3ABN Today

Heidi's Health Kitchen and Bible Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Ivan Raj & Heidi Tompkins


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015043A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:05 Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my whole life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my whole life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:10 My name is C.A. Murray
01:11 and allow me once again to thank you
01:13 for sharing just a little of your day with us
01:16 and to thank you for all you do to help us
01:19 lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.
01:22 I'm very, very excited today and I always get excited
01:25 when I have guests who are from New York City,
01:28 having spent 30 years there.
01:30 Um, so, this program is a program
01:33 that comes out of as part of the legacy of NY13
01:38 that we talked about uh, just time ago.
01:40 And the continuing ministry
01:43 that is going on in New York City,
01:45 when the brethren came in
01:47 and did that heavy duty evangelism,
01:48 it was done so with the idea
01:51 that will not going to just blow in, blow up, blow out.
01:54 We're going to stay there for a while,
01:56 plant the flag of Christ as it were
01:58 and do continuing kinds of things that will expose
02:00 different people to Jesus Christ.
02:02 So this is part of that and we're going to talk about
02:05 some things that are happening even to this day
02:08 which may serve as a model for something
02:10 you may want to do.
02:12 You may hear something to stay there,
02:13 you want to replicate in your own town.
02:15 I've got two good looking young people.
02:17 I'll call them young because they are younger than me
02:19 and good looking because they are.
02:22 Uh, first of all, Ivan Raj,
02:24 Ivan, good to have you here, man.
02:25 Thank you.
02:27 And good looking, young guy on far for the Lord.
02:29 Amen. And Heidi Tompkins.
02:31 Heidi, nice to have you here. Hi.
02:32 Nice meeting you, C.A. Thanks for having us.
02:34 Yeah, you can see the joy of the Lord in Heidi's face.
02:36 She's been smiling since she got here.
02:38 You know, I think her face is going to hurt
02:39 when she leaves here
02:40 because she's been in this constant smile
02:42 for the past several days
02:43 and she's got the love of Christ in her heart.
02:46 Now, there are not married, they are not dating.
02:48 They are just serving the Lord together.
02:50 Get that out of the way right now.
02:51 Okay. All done, taken care of.
02:54 Now, was your parents that came with you also?
02:56 Yes, they did. And did some cooking?
02:59 We did the cooking. You did the cooking?
03:00 They came to support and they were big help.
03:02 We could have done all this without them.
03:03 Excellent, excellent, excellent.
03:06 Uh, we're going to talk about Heidi's Health Kitchen.
03:08 We're going to get to Heidi's Health Kitchen.
03:10 Got a long route to travel before we get there
03:13 but that's the punch line to the ministry.
03:17 Heidi's Health Kitchen, that's where we are going,
03:19 I think the journey that will be fun
03:20 and I think you'll enjoy this program very, very much.
03:22 I want to talk to you before we go to our music
03:25 and get a little background on two of you guys
03:27 because I know you're from Connecticut.
03:28 Yes. Thank you. Yeah, Connecticut.
03:30 You know, close enough to New York
03:31 to be part of New York.
03:32 You grew in Adventist home, Heidi
03:34 Yes, I did. I had that privilege.
03:36 Praise God. Praise the Lord.
03:38 Yes, I, in my teenage was little bit rebellious
03:41 unfortunately went into a different way
03:43 but God brought me back
03:44 and it's just been such a blessing serving God
03:47 and having that experience with Jesus
03:48 that we all need to have.
03:50 So many of us have those wilderness years.
03:51 Yes. Yeah, yeah.
03:53 Brothers and sisters?
03:54 Yes, an older sister, who lives in Long island.
03:55 She's a lawyer.
03:57 Two younger brothers who live in Connecticut.
03:58 Oh, wow, big family.
03:59 And my younger brother,
04:01 my youngest brother, Scott is involved in our ministry.
04:02 He handles our website
04:04 and helps us with a lot of technical things remotely.
04:06 Praise the Lord.
04:08 Yeah, it is one thing Heidi,
04:10 as you know to grow up in an Adventist home
04:11 and growing up in an Adventist home
04:13 or even attending an Adventist Church
04:15 may make you an Adventist does not make you a Christian.
04:18 That's right.
04:19 When did this whole Christ thing
04:21 become real for you on a personal level?
04:23 I would say probably between 2003 and 2004.
04:26 Um, I really, I had been very successful in business
04:30 and um, you know,
04:31 achieved many things, had many things,
04:34 had all the money
04:35 I could ever want to buy whatever I needed.
04:37 And those things didn't satisfy.
04:39 When I came to that realization,
04:41 when I came to the end of my self,
04:43 like the Bible says about the prodigal son,
04:45 I realized that there was something missing in my life
04:47 and then as I looked over
04:49 my childhood and all these things,
04:51 I realized that what was missing Was God.
04:53 And I immediately straight away that week made sure
04:57 I'd found a Seventh Day Adventist Church near me
04:59 which at that time happened to be on--
05:01 in Patchogue Long Island.
05:03 And I went through a little bit of struggle just briefly,
05:07 Um, I thought you know,
05:10 I'll go to church and you know,
05:11 still hadn't stopped all of my habits.
05:14 Like worldly habits.
05:16 And you know, Friday was a big happier type day
05:19 and got up late Saturday morning
05:22 and thought, I'll go to church
05:23 but by the time I got ready, it was like 12 or 12:30.
05:26 I'm like, "Oh, it's going to be over.
05:28 I'll go next week.
05:29 And this next week thing
05:30 happened for about three or four weeks
05:32 and the last week I said, "All right, that's enough."
05:34 I know myself.
05:35 "If I don't go today, I'll never go,
05:37 I don't care if this singing the last line
05:39 of the closing song,
05:40 if I-- when I walk in that door, at least I went
05:42 and next week I'll get there earlier."
05:44 And I did and praise God.
05:45 Patchogue actually has
05:47 a Spanish service in the morning
05:48 and the English service in the afternoon.
05:50 So when I walked in at 12:15, they were just getting started.
05:52 They are just getting started.
05:54 And my relationship with the Lord grew from there.
05:56 I felt my need for the Lord.
05:59 When you had your sort of wandering years,
06:01 wasn't it aggressive, turning against the Lord
06:03 or just kind of wandering away, just kind of just apathy?
06:06 Just wandering away,
06:07 you know, worldly successes came
06:09 and I went with it.
06:11 Praise the Lord.
06:12 What kind of business were you involved in when you--
06:13 Sales, all my life sales retail sales
06:16 as well as outside sales in telecommunications.
06:18 Oh, praise the Lord.
06:19 That actually is good practice for what you're doing now.
06:23 Yes, it certainly is.
06:25 The Lord notices this kind of background
06:27 and then he takes what you're having
06:29 and uses it to what He wants you to do.
06:30 It's funny, Ivan and I talk about it all the time
06:32 even what we are doing now with Heidi's Health Kitchen,
06:35 we praise God for the career experiences
06:37 and the life experiences God has given us
06:39 because we see it all being used now for God's glory.
06:42 Praise God.
06:44 Praise the Lord, praise God. That is so exciting.
06:45 Raj, do you want to talk us about, let me call you Ivan
06:47 uh, I like Ivan better.
06:50 Um, Adventist home growing up?
