Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Dela Davis-Williams
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY015008A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today. 01:09 My name is C.A Murray 01:10 and thank you for sharing just a little of your day with us 01:14 and we've got a really exciting program today. 01:16 You're gonna meet 01:17 and really fall in love with two wonderful people, 01:19 because I have already in just meeting them 01:20 just a little while ago, we had a chance to talk. 01:23 And you're gonna learn some stuff today 01:26 and be sensitized 01:28 into some things that are going on around us. 01:31 And how challenges can be overcome through love, 01:36 through good parenting, through the love of Christ 01:40 and ability that Christ gives us to meet 01:42 and exceed those challenges which may stand in our way 01:45 but are really just steps to success. 01:47 So we're gonna talk about all of those kinds of things today. 01:49 My guests are, let's see Deia Davis-Williams. 01:53 Yes. 01:54 And her daughter our, my new best friend, 01:57 there's a lovely little girl Dalia. 01:59 Do I get that right, Dalia? 02:00 Yes. I bet I said okay. 02:02 Yeah, she's got a pretty smile 02:04 but this little girl has gone through a lot 02:06 and she is meeting 02:07 and exceeding all of those challenges 02:09 with the help of her great mom and great dad 02:11 and the love of Jesus Christ. 02:13 So that's what we're gonna talk about today 02:15 and hopefully you'll be impressed 02:16 and inspired as we unpackaged their collective stories. 02:21 Now, I need to talk with mom for just a minute 02:23 before we get into our music because you're an Oakwood grad. 02:27 You went to my alma mater. 02:29 I think I went there several years before you. 02:30 Okay. 02:33 But you're Oakwood grad, and your husband? 02:35 Yes. 02:36 Graduate from Oakwood College also. 02:38 He is a physician I'm told. Yes, he is. 02:40 And he's working in the prison system, 02:41 is it in California? 02:42 Yes. 02:44 You met him in college no doubt. 02:46 Yes, definitely. 02:47 Where are you from originally? 02:49 I'm originally Sumter, South Carolina 02:51 but I was raised in Huntsville, Alabama. 02:54 And Birmingham and then Tennessee 02:55 and then we ended up in Mississippi. 02:57 What is your dad do? 02:59 Well, he's former vice president of Oakwood University 03:01 actually, but he has had a research 03:04 on mud drugs in Mississippi 03:07 and my mother is a nursing professor. 03:08 And she just became a naturopathic nurse practitioner 03:11 recently. 03:12 Praise the Lord, 03:13 so that they're doing some great things for the Lord. 03:14 Um, definitely. 03:15 Give me a little flavor of growing up in your home, 03:17 obviously Adventist home? 03:18 Do you have brothers and sisters? 03:19 I have a younger sister. 03:21 She's a biochemist and we grew up that 03:24 you know, God's first education was very important 03:28 and we just had a very loving home. 03:30 I don't ever remember growing or my parents fussy 03:32 in front of us 03:33 so that's just something I took into my marriage, 03:37 that you don't argue in front of your children, 03:39 you work your disagreement out behind closed doors. 03:42 Just a better way of doing things. 03:43 Yeah, and they don't need to have 03:44 that pressure anyway, you know. 03:45 No. 03:46 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely not. 03:48 For you growing up in an Adventist home 03:51 is one thing but then there's a time 03:53 when you have to make your own personal 03:54 relationship with Jesus Christ. 03:56 When did that happened for you? 03:57 In college, definitely. 03:59 And shortly before I had met Nathan 04:01 I'd gone through a terrible tragedy 04:03 and I just felt that God just really spoke in my life 04:06 at that time period. 04:07 And I decided I wanted to, 04:09 I'd love him for the rest of my life. 04:10 All right. Praise God. Praise God. 04:12 Now I got to ask you this question 'cause if I don't 04:14 they'll get on us. 04:16 Nathan is your husband? 04:17 Yes. Yeah. 04:19 In whose eye did the glean first appear? 04:22 Yours or his? It was mine. 04:28 That's good to know that sometimes the ladies lead out. 04:31 Yeah, you saw something there. 04:33 Most definitely. 04:34 Did you know he was going to go into medicine? 04:36 I didn't initially-- 04:38 No, he took sometimes before he told me. 04:42 Now as far as your course of study, 04:43 what did you graduate with? 04:45 I did interdisciplinary's physical education in English, 04:48 ended out with the masses in criminal justice 04:51 at the end of my PhD program as well. 04:53 And I just recently took some time off 04:55 to take care of Del'lia. 04:57 Full time but when it's all done, 04:59 I said I'll have my doctorate. 05:00 Okay, pretty sure. 05:02 What does one do with a degree in criminal justice? 05:05 You can do several things. 05:06 You can work for the IRS, you can work for FBI. 05:09 Oh, yes, yes. 05:11 You could do profiling 05:12 and that's what I was specializing it. 05:15 Now what is profiling? 05:16 Talk to us a little bit about that-- 05:17 that seems very interesting. 05:18 You study human behavior and from different aspects 05:23 and you learn to deal with someone on another level 05:26 without them noticing. 05:28 The details are very background check on individuals. 05:33 I had a medical friend of mine who got into some legal trouble 05:36 and they couldn't find his boss 05:38 and I was able to track the boss down 05:40 who was under a fictitious name 05:43 and turn off information over to the FBI 05:45 and clear the person's name. 05:47 Were you working for the FBI 05:48 or just kind of ventured at times? 05:50 I wasn't working for them. I see. I see. 05:52 That sounds very, very fascinating. 05:53 How many years did you do that? 05:54 Five. 05:56 Five years and then we're gonna talk about 05:57 because you have to undergo a little change 06:00 in your vocation 06:01 just to accommodate something things that 06:03 Delia was going through. 06:04 Most definitely. 06:05 We want to unpack their story 06:07 because it also resulted in a ministry 06:09 which we're gonna talk about. 06:10 Which is very, very exciting. 06:11 And we want to talk about all of that 06:14 but before we do so our special music for today 06:16 is coming from our own Jill Morikone 06:19 who us gonna be playing Gentle Shepherd. 