Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Helen Heavirland & Jay Christian
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015033A
00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people 00:13 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:08 Hello, friends. Welcome to the 3ABN Today. 01:11 My name is John Lomacang 01:12 and I have a beautiful host with me. 01:14 I think you might know who she is, 01:15 but just in case you don't. 01:17 I'm Angela Lomacang and we're glad to be here today. 01:20 Yes, honey, we have a very interesting program 01:23 for a number of reasons. 01:24 Not just the topic, but one of the guests 01:28 is not really a guest to you and not to either one of us. 01:32 And we'll give you a chance in just a few minutes 01:35 to meet both of our guests. 01:37 But we want to encourage you to sit down 01:39 and take the time to listen to this program. 01:41 You know, a lot of time we're in journeys, 01:44 this is not just a spiritual journey, 01:47 but this is journey about spiritualism. 01:50 How the spiritual life and spiritualism 01:52 is contained in the very same program. 01:54 The beauty of it is, the Lord is glorified. 01:57 And we're gonna talk about not only the journey, 01:59 but also deliverance in the lives 02:01 of both of our guests today. 02:04 Before we introduce you to them, 02:05 we want to just thank you for your prayers 02:06 and your support of 3ABN. 02:08 And for those of you that come and volunteer, 02:11 we thank the Lord for you. 02:12 But for those that support us financially 02:15 we also praise God that you're partnering 02:17 with us to keep the gospel 02:19 going and growing around the world. 02:21 And if you're listening to the program on radio, 02:24 my wife works for 3ABN Radio, don't you, honey? 02:27 Yeah, I sure do. 02:28 And I-- I have been there for, what? 02:31 About 10 years now, little over 10 years 02:33 and I'm very pleased to be there. 02:36 And our guests-- Well, 02:38 we'll talk about the guests in a moment. 02:40 I was kind of tempting not to go back to that. 02:41 Yeah, yeah. 02:43 But we introduce you to our guest, 02:44 we have some music today. 02:46 A piano song "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus" 02:49 by a gentlemen by the name of Johan Sentana, enjoy. 08:15 Thank you so much, Johan, for that song 08:17 "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus." 08:19 Amen. 08:20 And you know this program really 08:21 is about trust and what God has done 08:23 in the lives of both of our guests. 08:24 I'm not gonna take too much more time. 08:26 Honey, why don't you introduce our first guest for us today? 08:29 Oh, I'm privileged to introduce my boss, 08:32 the one that hired me at 3ABN Radio 08:35 and I have learned so much from this man. 08:39 His many years of radio experience 08:42 to Jay Christian, welcome. 08:44 Thank you. Thank you. 08:45 Glad to be here. Yes and-- 08:46 And he also-- Go ahead. 08:49 Yeah. Jay is in so many-- 08:50 Well, it's kind of strange 08:52 to be on the other side today. 08:53 You're normally on the interviewing side, 08:55 talking to people on radio and... 08:56 That's right. 08:58 And putting music meditations together 08:59 on the radio and those Bible questions. 09:01 I was listening for those. 09:03 Now... 09:04 wait for the commercial 09:06 we'll give you the answer when we comeback. 09:08 But for those who are watching 3ABN 09:09 and listening to a lot of other programs done 09:11 like today programs, they often hear you do the address role. 09:15 And so Jay is also the voice behind many of the things 09:20 that your hear going on here at 3ABN. 09:22 So good to have you here, Jay. Thank you. 09:24 And behind beside all that we're good friends. 09:26 That's right. That's right. 09:27 Very good friends. Yes. 09:28 And he's also one of your elders at church. 09:31 That's right. Okay. 09:33 So many hats. Yes. 09:34 So today I'm gonna get a chance to find out 09:36 more about your life and so will our audience. 09:38 But Helen Heavirland, good to have you here today. 09:41 Thank you. And we said so much about Jay. 09:44 He didn't have to say anything about him. 09:45 So let's you give you an opportunity 09:47 to tell our viewers and listeners, 09:48 who you are, where you're from 09:50 and how you connect in this particular program? 09:53 Well, I'm a child of the King. 09:55 Right. 09:56 And I live in the Walla Walla Valley, 09:59 in the Washington, Oregon area. 10:01 And I'm a nurse by training, a bookkeeper and secretary 10:07 by necessity for my husbands business 10:10 and an author by passion. 10:12 And an encourager. 10:13 And an encourager. 10:14 That's right. 10:16 And the story that you're gonna here today 10:17 is about how the Lord created a coalition for learning, 10:22 for Jay to communicate his life experiences 10:26 for Helen to be connected to that journey. 10:29 And how that also started another journey in her life 10:33 which led her to write a book about writing his book 10:35 and we'll find out about that in a few moments. 10:38 But I want to go ahead and just right dive 10:40 into the program and I'm gonna begin with Jay. 10:43 I know we didn't give you a chance to, 10:45 to tell where you're from, 10:46 we just talk about your connection to radio. 10:48 But just for the benefit of our audience, 10:49 tell us where you're from. 10:51 Kind of give us some of your background. 10:52 Okay. 10:54 Well, very quickly, I grew up in the Seattle area. 10:57 And when I was 18 I joined the army and moved away 11:01 and lived in a lot of places. 