Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Don & Barbara Hales
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015040A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:10 My name is C.A. Murray and thank you for sharing 01:12 just a little of your day with us. 01:14 Thank you for your love, your prayers and support 01:16 of Three Angels Broadcasted Network. 01:18 We've got a very interesting program today. 01:20 We're going to talk about a specific ministry 01:22 that targets a population that is perhaps 01:26 you'll probably hear this throughout 01:27 the broadcast underserved. 01:30 I call these ministries niche ministries 01:32 because they are ministries that target a particular area 01:36 or segment of the population 01:37 that maybe forgotten about or that would go un-served 01:40 if these ministries didn't target them 01:42 and if people didn't answer the call of the Holy Spirit 01:45 to deal with a specific group 01:47 and bring the love of Jesus to them. 01:50 We've got a lot of guests we want to go through them all, 01:52 to my left Don, Don Hale. 01:55 Good to have you here. 01:56 Thank you. 01:58 It's very good to be here also. 01:59 Praise the Lord and to my right 02:01 in the first chair is his mom, Barbara. 02:04 Barbara Hale, it's good to have you here my lady. 02:06 Nice to be here. 02:07 Very, very good. 02:09 Then Lord and Lady Kasznia. 02:10 This is Eva and Bob, 02:12 did I get the name right, Kasznia. 02:13 Yes, correct-- 02:14 All right, Bob and Eva Kasznia, 02:16 they all attend the same church. 02:17 Yes. Correct. 02:19 Amen, and they are all involved 02:20 in this ministry that is called Tanglewood Ministry. 02:23 Correct. 02:24 And we're gonna talk about how that happened 02:26 where that names come from 02:27 because this is the very interesting story, 02:29 lot of stories, under stories, side bars, back stories, 02:34 a lot of things going on that became part of this ministry. 02:37 Don is the team leader. 02:38 We're gonna talk about what that means 02:40 and what you do. 02:41 Barbara is the coordinator 02:43 and in some ways I guess the founder 02:44 because we're gonna talk about it also 02:46 and then the health nugget presenter is Eva 02:51 and then Bob says he does-- 02:53 does whatever we ask them to do. 02:57 But he's a team member and plays an important part 03:00 and we'll try to un-package that story in a little bit. 03:04 But before we go to our music, 03:05 I want to just get a little history on you guys 03:07 because you've got interesting story. 03:10 Were you born into an Adventist home? 03:11 Yes, I was. 03:12 Of course you were 03:14 because your mother is right there. 03:15 Exactly. 03:16 I was sure you would say that she was-- 03:19 Get me just a little flavor of your own 03:21 because it's one thing to be born 03:23 Don into an Adventist home. 03:24 It's another thing to accept the Lord for yourself. 03:27 Being born in Adventist home doesn't make you Adventist. 03:28 No, it doesn't. 03:29 Nor does it put your name in the rolls of heaven. 03:31 Just 'cause you're born in the Adventist home. 03:33 When did Christ become real for you 03:34 on a personal level? 03:36 Christ became real actually more recently 2007, 03:42 was when he came real to me and my heart was converted. 03:46 And it was from that 03:47 where my whole life turned around 03:49 but it was the years of going through the motions 03:53 and you know being an Adventist 03:56 whatever that means going through the emotions, 03:58 going to a church outwardly showing the signs 04:01 of being a part of the body of Christ. 04:04 But inwardly rebellion was going on 04:07 and it was only after the Lord finally got a hold at me. 04:11 Yeah. 04:13 That he turned my heart to him, 04:16 turned my life around 04:17 and has done things that just blow me away. 04:21 Praise the Lord. 04:22 Do you have brothers and sisters? 04:24 Yes, I have my brother Greg, Brother Michael, 04:28 I mean Sister Donna, excuse me 04:30 and I do have two half sisters also. 04:32 Jasmine and also Clemia. 04:34 Okay. Yeah. 04:35 Talk to us a little about because you were here 04:37 several years ago and our audience changes 04:40 so very much. 04:42 You are on a wheelchair 04:43 and this not something that you run away from. 04:45 No. 04:46 But give us just a little flavor of that-- 04:47 that whole time, that whole experience? 04:51 I'm in the wheelchair 04:52 because I have an aircraft accident. 04:54 I was involved in flying. 04:59 I was doing a flight training at Andrews University 05:02 and went through the aviation program 05:05 and graduated from there 05:07 but after I had finished my formal training, 05:10 I was given an opportunity to fly what is called 05:13 an ultra light aircraft. 05:15 And this is recreational one pilot experimental type 05:20 of little aircraft and I was given opportunity 05:24 and at 22 I was like, yeah, 05:27 I want to do this new challenge. 05:29 But that day my father had been there 05:32 and he works for the Federal Aviation Administration 05:35 and he was doing airport surveillance that day. 05:38 And he saw the aircraft 05:40 and the owner had been flying it 05:42 and so he told me specifically Don don't fly that aircraft. 05:50 And I said, okay, father I won't do it 05:52 but inside I want to fly this thing. 05:56 And so that evening after work 05:59 I was at the airport and pulled it out 06:02 and spend sometime on the ground doing some taxing 06:05 and just getting used it control. 06:08 And then when the owner came there, 06:09 he gave me some instruction 06:11 as far as how I should fly this thing 06:14 and then set me loose. 06:16 And so I went out to the end of the runway 06:21 said a prayer that is custom to say a prayer 06:24 and I prayed, Lord, be my pilot and my co-pilot, 06:28 and so I took off. 06:30 And in this particular ultra light 06:34 it could be flown also as a hand glider. 