3ABN Today

Ken Cox Interview & New Book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ken Cox


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015017A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 My name is C.A. Murray
01:12 and let me thank you once again for sharing
01:15 just a little bit of your no doubt busy day with us.
01:18 So thank you, for your love, your prayers
01:19 and your support of 3ABN.
01:22 We realize we could not do what we do
01:24 unless we have your partnership.
01:26 So we thank you, so very, very much.
01:28 Very special program today.
01:29 First of all we are coming to you from
01:31 outside of our 3ABN studios.
01:33 We are in Surprise, Arizona and I say because I'm joined
01:36 by our president and my good friend Jim Gilley.
01:38 Jim, good to have you here. Good to be here.
01:40 And we've got a very special guest.
01:42 Yes, we do.
01:43 Who has yet another book,
01:44 he has become rather prolific in last several years.
01:47 He's always been prolific but he's been
01:49 pro-prolific dare I say in the last little bit.
01:52 Ken Cox is with us again and he's got a brand new book
01:55 that we want to talk about
01:56 because we are very, very excited about it
01:58 and it joins a series of books that are really
02:01 timely information for God's people, Jim.
02:03 You know, I'm not sure
02:05 that I have the exact record and numbers
02:07 but I believe that Kenneth Cox has probably spoken on 3ABN
02:14 more than any other speaker who is not a part of our staff.
02:18 And so when you watch 3ABN you often
02:23 are confronted with the ministry of Kenneth Cox
02:27 and I say confronted from this standpoint,
02:30 Kenneth makes you think.
02:31 He does.
02:32 And when he presents a subject, a doctrine
02:36 he himself has done a lot of thinking,
02:39 a lot of planning, a lot of studying.
02:41 I've been privileged at times to be nearby
02:45 when he was preparing a series and I want to tell you
02:48 he is the most highly organized individual
02:51 that I've ever known.
02:52 There is only one other person that even comes close to him
02:55 in my book as far as organization
02:58 and he can study a subject more thoroughly
03:02 than any individual that I've ever met.
03:05 So when he told me
03:07 that he was going to prepare a book on the sanctuary,
03:10 I got excited about it, C.A.
03:12 Yeah, it's an excited thing.
03:13 There are couple of names that you tend to hear
03:15 as you will know, when you talk about the spiritual gift
03:18 to make the complex plain.
03:20 You hear Doug Batchelor, you hear Ken Cox.
03:24 These are men who can take
03:25 what can be fairly weighty subjects
03:27 and make them digestible dare I say for the common man--
03:31 And then Ken Cox is writing does that also.
03:34 Absolutely. So we welcome you, Kenneth.
03:36 Thank you.
03:37 We are so happy because you are joining with us.
03:39 Kenneth, good to have you with us.
03:41 And in case some of you may have tuned in
03:43 and you do not know Kenneth Cox.
03:46 He has held evangelistic series
03:50 all over the known world pretty much.
03:54 Australia, South America, even into Russia,
03:59 of course here in the United States.
04:01 I know that John Carter one time told me,
04:03 he said, you know, John said, I hold two meetings a year
04:08 and he says I just spin myself in those two meetings
04:13 but at that time Kenneth was holding at least
04:16 six full evangelistic meetings every year.
04:20 And I remember John saying to me,
04:22 I just don't know how he does it
04:25 because it requires so much energy
04:28 to do one of these large city wide crusades.
04:32 There is so much to it than just the speaking.
04:35 You have a lot of counseling, lot of visiting,
04:37 a lot of other commitments that come to you
04:40 in a meeting like that.
04:41 And so I along with John Carter marvel
04:45 at the energy that God has given this man.
04:48 About how many of these series have you conducted now?
04:51 Do you have an estimation?
04:56 Jim.
04:58 Two hundred I would imagine. Yeah, at least 200.
05:01 I don't have any idea, never try to keep counting.
05:04 Because I have held a hundred and I know you've doubled me
05:07 at least with the number of meetings that you held.
05:09 At least 200.
05:10 You know, I think just as the pastoral calling
05:13 is a specific gift, obviously the call to evangelism
05:18 is a specific gift for which God equips the men
05:21 and they are not the same.
05:22 No.
05:23 Evangelists don't always make good pastors.
05:25 And pastors don't always make good evangelists.
05:27 They are two separate gifts.
05:28 Absolutely. Yeah. I's rare.
05:30 Sometimes you'll find a unique individual
05:33 who does pretty well at both
05:34 but usually that is rare and far between.
05:39 I think Kenneth would have been a good pastor
05:42 or evangelist but he felt so called to evangelism
05:47 that he was wanting to be here and there
05:52 and holding more meetings.
05:55 I don't know how to explain it, it's just the fire
05:57 and you want to go out
05:58 and proclaim the message, you know.
06:01 It's just what the Lord gives you, He puts in you.
06:04 You know, the subject of the sanctuary,
06:06 Kenneth, is a subject that is really vital for today.
06:11 Because one of the things that happen with the Jewish people
06:16 is that they lost sight of the sanctuary service.
06:22 The reason they missed Jesus
06:24 is that they did not truly understand the sanctuary.
06:28 That's right.
06:29 And I believe that a lot of people
06:31 are missing Jesus today
06:33 because they don't understand the sanctuary
06:36 and if the sanctuary gives us the full understanding
06:41 of the ministry of Jesus Christ.
06:43 Absolutely.
06:44 So let's get into the book a little bit
06:47 and I want you to tell us some--
06:49 about some of the chapters, some of the things that
06:51 you talk about in that book.
06:53 I have two things before you start and not to cut you off.
06:55 What did you see as lacking in the church
06:58 that drove you to write that book
06:59 because Jim articulated I think very, very well.
