3ABN Today

Maga Book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Brandon Tygret


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015003A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my word
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:09 and we welcome you to 3ABN Today.
01:11 This is a wonderful day here
01:13 and we hope you're having an even better one.
01:16 We have something very special to talk to you about today
01:19 and let me start with a scripture
01:22 and you'll kind of get an idea where we're going.
01:24 The Bible says in Revelation 13:16 and 17.
01:29 He-- speaking of the second beast of Revelation.
01:32 "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
01:36 free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand,
01:42 or on their foreheads,
01:44 and that no one can buy or sell except one
01:48 who has his mark or the name of the beast
01:52 and the number of his name."
01:54 We are speaking-- the scripture is speaking to
01:59 and referencing the mark of the beast.
02:02 This is something that's coming in the end days
02:04 and we believe we're getting mighty close to those end days,
02:07 aren't we, Brandon?
02:09 Let me introduce our special guest today.
02:11 This is Brandon Tygret.
02:12 He is 3ABN's product marketing manager.
02:17 And, Brandon, how long have you been at 3ABN?
02:20 I've been working here about a year and three months now.
02:22 That doesn't seem possible.
02:23 You just blink a few times and it passes right by.
02:26 Isn't that the truth? I just can't believe you.
02:29 My mother always told me that the older you got,
02:31 the faster time went by
02:33 and I can testify, at 66 years old
02:36 I can testify that it seems that life is just whizzing by
02:40 but all the young people are saying that as well.
02:44 And I think the reason is
02:46 because time of the end is at hand.
02:47 Yes, it's true.
02:49 Well, we're very excited that you're on the program today
02:52 and I think you're going to enjoy
02:54 what Brandon has to share.
02:56 But first we have a special person with us
03:00 who's going to bring us some beautiful music
03:03 and his name is Johann Sentana.
03:06 He's a pianist and he's going to be playing
03:09 "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."
08:03 Well, that was Johann Sentana
08:04 and we thank him so much for coming
08:07 and sharing his gift from God with us.
08:10 You know, we're very blessed to have
08:12 so many talented musicians in our church
08:14 and those people all of them come here
08:17 just to share from their heart
08:19 because they're not coming for pay.
08:21 We're very thankful that they dedicated
08:23 their talents to the Lord.
08:24 Well, if you're joining us just a moment later,
08:26 special guest today is Brandon Tygret,
08:29 who is 3ABN's product marketing manager.
08:32 Now, Brandon, I know you've been on time
08:35 or two before but there's lot of people
08:38 probably who still don't know you
08:40 so let's talk a little bit about who is Brandon Tygret.
08:45 Did you grow up in a Christian home?
08:48 No, well, I did grow up in a Christian home.
08:50 We went to nondenominational church
08:52 but we really didn't start going
08:53 till I was about 10 or 11 years old.
08:55 Okay. Steadily.
08:57 All right, and then what was your experience like?
09:02 I really enjoyed it, whenever I was going to church,
09:06 would go to the youth group meetings on Wednesday
09:09 and would even take people on the football team with me.
09:13 So when I was younger,
09:15 I was really into the church thing
09:17 until I got to the later teens
09:20 and then kind of drifted away from the Lord.
09:23 So how did God get your attention again?
09:26 Well, I was pretty stubborn,
09:28 a lot of things happened in my life
09:31 where the Lord kind of pulled back his protection
09:34 and things would happen
09:35 and then I would come back to Him
09:37 and eventually I struggled with drugs and alcohol
09:41 and, you know, eventually I just got to the point
09:44 where I was tired of it all
09:45 and I just wanted to have victory over that
09:49 and to have a new and different life.
09:51 And so I prayed to God to teach me the truth,
09:56 the whole truth and nothing but the truth
09:58 and when He did that,
10:00 He did that by using Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
10:03 Praise God.
10:04 And that was around the same time
10:05 that they had that Ten Commandments
10:07 Twice Removed project going on and that spoke to my heart.
10:12 Praise the Lord.
10:13 So you've been watching 3ABN, then did you-- tell us
10:18 how you actually ended up joining the church.
10:20 Well, a friend called me up on my birthday in 2007
10:26 and said I found the truth, now this is a couple of weeks
10:29 after I prayed that prayer and he was telling me
10:32 about all these programs he was watching on 3ABN
10:35 so I went to his house and I watched it
10:37 and I saw that they were teaching me
10:40 biblical truths with the Bible
10:42 and I said this is the answer to my prayer.