06:36 So it has a push pull bar that's attached to the wing 06:40 and so to push to in order to climb 06:44 into the air you have to push the bar out 06:48 to come down you will pull the bar in. 06:51 Well, in an airplane it's the exact opposite. 06:54 You pull back on the control 06:55 so that go up push in to go down 06:58 and so that got reversed in my mind. 07:02 And so I took off like so 07:05 but in my mind I'm supposed to be doing this 07:09 and so that's what I did 07:10 and so I went up probably about 75 feet 07:13 and came down. 07:15 Hit the ground and suffered a spinal compression 07:19 and that left me paralyzed from the waist down. 07:22 And that's been my life ever since. 07:24 Now you were an accomplished pilot. 07:25 You had your license, 07:27 you knew what you're doing on a powered airplane 07:29 but it's counterintuitive to go in ultra light. 07:31 Yes, exactly. 07:32 Having said that you haven't let that stop you 07:34 and we're gonna talk about that 07:36 because you've got involved in some other good stuff. 07:37 Amen. 07:39 Barbara, his mom and we're gonna talk about this 07:42 in just a little bit 07:43 but you were in Oakwood College? 07:45 I didn't finish Oakwood. 07:47 But you did attend. 07:48 Yes, I was not a Seventh-day Adventist 07:50 as a young person, came to Elder Rainey, 07:53 George Rainey's meetings. 07:54 I know Elder Rainey very, very much. 07:56 I came to Cincinnati, put up a big tent 07:58 and because I was dating a young man 08:02 who play the piano every night for 12 weeks or whatever-- 08:08 Yeah. We dated at the tent. 08:13 You admit it. Praise the Lord. 08:15 And at the end of the tent meeting 08:17 I was faced with a decision. 08:18 Sure. 08:20 And decided to become a member 08:22 of the Seventh-day Adventist church. 08:23 Amen. 08:25 And in so doing I lost my family, 08:27 lost my job, lost my car. 08:29 Yeah. 08:30 And that sort of those things 08:32 and church family became my family. 08:34 I lived with brother and Sister Miller 08:38 who were Bible workers with Elder Rainey at that time 08:41 and Father --, the church decided that 08:44 I needed to go back to school, 08:46 I've gone to University of Cincinnati. 08:49 So they gave me $5, a trunk with my belongings 08:53 in it put me on a bus and sent me to Oakwood. 08:55 Sent you to Oakwood. Bless your heart. 08:57 I worked with Elder Rainey again 12 weeks 08:59 in Buffalo, New York in the early '60s 09:01 when he pit up a tent. 09:02 He stayed there for a long time. 09:04 Yeah. 09:05 He started in the summer and by time he was done, 09:07 winter had set in. 09:08 We had heaters in there, 09:10 everybody is in their coat and he's preaching away. 09:12 He preached long there. 09:14 They don't preach quite that long anymore 09:16 but back in those days-- 09:17 That was my introduction to Adventism. 09:18 Bless your heart. 09:20 Yeah, he baptized 189 people in Buffalo, New York. 09:21 Yeah, and quite a few in Cincinnati 09:24 the year I was a member. 09:26 Yeah, Now, brother and Sister Kasznia, 09:29 we'll start with you. 09:30 Eva, where are you from? 09:31 Originally from Idaho, born in Idaho 09:34 but spent the biggest part of my life 09:36 in South Bend, Indiana and grew up there. 09:38 Okay, did you grow up in Adventist home? 09:40 No, I was born into a very Serbian Orthodox Hungarian 09:45 Catholic family and baptize Catholic as a baby. 09:50 And fortunately enough probably 20 years ago, 09:56 I started going to a ladies Adventist, 09:58 a ladies Bible study BSF and-- I was always a questioner, 10:05 even in the Catholic Church I was told so many times 10:09 by a priest, good Catholic girls 10:11 don't ask these questions 10:12 because I was always questioning 10:14 the Sabbath and different things. 10:16 And so 15 years ago 10:17 we came into the Adventist church 10:19 under Russell Burrill 10:21 and been very happy to know the truth 10:26 and praising God and feeling very good. 10:29 I know Russell Burrill very, very well. 10:31 Now where you married when you came into the-- 10:33 Oh, yes, oh, yes, we have three children. 10:35 Two daughters and a son. 10:37 Our son is deceased, but we have two daughters, 10:40 yeah. 10:42 Bob, from where originally? 10:44 I was a Catholic for 65 years. 10:49 And now I've been a Seventh-day Adventist for 15. 10:52 Bless your heart. 10:53 And I've learned the truth. 10:54 I've learned about the State of the Dead, 10:56 and it is just such a wonderful feeling 10:59 to understand that. 11:00 Yeah. 11:02 And when Russell Burrill explained everything 11:03 so well to us and it's just a blessing 11:06 to know that some of our loved ones are not in heaven 11:10 or they're not in hell but they're asleep. 11:12 In fact I wrote a little poem for my mother 11:14 when she died and I said that I would pray 11:16 for her till my dying day. 11:18 And then before I even became a Seventh-day Adventist 11:21 undoubtedly the Holy Spirit convicted me 11:23 and I quit praying for I said why should I pray for my mother 11:26 if she's in heaven she should be praying for me. 11:28 Yeah, that's true. That's the way it should be. 11:31 So I mean, I've learned a lot by reading the Bible. 11:33 There are so many things in there 11:35 and I can understand why we weren't encouraged 11:37 to read the Bible because there are sayings that 11:42 in the Bible that we're not taught. 11:43 Yeah, and particularly if you are a person 11:45 who is a questioner and just doesn't take it 11:47 by road you kind of want to know why is this-- 11:49 why do you say that-- Let me ask you this. 11:52 Coming to the Adventist church so late in life, 11:55 did the whole Sabbath Adventist, 11:57 State of the Death, Sanctuary thing. 