3ABN Today

Pathway to Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), C.A. Murray (Host), Dr. Chris Lewis, Dr. Lela Lewis


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015011A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to a very special 3ABN Today Live.
01:12 This is being broadcast on a Friday evening.
01:15 And we are rarely
01:16 in the studio on a Friday evening.
01:18 So you know that the subject matter
01:20 must be of great import
01:23 because we're here on a Friday night
01:25 and I'm here with our president Jim Gilley, my buddy.
01:29 Jim, good to have you here.
01:30 Good to be here. Good, very good.
01:31 And we want you to draw very closely,
01:33 we are technically equipped tonight.
01:35 We got our iPads, we got iPhones
01:37 because in just a little bit
01:39 we're gonna tell you how you can help us.
01:40 This is--
01:42 Jim, we've been talking about Health Evangelism
01:44 and Evangelism of Health
01:45 and what we're gonna talk about tonight
01:47 sort of brings all of that together.
01:50 So we want you to draw up close
01:52 and you may want to keep your phone by
01:54 because we may need you to calls
01:55 in just a little bit or you may need to call someone that
01:57 you know who can help us in just a little bit.
01:59 Now it sound kind of equipped
02:00 but we're going to explain all of this
02:02 to you in just a little bit,
02:03 we're gonna walk you through all of this
02:04 because this is an exciting time and exciting venture
02:08 and we want you to be a part of it.
02:09 Last year Jim, you were at the Pacific Union ASI.
02:13 Yes, I was. And you--
02:14 I don't want to say stumbled across something
02:16 but you were involved in something
02:17 that kind of blew your mind.
02:20 Well, it really did. Yeah.
02:21 Because we have some very special guests here.
02:24 Oh, indeed we do.
02:25 And Dr. Chris and Lela Lewis,
02:28 and we just welcome you and we're so happy--
02:30 Thank you.
02:32 And Dr. Lela, you are the head of the ASI organization
02:37 for Pacific Union, is that correct?
02:39 Correct.
02:40 And you and your husband put together
02:44 something called Pathways to Health
02:47 that happened in the cities
02:49 of San Francisco and in Oakland.
02:53 And you invited me to come,
02:54 I was just there to do a devotional and so forth.
02:57 Folks, to be perfectly honest with you,
02:59 I had no idea what they were doing
03:01 when I got there.
03:04 I mean, sincerely, they talked about
03:07 some health ministry and so forth
03:08 and I thought, well, maybe they're going
03:10 to take blood pressure on the street
03:11 or they're gonna do something like that.
03:14 Never was I so shocked
03:18 as when I drove up to the San Francisco Armory
03:22 and I saw a line going all the way down the block
03:28 of people waiting to have medical services.
03:32 When I went inside I found that
03:34 they weren't doing blood pressure,
03:37 they were doing teeth cleaning,
03:39 they were doing filling cavities to teeth.
03:42 I think there might have been a root canal or so done,
03:45 in fact I know there were.
03:47 And there was actually major surgery done
03:51 in at least on case.
03:53 But you won't call that major,
03:55 for doctor it's not major, for me it was major.
03:58 And I think it was a big sister cyst
04:01 or something that had to be removed.
04:03 I can't remember exactly what it was,
04:04 but then all of the different things
04:09 that were being done there,
04:11 and I began to study the people.
04:13 I was really amazed
04:14 because we're not talking about homeless people,
04:16 there were an occasional homeless person.
04:20 There were an occasional person
04:22 who I would say were poor people
04:25 but were not homeless.
04:28 But then the great majority were people
04:32 who had jobs but had no insurance,
04:35 they had no coverage,
04:37 particularly for dental and for eye glasses.
04:41 Those two particularly were not covered even in the policy
04:46 that they had for the folks there in California.
04:51 So these people were there because it took every dime
04:58 they could make just to keep food on the table,
05:02 to keep paying the rent,
05:03 to keep doing what they had to do
05:06 and they just continue to neglect themselves
05:09 as far as their health was concerned.
05:11 Now there are many, many people that are homeless.
05:16 We were just talking about
05:17 the homeless people in New York City,
05:18 450,000 homeless people in New York City.
05:23 That's a large city in it of itself.
05:26 Now those are not the people that come for help
05:29 because bless their hearths, they have given up on life.
05:32 They have given up on taking care of their teeth.
05:35 They have given up on seeing anything through eye glasses.
05:38 Their world looks bad enough to them as it is,
05:41 and they are not trying to take care of themselves at all.
05:46 So they are not the ones that seek this help
05:48 but it's those who fall through the cracks.
05:52 They have-- they work hard,
05:54 they are hard working good people.
05:56 They are the kind of people
05:57 you'd love to have right next to you in church,
06:00 that's the kind of people they are.
06:02 And yet they cannot afford
06:06 to get some of these medical things done.
06:10 Now there are many categories in this way
06:12 but these are mainly the people
06:14 that I talked to fell in the category
06:16 that I am talking about.
06:18 They had no coverage and just absolutely
06:21 did not have the money
06:23 that it would take to take care of some of these things.
06:27 Now while we were there
06:29 they did a short video about what took place.
06:33 Next day, by the way it was Oakland-Alameda Coliseum,
06:37 and again thousands turned away.
06:39 I mean, what 2,000 people at least turned away
06:42 that they could not treat
06:44 and they had all of these booths setup,
06:48 all these places setup, tremendous medical care.
06:52 Now we're gonna tell you that
06:53 this is gonna be repeated again in San Antonio.
06:55 We're gonna talk about that a little later on
06:58 but I am just giving you the background
07:00 of where all this got started and folks,
07:03 this is one of the most exciting things
07:06 I have ever seen. Amen.
07:08 It is truly reaching out
07:11 with the right arm of the message.
07:13 Amen. Yes.
07:14 And giving it to people.
07:17 Not charge, you know, plus--
07:19 You know, we had a lot of Adventist hospitals,
07:21 I've been in some of them,
07:22 not one of them treated me free,
07:24 I am gonna say you that.
07:26 And by the way,
07:29 I was in a Methodist hospital one time,
07:31 they didn't treat me free either.
07:32 I was in a Catholic hospital one time
07:34 and they didn't treat--
07:35 By the way, I was born in a Methodist hospital
07:37 and they charged for that.
07:39 So denominational hospitals have a way of charging
07:43 and when I went to those hospitals
07:45 I never was tempted to become a part of their church.
07:48 But when somebody starts to reach out
07:53 with an interest in your health it makes people stop
07:59 and think and that's what
08:01 Pathways to Health is all about.
08:04 It's reaching out to people, helping them
08:07 and then also helping them spiritually.
08:11 Now we're gonna go to this video right now
08:13 so you can get a little background
08:16 of what took place in San Francisco and in Oakland,
08:19 and then we'll come back and talk about San Antonio
08:23 and how you can be involved in San Antonio.
08:54 The line began forming 20 hours
08:56 before the doors were scheduled to open.
08:59 Residents have the Bay Area eager to be the first in line
09:02 to receive free medical and dental services.
09:06 Spent the night anticipating relief
09:08 with the coming of the dawn,
09:10 they came with pain, they came with questions,
09:13 they came to bring a friend or relative in desperate need.