07:01 Did you feel that same way about our church
07:03 as far as losing its own hold on one of our key doctrines?
07:06 Well, I felt the things that were vital
07:10 to us as a church was the Three Angels' Messages.
07:14 Felt we needed to know those, understand them,
07:19 understand that we are not like any other church
07:22 that we are specially called people
07:25 to proclaim a particular message to the world.
07:28 And I felt you can't do that, you can't understand it
07:32 unless you can understand Daniel and Revelation.
07:35 You got to have kind of hold on those
07:38 and then you are not really gonna understand
07:42 Daniel and Revelation
07:43 unless you understand the sanctuary.
07:45 And so that was my reason for writing it.
07:50 It just bothered me,
07:51 I went back and read book after book.
07:54 But many books which are great books
07:56 are dissertations that thick
07:59 and I thought average men on the streets
08:01 is not gonna dig through that.
08:03 Just not gonna do it.
08:04 So I said, let's put out something there
08:06 that they can read and understand,
08:08 that will explain it to them.
08:10 And so that was the reason for it.
08:13 You titled your series and we have them here
08:16 "Daniel, Revelation and Sanctuary Pure and Simple."
08:19 Why pure and simple?
08:21 Well, I wanted it to be what the Bible taught,
08:23 pure in what the Bible taught
08:26 and in the average Jobs language
08:29 that you can understand, you know,
08:31 I didn't want put in lot of theological terms
08:34 and that kind of stuff which you can do, you know.
08:36 It depends on how you say it.
08:38 You know, you can say
08:40 don't count your chickens for the hatchery, you can say
08:43 don't count your feather progeny
08:44 before the time of incubation is fully being consummated.
08:47 Yeah, it just depends on how you want to say it.
08:51 And so I want to make it simple so they can understand it.
08:55 How long did it take you to do that, do that writing?
08:57 On sanctuary?
08:58 Took me about a year. About a year.
09:00 And of course that was writing Daniel and Revelation both
09:05 and the Sanctuary just something that God
09:06 put on my heart
09:08 and that was writing I as I felt I needed to--
09:13 other words says it, I was moved,
09:15 I had to be in the right mood to write it.
09:18 It wasn't something I probably could have written
09:20 the book if I would have, you know,
09:22 sat down and stayed after hour and after,
09:24 I didn't want to do that.
09:25 I want to write it so that we are not--
09:28 was moved on the subject I could write about it.
09:31 So that's what we did.
09:33 Now, Jim, threw out a number for you about 200 meetings,
09:35 about a 100 for himself,
09:36 only about half that maybe 45 meetings,
09:40 the burden to make it simple in these last days
09:44 and I think you can respond to that too little bit.
09:46 As an evangelist you wanted--
09:47 you want the people to understand
09:49 what you are saying.
09:50 You don't want to keep it above their heads,
09:52 you want to feed them.
09:53 So I guess that made its way
09:54 into everything you put into that book also.
09:56 Absolutely. Yeah.
09:57 That's the purpose.
09:59 And it's written so that for--
10:02 I didn't intend for this day be what's happening.
10:06 I wrote the book like I said for the average individual
10:09 but I found that as the book finished up
10:12 that it became a great book for church study groups.
10:17 Because it has 15 chapters in it
10:19 and they can take one a week
10:21 as a study group and take them through the sanctuary
10:23 and it's written so a person can read it
10:25 and also discuss it.
10:27 So I think if a church wants to study
10:31 the sanctuary this is the great way to study it.
10:34 Now back to Jim's question.
10:35 I apologize for sort of jumping in there.
10:38 Walk us through some of the chapters and what
10:40 we are actually looking at once we get into the book.
10:42 Well, I tried to just go through the sanctuary.
10:46 That's what I tried to do in the book.
10:47 So I start right at the beginning with the court
10:52 and I just simply explain about the court what it was,
10:56 you know, and how the court was around the tabernacle
10:59 and I talk about the altar, the brazen altar,
11:02 the altar of sacrifice and I talk about the laver
11:06 and I talk about what they were like,
11:08 what they look like and what they meant
11:11 and how they apply to us today,
11:14 you know, and so we make that application.
11:16 For instance if I'm talking about the laver,
11:18 I go back and what Jesus said,
11:21 I'm the water of life and talk about how that,
11:25 there is something there.
11:26 This in the sanctuary served us without a doubt
11:30 which Jim talked about is the greatest gospel lesson
11:35 in the Old Testament.
11:36 I mean, it lays out the plan of salvation
11:40 clearer than anything else.
11:43 There were, you know, I will tell you something
11:46 I ran into as I was studying and I had never caught it before
11:49 and I couldn't understand it
11:51 and that is where it speaks about them
11:54 offering a sacrifice of fat.
11:58 For instance when they killed the lamb,
12:01 the individual was not only responsible to lay his hands
12:04 on the head of the lamb and take its life
12:07 but also before they offered it,
12:09 the priest cut it open
12:10 and it was that person individual to take the fat out.
12:14 Had to take all the fat out of the lamb and put that on a--
12:18 on the altar and burn it.
12:21 And then the scripture says it was a sweet aroma to the Lord.
12:26 Burning fat has never been a sweet aroma.
12:29 You know, it isn't.
12:31 So what does it mean when it says
12:33 it was a sweet aroma to the Lord?
12:35 Well, fat is a symbol of sin
12:39 and it was taken all the fat out of the body of the lamb
12:43 and burned it, disposing of it, getting rid of it
12:47 as a symbol of sin how God is gonna get rid of sin.
12:52 So it had a great,
12:54 that was a sweet aroma to the Lord, you know.
12:58 Very powerful.
12:59 I've always felt that and I've thought that,
13:01 I'm some sure you guys add to that,
13:02 when since the children of Israel
13:05 were probably most part illiterate.
