3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY015002A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray,
01:10 and allow me to thank you once again
01:12 for sharing just a little bit of your day with us,
01:15 to thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:17 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:19 And for spending a little time with us today,
01:22 in a discussion of something, that is exciting me,
01:25 and I think it's gonna excite you too.
01:27 One of the things, that impress me,
01:29 is that Jesus has many, many ways to touch hearts,
01:33 change lives, and rearrange destinies.
01:36 There are so many ministries
01:38 each of which can be used to save souls.
01:41 And so today we're gonna talk about something,
01:43 that may not be something
01:45 that's on your own particular radar,
01:48 but is really from what I gather a great,
01:52 an ongoing ministry
01:54 and I think you're gonna fall in love with it too
01:55 as we sort of discuss and unpackaged our story.
01:58 I've got three handsome gentlemen
02:00 from the Minnesota Conference
02:01 and I think I'll start with the farthest away from me,
02:04 because he's a conference president,
02:06 and you got to do that, he's conference president.
02:08 This is Justin Lyons. Justin, good to have you here.
02:11 Thank you, CA. It's good to be here.
02:13 In the middle is David Wilson, who is a test case,
02:17 an example of the goodness of the Lord
02:20 and, David, good to have you here.
02:21 Thank you, CA.
02:22 And then a youth director for the North Star Camp
02:26 and that's the camp in the Minnesota Conference,
02:28 that we're gonna be highlighting today.
02:29 This is Jeff Wines. Good to be here.
02:31 Jeff, good to have you here.
02:32 Thank you Yeah.
02:33 Good looking group of men with much to say
02:36 about the North Star Camp.
02:38 I remember my days back at Victory Lake Camp,
02:40 in the Northeastern Conference, I was the camp electrician.
02:44 So once camp meeting started and camp and summertime started
02:47 we're busy all the time doing,
02:48 you know, doing different kinds of things,
02:50 but evidently North Star Camp has a great history
02:54 from what I can understand
02:56 and God has used that camp in a particular way,
02:58 is that right, Jeff?
02:59 Yes, He has. Amazing ways actually.
03:02 There's miracle after miracle that's happened.
03:05 Even in starting,
03:06 being able to buy the property at the beginning.
03:08 It's just, it's continued to happen over the years.
03:11 Great, great, before we unpackaged that story,
03:13 I want to go and just talk to you each a little bit
03:16 about your collective fixtures, then we will go to our music,
03:18 then we will launch right into ministry.
03:19 But I want to start with the president.
03:22 Justin, I'm told you're still kind of a new guy
03:25 as far as president is concerned.
03:27 That is correct.
03:28 You're not from Minnesota?
03:30 Not originally, no, I'm from Indiana.
03:32 Uh-huh. So not too far. No.
03:34 A day's drive, less than a day's drive.
03:37 When did you come to Minnesota Conference?
03:39 Oh, my, in 1986, I started as a pastor in Minnesota
03:45 and then in '98, I moved out west
03:50 but in 2006, Minnesota called me
03:53 back to do gift planning and trust service
03:56 and eventually moved me into the vice president's office
03:59 and then March, 20th, 2014, they elected me as president.
04:04 Very, very good.
04:06 Adventist home growing up?
04:08 No, sir, I grew up in the Lutheran home.
04:14 How did Adventism find you, or you find Adventism?
04:19 Well, that's a long story, but I'll try to keep it short.
04:22 I was a student at Purdue University
04:24 and it was there that I met
04:26 the Seventh-day Adventist young lady
04:29 and she tried to give me some Bible studies.
04:35 But it was, I would say,
04:38 I was loved into the church by a very friendly church
04:41 there in Lafayette, Indiana.
04:44 Did you marry that young lady?
04:46 No, sir.
04:49 I was just trying to connect with that, you know.
04:52 I met my wife at what is now called
04:54 Southern Adventist University.
04:57 Yes, after becoming a Seventh-day Adventist,
05:01 I chose to go to an Adventist School
05:03 and I had a whole new world view,
05:06 I have to tell you that.
05:08 By the time I was at Purdue, I was really an atheist,
05:11 and having a new experience at recognizing
05:16 that there is a creator God and so forth
05:20 that world view shift was difficult for me to handle
05:24 while I was at Purdue, and I wanted to find a place
05:28 where I could sort out my new faith.
05:32 And I first went to Andrews,
05:35 then I went as a student missionary,
05:37 when I got home, I sold books for summer
05:41 and went down to Southern for a couple of more years.
05:44 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
05:45 Yeah, we remember our son Kevin went to the Southern.
05:50 They do call that school the marriage magnet.
05:52 You can get a good education
05:54 and as a rule if you behave yourself
05:56 and keep your eyes open, come out of there
05:57 with a partner for your life too so.
06:01 I'm gonna jump over Dave and go to you, Jeff.
06:05 You are the youth director,
06:06 how long you've been serving in that capacity?
06:08 I've been serving there since 2010, so 5 years.
06:12 Now we know you're not a native Minnesotan.
06:14 No, I'm not.
06:15 Adventist home growing up? Yes, Adventist home growing up.
06:18 My father worked in Adventist Education
06:21 for the church most of his life and so I've lived on the South,
06:26 and the West Coast, and Midwest.
06:29 Yep, yep.
06:30 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
06:31 Now we, we're gonna talk about it,
06:33 you didn't come to your current position
06:35 sort of the traditional route,
06:37 when I say traditional, pasturing the whole
06:40 and all of that or back to the Seventh-day--
06:41 Yours is a little bit of a circuitous dare I say route.
06:44 Right, right, kind of went around.
06:47 Yeah.
06:48 You know, as a young person I seem to have gifts
06:52 and talents in more of the arts
06:53 and so I went to school for photography
06:57 and upon graduating a year
06:59 before that as a student missionary,
07:01 given my heart to Christ and told Him I'd serve
07:05 wherever He wanted me to and little did
07:07 I know my first job out of college
07:10 would be as a youth pastor,
07:11 and so I started youth pastoring, and loved it.
