3ABN Today

Testimony + 'My God is Bigger' book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John & Angie Lomacang (Host), Helen Heavirland


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015034A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, friends.
01:09 Welcome to another 3ABN today program.
01:12 My name is John Lomacang and thank you so much
01:15 for taking the time to tune in today to join us
01:18 for what I believe is going to be
01:19 a faith building encouraging program
01:23 as our guest today is going to walk you
01:25 through the experiences of her life
01:27 letting you know that God
01:28 has been there with her in the beginning,
01:30 He is with her today
01:31 and He promises never to leave and never to forsake.
01:36 Many of us face trials and challenges,
01:39 some of them are more than just natural.
01:42 Some of them are spiritualistic and you will find out
01:45 from our guest today how you handle those moments
01:47 when those attacks come into your life.
01:51 She is an author and encourager
01:53 and you will get a chance to meet her in just a few moments.
01:55 But if you are part of our 3ABN family
01:57 we thank you for your prayers
01:59 and also for your financial support
02:01 which makes it possible for this ministry
02:04 to continue going and growing
02:05 as we prepare for the soon coming of our Savior.
02:09 Today, just before you meet our guest we have a song
02:12 by young man that's gonna be playing Johan Sentana
02:15 and he is gonna be playing a song on piano entitled
02:18 "Abide With Me."
07:45 Thank you so much for that song
07:47 "Abide With Me."
07:48 You know it sets the stage to segue from the thoughts
07:52 that the song brings to our mind
07:54 to the meaning of this program
07:56 how God chooses to abide with His people
07:59 every moment of every day through the good times
08:02 and through the bad times.
08:05 And so allow us at this time to introduce you to our guest.
08:09 Helen Heavirland, good to have you here today.
08:12 Thank you.
08:13 I'm so close I'll reach out and shake your hand.
08:15 And you are very interesting person.
08:19 We had a chance to talk before the interview
08:23 to find out a little bit about your life how--
08:26 and so those who are watching and listening to the program
08:29 I'm gonna give you the opportunity now
08:30 to tell them who you are, where you are from,
08:32 and a little bit more on what you do right now.
08:36 Well, I grew up in a home that read stories.
08:40 Okay.
08:41 Christian stories, inspirational stories,
08:43 nature stories.
08:45 And I really believe that the beginnings
08:48 of my training for what God has called me to do
08:52 started before I could even understand the words
08:55 of the stories as my dad would read to our whole family,
09:00 to my older brothers and sisters who understood.
09:03 But I was too young at first but yet the cadence of story
09:06 just began to be in my mind and it was a Christian home
09:10 for which I'm very thankful
09:12 and through the years
09:14 I grew up, went to-- became a nurse,
09:19 grew up on a farm
09:21 and then married
09:27 and my husband had-- has a business
09:30 and I became his bookkeeper and secretary
09:34 and but for the small family business
09:36 and life was going along fine.
09:41 And then-- then I've always enjoyed words
09:45 and I have always would kind of write a lot of things
09:49 but I never published anything at least not much.
09:52 And then on my 40th birthday
09:56 I remember thinking about the number of candles
09:59 and thinking, you know, there is a verse
10:03 that talks about three score and ten.
10:06 If we have 70 years I am more than halfway there.
10:10 And if I was ever going to write,
10:13 maybe I ought to get started.
10:15 Okay.
10:17 I started writing.
10:18 So diving into the cadence of life saying okay,
10:21 if there is ever a good time
10:22 to begin what I'm enjoying this is a good time.
10:25 Where is home for you though? Where is it?
10:26 I live in the Walla Walla Valley
10:28 right out on the Oregon and Washington State borders.
10:32 Okay.
10:33 Now was that you were raised in that area?
10:36 I was raised first in the coastal mountains of Oregon
10:39 and then in the around Tri-Cities
10:42 in Washington in the eastern desert
10:45 there and my family was among the very first farmers
10:50 that went into the Columbia Basin Irrigation District
10:53 which is the area below the Grand Coulee Dam.
10:56 We went in when it was desert and broke sod.
10:59 I feel like kind of belong with people--
11:01 Like a pioneer. Yes.
11:02 Like a-- we were pioneers. Wow.
11:05 You know, when I think of the north west
11:07 I look at so much of the green trees
11:09 and the beautifully landscaped mountains
11:12 and its hard to think of desert being up west.
11:15 But I know, I know where the Grand Coulee Dam is.
11:18 So there was some desert at the
11:20 or is it a still desert out there?
11:22 There is still some desert
11:23 but now there is miles and miles of fields,
11:28 vineyards, orchids, farmers fields of all kinds of crops.
11:33 Wheat, of just all kinds of crops, potatoes et cetera.
11:37 And such a peaceful setting allows you
11:39 to really commune with God and growing up on that farm.
11:42 How many siblings are there?
11:45 Well, there are six of us
11:47 but we are very far spread apart so--
11:52 so I kind of-- it's like some of us
11:54 grew up almost as only children
11:56 because our older siblings were quite a bit older
11:58 and now younger siblings quite a bit younger.
12:00 And I had no brothers my age
12:02 so I was chief tractor driver.
