3ABN Today

New Project - Children's Century Classics

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton & Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dwight Hall & Tim Leffew


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015005A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:09 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day.
01:12 Thank you for your love and your prayers
01:14 and financial support of 3ABN
01:16 as we endeavor to take this great gospel
01:17 of the kingdom into all the world.
01:20 It's my privilege to have co-host today Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
01:23 Yay!
01:24 Are you excited?
01:25 I am so happy--
01:26 Do you know these folk over here?
01:28 I do now. We do.
01:29 Let's introduce our guest, Brother Dwight Hall.
01:31 Good to see you, Danny.
01:32 Remnant Publications, how you doing?
01:33 I'm doing well. Great.
01:35 I'm doing well. Thank you.
01:36 Great, you have a little guy you brought with you today.
01:38 I saw when you stood up while ago
01:40 first thing I ask him does he play basketball?
01:42 And he said not that much but it's Tim and it's Leffew.
01:46 That's right.
01:47 All right, how about that Tim Leffew?
01:49 Yvonne told me it's like nephew.
01:50 That's right.
01:51 That's how I remember that.
01:53 And, Tim, we're glad to have you here.
01:54 Thank you.
01:55 Now, Dwight, how long is Remnant Publications.
01:57 When did you start it?
01:58 Well, we started in 1985 so it's--
02:01 I think this year is 30 years for us.
02:02 I think you're little older than many of the ministries,
02:05 little older than us.
02:06 Oh, thanks. We go back a long way.
02:08 You don't have to do the personal dig.
02:09 Right.
02:10 Now, we're just talking about ministries.
02:12 Yeah, right, we're amongst friends, right?
02:14 Yeah, there's I go.
02:15 We kind of talked to each other that way.
02:17 We've got used to each other.
02:18 I don't know if we enjoy but I guess we do.
02:20 We've done it for so long.
02:22 Now I love Dwight and love his ministry,
02:24 love his passion for the gospel because Dwight has passion.
02:29 He's like that energizer bunny.
02:31 He gets kick and he keeps coming back up
02:34 and so honestly I appreciate that
02:36 and that's something that we've had to have in common.
02:38 That's not easy being in any ministry
02:41 or in any thing for 30 years, you know.
02:44 But somehow the Lord has blessed
02:46 and so it's going to be a great program today.
02:49 There's lots of things happening
02:51 and remember Jesus said,
02:52 go ye into all the world and when he goes
02:54 into all the world, guess what happens.
02:56 When this gospel of the kingdom
02:57 goes into all the world, it's the beginning not the end,
03:00 it's the end of this earth and this life
03:02 but a beginning of eternity.
03:03 So I'm always happy to join hands with folk,
03:07 Yvonne, that like Dwight and Remnant
03:10 because we've done a lot of projects
03:12 together over the years.
03:13 And the Ten Commandments books
03:15 were probably the biggest thing.
03:16 How many of those eventually
03:17 went out, over 10 million?
03:19 Yeah, it's hard to say 'cause people actually pirated
03:22 those books in another parts of the world
03:23 and just start printing them.
03:24 So we don't really know
03:26 but we did I think well over 7 million
03:28 and maybe going on to 8 million,
03:30 you know, as time goes on but who knows I mean a lot.
03:32 Okay. All right.
03:34 Lot of 'em gone out there
03:35 and we've got some great responses for that too.
03:37 Absolutely.
03:38 We'll talk a little more about some of the other projects
03:40 in a few moments but we have a special friend
03:42 who is going to be doing music for us today.
03:44 Oh, we do and he is a dear friend of this ministry.
03:47 Absolutely and us.
03:49 And us, absolutely, and he is such a blessing.
03:51 T Marshall Kelly
03:53 and he is going to sing ''He's the One.''
04:13 Is there anyone can help us
04:17 One who understands our hearts
04:22 When the thorns of life
04:25 have pierced them
04:27 till they bleed
04:33 One who sympathizes with us
04:38 When tenderness imparts
04:44 Just the very, very blessing
04:51 that we need
04:58 Is there anyone can help us
05:03 Who can give a sinner peace
05:07 When his heart is burdened down with pain and woe
05:19 Who will speak the word of pardon
05:24 that affords a sweet release
05:29 And whose blood can wash
05:32 and make us pure like snow
05:41 Yes, there is One, only One
05:53 His blessed name is Jesus
05:58 He is that One
06:04 Yes, afflictions will press our soul
06:10 And the waves of trouble will roll
06:15 But we have a friend
06:19 who will help us
06:23 He is the One
06:30 Is there anyone can help us
06:35 When the end is drawing near
06:41 Who will go thro' death's dark waters by our side
06:52 Who will light the way before us
06:57 And dispel all doubt and fear
07:02 And He will resurrect us when He comes again
07:13 Oh, yes, there is one
07:19 Only one
07:24 His blessed name is Jesus
07:30 He is that One
07:37 Afflictions will press our soul
07:42 And the waves of trouble will roll
07:49 But we have a friend
07:52 who will help us
07:57 Jesus is that One
08:13 Amen. Absolutely beautiful.
08:15 I love T Marshall and Pastor T Marshall
08:18 and also love his music.
08:20 Me too.
08:21 I love the fact
08:22 and you and I've talked about this before that
08:25 he doesn't just sing a song, he ministers the song.
08:27 Absolutely.
08:28 There's a difference between ministry and performance.
08:29 Absolutely.
08:31 It is ministry and I know
08:33 I feel an anointing every time he sings.
08:36 And he has never done anything different
08:37 and since, you know, 30-40 years ago he doesn't,
08:42 Dwight and Tim, he's not out there for show.
08:45 Right.
08:46 He just literally is communicating
08:48 the good news of salvation
08:50 and does it with such resonance
08:51 and such beauty that I really do,
08:54 I love him as a person but I love his music also.
08:58 Speaking to that, Dwight,
08:59 we were talking about you--
09:00 you for 30 years,
09:02 you've been in ministry of Remnant Publications
09:04 but we got to find out a little bit about Tim.
09:06 This is first time I've interviewed you, Tim.
09:09 Tell me little bit about your background?
09:10 Where're you from originally
09:12 and where you raised in a Christian home?
09:14 I was, I currently live in Cleveland, Tennessee,
09:17 just outside of Chattanooga.
09:18 Okay.
09:19 And I was very blessed to be raised in a Christian home.
09:21 My mother and grandmother were very devotes
09:23 Seventh-day Adventists.
