3ABN Today

Pray One Million Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Ruthie Jacobsen & Pavel Goia


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015023A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray.
01:11 And allow me once again to thank you
01:12 for sharing just a little bit of your
01:15 no doubt busy day with us, and a thank you
01:17 for your love, your prayers and support of 3ABN.
01:20 I could not be more excited.
01:23 One because of the subject matter
01:24 and one because of we tend to use this term
01:27 a lot special guests.
01:28 But these are indeed special guests.
01:31 Perhaps guests is the wrong word
01:33 'cause they've been here so many times
01:34 and so often that none of them are guests anymore.
01:37 And we're gonna be talking about prayer
01:40 and the power of prayer
01:41 and how we can join together in prayer.
01:43 So we got to-- we have an exciting subject
01:45 and we got some exciting people
01:47 to talk about, I'll start with well,
01:48 it's just the Ruthie Jacobsen
01:49 who is a very familiar face to our 3ABN family.
01:52 It was good to have you here.
01:53 Thank you. Great to be here.
01:55 And time has been kind to you my lady.
01:57 You're just as attractive as ever
01:59 and I'm throwing the flowers right now.
02:01 It's going to be a good program.
02:02 Her husband in the middle here Don Jacobsen,
02:05 we've known for many, many years.
02:06 I'm trying to think, Don, because I first me you
02:10 when in 2000, when you were still with
02:14 Adventist World Radio.
02:15 We're doing some stories for the church.
02:17 Ruthie, I met I don't remember where,
02:21 I do remember where, I don't remember
02:22 when the person introduced us was Pat Langley.
02:25 Yeah.
02:26 You know Pat of course.
02:27 So we've always kind of know Ruthie,
02:29 and last but certainly not least is Pastor Pavel Goia
02:33 who's been here.
02:34 We call him here the glass man
02:35 because of one of his miracle story
02:37 that God has blessed him with over the years.
02:40 Pavel, good to have you here.
02:41 My privilege to be here.
02:42 Pastoring now in Lexington, Kentucky.
02:44 Lexington, yeah.
02:45 And, Ruthie, still working with
02:46 North American division as prayer.
02:48 Don, whiling the ways-- days away by the pool retired.
02:54 When he's not show for Ruthie.
02:57 Designated driver, right.
02:59 Haven't seen that yet.
03:01 Okay, but it is good to have you guys here.
03:04 And what we're gonna talk about,
03:07 it's called pray, pray one thousand.
03:11 Now before we go to our music I need to get--
03:13 No, you noticed it--
03:14 I said pray one thousand.
03:15 It's a thousand times a thousand.
03:17 Pray One Million. Yes.
03:19 You're trying to get a discount.
03:23 Excellent Pray One Million
03:25 yet not pray a thousand, thousand.
03:27 Right. Right.
03:28 Yeah, Ruthie, where did it come from?
03:30 How did the idea occur?
03:32 And give us kind of an overview
03:34 before we're to going to the specifics.
03:35 Well, 2014 was the year of prayer
03:39 all across North American division.
03:40 Yes.
03:41 And our friend Elder Ricardo Graham
03:45 chaired the committee, this joint committee
03:47 during that year.
03:48 But as we were closing the year we said we need an initiative
03:52 that will carry over into 2015 and longer.
03:56 Because you can't just have prayer for a year
04:00 and make that the emphasis for one year
04:02 because once it starts growing, it needs to keep growing.
04:06 And so the initiative was born in that committee
04:10 Pray One Million and it has caught on.
04:13 Yes.
04:14 It has caught on.
04:15 We're asking every member
04:17 and those who aren't members.
04:19 You know, they can be a member of another denomination,
04:23 another division and the church to just pray for one person,
04:27 one specific person every single day.
04:30 And every two or three months
04:33 if only half of the membership of this denomination prays,
04:38 it will be an accumulation of one million hours.
04:41 Wow. Wow. One million hours.
04:43 That is exciting. Praise God.
04:45 Yeah, pray one thousand, thousand.
04:49 Pray One Million beautiful idea,
04:52 and in fact to lockdown on one person
04:55 and just concentrate on that individual
04:58 that is a wonderful thing to do.
05:01 And God we're already hearing exciting stories.
05:04 This got started across the division
05:08 toward the end of 2014
05:11 and then of course now it's growing.
05:13 But we started hearing stories almost immediately,
05:18 people that were totally impossible
05:20 from a human standpoint.
05:21 Yes.
05:22 Can I tell you one real quickly?
05:23 Oh, please do.
05:25 Jim Moon in Colorado was praying for a man
05:29 who is gay and who is militant, militant about that.
05:34 And an alcoholic
05:36 and the Lord just impressed him take Bill, take Bill
05:40 because only God can reach hearts like that.
05:43 Yes.
05:44 Or only God can reach any of us really.
05:46 But He started going to the throne
05:49 with Bill's name day after day after day,
05:52 saying Lord I know you can do it.
05:53 I know he's valuable to You.
05:56 Do something for real.
05:57 And after a few weeks he and Bill became better friends.
06:02 And Bill finally said to him, I don't think I'm ready yet,
06:05 but I'm no longer militant.
06:07 And I am celibate and I want to be baptized.
06:12 Wow.
06:14 I mean that is huge. That is a blessing.
06:15 Yeah, and it's very huge. Very huge. Very huge.
06:19 If you'd look at something that one may consider
06:23 almost impossible or certainly a more difficult task
06:26 that would be it.
06:27 And to have that change, that's a God thing.
06:29 Well, and all through scripture
06:31 God has one impossible situation
06:33 after another that He solves.
06:34 Yeah, that's what He does.
06:36 And He says, I'm the same today, trust Me.
06:40 Praise God.
06:41 Don, are you part of this?
06:43 Well, of course anything your wife does,
06:44 you are de facto part of it.
06:45 Right.
06:46 But are you fulfilling any particular niche
06:50 with Pray One Million?
06:52 Well, I do a lot of the editing
06:53 and so forth but, C.A., we've been so exciting.