10:45 I said what church is this?
10:47 And he said, it's the Seventh-day Adventist church.
10:49 And I've never heard of Seventh-day Adventist before
10:51 so we-- next we went that weekend to the closest church
10:56 we could find there in Nashville first.
10:58 And they had-- they took us back.
11:02 This is really important for churches to do,
11:03 when you see new people come in, get to know them,
11:07 they took us back and prayed with us
11:09 and that made it really personable and...
11:12 Praise the Lord.
11:13 So we went back there
11:14 and they had these stacks of books in there
11:16 and as I was watching 3ABN days prior to this,
11:22 they were talking about the Ten Commandments project
11:24 and so I told them we really wanted that book
11:27 and they said, well, you see all these cases right here,
11:29 those are all Ten Commandment books.
11:31 And I said, you know, this weekend
11:33 there is a Christian event downtown
11:36 where they're gonna have
11:38 on Riverfront in Nashville, Tennessee,
11:40 and so I said, if you'll give us a couple of boxes,
11:43 Kevin and I will go down to Riverfront,
11:45 pass these books out.
11:47 And so they did, they gave us two boxes
11:49 and I went out and talked to Mike Hyde
11:52 on the way out that Sabbath
11:53 and we talked for probably an hour standing by his truck
11:56 and he said, look, if you run out of books,
11:58 just give me a call, then I'll bring you some more.
12:01 So we went down there the next day to Riverfront
12:05 and there was thousands of Christians there
12:08 and the streets were full
12:10 and we were passing these books out
12:12 and before an hour passed, we had 200 books passed out.
12:15 Praise the Lord.
12:16 And so I called Mike up and I said, look, remember
12:18 we met you in church this weekend, you said
12:21 if we ran out of books, you'd bring us more.
12:23 I said we're out of books
12:24 and we've only been doing this for an hour
12:26 so he brought 800 more books and he even gave me
12:29 a Ten Commandments t-shirt and then we passed out
12:34 1,000 books that day, that night
12:37 and it ended up being a major blessing.
12:40 Now at that time I'd only read a few chapters in the book
12:42 but I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit,
12:44 this is what God wanted me to do.
12:46 And so four months later,
12:49 they had another event called The Call
12:51 where they were expecting 60,000 Christians
12:54 to show up at this event
12:56 and so we had 10,000 Ten Commandment books,
12:59 we had a total of 44,000 books altogether.
13:02 And so that day we passed out 38,000 books
13:05 and 10,000 of those were Ten Commandments Twice Removed.
13:08 Amazing, but let me ask you a question
13:10 because that was interesting.
13:11 You said when the Lord first impressed you
13:13 to pass these books out,
13:14 of course you'd been watching the television
13:17 so you were pretty convinced of the truth,
13:19 so you trusted, you'd only read four chapters,
13:22 did you go back then and really study in this book
13:26 and make sure what you're passing out
13:28 you felt comfortable with?
13:29 Yes, a good question because, you know,
13:32 soon after you start following the Lord,
13:35 you're gonna get ridiculed,
13:36 you're gonna get persecuted in some ways
13:38 and so my family kind of started,
13:40 you know, what are you doing,
13:41 you're going to this Saturday church, you know?
13:44 And I found out there's a little history
13:47 of Seventh-day Adventism in my family.
13:49 Really?
13:50 And so it all started making sense years later
13:52 when I found that out.
13:53 But I just started questioning, you know, like Satan was
13:59 of course giving me all these ideas,
14:01 maybe this isn't it, you know?
14:03 So I started reading a lot heavier
14:05 in the Ten Commandments Twice Removed
14:07 and I had the Bible next to me and I would read
14:09 and I would go to my Bible and I'd read
14:11 and then go to my Bible and I almost wanted to find
14:14 something wrong with it,
14:15 you know, just so I could stop that persecution,
14:18 you know, but then I found that
14:21 it lined up with up the scriptures.
14:23 And there was no way
14:24 that I could find anything wrong with it.
14:27 So, you know, I decided instead of to allow the ridicule
14:31 and persecution to pull me away,
14:34 I decided to say, you know what,
14:35 I'm gonna stand on the word of God.
14:36 Amen.
14:38 Just like Peter said, you know, who should we obey?
14:42 You the Pharisees, the religious leaders or God?
14:45 We will obey God so you did.
