3ABN Today

A Perfect Storm - Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Gordon Chapman


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015045A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:41 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:52 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 My name is C.A. Murray
01:12 and allow me to thank you once again
01:13 for sharing just a little of your day with us.
01:16 To thank you also for your prayers, your support,
01:18 the love that you show to this ministry,
01:20 as we together try to lift up the mighty
01:23 and matchless name of Jesus and seek to take
01:26 the good news of the Gospel around the world.
01:30 Thank you for supporting us and joining hands with us
01:33 in the greatest work that I think has ever been
01:35 entrusted to the frail and feeble hands
01:37 of men and women and that is sharing
01:38 the good news of the love of Christ.
01:40 Got a good story today.
01:42 Sometimes we have, Today programs,
01:45 they are not theological, they are not someone
01:50 trying to talk about their new book or their new CD.
01:54 It's not a point of controversy,
01:56 Theological or otherwise it's just a good old story
02:00 that lets you know,
02:03 that lets us know that God is still
02:04 in the saving business,
02:06 God is still in the blessing business.
02:08 We call them personal testimonies,
02:10 though we don't get enough of those I think sometimes.
02:12 But they make your heart glad, they make your heart warm.
02:15 And we've got that kind of story today.
02:17 This is something you really want to hear
02:18 because this is an incredible saga
02:22 of the saving grace of God and the goodness of the Lord
02:25 and all that rolls together to bring someone to Christ,
02:28 to save a life here on this earth
02:30 and to prepare the life for him.
02:31 My guest is Gordon Chapman.
02:33 Gordon, good to have you here.
02:34 Glad to be here.
02:35 Gordon is, we can say, an old salt.
02:40 Amen.
02:41 Praise the Lord.
02:43 And this story has to do with water and boats and sailing
02:47 and as we sort of went over his story.
02:50 Just a really great story of the goodness of the Lord.
02:54 So you want to give ear to this one,
02:55 because this will encourage you.
02:56 This will give you hope.
02:58 This will make you feel good all over and glad all over
03:00 because it has a happy ending.
03:02 The happy ending of course is that he is here.
03:05 Amen, that's right. Praise the Lord.
03:06 If it didn't have a happy ending,
03:08 we wouldn't be having this conversation.
03:10 So we praise the Lord.
03:12 We got a happy ending, so now we need to get you
03:14 from there to here
03:16 and that's what we are going to do.
03:17 Before we sort of unpackage Gordon story,
03:20 our music is coming to us from the founder
03:23 of this ministry and that is Danny Shelton.
03:25 Stopped by a little while ago and recorded some music
03:28 and one of the many songs that he recorded
03:30 is one that is called, "The First Moment of Eternity".
03:33 I believe this is the song that he wrote himself.
03:37 It could be correct or not but I believe that is true.
03:39 But just now, Danny Shelton, "The First Moment of Eternity."
04:04 Well, sometimes I wonder is it worth it all
04:14 When the road seems rough
04:17 And so long
04:23 Then I look towards heaven
04:27 And think on that day
04:32 When Jesus will call me away
04:41 The first moment of eternity
04:50 Will be worth all the trials down here
05:00 When I hear the King of all ages
05:08 Say come home, child
05:12 Come home to stay
05:20 For every rough road traveled
05:24 In this world below
05:29 My reward will be a million years
05:36 For every pain and sorrow
05:43 That ever got me down
05:47 I received a road and the ground
05:56 The first moment of eternity
06:05 Will be worth all the trials
06:10 Down here
06:15 When I hear the King of all ages
06:23 Say come home, child
06:27 Come home to stay
06:34 When I hear the King of all ages
06:42 Say come home, child
06:46 Come home to stay
07:10 Amen and well done, Danny Shelton.
07:12 "The First Moment of Eternity."
07:14 My guest is Gordon Chapman.
07:17 Gordon, good to have you here as we said before.
07:18 Good to be here.
07:19 And it is good to be here.
07:21 Could be anywhere.
07:23 After what you have been through.
07:25 Let's go back to the very beginning
07:26 because you are an East Coast guy.
07:28 Connecticut I am told.
07:29 Yeah, I'm from Connecticut and I was born
07:31 and raised in a little town of Connecticut called Lyme.
07:35 Lyme, well, that is kind of a famous town.
07:40 Yeah, it had become that way.
07:42 Yeah, we've heard of Lyme disease,
07:44 Christian home... growing up?
07:46 Not really, my parents went to Church
07:49 but they weren't real Christians.
07:51 It was just... and they--
07:55 of course they took me up
07:57 until I was old enough to make my choice.
08:00 So I went to Church with them but I wasn't really,
08:05 you know, following Lord or it really interested at all.
08:09 And actually in my earlier life, growing up
08:16 I kind of had some issues with God.
08:19 At the time, when I was a teenager
08:23 all you hear about was the--
08:25 I think it was the greens and oranges
08:28 in Ireland killing each other for God.
08:31 It just didn't seem right.
08:33 Yeah.
08:34 Yeah, as well, you know, I just couldn't really
08:37 get into religion, it was--
08:40 It seemed like there if that's what Christians do,
08:43 you know, I don't wanted to go through somewhat.
08:44 Yeah, sadly, God gets a bad rap sometimes
08:46 because of people who represent Him.
08:48 Brothers and sisters?
08:50 Two sisters. One younger and one older.
08:52 Oh, so you are in the middle.
08:53 Right, yeah. Middle child.
08:55 There is a lot of literature written about middle child.
08:58 Right, yeah, one little story
09:02 I'll comment on I don't remember
09:06 just how old I was,
09:07 but I was still in a grade school.
09:11 My sisters were, they had two opinions or whatever
09:15 and like I was in the middle.
09:17 And it's like each one is going to punch me out.
09:19 Yeah.
09:20 If I side with the other one. So my mom told me about this.
09:25 She overheard this and anyway
09:29 when it come down to the final, saying I am on God's side.
09:34 That ended the argument right then.
09:37 That was the end of that fight.
09:38 That's an excellent little point.
09:40 Now, when we think of Connecticut as a state,
09:43 a number of things come to mind
09:45 but ship building, boat building is in the wharf
09:49 of Connecticut, you've got Mystic,
09:50 you've got Groton where the submarines come from.
09:52 Right.
09:54 So you got into... into ship or boat building.
09:57 Talk to me a little bit about that?
09:59 Well, as a kid I'd always been around boats,
10:01 you know, with the family and friends and stuff
10:03 and I just loved wooden boats.