09:18 By the time the doors opened thousands had gathered
09:21 in both San Francisco and Oakland, California,
09:25 for the Bridges to Health medical
09:26 and dental clinics which promised
09:29 free of charge services on a first come first serve basis.
09:34 Organized by the Western U.S.
09:35 Chapter of Adventist Services and Industries or ASI,
09:40 the unprecedented event included the involvement
09:42 and partnership
09:44 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
09:45 in both central and northern California,
09:48 the church's Pacific Area Union Headquarters,
09:51 the office of the mayor
09:52 in both San Francisco and Oakland,
09:55 the Department of Health and other civic ministry
09:58 and health-related organizations.
10:01 Over a three-day period close to 500 healthcare professionals
10:05 and volunteer staff worked tirelessly
10:09 to provide dozens of medical
10:10 and dental services to close to 3,000 local residents.
10:15 Volunteers, most of whom are the members
10:18 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
10:20 came from all parts of North America,
10:23 some even from as far as Saudi Arabia,
10:26 driven by a spirit of service
10:28 and the desire to meet the tangible needs
10:30 of those who would come.
10:35 The clinics were organized into specific service areas
10:38 each with its team of specialized healthcare
10:40 professionals and trained volunteers.
10:44 Patients were registered, triaged efficiently
10:47 and escorted to the proper area by hospitality volunteers.
10:51 Waiting areas were set up near each service area
10:54 as patients who waited personalize care.
10:59 The services offered were comprehensive by
11:01 any standards considering that the clinics
11:03 were housed in multipurpose venues.
11:07 Using high-end technology,
11:09 highly-skilled dental professionals provided crowns,
11:12 fillings, extractions, cleanings
11:15 and necessary root canals meanwhile on-site technicians
11:20 insure that the equipment was well maintained
11:22 and available at all times.
11:26 Close by patients received eye care services
11:29 including vision testing and free glasses.
11:32 One patient with tears in her eyes explained
11:35 how she would no longer need the large magnifying glass
11:38 she had carried around in order to read.
11:42 In yet another area, residents were able
11:44 to visit one on one with primary care physicians
11:47 who consulted with patience
11:49 and diagnosed a number of concerns.
11:52 Specialized medical services
11:54 were also available including pediatrics,
11:57 OBGYN, STD and HIV screening,
12:01 medical massage, physical therapy,
12:04 X -rays and laboratory services.
12:08 Perhaps the most dramatic example
12:10 of the diversity of services offered
12:12 was the general surgery including
12:15 an operation performed on a patient
12:17 in order to take out a lipoma, the size of a grapefruit.
12:23 And yet it seems by the event organizers
12:25 led by ASI's doctor Lela Lewis
12:28 that the Bridges to Health experience
12:30 could and should be even broader.
12:33 In addition to personalized and professional healthcare
12:36 patients were offered a variety
12:37 of live musical performances as they waited.
12:40 School choir's smaller ensemble,
12:44 solos and instrumentals filled the venues
12:46 as Bay Area residents who awaited treatment.
12:49 Patients also had the opportunity
12:51 to take advantage of chaplaincy services
12:53 and those who were there over lunch time
12:55 were offered a free nutritious meal.
12:59 In the end, over five million dollars
13:01 in healthcare was given to nearly 3,000 residents
13:04 of the Bay Area by close
13:06 to 500 service oriented professionals and staff.
13:11 Those could and should be considered
13:13 tremendously successful results
13:16 and yet perhaps the greater results
13:19 for the intangible ones.
13:21 The effects on the lives of those who returned home
13:25 and to their communities with less pain
13:27 and more hope and that is a purpose
13:31 worth pursuing and a story worth telling.
14:00 Well, that was an exciting time.
14:01 And, C.A., you know, Pathways to Health
14:05 grew out of this Building Bridges project
14:08 which is a part of the Pacific Union outreach
14:11 and it was just fantastic to see
14:15 the Northern California Conference
14:17 and the Central California Conference
14:21 along with all of the Pacific Union
14:24 that were present there working together
14:27 in this great evangelistic outreach.
14:30 And one of the things is I really appreciate
14:32 the fact that they are not being selfish
14:35 with this program, they've said,
14:37 we want to see it go around the world
14:39 and they are defiantly supporting
14:42 the use of it in San Antonio.
14:45 Now that's where the story goes now
14:48 and Dr. Lena, I am gonna go to you.
14:49 Tell us about San Antonio, would you?
14:52 Well, you know, the Lord really blessed us
14:54 as you saw in the Bay Area and about a year ago,
14:57 actually it was two months
14:58 before the actual Bridges to Health event
15:01 I got a phone call from our good friend,
15:03 Dwayne McKay from the South West Union Conference,
15:05 he said, hey, you know the General Conference
15:07 is coming here in July.
15:09 Would you come to San Antonio
15:11 and give back to the citizens of San Antonio similar
15:15 to what you're doing in the Bay Area?
15:17 So we prayed about it and we said okay, we'll go.
15:20 And by God's grace he's done some pretty amazing things.
15:24 Walk us through because Costin said,
15:28 in the voice over that this is--
15:30 Really it is unprecedented and it is one of a kind.
15:33 We haven't done anything like this
15:34 where we impact an entire city for the Lord.
15:37 Never on this--
15:38 On this scale.
15:40 I mean, this is not taking blood pressures.
15:42 No, no. This is major stuff.
15:45 Miracles have happened.
15:47 Tell us about the Alamodome and the size of this project
15:51 because we didn't really know doctor and doctor,
15:54 how big this thing until we met with few
15:56 just there in San Antonio several days ago
15:58 but this is huge.
15:59 And the impact is huge
16:01 and the effect of course will be huge.
16:03 Well, let me take you back times to the beginning.
16:05 It really actually came out
16:06 of what God did in Oakland in San Francisco.
16:09 So after we got this invitation to come to San Antonio
16:13 we obviously needed to make inroads with the city, RMO,
16:16 if you will,
16:17 is we like to collaborate with the city officials.
16:20 We feel like the more we collaborate together
16:23 the more we can be sort of unify,
16:25 they can see us as Christians
16:26 that want to help their citizens
16:28 as opposed to maybe some other impression.
16:31 So we didn't know how to make an inroad in to San Antonio.
16:34 Well, Mr. Paul Cobb,
16:35 he's a Seventh-day Adventist businessman
16:37 who actually helped us with Oakland
16:39 made a call to San Antonio and Dr. Chris,
16:41 what happened from there?
16:43 Well, he got us in with the Mayor in San Antonio
16:46 and we went down and met with his whole staff
16:50 and we told him, you know, what we wanted to do
16:53 and how well things had going and God had blessed really,
16:57 and give God the credit in the Bay Area,
16:59 and they said, well, what can we do for you?
17:01 How can we help?
17:02 We said we need a venue,
17:03 and they said, how about the Alamodome?
17:06 They gave us the Alamodome.
17:07 Now when they said that,
17:08 I felt well, I mean, the Alamodome.
17:10 I mean, what do I know about the Alamodome, you know?
17:12 We'll come to find out it's a 169,000 square feet,
17:15 and that's just the floor space that
17:17 doesn't include all the rooms.
17:18 It's huge, it's gigantual.
17:20 In fact, it's where the General Conference session
17:22 is going to be held in July.
17:24 So Mayor Castro who was the mayor at the time
17:27 gave us through his office the use of the Alamodome.