06:52 Uh, no, we were born as Lutheran
06:55 I mean, we were raised as Lutheran Christians
06:58 and then we became Pentecost
07:00 and then we've gone into Jehovah's Witness
07:02 and then we found the truth in 92 in India of course,
07:06 I was in India that time
07:08 through an evangelistic series
07:10 and then we became Seventh Day Adventist in 1992.
07:13 Wow, Lutherans in India,
07:17 one does not put Lutheran together with India.
07:18 You know, you don't think Lutheran wouldn't think India.
07:21 Pentecostal perhaps, Jehovah Witness,
07:26 may be, but not Lutheran.
07:28 So your family was, it seems like they were searching.
07:30 Yes, absolutely, that's true.
07:32 That's why we ended up in Seventh Day Adventist Church
07:35 because we found the truth here.
07:37 Yeah.
07:38 How did Adventistism come to you
07:40 or you come to Adventistism?
07:42 Um.
07:43 Your family now, I'm talking about.
07:44 Yes, um, I was 12 at the time
07:46 and they had a series of meeting called um, what is it?
07:52 I forgot.
07:53 Um, there was a series of evangelistic meetings
07:57 in the city called Chennai
07:59 and that's where I was born and raised.
08:00 And it's called Mission Madras.
08:02 And Chennai used to be called as Madras those days
08:05 and Pastor Dwight Nelson, he came there
08:09 and he did some evangelistic series
08:10 and my mom went there to see my uncle
08:13 who actually organized the meetings in Chennai.
08:16 And so she sat out and then she started taking notes.
08:19 Because we thought okay,
08:21 they are also Christians, we are also Christians
08:22 so let's see what they have to say.
08:23 And then she noticed that all our questions were answered uh-
08:26 Praise the Lord.
08:28 On a daily basis through his sermons
08:31 and then at the end of the series we got baptized.
08:34 Was it your baptism at the end of that series?
08:36 Yes, and I was the youngest to get baptized.
08:37 Is that so?
08:39 Yeah, my grandfather who was staunch Lutheran also,
08:40 he got baptized at the time.
08:42 He was 76 when he got baptized
08:43 through Seventh-day Adventistism.
08:45 Does being a Christian in India,
08:46 with the constellation of religions
08:49 and the predominant one
08:51 is kind of tough on Christians in India?
08:55 Yes, it was.
08:57 It uh, few years back it was a little relaxed
08:59 I think but now it's now again coming up.
09:01 It's kind of tough to practice your faith
09:04 or talk about your faith to other people,
09:06 certain areas specifically--
09:08 Yes, yes, did your whole family come to the States or just you?
09:11 Uh, just me and my brother, younger brother, Martin Raj.
09:14 He is studying in a college, Heartland College.
09:17 He is studying to become a medical missionary.
09:19 So my parents passed away
09:20 so it's just me and my brother, yeah.
09:22 So, you think, you guys were how old
09:24 when you decided to come to States?
09:25 I came here three years back.
09:27 Was it-- did your family had somebody to meet you here
09:30 or you just had a took off?
09:32 No, I just took off.
09:33 I just came here for business opportunity
09:35 which never worked out.
09:36 Like I was looking for some business opportunities
09:39 that didn't work
09:41 and it just didn't work out for me
09:44 and God led me into Heidi's Health Kitchen.
09:47 Okay, praise the Lord.
09:48 We're going to talk a little bit more about that.
09:50 This story has got a little back ground.
09:51 Um, one coming over form India,
09:55 one in Connecticut coming down to New York.
09:57 We got to find out how they got fused together.
09:59 How Heidi's Health Kitchen got started
10:02 and I really like that
10:04 Heidi's Health Kitchen it's not an end,
10:07 it's really a means to go to another end
10:10 and I like that because it's,
10:12 you are using what's in your hand
10:14 to do something for the Lord.
10:16 And then God is blessing.
10:17 So we're going to talk all about that
10:18 um, just after music,
10:20 which today comes from a great friend,
10:23 personal friend and friend of the ministry,
10:25 Jennifer LaMounatin.
10:26 She's going to be singing "Make Me Like You."
10:29 Amen.
10:56 Teach me Father
11:02 What to say
11:06 Teach me Father
11:12 How to pray
11:17 Teach me all
11:21 Along the way
11:27 How to be
11:31 Like Jesus
11:39 Teach me
11:42 How we may be one
11:49 Like the Father
11:54 And the Son
11:58 And when all
12:02 Is overcome
12:08 I will be
12:13 Like Jesus
12:20 Lord, make me like you
12:26 Please make me like you
12:31 You are a servant
12:36 Make me one too
12:43 Oh, Lord I am willing
12:48 To what you must do
12:53 To make me like you Lord
12:58 Make me like you
13:07 I would be
13:11 Like Jesus
13:16 I would be
13:20 Like Jesus
13:26 Help me Lord
13:29 To daily grow
13:36 More and more
13:41 Like Jesus.
14:07 Well done, Jennifer LaMounatin.
14:09 "I would be like Jesus"
14:10 what a beautiful song and beautifully sung.
14:12 My guests are Ivan Raj and Heidi Tompkins
14:15 lord-and-lady, good to have you here.
14:17 When we left, um...
14:20 we were talking little bit about your background.
14:22 Yes.
14:23 I want to find out how you got together,
14:25 how you got to New York
14:26 and how Heidi's Kitchen actually got from there.
14:28 I think I'll start with you Heidi on this.
14:32 You were asked to be part of uh, NY13?
14:36 Yes. How did that happen?
14:38 God, by His providence and miracles led me the NETS,
14:42 The Northeast Evangelism Training School.
14:44 That's Eric Flickinger
14:45 Yes, and Kevin Sears And Kevin Sears, yeah.
14:47 Yes, and the very first training class for NETS
14:50 was in New York City.
14:52 And so it was a great opportunity
14:54 and I didn't really wanted to go,
14:57 there was a little bit of a struggle
14:58 but God made a way.
15:00 God pushed me to go
15:01 and when I got there I was so happy that he did.
15:04 It just turned out to be an incredible blessing for me.
15:07 Now for those who don't know, Heidi, tell us
15:08 what NETS is and what it seeks to do.
15:10 What is it trying-- Sure.
15:12 Northeast Evangelism Training school
15:13 is a four-month training program
15:15 that teaches anyone who's interested
15:17 how to do Bible work, evangelistic work,
15:20 medical missionary work on the surface level
15:24 and teaches the health message,
15:25 the evangelism message and the gospel.
15:29 And it's really an amazing and incredible experience.
15:32 Each class gets to do the prep work
15:35 for an evangelistic series
15:36 and so my class, we did the prep work
15:39 for the New York 13 series that you mentioned earlier.
15:43 So it kind of threw you in a deep end right out of school.
15:45 Yeah, it was great though.
15:49 It was a great experience. How big was your class?
15:51 How many young people-- We are 12 of us.
15:53 Okay, nice size.
15:54 Yes. Nice size.
15:56 So that' how you got connected with the meetings?
16:00 Walk us through the meeting time
16:02 and then what happened subsequent to that.
16:03 Sure, so I worked very closely
16:05 with Mark & Tini Finley mostly in the data room,
16:08 handling all that type of stuff
16:10 but I've got to enjoy the meetings as well
16:12 and throughout that time, we had Bible students
16:16 each of us is NETS students had Bible students
16:19 and we are bringing our Bible students to the series
16:21 and it was very exciting.
