3ABN Today

CD Project with Lari Goss

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Dean C. Hickman, John D. Rowsey, Neil B. Uhrig


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my word
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day.
01:13 I want you to know that Jesus loves you,
01:14 He died for you.
01:16 He made a plan of salvation for you
01:17 and He's coming back very soon in the clouds of glory.
01:21 I'm excited about ministry,
01:22 I love and support all of those who are out into ministry
01:26 and today we have some special guests
01:28 and it's a group
01:29 and they're called The Guardians
01:30 and we're so glad that you guys are here.
01:32 Start with Dean. Thank you, Danny.
01:34 Dean Hickman, where are you from?
01:35 I'm from West Virginia originally.
01:37 I grew up in Clarksburg, West Virginia,
01:40 and then moved to Portsmouth, Ohio,
01:41 to sing with The Golden Keys Quartet.
01:43 Jim Hill who wrote "What a day that will be.
01:45 He was in that group and I took his place.
01:47 And what a great gentleman he is, he's still living,
01:49 he's 84 years old.
01:51 84 years old.
01:52 And still sings his song alive.
01:53 He comes with us every now and then.
01:54 And where are you based now?
01:55 Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio.
01:57 We've had this group together for 26 years, over 26 years.
02:01 That's amazing.
02:02 Now I go to Columbus once a year at least,
02:05 they have the AQHA Congress, Quarter Horse Congress,
02:08 you know, there's a big huge horse show up there.
02:11 I usually go up there and spend just a few days
02:13 'cause I enjoy horses over there.
02:15 Right. All right.
02:16 Sitting next to you of course is John, John Rowsey.
02:19 John, now you've been with the group how long?
02:21 Going on 3 years. Three years.
02:23 Yes, July will be my 3 year anniversary.
02:26 All right. Well, there's gonna be some great stories.
02:28 I'm the newbie.
02:29 Yeah, we're gonna get back
02:31 and find out a little about you all and your background
02:33 and gospel music and all of that.
02:36 And of course down here we've got Neil Uhrig, right?
02:39 Did I get it right? You got it right.
02:41 All right. Neil, and where are you from?
02:43 I'm from Chillicothe, Ohio,
02:44 about 45 miles south of Columbus.
02:46 Okay. All right, how long have you been with the group?
02:49 Since its inception, 26 years, going on 27 ago.
02:52 Wow, is that right? Mm-hmm.
02:54 So you've been with through all.
02:55 Now was your dad a member of this too?
02:58 Maybe still he is?
02:59 He well, he considers himself still a Guardian.
03:01 Absolutely. I agree with that.
03:03 Once you are, you are there, right?
03:05 Right. That's it, perpetually.
03:07 When we added John, he talked about,
03:09 well, he really helps, doesn't he?
03:11 So even though he's not out on the road.
03:13 I love it, absolutely, absolutely.
03:15 You know, the amazing thing, Danny,
03:17 in 26 years we had two gentlemen
03:19 that died with us,
03:20 but we've only have one personnel change in 26 years.
03:24 Gentleman retired and John took his place,
03:26 so who could talk about that?
03:28 And one personnel change, wow.
03:30 I know, that is amazing and I love your music.
03:33 I actually found out about The Guardians
03:35 from Lari Goss and Lari Goss,
03:38 our viewers know Lari, they're familiar with him
03:40 and some of the recent projects that we did,
03:43 they're also aware of his passing.
03:45 But Lari used to talk to me about this one group
03:49 and at least once a week,
03:51 "Danny, you got to get The Guardians,
03:53 you just got-- you got to meet these guys,
03:55 you got to hear their music, I've been working with them.
03:57 I absolutely love them."
03:58 And then he would call me a week or two later.
04:01 "Did you call them, yeah?"
04:02 I'd say, well, you didn't even give me their info, Lari.
04:05 "Oh, I didn't.
04:06 Well, I have Carolyn, I'll have Carolyn
04:08 send that to you.
04:09 You got to get them there now, I'm not being pushy.
04:12 You know, I wouldn't do this to you,
04:14 I'm not pushy but you got to meet these guys."
04:17 So honestly Lari's worked
04:19 with incredible musicians and artists
04:22 around the world as you know.
04:23 But I can say this with my hand up,
04:25 he never promoted anybody like he promoted you guys.
04:28 'Cause he said they're genuine. We're humbled.
04:31 And today we hate to say it
04:32 but that's kind of a fleeting commodity,
04:35 even in the industry of gospel music
04:37 and, you know, preachers and,
04:40 you know, I don't want to go and sound negative
04:42 but I'm just saying so when you meet people
04:44 of like spirits that are focused on their mission,
04:48 that's to represent the Lord Jesus Christ
04:50 to share Him in the marketplace.
04:53 Right.
04:54 Then we're like this
04:56 because that's really what we're all about.
04:58 Christians those of us following
04:59 the example of Lord Jesus Christ
05:01 and He said, go ye into all the world.
05:03 So some people preach, some teach, other sing.
05:06 And you guys been doing this a long time.
05:09 I want to talk a little more,
05:10 then we're gonna do maybe three or four songs,
05:12 see how much time we have.
05:14 Thank you.
05:15 But, Dean, I want to get a little bit
05:16 of your background now,
05:17 you know, where are you from,
05:18 what kind-- were you raised in a Christian home?
05:20 Oh, I was raised in a --home,
05:23 very conservative
05:24 and my dad was one of the greatest Christians
05:27 I've ever met in my life. Uh-huh.
05:29 Lived to be almost 98. Is that? Right.
05:31 He married my mom, he was 11 years older than her.