13:07 When they went to the sanctuary,
13:09 when they went to church, when they assembled
13:10 they were also going to school
13:12 that God was teaching them and I don't know
13:14 if there is a more highly symbolic reality
13:16 than the sanctuary.
13:17 Everything was a lesson, every color, every,
13:20 you know, every text, everything was a lesson.
13:23 So in your study I guess you found that also.
13:26 Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.
13:28 Lessons in there almost you can continually go back
13:32 and study and study and you learn and you learn
13:34 and you learn over and over.
13:36 And so anyhow, I just take the people through the court
13:40 and explain what it means,
13:42 I'll go and explain the tabernacle.
13:45 And explain the tabernacle and the first compartment
13:48 and second compartment
13:49 and what each piece of furniture represented
13:52 and how it applied and even as you get into the veil
13:56 and the colors in the veil and all had symbolic meaning.
14:01 They represented something
14:03 and so it was a lesson to all of the people
14:07 as they went through it and learned
14:09 what it was all about.
14:11 The sanctuary inside was gorgeous.
14:17 I mean, really gorgeous.
14:20 For a portable tabernacle
14:23 it's almost more than you can describe in its beauty.
14:27 I mean, if you could imagine walking in this room
14:30 and here is golden panels all the way around it
14:33 and the light reflecting on it, it just it was gorgeous in it.
14:38 But this interesting thing about it is,
14:42 they had these four different coverings
14:45 put over the top of it
14:47 and those went clear over it and down to the ground
14:50 and they were everything but beautiful.
14:53 So when you looked at the sanctuary
14:55 from the outside,
14:58 didn't look like anything at all
15:00 and I think there was two reasons for that.
15:02 I think one, it kept people from trying to raid the camp
15:05 and take it that so they put these skins over it
15:09 and just the badger's skin just a dull brown,
15:13 it was over the whole thing, you know, so it didn't look.
15:16 But you had to go inside,
15:18 when you went inside that whole picture changed,
15:22 okay.
15:25 Very, very descriptive of Christ.
15:29 Say, it says that we had, He had no beauty that we desired Him
15:35 and it's not the outward thing that God looks upon
15:38 but it's the heart, it's not the outward appearance.
15:41 And so those lessons are over and over and over
15:46 in the sanctuary and teaches,
15:49 you know, that we need to be concerned about our heart.
15:52 And what's happening there and what changes,
15:54 it's not the outward appearance,
15:57 its inward that makes a big difference.
16:01 We are as far as I know
16:03 the only major Protestant denomination
16:06 that really teaches sanctuary
16:07 as part of our doctrinal package.
16:09 I think it's our one gift to systematic theology.
16:13 Nobody has it like we do. That's right.
16:14 What is so important about the sanctuary
16:16 that God chose to plant that in the heart of the
16:19 Seventh-day Adventist church and do so fairly early?
16:22 Well, there are certain biblical beliefs that we have
16:26 that without the sanctuary you couldn't believe Him.
16:29 You know, you shouldn't be able to understand Him
16:32 that leaves you without it
16:33 and one is like the 2,300 days in Daniel
16:36 without the sanctuary and understanding
16:39 what went on there and the sanctuary.
16:41 you wouldn't understand it.
16:44 See I have meeting after meeting after meeting
16:47 and people come up to me and say
16:50 is there any hope for me?
16:52 Can I be saved? Has probation closed for me?
16:58 And this type of thing.
17:00 If you read and understand the sanctuary
17:03 you understand that the door of mercy is still open
17:10 and will stay open until Jesus comes.
17:13 For instance when the high priest
17:15 went into the sanctuary on the Day of Atonement
17:20 when he went there and he parted the veil
17:21 and went into the most holy place,
17:25 offered the blood there, made the sacrifice and so--
17:29 sacrifice and everything there.
17:31 After he did that and I never caught this before
17:34 until I was studying this when he came out of there to go out
17:38 and put the sins upon the scapegoat
17:42 but when he came out there, he didn't go directly,
17:45 he went over to the altar of incense
17:48 and cleansed the altar of incense,
17:50 then he went out to the altar of sacrifice
17:53 and did a cleansing on the altar of sacrifice
17:56 before he place his hands on the scapegoat.
17:59 Showing that if there was any sins committed after
18:04 it happened there in the most holy place
18:06 there was still forgiveness.
18:08 You know, and so it answers the question,
18:12 you know, is there hope for me?
18:13 You better believe there is.
18:15 Yeah. Yeah.
18:16 So it appears as that one of the--
18:19 dare I say side benefits of the study of the sanctuary.
18:22 Is that a kind of places you will we are in time
18:26 and lets you know kind of,
18:28 well, not only what's going on heaven
18:30 but also what's going on, on planet earth?
18:33 Yeah. Yeah.
18:34 And certainly it teaches and you understand it
18:40 as you understand the sanctuary that there is
18:43 no such, such thing as salvation by works.
18:47 I mean, over and over and over it stress the fact
18:51 that this is given as a gift to us
18:55 through the Lord Jesus Christ and they understood that.
18:58 So when they lost sight of that, they lost sight of it
19:01 and they missed when Jesus came.
19:03 Yeah. Yeah.
19:05 Do you think the world--
19:06 that church is in danger of losing sight of that again
19:09 that we may be slipping back into our works
19:11 or into kind of mentality?
19:13 Well, all I can say is C.A., I've held lots of meetings
19:18 and I find when we hold meetings
19:20 our people know very little about the sanctuary.
19:24 You know, they just-- it's just and I go--
19:29 I'm sorry, I don't mean this wrong in any way,
19:32 but they don't hear any sermons on it.
19:35 I don't hear it being preached and which to me it should be.
19:40 Yeah. Yeah.
19:41 Maybe the Lord is beginning to light a fire.