11:59 Did it was a kind of slap in the face 12:01 or did it you kind of eased into it. 12:02 No, it wasn't a slap in the face 12:05 for the simple reason that 12:06 once I read the Ten Commandments 12:08 'cause I've never read the Ten Commandments before. 12:10 I went to parochial school till the fifth grade 12:14 and I knew about the flood 12:15 and I knew about Joseph and that 12:17 but I wasn't thought that the fourth commandment 12:20 was the Sabbath. 12:22 I always thought Sunday was a Sabbath 12:25 so once I learned we kept the Sabbath. 12:28 And so I mean there are so many things 12:29 and I learned in the Bible about 12:31 the health message in Leviticus 12:33 and it's just something 12:36 that is so wonderful to read the Bible 12:37 and learn this for yourself. 12:39 It is. It is. 12:40 It truly is. 12:42 And I think that's what keeps people the fact that 12:44 it's not something that you were just taught 12:46 and to memorize, it's something 12:49 that's in your heart. 12:50 And when trials come, 12:52 you've got something to fall back on 12:54 because you got a relationship and that my lady is 12:57 what we're gonna talk to you about 12:58 because you were kind of the lynchpin 13:00 for this whole thing. 13:01 And it kind of all flows out from a burdened that you had-- 13:04 a lot of stuff going on all at the same time, 13:06 we're gonna connected -- with this 13:08 because and God often uses tragedy 13:11 particularly tragedy heaped upon tragedy 13:14 to get his people to move off of death center 13:17 and do what he wants them to do. 13:20 Let's go to our music and then we'll come back 13:21 and sort of unpack the story 'cause I want to talk 13:23 with you specifically Barbara, and kind of get this thing 13:25 whole scene started. 13:26 Our music today comes from Gayle Jones Murphy, 13:28 great friend of this ministry, great personal friend 13:30 and she's gonna be doing pray Prelude in G 13:35 and Great is Thy faithfulness. 13:36 Gayle kind of likes to tie all these old things 13:39 and new things together. 13:40 She's a wonderful piano, so wonderful singer 13:42 and really a great Christian friend. 13:43 You're gonna enjoy this. Be blessed. 19:25 Amen and amen. 19:26 Gayle Jones Murphy, she loves to play, 19:28 loves to sing, loves to minister for the Lord 19:31 and does so with the certain joy 19:32 that is kind of infectious. 19:34 Thank you so very, very much. 19:35 My guests are Don and Barbara what? 19:40 Hales and Bob and Eva Kasznia. 19:44 Kasznia stuck in my head 19:46 I don't know why Hales doesn't, but you're gonna guess me. 19:48 But we're gonna talk about Tanglewood Ministry. 19:51 We need to go back Lords and Lady 19:54 and I sort of direct this to you, Barbara, 19:56 because a number of things that are happening 19:59 in the 2007, 2008 time that really gave birth to this. 20:03 Walk me through some of this experience. 20:05 We already know what happened. 20:07 Now your accident was when, Don? 20:09 What year? 1994. 20:11 1994, so by this time 20:13 you've kind of adjusted to that and you're living your life-- 20:16 You're not home with you mom, you were living... 20:18 Cincinnati. In Cincinnati, all right. 20:20 So some things are beginning to happened 20:22 in your life, Barbara. 20:23 Walk us through what's taking place now 20:25 2007, 2008? 20:26 Okay, well, Don of course became ill 20:29 which broke up his family 20:31 and we eventually brought him home 20:34 and while he's home 20:37 he's in and out of the hospital. 20:39 And so of course we're going-- my husband 20:41 and I are going back and forth to the hospital 20:43 and then he has an amputation of the first leg, 20:47 and then he's in rehab for 60 some odd days 20:51 coming home on the 8th of October, 20:55 the 9th of October, the very next day 20:58 my husband is hit by a car right in front of our house, 21:03 lands on his head because he was thrown, 21:05 in a coma for 21 days and dies. 21:09 And so we start November with a funeral. 21:13 And then, you know, lot of things happened 21:16 during that time, Don is trying to recuperate, 21:19 I'm trying to adjust being a widow. 21:22 And a friend of mine moved 21:23 into a retirement facility for assisted living 21:27 and I said, I got to do something different. 21:30 Don still in the hospital, so I go visit her 21:33 and just as I'm leaving she says to me Barbara, 21:37 I like this facility but I miss going to church. 21:41 And there is no Protestant service nearby or here. 21:45 And I hear myself saying that's something I can do. 21:48 Now I want to just put a pin there for a second 21:50 because I want to look at the mass of things 21:53 that are swirling around you at this time. 21:55 You just lost your husband well, a little bit ago, 21:58 your son is in and out of stuff. 22:00 I mean, he just lost one leg and you got enough sanity 22:04 and enough Jesus to think about 22:08 taking on another task you know-- 22:10 Something different. Yeah, to do something. 22:12 Was it, was it that you just wanted to do 22:14 something different or did it 22:17 appeal to you particularly, 22:19 were you working in the church at this time. 22:21 Give me some flavor of your life, you know-- 22:22 No, I had been going on Share Him trip 22:25 once a year up to that period and I had missed that. 22:30 And I really wasn't involved in the local church 22:33 because of all it was going on in our family. 22:35 So I wasn't serving in any offices at the time. 22:39 But it was like, you know, I can do this. 22:41 Yeah. 22:42 And so the time set was in the evening 22:47 and you know, at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening 22:49 we were watching 60 minutes. 