3ABN Today

The Difference a Book Can Make

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Doug Jenkins & Brandi Jenkins


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015022A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C. A. Murray
01:11 and allow me please to thank you once again
01:13 for sharing just a little of your day with us
01:15 and to thank you for your support of this ministry,
01:18 for assisting us in what we are called to do
01:20 and that is to lift up the mighty
01:22 and matchless name of Jesus.
01:23 And I am very, very excited today to introduce to you
01:27 on our today's show two very fine people.
01:30 Sometimes you meet people, you kind of like them right off
01:32 and good looking couple,
01:35 they've got three beautiful children
01:37 who are in our control room even as we speak.
01:39 But this is Doug and Brandi Jenkins.
01:41 Good to have you here. Yeah.
01:43 They are currently from Tennessee.
01:45 Yes.
01:46 Or Tennessee, feeling that for you want to pronounce it
01:49 but they are from Tennessee-- what-- what is the town?
01:51 Rogersville. Rogersville, which is where?
01:54 It's about an hour from Knoxville.
01:56 About an hour from Knoxville.
01:57 Okay, so they have come a little ways
01:59 to be with us today
02:00 and they really have a powerful testimony.
02:02 Personal story and certain aspects of it
02:05 seemed almost miraculous but it shows what God will do
02:10 and the lengths He will go to bring men and women
02:12 who are seeking truth to bring truth to them
02:15 and they got quite a journey
02:17 and we are very, very happy to bring it to you.
02:19 So we are gonna unpack
02:20 their story in just a little bit.
02:22 But before I go to my special music which is coming
02:25 from our buddy Wintley Phipps, I want to get a little history
02:28 from you guys because, Doug,
02:30 did you tell me you're from Virginia?
02:31 Yes I was born in and raised in Northern Virginia.
02:34 Christian home? No, not Christian home.
02:37 I was actually raised in a home where witchcraft was practiced
02:42 and the only light I had in my life was really,
02:46 my grandfather, he would come and take us
02:47 to the church and-- but when we left church
02:50 and when I went back home, the church stopped.
02:54 The only prayer I knew was "now let me down to sleep."
02:58 And nobody even really pushed to point to say
03:01 you've been you know, your bed time prayer
03:04 and basically, yeah, that was a dark,
03:09 dark situation but the light was still shining.
03:11 Oh, praise the Lord.
03:12 How old were you when you became aware Dough,
03:14 that witchcraft is being practiced?
03:16 Well, it was just-- they would call it mountain lord
03:20 or mountain way you know, you know,
03:22 we lived back in the mountains
03:23 but, you know, when I--
03:25 it was obviously in my teenage years
03:27 when I really figured out what was going on.
03:29 What was going on. Yeah. Yeah.
03:31 Was this by one parent, both parents?
03:33 Well, actually we lived on big huge piece of property.
03:36 My grandfather owned the land and all his children,
03:39 my dad and then my uncle and my aunt that is,
03:43 all his children we all lived there on that
03:45 one big piece of property.
03:46 Yeah, I see.
03:47 So my grandmother, a lot people would come in
03:50 out of her house and she was reading cards
03:53 and things like that.
03:56 We found a Ouija board once and we thought it was a game.
03:58 We just gonna play it and they took it from us,
04:00 you know, so yeah, I mean, but they would come in
04:02 and they would have these little boxes
04:05 and they'll be all taped up and they'd say now,
04:08 they'd have us dig a hole first as playing
04:10 then they were gonna us take that box and bury it
04:12 and don't look in it, don't touch it,
04:13 no never dig it back up.
04:15 And we didn't know what he was doing,
04:17 we thought he was burying dead bird 'cause you know,
04:20 they had birds and we had animals and we thought
04:22 he was burying animals but come to find out
04:24 the truth of the deal, he was actually doing bad things
04:28 and when my grandfather found out he had a fear.
04:31 He throw it all this stuff out but it would seek back in.
04:35 And yeah, that's why when I go back to visit that land today
04:39 with my children, I tell them not to dig,
04:42 not to touch anything, you know,
04:44 show that's your Christ and be a light
04:47 and yeah, as it's-- they know.
04:50 So that is still the family property to this day?
04:52 Yes, and it's like-- well, I've had a lot of people
04:56 in our family, they've committed suicide
04:58 and I have lot is incarcerated,
05:02 just a lot of darkness, a lot of darkness.
05:04 Yeah, yeah.
05:05 I can see why you prohibit the children
05:06 from digging stuff up 'cause you know
05:08 what you're digging up.
05:09 That's right. Yes, so leave the dead alone.
05:10 That's right. Kind of thing.
05:12 But you grandfather, the owner of the land
05:14 was at least had some Christian leanings.
05:16 Yeah, he was Baptist. Okay, praise the Lord.
05:18 Praise the Lord.
05:19 Yes, he would come and knock on the door Sunday morning,
05:22 "Is everybody up, everybody wanting to go the church?"
05:24 And my mom would if-- you know, she would get us ready,
05:27 we'd go and we would come back and like I said,
05:30 when we come back home, it stopped.
05:31 It stopped. Yeah.
05:32 It stopped because my grandfather was busy.
05:34 I remembered once, I had a Bible verse to memorize
05:38 and I did not do it
05:39 and when we went to church we came back.
05:42 He said "Now Dougy" He said "The mind is a battle field."
05:47 He said it "And when the devil puts temptation in there"
05:50 he said, " If you don't have God's word to help--
05:52 help you get through it," he said "you will fall "
05:54 he said "'cause the temptation will fall to the eyes,
05:57 it will start looking good to you" he said,
05:59 "then it's gonna fall down to your heart,
06:01 then your heart's gonna desire,
06:03 it's gonna fall down to your hands and feet
06:05 and then you're gonna put it in the action."
06:06 Well, said. He was a spiritual bright guy.
06:09 And I never had forgotten the verse you know,
06:13 that it took me a while to remember
06:17 that little card that we had.
06:18 They used to give little cards out in Sunday school.
06:22 And when the verse as well as my children
06:25 we thought it to our children, I Thessalonians 5:22.
06:28 "Abstain from all appearance of evil."