10:10 Jill Morikone, well done, Gentle Shepherd. 10:13 My guests are 10:14 Deia Davis-Williams and the lovely Del'lia Williams. 10:18 When we left we had just left Oakwood. 10:22 You had met who was gonna be the love of your life. 10:25 How does one get from Huntsville, Alabama 10:28 to Belmont, California? 10:31 My husband went to medical school in Loma Linda 10:33 and graduated and he basically said he wasn't moving. 10:37 So this southern bell had to relocate to California. 10:40 To California. Yes. 10:42 Yeah. Yeah. 10:43 Now Del'lia is not your first and, or your only. 10:47 No, I have three. 10:48 You have three? 10:49 Yes. 10:50 Now there was a reason why you ended up in Belmont, 10:54 isn't that so? 10:55 Yes, my son got very sick as an infant, 10:57 ended up intensive care for a little bit of time. 11:00 And the doctor recommended that we leave Rancho Cucamonga, 11:03 so we relocated to Belmont because of their air climate. 11:07 So air quality really was a-- 11:09 what's the difference between, I know Rancho Cucamonga 11:13 is northwest heading towards 11:16 where our old Adventist media center used to be. 11:18 Dry and kind of-- 11:22 I don't even know how to describe it 11:23 but evidently air is not so good there. 11:26 No, it's not but in Belmont it's dry, 11:30 it's going towards the desert. 11:31 So you have fall winter, spring, 11:34 it gets very hot in summer, so you better have the good AC. 11:38 But it gets very cold in the winter, 11:40 we get snow every year. 11:42 You get snow. Yes. 11:43 Won't you say now where is-- 11:46 I didn't say stuck now. 11:48 You got it down and up. Yeah. 11:50 So your, that's your baby boy? 11:53 Yes. 11:54 Has some health challenges. 11:56 He did, he's normal. 11:57 Oh, praise the Lord. Now what about you got three. 11:59 I have three. 12:00 Del'lia is my middle one, 12:01 I have older one Nadia, she's 12. 12:03 And how's Nadia doing health wise? 12:05 Oh, she's doing very good. Praise the Lord. 12:09 So you moved to Belmont, everything is going along well 12:14 and then in her is it sixth year? 12:17 Yeah, her first grade. First grade. 12:19 Yeah. 12:20 You begin to know some stuff. Walk us through that time? 12:22 She was-- I'm not doing to get her spelling test 12:24 orally she was fine and for three weeks in a row 12:27 you know, she kept bringing home Fs 12:29 and I'm like this doesn't sound like my child. 12:31 And I just made appointment with eye doctor and a tutor, 12:34 so we went to a tutor on Thursday, 12:36 eye doctor on Friday. 12:38 And the eye doctor dilated her eyes 12:39 and she was like, you know, come back in hour. 12:41 And I just had a feeling something wasn't right. 12:44 So I actually called my husband at work, 12:46 which is quite a ways away, 12:47 I said you need to come right now. 12:49 And I said I have a gut feeling something is not right. 12:52 And he arrived eventually and the doctor said 12:55 she has found something. 12:57 And we needed to get over to Loma Linda 12:59 as soon as possible. 13:02 Was your doctor an Adventist doctor? 13:04 No, she wasn't Adventist, 13:05 the doctor we got eventually was 13:07 and we were just like what and-- 13:10 her eyes were dilated, it wouldn't clear up. 13:13 So for like seven days, she's had a hard time seeing 13:16 and I talk to a physician at church, a pediatrician 13:19 and you know, she explained it wasn't normal 13:21 and my life forever changed. 13:24 Yes. Yes. So did Del'lia's. 13:27 So you got her into Loma Linda. 13:29 I did. And what'd you find? 13:31 We found out she developed myelinated fibers in her eyes 13:34 and they're cluster to make it look like it was a mess, 13:37 almost like a tumor 13:39 and because it was undiagnosed for so long, 13:41 it shut up that side of her brain in her eye. 13:44 We started in many patching process 13:46 of 12 to 16 hours a day 13:48 that eye was patched 13:49 and she was forced to use that eye didn't work. 13:51 I see. 13:52 And then eventually that led to surgery 13:54 at St. Louis Children's Hospital. 13:56 We had a lens transplant doctor. 13:58 So you brought her all the way back here to St.- 13:59 Brought her all the way back here. 14:00 Now that-- I guess it's a good hospital. 14:02 We've had some young people 14:03 from our church in that hospital. 14:04 It's a excellent hospital. 14:06 Since then unfortunately the surgery didn't work 14:09 and we just made the best of it. 14:11 Now is this tumor in the brain or in the eye itself? 14:14 It's in the eye. It covers the optical nerve. 14:16 Oh, okay. 14:17 Yes, it's not operable we've been told 14:19 it's a medical anomalies at first to ever occur. 14:22 Wow. 14:24 Okay, you get this kick in a stomach. 14:26 Oh, yes. 14:27 You know, which is all you can describe it. 14:30 Your life is going along pretty good 14:32 and now you get this really tough diagnosis. 14:35 How do you and your husband handle it? 14:37 We fall to our knees. 14:40 We fall to our knees all I could do is cry to God. 14:43 Because I didn't have answer for it 14:45 and God is perfect in His timing right. 14:48 When I got the diagnosis my favorite aunt Betty Perham, 14:51 was a pastor's wife called 14:53 and that kept me from losing it. 14:54 Betty Perham husband of-- 14:56 Roy Perham, 14:58 she called so that kept me from losing it 15:00 in the doctor's office and I stepped out 15:02 explaining what was going on. 15:04 And it gave me a calmness and a peace that I needed 15:07 and I had a classmate from college, 15:09 her name is Marva Green who flew out to California 15:12 to be by my side for a week pregnant with my guy son. 15:16 And it just gave me the calmness-- 15:19 That I needed and my husband to get through 15:21 I had a sister Deniada who lived in town. 15:23 We were able to go to the church 15:25 and kind of get away from our home church for little while, 15:27 they did a anointing on her 15:29 and then we came back to Mark Rubido, 15:31 they found and now they did anointing on Del'lia 15:34 and after that we stayed home a lot. 15:36 It was just really hard for her to be out in public, 15:38 comes in with lot of pain. 15:39 Yeah, so there was some pain. 15:41 Yes, there was some pains associate with her. 15:44 You know, it was very difficult 15:45 for all of us to see her like that. 15:48 Now, just to the punch line on this because 15:52 she has something that cannot be cured. 15:54 No. 15:55 Yeah, can it be successfully treated? 15:57 No. 15:58 It can't be good, it can't be treated. 