10:06 So I started tinkering around with them
10:08 and trying to build them and whatever and...
10:12 then over the domestic seaport museum,
10:16 they had a recreational boat building course over there.
10:20 So I took that and then I ended up
10:24 getting a job for Seth Pearson in Saybrook, Connecticut,
10:28 and he was a fairly noted builder in his time.
10:31 Now he built wooden boats.
10:33 Right. Just wooden boats.
10:35 Now wooden boats, Gordon, is a bit of a...
10:37 I don't want to say dying art
10:39 but they aren't certainly as many wooden boats,
10:41 because the maintenance is kind of high.
10:42 And it's really a highly skilled craft, isn't it?
10:46 It is, yeah.
10:47 Yeah, there's very few wooden boats build anymore
10:50 because of the cost.
10:51 Yeah.
10:52 Yeah, they can pump out a fiberglass boat
10:54 in no time for a fraction of the cost.
10:56 Yes, yes.
10:58 You know, labor and material save them some.
11:00 But fortunately I was working for a builder down
11:04 in Welaka, Florida.
11:06 And he's building wooden boats.
11:09 He specializes in repairs and building new boats.
11:15 We are working on a 40 footer now.
11:17 Okay.
11:18 So there still are,
11:20 people who customize or build wooden boats.
11:23 Yeah, but it's few.
11:25 It is not a lot anymore.
11:27 How many years in Connecticut
11:28 were you involved in boat building?
11:29 Oh, I'll say probably maybe ten.
11:37 Yeah, between working for myself and yards.
11:41 I worked in boat yards a lot as a carpenter.
11:45 A boat carpenter.
11:46 So you were just around boats all the time.
11:47 That's kind of your thing. Yeah, yeah.
11:49 Right, yeah, it's like me you too, like,
11:51 I got a boat on every yard.
11:54 And obviously you liked it.
11:55 Yeah, I did, it was just, you know, what I enjoyed.
12:00 I enjoyed doing it.
12:03 And one thing,
12:04 even if I didn't know God at the time,
12:07 when I was out offshore by myself it was--
12:12 I felt a real closeness to nature and God.
12:17 Like I said I didn't know Him
12:18 but it was just so peaceful out there.
12:21 Yeah.
12:22 Yeah, no worldly cares, nothing.
12:24 Yeah. Yeah.
12:26 The heavens do declare the glory of God
12:27 and earth shows forth His handy work.
12:29 If you can get out in nature and get away,
12:31 I've always lived near large bodies of water.
12:35 When I was pastoring in New York City,
12:36 lived on Long Island and for a while lived
12:38 right on Great South Bay.
12:41 And right at the end of my block was the ocean
12:43 and there is something very grand and very--
12:47 I wrote a couple of books just sitting on the ocean
12:50 with my typewriter and just or on my computer
12:52 and just writing.
12:53 So there is something very, very serene and pristine
12:57 and just very godly about being out in nature.
13:00 Particularly for me and for you also on the water.
13:03 Right. Yeah.
13:04 Yeah, it could be, you know, for some people
13:06 it's up in the mountains, some people's whatever on lake
13:08 or me it just happened to be out on the ocean.
13:11 Yeah.
13:13 'Cause I never went out in wooden boat.
13:16 But that's...
13:18 You know, there is something about that.
13:20 So you spend a lot of time at Connecticut.
13:22 Eventually you got your own boat.
13:24 Yeah, finally I sold my place
13:26 where I was living in Connecticut,
13:28 I wanted to buy a boat and so I did.
13:32 I bought an old schooner
13:34 out of up in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
13:37 Now, let's give the folk,
13:39 let me stop, let me stop you a second.
13:40 Let's give the folk a boat lesson,
13:41 because there is a ketch, a yawl, a schooner
13:43 and they have to do with a mast, a number of masts,
13:45 and the sizes of the mast.
13:48 You have a schooner, that's a two masted boat?
13:50 Yeah.
13:52 That's a good, a decent sized boat.
13:55 Yeah, schooner rig does normally work
13:57 to well below about 30 foot, but this one was 36 foot.
14:03 And our schooner, the after mast is taller.
14:06 It's taller.
14:07 And on a ketch rig its-- the after mast is shorter
14:12 and yawl the after mast is shorter.
14:16 But on the yawl, it is after the rudder post.
14:19 That makes it yawl.
14:20 Yeah, now you said a lot for you non boat people.
14:25 You got two masts, you got two sticks.
14:27 On a schooner the back stick is...
14:30 The large one.
14:31 Is the taller of the two.
14:33 So it goes tall, tall to taller.
14:35 On a ketch it's tall down. Yeah.
14:39 Okay, so on your boat
14:40 the first one is a little shorter
14:42 and the second one is taller.
14:43 What is the advantage of having
14:45 that kind of configuration?
14:47 It's kind of hard to say.
14:52 You can get a lot of different sail configurations with it.
14:56 Now on the schooner. That's not the one I lost.
15:01 I bought that and I was working on it
15:03 doing restoration on it,
15:06 in a boat yard where I was working.
15:08 And I had an accident in the boat yard
15:11 I fell out of the loft and it got torn up pretty good
15:15 so I was kind of out of commission
15:17 but just having the salt in my blood.
15:21 I just wanted to get back on the water.
15:24 So I was with a friend of mine.
15:27 One day he had to go and look at a job up
15:30 the river a little ways.
15:32 So he said you can take a ride with me,
15:33 so I went up there and he had this little
15:37 Dickerson Ketch in the shed.
15:39 And, I was right next to the boat
15:41 we were looking at, so I checked on that
15:45 and found out that I could buy it,
15:46 So I bought out that, that little Dickerson Ketch
15:50 and we took that down to Saybrook,
15:53 where I was working and I moved on board
15:55 and while I was living on boat,
15:57 I started fixing that one up.
15:58 So there was enough cabin space,
16:00 enough for you to actually live in
16:02 and work on that boat.
16:04 Yeah. Yeah.
16:06 It was all cramped but you get used to it.
16:10 You get used to it.
16:11 Now, under the bottom of the boat is the keel
16:13 because we're talking about sailboats.
16:15 Right.
16:16 On that boat how long was the keel under the boat?
16:19 She is about 5 foot draft.
16:20 Okay. Okay.
16:22 And it wasn't...
16:23 Some boats have like a full length keel.
16:26 This one had what they call like a fin keel.
16:29 It just kind of stuck down
16:30 and it would balance on the bottom.