06:30 Yes and I mean that has really stuck with me.
06:34 Praise God.
06:35 Yeah, so even in that darkness,
06:37 as you well said God did have that one little ray of light,
06:41 your grandfather tried to do what he could to keep Christ
06:45 at least present in the home and His name mentioned.
06:47 Yes. Yeah, praise God.
06:49 Brandi, from where? I'm also from Virginia.
06:54 I was born in Versailles, Tennessee but as--
06:56 as a baby we moved to Southwest Virginia
06:59 and done all my schooling in Coeburn
07:03 and graduated from Coeburn, Virginia.
07:07 My mother always took us to church.
07:10 She's-- she's a preacher's kid.
07:12 So she's always had us in church
07:16 and she is a very hard working lady.
07:18 She worked a lot.
07:19 Sometimes two jobs, so was very busy
07:23 and so church was at church
07:26 and I knew it from a very young age
07:31 that I wanted to give Jesus my life
07:35 and at nine years old I was baptized
07:38 and I gave my life to Jesus and but as I got older
07:45 and in my teenage years,
07:46 I kind of wanted to do it my way.
07:50 Yeah, we call it wilderness years.
07:51 Yeah-- yeah, so I kind of went my own way.
07:55 I still loved Jesus though you know,
07:57 I was just doing what I wanted to do
08:00 and how I wanted to do it, when I wanted to do it.
08:03 And when Doug and I met...
08:11 we were just friends. I wasn't looking for marriage.
08:16 I wasn't looking for really-- I didn't feel the need
08:20 for a mate at that time in my life
08:23 but we became best of friends and--
08:27 How did you meet? Where did you meet?
08:30 I worked at Pizza Hut and he would come in.
08:33 I guess he got a little hungry sometimes.
08:36 So the first time he seen me I was at the salad bar so--
08:43 We actually met over salad so it's nice.
08:45 You look nice and healthy, yeah.
08:50 And we just enjoyed each other's company
08:54 and done a lot of things together,
08:58 a lot of outdoor things.
08:59 We like being outdoors and we just fell in love
09:04 and got married
09:06 and we were still
09:11 doing things our way, you know.
09:14 God was not the focus of our relationship.
09:16 So at that point, you are only children yet.
09:18 Are you going to church at all or you just kind of--
09:21 No. No. Yeah, okay.
09:22 I mean, I still love Jesus, you know, but no,
09:25 I wasn't practicing I guess you would say.
09:30 But the moment for me-- we had been married,
09:37 I guess over a year, year and a half maybe.
09:41 Almost two years, not quite two years,
09:43 our son, our first son was born, William.
09:46 And the moment that I'd seen him
09:51 when he was born, something in me,
09:53 I didn't feel it when I was pregnant
09:55 or any thing like that but the moment I seen him
09:58 when he was born,
10:00 I knew I wanted him to know the name of Jesus.
10:05 I wanted him to hear the name of Jesus
10:08 every day of his life.
10:09 Yes-- yes.
10:10 And from that moment I think that's what
10:13 really helped, the turn around.
10:15 Yeah, that happens to a lot of parents.
10:16 They want you to have a child, you'll say,
10:18 "I don't want this child to grow up Godless, you know.
10:21 I don't want him to have that knocks that come with that.
10:23 So we got to be-- if he's gonna be changed,
10:25 we got to make some changes."
10:26 Absolutely. Yeah-- yeah.
10:28 So did Doug feel that or experienced that?
10:32 Did he resist that?
10:33 Because obviously you broke the subject with him.
10:36 How did he respond? Well, I tell you the truth.
10:40 We-- was doing things our own way
10:42 and I had been previously married
10:45 and when I was going with-- to the Baptist church
10:48 with my grandfather and but you know,
10:51 my wife did not go and we got divorced.
10:54 But when we got divorced,
10:55 some people looked at that as the ultimate sin.
10:58 And when we got divorced, I was devastated you know,
11:04 because someone from the church came to me
11:06 and they were tell me how wrong I was to let that happen.
11:09 It was my fault and I just got discouraged,
11:12 I didn't go to church.
11:13 But the main thing when I didn't go to church,
11:15 nobody came.
11:17 Our pastor didn't come to see where I was,
11:20 nobody called and I was like whoa,
11:23 "Is church like what my family is telling me?"
11:27 You know, "this is all they want is your tithe you know,
11:30 and that's it?"
11:31 That's it.
11:32 "Is it a money thing, what is it?"
11:33 And I got so discouraged,
11:35 I just I drew back to that darkness.
11:37 I did.
11:39 I went selfish ways before I met Brandi, I got tattoos,
11:44 I was doing drugs and alcohol, I had a tattoo
11:46 specially placed on my arm where if I did needle marks
11:49 you wouldn't see it and I mean,
11:52 but then when I met Brandi,
11:53 we had William, we realized that in Proverbs 22:6
11:59 "Train up a child in the way he should go
12:01 and when he is older, he will not depart from it."
12:04 Well, we got responsibility.
12:05 Yeah, God changes everything and it's not you anymore,
12:09 sun doesn't rise and set on you.
12:10 Brandi, were you aware of his history,
12:11 that you know his kind of background
12:13 before you got married?
12:14 Some. Yes. Yeah.
12:18 But you got married anyway
12:19 now you got this bouncing baby boy
12:21 and you got to make some changes.
12:22 Yes, sir. Amen.
12:23 I think I want to hold there.
12:24 We'll go to our music and come back
12:26 and we want to finish this story.
12:27 Our special music today is coming
12:29 from a great personal friend
12:30 and a friend of this ministry, one who was sang
12:33 for over the last three of four presidents
12:35 and sung all over the world and television.
12:40 His name is Wintley Phipps.
12:41 That is a very, very familiar name.
12:43 We went to college together, grad school together
12:45 and kept up all these years
12:47 but he's gonna be singing a beautiful song
12:49 "Tell Me the Story of Jesus."