07:16 It was a passion, got married
07:17 and my wife and I went back to seminarian,
07:20 I thought well this is what I am supposed to do
07:21 for the rest of my life
07:22 and God had other plans for the next few years.
07:25 I ended up teaching at Andrews University
07:28 and teaching photography and video and stuff like that
07:32 and I then I got call back into the ministry, been there since.
07:37 So the Lord sort of just gave you a resume, you know.
07:39 Basically. For what you're doing now.
07:41 I think so, something like that, exactly.
07:43 Yeah, yeah, David, we gonna go to you.
07:46 Adventist home growing up?
07:47 Yes, definitely. All right, good man.
07:49 Yeah, my dad was-- he was the youth director,
07:51 and his father was the pastor, his father was the pastor,
07:53 so he is down the line Adventist
07:56 and he is the pathfinder director always has been.
07:59 One of the church leaders he always
08:00 either starts it up at the general course
08:02 something pathfinder related.
08:05 Praise the Lord.
08:06 So that ministry thing is kind of in your DNA,
08:08 Yes, just a little bit.
08:10 You got any idea, what you want to do with your life.
08:13 I'm still looking, but I would like
08:15 to become an architectural engineer
08:17 and hopefully, work with the church
08:19 and I want to start up my own youth group
08:20 one day with the group-- it was a lot of fun.
08:23 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
08:24 Did your experience with the camp
08:26 have a lot to do with how you're thinking
08:29 and what your goals in life are now,
08:31 we are going to come back to that,
08:32 but I just want to touch on that for now.
08:33 It definitely changed my views a lot, so it helped.
08:37 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
08:39 We want to go to our music
08:40 just now, then we want to come back
08:42 and sort of dive into the story.
08:43 Because there's much to talk about here
08:46 and we'll go to our music now.
08:49 Our music is coming today from Valerie Shelton Walker.
08:53 She is the wife of our good friend
08:55 and director here Brad Walker,
08:57 beautiful person, beautiful singer.
08:59 She's going to be doing and singing My Tribute.
09:10 How can I say thanks
09:16 For the things
09:19 That You have done for me
09:24 Things so undeserved
09:30 Yet You gave to prove Your love for me
09:36 The voices of a millions angels
09:42 Could not express my gratitude
09:49 All that I am
09:51 And ever hope to be
09:57 I owe it all to Thee
10:03 To God be the glory
10:09 To God be the glory
10:17 To God be the glory
10:22 For the things He has done
10:29 With His blood He has saved me
10:35 With His power He has raised me
10:43 To God be the glory
10:48 For the things He has done.
10:54 Just let me live my life
11:01 Let it be pleasing, Lord, to Thee
11:08 And should I gain any praise
11:14 Let it go to Calvary
11:21 Calvary
11:24 With His blood He has saved me
11:31 With His power He has raised me
11:39 To God be the glory
11:44 For the things
11:50 For the things
11:56 For the things
12:00 That He has done
12:08 He has done
12:19 Valerie Shelton Walker, thank you so very, very much.
12:21 My guests are president of the conference,
12:23 Jeff Lyons, David Wilson, and Jeff--Justin Lyons,
12:29 David Wilson, Jeff Wines.
12:32 I want to get that right.
12:34 Gentlemen, we're talking about North Star Camp
12:38 and most conferences have, have camps,
12:41 you know I think it's in our history
12:44 as a church to have some place
12:45 where people can come out of the cities and get away.
12:47 This camp evidently has a very interesting history.
12:50 Walk me through the early days of North Star Camp
12:53 as you know it, Jeff?
12:54 All right, and Justin you can jump in here anytime.
13:00 In 1956, the brethren at the conference
13:05 put an announcement out saying we need a camp,
13:08 we need a place where young people can go out, go camping,
13:12 get to know God in nature, that kind of thing.
13:14 And so they started, you know, looking and asking people.
13:19 Well, that happened a couple times
13:22 putting a announcement out they weren't finding anything.
13:25 And then a gentleman by the name of Harris Jones,
13:29 a member in the church,
13:30 and he worked somewhere in the state
13:33 with land development and so forth.
13:36 He saw the announcement,
13:39 and kind of didn't want to do anything about it,
13:41 but his daughter said, "Dad you know all the land,
13:44 you should be the one that goes out and looks for this."
13:47 And so he said "Well, maybe I should."
13:49 So he started looking
13:51 and kind of checking things out,
13:53 he didn't find anything,
13:55 and one day after looking at an article about firefighting
14:00 and how they help you look at firefighting
14:02 from the air and direction.
14:04 He thought, "You know, we've all these aerial images."
14:08 I mean, I mean thousands of them
14:10 covering the entire state of Minnesota.
14:12 So he said, "Why don't I start looking there,
14:14 maybe I'll find something that way."
14:15 So he started looking through all that
14:17 and narrowed it down to the property
14:19 that we now have, that area,
14:21 and as he looked at that, he said,
14:23 "Man, this is some amazing opportunity for our camp,
14:27 this is a beautiful location."
14:31 And so with some of his colleagues at work
14:34 who were now trying to help him with his project.
14:37 He found out that they had a realtor
14:40 for a chunk of this property
14:42 and he went to talk to the realtor.
14:45 The realtor basically blew him off.
14:46 He said, "Sorry, this is not going happen."
14:50 Not only do they not want to sell the property,
14:52 but you could never afford at your church group.
14:55 And that was it, and he went home discouraged,
14:58 and he talked to his wife
15:00 and they prayed about it that night
15:03 and in the next day he went again to check things out
15:08 and he found out the people that own the property.
15:11 It was two elderly sisters, and he said,
15:14 okay, I'm gonna go talk to them.
15:16 So he drove over to their property,
15:18 walked in the house,
15:20 you know, they invited the man, and said what do you want?
15:24 He said, "I'm here to talk about
15:26 possibly buying the land that you have."
15:29 They were curt to be nice,
15:34 and basically want to throw him out.
15:36 They say, "Why, what, you know,
15:37 didn't you talk to our realtor?"
15:38 He said "Yeah." "So what'd she tell you."
15:40 She told me I couldn't buy the property
15:42 "Well, then why are you here."