05:35 She lived to be 85 and he outlived her,
05:37 I mean, you never think that. Yeah.
05:40 So I was raised in a good Christian home,
05:41 loved the gospel music
05:43 and then moved to Portsmouth, Ohio,
05:44 in 1965 to sing with The Golden Keys Quartet.
05:48 And fell in love with the music
05:50 and then God has just opened up doors in my life,
05:53 it's unbelievable.
05:55 Have you always had a desire to be a Christian?
05:58 I have a song that John helped me write
06:02 that talked about as a child, I was going down this road,
06:05 I thought, you know, God's tugging on my heart,
06:07 I want to be a Christian,
06:09 but then I thought, well, you know what?
06:10 I need to go out and learn my way a little bit first.
06:12 And then, but He kept tugging.
06:14 Mm-hmm, all right.
06:15 And then I come back. Okay.
06:17 So but that song is just so it's like what about now,
06:21 what about right now, what about here.
06:24 Now you don't have to put this off
06:26 and it's the best life to live anyway.
06:29 Why wouldn't you live this life?
06:30 Absolutely, absolutely, beautiful.
06:32 So what do you do now? What is your work?
06:36 I went down on the state highway patrol
06:38 after The Golden Keys Quartet continued to sing with groups,
06:41 then after that I went down to Goodyear Atomic Corporation,
06:44 I was security director there and Congressman Dingell
06:47 and Senator John Glenn decided
06:50 that the nuclear weapons program in the country
06:52 was not being protected well enough.
06:55 So they set up this program where they want to go out
06:57 and have a performance testing program
07:00 and I just lucked into that program, Danny,
07:02 and started running that program.
07:03 You were blessed into it. Yeah, I was blessed.
07:04 Oh, yes, blessed into it, absolutely.
07:07 I mean, my life was not planned.
07:08 Whatever I did, I did for the system, never for me.
07:13 Whatever it was,
07:14 always displayed honesty, integrity and trust.
07:16 Okay. Never for yourself.
07:18 And so in the last 30 years,
07:21 we've been inspecting nuclear weapons facilities
07:22 and it's all performance based.
07:24 We actually take ex Seal team members,
07:26 special force members went and attack the facility,
07:28 try to steal the special nuclear weapons.
07:30 Oh, really? For the materials, yes.
07:31 You're serious, Dean? Yeah, it's serious stuff.
07:33 You're not like just looking on a camera decide, you know--
07:35 No, no, no. Don't use your bullets.
07:37 It's all performance based. Really?
07:39 Yeah, it is. It's phenomenal.
07:41 So because I travel so much, 60-70% of my time for 30 years,
07:45 we could only sing on the weekends.
07:47 So then we got a manager in the last 3 years,
07:50 I mean, he's better than me.
07:52 So he's running the program mostly and I could back off
07:55 and so now we're fulltime ministry
07:58 into what my heart wants to do.
08:00 Yeah. What a neat story.
08:01 I hope you've written a book. Well, I haven't.
08:04 You haven't, you should, that'd be my suggestions.
08:06 Thank you.
08:07 Because, you know, we want to put all this together.
08:09 I mean, what a great story going from there.
08:11 You've done a number of these
08:13 contracts with the government, right?
08:14 Yes, 18 contracts with the government
08:17 in various things and we-- that's all we've ever bid on
08:21 and we never lost a one of them.
08:22 Again it's just God's blessings.
08:24 All right.
08:25 So I'm gonna do this with each of you.
08:27 We'll go down we're gonna have a song in a moment.
08:28 What church do you, you have affiliate,
08:32 what church are you with today?
08:34 My wife and I were Wesleyans for while
08:36 and then we went to a Nazarene church for a while,
08:38 a minister come in there and took them from 300 to 30.
08:41 And I told my wife, I said, we got to get back there
08:43 and help them get their church build.
08:45 So we went back and March 1st, our group's gonna be there
08:49 for the opening of that church.
08:50 So we raised and made into, and overnight utmost,
08:55 and we built the church so we want to dedicate it,
08:59 our opening service March 1.
09:00 Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah.
09:01 Great. Absolutely.
09:03 What we want to do we're gonna ask
09:05 you guys to sing a song for us
09:07 and they've written a number of songs
09:09 but I think the very first one, you're all gonna know this song
09:12 and I know I love it and it's--
09:14 you know, you can talk about
09:15 some of the greatest songs ever written,
09:17 "Amazing grace" but the song
09:19 that they're about to sing "The Lord's Prayer"
09:21 I'm gonna have to put in that list too.
09:22 I mean, what a incredible song "The Lord's Prayer"
09:26 and then after that we're gonna actually
09:28 do a few more songs.
09:30 But I appreciate once again
09:31 The Guardians coming here from Ohio
09:33 and their music and the arrangements
09:36 that you're gonna hear are by the legendary Lari Goss,
09:40 absolutely incredible.
09:41 So I've had an advantage, I've got to hear some of these
09:44 but I know you're gonna be blessed
09:45 as they sing to us now "The Lord's Prayer."
10:02 Our Father
10:07 who art
10:10 in heaven
10:18 Hallowed be
10:25 thy Name
10:35 Thy kingdom come
10:42 Thy will be done in earth
10:50 as it is
10:54 in heaven
11:00 Give us this day
11:05 our daily bread
11:10 And forgive us our debts
11:16 As we forgive our debtors
11:21 As we forgive our debtors
11:25 And lead us not into temptation
11:31 But deliver us from evil
11:37 For thine is the kingdom
11:43 And the power,
11:47 and the glory
11:50 Forever and ever
11:58 Amen
12:05 Amen Amen
12:12 Amen
12:15 Amen...