13:29 Tell me the story of Jesus
13:36 Write on my heart every word
13:43 Tell me the story most precious
13:50 Sweetest that ever was heard
14:02 Tell how the angels in chorus
14:09 Sang as they welcomed His birth
14:16 Glory to God in the highest
14:23 Peace and good tidings to earth
14:32 Tell me the story of Jesus
14:39 Write on my heart every word
14:46 Tell me the story most precious
14:53 Sweetest that ever was heard
15:17 Tell of the cross where they nailed Him
15:25 Writhing in anguish and pain
15:32 Tell of the grave where they laid Him
15:40 Tell how He liveth again
15:48 Love in that story so tender
15:55 Clearer than ever I see
16:03 Stay, let me weep while you whisper
16:10 Love paid the ransom for me
16:23 Tell me the story of Jesus
16:30 Write on my heart every word
16:37 Tell me the story most precious
16:44 Sweetest that ever
16:50 Was heard
17:12 And well done, Wintley Phipps.
17:14 "Tell Me the Story of Jesus."
17:17 My guests are Brandi and Doug Jenkins,
17:19 they are of Rogersville, Tennessee.
17:23 When we left lord lady, you got married
17:25 and your first born was here
17:28 and his arrival really put in
17:31 both of your hearts and minds
17:32 that you had to make some changes in your life.
17:34 So now you are convicted that you want your son
17:38 to grow up with the name of Jesus
17:41 certainly in his head and in his heart
17:43 if all possible,
17:44 what did you do to make that happen?
17:48 Well, my wife, she-- she started out
17:50 by reading with him you know, the Word of God,
17:52 explaining children's stories to him,
17:55 praying with him at night and while she was doing that,
17:59 I was still kind of reluctant to do that.
18:02 I was kind of staying back from it
18:04 because I was all right going to church,
18:07 Christmas and Easter with my mother-in-law--
18:09 Yeah, sort of holiday--
18:10 That's what she was going, and mother's day
18:12 that was her gift but yeah,
18:15 as William got older and I mean, this took time,
18:20 he would come to my chair when I would be
18:21 watching television, "Daddy, will you take me to church?
18:24 Daddy, will you take me to church?"
18:26 Yeah, yeah, we'll do that one day.
18:28 We'll do that one day and finally
18:31 "Daddy, will take me to church?"
18:32 And I could see he really wanted to go to church.
18:34 Now I got to-- ask you Doug, had he been to church
18:38 and wanted to go back to church
18:39 or just he wanted the experience?
18:40 Well, we he had went with her mother
18:42 on special occasions.
18:43 I'll put it that way on holiday. Okay.
18:45 He would get so irritated because he knew
18:48 as mother's day would come around
18:50 he'd say, "I know what she's gonna want."
18:52 Got to go. Yeah.
18:53 Can't we just buy her something?
18:56 Let's just go buy her some flowers or get her a gift.
18:59 He'd said "the only thing she wants us is
19:01 to go to church with her."
19:02 Yeah, that's her mother's day gift.
19:04 Doug, was it resentment? It was resentment.
19:07 You know, from what you-- they kind of just
19:09 let you slide away and nobody ever came looking for you.
19:11 That's it. It was resentment.
19:13 I was having pity party
19:14 and I was living in it for years--
19:16 for years.
19:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and yet something has
19:19 was stirring in your son's heart early on.
19:22 You know, the spirit was to kind of push it
19:24 and go to church.
19:25 Brandi?
19:28 Every night, when we would read,
19:30 even though we weren't in church I would pray with him.
19:34 So as a young child, two, three, four years old,
19:41 he had a little prayer life and he would talk to Jesus
19:46 even if I wasn't always there with him by his bed.
19:51 So he developed a prayer life very early
19:54 and so I think that helped develop into him
20:01 asking Doug "let's go, daddy."
20:03 Yeah, yeah.
20:05 Now I'm not the prophet nor the son of them
20:06 but you may have a budding preacher on your hands.
20:09 Actually he preaches his first Sermon this Sabbath.
20:11 Is that so? Yes.
20:13 Praise God. Praise God.
20:15 That must be so exciting for you guys?
20:16 Yes.
20:18 So he's pushing and you're nurturing,
20:20 you're nurturing and obviously, you can see the resistance,
20:25 how did the walls begin to break down?
20:27 I was diagnosed with a brain disease
20:30 Chiari malformation.
20:32 That's where the brain is growing.
20:34 It won't quit growing.
20:35 It keeps growing little by little.
20:36 It's out of the skull now
20:38 and it's entered the spinal canal.
20:41 I've seen surgeons and a whole bunch of neurologists
20:45 and the surgeon I seen from Charlottesville,
20:49 he gave me a death date of 2005.
20:52 He said, if this don't stop growing he said
20:55 the brain will keep growing out and it will compress
20:57 against the brain stem and it'll be fatal.
21:00 It's out so far we cannot do brain surgery
21:02 knowing where brain swelling
21:04 from the surgery would be fatal,
21:06 it would compress against the brain stem.
21:09 Man, that was a eye opener and I started
21:13 listening to all these things the doctors were saying
21:15 and at this time I knew who I had to turn to.
21:20 I was working at the water treatment plant.
21:22 I said everybody needs water, I'll always have a job
21:26 you know, this-- I'm in control but when that happened
21:31 Doug wasn't in control.
21:33 I had to turn to Jesus.
21:35 I had to turn to Jesus and I knew it.
21:37 I was still resentful.
21:38 I didn't want to 'cause I was leaning on that cane
21:41 that the doctors had gave me
21:44 but when I made that decision
21:45 I started to leaning on the Word of God
21:48 and put that cane in the corner.
21:50 I mean, you can see on the MRI that it's a really small space
21:55 and I've learned this praying
21:57 thank God everyday for small spaces.
21:58 The small places. Yeah.
22:00 Yes, sir, yes, sir, and He-- it's just the long,
22:04 long time going now, 15 years and the Lord just continues
22:08 to add life to my days and to my years.
22:11 Praise God.
22:12 And it's just-- it's just amazing.
22:15 I mean, they told me in about 2005
22:18 I wouldn't have mobility in my arms
22:20 and my legs because of my spinal cord
22:22 and the disk I've got herniated and ruptured in my neck
22:26 but you know, it's by the grace of God
22:27 that I receive from Him every day.
22:29 Praise God.
