Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Rich & Rhonda Smith & Carola Janiak
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015036A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my word 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:08 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today. 01:10 Thank you for your love, 01:12 your prayers in support of this ministry. 01:14 Allow me to introduce myself, I'm C. A. Murray 01:16 and it is a good day to be alive 01:18 and a good day to be in Christ. 01:20 Got a very, very interesting program for you, 01:22 we want you to sort of draw close 01:24 because we want to talk about Black Hills Health 01:28 and Education Center. 01:29 I wish I got all the H's in there. 01:31 Black Hills Health, yeah, BHHEC, yeah. 01:33 That's right. 01:35 And we've got 01:36 three representatives of that institution. 01:37 I was there many years ago 01:39 but I think things have changed quite a little bit 01:41 since I have been there. 01:42 It's still just as beautiful. 01:43 Yeah, yeah. 01:44 Yeah, couldn't be any-- 01:45 that surely has not changed because it is a beautiful, 01:47 it's beautiful country and beautiful place to be 01:50 and it sits in a nice little-- 01:53 I guess it's a valley surrounded by hills 01:54 but its kind of elevated and its kind of out there 01:57 and you got Buffalo running around 01:59 and you got Mount Rushmore not too far away 02:01 and its just a really serene setting. 02:04 Yes, we have-- 02:05 actually the Red Rock Canyons 02:06 were just settled right in the Red Rock Canyons 02:09 so it's just beautiful 02:10 with the stream running through. 02:11 And when I was there it was sort of cold 02:13 and crisp in the morning and it warms up during the day 02:16 and it's kind of cold and crisp at night. 02:18 But it's a wonderful place to be 02:19 and such great work is being done. 02:21 Let me introduce my guest. First, Rich Smith. Rich or Ric? 02:24 Rich Smith, Ronda Smith, Carola Janiak. 02:29 I did that right? 02:30 Now the first question 02:31 I always ask anybody whose name is Smith, 02:32 is that your real name or you in a special program? 02:37 Real name. 02:38 So you really are Rich Smith? 02:40 I'm Rich Smith. 02:41 Praise the Lord. 02:42 So I will make really Ronda Smith. 02:44 That really does make me that. 02:46 And Carola Janiak, you couldn't invent that. 02:48 That's got to be a real name. 02:49 So we are okay with that. 02:50 It's good to have you guys here. 02:51 I want to talk about just before we go to our music, 02:54 your positions and what you actually do there. 02:58 You are development 03:00 and when I hear development I hear fundraising. 03:02 Yes. 03:03 You will tell me if that is true. 03:04 And then Ronda, you are the wellness director 03:07 and we want to walk through that. 03:09 And then Carola, consultant for the massage school 03:13 and I know when I was there 03:14 the massage school was just sort of 03:16 in its infant stages. 03:17 Just kind of getting up and running. 03:19 I think that's an integral part of the program now, isn't it? 03:21 So Rich, let's start with you before we go to our music. 03:24 What is your job description? What you actually do? 03:26 Well, you know, there we are gonna 03:28 put marketing on the job description. 03:31 Actually, development, 03:33 recognize there development is fundraising 03:35 but I look at it as much more than that. 03:38 It's making sure 03:40 that things begin to kind of head the direction 03:42 you would like them to as far as business plan 03:45 or a ministry plan, 03:48 so fundraising and online presence as well. 03:53 So it's really kind of overall, 03:56 I also have some responsibility for human resources 04:00 making sure that the staff is happy. 04:03 So you know, naturally it's a ministry 04:06 that you wear many hats so... 04:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 04:09 Most ministries 04:11 the lines get barge just a little bit, 04:13 nothing but really pure, you know, you get, 04:15 you walk in with the job description 04:16 and then it kind of gets tweaked in this 04:18 what they call mission creep, you know, 04:19 it kind of gets real bigger, you know. 04:21 He does that well, let's give him that too, 04:23 you know, that kind of thing. 04:25 And Ronda, as wellness director what does that mean? 04:28 Well, that means that you just make sure 04:30 the wellness program runs smoothly 04:33 and everybody's needs are met 04:35 and staff to cover the needs 04:39 and just variety of things. 04:42 I'm a nurse as well, so I work in that area too 04:47 and just it's very all around 04:52 making sure everything goes right. 04:53 Okay. 04:54 Carola, you are the consultant for the massage school. 05:00 Walk me through that. 05:02 Well, I used to own a school, 05:04 actually God owned that we work there 05:06 and it was in close to the Molina 05:08 there in California 05:10 and so I had been praying about 05:14 that there were no longer any massage schools 05:16 in the Adventist world as far as training. 05:20 And so I remember praying and just within a couple days 05:24 I get a call from Black Hills 05:26 saying hey, would you like to come out 05:27 and help with our massage school 05:29 getting it up in running again? 05:30 And I said, of course, I would love to. 05:33 So it was like a sign from God and its all miracle. 05:37 God always creates miracles and we love God. 05:41 Now, I'm gonna ask-- 05:42 we need do on the jib or the hammer, 05:44 pull out and get us close to all 05:46 a three shot as we can. 05:47 Let's get all three of these people on camera. 05:50 First of all I'm doing this for a special reason. 05:52 Thank Turner, you are doing it so well. 05:54 And if you kind of ease in on them 05:58 these are three good looking people 06:02 and I say that because they speak well. 06:04 Obviously you practice what you preach. 06:07 The grey hair would indicate that you are not children 06:09 but having said that 06:12 you speak well for your ministry. 