3ABN Today

Brand New Format and Focus on the Adventist Review

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Bill Knott


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015025B

00:01 And that's good information.
00:02 We always like to have you aware of the things
00:03 that are happening here at 3ABN.
00:04 Bill, I want to talk to you a little bit about the way--
00:06 the new way this is packaged
00:08 because when this came to my desk,
00:09 I thought this was a special.
00:11 So I let it sit there for several days
00:12 but you've something tucked inside,
00:14 walk us through what this new format is all about?
00:17 You know, for years, people have written
00:18 the letters to the editor saying,
00:20 why does my copy always get mangled?
00:22 And why does the mailman--
00:24 in fact you know, get it ripped up out,
00:27 where does the dog chew on it.
00:29 And we've concluded that the way to make sure
00:33 you get the value of your journal
00:35 is to make sure it comes in a poly bag.
00:36 In addition to the Adventist Review in there,
00:39 you gonna find every month that
00:41 award winning little journal called Kids View.
00:43 Yes.
00:44 This is the most child friendly, family friendly
00:46 and frankly one of the better read portions
00:48 of our publication sequence
00:50 because every month there is an eight page
00:53 kid friendly content of the Adventist Review
00:56 coming out in Kids View and it's poly bagged
00:59 in the same container along with your Adventist Review.
01:02 But you can take it to a family, worship.
01:04 Kids can take it up to their room
01:06 and do the puzzles and coloring, read the stories.
01:09 Often we digest in Kids View the very same content
01:13 that we have in the adult magazine.
01:14 Excellent. Excellent.
01:15 Gentlemen, someone has put in a lot of thought
01:17 and a lot of prayer into this new format.
01:20 I like this because if you're selected
01:22 to tell a children story next week,
01:24 you got a resource.
01:25 Yeah, you got so much there.
01:27 Then you've got the senior magazine dare I say,
01:30 so you've got a lot inside this new format.
01:33 I love it and I think
01:34 it's gonna go really like hot cakes.
01:37 Should you want to get in contact
01:39 with the Adventist Review,
01:40 if you didn't get the information
01:41 from just a few moments ago,
01:42 call us here at 3ABN we will get it to you.
01:44 This is something you want to add to your library.
01:47 This will do you good and it's half the price
01:50 and I think that will sell some of the people right there
01:52 because I've been paying for years,
01:54 and I can get two years for the price of one,
01:55 so I'm hooked,
01:56 I'm a subscriber lifer, dare you say.
02:00 Thank you. For the Adventist Review.
02:02 May your tribe increase. Indeed.
02:05 Thank you so very much.
02:06 And if you get to come to General Conference,
02:08 stop by the Adventist Review booth to see the brethren
02:10 because they would love to shake your hand
02:12 and sign you up if you have not done so already.
02:14 Well, our time has fast slipped into eternity.
02:16 Allow me in closing now to wish you
02:18 both grace and peace
02:20 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
02:21 We'll see you again soon. Bye-bye and God bless.


Revised 2015-07-19