3ABN Today

God's Grocery Store

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), John & Laurie Tompkins


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015044A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Well, welcome, we're so happy
01:09 that you can be with us today, and this is going to be
01:13 a very interesting and exciting program for me
01:16 because in some ways
01:18 it's kind of a walk down memory lane in a sense.
01:21 When I became a pastor,
01:24 I was a young ministerial student at Andrews University,
01:29 man with the name of Merrill Mills
01:31 came to the campus looking for pastors
01:34 and he talked to me and he talked to Camille
01:37 and we prayed about it,
01:39 and we had some other opportunities
01:40 to go other places but after praying about it,
01:43 we decided to go to New England,
01:46 spent a year in South Lancaster as a intern,
01:49 back to the seminary for few more studies
01:52 and then out to my first district.
01:54 That first district was Plainville, Meriden,
01:58 Middletown, Portland, which was one church,
02:02 but this is right in the heart of Connecticut,
02:05 just south of Hartford,
02:07 and we have so many great memories there.
02:14 I want to show you some pictures
02:15 if sometime if some of the things that
02:19 with our family with Jimmy.
02:21 We only had the one child at that time.
02:23 So it was an exciting thing when 50 years ago,
02:28 50 years later we were invited to go back
02:31 which is a few years ago.
02:32 Two years ago. Yeah.
02:34 And to be there for the 50th anniversary of that church
02:39 because that church was a merger of two,
02:42 Bristol and New Britain
02:44 came together and formed Plainville.
02:48 And so we were just really excited to be there.
02:52 Brought back a lot of memories.
02:54 It was great to see the church doing well.
02:57 Now this is not an easy place to minister, believe me.
03:02 It is unbelievably Catholic.
03:07 Across the street from the Plainville Church
03:09 is one of the most powerful Catholic churches
03:12 in all of Connecticut.
03:13 Five to ten thousand members.
03:15 Right.
03:16 And every single Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock
03:21 they start mass and that's to help people
03:24 for convenience to get through.
03:26 I used to say wow, they're keeping the Sabbath.
03:28 This is wonderful, you know.
03:30 And but they-- And first time I ever saw
03:34 I thought what's going on, have they changed but,
03:37 you know, with them they just can't change the day of worship
03:40 whenever they want to,
03:41 so they have a Sabbath afternoon
03:47 mass and then several sessions.
03:49 Then Sunday morning and you've never seen
03:52 so many cars in your life.
03:54 Here's our little church across the street.
03:56 It had been a Methodist church and it came up for sale
04:00 and Tilley Rin who was a member of the congregation there
04:07 actually paid for that church.
04:09 Tilley paid virtually every time
04:13 I think it was paid that she paid for that church.
04:16 Sometimes she thought she owned it too, I loved her.
04:19 It was some $15000 in those days.
04:21 It was a lot of-- Yeah,
04:23 but she paid for it.
04:25 And then I got the opportunity to be
04:28 one of the first pastors there.
04:30 There was a pastor there before I came
04:33 and then I was able to come and be the pastor.
04:36 So we were excited when we were able to go back
04:40 and to be there, and lo and behold,
04:44 I meet once again John Tompkins.
04:49 Now, John was a teenager.
04:51 And John you were a real teenager.
04:57 Yes, indeed.
04:58 I remember you very well.
05:00 And, you know, the amazing thing is,
05:04 of course I was a teenager once too,
05:06 and you all hear the pastors tell the stories about me.
05:09 But John's dad was one of the leaders in the church.
05:12 He was always a deacon, elder whatever was needed,
05:16 and his mom was very active in the church.
05:19 Whole family committed to the third angel's message.
05:25 And so I was really, really felt good
05:29 when I got back there.
05:31 In fact I held an evangelistic meeting in,
05:33 if my memory serves me right,
05:34 you made your decision for Jesus.
05:35 That's right.
05:37 During that evangelistic meeting.
05:38 From your evangelistic series.
05:39 I was a rough neck then and I told it,
05:41 we got to go and get this people in here.
05:43 Yeah, right.
05:45 And you said we can't exactly bang them
05:46 over the head and drag them in,
05:48 they got to come on their own free ride.
05:50 But you know the Lord did bless us
05:52 and our membership doubled in that.
05:54 I was only there 9 months,
05:56 and then they made me the conference evangelist
05:59 but it was the most exciting 9 months of pastoral experience
06:05 that a young man can ever have.
06:07 Had every experience that you can imagine,
06:09 I can just go on for hours.
06:12 We're good training ground.
06:14 It really was.
06:15 And then when we got over there
06:19 for the anniversary two years ago.
06:22 We found out about a program that they have initiated there
06:28 that has really been an outreach ministry.
06:33 You know Jesus talks about reaching out to people.
06:37 And He says in Matthew the 10th Chapter.
06:41 "And whoever gives one of these little ones,
06:46 only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple,
06:51 assuredly, I say to you,
06:54 he shall by no means lose his reward."
06:58 Just a cup of water.
07:00 So you can imagine the impact of helping to feed
07:05 those who are poor, those who are in need.
07:09 And, folks, there are people that just do not get
07:12 an adequate diet today,
07:14 no matter with all those social programs
07:16 that are out there, there is still
07:18 so many people that we can feed.