11:04 I've lived all around the United States. 11:06 So I guess we could say, I'm from the United States 11:10 because I've lived in so many different places. 11:12 But I grew up in the Seattle area. 11:14 Were you born and raise Adventist? 11:16 Ah, no. No, I wasn't. 11:19 And we'll talk about that in the story, 11:20 but I was not born and raised an Adventist. 11:23 When I finally met someone who was an Adventist, 11:28 I sort of almost thought I remembered hearing 11:31 that name somewhere, sometime, 11:33 but I wasn't exactly sure about the denomination. 11:37 And so it's kind of an interesting story 11:40 in itself, but I'd not really heard 11:42 the name much before them. 11:44 Now what's amazing about your story is, 11:46 now you are a proponent of the truth. 11:49 You communicate the truth on radio, 11:51 but there was a time when you fell for a lie. 11:54 Kind of take us into that. 11:57 Walk us into that journey about your, 12:00 your entrance into the new age, 'cause moving around 12:04 and being from the North, up in Northwest 12:06 and lived in California also and other areas. 12:09 Tell us about your journey, 12:11 how you actually dove into the kind of life 12:14 that we're gonna be talking about focusing on today. 12:17 Well, when I was raised, 12:20 I was raised in church, Lutheran Church. 12:24 And it was our duty to go to church every Sunday 12:28 and this is going to sound kind of strange. 12:32 I don't know that I've said this, 12:33 to the general public before, 12:35 so we'll have to see what the reaction is. 12:36 But when I was young, I would actually-- 12:39 We go to church on Sunday morning 12:40 and I would pray a lot on Sunday morning. 12:43 And I would pray that my parents would over sleep. 12:46 So that we didn't have to go to church. 12:50 But as I got a little bit older I was-- 12:52 I began to get interested in Jesus and the religion. 12:56 Sometimes I go to vacation Bible school. 12:58 Either our church or you know, some of our neighbors 13:00 might belong to a church that had vacation Bible school. 13:03 And I would go and have a lot of fun. 13:07 And so in the Lutheran Church you're about, 13:11 I think 12 and you start studying for 2 years 13:15 to become a member of the church, 13:16 it's called catechism and we all know that, 13:18 the Lutheran Church has a lot of its, 13:23 basic tenants rooted in the Catholic Church 13:25 because of Martin Luther who was one of the forerunners 13:30 or one of the early leaders in the Protestant, 13:33 protesters movement became Protestant. 13:36 But there's still an awful lot in the church 13:39 that is reminiscent of the catholic denomination. 13:43 So anyway I was going through the lessons 13:48 and I'm a question asker. 13:50 I like to ask questions. I'm curious. 13:53 And sometimes it irritates people 13:54 and I'm sorry about that, but I like to know. 13:57 I just have questions. 13:59 When a question comes to my mind I'll ask it. 14:02 And so we weren't very far into the catechism class, 14:05 the first one before the hand goes up. 14:08 And, you know, the Reverent, what does this mean? 14:11 What does that mean in the Bible? 14:12 And he answered my questions pretty good 14:15 for a little while. 14:16 And then after a while I got to be a pain 14:19 and I can look back-- I can understand 14:21 because I run into a few of me's that were, 14:24 you know, kind of short and so, 14:26 you know, that's what I was like. 14:28 But I was asking a lot of of questions 14:30 and after a while he got tired of the questions. 14:35 And he'd roll the eyes and here's his question again. 14:39 He got another question. 14:41 And often he didn't have the answers. 14:43 Too often I felt that his answer was, 14:46 well, you just have to believe, we don't have that information. 14:50 And I know sometimes that is a valid answer, 14:52 I understand that especially now. 14:55 But I just felt there way too much. 14:58 And I finally got frustrated and I stopped asking questions, 15:03 but I was still listening and trying to learn 15:06 and then somewhere along the line 15:09 we got into the Doctrine of Hell. 15:12 And I don't know if I hadn't been paying attention. 15:15 I don't know if the, the pastor 15:18 had not been saying much about it. 15:20 My parents didn't talk about it at home for sure. 15:22 But all of a sudden I learned that 15:24 if I wasn't a good little boy, 15:25 I was going to burn forever in hell. 15:28 And by the way I want to establish this. 15:32 I don't want to knock any religion, any denomination. 15:37 I don't want to do that. 15:38 This was just my experience 15:41 and my whole family was raised Lutheran, wonderful people. 15:46 I've known wonderful people that are Lutherans. 15:48 I'm not putting that down, this is just my story. 15:51 What has happened with me. 15:54 So I heard that I was going to burn forever, 15:59 if I wasn't a good little boy and a good big boy 16:02 when I became an adult. 16:04 And I didn't like that because I got to thinking, 16:08 how can I love a God that if I'm not good 16:13 in the 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 years that I have on earth, 16:17 if I'm not good enough for Him 16:18 than I'm gonna burn six million years from now, 16:20 six billion from now, I'm still going to rioting in pain. 16:26 And I thought-- And I never, 16:28 I always believed in God. 16:30 I never stopped believing in God. 16:31 I just didn't like God. 16:34 And so I literally, I mean, not as a figure of speech, 16:38 but I literally shook my fist to God and said, 16:41 I will never serve You. Wow. 16:43 So because of that doctrine. 