22:30 And His healing touched, that He gives me the strength
22:32 and the ability to go and go and go
22:35 and that's my prayer now,
22:36 "Lord, take me, use me as Your servant.
22:39 I just want to be a tool for you,
22:41 use me as a tool but how can I don't want to feel any gap,
22:44 Your kingdom that needs to be filled."
22:46 Yes. Yes.
22:48 Doug, there-- it occurs to me, there are two ways
22:50 you can take news like that when you're resentful.
22:52 One, Lord, what are You doing?
22:54 You know, or Lord, I gave up I have no place to go.
23:00 You can accept it and glorify His name
23:03 or you can get angry at Him.
23:04 Obviously you chose to accept it
23:07 and use what He has given it to glorify Him.
23:11 Brandi, did you see a change in him
23:13 and how did it occur to you
23:15 that something as going on his life after this diagnosis?
23:21 I think in the beginning, from my point of view
23:26 there was a bit of resentment there
23:28 because he kind of resisted.
23:31 He tried to self medicate for a while,
23:35 he didn't get the news and then immediately
23:37 give it to Jesus.
23:38 I understand. That didn't happen.
23:42 The way we lived it was of self medicate.
23:47 He can save it. He can save it.
23:49 Yeah, I got this, I can handle it.
23:50 Yeah, we will take care of ourselves, yeah.
23:52 Yeah, you kind of, you know, lean on what the doctors say
23:54 and do everything they say
23:57 and which I'm not against doctors
24:00 you know, I mean, they do wonderful work
24:02 but he was self medicating and it didn't work.
24:09 It just didn't work and after a while,
24:15 I guess it was couple of years,
24:18 he-- he resisted and then--
24:22 It was actually tearing us apart.
24:24 Yeah. Self medication, pills.
24:27 It got really bad. It got bad.
24:29 You know, and we had a small, we had two small children
24:32 'cause we had our daughter.
24:33 You know, after that and I knew we can't live that way.
24:37 We couldn't continue that way as a family you know,
24:40 and function and you know, why is daddy doing this?
24:46 And then trying to show them the way Jesus wants them
24:50 to live you know, it's just two worlds
24:52 in the same household.
24:54 Now, let's fresh that out a little bit Doug and Brandi,
24:55 because, you-- were you home schooling then?
24:59 No, 'cause they were so small.
25:00 They were so small. All ready, all ready.
25:02 But now, we're talking about self medi-care.
25:05 Are we talking about drugs and illegal stuff
25:07 or just abusing--
25:08 Just prescription drugs. Just prescription stuff.
25:10 Okay. Okay.
25:11 So you just doing it on your own,
25:13 just taking what you can?
25:14 Yeah.
25:15 Some of these doctors that-- if you go and tell them
25:18 more or less your symptoms for what you want,
25:20 and they'll give you what you want.
25:21 They'll give you what you want.
25:22 Yeah, yeah.
25:24 Yeah, so you are seeing him kind of medicating himself
25:26 or really destroying yourself.
25:27 Well, my opinion over medicating.
25:30 I believe in medicine, I do but sometimes I--
25:34 I feel like some doctors enable an over medication
25:39 when it's not necessary.
25:40 I see.
25:42 Were you able to hold a job,
25:43 were you still working and functioning?
25:44 They put me off work. They did.
25:47 These doctors put me off work
25:48 because they told me I had five years to live.
25:50 Yeah. Yeah.
25:53 That was devastating and I did have that
25:55 like you said "what was happening to me?"
25:57 You know, but and it was-- it was resentment
26:01 for two or three years there and I was bitter.
26:05 I was bitter towards God, I started getting
26:06 bitter towards my family,
26:08 I would get bitter towards William when he would come
26:10 and wanted me to go to church and I was a mean man.
26:15 Yeah. Yeah.
26:16 So you got a lot of stuff built up.
26:17 I mean, you got a lot of nurture going here.
26:18 William's bugging you to go to church
26:20 and you kind of like I'm mad
26:22 and I'm stewing in this madness you know,
26:24 I'm here boiling in this thing. I got this "death sentence"
26:28 and he wants me to go to church?
26:30 I'm feeling that you know, right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:34 But the break through came how?
26:37 The break through came with William keep--
26:39 he being persistent.
26:40 Just through laying on it.
26:41 He kept being persistent just like the blind man
26:43 when he was holding, you know,
26:45 "The son of David, have mercy on me."
26:47 And everybody's trying to hush him up.
26:48 William kept going and finally I said
26:51 "Okay, I'm taking you to church this Sunday."
26:54 And we went to a Sunday church with her mother
26:56 and the words started coming from the pulpit,
27:02 the word that I had heard before,
27:04 the Word of God and the promises
27:07 and I knew those--
27:08 those were promises you can stand on.
27:10 Yeah. Yeah.
27:11 And it took not but just one time going to church
27:15 but several times going to church
27:17 and finally I felt myself in my living room floor
27:20 just-- just as a flight on my face
27:23 I mean just "Lord, take off this from me,
27:26 make me a better man,
27:27 make me what You want me to be.
27:29 Please restore my marriage, please restore my home
27:33 because I'm destroyed."
27:34 Yeah. Were you thinking about walking, Brandi?
27:36 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.
27:38 So it was pretty bad? It was.
27:40 Yeah. Yeah.
27:41 Yeah. It was not a good situation.
27:44 When he went to church what was your response?
27:50 How did that affect you?
27:54 I was happy that he went but I think the moment
28:00 was at home when I'd seen it, I knew God had his heart.
28:05 He, I could see
28:09 and he actually I think he led him to a song
28:12 and when I came home
28:14 I had taken the children to school
28:15 and when I came home he was listening to that
28:17 and the realization like--
28:23 It kind of hit you right away
28:25 that something had happened to him?
28:26 Was it kind of obvious? Yeah.
28:28 Yeah. Yeah. Praise God. Praise God.
28:31 I was very thankful. Very thankful.
28:34 Now you had the two at the one time
28:36 and Elijah was not-- was not here yet?
28:38 No. At that point.