22:53 We can certainly give that up. 22:55 Right, so you know, it doesn't mess up my Sunday 22:58 because I have always had, since kids 23:00 I've said Sabbath is the Lord's day 23:02 and Sunday is Barbara's. 23:04 So I really didn't do a whole lot on Sunday 23:07 but by six in the evening you know, 23:08 anything you gonna do, you are done. 23:10 You are done, sure. 23:11 So, you know, I can give an hour. 23:13 Did you know what you were signing on for as far as-- 23:16 I didn't think so, yeah. 23:17 No. 23:19 Usually when the Lord throws you in the deep end 23:20 like that you-- you swim on a fly. 23:22 No. 23:24 So someone says I want you to do this 23:26 and you say, I can do that. 23:27 So walk-- pick it up from there. 23:29 So with the activity leader 23:30 and she was delighted to know that someone 23:32 would come every Sunday night and do a service. 23:36 And so I went to the hospital 23:39 and he was getting out of the hospital, 23:40 the Friday before Palm Sunday and I said to him, 23:46 you got to get out of here because we are gonna do 23:47 a church service on Sunday. 23:49 Okay, now I didn't hear any request being made. 23:52 Rather so, get out of hospital because we got something to do. 23:54 Well, I told her is like 23:56 as long as you preach that's fine, 23:58 I will do some singing, I can do that 24:00 and we didn't have a sound system at that time 24:03 but I told her I can do the preliminaries, 24:05 I can lead out in song service but she's got to preach 24:08 because I'm not a preacher, at least not them I'm now. 24:11 But anyway so that was our, 24:15 that was our introduction into ministry for singers. 24:20 Praise the Lord. 24:22 So now having done some Share Him stuff 24:24 obviously standing behind the desk is not a big deal. 24:25 No, it's not a problem. 24:27 So you've got little handle on that. 24:28 But our mindset was one that we are gonna do this 24:31 church service and two, we are gonna plant 24:35 an Adventist church in this facility. 24:37 That was the mindset and the Lord had grown us 24:42 and show us exactly what He wanted us to do. 24:44 Yeah, yeah, he does want you to lift up His name. 24:46 So actually we'd been there for, 24:48 you know, we started Palm Sunday, 24:49 we've gone through the month 24:51 and now on the first Sunday he is coming up 24:53 and he is like Barbara, these folk haven't, 24:55 many of them had not had communion 24:57 since they had gone to their churches last 25:00 and which could be years or months or weeks 25:04 and so we got to have a communion service. 25:07 Well, how do you have a communion service 25:10 with two people, one in a wheelchair 25:12 with no service perse and so we called on Eva 25:18 who was our head deacon and elder to our church 25:20 and they said we want to do communion for Sunday 25:24 and would you help us? 25:25 So the plot thickens. 25:26 Let me ask you a question here. 25:28 Because you have given evidence 25:30 that you are a bit of rebellious kid. 25:31 Yes. Okay. 25:33 Your mom kind of drops us on you 25:34 and mother step away kind of turn in the screw without, 25:36 you know, just-- this is what we are gonna do. 25:39 Well, you kind of kicking and screaming doing this 25:41 or you kind of settling into this? 25:43 No, I was settling in but my mindset was that 25:46 this was her ministry, 25:48 I will just come along and support. 25:50 Okay, okay. Yeah, so it's her show. 25:52 She preaches, I will just do music 25:56 and but I'm in the background. 25:59 Yeah, and that's what it was supposed to be 26:01 but the Lord had other plans. 26:03 And so the name Barbara, Tanglewood 26:05 comes from this very first facility. 26:06 The name of the facility was Tanglewood Trace 26:09 and it's located on Tanglewood Lane. 26:12 I see. 26:13 So that's why we are Tanglewood. 26:15 Okay. 26:16 So Ms. Eva, you get this call. 26:18 What are you thinking? 26:20 Well, we thought we come once, 26:22 we were kind of involved in another ministry in church. 26:26 And so I said to my husband, 26:28 let's go once and I called the other couple up 26:31 and I said we are gonna go help Barb and Don 26:33 and the woman said, okay, you know, 26:37 and so once famous last words, we are still there. 26:43 When she kind of drop this on you, Don, 26:45 what's going through your mind? 26:47 He mean, Bob. 26:48 I said Don, I meant Bob. Yeah, Don, Bob. 26:51 Right. That's fine. 26:52 I thought the same thing that Eva did. 26:54 We would go there, you know, one time 26:55 but once you go and you meet these people 26:58 and you get involved in a word and you see how involved 27:02 they are and how its helping them, 27:05 you look forward to going there. 27:06 I know there has been times 27:08 for some reason maybe I was sick or Eva was sick 27:11 that we couldn't go and we felt lost 27:14 because we weren't there to be able to help out. 27:16 I mean, Don and Barbara do a lot of the preaching 27:21 and we have another young man does the preaching. 27:24 So I'm not a preacher but like I say, 27:26 if there is anything I can do, I like to help up. 27:28 Yeah. Yeah. 27:29 Now you said you were involved in another ministry 27:31 so you're obviously doing things in a local church. 27:32 You are the head deacon? Yes, certainly. 27:34 Were you holding helping Bob? 27:37 Yes, I'm assistant head deacon in our church. 27:39 Okay, so you are not sitting down, 27:40 you are doing stuff? 27:42 Right. We try. 27:43 And this is added to-- Barbara I need to ask you, 27:47 you are coming into a facility, you got one Adventist there 27:50 but what was the general reception? 27:53 No, we don't have an Adventist that we know about it. 27:55 The lady is a friend of mine 27:58 but she is not the Seventh-day Adventist. 27:59 Oh, okay. I see. 28:01 And so the reception was well. 28:04 The first night we met we had 30 residents who came. 28:10 And of course, they didn't know us 28:12 and we didn't know them 28:14 and we are trying to do this full fledge church service. 28:17 So you are doing a song service 28:18 and then praise God for more-- 28:20 Praise God. We are going to every-- 28:22 No children's story but-- 28:24 They are doing everything-- 28:25 Yeah, no children story. 