3ABN Today

From Victim to Vessel: Healing from Abuse and the Journey of Healing with Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Marie Fisher


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015009A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Oh, hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:08 and we welcome you to 3ABN Today.
01:11 We're so glad that you've tuned in,
01:13 whether you're watching by television or internet
01:15 or perhaps listening on the radio.
01:18 You know we want to thank you for your prayers
01:20 and your financial support because this is God's network
01:25 and it's your network as well.
01:27 You support it and we thank you so much for that.
01:29 We have, I believe a wonderful program today,
01:32 a precious lady that's with us.
01:34 But first I'd like to read a scripture to you
01:36 because this truly reminds me of her.
01:39 I'll be reading Romans 8:28-29.
01:44 And the Bible says,
01:45 "We know that all things work together
01:48 for good to those who love God,
01:51 to those who are the called according to his purpose."
01:55 Now we can't just stop there.
01:58 It's difficult if you've just lost your husband
02:00 and your children to say.
02:02 How on earth is God gonna work this together for good.
02:05 But it continues the thought.
02:09 "For whom he foreknow, he also predestined to be
02:14 conformed to the image of his Son,
02:16 that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
02:20 God works all things together for good to confirm us
02:24 to the image of Jesus Christ.
02:26 So even when you're going through suffering and sorrow,
02:30 God can help you identify
02:32 with the man of sorrows, Jesus Christ.
02:35 He can help you identify
02:36 with the suffering of Jesus Christ
02:38 and He can make you more Christ like.
02:41 And I have to say,
02:42 that's what happened to our guest today.
02:45 And let me without further ado introduce her.
02:48 This is Marie Fisher and Marie comes to us from J. Okalahoma.
02:52 Marie, I'm so glad that you made it here.
02:55 I'm happy to be here.
02:57 Yes. We met at a women's ministry.
03:00 I was speaking at a women's ministry,
03:01 you were the director for that program.
03:04 And just fell in love with each other.
03:07 We just have a lot of things in common, haven't we?
03:10 Yes, we do.
03:11 And it was just a precious thing to get to know
03:13 you and your momma Polly.
03:15 And we want to say hello to Polly
03:17 who is watching right now by television
03:19 and wish you were here as well.
03:21 But, Marie, before we-- we're going to have a song,
03:25 but tell me just a little bit about a minute's worth.
03:29 What your ministry is all about?
03:32 My ministry is all about sharing Jesus
03:35 and the story that he has made out of my life taking a mess
03:38 and making a message.
03:40 It's about-- my ministry is about healing.
03:43 I do a healing workshop on abuse.
03:46 I've experienced all 14 types of abuse
03:50 and I want to help people be set free from the guilt
03:55 that they carry and the shame that they carry.
03:58 Amen. Amen.
03:59 Well, we can't wait to hear your testimony
04:02 and I know you're going to be blessed by this
04:05 and God will give you some information
04:08 that you can put to use in a practical way.
04:11 But first we have the Ong Family with us
04:14 and I know you've seen the two sisters
04:16 when they were little ones
04:18 and they were on the "Kids Time."
04:21 But we're going to have them,
04:22 they are going to be playing the piano and the violin.
04:25 And first this is called Praise Medley.
09:04 Mercy, that is a lot of talent in one family.
09:06 That was the Ong family and they were playing on piano
09:10 and violin called "Praise Medley."
09:13 We thank them so much.
09:15 Well, if you're just joining us a little late,
09:17 our special guest today
09:18 is Marie Fisher from J. Oklahoma.
09:21 And once again, Marie,
09:22 we're so glad that you are here.
09:25 It's a privileged to be here.
09:26 Yes.
09:27 And, you know, we invited you
09:29 because when I heard your testimony
09:32 and what God has done in your life
09:34 and how you're now out ministering for Him,
09:38 I just felt like the whole world
09:39 needed to hear that.
09:40 So tell us a little bit about growing up?
09:45 Were you reared in a Christian family?
09:49 I'm a third generation Adventist.
09:51 Okay.
09:52 And my mom was an Adventist, my father was not.
09:56 But I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist all my life.
10:01 However I didn't know God.
10:04 I knew obedient behavior. I knew the dos and don'ts.
10:08 I had the head knowledge,
10:10 but I did not have the heart knowledge.
10:11 Yes.
10:12 And it took tragedy for me to, to find the Lord.
10:15 Well, when growing up you never really made
10:19 that personal commitment to God
10:23 I don't think I knew that He loved me.
10:26 I loved Him and I made a commitment
10:30 to be the best that I could be.
10:33 Uh-huh, yes.
10:34 But I don't think that I thought
10:38 that He could ever love someone like me.
10:41 And you know I can identify with it so much
10:43 and that's what we said we've got a lot in common
10:45 that I grew up believing, I had a love affair with Jesus,
10:49 but I thought the Father was a taskmaster
10:53 who was just watching me waiting to zap me
10:55 if I did something wrong.