16:47 And so I've finished catechism because I had to, 16:51 but I lost all interest in going to church myself. 16:55 I developed an interesting habit, 16:58 when somebody, I would meet someone 16:59 and they would invite me to go to church, 17:01 I would start asking the pastor questions. 17:05 Because I knew enough of the Bible, 17:08 that I could tell when an answer wasn't right 17:11 or I would want to go to the Bible and read about it. 17:14 And often enough I found out that the pastor 17:17 was actually giving me incorrect information. 17:19 One of the habits that I developed 17:21 was to read the text in context. 17:25 Lot of people don't do that. True. 17:27 And so I started reading it in context and often I said, 17:32 just the opposite thing that 17:34 what the pastor is said that is said. 17:36 That's reading the versus before and after. 17:37 Yeah, reading the versus before and after taking, 17:40 taking the whole, not just, well, the answer is found 17:43 in this book, you know, in this verse. 17:45 Well, I would read the versus before and after. 17:48 And often it was entirely different. 17:50 And so my responsibility, 17:51 why would I want to join your church, 17:53 you know, if you don't know the Bible any better than that, 17:56 you know, I don't have any reason to listen to you. 17:58 And one day I was living in Long Beach, California, 18:04 and I met some neighbors who invited me to go to a class 18:10 that they went to in North Hollywood for self hypnosis. 18:15 And I had just been reading in the newspaper 18:18 about reincarnation. 18:20 And at a lot of times people remembered 18:22 former lives through hypnosis. 18:24 So I asked if this had anything to do with, with reincarnation. 18:28 They said yes. 18:30 I said definitely, I want to go. 18:31 Oh, wow. 18:32 So I went, I learned, I experienced, 18:36 I'm going to in quotes "Former lives." 18:41 I began to be a believer and they told me 18:44 about Edgar Cayce who is, who was-- 18:48 He died in 1945, but he is, his writings and his beliefs 18:53 and so forth were a big part of the new age movement. 18:57 And so he almost in a way, 19:00 I mean, I hate to say like this, 19:01 but it's probably true. 19:03 He was certainly, if not my god, my messiah, 19:06 if I could say it like that. 19:07 Wow. So I had experiences. 19:10 For many years I began after I got out of the army 19:14 I started to work in radio broadcasting. 19:17 And when I was on the air I would be promoting 19:21 new age beliefs or incarnation. 19:23 I had a radio talk show on Monticello, Indiana, 19:27 which isn't too far from here. 19:28 No. 19:29 And I had a radio talk show there 19:31 and we'd start talking about reincarnation 19:33 and things like that. 19:34 And some people would call and want to argue with me 19:37 and other people would agree and things like that. 19:41 And as my radio profession grew and grew, 19:46 I go to places like Cleveland, San Francisco, Memphis. 19:50 Some, some big cities, some small towns. 19:53 And I would take that message with me, 19:56 because to me here is where I really, 20:01 what it came down to for me. 20:03 I wanted to find a loving God. Yeah. 20:07 And I did not find him 20:09 in the traditional Christian church. 20:11 Not anybody that would make me burn 20:13 and writhe in pain forever and ever and ever. 20:15 Right. 20:16 No matter how sinful my life would be now for 50, 20:20 you know, like 50, 100 years or whatever. 20:23 There's no way I could commit enough sin to burn eternally. 20:28 Six billion, 20 billion years from now, still burning. 20:32 And that was a hateful god to me. 20:34 You know, Jay, by the way that, that very belief 20:36 has turned many people off to even thinking about God, 20:40 because they can not reconcile love with eternal burning. 20:46 What kind of cynicism is that? Yeah. 20:49 It doesn't even make any sense that you really, 20:51 I love you so much, I'm gonna torment you forever. 20:54 And so that's way you were, that's why that door 20:56 somewhat closed on your past and so in your, 21:00 in your journey to look forward a loving God, 21:03 you started discovering things 21:04 that you never even knew was out there. 21:06 That's true. 21:08 And in the understanding of reincarnation it just, 21:14 it boils down to works. 21:16 It's works, but I looked at it as a loving God. 21:20 Wow. 21:21 Because if I made mistakes in this lifetime, 21:25 God says, that's okay, don't worry about it. 21:28 You got another life, you can make up for it. 21:30 And so I began to believe in the fact 21:34 that I could work off any, 21:36 well, it's called karma, bad karma from previous lives. 21:40 And it got me-- 21:42 Actually I went further and further into it. 21:45 Praise God I didn't go as far as many people do. 21:47 I got into a certain level and pretty much stayed there. 21:50 But it was still far enough in and I believed 21:53 in completely in reincarnation. 21:56 And I became almost an active, well, not almost, 21:59 I was an active proponent and evangelist for New Age. 22:04 Wow. 22:05 And when I was working at a radio station 22:07 in Everett, Washington, 22:09 there was a New Age Church there that I ran across. 22:12 And I thought it was just 22:13 really a wonderful place to go-- 22:15 Funny, a new age church. 22:17 It sounds like a new-- 22:19 But, Jay, didn't you say 22:20 they were loving in that church? 