06:57 See, this is not just about praying with a stopwatch.
07:02 But it's seeking to in test.
07:04 I mean we all pray for people,
07:05 you know, most of us have a prayer list.
07:07 We go through it pretty quick.
07:09 You know, bless mom, bless dad, bless the pastor,
07:11 help me find my keys, you know, those kind of things,
07:14 but what we're suggesting is that everybody take,
07:16 ask the Lord to lay on your heart one individual.
07:20 And maybe a neighbor or friend, relative,
07:24 somebody you don't like.
07:25 I mean, there's no limit to who that could be.
07:29 And the Bible says that Jesus intercedes with us.
07:33 So whoever we choose,
07:35 Jesus is already interceding for that person.
07:37 That means that Jesus and I are prayer partners.
07:39 Yes.
07:40 Working before the throne.
07:42 With this one individual and to set aside
07:46 a minimum of one person, a minimum of one minute
07:49 everyday to pray for this to intercede to claim promises,
07:55 to ask God how we can be helpful
07:56 in their spiritual journey.
07:59 And then to realize that if only half of us do this
08:02 in our denomination across North America
08:06 that would generate,
08:07 that generates a million hours of prayer
08:10 every three months or so that we're bringing
08:12 before the throne of grace.
08:13 Yes. Yes.
08:14 That just really thrills me.
08:16 You know, I'd like to think that
08:18 I'm part of the prayer movement.
08:20 Yes, I like that idea.
08:21 This is not just something being done.
08:22 And that's what it is.
08:23 Yes. Yes. That's right.
08:24 Yes. Yes.
08:25 I'm praying for a young man who is a Baptist pastor.
08:29 Oh.
08:30 Who thinks he's my son.
08:32 Isn't that great?
08:33 Praise the Lord.
08:35 You know, Don, you touched on a couple of things,
08:36 Pavel, I'm coming to you actually do get to speak.
08:39 But you said a couple of things that touch me.
08:42 One, I don't know if it's Ruth or Don you said,
08:44 we're not doing this with a stopwatch.
08:45 So and I say okay,
08:47 you get a minute and I got to go.
08:48 But it's not, it's something that's ongoing.
08:51 Yeah.
08:52 And that you're invested in,
08:54 so I think your first prayer should be
08:56 Lord who do you want me to focus on?
08:59 Exactly. We did not think.
09:00 Absolutely. Yeah.
09:01 then once you do it lockdown on 'em.
09:04 The second thing you said
09:05 is choose a neighbor or choose an enemy.
09:07 Yeah.
09:09 Choosing an enemy ain't a bad idea.
09:11 That's right.
09:12 Because I suspect if you bring them
09:14 to the Lord for any length of time,
09:15 that enemy won't be an enemy for long.
09:16 That's true. It's right.
09:18 And it's hard to hate somebody
09:19 whose name you're taking to the Lord everyday.
09:20 Amen.
09:21 If you got a neighbor who is,
09:23 you know, throwing garbage over in your yard
09:25 or whatever, pray for that guy you know,
09:28 you make a mistake your garbage out.
09:30 You never can tell.
09:31 God can take him out.
09:32 He surely can.
09:33 So I think it's a great idea to focus on one person
09:37 or a number of people for a longer period of time.
09:41 But to pick one person and just lay on that person,
09:43 I think that's a wonderful idea.
09:45 Really a wonderful idea.
09:46 Before I go to Pavel,
09:47 anything else story wise
09:49 'cause I love-- first of all stories excite me
09:51 and they let us know that this stuff really works.
09:55 Well, I just wanted to say, we just got back from Bermuda.
09:59 And one of the lives that touched us is a legend.
10:02 This man is a legend.
10:04 He's a member of our church in Bermuda.
10:07 He's 92 years old.
10:09 He gets up at 2:45 every morning.
10:11 I know who you're talking about, yes.
10:12 Johnny Barnes. Yes, yes.
10:14 He gets up,
10:15 he drives to this corner of the intersection
10:20 in traffic circle in Hamilton and he stands out there.
10:24 Yes.
10:25 From 4 o'clock in the morning until 10
10:28 and he says God bless you, thanks for coming to Bermuda.
10:32 We love you, throws kisses.
10:34 Yeah.
10:35 There're cars, there're buses,
10:36 there're trucks going around the circle.
10:38 People love that man.
10:39 Yes. Yes. They love that man.
10:40 Yeah.
10:41 And he's just full of the love of Lord.
10:43 Oh, yes.
10:44 And he's standing out there praying for people
10:46 silently, loving people.
10:49 And I just think he is being faithful to his calling.
10:54 Yes, he is. Yes, yes.
10:55 And they told us they said when this man dies,
10:58 it's gonna be a funeral across this island
11:01 like you've never seen.
11:02 Yes. Yes.
11:03 Because he's so loved and he is a legend.
11:06 They have a statue there now and he gave me a picture of him
11:11 standing beside the statue and we're framing it.
11:15 Yeah. And it's a big one.
11:16 He said, if you frame this you'll have,
11:17 but if you don't frame it you'll lose it.
11:19 I said that's right, Johnny.
11:21 I took a picture,
11:22 I took a picture of him kissing her on the cheek.
11:26 Okay, so we got well acquainted.
11:29 But, C.A., to me that's a beautiful illustration.
11:32 Yes.
11:33 Of the power of prayer.
11:35 The power of obedience to God and loving people.
11:39 And God takes that combination.
11:41 Yes.
11:42 And Pray One Million is the same.
11:45 You're saying God put somebody on my heart,
11:47 I want to love that person to the throne.
11:50 I'm gonna take that name to the throne
11:53 and just love that person through me.
11:56 And I want to be as faithful as Johnny Barnes.
11:59 And when Johnny Barnes is not there,
12:00 he's missed and they come seeking him
12:02 because they expect him everyday.
12:03 That's true. That's right.
12:04 And I'd think once you begin praying,
12:06 the Lord is gonna expect you
12:07 to be there everyday, do it for--
12:08 Amen.