10:56 And it actually-- I think when you grew up
10:59 with rules without relationship,
11:02 then it results in a rebellion quite often.
11:05 And that's what happened to you, isn't it?
11:07 Is that you kind of get to that point
11:09 where you feel like I can't do right things all the time
11:14 and you end up making wrong choices.
11:16 It's-- that's so true,
11:18 but for me to I came from an abusive childhood.
11:23 So I really felt like God
11:25 could never accept somebody like me, you know.
11:28 So what was your abuse?
11:31 I had all 14 types of abuse.
11:34 They all fall under five categories.
11:36 And that is sexual, physical,
11:39 emotional, spiritual and verbal.
11:43 And so those five categories
11:44 I had since I was four years old.
11:47 Oh, honey.
11:49 But it made me who I am today.
11:50 And Jesus was able to take my mess,
11:53 make a message and I can be His story.
11:55 Amen.
11:56 So when you are growing up suffering from all of that,
12:03 you just had such a low opinion of yourself.
12:06 You felt like God couldn't love you.
12:09 How did that affect the direction of your life?
12:13 It was like a roller coaster.
12:15 I constantly tried to be the best
12:21 that I could be for him, for my husband, for my mother,
12:24 I've always felt like I've failed everybody.
12:27 I was never going to be a good wife.
12:29 I was never gonna be a good mother.
12:30 I was never gonna be a good daughter you know.
12:33 I could never measure up.
12:36 So it affect everything in my life.
12:38 You know, I hate behind behavioral obedience
12:41 and I had behind perfection and mask and comedy
12:45 and all the things that so many victims do.
12:50 But I didn't recognize it, because I came--
12:53 I was brought up in a religious environment that was,
12:57 I hate to say legalistic,
12:59 but I felt like no one really knew me.
13:04 I felt like a stranger in my own church.
13:06 I felt like people didn't really even understand
13:08 what I was going through, even God.
13:11 Did they know what you were going through?
13:13 Did your family know about your abuse
13:15 or at what point did this become exposed?
13:17 It became exposed when I was 10, parts of it.
13:23 The parts that I would let become exposed.
13:27 There was incest in our home
13:29 and so that's how it was exposed.
13:32 And but there was so much more in-depth
13:35 that I wasn't ready to let my parents know, so.
13:41 So you are making every effort you can,
13:46 not understanding that God's plan is that,
13:49 He's the one that's going to work in you
13:52 to willing to do His good pleasure.
13:54 You're doing all you can to please God,
13:56 to please everyone that's around you
13:59 because you're trying to be accepted,
14:01 you're fearful, worried about abandonment and rejection.
14:06 What kind of choices did you make?
14:08 Did you marry the right person or let talk about this.
14:12 No.
14:13 Absolutely-- You can't make
14:16 a good choice without God, without knowing Him.
14:19 You know, so obviously I made a lot of horrible mistakes
14:22 and horrible choices.
14:24 I-- led me to do multiple marriages.
14:27 And you know...
14:30 I needed God and I would always go to God
14:32 in my closet alone
14:35 because I couldn't trust anybody, you know.
14:37 I even didn't trust God with all this.
14:39 You know you had mentioned you know that you thought,
14:41 you didn't know the Father.
14:42 Well, I always thought that the Father was like holding me
14:46 over the fire pit and I was the marshmallow
14:48 and it was his hand that was holding the stick
14:50 and saying, you better do this, you better do that.
14:52 And, so of course I saw an image of God
14:56 that wasn't love, so I really didn't know
14:58 how to let someone love me.
15:01 So I chose people that I could fix,
15:04 instead of letting anyone into me.
15:06 I figured it was easier for them to hurt me
15:10 than for them to hurt someone else
15:12 because I was used to it.
15:13 So I would choose the comfort zone
15:15 that I was accustomed to and that was abuse.
15:19 That's and that happen so frequently with abuse--
15:22 You know this is--
15:24 And this is often why you see
15:25 when someone who is grown up say,
15:28 with an alcoholic father
15:30 who will then marry an alcoholic
15:32 because they are in their comfort zone.
15:35 This is the type of behavior
15:36 that almost seems to become normal.
15:38 But if you can't love God,
15:43 I believe the whole gospel is founded on love
15:46 and if you can't accept God's love,
15:49 if you don't think-- If you feel like
15:51 you have to be good enough for God to love you.
15:53 If you, you know, love this reciprocal.
15:57 I mean we love God because He first loved us.
16:01 Amen.
16:02 And if we don't understand that once again
16:06 it is something that we keep God at arm's length
16:10 because we can't really draw close to Him
16:13 and we don't accept His love.
16:14 So you then are making some bad choices,
16:19 multiple marriages, repeating the cycle of abuse.
16:25 Marie, what was your wake up call?
16:27 I had a tragedy, horrible auto accident in November 11, 1999.