14:47 Now it's interesting to me
14:49 that you did become a member of the church,
14:51 you married a beautiful Seventh-day Adventist woman
14:54 and they have the cutest little boy
14:56 who is about 15 months old now.
14:58 He's two years old.
14:59 Two years old now, he's two and his name Isaac
15:02 and we just have fun watching him in church,
15:04 he's so precious.
15:06 But you then, this passing out all of these books,
15:11 you had a successful business of your own,
15:14 but tell us how God was laying the groundwork
15:17 having you pass out these books,
15:20 what did God call you to do, Brandon?
15:22 Well, you know, it's interesting
15:25 that before I came into the church,
15:27 I was struggling with like depression and things like this
15:31 and I really haven't struggled with that since.
15:33 And there's a couple of things that I did different.
15:36 I started following God's commandments, number one.
15:38 Number two, I started sharing my faith.
15:41 And the way that I shared was through literature
15:44 and because all those things
15:45 that you want to be able to say to your friends
15:47 and even people you don't know to explain what you believe,
15:51 they're well said in literature.
15:54 So I started passing literature out and, you know,
15:57 I didn't even know that there was
15:59 literature evangelist out there at that time
16:02 but it was about maybe a year and a half to two years later,
16:07 somebody asked me if I wanted to be
16:08 a literature evangelist and I said,
16:12 what exactly does that mean, you know?
16:14 And so he explained it to me,
16:15 we talked for like three hours at his home.
16:17 Well, explain quickly what a literature evangelist does.
16:19 Well, there's different types of literature evangelism.
16:21 You have the literature evangelist
16:25 that we all should be by sharing our faith
16:27 through literature
16:28 and that's usually free literature
16:30 that we pass out to people.
16:32 Then you have a student literature evangelist
16:35 and a student literature evangelist sells the maga books
16:40 and things like that to help them through school.
16:42 What's a maga book?
16:43 A maga book is a magazine book,
16:45 it's the size of a magazine but it's an actual book.
16:47 All right.
16:48 And so they sell these books, it helps them through school
16:51 and it's more of a part-time kind of thing.
16:54 And then you have a career literature evangelist
16:56 who, that's all they do, it's a fulltime.
17:00 They sell books and that's what they--
17:02 that's how they get their income.
17:04 And so that's what I stepped into,
17:07 I went from passing free literature out
17:09 to being a career literature evangelist
17:12 and selling Bible storybooks and health books
17:15 and maga books and things of that nature.
17:18 All right, and then you actually
17:19 then progressed to become a supervisor
17:22 as over other literature evangelists
17:27 but now God's brought you here to 3ABN,
17:30 we're gonna have to fast-forward,
17:32 God brought you to 3ABN
17:33 and we have no question in our mind, one thing that--
17:38 we don't worry about our staffing if you will,
17:43 one thing that I know Mollie does
17:45 and everybody here is if somebody feels like
17:48 they need to move on to another job,
17:50 we just feel like God's calling them out to another job
17:53 and we don't worry about it.
17:54 We just pray that God will bring in the people
17:58 who are necessary.
17:59 Now when it came to Brandon,
18:02 when he came, everybody knew God sent him
18:05 and they created a position for him,
18:07 because we never had a product marketing manager before.
18:11 Now, Brandon, it is a true ministry to you,
18:14 I know your heart and Brandon is a very sincere Christian,
18:18 he's very involved Christian and he's working with our youth
18:22 at our church now and it just--
18:25 we love you and Dolly and your family, it's precious.
18:30 But when you came here, you got an idea,
18:33 I don't know how many months ago this was,
18:36 but you suddenly got an idea to do a maga book.
18:41 And the maga book is the magazine
18:45 that literature evangelist--
18:46 I mean, it's a book in a magazine size
18:49 that literature evangelist get out.
18:51 Tell us a little about that book?
18:53 Okay.
18:54 Well, what happened was the weekend
18:57 that we were coming up to, moved to 3ABN,
19:03 we stopped in Chattanooga with some family
19:05 and stayed the weekend there with them
19:08 and we were at a church there at McDonald Road church
19:12 and I was kneeling down in congregational prayer
19:16 and this thought came to my mind,
19:18 turn the Ten Commandments Twice Removed into a maga book.
19:22 And I said wow, that's a wonderful idea
19:24 so the Lord really gave me that idea,
19:28 you know, it really wasn't mine
19:31 because I'm in prayer and in plainest day
19:34 I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to do this.