16:34 But on the schooner I had, that was full length keel
16:37 that come right down from the stem,
16:38 right down the whole thing.
16:40 Okay, yeah, all right.
16:42 So. But, yeah, it was...
16:47 And the rudder was actually connected
16:50 connected to the back end of the fin.
16:52 The fin where it was angled... and the rudder was angled.
16:54 Yeah, yeah.
16:56 They met down at the bottom under water.
16:57 Now this new boat, the second boat
16:59 you bought is, was how long, how big?
17:01 32 foot.
17:02 Okay, just look slightly smaller.
17:04 Okay, now this one is a ketch.
17:06 Yeah. So it's tall, taller.
17:09 Now, how tall are the masts? Tall shorter.
17:11 Tall shorter. Okay, yeah.
17:13 On a ketch. Yeah, the mast.
17:16 She was Marconi rig which is like a triangular sail
17:19 not a gaff so her mast was--
17:23 She is probably about 30 foot above the deck.
17:26 Okay.
17:28 I am sort of picking you on this
17:30 because if anybody goes into my office,
17:32 you know, I am a sailboat guy.
17:33 I got sailboats lined up on my--
17:35 I'm just fascinated always by sailboats
17:38 which is why I'm glad I was assigned this interview
17:40 because anything with boats.
17:42 I'm not-- don't swim, it's a shame
17:43 'cause I love being on water and don't swim.
17:45 But I do love sailboats. Good.
17:47 And have never owned one, have never even been
17:51 on one out on the water.
17:53 Had been on powerboats but not sailboats.
17:55 Well, sailboats always fascinate me.
17:57 So now you got this slightly smaller boat
18:00 but a 32 footer is not a tiny boat.
18:01 No, not really.
18:03 It's a boat you can use
18:05 more than one person to manage that,
18:08 but you can do it with one person.
18:09 Right. Yeah.
18:11 It was small enough that I could single-hand it.
18:13 And you have no problems.
18:15 The sails, being a ketch.
18:17 Yeah, the sails weren't that big.
18:18 Say like had one humongous sail it had,
18:20 you know, they have broken down.
18:22 Yeah, you might sail and your mizzen and your jib,
18:25 and you had sails and stuff.
18:27 Yeah, they're broken down into smaller pieces.
18:30 We are throwing out a lot of terms
18:31 which you may not know verbally.
18:32 He is talking about sails.
18:34 So, don't worry about it,
18:35 It's not important to the story.
18:36 At least not yet. It's coming.
18:40 So you were living on this boat and working on this boat.
18:42 And you're anchored to move it where?
18:45 In Saybrook and mostly in Connecticut River.
18:48 Little marina down there.
18:50 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
18:51 And...
18:53 So I was starting to heal from the accident by then,
18:57 and it's like, well, I need to do some sailing.
19:00 So I moved my boat over to Mystic for the summer.
19:04 I had always loved Mystic,
19:06 It's a real quaint little town.
19:07 It is.
19:08 It's a beautiful little town. Yeah.
19:10 So, I just liked that as well.
19:12 I went over there and got to sleep through summer
19:15 and then I decided, well, I can go south, I got a boat.
19:18 I am living, I am free.
19:20 I can go. Yeah.
19:22 So I loaded up my stuff and figured to takeoff.
19:28 Yeah, now here is the thing.
19:29 When you say go south, you are not talking about
19:30 let's go South of New York City or South of Carolina.
19:32 You are talking about
19:34 going all over south to the Caribbean.
19:35 Right. To the Caribbean.
19:36 Yeah.
19:38 To any Island in particular?
19:40 Probably at that time
19:42 it probably would have been Jamaica.
19:44 'Cause I was really heavy in reggae at that time.
19:47 And in Jamaica, I knew, I knew a lot of Jamaicans
19:50 from when I was in the hospital up in Hartford.
19:53 And I just took a liking to them,
19:56 They're really good people, they're into the music
19:58 and so I probably would have ended up there
20:01 eventually, you know, to make a boat.
20:03 And can you make a living in Jamaica?
20:04 Are there enough wooden boats there that
20:06 you could earn some money while you were down there.
20:08 Probably, probably not in Jamaica
20:10 but in the neighboring islands there are.
20:12 Okay.
20:13 'Cause a lot of people take their yachts
20:16 to the Caribbean for the winter.
20:17 True, yeah.
20:18 So if you're shipwright, there is work.
20:21 So you knew enough about boats that
20:23 you could work on other boats,
20:26 besides wooden boats if you had to.
20:27 Right. So you can make a living.
20:29 Yeah. Yeah.
20:30 Yeah. Yeah.
20:31 So I loaded my boat up with tools
20:33 and everything and that was a...
20:38 A fateful trip.
20:40 Yeah. Now let me ask you this.
20:41 From Mystic, Connecticut
20:43 all the way down the Atlantic to Jamaica.
20:46 We are talking a journey of how long?
20:47 To Jamaica probably two-and-a half, three weeks.
20:52 Yeah, you are not talking couple of days.
20:53 That's a long time out on the water.
20:55 Yeah. It's a long trip.
20:56 Yeah, yeah, since you are going to be
20:57 on the water that length of time
20:59 and you can see where I am heading here.
21:02 Would you not check to see what the conditions would be
21:06 that two to three weeks you gonna be out there
21:08 to see what you are facing.
21:11 Just kind of plan your trip
21:12 so nothing kind of sneaks up on you.
21:14 Yeah.
21:15 Well yeah...
21:16 Basically before you go on any extended trip like that
21:20 you check the weather the best you can,
21:22 'cause back then we didn't have the technology we have today.
21:25 But I set out, one, I was running late
21:30 in the season 'cause we had a late hurricane
21:33 and I think it was around in mid,
21:36 October and so I waited that out.
21:40 I stayed in a marina until that was over.
21:43 And so it was getting late in October
21:46 when I finally left but I checked the weather
21:49 forecast everything I could get,
21:51 you know, know weather in local and everything.
21:54 And everything seemed to be good.
21:56 Yeah, now, this is,
21:58 you should be in post hurricane season.
22:00 The summer hurricane season should be gone
22:02 so we ought to be able to make our trip
22:03 from Mystic, Connecticut to Kingston, Jamaica
22:06 or wherever you're going to Sabbath tomorrow or wherever
22:11 or Montego Bay, in relative peace.
22:15 Right, apparent. One would think.
22:18 Right. Yeah.