06:15 You got bright smiles, 06:16 you are nice looking people 06:18 in meeting and talking with you. 06:19 You are friendly and affable and outgoing. 06:23 And if I'm going somewhere to get well 06:24 these are the kind of faces I wanted to see 06:26 when I wake up in the morning 06:27 and the kind of people I want to be around. 06:30 So we are gonna talk about Black Hills 06:31 and what it does to health. 06:34 It is a health and healing center 06:37 and how you fit into that and then we are gonna look 06:39 at some of the rarest aspects of it 06:41 and just have a good time together. 06:43 So we want you to draw close, 06:44 pull up, we got a lot to talk about 06:46 and if you are in need of the services 06:50 that Black Hills offers 06:51 and I will say what they do they do well. 06:56 And a number of people from 3ABN 06:57 have been on your campus over the years. 06:59 Everybody comes back with great reports 07:01 and we want to talk about some of the changes. 07:03 I think you guys are fairly recent, 07:05 you weren't there when I was there. 07:06 These faces I would remember. 07:08 So the reason I don't is because you were there. 07:11 So we are gonna talk about 07:12 the change that you've brought with your 07:13 and some of the new things that Black Hills is doing. 07:15 Okay. 07:16 And we are gonna have a good time together. 07:17 First we are gonna go to our music. 07:19 Some time ago a young man slipped in, 07:21 I say young man 07:22 because I remember taking out to lunch 07:24 and it took me a whole lunch just to get this name right. 07:27 Because it's Pierre Van Westhuizen 07:29 and it takes a little while to get that correctly 07:32 and we would tease-- I said I'm C.A. Murray 07:33 that's really easy one to get to Pierre Van Westhuizen. 07:36 But wonderful man, great singer, operatic voice 07:40 and just a really fabulous Christian 07:41 and a fabulous guy. 07:42 He is gonna be singing "Lamb of Glory." 08:06 Hear the story from God's Word 08:13 That kings and priests and prophets heard 08:22 There would be a sacrifice 08:30 And blood would flow to pay sin's price 08:41 Precious Lamb of glory 08:49 Love's most wondrous story 08:58 Heart of God's redemption of man 09:06 Worship the Lamb of glory 09:22 On the cross God loved the world 09:29 While all the pow'rs of hell were hurled 09:38 No one there could understand 09:46 The One they saw was Christ the Lamb 09:56 Precious Lamb of glory 10:05 Love's most wondrous story 10:13 Heart of God's redemption of man 10:21 Glory to the Lamb 10:25 Pure as snow I stand 10:29 Worshipping the Lamb of Glory 10:37 With the saints I will stand in eternity 10:45 Giving thanks to the Lamb of Glory 10:58 Precious Lamb of Glory 11:06 Love's most wondrous story 11:14 Heart of God's redemption of man 11:22 Glory to the Lamb 11:26 Pure as snow I stand 11:30 Worshipping the Lamb of Glory 11:40 Precious Lamb of Glory 11:49 Love's most wondrous story 11:57 Heart of God's redemption of man 12:05 Glory to the Lamb 12:09 Pure as snow I stand 12:14 Worshipping the Lamb of Glory 12:30 Amen 12:42 Well, done, Pierre Van Westhuizen, 12:44 "Lamb of Glory." 12:45 My guests are Rich Smith, Ronda Smith and Carola Janiak. 12:50 Janiak? Janiak. Praise the Lord. 12:52 And they are representing Black Hills. 12:54 And guys, I want to just talk to you 12:55 just a little bit 12:56 because as I said 12:57 when I was there you weren't there yet. 12:58 How long have you been working at black Hills? 13:01 Well, actually we arrived in February. 13:03 Oh, okay. Newbies. 13:04 We are newbies, 13:06 not to the whole scenario health ministry 13:09 but to Black Hills we are. 13:10 So you have been in health ministries 13:12 for a while? 13:13 Actually Ronda I think maybe she is up to 35 years 13:17 and I'm maybe 25 years. 13:18 Okay, so you have been doing this a little while. 13:20 Yes. Yeah. 13:21 What brought you particularly to Black Hills? 13:23 We had been working in California at a program 13:27 and there was a little bit of a break in that 13:33 and it just happens that Carola 13:37 called and said there is a need in Black Hills, 13:40 would you be interested? 13:41 So I was kind of just one thing led to another 13:44 and so here we are. 13:47 So you knew each other before, Carola? 13:48 Yes. 13:49 I see. I see. So you been there a bit longer? 13:52 At Black Hills, no. I'm just there as a consultant. 13:55 Okay. Okay. 13:56 So you are not stationed at Black Hills per say? 13:58 No. I'm in Grand Junction, Colorado. 14:02 So you just, 14:03 you advised then as they get 14:05 this massage program up in running? 14:08 Exactly. Very, very good. 14:09 Very good. Very good. 14:10 Carola and I have actually 14:12 known each other for quite a number of years. 14:14 If some of listeners remember Charles Thomas 14:19 we had both worked 14:20 at different times with Dr. Thomas 14:24 and that's how we met many years ago. 14:26 I see. Very, very good. 14:29 Let's talk a little bit about this school of massage Carola, 14:34 because as I said when I was there it was still 14:38 and idea that was kind of fresh. 14:39 They wanted to move in to, 14:40 I think they may have had one person on staff 14:42 who had some background. 14:44 Why is that such an integral part 14:46 because for a while we didn't hear about 14:47 massage that much and you mentioned 14:49 there were no Adventist schools teaching it? 14:51 Why is that such an integral part of health 14:53 and why is that important? 14:55 Well, because touch is such an important thing 14:57 and more and more studies are coming out on that now 15:00 even in research 15:02 but touch is a wonderful way to reach hearts to Jesus 15:06 and we've seen that over and over again. 15:08 When you can help somebody and get them out of pain 15:11 and make then feel better 15:13 oh, my, their hearts just open up 15:15 and then will trust you and love you. 15:17 And whatever you have to say they are very open to it. 15:21 Now you obviously have a background, 15:23 where did you learn your technique? 15:25 Where did you study? I initially studied at Weimar. 