28:27 Except in offering. 28:28 Because we didn't want their children 28:30 who most of them have probably turned before. 28:32 We didn't want them to think that 28:34 we had come to take their money. 28:35 To take money, sure. Sure. 28:36 So we have never collected an offering. 28:39 Now it is kind of hard to get that whole deal into-- 28:42 You had an hour? Correct. 28:44 So you are spending a lot of the time 28:46 just doing kind of Adventist kind of things. 28:48 Yeah. Exactly. 28:49 Yeah. 28:50 And then it became apparent that 28:52 we needed to change the format. 28:54 You had to trim it down. 28:55 And so now the service consists of, 28:58 they love to sing the hymns so we spend time on the hymns, 29:01 we spend time in prayer request and prayer. 29:04 Amen. 29:05 We spend time in special music 29:08 and Eva about three times out of the month 29:12 would do a health nugget. 29:14 And then the main portion is the word 29:18 and even with that we-- the Lord has grown us. 29:21 Yes. 29:22 The challenges and you may want to talk about them later 29:26 but oftentimes people aren't 29:28 very familiar with their Bibles. 29:30 The other challenge was that we bought 29:33 what we thought were a large print Bibles 29:35 that were at large print. 29:36 Yeah. Yeah. 29:37 As I get older what my definition of large 29:39 gets bigger and bigger and bigger. 29:41 I just bought one about a month ago 29:42 that it's a super giant print. 29:44 Yes, and that's what we are using. 29:45 So we had to grow into seeing enough 29:48 the first set of Bibles that we bought, 29:51 we came to 3ABN in the spring, met some folk here 29:56 and we are just sharing what we were doing 29:58 and they gave us $200 toward our first set of Bibles. 30:03 Praise God. 30:04 And that was the beginning. 30:06 Since then our church have switched with us. 30:10 They bought larger print Bibles 30:12 and we have given them the original Bibles. 30:15 And so now we have the biggest printed Bibles 30:18 that you can get and they are really heavy. 30:21 Yes. Yes. 30:22 So which has presented some other challenges. 30:24 So when we do our church service 30:26 we have a table in front of the residence, 30:29 so that they don't have to hold this heavy Bibles. 30:32 Yeah, my newest one that I got about two months ago 30:35 now it's weighty. 30:37 I only use it on the pulpit on Sabbath 30:38 because I need to catch, you know, quicker. 30:40 My study Bible is-- 30:42 I wear glasses and struggle a little bit. 30:43 I wanted to ask you, Eva, you are in a facility 30:47 they don't always have control over 30:49 what they are eating or what's put before them. 30:51 What are the kinds of-- how do you structure 30:53 your health nuggets to be of value to that group? 30:57 I did focusing, excuse me-- 30:59 I did focusing on more or less the breathing 31:02 because we've had several people 31:04 that have come up 31:05 and had gone to the hospital with pneumonia. 31:08 And so I had learned that by taking deep breathes 31:12 and I say smell a rose and blow out a candle 31:16 and the people just love it 31:17 and they say, keep reminding us. 31:20 They sent one gentleman who was having pneumonia 31:23 quite often in the hospital came to me 31:25 and said, Eva, I have to tell you something. 31:27 And I said what, Larry? 31:29 And he said, I haven't had pneumonia 31:30 and my doctor told me my lungs are the clearest 31:32 they have ever been. 31:34 And then we tell them to exercise their arms 31:36 and their legs, you know, and I tell them 31:39 if you can walk, walk the halls, 31:42 if you can't just sit in a chair. 31:45 We kind of-- I don't know 31:47 whether I'm allowed to say this but we got Dick Nunez. 31:51 You are. 31:54 We have DVDs of Dick Nunez and we have showed them 31:58 some of his exercises for seniors in a chair. 32:02 And so, you know, they appreciate this 32:04 and they helped us. 32:05 And then of course I don't know 32:07 whether I'm allowed to say this either 32:09 but I have reversed my diabetes. 32:12 And so I kind of give them 32:15 some of my helpful hands that I have done. 32:17 Yeah, you are allowed to say that too. 32:18 Yes, okay. Oh, thank you. 32:20 And so it kind of makes a little bit easier for me 32:22 because I can say I did this and I did that. 32:25 And I have had a couple of people 32:27 that are diabetics there. 32:29 And so what did you do with this, Eva? 32:31 What did you do with that 32:33 and I can kind of help them a little bit. 32:35 Then when I tell them the curriculum to drink 32:37 lot of water and try to get sunlight. 32:40 You know, when they can get outside 32:41 and I said, even if you can't get sun through the window 32:44 because it's still sun 32:45 and it's still the vitamin D, you know. 32:47 So it makes it interesting and I enjoy doing that. 32:51 Bob, we know you are kind of, you are kind of the energy, 32:54 the founder, the driving force you came in reluctantly. 32:58 Talk to me about your growth 33:01 and you being settled in this 33:03 as a calling from God on your life? 33:06 Well, as we started to minister, 33:10 as we got into the first two years, 33:12 you know, again we were looking at, 33:13 you know, this is her ministry I'm just here to support. 33:17 And then thinking about, 33:20 you know, I don't want to be doing this 33:23 in five years or so 33:25 and that was kind of the attitude 33:27 and interestingly with that attitude 33:29 we also noticed a declining-- attendance. 33:36 We dropped from averaging 14 or 15 down to five. 33:41 We got down to five. 33:43 Now let me correct now, this is your mindset or both. 33:46 This is what's going on in your head? 33:48 This was mine. Okay. 33:49 So you are in, I mean, you are in 33:51 but you are kind of saying I'm here for now 33:53 but I'm not, this is not gonna be part of my life. 33:55 Exactly, and the Lord reminded me, 33:58 He is like Don, I thought you said that 34:01 you would keep your eyes on Me and follow Me 34:04 because that was a part of my conversion. 