28:40 Yeah, now I need to hear because you--
28:42 the punch line is you've only been
28:43 Adventist for few years so there was a growth pattern
28:47 and we need to get to that
28:48 because that's a really cool story.
28:50 So you made this change, she sees the change,
28:52 is the marriage healing?
28:53 Are things getting better? It is. It is.
28:58 The period of time it took.
28:59 Yeah, and this is not like a light switch off and on.
29:02 Things got to kind of grow back because they--
29:04 they fell apart slowly, they grow back together slowly.
29:06 Exactly.
29:07 Yeah, but he did make some changes.
29:09 Yes.
29:10 And you could see those changes.
29:11 Yes. So we praise God for that.
29:14 And when that happened we both dumped in
29:19 feet first whole-heartedly
29:21 and we prayed for about two weeks
29:27 for the Lord to send us to the church
29:29 that He wanted us to go to.
29:31 Not the church that our friends wanted us to go to
29:35 or family wanted us to go to.
29:37 We wanted to be where the Lord wanted us to be
29:40 and there is no doubt He planted us and it was--
29:44 it was a Missionary Baptist Church.
29:47 It was about 20 miles from our house.
29:49 So we had quite a drive but it is where
29:54 He wanted us to be at that season.
29:56 Right. Yeah. Yeah.
29:57 Because we grew so much because we were so--
30:02 we had no maturity spiritually and I feel we both grew.
30:08 And I think sometimes the Lord does that.
30:10 He doesn't send you right to the ultimate.
30:12 There are stages and at that point in your life
30:14 may be you weren't ready for this whole new thing
30:16 but He gives you what you're ready for.
30:18 You both got Baptist background
30:20 so that's where you-- that's where you land.
30:23 At that point you don't know that you're on a train
30:25 going some place you know, you'll figure you've arrived
30:28 but later on you'd find out, oh, no, this is not,
30:30 this is just a stop.
30:31 We're going someplace else.
30:32 So you were in that-- in that church for how long?
30:35 About three years.
30:37 But yeah, we were on the train and Satan starts
30:43 throwing things at the train, you know, so you know,
30:48 our marriage is building stronger
30:50 on the Word of God, you know.
30:54 God was the centre core, the bond
30:57 that held our marriage together and just out of the blue,
31:02 Satan starts throwing things and we're kind of taken back
31:07 like whoa, what just happened.
31:10 What's happening?
31:11 You said Satan's throwing things.
31:12 We had started a youth group there at the church
31:17 and there were some teenagers there
31:18 and they didn't have anything you know,
31:20 and so we felt that you know just moved
31:22 by the spirit that we should do something for these kids
31:25 so we started a youth group.
31:27 And when we started working with the kids you know,
31:29 at first we had one or two come
31:31 and then it grew to around eight
31:33 and then ten and then other people were in the church
31:37 wanted to be a part and I mean from--
31:40 in the pew a lady starts working with us
31:44 and she-- she tried to become a wedge
31:48 between me and Brandi and I was, you know,
31:52 how can this happen in the church?
31:53 You know, here I go again,
31:55 there were stoning something at me to have resentment.
31:58 He knows those seeds of filth you know,
32:00 they are back at that you remember.
32:01 Yeah. So what did do?
32:02 I had a meeting with the pastor,
32:03 "We're leaving."
32:05 And he said "Why are you leaving?"
32:06 And I said "I don't want to get into that
32:08 but I'm talking me and my family and we're leaving."
32:10 Well, she thought that I was going back to darkness
32:14 you know, she thought I was done.
32:16 But what I did, I went home, we prayed again "Lord,
32:19 send us where You want us to go that need a place for us.
32:22 Lord, Satan is trying to get me back to where I came from,
32:26 you know, where I was at.
32:27 I don't want to go back there. Please continue to work."
32:30 We started praying for the truth.
32:32 Things stared happening.
32:33 He started working with her about home schooling.
32:37 Yeah, and then we stared home schooling.
32:40 And when she started--
32:42 once we made a decision to home school,
32:44 then all of a sudden I had some blood work
32:47 come back really bad I mean,
32:49 that I needed to go on a diet as I was over 300 pounds.
32:51 Oh, my soul!
32:52 Yes sir, and blood work was just horrible so the meats
32:58 and the grains and I mean not the meat but in the grains,
33:01 just the meat, the sugar and things like that
33:04 they was out which I really didn't like.
33:07 Because vegetables, nuts and grains
33:09 and I'm like blow it away.
33:12 And it's like how can a man-- man can't survive on that.
33:14 So you had to do a radical diet change.
33:16 'Cause you're how tall? May be 5.5", I don't know.
33:20 Yeah, okay, at 300 pounds that's carrying
33:23 an awful lot of weight for that frame.
33:25 Yes.
33:26 Yeah, yeah, so the meat and the sugar got to go.
33:28 God started.
33:29 He started with the home school,
33:30 He started with our diet and then the home schooling
33:33 that she was doing, it has Bible course
33:36 and then in the Bible course
33:38 that's where we started getting hooked
33:40 on the Ten Commandments.
33:42 And it was so in depth, we have family worship
33:45 every night at seven you know, get around the coffee table
33:48 in the living room and we have Bible study more or less
33:51 and we were studying the Ten Commandments.
33:53 Now, were you leading all of this or was Brandi?
33:56 She was teaching the children. Okay. Okay.
34:00 Yeah and we started learning things about you know,
34:04 the Ten Commandments and then we had a field day you know,
34:09 she called it was gonna go out and to see
34:11 what God has stored for the kids in nature
34:14 and see how we can see God in nature and we--
34:17 she planned us a big picnic and we went out
34:21 to around Smoky mountains, that the chimneys,
34:25 they called it the Chimneys picnic area.
34:27 We started having a picnic
34:29 and just having a wonderful day
34:31 it just made the comment, this can't get any better
34:34 or beautiful way than everything we was experiencing,
34:38 the kids having a ball and then when we came back
34:41 going home was going through Pigeon Forge
34:44 and she sees a used book store.
34:47 Used book store and I was in traffic
34:49 and I couldn't get over to pull in.
34:52 "I want to that used book store like that"
34:54 and I'm like well, I've got to turn around
34:57 and man don't want to do turn around.