16:35 It marked the change of my life.
16:37 It was a horrible, horrible accident
16:39 where my son who had just turned 6 years old,
16:42 his name was Dillon, was ejected out of the vehicle.
16:48 We were going 72 miles an hour and we,
16:51 I over corrected
16:53 and the vehicle spun like a top.
16:56 There's actually some pictures they can show.
16:59 That's Dillon.
17:00 He's very gorgeous.
17:01 And he had just turned six, he was in first grade.
17:05 And we have this auto accident
17:07 and they said that I don't remember anything,
17:09 we were unconscious,
17:11 but we had top hold like a top
17:13 and we had rolled four times,
17:15 one more time we were about 20 feet away
17:17 from where Dillon was ejected out of a broken side window.
17:21 And one more time
17:22 we would have landed on top of him.
17:24 But most of the impact of to his skull.
17:28 He had multiple skull fractures.
17:30 He wasn't breathing when they found him.
17:31 He was on life support and coma
17:36 and they were talking to my husband, his father...
17:40 about getting his organs
17:42 because they didn't expect him to live.
17:44 I was in another hospital at the time,
17:46 that's him as well
17:47 but I was in another hospital at the time.
17:51 And we were several miles apart,
17:53 like 40 miles apart.
17:55 So I was in an intensive care in another hospital
17:58 because I broke my neck.
18:00 And my wrists and my knees
18:01 and they expected me to be a quad.
18:05 Quadriplegic?
18:08 I would be paralyzed from the neck down.
18:10 And when the neurosurgeon came to talk to me,
18:13 he said, you need to have surgery and I said,
18:15 well, what are my chances and he said,
18:16 you have a 50-50 chance to live and that's it.
18:21 You know there was no, no chance to walk
18:23 or anything that my spinal cord was already pinched.
18:26 So he said when you get in there,
18:28 when we go to fix everything
18:30 it could snap and you could die,
18:32 but we can fuse it together.
18:35 If it doesn't snap it's like a worm and I didn't know that.
18:37 They said it's like a worm, when you break it,
18:39 it's just, it's done.
18:41 And I said how many people have you killed?
18:42 And he said, none.
18:43 And I said okay, then let's do this.
18:46 I'm going with God because my husband could never,
18:49 hadn't seen me yet.
18:50 It was four days after the accident,
18:52 but he stayed with our son
18:54 because he was so severely injured.
18:57 That was the changing point in my life.
18:59 I came home and he was still--
19:03 My son was still in the hospital.
19:04 I didn't know anything.
19:05 They wouldn't tell me how bad he was, but I knew.
19:08 You know, I knew in my heart,
19:09 I knew and I started crying out to the Lord
19:12 and I started listening to music and I couldn't walk,
19:15 I crawled to the bathroom
19:16 and I crawled to take care of myself,
19:18 but I wasn't a quad.
19:20 And I eventually walked and everything obviously
19:23 and so God had different plans for us than what medical.
19:26 They said we were miracles.
19:30 They used my son as a miracle child
19:31 at Phoenix Children's Hospital for years
19:34 because they said it was like,
19:35 he had a helmet on inside of his skull,
19:37 he should have been completely dead,
19:41 number one, and never even have a hope.
19:43 But they said, it was bruised inside of his brain
19:45 rather than traumatic brain injury.
19:49 He had bruising and as the bruising shrunk
19:52 he became better and better.
19:53 He has some residual side effects as we all do.
19:56 But to look at him and to see him,
19:58 you would think he would be a perfectly normal child.
20:02 And the Lord just had done miracles in our lives.
20:05 He was blind in one eye and after seven weeks
20:08 he asked me to pray over and I said no,
20:10 I'm not gonna ask for more, we're grateful.
20:13 We're so grateful to be where we're at today.
20:16 And the Lord said, pray over his eye.
20:20 And I said, okay.
20:22 I put my hand over and I said,
20:24 Lord, I don't know why I'm doing this.
20:27 I have no idea why You're asking me to pray for more.
20:29 My son is alive, he's here, he's walking,
20:33 he was on a walker at the time, you know.
20:35 He had to relearn to walk, to talk, to eat,
20:37 he was in diapers, he relearned everything.
20:40 I said, but I have to be obedient
20:42 and if You're asking me to do something more
20:44 than I'm, I'm gonna do it.
20:47 And if not, if I'm hearing You wrong I'm so sorry.
20:49 When I put my hand on him and I prayed and I said,
20:52 Lord, you're the great physician,
20:54 You can do all things.
20:56 I believe that with all my heart.
20:57 I'm not asking You to do that, I'm just being obedient
21:02 'cause I feel like the spirit has asked me to do it.
21:04 I'm asking You just to take care of him
21:07 and I'm praising You for where we're today.
21:10 And I took him the next day to eye doctor,
21:14 what are they?
21:15 Ophthalmologist, yes, thank you.