07:21 So I'm extremely happy to introduce
07:26 to you Laurie Tompkins and her husband John,
07:30 and we're going to be talking about God's Grocery Store.
07:36 And I love that name.
07:38 And as I look at these t-shirts
07:40 you've got it all laid out there.
07:42 Tell me-- Explain
07:43 the shirts to me a little bit?
07:44 This of course is for yourself and your lovely wife.
07:48 Oh, thank you very much.
07:50 I'll wear this when I'm out feeding my guineas.
07:54 But here God's Grocery Store things I need.
07:58 "Love, we all need. We'll get plenty.
08:01 Wisdom, the more the better. Two packs.
08:03 Faith, where we will be without it.
08:05 Large sack.
08:07 Salvation, without it we're lost.
08:10 Big box.
08:11 Prayer to help me against sin, enough to last.
08:14 God has all of that.
08:16 How much do I owe? Nothing.
08:18 Jesus paid my bill a long time ago."
08:21 And then on the back.
08:24 This one doesn't have it there. This one doesn't have it.
08:26 All right.
08:27 But we'll talk about some of the other things
08:29 that you're involved with because on some of them,
08:32 you have about this walk a thought
08:36 that you have every year
08:38 that brings attention to God's Grocery Store.
08:43 We're going to hear more about this
08:46 but first before we do,
08:47 I want to have a word of prayer and we gonna have a song.
08:50 And I want you to focus upon those that are in need,
08:56 those that have spiritual problems, health problems,
09:00 and I want you to be praying for them
09:02 right now with me if you'll join.
09:05 And if you have a very special need,
09:07 lay it before the altar, right now would you?
09:11 Father in heaven, I just thank You, Lord,
09:13 that we can come to You in prayer
09:15 and know that You hear us and that You answer.
09:20 I just got a letter from somebody today
09:23 and they said, Jim, I've been praying
09:25 and looking for the answer
09:27 but I guess no is also an answer.
09:31 And sometimes, Lord, we know that's the best answer,
09:34 but we don't realize it, not always but often.
09:39 So I pray that You'll help us, Lord, to be in tune to You.
09:44 Lay our finances before you and trust You.
09:48 Lay our health before You and receive Your blessing
09:55 but trust You in it.
09:57 Lay our children before You, Lord,
09:59 because there are so many challenges.
10:01 Help us to pray each day for our families
10:05 and pray for the power
10:06 of the Holy Sprit in their lives.
10:08 Pray to be that they'll be covered with the blood of Jesus
10:11 and pray Lord that they'll be protected from evil.
10:17 Thank You, Lord, for hearing us.
10:20 And thank You for the Tompkins and for the ministry
10:22 that they and those that work with them
10:25 are doing in Plainville.
10:28 And today, Father, we pray that this program will be
10:31 an inspiration to others to be ready
10:36 to give a cup of cold water in the name of Jesus
10:41 for we ask it in His wonderful and powerful
10:45 and loving name, amen.
10:48 Amen.
10:49 Well, I'm ready for some music if you are.
10:53 And Jaime Jorge is one of my favorite people.
10:57 He has been to your church.
10:58 That's right.
11:00 And he has been to most churches in this country.
11:03 We love Jaime.
11:05 And right now he is going to play
11:06 a song that we all love.
11:08 It's almost a theme song of Seventh-day Adventist,
11:12 "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."
14:19 Thank you very much. Jaime.
14:20 We always enjoy when Jaime comes by here
14:24 and tapes for us.
14:26 He is a wonderful, friendly, loving, kind person.
14:32 And I know that for many years he also helped out with La Voz.
14:37 And when Frank Gonzalez was the speaker director,
14:42 and I had the privilege of being
14:44 their board chairman for five years.
14:46 And I would tell you that working with those fellows
14:49 with Frank and with Jaime, it was just a real blessing.
14:55 Well, listen, tell me
14:56 how did God's Grocery Store get started?
14:59 Well, it was a big answer to prayer.
15:02 The church family got together
15:03 with the Pastor Rollin Shoemaker at the time,
15:06 and they wanted to be able to help the community
15:11 and you know give them services
15:13 and witness to them and do things for them,
15:16 and we couldn't figure out how to do it.
15:20 And so we all knelt down and prayed,
15:22 and we asked the Lord for guidance and wisdom.
15:25 And He answered our prayer in a big way
15:28 because one Sabbath afternoon,
15:30 we were just finishing vespers and a young man came in,
15:34 he had tears in his eyes.
15:36 And he said, he had just been released from prison
15:40 and he needed food for his family
15:44 and he didn't have any money, he didn't have any resources
15:47 and he did not want to go home empty-handed.
15:50 And so we took up a donation,
15:53 because at that time our community service was,
15:55 it was in the process of,
15:58 you know, we used it but we didn't do much with it.
16:00 Right.
16:01 You know, we didn't have a lot of food and stuff on the shelf,
16:03 so we took up a donation
16:06 and we went to a local grocery store
16:08 and purchased food for him,
16:10 him and his family then had food.
16:12 Well, that was great
16:13 because you didn't just give him the money.
16:15 We so many times we're tempted to do.
16:19 You actually took him to the grocery store,
16:21 bought things he needed and wanted,
16:24 not just what we want, so that was your first contact
16:29 when God's Grocery Store was using another store there--
16:33 Exactly. So right.