22:21 Yeah. Yeah, everybody was. 22:23 It was a most loving church I'd ever been to in my life. 22:26 Welcomed, accepted, and the people, 22:30 everybody smiled and all that. 22:32 And after church we'd go over to the bookstore 22:34 where they sell a few books. 22:35 And I walk through, the book store 22:37 and strange there was no Bible in there. 22:40 There were a lot of other strange kind of books 22:43 or what we would call now strange, 22:45 but they were kind of fascinating to me. 22:47 The real life of Jesus. 22:49 How to meditate? 22:50 How to go into Astro projection? 22:53 How to do all these different things? 22:55 But, you know, no, no, books on Jesus. 22:59 But I was far enough into it at the time, 23:01 that, that and, you know, who needs Bible anyway. 23:05 We are, we and the new age are so much 23:07 smarter than everyone else. 23:08 We have more information. 23:10 And so if the Bible is good enough for somebody else, 23:14 you know, that's fine. 23:15 You will get some-- 23:16 You will learn some good things in there. 23:18 But, we on the other hand in the New Age movement 23:23 are so much smarter than everybody else 23:25 and so I needed something else that would leave 23:28 the Bible anyway, that's what I thought. 23:30 How long-- How many years 23:32 did you stay into that kind of world before you, 23:34 before the Lord led you to a real discovery 23:38 of His love and of the truth? 23:41 Well, I was in New Age for 20 years. 23:43 Wow. Long time. 23:45 And my career, 23:48 I'm really just kind of giving the highlights here. 23:50 The synopsis here. Yeah. 23:51 We're gonna be talking about our books 23:52 in a little while, but my book Falling 23:55 for a Lie was published in 1998 and it eventually, 24:01 you know, they stopped publishing it. 24:03 And we were, we felt encouraged to republish the book again. 24:08 So it has just been re-released with an update, 24:11 up to, up to the current events for today. 24:14 And so I'm giving just kind of a highlight. 24:17 You don't want to give the story. 24:18 Well, I want to give as much of the story as I can, 24:21 but there's not much time 24:22 because we also want to talk to Helen 24:24 because she has an interesting prospective on this as well. 24:29 She's the one that wrote the book "Falling for a Lie." 24:32 And another book which we'll find out about. 24:34 That's right. 24:35 But I had a lot of ups and downs. 24:38 And you would think that life would have gotten better 24:42 and because I had although 24:43 this advanced information and all this, 24:46 all this knowledge that most other people didn't have, 24:49 that I knew so much more than. 24:51 And you would have though life would have gotten better, 24:53 but it was getting worse. 24:55 I had three marriages that came and went. 24:59 Yes. 25:00 I had some jobs that came and went. 25:03 But every time I had a challenge in my life, 25:07 I know now, I can look back, God was there for me. 25:10 Amen. That's right. 25:11 But at the time I didn't feel it and I felt like 25:13 my life was getting worse and worse and worse. 25:15 And when my third wife said, she wanted a divorce, 25:18 it was totally unexpected. 25:19 The first two, you know, we had some problems. 25:22 We knew we were having problems and tried to work them out. 25:25 But with the third one I had no idea. 25:28 So it was, and I just lost a job, I shouldn't have lost. 25:32 It was a very good job. 25:34 I was doing a good job and I don't know what happened, 25:37 I have my suspicions, but I don't know for sure. 25:40 But shortly after I lost that job, 25:43 my wife wanted a divorce. 25:45 I went into a major tailspin. 25:48 And I just had pretty much given up on life. 25:53 Later I got a job in Tennessee 25:56 and a woman went to work for me, 25:58 that I thought would be wonderful in New Age 26:01 because she was smart, you know, was very talented, 26:05 she had a great heart for people. 26:08 So I'm gonna make her a new ager. 26:11 So we started talking about some things 26:15 and she invited me to go her church. 26:19 And I said oh, all right. 26:21 You are ready to meet the pastor, huh. 26:22 Because, you know, another pastor, is gonna bite the dust. 26:28 And so, because nobody ever-- 26:31 It's not we got into an argument, 26:32 I don't believe in arguments, you know, 26:34 when it comes to religion and mostly anything else. 26:37 But when I would talk to a pastor almost, 26:43 not almost, every time I ever talk to a pastor, 26:45 I always almost found something they said was wrong, 26:47 that didn't fit the Bible. 26:48 So why was this guy gonna be any different. 26:50 Okay. 26:51 And it turned out that this woman that worked 26:53 for me was a Seventh-day Adventist. 26:56 Wow. 26:57 And, about the only thing I knew, 27:00 I did know that they went to church on Saturday, 27:02 I didn't know why. 27:04 But that's all I knew about the church. 27:05 I didn't know anything about the beliefs. 27:07 I didn't know about anything else. 27:09 But I figured pastor is a pastor, right? 27:11 I'll ask him questions and pretty soon 27:13 he'll make a mistake and then I'll say it to Annette, 27:16 you want to- 27:17 It was Annette by the way, my late wife. 27:20 I gave away part of it, but most people 27:21 already know that, that we were married. 27:23 We eventually got married. 27:25 But I was gonna say, 27:28 why do you want to belong to this, you know, 27:31 your pastor doesn't even know the Bible, you know. 27:33 What makes you think that you know it? 27:35 And he answered every one of my questions. 