12:19 Amen...
12:23 Amen...
12:29 Amen...
12:40 Beautiful. The Lord's Prayer.
12:42 This is The Guardians, I've a CD here.
12:45 We'll be talking about it a little bit later.
12:47 "Let my Heart Sing."
12:49 And I don't' know about yours
12:50 but mine singing right now when we think about that,
12:53 there's a kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
12:56 And so we're gonna be blessed with some more music
12:59 so we want you to stick around a little bit,
13:00 we'll put up an address and all of that.
13:02 Well, guys, thank you so much.
13:04 Thank you, Danny.
13:05 Wow. What a great job.
13:06 Lari Goss is all over that thing too.
13:08 Yes. Yes, he is.
13:09 Music behind him, I mean, honestly he's just--
13:13 his music amazes me and--
13:15 No talent like him.
13:17 Yeah, you guys have known him for sometime
13:20 and you talked about his humility.
13:23 Yeah, I think Bill Gaither said
13:25 that his talent is only equaled by his humility
13:29 and I second that, wow.
13:32 He was the most humble man I'd ever met.
13:35 With all that greatness he had
13:36 and all I had ever hear him say is,
13:38 I ask God all time, why did he give me this?
13:41 You know why, why was it me?
13:42 Yeah.
13:44 And I said, Lari, how did you--
13:45 'Cause he can handle it.
13:46 Yeah.
13:47 How did you learn to write all this orchestration?
13:49 I mean, you don't have to write
13:50 the horns in different key, how did you learn to do this?
13:52 He said, well, my brother, he said, he said, Ronnie said
13:54 after my elder brother died in a plane crash,
13:56 he said, we need somebody to write orchestration,
13:59 he said, well, Lari can do it.
14:01 Yeah, yeah.
14:02 And he got into it, you know.
14:03 Then he did it. Yeah.
14:05 Absolutely.
14:06 Well, we want to go over to John.
14:07 John, we want to find out a little about you,
14:09 you got a great voice
14:11 and I can tell that you're not--
14:12 you've been in 3 years
14:13 but you're not a stranger to gospel music,
14:15 that's for sure.
14:16 I got a feeling you've been singing most of your life,
14:18 is that right?
14:19 Oh, I loved it since as early as I can remember.
14:21 I was a southern gospel music fan
14:23 and grew up on the music of the Happy Goodman's
14:25 and The Rainbows and The Statesmen and all,
14:28 all of the groups from the day,
14:30 I just loved every bit of it.
14:32 And I started to sing with my family
14:34 and that turned into a group that started
14:36 after I got out of high school called New Journey
14:39 and I traveled with them until I went with Karen Peck
14:42 and New River and... Did you?
14:43 In 1999 stayed till 2003
14:46 and came off the road to work in my church
14:49 and help build the music program there.
14:51 All right. What kind of church you go to?
14:53 I go to Christ Temple in Huntington, West Virginia.
14:55 Okay.
14:56 It's a nondenominational church
14:57 where my pastor I've known since I was 15.
15:00 Okay.
15:01 Now he was a radio disc jockey
15:02 in his early days in southern gospel music.
15:05 And the Lord called him to preach
15:07 and the next thing, you know,
15:09 he is the pastor of the church that had been
15:12 originally pastored by a man for 40 years almost.
15:15 And that church grew immediately
15:18 under my pastor Nell's leadership
15:22 from about 60-70 people to about 2,500.
15:26 Wow. So God has really blessed.
15:28 Yeah, absolutely.
15:29 And I love it how these guys comment,
15:31 instead of just talking about themselves,
15:32 I ask them about their selves
15:33 and both of them have gone to their churches,
15:36 notice that about how they're grown and all of that.
15:39 And so now your music, your family,
15:42 you said did they all sing, your parents--
15:44 Well, yes, my grandmother
15:46 and my aunt had a trio with another lady in our church
15:49 when I was growing up.
15:51 And she passed away
15:52 and when she, just before she passed away,
15:55 she said, you need to take John and keep singing.
15:59 And, you know, I was 11 years old
16:02 and but I could hear parts and so we just started that way
16:06 and our church would invite us here and there
16:08 and one thing led to another
16:10 and the Lord just opened doors
16:11 and we kept walking through
16:13 and I mean, I fell in love with the music.
16:17 All right. Now you play instruments?
16:19 I play piano, play keyboards
16:21 and sometimes when we're out live, you know,
16:23 we always try to bring things down to a ministry time
16:28 at least at the end and that is the time
16:31 when it just becomes intimate with the congregation.
16:34 Sure, absolutely.
16:36 Tell me a little bit about-- I know you're a songwriter,
16:38 maybe the rest of you guys write too some
16:40 but I think he's probably your main songwriter.
16:42 He's the writer.
16:43 He's the writer, Neil. This is the guy, right.
16:45 He's the writer, yes.
16:46 I'm always I'm intrigued by the minds of writers,
16:49 you know, where they come from 'cause people,
16:51 I'm not prolific writer like some of you all,
16:53 but I've written songs over the years and people would say,
16:55 where did that come from?
16:57 I know people who've sang for most all their life
16:59 but they say I can't write,
17:01 I don't know how to put that together
17:03 and I don't know how to explain that.
17:05 What happens to you? Where do you--
17:08 what makes you tick when it comes to writing?
17:09 And people ask me--
17:11 You'd sit around and get up the morning say,
17:12 I think I'll write a song today.
17:13 I wish it was like that
17:15 and it's not really like that for me.