09:25 In fact my interest in the literature ministry
09:28 which I'm involved in today came from my grandmother.
09:31 Just back in the early 1900
09:33 she was a literature of evangelist.
09:34 When I was young, she used to tell me stories
09:37 about her canvassing and she used to say
09:39 I'd rather canvass then eat.
09:41 She loved to eat, so I knew that--
09:43 I knew that was an important thing
09:44 but it made a big impact on me.
09:46 But I've been blessed for the last 33 years
09:49 be involved in literature evangelism
09:50 or connected with the literature evangelists.
09:53 So when you were going through higher school and all that,
09:55 did you always know you wanted to be a Christian
09:59 did you ever say, you know,
10:00 I don't think, the way you like Dwight
10:02 and just go out there somewhere
10:03 for a while and then come back.
10:05 I took a little detour along the way.
10:07 I didn't take a motorcycle riding,
10:09 I don't think like that.
10:12 But I did take a little detour
10:13 and really was about my junior year in high school
10:15 when the Lord really took possession of my life
10:18 and I know that I wanted to serve Him at that time.
10:21 Okay,
10:22 so you decide I'm gonna do something for the Lord.
10:25 Did you go to college?
10:26 I did.
10:27 At first I felt like I was called to the ministry
10:29 and I went to Southern Adventist University
10:31 graduated from their program there in theology.
10:34 But during my college years,
10:36 I had a friend that invited me to come
10:38 and work as a student literature evangelist.
10:40 Okay.
10:41 And from the very first call I knew that that's what
10:45 the Lord wanted me to do.
10:47 It's 100% outreach to people who have never heard about
10:51 our special message in the kingdom of God.
10:53 And it was such an opportunity,
10:55 I loved it then and I love it now,
10:57 Well, the folks who do that tend to have a gift to gab,
11:00 I mean you almost need to, right?
11:02 'Cause you gonna knock on somebody's door
11:03 you don't even know.
11:04 Is that the way you started? You just go--
11:06 No. Absolutely not.
11:08 In fact I could tell a story about when I did start.
11:10 Well, let me hear it.
11:11 When I--
11:12 Let's hear it.
11:13 Well, I was actually very bashful at the time.
11:15 Really?
11:17 They had a machine that was a Dukane machine.
11:18 You may remember those, you stick a cassette in there
11:21 and a little tone and it switch.
11:22 I do. They gave it.
11:23 They gave the presentation all we have to do is go to the home
11:26 and get in and they gave the presentation
11:29 and then we had to have the--
11:30 the presence of mind to try and ask for the people
11:33 to get the books.
11:34 Well, I knocked on the--
11:36 all went down the street just knocking on the doors
11:38 and the first home I went to,
11:40 I practiced my presentation over and over.
11:43 I mean, I give it perfect in front of the mirror
11:45 but nobody ever interrupted me in front of the mirror.
11:49 And I knocked on this lady's door,
11:50 told her who I was
11:51 and she interrupted me
11:54 and my mind went totally blank,
11:57 totally blank, I couldn't say a word.
11:59 I looked at her and she looked at me
12:02 and finally she closed the door.
12:04 And I walked down that sidewalk so defeated,
12:07 I didn't think I ever want to knock on another door
12:09 again but that's the way the devil works,
12:11 you know, he has a discouragement
12:13 before the blessing comes.
12:14 And when I got down to the end of the street,
12:16 a lady invited me and I had my little Dukane machine.
12:19 I went inside and believe this is a true story.
12:21 I got inside and I got so nervous
12:23 I couldn't plug that machine into the wall.
12:25 I had to ask the lady to come over and plug it in.
12:28 But when it was done
12:29 she said, you know, I want to get those books
12:31 and she bought the series from me.
12:33 And when I left the home she said God sent you here today
12:37 and that was the first time in my life that I ever knew
12:39 that God had used me
12:40 and there was something inside of me
12:42 that said I want to do that again.
12:43 I want to do that again.
12:45 And it is just a continuing
12:46 and I still want to do it again.
12:48 He hasn't left me since then.
12:50 The blessing that comes from service is a blessing
12:52 you can get no other way in your life.
12:55 And one of the things that Danny is written about
12:58 is the blessings on the go.
13:00 So if you just step out there and do it,
13:03 which is what you did,
13:04 you kind of recoiled from the first house
13:08 but when you went to the second one,
13:10 you know, the Lord gave you the courage
13:11 and you did that and you--
13:13 and that she responded really well to it.
13:15 So I think that kind of reinforced your desire
13:18 to kind of do it again.
13:20 Oh, absolutely. 'Cause it was encouraging.
13:21 Yeah, absolutely.
13:23 You know, what a better time,
13:24 no better time than to bring up,
13:26 we did our day of prayer sometime ago
13:28 and always beginning of a new year.
13:30 And I was talking to Dee Hilderbrand.
13:32 Dwight, you know Dee well, right?
13:34 And so Dee is somebody that's always going.
13:37 She is in hurry, she does everything.
13:40 She wears all kinds of hats.
13:41 Anything we need in ministry, you call her day and night,
13:43 she's willing to do it.
13:45 But it reminds me what you were saying,
13:47 you go there and you are not really sure
13:48 and you're little bashful so at our day of prayer
13:51 I'm interviewing Dee in front of all the workers
13:54 and we're talking and she and--
13:55 I had some point kind of got on to her about her whatever,
13:58 well, Dee, you should do this or that and she said,
14:00 remember what I said to you.
14:02 Even though I don't know what I'm doing,
14:04 it doesn't slow me down.
14:07 So I said now that is deep.
14:09 So...well, I want to get t-shirts
14:12 and say even though I don't know what I'm doing,
14:13 it doesn't slow me down.
14:15 Just think about it, if you can come to the...
14:18 to the face to face with Jesus on judgment day
14:22 and you look up and say,
14:23 Lord, even though I don't know what I'm doing,
14:25 it didn't slow me down.
14:26 He's probably gonna say come on in.
14:28 That's right. Come on in.
14:29 So everything that we do in life,
14:32 it's not like you have to know or have it down path.
14:34 You tried, you went front of the mirror
14:37 but when you got here in front of the lady
14:40 suddenly you kind of went blank but it didn't slow you down.
14:44 So now you go down to the next house
14:46 and then a lady says, Tim,
14:48 you know, the Lord sent you here
14:51 and then it's a whole new revelation.
14:52 Absolutely. That's right.
14:54 And what a great feeling to know that God is using you.