12:04 Oh, so you, you really know
12:06 how to use farm equipment if you have to.
12:08 Yep. Wow.
12:09 And you talked about being a nurse,
12:11 that was when you decided to start writing
12:14 that was already a part of your profession?
12:16 Yes. Yeah.
12:17 I had already worked for nursing
12:18 for a number of years and then had gone on to being
12:22 a homemaker and the bookkeeper
12:24 and secretary.
12:25 We talked about being raised in a Christian family,
12:28 when did your Christian relationship
12:30 become more personal with the Lord?
12:31 You know, lot of times
12:32 we are raised in Christian home
12:33 but we don't inherit Christ.
12:35 Right. Talk about your conversion.
12:38 It was a slow thing for me
12:41 and step by step I came closer to Jesus
12:45 and I think one of the early times was,
12:48 early in high school when I just realized
12:53 that God really cared about me
12:55 as a young person and began to recognize
13:00 God's love for me on a personal basis.
13:04 He did and absolutely amazing miracle for me
13:07 when I was a sophomore and in high school and then,
13:12 and then in college as I took the class
13:15 Life and Teachings of Jesus.
13:18 And one day in my own devotions
13:21 read the statement about how God or how Jesus
13:25 would have died, you know, come to this earth,
13:28 gone through everything
13:29 He went through, gone to the cross
13:32 if only one person had sinned.
13:35 Wow.
13:36 And God just touched my heart that could have been me
13:40 that Jesus did that for me personally
13:44 and that was a very much
13:46 a deepening of the relationship with Him.
13:48 Wow.
13:49 You know, that is true when you think about well,
13:51 it is so easy to say, for God so loved the word
13:54 but its something all together different to say,
13:56 for God so loved me.
13:58 And that personal connection has not only value
14:01 but also helps us understand His intense love for us.
14:06 And then those phrases like
14:07 I will never leave You, never forsake You,
14:09 I'll be with You till the end always you think well,
14:12 who else will He be with, it's just Him and me.
14:15 And that's really, that's really wonderful.
14:16 And everyone else too but He is with each of us
14:20 as if we were the only one.
14:22 That's right.
14:24 That's wonderful.
14:25 Now, the desire to write,
14:30 talk about that because a lot of us,
14:32 you know, we wheedle, we've heard of young people,
14:35 most young girls being raised with a diary.
14:38 I don't know if you had a diary
14:40 but where did the desire to even start writing
14:42 or start penning your thoughts begin?
14:47 Well, probably on the tractor. Okay.
14:51 I mean, you have a lot of hours out there driving tractor,
14:54 moving the hay or bailing it or whatever you are doing
14:59 and my mind was always going doing something
15:03 and I would write poetry and in my mind
15:07 and you know and write stories in my mind.
15:10 And again that came from hearing stories all the time.
15:13 Mission stories and you know, but anyway I would in my mind
15:18 I wrote even though I was on the tractor
15:21 and I never had pen in hand.
15:23 But then when I went to school, academy and college
15:28 if I had a writing assignment
15:31 that was a major part of my grade
15:32 I do pretty good in that class because the writing classes
15:37 I just almost always did really well in those.
15:40 As long I had a term paper
15:41 that was a major part of my grade
15:43 got a good grade in that class.
15:45 And so I think God blessed with an ability to write
15:49 and you know, I recognized it but I--
15:53 until then I had never kept a diary.
15:55 It wasn't until years later that I started journaling
15:58 and writing my thoughts down that way.
16:02 You know, I knew a young man from the country of Norway
16:06 and he was just an amazing young man from Jan.
16:11 From his young days he would write an entry
16:15 into a journal every single day and he never stopped.
16:17 He is still doing that today.
16:19 He has I would say volumes of his life.
16:23 I was asking, I said to him, what's the purpose?
16:26 That he said, I'm chronicling my life so one day
16:28 it will be a benefit to someone.
16:29 But every morning he wakes up he writes something down
16:32 what he did today and I traveled with him
16:33 for two years and saw him do that.
16:35 What are you writing?
16:36 I'm writing what I did yesterday.
16:37 What are you writing?
16:39 I'm writing what I did yesterday
16:40 and what my day was like in my devotions.
16:41 And so that's that kind of personal chronological
16:44 walk through our lives.
16:47 And at this point a lot of my journaling
16:50 is its almost like a prayer journal,
16:51 a devotional journal
16:53 and it has been a real encouragement to me myself
16:57 as I look back sometimes at how, you know,
17:01 how God taught me in my devotions that morning.
17:04 And I will think about what was that
17:07 that was so inspiring to me and I look back
17:09 and it has been a real blessing to me to journal.
17:14 And as you are thinking God's thoughts and you speak them
17:19 or you write them they are just--
17:23 they go more deeply into your brain and somehow
17:27 I need Him, you know, with me and I need that
17:32 His presence in me into me that's a help.
17:35 And the journal and actually becomes a part of our journey.
17:38 Absolutely.
17:39 If you go back and you look
17:40 and like a prayer journal.
