3ABN Today

New Project - Children's Century Classics

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton & Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dwight Hall & Tim Leffew


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015005B

00:01 Well, I hope you're like me and Yvonne,
00:03 here we're pretty excited about what's happening, right?
00:05 We really are. This is really exciting.
00:08 Isn't this great?
00:09 It really is. It's a win, win.
00:10 Yeah. Everybody wins.
00:12 Absolutely, Dwight, I want to talk a little bit,
00:13 we've got a little bit of time and we did this on purpose.
00:18 I want you to talk about because in order
00:20 to put a book out into doctor's office,
00:23 into wherever, I'm just using that--
00:25 Sure. We can get it out.
00:26 You need some sponsorship for that,
00:28 and dependent how much comes in
00:30 and it's how many these you can get into the hands
00:32 of the allies is right to get them out there.
00:34 Tell us how that works.
00:35 If, we're doing this around two dollars,
00:38 we are subsidizing the source Georgia Cumberland
00:40 because the colporteur don't have a lot of money
00:42 and they need to get them to the--
00:44 all these doctors offices, dentists offices.
00:46 That's the book that will be in there--
00:47 The lead book, not the seven volumes--
00:49 Just the lead book,
00:50 so they can read them and order the book.
00:52 And if we can get enough sponsorship
00:55 for maybe 60,000 books
00:56 or something like that the colporteurs
00:58 can get in within a six week period of time.
01:01 If you only have the money that you've got at the time,
01:04 it might take a year, year and half.
01:05 And the thing is that's fine accepting
01:07 wouldn't be greater just get these out
01:10 to every office right away.
01:11 You have the army, you got the boots
01:13 on the ground so to speak but let's--
01:15 that's what we knew, so it would be nice
01:16 if viewers who are watching that
01:19 they would someone probably bend allies for years
01:22 and they, maybe they've come in some money
01:23 and they could help out a little bit.
01:25 Well, I think it's a new day
01:26 and that's the thing we're learning here today.
01:28 It's a new day, a way to get out
01:30 because I've heard that too,
01:31 you know, publishing is on the down.
01:33 You know, and its juts fading out.
01:36 But it's really not. It's not.
01:37 I mean, that would be a tool of the devil to say
01:39 well, let's just don't do publishing anymore.
01:41 That's right. Right.
01:42 You know, because the books
01:44 are to go out like the leaves in autumn.
01:46 Didn't say till 19-- you know, 100 or 2,000
01:50 whatever it says they are to go out.
01:52 So I believe that this will be a huge part
01:54 of the ministry of taking the gospel to the world.
01:57 Television, radio, all of these things great
02:00 but it's only when we join hands together
02:03 then the work of God on this earth be finished.
02:05 So I want you to talk for just a minute
02:08 or so, Tim, there is somebody out here
02:10 this folks watching maybe look into the camera
02:12 just thinking about
02:13 maybe they want to be used to the Lord
02:16 and possibly they're thinking about the ally work.
02:19 What would you say to them?
02:21 Well, I would say, act upon it now,
02:23 when the spirit's moving upon your heart.
02:25 I honestly believe that
02:28 we've short time left to reach people,
02:30 as we look out there and we see all of the people
02:33 that don't know of Jesus,
02:35 somebody is got to go to them
02:37 saying, if the Lord impresses your heart,
02:39 now is the time to serve Jesus while we have time left.
02:42 Now is the time to commit our life
02:44 as when we stand at the end of time,
02:47 there are greatest reward will have as the people
02:49 that we been able to contact through the kingdom.
02:52 And so I would encourage you
02:53 to become involved in literature ministry,
02:55 whether its passing out texts
02:57 whether it's full time whether its part time,
02:59 whether its sometime, be involved in leaving
03:02 people's permanent written material,
03:05 that they can turn to and find the Lord
03:07 and find the Savior that we know.
03:10 And today is our opportunity to serve.
03:14 I believe there are people wanting to do it as again
03:16 just talking to somebody this week,
03:19 I'm so encouraged that
03:20 God has people all around this world,
03:23 it's willing to step up but they don't know what to do.
03:25 If you say, you know,
03:27 this person I talked to in his 40s.
03:29 Well, man, if I go to you know,
03:31 if I go to a school, seminaries years
03:34 but I want to do something for the Lord
03:36 now, this is a great way to do.
03:37 What we want we want to do,
03:38 we want to put an address upon the screen
03:40 and so if you're interested in becoming ally,
03:42 you want to know about this project,
03:44 you want to donate all the information is there,
03:47 so we gonna go to it right now.
03:50 If you would like to learn how you can get the books,
03:52 Children's Century Classics,
03:54 then you can write to Family Home Christian Books,
03:57 649 East Chicago Road, Coldwater, Michigan, 49036.
04:03 That's Family Home Christian Books,
04:05 649 East Chicago Road, Coldwater, Michigan, 49036.
04:11 You can call 800-426-3954,
04:16 that's 800 the number four
04:18 then the letters A-New-Life
04:23 or visit them online at familyhomechristianbooks.com.
04:27 That's familyhomechristianbooks.com.
04:40 Well, our time is all gone for today,
04:42 we want to thank Dwight and Tim for being here,
04:45 Yvonne for being here.
04:46 For those of you at home thank you
04:48 for what you do for the cause of God,
04:50 Jesus is coming soon
04:52 and today is the hour to get ready.
04:54 Our time is all gone for today until we see you next time
04:56 may the Lord richly bless you
04:58 abundantly more than you can ever ask or think.


Revised 2015-07-02