16:36 So then what happened?
16:37 So then the sisters of the church got together
16:40 and with the help of Beverly Gray,
16:43 we got together and decided that
16:46 why should we be rushing around to, you know,
16:49 get food and things like that, so we actually joined
16:53 with a local Foodshare program in the community.
16:57 And this is their organization with their staff members.
17:00 Okay.
17:02 And we decided to put food on the shelves
17:06 and be able to witness and give services to people
17:09 that came through the door.
17:11 Right. Wow.
17:13 So we grew to serving 12 people and by the time
17:17 that Beverly was-- move,
17:19 kind of moved to Michigan,
17:20 we were serving over 50 families
17:23 but just getting food sticking
17:25 in boxes and handing in to them.
17:26 Right. Okay.
17:28 Not in the store.
17:29 Right. Right.
17:30 Now, you've got a whole different process, right?
17:33 Yes, we do.
17:34 We had to change that process
17:36 because every Saturday night we've to come together
17:38 and put things in these boxes for the people,
17:42 and that was just too time consuming.
17:45 It took a lot of staff to do that.
17:48 So I decided to create God's Grocery Store.
17:50 Okay.
17:52 Now we lay the products set on the table
17:54 and people come through and they shop.
17:56 All right.
17:57 And it's all free. Because Jesus paid it off.
18:00 All right.
18:01 Now, when they come through, let say they got cans of corn.
18:07 They get what?
18:08 Two cans, one can.
18:10 What do they get?
18:11 Whatever they need. Whatever they need?
18:12 Yes and if they need more, they're given more.
18:15 We have to make some quick organizational changes.
18:18 Yeah.
18:19 Laurie first of all had far too much paper work to do.
18:22 Oh, yeah.
18:23 Because there is paper work involved in this, right?
18:26 You're dealing not only with this Foodshare,
18:30 but also the State of Connecticut.
18:32 And the federal government. And the government.
18:33 We have to report to them what you're doing.
18:35 Right.
18:36 The single item which hurts these organizations
18:39 when they come together with meetings every two months.
18:41 Yeah.
18:42 The paper work is too onerous.
18:44 Some of them just won't do it because of the paper work.
18:47 Right.
18:48 So, Laurie, made one of our first changes.
18:51 I asked my son Scott. Okay.
18:53 He is a computer programmer to build me a database,
18:57 that would keep track of all these statistics,
18:59 and so every month now I can just push one button
19:03 and have my statistics ready for Foodshare
19:06 or the government and whoever needs it.
19:08 Isn't that amazing?
19:09 We have a picture of what the boxes
19:11 used to be like on the table
19:13 that's when were amassed up for that.
19:16 Yeah. Let's look at that.
19:17 Okay.
19:20 We'd just have boxes with some stuff
19:23 and stuff them in bags and hand them to the people
19:25 we really couldn't interact with them.
19:27 Right.
19:28 Oh, and then the people would actually stop
19:29 in line and say,
19:31 oh, I don't need this and I don't need this.
19:32 So they were getting a prepackaged box of stuff
19:36 they might not-- they might not
19:37 like broccoli or spinach.
19:39 Exactly. Exactly.
19:41 So we decided to let them pick and choose what they want.
19:43 Yeah.
19:44 So the next pictures that you'll recognize, pastor,
19:48 is the backroom of the church.
19:49 Okay.
19:51 The community room. Yes.
19:53 We have to have-- Every week we have
19:54 to empty everything out of there from the potlucks
19:57 and all the community stuff for the church,
20:00 make a bare room and we have to bring in the pallets.
20:03 Okay, pallets?
20:04 And the next picture.
20:06 Well, and of course we didn't have a door big enough
20:08 for pallets to come in.
20:10 So Laurie had to get these doors installed
20:12 on the side of the church, the back wall of the church.
20:14 We had to cut a hole in the side of the church
20:16 where we had a window,
20:18 and I had these doors put into the side of the church.
20:21 Just big enough for a pallet to go through,
20:23 because my volunteers were having
20:25 to bring everything in, you know, piece by piece.
20:27 Those are full pallets.
20:29 Full pallets.
20:31 So you put it inside with the forklift
20:33 probably there and then have a pallet jack,
20:36 and you pull it back into place there.
20:39 And then we break it down and spread it out
20:42 on the tables and store whatever is extra downstairs
20:45 and the little down-- little downstairs area
20:47 has been converted to ten freezers
20:50 and that's our storage.
20:52 Wow. Wow.
20:54 That's where we break it down for people and then
20:57 now they can be registered.
21:00 Right.
21:01 You know it's amazing what's happening
21:04 because I saw the church
21:06 starting to come really back to life.
21:08 In '98 we were out in that part of the country.
21:13 They had Dwight Nelson on, I remember.
21:16 And my wife and daughter and I were driving.
21:21 We were actually not driving on the Sabbath
21:24 but we were driving up
21:25 from New York up through New England.
21:27 And I said, "We're going to go to church in Plainville."
21:30 We walked in, they had it up, they were singing beforehand,
21:36 I knew Tilley was still there.
21:37 You hear her singing.
21:39 And then the television went on
21:45 and we watched Dwight Nelson in 98
21:48 but there were only a handful of people.
21:51 I was just heartsick because the church--
21:54 when your dad was there, when you were young boy
21:57 and we had pastor after pastor there.