21:17 And I took him there and he said,
21:18 you know, if I didn't have this child's history
21:21 and his chart in front me
21:22 and I didn't know the pediatrician
21:24 that saying to me was reputable,
21:25 there's nothing wrong with his eye.
21:28 He says, actually it's like a new born baby's eye.
21:32 I know.
21:33 I praise God and I looked up to my son eyes.
21:35 And I said, I sort of crying I said, Dillon,
21:39 Jesus hasn't done with you yet.
21:40 And he says, I know that.
21:43 Now I kid you not, his eye was peripheral vision.
21:46 He went like this all the time to read,
21:48 from the moment he said,
21:49 I know that his eyes went oop and natural shape,
21:53 he never did it again.
21:55 The doctor and I just, we were like amazed.
21:58 He never used peripheral vision,
22:00 he never had to go like this, his eye took natural shape
22:02 and it used to be a smaller shape,
22:05 an almond shape and he has big brown round eyes.
22:07 So, and he's perfect today.
22:10 Glory to God.
22:11 Aren't you glad that you're obedient,
22:13 that your God is impressing you,
22:15 the spirit is impressing you to lay your hand
22:18 on your son's eye and pray and God had something
22:21 so faith building to let you see how much He loved you.
22:27 I mean you're both walking miracles.
22:29 Amen.
22:30 No doubt.
22:31 But tell us, you said this was the changing point,
22:35 this was a turning point for you.
22:38 Tell us about going through your recovery process.
22:43 How did God?
22:45 How did you begin to understand how much God really loved you?
22:50 Well, I believe that my accident,
22:53 the injuries to me were for me.
22:55 They were for me to grow in Christ,
22:57 for me to see how much He loved me.
22:59 The injuries for my son were to help other people
23:03 find the love of Christ.
23:05 My father and his father for instance,
23:07 you know, and so they were drawn
23:09 to the Lord through Dillon's incidence.
23:12 But my accident I laid alone and I spoke to the Lord
23:16 and I cried and I listened to music and one evening I,
23:20 after several days of being home I remember
23:22 the Lord said, Marie, you've asked me
23:26 since you were a child,
23:27 why did these things happen to you?
23:30 Why did I allow them to happen to you?
23:32 And He says, I'm gonna show you and I'm gonna show you
23:36 right where I was, during the whole process.
23:39 And He took me with my own children
23:42 and He said, remember when you laid Christopher
23:45 on the gurney when he was gonna have surgery on his ears
23:48 and he was just 18 months old
23:49 and you thought, I wish I could take his place.
23:52 I wish he didn't have to suffer.
23:54 He goes, that's where I was.
23:56 I was right next to you and I felt the same way.
23:58 I wish I could take your place.
24:00 I wish you didn't have to suffer.
24:02 But you knew the outcome for your son
24:04 would bring glory to him
24:06 and he would be better off going through this.
24:08 And I knew the outcome with you
24:10 going through this will bring glory to Me
24:12 and you would help other people
24:14 who have suffered the same things.
24:16 And I want you to know
24:17 where I was throughout your childhood
24:19 and throughout your marriages
24:20 and throughout your cries for me.
24:22 I was right beside you.
24:24 And if you had died and this was so awesome for me.
24:27 If you had died in that accident,
24:31 I would have come for you.
24:33 I would have saved you.
24:35 Even though you lived in behavioral obedience,
24:37 even though you didn't know how much I loved you.
24:41 He says, but I want you to have a joyful life.
24:44 I want you to be joyful in Christ.
24:46 I want you to know that I love you.
24:48 I don't want you to be afraid to be a Christian
24:51 who loves and is free.
24:53 And I want to take away all these guilt
24:55 and I want to take away all the shame
24:57 and I want you to know how special you're to Me
25:00 and that was my changing point.
25:02 It was like, there was a song called River God.
25:05 And it talks about God being the river
25:07 and sometimes the river is raging
25:09 and sometimes the river is smooth
25:12 and that's the Holy Spirit over our lives,
25:14 but the prayer is that you would pick me up
25:17 and notice that I'm a little smoother in your hand.
25:20 I started singing that everyday.
25:22 And I started reading scripture and I could not,
25:25 I could not get enough of God,
25:28 it was Him and me everyday for months
25:30 and months and months, you know,
25:31 because I was healing, my son was healing
25:33 and we just spent time with God and literally
25:37 I just told somebody recently I miss that,
25:40 I miss that moments with God,
25:42 every single moment I've just devouring Him,
25:46 you know, and feeling so precious to Him.
25:49 And, you know, it's a shame that life comes back to life.
25:54 You know, we have to go back
25:55 into the hustle and bustle of reality
25:57 when we're not healing from an accident,
26:00 that's that tragedy.
26:01 We have to go back into life and I went back to work
26:04 and my son went back to school and life took over
26:06 and I would literally cry and say, Lord, I miss you.
26:10 I miss You. God I didn't even know.