15:43 Well, this is a camp for kids
15:46 and I thought maybe if I talk to you
15:48 maybe you'd be willing to sell us this property.
15:51 They said, "No."
15:52 So he started making his way slowly towards the door
15:55 and as the story is told
15:57 evidently one of the sisters was talking
15:59 and she was very loud
16:01 and he was getting a little concerned
16:04 and as they're leaving,
16:07 as he's beginning to leave they said to him,
16:10 "You know, this was our father's property,
16:11 he had thousands of acres around this whole area
16:14 and we are keeping this as a memorial.
16:18 We only have a little bit left about 80 acres or so,
16:22 we only have this left."
16:24 And he said, well, he said,
16:29 "You say you want it to be memorial,
16:31 what better memorial than to have this as a place for kids,
16:35 where they can come and they can connect with God
16:37 and so forth and be out in nature."
16:39 And they said really.
16:43 What really, you know what religion are you?
16:47 And he said "Seventh-day Adventist,"
16:49 "So you're not they mentioned another religion"
16:51 and he said, "No, we're Seventh-day Adventist."
16:54 Then she said, well, let me go talk to my sister,
16:56 so she wheeled her sister into the other room
16:58 they talk she came back.
16:59 This whole time he's praying
17:01 and he has even starting to cry at this point
17:03 because he's so passionate about it
17:06 and she comes back in and she says,
17:09 "You really want this, don't you?"
17:11 He said "Yeah." "What about the price?"
17:14 "We're not worried about that,
17:15 God will work it out" and she's like
17:18 "All right, we'll do it as long as this mutual friend of theirs
17:22 says it's okay, we'll do it."
17:24 "So can I get that in writing?" she said "Absolutely."
17:27 So she puts in writing right there.
17:29 She gives him the piece of paper
17:31 and he's walking out of the door
17:33 and he's floating out of the door at this point.
17:35 And as he walks down step also and he runs into the realtor
17:39 and she is just furious.
17:43 She grabs his shirt or coat or whatever
17:45 she's just shaking him like a rag doll,
17:47 she's "What did you do?"
17:49 She's just angry and she lets him go
17:51 and she storms into the house.
17:53 He doesn't know what happens inside
17:55 and he quickly gets in his car and leaves.
17:57 Goes back to work and all his colleagues at work
18:00 are just like, "Yes, we can't believe you got this is.
18:04 This is fantastic."
18:05 Now, they weren't Seventh-day Adventist,
18:08 but they were all rooting for him
18:12 and but that's not where the story goes.
18:14 She basic, those two sisters basically
18:17 sold the property for hardly any money,
18:20 I mean, it was dirt, she,
18:22 and they could have made a lot of money on that.
18:25 But there was some other property
18:26 that was adjacent to it that the county owned
18:30 and so he went to the county with another buddy of his
18:34 and they started trying to get that land,
18:36 it was in a conservation which in Minnesota means
18:40 basically the water adjacent
18:42 or the land adjacent to the water
18:44 all that property you usually don't get it,
18:48 and so they went to the county offices
18:50 and they said, well, you're not going to get it,
18:53 but we understand what you're trying to do
18:55 and we think that's great, we'll even write a letter,
18:57 but you won't get it.
18:58 So they wrote a letter to Saint Paul,
19:00 which is the capital of Minnesota,
19:03 and they got a response that
19:05 actually we will put it up for sale,
19:06 it'll be an auction.
19:07 We'll put it up for sale,
19:09 so they did some more checking on,
19:10 there's a bunch of parcels, so it wasn't just one piece.
19:12 And all these different parcels,
19:14 they went down to the county and found out
19:18 that some of them were in tax problems,
19:21 major problems and,
19:23 so they might not get that either.
19:25 And so they started working to the process,
19:27 asked some people to help them and this is unheard of,
19:30 it usually takes six months to a year for something like
19:32 that get all worked through,
19:33 six weeks it was all taken care of.
19:35 Wow, wow.
19:36 And the day of the auction came up
19:39 and the brethren had already come up.
19:40 They checked the lake out, they checked the property out,
19:44 and they had one of them there to bid on the auction
19:47 and they weren't sure they were going to get it
19:50 because some officials,
19:52 some people that worked for the state
19:53 wanted to buy the property as well
19:55 and we're talking a lot of money.
19:57 And they had the money to spend
20:00 and they got there to the courthouse
20:02 and they said, "Sorry, you can't buy the property,
20:05 you work for the state."
20:07 And they said wait a second,
20:08 so they raced down to their attorney,
20:11 did some quick checking and found out yes they could,
20:13 but they had to buy in cash.
20:15 By the time they came back ready to go
20:18 they walked in the door
20:19 the gavel came down and judge said,
20:22 "Sold to the Seventh-day Adventist church"
20:23 and it was for pennies on the dollar.
20:25 Wow.
20:26 So, we ended up and over the next few years
20:29 there were little tiny pieces
20:30 that we continued to buy up so I'm told.
20:33 And we ended up with about 150 acres of land.
20:37 Praise the Lord.
20:38 Yes, all those pieces,
20:40 just one miracle after another should never have happened.
20:42 Yeah, I guess we'll never know what happened
20:44 when the realtor went back in their houses
20:46 of the two elderly ladies.
20:47 Well actually,
20:48 actually there is a little piece to the end of the story.
20:53 The ladies passed away and the church
20:56 built a memorial for them at the camp, it's there today.
21:01 The realtor she got ill health, later on in life,
21:06 and her mind and heart changed about what had happened there
21:09 and she ended up giving
21:10 and donating money for the camp.
21:13 Praise the God. Yeah.
21:14 Yeah, only the Lord can.
21:15 Yep, yep. Yeah, it's amazing.
21:18 That is a good, a great story. Oh, it is.
21:21 Yeah, so you got about 150 acres.
21:22 About that.
21:23 The obligatory lake, you've to you have a lake.
21:26 We actually have more than one lake,
21:28 we have its on, Rice lake is what most people would say,
21:32 but that's adjacent to the Mississippi River,
21:34 which also borders our property as well.
21:36 Oh, okay.
21:37 In addition, we have another small lake
21:40 in the center of the property
21:43 and then on the edge of the property
21:45 we own another part of one lake.