22:00 It was a live vibrant church and all of a sudden
22:03 it was basically dead.
22:05 But I've seen that God has used you
22:08 and this program to revive that church
22:11 and it's not just feeding people.
22:14 There are lot of things that take place there.
22:16 For instance, I know you have a time
22:20 where you bring everybody together.
22:22 Yeah.
22:23 And the next picture that we have shows
22:25 some of our volunteers.
22:27 This is now Tilley's passed away long time ago.
22:31 This is like the mother of the church
22:33 now, Sister Freckleton.
22:34 She comes there and helps out every week
22:37 and most importantly
22:39 she is an excellent Jamaican cook.
22:40 Oh. Wow.
22:42 And she makes food for the volunteers.
22:43 She cooks for volunteers every week.
22:44 She makes peas and rice or rice and peas.
22:47 Yes.
22:48 And this, Laurie, is our youngest--
22:50 This is our youngest volunteer.
22:52 Okay. At two years old.
22:53 Derrick. Yeah.
22:54 And he is two.
22:56 And he helps every week by passing out stuff.
22:58 What's his name? Derrick.
23:00 Derrick? All right.
23:01 And he helps-- He helps pass out
23:03 stuffed animals to the children or give them,
23:06 you know, juice or cookies or something they might have.
23:08 Little things we can get for them.
23:10 Oh, yeah. And he loves to help out.
23:12 Okay.
23:13 Well, keep telling us the story
23:15 'cause I know you've got some pleasant pictures.
23:17 Now I think we have the--
23:19 Debbie who registers for Debbie classes.
23:22 This is my sister and I brought her up
23:24 from Texas to help me out with this program.
23:27 All right.
23:28 Because it's getting very large.
23:30 And she registers the people.
23:32 All they have to do is come in and give their name.
23:35 Now, this is the people sitting in the church quietly,
23:39 waiting now for their turn, right?
23:42 Watching 3ABN.
23:43 It's hard to see it in the monitors.
23:45 One monitor is in the back and two are up front.
23:47 Okay.
23:49 We start at 9 o'clock and put 3ABN on for them.
23:50 All right. Keep it going.
23:52 I must say the people seemed to love your cooking classes.
23:55 Oh, really.
23:56 That's a big hit. That is a big hit.
23:58 Oh, that's great.
23:59 They love the music videos. Yeah.
24:01 And those things there,
24:02 but I think the cooking classes are--
24:04 their interest in health.
24:06 They're interested in-- Right.
24:07 We give them whatever food they need.
24:09 Now what day of the week is it you are there?
24:11 Wednesday. Wednesday?
24:12 Wednesday, from 10 to 4.
24:13 So that on that day we are-- today show is a cooking show.
24:17 Yes.
24:18 And many times Jill Morikone whose grandfather
24:24 used to be an elder in that particular district
24:26 where Brother Paul Wearthy.
24:28 He had the Middletown, Portland.
24:31 Him and my father Charlie were the builders.
24:33 That's right.
24:35 Built most of the churches in the area.
24:36 Yeah. Yeah.
24:37 They were very good friends.
24:39 They really were. Yeah.
24:40 And the Wearthy family and us,
24:41 I went to school with several of them.
24:45 Bill Wearthy was my age here,
24:46 we went to same classes together which is Jill's uncle.
24:49 Right. Right.
24:51 Well, so, they are able to watch a girl
24:54 from the district so to speak
24:56 do a cooking show on Wednesday morning
24:58 'cause she is often the host on that show.
25:02 And so people would come into the door.
25:04 They just give their name and their address.
25:06 They're looked up in the database.
25:08 It automatically registers them,
25:09 calculates the statistics and keeps the reports,
25:12 so Laurie hits print at the end of the month.
25:15 All right.
25:16 And it spits out a little ticket for him
25:18 which that has a number on it, the details of the church
25:22 and the distribution and we're going to put
25:24 on the random Bible verse like in fortune cookie.
25:27 Yeah. All right.
25:28 Customer get to keep this.
25:30 Oh, that's good, yeah.
25:31 But then he said in the program,
25:33 we really open the doors at 9
25:35 but we don't even start serving till 10:30.
25:37 Okay.
25:38 In many days so these people,
25:40 we have a nice audience for two, three hours
25:44 every Wednesday morning to try and reach.
25:46 Right.
25:48 And when they come, they sit, so that there this is the order
25:51 in which they go through the line later.
25:54 Because only 10 people
25:56 'cause shopping area is so small.
25:58 There only ten people can enter at a time.
26:00 Okay.
26:01 And they shop for what they want for groceries.
26:03 Yeah. All right.
26:05 So now you have this time together.
26:08 Do you have any prayer time or anything of that nature?
26:11 Yes, before we start, we have the people sitting there
26:14 and before we start we shut off the programs
26:16 and my husband I will go up front
26:19 and I will give all the instructions for the day.
26:23 We have people who'd come in the back
26:26 that sit in the back for insurance purposes
26:28 like if you need help filling out insurance forms
26:31 or if you--
26:33 Or if you have need help filling out for snap
26:35 which is for to get food from the government
26:39 to get food stamps and...
26:44 When they're checked in, they're asked
26:46 if they have any prayer request.
26:48 And then Laurie also ask,
26:50 "Do you have public prayer request."