16:23 At the same time,
16:24 the International Field School was going on
16:26 and Ted Wilson and Mark Finley
16:28 graciously extended an invitation
16:30 to the next student so we had a very busy schedule.
16:33 But it was a great experience
16:34 and perhaps because I was local
16:38 and because of some other factors
16:41 they were looking for a student to stay by
16:43 and do a six-month follow up period of full time Bible work
16:45 and they asked me to do so.
16:47 I accepted and so because the response
16:52 of Revelation of Hope was so significant,
16:54 they were so many contexts to follow up with.
16:57 Not one person could ever do it on their own
16:59 so I decided to train church members
17:01 and I held to eight-week training courses.
17:05 The class is called Disciples.
17:06 It's basically like a little mini NETS.
17:09 And taught the church members how to go to door to door,
17:12 how to give Bible studies
17:13 and how to really get involved in this work
17:15 and Ivan was one of the church members
17:18 that was recommended
17:20 by the Personal Ministries director at that church
17:22 at the West 11th Street Church.
17:23 So he was in the first disciples' class.
17:25 Okay, all right. We put a pause there.
17:27 We go to Ivan. Yes.
17:31 My understanding is that you came a little
17:35 what's the word I can use?
17:36 Kicking and screaming, dare I say.
17:39 this was not a natural segway in your life.
17:41 So walk us through that experience
17:43 of first getting into the NETS
17:44 and then we'll move on from there.
17:46 Sure, sure, sure.
17:47 Um, so yeah, so one day at church,
17:52 lunch time,
17:53 my, one of my close friends in church,
17:55 uh, he just gave my name.
17:57 He referred my name to Heidi,
17:58 when she came asking for some names.
18:00 And I was sitting beside him, we were having lunch together
18:02 and then he had said,
18:03 "Okay, Heidi, take Ivan Raj, Ivan Raj's name"
18:06 and then I asked him,
18:07 what's, "Why did you give my name to her?"
18:10 He said, "Ivan, they're going to have
18:11 a leadership training program in the church,
18:13 I think you have a potential so I've referred your name."
18:16 So I was thinking in my mind
18:17 that I should not go to this class
18:19 because I've been working six days
18:20 and I'm exhausted, tired.
18:22 After lunch I go back home and get some rest,
18:24 get ready for work next day, Sunday, that is.
18:27 And so again he said, "Okay," like he understood
18:31 that I was not that much interested
18:32 to attend this class which Heidi is going to have
18:35 and then he said, "Okay,
18:38 if you don't want to go, that's fine."
18:39 Yeah, I don't want to go.
18:41 I was telling myself, I should not go.
18:42 I just, I just go home
18:44 and after sometime another elder came and he said,
18:46 "Ivan, can you help me
18:47 arrange the chairs and tables in the next room?"
18:49 And I said "After my dessert.
18:53 "So...
18:54 So you take pot luck pretty seriously.
18:57 I missed the dessert part.
18:58 I missed the dessert part, yeah.
19:02 So, and then I said, "Okay."
19:04 Everybody left and then I had my dessert
19:06 and I went to the next room and noticed that
19:08 all the tables and chairs were already arranged.
19:10 So I was thinking, I gave him a commitment,
19:12 I'll do something there
19:14 but already, I mean so let me get in,
19:15 uh, get into the room
19:17 and then take a chair and a table
19:18 and put it, put it around
19:20 and then arrange it and then leave.
19:21 Then you're gone. Yeah. Yeah.
19:23 So I walked into the room
19:26 and I heard a voice from my back side saying,
19:28 "Ivan is present."
19:30 And I turned around
19:31 and then Heidi was there beside the door.
19:33 And I didn't not know she was inside,
19:34 I was like, "Oh, my goodness."
19:35 I didn't know she was inside.
19:37 Had I known that, I would not have come into the room.
19:38 I would have gone home.
19:39 The Lord hide little things from you
19:41 'cause you got so much to do.
19:42 Did you know who he was at least before this time?
19:45 His friend Ricardo,
19:47 the Personal Ministries director just said,
19:48 "That's Ivan sitting over there.
19:49 That's all I knew. I knew what he looked like.
19:53 So now obviously, you know, you've been kind of
19:55 I don't want to say Shanghaied into something
19:57 but you've gotten, someone has gotten you into something
20:00 that you weren't really prepared for.
20:01 No, not at all.
20:02 So this was kind of a whole new experience for you.
20:04 Absolutely, when you experience
20:05 and I thought, I was telling myself,
20:07 I was sitting in the first,
20:08 okay, so after I noticed that she said, "Ivan is present."
20:11 I was still telling myself,
20:13 Ivan, I think you need to go out and go back home.
20:15 On the other hand I was thinking,
20:16 what will happen to Ricardo's reputation?
20:18 Like he gave, he referred me to her.
20:20 So that'll get tarnished as well.
20:21 I didn't want that to happen.
20:22 So I thought okay, I'll just take part
20:24 in this one class and then leave.
20:26 I will not show my face to her again. Okay.
20:28 So I just sit in the class and then she gave her testimony
20:30 to all of the other, all of us.
20:32 And then it was very clear to me and evident
20:35 that God wanted me to come back
20:36 to the class again and again and understand
20:39 and you know, the importance of going door to door
20:42 uh, to give Bible studies as well.
20:45 So I started coming back every single class later on.
20:47 Heidi's class, that is.
20:49 And then at the end of the class,
20:50 I also started going door to door.
20:52 Oh, bless your heart. Praise God.
20:53 Now your testimony was your time with the Lord,
20:56 your NETS' time or your time working with NY13?
20:59 All of that, all of that.
21:01 How I came back to the Lord, how the Lord brought me back,
21:04 how the Lord,
21:05 by His great providence and miracles got me to NETS,
21:08 it's an amazing story,
21:10 I'll have to tell you another time.
21:11 I didn't even know where it was going.
21:12 Someone said, "You got to come here
21:14 right now in Manhattan.
21:15 Here's the address." I don't know where I'm going.
21:17 I don't know what this is. I'm like, "who does this?"
21:19 But then I'm thinking about Abraham
21:20 and all these people, right.
21:22 So I'm like, "What is this?"
21:23 I wasn't feeling good that day,
21:25 I'm thinking, I'm going to go home,
21:26 juice, rest, lay low
21:28 and literally as I was driving home that day
21:31 um, I get down the street towards my house
21:35 and all the roads are closed.
21:36 There is a police barricade.
21:37 The only way you can go is turn a left
21:39 into Park Avenue and Babylon
21:41 which goes right by the train station.
21:42 And I thought, okay, Lord,
21:43 apparently you want me to go somewhere.
21:46 So I went and it was a greatest blessing.
21:48 Praise the Lord. Praise God.
21:49 Of course, you were talking, from Manhattan to Babylon,
21:52 you are talking, first of all there's only two ways to go
21:55 I know, Long Island past way,
21:57 you can go and fits down, you can go Bell parkway,
22:00 Southern State Parkway go that way.
22:02 But all of them,
22:03 choked with traffic most of the day.
22:05 So, you're talking, a timing that went into, yeah.