15:28 I went there as a professional observer 15:30 also a nurse 15:32 and then I ended up going to Dr. Thomas 15:35 and he was my mentor for almost ten years 15:38 and we had the school there 15:40 so I ended up becoming an instructor. 15:43 And after he passed, you know, 15:44 he used to always say, keep the vision. 15:47 And so we wanted to pass on that vision, 15:49 so another graduate and I we started the hands 15:53 on medical massage school out near Loma Linda. 15:56 Because we wanted to continue that 15:58 that vision to show that we could do medical ministry 16:01 and still higher people at a good wage 16:04 and people being happy working in medical ministry 16:08 and giving high quality education. 16:12 Now I want to put some legs on us little bit 16:13 because your background is in nursing, 16:15 Ronda, your background is in nursing also. 16:18 You bring a nursing background to your practice. 16:23 The idea of massage, you know, you think sitting in a chair 16:26 and someone doing your neck kind of thing. 16:28 Is there really a medical benefit 16:31 to massage therapy 16:33 as far as over all health is concerned? 16:35 Wrestle with that for me for just a little bit. 16:38 More than just man, it feels good, you know, 16:41 is there-- 16:42 are you really doing something that has 16:43 long term medical benefit for the patient? 16:46 Absolutely. 16:47 Even when you are combining 16:48 and especially when you are combining 16:50 hydrotherapy with it. 16:52 So we teach hydrotherapy along with the massage 16:55 and it changes a person's well being. 16:57 Even their serotonin levels go up, 16:59 their dopamine levels go up, endorphins go up. 17:03 All those things even on a mind type of thing. 17:07 And hydrotherapy helps with depression, menopause. 17:12 There are so many different simple therapy treatment 17:15 such you can give in like 10-20 minutes 17:18 that can help somebody or teach them 17:19 how to do it themselves. 17:21 And more and more research is going into massage as well. 17:24 Not just with the muscles but also with structure, 17:28 with better breathing, better-- total better wellness, 17:33 even the digestive system. 17:35 When you work on the abdomen 17:37 and you are working in the internal, you know, 17:40 on the internal organs to get rid of it. 17:42 Adhesions, from surgeries 17:44 and a lot of disabilities that people have in pain 17:47 that they have no idea it can be taken away 17:50 with message therapy. 17:52 So I'm able to understand Rich, 17:55 that Black Hills now teaches massage therapy, 17:58 that's part of the curriculum? 17:59 Yes. 18:00 Well, the school of massage is right there on the campus 18:04 and we have a lovely school of massage, 18:09 well equipped and-- so there is a lot to work with. 18:14 Oh, there's a picture on the screen. 18:15 As I recall that's downstairs in-- 18:18 That's right. 18:19 Yeah. Yeah. 18:20 I'm trying to go through my mind. 18:21 Yeah. Yeah. 18:22 That's right. Yeah, yeah. 18:23 Very, very, very, very-- 18:24 You know, and I wanted to go back 18:26 to Carola mentioned hydrotherapy. 18:29 I had-- personally 18:30 I had a massage practice in Washington State 18:34 and one of I called it my secret weapon 18:38 of doing my massage practice was hydrotherapy. 18:42 I found that using-- 18:44 the use of water really reduces the amount of work 18:48 of a massage therapist 18:49 simply because you get better circulation 18:51 and it just reduce the amount of work that you had to do 18:55 and the results were better. 18:56 So it's really, really, quite powerful. 18:58 No Carola, sort of nodding her head. 18:59 Oh, yeah. I agree with him. 19:00 Yes, obviously it does it. Amazing. 19:01 Now when you say hydrotherapy, 19:03 footbaths, hot baths, immersion baths, 19:06 how you combining the two? 19:07 I'm very curious. I want Carola answer that. 19:09 Yeah, there are salt glows 19:11 like for people going through menopause amazing, 19:14 just for a hot flashes, for those mood swings 19:18 and its simple salt glow that you just rub salt on 19:21 you know, your whole body, you do it in a certain way 19:24 and there is different wraps 19:25 like people who have anxiety attacks, panic attacks, 19:29 those kind of things that we just wrap them up 19:32 and keep them in a wrap for maybe an hour 19:36 and its amazing what happens. 19:38 Even kids, when you give kids a massage for ADD, ADHD 19:43 just amazing how they respond to that. 19:46 They become calmer, they are able to focus 19:51 and they do well in school. 19:53 And we've even had teachers come back and say 19:55 wow, what medication is your boy on? 19:58 And it's like there is no medication 20:00 its just plain massage. 20:02 You wouldn't think that there would be a connection 20:04 between massage and really calming a child down 20:07 that sort of not focused 20:08 and just kind of all over the place, 20:10 that is a wonderful. 20:11 Now, if I wanted to come away with some sort of degree 20:15 or paper in massage therapy 20:19 does Black Hills provide that and how long is the course? 20:23 It's a five and half month course 20:26 and they come away with a certificate 20:28 which they can use to take their MBLEX 20:31 which is a licensing exam. 20:34 So they can go to different states and practice 20:38 and then they are eligible to be to have a career. 20:42 So that's the nice thing. 20:44 Not just a certification but because its state certified 20:47 they are able to work when they are done. 20:50 So they can combine this with medical ministry 20:53 and just really minister to people's needs. 20:55 Because we even teach them how to pray with their clients. 21:00 Oh, praise the Lord. 21:01 That's-- so walk me through this now. 21:04 So I'm a person who comes out of Black Hills 21:08 with certificate in massage therapy 21:11 what knowledge base do they have 21:13 as far as what to do, how to do it, body parts, 21:15 what not to do, what do they know? 21:19 Some other the basic courses are anatomy, physiology, 21:22 pathology. 