14:57 Oh, yes.
14:58 I think there's no better feeling than to know that
15:00 God is using you to accomplish His purposes.
15:03 Absolutely.
15:04 To know that you're God's person in God's place
15:07 at God's time, there's nothing that can match that.
15:10 Yes. Nothing that can match it.
15:11 So you decided when you were in college that this is--
15:15 this was the path that God had you on
15:17 as opposed to pastoring.
15:19 Yes, that is correct. That is correct.
15:21 When I looked to what the Lord
15:23 cared to have me do
15:24 and I looked at the gospel commission,
15:26 so many of our ministries are based on come ye, come ye.
15:29 We have the meetings and we want people to come
15:32 but the real gospel commission is go ye.
15:34 Come on. You got to go to the world.
15:36 Who is gonna reach the people?
15:38 Well, most people out there don't even know we exist
15:41 unless somebody takes the gospel to them.
15:43 They're not gonna come wandering in our church doors.
15:45 Somebody's got to go to them and introduce 'em.
15:47 They even give 'em a chance to know about the gospel
15:50 and I thought that's what I want to do
15:52 you know with my life is to reach people
15:54 that have never had a chance even to hear once.
15:57 That's incredible.
15:58 Not too many I don't think I've talked about it much on the air
16:01 but right after I got out of high school,
16:03 I did little, well, I went to Auburn school for a year,
16:07 which I never really used license pract or nursing
16:10 but I didn't know if I wanted to go far there not.
16:12 But I ended up somebody come by and said
16:14 you should be a literature evangelist,
16:15 I think 'cause I talk a lot.
16:17 Then you should be a literature evangelist,
16:19 so I did it for a year in the Illinois Conference.
16:22 And I learned what it's like to get door shut in your face
16:25 or doors not opened, see people home and you're knocking.
16:28 They look at you and just ignore you
16:29 but also found what it was like
16:31 to be able to get into somebody's home
16:33 to pray with people
16:35 and to see that kids come around,
16:36 see excitement
16:38 and be able to leave those books in their hands.
16:40 And then some days you have a great day,
16:42 I stopped that there's a little church over in Benton, Illinois
16:45 and I knew the pastor somewhat and not real well
16:49 but I'd sang over in his church with my family,
16:52 so I stopped in and it was in the evening almost dark,
16:54 hadn't done much all day long.
16:57 And so I knock on the door
16:59 and he says, come on in, come on in, he's in the study.
17:01 So I say let me show you these books you know.
17:04 And so I'm thinking maybe they got a few kids.
17:06 It's probably only 100 plus member church.
17:09 So I said I want to show you these Bible stories.
17:12 Oh, do you sell those?
17:15 I said yeah, and he said you would not believe
17:17 I've been looking everywhere for those.
17:19 He said I have a young married class.
17:22 I have 23 young married couples
17:24 and I want everyone of 'em to buy these sets.
17:26 Amen.
17:27 He said we don't have Sunday school,
17:28 I teach out of these--
17:30 out of the bed or the Bible stories, that the Uncle Arthur.
17:34 Yeah, Uncle Arthur's Bible stories.
17:36 This is what I used for Sunday's school
17:38 'cause a lot of these folk are new Christians
17:40 and I want a simple understanding.
17:42 So he said you go,
17:44 I'll give you names and the addresses,
17:46 you go to every door and I'm gonna call 'em
17:48 make sure they buy it.
17:49 I don't want any excuse well, that day I sold 23 sets.
17:54 That was your happy day. That was my big day.
17:56 All right 20, and when you knock on the door
17:59 oh, we're so glad.
18:00 Elder, elder--
18:01 the pastor called us and said you were coming.
18:03 So I said now not all days are like that.
18:05 I guess they just are waiting for that.
18:08 Well, that can be a Bible story record I think.
18:09 I guess.
18:10 But you know ministry in general, Tim,
18:12 it's whether you're pastor
18:14 you know, whether you're singer, whether whatever.
18:16 The devil hates people who's out
18:18 and doing things for the Lord, right?
18:20 And so but...for you to be in this for 33 years.
18:23 That's right.
18:24 So give us some where did you work?
18:26 I mean, always in Tennessee?
18:28 It's always been in the south in the Southern Union.
18:31 I've worked in every conference in the Southern Union
18:33 with exception of Florida, nothing against Florida.
18:35 I've just never been there and I've started out
18:39 my literature ministry in the Gulf States Conference
18:42 as a literature evangelist,
18:43 I've worked in the Carolina Conference
18:45 as a literature evangelist in the district training.
18:47 And as publishing director
18:48 of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.
18:50 And now currently I'm publishing director
18:52 of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
18:54 and working with family home Christian books as well.
18:57 Well, okay.
18:58 What was the most rewarding experience you had
19:01 when you were doing literature evangelism?
19:03 Door to door?
19:05 Now that is a hard question for a literature evangelist.
19:07 We have a lot of beautiful experiences
19:10 but I think of course the baptism experiences
19:14 which I've had a number of them.
19:16 You really can't but to know
19:17 again, just to know that God is providentially there
19:21 and that God has led you to a spot.
19:24 And I remember one time,
19:26 I was working in Eastern North Carolina
19:29 and I did followed up on a car and nobody was there.
19:33 And I had to leave the area next day
19:35 but I got in my car
19:36 and I looked down at the seat beside me
19:38 and the card was there for that home.
19:40 And I just felt really impressed to go see
19:43 that car and I had a little discussion with the Lord
19:45 'cause it was way out of the way
19:47 and finally I gave in and I went there.
19:50 When I drove up to the door,
19:53 to my surprise there was a car that was there in the driveway.
19:56 I'd asked the day before and figured out
19:58 that they worked during the day and when I knocked on the door,
20:01 little grandmotherly lady came to the door
20:03 and she invited me in.
20:05 And before I began my presentation
20:08 I always asked why they sent the card in?
20:11 And she said well, I send it in for my husband.
20:15 And she said he doesn't have much education
20:17 but I saw the Bible story books
20:18 and thought it would be a marvelous thing for him.
20:21 She said but that's all changed.
20:23 She said about the month ago,
20:24 she said my husband went down to the local store,
20:27 a drunk driver came through the intersection
20:30 and killed him.
20:31 And I said, well, Lord why do you have me here?
20:33 And she insisted that I go on with my presentation
20:36 which I did.