22:19 So you take off, when do you leave?
22:21 I left couple days before the end of the month.
22:24 Yeah.
22:26 It would have been, I think 29th I guess.
22:28 I left Mystic, Connecticut
22:31 and I sailed over to Block Island
22:34 and I laid over there for the night
22:35 and restored everything
22:37 and trying to get ready for sea.
22:38 And I left Block Island and from there
22:41 it's almost to south 600 and some miles to Bermuda,
22:46 which would have been my first stop.
22:48 Okay, so you are not hugging the coastline,
22:50 you are out in the Atlantic.
22:51 Right. Yeah.
22:52 If you are far enough to be to go to Bermuda
22:55 you are 2-300 miles out into the Atlantic.
22:57 So it's just you, your boat and the Lord basically.
23:00 That's it, that's it.
23:03 Yeah. That's about it.
23:04 So on the way to Bermuda what happened?
23:08 Well, I got out, the first day was good,
23:11 great sailing, just perfect weather.
23:14 And so that night my autopilot quit on me.
23:20 So I kind of sailed pretty much
23:23 by the seat of my pants for the night.
23:26 Yeah, I wake up
23:28 and check the compass course and everything.
23:30 So now you said wake up,
23:31 so your boat is sailing and you are sleeping.
23:34 Right. Yeah.
23:36 There are no telephone poles. Nothing out there.
23:41 You got to trust the Lord 'cause there is no highway.
23:44 You are sleeping and the boat is kind of...
23:46 How do you know where you are going.
23:48 Well, by your compass.
23:50 Yeah, you see just your compass course.
23:52 Okay. And...
23:53 Do you lock the rudder
23:55 so that you are going in the same direction or?
23:57 Yeah, you can trim your sails and that will pretty much
24:02 unless you get a wind shift,
24:04 you can set your sails and you are going
24:06 in the same course for ever and ever.
24:08 But if you do get a wind shift that's why you want to check.
24:12 Yeah, so you wake up every couple hours
24:15 check the compass course
24:16 and make sure you are not off course
24:19 and stand at horizon for any shipping or whatever.
24:23 And it's kind of...
24:26 It can be kind of, you know, iffy in some areas
24:29 but when you're that far offshore.
24:31 There is not, not a lot of traffic out there.
24:35 You do a lot in that boat man. That's pretty much it.
24:39 So you are out several days,
24:41 walk me through the next little bit
24:43 because this where it gets kind of interesting.
24:44 Yeah.
24:46 Well, yeah, the first day was great.
24:48 It was just perfect out there,
24:51 so then like I said the auto-pilot didn't work
24:56 so I was up, part of the night.
24:59 You know, Several times a night tracking
25:02 and the next day we got be calmed.
25:05 And there was something, a phenomena that happens,
25:10 I don't know how often
25:11 but very, very few sailors have actually seen it
25:15 and that's, they call a lull before the storm.
25:18 The sea was just like a sheet of glass,
25:21 like a piece of slate, an oily slate.
25:26 As far as you could see
25:27 which from my eye height on a boat
25:29 was about 15 mile radius.
25:31 Wow.
25:32 So that's like 30 mile circle, nothing.
25:36 The horizon, nothing moved.
25:38 Nothing, just perfectly fine...
25:40 A totally calm sea.
25:42 Yeah. Totally flat.
25:43 No wind? No wind, nothing.
25:44 Yeah. Nothing at all.
25:46 Now, did that say to you
25:48 'cause you are not a novice out there?
25:50 Did that say something is up, something is coming?
25:53 Yeah, but... the big but.
25:56 You are over 300 miles from land.
25:59 Right.
26:00 So that like you can turn into it
26:01 and still at hold you're out there.
26:03 Yeah.
26:04 No warning, nothing in the weather charts.
26:07 Nothing in the weather reports.
26:08 This kind of snuck upon you
26:09 and it seems like everybody else.
26:11 Yeah, it did.
26:12 It caught the weather service off guard.
26:15 There was a Nor'easter heading down,
26:17 coming from up from northeast coast.
26:20 And there was an unnamed hurricane heading north.
26:24 Wow.
26:26 And they collided just north of where I was
26:28 and but during the day of the calm.
26:32 I listened NOAA weather
26:34 and they're again perfect sailing conditions.
26:36 Yeah.
26:37 Yeah, no forecast of storm or anything
26:40 but I knew something was up from the sea.
26:42 Yeah, yeah.
26:44 It doesn't get calm like that, you know, for no reason at all.
26:47 But, of course you had no idea of knowing
26:49 how ferocious, how strong, how big?
26:52 You just know something is coming.
26:53 Yeah, I knew something was out there
26:55 but it was kind of in God's doing.
27:02 Because the dolphins, normally they will sail along
27:06 or swim along in your boat wave.
27:08 They like people and they love people
27:11 and they just kind of-- they swim along.
27:13 To them it's a sport
27:14 but because there was no boat wave, nothing,
27:17 would just sitting there and be calm.
27:19 And what they were doing is they were coming up,
27:22 straight up side it, just missing the boat up,
27:26 I don't know 6-10 foot in the air
27:27 and just doing a belly flap right next to the boat.
27:30 Wow.
27:31 And splashing me with water and everything.
27:33 But they are actually smarter than we are in some ways.
27:39 They knew that storm was out there
27:41 and they were trying to warn me.
27:43 Now is that a characteristic behavior
27:44 of dolphins in that situation
27:46 where they know something is coming?
27:47 Just breaching the water
27:49 and then kind of belly flapping back down.
27:50 Yeah, it's like the way they-- their form of warning people.
27:55 Yeah, they have been doing that for,
27:57 you know, since recorded history.
27:59 Incredible.
28:00 So you're-- basically it has been calm,
28:02 there is no wind so you are just sitting there.
28:03 Right, just sitting.
28:04 Did you have a back up engine
28:06 on the boat just for emergencies?
28:08 Yeah. I did have.
28:09 So, you had some power, that you needed it.
28:11 Yeah. Yeah.
28:12 I had small diesel and...
28:15 But it was so nice out there at the time
28:18 that I didn't really have anywhere to go.
28:21 So I had plenty of food, plenty of water,
28:23 everything and so on.
28:24 Yeah, you had your provisions so you were stocked.
28:26 Yeah, I was ready.
28:27 At this point, you weren't distressed particularly.
28:28 No.
28:30 But the dolphins were telling you
28:31 something is coming.