21:23 So when things go wrong like diabetes and that 21:26 that they study that and know 21:28 how to work with these types of clients. 21:30 Then there is kinesiology 21:33 and on top of all of that is the hands on. 21:35 The Swedish massage, deep tissue, sports massage 21:39 which is a lot of fun and chair massage 21:43 it's just a lot of different higher end. 21:46 lymph massage, myofascial, neuromuscular 21:50 that they will be learning 21:51 so that they can see all different types of patients 21:54 or clients. 21:56 And also we are going to have a variety of instructors. 22:01 So it's not just gonna be one person 22:03 teaching the whole program. 22:04 It will be people who are experts 22:06 in that certain area. 22:08 So say pathology will almost likely have 22:10 either like a medical student or a nurse, 22:13 someone who is professional in that area teaching. 22:16 Same thing with anatomy in physiology 22:18 we have a physician who is teaching that. 22:21 Okay. 22:22 So lots of different instructors, 22:24 so it makes it more interesting to the students. 22:27 In that way the program doesn't just fold 22:30 if one person walks away. 22:31 I see. I see. 22:33 So as a consultant what are you trying to get the people 22:36 or the-- at Black Hills 22:38 to try to understand or to put into place 22:40 so that this is an effective course? 22:42 Well, we are trying to get all the instructors into place. 22:45 We have a coordinator Bethany who is just awesome, 22:49 that's gonna be in touch with the students. 22:51 So when the students call in 22:53 that's who they will be talking to. 22:55 And so she will help to make sure 22:57 that the instructor show up and the students 23:00 and the students will be wearing scrubs 23:03 so that's their uniform 23:04 and then when they go out in the community 23:06 and that's something that we really want to do 23:08 is get them in the community doing chair massage 23:11 and working at sports events. 23:14 So this way we get them out in the community 23:16 and bring the community back to Black Hills 23:20 and to see, you know, the professionalism, 23:23 the high education, quality, 23:26 you know, that set these institutions. 23:28 So hands on is an integral part of the curriculum? 23:31 Absolutely. 23:32 Lots of hands on, lots of experience. 23:35 We are also gonna have a clinic. 23:37 So it's a community clinic where they pay 23:40 or their charge maybe $25-$30 for a treatment 23:44 which most people can afford and the community comes in 23:48 and it becomes like a family which is really nice. 23:50 Yeah. Yeah. 23:52 And then they get low cost treatments 23:54 and are able to tell other people about it. 23:56 I like the idea that Black Hills gets to interface 23:58 with the community by doing this. 24:00 Now I need to ask you Mr. Development guy, 24:02 is there a market for, are there a lot of people 24:06 who want to learn these techniques? 24:08 Yes. Yes. 24:09 Yeah. 24:10 I would say absolutely. 24:12 Massage is a-- its been around forever 24:16 but it is a ever expanding industry 24:20 and you just hear more and more about it 24:23 and of course you have so many different methods 24:27 that you can what you want to do 24:29 I call it a fluffy massage 24:30 which will be a Swedish massage, 24:31 which is that feel good that you are talking about. 24:33 Yeah. Yeah. 24:35 But if you want to do more therapeutic 24:38 that's, you know, it's great 24:40 because we offer not just Swedish 24:43 but more specific massages 24:45 and you can go out and start your own practice 24:49 or you can work for somebody else. 24:51 Its just really very-- 24:55 there's so many ways you could go. 24:57 And as I was going that so that you're training people 25:00 so that when they leave they've got a marketable skill 25:03 that they can take and earn money. 25:04 I mean, this is not something like where you got this degree 25:06 and you can't do anything with it. 25:07 There is a need out there and a call out there 25:09 and a desire for this kind of skill. 25:11 Absolutely. Yeah. 25:12 You know, not still from Carola hear 25:15 but there is actually business component to a class 25:19 is that kind of gets them on track of what should I do, 25:22 what shouldn't I do, what do I need to do 25:25 as far as getting my own practice going on. 25:28 Very good. Yeah. 25:29 Yeah. It's great. 25:30 It's a real good package. 25:31 Yeah, it sounds like that, 25:32 this is kind of a one stop shopping kind of thing. 25:35 We will give you the skills 25:36 and then we also give you methodology 25:38 so that you can go out and act to get a job 25:39 due to this knowledge. 25:40 If you are comfortable. 25:41 Yeah, praise the Lord. 25:42 And its also based on Christian principles 25:45 which a lot of the massage schools 25:48 nowadays are you know, more new age. 25:51 This is all based on Christian principles. 25:53 Yeah. Now I'm glad you said that. 25:55 That's very, very important because there are aspects 25:58 they get into yoga and get into some other kinds of things. 26:00 You are not into that. 26:01 You are on Christian principles. 26:02 Excellent. Excellent. 26:03 Excellent. 26:04 I want to move over to Ronda. 26:07 We didn't call you here just to be a pretty face 26:09 we actually want you to talk about the wellness center. 26:14 First tell me what the wellness center is. 26:17 Well, the wellness center is 26:18 where the people come and stay for 18 days. 26:21 We do have an 11 day program 26:23 but most people need the 18 days. 26:25 And we teach them how to live healthier 26:31 through diet and exercise, hydrotherapy, massage. 26:36 We actually educate them, why these things are important 26:41 and we just teach them everything 26:46 they need to do to go home and life healthfully. 26:49 They actually get in the kitchen 26:50 and help cook in cooking labs 26:52 and it's just a really amazing program. 26:57 They visit the doctor, we do lab work 26:59 to see where they are at 27:01 and we have a fitness center, 27:05 we have a wonderful fitness center 27:07 with like 30 different exercise machines and stations. 