17:16 People ask me, you know,
17:17 how do you come up with these ideas?
17:19 And I'll say, you know, there's nothing else up there,
17:21 so I pretty much can just concentrate on the songs
17:25 but I'll get something from something
17:27 that my pastor will say in a message.
17:29 I'll hear somebody say something
17:31 just in casual everyday,
17:33 you know, conversation that will strike me
17:35 and I'll, maybe not necessarily
17:37 just the phrase they said
17:39 but it'll turn my mind to something else
17:40 and next thing, you know,
17:42 there's a song that is birth out of just
17:45 some little thing you hear.
17:46 You know, I don't write a lot of Bible story songs,
17:49 you know, so many people are great at rewriting
17:52 the three Hebrew children and I just does
17:54 but I more find myself writing things about everyday life
17:59 and how God works in everyday life
18:01 because that's what we're all living right now
18:03 is everyday life.
18:04 Absolutely.
18:05 And so I see God work so often
18:07 and I just think it's worse to talk it about in a song.
18:11 So do you write the music first or the words
18:14 or do you write them together?
18:15 For me it's almost always together.
18:17 It's very seldom.
18:19 Now Dean and I wrote a song together
18:20 on the new project that he was talking about
18:24 a little bit earlier called what about now,
18:26 and he really had talked about
18:29 what he-- how he felt like the Lord dealt with him,
18:31 you know, growing up
18:32 and the way his mind was working
18:34 and he kind of laid out all of that story
18:37 and started putting, you know, phrases and music together
18:41 with his story and next thing we know we had a song,
18:45 normally always it's music and lyric together.
18:49 Now do your songs in general
18:51 when you're writing them yourself, do they come quickly
18:53 or is it some-- you maybe write a little bit,
18:55 then a week or two later, you come back and month later
18:58 you finish it or how's that?
18:59 I find myself doing it that way most all the time.
19:02 It's very seldom over all the years I've written music
19:05 where I sat down and it was just coming like that for me
19:08 and I was just writing as fast as I could go.
19:11 Now it's a little different when I do co-writes,
19:14 we're pretty much in a room
19:15 for 6 or 7 hours in a day and we come out with a song
19:18 but you don't sit down and just start writing,
19:21 Now, so that'll help you finish it.
19:22 That's right. That's right.
19:26 So do you write for publishing companies?
19:28 Yes, I write for Daywind in Nashville.
19:30 And I've written for just about everybody
19:33 in southern gospel music.
19:34 The Lord has opened a lot of doors
19:36 and almost everybody in southern gospel music
19:38 has recorded a song of mine.
19:39 Oh, that's great.
19:40 And I'm thankful for that.
19:41 Wonderful.
19:42 You ever hear of Rick Shelton down there?
19:44 I am very much acquainted with Rick,
19:46 he's the gentleman who purchase all my songs.
19:49 He's my publisher.
19:50 Okay. Well, he's your buddy then?
19:51 He is my buddy, I love Rick with all my heart.
19:53 Yeah, absolutely.
19:55 Well, he's my nephew as you may have figured that out.
19:57 I finally figured out that.
19:58 But he loves what he's doing.
20:01 A quick story about Rick that you can go back
20:03 and you can tell him I said it.
20:06 But when he was little, he loved music
20:10 but when he was young for some reason
20:11 I didn't think he'd ever carry tune,
20:13 he actually sings pretty well.
20:14 I don't know if you ever heard him,
20:15 but Rick can sing well but he loved gospel music
20:19 so my wife Kay who was later killed in automobile accident
20:24 and my brother Tommy,
20:26 we had a trio called the Shelton trio
20:28 in the late '60s and early '70s and we sang around.
20:32 Rick would go, they were introduce to,
20:35 you know, he was 3 or 4 or 5 years old,
20:37 Shelton trio, he just walk up, serious,
20:40 just made me grab my mike
20:42 and just stand there ready to sing
20:43 and like, do I get to sing? 'Cause we get ready to leave,
20:47 go get on the bus, he'd get the driver's seat,
20:50 5 years old, went to so later,
20:53 years later he's getting little older,
20:55 any groups come through Southern Illinois,
20:58 we called him a diesel sniffer 'cause he chased all those,
21:01 any gospel music he--
21:03 dad, I want to go, can somebody take me?
21:05 Uncle Danny.
21:06 Somebody take him to hear these gospel groups.
21:08 Soon as they got to car and I said his dream is
21:12 to be around gospel music,
21:14 is to know these artists and talk to them.
21:16 now go up 20 years later, I went down
21:20 to the Quartet Convention a year or so ago,
21:22 he said, I want to introduce you around some of my folks,
21:25 we were walking down the hallways,
21:26 all the groups that he used to go try to,
21:29 hey, can I get a picture all of them would say,
21:31 hey, Rick, we need to talk to you,
21:33 we got the song idea,
21:34 have you got something for us?
21:36 Now he's an influencer.
21:37 And all of these people that he used to watch
21:40 are now calling him saying, hey, we need to get together.
21:44 That's great.
21:45 So I said, you know, very few people Dean in life
21:48 accomplish what their dreams are when they are a kid.
21:50 Some will far exceed them, some won't ever get there
21:54 but very few just from time you're 6, 7, 8, 10 years old
21:57 gonna end up,
21:58 he's exactly where he would have dreamed,
22:01 if you would say when he's 10, what do you want to be?
22:03 That's what he would, he'd be right there so,
22:05 kind of a neat story and--
22:07 That sounds like a neat family.