12:09 I have a message--
12:10 our priest just this past week at ASI,
12:12 "Deeds of kindness tear down walls of separation
12:15 and build bridges to salvation.
12:17 It's hard to hate somebody who is loving on you,
12:19 you know.
12:20 It's gonna tear down that wall
12:22 and if they're praying for you, then you got some extra help,
12:24 you know, from the Lord that cannot be defeated.
12:27 I think it's a great idea.
12:28 Pastor Pavel,
12:30 we know you've got some miracles stories
12:31 because that's your thing.
12:35 I think I'll go to our music, then we'll come back
12:37 and let you go just a little bit and come back.
12:40 Yeah, it's gonna be a good program
12:41 so do stay with us.
12:42 We've got three exciting people who are full of the love of God
12:46 and full of the miracles of God.
12:50 So you want to stay by.
12:51 Just now Steve Darmody is here and he's going to sing,
12:54 "I walked today where Jesus walked."
13:25 I walked today where Jesus walked
13:32 In days of long ago
13:40 I wandered down each path He knew
13:47 With reverent step and slow
13:54 Those little lanes, they have not changed
14:02 A sweet peace fills the air
14:09 I walked today where Jesus walked
14:16 And felt His presence there
14:24 My pathway led through Bethlehem
14:30 Ah! mem'ries ever sweet
14:37 The little hills of Galilee
14:44 That knew those childish feet
14:52 The Mount of Olives, hallowed scenes
14:57 That Jesus knew before
15:05 I saw the mighty Jordan roll
15:11 As in the days of yore
15:24 I knelt today where Jesus knelt
15:31 Where all alone he prayed
15:38 The Garden of Gethsemane
15:45 My heart felt unafraid
15:53 I picked my heavy burden up
15:59 And with Him at my side
16:07 I climbed the Hill of Calvary
16:13 I climbed the Hill of Calvary
16:20 I climbed the Hill of Calvary
16:27 Where on the Cross He died
16:40 I walked today where Jesus walked
16:48 And felt Him close
16:56 He wants with me
17:01 And He talks with me
17:07 And He tells me that
17:11 I am His own
17:18 Oh the joy we share
17:23 as we tarry there
17:31 As I feel Him
17:34 close to me
18:09 Thank you, Steve,
18:10 "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked," well done
18:13 and we praise the Lord.
18:14 We are here with Ruthie Jacobson,
18:16 Don Jacobson and Pastor Pavel Goia.
18:18 And we're talking about the Pray One Million project.
18:22 There's something in me wants to say one thousand,
18:24 so I'll just say one thousand, thousand
18:25 when I say one thousand but it is one million
18:28 and it is a wonderful idea.
18:30 The idea of taking a name and praying each day
18:34 and everyday for at least one minute for that person.
18:39 Person's projects can we expand that to persons and projects
18:43 and as Don has said, your friends, your neighbors
18:47 someone you want to win to the Lord,
18:48 someone who may never have it.
18:50 Someone who may consider themselves your enemy.
18:53 These are all likely candidates for Pray One Million
18:57 and you were saying that if only half of the membership
19:01 of the division or the church.
19:03 North America.
19:04 Of North America sort of locks on to this,
19:07 we will have one million hours of prayer each--
19:10 Every three months. Every three months.
19:11 Yeah, yeah.
19:12 But we know that we can count quarters 'cause we, you know--
19:13 That's exciting.
19:15 Yeah, every time you have a communion,
19:16 you know, you've got your one man in really good idea.
19:20 And Pastor Pavel like I said you actually get to speak,
19:23 you've got some instances where this is,
19:25 you've seen this kind of work miracles for the Lord.
19:28 Absolutely. Yeah.
19:29 Absolutely.
19:30 You see if something happens in our family,
19:32 we don't just mention be with my son,
19:34 he had an accident and they move on.
19:36 We labor over the name.
19:38 We care for them.
19:40 And when we don't just mention genetically
19:43 oh, be those who don't know you.
19:45 But we tell name by name and labor over the names.
19:49 At least I mean it could be more,
19:51 there is no clock like,
19:52 okay, the minute is gone.
19:54 But when we take each name and labor over it,
19:56 we give God opportunities to work
19:58 and you don't do it one time but daily.
20:01 You see for instance, I could give many examples
20:05 but I'm gonna focus on couple of them probably.
20:07 For instance we were young, I remember being in Romania.
20:11 We had the youth group of 11
20:16 and each one took one from each family.
20:21 And it happens that in one of the families
20:24 I'm not gonna give names or places
20:26 but in one of the families
20:28 the father was in the communist government
20:30 and he was treating his family pretty bad.
20:34 In fact in one instance
20:36 he tried to roll over his wife with a car,
20:40 stop going to church, forget God.
20:42 You ruined my career.
20:44 I'm in the communist government.
20:45 I don't need somebody in my family to go church.
20:48 The story is long.
20:51 The others there was hope, but this guy was hopeless.
20:54 He did not want to hear about God.
20:56 He tried to poison her.
20:57 He tried to roll over her with a car.
21:01 It was just hopeless.
21:02 You could not talk to him about it.
21:03 He was angry.
21:05 We started to pray for him.
21:08 We prayed between I don't remember three months
21:11 or six months but after three months
21:13 we started to see results.
21:15 And I can tell you specifically seven out of eleven people
21:18 that we prayed for God baptized.
21:21 This specific man that he was and his wife,
21:24 he is tall and she is short like David and Goliath.
21:27 I mean he is big and she is small.
21:30 He came home one day and he dropped had heart attack
21:35 and they lived at the fourth storey
21:37 and she is heavy as he was.
21:40 And she was small and sick and weak.
21:43 She took him and dragged him there was no elevator,
21:46 no-- you know, dragged him down the stairs
21:50 and prayed for power.
21:51 And in Romania if you'd wait in that time for the ambulance,
21:54 you'll better call Pizza Hut
21:56 because they would come faster than the ambulance.
21:58 So she put him in the car,
22:03 she drove him to hospital
22:05 and she prayed over him three days and three nights.
22:08 And eventually he came back, they managed to save his life.