15:59 No, so she's something-- she's just got to live with it. 16:01 Yes. 16:02 Yeah, once you and your husband 'cause your husband a doctor. 16:04 Yes. 16:06 Who sort of took it a little rougher? 16:10 I did. Yeah. 16:11 He was very calm about it. It was oh, driving me crazy. 16:17 But I understand that we needed a calm one 16:19 and it was definitely him. 16:21 Yeah, yeah, 16:22 I always tell my wife when thing get little crazy, 16:24 somebody's got to stay on shore and hold the rope 16:26 you know, we both can't dive off. 16:27 Somebody's got to hold the rope. 16:28 He did. Definitely, he held the rope. 16:30 Yes. Praise the Lord. 16:31 Yet with all of that you realize 16:33 you still got to be a strong for your daughter. 16:35 What was the long term prognosis? 16:38 We got the diagnosis, what was it about? 16:39 Will she be able to function, what were they telling you? 16:41 The long time diagnosis we she was going to be 16:44 totally blind in the left eye after the surgery didn't work. 16:48 And we could look at other things 16:50 and she transferred to UC Irvine, 16:52 she goes to the government eye institute. 16:54 They've done a battery of tests 16:56 and as of last week the doctor still doesn't know 16:59 as to what really cause the myelinated fibers to come. 17:02 And now we've been told that 17:04 she is legally blind in her right eye now. 17:06 Myelinated fiber? 17:08 Yes and myopia and some other names I can't pronounce. 17:11 Yeah, yeah, and they don't know where this started, 17:13 how it came just-- 17:14 No clue. 17:15 Yeah, wow, wow. She was at the time-- 17:21 Very athletic. 17:22 Yes, yes, talk to me about that. 17:23 What was she doing? 17:24 Basketball, soccer, tennis. 17:28 go-karting, skateboarding, you name it she did it. 17:32 Golfing. Just a physical young girl. 17:34 Oh, yes. 17:35 And doing good in school. Yes, very well. 17:38 So now stuff had to change little bit. 17:41 A little bit you mean a lot. 17:44 Talk to us about some of the changes 17:45 that in the wake of the surgery which is unsuccessful. 17:50 How do you navigate those waters now? 17:53 Well, we continue patching for like another year and half. 17:56 We changed her diet my mom suggested we went vegan 17:59 for almost two years in our home. 18:01 And we did a naturalistic herb that we tried for her. 18:04 She's still on that today. 18:06 And we started tracking her bedtime 18:12 as a result losing her sight, she has sleep apnea. 18:16 And it keeps the whole house up. 18:19 So we were working you know, on it to help her out 18:21 but she has to be in bed by eight. 18:24 When she doesn't get her rest, she will fall asleep at class 18:27 because condition makes her very tired, very quickly. 18:31 We got large print for the school 18:32 and when that didn't happened 18:34 the entire school has become computerized. 18:36 So now she could see all of her books 18:39 and she got a CCTV machine she uses everyday at school. 18:43 What was that machine? 18:44 It's a closed caption television. 18:46 So she has one at her desk and we have one at home. 18:49 So she can do her homework. Yeah, 'cause that's important. 18:52 So really her-- 18:54 her challenge her disability call it or you will-- 18:57 Yeah. 18:58 Kind of help the whole school 18:59 because in trying to facilitate her needs, 19:01 the whole school got benefited. 19:02 Oh, yes, they're very happy. 19:05 Was that a tough thing for you to do 19:06 to try to get that in that school-- 19:08 It was. Kind of roll in. 19:09 No, it was very challenging and we had to change schools. 19:12 We have to get advocate 19:13 and eventually I had to get a disability attorney 19:16 to get everything taken care off. 19:19 Are you doing good in school now, Del'lia? 19:20 Yes. 19:22 You like school and you still do some sports too don't you? 19:25 Yes. Yeah, praise the Lord. 19:28 Not gonna let that stop you, amen. 19:31 So she's in school. She's still doing good. 19:34 What about the sports were they impacted a lot? 19:36 Yes, the doctor at Loma Linda took all of her sports away. 19:40 So you went for my child and you know, 19:41 who's outside all the time in the front yard, backyard-- 19:45 And she was stuck inside and she lost her twinkle. 19:49 Yeah. 19:50 And I didn't know what else to do 19:52 because she would just sit on side and cry. 19:54 Yeah. And I just started praying. 19:56 I asked for God's guidance and when we went to UC Irvine, 19:59 they were like she's got to something. 20:00 She's athletic look at these muscles in her arm. 20:04 I looked those arms before I said 20:05 that girl's got some muscles. 20:08 She's swinging a club or a bat-- 20:10 And she's done little some development 20:12 but what was the mindset in pulling her out of sports? 20:16 I don't know. I don't know. 20:18 This is what the doctor felt. 20:20 Her new physician was like no let her play sports 20:23 just give some protective glasses. 20:24 Yeah, yeah. And that's exactly what we did. 20:26 Sitting in house is helping anything. 20:27 Oh, it wasn't. 20:29 Yeah, what's your favorite sport? 20:31 What do you like to do the best? 20:32 I'd play golf and basketball. 20:35 Golf and basketball and a little birdie told me 20:37 you're pretty good at golf. 20:42 Actually it's your mom 20:45 but so the doctor put her back on sports? 20:48 Did it help her mental state as far as-- 20:50 I think it really has-- 20:51 yeah, have my daughter back now. 20:54 Yeah. 20:55 The question that I guess begs to be asked 20:57 because having this she generates 21:00 a lot of care and a lot of time. 21:03 You got two other children. 21:05 How did you're spending the require time on the other? 21:09 How did it affect them? I'm not really sure. 21:13 I learned to do mommy dates with them 21:16 in that way each child would get equal time 21:18 with ma 'cause Del'lia gets a whole lot more 21:21 than her siblings do. 21:23 And we had to get a baby sitter to come in and help a lot. 21:26 And my husband you know, 21:28 would help us much as he could but he works a lot so-- 21:31 Yeah. He couldn't do too much. 21:32 And we just rotate, have a schedule with them 21:34 where it's mommy time every week 21:36 that way they didn't fell left out. 21:38 Yeah, yeah, so each child gets designated time for them solo. 21:45 What are some of the kinds of things 21:46 you do during those time? 21:47 My oldest daughter is on the Piranhas Swim Team 21:50 first black female. 