21:47 I mean its Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes.
21:49 Land of lakes, yeah, yeah.
21:51 We've over 2 miles of shoreline.
21:53 Oh, praise the Lord. It's a beautiful spot.
21:55 So boating, swimming the whole 9 yards.
21:57 Whole 9 yards, and we have a part of an island, actually.
22:01 Oh, you got to showing off now.
22:02 Yeah, it's amazing. You have an island.
22:04 I mean, what God did was amazing.
22:06 Praise the Lord.
22:07 It was a miracle. Yeah, praise the Lord.
22:11 Has, is it still out in the county,
22:12 it's away from city or is it city
22:16 kind of encroaching on it a little bit?
22:17 When you get there and drive into the camp property.
22:20 It feels like you're out in the country.
22:22 Right, David? Yeah, definitely, yeah.
22:24 But, it's actually in the city limits.
22:26 It's not a big town. Yeah.
22:28 Brainerd, Minnesota, is not big,
22:30 but it's just in city limits.
22:33 So we're actually part of the city,
22:34 and part of the county.
22:36 Yeah, we're next to an airport, so.
22:41 It's hard to keep the county away from you know.
22:42 It's right, pretty much.
22:44 When you, it starts out in the wilderness
22:45 and then the wilderness becomes part of the city.
22:49 Most as I said, most conferences have a camp
22:54 that have used ministries,
22:57 but this camp evidently is very special.
23:02 Walk me through some of that, what makes this camp special.
23:05 Lives have been changed,
23:06 a lot of good stuff is happening, obviously.
23:09 Give us some flavor of, of, of, that?
23:14 I would say that as I rub shoulders
23:18 with other camp directors around North America,
23:22 that each camp has a unique story.
23:25 I mean, I would not say that we're
23:28 that much more special than another camp.
23:31 I mean, I worked at another camp,
23:33 and college Timber Ridge Camp, in Indiana,
23:37 and helped at another camp at Manhattan
23:39 as well and each camp has their unique flavor
23:42 and God's given us one that's amazing.
23:45 I think the uniqueness is Minnesota has a very unique
23:50 and wonderful geography.
23:51 When you leave the cities and go north,
23:54 it's all Northern Minnesota,
23:56 at least that's what everybody there says,
23:58 and so we're in Northern Minnesota.
24:00 We have the Northwoods of Minnesota.
24:02 It gives it a very wonderful feel.
24:05 There's a large pine trees,
24:06 but there's also quite a few deciduous trees in that area
24:10 as well and like we mention a lot of lakes.
24:14 Minnesotans, in the winter,
24:16 in the summer time head north many, many Minnesotans.
24:21 They've cabins all over the Northern Minnesota.
24:25 You may have heard of boundary waters.
24:27 It's kind of "canoeing mecca" of canoeing
24:31 and I've taken my kids there and we've canoed.
24:34 My family, we canoed way into boundary waters,
24:37 and it's absolutely amazing places.
24:39 Its pristine, not touched by,
24:41 you know, a lot of manmade things,
24:44 so Northern Minnesota is kind of near and dear to Minnesotans
24:48 because of that.
24:50 In addition, many, many people put their heart and soul
24:53 into this camp in the original building of the property
24:57 and putting in roads and buildings and so forth
24:59 and so a lot of people just really love the camp
25:03 because of that.
25:04 So there's a lot of specialty, it's one of those gems
25:10 that isn't always talked about, but it's beautiful.
25:15 Justin, I wanted to ask you how many members does
25:19 Minnesota Conference have?
25:21 Just over 9,100 and I would say
25:26 mostly supportive of this great ministry.
25:31 I would say our kids go up there
25:32 because of the waterfront, because of the horses,
25:37 but they come away with a better experience with Jesus.
25:42 Give us some sense of the camp program
25:43 that you run in the summer,
25:45 then I want to go back to some other questions but.
25:47 You know as a youth director, I was very good friends
25:50 with most of youth directors at my conference
25:52 and I know the kind of summer that you guy spend.
25:54 But, just the flavor of the, of the program.
25:56 All right, so you have, we have,
25:59 we run six weeks of camp
26:00 and before that most camps have a staff preparation week.
26:04 So we have-- for what we do is
26:07 we have a week of that where we bring the staff
26:09 and do training
26:10 and certifications all that stuff
26:13 and then we run camp and we run a-- we call it abilities camp.
26:17 It's a camp for people that are disabled.
26:19 Have a lot of, people that come there
26:21 they have Down syndrome for example
26:24 and another disabilities, and they just love the place,
26:28 some of these people have been coming for years,
26:29 20 to 30 years.
26:31 And you know, I've been there 5 years.
26:34 "Oh, you're new you know, you, it's because you're here
26:36 I know what goes on here"
26:37 and you know and that kind of thing,
26:40 a lot of my staff, that's their favorite camp.
26:45 If you haven't worked for somebody that's disabled,
26:48 you have not seen anybody relish your love.
26:51 I mean these people just love you no matter what.
26:54 It's just amazing, anyway that's one week we do
26:56 and then we run a cub camp, junior camp,
27:00 what we call twin camp and a teen camp
27:03 and each of those are for, from ages from cub camp
27:07 8 years old all the way to 16 for teen camp.
27:10 Then we also run a family camp.
27:14 And those are the six weeks of camp that we run,
27:16 all of them week long overnight,
27:19 kids come on Sunday afternoon and leave Sunday morning
27:22 and we start immediately Sunday afternoon
27:24 with the next group of kids coming out.
27:25 Wow. So, yeah.
27:27 Yeah, you keep quite, quite, quite busy.
27:29 Do you have, Justin do you have camp meeting as far
27:33 as for the overall constituency of the, on those grounds?
27:36 No, we actually do that at Maplewood Academy.
27:39 Yeah, that works too.
27:42 Now, David you actually do get to talk,
27:46 because we need to find out how you play into this whole story
27:51 and what part of the puzzle, you fill into.
27:56 I was a camper for 3 years and I loved it there,
28:00 it was just a chance for me to escape from everything,
28:03 from just different like worldly temptations,
28:07 just from school from all during the summer time,
28:10 but different things like college visit and stuff.