22:11 Praise God.
22:12 And when he woke up
22:14 after three days and three nights of no sleep
22:16 that she was praying over him and we were praying too
22:20 because we had already over three months of praying
22:22 for the 11 names that he was one of the 11.
22:25 When he woke up, he saw her praying
22:29 and he put his hands on her head and said,
22:32 you should be happy if I die.
22:34 You should have let me die in the house there.
22:37 It will be your way out.
22:38 Why do you keep praying for me?
22:40 I said honey, since I started to pray for you,
22:43 I started to love you more and more.
22:45 Oh, Praise God.
22:46 And there she said, I want you saved
22:48 and if you got doubt,
22:49 there is only one away divorce or love you and pray for you.
22:52 So I chose the second one.
22:54 Good man.
22:55 He got out of hospital.
22:57 That Sabbath he was in suit and tie in the church.
23:00 Wow.
23:01 Got baptized, never missed again.
23:03 He's involved in the church. Prayer is powerful.
23:07 It is. It is.
23:08 Every prayer gets an answer when we put our heart there.
23:13 Amen.
23:14 One of the things I think
23:16 you're alluding to all three of you
23:17 in your own way the idea that
23:19 we tend to not press through in our prayers.
23:23 You know, we stop short of the goal.
23:26 We pray maybe couple of days
23:27 and then we're on to something else.
23:29 And we don't stay on this
23:31 and I think one of the focuses
23:33 of this particular initiative is that once you get there,
23:36 you stay there.
23:38 You know, you stay with that name
23:40 because God wants to bless.
23:41 He wants to do something
23:42 but He just needs our fervency and our consistency, Ruthie.
23:45 Well, I would just like to say that
23:47 there are some resources and here's one.
23:51 You can go to PrayOneMillion.org.
23:54 And there are under resources you will find this handout.
23:59 You can print it out for yourself
24:00 or you can print it out for your church.
24:03 But it says Pray One Million praying for one person at least
24:07 one minute everyday and it explains the initiative.
24:12 And then on the back this is an important part of it
24:16 because it says this is my covenant with God.
24:19 And you write in the name
24:21 of the person that you're praying for
24:23 and then you could sign your name
24:27 and you put in your Bible.
24:29 This is a wonderful reminder.
24:31 This person is very special to God.
24:35 This is not just a name.
24:36 This is a person that God, that Christ died for.
24:39 Yes. Yes.
24:40 And that God loves.
24:42 So these resources and then there's one more
24:45 children are getting into this too, C.A.
24:48 Praise the Lord.
24:49 Children are getting into this.
24:50 And here is the one that I would show you for,
24:57 Dwight, I'm moving it around too much.
24:59 But here's a darling little Asian boy
25:02 with his finger up
25:03 and he's saying Pray One Million
25:05 and children are doing this too.
25:07 And then on the back of their card
25:09 it just says because I love Jesus,
25:12 I'm praying for so and so.
25:14 And sometimes they write mommy
25:15 or whoever they want to pray for.
25:18 But you know God hears these prayers of these children
25:21 and it's a wonderful habit for them to get into.
25:24 Yes. Yes.
25:25 So I just encourage you go to PrayOneMillion.org
25:30 and there are two, three videos.
25:35 One of Ron Halvorsen, one that has Elder Dan Jackson
25:40 and Dwight Nelson,
25:41 Freddie Russell, Elder Ricardo Graham
25:44 and then some students at Southern.
25:48 The other one has and Peter Kulakov
25:52 talking about how some of the communist party leaders
25:56 became conference presidents and leaders in the church,
26:00 so all because of prayer.
26:02 So I just encourage you go to that website.
26:06 I love this, Ruthie, Don, Pastor Pavel.
26:09 I want to intensify my intersession
26:11 for one person for now
26:13 asking God to make an eternal difference
26:16 in their life.
26:17 And you're not even specifying
26:18 what an eternal difference means
26:20 relationship, means salvation.
26:23 I will pray at least one minute
26:25 everyday for and you can sign the name.
26:28 I will share the Pray One Million invitation
26:30 with everyone I can and then you sign it.
26:33 So you are covenanting with God
26:35 to take that name to God each and everyday.
26:39 And you've got it there in your Bible
26:41 and I like this a lot.
26:43 Now this-- this banner, this vertical banner behind us
26:48 is one that you'll see these everywhere.
26:53 There's one in every state.
26:55 Many of the churches have them and it's a reminder,
26:59 they like to put them on the platform in a church
27:02 because it's a reminder when people come into church
27:05 oh, yes, I'm part of that.
27:06 I'm part of that initiative.
27:09 So well done, they were made for us
27:12 by a group in North Carolina and they're being used.
27:16 I need to emphasize or have you emphasize
27:18 because we are moving towards a general conference.
27:21 This is not something that's quinquennially driven.
27:25 This is something that we want to go on and on and on and on.
27:27 Correct?
27:28 God know we're reading the Bible through
27:30 when we finish that GC
27:31 and we're doing other things but this is not that.
27:33 This is something that you want to start
27:34 and just keep on going until the Lord comes.
27:37 And you know when you develop a habit.
27:39 Yes.
27:40 And the Holy Spirit is in it. He will take us to new levels.
27:44 Yes.
27:45 And I believe He'll give us a heart
27:48 for the people we're praying for.
27:50 And then he'll lay another one on your heart.
27:52 And show you ways to love them.
27:54 Show you ways to be a Johnny Barnes
27:57 to really care, to really care about people.
28:00 Yeah, that is wonderful.
28:02 Now we have, is it-- is this video
28:04 from our NAD president
28:05 who we're getting ready to see?
28:09 Well, we have one with him, yes.
28:12 All righty.
28:13 Let's roll that just now 'cause he is weighing in
28:16 and this initiative is coming not only from the top down
28:21 but from the bottom up and everybody in between.
28:24 So Dan Jackson has a little to say on this subject.
28:27 Let's look at that video just now.
28:30 We have decided in a very specific way
28:34 to adopt and to embrace the idea of Pray One Million
28:38 that means, if you and I select someone we will pray
28:42 for one minute each day.