19:44 I know Jim was at GYC fairly recently
19:46 and we heard a powerful, passionate sermon
19:50 by a young preacher on sanctuary
19:53 and so maybe the Lord is lighting fires
19:55 in different areas, this book being one of those
19:58 fires to say, hey, let's go back
20:00 and find and rediscover the old and make it new.
20:04 Absolutely.
20:05 We need to and make a big, big difference
20:09 in people's relationship with Christ that we would.
20:12 Yeah. I think and I'm sure Jim would agree
20:15 that it would also take a lot of fear out of people's lives.
20:17 Yes.
20:19 Fear for themselves, fear for their families,
20:21 fear what's going on in heaven, fear how Christ use them
20:24 and what Christ is doing in their behalf even now.
20:27 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
20:28 You know, it was marvelous what took place there
20:33 and what it meant in all and when that priest
20:37 went into the holy place,
20:40 you know, and offered the blood on the altar of sacrifice,
20:45 I mean the altar of incense and what the candlesticks
20:50 stood for and the table of showbread and all.
20:52 It answers lots of questions.
20:55 And it helps the people see and understand Christ,
21:01 what He is doing up in heaven in our behalf now.
21:04 And you can't deny
21:06 when the Book of Hebrew is full of it
21:08 about what Christ is doing up in heaven now
21:11 and it talks about Him in the sense of the priest,
21:14 you know.
21:15 So yes, it has to be something that
21:21 that will help them understand the gospel.
21:23 Jim and I heard a message not too long ago on this stage
21:26 and one of things the pastor was asking was the entire work
21:30 of atonement finished at the cross
21:33 and I think where he was going with that
21:35 is that there are some benefits to what happened on the cross
21:38 that are being ministered now in the sanctuary
21:41 and you don't understand that
21:43 until you look at the whole sanctuary,
21:44 the whole sanctuary message
21:45 and a whole loving the cross certainly open the door,
21:50 but now there are benefits to that death on the cross
21:52 that Christ is ministering in our behalf.
21:54 And without the cross, there will be no, no sanctuary.
21:59 Correct. I mean at all,
22:00 but the sanctuary is now of course in the heaven
22:04 and that our--
22:06 we do have a high priest and it is Jesus Christ Himself.
22:11 Lot of people are looking for a temple
22:14 to be rebuilt in Israel.
22:16 Bible does not teach that
22:19 and if they built it, how would they--
22:22 what would they do it,
22:23 it wouldn't have a high priest because
22:26 the choice of a high priest is something that
22:30 just wouldn't happen today.
22:32 You couldn't even arrive at who that person would be
22:36 and you don't have to do that
22:38 because we already have a high priest,
22:40 it's Jesus Christ our Lord and our God
22:45 and He is serving in the sanctuary in heaven.
22:49 Because this sanctuary here on earth
22:51 was a pattern of what that is in heaven.
22:55 That's right.
22:56 And that's, you know, you either believe that
22:59 or you don't but that's what the Bible says.
23:01 Yeah, and you can't, you can't read the Book of Hebrews
23:05 and not face that.
23:07 You got to face that there is a sanctuary in all--
23:10 and one in the heaven
23:11 what you are going to do with it?
23:13 You know, you can't throw it out.
23:14 It's like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
23:16 In fact, there is no sanctuary on earth anymore.
23:20 It is in heaven. Yeah.
23:21 And there was, the reality there was a sanctuary on earth,
23:25 it became the temple, they moved that inside
23:29 and built a permanent place for it
23:31 and the patter was very similar to that--
23:34 in fact, the holy place and most holy place
23:38 exact dimensions of what
23:40 the old sanctuary was in the desert.
23:43 Yes, it's a same as the sanctuary in the desert,
23:45 same as Solomon's temple.
23:47 Right.
23:48 So then this is what the Bible says is in heaven now
23:53 and our high priest is serving for us there.
23:56 And what some people would get tremendous comfort from
23:59 and great, great how should I say it, peace of heart
24:04 now as the Bible says that each one of us are to be priest
24:10 and in heaven it says we will be priest
24:14 and because we were minister there in the New Jerusalem.
24:18 It says there is no temple in the city.
24:21 Why isn't there a temple in the city?
24:24 Because the city is a temple,
24:27 that's why there is not one in there.
24:28 It's the city itself is a temple
24:30 and you and I will work there serving the Lord as priest.
24:36 Why?
24:37 Because we are the only ones in the entire universe
24:40 that can understand, totally and completely the grace of God
24:44 and what He has done for us and so God has laid it upon us
24:48 to explain to the universe,
24:50 and to all the unfallen worlds what the grace of God is.
24:54 Praise God for that.
24:55 You know, there are so much evangelical thought and time
24:58 and energy put into are they are gonna built it
25:00 or they are gonna tear down the dome of the rock
25:02 or they are gonna put, you know,
25:03 and you realize once you understand that sanctuary
25:06 is that even if they did, it wouldn't mean anything
25:08 because action is in heaven.
25:10 You know, that's where the action is right now.
25:12 If they fought with the Muslim community
25:15 and tow everything down and put a temple up there
25:17 doesn't mean anything because Christ died once and for all.
25:20 The action is now in heaven for us.
25:23 So you understand that
25:24 when you really understand the sanctuary. You do.
25:27 Now that's how it puts it, begins to,
25:29 it just brings everything together for you.
25:32 Yeah, you see things and understand
25:34 where is a sacrifice except for one there was one other
25:38 but all the sacrifices were offered in the court.
25:42 There was no sacrifice offered in the tabernacle,
25:45 it's always in the court.
25:47 Well, Christ, they had been watching
25:49 was to be crucified outside the court.
25:54 See, that's what it made it clear,
25:56 they could have read the scripture
25:58 and known what was happening.
