3ABN Today

Living Full Life From Wheelchair / How God is Using Don

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Don & Barbara Hales


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015040B

00:01 And that is good information.
00:02 In our last couple of minutes,
00:04 I want to touch on the couple of things.
00:06 One of the things you mentioned to me,
00:07 Barbara, is that even those attendees
00:10 who some times are suffering
00:11 from any kind of mental problems
00:15 or sort of out of it, when the singing starts
00:17 and the service starts something
00:19 sort of a miraculous happens and they sort of contact
00:21 and kind of join you, is that not so?
00:23 Yes, they readily wake up and many of them have memorized
00:27 a lot of the old hymns like "Old Rugged Cross"
00:30 and "Amazing Grace" and they sing.
00:32 Oh, it's just awesome to hear them sing.
00:34 Praise the Lord.
00:36 And often times when we left after the half hour
00:38 the staff will say that they continued humming
00:42 or singing some of those hymns afterwards.
00:45 And so it's just really neat to see
00:48 what God's word can do even for those
00:52 who are experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's.
00:55 Bob and Eva, as this thing has grown,
00:57 how important is it a part of your own spiritual life
00:59 and walk now at this point?
01:02 As Bob said before sometimes we,
01:04 you know, Sunday comes around
01:06 and we think oh, I'm tired, I'm gonna stay at home
01:08 and so we go there
01:11 and it's not us giving them the lift.
01:13 When we come home, we are so energized by the hugs
01:16 and the "I love you's"
01:19 and they are so glad to see you."
01:21 And it's just very enlightening for us
01:25 not only to feel we are doing them good,
01:27 they are doing us good.
01:28 We can see God working in the lives of the people
01:32 through Don and Barbara by starting this.
01:34 It's a wonderful ministry.
01:36 Absolutely. Yeah.
01:37 Barbara, any projects, anything you are working on that
01:39 you could use some help with that
01:41 at this point in your ministry?
01:42 Probably our biggest need is stamps
01:45 in order to do the mailers.
01:47 This week we sent out 185
01:49 so we are doing $300 just for stamps a month.
01:52 Yes, it's growing. It's growing.
01:53 And we have no budget.
01:55 That we have no money
01:56 but the Lord has been providing it.
01:59 We are very thankful for those who slip money in our hands,
02:04 sometimes they turn into church
02:05 and we don't even know who gave.
02:07 Yes, yes, Well, as you can see
02:10 we put up the contact information for the church.
02:12 There is a need.
02:14 There is no budget but there is a budget
02:16 because money is being spent and the ministry is growing
02:19 and God is seeing to it that it does grow.
02:24 Don and Barbara, Bob and Eva a great work,
02:28 a great ministry to a group of people that we--
02:31 you said it's underserved but certainly can use your love
02:34 your prayers and your financial support
02:36 and this can be replicated in your town.
02:39 Obviously it's not so hard,
02:41 it's gonna take a commitment of time
02:43 and if you've got the time, Jesus will use you in a great
02:46 and marvelous way to meet this underserved community.
02:48 Well, our time has fast slipped into eternity.
02:50 Allow me now in closing to wish you both grace and peace
02:54 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
02:55 We will see you again soon. Bye-bye and God bless.


Revised 2015-08-06