28:44 That over every four month period
28:46 between now and General Conference,
28:50 we would pray one million hours.
28:54 Can you imagine it every single day
28:56 all of us praying for one person
28:58 that God has deposited upon our hearts
29:00 for their salvation, for their kids,
29:02 for their families whatever he is
29:04 when brought in heaven.
29:06 Obviously is biblical because as Jesus said to Peter,
29:09 I'm praying for you.
29:11 It's amazing what happens when we lay people
29:13 before the very throne room of God.
29:16 It is high time that we devote time
29:19 concentrated prayer time
29:21 in petitioning God to help us fulfill the mission
29:23 He's entrusted to us.
29:25 A mission that has to began with praying.
29:27 Now look, we all know
29:29 prayer is not the only piece in our strategy,
29:31 but it's the only first piece that can move the arm of heaven
29:34 to intervene on a continent and a society so lost
29:38 and so desperately in need of Christ.
29:41 It's about prayer and about a big God
29:44 who loves to hear the prayers of His people.
29:47 He saves our prayers in golden bowls in heaven.
29:51 They're valuable to Him.
29:53 And He says call to Me, I will answer.
29:56 And I'll show you great and mighty things.
29:58 We can join in Christ who is interceding.
30:01 What an amazing thought.
30:04 And like a single grain of sand
30:06 the Lord has a man, woman, boy or girl
30:10 that He will have you to pray for,
30:12 one among the millions.
30:15 And if you will join me in praying one minute a day
30:19 for the one person God has laid on your heart.
30:23 Together we can pray a million hours
30:26 that will stretch into eternity.
30:29 Together with Abraham,
30:30 we can experience the fulfillment
30:32 of God's stars and sand promise.
30:37 As we worship our Creator around the see of glass
30:41 with the great multitude that no man can number.
30:45 But it all starts with one.
30:48 Who's the one
30:50 that God is calling you to bless through the prayer.
30:54 We're wondering what would happen
30:55 if we could get people to pray for a minute
30:58 for one person, Pray One Million.
31:01 If we could do that, we believe that
31:02 we would assail heaven's door house
31:05 in a way that God could not ignore.
31:07 As Seventh-day Adventists in North America,
31:09 let's join our forces and unite our prayers
31:11 over what we can all agree on,
31:14 Calvary's passion to seek and save the lost
31:16 because surely the sound of united prayer
31:20 is the clamor God's been waiting for.
31:23 The time has come rather that we rise above
31:29 that we reach out the higher ground
31:31 that while we have our conversations
31:32 we do not loose sight
31:35 of what God really wants us to be focusing on.
31:39 I want to urge you to participate with me
31:44 in the Pray One Million initiative.
31:46 I know God will bless us
31:48 and I know God will bless His church
31:50 and may God bless our division
31:54 and our world church.
31:56 Thank you.
31:58 And to that we say amen.
32:00 While we were listening to that Don remark
32:05 this idea about praying for someone
32:06 that maybe you've had--
32:07 you've crossed swords with it sometime in the past.
32:10 Maybe there's some hard feelings
32:11 and I actually believe that
32:12 if you're taking someone's name to the Lord everyday,
32:15 first of all, your heart is gonna be made lighter.
32:18 Your spiritual life is gonna be made better.
32:20 And then God will work on that other person
32:23 and answer to your prayer.
32:24 Right. Absolutely.
32:25 Yeah.
32:26 We've seen that so many times, absolutely.
32:29 Yeah, praise God.
32:30 Pastor Pavel, you've got some more stories man,
32:33 and we love to hear good stories
32:34 because this prayer thing is no-- it works.
32:37 This is a real thing that really works.
32:39 And the power of God has seen when we concentrate
32:42 and focus on prayer.
32:43 So you see it's not just that we pray for somebody else
32:47 but when you do that, God can work on us,
32:50 can work on that person,
32:52 can work on our families in our churches
32:54 and more people do this,
32:56 the more the revealing of the spirit
32:58 we can see in the churches.
32:59 And He doesn't, he is not limited to one.
33:02 I mean at least one but we can pray
33:03 for two or three or five but at least start with one.
33:08 For instance there was a lady in one of my districts.
33:12 Again I'm not gonna give details where.
33:14 And she told me, pastor, I've been praying for my son
33:17 and God doesn't answer.
33:18 And I told, I said, God answers every prayer,
33:22 but we need to keep praying, laboring over it.
33:25 Well, she did.
33:26 Poor lady, she prayed 40 years for her son
33:29 and to just go to the answer her prayer she passed away.
33:34 He came to the funeral
33:36 and he said I want to see my mom,
33:38 give me Bible studies, he got baptized.
33:41 He's involved in the church.
33:42 He's the head elder in a new plant church.
33:45 Prayer works. Yes, it does.
33:46 We don't need to see the answer
33:48 to believe that God does answer.
33:50 And I'm gonna give it a different story that
33:53 it's a little funny in one district
33:56 over back in Romania,
33:58 another pastor came to do evangelism there
34:01 and there were two people that--
34:04 my wife and I just talked about them last night.
34:07 They were I don't know how to put it in a kind way
34:13 very slow.
34:14 I don't know how to say it but--
34:19 some other people made fun of them
34:20 because they're not the brightest possible
34:24 and they came to participate in evangelism
34:27 and they said what can we do?
34:28 And the evangelist and myself look to each other and we said
34:32 we don't want them to get involved,
34:33 they will make a mess.
34:35 And we said you just pray.
34:38 Would you believe they didn't get it
34:39 what it means to pray so they thought
34:42 we do evangelism in the village in the town.
34:44 Seven thousand people
34:45 they want us to pray for 7,000 people,
34:47 where should we pray for them?
34:48 Nobody is in the church. Let's go to their homes.
34:51 They went from home to home
34:53 and they prayed in the three months
34:55 preparation for evangelism in each family,
34:58 per family what do you want us to pray for?
35:00 My cow is dying. They pray for the cow.
35:02 Sicken family, my wife has cancer,
35:04 they pray for the wife, her family.