17:31 Well, things you know, the Lord did His work
17:33 but you know, we kind of ran a Great Controversy war
17:36 so things didn't continue in super smooth mode
17:39 if you will, and right after he gave it to us
17:42 he was called to Housing in Urban Development in--
17:45 Under the Whitehouse.
17:46 So he left for that, him and all his staff
17:49 and so now the new mayorship didn't know
17:52 what we had been previously offered.
17:54 So back to square one?
17:56 Back to square one but God overruled.
17:59 God overruled and we got the Alamodome back.
18:01 So we were actually not only given
18:03 the Alamodome at that point
18:04 but the convention center as well,
18:06 the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
18:08 Now, Jim, that's a dome stadium,
18:09 that's not-- that's a major,
18:11 major feet for the cause of Christ.
18:13 It absolutely is.
18:15 And it's going to be a fabulous place
18:18 for General Conference.
18:19 I know that San Antonio is known for not being--
18:23 it's not cool in the summer time,
18:26 I can assure you that. But it is also--
18:31 There are some pleasant evenings,
18:32 you'll have some really pleasant evenings.
18:35 So people are gonna want to stay inside during the day
18:38 and that's great for GC session.
18:41 Now in April when we were there,
18:44 the weather should be perfect.
18:46 And that's what we're waiting on.
18:47 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
18:49 This should be-- this is the time
18:50 you wish General Conference was gonna be
18:53 but it is a beautiful city,
18:56 San Antonio is with a great heritage
18:59 and if anyone knows anything about
19:01 the history of the area they know
19:03 that it's extremely interesting history.
19:07 And I just really I am looking forward
19:10 particularly to what's going to happen in April.
19:13 Walk us through if you will--
19:15 now we want to ask you to forgive us.
19:17 We've got out phones on
19:18 and people are beginning to contact already.
19:20 So if you see us, our heads drop down,
19:21 we're picking up messages
19:23 because we're gonna ask for your help
19:24 in just a little bit and some people know
19:25 what we're going to ask for.
19:26 My wife has already called me
19:28 and I think you've gotten couple of calls already.
19:29 But walk us through what you're gonna do
19:33 and then let's talk about need
19:34 so we can start addressing some of these needs.
19:36 Okay, so when the patients first come
19:38 in through the door they go through registration,
19:40 they then go to triaged.
19:41 In triaged the providers then decide
19:44 based on their most needed service,
19:46 so let's say like Elder Gilley was talking about,
19:49 we have full dental services
19:51 and that means everything from crowns,
19:53 fillings, extractions, root canals.
19:56 Help me out, anything else I am missing from dentistry?
19:57 Oral surgery.
19:58 Oral surgery. Wow.
20:00 And then from the other options
20:01 as far as medical are concerned,
20:03 we have full spectrum medical care.
20:06 Again, everything is completely for free.
20:08 We have cardiologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist
20:11 that are going to be doing echocardiogram.
20:12 By God's grave we have a radiologist
20:15 who's going been taking free x-rays for again,
20:17 under appropriate medical guidance.
20:20 Primary care physicians, women's healthcare,
20:24 doing full pap smears, women's evaluations,
20:27 laboratory services, pharmacy services
20:30 and the patients actually get them
20:31 their medications while they are there
20:33 because again, many times patients don't even have
20:35 the ability to pay for their medications.
20:37 Eye care services like Elder Gilley talked about.
20:40 Patients get actually not just fitted
20:43 for bifocals et cetera,
20:45 they actually get full refractions
20:47 and then they are actually able to get free glasses
20:49 as well fitted right then and there.
20:52 But it doesn't end there,
20:53 you know, we as Seventh-day Adventist
20:54 as we all agree on believe in whole person care,
20:58 physical, mental and spiritual health.
21:00 So we also have medical message,
21:02 we have hydro therapy, physical therapy,
21:05 but we also have lifestyle medical
21:07 where every patient gets the opportunity
21:10 of being counseled on ways that they can improve their health.
21:13 Maybe in many cases even be able to get
21:15 over some of these chronic diseases
21:17 that they are suffering with.
21:18 And then you know,
21:19 you talked about spiritual health.
21:21 Chaplaincy services is right there,
21:23 as the patience go to lead,
21:24 if they want to be offered prayer
21:27 they are offered prayer.
21:29 But Dr. Chris, you have something really special
21:31 we want to tell you about that
21:32 did not happened in Bridges to Health
21:35 which is truly unprecedented.
21:37 In fact, it's taking the entire city
21:38 of San Antonio by storm.
21:40 All right.
21:41 So, Pathway to Health is a collaborative effort.
21:45 It's a ministry of ASI and Pathway to Health,
21:48 ASI is partnering with Adventist health systems
21:53 and you know, Loma Linda University
21:55 and number of other entities and--
21:56 The North American Division.
21:57 North American Division. General Conference.
21:59 General Conference, the South Western Union
22:00 of course have invited us--
22:01 And many, many other entities including 3ABN
22:04 which we are so excited about.
22:06 Lot of schools are gonna be participating,
22:08 its jut gonna be awesome.
22:09 You saw the music there was there in the Bay Area.
22:11 We're gonna have, you know, the same quality music there.
22:14 So something else that we're offering
22:16 is actually surgical services, general surgery,
22:19 orthopedic surgery, gynecologic surgery,
22:22 actually in an operating room.
22:24 So to do this Central Texas Medical Center
22:27 which is one of the Adventist health system facility,
22:29 it's about 45 minutes away,
22:31 they are allowing us to use
22:33 four of their OR suites plus their endoscope suites
22:37 to do procedures under anesthesia.
22:39 So the way that's gonna work is we're partnering
22:41 with the low income clinics
22:43 that are there in San Antonio already,
22:45 they are seeing the patients.
22:47 They know what the needs are, what the special cases are,
22:50 the hernia that needs to be fixed
22:51 or the hysterectomy that needs to be performed et cetera.
22:55 They are referring us those patients,
22:57 they are gonna do the pre-operative work up
22:59 under our guidance and then we will see them
23:02 on Tuesday of the week that
23:04 they were there, which is April 7.
23:06 We'll do a pre-operative clinic in person,
23:07 do an examine et cetera, then on Wednesday
23:10 and Thursday we will meet those patients
23:14 in Saint Marcos at Central Texas Medical Center,
23:16 do their surgical procedure.
23:17 We'll see them back on Friday,
23:19 they'll have follow-up care
23:20 through their primary care provider in the area.
23:22 So we're actually be able to do something
23:24 that surgically that we have training to do,
23:28 to be able to bless them help them
23:29 in ways that otherwise they wouldn't be able to get it.
23:31 And what this has done is it has truly turned
23:34 the whole city of San Antonio upside down.
23:37 We were just there meeting with you guys
23:39 but as also in addition to that we met with multiple
23:42 different city officials, the mayor's office,
23:45 the head of the Department of Public Health
23:47 and the largest healthcare system
23:49 there in San Antonio, University Health Systems.
23:51 And what they had said-- this is what,
23:53 This is all through God's praise and glory.
23:54 But what I had heard from every aspect
23:57 of these governmental meetings
23:59 is we've never seen anything like this before.
24:02 Who are you people and why are you doing this?