21:52 And I would go to her practice, 21:54 we just stood by herself 21:55 and you know, cheer her on. 21:56 Recently my son joined last month 21:58 and you know, I was cheering them on. 22:00 And he was like you need to get in the pool. 22:02 I was like oh, no that's not going to happen 22:04 but I did and I joined the parent's 22:08 master class last week. 22:09 All right. 22:10 And it's held at Drayson 22:11 which is at Loma Linda University 22:13 and so I'm in the pool with my kids 22:15 from Sunday to Thursday. 22:17 So it's a good bonding time with them. 22:18 And I go to then meet with them 22:20 so I look forward to the physical benefits. 22:22 And not bad exercise either, right? 22:23 Yes, not bad. 22:25 Now we got to talk about this because your, 22:28 the job that you described to me 22:30 that you were doing fairly demanding job. 22:32 Yes. 22:33 Lot of mental work lot off, 22:35 you had to make some-- 22:36 Adjustments. Yeah. 22:38 Yes, I needed a new career 22:40 that would allow me to be home with my kids. 22:42 And so I became entertainment publicist. 22:45 So an entertainment publicist. Yes. 22:48 Okay, walk us through that? 22:50 My oldest daughter decided to write a book for my mother 22:52 and they were having some issues with the publisher. 22:55 And I talked to my brother-in-law 22:56 who as an attorney before he became a pastor. 22:59 And he was like you need to be in publicist, 23:00 you are in the wrong field. 23:01 And I was yeah, yeah, yeah but he showed up at my house 23:04 with a book about that thick materials 23:06 he had put together. 23:07 Thank you, Gary Anderson by the way, 23:09 Pastor Anderson and after I read the material 23:12 I said you know, I like to talk check. 23:15 I'm a Christian. Check. I'm fashionable. Check. 23:19 I like to travel. Check. Check. Check. 23:21 And so I talked to another friend 23:24 who is in the industry, 23:25 who was also a publicist and they were Christians. 23:28 I've asked was it a good fit for me 23:29 and she said, yeah, 23:30 so I have two mentors in the field 23:32 and I started getting clients and we went from there. 23:36 It allows me to still be home during a week 23:39 and only travel on the weekends. 23:40 I see. I see. Yeah. 23:42 So it allows you to put in the time 23:44 to sort of take care of things-- 23:45 So my children don't suffer, they have their mommy. 23:47 Yeah, now that is a field 23:48 that I don't suspect is loaded with Christians. 23:51 Oh, definitely not. 23:55 Are you able to sort of take your Jesus with you, 23:57 you know as your function. 23:58 I am. Yeah. 23:59 When I have a clause in my contract says 24:01 no drinking and smoking. 24:03 And when they're around me 24:04 and don't be like oh, Miss Deia in room, 24:06 hide your liquor, hide your liquor. 24:08 But I'm okay with that though because I think 24:11 you can't think well as a artist 24:12 when you are liberated. 24:14 And so they're like well, why don't you-- 24:15 you know, why don't you drink? Why don't you smoke? 24:17 And I let them know hey, I'm Seventh-day Adventist 24:19 this is what we believe in, 24:20 it's just not good for your body. 24:22 And I says you'll do better in your craft 24:24 if you're not doing all these things. 24:26 And I have seen the significant difference 24:28 that says I've come into their lives as a publicist. 24:30 I've got in better roles 24:32 because we're not drinking and smoking. 24:34 And they're trying to find, and they are trying to do that 24:38 something of health laws 24:39 that's what I've been incorporating 24:41 into my business. 24:42 So you kind of take the name of Jesus with you. 24:44 Everywhere I go. 24:47 Now I'm told that Del'lia and her brother 24:51 are very, very close. 24:53 And it came about the time of the diagnosis, 24:56 tell us about that? 24:57 Well, one day we heard Del'lia crying 24:59 and I rushed into the room about 2 o'clock in the morning 25:02 her brother was there. 25:03 And he's like you don't have to worry, 25:04 I got this. Now, he's the younger brother. 25:06 But he took on role as the bigger brother 25:08 and so for the first two years 25:10 he's slept at the front of her bed. 25:12 And oh, I just used the crack 25:13 it's just such a beautiful thing to see. 25:16 Now they are inseparable they have their own bedrooms. 25:19 And they still sleep together, they just rotate rooms now. 25:22 I guess she's out to clean your room Del'lia for the week. 25:25 But they're inseparable and I love the closest 25:28 they're you're part that the two have as a result. 25:31 Or for diagnosis and you know he told me 25:33 they're never gonna get married. 25:34 They're just gonna live together 25:36 for the rest of their lives. 25:37 Okay, and how old is he? She's nine and Mike is eight. 25:40 Okay, give him some time. 25:42 I know. So you love your brother a lot. 25:46 Does he help you a lot in stuff? 25:49 He's fun to be with? Yeah. Very protective. 25:52 Yeah, yeah, how did you determine 25:54 where you're gonna sleep? 25:55 'Cause you sleep kind of together right? 25:58 Yeah, how do you make that decision? 26:01 Which room is the cleanest? 26:04 Okay, that's very pragmatic 26:06 which room is the clean is that's where we go. 26:08 It's usually his. Very, very good. 26:11 Does he do good in school too? Yes. 26:15 So he takes care of you and helps you in stuff. 26:17 But it doesn't seem like you need a lot of help 26:19 because you seem very independent, right? 26:21 And you like to do stuff. 26:23 Now I'm told that your favorite game is golf. 26:28 Are you very good at it? Yes. 26:31 In all humility I'm. That's quite all right. 26:36 You like to play it huh? Hmm. 26:38 When do you get a chance to play? 26:41 Mostly when my mom takes me too a golf club 26:45 and sometimes, when I finish all my work, 26:48 I get to play in my back yard. 26:50 Oh, you practice and your putting 26:52 and stuff, no doubt. 26:53 Oh, praise the Lord. 26:54 Now this got kicked off by something that you did 26:58 which I've never heard of before a golf party. 27:01 Walk us through that experience? 27:02 Last summer we'd had a challenging summer 27:04 her grandfather Dr. Winder Williams passed away. 27:07 And Del'lia was having enough time with it 27:10 and she was like I know when we feel better 27:11 let's go play some golf. 27:13 And I was like well, you know talk about that 27:16 so I went to the golf course, 27:18 explained to them my daughter is visually impaired 27:20 and could they handle that? 27:21 And they're like we've never done that before 27:23 but let's try. 27:24 And half the kids were visually impaired 27:26 who came to the party with their parents 27:28 and other half weren't 27:30 and it was 8 o'clock in the morning 27:31 because they had a golf tournament that morning. 