20:38 And when I got down to the end,
20:39 I was showing her the book Bible readings
20:40 for the home you know,
20:41 we always hold the book upside down and we kind of fall it,
20:43 you know, how you did when you can,
20:45 so they can see the book.
20:47 And she stopped me, she said, I want to tell you something.
20:49 You're probably not gonna believe this.
20:51 She said but since my husband has passed away,
20:53 it's been really hard and the evenings
20:54 been very difficult.
20:56 She said last night I was so discouraged
20:58 that I just went to bed early.
21:00 And it had been long time since she'd sent this card in
21:03 asking about the books.
21:04 She said that when I went to sleep,
21:06 finally went to sleep she said I had a dream.
21:09 She said in that dream I saw that the next day
21:12 the man was gonna come representing
21:14 these Bible story books--
21:15 How about that?
21:16 And I knew what it was likes to be like Moses.
21:18 I want to rip off my shoes
21:21 and say God I'm on a holy ground.
21:22 You're standing on a holy ground.
21:24 She said but I took off work today
21:26 because I believe that that dream would come to pass.
21:28 Absolutely.
21:29 And I tell you, you cannot replace an experience--
21:32 Maybe that's just a coincidence.
21:35 If it was, it was the best one that ever happened to me.
21:39 Well, we-- we're famous around here for saying,
21:41 we don't believe in coincidence,
21:42 we believe in divine providence.
21:44 Oh, absolutely.
21:45 Think about that the lady had the faith,
21:48 had a dream to stay home--
21:49 That's right to get those volumes and she got 'em
21:52 so she can teach the young people
21:53 in her neighborhood about the Bible.
21:56 But just again, to know that you're God's person
21:58 right where God wants you at the time
22:00 that God wants you there filling the need.
22:02 There's just nothing that can replace.
22:04 Well, what a beautiful, beautiful experience.
22:07 So tell me how you got--
22:09 how you and Dwight work together?
22:10 How did you guys meet
22:11 and what's your relationship now?
22:13 Well, that's one of those God's providence things--
22:16 Okay.
22:17 It's not coincidence. It's providence here.
22:20 As you may know in North America
22:21 there's been a lot of change in the publishing ministry.
22:25 And there's a lot of independent
22:27 literature evangelists out there
22:28 that suddenly found themselves without a support program,
22:32 plus with our regular literature evangelists,
22:34 we were trying to think how can we take literature evangelism
22:36 to a new level to help us out.
22:39 And Jim Wilson who works for organization
22:42 that had been talking with Dwight and Dwight said,
22:44 you know, I have this really good program, it's that--
22:47 it's an online program that
22:49 I think would work with literature evangelist.
22:51 And Jim called me up and he said, this is it.
22:54 He said, we got to do this,
22:55 don't let it pass by, just like that.
22:58 And so we started talking and it really has been
23:01 a tremendous blessing on our program.
23:04 Your ministry or organization's family home Christian books?
23:06 Family home Christian books, that's right.
23:08 And it's a web based program for literature evangelist.
23:11 Every literature evangelist receives a web page.
23:14 Okay.
23:15 And when they go out, they make contacts.
23:17 Before we've always had the problem,
23:19 a literature evangelist can contact the lot of people,
23:21 but to do follow up from all those people
23:23 is almost an impossible thing for me to do.
23:25 Well, with this program after they--
23:27 in a home the people register
23:29 and we put them in on our system
23:31 and then once a month we send them specials
23:33 and we keep in contact with the people.
23:35 And the literature evangelists as the people ordered
23:37 they get the commission just as if
23:39 they were in the home at that time.
23:40 Oh, wow. That is great.
23:41 If they had it that time,
23:43 you know, I might still be doing.
23:45 But it makes a--
23:46 It's too late for me moving back in it.
23:48 It makes a residual income for the literature evangelist
23:50 that allows us to keep in contact with the people.
23:52 When they order, the literature evangelist
23:54 can call him and thank him and start developing
23:56 a relationship with people that are sincerely interested.
24:00 Plus it gives us database for evangelism.
24:04 If the town is having an evangelistic series
24:06 or cooking school.
24:07 We're developing this huge database of information.
24:11 All they have to do is contacts.
24:12 We know everybody just bought a cookbook.
24:14 We know everybody's bought a prophecy book.
24:16 And we can send them specialized invitations
24:19 for these events.
24:20 That's tremendous.
24:21 That to me, that's bringing the gospel up--
24:24 Well, the gospel is timeless
24:25 but it's bringing the message up to our time.
24:29 It's so...that is a, it's a win-win for everybody.
24:32 Oh, we think it just, it was God send,
24:35 there's no other way to look at it.
24:37 It blends the traditional literature evangelism.
24:39 You cannot replace face to face contact,
24:41 door to door.
24:42 But you got to have some mechanism
24:44 and it spraggs the mechanism for contact for future orders
24:48 for building up there a way
24:49 that they can stay in their ministry.
24:50 It's just an all around blessing.
24:52 And so we developed this relationship
24:57 and Remnant Publications has been a big blessing
25:00 as far as they help with our shipping
25:03 and lot of the technology that they help developed.
25:06 But it's actually grown much bigger
25:09 than just Remnant Publications and organization.
25:12 Dwight and I both, we have the vision
25:14 that now is the time when every ministry
25:16 and Adventist Church should be working together.
25:19 The day has come when we first to stop
25:21 being independent ministries doing what we're doing.
25:24 And so we've gone into partnership
25:26 with other ministries.
25:27 You know, for instance Breath Of Life,
25:29 It Is Written, and 3ABN as well, and Amazing Facts.
25:34 We've gone into a partnership with these,
25:36 where as literature evangelist used to carry half a dozen
25:40 or dozen items to make available to people.
25:43 Now we have over 500 items
25:46 that the literature evangelist can offer in home.
25:48 If a person is interested in prophecy but doesn't read,
25:51 you know, they can get John Bradshaw's prophecy DVDs
25:54 from literature evangelists and literature evangelists
25:56 makes a commission based on that,
25:58 so it just opened up lots of options.
26:02 And something else too which he mentioned the partnership
26:04 but like with 3ABN is partnering
26:07 on the deal with bookmarks.
26:10 So what happens on the one side of the bookmark
26:11 which I think Tim has one here.
26:15 This is, this is... it is Written one
26:17 but you have 3ABN on there and on the back
26:19 then the LEs has the number on there.
26:23 Which that's what gives them their commission
26:25 with that person but they go there in person
26:27 which you know about meet in advertising,
26:29 you only get a percentage.