26:00 They could have known that, you know.
26:02 And as it was important then it is important now.
26:06 Now I want to touch on the couple of things
26:08 because there are two other books here,
26:10 I think Revelation came first? Yes.
26:12 Yes, Revelation came first and then
26:14 you got to do what you got to do.
26:17 You know that's true C.A,
26:20 but the truth of it is a person should study Daniel
26:25 before they study Revelation.
26:26 Very true.
26:28 But you went with Revelation first?
26:29 Yeah.
26:30 Well, you have done and of course
26:31 both of these have--
26:32 you have DVD series that you've done on 3ABN.
26:36 Are you giving any thought to maybe doing a sanctuary?
26:38 Well, we thought some about it, yes, and I'd like too.
26:43 I think that we could make a series
26:45 that would be very helpful on the sanctuary.
26:48 Praise the Lord. Praise God.
26:50 So we hope so. Yeah.
26:51 Your Revelation series was very well done
26:54 and it was a long series.
26:56 So how long did it take you to do the book?
26:59 To write it? The one on Revelation?
27:02 On Revelation.
27:03 Oh, probably a couple of years.
27:05 Couple of years. Yeah. Yeah.
27:06 Imagine. Praise the Lord.
27:08 We filmed Give me the Bible at 3ABN,
27:13 that took a solid year to film it.
27:15 Oh, yes. You remember?
27:16 That's true. Yes.
27:18 Took a whole year filming.
27:19 Yeah.
27:20 So we would do five sessions once a month
27:24 and then you prepare the next ones and come back.
27:27 We'd be at 8 to 3 in the beginning.
27:28 You did 60 sessions.
27:30 That's right, every two weeks we were at 3ABN, you know.
27:34 Yeah. So it took a while.
27:36 And that was a blessing. Is a blessing.
27:37 It was. It was. It's a great series.
27:40 We have tremendous response on it,
27:42 so we are thankful for that.
27:44 And I personally think that our people
27:50 need to hear sermons on Daniel, Revelation and sanctuary.
27:58 I don't mean by that that's the only ones
28:01 but they should receive sermons,
28:04 our people should on those subjects
28:06 because they are reassuring,
28:07 they are helpful to the people to prepare their hearts
28:11 and help them be ready for the Lord's coming,
28:14 you know.
28:15 Your biography, autobiography is there also, very well done.
28:20 I've read it with pencil in hand
28:22 because it's hard for me to read a book without making
28:24 little underlines, little notes.
28:26 Do you know how many books you've written, Elder?
28:29 About seven now.
28:32 Usually on doctrinal things?
28:35 Well, more on doctrinal things than anything else.
28:38 Yeah. Yeah. Anything else, yeah.
28:40 Yeah.
28:41 Really, really, well done.
28:45 And you don't-- I will say this,
28:47 don't mind waiting into the tough stuff.
28:49 You know, there is some little controversy
28:51 at the back end of Daniel and then
28:53 you got some controversy in the middle of Revelation
28:56 and you don't skip over that stuff.
28:57 You weighed right, weighed right into it.
28:59 You know, I just want to say this.
29:02 You can study it
29:04 and you can come to the place where you feel like
29:06 you have a grasp on what it's saying, you know,
29:10 but you have to understand that's not the final word.
29:13 You know, you have to understand that
29:15 there maybe something you'll learn in the future
29:18 that changes your concept about that.
29:20 And I think people who write a book and think that's last
29:25 and final word are missing the point, you know.
29:29 Sure, I hope what I've written is helpful to people
29:32 but I don't believe for any minutes
29:34 that these are the final word on it, on the subject.
29:39 And there are some people who have
29:40 very, very strong convictions that if you don't believe
29:42 like they believe well, you are in trouble.
29:45 I don't buy that.
29:47 I just don't buy that.
29:48 I think you have, you need to read and understand
29:51 until you are clear but that doesn't mean you can't learn,
29:56 you know, and so we keep trying,
29:58 trying to learn more and more.
30:00 I've written one called "Daily Devotional Diary"
30:04 which is just really for people's devotion on that.
30:08 I've written another one
30:09 "Quick Answers to Bible Questions"
30:11 and those are different books I've written other than these.
30:15 And I just finished one for Pacific Press
30:20 that will be coming out here I guess this year.
30:24 What's the name of that book?
30:26 I called it, I titled it, I'm not sure
30:29 that will stay that Jim,
30:30 because it's their book not mine
30:33 but I called it the 7, 7, the Four Winds of Revelation 7.
30:38 Okay.
30:39 Four Winds of Revelation 7
30:41 And it's a book about current events.
30:43 What's happening and what's taking place now,
30:46 you know.
30:47 So we try to do that-- and I only do those books
30:51 that's kind of Lord lays it on my heart.
30:55 Are you one who at this point
30:57 and I follow strange events pretty much
30:59 particular as they effect what we know
31:01 as the prophetic landscape?
31:02 Do you sort of keep your,
31:04 your finger on the pulse of that stuff?
31:05 I have studied prophecy long enough, C.A.,
31:08 that I couldn't do anything otherwise,
31:11 you know.
31:12 It is that you study it and you know
31:15 what it's saying and you see it happen and you say,
31:18 you better get your heart right,
31:20 the Lord is coming.
31:21 You know, better, better wake up.
31:24 Now I've never seen you though as an alarmist,
31:26 I mean, when I say that
31:28 there are some preachers every time
31:31 the Catholic Church needs is they catch cold.
31:33 You know, you kind of think that,
31:34 you know, you got that whole kind of mindset
31:36 but I think if you lay back
31:38 and kind of look at the big picture,
31:40 it keeps you from becoming crazy every time
31:42 there is a little itch or sneeze
31:44 some place in the world.