27:34 But we got there on time 27:35 and we had two instructors to come out, 27:37 it was the first time for many parents playing golf. 27:40 And it was such an exciting thing 27:42 to see and the kids just had great time. 27:46 It got little hot you know, 27:47 by 9:30 it was like almost 100 degrees 27:50 So we only last about an hour and half 27:53 outside and then we came in for a very nice meal, 27:57 people got to chose what they wanted 27:58 and I surprised Del'lia with golf kick 28:01 with that she could actually keep the little cart 28:04 that moved around and everything. 28:05 And everyone at the golf course is cheering her on 28:09 and they say well, we're gonna have to do this 28:11 more often because they had never done it 28:13 for a job before and each kid left 28:14 with a kid version of a golf set 28:18 and their own balls. 28:19 Wow. Yeah. 28:20 Wow, that's impressive. 28:22 Now that wasn't the first time 28:23 for you playing golf though right? 28:24 You've played it before. Yes. 28:26 Yeah, yeah, that's a nice idea. Thank you. 28:29 Yeah, yeah, now something happened 28:31 out of that-- out of that time that's kind of ongoing. 28:34 Yeah, she got some free golf lessons. 28:36 Yay. 28:39 And I think you told me that 28:41 the instructor was kind of impressed to do it 28:44 for a number of reasons 28:45 one because she showed some promise. 28:47 Yes. Yeah. 28:48 He thinks she can have career in a PGA. 28:51 Get out of here. Yeah. 28:52 Wow. 28:57 And also I think that was-- 28:58 as you mentioned that's the first time 28:59 do they ever had ever seen something quite like that. 29:02 He didn't want to take the money. 29:03 He was like oh, no, no, don't worry about it. 29:06 I like that. Yeah. 29:07 Praise the Lord. 29:08 How many people we're talking about that came to the party. 29:11 40. Oh, it's a good size. 29:12 Yeah, real good size 29:14 and that was just half the people. 29:17 So your lessons are ongoing? 29:18 She's having lessons even as we speak. 29:20 How often does he take around? 29:22 We usually get it once every two weeks. 29:24 We would like to be more 29:25 but you know the prices are little steep. 29:27 Yeah, yeah. 29:31 So we can't afford 29:32 to do lesson two three times a week. 29:34 That would be my goal in a near future for her. 29:37 So he does believe that she has that she shows promise. 29:39 Yes, definitely. 29:40 Oh, that's what I say, I saw the little development here 29:43 that make little muscle for me, Del'lia. 29:45 Look at that. 29:46 Yeah, flaunt that muscle, you know what. 29:47 She's been to something because yeah, 29:49 she's got development there. 29:50 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 29:52 And she practices in the yard. Oh, everyday. 29:55 I've never seen a child 29:56 doing homework so fast in my life. 29:58 I'm done and done, can I go play golf? 30:00 I'm like yeah, Del'lia, go ahead. 30:03 And the gardener is always fussing about the golf ball. 30:05 Del'lia, pick him up. 30:09 She's like well you see them then why pick. 30:11 Now you do you said, you do golf, 30:13 you do basketball what else? 30:18 That's it I think. Yeah. 30:19 Yeah, that's enough. Yeah. 30:21 You know. 30:22 Momma don't wanted to get hurt. 30:23 Yeah, right, that's enough. 30:26 Maybe she can take care of you in your old day, 30:27 you know, if she gets good enough. 30:30 Well, praise the Lord for that. 30:31 Praise God. 30:32 So the upside is that here 30:36 the diagnosis hasn't really slowed her down a lot. 30:39 I mean it's changed some things. 30:40 Yeah. 30:41 But it seems like 30:42 you're weathering the storm pretty good. 30:44 Because of God. 30:45 Yeah. 30:46 All because of God we're in His hands. 30:49 We didn't think we could get through this. 30:51 We just didn't, 30:53 I couldn't see pass the diagnosis. 30:55 Yeah. 30:56 But now I just see a bright future for my daughter 30:58 and all of my kids because of it 31:01 then it's made us closer as a family too. 31:03 I'm sure. 31:04 Tell me little about what the ongoing treatment 31:06 because okay, she's is doing golf. 31:08 She's doing sports. She's doing well in school. 31:11 Obviously the treatment regimen is pulling time away. 31:14 Talk to me about that? 31:15 Oh, she misses quite a few days at school 31:17 because our doctors are hour and half away. 31:18 Oh, okay. 31:19 And so what we have to do is schedule it out 31:22 our e mother teacher, usually a week in advance, 31:25 I give for the days for the month 31:26 that she's gonna be gone. 31:27 So you already, you know, you can kind of pre planned. 31:29 Yeah, I'm very organized and the teacher sends the work 31:33 and we just get it done. 31:34 And when we come back to school she turns it in. 31:38 So that, you like that? 31:40 Oh, yeah, she doesn't complain it all. 31:42 Sure. 31:44 Spend it sometime. 31:45 Now your husband you told me is the, 31:46 is the-- 31:47 a doctor in the prison system in California. 31:50 Yes, he is. 31:51 So his schedule is pretty nailed out. 31:54 Oh, yeah. 31:55 Yeah, yeah, is he assigned to one facility 31:57 or just he moves around? 31:58 He's assigned to one facility. 31:59 He used to work at two when they were stressed out 32:02 because he's bilingual speaks Spanish very well. 32:05 But it takes him away from home a lot. 32:08 Yeah, yeah, 32:09 so mommy is carrying the ball this time. 32:11 Yeah, I am, I mean that's the challenging part. 32:15 How do you juggle the 'cause from what you've just given me, 32:21 you've got three children, 32:22 each one get some specific time designated for that child. 32:26 Then Del'lia takes a little more, 32:29 I mean there's more stuff has to be done. 32:31 Then you've got to do the publicist thing 32:33 and then you got to do the whole general mommy deal. 32:35 Yeah. 32:36 Cooking, cleaning, house doesn't clean itself. 32:38 It sure doesn't-- obvious. 32:39 And the meals don't cook by themselves, 32:41 so we got to cook 'em. 32:42 So how do you-- walk me through how you-- 32:44 I became very organized. 32:46 I didn't wasn't like that as a child sorry mom, 32:48 but I became one when I got married 32:51 and I have a calendar. 