22:09 Well, God has blessed,
22:10 there're some of us like all of us,
22:12 you know, my dad used to say,
22:14 son, you're a good boy but you're not quite all there
22:17 but don't worry about it.
22:18 He would introduce me by saying, this is my son Danny
22:20 and you can tell by looking at him
22:22 he's not all there
22:23 but he's a good kid, had a good heart.
22:24 And my dad would tell me,
22:26 he says, son he said, you need to go to Hollywood,
22:28 he'd say, the walk would really do you good.
22:31 There you go and you're outstanding
22:33 in the field somewhere, right?
22:35 Heard all those, go back to those.
22:37 Let's get back to some music here.
22:39 "Somebody Prays", who wrote that song?
22:41 I did.
22:42 You wrote this song? Okay,
22:43 so we're gonna ask you guys, we're gonna ask The Guardians,
22:45 if you'll get ready and they're gonna do another song
22:47 "Somebody Prays."
22:48 Once again, we'll put up an address in a bit
22:52 and hopefully you'll be able to get it.
22:53 We'll tell you how to get your CDs.
22:55 Now they not only have this one,
22:56 they have numerous, maybe 15,
22:58 we'll ask them in a little bit
23:00 but they've got a number of products
23:02 and that we'll put up an address,
23:04 a website, where you'll be able to contact them
23:06 because I know you're gonna want this music.
23:08 Absolutely uplifting, spiritually draws you closer
23:12 to the Lord and how could it be
23:14 arranged any better than to have Lari Goss.
23:16 So here's a beautiful song, "Somebody Prays."
23:33 A force lies within our hands
23:38 of power not known to man
23:43 It opens the door to all that's in store
23:48 For those who obey
23:53 It's where miracles wait for you
23:59 And mercy comes shining through
24:04 Just see what the Lord can do
24:09 When somebody prays
24:15 Somebody prays and haven pays attention
24:25 Somebody prays and angels listen in
24:35 In Heaven it's written down
24:41 God's heart can hear the sound
24:46 And His mighty power abounds
24:51 When somebody prays
24:56 Oh, I've seen it time and again
25:01 A soul's reached its very end
25:06 The pressures of life
25:09 All the burdens and strife just don't go away
25:17 Oh, but strength comes down from above
25:22 And touches that hurting one
25:27 And faith rides on wings of love
25:32 When somebody prays
25:38 Somebody prays and haven pays attention
25:49 Somebody prays and angels listen in
25:58 Oh, in Heaven it's written down
26:04 God's heart can hear the sound
26:09 And His mighty power abounds
26:14 When somebody prays
26:20 I just steal away
26:25 I just steal away
26:30 It's where miracles wait for you
26:35 And mercy comes shining through
26:41 Just see what the Lord can do
26:46 When somebody prays
26:51 Somebody prays...
26:56 Somebody prays...
27:09 Amen. That's a two hander.
27:11 Down here we say two hander, you got one hander,
27:13 sometimes a two hander.
27:15 Somebody Prays, what a beautiful song.
27:18 And I don't know about you
27:20 but I find myself falling in love with the music
27:22 of The Guardians.
27:23 And so again we'll put up an address in a little bit,
27:27 I know I keep saying that
27:28 but I want you to get your pencil and your paper ready
27:30 and because we're gonna hear a couple more songs
27:32 and then we'll give you the address.
27:34 And I'm gonna encourage you to contact them
27:37 and find out all the products that they have available
27:40 and I know this product,
27:42 I'm gonna try to get and talk about this one
27:44 because this one here,
27:45 this is not only these great songs and these guys
27:48 but Lari Goss is all over
27:49 so I got to have one of these myself
27:51 and you'll probably feel the same way.
27:54 Thanks again. Beautiful song.
27:55 John, you wrote that, I want to say that again,
27:57 now you wrote that song, right?
27:58 Okay.
27:59 And the inspiration behind that one was?
28:02 Well, there had been a situation in my family
28:04 that for me just kind of looked impossible
28:07 and I thought, well, this is a dandy, you know,
28:10 everybody comes to those situations in their family
28:13 and I watched the Lord do something that
28:16 only He could do
28:17 and I knew it was because there were so many praying
28:21 and it touched me so much that it really
28:26 I guess hit home how much power there is in prayer.
28:29 And I just wanted to say when we pray,
28:33 sometimes we feel like that our hands are tied
28:36 but that's the most power we have.
28:38 When we call in the name of the Lord in faith
28:40 and belief what we're praying,
28:42 we know that He's gonna hear and He's gonna answer,
28:44 maybe it's not in the time that I'm looking for
28:47 and maybe it's not exactly the way,
28:49 but His ways are higher than my ways.
28:51 And I've come to find out, if I put my trust in Him
28:54 and just pray for His will,
28:56 everything's gonna, it's gonna happen His way.
28:58 The Matthew 28:18 says, "All power He's given me."
29:03 Yes. He's establishing who He is.
29:06 That's right. All power is given to me.
29:07 So if you're gonna pray, who you're gonna pray to?
29:09 I want to pray to God that's got all the power,
29:13 who can answer prayers in a better way than we asked.
29:16 Right.
29:17 That's the beauty of it, you say
29:18 it doesn't always end the way we want it to,
29:21 but it's for the best.
29:23 For His honor and for His glory.
29:25 Well, Neil, we're gonna come down over here to you,
29:27 so usually we put the guy that,
29:29 you know, that talks most down that line,
29:30 I don't know if this is true or not,
29:32 you may be the talker of the group
29:34 and but you've been with them from the beginning, right?
29:37 Yes, I have, since we started.
29:38 And you sing the baritone, right?