22:07 I ended up taking Long Island railway road
22:09 but it's still an hour and--
22:10 Oh, you took a train.
22:11 Yes. Okay, but it still.
22:13 Still I went 20 minute riding this way.
22:14 Precisely, yeah, so you don't--
22:16 That's just the Penn station
22:17 and then the subway and everything.
22:19 It's almost a two-hour commute each day, everyday.
22:21 That is work so-- Which I did for four months.
22:23 Bless your heart. But it was a blessing.
22:25 Oh, God, turned it into such a blessing.
22:28 Praise the Lord.
22:29 So you met, you stayed,
22:31 you continued to work through the meetings
22:35 and tell me just a little bit about your experience
22:38 during the meetings.
22:39 'Cause we've had a lot of people from NY13 here.
22:42 Uh, not that many from the Bible work end
22:44 but give me just a little flavor of
22:45 you know, how the Lord blessed
22:47 and what you felt during those meetings.
22:48 Sure. It was a very busy time for us.
22:50 We were still in class so we had class
22:52 you know five days a week,
22:53 we were doing the series on the weekends
22:56 and we didn't have any days off
22:57 but God gave the energy and the strength
23:00 that we needed, we were still going door to door,
23:01 we were still doing Bible studies
23:03 and it was just such an incredible experience.
23:07 Ted Wilson did a great job doing the series,
23:11 Mark was there to support him all the way.
23:13 I spend most of my time in the data room with Tini
23:17 but was able to still bring some of my Bible students
23:19 and have some of my contacts come and they were blessed
23:23 and the baptisms all throughout the meetings--
23:25 Praise God. Were just amazing.
23:28 Ivan, what impressed you about those meetings?
23:30 They were held in your church.
23:31 I know your church was prepped for those meetings
23:33 because Aldo Wilson's is going to be there
23:35 and a lot of people were coming in, moving through
23:37 but as the member of the church,
23:39 how are you impressed with what was going on?
23:41 I was also a volunteer.
23:43 I was actually ushering
23:44 and I was part of the whole ushering team
23:47 for those meetings.
23:48 And I also brought one of my Hindu friends
23:50 as well for the meetings.
23:53 So it was definitely a blessing to me
23:54 and I'm sure it was a blessing, the guy, he came to the church,
23:57 he said, "I definitely feel some peace here."
24:00 Praise the Lord. Praise God. Yeah.
24:02 So the meetings as we know were comprehensive
24:06 and a number of things are happening.
24:07 Your church saw it as on of the- kind of centers
24:11 or focuses of this thing.
24:13 Your, the Bible work team was just the 12
24:16 that came out of NETS or are they other individuals-
24:18 Yeah, just us. Just the 12.
24:20 Yes.
24:21 I'm curious as the person who's done evangelism,
24:23 how many, how big were your list is my question.
24:28 The follow up afterwards?
24:29 No, during the course, you know,
24:31 you getting your names of your working, your names, yeah.
24:33 Sure, yeah, well, so we had
24:34 our regular Bible studies going on.
24:36 Each of us probably had between 8 and 12
24:39 personal Bible studies going on
24:41 and in addition we were getting names given to us,
24:43 go follow up on this person
24:44 and write that person and so forth.
24:46 Uh, you know, after,
24:48 if came a few nights, then we didn't see them.
24:50 We immediately had to go knocking at the door.
24:52 So I mean, literally it was constant.
24:54 We didn't have a day or a minute off.
24:56 That's what I want to establish here.
24:57 Once evangelism starts, you kind of jump on your horse
25:00 and we do not get off till after the last baptism
25:03 and then your transitioned it because you don't stop.
25:06 So if you got names those names has to be revisited,
25:08 if some body drops out, they have to be seen.
25:10 If a new person comes,
25:11 they have to be encouraged you know,
25:13 you've got active names,
25:15 passive names and you kind of on off
25:16 and you got to deal with all of that stuff.
25:18 So that is, that's no stroll through the park.
25:22 Yeah, it's hard work.
25:23 Yeah, but did you enjoy it?
25:24 I loved it and God gave us all the strength
25:27 and especially me with the commute.
25:29 It was difficult
25:31 and but I learned to sleep on the train
25:33 and God gave me the rest I needed.
25:36 Praise the Lord.
25:37 You got a lot of New Yorkers who learnt to sleep on a train.
25:39 Somehow they woke up at the right stop
25:41 and Lord kind of blesses that too.
25:43 Let me just ask you this
25:44 and it's kind of early left turn.
25:46 Give me, because I see the joy in your face and in your voice,
25:50 the feeling to see somebody, let me put it this way,
25:55 to see the light come on in their life.
25:57 You know, they are drinking this,
25:58 walking and doing whatever and all of a sudden
25:59 they get it.
26:01 You know, tell me about how that feels.
26:02 The joy is so incredible.
26:04 It's overwhelming. It is.
26:05 To me, it is overwhelming because it's just so amazing
26:08 I mean, separate from this,
26:10 I mean, I'm still doing Bible work
26:12 and I'm studying with the woman in Long Island now.
26:15 Um, God through out Bible studies,
26:17 we're only on the--
26:19 I think, next week when I get home
26:21 we're doing the seventh Bible study
26:22 and God is already delivered her from six addictions.
26:25 And just you know,
26:27 when someone decides to give their hearts for Lord,
26:30 and work for Him,
26:31 everyday just becomes so exciting
26:33 to see what God's going to do next.
26:35 Very true.
26:36 And people might not understand this
26:38 but it's just so joyful,
26:40 it's, it gives me the energy and strength that I need
26:43 and just to see what God is doing,
26:45 it's just so amazing.
26:47 Yeah, it' amazing and it's addictive.
26:50 Yes, it is.
26:51 Once you get, you wanted to get in, it's like a high.
26:54 Wanting some more and that kind of thing.
26:55 To see someone, to see the, to make that turn,
26:58 and you can see that there are coming closer to the Lord
27:00 and they see the Lord begin to work in their lives,
27:02 then you see other people,
27:04 I want that for them, I don't want it for them,
27:05 I want that for them and I know that kind of thing.
27:06 And the Holy Spirit works in such a way,
27:08 where you begin to see them as Christ sees them
27:11 and you see the potential and the possibility
27:13 and you see this transformation
27:15 from the caterpillar to the butterfly
27:17 right before your eyes.
27:18 And it's like creation all over again.
27:20 It's amazing.
27:21 Ivan, do you feel the same way?
27:23 Absolutely, I feel the same way.
27:24 Yeah, praise God.
27:25 We got Ivan out of his bed uh, on Sabbath afternoons
27:30 and the Lord got him-- and the Lord got him on Friday
27:33 and both of you were sleepy but the Lord gives you energy
27:35 when you are doing these kinds of things.
27:37 So the meetings end and we know about the big fan fare
27:41 we were there, our 3ABN was there
27:43 Jim Gilley and I were there for the big baptism,
27:45 I mean just, just an incredible high day.
27:47 Uh, are you were there?
27:49 Were you in Long Island at the coliseum?
27:50 No I was not at the coliseum.
27:52 You were at the coliseum. Okay, you were at the coliseum.
27:54 Just an incredible high day.
27:55 The meetings cannot go on for ever.
27:56 They come to an end. Now what do we do?