26:15 I know exactly what, you know,
26:16 when I was running the ministry at home.
26:19 I could spin, sometimes three, four hours in prayer
26:22 and all day in the word and of course
26:25 you're answering phone calls and things
26:27 but when I came to 3ABN,
26:30 then suddenly I've got a position here that,
26:33 you know, there's a lot of things
26:34 and you're up at 4.30 in the morning
26:38 and you come to work by 7.00
26:40 and you don't get home till 7.00,
26:43 so you don't have that same amount of time
26:45 and I do know what you mean.
26:46 But how precious that God ministered to you
26:49 and that you opened your heart and let Him pour His love
26:53 into your heart and you began to truly understand.
26:57 But you know it's not just about your healing
27:00 because as I said you and Dillon
27:03 are both walking miracles.
27:05 But God had more in store for Marie
27:08 than just the healing process.
27:11 You know, Paul says in 1 Corinthians
27:14 that God is the God of all comfort
27:17 and that He comforts us so that we can comfort others
27:22 with the same comfort He Has given us.
27:24 And God has given you a mandate,
27:27 God gas given you a ministry and I want you to talk about
27:34 that ministry just a little lets...
27:36 Well, it came about from that time with God.
27:39 It came about with that studying.
27:42 I would write down everything that I would read.
27:45 I would get up and I would read the Bible
27:47 and I would write down everything
27:48 that the Holy Spirit was showing me
27:50 that the Bible was teaching me.
27:52 You know, and I would set it aside and then
27:55 when my niece was living with us
27:58 at the time and when my niece would come home I'd say,
28:00 look what God showed me today.
28:02 And I would share what God showed me today
28:04 and day after day I would just write and write
28:06 write and write and she said Aunt Marie,
28:09 she says you're not just studying.
28:12 You're writing a book about your story.
28:13 This is a book about your life.
28:15 And I said oh, no I got it out of the Bible
28:18 and it's everything that I studied
28:20 and she says yeah,
28:21 but look it it's your story and I said no, it's God story.
28:25 And so I wrote this book "My Journey with Jesus,
28:28 from Victim to Vessel."
28:30 And it's a manuscript and then shortly thereafter
28:33 I was asked to share my story and I took the manuscript
28:37 and you know,
28:38 I've given out probably 500 copies of it for people.
28:40 And then God said it's not
28:42 about the money it's about the message.
28:44 Share your message and share
28:46 what I've have done in your life
28:48 and let me be glorified.
28:50 And so I started speaking at retreats and luncheons
28:55 and different things like that.
28:56 And pretty soon I had this burden
28:58 for the people like me who had been abused
29:03 and who needed that to be set free
29:05 and who needed the biblical tools to be set free
29:09 and to be loved unconditionally the way
29:11 that only God can do.
29:13 You know, and I had said to my brother
29:15 who is Seventh-day Adventist pastor
29:17 and I've said, I wish there was something out there
29:20 for women like me that wouldn't have to wait
29:22 until they're 42 years old to be set free.
29:24 I wish there was something out there
29:25 and he says well, sis it's gonna take somebody
29:28 that's been through it.
29:29 It's gonna take somebody that has a burden for it.
29:31 It's gonna take somebody that knows Jesus,
29:33 so when are you gonna do it?
29:34 And I said oh, no the Lord hasn't laid it on my heart.
29:37 I'm not gonna do that.
29:39 About I'd say nine months late 2 o'clock in the morning
29:43 that was our time that God set for us to talk
29:45 because I'm very busy like you and you know,
29:49 I wrap myself into everything a 100%
29:52 and so at 2 o'clock in the morning I still know
29:54 that I'm God time and he woke me up.
29:58 And lots of time he would
30:00 and I would get a message and I would get up
30:01 and I would write everything down.
30:03 This particular time I said, it was like,
30:06 Marie I want you to do
30:07 something with that abuse seminar
30:09 and I said are you kidding?
30:11 And he said no, do I kid with you
30:13 and he says sometimes 'cause he does.
30:15 God has a sense of humor.
30:16 Yes, and you know I just want to hit the pause button
30:19 for just a second 'cause I want to explain something.
30:22 You're doing what I often do
30:23 and sometimes people misunderstand
30:26 when she's saying that she's hearing God speak,
30:28 this is we're talking about 1 King 19:12
30:32 where Elijah heard this still small voice of the Lord.
30:38 Anytime that we hear
30:40 the Bible speaks of the audible voice of God,
30:44 it is majestic like David like roar,
30:48 like roaring waters--
30:51 Or it's in Revelation like a multitude of waters
30:56 but when or I think at Mount Sinai
31:00 when they heard though the verbal you know,
31:02 the audible voice of God.
31:04 They do need to knock because it was so majestic
31:07 but the still small voice of the Lord
31:10 that we're referring to,
31:11 and so many of you have experienced it
31:13 is when the Holy Spirit
31:15 impresses a thought upon your mind
31:18 that you know it's not yours,
31:20 you know it's a thought from God
31:24 and that's what you're talking about.