29:40 Yes.
29:41 Okay, now I forgot to say that, you're the tenor of course.
29:44 And you're doing the lead,
29:45 and but you've got a range, you could not think,
29:48 John, you can sing probably a few parts
29:51 or whatever they need,
29:52 I got a feeling he could jumping to do it,
29:54 you may be the same way.
29:55 Well, not as high as him,
29:57 even on that song he was talking about,
29:59 what about now?
30:00 He even goes over the tenor on some of that,
30:02 he does it quite right.
30:03 That's not fair, that's not fair.
30:05 We have to talk about that later.
30:08 We don't like guys to show ourselves like that,
30:10 you know, no,
30:11 but you folks have a great range,
30:13 mine's about this big so I always like,
30:15 I appreciate others who's got a great range.
30:18 But you've been singing for long time,
30:20 tell me a little bit about your background,
30:21 how were you, what kind of home you were raised in?
30:24 Church home, mom and dad Christians,
30:27 grandparents Christians,
30:28 in fact as early as I can remember back,
30:32 my grandmother started chasing me
30:34 and telling me how to get saved.
30:36 That was a priority in our life
30:38 and I remember when I hit 10 years old,
30:42 she told me that now is the time.
30:44 And that's when I met the Lord
30:45 and it's because of my grandmother so...
30:47 Isn't that amazing?
30:48 And I've grown up in church, attended church all my life.
30:52 Lot of grandmothers don't try that
30:53 but if it works, maybe we ought to think about chasing around
30:56 so now is the time.
30:58 So what kind of church were you raised in?
31:00 Church of Christ in Christian Union,
31:02 relatively new denomination.
31:04 Same doctrine as Nazarene as Dean said.
31:07 I see, okay. Great.
31:09 So now your grandmother encourages you
31:12 but the time you get 15, 16, 17, 18,
31:15 sometimes those ideas, you have second thoughts,
31:17 did you ever have second thoughts or say,
31:20 you know, I think I want to go out
31:21 and try different direction
31:22 or have you always just wanted to serve the Lord?
31:24 Devil never leaves you alone.
31:27 He's always chasing you,
31:29 but I can't say that I ever thought about anything else
31:32 because I still had good, good help at home
31:37 with my parents and my grandparents
31:39 and my family and then ended up
31:40 they found me a girlfriend who was a Christian.
31:42 Okay, there you go.
31:43 And that made a lot easier to stay there,
31:45 I won't say I haven't had battles
31:47 and the devil hadn't worked hard,
31:48 I went to college and, but God is faithful
31:54 and you just need to keep your eyes on Him
31:56 and He'll take care of you.
31:57 Absolutely.
31:58 What line of work, have you always been in music
32:00 or do you do other... to support your music?
32:03 Actually for 35 years I worked in school system
32:07 and I retired almost 10 years ago,
32:10 school administrator.
32:11 You weren't an English teacher, were you by chance?
32:13 No, I hated English. They make me nervous.
32:17 I hated English.
32:18 So anyway 10 years ago
32:22 when I retired from school superintendent
32:24 in public schools in Southern Ohio,
32:27 I went to work for Dean.
32:29 He had a job there that my skills could handle
32:32 and I've been working for him ever since.
32:35 You get him breaking in
32:36 and trying to break into government--
32:41 so we can do that.
32:43 He's a professional administrator.
32:45 Oh, I see, okay. Yeah.
32:46 So you're just administrating that,
32:48 but knowing all the stuff and doing all the work.
32:50 That's good.
32:51 I think I like your job better.
32:53 Yeah, I do too, feel safer.
32:55 Yeah, it's little feel safer, that job for sure.
32:58 So gospel music is just your family saying?
33:02 My dad had a family group,
33:03 in fact years ago they called it
33:06 the Uhrig Brothers Quintet,
33:08 it was not a quartet, there were five of them.
33:10 Him and his two brothers
33:11 and they had two first cousins that sang.
33:13 And when I was 17 in the summer,
33:20 the baritone decided he wanted to retire,
33:21 start traveling.
33:23 I never really had sung that much in church at all
33:27 other than in choirs but my dad came to me and said,
33:29 hey, why don't you try singing the baritone?
33:32 I could harmonize.
33:34 And I said-- he said just come for a part time
33:36 till I find someone.
33:38 I did that for almost 37 years,
33:41 he was still finding someone to fill the position.
33:44 37 years, okay.
33:45 And then it kind of wound down to where
33:48 we'd lost piano players,
33:50 couldn't find someone like John Rowsey to play the piano.
33:53 And it looked like we were gonna fold up
33:55 and Dean had sung with us 3 years,
34:00 and started what '79 or '78?
34:02 '79, yeah.
34:03 And filled in as tenor for that period of time.
34:06 So we were about ready to fold up
34:07 and we had this great date mission we'd like to go
34:10 and my dad said why don't we call Dean
34:12 and see if he'd fill in with us and we'd get a piano player
34:15 when we go out and do that date.
34:17 And Dean wasn't singing at the time
34:19 and we went, right about 27 years ago?
34:22 Right.
34:23 And we took that date and kind of liked it,
34:26 so let's sing a couple more times.
34:28 And eventually in short pretty time
34:31 we formed this group.
34:32 Mm-hmm.
34:33 Well, I love the fact that you said
34:35 there'd been so few changes
34:37 and couple of deaths and maybe change one time
34:40 that tells you about you guys and your mission,
34:43 it hasn't changed, you haven't-- you know,
34:45 you're still there, you're still doing
34:46 what God's called you to do.
34:48 Dean and I have never had an argument
34:50 in all these years.