31:45 Right and there are events that have to take place
31:49 and you can see whether those events are taking place
31:52 and there is events they are in the future, you know.
31:55 And so when people start trying to predict,
31:58 this is gonna happen in a certain time.
32:01 No, you can't do that.
32:03 This is impossible but you can say
32:05 yeah, it's happening,
32:07 it's getting, the time is drawing near.
32:10 You know, you can't do that.
32:11 You know there are some people
32:13 who not only don't see that things are happening,
32:17 they don't realize when they have already happened.
32:20 So at least if you cannot predict
32:23 this is gonna happen,
32:25 you ought to recognize when it does or when it has
32:28 so that you are not left out in the cold
32:31 when it comes to understanding biblical events
32:34 and prophecy in the last days.
32:36 As Christ told disciples
32:38 I have shown these things to you
32:40 so that when they take place you could believe
32:44 and so studying prophecy should help me understand that
32:47 and be ready to know where I'm and where I'm going, you know.
32:51 When you look at our world today,
32:54 and I'm not asking you to predict the time
32:57 when Christ will return because I know you wouldn't
33:00 and that wouldn't be proper even to ask,
33:04 but we see things happening so rapidly
33:09 and have you ever in your lifetime
33:12 seen it this way before?
33:14 Never. Never, Jim.
33:17 I have never seen violence in the world as it is today.
33:22 Yeah.
33:23 We live in a very violent world
33:26 and you know, things that are happening
33:29 and taking place that Revelation 13,
33:33 Revelation 17 lay out clearly,
33:36 you see those things taking place
33:39 and you can just put it down they are taking place.
33:42 And this never happened in the past.
33:45 This wasn't there.
33:46 They can't say well, that happened.
33:48 No, that didn't happened in the past.
33:50 They are happening now and we have to,
33:53 have to recognize that.
33:54 You know, here in America
33:55 we get so accustomed to the violence
33:59 and it's not publicized all that much
34:02 and often times we think,
34:04 all the violence is like in the Middle East.
34:07 The truth of the matter is if you--
34:09 let's take a country like Israel,
34:11 there will be around 20 violent deaths a year,
34:16 that's for 6 million people.
34:19 There are about 6 million people
34:20 in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
34:24 and there are 20 violent deaths a weekend there.
34:30 There are at least 50 times as many violent deaths
34:36 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as there are in a place
34:39 where we think of as being violent
34:41 with the same population.
34:44 We have become so accustomed to it
34:47 that it really does not even register with this anymore.
34:52 That's right. It's correct.
34:53 And of course the press is very--
34:58 they like the sensational things so
35:00 if anything does happen there, they make a big deal out of it.
35:04 But it is amazing that how much it is blown out of proportion
35:09 but in our own country, our own place,
35:12 the violence in New York and Chicago
35:15 and Dallas and Los Angels is so horrific
35:21 and we have just gone accustom to it.
35:24 It's like the frog in the boiling water.
35:27 Absolutely.
35:28 The water gets hotter and hotter,
35:30 the frog doesn't recognize it
35:31 because he is sitting there until he is cooked.
35:35 Yeah.
35:36 And you know what, first year and I'm just of course
35:40 doing my devotions and I'm in Genesis.
35:43 I usually try to go through the Bible every year
35:45 and I just finished reading about Noah
35:48 and it says God looked down and mankind was violent.
35:53 Yeah.
35:54 You know, I thought Lord, You are looking down?
35:57 Right.
35:58 You know, what's gonna happen?
36:00 Where are we? Yes.
36:02 And it's the assurance that you find in the sanctuary
36:06 that let you know that Christ is there with you.
36:08 He will be with you all the time
36:10 and that you can just depend on Him.
36:14 You know, it had to be and same things today
36:17 if people would accept it,
36:18 it had to be a wonderful feeling
36:21 to bring the lamb to the court and to offer it for your sins.
36:27 The priest taking the lamb
36:29 and putting on the altar of sacrifice,
36:32 carrying the blood into the sanctuary
36:34 and placing it on the altar of incense
36:37 and know, walk away from the sanctuary
36:40 knowing that all your sins had been forgiven,
36:43 clean, you know totally.
36:45 Yeah, that's right. It had to be.
36:47 I mean great assurance.
36:49 You know, Kenneth, you are talking about the lamb.
36:52 Did they just go out in the flock
36:54 and just pick any lamb?
36:56 No. Tell us about the lamb?
36:58 The lamb was required to be
37:02 without spot and without blemish.
37:04 It had to be perfect, the best they can tell
37:07 to be offered
37:08 and even had to be examined by the priest
37:11 before it was offered.
37:15 For instance what has always moved me
37:18 and I don't know Jim,
37:21 whether this is kind of fable or it's actual
37:23 but I think it is foundation found in scripture.
37:27 When they offered the Passover lamb,
37:29 the Passover lamb had to be perfect.
37:33 It had to be without spot and without blemish.
37:36 But they were required to go and find a lamb
37:40 on the tenth day of the month
37:43 and to bring it home and keep it there at the house
37:48 until the 14th day before it was offered
37:52 given the children a chance to play with it
37:55 so that lamb didn't-- couldn't be offered
37:58 without there being some attachment
38:01 and feeling towards it, you know.
38:03 It just was there.
38:05 So that lamb became part of the family?
38:07 Yes.
38:08 And was a little difference than just picking any lamb.
38:14 You can imagine a child pleading with his parents
38:17 not to take its life.
38:18 Yeah.
38:19 You know that is a facet that I was not aware of.
38:23 you know, I think you go to a temple
38:24 you go to one or two lamb sellers outside,
38:26 they'll try to sell the one out to you,
38:27 you pick up the lamb and you're going to do
38:28 what you got to do,
38:30 but there is no emotional investment to that,
38:32 financial cost certainly but I don't know
38:34 but when you've got a pet, a friend,
38:38 now it's kind of getting inside
38:40 and that's what the Lord had to surrender
38:41 when Christ went on the cross.