31:25 Yeah. It's not that you hear.
31:26 An audible voice but there is this conversation
31:29 and so many people, you know, that God impressed
31:33 that thought on your mind from time to time.
31:36 And the truth is if you will be still
31:40 as Isaiah 46 or excuse me Psalm 46:10
31:45 "Be still, and know that I am God."
31:48 And when you are still your-- God gives you ears to hear
31:53 what the Holy Spirit has just said.
31:55 Absolutely and I think sometimes we don't listen
31:58 and that's the problem.
32:00 We pray and we ask and we praise
32:02 and we tell God everything but do we stop and listen?
32:05 That is the exchange between our savior and us
32:10 to have him be part of our life.
32:13 That's the real relationship
32:14 you know, is to listen as well as to speak.
32:17 I mean, what good would it be if we were talking
32:20 and I did all the talking and didn't listen.
32:22 But we have to remember that the Holy Spirit
32:25 where there's nothing to be fearful of the Holy Spirit
32:26 will never say anything that doesn't line up
32:29 in agreement with the word of God.
32:32 So if you're hearing something you are not sure
32:35 is this is a message from God or this is my own conscience,
32:38 if it all lines up with the Bible, it's from God.
32:41 If it doesn't line up with the Bible,
32:43 it's something else.
32:44 And this little still small voice
32:45 that said I want you to do this.
32:47 Was of God because I had-- I said okay, Lord,
32:52 and he gave me the ABC's of healing,
32:54 abuse and wounds to call it.
32:56 He gave me all the scriptures, everything in my mind
32:59 and I said, yes Lord I think I can do that.
33:02 Normally I would get up and write everything.
33:04 This particular night I just said
33:06 and I felt like I talked to him for 10 minutes.
33:08 It was like two hours
33:09 but I didn't even write a thing down.
33:12 The next morning I got up and I said,
33:14 Lord, was that you that do I have this in my head still
33:19 because if it was you I will know this,
33:21 and I got up and I went to the computer
33:23 and I started typing everything down.
33:25 My brother who is the minister called me and this is so--
33:30 it's so like God you know it's so affirm--
33:33 you know affirming
33:35 that He is in charge of your life
33:37 and if you will follow Him, He will lift you up
33:40 to do mighty things through Him you know.
33:43 And so I was typing and he called in,
33:45 my brother called in and he says sis,
33:47 did you do anything with, and this was nine months later.
33:50 He says did you do anything with that abuse seminar thing
33:53 that you were talking about and I said it wasn't for me
33:56 that God didn't laid upon my heart
33:58 and I don't think that
33:59 we should move forward without God.
34:01 And we shouldn't stay behind God either
34:02 but we should walk side by side with God.
34:05 And I said so I told you it wasn't about, you know,
34:08 it wasn't for me He didn't lay it on my heart
34:10 and he goes yeah, he's going to,
34:12 and I said you know it's so weird Mitch,
34:15 I said I'm right now typing the last paragraph
34:20 of a healing abuse seminar
34:22 that God gave me last night and he goes good
34:25 because you're coming to my church.
34:27 We have people who need it and I know
34:28 that God would lay it upon your heart.
34:30 Praise the Lord.
34:31 Two weeks later I went and gave my first healing seminar.
34:35 Let me ask you in the healing process,
34:38 we have about two more minutes that
34:40 and I would like to talk to you about this
34:42 because there are so many people
34:44 that are watching right now,
34:46 who have suffered some kind of abuse if it's not sexual,
34:50 it could be physical but there's even that verbal,
34:54 mental, emotional abuse and even spiritual abuse.
34:58 How important is it
35:00 that you learn to forgive the one
35:04 who abused you and how did God help you in that?
35:08 Well, it's extremely important and God helped me
35:13 because the Bible is full of the knowledge
35:15 that we must forgive.
35:17 He says how can I go before the father,
35:19 I will not go before the father
35:21 and ask forgiveness for your sins,
35:23 if you will not forgive others
35:24 who have transgressed against you.
35:26 So that is one of the steps of the healing process.
35:29 A is admit-- admit
35:31 that it has happened to you.
35:32 Admit how you feel about it.
35:34 Admit that either and it works the same
35:37 for victim or perpetrator.
35:39 So God loves us all--
35:42 Amen.
35:43 God loves us all and He wants us all to be set free
35:45 and He wants us all to be forgiven
35:47 and He wants us all to be saved.
35:49 And the second part is believe, believe that you must forgive.
35:53 Yes.
35:55 Believe that it is essential that you forgive.
35:59 Without forgiveness there's no healing
36:01 and so many times we hold on to our anger
36:05 and our bitterness
36:06 and our resentment towards what's happened to us.
36:10 And God-- God has showed me
36:12 in so many ways you are a human being.