26:52 We have a private prayer box so people can just write their
26:55 prayer request on put it in,
26:57 nobody ever reads till we pray over and burn it.
26:59 But many people come to Laurie with prayer request
27:02 and we mention those up front.
27:04 We pray for the people.
27:05 And you can tell about some of the people
27:07 who've come back with answers to our prayer.
27:09 Oh, I've had incredible answers to prayer.
27:11 The one that sticks out of my mind is one young girl
27:14 and she came to me and she has like 10 children.
27:17 They're not all hers, but in the situation
27:20 her sister couldn't keep some of these kids.
27:23 And so she came to me and she said,
27:25 "Laurie, I'm short of my rent tonight,
27:27 I don't know what I'm going to.
27:29 They're going to evict us and I have all these children.
27:31 And I said but the first thing
27:32 we need to do is sit down and pray.
27:34 So we sat down together and we prayed
27:37 and then I told her to go home and,
27:40 you know, just wait and see what happens.
27:42 The Lord will take care of things for her.
27:44 And when she got home, you know,
27:47 she told her husband what she had done,
27:48 and they had remembered that his father had given them
27:53 a credit card about 12 years before that
27:57 when he-- then he had died.
28:00 And when he gave the credit card,
28:01 they didn't know how to get into the bank
28:03 'cause they didn't know the pass code for it.
28:06 And so when they went to the bank,
28:09 they tried a couple of times and it didn't work.
28:12 And the third time, you know, they take your card
28:14 and they destroy it and that's it.
28:16 You can't get into that bank so.
28:20 So the third time she said,
28:21 let's think really hard about, you know,
28:24 so that we can get this right and we can see what's inside.
28:28 And what she needed was $400 for rent.
28:32 And so she said to her husband,
28:34 well, you were your father's favorite.
28:35 Why don't you try your birth date?
28:37 And so they tried his birth date
28:39 and in that bank account was $401.
28:42 Wow!
28:44 And she came back the next week into Foodshare
28:47 and she was so excited and she was just bubbling over
28:50 and she said, you've got to sit down,
28:52 I've got to tell you what happened.
28:53 And she told me the story, and she let me share
28:56 with the other clients that come in, so.
28:59 Well, that's a dramatic answer.
29:01 Yeah.
29:02 We have young man came in and he was there and he was--
29:05 it was disappointing for him to come to a food distribution.
29:10 You know, I mean, he'd never think he would be
29:12 in this position in life, you know.
29:13 Sure.
29:14 But he lost his job and jobs were hard to find.
29:18 Since the recession, everything got worse,
29:20 and that's when the program expanded.
29:22 We have 2,500 people in our database
29:25 and we serve upto 500 families each week.
29:29 But this young man asked us, he said, well,
29:31 maybe you can pray that I can get a job.
29:33 I've been trying for year, year and half.
29:36 Pray that I can get a job.
29:37 Then we didn't see him for a couple of weeks
29:39 and he came back and said and he right
29:41 in front of the whole church, I got a job.
29:47 People have come to us especially with anybody
29:49 that has any medical issues now
29:52 because several other people we prayed for,
29:54 the Lord had seen fit to heal and the people come back
29:58 and they just, they instantly want as if we're magical.
30:03 Prayer request for their people in the hospital.
30:06 And then we visited some of them in the hospital.
30:08 Wow.
30:09 These experiences are what keep you going though.
30:11 Exactly.
30:13 Because what you're doing
30:14 is not just having people maintain food on the table.
30:21 It's reaching out to them spiritually
30:24 with encouragement and with prayer.
30:26 That's what we're trying to do.
30:28 And I'm trying to figure ways that the Lord can bless them
30:31 and touch their hearts and get them into the church.
30:33 Yes.
30:35 And so, we planned a one day event
30:39 where we're gonna serve them breakfast.
30:41 And then we had some songs in between
30:45 and then I gave the message for the day.
30:47 Okay.
30:49 We thought maybe that would help get people
30:51 into the church and it did.
30:52 It did.
30:53 Because I'm the director and they're pretty close to me.
30:56 Absolutely.
30:57 And they had a wonderful time.
30:59 And I knew that they were listening to the sermon
31:02 because I put a little insert in the bulletin.
31:05 And it was just a small little insert
31:07 but I wanted to give them something to do,
31:09 so that I can witness to them.
31:11 And on this paper it just said,
31:13 there is a little picture of a flower and it said smile,
31:16 God thinks you're wonderful.
31:18 And I told them to take that paper with them
31:20 and just walk up to somebody and hold it up to them.
31:22 You don't have to say anything,
31:24 just hold it up to them and see what reaction you get.
31:27 And then I said, if you're really scared to do that,
31:29 you can put it in your car window or something in,
31:31 you know, just see if anybody has any reactions.
31:34 The next week I had so many people come back to me and say,
31:38 "What a reaction?
31:39 It was so beautiful. This was wonderful."
31:41 And somehow they're happy to do that.
31:43 And with conservative New Englanders,
31:46 they would never think to do that.
31:48 No. No.
31:49 But once they do it, they find out
31:51 the New Englanders are like everybody else.
31:54 Exactly.
31:55 Once you get them going,
31:57 they're just as friendly and open
31:58 and wonderful as people in any other parts of country.