28:00 So now follow up
28:01 and that's where the church member training came in.
28:04 In Ivan's class, in the first class,
28:06 there were uh, 18 church members
28:09 and you know, my training was,
28:10 okay, start with the small group
28:12 and you know, some of the people
28:13 in the church thought, you know,
28:15 no one is going to come to this.
28:16 But 18 people signed up for the first class
28:18 and I didn't want to say no to anybody
28:19 because if they are interested, we got to get them going now.
28:22 We can't wait and let that interest die out.
28:24 So the first class had a 18 church members,
28:26 the second class had 23
28:29 and so a lot of church members at the West 11th Street Church,
28:32 um, got to take part in the Bible works,
28:34 some of them who were more active than the others,
28:36 one of the things that I really, really respected
28:39 about Ivan at that time, was that,
28:41 in our first class
28:43 and out of both of them actually,
28:45 he was the most interested in evangelism.
28:48 Every Sabbath, at potluck,
28:50 Ivan was coming to me and saying,
28:51 "Oh, I have this idea. We can do this, we can do this.
28:54 I'm in a mean up group and all of this people you know
28:57 or are open and you know,
28:59 we can maybe show cosmic conflict
29:01 or some type of DVDs
29:03 that'll engage them in a discussion."
29:05 And every week he came to me with all these ideas
29:07 and it was just so exciting.
29:09 So he really had that initiative.
29:10 Praise the Lord, Ivan, let's explore this a little bit.
29:12 Sure.
29:13 Because you came in kind of reluctant.
29:15 I would say, you finished your dessert
29:17 and you get the dessert,
29:18 I'm teasing about this.
29:20 But you have finished your dessert
29:21 and you got hijacked into this thing.
29:24 Where did the change come? When did it click for you?
29:27 You know, you said, you came,
29:28 "I'm going to come one time and I'm done, I'm out of here."
29:31 But something happened, man.
29:32 Walk me through that experience?
29:34 Uh, it was Heidi's testimony.
29:38 She shared her personal testimony to all of us
29:40 and that made me,
29:41 that was, I was impressed that God wants me to be here
29:45 and also in the hear meeting in this class every single week
29:48 and also start going door to door as well.
29:50 And which is what I did
29:52 after the end of the training program.
29:53 Prior to the whole um, NY13,
29:57 were you kind of a couch potato Adventist
29:59 or you're kind of Adventist, an active Adventist already?
30:02 I was an active Adventist.
30:03 When I say active Adventist, okay, let me put it this way.
30:06 After, I would, I must say that I met God
30:09 or I had a, I started having a personal experience with God,
30:13 after I came to New York City.
30:14 Before that, I was like you said
30:16 couch potato Adventist probably.
30:18 But I got the real experience
30:21 and I went through a lot of issues,
30:23 a lot of struggles and issues and everything, complications.
30:26 But I noticed God's hand was there throughout the ordeal.
30:31 And I had to surrender
30:33 and I loved to surrender myself to God.
30:35 It became a habit to me and it got into my system
30:38 and you know like you said addiction.
30:40 I think you'll love it.
30:41 You just fall in love with God
30:43 and then you don't know like you don't want to go
30:44 out of it after that.
30:46 It's a relationship. It's a special experience.
30:48 You can never get it anywhere else.
30:50 So I was getting into that experience at that time
30:53 before the NY13 and everything.
30:55 Okay, so this is just another part of the journey,
30:57 another step along the road
30:59 that you are already traveling on.
31:00 Yes, yes.
31:01 That's gonna say something you want to do.
31:03 Yes, and I wanted to get business and everything
31:04 but everything failed.
31:06 All my efforts were failing, failing, failing.
31:08 Which is what led me into, you know,
31:10 issues and complications and everything, so--
31:13 So this was kind of a an answer to a prayer either unanswered
31:17 or uh, but God was kind of moving in your half
31:20 and in your direction.
31:22 Okay, so you got this, the meetings end
31:25 but you still got work to do.
31:26 Yes, so for meetings end,
31:29 I do, we do the six months of follow up,
31:31 myself and the church members.
31:33 Uh, the six months come to an end
31:35 and at that point, you know, my contract comes to an end.
31:39 Um, I'm not getting paid anymore.
31:41 But I still have Bible students.
31:43 I can't leave them hanging.
31:44 So I continued the Bible work for free
31:46 which I'm still doing to this day.
31:47 Bless your heart.
31:49 Praise God. Wow. Wow.
31:50 But God has been my sustainer and my provider.
31:52 Even through the difficulties that I've been through,
31:55 you know, was not having income and these types of things.
31:58 God has been my provider.
31:59 God has been my husband,
32:01 I mean, the relationship with God
32:03 just gets better and better every day.
32:05 Deeper faith, stronger trust. Praise the Lord.
32:07 Fearlessness that will happen.
32:09 It is, that's where I'm heading
32:10 because you see I know what it's like to get on the subway,
32:14 you and 10,000 of your closest friends.
32:16 You are going back and forth.
32:18 You are going back and forth, you are moving,
32:20 and sometimes you out a little late
32:21 and you want to reach.
32:23 You got a person that is, who wants to know about the Lord.
32:24 And it's 6 o'clock and you don't stop at the clock
32:27 because this person has a question.
32:28 So you got to stay with him.
32:30 So you maybe there till 8 o'clock
32:31 or now I got to go home
32:32 and go all the way back out to Babylon.
32:34 And you know, we could make Babylon jokes all day long.
32:39 We're coming out of Babylon
32:40 you know, we could do that all day long.
32:41 So and you, you are going in your pocket.
32:45 The conference isn't paying you.
32:47 Correct. Correct. The church isn't paying you.
32:49 You've got other people like Ivan and others
32:51 who are doing stuff on their own.
32:53 We got to fund this thing man we got to find some money
32:56 'cause you cannot go on forever like this.
32:59 So walk me through that time
33:01 because this is the birth of Heidi's Kitchen.
33:03 Yes, correct.
33:05 And so last year between probably
33:08 you know, between March and April,
33:10 I really, really started praying to the Lord
33:12 because the work is never ending.
33:14 This work needs to be done
33:16 and to see so many people receptive in New York City,
33:21 going door to door as just a four-question survey.
33:25 Just who knows those people's mind.
33:26 They think New York City is impossible.
33:28 Oh, people, they won't be interested you know.
33:30 But they are.
33:32 There are people searching for hope and for peace.
33:35 And they find it when they study God's word.
33:37 And so I was praying, asking God
33:41 to show me a way that this can support myself,
33:45 not just me, but other Bible workers
33:47 because where there is one of me, there should be ten.
33:50 And I want to say this because having worked in New York City,
33:53 and you guys know now.
33:55 People mistake bigness for coldness.
33:57 Because it's a big town,
33:59 Well, there can't be any Jesus here.
34:01 There's a lot of Jesus there.
34:02 And there are a lot of people looking for Jesus.
34:04 It's just you got to go to them.
34:06 They are not coming to you
34:08 because the town is just too big.
34:09 We got 60 plus Adventist churches there
34:11 and we are still invisible
34:12 because you got a pool of eight men in the metro
34:15 and 12 men in the bigger area,
34:18 so people are there.
34:19 But somebody's got to go knock on doors
34:21 and go into those apartment buildings.