28:32 Yeah, I kind of knew it
28:34 but, when you are that far from shore,
28:37 there is nothing you can do except,
28:38 you know, going down and wait for it.
28:40 Now let me ask you this
28:42 because you still had your radio.
28:43 Were you getting any reports
28:45 of storm coming, anything at all?
28:46 Nothing? Not yet.
28:47 Nothing. Nothing.
28:49 Nothing. Wow.
28:50 But then about mid afternoon, the wind started picking up
28:52 and the sea started picking up real hard
28:54 and it wasn't just like a general breeze coming up.
28:57 It was like all the sudden you know, you got a storm.
29:00 I mean you're going from flat calm
29:01 to almost storm condition till like in an hour.
29:05 Oh wow.
29:06 I mean that was just real fast.
29:07 Did the skies blackened and you lost sun?
29:09 Yeah, and it just got really bad.
29:12 At first I thought,
29:14 well, I'm getting close to the Gulf Stream
29:15 which is noted for being rough anyway,
29:18 and but when the wind kept getting
29:22 bigger and bigger way too bigger and bigger.
29:25 And I just noticed,
29:27 there is a little more to Gulf Stream.
29:29 And especially from the calm before,
29:32 so I was trying to restore stuff
29:38 and I took in boats, took in sails
29:41 and tied down everything I could.
29:43 Tried to secure everything
29:45 and it just kept blowing and blowing
29:47 so I spent most of the night restoring stuff.
29:51 Because now with the two systems
29:53 the waves are like square top.
29:55 You got two systems so the waves can't just roll.
29:58 You got like-- you got the brakes on.
30:01 Yeah, they're kind of slamming it.
30:02 They're slamming into each other.
30:04 Into each other.
30:05 Yeah, they make like square top waves
30:07 and when you're down in a trough,
30:08 when you come up on a wave,
30:10 the boat rolls almost on a side.
30:12 I mean it's still in the water
30:14 but on the wave it's almost like the Empire State building.
30:17 Wow.
30:19 Yeah, you're just like riding up the side
30:20 of the Empire State building.
30:21 That must be incredibly frightening.
30:23 And I guess the only thing that's keeping you
30:24 from flipping over is the keel.
30:25 In the fact you got something in the water.
30:27 From the top to the crest to the valley,
30:30 how far are we talking up to down?
30:32 Some of them were 50 footers.
30:34 Wow. Yeah, 50 foot.
30:36 And the wind, the wind-- by mid-morning,
30:40 the wind was blowing so hard,
30:41 they couldn't get any bigger,
30:43 it was blowing the top side off the waves.
30:45 It looked like a sea of grey cotton candy out there
30:49 just that spume.
30:50 Yeah, just tumbling everywhere on the tops of the waves.
30:54 And of course when you are in trough,
30:56 you couldn't see anything.
30:57 You are protected from the wind.
30:59 Yeah, then you got to go back up
31:01 and you got to come back down.
31:03 I got to ask you, Gordon,
31:04 because, okay, you said you are not a Christian guy.
31:06 You got this little issue with God.
31:09 You're out there 50 foot waves.
31:11 The boat is sideways sometimes
31:13 and then coming back down and then sideways again.
31:15 What's going through your head at this point?
31:18 Are you just in survival mode?
31:19 Are you thinking let me pray?
31:21 Or if there is a God out there, let me talk to him,
31:22 what, you know, how you cross that things.
31:24 Not yet, because at this time we weren't taken on any water.
31:29 Okay.
31:31 Everything, I mean the boat was going to trash out,
31:33 you know, from stuff flying around,
31:35 but now I didn't feel I was in any danger
31:38 which I wasn't at that time.
31:40 Yeah.
31:41 At that time.
31:43 So you know any way, because of the storm,
31:46 by the time the coast guard realized that
31:48 there is a hurricane out there and the Nor'easter
31:54 and the storm conditions,
31:56 you know 'cause they got buoys and I'd think offshore it,
31:58 you know, I'll record all that.
32:00 Right.
32:01 So they were doing routine patrols already.
32:04 You know, and so they come by just about after dark
32:09 and because of the conditions
32:11 they wanted to take me off at the boat
32:13 and at that time still I wasn't you know in any danger.
32:18 So I said no, no get out of here.
32:20 Go on, no I am not leaving perfectly good boat
32:24 to jump in the water
32:25 and have you pick me up in a basket.
32:27 I don't think so. So anyways.
32:30 So you were thinking I can ride this out
32:32 from what you are dealing.
32:34 Have you been in a storm even close to that before?
32:36 No, not like that. Okay.
32:38 That was like a hundred year storm.
32:40 Oh, okay. Yeah.
32:43 Once it's pretty much, once a century
32:45 they can have a storm like that.
32:48 But, so they...
32:49 finally they left when I said
32:51 I wasn't you know, getting on their chopper.
32:53 You know, so they left and I was already tired
32:57 'cause I had been up pretty much
32:59 the night before re-stall and so.
33:02 I went up in the forepeak
33:04 and wade some sails bags and stuff in
33:05 and I was probably like I will talk a nap.
33:08 So I just about dozed off
33:11 and I don't know how long I was asleep,
33:13 not very long.
33:14 But, I woke up and the whole ocean
33:17 was like trembling and vibrating
33:20 and I heard this awful roar coming
33:23 and all I remember when I woke up
33:26 I heard that and felt the ocean.
33:29 I was like this is it. This is it.
33:30 I knew there is a roar coming
33:33 and so there was nothing I can do and about more
33:38 and a few seconds later it hit the boat
33:40 and it was like being inside a football
33:42 when somebody kicked it.
33:43 Yeah.
33:45 I just went over and stayed upside down
33:48 for I don't know.
33:50 It seemed like a lifetime.
33:51 Now, is your boat lying on its side
33:52 or was it flipped up mast in the water?
33:55 Yeah. Totally upside down.
33:56 Totally upside down.
33:58 Yeah. Wow.
33:59 And then short while later it ride it itself
34:03 because what happens when a roll goes through,
34:05 it's like a bulldozer, it ploughs all the waves off,
34:08 everything in the way so it took a little time
34:10 for another wave to hit the boat
34:13 and when it did it tripped enough
34:14 and then it straightened up.
34:16 And straightened back up.
34:17 But I was...
34:19 Now, where are you physically?
34:21 I am still up in the forepeak,
34:23 which is up in the front of the boat.
34:25 Right.
34:26 And little cabin up there, little berths in there.
34:29 But when it was upside down,
34:31 I come out of the berth and ended up.