27:38 He answered all of them? Answered yes, from the Bible. 27:42 He didn't say, well, I think it's this or, 27:45 you know, it's this or that or whatever. 27:48 Every question I ever asked him, 27:50 he took me straight to the Bible 27:52 and here is the answer and not only is it here, 27:54 but here it is here, and here it is here. 27:58 And I had a decision I had to make. 28:02 Because the last, the last Bible study 28:08 that I had to go through was state of the dead. 28:10 What happens when people die? 28:13 And I already knew that 28:14 because I'd experienced former lives. 28:17 I remembered, you know, 28:19 living in different times and certain things 28:21 that happened to me and all of that. 28:22 So I already knew that these people had to be wrong, 28:25 because I remembered former lives. 28:27 So the soul had to be immortal. 28:29 And by the time I studied the Bible, 28:33 and his name was Pastor John Riggs, 28:35 great teacher, great pastor and I admire him very much. 28:42 By the time he took me through the Bible, 28:43 I began to realize, oops. 28:46 The Bible doesn't say anything about the eternal soul 28:50 or the immortal soul. 28:52 Or the former lives. Yeah, right. 28:54 And so I had a decision I had to make. 28:57 And I couldn't see any other decision. 29:00 Wow. 29:01 Than to except the Bible as what the Bible has to say. 29:04 You were stunted huh. Yeah. 29:06 Instead of you stunting the pastor and you were like... 29:08 Yeah, right. 29:10 And so I have been Seventh-day Adventist 29:15 since I was baptized in 1992. 29:18 And I'm very pleased to be working in the Lords ministry. 29:24 Amen. 29:25 Reaching people and many people are facing 29:29 the same things that I faced. 29:30 That's right. 29:32 Or they have a family member, a friend, a loved one 29:33 or whatever, that has fallen for the lie of New Age. 29:39 And I think it's really important 29:41 because the Lord expects us to look for Him, to find Him. 29:46 Yes. That's right. 29:47 It's not-- We don't just stand around 29:49 and all of a sudden, you know, we gain knowledge 29:53 and all the information just comes to us. 29:56 The Lord teaches us as we go along. 29:57 But we've to have the right heart. 29:59 Amen. 30:00 And there are many people in New Age. 30:03 There are many people in Sunday churches 30:06 that don't know what the Bible says about things like this. 30:09 And there are people in Sunday churches to think 30:12 it's okay to go into life regression and to self hypnosis 30:16 and then believe in reincarnations. 30:19 Think that's all okay and they think it's the Bible, 30:21 but it's really not. 30:23 So I'm very pleased to be on the forefront 30:26 of the ministry and start telling people 30:27 about the Bible and the truth of the Bible. 30:29 Counteracting, go ahead. Yeah. 30:31 And also you didn't mention this, but I will. 30:34 You were the number one DJ in America at one time. 30:38 Is that true, Jay? Yes, I was. 30:40 I know he was. 30:42 And we had the number one 30:44 radio station in all of America. 30:46 This was in Tennessee at a radio station, 30:48 I worked in Johnson City, Tennessee. 30:49 Wow. 30:51 We had the highest ratings 30:52 of any radio station in America. 30:54 Wow. 30:55 And I was in the afternoon program 30:58 from like 3 to 7, we call it afternoon drive. 31:01 And, so some-- I think 31:05 the Lord blessed my work. 31:06 You know some people say, well, 31:08 but that was rock n' roll music. 31:09 Is the Lord gonna bless rock n' roll. 31:11 I don't know, but I think He blessed me. 31:13 I think the Lord has been with me all of my life 31:16 and I can look back on that. 31:18 Very briefly let me say, 31:20 'cause I don't want take time from Helen, 31:22 she has a very interesting story here. 31:24 But many of our viewers and listeners know of Annette, 31:30 she's the one that worked for me in Tennessee. 31:34 That took me to her pastor and she was a great example. 31:39 She helped me study as well. But eventually we got married. 31:45 Yes. I had sworn off marriage. 31:47 I was never gonna get married again after three failures. 31:50 I said, you know, who needs it. It was done. 31:51 But she was a wonderful woman 31:54 and I feel in love with her and we were married, 31:58 and we were married for 15 ½ years. 32:01 And she is now asleep in Jesus, awaiting the resurrection. 32:05 And it was a wonderful experience. 32:09 I praise God for her and for what He had done. 32:15 And He's blessed me with another marriage 32:20 and a woman that I met from, our Russian ministry. 32:25 And the Lord has just totally blessed me 32:28 and I praise Him for that. 32:30 But everything gets down to our heart. 32:33 That's right. 32:34 And our heart determines our salvation 32:38 or where we're going to go. 32:40 And for the people who have a heart for the Lord, 32:43 a heart for the truth, the Lord wants to reach 32:47 and I'm pleased to be a part of that. 32:48 Amen. 32:49 You know, the Lord also called you to share your story 32:52 and I want a segway on that because I want to ask Helen, 32:55 how did you find out about Jay? 32:58 He gave his testimony at a church in the area 33:01 where we both lived at that point, 33:03 but we had known each other at all. 33:05 And my husband and I went to that testimony 33:09 and I found it very fascinating. 33:11 I appreciated his story and we were headed 33:16 out of the church and I had this impression, 33:20 you ought to offer to write Jay's story. 33:24 And I felt, what? 33:27 I don't write books, I just write short things. 