24:05 And it's such an awesome opportunity to say,
24:07 well, we're Christians,
24:09 we are Seventh-day Adventist Christians
24:11 and just like Christ did when He was earth,
24:13 He gave to those freely, health, wellness,
24:16 that's our goal.
24:18 Yeah, Jim, unprecedented.
24:19 We have never done anything like this
24:21 and it is so amazing to be a part of this.
24:24 Now I want you to speak, I want to do this real fast
24:26 because they need some people.
24:28 So while we fetch some of this,
24:30 I want to get some numbers on the screen real fast.
24:32 So people can begin to call
24:33 because there are some specific specialties
24:36 that you need to kind of fill.
24:38 Walk us through that.
24:39 Okay, so specifically what we're really in need
24:42 of right now is eye care professionals, ophthalmologist,
24:45 particularly if you're Texas licensed ophthalmologist
24:48 but we'll take you know,
24:49 any eye care professionals are very much needed.
24:52 We need dental professionals,
24:53 dental hygienist, dental assistance, dentist,
24:57 we need pediatrics you know,
24:58 because San Antonio has a high diabetics level
25:02 in that vicinity pediatrics are very, very needed.
25:07 Especially Texas licensed--
25:08 Texas licensed pediatrics as well.
25:10 And Texas licensed dental hygienists.
25:11 It has to be Texas licensed--
25:12 Well, they don't have to be, they don't have to be.
25:14 We have a way,
25:15 we have a way of utilizing your services,
25:17 or volunteer services
25:19 but if you are Texas licensed it makes it all the better.
25:22 Now surgical sub-specialties,
25:26 we do need some more surgical specialists,
25:28 we need a lot of surgical specialists
25:30 willing to help out
25:32 in the outpatient arena as well,
25:34 not just in the OR
25:35 because many, many of those patients
25:38 we were only able to service
25:39 obviously operatively only a small proportion
25:43 as oppose to the large number
25:45 that we're gonna service at the Alamodome.
25:47 In fact, we're expecting to serve
25:48 as 6,000 people in three days, Lord willing, at the Alamodome.
25:52 That's amazing. That is amazing.
25:54 So we need your help, we need--
25:56 You know we need the volunteers' help
25:58 but we need people that
25:59 really are excited about being missionaries.
26:02 Can you use other kinds of volunteers?
26:04 I know you got the specialties
26:05 but if you got a nurse practitioner or an RN,
26:08 can you use that kind of service also?
26:10 Absolutely, we can defiantly use your--
26:12 their talents and their services as well
26:15 in many different aspects
26:16 throughout the entire convention.
26:18 What about a pastor who just wants to come in
26:19 and pray with people?
26:20 Absolutely. Yeah.
26:21 Absolutely, chaplaincy services
26:23 is in my opinion the most important aspect
26:26 of the whole event,
26:27 bringing in all around full circle back to Christ.
26:31 Do you have also need for just ordinary folks
26:33 that might not be certified in any area
26:37 but they've got-- they love the Lord
26:39 and wanted to be part of it?
26:40 Absolutely, we have hospitality services
26:42 which walks patients to and from within
26:45 the different departments, registration--
26:48 There is food services, we need people--
26:50 we need people to help-- exactly.
26:53 We need people to help set things up.
26:55 You know, people willing to be there you know,
26:57 the muscle strength which is everything is--
26:58 Kind of ground work kind of stuff.
27:00 Well, everything depends on that, you know.
27:02 We can't do the event
27:04 of we don't have the events set up.
27:05 All right. And security, you know.
27:07 And we don't carry guns
27:09 or anything like that but we do need--
27:11 For interacting patients.
27:12 Yeah, and make sure crowd, crowd control
27:14 and crowd knowledge of what's taking place inside
27:17 and that kind of thing.
27:18 Absolutely, all right,
27:19 let's get to some contact information out
27:21 because what we want you
27:22 to start doing is calling even now.
27:24 Our call center is open now and will be open
27:27 when this is rebroadcast.
27:29 Here's how you can contact right away.
27:30 And what we like you-- if you are a doctor,
27:33 a physician or someone who wants to be involved,
27:35 we like to hear from you during this broadcast.
27:37 That's right.
27:39 Live@3abn.org, you can call--
27:43 rather email and sign-up
27:44 or 618-627-4651, those lines are open
27:49 even now as you are listening to the broadcast.
27:51 Live@3abn.org and I am just curious,
27:55 Jim, to see who's going to be the first one to call.
27:57 I am waiting. Yeah.
27:58 And I will tell you this that
28:03 when I was there I saw all kinds of people being used.
28:07 And when you talked about putting things up,
28:11 Bokkapatna, that means you.
28:13 You get a crew together because I've never seen anybody
28:16 that can puts things together faster than you,
28:18 and you don't live that far from San Antonio.
28:21 So get a bunch of those people in keen
28:24 and take them down to San Antonio
28:26 and plan to be a part of this.
28:28 And because I believe that God is going to do some things
28:33 that we have never seen happen before.
28:37 Amen. Yeah.
28:39 San Francisco and Oakland were wonderful, beautiful
28:44 and there was a great place to try this out
28:47 but San Antonio is going to amaze,
28:50 I believe, North America.
28:52 We're gonna see some amazing things.
28:54 Who is first? Dwayne McKay.
28:58 No, he says that we also need translators.
29:01 You got large Spanish speaking population.
29:03 So if you are bilingual and can speak Spanish
29:05 we probably have need for your services.
29:07 My wife took of course in Massachusetts, years ago
29:10 about medical translator
29:11 because you know there's terminology we're not--
29:13 so if you have any facility with that
29:16 we're gonna need translators also.
29:17 Absolutely, we need about 200 translators we figured
29:20 and you know we don't have
29:21 anywhere near that number right now.
29:23 Wow.
29:24 And I was just gonna also add this Elder Gilley,
29:25 and Elder Murray, that if they can't--
29:29 if volunteers can't make it out for one reason or another,
29:32 these kinds of things take a big resource funding
29:35 if you will and have to purchase equipment
29:38 and other supplies.
29:40 So if people can help to donate
29:41 that's also very, very helpful as well.
29:44 We have dental equipment, for example,
29:46 for 60 dentists to be working and then we're borrowing
29:50 some other sets for hygienic and so forth
29:53 but there's also supplies, there's fillings, there's--
29:56 we're going to make crowns
29:57 and take some things to blocks that
29:59 go in the machine to makes the crowns.
30:00 So there's supplies and things that we need.
30:03 So you've really thought about, I mean,
30:04 if a doctor can get there you got
30:06 something for him to do, you're not going to be--
30:07 Absolut-- No, there we have a job
30:11 for people to do and that is our duty
30:13 is to make sure that out volunteers feel
30:16 like they've been able to truly participate.
30:19 You know if you think about a football stadium,
30:21 what a football field is like.
30:22 Oh, that's what it is.
30:23 To know that every inch of that field
30:25 is gonna be used to heal somebody.
30:29 It's an exciting thing,
30:30 it really is just and exciting prospect.
30:34 But I guess you guys are working pretty hard, huh?
30:36 Yeah.
30:38 Well, God's helping us out truly.
30:40 You know, I was talking about some of these medical clinics
30:43 that we're collaborating I think again,
30:45 lots of different belief systems are working together.