34:51 Yeah. Wow, that's amazing.
34:52 What I loved about it when I came with the group was,
34:55 you know, they've been friends for all these years and,
34:58 you know, a lot of times
34:59 when you enter into a situation like that,
35:02 you find out the behind the scenes
35:04 is not really as good as what you see on the exterior.
35:08 But behind the scenes was even better
35:10 than the exterior,
35:11 that was that heart after the Lord and the mission was
35:14 how can we reach somebody with this gospel message
35:17 and what are we gonna do to change a life
35:20 because God has blessed us.
35:21 How can we bless somebody else
35:23 and that really spoke volumes to me.
35:25 I've been blessed, you know, with Karen Peck and New River,
35:28 great, just phenomenal people.
35:30 And when you have a standard like that,
35:33 you just want to always measure up to that standard
35:36 and these guys, wow, they really did it,
35:38 it's been blessing for the last 3 years almost.
35:42 We're gonna get you do another song,
35:43 may have time for two if you don't mind,
35:45 we'll work on that
35:46 but this one's "You'll Never Walk Alone",
35:49 now is that the one that we know from way back
35:52 or is this a new version of it or?
35:54 That song was written in 1945,
35:56 the year I was born, Lari Goss was born that year
35:59 and I've always loved that song.
36:01 And recorded it another times
36:03 and so when Lari was doing that,
36:05 we said, Lari, can you do us arrangement
36:07 on You'll Never Walk Alone?
36:09 So he called us, he said,
36:10 you guys like, would you mind starting in a minor key?
36:13 I don't know we'll hear it.
36:15 So then he put the other courses in there,
36:18 made it really a wonderful song.
36:21 And his-- the orchestration on this is unbelievable.
36:24 He's genius. Yeah.
36:26 Well, you guys get ready to sing for us
36:28 and I can't wait to hear this
36:29 because I've not heard this one,
36:31 and when Lari Goss is asking you,
36:33 I'm used to him doing that,
36:34 do you mind if we do this or that,
36:36 I've learned to say, well, let's hear it
36:37 'cause I know it's gonna be good.
36:39 And but again the arrangements, but a beautiful song I'm sure,
36:42 many of you'll know it.
36:44 "You'll Never Walk Alone."
37:13 When you walk through a storm
37:21 Hold your head up high
37:28 And don't be afraid of the dark
37:41 At the end of the storm
37:48 There's a golden sky
37:54 And the sweet silver song
38:01 Of a lark
38:08 Walk on through the wind
38:15 Walk on through the rain
38:20 Though your dreams be tossed
38:28 And blown
38:34 Walk on
38:38 Walk on with hope in your heart
38:47 And you'll never walk alone
39:01 You'll never walk alone
39:15 Till the storm passes over
39:21 Till the thunder sounds no more
39:27 Till the clouds roll forever
39:32 From the sky
39:38 Walk on
39:40 Walk on with hope in your heart
39:49 And you'll never walk alone
40:02 You'll never walk alone
40:15 You'll never walk alone
40:31 Just hold
40:34 To God's unchanging hand
40:40 Hold to God's unchanging hand
40:49 And you'll never ever
40:56 Walk alone
41:05 Never walk alone
41:24 If you'd like to know how you can get the CD
41:26 "Let My Heart Sing" or if you'd like to contact them,
41:30 then you can write to The Guardians,
41:32 6527 Blain Highway, Chillicothe, Ohio, 45601.
41:38 That's The Guardians, 6527 Blain Highway,
41:43 Chillicothe, Ohio, 45601.
41:46 You can call 614-716-8089.
41:50 That's 614-716-8089.
41:54 You can also visit their webpage for CDs,
41:57 tour schedules and more at theguardiansmusic.com.
42:02 That's theguardiansmusic.com.
42:11 Amen.
42:12 You know, I've heard that song
42:14 practically all my life and I did not expect that,
42:17 I did not expect, what did you call that?
42:19 Lari calls those as...
42:20 Turning the corner. Turning the corner.
42:22 I did not expect him to turn those corners like that
42:26 and I mean, I don't even have words, it's fabulous.
42:29 I loved it. Thank you.
42:30 I'm blessed, I get chill bumps all over me
42:34 not only the way you guys sing it
42:35 but how you put that together,
42:37 it's just literally is so inspiring.
42:40 I mean that is beautiful, I love that.
42:42 Well, you'll never walk alone.
42:44 Tell me a quick story, Neil?
42:46 Well, we're here because of Lari Goss
42:49 who made the arrangement
42:50 and a humorous story about him is
42:53 he first found out what Dean did for living
42:57 and he was so intrigued about wanting to know
43:00 the story behind all that,
43:01 he even a second or third time we meet,
43:03 he started getting Dean aside and
43:05 trying to fill in more things and he said,
43:07 he asked Dean, he said, is it possible,
43:10 he said, I would really like for you if you could
43:13 to get me a scud missile.
43:14 Says that, can you get me a scud missile?
43:17 Dean says, well, I don't know. What do you suppose to do?
43:19 I'd like to have one of those things.
43:21 When I'm working with some of these groups
43:22 that can't sing,
43:23 he said, I'd like to fire a scud missile at them and--
43:27 But we said we wouldn't get him one till we were finished.
43:29 Yeah.
43:30 So second trip back down there,
43:34 it was that song there I believe,
43:36 you know, things are kind of rough
43:37 when you're first learning songs.
43:39 And you're just kind of singing around the piano with Lari
43:42 and he was playing along and we were trying to go
43:44 and I kind of got out into the woods a little bit
43:47 and he looked over me, he says, where is that scud missile?