17:42 My wife and I have-- we go back and we look in it
17:45 and we look at the dates because whenever
17:46 we write a prayer we remember the dates
17:48 and we go back couple of years and remember wow,
17:51 remember that and just all of the sudden
17:53 the thought comes back to our mind and reminds us
17:56 with that personal connection with God.
17:58 Now in the journaling part of your life
17:59 and in the writing part and thinking your thoughts
18:02 and eventually penning those thoughts
18:04 one day your life was catapulted into this call
18:08 on your life to go ahead and being to be an offer.
18:12 There was a young man that you heard his testimony.
18:16 Matter of fact when I say young man
18:18 I do that respectfully.
18:19 My wife's manager she works over 3ABN radio Jay Christian,
18:26 you heard him tell us testimony one day about his entrance
18:30 into the occult world and you were in that crowd.
18:33 Tell us what it was like that particular day
18:35 when you were listening to that testimony?
18:39 I was moved by his testimony and moved
18:42 about how God had reached out to him and drawn him.
18:47 About the things that caught him up
18:51 and into a direction that was not towards God
18:57 but how God never gave upon him,
18:59 kept reaching and drawing him to Himself.
19:02 And I just was somehow it just fascinated me
19:06 and-- you know,
19:11 I was thinking more of it
19:12 except on the way out of the building that day.
19:17 I had an impression
19:18 you ought to offer to write Jay story.
19:23 And I just put that out of my mind
19:26 and it came back again as we were going through
19:28 the four year I just laughed.
19:30 And my husband said, what are you laughing about?
19:35 And I said, oh, nothing.
19:37 Anyway the impression just kept coming back
19:39 and I pushed it off and pushed it off.
19:41 I couldn't-- at first I didn't--
19:44 I just thought it was funny idea but I came to realize
19:47 that it probably was God calling
19:49 but I did not feel adequate to write a book.
19:52 I had written by this time a number of short things
19:54 and had a number of things published but never a book.
19:58 And I didn't feel adequate to write a book.
20:01 And I kind of-- I related very well to Gideon
20:07 who-- oh, when he was called, you know,
20:10 I'm from the smallest clan
20:12 and my family is the smallest
20:14 and I'm the weakest in my family.
20:15 I can't do this, you know, or Jeremiah.
20:18 Oh, you know, I'm just a kid, I can't do that.
20:21 Right. Or Moses, not me.
20:25 Not me, yeah. Yeah.
20:27 You know, let me just--
20:29 I thought about that in the context
20:31 of what you just said, the Lord often calls
20:33 those who understand their deficiencies
20:35 to reveal His strength.
20:36 Yes.
20:38 That's just a very fascinating thought
20:39 because people are not necessarily
20:41 most everyone that God called wasn't pre-qualified.
20:46 But He qualified them
20:48 because they had these interpretations
20:49 in their own lives, these apprehensions,
20:51 these hesitations, these moments
20:53 of their inadequacies recognize
20:55 and you are calling me to go
20:57 and when I go to talk to Pharaoh
20:59 whom I'm gonna send me, see this feeling of,
21:04 I'm just not up to the task
21:06 and that was the kind of experience he was having--
21:08 you were having when God
21:09 lay that impression on your heart.
21:11 Absolutely.
21:14 But I-- to me when it became clear
21:19 that it was God speaking
21:21 it looked like this mountain to climb.
21:24 I had no idea that God was opening a door of opportunity.
21:30 There is the mountain, begin to climb it
21:32 and you didn't have any climbing gear at all
21:34 but the Lord kept putting
21:35 that mountain in front of your path.
21:36 In different ways.
21:37 When did you decided to stop running and accept the project?
21:42 Well, actually Jay at one point then called me
21:45 and we had never met before.
21:47 That was a long series of event
21:51 that helped him know
21:56 that I was writer and he called me.
21:59 And first I just gave him some ideas
22:01 about how to write it and then he tried
22:04 and called me back one day and said,
22:08 "You gave me good ideas but I'm just not a writer.
22:10 Would you write it?"
22:12 At which God and I spent some major time
22:18 discussing this project and He made it so clear
22:21 that He had called me
22:23 that I could not call myself
22:27 a Christ follower and not do it.
22:30 Now you are about to enter into a journey
22:32 of doing something that you had not done before
22:35 but this was actually bigger than you thought
22:37 what it would have been because you not only
22:38 are entering into a task of writing a book
22:42 and conveying someone's else's thoughts
22:43 and putting it, packaging it
22:45 for a reading market.
22:47 But you are entering into some
22:48 of the same experiences that you talked about
22:50 in his entrance into the occult.
22:53 And now you not only conveying words
22:56 but now you have this encounter that seems
22:58 to come along with the story.
23:00 Just to make the story very, very real talk about that.
23:04 From the time I started on writing his book
23:07 and first let me say that it's his story
23:10 of coming out of the occult
23:12 and New Age and spiritualism
23:15 and becoming a Christian.
23:16 Right.
23:17 And the story as I sight
23:22 was telling clearly about the character of Satan
23:27 and about the character of God.
23:32 Satan doesn't like to be unmasked.
23:34 No.
23:36 And so it appeared after a while
23:39 it became pretty evident to me
23:42 that he was fighting having this book come out.