34:06 Lord coming and say Don, get your eyes off all the things 34:08 that you've lost, getting focus on Me, follow me 34:12 and I said yes Lord, I will do that. 34:14 So He reminded me of that, 34:15 so I was like okay, Lord, I will do this. 34:18 But interestingly we-- 34:22 I had actually been watching 34:23 a 3ABN today program with Hiram Rester 34:27 and he was telling about how he had done 34:31 maybe 70 evangelistic meetings 34:36 and after all of that the Lord told him 34:39 okay, now you have done all of this, 34:41 start preaching Jesus. Start preaching Christ. 34:43 Yes. 34:44 And I saw that it was like, what you mean preaching? 34:47 He says, he's been preaching Jesus the whole time. 34:50 And Hiram said, I had been using 34:54 the doctrines to preach Jesus 34:57 instead of focusing on Jesus to teach the doctrines. 35:02 And so that was a total blowing away 35:08 of my mindset as far as how we were to be doing this. 35:11 And that's when I really started 35:13 getting onboard with this 35:15 and say okay, Lord, teach us, show us what to do? 35:18 And our speaker Charles who had come in by that time 35:23 started taking over the speaking 35:26 and our focus since that time has been lifting up Jesus. 35:32 What does the Bible tell us about God's character, 35:35 you know, based on the foundational truth 35:37 that God is love. 35:38 So that's what we are focusing 35:41 our sermon presentations, our music everything 35:44 is focused around lifting up Jesus 35:47 because He said, He would draw. 35:50 We were trying to preach the doctrines turning them 35:53 "the Seventh-day Adventist" and we were losing them. 35:58 We were losing them. Yeah. 36:00 We were heading up-- 36:01 And I see very clearly that you want to hit that home run, 36:05 you want to just, you want to get baptisms, 36:07 you want to but you got to introduce them to Christ. 36:10 I need to ask you Barbara, did you know, 36:12 you are sold out, you went into the deep end. 36:14 Did you know he was toeing the water? 36:16 Yeah, he had already told me that I'm gonna be an, 36:19 I'm gonna do it short while and I'm gonna be gone. 36:22 But the other thing that happens 36:24 that we did not anticipate. 36:26 We have fallen in love with this folk. 36:30 And if we had to choose going to church on Sabbath 36:35 or being with our group Sunday night 36:38 for the hugs and the kisses 36:40 and the time to have to pray with people 36:42 we would probably choose and I say that. 36:44 And I can understand the mindset 36:46 because yeah, you are doing something for the-- 36:47 And we are, you know, Don's got so many grandmas now 36:51 that are just 11 and they look so much forward. 36:57 The hugs and the kisses and the opportunity to pray 37:00 and then the Lord has expanded us 37:03 because these folk are not just coming 37:05 to this facility from their homes 37:08 and staying there until they die 37:09 which is what we thought because its private pay, 37:14 health change or finances change 37:18 and they are out of there. 37:19 They are gone, okay, okay. 37:20 And we facetiously made the commitment to follow them 37:25 wherever they go not thinking they were going anywhere. 37:29 And we now have people in Rushville, Indiana 37:32 and we have them in Elkhart, Indiana. 37:34 We have and we are literally doing visitation 37:37 at least once a quarter trying to get around 37:40 to people who have left and it's just gotten so many 37:45 that it opened another avenue of mailers. 37:48 We now send, we do the sermon outline 37:51 because the facility 37:53 you are not supposed to pass out anything 37:55 but because we do the service there 37:57 we can give them Christian literature. 38:00 And so we now print our sermon outlines 38:03 and this week we mailed 180 sermon outlines. 38:08 Some of them are getting as far as Australia. 38:12 We've got people who take our sermon outlines 38:14 and use them weekly in prison ministry 38:18 as well as we've added some missing members, 38:21 many of Don's classmates who grew up with him, 38:24 went to church school are out of church, 38:26 they are on our mailing list 38:28 and unless they ask us not to send them 38:30 which they haven't asked they get a sermon every week. 38:34 So the ministry really has grown. 38:35 Yes. 38:36 And I was sat down with the mindset that 38:39 these are people like a nursing home facility, this is not. 38:41 No. 38:43 This population is little more transit. 38:44 They come, they stay a while and they leave. 38:46 They are private retirees and they are paying 38:50 some good bucks to be where they are 38:53 but if their health changes or finally finances, 38:57 you know, $3,000-$4,000 a month so that a lot of money. 39:01 Yes, yes. Yes. 39:03 What we found though is that in many of these facilities 39:06 there is not spiritual care 39:08 as far as churches coming in to do services. 39:10 I understand yeah. 39:11 So unless the local church, you know, Methodist, Baptist 39:15 or whoever will come and pick them up 39:17 they are not getting to service. 39:19 There is only one church organization that's coming in 39:22 and that's our Catholic friends. 39:24 Right. Right 39:25 There is no Protestant. No Protestants. 39:26 Very few Protestants and there is a need 39:29 at every facility to do church-- 39:33 Yes, everywhere-- I'm gonna say everywhere 39:36 we visit we get asked, would you come 39:39 and do it at my facility. 39:42 So we are now at three facilities. 