26:31 Well, when you hand somebody and say
26:33 hey, you need to be watching 3ABN,
26:35 they have cooking classes.
26:37 You know they have doctor classes
26:38 and inspirationally they have lots of things.
26:40 So you share that and it say and that shows on that bookmark
26:43 how they can turn on to that television station.
26:46 So those LEs that are pounding the payments so to speak,
26:49 there's hundreds of LEs out there.
26:51 They are out there knocking on the doors,
26:52 handing out that bookmark which to me is touch.
26:56 It's not just on the air, so it's a pretty neat thing
26:59 when you think about it, you know.
27:00 That's wonderful.
27:01 You are also doing something
27:02 I think with the antichrist agenda, right?
27:04 That is right. That is right.
27:06 Of course during the summer we have this army
27:08 of young people that come in, our Magabook students.
27:10 I saw it and it looks beautiful.
27:12 Absolutely beautiful. Oh, it is, it is.
27:13 And Brandon was--
27:15 Brandon Tygret developed it here.
27:17 They actually called us
27:18 and said what are the people in the field
27:20 and that was a blessing to us.
27:21 And what are the people in the field need
27:23 out of this book to make it presentable
27:26 from your perspective.
27:27 And he tried to work with us in developing a book
27:29 in such a way that it would fit our needs.
27:30 Yeah, that's wonderful.
27:32 We were centering and I want to center in on specifically
27:37 what we're here, one of the... the testimony is great.
27:40 Thank you for those. It encourages us so much.
27:43 Couple things I want to do.
27:44 I want to center in on the newest project
27:46 you guys got going, I think it's amazing.
27:48 But also for people who are there now.
27:51 In fact I just talked to a guy the other day,
27:53 he's been in business, a businessman
27:56 fairly new Adventist and he said to me,
27:58 I just don't know what I'm gonna do,
28:00 I went out of that, I feel like--
28:02 I want to work for the Lord but I'm not a pastor.
28:04 He's a great guy smiling, I'm sitting here thinking,
28:07 what about the people who are watching,
28:08 maybe they want to get involved and say you know what,
28:11 I want to become a literature evangelist.
28:13 Is there anyway they can contact you?
28:14 Who should they do this work with?
28:17 Maybe they say we want to work with,
28:18 with you all and think about is to help
28:21 because I believe there are people watching this says,
28:23 you know what,
28:24 I want to get away from what I was doing.
28:26 I want to just spend my time in the Lord's work
28:28 and especially when you hear stories like this
28:31 that Tim is sharing with us.
28:32 It makes you want to get out there
28:33 and be part of the Lord's work.
28:35 And that's the beauty of the program
28:36 that we have now.
28:38 Because if-- since we service with the internet,
28:41 then the literature evangelist can actually go to the internet
28:44 order their books.
28:45 They can get training, they can get all of that
28:47 by this website that anybody anywhere
28:50 can sign up for the program.
28:52 And we believe, you know, some people in our day
28:55 and time believes that publishing is on its last leg.
28:58 We don't believe that.
28:59 We believe the revival is coming in publishing.
29:02 We believe the Lord is pouring out sprit and people
29:04 just like you talked about from all over are calling
29:07 and saying we want to do something for Lord.
29:09 People realize the times we live in.
29:11 But what it is that Yvonne hit on it is
29:14 because you are bringing--
29:15 you're incorporating the technology,
29:17 today's technology just books in general, you know,
29:21 but when we're gonna find out what you have going here,
29:24 I mean it's not like you're just picking up
29:26 34 years ago book and reading it.
29:28 Because everybody I mean, kids know more about computers
29:32 than phones and all that than most of us adults do.
29:35 So if you're gonna keep that audience,
29:37 you got to find ways to interact with them.
29:40 That's right and the neat thing too
29:41 just going back maybe a little bit
29:44 on who can get involved?
29:47 The one thing about the literature evangelism
29:49 is it's pretty much a full time job.
29:50 It wasn't really brought out to be a part time job.
29:53 Sure.
29:54 And my dream has always been, what about the homes,
29:56 kids at home schooling?
29:58 You know, I've...I've been to different churches
30:02 and say I want something for our kids,
30:04 I like to see them knocking the door
30:06 and just share around the neighborhood.
30:08 And I would, you know, the mother would go with him
30:10 or the father whatever so.
30:11 It's pretty cool because it's a part time thing.
30:14 I would say there's thousands of viewers,
30:17 they could do something on a part time basis.
30:20 They're not worried about the money.
30:22 They just want to reach the neighborhood
30:23 and yet and they care something so they cannot be so shy
30:27 and they can go to door and the parents can help them.
30:29 So anybody can get involved
30:30 and I and so it isn't like you got to get in this
30:32 and do it 8-10 hours a day.
30:34 You can do it two hours a day.
30:36 What if somebody has never got a book out ever?
30:40 And they just did one in the year,
30:41 to me that's successful.
30:43 You know, because they didn't-- and what if that book
30:45 went to somebody that became a baptized member
30:48 and they would they'd be evangelists
30:50 and baptize thousands of people.
30:52 I mean if you can imagine that, so it's what can one book do?
30:56 You know so it isn't like I wouldn't be successful
30:59 if I only can get 10 books out.
31:01 I mean what if they get three out,
31:03 it could be successful and that's what
31:05 so neat about the program.
31:06 And they have a website. Absolutely.
31:09 It really ensures, you know, that the opportunity
31:13 for future orders, because they have a website.
31:16 I mean, I think that's a-- this is a magnificent idea.
31:18 And they're touched every, every month
31:20 and we're gonna do probably end up
31:21 doing it probably every two weeks.
31:24 Where any new products that come out
31:26 and of course you have a database,
31:27 so if they bought a set of the Bible stories,
31:29 if they bought bed time stories,
31:30 if they bought, you know, whatever they bought
31:34 then you know that and you say--
31:36 you have got this, you enjoyed this,
31:37 you might enjoy this.
31:39 It's a new product out there.
31:40 And so now they can buy that
31:42 because the colporteurs can't continue to go back
31:44 to the same doors, but they do need to use--
31:46 those are their client so to speak
31:49 and that's how you build that.
31:51 Anyway it excites me when I talk about it.
31:53 I get excited too when I think about, you know,
31:55 using technology to reach people for Jesus
31:58 I mean that's the thing. It's awesome.
31:59 Absolutely.
32:00 Well, let's talk about this book.
32:02 I see a book here called the Miracle Man.
32:04 Yeah. Tell us about this?