35:06 After about two months they came back
35:08 we prayed for everybody what should we do?
35:10 And do to each other pray again.
35:13 They started all over again, when we had evangelism
35:16 the whole church brought two people
35:18 and the two men brought 44.
35:20 Wow. Wow.
35:22 Prayer is powerful.
35:24 Didn't you like that story?
35:25 It's not that they give something.
35:27 They prayed for people.
35:30 Yes.
35:31 Yeah, and answered and answered big time.
35:35 And God is able to do that.
35:36 I remember baptizing a fellow,
35:38 his wife had prayed for him for 34 years.
35:40 And she was so excited true story in New York
35:43 that in her joy she broke her ankle
35:47 because she was just so happy
35:48 as we brought him up out of the pool.
35:50 And we're outside the tent, the ground is uneven, you know,
35:52 and she hit a rock and just roll that ankle
35:54 and certainly pulled a ligament.
35:56 In her joy she broke an ankle. There's something about that.
35:59 In her joy she broke her ankle, yeah.
36:02 About 34 years of prayer and he finally came through
36:05 and I guess those 34 years
36:07 at that moment seem like a minute
36:09 because he was in the faith--
36:11 God's timing. Yes.
36:12 Yes. Yes, very much so.
36:16 If there are someone that you've been praying for,
36:19 Ruthie what would you give an advice to sticking to it?
36:24 And the power of sticking to it
36:25 and the benefit of sticking to it?
36:27 Well, you know, all through scripture
36:30 God talks about to hold on and never give up.
36:35 In fact Moses said, hold God fast.
36:39 And so I think sometimes we have to go to the Lord
36:42 and say Lord don't let me give up.
36:45 Don't let me give up because you can do anything.
36:48 Another thing that is an encouragement to me
36:51 is to go to the places in scripture
36:54 that were totally impossible.
36:57 Just totally impossible,
36:58 if God doesn't come through, you splat.
37:01 Yes.
37:03 Very true.
37:04 You see that, do you? Yes, yes.
37:06 And like Joshua, in fact, he knew that,
37:08 he had these three huge kingdoms
37:11 coming down on his little dinky kingdom.
37:13 And he said, Lord, if you don't do this
37:16 it's wipe out for us
37:18 and the Red Sea
37:21 that's the total impossibility.
37:23 And but the more we go to these stories in scripture
37:27 where God took an impossible situation
37:31 and came through.
37:33 And we can say with Charles Spurgeon
37:36 in 2 Samuel 7:25,
37:40 Spurgeon said I would go to that text and I would say,
37:43 God, do what you said you would do.
37:46 Do what you said you would do.
37:47 Yes.
37:48 And so I think it really helps
37:50 to say God help me not to give up
37:53 and do what you said you would do.
37:56 I'm just and Martin Luther used to say
37:59 I'm weak, I'm needy, I'm helpless,
38:02 I'm unworthy, but I'm your child.
38:04 Praise God.
38:06 So I think that would keep us from giving up.
38:08 That's right, Ruthie,
38:09 and, Pavel, you've got the companion piece to that.
38:12 The idea that we need to stay and pray the promise
38:16 and not for what we see.
38:18 Kind of walk us through that?
38:20 So many times our faith
38:22 and our prayers depend on answers
38:24 instead of depending on relationship.
38:27 If we don't see an instant answer,
38:29 we lose faith and stop praying.
38:31 Instead of looking for an answer,
38:33 we need to make it a habit a way of life,
38:35 look for God and trust not in what you see
38:38 but trust in His promises.
38:39 Go back and back to His promises,
38:42 repeat them back to the Lord and stick with it
38:44 because as you stick with it,
38:46 it's gonna work with those people,
38:47 it's gonna work with you.
38:49 And then eventually when you see the answer
38:51 because we don't see the big picture but God does.
38:53 He wants us to continue to pray when the answer finally comes
38:58 it's gonna do something to our faith
39:00 and this what I learned.
39:01 If we shared that story like I get people who did it
39:05 to sharing in front of the church.
39:06 It is contagious. The others want to do it.
39:09 It spreads like fire.
39:11 And soon enough you get everybody praying
39:13 and then there are stories.
39:16 Yeah. Yeah.
39:17 That's good.
39:18 That is important because we tend to focus on result.
39:23 You put fire under kettle, that water will boil
39:25 and if it doesn't boil something is wrong.
39:28 So you pray the promise that God will hear
39:31 and God will answer even though you may not see it
39:34 and that will keep your prayers coming
39:36 because you're not necessarily looking for
39:38 an answer right then
39:39 because you know God is going to work
39:40 because He said I will work.
39:42 If you do this, I will do this.
39:43 If you do that, He's gonna do that
39:45 whether you see it now or not.
39:47 And you know, C.A.
39:48 I really liked what Pavel just said about a relationship.
39:52 Yes, yes.
39:53 I really believe that God wants us to go to Him
39:56 and say God You said, You said this.
40:00 You know, Corrie ten Boom,
40:02 I tell people she was my friend.
40:03 I never really met her in person
40:06 but we did have many phone conversations
40:08 when she was in this country.
40:10 And I had the privilege of praying with her
40:12 on the phone.
40:13 But she used to hold her Bible up like this
40:16 to the Lord when she was praying.
40:18 She said, Lord, here it is read it for yourself.
40:23 See that's a relationship.
40:25 It is a relationship.
40:26 And Charles Spurgeon said, we mentioned this earlier
40:32 Samuel is saying to the Lord, do as you have said.
40:37 So let Your name be magnified.
40:39 Yes.
40:40 And God wants us to talk to him like that.
40:43 We have to keep holding on and don't give him a timeline
40:48 because His timing is always best.
40:50 Yes.
40:51 But to hold on
40:53 and take these promises to Him.
40:55 I don't think the Lord minds us reminding Him of the promises
40:58 He made to us
40:59 because He is faithful and truth.
41:01 So what we've done is add some additional prayers
41:06 to our little basket here.
41:09 First, Lord,
41:10 who should I pray about or what should I pray about?