34:59 No, sir.
35:00 No, we go forward, we never go back.
35:02 So I had to go down and turn around, go back up,
35:06 turn around again, come back to that store.
35:08 When we went in it was really nice,
35:11 all books in the shelves and they had DVDs
35:14 and all these things and then they had a big sign
35:17 with the arrow pointing down stairs
35:19 said bargain basement.
35:21 So here I am with the lodge in.
35:23 William and Hailey they are back in before we know they are
35:25 and I was like I do not want to be here
35:28 and but she was going to the Bargain basement
35:30 and we went down and there was boxes,
35:33 just boxes and boxes and boxes,
35:35 books just dumped in there.
35:37 And Brandi, she said
35:38 "Well, I can't look through that,
35:39 let's go, the kids are acting up and everything
35:42 and I turned around, I was going back up
35:44 and I was trying to straighten wheel
35:45 and Hailey out because I was hearing William,
35:47 "Hailey!" and Hailey "William!"
35:49 and come on you two, slow down.
35:52 He laughs squirming around I was talking to her
35:54 and I look back my wife was gone.
35:57 She was all with that digging through a box
36:00 and there she was digging through a box,
36:01 she found a very special book
36:04 and that book we brought it with us today
36:07 is this color blue actually caught her eyes
36:10 out of those books in that box and when she dug it out
36:13 it was "Bible Readings for the Home"
36:16 and we bought it and we was going home
36:18 and I was driving and she was going through it.
36:21 She said "This is what we we're having
36:22 our family worship with tonight."
36:24 So we go home and we had family worship
36:26 with section of the God's law.
36:28 So you just impressed just
36:29 let's get into this particular book?
36:30 Yeah.
36:32 I had an hour to look at it on the way home
36:34 and I was everything I was reading I was like
36:37 "This book is awesome" especially the formats.
36:41 The question answer formats were really easy to understand.
36:43 Yeah.
36:46 Yeah, it was meant to be sort of a reference book
36:48 but there are some people who read it
36:50 cover to cover almost like a story book.
36:52 It's meant to, you have a question
36:54 and you go and you find that issue
36:55 and then you just do the question
36:56 and answer kind of thing but there are those
36:58 who just read through and it is well written--
37:00 well written book so kind of grabbed you right away.
37:02 Absolutely, but yeah,
37:03 we didn't start at the beginning.
37:05 We went directly to section 8.
37:08 It was part of 8, The Law. The Law, yeah.
37:12 And then when we went through, it brought us to the Sabbath.
37:16 Yes.
37:18 And then Williams, he comes up again,
37:20 "Dad, we are doing it wrong."
37:23 You got something in that kid.
37:26 Yeah, and you know we started praying about it.
37:28 We did and the Holy Spirit put us under heavy conviction
37:32 and I was a chaplain
37:34 at the hospital there in Rogersville
37:35 and I had a menu with all the churches
37:38 and pastors there and we found out
37:40 we had a Seventh-day Adventist Church
37:43 in our community.
37:44 So we started riding by.
37:46 We wouldn't go and pull in but we're just riding by.
37:48 We'd looked really suspicious, you know,
37:50 just wonder someone didn't call us off.
37:52 And they have a little community centre there
37:55 called The Lighthouse Community Center
37:56 where they help people out.
37:59 So I went into to see if I had any reading material
38:02 and little lady gave me a book that says
38:04 "We are the Adventist," Seventh-day Adventist.
38:06 Yes.
38:07 And I've thanked her and she told me the worship hour
38:10 you know, to come worship and I pulled out
38:13 and the cell phone rang
38:14 and I answered the phone and Brandi said,
38:16 "What did you found out?"
38:17 And I said "Well, I got another book."
38:18 So I take that book home and we studied that
38:21 and we really started praying.
38:22 Yeah.
38:23 "Lord, is this where you want us go?
38:25 Are you sure?"
38:26 I mean, is this, we've never been there before."
38:27 Now have you ever heard the name
38:29 Seventh-day Adventist before?
38:30 No, I mean, no.
38:32 So that name was not familiar to you at all.
38:33 No, we were not familiar with it at all.
38:36 I will tell you this.
38:38 Whenever he had this, when he was chaplain
38:40 and had the bonder from the hospital
38:43 with all the different denominations,
38:45 we would just read through, curious,
38:46 because you know, being Baptist
38:48 and I have some Pentecostal my side,
38:49 we knew what those were
38:51 but we didn't know other religions
38:53 and how they believed
38:54 and when he was reading through it
38:56 he laughed and he said
38:58 "you're Seventh-day Adventist, Brandi"
39:00 and I was like " What?
39:01 What's that?"
39:03 Because the vegetarian, you know, the healthy way.
39:06 Also had a little break down on what they believed.
39:08 Yeah, I see. Okay. Okay.
39:10 So we thought that you know, that could be a joke but--
39:13 That was a prophesy. Yeah.
39:17 We was reading God's word and come across,
39:21 Psalms 18:30 "As for God, His way is perfect,
39:27 the word of the Lord is proven,
39:28 and He is a shield to those who trust in Him."
39:32 Yes Lord, we'll trust You, we'll go, we'll go.
39:35 We'll go this-- well, we call it Sabbath now,
39:38 we'll go this Saturday.
39:39 And as-- we was driving we was dressed up very nice
39:42 and going down through town and everybody morning,
39:45 you are having car washes, bike sales, yard sales,
39:47 so weird.
39:49 We pulled into the parking lot
39:52 and I was kind of rushing everybody along
39:55 'cause it was almost time for the church
39:57 to start and the door slings open
40:00 and there's this big German guy,
40:01 he's greater than he says "Happy Sabbath."
40:04 And I was like never heard that before you know,
40:07 what's Sabbath?
40:08 What's Sabbath? Brandi, what's Sabbath?
40:10 And I found out what Sabbath was.
40:12 And-- so she-- we go in and everybody showing us
40:16 where the Sabbath schools are you know,
40:17 we went Sabbath school classes
40:19 and afterwards we gather out in a little foyer
40:22 and she said, "How did you like it?"