32:53 And I cook for week at a time. 32:55 Okay. 32:56 So on Sundays after pathfinders, 32:58 I cook for the whole week. 32:59 I put out a calendar sticking on the fridge 33:01 so they know what they're getting 33:02 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 33:03 Get out of here. 33:04 'Cause my son's always asking what's for breakfast? 33:06 And then he eat breakfast, what's for lunch? 33:08 And I'm like Michael what's for dinner? 33:10 What's for breakfast the next day? 33:11 And I'm like your looking at the calendar? 33:12 Well, now what's for lunch? So it's ongoing process, 33:16 so after I did that I decided to use 33:19 the calendar for the schedule. 33:21 So I know exactly when they had 33:22 to be picked up from the bus. 33:24 What time the oldest has to be at Loma Linda, 33:26 I've calculated the traffic time, the weather. 33:31 So all the clothes are ironed 33:32 and folded and put up for the week on Sundays. 33:36 Wow. 33:37 And then somehow when they're in school 33:39 that when I work. 33:40 Okay. 33:41 So Sunday is kind of a chop, chop day at your house. 33:43 Oh, most definitely. 33:45 But that's-- that's I mean, 33:47 necessity as a mother then you had to do this. 33:48 Yeah, I didn't have a choice. 33:49 You had to bring some kind of structure 33:51 into this whole deal. 33:52 Yeah, does the oldest one help you at all? 33:54 She does well, actually all three have chores. 33:56 Oh, good. 33:57 I didn't say they always do them. 33:58 Yeah, but-- 34:00 It's a challenge. Yeah. Yeah. 34:01 But they all have chores. 34:03 Yeah, they all have chores. 34:04 Excellent. Excellent. Praise the Lord. 34:05 Del'lia doesn't have his many but-- 34:07 Del'lia, what do you do 34:08 around the house to help out? 34:12 All three of us I do my brother's bathroom. 34:16 I do my room and we help my momma with the clothes 34:24 and we put out clothes up and vacuum that's all. 34:29 And vacuum that's a lot. 34:32 That's a lot. 34:33 That's well done, what is your brother do? 34:38 I see your mother laughing. 34:41 You got to take in your time to. 34:44 I'm getting a little feeling here. 34:46 He's supposed to help vacuum? 34:47 And do the bathroom with Del'lia. 34:50 And the trash. 34:52 That doesn't always happen in his room. 34:55 So I'm usually in his room a lot. 34:58 He likes to take his clothes 34:59 and throw them up under his bin. 35:01 But he doesn't have something that covers it, 35:03 so I see them when I walk in. 35:04 Yeah, yeah, 35:05 So he spends a lot of time with his clothes. 35:07 Yeah, my neat clothes. 35:08 Now are they in three different schools 35:09 or all in same? 35:10 No, they are in two different schools. 35:11 My oldest is at Loma Linda Academy 35:13 she's is in the sixth grade 35:14 and my younger two are in public school 35:15 at Hermann Hills, 35:17 it's a five minute drive from my house. 35:19 A Loma Linda little further. 35:20 Yeah, it's about 20 minutes. 35:22 Okay, okay. 35:23 So do they get picked up 35:24 or you take them to school every morning. 35:26 Del'lia and Michael get picked up from the bus 35:27 and my oldest I have to take her school everyday. 35:30 Pick her up. 35:31 So everybody is doing good in school? 35:33 Yeah, they are now. 35:36 It sounds like story. 35:39 They are just kids. Yeah. 35:41 They have their ups and their downs so-- 35:43 But they are doing well now. 35:44 Do you-- it's I know you're youngest 35:47 and Del'lia get along well. 35:49 Does resurging get along pretty good? 35:50 Yeah, they do, Nadia we call her the mommy. 35:53 Yeah, very motherly, a little bossy sometimes so-- 35:56 We're working on that. 35:57 Yeah. 35:59 That's the progress keep pray church pray. 36:02 Well, praise the Lord. 36:04 You weathered a lot of things 36:09 and I'm impressed that you changed your career 36:12 but you also picked up a whole-- 36:15 how do I say different set of skills maybe not skills 36:19 but you adjusted your life to accommodate that-- 36:24 let me ask you one of those 36:25 kind of philosophical ontological questions 36:27 we throw it every now and again. 36:30 How much do you think if you're talking to a parent? 36:34 A parent should change their life to accommodate a child. 36:38 Isn't something that parents are called to do? 36:41 Is it worth doing. 36:43 You've made significant changes, career changes. 36:46 How you approach life changes, 36:48 how you deal with the other children. 36:49 Is that too much? 36:51 Is that too much to ask to skew so much 36:53 to accommodate one child? 36:55 It's a lot to ask but God gave us our children. 36:58 Yes. 36:59 And we're just here to be the care takers, 37:01 they're his kids first. 37:02 And it says so in a Bible 37:04 you're supposed to take care of them. 37:06 And so that means if I have to cook 37:07 and clean and change my career, I'll do it. 37:09 Yeah. 37:10 Because this is his baby, 37:12 I'm just to facilitate 37:13 until he comes and take us all home. 37:15 Praise the Lord. 37:16 Now obviously you have the support of your husband, 37:18 he-- who cannot be there all the time 37:20 because the nature of his work. 37:22 But obviously you're in this thing together. 37:23 Most definitely. 37:24 Yeah. And we praise the Lord for it. 37:26 Amen. 37:27 Yeah, so you don't get to see daddy quite as much? 37:31 Yeah. 37:33 Not so much 37:34 but obviously it's a loving, a loving, a loving family. 37:37 Is he-- does he get to come home every night or is he? 37:40 If he's not on call. 37:41 Oh. 37:42 You know, he's on call quite a bit, yeah. 37:45 The fact that he's doing, he's a prison doctor, 37:48 does that worry you at all? 37:49 No, not at all 37:50 because I had the criminal justice background 37:52 I'm always asking. 37:53 Hey, what happen at work today? 37:54 Is there anything exciting? 37:56 And when it doesn't happen I'm like darn me. 38:02 We've all been to the prison, I've clearance for it. 38:05 It's a very nice facility. 38:07 I felt very safe for him. 38:08 He has guards right then and there. 38:10 He's working on patients 38:11 so he say he's never felt afraid for his life 38:14 he says God's has always been there for him. 38:16 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 38:20 Does he work solo in a facility 38:22 or there're group of doctors working? 38:23 Group of doctors. 38:24 Okay, so he's not by himself. 