43:49 No.
43:53 That was Lari.
43:55 That we call that getting out on a limb.
43:57 Sometimes I get out on a limb,
43:59 I've heard musicians or singers who get out on limb,
44:01 you can't get back.
44:02 It's nice to be able to go out on that bass player,
44:05 we used to have a bass player, but
44:07 he didn't play with our group but one we'd go
44:09 and I'd say that he'd run that thing
44:11 and he get way out on a limb
44:12 but he couldn't get back,
44:14 but it was great going out there
44:16 so I know what you mean, but you guys got back,
44:19 you got back so I know.
44:20 Of course Lari if he meant that, he wouldn't have said it,
44:23 that's probably when he's quiet,
44:24 when I have to wonder what he's thinking about me.
44:27 But he was always encouraging, wasn't he?
44:29 Always.
44:30 He literally encouraged you and got the best out of you.
44:33 You never heard anything
44:34 but encouragement from him, yeah.
44:35 Yeah, absolutely loved him.
44:37 Well, it's been a privilege having you guys here today
44:40 and getting to know you and for our folks at home
44:43 getting to know you a little bit.
44:44 And I want to make sure that I put you on the spot,
44:47 you know, on international television,
44:48 surely you'll come back.
44:49 This won't be the last time, right?
44:51 If you have us, Danny, we would love it.
44:53 We stand in awe at 3ABN
44:55 and wow, what's been done here
44:58 and it's going on around the world,
45:01 touching hearts, it's just unbelievable.
45:04 There's no doubt it's God at work.
45:06 No doubt. Wow.
45:07 And that's what it should be
45:08 and that's what we feel about you guys,
45:10 so we have that in common because you realized
45:13 that we can do nothing ourselves
45:15 but we can accomplish all things through Christ Jesus.
45:19 Amen. Absolutely.
45:20 We're gonna have you guys do another song,
45:21 it's your last song for today,
45:23 "Greatest of all Miracles."
45:24 Now tell me about this song.
45:26 Yeah, that song was written probably close to 40 years
45:29 by Squire Parsons and it speaks to me,
45:33 you know, no matter what Jesus did on earth,
45:36 He did some great miracles but how can you take a black heart
45:40 and turn it white as snow,
45:42 you know, save that soul from hell,
45:46 put them on the right path,
45:47 you know, that's the greatest miracle we could ever imagine.
45:50 And that song, it just spoke to me forever.
45:52 I recorded it probably 30 years ago
45:56 and then when we were recording anniversary CD with us,
45:58 I said, gentlemen, I would like to get back
46:00 and just record that again. Wow.
46:02 I'm glad you did, I heard it and I love it
46:03 and folks are going to if you guys get ready right now.
46:06 But on this latest project The Guardians
46:08 "Let My Heart Sing",
46:09 there is number of songs here.
46:11 "My hope is in the Lord, Be still and know,
46:13 It ain't gonna worry me long,"
46:15 I heard that one earlier.
46:16 "You'll never walk alone, Shoutin' sounds,
46:18 Somebody prays, Get out of the way,"
46:21 I like that, Get out of--
46:22 I've been told that before to get out of the way.
46:24 "Let my heart sing, Going to the Promised Land
46:27 and then, What about now."
46:29 So we want to encourage you,
46:32 we'll put the address up again
46:34 before we're through here in just a few moments
46:36 and encourage you to contact The Guardians
46:38 and just get to know them,
46:39 see what products they have available
46:41 and then share them with your friends and your enemies,
46:43 sharing with everybody, right?
46:45 So right now we're gonna be blessed as we hear
46:47 "Greatest of all Miracles."
47:11 I wasn't there
47:13 by the shores of Galilee
47:20 When Jesus touched
47:23 those blinded eyes and made them see
47:30 And though I did not see the empty tomb
47:35 that day, I still believe
47:40 For I know
47:42 what Jesus did for me
47:49 And I believe there is power
47:54 in the blood of the Lamb
47:58 And I believe there is healing
48:04 in the touch of His hand
48:11 But the greatest of all miracles
48:16 was when my Jesus saved me
48:21 Yes, I know
48:23 what Jesus did for me
48:30 I'm so thankful for the touch of my life.
48:34 Now I have seen
48:37 the lowest sin-sick soul
48:44 Find life anew and be made pure,
48:49 so pure and whole
48:54 Friend, I have felt Him break the chains of sin
49:00 He set my spirit free
49:03 And today I know
49:06 what Jesus did for me
49:13 And I believe there is power
49:18 in the blood of the Lamb
49:22 And I believe there is healing
49:28 in the touch of His hand
49:35 But the greatest of all miracles
49:40 was when my Jesus saved me
49:44 Yes, I know
49:47 what Jesus did for me
49:52 But the greatest of all miracles
49:59 was when my Jesus saved me
50:03 Yes, I know
50:06 what Jesus did for me
50:13 Yes, I know
50:15 what Jesus did for me
50:34 If you'd like to know how you can get the CD
50:36 "Let My Heart Sing" or if you'd like to contact them,
50:39 then you can write to The Guardians,
50:41 6527 Blain Highway, Chillicothe, Ohio, 45601.
50:47 That's The Guardians, 6527 Blain Highway,
50:52 Chillicothe, Ohio, 45601.
50:55 You can call 614 716-8089.
50:59 That's 614 716-8089.
51:03 You can also visit their webpage for CDs,
51:06 tour schedules and more at theguardiansmusic.com.
51:11 That's theguardiansmusic.com.


Revised 2015-07-02