19:37 And so when I came to 3ABN and shared some of the ideas
19:41 and things I thought that we should do in marketing
19:45 some of our materials was we should make
19:48 The Antichrist Agenda Revealed maga book.
19:52 And the reason why I chose The Antichrist Agenda
19:56 is the same thing as the Ten Commandments Twice Removed
19:58 but it has five more chapters,
20:01 it goes more into the mark of the beast, into prophecy
20:04 and so there's a lot more
20:06 biblical understanding in that book.
20:09 Yeah, and I have to say in full disclosure,
20:11 it's interesting to sit here to interview you right now
20:15 because I'm one of the coauthors
20:17 for The Antichrist Agenda,
20:20 original title was The Antichrist Agenda
20:23 and this was the book from which
20:27 the Ten Commandments Twice Removed
20:29 was an abridged version if you will, it was part of that book.
20:34 And I had the very distinct privilege
20:36 of coauthoring this with Danny Shelton
20:40 and I had privilege of writing this
20:42 but the book, the difference between the anti--
20:47 the Ten Commandments Twice Removed
20:51 and The Antichrist Agenda
20:53 is this book has five more chapters
20:56 and the chapters are the antichrist beast that--
21:01 it's actually two different chapters,
21:02 part one and part two.
21:04 Christ returns after the mark
21:07 so that this was too overcome the left behind idea,
21:11 then we explained the mark of the beast
21:14 and after explaining the mark of the beast,
21:16 we thought it was important that I add resting
21:18 in His everlasting arms to show about assurance of salvation
21:22 and then it's got all the rest of the chapters
21:24 that were in the Ten Commandments
21:26 Twice Removed book
21:28 and for those you who aren't familiar with that,
21:30 this was something,
21:32 I realize suddenly I'm talking to the choir
21:34 because there's been over eight million
21:36 I believe books of Ten Commandments given out
21:39 and we've seen a lot of people
21:41 who've accepted the Sabbath truth
21:43 and that's essentially the Ten Commandments,
21:46 let me just tell you what this entire book covers.
21:50 It has about God's two covenants,
21:55 it talks about the Lord's day and whether or not
21:59 the Ten Commandments were given before Mount Sinai.
22:03 It talks about how they changed to the fourth commandment,
22:07 the Sabbath commandment was made by the Catholic Church
22:11 and they proudly claim that
22:13 so that's nothing that that is a secret.
22:18 So there's actually I guess nine chapters in the first
22:22 or in the abridged book
22:24 but we've now put it all back together
22:26 and you felt it was important to do the entire teaching
22:32 to include prophecy
22:34 and talking about the antichrist beast,
22:38 talking about the mark of the beast.
22:42 How did you float this idea?
22:45 Even though I was one of the authors,
22:47 I didn't hear about this till it was nearly the end,
22:50 I came and made some edits to the book
22:53 but how did you float this idea?
22:55 Did you float it by other people first to see,
22:59 other literature evangelists would be interesting in this?
23:01 How does this, how does it come about
23:03 that a book's turned into a maga book?
23:05 Well, really, when I was canvassing,
23:09 especially when I was doing the leadership
23:11 in training literature evangelist,
23:13 most of the literature evangelists liked to give out
23:15 the Ten Commandments Twice Removed,
23:17 that was one of their free pieces of literature
23:19 that they would give out
23:20 and so it was also one of my favorite ones,
23:23 you know, when I had them
23:24 I would give that one out over any other
23:27 and so I already knew
23:30 that literature evangelists liked the book
23:32 and then I started thinking about
23:35 when we started this project,
23:37 what were some of the best things in a maga book
23:40 that I liked and thought were good features.
23:43 And so when we were doing this book,
23:45 I said, I want to make sure
23:46 that we have all of those good features
23:48 that are in most maga books
23:51 and of course images are very important.
23:54 So we did an image before every chapter
23:58 that kind of goes along with the title of the chapter
24:01 and then we also wanted to talk about the Bible promises
24:04 as you see on the screen there,
24:06 there is quite a few pages in there
24:08 that just have scripture
24:10 and talk about the promises of God
24:12 that we can lean on.
24:13 And then there's studies
24:15 throughout the whole entire book
24:17 that are highlighted, there's pull quotes
24:20 that are shown in the book where they'll show larger image
24:24 and some of the powerful statements
24:27 that are made will be right in the center of the book.
24:31 There is also graphs in the book
24:33 that show about prophecy.
24:34 They're beautifully illustrated, yes.