23:46 And so-- I began having health challenges,
23:51 just there were all kinds of interruptions,
23:54 it was just a major-- became a major fight.
23:58 Eventually my husband fell and...
24:06 and I got the telephone call at the time
24:10 when I couldn't talk because of the health challenges
24:13 I was having, because of one of them
24:15 and there were several.
24:18 And the telephone rang,
24:20 I let the answering machine take it
24:22 and my husband's pained voice take it
24:24 and I wasn't even sure it was him at first.
24:26 But said, "Please answer, I need the doctor's number."
24:31 Wow.
24:32 And I grabbed the phone and said,
24:36 what's going on?
24:37 And he said, I fell. I think I broke both legs.
24:42 And the pain in his voice was just so evident
24:45 I knew something was really, really bad
24:47 and anyway he had indeed fractured a bone in one foot
24:53 and crushed the other ankle very severely.
24:59 It was-- there was a lot of waiting time
25:02 throughout this whole process.
25:04 They were waiting for the doctor's test.
25:07 It was waiting for surgery for him.
25:09 Waiting for doctor's tests for me
25:12 with the tumor in, on my pituitary gland.
25:18 Having to be very silent
25:19 because of nodules on my vocal chords
25:23 and told to have total vocal rest
25:26 and it's really hard to not talk at all
25:29 ever for anything.
25:32 But anyway, anyway there were a lot
25:36 of waiting times and some of the things
25:41 we did as he lay in the hospital bed
25:43 waiting for surgery and then after surgery
25:46 we talked about the way God had led in the past.
25:50 And talked about the miracles God had done.
25:52 We talked about like, you know, knowing that,
25:56 that he just lost his ability to make an income for us
26:00 and I worked for his business up.
26:02 So our total family income had disappeared.
26:05 Wow.
26:06 And we talked about
26:09 how God had prepared manna
26:13 for the Israelites and we didn't know
26:16 how we were gonna eat, may we get to figure out
26:19 what manna really was.
26:20 Maybe God have to make manna again.
26:23 That's quite a thought.
26:24 We talked about the time when he had--
26:31 he is industrial painting contractor
26:33 and at one point we were working
26:35 in the oil fields in North Dakota
26:38 and then the boom busted as oil fields tend to do
26:42 and one year there were nine painting contractors
26:44 and all of them just busy.
26:47 And the next year there had been the burst
26:51 and there were three contractors barely eking out,
26:54 the rest had gone bankrupt.
26:59 Our income that year was two percent
27:02 of what it had been the year before.
27:05 The total business income
27:07 was less than two house payments.
27:10 Wow.
27:11 And yet somehow
27:16 we made it through that year.
27:18 When our accountant who always double checked
27:21 the business books and did the taxes,
27:23 when she looked as it she shook her head and said,
27:26 this doesn't figure out.
27:28 You couldn't have made it.
27:31 And I said, but we did.
27:33 That's right.
27:34 And God just brought us through.
27:36 So during these waiting times
27:38 we talked about how God had led,
27:39 we talked about the Bible stories,
27:40 about how God had provided.
27:43 And you know, one of the things
27:46 that is interesting to me
27:49 I think its Revelation 12:11
27:51 where it talks about the devil
27:53 and it says I'm talking about the saints.
27:56 They overcame him by the blood of the lamb.
27:59 Number one, that it's the blood of the lamb
28:02 that overcomes the devil.
28:05 But there is a secondary thing there.
28:07 They overcame him by the blood of the lamb
28:10 and by the word of their testimony.
28:11 That's right. That's right.
28:12 And as we remember and speak or write
28:17 those things that God has done
28:20 it encourages us, it strengthens us
28:23 as well as the people who hear it.
28:25 And so as we waited these are some of the things
28:27 that we did during those times.
28:30 You know, a lot of time Christians serve God
28:33 when the sun is out, when the finances are strong,
28:37 when everybody's health is intact,
28:39 when the children are behaving well.
28:42 We have a sunny day Christianity
28:45 but as you are saying Christianity is not really--
28:49 let me use the word here, not verified
28:53 unless we can be a Christian when the sun doesn't shine,
28:57 and the finances are not showing up
28:59 and the health that--
29:01 I think you mentioned that your husband's income
29:05 therefore the whole family's income dries up
29:07 going down to two percent.
29:09 How do you make it in the times
29:11 when it doesn't even seem logical,
29:14 the figures don't add up but the God we serve says,
29:18 "I will supply all of your need
29:20 according to My riches in glory."
29:21 Amen.
29:23 And you are experiencing that as you said earlier,
29:25 the manna is showing up in ways
29:28 that people cannot explain.
29:29 And that's where Christianity become verified,
29:32 it becomes what's the word
29:34 I could use here, it becomes tried and true
29:38 than you could say,
29:40 God has been with us in the trenches,
29:43 not just on the sunny days.
29:45 I know God is real.
29:46 How I could not have made it?
29:48 We could not have made it if God was not real.
29:51 And so that's the kind of experience that you
29:53 and your family going through.
29:56 And it seemed like a long time.