32:06 Well, and the product we show on the screen right now.
32:10 We're designing it-- it's on the screen.
32:11 We're designing a series seven volumes set
32:14 of the Bible stories but really it goes along
32:18 with the Conflict of the Ages.
32:20 So the one neat thing about these,
32:21 now I want to make a statement right now,
32:24 my parents read me the Bible stories.
32:27 Okay.
32:28 I listened them over and over again.
32:30 When we-- my wife and I got married,
32:32 Debbie and I got married, we bought a set
32:34 and we read 'em to our kids.
32:36 And you cannot be-- that's an icon
32:39 they're like 65 years, they came out in the 50s.
32:41 I mean that's an icon but the one thing about those
32:45 is that they haven't really changed that much
32:47 and there's not interaction.
32:49 So this seven volume set is out of the conflict,
32:52 so is but the neat thing is the seventh volume
32:54 is on the Great Controversy but for kids.
32:56 Okay. Okay, that's number one.
32:58 Number two is we at the end of every chapter
33:01 on these seven volumes set is an interaction page,
33:06 there's a QR code, okay.
33:08 And there is also a prayer for the story like Goliath,
33:12 it says I think the prayer is one line,
33:14 it basically says when you feel you have giants, obstacles,
33:19 you can trust in God just like David did.
33:22 There's an app in here that will take--
33:25 you can just put your Kindle your iPad, iPhone whatever,
33:29 and you can put it on a picture
33:32 and then like this picture here is of Gideon I think,
33:35 if they show those pictures again
33:37 and there's Gideon you could see on there.
33:39 So they-- in the story book if they put that iPhone
33:41 or whatever on that picture, all of a sudden
33:43 you could probably will hear the horn sounding.
33:46 Wow.
33:47 So they could go through every picture in this book
33:50 and they'll be able to, you know,
33:52 maybe there's one with Noah and the Ark and the peeper,
33:54 maybe you'll hear him pounding on like Noah, let us in.
33:57 So it'll be an interactive set of stories within app
34:02 that which will attach the website.
34:06 It's just gonna be awesome
34:07 and then we also have it in audio.
34:09 So they're flipped into the pictures there.
34:11 These pictures we've done over 700 pictures that we're buying,
34:15 we've got 20 artists that are doing this
34:17 that'll be our pictures.
34:18 We're doing all brand new stories
34:19 which Brad Booth is helping with the stories
34:22 and he's did a lot of children's books
34:24 so he is well known.
34:26 And you can see those pictures there,
34:28 they are up to date, they're fresh
34:31 but the neat thing which I like is
34:33 that the publishing isn't going down
34:35 but publishing does changing.
34:37 And kids are used to looking at their--
34:40 You know, fonts and so you need to do something
34:42 and when mom and dad aren't around
34:44 which they're all busy today, you know they can--
34:46 they can hear the story from the audio we went through,
34:49 I went through 125 professional voices.
34:53 That's a lot of work just to listen to them online
34:54 after while they seem sound--
34:55 I don't remember getting a phone call.
34:57 You know, neither did I, you know, as I think about it.
35:01 Yeah, okay, well, that's fine go ahead.
35:05 We're not too sensitive about it.
35:07 Okay, I hate rejection.
35:08 I'm just afraid you would have said no,
35:11 so that's why I didn't.
35:12 You got out of that well. I was sweating a little bit.
35:15 Yeah, you got the golden tongue,
35:16 you're forgiven.
35:18 But anyways and we've got this a Christian man.
35:21 I mean we had men and women but he's tremendous
35:24 and they'll be some sound effects
35:25 within like one is that when Goliath slaps his knee,
35:28 you hear the slap
35:30 and so it's gonna be awesome audio.
35:33 And but, but again not just the audio
35:35 but it'll be on this hidden treasure question,
35:39 they'll be like three questions asking,
35:42 you know, the parents can ask.
35:43 Okay, now what about what happened here?
35:45 Simple questions that keep them involve
35:47 but the neatest thing is the interaction,
35:49 that's what neat in it.
35:50 And again there's 40 stories for each one and there is,
35:54 so there's about 280 stories, seven volumes.
35:56 And the reason they're seven,
35:57 there's only five in the Conflict series
35:59 but Patriarchs and Prophets is such a big book.
36:01 So we have two volumes in Patriarchs and Prophets
36:03 and two volumes in Desire of Ages.
36:05 But it goes through that and then of course
36:07 with a LE work with a Conflict set,
36:10 our classic Conflict and that's why we call it
36:12 the children's classics, centric classics
36:15 because it goes along with the hardback conflicts,
36:17 so now the adult-- you can,
36:19 the LE can say and you can get this
36:21 for the adults and there's even more stories in here.
36:24 So anyway and this will be out probably in June
36:26 and we're excited because I think it's been long overdue
36:31 something like this to come out.
36:32 Absolutely and that's the go ye, you know,
36:35 not be satisfied with where you are
36:38 but say look technology is changing people's,
36:41 you know, ideas and people's education
36:43 is changing, everything is changing
36:45 and how do we keep up and keep an audience
36:48 and keep in touch with these young folk
36:50 without compromising.
36:52 You know, lot of times what we see even in churches,
36:54 they got all this stuff interactive things coming
36:57 but it's to me it's compromising the gospel.
37:00 And so this isn't compromising,
37:02 this is just making it real hearing the sounds
37:05 and being able to take download an app
37:07 and go to the website and follow along
37:10 with the books as you read it.
37:11 I mean, really that's brilliant.
37:13 It really is
37:14 and when you think about what it's doing,
37:16 it's connecting an experience with the story.
37:19 So it makes it much more memorable.
37:21 It makes it come alive. Absolutely.
37:23 And we need that for kids because attention spans,
37:26 when I grow up of course, I was an exception
37:28 my attention span was like the kids today.
37:31 It should have been a lot better, you now.
37:34 But today the attention span for young people
37:38 even for adults aren't that great
37:40 so there is stage, you know, it is what it is.
37:43 We can't say I don't really care,
37:44 you know, you need to be sit down
37:45 and read the chapter of the Bible.
37:46 You're not gonna get anywhere
37:48 and so what you need to do is without--
37:50 which I like what you said, Danny,
37:52 we cannot sacrifice our principles.
37:54 But what we can do is and what you said Yvonne is,
37:56 let's give them an experience that this Bible is exciting.