27:12 Yeah. 27:13 And a fitness trainer that just helps them individually 27:17 what they need to work on 27:20 and just kind of tailor it for their needs. 27:23 Yeah, yeah. 27:24 When I was there I was in that fitness center every morning 27:28 but I found one of the nicest, 27:30 most refreshing things was to walk. 27:32 We went out and you got some beautiful trails 27:34 and you're also having that good clean air. 27:36 So I suspect 27:37 that's an integral part of the program also. 27:39 Yes. 27:40 We really encourage them to get outside 27:42 and we have like you said wonderful places to walk 27:45 and we have actually a group walk 27:47 where you can walk together 27:49 and it's just a really 27:53 a nice camaraderi that develops and people really enjoy. 27:59 It's not just boot camp its all hard work, 28:02 it's a lot of good times. Yeah. 28:06 Now, I assume there I went out as a speaker 28:09 for the camp meeting 28:10 but I said since I'm here and my wife and I are both here 28:13 we might as well immerse ourselves into the program. 28:16 You know, so we kind of jumped into the boot camp 28:19 and other thing 28:20 but I found it very refreshing 28:23 and in talking with the people who were there. 28:25 And maybe we need to talk about this, 28:26 what are the kinds of I'll use patients of clients that come? 28:31 Is there anyone that is too sick to take, 28:34 are you looking for a specific kinds of things to heal. 28:36 You take whatever comes? 28:37 Walk me through the mindset of the people 28:39 that come to Black Hills. 28:41 Well, the only real restriction we have 28:44 is they have to be able to walk or take care of themselves. 28:51 But we get all kinds of problems, 28:56 common ones are like heart diseases, hypertension, 28:58 diabetes, 29:00 but arthritis, muscular skeletal problems, 29:05 depression is becoming much more of a diagnosis 29:09 that we see even though it can be right along 29:12 with all the other medical problems. 29:15 We also have some health coaches 29:20 that help spiritually and mentally 29:23 and we have seen wonderful things 29:25 happen with that. 29:26 They are helping you to find tools 29:31 that help you to deal with mental or emotional problems, 29:35 depression, anything like that. 29:38 It's just amazing to see how the simple principles 29:42 that God has give us work 29:44 not only physically 29:45 but mentally and emotionally as well. 29:49 That's-- 29:50 You weave into your treatment. 29:54 The idea and I've heard it 29:57 all three you sort of allude to it. 30:00 There is a spiritual component 30:01 that under guards all that you do. 30:03 So when a person comes they are gonna get 30:06 quality medical care 30:08 but there is also a spiritual component 30:11 that filters its way into all of that. 30:13 What if a person is opposed to that? 30:17 I just want to get well. 30:18 I got depressed, I got this, 30:20 I don't really see a need for that. 30:22 How do you address a person that comes with that mindset? 30:26 We respect that. 30:28 You know, there is, like there is a thought for the day 30:31 which is spiritual 30:33 but if they don't want to attend that that's fine. 30:36 We respect people from any belief system 30:40 and you know, we feel that 30:43 they are gonna get a better benefit 30:45 if they have the spiritual component as well 30:48 but that is their choice. 30:50 I would rather suspect though 30:51 that you don't get many with that kind of mindset 30:54 because the fact is that they are coming to you 30:56 and this is what you do. 30:57 They are kind of open to that. 30:58 Yes. Yeah. 30:59 Yeah. At least open to it. 31:02 Is there any particular reason 31:03 why an 18 day that number fits or works, 31:07 that seems to be the optimal number. 31:10 There are shorter programs but 18 as supposed to 30 days 31:13 or 60 days or 90 that seems to be a good fit 31:16 for health and for development. 31:19 Well, a couple of things are probably involved. 31:21 Number one, people can't take such a huge amount of time out 31:25 from work so you try to make you know, fit into that. 31:28 But also it takes a while to actually 31:34 change your lifestyle and see those changes affect, 31:38 how you feel and that kind of thing. 31:40 Actually they feel pretty good 31:42 usually within a short amount of time 31:44 but that helps you to feel like comfortable enough 31:49 with the habits that you can go home 31:51 and do this at home and that's the important thing. 31:54 Because if you just come for 18 days, 31:57 you know, may have been a nice pleasant 18 days 32:00 but really what counts is 32:01 what you do with it when you go home. 32:03 And that's what we are trying to teach them 32:05 and having grained into their lifestyle is-- 32:09 these are the things 32:10 that are gonna help you feel better 32:11 for the rest of your life. 32:13 So you are trying to put in things 32:14 that they can't it's not go in Hawaii 32:16 then you forgot about when you get out. 32:18 We need you to carry on 32:19 and I suspect that's an important part 32:21 of what you try to teach them that 32:22 it does no good to just come here 32:25 and 18 days of this regiment and then go home 32:28 and return back to your old life. 32:29 Exactly. Yeah. 32:30 Very true, yes. Very good. 32:32 Most of clients are referred to word of mouth, 32:36 how do you get the people that come? 32:39 Some people just go on the internet 32:40 and find us there, 32:43 others word of mouth. 32:45 People that have been there say, oh, yeah, you know, 32:47 this is where you need to be. 32:50 Anyway that they just call us and we work through them 32:53 the process of helping them get there. 32:57 They could maybe even watch 3ABN. 33:02 Oh, you think? Praise the Lord. 33:04 I want to talk about a couple things 33:05 because when we talk about a place like Black Hills 33:08 you have doctors there. 