32:02 We have our next slide show
32:04 some of the other services request that--
32:07 This is where we're actually the people come in,
32:10 we try to talk to them
32:11 when they get into their groceries.
32:12 We try to see what's going on in their life.
32:15 They're very-- You need to be
32:17 personally interested in them.
32:18 Laurie's motto is love them, serve them.
32:21 We make sure every volunteer is not wearing the t-shirts.
32:25 Right.
32:26 But treating them with respect.
32:28 With respect.
32:29 And love. Yeah.
32:31 And so as you saw in that picture there was--
32:33 lady was there.
32:34 We actually-- We're not just
32:36 witnessing to the people, we serve now.
32:39 We became, Laurie became
32:41 the largest organization in all of Connecticut.
32:45 And our sister church Grace in Hartford
32:49 is the second largest.
32:50 So the Seventh-day Adventist in Connecticut
32:53 are the first and second largest.
32:55 And that's for food distribution to the needy.
32:57 To relief services and things like that,
32:59 any of their needs that they need.
33:01 But our good friend in Novell.
33:04 Novell McGregor.
33:05 McGregor runs the Grace program.
33:06 Okay.
33:08 And Pastor Jackson is our pastor for both churches now.
33:11 All right.
33:12 But, you know, these people that come in.
33:16 One week there is nice elderly couple and they--
33:21 we try to carry their groceries from,
33:23 we have people there.
33:25 Carry the stuff of the people, you know.
33:26 Treat them well.
33:28 And I said to the lady, I said,
33:31 I'll carry your groceries home for you.
33:33 And she said, no, no, no, we get picked up by Dial-a-Ride
33:39 over in the Catholic church's parking lot.
33:42 And I said, that's no problem.
33:44 My car is parked over there now.
33:48 And I'm walking there anyway.
33:51 She's no, no, no, it's a problem, you know.
33:55 So they struggled with their groceries.
33:57 They cross the street dial an emergency,
33:59 you know, the neighborhood there,
34:00 I went around the back and I was delayed
34:03 a few minutes making one of my duties
34:05 is to make sure people are not parking in no parking zones.
34:08 Right. Right.
34:10 And that's a full time job sometime.
34:11 And parking is very difficult there.
34:13 Very difficult. Very difficult.
34:14 Especially if you have these many people.
34:16 Yes.
34:17 You know, the town police was asked by the town manager
34:21 isn't this a problem traffic wise.
34:22 He says, yeah, on Wednesdays are problem of traffic here.
34:26 On Saturday and Sunday when church is going on--
34:28 That's real problem.
34:30 Across the street.
34:31 You know, he said, if I had more officers,
34:33 I'd more in the street.
34:35 Right. Right.
34:36 But these poor people walked all the way across the street.
34:39 I was late getting out to my car.
34:41 And as I came out to the car,
34:43 they were just coming out of that little backroom
34:46 which is the priest would study.
34:48 And then they were embarrassed.
34:50 And they said, well,
34:51 probably you folks don't want to service anymore
34:53 and I was what are you talking about.
34:56 You know, we only afford only Dial-a-Ride.
34:59 So we got to come to your place,
35:02 get our groceries, then go over and see the priest
35:04 and then Dial-a-Ride takes us home.
35:06 Yeah.
35:07 And I said, this--
35:09 Sounds like an organization to me.
35:11 I personally know this priest. He is not a bad person.
35:13 He is a good person across the street.
35:15 You come, come to our food distribution,
35:17 we'll serve you.
35:19 We'll bring your groceries over to his office here.
35:22 See your priest and then
35:23 the Dial-a-Ride will take you home.
35:25 There is no effect on us whatsoever,
35:28 so you know, people like that that come
35:31 and there's a senior center in town
35:36 now that probably wasn't there when you were in there.
35:38 There is a big senior center
35:40 take care of lot of the retirees and people.
35:44 And the two young ladies that run that program
35:48 are about Jill's age, you know.
35:50 Yeah.
35:52 And run the program for them.
35:55 And they wondered why do the seniors come
35:58 when they have their own program there
36:00 to our program as well.
36:02 And 'cause we have so many of the seniors
36:05 that come to it and they said we dress up in wigs
36:09 with all this makeup.
36:10 And we made ourselves appear like elderly ladies
36:13 and we didn't recognize them.
36:15 We did not recognize them. They were made up well.
36:17 Is that right.
36:20 And they came in to the program and they said,
36:23 nobody treats people as nice as these people do.
36:27 Oh, that's great. That great.
36:29 So they were checking you out. They were kind of being spies.
36:33 Couple of spies in there, but you know,
36:35 people offered to carry their stuff from,
36:37 helped them through their shopping experience,
36:39 you know, and we try to talk to them and meet
36:42 with them and Laurie's really made
36:45 the volunteers over here
36:46 had a big thing of love them, serve them.
36:48 Yeah.
36:50 And she-- amazingly to me knows
36:51 all these people by their name.
36:53 Right. Oh, that is amazing.
36:56 And if you, you know
36:57 that we don't do these things as a hook.
37:00 We're not trying to say, okay,
37:03 so many pounds of food, so many baptisms,
37:05 so much church growth.
37:08 We serve like that Lord has told us to do.
37:10 Exactly.