30:48 And this particular organization,
30:51 there are free clinic,
30:52 they offer some free services again
30:54 to sort of bridge the gap on some of these patients
30:57 who don't have insurance
30:58 or are uninsured in for various reasons.
31:00 Well, one of the chief medical officer
31:02 of this particular clinic
31:04 after I was explaining to him some of the plans
31:06 that we were having similar
31:07 to what we were talking about here,
31:09 he texted me about an hour afterwards and he said,
31:12 I am with you guys all the way,
31:15 I see God's face all over this project.
31:17 Praise God.
31:18 So I truly say praise the Lord for that.
31:21 Now you just brought up a question
31:22 because you see 99 plus percent of our viewing audience
31:26 are not members
31:27 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
31:29 Can you use volunteers
31:31 from other religious organizations and persuasions?
31:35 We do. We do defiantly.
31:37 As all-- you know we just say
31:38 that everyone understands
31:40 this as a Seventh-day Adventist event
31:42 but we are very open to other volunteers from various faiths.
31:47 In fact, we have quite a number of volunteers.
31:49 I am a doctor, I am in my easy chair,
31:52 I am watching you right now.
31:53 Hey, I want to come.
31:54 Is there anybody to help me with housing,
31:55 at least finding a place, is it all on me?
31:58 Is there anybody that can liaison with,
32:00 that's part of the organization,
32:01 make decisions.
32:02 How do I get walk through the program?
32:04 So if you go to--
32:05 Why don't you tell them about the website?
32:07 There you go. All right.
32:08 So the website is www. pathwaytohealthvolunteer.org.
32:14 There's information about the hotels
32:17 and there's also information about--
32:19 Meals, you can purchase your meals there.
32:21 Yeah, you can reserve your meals
32:23 and the meetings, the schedule--
32:25 Now we do provide breakfast and lunch completely free
32:29 for our volunteers which is wonderful service.
32:34 And in fact that lunch,
32:35 we were talking about during the break,
32:37 that same lunch that the volunteers get
32:40 is also what the patients get to participate in too.
32:43 So we have a sort of collaborative time,
32:46 we have a special prayer, everything sort of shuts down
32:49 for a short period of time at noon.
32:52 We have prayer and then everybody
32:53 get's to eat their lunch together.
32:54 It's kind of nice time.
32:55 It's like heaven, we all are gonna eat together.
32:57 Yes.
33:00 Really, really incredible.
33:04 What if I can only come for a day or two
33:07 because we're talking about Wednesday,
33:08 the 8th of April through let's say,
33:13 are we going through Sabbath, to Sabbath?
33:15 Well, we go-- So Wednesday,
33:16 Thursday, Friday are the free clinics
33:19 and then for the weekend
33:20 we really encourage volunteers to stick around
33:23 because we're gonna have a power house weekend time
33:26 because what we're gonna be doing
33:28 is going over all the miracles that God
33:30 just did over the last three days.
33:32 So we encourage you to stick around and enjoy,
33:35 3ABN, you're going to be there
33:37 and Elder Wilson and Elder Finley,
33:39 we got some wonderful speakers lined up.
33:41 But not just on the weekends,
33:42 there's also gonna be meetings each night
33:44 like Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night, Sabbath.
33:47 It's just gonna be a really special high time.
33:49 Okay.
33:50 We've got some people volunteers
33:52 coming through already.
33:53 Cheryl Essen, RN in oncology and cardiology from New York.
33:59 Praise the Lord.
34:00 Hi, Cheryl.
34:01 And Beth Walker from Tulsa, Oklahoma, optometrist.
34:05 Wonderful. Praise the Lord.
34:07 Absolutely.
34:08 Isaias Coelho, and it doesn't say
34:13 whatever he does does but whatever he is,
34:16 we're gonna use him.
34:17 Wonderful.
34:18 And Alex Debra.
34:20 Caller wants to know
34:21 if all the volunteers need to be professional.
34:23 This is an Elder, the wife is health leader
34:27 and will be in San Antonio
34:28 and able to volunteer or assist.
34:30 All right. Wonderful.
34:31 We need lots of folks like that.
34:33 And Sharon Tolan, health director of church
34:35 and willing to assist.
34:38 She is from Maryland.
34:39 Wonderful.
34:40 So we already getting-- the pump is being prime
34:44 and I am sure they are getting more calls
34:46 even at the call center.
34:48 So right now give us a call,
34:51 our number is 618-627-4651.
34:57 Call that number and talk to one of our operators
35:00 or live@3abn.org and we just need to hear from you,
35:08 we need to keep those numbers on the screen
35:10 so you can see them.
35:12 We don't do praise-a-thons
35:15 and we don't do things like that.
35:17 But I will tell you what, tonight,
35:19 this is the nearest things to a praise-a-thon
35:21 we'll every do because we're praising
35:23 the Lord that a lot of people are going
35:27 to receive the tough that Christ would give here
35:31 on this earth through His people
35:33 and reach out and give them a loving touch
35:37 and bring them health and hopefully happiness
35:40 in the Lord Jesus Christ which is what it's all about.
35:43 Amen. Amen.
35:44 All right, I am getting a call,
35:45 "Restate the dates for the event."
35:47 This event, rather this is April 8 through 11.
35:51 Now if you want to help with setup
35:53 you may want to duck in there a day or two before
35:56 because you plan on kicking off,
35:58 starting on Wednesday the 8th.
36:00 And we're talking in 6:00 AM,
36:02 we need out volunteers there on the 8th.
36:04 So in fact on the night of the 7th at 6:00 PM,
36:07 we don't call it a "mandatory"
36:09 but a very highly encourage final training session
36:12 there at the Alamodome.
36:13 If you're able to help us set up on the 7th though,
36:16 we really do need your help.
36:17 We need hundreds of people to set that event up.
36:21 And set up, set up starts at 9:00 AM on the 7th.
36:26 And also at 9:00 AM
36:28 the pre-operative clinic starts.
36:30 So again, if you're a nurse
36:32 willing to help out in pre-op clinic,
36:34 if you're a surgeon willing to come and help do
36:36 some of the pre-screening on these patients,
36:38 the last pre-screening before they go to the OR,
36:41 or if you're willing to just come and help us set up,
36:44 we need your help on the 7th for sure.
36:46 I am gonna ask you to do something right now,
36:49 we're gonna ask you to go to your phone
36:51 and call a good friend who is a doctor
36:55 or a good friend who is a nurse or someone
36:58 who is a podiatrist or someone who is an optometrist
37:02 or in any related area,
37:04 call them and tell them to tune in right now.
37:06 And if they don't get 3ABN you tell them about the app.
37:12 They can go on their Smartphone,
37:13 put the app in quickly,
37:16 it's free and then go right to 3ABN
37:19 and watch us live right now.
37:22 So this is way they can come up to speed.
37:24 They also can get the website and we'll be giving that
37:28 over and over again because a lot of these things
37:30 that we're flying by you are not going to--
37:33 you're not going to be able to write them down,
37:35 they're not going to stick but you go to the website,
37:38 all the information is there.
37:40 So we're gonna keep putting that
37:41 website up from time to time.
37:44 In fact, just about hope there will be a banner up
37:46 there all the time with something going.
37:48 Amen. pathwaytohealthvolunteer.org.
37:53 There you go.