28:13 It gives me time to relax and spend time with God
28:15 because at home I find myself too tired give him a prayer
28:19 or something, but I can't,
28:20 you kind of force into spending time with God.
28:23 There is literally activities everyday,
28:25 where you have to pray
28:26 and you have to do a Bible study
28:28 and it's great everyone needs it,
28:30 because everyone gets this in every now and then
28:33 and so being at high school
28:34 and going onto college I definitely need that too,
28:36 because I'm always doing a homework
28:38 or sports or some other activity,
28:40 so it's just great and I hopefully
28:43 I'll become counselor next year.
28:45 Okay. So that's my goals too.
28:49 Praise the Lord, I see on my notes here
28:51 that rebuilding of the camp, was there something
28:56 that happened that necessitated a kind of rebuilding
28:59 or walk me through that, that, that time?
29:01 Yeah, you know, Justin was here first before I was, won't you?
29:07 You want me to speak to that. Yeah, yeah,
29:11 The camp as Jeff's already mentioned was purchased in 1956
29:16 and I believe they held their first summer camp in 1957
29:21 and most of the buildings on the camp
29:23 were built over the next few years
29:26 and not a whole lot had changed up until like 2008
29:32 and in 2008 people started looking
29:34 around some group of lay people actually.
29:37 Church members got together, came to the Conference Office
29:41 and talked in terms of what we can do
29:43 to rebuild and revitalize the camp?
29:46 Because there is a lot of maintenance issues
29:51 and as you know in ministry
29:52 there are always competing calls for funding.
29:57 And people were saying we need to do
29:59 something different at the camp,
30:01 but it's gonna take some funding.
30:03 And so in 2008 this what we called a "Visioning Committee,
30:08 the North Star Camp Visioning Committee" got together
30:10 with the conference president at the time.
30:14 And they put together a plan and brought it
30:17 to the constituency session that year
30:20 and it was an overwhelming response
30:22 to move forward with a three phase plan
30:25 to basically replace every structure at the camp.
30:29 Wow.
30:30 And they started that the next fall
30:36 by tearing down the boy's village cabins
30:39 and I actually used the local fire department
30:43 to take care of some of those.
30:46 They had some practice building burned them down, but.
30:51 Few sad moments for some people.
30:54 But it was also a happy time
30:55 because we knew that God was working
30:57 and we were able to move forward
30:59 because we said, we're not going to build anything
31:02 unless there's money to do.
31:03 We're not going into debt at all for this project.
31:07 And so we replaced six cabins,
31:14 and then the next year six more,
31:17 and the funding just kept coming along,
31:21 the Lord was blessing us that way, we believe and...
31:25 And by the way, I want to mention
31:26 something about the funding.
31:28 You know, there's miracles that happened all over the place.
31:32 I think and part it's a miracle
31:33 that the conference kind of banded together
31:36 and said we're gonna rebuild this camp.
31:38 Amen. Yeah.
31:39 The second miracle that's awesome is
31:42 as we started raising funds we never have had,
31:46 oh, here you have an extra $100,000 to keep on going.
31:50 It was like, okay, do we have enough to make it,
31:53 and we would have just enough to make it
31:54 as we got through one section of building
31:58 just time and again
31:59 and you know the generosity of people
32:02 and God moving on their hearts to give.
32:04 It's amazing. Yeah, yeah, praise God.
32:06 We know that feeling around here,
32:08 Lord doesn't just have you pile in the corner,
32:10 so as you can go to when you needed it,
32:12 but when you need it there's some with something
32:14 that you can do, so you built in stages?
32:16 We built in stages, and we're still building.
32:19 We're in our third phase right now trying to replace
32:22 what we call the lodge,
32:24 some people would call it the cafeteria building.
32:27 It's the kitchen and a large meeting space
32:30 is the primary use of that structure
32:33 and I would say it's in the prime piece of realty
32:37 that we have there at the camp is the view
32:39 is the "million dollar view" kind of thing
32:43 and right on the edge of the lake
32:45 with a certain setback
32:47 you know it meets the state requirement.
32:49 But, we want to see a new lodge
32:54 as the-- the needs of the camp have changed since 1960.
32:59 That's the era in which that lodge was built
33:02 and health requirements for the kitchen
33:06 so forth there are number of issues with the structure
33:10 that we looked at remodeling and some people say
33:12 you know "you can save some money just remodel it."
33:16 There's so much remodeling that would have to take place
33:18 that it's probably less expensive
33:21 to take it down and start over.
33:23 And many times is that you just tear down
33:24 and start from scratch
33:25 because when you begin to remodel you find out that
33:27 "this is broken out, we got to change that
33:28 and we got to do that" that kind of thing.
33:30 Oh, one of the biggest issues with this was this that
33:34 oh, we live in Minnesota
33:36 and they say it gets cold in winter
33:38 and when that happens you know everything freezes.
33:42 Well, when they built some of these buildings,
33:45 which it was perfect for their time,
33:47 but we want to use them all season.
33:49 Minnesotans don't stay inside in the winter, we go do stuff.
33:52 Well this has no frost footings.
33:54 So if you were to rebuild it,
33:55 you couldn't use it for four seasons.
33:57 Yeah, yeah.
33:58 Right, right now, we've shuttered down
34:00 in usually the middle of October,
34:02 and don't open it again until the middle of April,
34:06 because it's frozen.
34:08 We want to built and use it year around.
34:10 Yeah, yeah, I think winter sports are,
34:13 just you know, on a lake or you know
34:16 you got lakes there you get.
34:17 This is a lot things you can do coming from Buffalo, New York.
34:20 We're born in Buffalo, New York
34:21 we're grew up Buffalo, New York,
34:23 well we know how to do snow.
34:24 Right. That's true.
34:26 Yeah, we didn't stay inside,
34:28 we had the fact that church sponsored for the young people,
34:32 you know snow parties, snow picnics kind of thing.
34:35 We went out and you know we came back
34:36 frozen like a popsicle,
34:37 but you had fun doing it, you know,
34:38 so yeah I could see that you'd want to use that.