39:44 Wow, I just says the Lord by default is making you grow. 39:46 Yes. Yes. 39:48 But we need-- 39:49 And we ask them to do that 39:50 this year grow us, you know, more. 39:52 But the need is so great, 39:53 not so much for regular nursing home 39:55 but for the retirement facilities 39:57 that are popping up all over 39:59 and for the memory care facilities that in our area 40:03 they are building them like, I don't know what. 40:05 Yeah. Yeah. 40:07 They are private pay and those facilities 40:10 could easily have a group go in week after week 40:14 and share the good news for God. 40:15 Now, walk me again through because the Lord made it 40:18 apparent to you that having 40:19 a classic Adventist worship service 40:22 was not gonna fly in this context. 40:24 So he whittled it down if you were 40:28 to those four elements. 40:29 Give in those elements again. 40:31 All right, we sing hymns. You sing. 40:33 They love the hymns. 40:36 We have prayer time 40:37 which we entertain prayer request and then pray. 40:40 Indispensable. 40:41 And then we have Eva does the health talk. 40:46 We have special music. Yes. 40:48 We have a young lady who has also joined us 40:50 and she occasionally sings and she and Don trade off. 40:53 And then we have the sermon 40:55 and then I always do an appeal song. 40:57 Now I came up with Elder Rainey 40:59 and you remembered traditionally 41:01 that appeal song always sort of solidified with the sermon. 41:05 And that's a gift God has given me. 41:08 So I usually pick a hymn 41:11 that goes with the message of the day. 41:14 Which is a challenge for us because before, 41:17 you know, say, I'm gonna sing this tonight, that's out. 41:20 Yeah. 41:22 Spending time in prayer. 41:23 Lord, what would you have me to sing that 41:25 goes with this message and the Lord has been 41:28 pulling songs out, you know-- 41:31 And we praise the Lord for that. 41:33 I wanted to bring back 41:34 and kind of hit this from another angle. 41:35 Because you were losing your audience, 41:37 God impressed you that 41:39 this is not gonna fly the way you are doing it. 41:41 You made the change, 41:43 what was the result of that change 41:44 as far as attendance was concerned? 41:46 We say, it just increased. 41:47 The residents are now inviting other residents. 41:51 So we do no advertising. 41:53 Yeah, yeah. 41:54 But and the residents are inviting the residents 41:58 and the other thing that has happened is that 42:00 financially we are no budget ministry. 42:04 We have no budget and no offering. 42:08 Initially I was putting the cost. 42:11 We have sensed we needed the sound system, 42:13 someone gave us enough money to buy it. 42:16 Praise the Lord. 42:17 We now have mikes, we are going 42:19 to probably upgrade to the power mike eventually. 42:23 But we also do birthdays. 42:25 You know, everyone who has a birthday 42:27 we honor that and celebrate 42:30 and we give them a birthday packet. 42:33 And-- oops, excuse me. 42:35 This is an example of the birthday packet 42:37 which is basically and envelope 42:40 and in it we have a 3ABN door hanger. 42:45 Amen. Amen. 42:47 It has Health for Daily Living. 42:49 Praise the Lord. 42:50 It includes a "Steps to Christ." 42:52 Okay, you want to hold that right up in front like, 42:54 there you go, there you go. 42:55 It includes the "Great Hope." 42:59 Okay. 43:00 And sometimes it will either include 43:03 the "Steps to Christ" or one of these 43:05 and then we will gift it with a bunch of these 43:08 from E.G. White Estate and they are on various topics. 43:11 This one is happiness service. 43:13 Praise the Lord. 43:14 And then we always include fresh fruit. 43:17 Oh, nice. Nice. 43:18 So whatever is in season or orange or apple 43:21 or whatever couple of pieces and a go track. 43:24 And a go track. So this is the birthday bag. 43:25 Well, done. Well, done. 43:27 Now I want to go back and I'm begging a point 43:30 because I want our people to understand, 43:32 you were losing your audience then you change something 43:36 and now your audience is coming back. 43:39 Tell me in a sentence what that change was. 43:43 The change was not emphasizing doctrines, 43:46 but lifting up Jesus. 43:48 There you go. You are great. 43:49 I told, you are great. You are great, yes. 43:51 So then the default setting is that 43:52 when you live for Christ, Christ will draw. 43:55 Amen. Eva? 43:58 I had found and I think I just want 43:59 to add in there Bob and I coming 44:01 out of the Catholic Church I think we were very big help 44:04 because I have got, lo and behold 44:07 we ended up knowing several of the people 44:10 who were there from our previous Catholic Church. 44:13 And so I have had many of the catholic say to me 44:18 but as a catholic can we come to this church service? 44:21 Can we be here? Can we listen to this? 44:24 You know, and as soon as I say to them, 44:28 as soon as I say to them 44:30 we are out of the Catholic Church. 44:32 They just kind of fall in love 44:33 and they say, oh, we can do this then, you know. 44:36 So it makes it easier. 44:37 Amen and amen. 44:39 Now we've got a bunch of pictures 44:40 I want you to walk me through some of these pictures. 44:42 Let's go to our pictures 44:43 and let's walk through the stuff and take a look at 44:45 some of these things that are happening. 44:46 Who is that? That's Pauline. 44:47 That's the lady who started this. 44:49 She is the woman that moved into the facility 44:52 that made the statement, I can't get to my church. 44:56 So this is your friend? Yes, she is the friend. 44:58 And so we kind of think of her as our founder. 45:02 Amen. Amen. 45:04 She has since passed away. Oh, bless her heart. 45:05 Yes, but then you just see some pictures of mom and I 45:09 and we can scroll through. 45:11 This is Bob speaking to her I think they were talking about 45:15 the state of the dead on this one I believe, yeah. 45:17 So you get a chance to minister kind of one on one-- 45:20 Yes. Right, exactly. 