37:54 Or if you miss calling 3ABN you can call their office
37:59 at the General Conference.
38:00 During the week.
38:01 During the week, 301-680-6450 or you can call us here
38:06 and we will get the information to them.
38:08 But, Jim, thinking about this, you know,
38:10 we talk about ShareHim and Maranatha
38:12 and all of these major mission efforts overseas.
38:14 Yes.
38:15 This is a chance to do
38:17 some mission work right here at home.
38:18 Well, it is.
38:19 And not only that but now Mark Finley
38:21 is gonna holing a crusade, Bullon is gonna be there.
38:25 There are several others,
38:27 Jose Rojas is going to be there, I believe.
38:29 Carlton Byrd.
38:30 Carlton Byrd is gonna be there.
38:32 So there gonna be all these meetings taking place
38:35 and we will be letting these people know
38:38 because they may say, you know,
38:39 I kind of like to find out more about these people
38:42 that cared enough to come and help us out.
38:44 That's-- I think
38:45 that's the most exciting thing about this actually,
38:48 if the event itself is gonna be really exciting,
38:50 it's gonna be really fun and it's just gonna be a time
38:53 to just really, really thank God for His goodness to us,
38:57 to allow us to participate
38:59 and also to the city and so forth.
39:01 But after this even finishes at the Alamodome,
39:04 there's going to be
39:05 in 25 different locations around the city,
39:09 there are gonna be free follow-up--
39:12 Three days after, on Wednesday, the following Wednesday
39:15 the 15th these events start.
39:16 Go ahead.
39:17 So there are going to be creation health seminars.
39:20 Let's say if you've got diabetes or high blood diabetes
39:23 or high cholesterol or you want to learn
39:25 what you can do to get those fixed up
39:27 then you go to Creation Health or there's also--
39:30 Natural--
39:31 Natural lifestyle cooking schools,
39:33 make it practical, learn how to start eating better
39:36 to fix some of these problems, then there's going to be
39:38 something called Diabetes Undone
39:40 which is obviously a diabetes reversal program,
39:43 and then there's going to be--
39:45 Depression recovery
39:47 which we anticipate based on our stats,
39:49 30% to 50% of the patients
39:50 that will we be servicing will also be depressed
39:53 based on socio-economic status.
39:55 So it's a huge, huge opportunity
39:58 But this is where it get's really exciting,
40:00 so those things start on Wednesday
40:02 at the locations at those particular locations
40:05 that's where the patients will go
40:07 to pick up their lab results.
40:08 So whatever labs they got done, they're gonna got here,
40:12 they're gonna get the lab results,
40:13 they're gonna get invited again to stick around
40:15 for some of these courses that will be going on,
40:18 they're gonna pick up their glass there,
40:20 they're going to pick up their pap smear
40:21 and their pathology reports there.
40:23 It's just a wonderful time for us to collaborate together.
40:27 Those meetings then proceed for six to eight weeks,
40:30 at the conclusion of those six to eight weeks
40:33 evangelistic series then starts.
40:36 At the conclusion of the evangelistic series,
40:38 particularly this is Mark Finley's evangelistic series
40:41 is the General Conference session
40:43 at the exact same location of the Alamodome
40:46 where the health even starts.
40:47 So we'll be in that town from early April to mid July?
40:50 That's right.
40:51 There will be constantly things going on to attract
40:54 and really to meet-- this is--
40:56 You talking about exciting, this is kind of like...
40:57 Oh, yeah.
40:59 It is really, really well planned out,
41:02 well thought out and should yield
41:03 a great harvest of souls and contacts
41:08 for the next several months and years.
41:10 Yeah.
41:12 It is extremely exciting to talk about it,
41:16 it's exciting to be a part of it,
41:19 it's gonna be even more exciting.
41:20 So you plan to be a part of this program
41:24 and I will guarantee you you'll never be the same again,
41:28 you'll never be the same again.
41:31 And we'll be giving you highlights of the activities
41:33 each day and hopefully we can drag Dr. Chris
41:38 and Lela away to talk with us a little bit
41:40 because you know they're gonna be very, very busy
41:42 and give you some updates
41:43 on the things that are happening
41:44 because this is a first really in the history of the church.
41:47 It really is. It really is.
41:48 Yeah.
41:49 You know, it's interesting, Jesus you know,
41:51 ministered for three and half years.
41:53 He healed people, people came to Him
41:55 because they had leprosy, they were blind,
41:57 they had various ailments,
41:59 I don't remember any root canal being done
42:02 but they had physical you know,
42:05 needs that they came to Jesus for.
42:07 He healed them, then He told them the gospel
42:10 and then later there was, this huge harvest you know.
42:14 At Pentecost it was really a harvest
42:16 from what the ministry
42:17 the Jesus did using health combined
42:20 with the gospel for three and half years.
42:21 Yeah.
42:23 But we got some more and we ask C.A.
42:26 to put his specks on and help us out here.
42:30 My husband is a bilingual chaplain
42:32 and I am an RN with administrative background
42:34 in communion and home healthcare.
42:36 We would love our assistance for Pathway to Health center.
42:39 We live in Mansfield, Texas.
42:41 All right. Wonderful.
42:42 And have licenses and certificate, so.
42:44 Wonderful.
42:45 Read the name because--
42:46 That's Penny Rivera. Hi, Penny, thank you so much.
42:50 Okay, we got Steve.
42:52 Could you use an EMT? Sure, Absolutely.
42:55 You could.
42:56 Yeah, we can use an EMT.
42:57 Thanks, Steve.
42:59 Here comes CMT in Maryland.
43:01 This is Kay.
43:02 Hi, Maryland and-- Hi, Kay rather in Maryland,
43:05 we can use you.
43:06 Let's see, we got...
43:08 boy, there is so much on here.
43:11 Can you use LPNs?
43:14 Yes, very much so.
43:16 Okay. Absolutely.
43:17 This is DLC.
43:18 Hi, DLC.
43:20 Hi, DLC. Dr. John Gardner. Hello, good doctor.
43:24 He just forgot he's Oregon.
43:26 You know the good doctor?
43:27 Yes, I do. All right.
43:28 Wonderful.
43:29 This is exciting.
43:31 Michelle, an LPN from Joplin, Missouri,
43:36 has an rare medical festival so wanting to sign up.
43:39 Thank you. We are ready for them.
43:42 Let's see, we've got S. L. Jones,
43:47 Palacio del Rio is booked.
43:53 Oh, the hotel.
43:56 The hotel, she's talking about our designated hotel
43:58 the Palacio del Rio.
44:00 We're working that through
44:01 and we'll be having hotel rooms,
44:03 don't worry we got that.
44:05 You got one down near river, right?
44:06 Yes.
44:07 We have a new hotel that we are working on.
44:09 Grace is a physician internist from Augusta, Georgia.
44:14 Thank you.
44:15 Monica, RN dialysis is her specialist.
44:18 Her husband is a dental assistant
44:20 who also wants to help.
44:21 Wonderful. You know, this is so cool.
44:23 It is. I am glad, it's exciting.
44:25 It really is.
44:26 Alberto, specialize in pulmonary
44:29 and critical care, interested.
44:31 Don't know if you can use my skill set.
44:34 This is Alberto.
44:35 Absolutely, Alberto.
44:36 Venga, Alberto.