34:23 I had a member, it's at 27 storeys,
34:25 five different buildings, 11 apartments on each.
34:28 You know you got 3000 apartments in one building
34:31 and you got to get in there and take Jesus with you.
34:34 Yes. Amen.
34:35 So there's this investing of time,
34:37 so we got to have some cash
34:39 because we got to have some cash
34:41 You know, we got to fund this thing.
34:43 So walk me through now
34:44 just a little bit how Heidi's Kitchen start.
34:45 Sure, and so knowing that
34:47 the spirit of prophesy clearly defines
34:49 that this is how the work is going to finish.
34:51 Bible workers going door to door,
34:52 medical missionaries going door to door
34:54 uh, I was praying about this as I said
34:57 and Ivan actually came to me
34:59 because he had a been volunteering
35:02 at an Adventist restaurant up in Maine for a few months.
35:05 He had just taken a break and gone up there
35:07 and had this great experience and he came back
35:10 and he was in this squandering his life,
35:13 "do I stay here, do I go to India.
35:15 I want to start a ministry.
35:17 I've been looking for the right ministry partner,
35:19 haven't found the right person and what do I do?"
35:22 Okay, but yeah, what's up with Maine?
35:25 You know, what are you doing in Maine?
35:26 Yeah, I was staying at an Adventist family
35:31 with the Adventist family, they were very nice people.
35:33 The Farlays are beautiful people Adventists
35:35 and from there I wanted to go back to India.
35:37 I had all my luggage with me, I thought okay,
35:39 the last two years, I spent here you know,
35:42 my time in New York, nothing worked out.
35:43 There was no providence.
35:44 Okay, so things are not jelling for you
35:46 so I'm going back home.
35:47 So I'm going back home.
35:49 So I did get an opportunity as well in India.
35:51 Two opportunities: one in North India
35:53 and one in South India as well.
35:54 So I wanted to get back to India.
35:56 But that opening, that offer, the job offer
35:59 kept postponing as well.
36:01 And in the mean while,
36:03 I kept praying, fasting, fasting and praying at lot.
36:06 I mean, a lot of prayer went into it.
36:08 And then God I--
36:10 God opened up providence for me to get back into Brooklyn,
36:15 the same place where I used to stay.
36:16 So I got back to Brooklyn
36:18 and then, now I have to survive.
36:19 It's Brooklyn, you have to survive.
36:23 That's right. You do.
36:24 Yeah, it's Brooklyn man, you got to do something.
36:26 Yeah.
36:27 So I was again praying about it.
36:29 It was very clear to me
36:31 that God did not want me to back to India
36:33 but wanted me to come back to Brooklyn.
36:35 That's providence opened up in Brooklyn for me.
36:37 Now I knew that God is going to open up providence for me
36:40 survive as well and I prayed about it.
36:42 From my side I said, "Okay,
36:44 let me go through some you know, some websites
36:46 and see if I can apply for some odd jobs for now
36:49 and I was, one day I was very strongly impressed
36:53 to go for an interview to a coffee shop
36:55 in West Village, Manhattan.
36:56 So it was really,
36:58 God like literally forcing me to go there.
37:00 So I got dressed up and all
37:02 and I went to Manhattan from Brooklyn
37:04 and before I stepped into the coffee shop,
37:07 I thought, okay let me read the add once again
37:09 just to understand the prerequisites.
37:11 So I was about to step in
37:13 and I read and the bottom of the ad,
37:14 it said "No walk-ins allowed."
37:16 And I was like, "Why did God send me here?"
37:19 I noticed God forced me here but why did I come here.
37:23 Maybe I thought I just walk in and then say,
37:24 "Hey, I just came so just interview me."
37:28 And I noticed that
37:29 there are a lot of people inside the coffee shop
37:30 so I was a little hesitant.
37:32 I didn't want to disturb their business
37:33 so I thought okay,
37:35 I sat outside the coffee shop in a chair
37:36 and I said, "Hey," I sent an email to them,
37:38 "I'm outside this coffee shop right now,
37:41 I just noticed that you don't allow walk-ins
37:44 but here is my resume, I'm sitting outside."
37:46 And they asked for pictures also.
37:48 So I had some pictures with the Statue of Liberty
37:51 and friends hanging out.
37:52 I only had those pictures.
37:53 So I sent those pictures
37:55 only have these pictures with me.
37:56 So I sent it to them.
37:58 I'm thinking of God's providence going to work
37:59 but I was there sitting for the some time
38:01 and no body called me, no response,
38:03 nothing and then I called their number,
38:04 I think I called their number, I'm not sure.
38:05 But anyway, so there was no kind of communication
38:07 or response from them uh, for my application.
38:11 So, I thought okay,
38:13 so this is just my own imagination
38:14 that I had to come here, not God who impressed me.
38:17 So I was back to the subway
38:20 and I noticed a chocolate store there
38:23 and the chocolate store was well designed
38:26 and every thing interiors were excellent
38:28 but there was not many people there.
38:30 So my mind just took a picture of the coffee shop
38:33 and I walked back home, that's it.
38:35 And for the next one week,
38:36 this picture was lingering in my mind.
38:38 So I was thinking, when I said coffee shop,
38:40 no, it's a chocolate store, chocolate store, I'm sorry.
38:43 Uh, so I'm thinking,
38:44 maybe I need to start a carob treats business.
38:47 Vegan, sugar-free carob treats business.
38:49 And I don't know how to make carob treats
38:52 so I thought, okay let me contact Heidi
38:54 and check if she knows somebody whom she can connect me with
38:58 you know, so I can do business at the same time
39:01 do ministry and evangelism through the same business.
39:04 Okay, you're trying to connect to that
39:05 and put things together
39:06 to support yourself and the ministry, yup, yeah.
39:09 Absolutely, so that was my intention
39:12 and so I send a text message, "Heidi, do you know anyone
39:14 who can make vegan, carob treats
39:16 which are healthy and delicious?"
39:18 Her response to me were two words, "Yes, me."
39:23 Okay, when he sent that to you were you thinking
39:27 just answer the question
39:28 or you're thinking maybe something just happening here?
39:30 I just answered the question.
39:32 And then he started you know, texting me and called me
39:35 and we started talking about this
39:36 and he said, "Look," he said, "I,
39:38 you know this happened, I have this vision in my mind,
39:41 I'm thinking that we can you know, sell.
39:44 We should start a health food ministry
39:45 and sell, health foods, health desserts
39:47 to fund the Bible work."
39:50 And then light started glowing up.
39:52 Now you're mind was not,
39:54 health foods per say, health desserts.
39:56 Yes.
39:57 Still got that dessert thing going on.
40:03 And praise the Lord.
40:05 Desserts are important.
40:06 So the eyes beginning, the idea
40:09 rather is beginning to birth itself
40:12 that we can do something here, ministry wise.
40:14 Yes, and then we began praying you know, praying together
40:16 having worship every day on the phone
40:17 and praying together and praying
40:19 you know, what does God want us to do with this
40:20 and at the very same time,
40:23 I had been reading a book that had been given to us
40:25 at the Evangelism Field School
40:28 or the International Field School of Evangelism
40:30 by Mark Fidley, Finley and Ted Wilson.
40:33 They gave me a book called The Blue Print,
40:36 Ministry for the city
40:37 and it's written by two gentlemen
40:39 who have business experience.