41:13 Then once you start Lord, keep me praying
41:16 even though I don't see an answer,
41:18 help me to trust that You're God who answers prayer
41:20 because You said You are.
41:22 And don't let me fatigue, so there are other prayers
41:25 that go right along with our focused prayer
41:28 because we are human.
41:30 And sometimes Lord, I don't see it
41:31 but just don't let me go with what my eyes see.
41:34 Let me go with this relationship with you.
41:37 I think that's a integral part of this whole process.
41:40 Pavel, any other miracles or answers to prayer?
41:43 Well, there are many but I'd like to mention one.
41:49 There was a certain lady that
41:51 didn't come much to church anymore
41:53 and she heard some things are happening
41:55 in some church in some place.
41:57 And she came but she came late after church started
42:02 and she left early before church would end
42:04 probably trying to avoid too much talk.
42:07 Her hair was funny colored and rings and so on.
42:11 And I saw her leaving so I let the saints
42:15 sing the closing hymn alone
42:17 and they ran after her
42:18 and she is at the car opening the door.
42:20 And I politely hold the door close
42:23 I said hold on a second, let me just introduce myself.
42:26 I know you are the pastor I said yeah, obviously
42:29 but who are you?
42:30 And she told me her name and I said I'm glad you came.
42:34 Well, I don't believe in church or in God.
42:36 I said then why are you here?
42:38 And she says uh, she was trying to freak out answer.
42:42 I did try-- I did try.
42:44 I said why did you try?
42:45 Well, I just wanted to see
42:47 if God would finally answer my prayers.
42:50 And I said what have you been praying for?
42:52 Said well, I'm trying to give up drugs
42:56 and I said have you managed?
42:58 Did you get victory?
42:59 No, God doesn't answer prayers.
43:01 I said oh, God does answer prayers
43:03 but you not focus on drugs, you should focus on Christ.
43:06 And she said, how do you do that?
43:09 I said listen
43:10 God doesn't need you and me to pray for somebody else.
43:14 Doesn't need you and me to preach
43:16 but that would do good to you.
43:17 Yes.
43:18 And so this is the way God ordained
43:20 for you and me to grow.
43:22 Why don't you pray for somebody who is struggling with drugs?
43:25 And go and give them a Bible study
43:27 and let God work on you and you work on others.
43:29 Stop focusing on you.
43:31 That's-- that's powerful.
43:32 And she said, I cannot give a Bible study.
43:35 I said I'm not asking you to teach,
43:37 I'm asking you to pray for somebody.
43:40 And this is the Bible study you go knocking the door
43:43 you say this is the Bible study,
43:45 I'm unable to teach but I'll pray for you.
43:48 And you go oh, I can do that.
43:49 Yeah.
43:51 She said, and are you sure that I'm gonna give up drugs?
43:53 I said well, I'm sure that when you start doing it
43:56 God is gonna start working on it.
43:58 So I said why don't you try?
44:01 She did.
44:02 She took the Bible study the address and she left
44:06 and she called me just about half an hour later
44:08 angry I will never come again.
44:11 I will never pray again. I will never talk to you again.
44:14 I will never-- just calm down tell me what happened?
44:17 Well, God doesn't consider me worthy to pray for somebody
44:20 or give a Bible study why?
44:22 Because they're not at home I said okay what happened?
44:26 Well, it's an apartment building
44:28 and there is a intercom and you need to call
44:31 and somebody has to buzz the door open
44:33 I did called and nobody answered.
44:35 I said did you pray for them?
44:38 She said well, when I left-- I said well,
44:41 how long did it take you to pray for them?
44:44 I said well, I don't know 15 seconds.
44:47 I said I want you to go in the car
44:49 and pray for them
44:51 and ask the Lord to give you an opportunity
44:53 to teach somebody.
44:55 She said how long should I pray
44:57 and I said to her until you get an answer.
44:59 All right.
45:00 And she said, how long is that?
45:02 I said, do you want me to say it in Romanian,
45:04 if you don't understand English until you get an answer.
45:08 She said, put in time, one hour.
45:10 I said, no, you seem you don't get me,
45:13 until you get an answer.
45:16 So well, I cannot pray so long.
45:19 I said, do you want to give up drugs?
45:21 Said well, I do.
45:22 Then you pray until you get an answer.
45:23 But you don't pray for you, you pray for those people.
45:25 Yes.
45:26 And she was like
45:28 what if I have to pray a long time?
45:31 I said this is the covenant.
45:32 You'll get in your car and pray until you get an answer.
45:36 I'm not gonna go home, it's Saturday, it's 1:30.
45:38 I'm gonna go in my office,
45:40 and I'm gonna pray until you get an answer.
45:44 So I will pray with you until you get an answer.
45:48 And if takes the whole night I don't go home tonight.
45:50 We pray until you get an answer.
45:52 And I said, if you have to get retire in that car
45:54 that's where you stay until you get an answer.
45:56 Wow.
45:57 She called me at 4:30.
45:59 In the morning?
46:00 No, no, same like three later.
46:02 Same afternoon. Okay.
46:03 She was like all over, I said, calm down,
46:06 pastor, you will not believe what I just...
46:08 just slow down tell me story.
46:10 I prayed and God will not answer,
46:13 so I got angry and I stopped praying
46:15 and I opened my eyes and I said,
46:17 why don't you let me give a Bible study
46:20 and pray for somebody.
46:22 I said, now you're praying.
46:23 She said, what do you mean?
46:24 I said, well, when you said the poetry that was no prayer,
46:27 when you open your heart to God, as to a friend...
46:29 Yes.
46:30 That was prayer
46:31 and God can handle your emotions
46:33 as along as you are honest.
46:35 And I said, as we handle our kids
46:37 when they are emotional
46:38 and we love them like crazy when they are honest with us.
46:41 We love them the other time too but we prefer honesty
46:44 and so I said, now you're praying
46:46 tell me what is next?
46:47 Well, when I opened my eyes and I said,
46:49 why don't you let me give a Bible study
46:51 and pray for somebody else?