37:11 We let Him and the Holy Spirit
37:13 do the work of bringing people to God's truth,
37:18 but if we're demonstrating it through love,
37:22 it will pay dividends.
37:24 And when you have an evangelistic meeting,
37:27 I think you'd be surprised eventually
37:30 how many of those people.
37:32 By the way, I strongly recommend that you work,
37:35 that you either now back of my card for instance,
37:40 I tell people how to watch 3ABN and wherever I go,
37:45 if I'm on a plane, Camille is always telling me,
37:48 one of these days somebody is going to call you
37:53 and say you, you know, you gave me a card.
37:55 The other day I was traveling and went
38:00 into a little quick store the place and the lady was--
38:05 I saw her reading a spiritual book.
38:07 And so I asked her, I said, "Are you Christian?"
38:11 And she said, "Yes, but I'm discouraged."
38:14 I said, "Why are you discouraged?"
38:17 And then she told me, she said, "We moved to Atlanta
38:20 and one of the big name pastors there,
38:23 we went to his church and then we were so discouraged
38:27 because he built a multimillion dollar home."
38:31 And she said, "With the world, there're so many needs
38:35 the way it is for somebody to build something like this.
38:38 We were discouraged, we left,
38:40 we came back to Florida she said.
38:42 We have this little store now."
38:45 And, but she said "It has really hurt our faith."
38:50 And then she told me about the people
38:53 she bought the store from have ripped them off.
38:56 And so I was able to pray with her for her to forgive.
39:00 She and her husband later with her husband came in,
39:03 we both, prayed with both of them
39:05 that the Lord would heal them, help them to forgive
39:10 because this is something that when God helps us to forgive,
39:15 it helps to clear things up.
39:17 So then I shared 3ABN with them.
39:19 And we do this wherever We're going out
39:22 and I don't know you got them watching 3ABN
39:24 but we shared the different ways
39:26 they can watch on iPad or iPhone or android,
39:31 we're on the app, streaming live at 3ABN, Roku,
39:37 Dish Network 9393, a lot of people watch on dish
39:41 and Cable One, Channel 393, Verizon FiOS: Channel 291.
39:48 People don't realize that they are getting Verizon
39:52 that they can request that if they've Verizon FiOS
39:56 which is the computer,
39:58 their phone and their television,
40:01 they can ask for our channel in free.
40:03 Doesn't cost anything more.
40:05 So we can share this kind of thing with people.
40:07 You start to-- they will start to watch,
40:09 they won't watch it all the time,
40:11 but they will start to watch.
40:12 Many cables of course and then other ways
40:15 that they can watch.
40:16 So if you can begin to get them to do that tie 3ABN in,
40:23 I think you'll see even more.
40:25 Yeah, I'm gonna-- I'm gonna--
40:26 We can have those instructions out.
40:28 And so but this will,
40:31 is one way to tie these people in,
40:35 so that they can watch at home.
40:38 The demographics of our area is a lot of well to do people.
40:42 Yes.
40:43 You know, which don't feel indeed in many cases.
40:45 No.
40:47 And then the poor people
40:49 and of course of people that supervises.
40:51 The people you saw in that picture originally
40:53 with the 3ABN people.
40:55 Some of those people have
40:57 dedicated their lives to serving.
40:58 Yes.
40:59 One of the young man George
41:01 that I know well was a Peace Corps volunteer,
41:03 you know, and all of these things.
41:05 So we witness to these other people
41:07 that are interested in serving people.
41:09 Right.
41:10 We need to reach the-- so we can reach
41:12 the upper level where we couldn't reach before.
41:15 We can reach the lower level, you need to reach the middle.
41:17 And of course, Heidi was here this week.
41:20 Yeah. She is reaching the middle.
41:22 People are interested in health.
41:23 Yeah.
41:25 They're interested in your cooking programs.
41:26 They're interested in healthful living
41:29 and health messages.
41:31 So we ultimately want to have the God's Grocery Store
41:36 that distributes the product.
41:38 We want to have Heidi's Kitchen in a good restaurant.
41:42 All right.
41:43 And we want to have God's greenhouses.
41:44 Okay.
41:46 We gonna grow the food in God's greenhouses fresh
41:49 and supply to restaurant what it needs,
41:51 sell the rest commercially.
41:53 But then with the leftovers we'll distribute
41:56 because you know, the Bible says
41:57 you don't harvest the corners
41:59 and you don't pick up the drops,
42:01 you leave some for, for the people of need.
42:04 So are you planning a new facility somewhere some place.
42:07 Yeah. We're looking.
42:09 Down the line.
42:10 That we want to now start the greenhouses
42:12 and get them up and running.
42:14 Heidi's doing a great job on her restaurants in cooking.
42:18 And her food is incredibly delicious.
42:20 Oh, yeah.
42:22 In fact, for Christmas,
42:25 we gave everybody that came in as a client,
42:28 a little bag of three sample carubies, offered desserts.
42:33 And people kept coming back and saying,
42:36 how can we get in line for a second?
42:38 You brought those down to camp meeting too in Florida.
42:42 And we really enjoyed them.
42:45 I tell you we had people asking us,
42:47 do you have any one of those left in.
42:49 And so they really did enjoy. And they're healthful.
42:51 They're healthful.
42:52 They're very healthful but it taste very good.
42:55 Yes, you had the gluten free ones,
42:56 you know, she had for me which I appreciated.