34:33 When the boat ride it itself,
34:34 I ended up in the squatting position down
34:36 between the in the V berth between them and I was trapped.
34:41 Now, is there an air pocket in there
34:42 so that you are getting air or you are holding your breath
34:45 and just waiting, you know?
34:46 There's still air. Okay.
34:49 'Cause it filled about half way up with water.
34:52 All right.
34:53 So by the time it rolled over right side up again
34:55 it was about half filled with water.
34:57 But I was still trapped and it was pitch black
35:02 but I can feel water creeping up on my chest.
35:05 It got up to my mouth
35:08 and it got up just about to my nose
35:10 and I am trying to get loose
35:11 and finally, it is just, I am up.
35:14 You know, I had my neck stretched and I just--
35:16 I got loose and got out of the forepeak.
35:20 And of course of the rest of the boat was in shamble too.
35:22 So no light or anything but I grabbed a rubber made
35:27 waste basket and I started bail in.
35:29 Nothing else was working.
35:32 when it flipped over I guess most of your provisions made
35:35 their way to the bottom of the ocean.
35:36 No, the stuff on the deck did.
35:39 Yeah, your life raft, --, spare jerry jugs,
35:44 fuel and water and everything,
35:46 yeah that was on deck.
35:47 But you still have some,
35:49 have something of a pillow that was...
35:50 Yeah, I still had all the food and everything.
35:52 Yeah, food and water below and so they didn't get out
35:57 but they were just thrown all over the boat.
36:00 I'm sure. It was a disaster area.
36:04 So I bailed, yeah that happened
36:06 probably I am guessing maybe 8-8:30 at night.
36:10 So I bailed all night and in the morning
36:14 when I got light, we were not on deck
36:17 and there was basically nothing left out there.
36:20 So I went back down and bailed some more
36:24 and I knew by afternoon I was just totally fatigued
36:31 and I knew I could not make it through another night.
36:35 I was already...
36:36 I was having trouble staying awake bailing.
36:38 Right.
36:39 Yeah, you were physically doing things
36:40 as you can't keep awake,
36:42 because from the time the storm hit,
36:43 you have been up all evening, all night,
36:46 you're into the next morning heading towards noon
36:48 and you haven't gotten any sleep
36:49 and you have been exerting yourself.
36:51 I would rather imagine having a lot of time to eat--
36:53 No, no I didn't.
36:55 As I was bailing a can of soda come up.
37:01 Yeah, that was it you know.
37:04 That was about it. So I bailed and bailed.
37:10 And like I said there was nothing I could do.
37:13 It was-- when it rolled over
37:15 it loosened the guard or the keel,
37:17 it did something below the waterline
37:19 so it was leaking.
37:22 So I had to keep bailing or it would have sunk.
37:24 It would have sunk, yeah.
37:25 But I bailed through up through
37:28 I don't know maybe two or three something in the afternoon.
37:31 And at that point I knew I couldn't do,
37:35 I couldn't get through tonight.
37:37 If I didn't bail it would sink and if I didn't bail...
37:41 Yeah. Yeah.
37:42 If I did bail, you know.
37:44 You were flat running out of gas,
37:46 I mean you're just...
37:49 At this point, are you starting to think
37:51 about your own mortality.
37:54 Has it entered your mind that
37:55 you may not make it through this?
37:56 Yeah.
37:58 Yeah, that's when things got real for me.
38:00 Yeah.
38:01 I bailed, I bailed and bailed and got it down fairly low
38:05 and so I just got down on my knees
38:08 and like I said, I didn't know Lord.
38:10 I didn't know him or about him
38:12 or anything about salvation.
38:15 I just knew that there was physically
38:17 there was nothing I could do.
38:18 Yeah. In my flesh I was dead.
38:21 Yeah, right.
38:22 So I got down, I said Lord, if you get my out of this one.
38:25 I will serve you.
38:27 And so I got back up and started bailing some water.
38:31 Now, let me ask this, Gordon.
38:33 From the time the storm hit to this first prayer
38:35 what are we talking, 18-20 hours.
38:37 Yeah, 20 or more maybe.
38:40 Of constant physical activity and stress.
38:44 And being sort of knocked around like a ping pong ball.
38:47 The storm lasted how many days?
38:49 While I was in it, like two, two and a half.
38:54 Okay. I was about to wear out.
38:56 Yes, so you're praying and bailing
38:58 and running out of steam.
39:01 What happens then?
39:03 Well I kept on bailing and the only thing
39:07 I had left on the boat, an electric that worked,
39:10 I had a VHF marine radio,
39:12 that I had a seal and a couple of plug backs.
39:15 Yeah because you lost gear and everything
39:17 when it flipped up, yeah.
39:18 Yeah, when it rolled over, it was,
39:19 you know, half filled with water
39:21 and then when I ride it 'cause they are all electronics
39:24 everything just went up in smoke.
39:26 It's gone right there.
39:27 Yeah, so I had this one little handheld VHF
39:31 and that's actually what saved my life.
39:35 But they-- when you transmit
39:37 they use an awful lot of juice.
39:38 Yeah.
39:39 So you don't just send out a Mayday
39:41 and hope that somebody's out there.
39:43 Right.
39:44 So, what I did is, I bailed for a little bit
39:48 and I would get up, were on a top of a wave,
39:50 I'd get up and look out the stern, you know.
39:54 And I did that and then the starboard,
39:57 the port and the bow and after about an hour
40:00 after dark I finally thought I saw a light.
40:04 It was just still storming,
40:05 the waves were still like 35-40 foot
40:07 and it's raining and it's quelling off and on.
40:10 The wind is blowing still but I thought I spotted light.
40:14 So I looked again, yeah, that's a light.
40:18 So I went down below and got the radio out
40:21 and send a Mayday and there was a ship out there,
40:27 they ended up being about five or six miles away.
40:30 But the guy in the bridge didn't speak English to well.
40:37 So as soon as he received the Mayday,
40:40 he went and got the captain,
40:41 who spoke good English and he was Yugoslavian.
40:46 Anyways I talked to him for a little bit
40:48 and he wanted to know how many people on
40:51 because he was thinking I'm in a ship
40:53 and would I crush his ship or injure him.
40:57 So we finally got it, now I'm on 11 meters long,
41:01 one guy and so...
41:04 What kind of a ship that you were encountered with.
41:05 It was about juice carrier.