29:58 It was only a couple of years
30:00 but it seemed like a very, very long time.
30:02 But God walked through it, just every moment with us
30:06 and even when we couldn't see Him,
30:10 He was there and through the promises of His word
30:12 and the one you just mentioned,
30:14 I remember one night
30:16 when my husband in the hospital,
30:17 going home in that night
30:19 I went to bed and I was starting to worry
30:23 and I thought no, I can't go there.
30:27 And I started going through word by word.
30:33 "But my God shall supply all" you know, now I can't say it.
30:38 All my need.
30:39 "All my need according to His riches in glory."
30:41 But I started going through it word by word
30:44 but there is a contrast.
30:47 You know, this is what the situation looks like
30:50 but something is different.
30:53 But my God, Paul wasn't just talking about
30:57 some God he had heard about.
30:59 This was his personal God.
31:01 He had a personal relationship with this God.
31:04 This is my God.
31:05 But my God shall supply, not may supply.
31:10 Not, oh, you know, He will think about it.
31:13 He shall supply a word of surety
31:17 and not just a part of your need but all your need.
31:20 And I went to bed, you know,
31:22 I lay there word by word going through there
31:25 and went off to sleep thinking about
31:28 how God was going to supply for all of our need
31:31 no matter what the circumstances look like.
31:34 And you know, He did because two months of income
31:38 but 12 months of mortgage
31:39 and you made it through Praise God for that.
31:41 Amen.
31:42 So He is not a God that just makes promises
31:44 and say well, you know, I thought I could help you out.
31:47 But He is the God who honors His word.
31:49 He is the God who-- that fulfills His promises.
31:52 You know, Helen, you brought out that word but,
31:54 you know, when you use that,
31:58 when you look for that singular word in the Bible
32:00 there are so many places that it's often put into,
32:03 it changes the prior
32:06 and shows you the beauty of the-- it changes the former
32:09 and shows you the beauty of the God
32:11 that you serve in the present.
32:12 You know, the one-- no temptation has overtaken you
32:16 but such as this common read but God is faithful.
32:20 Yes.
32:21 And when you think about that
32:22 you think of the temptation, the trial,
32:24 the tribulation, the difficulty
32:25 but there is a God factor.
32:28 And so many Christians forget the God factor
32:30 when difficulties come their way.
32:32 and that's why I'm encouraged
32:34 because we are gonna talk about your book in a moment
32:35 and why you titled it the way you did
32:37 I don't want to say that yet
32:38 but I believe that the God factor
32:40 is so much a part of your story.
32:42 Absolutely.
32:43 And there are, there are several places in the Bible
32:47 where the words "but God" come very,
32:50 very close, you know, just they are right there.
32:53 And those "but God" stories were really, really
32:57 need to me for that very reason.
32:59 You know, this is what the circumstance but God.
33:02 And if God is in the center the outcome is different.
33:07 There is a circumstance and then there is God.
33:11 And if I go and try to do it on my own
33:14 the outcome is gonna be very different.
33:17 But if God is in the center the outcome will be different.
33:21 You know, you said if and I like that
33:23 and I like that a moment ago
33:25 there is another text in Romans 8,
33:27 "If God be for us, who can be against us?
33:31 You know if he spared not his own Son,
33:32 but delivered him up for us all,
33:35 how well he not with him
33:37 also freely give us all things?"
33:41 Those are promises that lot of Christians
33:42 don't remember when difficulty come
33:44 and the reason I'm spending little time on this
33:46 is because there are those that are watching
33:47 and listening to the program
33:49 that maybe in the middle of a trial right now
33:51 and saying well, what do I do and Helen,
33:53 the author is also the encourager
33:55 which leads to the reason for the title of your book
33:57 and the title of your book is?
33:59 "My God is Bigger." I like that.
34:02 That's the but God, you see.
34:05 I know my trials are big but my God is bigger.
34:08 I know that the income is small but my God is bigger.
34:11 I know the burdens are huge but my God is bigger.
34:14 So now talk about that book because this is a book that,
34:18 that's kind of a coming out of the trial book.
34:21 Absolutely.
34:22 But may I go one that sells first?
34:23 sure.
34:24 And that is with "My God is Bigger"
34:27 I think so much about David and Goliath.
34:32 In-- as we see them there
34:37 to Goliath he was the giant.
34:41 To the Philistines Goliath was the giant.
34:45 To the Israelite soldiers Goliath was a giant.
34:49 To Saul, Goliath was a giant.
34:55 But who was the giant in David's eyes?
34:57 God.
34:58 God was the giant. That's right.
35:01 And so any giant, any trouble that just seems
35:04 to be overwhelming if we look at it beside God,
35:09 God is the giant.
35:10 Wow, that's huge.
35:12 And so my God is bigger.
35:14 Actually I couldn't come up with a title and friend of my
35:17 who had read the manuscript, a writer friend
35:20 came up with the title and I thought that's it.
35:22 That's right.
35:24 My God is bigger because He is bigger
35:27 than any situation.
35:28 He is bigger than any challenge,
35:31 any trial that comes along.
35:33 Any health challenge, any financial challenge,
35:37 any business challenge,
35:39 any challenge that comes God is bigger.