33:30 And we were going through the foyer to head home 33:35 and again that impression came, you ought to offer 33:38 to write Jay's story and I giggled. 33:41 And my husband said, huh, what's that about? 33:46 Oh, nothing I said. 33:48 And I fought that impression for literally months. 33:53 And in fact it was more then a year later 33:55 before we actually ended up meeting. 34:00 And God kept talking to me, but it got less frequent 34:06 and less frequent and then some friends 34:12 that we had known in North Dakota 34:14 were visiting Jay and his wife and daughter. 34:20 And at the time Jay had written his story, 34:23 got it back from a publisher, they weren't interested 34:26 and he was wondering what do I do with this, 34:29 and he told them, he had just recited that day. 34:33 He told them and they said, well, we know a writer 34:37 and gave him my phone number. 34:41 So when he called my telephone number 34:44 and I answered the phone and I'm thinking, 34:47 this voice, I recognize it, but where? 34:50 I couldn't and then he said his name and I thought, 34:53 oh, no, where did he get my phone number? 34:57 'Cause you been running from this very assignment 34:58 that God had pressing you to do. 35:01 Yes. 35:03 But anyway, long story short, I kept fighting God 35:07 until he made it so very, very clear 35:10 that this was indeed his assignment for me. 35:13 And we only have time to touch on highlights, 35:17 but I can say that viewers can get the story 35:21 behind the story off of my website. 35:23 It's a free thing that they can get off. 35:24 We're gonna give the information 35:26 before the program is done, 35:27 so that they can get the full story. 35:29 Now you have just given a snippet of yours 35:30 and truly timed us and allow us to get deeply into yours. 35:34 But you've accepted the assignment. 35:35 I accepted the assignment and I started off 35:38 and interviewing Jay and Annette 35:42 and trying to organize it and get going on it. 35:48 But it just seemed like 35:49 there were so many interruptions 35:51 and I started having health problems 35:52 and all kinds of strange things were happening. 35:55 And then at one point, one morning I was-- 35:59 I needed to write the book proposal 36:01 which is just a document to tell a publisher, 36:06 why you think the book is important, 36:07 what the book is about, 36:09 why they are the right publisher to publish it. 36:10 You know, a sales document essential to the publisher. 36:14 And I worked really hard on it one day and that night 36:19 I turned the computer off and thought, 36:21 if tomorrow goes as well as today did, 36:23 I should have the rough draft of the proposal done 36:26 by tomorrow evening. 36:28 Well, the next morning I went in, 36:29 I pushed the power switch on the computer 36:33 and nothing happened. 36:34 Which was a little strange because it was a, 36:36 almost brand new computer, it was like four months old. 36:39 And I thought, oh, 36:40 I must have a bumped the plug some place. 36:42 So I checked the plugs there on the desk 36:45 and pushed the power switch again and nothing happened. 36:50 I check all the-- 36:52 You know, crawled onto the desk and checked all the plugs. 36:55 I checked the manual, I did everything 36:57 I could think off and it would not come on. 37:02 And I thought, what is going on? 37:04 And I just, I prayed, God, what's going on? 37:09 What am I supposed to do? 37:12 And this thought came and I remembered a text 37:14 in the Bible that talked about our adversary the devil 37:18 who has a roar-- Coming has a roaring lion, 37:21 seeking whom he may devour. 37:23 And somehow it just all began to fit into place. 37:28 And I just immediately went to my knees and asked God, 37:32 is there anything in my life 37:35 that is opening a door to the devil? 37:38 And asked for cleansing, prayed for his wisdom, 37:43 prayed for him to totally indwell me 37:46 and I ended my prayer, simply, God, 37:51 if I need to call every parament that's fine, 37:54 but if this is just the devil trying to slow progress 37:57 on this project, would You take care of him? 38:00 Wow. Wow. 38:02 And I got up from my knees, 38:03 turned around and push the power switch. 38:07 And the computer lit up. 38:08 What? 38:10 And the startup sounds and the computer was just fine. 38:13 I had not lost anything, all of research and so forth. 38:17 And all of a sudden I began to fit things together. 38:20 And the fact that right after this 38:23 I had started on Jay's story. 38:26 I had gone for a regular routine physical. 38:29 I'd always been very healthy 38:31 and instead of getting a post card back 38:33 from the doctor's appointment saying, everything is normal 38:36 which I was used to getting. 38:38 The doctor called one evening and said, 38:40 we've got a little problem here. 38:43 Your lab work shows, it's just slightly abnormal, 38:48 but what I'm concerned about it, 38:50 it shows the profile of a tumor on the pituitary gland. 38:56 And it's very slight at this point, 38:59 so there really isn't anything to do right now, 39:01 but it's be sure to comeback in six months, 39:04 and let's recheck this. 39:06 Well, in the meantime, of course that's on my mind 39:09 and I tried to ignore it, but you know, 39:11 it's hard to ignore having a tumor possibly growing 39:16 at the base of your brain. 39:17 That is there. 39:19 Anyway. 39:21 But I'd also been having throat problems. 