24:36 And there's notes in the back of the book as well
24:39 and, you know, so we have all of the best things
24:43 that maga books have in this one maga book right here.
24:47 And did you talk with other literature evangelists
24:53 or is anybody interested in this?
24:54 There was-- as I was putting this together,
24:58 I wanted to make sure to be
25:00 in contact with publishing people
25:04 that are doing the literature work fulltime
25:06 and to make sure that we made this the way
25:10 that they would like it
25:12 so as we were going through doing things,
25:15 we made a few changes that they wanted to see.
25:19 One of them, we had to change the cover
25:21 because we wanted to make sure that everybody liked the cover,
25:25 we really liked the first one we had
25:27 but we wanted to do what they needed
25:29 and so we also wanted to make sure
25:33 that it had 3ABN advertisement in the back
25:38 so that when somebody gets through reading this,
25:40 they can actually find out how to watch 3ABN
25:44 in the back of the maga book
25:46 and so then in the back of the maga book,
25:48 it also has the Bible studies where people can go online
25:52 and do free Bible studies
25:53 or they can mail in to do Bible studies
25:56 as well to learn more about these truths
25:59 that they've been learning in this book.
26:01 You know, one thing that we do
26:03 in The Antichrist Agenda Revealed
26:06 is we do explain about the antichrist beast,
26:11 we talk about the beast powers, I mean, we're comparing
26:15 this is the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation,
26:18 we talk about the different methods of interpretation,
26:22 there is the historicist, the futurist,
26:24 the preterist, and the idealist,
26:28 and so as we are explaining these
26:32 and the origin how two Jesuits preach,
26:35 you know, the historicist,
26:38 if I were to explain in just very briefly,
26:41 the historicist method of interpretation
26:43 and this prevailed till after the 5th century AD.
26:47 The historicists believed
26:49 that prophecy was given in visionary circles,
26:53 it was a repeat and enlarged
26:56 so the topic would be introduced in Daniel
27:00 as also you see in Revelation
27:02 and then suddenly in the next chapter
27:05 he would repeat and enlarge,
27:07 so it's something that through the repetition,
27:12 there's more details to expand your understanding
27:16 and a lot of people would be absolutely--
27:20 many, many Christians would be shocked to know
27:23 that the whole idea of this left behind series,
27:29 see historicists think that it's history,
27:32 prophecy follows history, it's history written in advance
27:38 but what we have is the futurist viewpoint
27:42 which was created during the reformation
27:47 to counteract the reformation
27:49 that Catholic Church actually consigned two people
27:56 to write some kind of interpretation
28:00 to do away with the historicist method
28:03 because that really had a big surge.
28:06 And so then we had two Jesuit priests,
28:08 one who came up with this idea of futurism
28:12 where they lop off the final week of the 70 weeks in Daniel
28:16 and put it clear at the end
28:18 and this is where the left behind theory came from.
28:22 Preterist theory, another Jesuit priest
28:24 who says everything happened in the past,
28:27 you know, he's attributing the antichrist beast being
28:31 as Nero and the Macrobians and some things.
28:34 So when you start studying and seeing this,
28:38 it's not just understanding
28:40 how the change to God's commandments came
28:43 but when you are identifying
28:46 and I think this is in the abridged version,
28:51 Ten Commandments Twice Removed,
28:54 we did a pretty good job, the Lord led
28:57 and it was a pretty good job of explaining
28:59 how the Catholic Church clearly takes
29:01 all the credit for changing it,
29:03 whether or not they had the authority
29:07 to change the fourth commandment,
29:09 but now what we do in the original
29:14 or The Antichrist Agenda Revealed
29:17 is to show that no one has received
29:22 the mark of the beast yet
29:24 but the Sabbath commandment, the fourth commandment,
29:26 will become front and center, I mean,
29:28 it's center staged in the end times
29:31 and we go through and identify the eight points that tell
29:37 who is this beast power and are clearly, let me--
29:44 I think we'll just take a minute to do that
29:45 'cause you wanted to talk about this just a little bit.
29:49 When we see the-- in Daniel 2, Daniel 7 and Daniel 8,
29:56 it's a history written in advance
29:58 of the kingdoms of Babylon,
30:00 Medo-Persia, Greece, the Roman empire
30:03 and then the ten toes on an image
30:05 that is the division of the Roman Empire
30:08 and then Daniel sees a little horn coming up on this beast
30:15 and he describes this little horn in this way.