33:11 I mean, this is not-- 33:12 you both have nursing background 33:13 so we've got medical care at that level 33:16 but there are doctors and physicians there 33:17 who are part of the overall treatment, are they not? 33:20 Yes, and they see the doctor once or twice a week. 33:24 We do lab tests when they come in 33:26 and also when they leave. 33:27 Also the 18 day program is what we call the full medical. 33:33 That means they see the doctor, 33:34 have the lab tests, you know, all the other things as well. 33:39 And then we have a mini medical 33:41 which we allow people to go into it 33:45 that don't necessarily need the supervision of the doctor. 33:48 We check them when they come in, 33:50 we do some lab work and things like that 33:51 but they don't have health issues 33:55 that they are really needing a doctors continued care. 33:59 And then we have a tune-up program 34:02 which is for those 34:03 who really don't have any health issues. 34:05 They just want to have a healthy vacation 34:09 or learn how to stay healthy, 34:15 you know, and just want some relaxing time away. 34:18 We keep them busy but-- 34:20 Yeah. Yeah. 34:21 So there is different things. 34:22 Let me ask you one of those kind of 34:24 high concept on to logical questions 34:26 we threw out every now and then. 34:28 We live in a world where people want, 34:30 they want it they want it now. 34:33 Give me a pill in the morning I want this to be gone. 34:36 Why would a person come to Black Hills? 34:40 You know, I'm trying to figure the mindset 34:43 that of the things that you have to offer. 34:46 Go to your local hospital, go to your local gym, 34:50 why would a person stop their routine, 34:52 put their life on hold and come to Black Hills? 34:55 What is it about Black Hills that would say 34:57 you need to be here because 34:59 we are doing something different than just 35:02 running to your doctor 35:03 or running to a CVS and getting a pill? 35:05 What is it about Black Hills that would draw a person 35:07 and then give them something of value 35:09 that may affect the rest of their lives? 35:10 Well, you know, have you heard of epigenetic? 35:15 It's something that's relatively new. 35:17 I mean, its been around for a few years but 35:21 they are studying the fact that our genes, 35:25 you know, we sometimes think that 35:26 well, I've just got bad genes that's' the reason 35:28 I've got all these health issues. 35:30 But actually they are discovering 35:32 more and more that our genes 35:37 its like they say the heredity loads the gun 35:42 but lifestyle pulls the trigger and really they have found 35:47 that about 70 percent of our health 35:50 is determined by the lifestyle that we live. 35:52 What we eat, what we exercise, the stress all these things 35:57 make a huge different much more than our genes. 36:01 Because the lifestyle you can have a gene 36:04 that says you are going to-- in your family 36:06 they are gonna have high cholesterol 36:08 or diabetes or whatever 36:11 but you can turn that gene off 36:15 through lifestyle. 36:17 So it's really the most important component 36:21 of being healthy 36:22 is what you are doing in your lifestyle 36:25 and that's exciting because we can change that. 36:27 We can't change your genes 36:29 but we can change which of those are expressed. 36:32 Turned on so to speak. 36:34 Yeah. I like it. 36:35 Well, and what is exciting not to over use that word 36:39 but the fact that science is actually 36:40 able to study that now 36:42 and watch those often on switches 36:45 as we change our lifestyle 36:47 and the corrections in our health. 36:49 So its really very fascinating feel 36:52 that is growing by leaps and bounds. 36:54 The picture that I'm getting and what makes a Black Hills 36:57 so necessary is that we need time to get, 37:03 to use a phrase into your head 37:05 because what's going in your head 37:06 is gonna affect your body. 37:07 So we need to pull you out of your nine to five, 37:10 your work a day, get you away from that 37:12 so we can rearrange what's happening here 37:15 so then you can change what's happening here. 37:18 Is that kind of what we are going with this? 37:19 Yes, absolutely. 37:20 And you know there are environment 37:22 whenever you go there 37:24 is absolutely, it's so beautiful. 37:27 You just walk on 37:28 and here is this beauty that you just, 37:32 you can't help but take a great big deep breath 37:34 and relax. 37:36 And we hear that comment frequently. 37:38 You look in the picture Black Hills 37:40 is a surpassing beautiful place. 37:42 As I said like you-- 37:43 we drove in at night and it was just pitch black 37:46 and you just kind of, 37:48 you can see as far as the headlights take you 37:50 but when the sun comes up you are into this beauty 37:52 and I must say that I'm an New York city guy 37:53 but that environment is got to be conducive 37:56 to some kind of growth in your heart 37:58 and in your mind because its just-- 37:59 you are in nature, 38:00 you are out there and its just beautiful. 38:02 It really is. 38:03 Yeah, the two pictures we just saw 38:05 one was taken from Inspiration Point 38:10 which is upon one of those cliffs, 38:11 one of those cliffs and overlooks the valley 38:14 and that was just one little segment 38:16 that you can see on Inspiration Point 38:19 and but the valley is quite long. 38:21 Then the other picture was Battle Creek. 38:25 And Battle Creek has nothing to do with Battle Creek 38:27 that we understand that to do 38:30 with the local Indian population there. 38:33 How they had their skirmishes next to that creek. 38:35 Yeah. Yeah. So lot of history. 38:37 Really, really, when we took out walk 38:39 and we went through forest, we went through kind of meadow, 38:42 we went over big rocks, we did rushing water, 38:45 there's all different kinds of terrain 38:47 within just a few miles and you can diverse 38:50 and it was really, really, just a refreshing time. 38:52 Well, you know, what, 38:53 its kind of fun, its kind of a side 38:56 from what we are doing on campus there 38:58 but we have, we are in such a historical area 39:01 with Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse 39:03 and it just goes on and on. 39:05 That's one of the fun things we get to do on a weekends. 