38:26 No. Praise the Lord. 38:27 Amen for that. 38:31 He's not the only one. 38:35 Walk me through if you will. 38:39 Well, let me put it this way, 38:40 for those parents 38:42 who get the kind of tough diagnosis that you've got. 38:46 Because you had once that is fine now 38:49 but he had some challenges. 38:53 A little bit about the strength that comes 38:55 from trusting in the Lord 38:57 and how the Lord can hold you through. 38:59 I mean, the doctor says, the doctors are telling you. 39:02 No, no play, no anything, sitting in the house 39:05 and kind of just vegetate. 39:08 We can't treat it, we can't cure it. 39:12 You know how do you find Jesus it 39:15 at that point in your journey? 39:17 It could be very challenging. 39:19 I'm not gonna lie and say that 39:20 it was very easy for us it wasn't. 39:23 It was a struggle but we had both 39:25 two sets of praying parents. 39:28 And some of the older ladies in the church 39:30 and if it wasn't for this trip 39:32 it wouldn't have gotten us through. 39:36 So you had people that were 39:37 I mean, kind of just in the trench with you. 39:39 Oh, yes. Yeah. 39:40 Oh, yes. 39:43 Halt now-- your parents are where? 39:46 Mississippi. Okay. 39:47 Yeah, they're in Terry, Mississippi. 39:49 And his parents? 39:51 Well, we just have his mom now 39:53 and they are in the Bay area within California. 39:55 Okay, so they're not close. 39:56 No, they're six hours away. 39:58 Yeah, but we still got telephones 39:59 and we still got-- 40:01 Face time, we still got ways to Skype and everything else. 40:04 Yes and he has brother, he has siblings. 40:06 Brother-in-law, he's a physician in Bermuda 40:08 and another brother-in-law who is in California, 40:10 he is a physician also. 40:12 Okay, this is kind of family, and his dad was a physician. 40:14 Dentist. Dentist. 40:15 Okay, a dentist okay, so every body is in medicine. 40:17 Yeah, praise the Lord. Yeah, that's good. 40:20 That is so good. 40:21 So you must feel very, very loved 40:24 by your parents? 40:25 Yes. Yeah, she's such a cutie. 40:29 I want to talk to you about-- 40:31 do you play basketball at your school? 40:35 No. No? 40:36 Just around the house, just outside and stuff. 40:39 Yeah, but golf is the one kind of your favorite, right? 40:42 Yeah, yeah, you mentioned you said something at passing, 40:46 are all these in pathfinders? 40:49 Yes, they're all in pathfinders. 40:50 All in pathfinders, my soul that's another OP in a pot. 40:54 You like pathfinders? Yeah. 40:56 Did they have a golf honor in pathfinders? 40:58 If they do we didn't know anything about it. 41:01 Yeah, I was just wondering-- 41:02 I'm gonna have to research that. 41:05 You need to check that out 41:08 and see you are in the fourth grade? 41:11 Fourth grade, fourth grade. 41:13 Now walk me through 41:15 because you mentioned that 41:17 in trying to facilitate her needs the school got 41:22 additional equipment. 41:24 So she has a computer at her desk? 41:25 Yes, got a close caption televisions 41:28 and she also has 41:29 very large Google chrome book as well. 41:32 And between the two of them 41:33 it makes a very large print for her. 41:35 Okay, for all of her work. 41:36 So that's for-- that's for just studying 41:38 that she had all of her books on that computer? 41:40 Yes, she does. Okay, okay. 41:43 Now that's loaded on by the school, 41:44 is done by the school? 41:46 Yeah, it's done by the school. 41:48 Oh, I see. I see. 41:50 So then to do that 41:51 then everybody's got internet at the school. 41:53 Yes, they do. Okay, praise the Lord. 41:55 Thank to mommy. Yes. 41:58 And a little-- a little persuasion. 42:00 You like school obviously. Yes. 42:02 Does the computer help you a lot? 42:05 So you're able to do and you have one at home. 42:07 Yes, I do. Do you like your homework? 42:10 Yeah. 42:11 Yeah, I want to go back to you Deia 42:14 because your daughter's situation kind of -- 42:18 kind of parallels mind, went to public school 42:22 for the first grade 42:23 and then my sight just deteriorated. 42:26 Repeated first grade in blind school, 42:29 brail the whole deal and then at sixth grade 42:32 my sight improved to go back to public school. 42:35 But was always legally blind, 42:37 really have very little sight in my right eye 42:40 and kind of function with my left eye. 42:42 So I know that your brain can-- 42:43 your brain will do what needs to be done 42:45 to get the job done. 42:46 Yeah, most definitely. 42:47 Yeah, it'll compensate and you'll be surprised 42:49 with what you can do with one eye. 42:52 She has some vision in her left eye or no vision? 42:56 No vision at all. No vision at all. 42:58 No. Okay. 43:00 And they don't know what's going to happen 43:01 long term with the other eye. 43:03 No, they don't. 43:04 And there's no way to kind of determine. 43:06 No. Wow, wow. 43:08 Man doesn't have an answer but God does. 43:10 Yeah, yeah, praise the Lord. 43:12 Yeah, that's something to keep in prayer, 43:13 but you can get a lot done. 43:15 Obviously you get a lot done, 43:18 I'm impressed that she's so good with golf 43:21 because of the need for depth of field to-- 43:24 you know, you are judging 43:25 how far something is in breaking 43:26 when you're putting and doing little things 43:28 you got to really kind of-- but obviously she is-- 43:31 her brain has made those calculations 43:33 and does that well. 43:35 You know, yeah, and you like golf too, right. 43:37 Yes. Because you are good at it. 43:41 Yeah, that's correct. 43:43 She's does not want to say but I think she's pretty good. 43:47 I guess the instructor is telling her that 43:48 she's pretty good. 43:49 Yeah, they are. 43:51 And we praise the Lord. 43:52 What about now? 43:53 You saying that she's not always able to get out 43:55 to churches much as you like 43:56 because sometimes it's a little burned out 43:59 and weekends are little tired. 44:00 Yeah, she sleeps a lot 44:02 more than you would say a traditional child 44:04 and so on Sabbath, 44:05 what we have to do is -- a lot of TV. 44:08 And so we can watch it 44:10 you know when she finally gets up. 44:12 And we started visiting university church 44:14 because it get out a lot earlier 44:16 than Mt. Rubidoux. 44:17 And so we could be home by 1 o'clock in afternoon 44:19 and she can even get a nap in. 44:21 Who's the pastor at Mt. Rubidoux. 44:22 Michael Kelly. 44:23 Okay, yeah, I know the name and know that church. 44:26 So she's got to have x numbers of hours of sleep 44:29 or there's some ramifications? 