30:20 He said it rises from among ten horns
30:23 which were the nations of Western Europe,
30:25 he says, I was considering this horn,
30:27 little one's coming up among them.
30:29 This is Daniel 7:8.
30:31 Then he says that the little horn power arises
30:34 after the other ten monarchies and it's different.
30:38 The ten horns he says, "are ten kings
30:43 who shall arise from this kingdom
30:45 and another shall rise after them,
30:48 who shall be different from the first ones
30:49 and shall subdue three kings."
30:51 Daniel 7:24, then he says, The little horn destroys
30:55 three of the ten monarchs erasing them,
30:58 blotting them out from-- this is Daniel 7:8
31:01 and actually history records this blotting out
31:06 which I'll say in just a moment.
31:07 Then he says the little horn has the eyes of a man
31:10 and a boastful mouth.
31:11 The little horn is greater than the others
31:14 and he speaks in such a way that he shows that,
31:19 the little horn makes war against God's people.
31:23 The little horn speaks pompously toward God
31:26 and things to alter His times and His laws.
31:30 He says he shall speak pompous words
31:32 against the Most High
31:33 and persecute the saints of the Most High
31:36 and shall intend to change times and law.
31:38 It's Daniel 7:25.
31:41 The little horn power persecutes the saints
31:43 for 1,260 years.
31:46 And as we go through and I'm just kind of giving you
31:49 a quick synopsis here.
31:52 There's only one government power,
31:55 I mean, there's only one power that fits all ten of these
32:01 or eight of these markers and that's clearly papal Rome.
32:05 It's the only power to perfectly fit
32:07 these eight descriptive points of the little horn power.
32:11 And the book goes through to prove this.
32:13 Now, I want to say something very quickly.
32:17 We are not trying to-- I believe with all of my heart
32:24 and I know Danny believes this as well,
32:26 there's gonna be many wonderful
32:28 Catholic Christians in heaven.
32:30 Absolutely.
32:31 But it is very important to know
32:34 that a change has been made to God's law
32:37 because this little horn power who really becomes prevalent
32:43 in Revelation in the last days, this little horn power
32:47 who Revelation says received a deadly wound
32:52 but then was basically resurrected,
32:57 the wound was healed if you will.
32:59 This little horn power is the antichrist power.
33:04 Now there's many, you know, there's only four scriptures
33:06 that talk about antichrist and Paul clearly says
33:10 there were antichrist in his day
33:12 and he says that there are people
33:13 who go out from the church
33:16 but it's important to understand
33:19 what's coming in the last days
33:22 and that's what the book does, is explains that.
33:25 You had some points that you told me
33:28 you wanted to share about the healing of the wound.
33:32 Yes.
33:33 Well, just this last year
33:35 we've seen a lot of healing of the wound,
33:37 I have some notes right here.
33:40 And once again, what do we mean
33:41 when we say healing of the wound?
33:42 Well, the Rome trying to unify the Christians again,
33:48 they want to do away with the reformation
33:52 and the Protestants and say let's just unify
33:56 even though we have a difference in doctrine.
33:59 And so he's been doing that this last year
34:04 in the headlines there's- -
34:05 He being the pope. Yep, the pope.
34:07 This new Pope Francis,
34:11 he called for unity between Protestants and Catholics.
34:15 This is where pastors like Kenneth Copeland
34:17 and Tony Palmer were agreeing with the pope
34:21 and saying that the protest is over,
34:25 and that's not true, the protest is not over
34:29 but for those Christians that don't even know
34:30 what a Protestant is, they say, oh, yeah, sure, it's over,
34:34 we like the pope, you know.
34:36 We forget what most Protestants don't even know
34:38 what it means to be a Protestant anymore, do we?
34:40 That's right, that's right.
34:42 Then there's another one, Pope Francis was invited
34:46 to join a joint session in congress,
34:49 this means they're interested
34:51 in his guidance in our own congress
34:55 and that's another Bible prophecy
34:57 being fulfilled there.
34:59 Then the pope advised the United Nations in economics
35:03 so the United Nations, the UN is really big
35:07 on trying to keep peace and unite.
35:10 You know, in the Bible it talks about
35:12 how they'll be preaching peace and safety
35:14 and then sudden destruction cometh.
35:17 So, you know, I think that
35:19 that's another Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
35:22 The pope speaks to 53,000
35:25 charismatic Christians in a conference
35:28 and this is another proof
35:30 that the deadly wound is healed,
35:31 you know, there's a multiple, you know,
35:34 in this conference different denominations that were there
35:38 and he's there to speak to all of them,
35:41 Protestants and Catholics.