44:38 Is this the same man that was on trip with us?
44:41 Yeah, in Israel, I believe it was.
44:44 If you are the same Alberto, email us back.
44:46 We just want to know.
44:47 Yeah, we like to know. Yeah, I think it is.
44:49 Okay, here's Marina.
44:50 She and her husband are both RNs,
44:52 they can both be there on the 8th.
44:54 Wonderful.
44:55 All right. Teresa.
44:57 Can you use--
44:58 And that's a Texas person so they're Texas licensed.
45:00 Excellent.
45:01 Oh, yeah, Texas. Yeah, you're right.
45:02 Here's one from Pennsylvania.
45:04 Can you use a phlebotomist?
45:06 Absolutely. I need some more phlebotomist.
45:08 Okay, this is Teresa.
45:09 So we will be making contact with you.
45:11 I say we are not Gemini but for good doctor
45:14 we're making contact you and working out allow this it--
45:17 and making master list.
45:19 They will get all of this information
45:21 and we're gonna turn it over even before they leave tonight.
45:24 So thank you so very, very much.
45:26 This is exciting, Jim.
45:27 And if you can't get through, keep calling
45:29 because we're gonna keep the phones on
45:31 for a while afterward we go off air.
45:33 So you may be trying, you maybe calling,
45:36 you may not be getting an answer, don't give up.
45:39 You will get an answer tonight one way or the other.
45:43 So it will come through.
45:46 I am excited about the emails that are coming in.
45:50 I am too.
45:51 And again, that phone number is 618-627-4651,
45:57 finally I memorized it, and live@3abn.org.
46:02 You think after eight years I finally know it, but I do.
46:05 So 618-627-4651 and we want to hear from you, so call us.
46:13 Even if you just calling, saying, I want to pray for you
46:16 and I am going to be praying for the Pathways to Health.
46:20 In fact, we would like to get all of our prayer warriors,
46:23 and if you haven't been hearing from us prayer warriors,
46:25 we had a real major computer glitch
46:28 with your particular program,
46:30 you will hear from us shortly.
46:32 Pastor Hal has been talking to me about it,
46:35 he's working hard to get it solved.
46:37 So you will hear from us
46:39 but we want you to begin now praying,
46:42 put at the top of your list Pathways to Health
46:46 in San Antonio, April 8th through--
46:49 Eleven. Eight through eleven.
46:50 Yeah, yeah. All right.
46:51 Give us one more time the list of specialists that you need,
46:55 the kind of areas of specialty that you need.
46:57 So the highest need right now are optometrist,
47:00 ophthalmologist, dentists, dental hygienist, pediatrics,
47:06 surgical sub-specialist and sub-specialist
47:09 who are willing to really help us out
47:11 particularly in the Alamodome and the out-patient arena.
47:14 Gynecologist, general surgeons, actually--
47:18 any other specialist--
47:19 Ortho.
47:20 Orthopedics, yes, we defiantly do need orthopedics
47:23 there in the Alamodome.
47:24 All right.
47:25 Now over in Texas my ophthalmologist
47:28 was Dr. Russell Freeman and I am telling you Rus,
47:32 they need you down there
47:33 because you are great ophthalmologist
47:36 and I know that you can go,
47:38 take some of your staff and help them out.
47:41 This is a time to be-- go on the greatest blessings
47:44 that you can ever imagine.
47:46 Remember April 8th to 11.
47:49 But let us hear from you.
47:50 By the way, Rus, if you are not watching,
47:52 some of your friends are, they will be calling you
47:54 and telling you that I've been calling you out
47:57 by name because I love you.
47:58 All right.
47:59 You know, since we're calling people out by name,
48:01 I got some friends, maybe I won't call the name
48:03 but he is a pharmacist
48:06 and she is a nurse practitioner.
48:07 Wonderful. Wonderful people.
48:08 You guys need to get on the phone and call.
48:10 You should be a part of this, this going to be blessing.
48:12 Just got a text, a text from Aileen Pyburn
48:16 she is Pastor Bohr's assistant.
48:18 I know Aileen very well. She's a good friend of ours.
48:22 She said they will be praying for us.
48:23 You need to get on a plane and come down to this studio
48:27 and be a part of this because this,
48:29 I don't know if can broadcast something that has more impact
48:32 that this on a nightlight program.
48:33 We'll be doing a nightlight each night
48:36 from giving you sort of a wrap up of the day's event
48:39 and I am so looking forward to this
48:41 because this is gonna be a blessing for the city
48:43 but it's also going to be a major blessing
48:46 for those of you who participate.
48:47 If your faith is getting a little stagnant
48:50 and your walk with God is getting a little slow,
48:52 little sluggish I dare say,
48:54 you put in some volunteer time helping other who need help,
48:57 your own faith will be boosted
48:59 and your own walk with Christ will be that much closer.
49:01 Amen. It will.
49:02 Yeah.
49:03 It's amazing when you start to help people
49:05 and get away at yourself.
49:06 Help yourself, yeah.
49:07 How it will solve your own problems
49:10 without you even touching them?
49:11 Amen.
49:12 And you know something that really impressed me
49:14 in the Bay Area and I've seen it
49:16 so vividly in San Antonio
49:18 is the aspect of press together,
49:20 press together, press together as we see
49:23 the day approaching and how Adventists
49:25 and even non-Adventists working together
49:28 for a common good which is to share Christ
49:31 with those who needed most.
49:34 It's so beautiful, just so beautiful.
49:35 Praise God.
49:37 Okay, now, here's Eduardo Burgos
49:39 and Eduardo, it's good to hear from you.
49:42 He wants to know how to donate.
49:45 Do we do it by 3ABN or do we do it--
49:48 do you have another place where they can send a--
49:50 If they go to pathwaytohealthvoulinteer.org,
49:53 there's a link there for the donation
49:55 and whether they want to purchase a dental chair
49:58 or they want to purchase a sterilizer or exam table.
50:02 We have you know, you can just specify
50:05 for general equipment purposes or if you have a specific area,
50:08 all of the event that you wanted to specifically to go
50:11 to you can indicate that there as well.
50:12 We haven't talked about
50:13 this much just for you to read on.
50:15 We've talked about the people part of this
50:19 but they can always use funds.
50:20 This is a massive project.
50:22 And as you can expect this is going to cost
50:25 a whole heap of money, forgive my bad English.
50:27 Yeah.
50:28 This is gonna cost money.
50:30 So if you can not come, you may not have the skills,
50:32 you may not be able to,
50:34 this is something you can fund or you can help fund.
50:36 Again, you can call the General Conference number,
50:39 you can call us here at 3ABN
50:40 or you can go to pathwayofhealth--
50:45 Pathwaytohealthvoulinteer.org
50:49 and there's a link right there where you can donate.
50:52 And you know, I just kind of want to make this clear too
50:54 Dr. Chris, is that this event is not the end.
50:58 By God's grace we already have six requests,
51:01 major city requests for 2016 and we're planning,
51:07 Lord willing, we can get all the things
51:09 in line to actually do Spokane,
51:11 two days in preceding ASI National.
51:14 This is just-- the Lord is opening up
51:17 unbelievable doors, and not just here
51:19 in North America, around the world.
51:20 Yeah.
51:21 Yeah. Yeah.