35:43 You know, Helen, you could actually walk
35:45 through the New Testament the life of Christ
35:47 and the four gospels
35:48 and with that title tell every story.
35:51 You know the man by the Pool of Bethesda
35:53 but my God is bigger.
35:54 You kept but my God is-- the widow of Nain
35:57 but my God is bigger.
35:59 The, you know, Lazarus being dead for four days
36:01 but my God is bigger.
36:02 Mary and Martha will say but my God is bigger.
36:05 And the theme just goes
36:06 on and on and on and on it's just huge.
36:08 If I, you know, I just got this little vision in my head,
36:12 if you just put a tent up for one week
36:14 and the title of the, the title of the whole week was
36:16 "My God is Bigger"
36:17 one story after another after another
36:19 of Jesus in our lives pulling us through
36:23 and show the world that my God is bigger
36:25 because there are lot of problems in the world today.
36:27 Absolutely.
36:28 In a political, financial relationship problems,
36:30 marriage problems, children problems,
36:32 health issues, economy, storms,
36:35 you know, the list goes on and on
36:37 but now we come back down to the real factor,
36:39 "My God is Bigger."
36:40 Tell us about some of the-- okay.
36:42 God is continuing those stories.
36:46 The stories of the New Testament, wonderful.
36:50 But they didn't stop
36:52 when the Bible was finished being written.
36:55 And so these stories go on and there are stories
36:59 every day in our lives today.
37:01 If we choose to look at those stories
37:03 and choose to focus on our God
37:07 instead of on the challenge.
37:08 Yeah, we have to see the challenges
37:10 and know what to-- and deal with them
37:13 but focus on our God.
37:16 You know, the Bible testifies as Jesus said John 5:39,
37:19 these are they that testify Me.
37:21 But now we are the living testimony.
37:25 They overcame by the blood of the lamb
37:27 and by the word of their testimony.
37:29 So the New Testimony stories continue
37:31 and isn't it wonderful to think that throughout eternity
37:34 these are the stories that are gonna be told
37:36 how big our God is to share with un-fallen worlds.
37:41 Give us some of the tastes because this book
37:43 we are gonna talk about how those
37:44 who are listening and watching this program
37:46 can get access to the book but give us some of the titles
37:49 of some of the chapters
37:50 and maybe some of the experiences
37:52 that are contained in that book.
37:55 Okay, chapters are there.
37:58 I remember one of them is called,
38:00 "Sleeping in the boat."
38:01 Okay.
38:03 I this one called tests--
38:07 I don't remember the chapter titles right off.
38:09 Okay.
38:10 But still it's chronicling how God is much bigger.
38:13 It's chronicling our experience through the trials
38:18 how God brought us through
38:20 and it's more than just a story.
38:22 Because in the back there is also a study guide
38:25 to help people think through,
38:27 how do these apply to my life?
38:29 Wonderful.
38:30 Or our study and discussion guide
38:32 it will work for like a study group.
38:36 There is also tips for memorizing scripture
38:41 because the Bible promises
38:42 and I have a little packet of promises here.
38:45 I found it just so valuable to put those promises
38:49 in my mind so that no matter
38:52 where I was I could be focusing on them.
38:55 And one of the things I like to do
38:58 to make the promises real to me
39:01 is I must be a little bit of a visual person
39:04 because if I can get a visual
39:06 to go along with the text.
39:07 It helps it, it helps me remember it.
39:11 But not only does it help me remember it,
39:14 it makes it more real to me.
39:15 That's right.
39:17 And for instance one I think of is Psalms 55:22,
39:23 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord,
39:26 and he shall sustain thee."
39:28 Okay, cast thy burden upon the Lord,
39:31 what does that really mean?
39:33 You know, when I was throwing the ball
39:36 for my dog Ucon one day and all of a sudden
39:40 that came to mind, I cast my burden.
39:44 I cast that ball for my dog
39:48 and she chase it and bring it back to me.
39:52 When you throw something you have to let it go.
39:56 And you know, sometimes we are given
40:00 the image of bring your burdens to Jesus
40:02 and lay them at the cross.
40:03 Well, I don't have any problem with that.
40:06 The only problem I have is that I'm very human
40:10 and I'm tempted since I'm right there
40:12 and I'm tempted to pick it back up
40:14 and carry it away with me.
40:16 I could see that, yeah.
40:17 But if I cast my burdens to the Lord,
40:21 if I throw them I have to let go off them
40:26 and they are off away.
40:27 I can't just pick it up. That's right.
40:29 And that to me that helps me cast at Him,
40:32 leave it with Him, throw them to Him.
40:35 Matter a fact, in the Greek a word there is another text
40:37 "Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you."
40:40 The Greek is emphasizing throw it as far as you can
40:43 to the point where it's unreachable.
40:45 And its the Olympic, is the Olympic language
40:48 that is being used here.
40:49 Cast it so far that you can't reach it
40:51 therefore, you know you are not gonna go back and get it
40:54 and that's so real to me, you know.