35:43 And so pope's first visit to the Middle East
35:47 to promote peace between the nations
35:49 was another event.
35:51 Pope meets with two US televangelist
35:53 to have a private lunch, this is interesting,
35:56 here they signed a declaration of faith
35:58 and unity on the anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 theses.
36:04 So that right there, for those didn't know
36:08 what the Protestant is,
36:09 it started with Martin Luther in a big way.
36:11 Right.
36:13 And so that was kind of my sly way to say
36:17 let's do away with that.
36:19 And what we're saying here
36:21 is that the Bible clearly describes
36:24 this little horn power, this second beast as being,
36:31 it come-- something that comes out of the church,
36:35 it is someone or a system, a religious system
36:39 that is taking the place of Christ,
36:43 you know, when we talk about an antichrist,
36:45 we think it's somebody that's against Christ,
36:48 that's not, what the word here means is it's someone
36:52 who is putting themselves in the place of Christ.
36:55 And we're not pointing fingers at any individual.
36:57 We're talking about a religious system, a set of beliefs.
37:02 And at one point in time this was nearly squashed
37:09 but it has been raised back up to prominence
37:13 and we see that we have one of the most popular popes
37:18 that has ever I think during my lifetime
37:22 and he's a precious man.
37:24 And he is very popular among the nations,
37:27 so we see that the wound has been healed
37:30 but no matter how wonderful he is,
37:33 and I think he's a wonderful man.
37:34 I think he's a very humble man,
37:38 but no matter how wonderful he is,
37:41 if he's representing error, then he's leading--
37:48 the system is leading God's people astray.
37:52 Yeah.
37:53 And the things are being setup,
37:56 if we look at Revelation, if we look at Daniel,
38:00 we see that end times are coming
38:02 and things are getting setup
38:04 so if you want to share with your friends
38:09 the idea of why is the fourth commandment important,
38:16 why is it not only important for us
38:19 to keep God's prescribed Lord's day,
38:22 His day of the week that He calls us to
38:28 and commands us to worship on,
38:30 but also if you want your friends
38:31 to understand why it's more,
38:34 it's not just important for the matter of worship today
38:38 but how worship is what Satan is seeking
38:43 and how he sets up a false sense of worship
38:45 and it has been setup,
38:47 if you want them to understand prophecy,
38:49 this is kind of the cliff notes,
38:52 the short way of understanding prophecy,
38:55 the 70 weeks of Daniel, the 2,300 days
38:59 and what the Bible has to say
39:01 about the true return of Jesus Christ.
39:05 And well, I'll tell you what,
39:07 when you look at it, the scripture,
39:09 'cause I used to believe in the Left Behind's theory
39:12 and when I came to study the Bible on my own,
39:17 it was like you got to be kidding, there's no way.
39:20 So tell us quickly 'cause our time is running out,
39:24 if someone-- we make this book available for,
39:29 and you can buy a single copy
39:31 of The Antichrist Agenda Revealed or cases?
39:35 We have both, you can buy
39:37 just a single book and that's $14.99.
39:40 So individually priced it's $14.99,
39:42 that's a beautiful book for that amount.
39:44 What are the case prices?
39:46 What does it come out per a book?
39:48 And there's what, 25 to a case? Yes, there's 25 to a case.
39:52 If you buy 1-3 cases, it's $4 per book.
39:56 All right.
39:57 If you buy 4-19 cases, it's $3.75 per book.
40:03 If you buy 20-39 cases, it's $3 per book
40:08 and if you buy 40-199 cases, it's $2 per book.
40:12 That's starting right at 1,000,
40:13 so if you buy 1,000, you get them for $2.
40:16 Yeah, so that's $50 a case, that's incredible.
40:20 So then we have, if you buy 200 or more cases,
40:24 it's at a $1.85 per book.
40:27 And so we've already had somebody buy 5,000.
40:30 So it works out really good
40:31 if you get together with a few people
40:33 and buy it in bulk so that way you get it cheaper.
40:36 Sure.
40:37 And, you know, it's really good for the literature program,
40:40 it's also good for our own personal ministry.
40:42 And, you know, this is such a beautiful book
40:45 and as I said even at $14.95
40:47 it's a beautiful book for that price,
40:49 but to think that for a case at $4,
40:53 just if you got one case, that's $100 for 25 books,
40:58 $4 per book, now to think that you could give this
41:01 as a gift for $4 per book is amazing.