34:42 How many children do you service young people,
34:44 do you service over the course of the year?
34:47 With a camp, I would just say campers
34:49 because that also includes family camp.
34:51 And some of are aren't disabled or older as well,
34:55 so we're right now,
34:56 we've grown the camp over the last 5 years
34:59 and right now we're averaging around 400 on summer camp.
35:02 For the summer camp. Yeah.
35:04 Just for the summer camp,
35:05 then you got the rest of the year
35:06 which you got other groups coming in,
35:08 for example, we'll have our pathfinder camporee there.
35:11 And how many 100 is that.
35:14 We've got about 250 to 300 somewhere in there
35:18 and we've got a quite a few Hispanic Churches in Minnesota
35:22 and they'll come up and do a big camporee
35:24 and they'll bring all their kids too.
35:25 And that's like 500 people and so you know
35:29 there's a lot of other things happening in the camp to.
35:31 You're inching up to a 1000.
35:33 You know, really a year or so constant years.
35:36 Yep. Yeah, that is great.
35:39 And I want all three of you to respond to this.
35:42 Talk to me about lives that are being changed there.
35:48 You know you get a young person out of the city,
35:50 get some good cleaned air in the young's
35:52 and you get Jesus hopefully into their heart,
35:54 but all three kind of weigh in on it for me.
35:57 Justin, you want to start?
35:58 Well, I'm excited when I see the children,
36:02 the youth, coming from the twin cities particularly,
36:06 but also several examples
36:09 I could think of that people are coming from homes
36:14 that are not what we would think of as traditional.
36:18 There's a lot of single parent homes,
36:21 a lot of children coming from the cities,
36:23 particularly that face some challenges that,
36:28 you know, I didn't have to face as I was growing up
36:32 and I look and see how the camp
36:34 is able to through the staff really to make connections,
36:39 let's say somebody cares about you.
36:42 Yeah, yeah.
36:44 And then they're able to show them,
36:45 God cares about you too,
36:48 and this picture just keeps getting
36:49 bigger and brighter for them.
36:53 It warms my heart when I see the kids at camp.
36:58 They really are, it's almost a refuge in some ways.
37:03 You know it's probably the highlight of their year
37:06 for many of these kids.
37:07 Great, great.
37:10 For me, I got baptized there, two summers ago.
37:14 And that was life changing moment
37:16 and not only like I did it and my parents weren't there
37:19 and most people want to baptized with their family,
37:21 but I was just so touched
37:23 and just caught up with Jesus in my heart I couldn't wait,
37:26 I just had to get baptized then and there and I loved it,
37:30 it was it really did touched me all the testimonies
37:33 and activities got me closer to God.
37:36 And you find yourself just thinking about
37:38 like how your life is at back home,
37:40 you're like I need to make changes
37:42 and things happened and things changed.
37:44 Let just hold it just a little bit, David,
37:46 because describe for me as best you can
37:49 what your experience was with the Lord prior,
37:52 running with the Lord, limping along,
37:54 wandering kind of treading water,
37:58 young person growing up.
38:01 Give me a little flavor of your Christian experience
38:03 prior to the camp?
38:04 Before the camp, like the closest
38:08 I was to God was probably when I was young age,
38:11 elementary school and that's because you know my parents
38:14 definitely had a lot more control over me,
38:15 and they were forcing me to do all the stuff
38:17 that you know I'd play church, I'd go to church, sit down
38:20 and be a good little kid and then like later on,
38:22 got to high school and middle school,
38:24 I kind of slipped because I had excuses like
38:26 homework or sports
38:27 so I didn't get my daily prayers in
38:29 or I forgot to say grace before dinner like the simple things.
38:33 Dave, listening to the language.
38:34 They were forcing me to go, I was kind of you know,
38:36 they had control you know.
38:38 I am listening, I'm passing the language here, yeah--
38:40 And it's external.
38:41 Yeah, it's all external and nothing going on inside.
38:44 So obviously the camp experience
38:45 began to change things for your heart?
38:47 Definitely, it built in responsibility for me
38:51 to want to try to get close to the Jesus,
38:54 so I would before I would probably go to bed
38:58 and probably read one of my books for school
39:00 or just read for fun and now every now
39:02 and then I'll open my Bible and just read
39:04 or just look at Ellen G. White writing and stuff
39:07 and right before I go to bed did a devotional hymn
39:10 and it's, it's not that long it's 15 minutes,
39:12 but it helps because you're learning
39:14 something new everyday
39:15 and before that I didn't make any effort,
39:18 I was like I'll be fine when Jesus comes,
39:21 I'll be fine, you know, I go to church and everything,
39:23 but people don't realize that you had to actually try
39:26 and camp did that for me.
39:29 Yeah, Jeff same question.
39:31 I had the privilege of baptizing David,
39:36 and that was a little shock to myself,
39:39 he said, "Well, I wanted to be baptized."
39:40 I'm like well, let me talk with your dad,
39:43 so I did and his dad said, "Well, let me talk to David."
39:47 Two of them talked and then I talked to his dad again
39:50 and he said, "Well, you know, he really wants to be baptized,
39:53 I'm okay I can't be there because I got some,
39:55 I've got to run this afternoon at the church."
39:58 I said you sure, like we can do this later,
40:00 we can do it at your church.
40:01 No, he wants to make a decision.
40:03 It's his choice to follow Christ.
40:04 Yeah.
40:05 This is powerful, powerful.
40:08 Before I finish answering
40:09 can I show you some images that we have.
40:11 Yeah, so now we go to the pictures, yeah.
40:12 Because it has to do with some of what you're asking.
40:15 Okay. Okay.
40:16 So, you can see the first image is,
40:19 that's a picture of our lake from our beach.
40:21 It's beautiful location.
40:23 The next image I think we're gonna see David here.
40:29 One of his first summers there and you know
40:32 and David can speak to this more
40:33 but you know the activities engage you.
40:36 Yeah.
40:37 And they get excited, right? They really do.
40:40 At home I would never even set foot in the boat
40:42 like that's how my family is we're
40:44 not necessarily the outdoors type.
