joy to do this.
40:39 I have no other aim in my life, beside in my life
40:43 than to tell about Jesus Christ who risked eternity
40:47 and everything to save even Indians
40:51 or all the people in the world
40:54 to save them from sin and death and give them
40:56 great future, eternal life.
40:58 So that passion keeps me
41:00 going to give out this gospel to them
41:04 because many of the Hindus in India
41:07 they accept Jesus as one of the Gods.
41:10 They don't believe that the blood of Jesus
41:14 cleanses them from sin and saves them and in heaven.
41:18 So I have--
41:22 I preach to millions of people in India
41:26 through TV that Jesus is not one of the gods
41:30 but and He is the one and the only God
41:32 and His blood cleanses us from sin
41:36 and his atoning sacrifice saves us from sin.
41:39 And then Sabbath is going to be
41:40 the end time test to receive God's seal
41:44 and be saved into His kingdom.
41:47 Amen. Amen.
41:48 Well, I just thank, it is amazing.
41:50 Now tell us the--
41:52 you still running the orphanage,
41:54 you have about 90 children what are your needs?
41:57 What is going in the future?
41:59 Right now we don't have our orphanage building
42:04 to care for these kids.
42:08 They come and then eat and study and then go back--
42:13 To the streets.
42:14 Some of them we don't know where they stay,
42:16 they stay with one of their parents,
42:19 some with some neighbors and all.
42:20 So we are very afraid about some girls
42:23 who stay with other people.
42:25 That so--
42:27 that's our one of the greatest need to have a orphanage
42:30 and a Bible training center
42:32 so that we can invite all these non-Adventist pastors
42:36 and then train them and then send them out.
42:40 And then Andhra--
42:41 this Hyderabad is a central state
42:43 connecting North India, South India.
42:45 Whatever happens there
42:46 the ripples are felt everywhere.
42:48 So if we have a Bible training center
42:51 and then train up as many as possible
42:54 they will meet our need in the mission
42:56 at the same time we can send them out
42:58 as missionaries throughout India
43:00 Amen. Amen.
43:01 And Roger, that is one of the problems, isn't it?
43:03 You started these 81 churches
43:06 but keep Adventist pastors or you got Adventist pastors
43:10 on staff that finding enough pastors to get the message out.
43:14 Yes. Yeah.
43:16 One thing I'd like to interject we figured it out last year
43:19 that the TV station did a survey,
43:21 we are getting into twelve and half homes
43:24 for every penny we spend in India sponsor of course.
43:28 For every penny if sponsorship on this,
43:32 twelve and half homes, that's amazing.
43:34 That's a real burden.
43:36 Well, I want you before-- we only got a couple of minutes
43:39 but I want you to share a story that you shared with me
43:43 when we were at Eden Valley about the communist and--
43:47 let's talk about the monkeys for just a couple of minutes.
43:50 Tell us that story.
43:51 Okay, it took us four years
43:53 to get the gospel into this one village.
43:56 A lot of hard work, I've got a good pastor there.
43:58 We got a group then Baptized after a while.
44:02 There hadn't been Baptized too long
44:04 when one day on Friday afternoon we heard,
44:07 they heard the monkeys were coming.
44:09 Now these aren't some cute little things.
44:10 These are big monkeys, there are fears
44:13 if you have something they want they will attack you
44:16 and they will take it away from you, bite, scratch,
44:18 whatever and you-- they come into some fields
44:22 where they are growing crops they will destroy them
44:24 just like children tearing up something.
44:27 And so you have to be out there
44:28 with clubs to fight them, all right.
44:31 So we hear on Friday afternoon that the monkeys are coming.
44:35 Okay, the Hindus start getting things,
44:37 right they say, okay, now you Adventist
44:38 you better not be taken off tomorrow,
44:40 you better be here fighting monkeys.
44:42 And so the Adventist had their usual
44:44 Friday night meeting and they thought about it.
44:46 I remember these are new Adventist and they say,
44:48 now what would God wants to do?
44:49 Are we supposed to go out
44:51 and protect our fields on Sabbath
44:52 or should we come to church and let God protect them?
44:55 And they talked about it.
44:57 They knew that as Hindus before they became Adventist
45:00 the Hindu God's didn't protect them any,
45:02 now is the Christian God gonna protect us.
45:04 After praying hard and long Friday night
45:06 then he said we are gonna trust it to God.
45:09 Okay, the next morning
45:10 the Hindus are up getting their big sticks ready
45:12 and everything and they found out
45:13 the Adventist are going to church.
45:15 Oh, you Adventists, next winter
45:17 when you are out of food don't come and ask us
45:19 because we are not gonna help you.
45:21 Well, the Adventist took their food to church,
45:24 they spent the day together fellowshipping,
45:26 strengthening each other
45:27 hoping they had made the right decision.
45:30 And remember they are very new Adventist
45:32 and this here's the church to where they go to now.
45:35 Okay.
45:36 Well, toward the evening one big ran back out the fields
45:39 that he just couldn't wait to see what happened.
45:41 And he came back to the church and said
45:43 not one Adventist field has been touched.
45:46 The whole church went out, there was sun down by now
45:49 and they met the other people coming in,
45:51 their hair hanging down, their clothes torn,
45:54 butt bitten and everything else.
45:55 They had saved their fields
45:57 most of them but not all of them.
45:58 The Adventist got out there,
46:00 no Adventist field had been touched,
46:01 no Adventist home had been touched.
46:03 So God kept His protective.
46:05 God kept the protection.
46:06 And over them, that is such a precious for them.
46:08 Now we have a very nice church there
46:10 and a nice congregation.
46:11 That is wonderful story.
46:14 And if we had time we would tell you
46:15 this is a communist nation that actually,
46:20 the communist leaders are now studying
46:22 and learning about the Lord and have prevented other,
46:27 they are keeping other Christian groups out
46:30 saying this is an Adventist village.
46:32 So it's amazing.
46:33 Well, we are just-- we are gonna come back
46:36 in just a moment for a closing word
46:38 but we have such an incredible wonderful time
46:45 listening to your story and it was a great story
46:48 for what God has done.
46:50 But we do have another song for you
46:52 so we want to get that song in with Wintley Phipps
46:55 and then we are gonna come back for some closing words.
46:59 Wintley is going to sing for us now, "He Hideth My Soul."
47:36 A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord
47:45 A wonderful Savior to me
47:52 He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
48:00 Where rivers of pleasure I see
48:09 He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
48:18 That shadows a dry, thirsty land
48:26 He hideth my life in the depths of His love
48:34 And covers me there with His hand
48:43 And covers me there with His hand
48:56 A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord
49:05 He taketh my burden away
49:12 He holdeth me up and I shall not be moved
49:20 He giveth me strength as my day
49:29 He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
49:38 That shadows a dry, thirsty land
49:46 He hideth my life in the depths of His love
49:54 And covers me there with His hand
50:03 And covers me there with His hand
50:28 When clothed in His brightness transported I rise
50:37 To meet Him in clouds of the sky
50:49 His perfect salvation, His wonderful love
50:58 I'll shout with the millions on high
51:06 He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock
51:15 That shadows a dry, thirsty land
51:24 He hideth my life in the depths of His love
51:32 And covers me there with His hand
51:40 And covers me there
51:51 He covers me there
52:00 with His hand
52:21 With His hand


Revised 2015-09-10