40:23 And I said, "I liked it, I heard something
40:26 about the three angles message, I'm not really you know,
40:29 we have to go home and study that."
40:30 So that first Sabbath you're kind of wading
40:32 in the deep water.
40:34 Someone mentioned the "Great Controversy"
40:36 and I told our sis,
40:37 they mentioned the "Great Controversy."
40:38 I said-- she said, "What is it?"
40:40 I said, " Maybe be there are fighting over color carpet,
40:42 I don't know but I'm sure they'll work it out."
40:46 And then you know, as we-- we went home through church,
40:49 we heard about Ms. White and how great she--
40:51 you know, what she was saying
40:53 and I kept looking around for Ms. White
40:54 and "Lord Jesus, whoever Ms. White is, you know,
40:58 she is not here today 'cause of sickness.
40:59 Please let her be here so I can meet her."
41:01 Oh, that is funny.
41:02 You know, I loved to meet this lady and talk to her and--
41:05 I thought Ms. White was still around and you know,
41:08 we were just taken-- we just got flooded
41:10 with all of this that we never heard before.
41:12 Wow.
41:13 And we go home and--
41:15 But the love at that church-- Oh, good the love--
41:18 And the hospitality that they showed us,
41:21 the first day, nobody knew us,
41:23 we didn't know a soul there and they didn't know us
41:27 but they were there and they were willing
41:30 to extent their hand and say,
41:32 come join us for lunch after church.
41:34 Wow. We had I guess three invites.
41:37 Let me ask you this because is this is very important
41:39 and this is the lesson that the churches can learn.
41:42 Other things that impressed you that first Sabbath?
41:44 You talked about,
41:46 they are three and the deep end of that pulled you.
41:47 You heard about Sabbath,
41:48 you heard about three angels' message,
41:50 you heard about "Great Controversy"
41:52 which are in Adventist home
41:53 that we toss around kind of a lot
41:54 but outside world doesn't know what that stuff is.
41:57 The greeting at the door and the over all
41:59 love of the church, which impressed you the most?
42:02 They had fellowship meal and they'd let us go
42:04 first through line.
42:06 Well, praise the Lord.
42:09 It was the love, love of Jesus
42:11 and the in depth of the study of the Word of God.
42:16 That's what we've been doing. Yeah.
42:17 And I never heard the word so deeply
42:21 taught like in Sabbath school and which is--
42:24 we went back the next Sabbath and then they asked Brandi,
42:27 you know, to make a dish or two for Sabbath meal and--
42:31 Wow.
42:32 We're leaving out one Sabbath morning,
42:34 we're leaving out one Sabbath morning
42:35 and we're live out in the country,
42:37 everybody knows everybody
42:39 and I'm putting dishes in the van
42:41 and I'm dressed you know,
42:42 to go church and our neighbor across the yard--
42:45 I mean across the road she's getting her
42:47 paper out of the paper box
42:48 and she looked over and she says, "Who died?"
42:51 I said, "Nobody died. We're going to church."
42:54 She said, "Going to church?"
42:55 She said "Where are you going to church at?"
42:57 I said, "Rogersville SDA Church"
42:59 and she stand out and she's like "Oh, oh, oh.
43:02 Okay, I said "See you later."
43:09 That is a good story.
43:10 Obviously, she knew a little bit about that--
43:13 that yeah, that the last kind of going on for her.
43:16 So from those early days,
43:18 how did the kids respond to this--
43:21 this new deal?
43:23 Well, Elijah, he's been raised, you know,
43:25 well, he remembers, you know, but Will and Hailey,
43:29 they had a little bit of a time, you know,
43:32 especially when they had learned this lesson about,
43:38 State of the Dead? State of the Dead, yeah.
43:40 They had a lot of questions.
43:42 But you know this great man and lady from our church
43:45 coming at this Bible studies at the house.
43:47 Great.
43:48 And they, they involved the kids
43:50 because they knew they had questions
43:51 and they answered all of our questions
43:54 and a great pastor, Pastor Sean Reed,
43:58 he came and he talked to us at home and lead--
44:00 he has lead us all the way who we are now.
44:03 Our doors of opportunities have opened,
44:05 we have a-- we started a children's church there.
44:09 I've teach the junior Sabbaths class there.
44:12 Brandi helps out with cradle roll
44:16 and now it's my call into preach
44:17 and began preaching.
44:19 Wow.
44:20 Yeah, and then they asked me to be deacon,
44:23 I said, "sure" you know, and--
44:25 Now we need to say Doug,
44:26 you guys we are not talking about
44:28 10, 20 years ago.
44:30 This is-- you're still fairly new as-- as Adventist.
44:32 Yes, sir.
44:33 Yeah, and we praise the Lord for that.
44:35 And the churches have been so good to us.
44:37 They brought us all these big sets of books by Ms. White.
44:41 And we can study those with the Word of God.
44:44 Oh, it's just-- it's just so in depth.
44:47 I mean, I led the study in the Bible studies
44:49 that we have.
44:50 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
44:52 And the-- I think the-- the children theme
44:55 working with kids, it's kind of just in your soul.
44:57 You can't-- can't keep from doing it.
44:58 Yeah, and praise the Lord for it.
45:00 And I think before this program is over
45:01 we're gonna bring your kids out
45:02 so we can meet them 'cause we heard them
45:03 William, Hailey and Elijah.
45:04 Elijah is my man. I like him.
45:07 But now you have a ministry
45:08 and "Amazing Bible Journeys" is it called?
45:12 What is that all about and what does that seek to do?
45:14 Well, we have a big room downstairs in our church
45:17 all from the fellowship hall
45:19 and it's-- it got two big columns
45:21 and my thing is
45:24 there are so many children out there hurting,
45:25 so many children out there in broken homes,
45:27 so many children out there.
45:29 This is one of the larger or small, you know,
45:31 and somebody told me about Jesus
45:34 when I was small and it stuck.
45:36 That's what I want to do to these-- for these kids.
45:38 I want to take them and show them Jesus.
45:41 I want them to experience Jesus.
45:42 I want them to experience the Bible
45:43 so we take those two columns and we work out of them
45:47 and we made a huge Noah's Ark and then we got--
45:51 we had a children's church in the ark and--
45:54 but the door was the main focus.