45:21 Now is that in that in that same hour or you get-- 45:23 No after or before that. Oh, you can. 45:26 Okay, you can select your time but the service is an hour. 45:28 Yes. Understood. 45:29 Looking at this you know my health thing. 45:34 You look like you are having a good time. 45:35 Now where is this? 45:36 This is the multipurpose room where we do the service. 45:40 Kind of looks stretchy a little bit. 45:41 Doesn't it? Yeah, it does. 45:42 So we set the chairs up so it looks like that. 45:44 And this is our main speaker Charles Paik 45:47 and he is doing a sermon regarding 45:49 the sanctuary about the lamb 45:51 that was gonna be slaughtered as the sacrifice 45:54 and he actually had a knife that he was gonna pull out 45:58 and he actually stimulated the lamb being slain 46:02 and the women were like, oh, he is going to kill the lamb. 46:05 But it was a really powerful sermon. 46:08 This here is Miguel Arevalo and he is also our speaker 46:13 and he took us through the sanctuary service. 46:17 That he made it. 46:18 And we did a whole series on that, yeah. 46:21 And this Firm Faith Watson, she is one of our singers. 46:25 She comes and do special music for us. 46:28 This is one of the sermons that you spoke, mom. 46:31 Yeah. Yeah. 46:33 Praise the Lord. 46:34 That's me doing special music on the guitar. 46:37 I think her. 46:40 Praise the Lord. 46:41 God is good, and this is our end of the year program. 46:45 They got it by saying oh, we do a special service 46:48 and we line the table up in the form of a cross 46:51 and we have it decorated with fruits and candles 46:55 and the whole works. 46:56 We just make it a special end of the year program 46:59 and we do that every year, once a year. 47:02 And this is our team. 47:04 Don is taking the picture so he is not in it. 47:06 Oh, that's right I'm not in that picture 47:08 but this is our team here. 47:09 Very good. Yeah. 47:11 Okay, now obviously though your service 47:15 is on Sunday evening 47:16 this is not a one day a week kind of deal. 47:19 This is beginning to envelope your life. 47:21 This is a very big part of what you are doing. 47:23 Yes. 47:25 How does your local church feel about this? 47:27 Is there support form local church? 47:29 Are you getting encouragement? 47:30 How is it interfacing 47:32 with your local church there in Indianapolis? 47:34 Yes, they are very supportive. 47:37 They have, you know, provided 47:38 you know, Bibles for us and other materials. 47:41 And since we are not an organized church 47:45 as far as you know, Tanglewood Ministries, 47:47 you know, we aren't a 501C3 so we are-- 47:51 so our church is the umbrella 47:56 under which we operate financially. 47:58 So all of the gifts that come in 48:00 we turn that into our church. 48:02 And then the-- 48:04 And so that's how it's up. 48:05 And expenses that we enter. 48:07 Right, exactly. 48:09 Okay, so someone wanted to support your ministry 48:11 since you are not 501C3 48:12 they will have to give it to the church 48:14 and then the church will pass it on. 48:16 I don't know how difficult 501C3 status 48:19 is perhaps you ought to think about that. 48:20 We sure. As we began to grow. 48:24 Because obviously this is not a flash in the pan 48:25 you are gonna be doing this for a while. 48:27 We are gonna be doing it for a while. 48:28 Praise the Lord. 48:30 So maybe that ought to be part of their 48:32 thought process as you, you know, as you evolve 48:35 because you are growing two more facilities 48:39 and reaching more people. 48:41 You are gonna need some consistence, 48:42 some consistent help. 48:45 One that the things that has happened is this past year 48:48 I've conducted a couple of funerals. 48:51 The folk now consider Tanglewood their church. 48:55 And so many of them were asking 48:57 will you do my funeral when I-- 48:59 And we've done a couple of funerals. 49:02 The other extension has been that 49:04 we are not just serving the residents 49:06 but we are serving staff members 49:09 who sort of stand on the outside 49:11 of this service and listen 49:13 and we are giving copies of our sermon 49:15 and occasionally have a opportunity to pray with 49:18 but it has also opened the door 49:21 to the families of the residents 49:24 because Don and I do hospital visitations 49:27 and other nursing home visitation. 49:29 So we are actually coming contact with family 49:32 and then when someone does die 49:34 we either go the wake of the funeral 49:37 and for that we take a packet and-- 49:42 not sure it happen to-- we have envelop 49:46 that we give that has the "Great Hope" book in it 49:52 and the postcard that goes with this from Nathan Green. 49:59 Yes. 50:00 We include a Bible study card and then we write a message 50:05 on the back of Nathan Green's card 50:08 and put it in a envelop 50:09 and we make one for every family member. 50:12 So if the mother died the dad still alive 50:16 the dad would get one, any children. 50:19 So it can be like two or three per family 50:21 or like last week we delivered ten to a family. 50:25 All right, should you want to support this ministry 50:28 because as they have said it's a ministry 50:32 that's working on the goodness of the church 50:35 and your own personal pocket 50:37 but it is one that deserves your support, 50:40 certainly your prayers. 50:42 Here is the contact information that you will need. 50:47 If you would like to know more about this ministry 50:49 then you can write to, Tanglewood Ministries, 50:52 South Bend First Seventh-day Adventist Church, 50:55 1936 East Altgeld Street, South Bend, Indiana, 46614. 51:01 That's Tanglewood Ministries, 51:03 South Bend First Seventh-day Adventist Church, 51:07 1936 East Altgeld Street, South Bend, Indiana, 46614. 51:13 You can call 574-654-7320. 51:17 That's 574-654-7320. 51:21 Or visit them online at, 51:26 that's |
Revised 2015-08-06