41:04 Yes.
41:05 You know, I was reading about end time events the other day
41:09 and it had this quote in here
41:11 where it was talking about the second coming of Jesus
41:14 and we see these things happening,
41:17 you know, when Jesus comes back,
41:18 the earth starts shaking and things like that
41:20 and neighbors are saying, what is this?
41:22 And we say, oh, well, this is Jesus coming back.
41:25 And they say, well, why didn't you tell me?
41:28 And so I don't want to be that person,
41:30 I don't want to be that person when my neighbor says,
41:32 why didn't you tell me Jesus was coming back?
41:35 And this beautiful book right here is a good way
41:38 to show your neighbor, your friends,
41:39 your coworkers, your family members
41:42 that Jesus is coming back
41:44 and what the mark of the beast is
41:46 and who God's character is, this book talks a lot about
41:49 who God's character is, so many people
41:51 have a misunderstanding of who God is
41:54 and so here it shows who He is and He is a loving God
41:58 and that He does care about
42:00 every individual on planet earth.
42:03 And, you know, one thing that when I was writing the book
42:06 that was extremely important to me was--
42:08 well, actually there were two things,
42:10 number one is that people would understand
42:13 the true return of Christ,
42:15 what the Bible has to say about when He's coming.
42:18 Because if you understand, I mean, clearly from scripture,
42:21 you just lineup scripture upon scripture,
42:23 we see that Christ returns for us
42:27 after the mark of the beast.
42:30 Unlike the popular series "Left Behind",
42:33 they have the newest one out with Nicolas Cage
42:36 and anybody that has big--
42:37 That's a movie, yes?
42:38 Yeah, it's a movie and they're using these big actors
42:42 these days to play these parts like with "Noah",
42:45 they had Russell Crowe and with "Exodus"
42:49 they had Christian Bale and now here
42:52 with the "Left Behind" movie that's come out,
42:55 that has that false understanding
42:56 that Jesus is gonna come back
42:58 after the 7 years of tribulation,
43:00 everybody's gonna have a second chance.
43:02 And so this book right here
43:05 will help to counteract that counterfeit.
43:07 Amen, amen.
43:08 And that, so that was important to me is that
43:11 and it's just a pretty simple straightforward Bible study
43:15 to show that without too much commentary
43:18 because you can so easily prove that from the Bible.
43:21 But the second thing that was really important to me
43:24 was that it was not leaving people,
43:29 would not leave people without a feeling of hope
43:32 that you could feel, that's why the chapter
43:36 the resting in His everlasting arms
43:38 that you could have assurance of salvation,
43:41 assurance of God's protection
43:43 because sometimes we tell the story of end days
43:45 and we have people just scared and we try to-- some people
43:50 I think try to motivate people through fear
43:52 but the sad thing is if someone is motivated by fear,
43:56 that motivation won't last that long.
43:59 We need our motivation to be motivation by love for Christ.
44:02 And, you know, Jesus says in the Bible
44:05 or it says in the Bible that when you see
44:08 these things coming rejoice
44:10 because your redemption draweth nigh.
44:12 So instead of our hearts failing us
44:14 because of fear, let's rejoice and be happy
44:17 and proud as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
44:20 sharing our faith with confidence,
44:23 you know, by sharing literature like this.
44:26 You know, I think that what we ought to do
44:29 is put up an address for you
44:32 so that if you want to order either
44:35 just your own individual copy
44:37 so that you can know and understand this,
44:41 it really is a simple way to understand prophecy
44:44 and the end time events, or if you want to order a case
44:48 that you can spread out
44:50 and pass out in your neighborhood,
44:52 here's how you can get The Antichrist Agenda Revealed.
45:01 If you would like to get the book,
45:03 The Antichrist Agenda Revealed, then you can write to 3ABN,
45:07 P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
45:12 That's 3ABN, P.O. Box 220,
45:16 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
45:19 You can call 618-627-4651.
45:24 That's 618-627-4651.
45:28 Or you can visit us online at 3abn.org.
45:32 That's 3abn.org.
45:43 And we encourage you to make that call
45:45 and get your copy or get a case
45:48 so that you can share
45:49 with your neighbors and your friends.
45:52 Well, right now we are going to have
45:53 a second song by Johann Sentana,
45:56 beautiful pianist, very talented young man.
45:59 He's going to be playing
46:00 "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus."


Revised 2015-06-25