36:17 Who do you think you are,
36:18 that you shouldn't have suffered?
36:20 Who do you think you are
36:22 that I went to the cross for you
36:24 and that you're gonna go through life with nothing?
36:26 If you follow me, you are gonna suffer,
36:29 no matter what it is, we are gonna suffer
36:32 when we follow Christ in some way
36:35 but we are gonna have joys and peace
36:38 that we can't even imagine when we let Him into our life.
36:41 We're gonna have a change of life
36:43 and a change of character.
36:44 We can't even imagine the great things
36:46 that are gonna happen in our life
36:47 because Jesus came in and Jesus cleansed us
36:50 and Jesus changed our lives.
36:52 And took our mess and made it His story, His message.
36:57 It is a beautiful thing and I count it like Paul,
37:00 I count it a privilege to have suffered for the Christ.
37:04 Now I never question God why these things happened.
37:07 I thank Him and I praise Him
37:09 that I may able to be used to help someone.
37:11 But how does someone who is watching today.
37:15 How did they go through this heal
37:17 or this forgiving process 'cause it is a process.
37:20 It's a process,
37:22 it's not something that is a quick fix you know.
37:25 We especially as victims have mask
37:28 and we have safety zones and we have walls
37:30 that we built up.
37:31 It is a biblical principle there
37:34 it's that's why it's a workshop.
37:36 They have sheets through the A process,
37:38 through the B process, through the C process.
37:41 And then we have what I call bonfire to freedom
37:43 and we write letters and we burn those at the end.
37:45 But it's a process that you learn
37:48 that's through scripture through Jesus' own words
37:51 that shows you how to be set free that you can use
37:54 over and over and over again
37:56 when we want to resort back into our safety zones
37:59 or our nets that we hold, you know, we fall back into.
38:03 I believe that most people think
38:06 that they're gonna quickly be healed.
38:08 It's not like that.
38:10 It's a process of walking
38:12 with God just like sanctification.
38:14 It's a process of walking with God and learning that hey,
38:18 I don't want to go back that way.
38:19 I want to walk with God.
38:21 And requires me to forgive
38:24 and God requires me to do these things.
38:26 But you can acknowledge, okay,
38:29 I need to forgive, God requires this.
38:32 Can you share just a few practical steps
38:35 of what how you really get in,
38:38 get to that point of forgiving?
38:44 For me it was recognizing that I needed forgiveness.
38:48 Okay.
38:49 For me I'd always blamed everyone else for my tragedy,
38:54 for my bad choices from my mistakes that I made.
38:57 Rather than to look at my own self
38:59 and most victims will do that, they will blame everyone else.
39:02 And let's clarify here.
39:03 When you're talking about bad choices,
39:05 you are talking not about the abuse
39:07 that happened to you its--
39:10 The choices you made afterward.
39:11 Absolutely.
39:13 So because we don't want anyone out there
39:15 who has been victimized to feel like you're guilty
39:20 and there's a lot of shame that comes with this.
39:22 Yes.
39:23 You know, people just if you been a victim of abuse,
39:25 there's a lot of shame.
39:27 So how does someone whose husband has beaten her
39:30 or how does someone who has been
39:33 molested by a grandfather.
39:36 How do they get to that point?
39:39 Do you have a practical step
39:41 you recognize you needed forgiveness.
39:43 You have to admit it first,
39:45 okay, this is the practical step.
39:47 You have to admit that it has even happened
39:49 'cause most of the time we hide it.
39:51 Whether you're a victim or perpetrator you hide it,
39:54 so you have to admit to God how angry you feel,
39:58 how upsetting it is, how bitter you are.
40:00 You have to admit to God
40:01 that all these things actually happened
40:04 and that you have these emotions.
40:05 And as a Christian it's very difficult
40:07 to have these angry emotions towards God
40:09 and feel like they're right.
40:11 Yeah.
40:12 And so you're still half in and half out
40:17 because you don't want to admit that these feelings
40:21 that you have are not, they're not justified.
40:24 Right.
40:25 You can't justify them and be a Christian.
40:27 You can't.
40:28 To kind of know that but you-- in your mind you are just--
40:31 you're trying to justify.
40:32 You're trying to justify and you're trying to say,
40:34 well, it's because of that happening in my life
40:35 that I responded this way
40:37 or it's because of that happening in my life
40:39 that I made this bad choice and it's because of that person
40:41 who did this and that the other that my life is so messed up.
40:45 Well, yes, you were a victim and it is never your fault
40:50 and you never ask for it and you probably cried out
40:53 a million times over to stop and know don't do this.
40:59 And my son has a problem with that.
41:02 He cannot accept Christ
41:04 because he says what kind of father,
41:07 what kind of God would let these things happen to you?
41:12 And, you know, victims hold on to that
41:14 and say what kind of God are you
41:16 that you would let this happen to me.
41:19 He's a merciful God. He's a fair God.
