3ABN Today

'Falling for a Lie' & 'My God is Bigger' books

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Helen Heavirland & Jay Christian


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015033B

00:01 Well, friends, you know, our time comes and goes
00:02 so quickly and we wish we had many, many hours
00:06 to allow both of our guests to tell their stories.
00:08 But just something that I want to remind you of,
00:10 both of these books are available
00:12 through the 3ABN store.
00:14 That's at 3abn.org
00:16 and look for the tab store and click on that
00:18 and you can get both of the books.
00:20 Jay Christian and Helen Heavirland.
00:23 But giving you an opportunity, Helen, we'll start with you.
00:26 What can you say to our audience today
00:28 to encourage them, as you're not just a writer,
00:30 but also an encourager,
00:32 before we wind up our program today?
00:35 Just that God is faithful,
00:37 no matter what you're going through,
00:41 deepen that relationship with God
00:43 and let Him be your best friend because He is faithful.
00:46 Will walk with you and bring you through
00:49 in victory no matter
00:50 what that victory like, is like.
00:52 And one of the things that I especially
00:54 appreciate about it
00:56 is that people who haven't received miracles
01:00 are finding this book also to be very encouraging.
01:03 So whether or not
01:04 you are recognizing miracles in your life.
01:08 God is still faithful and He will be with you.
01:11 Amen.
01:13 And Jay, do you have any closing remarks?
01:15 Well, the main thing I would like people to remember
01:18 is that God is love.
01:21 Amen. Yes.
01:22 And I know that there are some people
01:24 that question that sometimes, but He is definitely love.
01:28 Anything that is not love does not come from God,
01:31 it comes from Satan
01:33 and Satan has so many snares out there for us,
01:36 so many lies.
01:38 People, a lot of people have fallen for the new age lie,
01:41 I did and so many other people have as well.
01:43 There are others out there also that they will fall for.
01:47 But I just have a feeling that they are
01:50 so many people in the world
01:52 that have so much love in their hearts
01:54 that the Lord is trying to reach.
01:57 And I pray that this program has reached their hearts
02:01 and helped them to understand
02:03 that there is so much truth in the Bible
02:06 and rather than take what somebody else says
02:08 what the Bible says, that they pick up the Bible
02:11 and they start to read it for themselves.
02:14 They'll find the loving God, they will find a God
02:17 Who what's nothing more than to spend eternity with them.
02:21 And I encourage our people in our audience, our viewers
02:24 and listeners to do that.
02:26 Amen. Amen.
02:27 What a wonderful program. What do you think of that?
02:28 Oh, I love this program.
02:30 So many people that are in darkness,
02:31 I believe they are gonna come out of darkness
02:33 into this marvelous light.
02:35 And I tell you, friends,
02:37 we always pray here for 3ABN to continue on that journey
02:40 as you've seen today.
02:41 God has given us the mission to counteract the counterfeit.
02:45 And Jay experienced that, Helen has experienced that
02:48 and God wants to do the same for your life.
02:50 So until we see you again
02:52 may the Lord continue to be a blessing in your life.
02:55 Amen.


Revised 2015-08-27