40:40 They've compiled all Alan White's writings
40:41 and how do ministry in the city
40:43 based on the vision from Alan White of the bee hive.
40:46 Nine or ten different ministries,
40:48 all working together
40:49 and then you have a thriving thing going in a large city.
40:53 And I had started to read that about a month or so prior
40:57 and I had a small group.
40:58 We are all reading the book.
41:00 I recommended the book to Ivan,
41:01 a friend of his got the book for him--
41:03 As a surprise, as a surprise yeah, he had sent it to me,
41:06 yeah, I didn't know he's going to send it me.
41:08 He sent it to me on the same day
41:09 when I shared my vision with Heidi
41:10 about making the carobs treats in New York City.
41:13 Lord has started lining stuff up.
41:14 The timing and everything,
41:16 yeah, God is working everything out and so--
41:19 We had to come up for the name
41:20 like we had to come up with the names
41:21 so people were like, "We'll ask them."
41:23 "What are you guys name, going to name your venture?"
41:25 And then I started fasting and praying about it.
41:27 So and then I called after the fasting was over,
41:30 I mean, at that time I got this name,
41:31 "Heidi's Health Kitchen."
41:33 So I called Heidi, I said, "Heidi,
41:34 we are going to name our venture,
41:36 Heidi's Health Kitchen what do you think?
41:38 She said, "Hmm, interesting"
41:40 when I was uh, that is her response.
41:43 And I said, "When I was eight years old,
41:44 I had a cook book and I named it as "Heidi's Kitchen"
41:49 So that how the name--
41:51 So the name actually came from you,
41:52 the Lord gave you the name, Praise the Lord.
41:54 Now I need to say, you're still in Babylon Long Island
41:57 and you are in Brooklyn.
41:58 You are in 718 and you are in 516.
42:01 Six three one. Six three one.
42:02 Yeah, you live further out.
42:05 I'm trying to remember my area codes there.
42:07 But yeah, so you are not I mean,
42:09 you're a good ways from each other.
42:11 Not we're thinking
42:12 you are in the same city, no you're not--
42:14 Between Long Island railroad and subway.
42:15 It's a two-hour.
42:16 And then my friend asked, my- we went to a friend
42:18 and we started distributing samples of the carobs treats,
42:21 which Heidi makes and then he said,
42:22 "Do you have your colors ready, your brand colors?
42:25 And then he said, "Why don't you guys, do a pink and brown."
42:28 And then immediately I said, yeah, pink and brown is good
42:31 and she agreed to it immediately
42:32 so and then we left his office, we were walking back
42:34 and then "You know, why I said pink and brown
42:36 would be good for our logo" she said, "Why?"
42:39 I said because brown for me and pink for you.
42:43 Okay.
42:46 And then she said,
42:47 "You know, Ivan, pink and brown
42:48 are my favorite colors all the time.
42:50 Like that is her you know, always favorite--
42:52 Everyone who knows me knows my favorite colors
42:53 have always been pink and brown.
42:55 So that fell into place
42:56 and then the logo has to be designed.
42:58 So again I was praying about it,
43:00 God impressed me
43:01 that the H has to be in the form of butterfly
43:03 'cause it has to resonate Heidi's vibrant character
43:06 personality that is, and--
43:08 Let's bring that logo back up.
43:09 I just want to, in want to bring that back up
43:11 and take a look at it.
43:12 'Cause we are talking about it,
43:14 the, if you can bring the graphic back up.
43:16 There we are. Okay.
43:17 So that what the butterfly, yeah, okay.
43:20 Side view of a butterfly.
43:21 That's a yes indeed.
43:22 Heidi's Health Kitchen, first of all it's very pretty.
43:25 And it is catchy, I could see this on a big signed,
43:29 you know, somewhere down in a village.
43:30 It's really, really Heidi.
43:33 Well, where were we excited, we had an event coming up
43:35 or we're going to have two eight foot tables,
43:37 we're going to have 16 feet of Heidi's Health Kitchen,
43:40 banner on each side and another one in the middle.
43:42 It was so exciting.
43:43 But out of 16 feet, half
43:45 we're going to of course sell our desserts
43:47 and then the other half, you are going to offer
43:49 free medical missionary services as well.
43:52 Oh, wow, quite a job.
43:53 Blood pressure testing, relaxation therapy.
43:54 Chair message, my brother Martin is going to do it.
43:56 Praise God, now this ministry does not exist for itself. No.
44:02 It exists to help other things you're doing.
44:05 Walk me though how one feeds the other or funds the other.
44:08 Yes, currently uh, we make several different products.
44:12 They can be seen on our website www.heidishealthkitchen.com.
44:15 But our signature product line is the carubies,
44:17 and that's the carobs.
44:18 The carubies. We started with one flavor--
44:20 You didn't happen to bring any carubies with you?
44:21 We sure did actually. Oh, praise the Lord.
44:22 Very good. Yes, we did.
44:24 We have a box for you.
44:26 Why come all this way
44:27 and not bring some good carubies there you go.
44:29 Excellent. Those are carubies.
44:31 And so um, every purchase of carubies
44:35 goes to fund the Bible work in New York City
44:39 and so uh, so this is how we've gotten started.
44:42 We offer free cooking classes in New York City,
44:44 we sell our products after the cooking class
44:46 and every purchase funds the current Bible work
44:49 going on now in New York City.
44:51 And we're raising funds to open an Adventist restaurant.
44:54 We are raising, we're looking.
44:56 Our goal is to raise about $500,000 to open a restaurant.
45:00 Which is why God is going to bless this?
45:03 Because it's, you started off as a means
45:07 to do direct evangelism.
45:10 What goes in your mind is we're not doing cooking
45:12 just to feed people.
45:14 This is the method to fund to reach people.
45:18 We don't want to open a restaurant
45:19 to open a restaurant, we want to open this restaurant
45:22 knowing right up front our staff will include
45:25 Bible workers and medical missionaries
45:27 going door to door.
45:28 Praise God. Praise God.
45:30 We'll be open for breakfast and lunch.
45:31 In the evening there will be health classes, Bible classes,
45:35 seminars and stress management, stop smoking all these things,
45:39 we're serving the community in the evenings.
45:40 This follows into the center of influence modal
45:43 that we were talking about.
45:44 The picture just left. Now I was coming to it.
45:46 I want to see it again because I want to know what that is.
45:48 That's the vision. That's the vision.
45:49 That's the vision. Yeah, yeah.
45:51 Let's bring that back up guys if are uh,
45:53 first of all, I like that.
45:56 You got a little fresh go thing
45:57 going on there little thing outside.
45:58 Yeah, that is really, really good.
46:00 So the vision is a café or a small restaurant.
46:04 Are you thinking, in Manhattan and Brooklyn, in Queen Square--
46:06 In Manhattan.
46:07 Yes, we are looking for a store front like that.
46:09 So if anybody is watching
46:11 and you own property in Manhattan
46:12 and you'd like to help us out, we'd be we'd love to see it.
46:15 But we are looking--
46:16 That would be a blessing of the Lord.
46:18 Amen. 'Cause you know what?
46:19 Manhattan is just going to be your first.
46:21 That's going to be your first--
46:22 Then Lord is going to take you to other places.