40:55 And when you think about that that's a beautiful illustration
40:58 because when we say lay your burdens at the cross,
41:00 people tend to lay their burdens,
41:02 kneel next to their burdens and kind of scoot them back
41:04 in their pockets when they leave.
41:06 Isn't that true? Yeah.
41:07 But when we cast them we can't get them.
41:10 We see them leaving our hands,
41:12 we have expressively let them go
41:16 and we know that they are, they are in flight to Jesus
41:20 and He is not gonna send them back to us.
41:22 Amen. That's just wonderful.
41:24 And the Bible promises talk about that
41:26 because you have a little stack of cards here.
41:28 Lot of times you talk about the memorization of scripture,
41:31 how that really helps you and you carry that with you.
41:33 I do.
41:35 Like when I go for a walk this is with me
41:37 and I'm memorizing Bible passages.
41:39 I could be thinking about all kinds of other things.
41:41 I could be thinking about my problems
41:43 or whatever and, you know, we all have them.
41:47 But I can choose to focus on my God
41:51 and David and the dwarf.
41:57 That's Goliath is the dwarf when he compared to God,
42:00 you know, and my problems are dwarfs
42:05 when I am looking at the giant of God.
42:09 That's right.
42:10 Anyway it just-- I, as I memorize God's word
42:15 and then put it in my heart
42:17 it just make such a difference to me.
42:19 And another one during the waiting times
42:25 I wasn't quite sure what to do with all these
42:28 Bible texts that said, wait on the Lord.
42:30 I was tired of waiting.
42:32 I was tired of waiting for lab results
42:35 and you know, all these things take time.
42:37 And for my husband's leg deal and so forth
42:39 and I didn't really like those texts that said,
42:42 wait on the Lord.
42:44 And then I thought well, what does it really mean
42:46 and I looked it up in strong concordance
42:49 and one of the definitions
42:51 is to bind together perhaps by twisting.
42:59 And I thought what does that mean?
43:02 And then I got this picture
43:06 in my mind of a rope
43:11 and a rope is a number of threads wound together.
43:15 Right.
43:17 And I began to see myself as a tiny thread
43:24 and God as a steel cable.
43:28 And I-- I wasn't when it says wait on the Lord
43:33 it doesn't mean sit down and twiddle your thumbs.
43:36 Right, exactly.
43:37 It means for me to wind my little thread,
43:42 my fragile, tiny little thread that's me
43:47 in with the huge steel cable that is God.
43:52 And then wait on the Lord and He will strength you.
43:57 I become strong because for somebody
44:01 to pull on me, you know, for the devil to pull on me
44:04 he has to pull on God because my mind,
44:07 my life is wound with through His word,
44:13 and through the thoughts I choose to think is wound
44:17 in with my God who is ultimately strong.
44:21 Well, you know what, Isaiah 26:3,
44:23 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
44:25 whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in You."
44:29 And if you are stayed you are focused.
44:33 And I thought about that text
44:35 when you talked about carrying your cards with you.
44:38 You know there are people that are in their car
44:40 listening to this program right now
44:42 and they maybe looking at the roadway,
44:44 they may have the music on in the background.
44:48 Actually if they are listening to us
44:49 they are not listening to music
44:51 but they maybe thinking about problems
44:53 that are waiting for them at home,
44:55 they maybe thinking about a tragic experience
44:58 that happened during their day
44:59 or they maybe thinking about sickness
45:01 in the hospital or somebody they just came to visit
45:03 or they may just be in their own personal trial
45:06 and I want to say to them that this is a same God
45:09 that we are talking about today,
45:10 the God that wants us to bind ourselves to Him.
45:14 The One that wants us to take
45:15 our little fragile self, include ourselves
45:19 in the binding of the rope
45:20 and the steel cable of this experience
45:24 called divine assurance.
45:27 And then I want them to also know
45:29 that God will not allow them to break.
45:31 He will not allow them to be pulled apart
45:33 because God is able.
45:34 And 2 Peter 1:4, "Whereby are given unto us
45:39 exceeding great and precious promises,
45:43 that by these ye might be partakers
45:46 of the divine nature."
45:48 Wow.
45:49 You are not human any longer, failed human.
45:53 You know, we talked about something here
45:54 and the interesting time
45:55 I want to go and dive into this.
45:57 You put an acronym together "God is Able."
45:59 Yes. I want you to communicate that.
46:01 That is so beautiful.
46:02 It is a good way to remember
46:04 how God is able but you broke it down.
46:06 Okay.
46:07 The "A" you know A-B-L-E,
46:11 the "A" stands for assurances.
46:14 God uses many different ways to assure us.
46:17 He may assure us through a friend saying
46:21 I'm praying for you.
46:22 He may assure us through hymns,
46:26 through songs like "He is able,"
46:28 "My God is able to carry me through."
46:31 "The Lord in Zion Reigneth" I mean, you know, or...
46:36 "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
46:37 That's the one I was just thinking of.
46:39 "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
46:40 how can you be discouraged
46:42 when you are singing or thinking the words of
46:45 "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
46:47 Right.
46:49 There is just all kinds of different little assurances
46:53 that God gives us.
46:55 Okay, so the "A" stands for assurances.