38:00 That I want this God of heaven,
38:03 I want to know more about Him
38:05 that took this boy David and killed
38:07 and slew this giant Goliath and more stories like that
38:11 and it's all about trust in God.
38:12 It's all about being obedient
38:14 and the consequences of being disobedient.
38:16 And if you love Me, keep My commandments.
38:18 So anyway that's what these stories
38:20 and how this is all gonna work.
38:21 And it's great to think too that
38:23 parents can have some,
38:25 you know, we talk about this too
38:26 about creating memories for your children.
38:29 What great memories,
38:30 I mean my dad and my mom sat and read this to me
38:33 and I heard this I mean,
38:36 it's an experience connected with an emotion.
38:39 I mean I think it's-- it makes it memorable.
38:42 It is. Absolutely.
38:43 You were talking about, I don't know
38:45 what they call that short memory,
38:47 was that ADD or what's the other?
38:50 ADHD.
38:51 And ADHD I would have had that one
38:53 when I was a kid but my dad wouldn't let me.
38:56 So I guarantee you 99% of that would be gone
38:59 if my dad were around today.
39:01 He had four boys and we want
39:02 to have assured attention and there's no way
39:05 'cause he worked you over if he did in a good way.
39:07 You know, Dwight, what the Bible said,
39:09 it believe not sparing the rod and spoil the child
39:11 so that always got my attention.
39:13 So my dad is resting in Jesus when I get to see him
39:16 I'm gonna thank him for care and love.
39:18 No, I'm not saying there is a such a thing
39:20 but take-- take it for what it is
39:22 but I understand a lot of this.
39:24 I got a feeling that was your problem
39:25 and had nothing to do with any physical thing going on.
39:28 I got a feeling, Dwight just didn't want to pay attention.
39:32 That's what all my teachers said.
39:34 I told my parents but they just don't understand
39:37 but, you know, of course, now that got us a little bit.
39:40 But my dad was the same way but that's a thing,
39:42 we want to reach out to the young people
39:46 and one thing just
39:47 maybe to transition a little bit that--
39:49 that maybe the viewers might know
39:52 what we want to do.
39:53 This book that I've got right here
39:55 that I'm showing you on the screen here,
39:57 this is what they call a lead book where they put,
40:00 that's why this is the thin book
40:02 and we had this hand done.
40:03 But it goes in, there's like, there's like 10 stories in here
40:06 and it can go into doctor's offices
40:08 or dentist's offices or chiropractor offices
40:11 or just professional offices and what we really want to do,
40:15 Tim and I had been talking.
40:16 We want to try to get this in that,
40:18 you know, with these LEs are out there
40:20 get it into every dentist's office,
40:23 doctor's office, of course you have a little
40:25 deal with cards in here so they can get that
40:27 and they can contact, you know,
40:30 on the website to get these books.
40:32 And honestly it just hit me, you know,
40:34 this is wonderful too that reminded me of the lady
40:37 that said her husband, you know,
40:39 she wanted to get it for him
40:40 because he was simple, you know,
40:43 and didn't read that well or didn't understand
40:46 because what for whatever reason
40:47 there's a huge audience today of adults
40:51 that we're finding out lot in the inner cities and all
40:54 that this would be perfect for because it's a way to bring.
40:57 Sometimes you read, the Bible's little tough.
41:00 But you put it in today's language,
41:02 you put it in where people can understand it.
41:04 You make it interesting and so I think
41:07 we shouldn't limit this to just children.
41:10 I think this is for everybody and I enjoy.
41:12 I've read the Bible stories read to my kids.
41:15 I mean, I do it, I enjoy it and this is another one,
41:18 I mean to me this is great.
41:20 I want to get a set of these for my grand baby,
41:22 he's the youngest one
41:23 'cause they're going to want 'em
41:25 as long as I get to be a part and read him
41:26 'cause it's really what I'm saying
41:28 that the gospel is simple, it should be.
41:31 But sometimes some of the, you know, King James is great
41:33 but it's little hard to understand
41:35 but when we can get these stories
41:37 and then get 'em to our young kids.
41:38 I could-- he is talking I'm gonna think about
41:40 baby faith in Jonah--
41:42 Saying well, we can use an app.
41:43 We can hear the sounds and we can hear all of this.
41:45 They'll love it. Absolutely.
41:46 They will. That's nice.
41:48 I want to follow up just a little bit
41:49 on what Dwight was saying
41:51 about putting these in all the different,
41:52 not just doctor's offices any person,
41:55 place a person sits and wait.
41:57 We want Seventh-day Adventist materials to be represented.
42:01 You know, people go in and they read those,
42:02 all those garbage to read that's around there,
42:04 for kids included and but we want something
42:08 to be there that's of value in those different places.
42:11 When we're taking places you know,
42:13 it's a ministry in itself actually just putting the books
42:15 in a different waiting areas.
42:17 And you think of all across of North America,
42:20 all the different place that these are,
42:21 they stand as a testimony kind of an altar,
42:23 a pillar to the Lord in the middle
42:25 of all the trouble and when parents
42:27 come into doctor's office, they have a headache,
42:28 they have whatever, kids are sick,
42:30 there's something wholesome there
42:32 before the families doing it,
42:33 it makes a contact point between them and us,
42:36 so that we can end up in their home
42:38 and visit with them.
42:39 And it's such a beautiful way of doing that
42:41 and preparing people for that experience.
42:44 Absolutely and you were talking,
42:45 there's time for everybody to work together.
42:47 My mind goes too all the ABC's hopefully
42:50 everyone of those who have 'em.
42:52 There are grocery stores outside Andrews University,
42:55 Southern, you know, they're selling magazines,
42:57 they sell all kinds of stuff.
42:59 We should be having these out available for people.
43:01 I mean, there is so-- we have so many avenues
43:04 and sometimes we only do certain things.
43:07 Well, if we're gonna promote whatever
43:09 and let's promote the gospel, you know,
43:11 let's make it part of it.
43:12 So I think we ought to, you know.
43:14 Say let's all work together everybody
43:16 because this is what it's all about.
43:18 Well, we're thinking big,
43:19 don't think we're thinking small.
43:20 Yeah. We're thinking big.
43:23 That's right. That's right.
43:25 Well, we'll help anyway we can here at 3ABN.
43:28 We believe in it, we think it's a great way
43:31 to get the gospel to the world,
43:33 and I love the interactive part of it
43:35 and with young people and, Dwight,
43:37 I've known him for, you know, forever it seems like,
43:40 but ever since I mean we met
43:42 when we were very young in ministry.