51:22 We were talking about it
51:24 if you id this is in New York city,
51:25 if we had this right after 9/11 when C.A.
51:29 and I were involved in the outreach
51:31 to New York City at the time,
51:34 what a difference it would have made.
51:35 Yes.
51:36 It really was.
51:37 All right now, Robert Dayson wants to volunteer to assist.
51:41 Wonderful.
51:43 Ted B, will 3ABN be airing some of the event live?
51:46 Yes, we will. Yes, we will.
51:48 I am not sure about,
51:49 we're working on the evening meetings,
51:51 probably you can do the weekend but this--
51:55 they tell me the facility is very difficult for us
51:59 to be able to do a live out of--
52:02 for the Wednesday night and Thursday night.
52:05 Friday night and Sabbath, yes,
52:06 but every night we're gonna be live somewhere,
52:09 on the street corner or wherever we are,
52:12 we'll be there talking about what's going on
52:14 and we'll have some good information for the day.
52:18 Victor Roderick, he and his wife are RN,
52:21 bilingual, missionaries also.
52:23 They are musicians and singers, they can sing to the folks
52:26 while they are getting treated.
52:28 James Mansfield calling and James is from Ohio
52:32 and he wants to help us out.
52:35 And C.A., it just keeps going on and on and I am--
52:40 it's an exciting things.
52:41 It is, you know.
52:42 And one thing we didn't talk about,
52:43 you mentioned it in passing
52:44 that there's gonna be music being provided.
52:46 So if you have an academy choir
52:49 or a small group of you just want to come down
52:51 an offer your musical talent,
52:53 I think they can find a place for you
52:54 because we need things going on during the day,
52:57 people are gonna be sitting,
52:58 people are gonna be waiting for their turn
53:00 and your services can--
53:03 this is such a comprehensive thing,
53:05 you guys are really thought about just about everything,
53:07 for the comfort of the patients
53:10 before, during and after their treatment.
53:12 And you know I can not take any credit nor my husband.
53:16 It has come from the Lord,
53:17 it truly has come from the Lord and lots and lots of prayer.
53:20 And what I kind of want to talk about too,
53:22 just real quickly again is to remind about
53:24 the Central Texas Medical Center
53:26 and the surgical procedures
53:27 that are gonna take our place up there.
53:28 That's exciting.
53:29 We're gonna have small ensembles
53:32 and chaplains up there to pray with the patients
53:34 before hand and to pray with the patients afterwards,
53:37 to pray with the family members,
53:38 to sing for the patients.
53:40 It's gonna be beautiful. I'm sorry.
53:41 You should tell him about Joe.
53:43 Joe? Well, why don't you start with Joe?
53:46 Well, okay, we had a chance to go down to San Antonio,
53:50 we got to meet up C.A., praise the Lord.
53:53 And while we were there, one night
53:55 we went down the river walking,
53:57 there are boats that go down through the river
53:59 which is really, really neat experience, yeah.
54:02 So at other times when you're not in the meetings
54:04 or maybe staying extra day
54:05 and go to do the river walk but,
54:07 a friend of ours Brother Don
54:10 and we were going down this river
54:13 and three was a guy giving a tour on the boat,
54:16 we'll say his name is Joe.
54:18 And we went to get off of the boat
54:20 at the end of the tour
54:21 and he's stuck up a little conversation with our friend,
54:25 Brother Mackintosh and, and you know just chit chat,
54:29 where are you from, et cetera.
54:30 And he said, oh, you know, what are you doing here in town
54:32 and we're here to plan for this event.
54:34 So Mackintosh told him about the event,
54:36 told them about free medical, dental and eye care and say,
54:38 hey, if you have any problems, why don't you come on down.
54:41 Well the gentleman said, yeah,
54:42 you know I may be interested in that.
54:43 Thank you so much.
54:44 I gave him my personal contact information,
54:46 my personal cell phone even and said,
54:48 you know what?
54:50 You--
54:51 We can get hold of whoever it is.
54:55 We need to go to the river walk.
54:57 I said you come to the front of the building that day
55:01 and you tell them Dr. Lela said,
55:03 I want you to be able to be treated.
55:05 He said, thank you so much.
55:06 He started to walk away, he grabbed my arm
55:07 and he said, wait a minute,
55:08 I have something else I want to ask you.
55:10 I said, okay.
55:11 He said, you don't by any chance know anybody
55:14 that might be able to fix my hernias, do you?
55:16 I've got these hernias and it incapacitated me,
55:19 I am unable to do anything.
55:20 I said, come back. I mean, come back.
55:22 I said, this is Dr. Chris, he's a general surgeon,
55:24 they are gonna be doing hernia repairs too.
55:26 He said, no, you got to be kidding me.
55:28 He said, I was just standing here,
55:29 then we went on and he said, he's got tears in his eyes,
55:31 he said, I was just standing right here,
55:34 before I talked to you and I was praying to God
55:36 and I said, Lord, I said,
55:38 I've just recommitted my life to You,
55:39 I've recommitted myself to be a singer for You,
55:42 if You will find me somebody to fix my hernias
55:45 I will commit the rest of my life to You.
55:48 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
55:49 You know, on our first night broadcast,
55:51 or as soon as he's able after surgery
55:53 we got to have that guy on, Jim.
55:55 Oh, yeah. Absolutely we do.
55:57 We'll have him lifting weights and all that.
56:00 Six weeks. Six weeks.
56:04 Well, listen we've got so many more here
56:06 that we can't even read,
56:07 we can't even begin to read all of it.
56:09 Keep them coming in
56:11 because we need to hear from you.
56:12 People wanting to know how to donate
56:14 we've already covered that,
56:15 but you have the website or you can donate through 3ABN
56:19 and we'll pass it on.
56:20 But then here's one is, its very, I thought very good.
56:24 Is there any value in orthodontic assistance
56:27 or technician's orthodontic equipment?
56:30 Absolutely.
56:31 Let me just ask.
56:32 Can we squeeze out another half hour, Jim?
56:34 Is it possible? I don't know if we can or not.
56:36 I don't know either.
56:37 If someone can tell us. Let's ask our production crew.
56:39 We may-- we got one minute left.
56:41 Either we get another half hour or we don't,
56:43 but they got to tell us.
56:44 We cannot do it?
56:45 Cannot do it. Okay.
56:46 We're on a heart burn or a heartbreak.
56:47 We're on a heartbreak, yeah, yeah.
56:49 Sometime you can, sometimes you can't.
56:53 Somebody say, we'll you do own the network, don't you?
56:55 But we do have some--
56:57 Some obligations, yeah, we do. Very less obligations.
56:59 Yeah.
57:00 We're down to the last 30 seconds.
57:02 Someone said, can we use ordinary people?
57:04 Well, God uses ordinary people.
57:05 That's what the song says.
57:06 Everybody has a part to play
57:08 and I think everybody can be used in, in this project.
57:11 Again, you've got the contact information.
57:13 Call us here at 3ABN
57:14 or call the General Conference number
57:16 or pathwaystohealthvolunteer.org.
57:20 So many ways and--
57:23 And don't forget that 618-627-4651.
57:27 Keep calling, operators are here and we can--
57:31 We'll make sure they get everyone of these
57:34 before they leave the town, all right.
57:35 God bless you.


Revised 2015-07-02