46:58 The "B" stands for Bible.
47:00 The Bible promises which we've just been talking about.
47:03 Yes.
47:04 The Bible promises that can strengthen us.
47:08 And Bible stories which we've also talked about
47:11 as we keep those in our mind and remember
47:15 that God didn't love the widow
47:20 who lost her son, the Widow of Nain.
47:22 He didn't love her any more
47:24 than He loves you today, you and me.
47:28 He loves us and those Bible stories
47:31 He wants reach into our heart
47:33 and make a difference in our lives.
47:37 So the "B" stands for
47:39 the Bible promises, the Bible stories.
47:42 The "L" stands for the lives of others.
47:49 When we are talking to someone
47:51 we can talk about the weather and we can talk about
47:54 all kinds of different things.
47:57 But I'm finding a good thing to do is to say,
48:00 what has God done for you?
48:02 That's right.
48:03 And get them talking about and sharing
48:06 their testimony and I am encouraged
48:09 when they share their testimony.
48:11 I can read books about the lives of others.
48:13 "Corrie ten Boom"
48:14 is one that just comes to my mind immediately.
48:18 The book, "A Thousand Shall Fall"
48:20 which you know God led in this man's life in amazing ways.
48:27 The book "One Miracle After Another"
48:31 just there are so many good Christian books,
48:35 uplifting books that tells us about the lives of others
48:39 and how God has led
48:40 in their life that encourages us.
48:44 And then the "E" is experience.
48:47 Our own experiences remember and testify
48:53 to ourselves and to others
48:55 how God has led us in the past.
48:57 That's right.
48:58 And as we remember those things and I think
49:01 so often about quote,
49:02 "We have nothing to fear for the future,
49:05 except as we forget how God has led us,
49:09 and His teaching in our past history."
49:12 That's right.
49:13 If we remember how He has led us in the past
49:17 and we trust that He will do it for the future
49:21 what do we have to worry about?
49:22 That's right. That's right.
49:23 And I-- faith it has come to me,
49:28 I just I am amazed that how significant faith is
49:31 because I think in Ephesians,
49:34 of The Armor of God and he has talked about truth
49:39 and righteousness and the preparation
49:41 and the gospel of peace and then--
49:44 I mean, those are pretty important things
49:45 we need to say but then he says
49:48 above all taking the shield of faith.
49:54 Faith is a pretty significant part of that armor.
49:58 When he is gonna say above all,
50:02 and I come to realize that faith
50:07 I have a new definition for it.
50:10 Faith is facing every situation
50:14 as if God is who He really says He is.
50:19 And if God-- God has said He is our refuge,
50:24 He is our strength, He is our light,
50:27 He is our sufficiency.
50:30 He is our strong tower.
50:32 Yes. Wow.
50:34 Faith is looking at today
50:40 and seeing that God is who He says He is.
50:43 That's right.
50:44 In my today and if, you know,
50:50 another thing I realized is
50:54 the things I worry about are the things
50:57 that are bigger than my God.
50:59 Wow.
51:02 That really caught me by surprise,
51:04 the moment that came across my mind.
51:08 And is my God really who I say He is?
51:14 Only if He is that part of my life.
51:17 That's right.
51:18 The things we worry about is bigger than our God
51:20 but when we focus on our God
51:23 He is bigger than the things we worry about.
51:25 If He, if He isn't we don't know the Creator God
51:30 and we need to spend some more time
51:32 getting to know Him.
51:33 Now God did miracles in our life.
51:35 He did a number of miracles.
51:38 There were some healings, there were absolute times
51:41 when He said, go to the house
51:43 and the house was filled with smoke.
51:45 There were and I was able to remove
51:47 and we didn't lose our house, remove that thing
51:50 that was causing the smoke.
51:52 I mean, God did amazing miracles just to keep us alive.
51:57 But the biggest miracle if you can quantify miracles
52:01 was giving us peace in the midst of the storm
52:05 and that, that was something
52:09 that I hang on to and I have to remind myself
52:11 every now and then because we still have problems.
52:14 That's right.
52:15 You know, Helen, as our time is winding up
52:16 I want our audience to know that the book that Helen wrote
52:19 "My God is Bigger"
52:22 is available through the 3ABN store.
52:24 If you go to 3abn.org and click on store
52:28 you will see the book "My God is Bigger."
52:30 And Helen is also available for invitations
52:33 but as you are listening to the story
52:35 I also want to give you the information
52:37 that you need to be able to contact Helen
52:39 and invite her to come and share in a broader sense
52:42 to a larger audience how much her God
52:45 is much bigger than our problems.
52:47 Here's the information that you need.
52:53 If you would like to know
52:54 how to obtain a copy of the book
52:56 "My God is Bigger"
52:58 you may write to 3ABN, PO Box 220,
53:02 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
53:06 That's 3ABN, PO Box 220,
53:09 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
53:13 You may call us at area code 618-627-4651
53:19 or order the book online at 3abn.org.
53:24 Visit Helen's webpage for events, books,
53:27 or how to contact her at HelenHeavirland.com.
53:32 That's HelenHeavirland.com.


Revised 2015-07-30