46:23 You know, first of all, I see this in the tragective
46:26 what God wants for cities.
46:28 Um, knocking on doors is good
46:31 but you got to have a way for to draw people to you.
46:35 Because the towns are just too big.
46:38 And I think the idea is heaven inspired
46:41 that your, you are basically evangelist.
46:44 This is just something to support evangelism.
46:47 The gourmet food is going to reach us to those classes
46:50 that are not being reached in the big cities.
46:52 Very, very cool.
46:54 Give me some idea of the kinds of things
46:56 that you are providing even now, food wise.
46:58 We know we got the carubies.
46:59 The carubies. Yes.
47:01 The carubies, what else is in your--
47:03 We have a few pictures of some of our foods.
47:05 Let's do it.
47:07 So in addition to the carubies,
47:09 we currently sell organic kale chips.
47:12 I love kale chips.
47:13 In four different flavors.
47:15 We have cheesy, spicy, garlic and jalapeno lime. Yum.
47:20 We also sell raw vegan tarts as well.
47:23 And then carrot mousse,
47:25 and then maple roasted nuts pecans and cashew nuts.
47:28 Now back off just a second.
47:30 Walk me through raw- raw tarts.
47:33 Sure. It's a frozen raw tart.
47:35 We have a key lime,
47:37 we have a blue berry icai pomegranate mint.
47:40 And next in the making is going to be
47:42 a mango pineapple type deal.
47:43 Oh, I'm scared of you now.
47:46 Excellent. They are absolutely delicious.
47:48 For our summer line
47:49 we actually just recently introduced
47:51 a raw vegan ice cream.
47:53 Indian based, Indian flavoring little bit.
47:55 It's called kulfi.
47:57 Wow, see these are kind of things that everybody is--
48:00 you know, you are not going to find this on every corner.
48:02 So you've got an niche there of different tastes
48:06 that they can't get anyplace else.
48:07 My wife does a key lime thing out of avocado
48:12 and which is really, really good.
48:13 But Indian flavors, is kind of a whole new deal.
48:16 Yes, so we are using cardamom and vanilla
48:18 and just making things a little bit different.
48:20 Whoa, whoa, scary.
48:22 Yeah, and you know, God's going to bless.
48:24 Amen. He is going to bless.
48:25 And really the niche is everything that we make,
48:27 everything we produce,
48:29 everything we show in our cooking classes,
48:30 everything is plant based and gluten free.
48:33 Praise God.
48:34 I want to do this real quick.
48:36 I want to go to the contact information
48:38 because first of all, this is, it's a new venture,
48:41 it's a God-blessed venture
48:43 and if you want to get in on a ground floor
48:45 to help Heidi and Ivan
48:47 and what they are doing in New York City,
48:49 here is the contact information that you are going to need.
48:54 Heidi's Health Kitchen is committed
48:56 to offering delicious, healthy vegan foods
48:59 that are appealing to the senses.
49:01 If you'd like to know more,
49:02 you can write to Heidi's Health Kitchen,
49:04 Post Office Box 232, Babylon, New York 11702.
49:10 That's Heidi's Health Kitchen, Post Office Box 232,
49:14 Babylon, New York 11702, You can call (631) 663-3128.
49:21 That's (631) 663-3128.
49:24 Or visit them online for events, food and more
49:28 at heidishealthkitchen.com.
49:30 That's heidishealthkitchen.com.
49:39 So that is the contact information that you need.
49:42 Now we've got some pictures,
49:43 we need to kind of run through it.
49:44 It kind of gives the people a little vision
49:46 of what we're trying do.
49:47 So let's go to those pictures now.
49:48 Sure, so these are pictures of some of the attendees
49:50 that have come to our free cooking classes in Manhattan.
49:52 If you got a friend or a family member
49:54 that lives in Manhattan,
49:56 send them to the Crossroads SDA Church
49:58 every second Sunday of the month.
49:59 These are our attendees.
50:01 We got a few more pictures here.
50:02 We always have a good crowd.
50:03 Yeah, I would guess this has a good number--
50:05 Good attendance, all of it from the community.
50:06 We also make sure we engage with our attendees.
50:09 So you know, make a good humor, make it really humorous
50:13 as well for the people to enjoy.
50:14 And this is our team, our volunteers
50:17 and that's our pastor from Crossroads.
50:19 Yes, so now everybody is volunteers.
50:21 Where is the money coming from to buy the cooking stuff?
50:23 We have been able to partner with the church.
50:25 Actually this guy right here, David Ephraim,
50:27 he is the Personal Ministries Director
50:30 and he has really spearhead this
50:32 and what I love about this
50:33 is that the church is working with Heidi's Health Kitchen
50:37 as part of the long term evangelism--
50:38 Amen. Good.
50:40 So these cooking classes where,
50:41 here you see Ivan and I demonstrating a cooking class.
50:44 These are the bridge of events
50:47 which will be followed up by our small group
50:50 and our team, are going door to door.
50:52 And then, we are going to be offering
50:54 some of the interests
50:55 like stress management and stop smoking,
50:58 things that people that express interest in
51:00 and then all of this is leading up
51:01 to an evangelistic series in November.
51:04 So you got names, you got people,
51:05 you're getting contacts and you're making friends.
51:08 Yes, by touching them where they need to be touched.
51:09 Absolutely. Praise the Lord.
51:10 Absolutely, these are some pictures from our local ASI
51:15 and met some people that you might know there.
51:19 Yeah, I know that guy.
51:22 It's a blessing to go to ASI
51:23 where we were able to share the testimony.
51:25 And that's from the vegan event in Manhattan.
51:27 Yes, this is the vegan market called The Seed.
51:30 They contacted us from our cooking classes
51:32 and said, "We want you to participate with us.
51:34 Excellent, Excellent, good.
51:35 Now at this place we've got a few pictures here.
51:38 We've got our banner,
51:39 and you'll see a little bit of our table spread here.
51:41 At this event, they said, "Look,
51:44 we got animal rights covered, we've got veganism covered
51:46 but we don't have anybody promoting health."
51:48 And Ivan said--
51:49 "That's were we come in."
51:52 Oh, praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
51:54 The fact that people are knowing,
51:56 you are now beginning to reach out to you is very positive.
51:57 Yes. Excellent.
51:59 These are some of the products we sell there are kulfi,
52:01 our raw vegan ice cream, our carubies--
52:03 Four-layer. Yum.
52:05 Raw peanut butter cookies, our kale chips.
52:07 Yeah, I love kale chips. Yeah, okay, so--
52:10 And so that was a very successful event for us.
52:12 Uh, this is our ASI family,
52:14 that, the family that leads our ASI Atlantic chapter,
52:17 the Perry's.
52:18 They came to see us.
52:20 Oh, excellent, excellent.
52:21 So you are getting some ASI support also.
52:22 Yes, absolutely. Yeah, praise God.
52:24 That's got a real blessing. Praise God.
52:25 Now we're going to go to our news break,
52:27 then on the backend we've got two minutes.
52:29 I want to talk about a little bit more about the vision,
52:31 that you've got something in your mind
52:32 that Christ is leading you to
52:34 and we want to see how our folks can help you do that.
52:35 We've got a news break
52:37 and then we'll be just back in two minutes.


Revised 2015-08-06