40:46 You know we go camping with pathfinders,
40:48 but I wouldn't call that camping
40:49 because you know you get bad houses.
40:51 You got cars right next to you and everything.
40:53 You go out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
40:55 But so, it really gets you in touch with the outdoors.
41:01 I finally got to ride a boat
41:03 and go tubing and that experiences.
41:05 Yeah, if I was in that boat I'd be praying.
41:07 I'll find the Lord. Right.
41:10 But, that's no problem. But you have fun extremely.
41:15 You find something new to do every day
41:17 from riding horses to archery to canoeing
41:20 going to a sunken island and just having fun,
41:22 meeting kids your age that are also Adventists
41:25 which you don't normally do.
41:26 So, it's just good times. Great, great.
41:29 Let's go back to those pictures,
41:30 there's some good stuff.
41:31 We mentioned some of the building.
41:33 This is one of the interiors of one of our staff cabins now,
41:36 so you can see this beautiful construction.
41:40 The next image I think is one of our cabins,
41:42 we have pictures of some of our new cabins for the campers
41:45 and we got 12 of these cabins around the camp
41:48 and they, you know, they are bunks inside them
41:52 and it's great.
41:54 Next to them they have bath houses
41:56 that we've also remodeled.
41:57 And you can see here we have,
41:59 this is an artist rendering of the proposed new lodge.
42:04 Wow, it's beautiful.
42:05 It is beautiful. It is very beautiful.
42:07 Lot of light open space.
42:08 Right. Yeah.
42:09 And this is the outside of that new lodge,
42:12 it's you know and we'll see what we can do
42:16 when the fundraisings all done
42:17 but its Lord's blessing there with that.
42:20 Praise the Lord.
42:21 So and you know this is the thing,
42:25 this picture right here I'll never forget one summer
42:27 when I said, you know, let's try something
42:31 you don't normally do this in school or other activities,
42:34 but this young lady right here,
42:37 she's studying the Bible outside.
42:39 I said, let's, let's, to my staff,
42:41 "Let's take these young people out as teen camp.
42:44 Let's take them outside and let's give them an hour
42:47 they can't talk to anybody,
42:48 let's just give them an hour to pray
42:49 and be in the word and we'll give some directions
42:51 if they want to read something specific
42:52 we can give them some directions
42:53 but otherwise they can read what they want."
42:55 And I can't tell how many kids came back to me
42:58 and said that was amazing, you know,
43:02 I've never had so much, I want to do that again
43:04 can you give us another hour,
43:06 I want to read the Bible more.
43:07 Yeah.
43:08 And there's just something about being outside
43:10 and give them permission to say I've got time to do this.
43:14 I've got time to connect with Jesus.
43:15 I got time to be in the word, I got time to pray,
43:18 you know, it's, it's amazing.
43:20 Yeah, yeah, Justin.
43:21 This past summer Jeff asked me to stand in
43:23 as sort of an emergency pastor for one week
43:27 and he asked me to share a Bible study
43:30 with each of the cabins.
43:33 So each day, I would've one hour with one cabin.
43:37 I've guess it, morning I did one group
43:38 and the afternoon I did another group
43:41 and so I shared the same Bible study
43:43 so they all got the same Bible study
43:45 and I wasn't sure what to expect,
43:47 but their first day the Bible study
43:49 I was sharing was on the origin of evil
43:53 and it culminates with showing how God loves us
43:57 and He's gracious towards us and gives us a redeemer
44:01 and we have salvation in Christ.
44:04 By faith, but the first group was a group of girls
44:11 and I wasn't sure how to proceed,
44:14 it's all girls here and I know I don't know
44:17 if they're going to want to read
44:18 the Bible out loud or not and I said
44:21 so we're going to have the Bible
44:22 and whoever like to read can read.
44:24 Well they all wanted to read the Bible.
44:26 And I so I said, okay, let's take turns
44:28 and we did and it was very interesting experience for me.
44:33 We went outside afterwards, I was showing them things
44:35 that God had created and asking them to find things
44:39 that they didn't think would be in the new earth
44:42 and some three things that would be
44:44 and showing them the variety of the mushrooms,
44:48 and the leaves, the blossoms, and they're all excited
44:52 and when it's all done can we do this again tomorrow.
44:55 Well, the second group was a group of boys
44:56 and that was a whole different experience.
45:00 None of them really wanted to read,
45:04 so I let them pass if they wanted to
45:07 and when it was all done we went outside
45:11 and I showed them the flowers and they whacked the flowers
45:13 and I'd show them mushrooms and they whacked the mushrooms.
45:15 They whacked the mushrooms.
45:18 And I showed them the leaves,
45:19 they rip them off the tree and went back
45:23 and we close with prayer and they said
45:25 can we do this again tomorrow
45:27 and it's a different response to Bible study,
45:31 but I was hopeful and I think they were seeing
45:35 that God does love them and for me,
45:38 Jeff, may be you want to share the mission statement
45:41 but it shows how the kids are seeing God
45:45 in this Northwoods environment.
45:46 It's awesome.
45:47 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
45:50 There's a couple of more pictures
45:52 that I want to show.
45:53 Let's go through them. All right.
45:56 One of our activities, horseback riding
45:58 and then we have a waterfront.
45:59 Well, I think we'll have to show the waterfront picture,
46:02 but yeah there we go a young man wakeboarding
46:05 and it's pretty exciting, and fun, and intense.
46:10 And here are some of our young people
46:11 just amazing young people that come to camp.
46:15 And this is our staff, I wanted to talk about
46:17 that for a minute to your thoughts there.
46:20 I get staff from all over Minnesota,
46:23 come from Adventist colleges, universities, academies
46:26 and we've been talking the whole time about
46:31 how it changes people that go to camp.
46:33 It changes the staff. It changes them in a huge way.
46:37 I had some staff that stay years,
46:39 they come back year after year
46:41 because it's something where I'm serving,
46:44 I'm giving, I'm connecting kids to Jesus.
46:46 Did you realize in 2008,
46:49 they did a study for Adventist camps,
46:52 across North America and roughly 80-83%
46:57 of all staff are now leaders
47:00 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
47:02 So, we're developing leaders through the staff,
47:05 that are there learning how to serve
47:06 and connect people to Christ.