38:43 And it's interesting there in Revelation
38:45 where it talks of the lamb, Revelation 4 says
38:50 the actual scripture for the word lamb there
38:54 is little pet lamb.
38:57 Wow. It's powerful.
39:00 You know, it just, you learn so much in the sanctuary,
39:04 it brings things together and helps you understand
39:07 where we are, understand the timeline.
39:13 You know, you begin to see and understand the time
39:16 and where we are, what's happening up in heaven,
39:19 the investigative judgment is taking place there.
39:23 You know, I've heard people say well,
39:24 you can't prove the investigative judgment
39:26 by the 8th and 9th chapter of Daniel.
39:30 And I will say, right.
39:34 But you can prove the investigative judgment
39:36 by the 7th chapter of Daniel.
39:38 No question, you know, and as you see that
39:42 and understand it in the light of the sanctuary,
39:45 man, it makes it all come to life.
39:48 You can see it and see what's happening
39:50 and what's taking place there.
39:52 You know, just to talk about violence in the world.
39:55 Probably while you were talking,
39:57 viewers may have been able to hear a fighter jet overhead
40:01 and we are hear near an airbase in Surprise, Arizona
40:07 and you hear these fighter jets taking off every little bit.
40:11 It helps you realize
40:13 these planes were not created to go out and have fun in.
40:20 That's right.
40:21 These are killing machines
40:23 that have been designed for that
40:26 and when you hear them take off and hear the power,
40:29 you can stand outside here and you cannot see them
40:34 because you are looking at the sound
40:36 and they are way ahead of the sound.
40:38 You got to-- if you're just fortunate
40:41 to look at way ahead of the sound,
40:43 you may be able to see one of them.
40:45 It's amazing. Back to our subject now.
40:48 Start us out in the outer court
40:52 and bring us to that sanctuary in just a quick moment.
40:57 What happens out in the outer court?
40:59 The outer court, the person brings a lamb,
41:03 they are met in the court by the priest
41:06 and they place their hands on the head of that lamb
41:09 and they confess their sins.
41:11 Okay.
41:12 Then the life of the lamb is taken.
41:14 They split its throat.
41:16 The priest catches the blood, the body of the lamb
41:20 as I mentioned with the fat taken out
41:22 is placed on the altar of sacrifice
41:24 with the fat and burned
41:26 and the priest carries the blood into the tabernacle.
41:30 Okay.
41:31 Then he takes this blood to the altar of incense.
41:36 All right, now that is moved now
41:37 from the outer court into the holy place?
41:40 Holy place of the tabernacle.
41:41 All right. And so what does he do there?
41:43 In the tabernacle, he takes the blood
41:46 and touches it to the horns of the altar.
41:50 Now there's always been some question
41:52 about the horns of the altar.
41:54 I maintain that that horns of the altar
41:58 was a place of protection.
42:00 Because you remember when Solomon said,
42:03 go get rid of Joab.
42:05 Remember it says he went to the sanctuary
42:07 and got both horns, horns of the altar.
42:09 Right. And so--
42:11 but they touch the blood
42:14 to the horns of the altar confessing the person's sin.
42:17 Now normally the person would not be allowed
42:19 to go in there, right?
42:20 That's right, just the priest.
42:21 So it was just the-- if you are going there,
42:24 going there you better grab those horns?
42:26 Yes. Okay.
42:27 Right. All right.
42:28 Now what else was in that holy place?
42:30 In holy place was the altar--
42:32 excuse me was the seven golden candlesticks.
42:34 All right. Now what did that represented?
42:36 And seven golden candlesticks they are represented
42:39 for light of God as He gave in us what Christ said,
42:44 I'm the light of the world. Right.
42:46 It represented Christ and it was seven--
42:51 seven branches menorah,
42:55 the Jewish people they use even today.
42:57 And that represented the Holy Spirit
43:01 because the oil was put in there
43:04 and burned in it constantly.
43:07 It was always never to go out.
43:09 Now even though it represented the Holy Spirit,
43:11 it also represented Jesus says the light of the world.
43:13 Oh, yes. Yeah.
43:14 Everything as we look at the sanctuary service,
43:19 everything almost has a dual application.
43:21 It may look at the word, the Word of God
43:25 but Jesus says I'm the bread of life.
43:27 Yes. Right?
43:28 And so you have the table of showbread.
43:30 So Jesus is represented by
43:32 every, everything in the sanctuary.
43:35 Every detail. Every detail.
43:38 Even though it may also represent the Bible,
43:40 the word, the Holy Spirit etcetera
43:42 but there is a dual application that points you to Jesus.
43:46 And on the table of showbread was the bread
43:53 and the priest could eat of that bread,
43:55 you know, and this is exactly what Christ is talking about
43:59 when He says, "Unless you eat my flesh,
44:02 drink My blood,
44:03 you cannot make it in the kingdom of heaven."
44:04 Right. Right.
44:06 Just the symbolism is there so much.
44:09 Okay, now this will be a daily situation
44:11 except was it done on Sabbath as well?
44:14 Yes. There was. Yes.
44:16 So it's a daily offering of the sacrifice
44:20 and presenting the blood there on the altar.
44:23 In fact, the bread on the table of showbread
44:26 was only changed on Sabbath.
44:27 Is that right? Yeah.
44:28 All right, now we will go in the most holy place.
44:31 How often do you go in the most holy place?
44:34 The high priest only could go in once a year.
44:38 Once a year.
44:39 Yeah. Once a year.
44:41 All right, now what does he do
44:42 when he goes into the most holy place?