41:07 They carried orange juice,
41:09 they carried from Brazil up to New York
41:12 and then they went back on the ballast
41:14 which they were heading back this time,
41:16 just on ballast with no cargo.
41:17 No cargo, yeah.
41:19 Then they take on cargo in Brazil again
41:21 and then they go over to Amsterdam
41:24 and then the same from Amsterdam,
41:25 they go back to Brazil on their ballast.
41:29 But the storm was so severe that
41:32 they had altered course 60 miles
41:35 which put them right next to me.
41:38 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
41:39 Yeah, yeah. Amen.
41:42 So 'cause I didn't have any lights or anything onboard,
41:47 I took the mast, I took the mast
41:48 and everything off the boat so he wanted to know,
41:52 you get a fix on this,
41:54 so I fired off a flare and so they took a fix
41:58 and changed course and had informed me.
42:00 And praise the Lord, you still had some flares
42:02 so that you could signal them.
42:03 Yeah, so I am dead in the water.
42:06 No rudder, no nothing.
42:08 You know, everything was flooded.
42:10 No mast, no sails
42:11 and so I couldn't maneuver at all.
42:14 But pretty soon I see this big,
42:17 you know, look like
42:18 the Empire State building from the outlook.
42:21 So he has got to come to you.
42:23 Yeah, You can't do anything...
42:25 Right.
42:27 So anyway he got pretty close and I am looking up,
42:31 I see this big old bow through the waves
42:34 and a froth from the wind and everything
42:37 and so I lit a one of those chemical light sticks.
42:42 So I held that up
42:43 and so then they flashed the light
42:46 so I knew they saw me,
42:48 so he tried to come along side of me
42:51 but he had too much weight on.
42:54 So when he got to the side of me
42:55 and he was heading into the wind,
42:57 so it blew me right down to the side of the ship.
43:00 And they fired a line gun and to me on my boat
43:06 but I couldn't with the wind and the seas
43:10 I couldn't get the lines,
43:12 You know, so I ended up getting by him.
43:16 And so he sent people back on the fan tail
43:19 with big search lights
43:21 and he said to, just don't lose him.
43:25 Whatever you do don't lose sight of him.
43:27 So he tried to back the ship up.
43:31 I mean, first he tried to turn around.
43:33 To turn around, yeah.
43:35 And took it back getting me,
43:36 but he almost rolled the ship over.
43:38 I'm thinking a storm that big, trying to turn a ship around
43:40 is not like just turning a bus on a city street.
43:43 Right.
43:44 Yeah, he just couldn't do it.
43:46 Right.
43:47 Yeah, he maxed out there, they metered it,
43:49 you know, for their roll, their inclinometer or whatever.
43:53 It maxed out right out.
43:55 And he didn't rescue the ship--
43:57 You know, the whole ship and his crew for one guy
44:01 so he got it straight and back up.
44:03 He backed up to me.
44:05 Yeah. Which I think is amazing.
44:06 He backed and sit up. He backed off...
44:08 It's kind of like tailor pocket.
44:11 Yeah. In that ship they had a--
44:14 I think it was a Honda diesel
44:16 but it's what they got direct reversible,
44:18 you don't have a gear shift to put in reverse.
44:21 What you do is you shut the engine off to reverse it.
44:25 They switch to camshafts and give shot at air
44:27 and it starts the engine in the other direction.
44:29 Oh.
44:30 You know, it's direct.
44:32 The prop shaft is connected right to the engine often.
44:33 Yeah, so it's a major deal to do that.
44:36 Yeah. Yeah.
44:37 So he is backing up to me and there I am, like
44:39 I said I can't move and I can't do anything.
44:42 And I see that big stern of the ship.
44:45 In one minute it's up, I could see the prop...
44:49 Going around and next thing
44:51 I am almost looking at the deck.
44:53 So with the waves, you're up so high
44:55 looking at his deck, the next moment
44:56 you're down looking at the prop.
44:58 Yeah, yeah.
45:00 So I got up and I thought I was going
45:02 to get eaten for sure you know, but just as I got there,
45:08 I mean there had to be an angel.
45:10 Pushed my boat out to the side
45:12 and as the back of the stern came down
45:16 and his you know I went up in my boat
45:18 and actually caught under the fantail on the ship.
45:21 Oh wow.
45:23 Because he is riding up and down
45:24 and you are riding up and down the waves,
45:26 so you got, that's dangerous stuff.
45:28 Yeah, so I got-- finally I got done,
45:31 got around and got on the side
45:34 and so that the crew had a rope ladder
45:37 and they hung that over the side
45:38 and so I tried to grab the ladder
45:40 when I was up on the wave.
45:42 And I had lost my grip so I ended up falling,
45:47 I don't know how far it was.
45:48 But I fell down between the side of the ship
45:51 and in the water.
45:52 I was well below the water, you know surface.
45:57 And I heard my boat crunching
45:59 to the side of the ship
46:01 and so then as the wave went away,
46:05 the boat kind of-- my boat kind of slid off
46:08 you know, the back side of the wave.
46:10 And then here comes Gordon, huffing and puffing.
46:15 And, so the crew had me... when they saw the boat
46:18 you know hit the ship they thought I was history.
46:20 I am sure.
46:21 They didn't realize how deep I went.
46:23 But I was down below 'cause I can hear it
46:26 and so I come back up to the surface
46:28 and so they went down and got the ladder right away.
46:31 This time I got an arm and a leg in it,
46:34 and I am just hanging on.
46:36 And they said "hang on, so we'll pull you up".
46:38 Yeah, you must have been so spent
46:40 'cause we were talking of the better part of two...
46:42 A full day and maybe a little more,
46:45 fighting this thing and now you're trying
46:47 to save your life to get up on this boat...
46:49 On this ship which was amazing deal in itself.
46:51 So the crew pulled the ladder up and they were...
46:55 It was kind of ironic they were all,
46:58 mostly the crew was Filipinos,
47:00 you know, real small stature and they were--
47:03 I mean some of them were down below sleeping
47:05 and anyway they were a real model.
47:08 Anyway they got me up to the rail.
47:11 And then they were trying to figure
47:13 how to get me over the rail.
47:15 Yeah.
47:16 and so by then the captain was there.
47:18 He was there in front of the bridge,
47:21 and he was big, he was,
47:22 I don't know probably 6'6''- 6'7'', 300 pounds...
47:25 Oh, big man, yeah.
47:27 So, I still had...
47:29 My arm was still sore from when I broke it up
47:32 in the boat yard.