46:53 Somebody came to get the trash to the trash container.
46:56 So I said, sorry, Lord, I got to go.
46:59 And she runs and she says,
47:01 would you let me go to apartment number 14
47:03 because I'm supposed to give them a Bible study
47:05 and say a prayer for them.
47:07 The guy says, no, if they are not home,
47:09 I cannot let you in, but I'm angry with you.
47:12 I said, you don't even know me.
47:13 Well, I asked for a Bible study and nobody came,
47:17 I asked for prayer and nobody came.
47:19 She said, no problem
47:21 I'm gonna give you this Bible study and prayer
47:23 and I go and get the new one for apartment 14.
47:26 So he says, come in, no, no, no I don't know.
47:30 She told me that they just have a prayer and go,
47:32 I cannot come in.
47:33 he took her by in, come in.
47:36 she got in, he says, sit down.
47:38 She sat down, and he left the apartment
47:42 and left her alone in his apartment.
47:43 He was a big guy, like you know, Rambo or something
47:47 and she says, pastor,
47:49 I started to pray for my safety.
47:52 Now he comes back with several other neighbors,
47:55 pony tailed, leather jacket, skeleton heads on their back,
47:59 motor cycle people and so on you know,
48:02 and he says, folks we're praying to give up drugs
48:05 and we're praying that God will send
48:06 somebody to help us,
48:07 and God answered our prayers, he sent an angel,
48:10 I want you to sit down and listen to her.
48:13 And she said, folks, I'm no angel,
48:16 I'm struggling too,
48:18 but this is the Bible study, you can watch it,
48:20 I just... I'm supposed to have a prayer for you.
48:23 I said, pastor, it touched my life,
48:26 it changed my life
48:28 to give this end of the story, I make it short
48:31 she never missed church since.
48:34 And God is working through her.
48:35 Not just in her but through her.
48:37 Through her, yes. Prayer is powerful.
48:41 Amen. Yes.
48:42 Amen. I love that story.
48:43 Yeah, that is a fabulous story,
48:46 the idea that the default setting
48:50 on praying for others is the--
48:53 and I use a very common word kickback
48:55 that God gives you when you focus on someone else.
48:58 First of all you're strengthening
48:59 your relationship with God
49:01 and since that pipeline is expanded,
49:04 enlarged and strengthened,
49:06 more is gonna come back to you, it's not just a one way street.
49:09 You get used and God does things
49:14 through you and to you.
49:16 And you-- it's unavoidable,
49:18 it's a-- there's a reciprocity, dare I throw that word in,
49:22 when you pray for, that is a wonderful story.
49:24 God, you know, sorry, go ahead.
49:26 God did not call us to focus on sin,
49:28 we should hate him but God called us
49:30 to focus on Him and to focus on people around.
49:33 And then trust that He will do the work
49:35 because we cannot do it.
49:36 Yeah. We just need to pray.
49:38 And that's really what Pray One Million is all about.
49:40 Yes.
49:41 Hold on and pray for that person.
49:43 Yes, yes. Don?
49:44 So well, it's so easy to see prayer like
49:47 going through a drive in,
49:48 you just drive up and leave our order there
49:51 and assume that we're gonna get what we asked for.
49:53 Right.
49:54 But you know, the secret here
49:57 and Pavel has told a story so and it's been so power--
50:01 has such powerful impact on me.
50:04 The secret here is for me to get on God's agenda
50:09 is not-- prayer is not getting my needs unpacked,
50:12 it's getting God's need unpacked
50:14 and in the process it changes me too.
50:17 Yes, yes.
50:18 You know, it's interesting to kneel
50:20 beside your bed at night and say,
50:22 God what's on your heart tonight?
50:25 What is the thing that causes you the most pain?
50:28 How can I be of help to you?
50:30 And in the process he changes us too.
50:32 Yes, yes.
50:33 I have a saying, it is safer to let God take our problems
50:39 and we take care of His work,
50:41 than ourselves to take care of our problems.
50:43 Yeah, true, yeah, very true.
50:45 I love it. Very, very true.
50:47 And you know when we pray this way,
50:50 the goal of life is not to revive at the end safely,
50:55 but that God will make us dangerous.
50:58 Oh, I like that. Indeed.
51:00 And when you are putting,
51:01 you are dangerous to the enemy's camp.
51:02 Yes, yes, yes you are.
51:04 Yes you are.
51:05 Prayer is a means
51:07 but it is also an end in itself.
51:08 That's true. It's a worthy end.
51:10 Just the fact that you are talking to God
51:13 means that there's gonna be growth.
51:15 And then the person that you are bringing to God
51:16 is gonna be blessed
51:17 and you yourself will be likewise blessed.
51:20 Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful stories.
51:22 C.A.,
51:23 there is no greater blessing than to bless.
51:25 We are always seeking a blessing
51:27 but that's the real blessing when you become a blessing.
51:30 Well, and God created us that way.
51:33 We were created to serve not to be served.
51:35 Yes, yes, yes, very true.
51:37 When we are serving that's when you find happiness,
51:41 joy, fulfillment
51:43 and it all is comes to us as an answer to prayer.
51:47 So then the most blessed blessing is to bless.
51:49 That's right.
51:50 And as such you will be blessed.
51:52 You got nowhere to get away from--
51:53 It says that I will make you a blessing for all nations.
51:56 Yes. That's the blessing.
51:57 Yes, let's put that Robert if you will the-- on the screen
52:02 the contact information for the-- for the site as well,
52:04 PrayOneMillion.org
52:07 and then all of these resources that you mentioned,
52:09 Ruthie, before are available to us.
52:10 That's right. At no cost.
52:13 At no cost. Yeah.
52:14 Amen. I like that.
52:16 That's a blessing.
52:18 It surely is.
52:19 We're gonna go to our newsbreak just now
52:22 and then we'll be back with a closing thought
52:24 sort of put a little bow on this
52:25 because this is the wonderful project
52:27 and you will want to be involved in Pray One Million.
52:30 We'll be back in just a moment.


Revised 2015-07-19