47:08 Praise the Lord.
47:09 And one more picture, I think there's one more,
47:13 it's about-- It's my favorite picture here.
47:17 That's my oldest son and my youngest son,
47:19 they were both baptized that day
47:22 and, my youngest, my oldest son I'll never forget the day
47:25 I come in on a Sunday after the campers have left
47:28 and we do a debrief and get ready for the next camp
47:31 and one of the staff leans over to me
47:33 and says you might want to look at this,
47:34 this piece of paper and I said okay
47:37 I said what is this and I started reading
47:40 and my eyes starting welling up
47:42 and I'm starting to do that now again.
47:43 Yeah.
47:44 My son had said "I want to follow Jesus"
47:47 and he did that at an evening program,
47:49 he wasn't even part of that camp,
47:50 he was just watching
47:51 because he's there all summer with us.
47:52 Right.
47:53 Well, the next day, over the next few months
47:58 we started talking about having Bible studies
48:00 and to learn more so we did over the next year
48:02 we studied Bible and I'm studying the Bible
48:04 with my oldest son his name is Zack,
48:06 one day and my youngest son Elijah,
48:10 he comes up and he says
48:12 "hey dad, dad, I want to study the Bible too."
48:15 I said, okay. "I want to be baptized too.
48:18 I love Jesus."
48:20 I mean what father's heart can say no to that.
48:23 And so I started studying with him
48:26 and then their cousins and my kids all four of them
48:30 were baptized the same day.
48:31 Praise the God.
48:32 And people ask me what this camp mean,
48:36 it affects so many kids
48:37 and it has affected my personal family.
48:40 How old are your boys? Well they're 12 and 9 now.
48:45 When the older was baptized how old was he?
48:48 He was 11.
48:49 That's the age I got baptized at 11.
48:50 Yeah, only one in our family. Praise God.
48:53 You may have heard something that has intrigued you.
48:58 The camp sounds like a great place
48:59 that sets a table for salvation
49:01 for young men and women to know Jesus.
49:05 Should you liked to make contact
49:06 with Minnesota Conference or with the camp itself,
49:10 here is the contact information that you'll need.
49:15 North Star Camp is a key evangelistic
49:17 in nurturing outreach asset for the Minnesota Conference.
49:21 If you'd like to know more or learn how to support it,
49:24 then you can write to North Star Camp,
49:27 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple Grove, MN 55369.
49:32 That's North Star Camp, 7384 Kirkwood Court,
49:38 Maple Grove, MN 55369.
49:41 You can call 763-424-9576.
49:45 That's 763-424-9576
49:50 or visit them online at mnsda.com,
49:54 that's mnsda.com.
50:01 So that's the information that you need
50:02 and we hope you will make contact.
50:04 Justin, you were telling me a story
50:05 just during a break there about a particular constituency
50:09 that the camp ministries do.
50:11 Relay that stuff if you will.
50:12 I was sharing with you
50:13 and hopefully with the audience here
50:15 that there are people who come to the camp from homes
50:21 that are no always the more solid.
50:25 This past summer, I was asked to be a pastor for a week
50:28 and there were some campers
50:31 from one of the reservations in Minnesota
50:35 that were in conflict with each other
50:37 and weren't fitting in real
50:39 well with the rest of the group.
50:40 And as a pastor, I want to focus on the kids
50:43 that aren't fitting in.
50:45 And I went over to some of these kids,
50:47 actually some had actually been in physical conflict
50:51 and I had a soccer ball and we started kicking the ball
50:55 back and forth and pretty soon three of the native Americans
51:01 and myself were playing soccer and we were having a blast,
51:06 they were having a blast and it was just a little
51:09 while earlier they could hardly get along with each other,
51:12 and it was exciting to me to see the smiles on their faces
51:18 and that an adult cares about them,
51:22 but that was evident.
51:23 Praise the Lord.
51:24 And we want them to see that people care
51:26 and that God cares and I believe
51:29 that the camp succeed in that week
51:31 in showing them the love of God.
51:34 And I'm impressed that the conference president
51:36 becomes the camp pastor.
51:38 You know, I've assumed during the summer
51:40 the conference work doesn't stop
51:41 so you're adding to your load,
51:43 but that's impressive
51:44 that you care enough about that to do that.
51:46 I was an emergency filled in and what I was.
51:49 Jeff had somebody cancel on him at the last minute,
51:52 I said my daughter is gonna be at camp,
51:54 I can be at camp, and so I went for the week
51:59 and I haven't been a camp pastor probably in two decades,
52:03 but I had a blast with kids.
52:04 Like ride a bike, you know, you'll never forget.
52:07 That's right. Praise the Lord.
52:08 Being with kids was fun.
52:09 Yeah, Jeff, is this a kind of thing
52:11 that you see every year, you know, periodically
52:14 whenever you see this reclamation of lives.
52:18 Absolutely. Yeah.
52:19 Absolutely, some kids come to camp
52:21 never given their hearts to Christ,
52:22 I mean every summer we've kids that come to camp
52:24 and say I'm recommitting my life to Jesus.
52:27 I remember one summer,
52:28 a young man comes running up at me
52:30 you know, this is teen camp, this very rarely happens.
52:34 I was a little shocked, he gives me a huge hug
52:37 and I am like "what's up man?"
52:39 and he's like "well, I'm just so happy to be here.
52:42 This is like my church." Wow.
52:45 And then he said and I need you to baptize me this week.
52:48 I said, well, let's talk with your parents,
52:50 and your pastor, and we'll work on that.
52:51 Yeah.
52:52 And he'd been thinking about for like last six months
52:56 and so yeah it connects kids to Christ
53:00 most importantly to nature, to the body of believers
53:06 that keeps them connected with the church.
53:07 Praise the Lord. And it's not just our camp.
53:09 Yeah. It happens all over.
53:10 All over, yeah, praise the Lord.
53:12 We're gonna go to a newsbreak then come back
53:14 and then sort of pull a little bow on this
53:15 with a closing thought just after this.


Revised 2015-03-12