42:59 Yeah.
43:00 Well, Heidi's into a plant based.
43:02 You know, vegan diet. Not just vegan but plant based.
43:05 Right.
43:06 My sister Charlotte is into the same things.
43:09 You know, several of the family members are,
43:12 and we wanted to expand this for some time.
43:15 My business with the energy project
43:17 is still been quite busy.
43:19 But I've to stop, I've to taper off that.
43:23 Right, I understand.
43:24 And let the other workers in the company
43:26 and the CEOs, let them do the work.
43:27 Let them work.
43:29 And get this other business going.
43:30 Yeah. So that we can do this.
43:32 And then you can reach the middle level.
43:34 And, you know, something that in many ways
43:37 it can be operated as a non profit business,
43:41 and where it will actually still be based from ministry.
43:46 And it can be very effective thing.
43:49 The first one would be like that,
43:50 it will be a research facility.
43:52 We built a small model of this.
43:55 Chuck Gilbert did in our--
43:57 in his PhD studies at University of Rhode Island.
44:01 We built a model lab of everything that we--
44:04 the principles we want to use--
44:06 Okay.
44:08 But, you know, when Heidi comes to town,
44:11 when Laurie goes over to UConn Med Center.
44:13 A good friend of mine is Dr. Sammy Eulgi, an MD PhD
44:17 from UConn Med Center.
44:18 Right.
44:20 So we know a lot of the people over there.
44:21 All of those people are in excellent health.
44:23 Oh, yes.
44:24 They all want Heidi's products.
44:25 Yeah. Yeah.
44:27 And that's the demand that's out there.
44:30 And that's the way I think we can reach more people,
44:34 and witness to more for the church.
44:36 Well, we're told by Ellen White
44:39 that the health message is the right arm.
44:42 And this has been the focus of Elder Ted Wilson
44:47 is to reach the cities with the health message.
44:50 In fact Heidi was there in New York City
44:52 for that outreach that was that took place there.
44:55 And you've seen the combination of the message,
44:59 preaching message
45:01 and the health messaged tied together.
45:02 Well, listen, tell me any more pictures
45:04 that we're gonna see here or we're just about through.
45:07 Let see.
45:08 This of course is one of the special events
45:10 we have every year is twice the year
45:14 for Thanksgiving and Christmas,
45:16 and that's the turkey distribution.
45:17 Okay.
45:19 We did 750 turkeys.
45:23 We get a little bit larger turnout
45:25 when we get close to the holidays.
45:27 Right.
45:28 And in this year we helped the organizations
45:32 by actually going and helping them get the turkeys.
45:35 Right. In the trucks.
45:36 We rented a truck.
45:38 We rented a truck and we went into Hartford
45:41 and all these businesses came and donated turkeys
45:45 and we put them in the back of the truck
45:47 and deliver them where they needed to go.
45:49 Something that Beverly did and something
45:52 that Laurie does as well.
45:53 These people have to fill out special turkey request form,
45:57 you know, these things here.
45:58 Inevitably somebody either doesn't fill it out right
46:01 or tries to cheat and get two turkeys.
46:05 Yes.
46:06 And that doesn't work for them
46:08 because they gonna get kicked out of the system.
46:09 Yeah.
46:10 We get some extras that we acquire ourselves
46:12 and we get a lot of-- we stack up
46:14 on chicken too before the turkey distribution.
46:17 So that people have something even
46:19 if they try to come to program.
46:21 You get, get them something.
46:23 Well--
46:25 And we participate in the fund raising for the--
46:27 for the Foodshare organization.
46:28 Yeah.
46:30 We just did the mock for 100.
46:32 It's a three and half mile walk, 5 K.
46:37 Walk against hunger.
46:38 Right. Yes.
46:39 And I had quite a few volunteers that came
46:41 and participated in that, it was very nice.
46:44 Very enjoyable and it was interesting
46:46 this year because Foodshare doesn't really,
46:49 you have to be very careful when you're talking about God.
46:52 All right.
46:54 Well, listen, if you want to find out
46:57 how you can get in touch with John and Laurie,
47:01 and God's Grocery Store, this is how you can do it.
47:07 If you'd like to know more about this ministry,
47:10 then you can write to God's Grocery Store,
47:13 97 Broad Street, Plainville, Connecticut 06062.
47:18 That's God's Grocery Store, 97 Broad Street,
47:22 Plainville, Connecticut 06062.
47:25 You can call 860-680-6668.
47:30 That's 860-680-6668.
47:35 Or you can email them at ejtsbabe@gmail.com.
47:42 That's ejtsbabe@gmail.com.
47:52 Well, get in touch with them because this is something
47:56 that you may be able to do in your own, own church.
48:00 And get some people working with you.
48:03 They will tell you how to do it.
48:05 How to put all this together.
48:07 I know they've got something's written out
48:09 and some of them we'll share with you verbally,
48:12 but you just get in touch
48:15 because this may open the door to your community
48:19 for your church in a way
48:21 that you've never seen that door open before.
48:26 And I'm excited about some of the things
48:29 we were talking about,
48:31 just off the air here about the future and future plans
48:36 and what I believe that God is gonna do.
48:38 Well, listen, we've got time for another song
48:41 by Jaime Jorge, "Jesus Paid It All."


Revised 2015-08-06