39:07 Yes. Yes. Yeah. 39:09 We have two weekends and on both Sabbath and Sunday 39:13 we do day appropriate things for those 39:17 and so people get to come and get better health 39:20 and go see one of the most spectacular 39:22 manmade things of Mount Rushmore. 39:24 Literally I think its 13 or 14 miles down the road 39:28 so a real easy drive and then just so real beauty. 39:32 Yeah, I remember being in church Sabbath morning 39:33 and then Sabbath afternoon out in nature 39:36 and then Sunday we went back and actually, 39:37 you know, the Crazy Horse, Mount Rushmore kind of thing. 39:40 And then we herds of buffalo and kind of thing. 39:42 Its just it's for a person who spend a lot of time in city 39:45 breathing second-hand air and smoke everything else so, 39:48 get out there and to be in nature 39:50 and to see those things. 39:51 I think there is something that does on in your heart, 39:53 in your soul just being in nature 39:54 and breathing the air. 39:56 And being part of that experience. 39:57 Yeah. Yes. 39:58 Then you get a good massage, you know. 40:02 That's a good stuff. How can you leave it? 40:06 Before our time gets over 40:07 and I'm looking at the back end of my notes here, 40:09 you got some actual miracle stories. 40:12 This of the-- 40:13 I mean, you got some proof that this kind of thing works. 40:17 You mentioned, I see a young boy with ADHA 40:21 and I mean, medical sciences said 40:23 the only way to deal with that innocent 40:25 is dope him up or give him some kind of pill 40:27 or something but obviously 40:28 there are other ways to kind of tackle that. 40:30 Are they not? 40:32 Well, even in our clinic or student clinic 40:35 that we used to have in Southern California 40:37 we had a young boy came 40:38 and took the place of his father. 40:40 And as long as the parents are there 40:42 we can work on the minor. 40:43 And so the mother was there 40:46 and she told us little bit about her son having 40:49 always sleep disorders and not doing well in school 40:52 and in being in the lower classes 40:55 and she was very concerned 40:57 and they kept telling her, get him on riddling, 40:59 get him on these medications and she says no, 41:02 I'm not gonna do that. 41:04 Then he came to clinic 41:05 and took his father's place for massage 41:08 and all he got was just a Swedish massage 41:11 and then he went back to school the next day 41:13 and the instructor said or the teacher said, 41:16 what medication did you put your boy no. 41:18 It's working wonderfully. 41:20 And so she got to thinking and she is like well, 41:23 the only thing is he had a massage last night. 41:26 And so he continued to come back 41:28 and I saw him recently and he is a big boy now 41:31 and he went up in his classes and just went to a, 41:36 you know, ended up being in the normal classes 41:38 and doing well. 41:39 Praise the Lord. Praise God. Praise God. 41:42 Some of these things, you know, the outworking of just 41:46 bad eating habits or bad living habits. 41:49 Do you see those kind of dramatic changes 41:50 in that 18 day period? 41:52 Yes. 41:53 You know, everything from losing weight 41:55 to lowering the cholesterol, the blood pressure, 41:58 of course when they exercise too 42:01 and that's really helpful. 42:02 But all of that combined it's a plant based diet 42:06 and its just amazing 42:09 the results we see in the lab work. 42:10 I mean, which is something objective that you can see, 42:13 you know, it was here 42:15 and it went down 55 points or whatever. 42:18 And it's pretty convincing. 42:21 I mean, we work in this and so we see it all the time 42:24 and it kind of gets like old hat. 42:26 That's yeah, that's what we expect. 42:28 If you forget the miracle that really is then 42:31 you know, that God has made us. 42:33 If we eat right and take care of our bodies 42:36 that we don't have to 42:39 go through all the pain and suffering. 42:43 So obviously you get the anecdotal evidence 42:45 oh, boy, I feel better but you also got the metrics 42:47 to you got some hard facts in front of that. 42:49 You do A,B,C,D this is gonna happen. 42:51 Yeah. And you see that. 42:52 I mean, everybody is, everybody is little different 42:55 and genes does play into it 42:57 but you know, you can improve it 43:00 even with bad genes or whatever. 43:02 And often times its not everything like I said 43:05 that happens in the 18 days 43:08 sometimes things really progress after you leave. 43:11 So it's a combination of we see amazing things there 43:15 but for some people it takes little longer. 43:17 Depending on how long they have had a bad lifestyle 43:21 you know, sometimes it takes little longer 43:23 to get things moving in the right direction. 43:25 Praise the Lord. Praise God. 43:26 That is very, very excited, exciting rather. 43:32 Do people as their health gets better 43:36 do you have incidents 43:37 when they do get a better hold on Jesus, 43:39 on who He is. 43:40 Do you see that happen also? 43:42 Yes. Very much so. 43:44 You know, it's amazing how when people start 43:46 feeling better their priorities change. 43:49 They start seeing things different and they say, wow. 43:55 You know, this is amazing. 43:56 If God told us how to do things physically to make us healthy, 44:01 you know, let's see what else He says. 44:02 I mean, it's just a natural reaction 44:04 that happens. 44:06 It's quite amazing to people's spiritual changes as well. 44:09 And they have time to stop and think. 44:12 You know, we are so busy sometimes 44:14 in life that we don't have time to stop and think 44:17 about really what are my priorities 44:19 and where do I want to go, what I want to do 44:22 and so when they have time to and feel better they really-- 44:26 it's just a life changing experience really. 44:29 Praise the Lord. 44:30 I found and I don't know 44:31 if it was something you guys did or it just, 44:33 my cell phone does not always work, 44:36 did not always work at Black Hills. 