39:24 So I went to a throat specialist 39:26 and he put his fiber optic camera down my throat 39:31 and gave me the you know, tour guide 39:34 of what he was seeing as if we were both 39:36 looking at the computer monitor there and. 39:39 And then all of a sudden he said, 39:40 ah-huh, here's the problem and I had four nodules 39:43 that he photographed on my vocal chords. 39:46 And... 39:49 You know, after he looked it over well, 39:51 he took out the camera and the tubing 39:54 and I could have lived happily a lifetime 39:58 without hearing his, his prescription, 40:01 which was total vocal rest. 40:04 Don't talk? 40:05 Don't talk. You know what that's like. 40:06 And especially don't whisper or don't talk on the telephone, 40:10 'cause that's even worse on your throat 40:12 than regular talking and no singing. 40:14 And I had been a singer as well. 40:16 I know. 40:18 Sounds like you know what that's like. 40:20 He's been through that. 40:22 It's not easy to do. No. 40:24 Anyway, so all this-- 40:26 As I'm thinking about the computer coming on, 40:28 all of this is fitting in and I'm thinking, 40:33 ah, maybe this is all. 40:37 I mean, we're in this battle and first I praise God, 40:41 that the computer came on, secondly, 40:44 fear cut in and I'm thinking... 40:48 If the devil will stop stooping, 40:51 will stoop to stopping computers, 40:53 what else might he do? 40:55 Well, a few moths later, 40:57 my husband who has his own business 40:59 and I work for his business, fell. 41:02 Actually I was still on this total vocal rest 41:05 and the telephone rang and I just waited 41:07 for the answering machine to pick it up. 41:10 And a very pained voice on the other end said, 41:14 Helen, are you home? 41:16 Please pick up the phone. I need the doctor. 41:20 And I thought, is that my husband? 41:22 I didn't even know for sure. 41:24 But I picked up the phone 41:26 and said, hello, what's going on? 41:30 I fell, I think I broke both legs. 41:34 Anyway long story short 41:36 and there's a lot more involved, 41:38 but long story short. 41:40 He had broken a bone in his left foot, 41:43 crushed his right ankle very, very severely. 41:46 The doctor didn't think 41:47 he would be able to go back to work. 41:49 And... 41:54 In that one slip of a ladder, 41:56 we had lost our total family income since I worked for him. 42:00 Oh, yeah. Wow. 42:01 And had no guarantee 42:04 that we were ever going to get an income back. 42:07 Anyway, I went off the vocal rest for a little while. 42:12 I was trying to help my husband. 42:14 After he'd been laying in bed for sometime with his feet up, 42:20 and wheelchair, anytime he was out of the bed. 42:25 I one day was walking down our hallway, 42:27 with not so much as a shadow to trip over 42:31 and I felt flat on my face and hurt my ankle. 42:34 Oh, no. 42:36 And I'm thinking oh, no. 42:38 And I picked myself up, hobbled to the refrigerator, 42:42 got ice, hobbled to the heighted bed, 42:46 where my husband slept 42:47 because we couldn't get his wheelchair into the bedroom. 42:52 And there we lay, three of the four feet 42:56 in our household, up on pillows. 42:58 Oh, no. 42:59 And I turned and looked at my husband, 43:02 he turned and looked at me 43:04 and we both just burst out laughing-- 43:07 Like, what are we-- What's going on here? 43:08 What is going on? 43:10 Anyway, long story short, 43:14 the next day I went to the doctor 43:15 'cause the ankle was already blue, and purple 43:17 and green, very colorful. 43:19 And fortunately it was a just a bad sprain. 43:24 Praise the Lord. Good. 43:25 Praise the Lord, is right. 43:27 However the doctor said, you look really tired 43:31 and I had been just really overtired. 43:34 And I was beyond the six moths because of the fact 43:39 that I was taking care of my husband, 43:40 I just didn't have much time. 43:42 And-- And so the doctor said, 43:49 you're overdue on your lab work. 43:51 Oh. 43:52 Have the blood drawn today. 43:56 Well, when I got lab results back the doctor called again 44:00 and said, it's grossly abnormal this time, 44:03 it is definitely the profile of the tumor on the pituitary. 44:07 And that started another whole waiting period, 44:09 the testing period and just a waiting period 44:14 and waiting on God. 44:16 Yeah. 44:18 I decided to fast and pray for healing, 44:21 but then I realized what one of the lepers said. 44:28 You can heal me if You will. 44:30 And I realized I needed to be able to pray for God's will. 44:34 Amen. 44:36 I had an opinion about what God should do. 44:37 Right. 44:39 But I needed to be able to pray 44:40 for His will and truly mean that. 44:42 That's right. 44:44 And we had a real showdown, God and I. 44:47 And that's all, it's in the book, 44:49 the process that I went though to come to the point 44:53 that I could truly wish for God's will 44:58 and pray in confidence for His healing, 45:01 in His time and in His way, 45:04 whether it was immediate with the miracle, 45:07 overtime with the medical intervention 45:10 or at the resurrection. 45:12 And I knew at the resurrection I would be healed 45:15 because no one's going to heaven with tumors 45:18 and any kind time of malady. 45:20 Anyway it was a long waiting period and let me just say, 45:27 some of the things that really helped 45:29 during this waiting period. 45:31 And I've kind of-- I've put together 45:33 with the song "He's Able" "He's Able" 45:38 "He's Able" "He's Able to see me through". 45:41 And A-B-L-E, some of the things that just helped me so much 45:46 during that time and any body else who's having trials, 45:49 you need to-- If you need to renew your mind 45:52 and be thinking on things of God, 45:54 the A stands for Assurances. 