41:21 He's a loving God and He says we have choices
41:24 and this is what I said to my son.
41:26 We all have choices that person that chose to molest me,
41:31 he had a choice and if God would have stepped in
41:34 and said no you can't do that.
41:36 Who would have been the first person to come
41:38 and say oh, that's not a fair God,
41:40 He didn't let him make that choice.
41:42 That's intercessory prayer is so important.
41:44 Absolutely.
41:45 If someone would have been praying for the person
41:47 that abused me at four years old
41:50 may be his mind would have been changed
41:52 and that wouldn't have happened.
41:54 And you know often this is hard,
41:56 a difficult thing to say but there's a young man
41:59 who's a Christian singer, his name is Christian Burdol.
42:03 And he said that he would do the same thing
42:05 with the Lord saying you know,
42:07 why did you let these things happen?
42:09 And what the Lord told Christian
42:11 was that there are called rules of engagement and--
42:16 and his mother was not protecting him.
42:19 His mother was putting-- I mean
42:21 I don't think she knew exactly what was going on
42:23 but she kept putting him in a bad situation
42:26 as child with leaving him with various boyfriends
42:30 who were taking advantage of him.
42:32 So that-- you know,
42:33 there's all these things, there's so many things
42:35 and God doesn't make us, we're not robots.
42:40 God makes us once who can have free will
42:45 and respond and if he's-- all of the sin
42:48 won't be coming to an end until Jesus returns
42:52 and then He promises that sin will rise no more.
42:55 So if someone will admit and believe
42:57 that they have to admit it happened believe
43:01 that they have to forgive and then pray--
43:05 And they're forgiven.
43:07 And that they're forgiven, that's true.
43:09 Because you can't just forgive and tell you forgive yourself
43:11 because victims and perpetrators
43:13 especially are gonna carry a whole lot of guilt.
43:16 And when they find Christ,
43:17 they don't know how to let it go.
43:18 Amen.
43:19 So they have to also forgive themselves.
43:22 You have to forgive yourself
43:24 and find that you are priceless to God.
43:26 Amen.
43:27 Before you can ever forgive someone else
43:29 and once you have been forgiven that is the step that is next.
43:33 You can forgive, you can then forgive someone else.
43:36 So God is now using you to put on these workshops
43:41 and we want to give people the opportunity
43:45 if he want to get in touch with Marie,
43:48 Marie is available to come speak at your church
43:50 or to put on a workshop
43:52 and we just got to see about getting your book
43:56 beyond manuscript and published,
43:58 Marie, that something that we need--
43:59 If it's the Lords will.
44:00 If it's the Lords will, yes.
44:02 So if you would like to get in touch with Marie Fisher
44:05 and perhaps invite her to a women's event
44:07 or didn't have to be for women only to your church.
44:10 Here's how you can get in touch with her.
44:14 If you would like to invite Marie to your church this week
44:17 or to hold a workshop then you can write
44:20 to Women's Ministry Abuse Seminary Workshop,
44:23 P.O. Box 941 Jay, Oklahoma 74346.
44:28 That's Women's Ministry Abuse Seminary Workshop,
44:31 P.O. Box 941 Jay, Oklahoma 74346.
44:37 You can call 480-322-4548.
44:41 That's 480-322-4548.
44:45 Or you can email her
44:47 at RioVerdeFisher@msn.com.
44:55 Contact her today.
45:03 I'm sure you would enjoy the message
45:06 that God Has given Marie's to share,
45:08 many messages not just about abuse.
45:11 But, you know, we just have to make sure
45:13 that we say this before the program ends
45:15 is that you are in a wonderful marriage now for many years.
45:21 God gave you a wonderful man.
45:22 Tell us about Mark?
45:24 Mark is my gift, my treasure that God gave me
45:29 to say not only did he want me to know
45:32 how much he loved me.
45:33 He wanted me to experience love
45:35 like I've never experienced human love as well.
45:38 And so when we got married, I did the prayer and I prayed,
45:43 I said Lord help me to always remember
45:45 that You Gave me this treasure.
45:48 Help me to always value him the way that You value me.
45:51 And help me to always focus on the good things.
45:54 And I have to say that we have had a wonderful marriage
45:59 and he is a wonderful Christian man
46:01 and I praise God for him everyday
46:04 and he as well praise God for me, words and all.
46:07 You know, he loves me unconditionally.
46:10 And I have been very blessed, very blessed.
46:13 The Lord can take a life
46:14 and just turn it upside down and make it beautiful.
46:18 And as you always say God took your mess
46:21 and made it into a message and we're just so thankful
46:24 that you are here to share with us.
46:26 Oh, we're gonna come back in just a moment
46:28 before closing thought from Marie,
46:31 but right now what we like to do
46:33 is we're gonna go to a second song
46:35 and this is the Ong Family on the piano and the violin
46:39 and they're going to be playing "How Great Thou Art."


Revised 2015-07-02