45:56 You know that door-- Jesus is the door, you know,
46:01 and we got to show them Jesus that way.
46:03 We've-- we have built Jonah and the Whale,
46:05 we had children search inside the whale,
46:07 things like that.
46:08 Yes, yes, praise the Lord.
46:10 Now does that happen on the Sabbath
46:12 or another day of the week or?
46:13 That happens once Sabbath a month.
46:16 Oh, okay, okay. Wow, that's fabulous.
46:18 And currently we are doing the sanctuary.
46:21 Excellent.
46:23 We have learned a lot in that stage.
46:25 And another thing the Lord has opened up was VBS last year.
46:29 They've asked us to do VBS and then there was a church,
46:32 contacted us and they wasn't gonna be able to have VBS
46:36 and we got to take our VBS program to their church.
46:39 Oh, nice.
46:40 And all these children we've got to meet
46:41 and tell Jesus to, you know,
46:43 tell them about Jesus and tell them
46:46 and show them the love of Christ, you know,
46:49 that's what we-- we don't want any one to see
46:50 Doug and Brandi, we want people to see Jesus.
46:53 We want all the glory, you know,
46:56 go to the Father in heaven.
46:57 To God be the glory. Praise God. Praise God.
47:02 Wonderful story.
47:03 Obviously you are hearing and experiencing,
47:05 I don't know do you if someone wanted you to come in
47:09 and tell your story at their church,
47:10 would you be open to doing that?
47:12 Yes, sir.
47:13 It will be blessing to a group or a youth group
47:15 or some of the things that you are experiencing
47:17 that you'd been open to do it-- to doing that.
47:19 Absolutely.
47:20 So, should you like to make contact
47:22 with these two lovely people, Doug and Brandi Jenkins,
47:25 here is a contact information that you will need.
47:29 If you'd like to invite Doug or Brandi
47:32 to speak at your church
47:33 you may write to them at Amazing Bible Journeys,
47:36 712 Caney Creek Road in Rogersville, TN 37857.
47:43 That's Amazing Bible Journeys,
47:45 712 Caney Creek Road in Rogersville, TN 37857.
47:52 You may also call them at area code 423-345-3170.
47:58 That's 423-345-3170.
48:03 Or visit their church online at reogersvillesda.com.
48:09 That's reogersvillesda.com.
48:15 All right, we got the gang with us
48:17 and Hailey and William
48:22 and this is my man Elijah, right?
48:25 Give me a shake. All right.
48:28 Brandi, you were saying, you--
48:31 you were telling me during the address roll,
48:33 what your goal was with the children's church.
48:36 Walk me through that again please.
48:38 Yes.
48:41 Satan is the father of our lives.
48:46 And that is his goal
48:49 because his time is so short
48:54 because I believe that Jesus return is very same
48:57 and Satan tries so hard
49:01 especially with the younger generation
49:03 to tell them you're worthless, you can't do that,
49:09 you're not any good, you know,
49:12 and he tries to just keep them down.
49:18 But we want them to know that God is who God says He is.
49:25 He is our Creator, God is love
49:29 and we want the children to know
49:31 that they are who God says they are
49:34 and which we're all children of God
49:37 and God doesn't want us to live
49:40 under those lies and listen to those lies of Satan.
49:46 And that's just the burden we have that the children know
49:51 what and even the adults because some of our boards
49:54 that we make or things that we put up
49:58 speaks to the adults' heart as well because it does.
50:01 It applies to us all. Yeah.
50:04 Now how often do you have children's church?
50:07 We have it once, one Sabbath a month.
50:08 One Sabbath a month, in your home?
50:10 No, at church. At church, okay.
50:12 All right, very good.
50:13 Now, William, we will put you on the spot.
50:15 Hold that microphone up
50:17 because William did not expect to speak,
50:19 we kind of just threw this on him.
50:21 But your dad was saying that the first time
50:23 you began to study the law
50:25 and you found out about Sabbath,
50:27 that you realized that it was something that you guys
50:29 had to do, is that right?
50:31 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
50:33 Well, first of all, all my life ever since
50:36 I went to church, I've always been confused
50:41 when I read the law about Sabbath
50:43 and I've heard Sunday is the Lord's day
50:47 and Sabbath is Saturday so I got confused about how,
50:51 how should we go on church on Saturday or Sunday.
50:55 As far as we going to church on Sunday or we was--
50:59 Sunday and I was kind of confused
51:02 so I want for sure should I--
51:06 should I tell them about it or should I just you know,
51:11 keep quiet.
51:12 So this was already going on in your heart
51:13 even before then?
51:15 Yeah. Oh, I see. Okay, okay.
51:17 So I kept quiet until they found--
51:20 found, found the book that I talked about
51:26 and so when they started
51:29 getting interested I said, "Okay,
51:31 this is the good time to talk about it."
51:33 Okay, so you were actually waited on them?
51:35 Yeah.
51:39 That is something-- so on his own
51:40 he's studying his way into this stuff
51:42 and he was kind of just holding back
51:43 for you guys to get the hook
51:45 and now he can kind of spring it on you.
51:46 Yeah.
51:47 When you stared going on to church on Saturday
51:50 was it a big change for you, was it kind of scary?
51:53 I kind of felt nervous.
51:55 I kind of felt nervous at first 'cause I didn't know
51:59 if there was you know different--
52:01 if there was changes
52:02 that I had to make suddenly or not,
52:06 so everybody was nice there.
52:09 Nobody judged me, everybody accepted who I was
52:14 and who I am and the classes I had
52:20 there was really interesting 'cause first thing
52:23 we've learned was about creation.
52:28 There can't be creation without a Creator. Yes.
52:31 So that was the first time I ever going there
52:34 so it's always been kept in my mind.
52:38 Okay. Thank you so very much.
52:40 I tell you, you got a budding preacher
52:41 there on you, on you hands there.
52:43 God bless you.
52:44 We got to go to our newsbreak and then we're gonna come back
52:47 with a closing thought
52:48 so to put a little bow around this
52:49 and we back in just two minutes.


Revised 2015-07-19