45:57 Okay. 45:58 All kinds of assurances. It could be a hymn. 46:01 I mean how can you think the words of a mighty fortress 46:06 or you know some of these wonderful hymns 46:08 and be thinking negatively. 46:10 Assurances quips and quotes like, 46:13 I think of one that somebody gave me. 46:18 For peace of mind, retire as manager of the universe. 46:23 You know, just those little things 46:26 that remind you that you're not in control. 46:28 That's right, retire. 46:30 All kinds of assurances, the assurances, 46:32 chords and notes that people would send 46:34 that they were praying for us. 46:35 That's right. 46:37 All kinds of assurances. 46:38 The second one, the B, able, A- B- L- E, the B is for Bible. 46:44 The Bible promises and I about wore out 46:48 a packet of Bible promises 46:51 that I had made up just copied them on to little cards 46:54 and as I memorized them, those Bible promises gave me 46:58 such assurance and just memorizing them, 47:01 but learning to apply them word by word 47:04 and really do mental images. 47:08 Do different things that made them 47:10 very real and practical for my life today. 47:13 And, with the B also the Bible stories, 47:17 the miracle stories in the Bible. 47:19 Oh, they are so many and I loved to tell 47:21 some of them today 47:22 with the meaning that, oh, this God is so good. 47:24 Is that in your book? Is that in your book? 47:25 Yeah, they are. It is in my book, yes. 47:27 And the L? And the L, the lives of others. 47:31 I mean when the read the stories of-- 47:34 or you know, just many stories 47:36 of how God has led another people's lives. 47:39 And the stories of friends who would share 47:43 their testimonies can be so encouraging. 47:47 And then the E is for experience. 47:51 We have nothing to fear for the future 47:53 expect as we forget how God has led us in the past. 47:57 And as we remembered as my husband and I 48:00 related these things, how God had let us 48:03 in the past and encouraged us to go on. 48:05 So if you're in God's waiting room, 48:08 spend time remembering that God is able. 48:13 That's right. To carry you though. 48:16 You know, one thing I want to point out because, 48:19 you know, time is our enemy at the end of the day. 48:21 But what I want remind our audience is that, 48:24 the Lord allowed you both to connect 48:25 to go through a journey and both of these journeys 48:28 while ending on appraise the Lord, 48:31 both were, both were replete with spiritualist attacks. 48:36 You know, Jay experienced that. 48:38 You experienced that 48:39 and I think one of the natural things 48:41 as why you shied away from this because you thought, 48:43 if I heard correctly what he was talking about, 48:45 I don't want to be involved in that at all. 48:47 But God threw it all, wanted to let you know 48:51 that the experience of God often goes 48:54 and gets deeper when we encounter things 48:56 that we're reminded, we can not control, all right. 48:59 Yes, yes. 49:00 And so, so you grew stronger in that. 49:02 As you grew stronger coming out of that. 49:04 Yes. 49:06 Helen the name of your book? 49:08 "My God is Bigger". That's right. 49:10 And He is bigger than any circumstance, 49:13 any situation, any challenge, any challenger. 49:17 God did many, many miracles for us. 49:21 But if you can quantify miracles and I'm not sure 49:23 that you can, but if you could, 49:26 probably the biggest one was when He gave us peace 49:30 in the midst of a storm. 49:31 That's right. 49:33 And that, the healings, 49:35 He did miracles just to keep us alive, 49:39 but He also gave us peace when we didn't know 49:43 we're gonna alive or not. 49:44 That's right. 49:46 Now how is your husband today? 49:47 My husband today, though he had be assured 49:49 that he would need a replacement ankle probably 49:51 within five to eight years. 49:53 It's more then a decade later. 49:55 He is still, actually more then a decade and a half later. 49:58 And he's still on the same ankle. 50:00 He was able to return to work. 50:02 Amen. 50:03 We were able to have, to keep eating and paying bills 50:07 which is very nice. 50:09 Of course. 50:10 And God has just blessed in so many ways. 50:13 I am, though I can't say I relished going 50:16 through the experience. 50:18 I'm thrilled with the growth 50:21 and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 50:22 Amen. 50:23 And your book, Jay, 50:25 what's the title of your book again? 50:26 It's "Falling for a Lie." 50:27 "Falling for a Lie." Yes. 50:29 And you know, I want to give our audience 50:30 an opportunity with the address roll 50:31 that's gonna come right on the heels of, 50:33 of the cover that you've just seen. 50:36 The information that you're gonna receive right now 50:38 will give you an opportunity to contact both Jay and Helen. 50:42 If you like to have them come and share their story, 50:44 or even have access to both of these 50:46 wonderful works of God's blessing. 50:48 Here's the information that you need. 50:53 If you would like to learn how you can receive 50:55 the books "Falling for a Lie" and "My God is Bigger" 50:58 then you can write to 3ABN, PO Box 220, 51:02 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896. 51:06 You can call (618) 627-4651. 51:11 Or you can order them online through our store at 51:16 You can contact Jay at 51:21 or visit Helens webpage for her events, 51:24 books or to contact her, at 51:28 That's |
Revised 2015-08-27