44:44 Well, he offers a lamb, they had a goat,
44:47 they cast lots and one became the Lord's goat,
44:51 one became the scapegoat and they sacrificed it
44:57 and then he takes the blood of that
44:59 and makes his way into the most holy place
45:02 and there goes before the ark
45:05 and there on the ark you have the cherubims,
45:09 the two cherubims
45:10 and who are looking down at the altar of--
45:15 excuse me the altar there and then in between that
45:20 is where you have the mercy seat.
45:22 And there at the mercy seat
45:24 is where the Shekinah glory of God dwells.
45:26 Wow.
45:27 And he met there
45:29 and that's where he offered
45:31 the blood from the Lord's goat and--
45:36 Once a year.
45:37 Once a year and just think about me--
45:41 my thinking about it, Jim, makes me tremble
45:45 to think of what priest going in there,
45:47 you could have--
45:48 you know, where the Shekinah glory was and--
45:51 The very presence of God.
45:53 He had to have every sin confessed
45:56 before he went there.
45:57 In fact, he offered bullocks for himself
45:59 and his family before he went in.
46:00 Before he went in.
46:01 So that every sin was confessed.
46:03 And there was a cord tied to his leg
46:06 so that if he died they could pull him out.
46:10 Yeah. Yeah.
46:12 And one of the things that we see religion see
46:18 that earmarks our days that is fear.
46:21 I mean people are afraid of--
46:22 they are afraid to open their doors,
46:23 they are afraid to be alone, they are afraid to in crows,
46:25 they are afraid of their jobs,
46:27 they are afraid of so many things
46:29 accompanied by and just an overwhelming disrespect,
46:33 lack of respect for human life.
46:36 Some women are strapped abound to have brought
46:38 and walk into a public place and you know there is this,
46:41 this lack of respect even as we've been sitting here
46:44 same things on the news.
46:46 Does the sanctuary give any comfort to a person
46:49 who is just--
46:51 they are afraid all of the time,
46:52 they don't know where they are,
46:53 they don't know what they are doing
46:55 and they are part of this fear cycle
46:57 that is being influenced.
46:58 Does it give any comfort,
46:59 does it have anything to say to a person in that,
47:01 in that frame of mind?
47:03 C.A., there were seven annual feast
47:05 that they came to at the sanctuary
47:08 and those seven annual feast
47:11 one of the feast of trumpets was strictly
47:17 to rejoice and know that Christ is with you
47:20 and comforts you and gives you peace
47:22 that's what, what it was all about.
47:24 And many of the others also were feast
47:28 in which you were to receive peace from.
47:31 And so they-- you know, Christ had promised,
47:36 He said, "My peace I give you. My peace I leave with you."
47:40 And that is taught in the sanctuary there.
47:43 They can find peace there
47:45 that they will find in no other place.
47:47 Praise God. Praise God.
47:48 Yeah.
47:49 It is a fabulous work and again
47:52 I see it's a little thinner than some of your books.
47:55 You didn't turn it into war and peace.
47:57 You kind of got in there and got through it,
47:59 so that it can be read in maybe one or two sittings.
48:02 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
48:03 They can definitely. Yeah.
48:05 And that's what I wanted.
48:07 I didn't want them have to be bogged down
48:09 and, you know, just to be able to read it.
48:12 Come out and say okay, I know what the sanctuary is about.
48:15 So that's why they are done. And it's--
48:21 Did it cover the judgment in this?
48:23 Yes. You did cover?
48:25 There's a whole chapter on it. On the judgment.
48:27 All right, investigative judgment?
48:29 Yes. All right.
48:31 There is a chapter on that in it.
48:35 My granddaughter is a graphic artist so her--
48:40 I had her illustrate the whole book.
48:42 Oh, wow.
48:43 So she is the one that illustrated it.
48:45 Okay.
48:46 I think Jim tried to get you and I caught you off earlier
48:49 on the program to just outline
48:50 or read the chapter titles for us.
48:52 Why don't you do that real quick
48:53 so they can know what they are gonna get
48:56 even when they get-- get to the store to buy it.
49:08 The chapter titles are, The Court,
49:14 The Altar of Sacrifice and the Lamb of God,
49:17 The Laver and the Water of life,
49:19 Priesthood and the Levites, Tabernacle,
49:23 Golden Table of Showbread, Golden Lambs Stands,
49:27 The Golden Altar of Incense, Veils,
49:30 The Most Holy Place, The Ark of the Covenant,
49:33 Israel's Annual Feast, Christ Our High Priest,
49:37 Incredible Prophecy and New Jerusalem.
49:40 Amen. Those are the titles.
49:42 So you've really gone through step by step sequentially,
49:45 every specific article and what it meant
49:48 so that when I'm finished reading that,
49:50 I've got a pretty good handle
49:51 on the doctrine of the sanctuary.
49:53 You should have. Yeah.
49:54 You should have, C.A.
49:55 It should be, you should be able
49:56 to sit down and read your Bible
49:57 when it talks about certain things
49:59 understand what it's talking about.
50:01 All right.
50:02 Now they can order this from you--
50:05 And from your ministry or they can order it from 3ABN
50:09 and or it's possibly available at a Christian bookstores
50:14 that also that they might check there.
50:18 But if you wish to contact Kenneth Cox,
50:23 this is how that you can contact him.
50:30 If you would like to learn more about this ministry,
50:33 then you may do so by writing to Kenneth Cox Ministries,
50:36 P.O. Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA 92354.
50:42 That's Kenneth Cox Ministries,
50:44 P.O. Box 1027, Loma Linda, CA 92354.
50:50 You can call 888-747-1844,
50:54 that's 888-747-1844.
50:58 You can also visit his website
50:59 and order online at kennethcoxministries.org.
51:04 That's kennethcoxministries.org.


Revised 2015-07-13