47:33 You know, so of course he didn't know,
47:35 but he grabbed my arm itself and I...
47:38 screamed at him, he finally gripped my arm.
47:41 So next thing I know he grabbed me
47:43 by the Cedar pants and the scruff of the neck
47:45 and I was on the deck.
47:47 I was there. Well, Amen.
47:49 Now I got to move you alone 'cause we still got another
47:51 whole part of this story to deal with.
47:53 One, you did as many do in this kind of circumstances,
47:57 you make a lot of promises to God.
47:59 Lord, get me through this, I will be an angel.
48:01 I will be Gabriel. Just get me through.
48:03 Did you follow through,
48:05 because you lost your boat but you saved your life?
48:08 Yeah. Or the Lord saved your life.
48:09 Yeah.
48:11 So over the next little bit, what is your life like
48:14 and how are you doing with that promise?
48:16 I ended up in Brazil, so I flew back to Brazil,
48:20 back to Connecticut and built a little camp around
48:22 the back of a pickup truck and went to Florida.
48:25 And I was trying to do it my way still.
48:27 Like I said I still didn't know
48:29 except that one time I talked to the Lord.
48:31 I didn't know him.
48:33 So, you know I got a job in a boat yard,
48:35 I was working in a boat yard
48:37 and boat builders down there and doing fine.
48:40 But as the storm was in '91,
48:45 and so I got down in Florida in early '92,
48:51 and the Lord didn't get me my heart
48:55 until the spring of '98.
49:02 I was still trying to do it my way
49:04 but he kept working on me
49:07 and I kept hearing this still small voice,
49:10 remember what you promised me.
49:11 And it was starting to eat on me.
49:15 So, then I started going to church.
49:18 And I didn't know anything about the Sabbath.
49:20 I started going to the church and reading the Bible.
49:22 And so...
49:25 So just that flat, you mean you hear his voice,
49:27 let me respond, going to church
49:29 and start reading my Bible.
49:30 And you are in Florida now?
49:32 Yeah, I am living in Florida and so anyway,
49:39 he brought me to a point where I had...
49:44 I guess he wasn't saying, anyway I had a wicked temper.
49:49 Bad, and I thought I was crack
49:51 and I started reading books on depression
49:53 and I thought I was going mad.
49:55 And finally I just couldn't take it anymore
49:58 and finally I just got down in my cab
50:01 and asked him to save me.
50:04 And it was like a led weight had been
50:07 lifted off my shoulders.
50:10 And so after that I did,
50:12 I started serving him and right after that
50:15 'cause I had been involved in the patriotic movement,
50:17 so I was in the short way and right after that
50:21 on the station it should have been patriotic stuff
50:24 I heard as preacher.
50:26 And so he was the Sabbath keeper
50:30 but they didn't like... 'cause he was worldly on radio
50:34 so they kept him from six to six
50:36 instead of sunset to sunset.
50:38 Okay so that was your first connection
50:40 with Sabbath per se.
50:41 So I started keeping the Sabbath
50:44 instead of going to the Sunday Churches
50:45 I started keeping the Sabbath
50:47 'cause he was on short wave radio.
50:48 So you were just convicted
50:50 just from that short wave broadcast.
50:51 Yeah.
50:53 So I listened to him,
50:54 they had service on Friday night
50:55 and then again Sabbath morning so I will just stay home
50:59 and then listen to service and you know hang out with Lord
51:02 and read the Bible and so on.
51:04 But these were not sent to Adventist,
51:06 just Sabbath keepers.
51:07 Right, so anyway I ended up moving up there
51:12 and it turned out to be a call
51:14 but anyway that's another story.
51:17 So I ended up...
51:19 I wanted to get out in the country
51:20 and come home instead so through some friends
51:22 I found some property up in Tennessee,
51:25 so I got up to Tennessee, I took a little camper up there
51:28 and I got up there and I've taken the shaft back
51:32 but I didn't have the hose.
51:34 So I went to a flea market and there was a booth.
51:40 They had-- there's nobody in it
51:41 but they had some big toile pants
51:43 and there was a hose in there.
51:45 So I didn't just want to take it
51:47 so I checked with a woman couple of booths down
51:52 and she said haven't seen him today
51:55 She says, but she said if I see him
51:57 I will ask him about the hose.
51:59 So I said, okay, and this was on Friday.
52:02 So I was like I won't be here tomorrow,
52:05 you know so she replied I won't be either
52:09 so I kind of found out she was Seven-day Adventist.
52:11 Uh-huh. There is the connection.
52:13 You know we made our connection
52:14 so I kind of found out that she was in a home church
52:19 and she wasn't in a regular affiliated church at the time.
52:23 And so...
52:24 I mean she is a Seventh-day Adventist
52:26 but so I started you know, going
52:28 to the home church everything and..
52:30 All right, so we got you in the church now.
52:33 We know your connection.
52:34 What church are you a member of currently.
52:37 The Middlesboro Kentucky church up in Middlesboro, Kentucky,
52:42 which is a very loving caring church.
52:43 Praise the Lord.
52:45 And there are really great people
52:46 and I really miss them.
52:48 Yeah.
52:49 And but Lord just moved me down in Florida
52:52 so I have got another good church down there.
52:54 Praise the Lord.
52:55 And Plato Seventh-day Adventist church.
52:57 Okay.
52:59 So, in looking back, Gordon,
53:00 at this whole thing, what you went through,
53:03 where you are, now you're still in the boat business.
53:06 But you are in the Seventh-day Adventist boat business.
53:08 Amen.
53:11 What impresses you about this road
53:13 that the Lord had brought you on?
53:16 There is the truth.
53:19 As soon as I learnt about the Seventh-day Adventist,
53:23 I got right into all the Spirit of Prophecy books
53:27 and Ellen White and I started studying
53:30 and then reading and which brings out the Bible
53:35 and but I just thank the Lord for saving me
53:41 because the Lord knows the end from the beginning.
53:44 Indeed. And He knows all things.
53:47 So, when I was out there.
53:49 When I asked him to save my skin,
53:51 He knew, if He didn't save my skin,
53:54 I couldn't be saved and will make Him a liar.
53:56 Yeah. So He had to save my skin.
53:58 Praise the Lord. Then work on my heart.
54:00 Indeed, that's an interesting take on this.
54:02 We are going to go to our newsbreak and come back
54:04 and sort of put a little bow on this
54:05 and wrap this up.
54:07 We will be back in just two minutes.


Revised 2015-08-06