44:37 Yeah. 44:39 I don't know if that providential or-- 44:41 Yeah, we're gonna say it's a God thing 44:43 but a place that I could not get a signal 44:45 and I said, maybe not if the Lord is doing something. 44:48 Praise the Lord. Yeah. 44:50 A little forth downtime so that you can concentrate 44:53 on what's going on and maybe that's not so bad. 44:56 Yeah. 44:57 I want to before we go to our music 44:59 just take a moment before our time slips away to give you 45:02 the contact information for Black Hills. 45:05 Because probably you heard something 45:07 that has tweaked your interest, you may want to take some time 45:12 and really just get healthy and get a new mindset 45:15 and contact them because they are certainly 45:19 have some information to give you. 45:20 Should you want to make contact with 45:22 Black Hills Health and Heal-- 45:24 HHEC, here's how you can do precisely that. 45:32 If you would like to reclaim your health 45:34 and learn the secrets of on going wellness 45:36 then you could write 45:37 to Black Hills Health and Education Center. 45:39 PO Box 19, Hermosa, South Dakota, 57744. 45:44 That's Black Hills Health and Education Center. 45:47 PO Box 19, Hermosa, South Dakota, 57744. 45:53 You can call 605-255-4101. 45:57 That's 605-255-4101. 46:01 Or visit their website at 46:06 and find out how their health programs 46:07 can benefit you. 46:09 That's 46:17 All right, well that information there. 46:20 You were talking about 46:21 an exploratory children's program 46:22 that you are sort of playing with, walk me through that. 46:25 Well, you know, we are just in process. 46:28 In fact, Ronda and I had been talking 46:30 about it for several months. 46:33 Probably most people have noticed that 46:35 the children's health is getting worse 46:38 and some say that even children 46:40 are not going to live as long as their parents did and so on. 46:44 And we're kind of exploring the possibility 46:46 of maybe starting some kind of 46:49 a children's health education program. 46:52 Whether or not that's on campus, 46:54 whether not that's off campus. 46:56 We are not exactly sure, we are just trying to see 46:59 whether or not there would be an interest 47:01 in something like that 47:02 because the need is just beginning to explode. 47:05 And so that's kind of 47:08 what we are exploring right now. 47:10 And because I know there is programs 47:12 but so we are just kind of looking into that. 47:14 Here's what I noticed what is exciting about 47:18 and they separate you from other lifestyle centers. 47:22 Your educational component is very strong 47:25 rather than just come and get well 47:27 and God bless you bye. 47:29 You're putting some things in place 47:32 that would begin to train people 47:35 but also move out in some other areas 47:37 as that you see are necessary 47:39 when you look at lifestyle today 47:41 and it seems a separate Black Hills a little bit from-- 47:43 well, maybe some other places that just kind of heals 47:45 and send you on your way. 47:47 But this teaching component is very, very strong. 47:49 Is it no so? Yes. Yes. 47:50 Its exactly right. 47:52 Praise God. Praise God. 47:53 Very, very, very, very exciting. I'm sorry. 47:56 We need to reach the community. 47:57 Yeah. Yeah. 47:58 And let me just ask this before our time gets away. 48:00 You kind of come off the mountain a lot, 48:03 do you not and go into that local community. 48:05 We have in the past yes, that's where in process 48:09 of actually will be going in the churches 48:11 both denominational Adventist churches 48:14 as well as non-Adventist churches. 48:16 And just anybody that invites us 48:18 to come and give them information about it. 48:22 Okay. Okay. 48:24 So do you as-- 48:25 we gave contact information. 48:27 If a church wants to get information on Black Hills 48:30 could they get a representative to come out 48:32 and sort of walk them through what you do and what you offer. 48:33 They could absolutely. 48:35 The could give us a ring 48:36 and we can see what we can do for them. 48:38 Okay, excellent. 48:40 Are there employment opportunities open there? 48:43 We have-- right now we have-- 48:46 It's listed on the website. Yes, listed on the website. 48:48 That would probably be the best to just go to the website 48:52 in the contacts tab there is employment, 48:55 go there and it's listed right there. 48:56 Okay. 48:57 And if I wanted to get training, 48:59 I wanted to go into massage therapy 49:01 I can do that same thing and-- 49:02 Absolutely. 49:03 Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. 49:05 We are gonna go to our music just now before 49:07 we go to our news break. 49:09 We are going to bring back Pierre Van Westhuizen again 49:11 and this time he is going to be singing, 49:13 "We Believe." 49:50 We believe in the Father 49:56 Who created all that is 50:03 And we believe 50:06 The universe and all there in is His 50:16 As a loving heavenly Father 50:22 He yearned to save us all 50:29 To lift us from the fall 50:36 We believe 50:42 We believe in Jesus 50:48 The Father's only Son 50:55 Existing uncreated 51:01 Before time had begun 51:08 A sacrifice for sin 51:14 He died then rose again 51:21 To ransom sinful men 51:28 We believe 51:34 We believe in the spirit 51:40 Who makes believers one 51:47 Our hearts are filled with His presence 51:53 The Comforter has come 51:59 His kingdom unfolds in His plan 52:06 Unhindered by quarrels of man 52:12 His church upheld by His hand 52:20 We believe 52:25 Though the earth be removed 52:28 And time be no more 52:32 These truths are secure God's word shall endure 52:38 Whatever may change, these things are sure 52:45 We believe 52:51 So if the mountains are cast down into the plains 52:58 If kingdoms all crumble, this one remains 53:04 Our faith is not subject to seasons of man 53:11 With our fathers we proclaim 53:17 We believe our Lord will come as He said 53:24 The land and the sea will give up their dead 53:30 His children will reign with Him as their head 53:37 We believe 53:47 We believe |
Revised 2015-07-30