44:30 Oh, most definitely. Yeah, yeah. 44:31 Yeah, she won't function well 44:33 if she doesn't get at least 10-12 hours. 44:35 Ah-ah. So she goes to bed very early. 44:39 She's in kind of with the chicken 44:40 well not the chicken I guess-- 44:42 I don't know who goes early but she's got to get 10. 44:45 Yeah, she's in between bed between seven and eight 44:47 and she's up by 6. 44:49 Okay, now if that require number of hours 44:52 is not gotten what's the-- 44:54 you know, what happens? 44:55 She gets headaches really bad 44:56 and she has a hard time seeing in the right eye 44:59 a little bit of dizziness 45:00 and she will fall asleep in class. 45:01 Oh, boy. Yeah. 45:03 So as you can tell kind of tell right away. 45:05 Yeah, now that's the consequence of the-- 45:09 Lack of vision. Lack of... Uh-huh. 45:12 Yeah, she didn't have these visions before. 45:15 Does the room has to be totally black 45:16 or she have any light in there. 45:18 Are there any consequences for that? 45:20 No, not that we seem, 45:21 she does have some light sensitivity, 45:23 so I'm very mindful of that. 45:25 I usually keep very large glasses 45:27 for her to wear in a summer 45:28 'cause it makes a little bit difficult for her. 45:31 And as long as she has 45:33 the protective gear on, she's okay. 45:35 She'll let me know hey, mom, this is too bright. 45:37 I needed to get my glasses on, 45:39 you know, I have a really bad migraine. 45:40 She's become very vocal over the years. 45:43 Yeah, I got to stand and for so. 45:44 Now having receive so much of information 45:47 by the computer screen 45:48 is there any worry that looking at a-- 45:51 basically a television screen so much 45:53 is gonna do any kind of damage or-- 45:55 They haven't told of us about any worry 45:56 but what I do is. 45:58 We don't watch television at home, 45:59 she doesn't or her siblings. 46:01 So that's the only time that she's on a screen is at school. 46:04 Is at school. 46:05 I guess homework too if she has too. 46:07 Yes. Yeah, now that. 46:09 How that working out? No TV? 46:10 Well, in my way I think it's fine. 46:17 It was the way I was raised. 46:18 So I didn't want my kids to be TV watchers. 46:22 So that's just how it is. 46:23 They could do videos on Friday night. 46:25 We go to the Christian book store and buy videos 46:28 on Friday night to bring in the Sabbath. 46:30 And maybe something -- but that's it. 46:33 So this is very, a very controlled-- 46:34 Environment, yes. Yeah, environment I suppose. 46:36 Well, you know most of the stuff out there, 46:38 you're not missing anything anyway? 46:39 I don't think so. 46:42 And that's a family decision, everybody is cool with that. 46:44 Yes. 46:45 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 46:47 So you don't miss TV? 46:49 Not really not over all golf to be played, 46:51 you know, there's balls to be hit 46:52 all that kind of stuff. 46:53 Oh, yeah, that's true 46:55 and I let them play as much as they like. 46:57 I haven't been getting outside and-- 46:59 Oh, we live in a cul-de-sac and you know they play a lot. 47:03 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 47:06 Very quickly, Exquistemarketing. 47:10 That's the-- is that the ministry 47:12 or is that your job now? 47:13 That's my ministry and it's my job. 47:15 Okay, walk me through that real fast? 47:17 Well, I just felt that because I'm the child of the God 47:19 of God I'm exquisite already. 47:21 So I came up with that title 47:23 and then I spot as exquisite differently. 47:25 Yeah. So it's only one eye, not two. 47:27 Yes, yes. 47:28 Because I'm giving him all the glory and praise. 47:31 When I'm working and I added the marketing 47:33 because we do a lot of marketing 47:35 for our clients as well. 47:37 Do you advocate for young people with challenges also? 47:40 If I needed to of course, I would. 47:42 Yeah. Yeah, most definitely. 47:44 Yeah, yeah, praise the Lord. 47:45 I just-- I have to because I-- 47:47 when I saw this exquiste. 47:51 I automatically chassis 47:53 somebody spelt this thing wrong. 47:55 So I went and I changed it and then when I thought 47:57 I had to go back and take it out. 47:59 Well, that is the correct spelling. 48:00 That is the correct spelling. 48:01 Exquistemarketing, 48:02 so this is your job and your ministry. 48:04 And obviously you've been Christ into-- 48:07 into your. 48:08 And before we became very mainstream 48:10 and we have clients from all over. 48:11 We did small things. 48:12 I've been cooking for moms in the community 48:15 Christian or not for 15 years. 48:17 So anyone who had a new baby, 48:19 if I got a referral, 48:20 I will bring a small token amount 48:22 for the gift for the baby and a meal. 48:24 And it gave me the opportunity 48:25 to you know, hold a baby and mom taking it 48:29 a much needed shower. 48:31 I've got to give your flowers 48:32 because your day, your life is very full 48:35 and though you have a child with challenges, 48:37 you haven't centered your life around her. 48:39 There's still enough left in your heart 48:41 to share with other people. 48:42 And I give you kudos for that 48:44 because I think that's how we put legs on our religion. 48:47 That's how we show how Christ 48:48 is in your heart and in our lives. 48:50 Now we want to go to our address role. 48:55 You may want to make contact with Deia. 48:58 First of all, she can give you encouragement 49:00 if you have a child that is have some challenges. 49:03 And two she can perhaps helps you 49:05 to interface with your community 49:07 in new and creative ways because I see that in her 49:11 and you just need someone to hold your hand 49:13 and walk you thorough some tough stuff 49:14 and I think she can do that. 49:16 If you like to make contact with Exquistemarketing. 49:19 That's how you can do precisely that. 49:24 If you'd like to know more about this ministry, 49:26 then you can write to Exquistemarketing 49:29 1440 Beaumont Ave. A2-214 Beaumont, CA 92223. 49:36 That's Exquistemarketing 1440 Beaumont Ave. 49:41 A2-214 Beaumont, CA 92223. 49:47 You can call 951-567-9387. 49:52 That's 951-567-9387 or visit them online 49:57 at 49:59 that's E-X-Q-U-I-S-T-E- M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G.C-O-M 50:13 And so that is the information 50:15 and maybe you can have Del'lia give you some golf lessons 50:19 when you make contact with them. 50:22 Jill Morikone returns and she's gonna be playing, 50:25 Great is Thy Faithfulness. |
Revised 2015-07-02