43:44 Young and young in ministry and you know,
43:46 he always thinks outside the box.
43:49 And I appreciate that about him.
43:50 If there's a way to do and get it done,
43:52 Dwight Hall would do it.
43:54 And so you know that if he's involved in it,
43:56 it's not going to just lay dormant,
43:58 nothing is going to happen.
43:59 So I respect that about you, Dwight,
44:01 and your commitment to the Lord,
44:02 your commitment to the message.
44:04 And that you don't compromise the message
44:07 in order to sell more books 'cause as you know
44:10 you sold millions and millions but you could move a lot more
44:13 if you were willing to compromise a little bit
44:16 but you don't do that.
44:17 At Remnant, so thank you for what you do.
44:19 Thank you. Yeah.
44:20 There is a way just to follow up on this
44:23 so you know a lot of people out there.
44:24 It's true not everybody
44:26 is called to be a literature evangelist
44:28 like I am but many people are.
44:31 They are involved in someway
44:32 but there's many people that want to help
44:34 the literature evangelist in their minister,
44:37 they believe in the literature ministry
44:38 and they want to support the literature ministry.
44:40 And as we see these-- these volumes all of--
44:44 When something like this is initiated,
44:46 there's actually great expense it come
44:48 with placing all of these new books
44:50 out in new territory in doctor's offices.
44:52 And I can't help believe that there's some people out there
44:54 that would love to sponsor these books
44:56 into doctor's office.
44:57 And they want to be involved in the ministry
44:59 in someway of helping to put that literature out there.
45:01 These pillars alights in different places,
45:04 they would do that and then-- and then in return it blesses
45:06 the literature evangelist who do feel
45:08 that God has called him to be out there.
45:10 So it's a support back support of the ministry
45:12 in being able to do that.
45:15 Well, I was going to ask you well, Dwight,
45:18 how he decided to do literature evangelism?
45:22 Well, you know,
45:24 I never sold books door to door.
45:26 When I was in fifth and sixth grade,
45:28 they had magazine sales, I was in public school.
45:32 And I remember my parents were always too busy
45:34 always working just as support at that time,
45:37 we were quite poor.
45:38 So I went out of my little street bicycle
45:40 so that kind of ages me, and I went door to door
45:44 and knocking on door selling magazines.
45:46 So I had a little bit of experience
45:47 at least going door to door
45:48 but when I came back to the Lord,
45:51 somebody gave me a Great Controversy
45:53 and The Desire of Ages.
45:56 And I bought a Bible and when I read those
45:59 with my Bible, it just, it changed my life
46:02 and of course it's never been the same since
46:04 and that's why I'm here today.
46:05 And so I have a tremendous heart
46:07 for literature evangelist because it's the books
46:12 that changed my life.
46:13 I listened to sermons growing up
46:14 and I don't know how many
46:16 and when you grow up as an Adventists,
46:17 how many evangelist I just thought
46:19 they were great but it was the books
46:22 and of course I know it was Holy Spirit,
46:23 it was a right timing but I just have a burden
46:26 for the publishing work.
46:27 I just feel that we have an army
46:31 of people that are Seventh-day Adventists
46:33 and other Christians.
46:35 We have an army, but we need to supply
46:37 that army with guns,
46:39 I mean, if you know what I'm trying to say.
46:40 I mean you go to war and you're not gonna just
46:42 send a bunch of people in battle
46:43 without a weapon.
46:45 Ammunition. And ammunition.
46:47 Here you've got books that
46:49 you might not get anywhere else.
46:51 They talk about the Three Angles' Message,
46:53 the present truth
46:54 and you've got these boots on the ground
46:56 so to speak but it is the 3ABNs
46:58 and the Remnants or Amazing Facts
47:00 and other ministries they get the message out
47:02 but it takes the army of workers to go there
47:06 door to door or however they go
47:07 to get these books and so that's my passion,
47:10 has always been.
47:12 Do you have any idea how many millions of pieces
47:16 of literature and books that you've printed
47:21 and marketed over the last 30 years?
47:23 You know, probably if I--
47:25 you know maybe if I did it sound like
47:27 I was bragging 'cause you know it wasn't me
47:29 but I mean if you just think of the Ten Commandments
47:31 Twice Removed, seven million in the last year
47:33 so we print over seven million of the full blown
47:35 Great Controversy and send out a million to New York
47:39 and you get donations and we just sent out
47:41 to San Francisco and there was two
47:44 national news medias that called me up
47:47 and ask why are you sending this,
47:49 I mean to people that don't want it.
47:50 And I was able to witness to them
47:52 and I don't know we've just--
47:54 I don't know it could be
47:56 maybe close to a 100 million or something,
47:57 I don't know. It's been a lot, a lot.
48:01 A 100 million and you just said that so causally.
48:03 Yeah, well, I was thinking it probably
48:06 wasn't that you know something
48:07 that's there that's in people's homes.
48:10 You've all heard the stories of somebody
48:12 who picked up a book 20 years
48:14 after it'd been there or their folks die
48:17 and they get, you know, cleaned it out the house,
48:19 they put these books away and then they pull out
48:21 one of the books, The Great Controversy
48:23 or Steps to Christ or whatever
48:25 and then you know give their hearts to the Lord.
48:28 So it's there so what you put out,
48:30 let's say it's a 100 million books
48:32 and pieces of literature,
48:34 you will only know in eternity
48:37 how many souls, you with the books,
48:39 you know all the people that you've worked with,
48:42 have to be in hundreds of millions,
48:43 I know Steps to Christ,
48:44 there's millions and millions and millions of those
48:47 that have been given out, had been sold around the world.
48:50 So really only in eternity
48:53 will we have any idea of the literature work,
48:55 literature evangelism the amount of souls.
48:58 You don't always get the amount of attention
49:00 that the good preachers get, you know,
49:02 all the Marks and the Dougs and all of these C.D. Brooks
49:05 and all these folks are getting out there,
49:07 but in the long run it's all the same.
49:09 It's all part of the work.
49:10 It's all the finishing of the work.
49:13 We only have a couple of minutes here.
49:14 We're gonna go to break and well we have an address
49:18 that maybe a folk want to contact you,
49:21 I like to be able to put up an address in a bit
49:24 and how to do that but what we want to do,
49:26 I think we want to go to break and then we're gonna come back
49:28 and have-- we're gonna go to a new break
49:31 and then we're gonna come back
49:32 and have just a few minutes to close.


Revised 2015-07-02